follow https://opaldoc.obiba.org/en/latest/admin/installation.html
install R and
- $ install.packages("Rserve", , "http://www.rforge.net/")
open R, change .libPaths()
- $ source("/conf/Rprofile.R")
- $ install.packages("jsonlite", repos = 'https://cran.r-project.org')
follow https://rockdoc.obiba.org/en/latest/admin/installation.html
run rock and opal
login from the web interface (defaults to http://localhost:8080 )
click Administration -> DataHIELD ,
- in packages click "Add Packages" select "Install base DataSHIELD packages"
Optionally to use also federated Scudo and distributed CCA algorithm install the following
- in packages click "Add Packages" select "Repository: CRAN", "Name: tensorflow"
- in packages click "Add Packages" select "Repository: CRAN", "Name: geigen"
- in packages click "Add Packages" select "Repository: CRAN", "Name: survival"
- in packages click "Add Packages" select "Repository: CRAN", "Name: VIM"
- in packages click "Add Packages" select "Repository: CRAN", "Name: randomForest"
- in packages click "Add Packages" select "Repository: GitHub", "User or organization name: sib-swiss", "Name: dsSwissKnife"
- in packages click "Add Packages" select "Repository: GitHub", "User or organization name: sib-swiss", "Name: dsSwissKnifeClient"
- in packages click "Add Packages" select "Repository: GitHub", "User or organization name: vanduttran", "Name: dsSSCP"
- in packages click "Add Packages" select "Repository: GitHub", "User or organization name: vanduttran", "Name: dsCOV", "Git reference: main"
Enable the opal computation profile
- Select a profile in the Profiles section
- Press Initialize in the profile's Settings section
- Press Enable in the profile's Status section
configure a database access https://opaldoc.obiba.org/en/latest/web-user-guide/administration/databases.html
now you can point your VisualSHIELD instance to the newly configured OPAL interface (defaults to http://localhost:8080 )