Most visualizations from the paper are generated using the functions in the viz folder.
Smaller values in the voxel-size result in fewer points. The VSCode extension Python PLY Preview is used to visualize the .ply file.
python3.8 viz/ --path /seed4d/data/static/Town01/ClearNoon/ --voxel_size 0.6 --viewpoint nuscenes sphere
Currently only implemented to visualize views from the ego vehicle.
python3.8 viz/ --path /seed4d/data/static/Town02/ClearNoon/ --category static
Showing front left, front and front right first and then a randomly sampled exo views.
python3.8 viz/ --path /seed4d/data/static --towns 01 --spawnpoints 4 8 15
python3.8 viz/ --path /seed4d/data/dynamic/Town10HD/ClearNoon/ --vehicles 71
python3.8 viz/ --path /seed4d/data/dynamic/Town10HD/ClearNoon/