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The species is endemic to the lagoons of the Laguna de la Media Luna area and the upper Rio Verde (Miller et al. 2005). A continuing decline of the species' habitat quality has been observed as a result of over-extraction of water resources, pollution and introduction of invasive alien species. The species extent of occurrence is approximately 3000 km2, with 3-5 locations based on the most plausible threats. Therefore, the species is assessed as Endangered.
Endemic to the lagoons of the Laguna de la Media Luna area and the upper Rio Verde (Miller et al. 2005).
",population:'By 1954, collections by Mr. Gregg showed that in "La Laguna de la Media Luna" and its surroundings, Herichthys bartoni was in association with six species: Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus, Dionda rasconsis, Ictalurus mexicanus, Herichthys labridens, Ataeniobius toweri and Cualac tessellatus. In addition, in the lagoon, H. bartoni and H. labridens constituted 80% of the collections (40% each), while in the channels both species were only surpassed in abundance by Astyanax. Therefore, by the middle of the 20th century, although the distribution of H. bartoni was limited to the Rio Verde valley, this mojarra was one of the two most abundant species within it (Miller 1956). This situation changed in 2006, since these cichlids only reached 3.6 and 11% in the lagoon (Palacios-Nuñez et al. 2010), while in 2017, in the lotic systems around the lagoon, they were two of the three least abundant and frequent species (Soto-Galera et al. 2018).',populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species inhabits clear, sulfurous lagoons, marshes, canals, small streams (water easily muddied), in moderate to slight or no current, with substrates of firm sand, flocculent silt, organic matter, clay, mud, marl, rock, and some boulder. Vegetation may be sparse but is usually common, including green algae, water hyacinth, water lilies (Nuphar sp.), Scirpus, and a dense, unidentified, broad-leaved submergent. It is found in depths to 1.5 m or more, more commonly 1 m. In La Media Luna the water parameters are: salinity 1.3 ppt, conductance 1930 μmhos·cm̄¹. Water temperatures are 26°-30°C in spring-fed habitats and 20°C in Río Verde in late November (Miller et al. 2005).
",threats:[{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"It is necessary to plan of projects that allow use of water for the human populations surrounding the lagoons of the Valley, while ensuring adequate levels of water for the permanence of the aquatic communities. Enactment of laws that impede the access of people inside the lagoons is important, since these are used as recreational places and to practice diving, which directly affects the quality of the water and deteriorates established vegetation on the walls and edges of the lagoon and springs.",usetrade:"This species is not utilised.",taxonid:192897,scientific_name:"Herichthys labridens",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Herichthys",main_common_name:"Curve-bar Cichlid",authority:"(Pellegrin, 1903)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-10-18",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Soto Galera, E., Mejía Guerrero, O. & Pérez‐Miranda, F.",reviewer:"Contreras MacBeath, T.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"3200-3600",elevation_upper:1100,elevation_lower:1e3,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"E",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"E",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"139371719",assessment_id:147083649,id_no:139371719,sci_name:"Onychogomphus thienemanni",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Choong & Rahim 2014",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2010,longitude:101.9879,latitude:3.1947,species_id:139371719,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Onychogomphus thienemanni is known from vague records from Java and Sumatra and a handful of records from Peninsular Malaysia. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it may not be large (quite possibly below 2,000 km²) and is inferred to be declining, along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat, due to loss of lowland forest throughout its range. Severe fragmentation is considered very likely for the same reasons. The species would qualify for Vulnerable status if the AOO was known to be below 2,000 km² and is therefore assessed as Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:"Onychogomphus thienemanni was described from a male from an unspecified location in Java (Schmidt 1934). All subsequent records of which the assessor is aware are from Peninsular Malaysia (for instance Choong & Rahim 2014, Norma-Rashid & van Tol 1995, Novelo-Gutierrez & Salmah 2013, Wilson & Gibert 2006) and Sumatra (a vague record from the south in Lieftinck 1954). The assessor is aware of seven locations in Peninsular Malaysia, at least two of which are within protected areas (Endau Rompin and Kuala Koh National Parks). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it may not be large (quite possibly below 2,000km2) and is inferred to be declining due to loss of lowland forest throughout its range. It should be noted that records from four of the locations recorded for this species are of exuviae or larvae so that there is at least a possibility that some records will eventually prove to be of some other species; however in the absence of evidence to the contrary, all have been treated as O. thienmanni here.
",population:"There is insufficient information on this species to make any statement about current population sizes and health except that an ongoing decline is inferred from loss of lowland forest in the range of the species and that severe fragmentation is very likely for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Little has been recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species. Lieftinck (1954: 93) notes catching a male in the south of Sumatra “over a fast running river in virgin forest, about 400 m alt. Rests on boulders in mid-stream.” A relatively high proportion of records seem to be from pristine or only lightly disturbed habitats. An ongoing decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from loss of and disturbance to lowland forest throughout the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution (especially in Sumatra) are needed, and on its exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139371719,scientific_name:"Onychogomphus thienemanni",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Onychogomphus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Schmidt, 1934",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-05-26",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:400,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"176408492",assessment_id:176408750,id_no:176408492,sci_name:"Andromakhe latens",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Alonso, F.A.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:-64.500597,latitude:-23.115919,species_id:176408492,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is considered as Endangered according to the B1ab(iii) criteria: the extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be less than 5,000 km2 (576 km2), it is known to exist at no more than five locations (one), and there is a continuing decline in the area, extent and quality of habitat due to deforestation and crops implantation in the area.",geographicrange:"This species is known from a small creek, Arroyo El Oculto, tributary of the Blanco River (Mirande et al. 2004) and another small creek affluent to the Bermejo River, both part of the Bermejo River basin (F. Alonso et al. pers. obs. 2020).",population:"There are no data available on the population trend of this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species inhabits small creeks with clear water and slow flow with marginal vegetation being rare or not present in other aquatic environments of the area that, in contrast, present regular flooding and murky waters in summer (Mirande et al. 2004, F. Alonso et al. pers. obs. 2020).",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Part of the population of this species is in a private reserve.",usetrade:"There are no known uses of this species but other similar small species in the area are occasionally used as bait and so it is likely that this species might be used as bait occasionally too.",taxonid:176408492,scientific_name:"Andromakhe latens",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Andromakhe",main_common_name:"Mojarra",authority:"(Mirande, Aguilera & Azpelicueta, 2004)",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-12-14",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Alonso, F.",reviewer:"Aguilera, G.",aoo_km2:"576",eoo_km2:"576",elevation_upper:506,elevation_lower:343,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AR",country:"Argentina",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"197975",assessment_id:139141499,id_no:197975,sci_name:"Caridina striata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"K. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"K. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Sulawesi",tax_comm:null,source:"von Rintelen K., and Y. Cai. 2009. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 57(2):343-452. URL: http://lkcnhm.nus.edu.sg/nus/pdf/PUBLICATION/Raffles%20Bulletin%20of%20Zoology/Past%20Volumes/RBZ%2057(2)/57rbz343-452.pdf",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2003,longitude:121.396333,latitude:-2.902167,species_id:197975,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Caridina striata is endemic to the two inter-connected lakes of Mahalona and Towuti in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Major threats include over pollution from nickel mining, eutrophication and most critically invasive species. The spread of invasive Flowerhorn Cichlid (Colossoma sp.) to Lake Towuti from Lake Mahalona is almost certain and is predicted to cause a population decline of >90% in this species within the next 10 years (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and caused the loss of the majority of Caridina populations (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017, 2018). As such this species is considered Critically Endangered under A3e.
',geographicrange:'The species is endemic to the Malili Lakes in Sulawesi, Indonesia. It occurs in Lake Towuti and Lake Mahalona (von Rintelen and Cai 2009).
',population:"An overall population decline of >90% is predicted over the next 10 years due to the spread of the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) in the Malili lakes (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and caused the loss of the majority of Caridina populations (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017, 2018). Flowerhorn Cichlids have now been confirmed in the downstream Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obs. 2018) and they are assumed, therefore, to also occur in River Petea, which connects Lake Matano and Mahalona. If not already present in Lake Towuti, the Flowerhorn Cichlids will soon spread downstream to the lake, as River Tominanga connecting these two lakes is much less of a barrier than the river between Lakes Matano and Mahalona, and are predicted to cause population declines in this species similar to those seen in the Caridina populations of Lake Matano.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is a hard substrate dweller, primarily on smaller rocks in shallow water and in between boulders in deeper water zones.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.2",title:"Intentional use: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'No conservation plans are currently in place for this species, but site and invasive species management are needed. Research is also needed into its population dynamics, ecology and threats.
',usetrade:'Caridina striata is available in the aquarium trade.
',taxonid:197975,scientific_name:"Caridina striata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"MALACOSTRACA",order:"DECAPODA",family:"ATYIDAE",genus:"Caridina",main_common_name:"Red Line Shrimp",authority:"von Rintelen & Cai, 2009",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-12-06",category:"CR",criteria:"A3e",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"von Rintelen, K., Wowor, D. & Klotz, W.",reviewer:"De Grave, S.",aoo_km2:"68",eoo_km2:"682",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2013",assess_year:"2011",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"218123787",assessment_id:218123818,id_no:218123787,sci_name:"Ancylodactylus spawlsi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"PK Malonza",yrcompiled:2022,citation:"National Museums of Kenya (NMK)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,taxcomm:null,source:"NMK",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2013,longitude:37.12985,latitude:.213,species_id:218123787,taxonomicnotes:"This species was described from material that included records attributed to Cnemaspis dickersonae by Spawls et al. (2018).",rationale:"This species is endemic to central Kenya and has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 5,334 km2. It is known to occur at five locations and may possibly occur at a few other locations that have not yet been sampled, no more than 10 locations are likely. It is experiencing a continuing decline in the quality of its habitat mainly linked to deforestation and livestock grazing. It is therefore assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B.",geographicrange:"This is a montane forest species endemic to central Kenya where it occurs on Mt. Kenya (Kirimiri forest), Nyambene hills (Ngaya forest), Laikipia plateau (Lolldaiga hills ranch, Borana Wildlife Conservancy) and Ciakariga (Kijege hill forest). The elevation ranges between 1,000 to 2,200 m asl. (Malonza and Bauer 2022). It is possible that a few other subpopulations exist in areas that have not yet been sampled, however given the specificity of this species habitat and altitudinal requirements fewer than five undocumented subpopulations are suspected to occur.
",population:"There is no information on the abundance of this species nor are repeat samples available to inform population trends. However the population is assumed to be low due to its restricted microhabitat requirements, and it is suspected to be declining due to ongoing loss of suitable habitat at two of the five recorded subpopulations.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Ancylodactylus spawlsi occurs in moist montane forests and rock outcrops, between 1,000 and 2,200 m asl. It is restricted to tree trunks/hollows, and rock crevices (Malonza and Bauer 2022).
",threats:[{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.1",title:"Nomadic grazing",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Known subpopulations occur in protected private wildlife conservancies and forest reserves (Malonza and Bauer 2022). Continued enforcement, community education and awareness is needed to avert further habitat degradation. In addition, more research is needed to understand the population trends and ecology of this species.
",usetrade:"There is no known use of or trade in this species.",taxonid:218123787,scientific_name:"Ancylodactylus spawlsi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"REPTILIA",order:"SQUAMATA",family:"GEKKONIDAE",genus:"Ancylodactylus",main_common_name:"Spawls’ Pygmy Forest Gecko",authority:"Malonza & Bauer, 2022",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2022-07-04",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Malonza, P.K., Wasonga, V.D., Muchai, V., Joash, N. & Bwong, B.A.",reviewer:"Tolley, K.A.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"5334",elevation_upper:2200,elevation_lower:1e3,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"KE",country:"Kenya",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.5",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2022",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"173720800",assessment_id:174825692,id_no:173720800,sci_name:"Platysticta serendibica",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2016)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.1496,latitude:6.7651,species_id:173720800,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Platysticta serendibica is endemic to Sri Lanka, where it is found in the wet zone. Many scattered locations are known, some of which are within protected areas. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is certainly be smaller than 2,000 km² and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 8,509–13,125 km². The overall population of the species is severely fragmented. The species is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B (VU B1ab((ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)).
',geographicrange:'Platysticta serendibica is endemic to Sri Lanka (Bedjanič et al. 2016, Sumanapala 2017 unpub. data), where it is found in the wet zone. Many scattered locations are known, some of which are within protected areas (for example, the Sinharaja Forest Reserve). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data it will certainly be below 2,000 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 8,509 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 13,125 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
',population:"This is a relatively common species. However an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest and other threats within the range of the species and the overall population will already be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species “inhabits small streams and streamlets inside forests, forest edges and other habitats with a dense canopy” Sumanapala (2017). Bedjanič et al. (2016) described the habitat of the species as: “It inhabits small streams, often with tiny waterfalls, which are at least partly overgrown with corridor of natural vegetation and at least partly shaded. Apart from such partly degraded habitats, it also favours streams and trickles in secondary and primary forest patches”. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173720800,scientific_name:"Platysticta serendibica",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Platysticta",main_common_name:"Serendib Forestdamsel",authority:"Bedjanic & van Tol, 2016",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-07-31",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"500-2000",eoo_km2:"8509-13125",elevation_upper:950,elevation_lower:30,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"56142808",assessment_id:56142812,id_no:56142808,sci_name:"Syncordulia serendipator",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling (2012). Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/ipt/resource.do?r=bf_cf21",basisofrec:null,event_year:1971,longitude:18.9,latitude:-33.38333333,species_id:56142808,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Only known from four well separated locations along mountain rivers in the south western Cape. Based on the extent of occurrence of 751 km², an area of occurrence of 28 km², the presence of this species in 4 locations (Bain'Kloof Paas, Jonkershoek and Kasteel Mts) with unfitting habitat in between and ongoing habitat deterioration due to intensification of agriculture and water extraction, the species is listed Endangered. Only one record is from a protected area.",geographicrange:"Syncordulia serendipator is endemic to the south-western Cape. Current records extend from Riebeek-Kasteel mountain in the north to Jonkershoek in the south.",population:"No information regarding the population trend, size or status is available.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Syncordulia serendipator frequents rock- and boulder-strewn streams and rivers in the fynbos.",threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More information on distribution and ecology is urgently needed.",usetrade:null,taxonid:56142808,scientific_name:"Syncordulia serendipator",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"SYNTHEMISTIDAE",genus:"Syncordulia",main_common_name:"Rustic Presba",authority:"Dijkstra, Samways & Simaika, 2007",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2017-10-27",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Clausnitzer, V.",reviewer:"Dijkstra, K.-D.B. & Kipping, J.",aoo_km2:"20",eoo_km2:"751",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Breeding Season",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2017",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"191275",assessment_id:1974814,id_no:191275,sci_name:"Notropis calientis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. Contreras McBeath",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"T. Contreras McBeath 2014",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-103.2211111,latitude:20.5225,species_id:191275,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Notropis calientis is distributed throughout the Rio Lerma-Rio Grande de Santiago and the Panuco-Tamesi drainage basins located in central Mexico. By 2011, the species had disappeared from most of the sites where it had been recorded historically, representing a population reduction of approximately 82%. It is therefore listed as Critically Endangered.
Data on the population size and population trend of N. calientis are limited. There is evidence that the range of this species is contracting as a result of habitat degradation (Lyons et al. 1998) with associated declines in abundance (Lyons et al. 2004, Mercado-Silva et al. 2006). However, the extent of range reduction is unknown. A study in 2011 visited most of the sites where the species had been recorded until then, and it was not found in 85% of the sites (Pedraza-Marrón 2011). The number of sites visited correspond to approximately 80% of the known sites of the species, and it is assumed that, given the occurrence of similar threats in the remaining sites, the decrease would be at least of 80% in those sites. Thus, a population reduction of 82% is inferred for the entire population. The generation length is estimated between 2.5 - 3 years.
Notropis calientis predominantly inhabits small streams, impoundments, and small spring-fed lakes within its native distribution (Lyons et al. 2004). This species can be found at altitude in excess of 1500 m above sea level (Gómez-Balandra et al. 2012).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.4",title:"Problematic species/disease of unknown origin",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.4.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no species-specific conservation measures directed towards this species. The American Fisheries Society's Endangered Species Committee lists N. calientis as vulnerable based on the present or threatened destruction, modification, or reduction of the taxon’s habitat or range (Jelks et al. 2008). Research is needed to monitor population size and trends and the impact of current threats on the species.",usetrade:"This species is not used or traded.",taxonid:191275,scientific_name:"Notropis calientis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"LEUCISCIDAE",genus:"Notropis",main_common_name:"Yellow Shiner",authority:"Jordan & Snyder, 1899",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-03-01",category:"CR",criteria:"A2c",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Domínguez, O.",reviewer:"Tognelli, M.F.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"74216",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"15.1",habitat:"Artificial/Aquatic - Water Storage Areas (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"15.2",habitat:"Artificial/Aquatic - Ponds (below 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"173832388",assessment_id:173832397,id_no:173832388,sci_name:"Hypsolebias splendissimus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Costa et al. 2018",basisofrec:null,event_year:2010,longitude:-42.83944444,latitude:-14.215,species_id:173832388,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Hypsolebias splendissimus is known only from its type locality , a temporary pool approximately 1.5 km west from the confluence of the Poço do Magro and Carnaíba de Dentro rivers in middle São Francisco River basin, Bahia, Brazil. Historical area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, and the species is known from a single threat-based location. A past population reduction of 100% is inferred to have occurred between 2010-2017 due to the total loss of the type locality which was drained and landfilled. Surrounding potential habitat in the Carnaíba de Dentro River drainage is extensively modified for agriculture, and deforestation of riparian buffers remains a major threat for extant congeners that only occur in shaded portions of temporary pools. Additional ichthyological surveys are urgently needed to determine if this species is extant in surrounding temporary ponds that may provide suitable habitat. Given a total loss of the type locality and an inferred past population decline of 100%, H. splendissimus is assessed as Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct) under criterion A2c; B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Hypsolebias splendissimus is known only from its type locality, a temporary pool at 505 m above sea level in a flat plains area approximately 1.5 km west from the confluence of the Poço do Magro and Carnaíba de Dentro rivers in middle São Francisco River basin, Bahia, Brazil (Costa et al. 2018). The site has since been destroyed by construction and no suitable habitat remains (Costa et al. 2018). It is possible that extensive ichthyological survey in the Carnaíba de Dentro River drainage may yield additional collection localities (Costa et al. 2018). However, satellite imagery indicates that unsampled areas are extensively modified for agriculture, an environmental impact that usually has negatively affected seasonal killifish habitats (Costa et al. 2018).
Area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, based on a single 2x2 km grid overlain on top of the type locality. This species is inferred from a single location, as draining and subsequent landfill has completed destroyed the type locality (Costa et al. 2018).
",population:"The total population size of this species is unknown because all potentially suitable habitat in the Carnaíba de Dentro River drainage has not been comprehensively sampled (Costa et al. 2018). Given the complete destruction of the type locality between the collection of the type series in 2010 and a return visit in 2017 that yielded no additional specimens (Costa et al. 2018), a past population reduction of 100% in the last 10 years is inferred.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The type locality of this species was a small, temporary pool in a flat plains area approximately 1.5 km west from the confluence of the Poço do Magro and Carnaíba de Dentro rivers in middle São Francisco River basin (Costa et al. 2018). At the time of the type series collection, the pool was about 100 m in length and 30 m in width with a maximum depth of 0.5 m (Costa et al. 2018). This species was only sampled in a small portion of the pool that was characterized by densely vegetated margin and aquatic plants that formed a distinctive shaded habitat (Costa et al. 2018). When the site was visited in January 2017, the entire pool had been drained and landfilled by bulldozers and collection efforts yielded no specimens (Costa et al. 2018).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards H. splendissimus. The type locality of this species was completely destroyed after the pond was drained and landfilled sometime between 2010-2017 (Costa et al. 2018). Additional comprehensive ichthyological surveys in the Carnaíba de Dentro River drainage are urgently needed to verify if this species is still extant in other temporary ponds where potentially suitable habitat may exist. If extant populations are identified, site protection, ex-situ propagation, and benign introduction are immediate conservation priorities to secure the survival of this species.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:173832388,scientific_name:"Hypsolebias splendissimus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Hypsolebias",main_common_name:null,authority:"Costa, 2018",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-01-05",category:"CR",criteria:"A2c; B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Costa, W.J.E.M.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:505,elevation_lower:505,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"14274537",assessment_id:59256593,id_no:14274537,sci_name:"Lathrocordulia metallica",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2016,citation:"I. Endersby & R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2007,longitude:115.8833,latitude:-32.51667,species_id:14274537,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Lathrocordulia metallica has a restricted known range in Western Australia, with a known maximum extent of occurrence (EOO) of 21,865 km²; the actual EOO is likely to be less than 20,000 km². Actual or potential threats are known for most of the seven sites ever recorded for the species, and it is likely to already be extinct at one of these sites. A decline in quality and extent of suitable habitat is inferred from both the expansion of Perth and mining activities in part of the known EOO. The site at which it may already be extinct is not counted as a currently known location, leaving six known locations. With only six currently known locations, and taking a reasonable precautionary approach, the species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criteria B and D (VU B1ab(iii); D2). Fresh data are urgently needed for this species and could result in a change to a higher threat category. It is also predicted to be a high risk from the effects of climate change by 2055, at least under a high emissions scenario.",geographicrange:"Lathrocordulia metallica is endemic to Australia, where it is only known from south-west Western Australia. Most of the few records are from the Perth area or within 100 km south of Perth, with one record considerably further south and east. The assessor has seen records from only seven individual sites, one of which is now within Perth and two others are very close to Perth. Its maximum extent of occurrence (EOO), based on a minimum convex polygon around occupied HydroBASIN areas, is 21,856 km²; EOO based on a polygon around only those sites known to be occupied by the species is 9,378 km². Bush et al. (2014: Table S2) give an estimate of the current extent of suitable habitat of this species of 11,524 km², this can be taken a an upper bound on the area of occupancy (AOO) of the species, but the true AOO will be considerably less than this; however it might still be greater than 2,000 km². The species is highly likely to be extinct at the site in Perth, and for this reason this is not counted as a currently known location, so only six locations under considered as currently known here.",population:`Very few individuals of this species have ever been recorded. All specimen based records that the assessor has seen are more than 35 years old; there is a photograph of a female on the Western Australia Dragonflies web site (Jan Taylor's Dragonflies: http://museum.wa.gov.au/_waiss/WA_Dragonflies/Pages/Page%20173.htm) with no collection date but the statement “This is the only specimen I have caught”. The apparent scarcity of this species is as likely to be due to its habits or difficulty of capture as it is to be due to genuine rarity; intensive surveying is needed to determine whether or not it is genuinely rare.
`,populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:`This species "inhabits streams" (Theischinger and Endersby 2009). Tillyard (1911) states “Of this dragonfly, Mr. Berthoud writes—"It is a beautiful active insect, found in the same locality as, and with similar habits to H. berthoudi;” On Hespercordulia berthoudi in the same publication Tillyard states that “They frequent thick 'blackboy [Xanthorrhoea species]' and palm-scrub close to the brook, but I never saw them hawking about on the water. They sit on the leaf of a 'blackboy' or palm, flying off at the least alarm, usually upwards over the scrub, and alight again a chain or two away on another leaf.”
`,threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priority for this species is for surveys to gain up-to-date data on distribution and populations; more information on threats is also needed. With such data any specific conservation actions that might be needed can be planned.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:14274537,scientific_name:"Lathrocordulia metallica",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"SYNTHEMISTIDAE",genus:"Lathrocordulia",main_common_name:"Western Swiftwing",authority:"Tillyard, 1911",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2016-04-08",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii); D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Endersby, I. & Theischinger, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"9378-21856",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AU",country:"Australia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2016",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"128723659",assessment_id:128723664,id_no:128723659,sci_name:"Nangra robusta",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Zoo Outreach Organization (ZOO)",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:71.375378,latitude:32.472999,species_id:128723659,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Nangra robusta is restricted in its distribution in the River Indus, found in one site between Kalabagh and Chashma reservoir where it is threatened by a hydroelectric project. There is a single location based on this threat. The extent of occurrence (EOO) is 1,700 km2. Damming is leading to a continuing decline in habitat. Therefore, it is assessed as Endangered.Pandanobasis cantuga is known from about 19 locations in Mindanao and Dinagat Islands in the Philippines. Threats exist to all populations, even within protected areas and the overall population is believed to be severely fragmented. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, it is not likely to be large and is believed to be below 2,000 km² (probably it is not vastly greater than 500 km²) and it could possibly be less than this. Additionally, the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species. The species qualifies for Vulnerable status and is assessed as such. If the AOO was known to less than 500 km² the species would qualify for Endangered status and it may need re-assessment to that category in the future.
",geographicrange:"Pandanobasis cantuga is known from Mindanao and Dinagat Islands in the Philippines (Needham and Gyger 1939, Villanueva 2012). The assessor is aware of records from at least 19 locations. The species is present in the Mount Apo Natural park is likely to be present in several other protected areas in Mindanao. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but since it will be constrained by the area occupied by plants from the Pandanceae of suitable type and size to provide homes to the larvae of the species (see Habitats and Ecology), it is not likely to be large, probably it is not vastly greater than 500 km² and it could possibly be less than this. Additionally, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species.
",population:"This species is not uncommon where it occurs. Beyond this all that can be said with the available data is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of and disturbance to its habitat and that severe fragmentation is almost certain for the same reasons.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"“The [larva of this] species is restricted to phytotelmata. Leaf axils of Pandanus and Freycinetia species are the preferred habitat” Villanueva (2012: 590). Both of these genera are in the family Pandanceae and the species utilised by Pandanobasis occur in forest. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are both declining due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution of this species are needed, and better protection for existing protected areas where it occurs.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139541671,scientific_name:"Pandanobasis cantuga",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Pandanobasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Needham & Gyger, 1939)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-04",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"500-2000",eoo_km2:"69779-110732",elevation_upper:1450,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"118039034",assessment_id:118039045,id_no:118039034,sci_name:"Cordylancistrus perijae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Echevarría, G.",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:"Caño Colorado",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"MBUCV",basisofrec:" ",event_year:1989,longitude:-72.56400299,latitude:10.57400036,species_id:118039034,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The area of distribution of this species faces intense pressure for agricultural use, the construction of dams and the presence of coal mines. Both the extent of occurrence (EOO: 2,133 km2) and area of occupancy (AOO: 20 km2) are small. The rivers integrity has been affected by pollution from agricultural and mining sources. This, together with the deforestation for the settlement of farms, is deteriorating the habitat quality of this species. However, it is not possible to count locations across its range. Therefore, it is assessed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species is distributed in the Sierra de Perijá. It is present in the Guasare River basin, in the drainage of Maracaibo Lake in Zulia state, western Venezuela.",population:"There are no data available to estimate the population size.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is associated with mountain rivers of transparent waters with moderate to strong water velocity, in addition to bottoms of cobble, gravel and sand. The riparian forest is dense and covers the rivers channels, for which there is no associated aquatic vegetation (Pérez and Provenzano 1996).",threats:[{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.9",title:"Small dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The species is not known from any protected areas, but there is a need for habitat protection at sites where it is known to occur.",usetrade:"It is unknown if this species is traded in the ornamental fish market.",taxonid:118039034,scientific_name:"Cordylancistrus perijae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LORICARIIDAE",genus:"Cordylancistrus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Pérez & Provenzano, 1996",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-08-07",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Echevarría, G.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:"20",eoo_km2:"2133",elevation_upper:3e3,elevation_lower:700,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VE",country:"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"139069705",assessment_id:139118453,id_no:139069705,sci_name:"Indaeschna baluga",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Needham & Gyger 1937",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1933,longitude:121.4925,latitude:14.06751,species_id:139069705,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Indaeschna baluga is known with certainty only from the type locality at Mount Banhao on Luzon in the Philippines (Needham & Gyger 1937), which is within the Mounts Banahaw–San Cristobal protected area. There are also possible records from two other locations on Luzon. With very few definite records and nothing definite known of its habitat requirements it is best could be assessed as Data Deficient until more data are available. However, despite being protected there are definite threats at and around the type locality. Therefore with only a single definite location, and taking a reasonable precautionary approach, the species is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2. It is to be hoped that re-assessment to a lower threat category will be possible once more data are available.
",geographicrange:"Indaeschna baluga is known with certainty only from the type locality at Mount Banhao on Luzon in the Philippines (Needham & Gyger 1937), which is within the Mounts Banahaw–San Cristobal protected area. Material from the Roland Müller collection includes two males from other locations in Luzon listed as this species with doubts (Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data.
",population:"There is insufficient information on this species to make any statement about current population sizes and health.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Nothing has been recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species, however it is very likely to be forest-dependent. The only other species known from the genus, I. grubaueri, breeds in forest pools and at least occasionally in phytotelmata.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priority for this species is for information on its habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and for more data on its distribution. Taxonomic work is also clearly needed.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139069705,scientific_name:"Indaeschna baluga",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"AESHNIDAE",genus:"Indaeschna",main_common_name:null,authority:"Needham & Gyger, 1937",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-05-19",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:975,elevation_lower:975,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"164012501",assessment_id:166771223,id_no:164012501,sci_name:"Bicellonycha wickershamorum",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Fallon, C.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:"Bicellonycha wickershamorum is a nocturnal firefly associated with permanent streams in desert montane regions of southern Arizona. All currently known localities fall within the Madrean Archipelago. Although it is suspected to occur in northern Mexico and potentially Texas, it has not been observed beyond a small region of the US. The current extent of occurrence (EOO), based on localities where this species has been recorded recently, is estimated at 2,113 km2. However, as this species may still be extant in historic occurrences that have not been surveyed recently, the EOO is likely closer to 15,941, which is the estimated EOO of the historic range. This species is thought to occur in only one location, where it is threatened by widespread drought; previous droughts in the southwest U.S. have covered much greater areas than the range of this species (Reed et al. 2019). Researchers project that the quality of habitat will continue to decline within its known range, due to climate change associated drought, which can dry up the permanent rivers and nearby ephemeral habitats upon which this species depends. More localized threats such as trampling by cattle and human modification of waterways are also potential drivers of decline, and in fact have already led to the destruction of at least one site. Uncertainty in the data available for this species is high: the EOO will probably increase as new sites are discovered, particularly if the species is found in Mexico and Texas, where it is suspected to occur. However, until more surveys are conducted, this species is assessed as Vulnerable under B1ab(iii) due to the uncertainty in EOO ranging from 2,113 to 15,941 km2, the single location within the context of wide scale drought, and the continuing projected decline in quality of habitat.
",geographicrange:"Bicellonycha wickershamorum is endemic to the Madrean Archipelago of southern Arizona, USA (Cicero 1982). This species can be found in the Huachuca and Galiuro Mountains as well as the surrounding canyons and foothills. Specific localities include places like Bear Canyon, Scotia Canyon, Canelo Hills, Mule Shoe, and Empire Gulch, as well as sites near Morenci and Sonoita (Cicero 1982, BugGuide 2020, C. Mollohan pers. comm. 2020). It is likely this species also occurs in northern Mexico, although no records have yet been reported. L. Faust and B. Pfeiffer (pers. comm. 2020) suspect this species may be present in Fox Canyon, Mount Davis, Texas, since this is a sky island similar to the sky islands where this species is found in Arizona. The current extent of occurrence (EOO) for this species is 2,113 km2. Uncertainty in EOO is high. If historic sites prove to be extant, the EOO could be 15,941 km2. And if the species is indeed found in Mexico and Texas, where it is suspected to occur, its EOO could be as high as 72,000 km2 or more.
Population size, trends, and abundance are not available for this species. Buschman (2016) notes that B. wickershamorum can occur in large numbers in appropriate habitat, but return visits to some of these known sites in recent years did not yield any new observations of the species (L. Buschman pers. comm. 2020). Most other observations do not include abundance estimates, although 2020 surveys at one site resulted in sightings of approximately 20-30 individuals (C. Mollohan pers. comm. 2020).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Bicellonycha wickershamorum is known from montane desert habitats at elevations ranging from 4000-6000 ft. (Cicero 1982, C. Mollohan pers. comm. 2020). This includes habitats in the Madrean Sky Islands, foothills, and their alluvial drainages that originate in the canyons of these mountains. The Madrean Archipelago, which encompasses the known range of this species, is a global biodiversity hotspot, characterized by mountain ranges that rise 914 m (3,000 ft.) or more in elevation, are isolated from other mountain ranges by lower elevation deserts or grasslands, and are dominated by oak woodland habitat (Sky Island Alliance 2020). Within this region, B. wickershamorum can occur in large numbers in marsh areas and other ephemeral habitats along permanent streams (Buschman 2016, L. Buschman pers. comm. 2019), including seeps and areas with standing water (Cicero 1982, C. Mollohan pers. comm. 2020).
Adults of both sexes are winged, and the breeding season lasts from early June to late July, preceding the summer monsoons (J. Cicero pers. obs). Adults are not known to feed. Courtship begins at dusk and continues into the night as adult males fly and flash along streamsides in search of females. At dusk males fly close to vegetation and may be able to find females directly, without seeing their flashes. Later at night, males fly higher and mate-finding involves a flash/answer dialog (J. Cicero pers. obs.). Flashes appear green in color (C. Mollohan pers. comm. 2020). Adults can be observed flying and flashing well away from streams, possibly dispersing to other resources.
Larvae are active at night and confined to gentle streamsides where they hunt for snails, their only known prey (J. Cicero pers. obs.), although larvae in the related genus Photuris are known scavengers. Late-instar larvae construct soil chambers along slow-running streamsides where they undergo pupation.
",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.8",title:"Abstraction of ground water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.6",title:"Excess energy",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.6.1",title:"Light pollution",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No known conservation actions are in place for this species. Although some sites occur on the Coronado National Forest, grazing allotments do little to protect this species within the forest. At least one locality occurs within a protected area, within the boundaries of the Las Cienegas National Conservation Area (Protected Planet 2020). There may also be general conservation activities conducted by organizations such as the Sky Island Alliance to curtail infringement on this species’ habitats, but nothing is in place to specifically protect this firefly. Because surveys for this species are scarce, increased survey effort would be helpful in determining the full range and distribution of the species, and would also provide valuable information regarding population size, trends, and abundance. Surveys are also recommended in other sky islands, such as those found in northern Mexico and Texas, to determine if this species is more widespread than currently known.",usetrade:"There are no documented uses of this species for medical harvest, trade, or entomo-tourism.",taxonid:164012501,scientific_name:"Bicellonycha wickershamorum",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"COLEOPTERA",family:"LAMPYRIDAE",genus:"Bicellonycha",main_common_name:"Southwest Spring Firefly",authority:"Cicero, 1982",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-12-06",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Fallon, C. & Cicero, J.",reviewer:"Lewis, S.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"2113-15941",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"US",country:"United States of America",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"8.2",habitat:"Desert - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"59855",assessment_id:75433755,id_no:59855,sci_name:"Coryphagrion grandis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling (2012). Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/ipt/resource.do?r=bf_cf21",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:37.784,latitude:-7.034823,species_id:59855,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species is listed as Vulnerable in view of its restricted habitat requirements (dense coastal forest with phytotelmata) and highly disjunct distribution in the fragmented coastal forests of Kenya and Tanzania (Clausnitzer and Lindeboom 2002, Clausnitzer 2003). The coastal forests of eastern Africa were once a continuous belt from southern Somalia down to Mozambique. Today these forests only exists in tiny and highly fragmented patches. Coryphagrion grandis depends on this habitat and the remaining populations are thus highly isolated and fragmented. It is also affected by genetic flow and re-occupation of areas, e.g. after severe droughts, is hindered by the severe habitat fragmentation (e.g., Groenveld 2003). Even without further forest destruction, the survival of all populations in future seems unlikely, unless corridors are constructed. With an area of occurrence of just 80km², this species meets some of the criteria necessary for listing under Endangered, while the EOO is with 73,443km² rather large. For the time being the species is listed as Vulnerable, as although the number of locations is estimated to be between 10 and 15, given the rest of the information available for this species a precautionary attitude has been taken, and the lower estimate of 10 locations used. This species needs to be monitored closely, as it might easily disappear from several locations due to habitat destruction and droughts which could push the species into a higher threat category.",geographicrange:"The species has been recorded from coastal forests and lower slopes of Eastern Arc mountains in Kenya and Tanzania, for the exact location of the remaining coastal forests, refer to Burgess and Clarke (2000). It might occur in coastal forests of Mozambique as well.",population:"No information available.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It inhabits coastal forests, depends on phytotelmata for breeding and needs dense forest understory.",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No information available but research into population numbers and range, conservation measures, and trends/monitoring of the species would be valuable. Habitat and site-based actions are also required.",usetrade:null,taxonid:59855,scientific_name:"Coryphagrion grandis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Coryphagrion",main_common_name:"East Coast Giant",authority:"Morton, 1924",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2017-10-27",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Clausnitzer, V.",reviewer:"Kipping, J., Dijkstra, K.-D.B. & Suhling, F.",aoo_km2:"80",eoo_km2:"73443",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"KE",country:"Kenya",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"TZ",country:"Tanzania, United Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.5",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.18",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Karst and Other Subterranean Hydrological Systems (inland)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2017",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2010",assess_year:"2006",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"139345342",assessment_id:158038883,id_no:139345342,sci_name:"Chlorogomphus usudai",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Viola Clausnitzer",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:109.150304,latitude:18.855594,species_id:139345342,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Chlorogomphus usudai is endemic to Hainan Island, China. The assessor is aware of records from nine sites spread across upland areas of central and southeastern Hainan, including in Wuzhishan and Yinggeling national nature reserves, and in Diaoluoshan and Jiaxi provincial nature reserves. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is unknown, but it is unlikely to be declining significantly, based on the known distributional information, but surveys in unprotected areas of Hainan have been limited. Its current known extent of occurrence (EOO) is 1,434–3,146 km², which is small enough to meet the criterion B1 threshold for Endangered; however, it is known from more than five locations (nine locations are currently known), so it cannot be placed in the EN category. If the AOO or extent or quality of suitable habitat were known to be declining, it would qualify for Vulnerable under criterion B1. However, since it is not certain that either the AOO or the quality or extent of suitable habitat is declining, this species is best assessed as Near Threatened (nearly meets VU B1ab(iii)).
",geographicrange:'Chlorogomphus usudai is endemic to Hainan Island, China. The assessor is aware of records from nine sites spread across upland areas of central and southeastern Hainan, including in Wuzhishan (four localities; Reels 2010) and Yinggeling (two localities; Reels 2010) national nature reserves, and in Diaoluoshan and Jiaxi provincial nature reserves (Wilson and Reels 2001), in addition to a record at Xiaonanning in southeastern Hainan (Reels 2010). Its area of occupancy (AOO) is unknown, but, based on the known distributional information, it is unlikely to be declining significantly. However, surveys in unprotected areas of Hainan have been limited. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO), based on the known collection records (and calculated using GeoCAT), is 1,434 km². Its maximum EOO, based on the extent of HydroBASINS the known records are from, is 3,146 km².
This species is common where it occurs. Some fragmentation of the population is inevitable owing to agriculture and urban development in lowlands and on lower hillsides between forested upland areas. The current population trend is unknown, however the population now is unlikely to be declining significantly because mainly occurring in protected areas (but surveys in unprotected areas have been limited).
',populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This speices occurs in clean small mountain streams in forest; adults often soar high above the canopy in swarms (Reels and Zhang 2015). The extent and quality of suitable habitat is unlikely to be declining at the localities from which the species is known, most of which are within protected areas.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"
More information on the distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance of this species is needed. In particular, since surveys for Odonata in unprotected areas of Hainan have been limited, additional surveys outside of protected areas are needed to compliment the available information.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139345342,scientific_name:"Chlorogomphus usudai",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROGOMPHIDAE",genus:"Chlorogomphus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Ishida, 1996",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-09-28",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Reels, G.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"1434-3146",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CN",country:"China",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"143816657",assessment_id:167180099,id_no:143816657,sci_name:"Hemicordulia chrysochlora",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow & H.T. Rachman",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"Dow, R.A. and Rachman, H.T.",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Irawan & Rahadi 2018",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:null,longitude:119.902182,latitude:-9.665441,species_id:143816657,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Hemicordulia chrysochlora is endemic to Sumba in the Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia, where it is known from records scattered across the island. The assessors are aware of records from 11 locations, however six of these date from 1949; there are only recent records from five locations. The species is present in two protected areas: Manupeu Tanah Daru and Laiwangi Wanggameti National Parks. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO, along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat, is inferred to be declining to some degree at least due to loss of habitat outside protected areas in Sumba. Its maximum extent of occurrence (EOO) is smaller than 20,000 km². Given that the species is confirmed to still occur at only five locations, but possibly could occur at more, it is assessed as Vulnerable undr criterion B (VU B1ab(ii,iii)). It seems likely that this species is still widespread across Sumba, and it is therefore to be hoped that reassessment to Near Threatened or even Least Concern will be possible in the not-too-distant future when more information is available.
",geographicrange:'Hemicordulia chrysochlora is endemic to Sumba in the Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia, where it is known from records scattered across the island (Irawan and Rahadi 2018, Lieftinck 1953). The assessors are aware of records from 11 locations, however six of these date from 1949; there are only recent records from five localities. The species is present in two protected areas: Manupeu Tanah Daru and Laiwangi Wanggameti National Parks. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining, at least to some degree, due to loss of habitat outside protected areas in Sumba. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO), based on known collection records (including the older records) is 4,195 km²; its maximum EOO, based on the HydroBASINS areas known records are from, is 13,891 km²; its true EOO is likely somewhere between 5,000 and 13,891 km².
No statement about current population sizes and health can be made with the information currently available for this species.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species has been recorded from streams and rivers, and also a lake, in forest, including secondary forest and more open terrain with sparse trees. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be suffering some decline due to loss of habitat from agricultural activities and pollution.
",threats:[{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the current distribution of this species is needed, and on its exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:143816657,scientific_name:"Hemicordulia chrysochlora",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CORDULIIDAE",genus:"Hemicordulia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1953",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-12-07",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A., Rachman, H.T. & Kamaludin, N.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"4195-13891,5000-13891",elevation_upper:700,elevation_lower:170,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.5",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.6",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"117808095",assessment_id:148848619,id_no:117808095,sci_name:"Cynotilapia chilundu",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Konings / SCUBA",basisofrec:"StillImage",event_year:1994,longitude:34.588304,latitude:-11.957459,species_id:117808095,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to an isolated reef in the middle of Lake Malawi. It meets the area requirements under criterion B for threatened (EOO < 100 km²) and it is known from one location. Future declines in population size are possible but unlikely. The effects of subsistence fishing on C. chilundu are negligible, however, it is only known from a single rocky reef with the total number of adult individuals estimated to be between 500 and 1,000. The species is therefore listed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi where it is only found at Taiwanee Reef (S 11°57.448’, E 34°35.298’). This reef is in Mozambique waters although only fishermen from Chizumulu Island (Malawi) fish there.",population:"This species is common at the reef.",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:"It is restricted to the upper reaches of the reef, which nowhere gets nearer the surface than about 5 m depth. The rocks of this habitat create many caves and crevices that are used by C. chilundu as spawning sites. Territorial males are seen near rocky edges and caves between the large boulders. It feeds on plankton, mostly algae and diatoms, but also zooplankton when abundant. Males which have to defend their spawning site remain close to their homesteads and feed on anything they can extract from the aufwuchs on rocks. Males defend caves among the rocks of their habitat. Although they remain close to their premises they can chase conspecific males metres away from their caves. Ripe females approach the spawning sites of the males and spawn inside the caves. Mouth-brooding females are rarely encountered, probably because they are hiding among the rocks where they release their offspring.",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"No decline",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"No decline",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Conservation actions for this species are unknown.",usetrade:'It is rarely collected by the ornamental fish trade where it is known as "Elongatus Taiwan". Although not targeted by fishermen it sometimes gets trapped in small-meshed chirimila nets operated by utaka fishermen.',taxonid:117808095,scientific_name:"Cynotilapia chilundu",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Cynotilapia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Li, Konings & Stauffer, 2016",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-06-22",category:"VU",criteria:"D1",population_trend:"Stable",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A.",reviewer:"Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:"This errata assessment was created to add a point data map that was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.",amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MZ",country:"Mozambique",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"171839",assessment_id:98191382,id_no:171839,sci_name:"Hyriopsis desowitzi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"John Pfeiffer",yrcompiled:2016,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Collected by John Pfeiffer et al. 2016",basisofrec:" ",event_year:2016,longitude:100.608109,latitude:14.802151,species_id:171839,taxonomicnotes:'This species can be distinguished from Hyriopsis myersiana (Lea, 1856) "by its smaller size [shells less than 120 mm], thinner texture, more inflated shell and … compressed pseudocardinals" (Brandt 1974).',rationale:"Hyriopsis desowitzi has been assessed as Near Threatened. Despite the described range occurring over a reasonably wide area, recent surveys have only found it in two locations (Phnom Penh and Tonle Sap). H. desowitzi is harvested for its shells and pearls, and the effect of this stress on the populations are unknown. There is little information on its distribution and no information on population sizes or trends. Further work needs to be carried out to establish whether declines caused by over-harvesting are taking place and the levels to which they are impacted. In the interim on a precautionary basis the species is assessed as Near Threatened, based on possible rapid declines in populations.",geographicrange:"This species appears to be known only from the eastern portions of the Chao Phraya Drainage, specifically the Pa Sak, Lop Buri watersheds (Brandt, 1974). The distribution of this species is defined by the four localities listed in the original description of the species. The presence of Hyriopsis desowitzi in the Thai portion of the Mekong Basin (Pednekar, 1997) is likely a misidentification of Hyriopsis delaportei.",population:"There is no population information available for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Occurs in large rivers in east-central Thailand (Brandt, 1974).",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no species-specific conservation measures in place for this species. Further work is needed to determine current population size, distribution and trends, as well as the impact of pearl harvesting across its range.",usetrade:"This species is collected and artificially cultured for pearls, buttons and craftwork (Nagachinta et al., 2010). There is an active trade in shells and pearls of this species (CIBJO, 2008).",taxonid:171839,scientific_name:"Hyriopsis desowitzi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"BIVALVIA",order:"UNIONIDA",family:"UNIONIDAE",genus:"Hyriopsis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Brandt, 1974",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2016-07-17",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Pfeiffer, J. & Bogan, A.E.",reviewer:"Lopes-Lima, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:800,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"TH",country:"Thailand",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2016",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2011",assess_year:"2011",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"}]},{id:"176429176",assessment_id:176429191,id_no:176429176,sci_name:"Mixobrycon ribeiroi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Hector S. Vera-Alcaraz",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:-57.816901,latitude:-22.377411,species_id:176429176,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This rare species is only known from its type locality in the Paraguay River basin in Departamento Concepción, Paraguay. Land use change for agriculture and exotic wood plantations and are the most severe impacts. There is a single threat-based location based on these threats. At present, it is unknown as to whether the threats are causing continuing declines. However, it is possible that they could push the species to becoming Endangered or Critically Endangered in a very short time period. Therefore, this species is assessed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"This species is native to the Paraguay River basin in Departamento Concepción, Paraguay (Fricke et al. 2020).",population:"This is a rare species, only known from its type locality based on the available literature. The population documentation is null. Research and monitoring is required to know population composition, structure, size and trend.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"There are no data about its habitat preferences or ecology.",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There is no research, monitoring and planning known to be conducted for this species. Species with very restricted areas of distribution should be priority species for management allied to land and water protection and management. Research is necessary into its taxonomy, population, ecology, conservation and threats.",usetrade:"This species is used in the aquarium trade, as are most tetras.",taxonid:176429176,scientific_name:"Mixobrycon ribeiroi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Mixobrycon",main_common_name:"Tetra",authority:"(Eigenmann, 1907)",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2021-02-03",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Vera-Alcaraz, H.S.",reviewer:"Lyons, T.J.",aoo_km2:"2108",eoo_km2:"2229",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PY",country:"Paraguay",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.3",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Shrub Dominated Wetlands",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"157715716",assessment_id:157715764,id_no:157715716,sci_name:"Desbruyeresia spinosa",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-176.69700623,latitude:-22.53000069,species_id:157715716,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from four restricted locations, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 1900 m to 2765 m bsl. As the species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted AOO, and has been found at 4 locations, the plausible threat of future anthropogenic influence from deep-sea mining in these sites justifies the assessment of the species as VU D2. Whilst no licenses have been granted to date, if mining were to be approved within the Fiji, Tonga or USA EEZ, the projected decline in the extent and quality of habitat would drive this species to CR very rapidly. Therefore, an urgent reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining license arrangements or if there are future changes to the prices of relevant commodities, whereby the assessment would probably increase to EN B2ab(iii). A reassessment would also be merited if a moratorium on deep-sea mining is reached by the government of Fiji, Tonga or USA, whereby the assessment would be likely to decrease to NT or LC.",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to four locations at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes would smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure.Protosticta kinabaluensis is endemic to Borneo, where it is only known from Mount Kinabalu in Sabah (Donnelly 1997, Hämäläinen 1994, Laidlaw 1915, Kemp 1990, Dow unpublished). All records after its original description are from the Liwagu River and its tributary the Silau-Silau near to the park headquarters at ca 1,500 m asl; the exact type locality is not known with certainty but may well be the same location. Only one location can be considered known for threat assessment purposes because of the close proximity of the known sites to one another. At lower altitudes on Mount Kinabalu this species is replaced by a closely related but as-yet-unnamed species. It should be searched for at other locations above ca 1,300 m asl on Mount Kinabalu and in the nearby Crocker Range. The currently known area of occupancy (AOO) for this species is less than 20 km².
",population:"This species is encountered with some regularity near the Silau-Silau stream, but beyond this nothing definite can be said about population sizes or health with the currently available data.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The Assessor has seen individuals of this species apparently emerging from the Silau-Silau stream, a small stream in montane forest. Mature individuals are more often observed hanging from well vegetated banks in the vicinity of the stream, and it has also been found on the larger and more torrential Liwagu River in the same type of forest.",threats:[{code:"10.2",title:"Earthquakes/tsunamis",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.1",title:"Hunting & trapping terrestrial animals",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.1.1",title:"Intentional use (species is the target)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution of this species are needed. Any future expansion of infrastructure in the vicinity of park headquarters at Mount Kinabalu should be planned so that it avoids disturbance to the habitats of this species. Monitoring of the known population is highly desirable, and would be relatively easily to accomplish since no species of similar appearance occurs at the known sites. Education of the park staff concerning this species is desirable, and ensuring that they are vigilant against illegal collecting. There is no need for additional legislation on collecting; it is already illegal to collect specimens in the world heritage site without a research permit. All that is required is to ensure that existing legislation is enforced. To be absolutely clear, a blanket ban on collecting specimens of this species would actually be counterproductive since it would stop the collection of vital voucher specimens needed to confirm identification and so hamper searches for new sites.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:123526611,scientific_name:"Protosticta kinabaluensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Protosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Laidlaw, 1915",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-01-13",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:"10-20",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"184535176",assessment_id:184535178,id_no:184535176,sci_name:"Copelatus betampona",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Eve Englefield",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Ranarilalatiana and Bergsten 2019",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:49.19986,latitude:-17.91604,species_id:184535176,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Copelatus betampona is endemic to Madagascar, and has only been recorded from Betampona Reserve in the lowland humid forests. The species has been found in dry depressions on the forest floor, but in an area of high rainfall. Based on the current known occurrences, the extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are both very small, estimated to be around 4 km2. Little is known about population trend of this species, but there has been a decline in the habitat due to slash and burn agriculture, and it is considered to occur in one location. In addition, climate change causing increased droughts may be a future threat, given it is found in areas of high rainfall. Therefore, this species is assessed as Critically Endangered. Fieldwork in the dry season is required to establish if the species can be found in dry depressions throughout the year. In addition, more information on the population and threats to this species is recommended.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Madagascar and is only known from Betampona Reserve in eastern lowland Madagascar (Ranarilalatiana and Bergsten 2019). It has been found at altitudes between 321 m and 525 m Asl. Due to slash and burn agriculture, the species is considered to occur at one location. Based on the known occurrences, the extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) of this species are both 4 km2.",population:"There is no information about the population of this species, but it seems to be highly localised.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species was found in lowland humid forests in dry shallow depressions of the forest floor with dead leaves and soil. Due to slash and burn agriculture, there is considered to be a decline in the extent and quality of the habitat. Larval development may occur during the rainy season, but it is not known if this would occur in the forest floor depressions or in a more aquatic habitat (Ranarilalatiana and Bergsten 2019).",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Future fieldwork is required during the dry season to establish if the species can be found in dry depressions throughout the year, particularly for larval development (Ranarilalatiana and Bergsten 2019). In addition, more information on the population and threats to this species is recommended. This species appears to be highly localised to a small area of Madagascar, and although it occurs in a National Park, there still seems to be habitat degradation, and so the beetle would likely benefit from increased protection of the habitat.",usetrade:"This species is not known to be used or traded.",taxonid:184535176,scientific_name:"Copelatus betampona",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"COLEOPTERA",family:"DYTISCIDAE",genus:"Copelatus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Ranarilalatiana & Bergsten, 2019",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-10-04",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Englefield, E.",reviewer:"Gerlach, J.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:525,elevation_lower:321,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MG",country:"Madagascar",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"196298",assessment_id:150839257,id_no:196298,sci_name:"Macrognathus pentophthalmos",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Sampath de A Goonatilake",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:"Sri Lanka",tax_comm:null,source:"CHE0113",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2015,longitude:80.169933,latitude:6.742247,species_id:196298,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Macrognathus pentophthalmos is an endemic, range-restricted species, known only from single location in the Kalu River Basin in Sri Lanka. Its estimated Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is around 4 km2 and Area of Occupancy (AOO) is 4 km2. A continuing decline in its habitat quality has been observed as a result of the accumulation of agrochemicals used in the surrounding paddy fields, which may be the cause behind the species population declines. This threat is likely to continue in the future as the area is undergoing agricultural expansion and the area is currently unprotected. The species is therefore listed as Critically Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Sri Lanka and only known from single location from Kalu river basin at Ingiriya (De Silva et al. 2015).",population:"Pethiyagoda et al. (2008) published that this species, once common, has experienced a drastic population decline, and it was likely to be extinct in the wild, however, De Silva et al. (2015) were able to find a specimen. Further research and monitoring is needed to determine the global population size and population trends for this species.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"The only specimen of this species was found in a stream running along a paddy field with muddy substratum and submerged aquatic vegetation (De Silva et al. 2015).",threats:[{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"National regulations have been enforced in order to protect this species. This includes restriction from exports in accordance to the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Act No. 02 of 2006 and its inclusion under the Flora and Fauna Protection Ordinance Act No. 22 of 2009.
",usetrade:"There is no information available on the use or trade of this species.",taxonid:196298,scientific_name:"Macrognathus pentophthalmos",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SYNBRANCHIFORMES",family:"MASTACEMBELIDAE",genus:"Macrognathus",main_common_name:"Sri Lankan Spiny Eel",authority:"(Gronow, 1854)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-08-07",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Fernado, M., Kotagama, O. & de Alwis Goonatilake, S.",reviewer:"Maiz-Tome, L. & Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4.156",elevation_upper:53,elevation_lower:53,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"17840",assessment_id:168307918,id_no:17840,sci_name:"Chrysoritis aureus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"AJCOETZER, AC_LEPI01.FDB_10615",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2010,longitude:28.36791611,latitude:-26.57488823,species_id:17840,taxonomicnotes:"The taxonomic relationship between Chrysoritis aureus and a Chrysoritis entity that occurs near Morgenzon in Mpumalanga has been resolved as this entity is being described as a subspecies of C. aethon.",rationale:"This is a range-restricted species from Gauteng and Mpumalanga provinces in South Africa (Extent of Occurrence 297 km2, Area of Occupancy 36 km2). The number of locations is six, with fragmentation on the mountain tops. The population is prone to threats from urban sprawl, such as pollution, acid rain and habitat destruction by residential developments and invasion of alien plants. The Area of Occupancy, habitat, number of individuals and subpopulation at the type locality are declining. There are less than 1,000 mature individuals in the entire population, with less than 250 in each of the six subpopulations. The taxon thus qualifies globally under the IUCN criteria as Endangered under criterion C.",geographicrange:"This species occurs in Gauteng and Mpumalanga provinces in South Africa, near Balfour and Greylingstad in the south and Alice Glockner Nature Reserve and Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve near Heidelberg in the north.",population:"A preliminary habitat management plan has been implemented, which has led to an increase in the subpopulation at the Alice Glockner Nature Reserve. However, ongoing threats mean the total population is likely to be in decline. There are less than 1,000 mature individuals in the entire population, with less than 250 in each of the six subpopulations.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"It occurs on rocky ridges below the peaks of mountains, in grassland patches at altitudes of 1,600 to 1,800 m with a diversity of forbs and stands of the host plant, Clutia pulchella, and the associated ant, Crematogaster liengmei, at sites covered with large rocks (0.5 to 2.0 m high) and only on cooler south-facing, steep, upper mid-slopes. Woody elements are less than 2 m high, without a tree stratum. Fire appears to be an essential factor for the maintenance of suitable habitat.",threats:[{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.2",title:"Supression in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.5",title:"Air-borne pollutants",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.5.1",title:"Acid rain",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.5.2",title:"Smog",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Research has been carried out on the habitat requirements of the taxon, including vegetation and host ant community studies. Further reearch and monitoring may also be useful. A preliminary habitat management plan is being implemented.",usetrade:null,taxonid:17840,scientific_name:"Chrysoritis aureus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"LYCAENIDAE",genus:"Chrysoritis",main_common_name:"Heidelberg Opal",authority:"(van Son, 1966)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-02-20",category:"EN",criteria:"C2a(i)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Henning, G.A.",reviewer:"Kirkman, S., Raimondo, D., Oberprieler, R.G. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"36",eoo_km2:"297",elevation_upper:1800,elevation_lower:1600,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"2.1",habitat:"Savanna - Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"6",habitat:"Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"LR/nt",category:"Lower Risk/near threatened"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"R",category:"Rare"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"I",category:"Indeterminate"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"I",category:"Indeterminate"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"I",category:"Indeterminate"}]},{id:"2424",assessment_id:14272233,id_no:2424,sci_name:"Austrocordulia leonardi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2016,citation:"I. Endersby & R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2012,longitude:151.6963,latitude:-32.2425,species_id:2424,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Austrocordulia leonardi has only ever been recorded from six locations, at one of which it may already be extinct due to habitat modifications. The species is clearly very specialised in its habitat requirements and sensitive to any changes to the riverine locations where it occurs. Changes to conditions at the other known locations, whether through direct changes to the rivers or indirectly as a result of climate change, could push the species to extinction in a short time. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is less than 500 km², and its extent of occurrence (EOO) is less than 20,000 km². This species qualifies for Vulnerable under criteria B and D (VU B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii); D2). It is very close to qualifying for Endangered under criterion B, only escaping that category now because it is not certain that the population on the Woronora River is extinct, especially after the species was found again at the Maldon Bridge after having apparently disappeared from that location.
",geographicrange:"Austrocordulia leonardi is endemic to Australia, where it is known from a few sites in New South Wales. The following summary is largely based on that in Theischinger and Endersby (2009). The species was originally described from a dam on the Woronora River, and later found at a site inside Royal National Park, and another on the Nepean River around the Maldon Bridge. Later an early instar larva, apparently of this species, was found at a dam site on the Karuah River. Deliberate searches on other rivers in New South Wales failed to find the species. However, of these four locations, the species apparently disappeared from two following changes to river flows: “In 1986 the weir damming the Woronora River near Heathcote was taken down because parked cars of sunbathers had caused traffic problems. After this habitat change A. leonardi was no longer sighted there” and “From about 2000 the Maldon Bridge site was found to suffer from insufficient flushing of water, a situation certainly not helped by the increasing number of nearby dams above river level, and during several visits A. leonardi was no longer detected.”
One additional record was made in 2011 at the Ferndale Campsite on the Chichester River (Theischinger et al. 2013), and another site near Cambelltown in the Sydney area was found recently (G. Theischinger, pers. comm). Additionally a few exuviae have been found again at the Maldon Bridge site, but it appears scarcer there now than when it was first found there (G. Theischinger, pers. comm). With only six locations ever recorded for the species, its AOO is certainly less than 500 km². Its EOO, based on a minimum convex polygon around known occupied HydroBASIN areas, is 19,703 km².
There are insufficient data to make definitive statements about population sizes and health for this species, however from the known loss and decline of populations the overall population can certainly be said to have declined.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"The larva of this species “inhabits rivers, particularly dams; found under rocks” (Theischinger and Hawking 2006). “A. leonardi is possibly restricted to larger streams in more coastal areas” (Theischinger et al. 2013). It is clearly very localised and specialist in its habitat requirements.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"“In 2007 Austrocordulia leonardi was listed as an Endangered Species in Part 1 of Schedule 4 of the NSW Fisheries Management Act 1994. The decision was based on the extremely limited distribution, rarity, recent lack of detection and threats to its survival” (Theischinger and Endersby 2009). Further searches for the species in apparently suitable sites should be conducted, and management plans to ensure the maintenance of suitable conditions for the species at known sites should be considered.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:2424,scientific_name:"Austrocordulia leonardi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"SYNTHEMISTIDAE",genus:"Austrocordulia",main_common_name:"Sydney Hawk",authority:"Theischinger, 1973",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2016-04-17",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii); D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Endersby, I. & Theischinger, G.",aoo_km2:"20-500",eoo_km2:"5358-19703",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AU",country:"Australia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2016",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"139358867",assessment_id:139403978,id_no:139358867,sci_name:"Borneogomphus teramotoi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Karube & Sasamoto 2014",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1989,longitude:116.169,latitude:5.434,species_id:139358867,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Borneogomphus teramotoi is endemic to Borneo where it is only known from three locations (at one of which it appears to have already become extinct) in the west of Sabah. It qualifies for Vulnerable status under criterion D2 and is assessed accordingly. Hopefully when more information on the distribution of the species becomes available it will be possible to reassess it into a lower threat category.
",geographicrange:"Borneogomphus teramotoi is endemic to Borneo where it is only known from three locations (at one of which it appears to have already become extinct) in the west of Sabah (Karube and Sasamoto 2014). Known sites are on the Kinabalu Massif and in the Crocker Range but do not appear to be within the boundaries of the protected areas in the area. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it may not be large and can be inferred to be declining due to loss of forest outside of protected areas in the west of Sabah.
",population:"The adults of this species are elusive so that it is difficult to gauge how common it is at the locations where it occurs, but it appears to be very local in occurrence. Beyond this little can be said with the available data except that an ongoing decline in overall population can be inferred from loss and disturbance to forest within the range of the species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"All that is known is summarised in Karube and Sasamoto (2014: 71): “adult specimens were found along a shallow stream (water depth ca 50 cm) of 3 to 5 metres width with a slow current in a sub-montane region. The female oviposited in the afternoon, swiftly coming and going, over shadow and shallow currents, flipping the tip of abdomen onto the surface. We observed the larvae creeping on a fine sandy bottom in shallow water with a slow current, alongside a rapid channel, in a medium sized river (water depth 50-100 cm) in a hilly area (altitude ca 700 m). During the survey in spring of 2010, we also found larvae further upstream on the mountain.” From this it is not clear if forest was present around the streams mentioned, but it is very likely.
",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"It needs to be established whether either of the surviving locations is within either the Mount Kinabalu National Park or the Crocker Range National Park, and further data on the distribution of the species are needed.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139358867,scientific_name:"Borneogomphus teramotoi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Borneogomphus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Karube & Sasamoto, 2014",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-12-14",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:1200,elevation_lower:700,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"122802000",assessment_id:167180015,id_no:122802e3,sci_name:"Rhinocypha heterostigma",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow, H.T. Rachman & N. Kamaludin",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"Dow, R.A., Rachman, H.T. and Kamaludin, N.",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Baskoro et al 2018",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:null,longitude:109.728697,latitude:-7.128292,species_id:122802e3,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Rhinocypha heterostigma is endemic to Java, where it is known from forest streams in the western and central parts of the island. However, more than half of the records date from the colonial period. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining to at least some degree along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is likely not much more than 20,000 km²; the minimum estimate, including all of the older records, is just under 22,000 km². Given that its EOO is not far above the 20,000 km² threshold for Vulnerable under critreion B1, and inferred declines in AOO and extent and quality of suitable habitat, the species is close to qualifying for Vulnerable. Therefore, taking the reasonable precautionary approach advocated by the IUCN, the species is assessed as Near Threatened (nearly meets VU B1ab(ii,iii)). It is hoped that as more data become available, a reassessment to Least Concern might become possible for this species.
",geographicrange:'Rhinocypha heterostigma is endemic to Java where it is known from western and central parts of the island (Baskoro 2018, Fraser 1926, Lieftinck 1934, Schmidt 1934). The assessors are aware of records from 24 sites, some of which are in protected areas (for instance the Pringombo Nature Reserve). However, more than half of the records date from the colonial period. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO), based on all collection records (including the old records) is 21,783 km².
',population:"This appears to be a locally occurring species, little else can be said with the available data except that at least some ongoing decline in overall population is suspected from loss of forest throughout Java and that the overall population is undoubtedly fragmented (but perhaps not severely).
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Lieftinck (1954) stated that this species occurs at “Wells, spring-fed marshes and brooks in dense forest from 600 m to about 1,600 m”. Recent records are from forest streams or their vicinity, over a similar altitude range. The species has been found in both second growth and primary forest. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining to some extent due to loss of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priority for this species is for fresh data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:122802e3,scientific_name:"Rhinocypha heterostigma",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROCYPHIDAE",genus:"Rhinocypha",main_common_name:null,authority:"Rambur, 1842",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-12-02",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A., Rachman, H.T. & Kamaludin, N.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"21783-57300",elevation_upper:1600,elevation_lower:590,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"169203",assessment_id:176166736,id_no:169203,sci_name:"Chlorocypha jejuna",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling (2012). Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/ipt/resource.do?r=bf_cf21",basisofrec:null,event_year:1905,longitude:.5843,latitude:6.9093,species_id:169203,taxonomicnotes:"Confused with C. consueta of southern Africa; taxonomy is discussed by Dijkstra (2003).",rationale:"The species is known only from type material (which is of undisputed taxonomic status (Dijkstra, 2003)) from an unknown location in Misahohe - a forested range near present day Kpalime, it's area of occupancy, and extent of occurrence are both therefore 4km². Despite being a conspicuous insect occurring in a reasonably surveyed area (both the Ghanan and Togolese side of the area have been surveyed) it has not been rediscovered. The impacts of the deforestation for agriculture are unknown, but based on the fact that other species within the genus are mostly forest dependent it is believed that this could be a threat to the species. Based on this threat the species is estimated to occur in just one location. The species is therefore listed as Critically Endangered, and could possibly be Extinct.",geographicrange:'The species is known only from Togolese type locality, "Misahöhe" (forested hill near present-day Kpalime (Baumann, 1898)). Surveys have been undertaken in the highlands since it was last recorded, in the 19th century, but it was not found.',population:"No information available.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"No information available.",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation measures known but research into population numbers and range, biology and ecology, habitat status, threats, and trends/monitoring would be valuable.",usetrade:null,taxonid:169203,scientific_name:"Chlorocypha jejuna",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROCYPHIDAE",genus:"Chlorocypha",main_common_name:"Togo Red Jewel",authority:"(Baumann, 1898)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2015-04-07",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dijkstra, K.-D.B. & Tchibozo, S.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V. & Suhling, F.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"TG",country:"Togo",presence:"Possibly Extinct",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Possibly Extinct"}],habitats:[{code:"1.5",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Dry",suitability:"Unknown",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2015",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2010",assess_year:"2006",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2006",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"139560702",assessment_id:146602395,id_no:139560702,sci_name:"Igneocnemis ignea",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Gapud 2006",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1985,longitude:121.54423,latitude:14.52108,species_id:139560702,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Igneocnemis ignea is endemic to Luzon in the Philippines where it has a wide but scattered distribution in northern and central Luzon. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but despite the relatively wide range the AOO is not likely to be large, quite likely around or less than 2,000km2 and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to continuing loss and degradation of forest. Severe fragmentation is certain since suitable habitat is already fragmented across the range of the species. If the AOO was known to be below 2,000km2 this species would qualify for Vulnerable under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and it is therefore assessed as Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:"Igneocnemis ignea is endemic to Luzon in the Philippines (Gapud 2006, Gassmann & Hämäläinen 2002, Lieftinck 1961, Needham & Gyger 1939, Selys 1886, Villanueva et al. 2009, 2012). It has a wide but scattered distribution in northern and central Luzon. The assessor is aware of records from at least 19 locations but it has only possible to assign separate coordinates to 15 of these for mapping purposes. Some locations are within protected areas, for instance Mount Banahaw and the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. Despite the relatively wide range of the species the AOO is not likely to be large (since much of the suitable habitat has already been lost within the species range), quite likely around or less than 2,000km2 and is inferred to be declining due to continuing loss of forest.
",population:"All that can be said with the available data is that some decline in overall population will be occurring as a result of clearance of forest throughout the range of the species and that severe fragmentation is certain.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing appears to have been recorded explicitly about the habitats and ecology of this species but it will occur at small streams in lowland and lower montane forest. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are assumed to be declining loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and for better protection of existing protected areas where it occurs.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139560702,scientific_name:"Igneocnemis ignea",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Igneocnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Brauer, 1868)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-06",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:1400,elevation_lower:200,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"6626",assessment_id:3135331,id_no:6626,sci_name:"Tampichthys mandibularis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Soto-Galera, E. and L. Alcántara-Soria, ENCB-IPN-P",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:" ",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:1955,longitude:-99.93194,latitude:21.89194,species_id:6626,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species has a restricted distribution (EOO = 1100 km2) in the Rio Verde basin, San Luis de Potosi, Mexico. It occurs at five locations, based on the main threats affecting its population. There is continuing decline in the quality of its habitat due to tourism activities, water extraction and pollution; therefore, it is listed as Endangered.This species is endemic to Mexico, where it occurs in springs of headwaters of Río Verde (Río Pánuco basin), east of La media Luna and at Puerta del Río, source of Río Verde, San Luis Potosí (Miller et al. 2005). The extent of occurrence is estimated at 1100 km2 and it occurs in five locations (based on the sites and threats described in Palacio-Nunez et al. 2015).
",population:"T. mandibularis is not present in collections made between 1990 and 2016 in the Media Luna spring (Soto-Galera et al. 2018). The species was recorded in several sites across the Rio Verde basin; in most sites it was scarce to very scarce, whereas in one portion of the Rio Verde it was abundant (Palacio-Nunez et al. 2015). It has a very restricted distribution, since the species is represented only by three isolated populations (Cordero-Bleizeffer and Espinosa Pérez 2016).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species inhabits small, clear creeks, spring-fed marshes and warm springs, in slight to strong current, with much vegetation over substrates largely consisting of fine sand, mud (sometimes hard), and flocculent silt, at depths to about 1.0 m. Water temperatures varied from 24.5° to 29° C (Miller et al. 2005). It inhabits clear and transparent water (Contreras-Balderas and Verduzco-Martínez 1977). There is continuing decline in the quality of this species' habitat, based on the threats affecting the species.
Cephalaeschna algorei is known from only two specimens from a single mountainous and apparently non-protected location in Yen Bai Province, northern Viet Nam. Based on it only being known to occur in forest above 1,000 m asl, its area of occupancy (AOO) is likely to be smaller than 500 km², possibly by a considerable margin. Its AOO is also inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to serious deforestation in the region where the species occurs. Taking a reasonable precautionary approach advocated by the IUCN, the species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B2ab(ii,iii)). It is to be hoped that reassessment to a lower threat category will be possible when more data are available to clarify the range of this species, however reassessment to Critically Endangered is equally possible.
",geographicrange:"Cephalaeschna algorei is known from one male and one female from a mountainous and apparently non-protected location in Yen Bai Province, northern Viet Nam, collected in 2014 and 2015 (Karube and Kompier 2017). The range of hills and mountains in which the species occurs extends into Yunnan Province in China, so the species should be looked for in Yunnan as well as in Viet Nam; serious threats are present over much of this area. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but given that it is only known to occur in forest above 1,000 m asl, unless it has a much wider distribution than is currently known its AOO is likely to be below 500 km² and could very well be considerably less than this. Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the area that the species is known from.",population:"All that can be said with the available information is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of forest in the area where the species occurs and if it is not confined to a single location (unlikely) then severe fragmentation is likely for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Karube and Kompier (2017: 70) state: “found hanging inside a thicket at about 3 meters height, where some water was flowing over the ground surface, although it was not a proper stream.” It is almost certain that this is a forest-dependent stream-breeding species, and it is likely to be confined to altitudes above 1,000 m asl. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within the area in which it is known to occur.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The first priorities for this species are for protection of habitat where it occurs and for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. It is not known if the species occurs in any protected area, but part of the same mountain range, considerably further north than the type locality of the species, is protected as Hoang Lien National Park. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139069191,scientific_name:"Cephalaeschna algorei",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"AESHNIDAE",genus:"Cephalaeschna",main_common_name:null,authority:"Karube & Kompier, 2017",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-04-25",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A. & Kompier, T.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"20-500",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:1e3,elevation_lower:1e3,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"139545021",assessment_id:177142316,id_no:139545021,sci_name:"Sangabasis feliculoi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R. Villauneva & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R. Villauneva & R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Villanueva & Dow 2014",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:125.0557,latitude:12.2744,species_id:139545021,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Sangabasis feliculoi is known from six locations on the island of Samar in the Philippines. The area of occupancy (AOO) of the species is believed to be less than 2,000 km² and the AOO and extent and quality of suitable habitat are all inferred to be declining. The species meets all criteria for Vulnerable status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii), and is also borderline Vulnerable under criterion D2. It is therefore assessed as Vulnerable.
",geographicrange:"Sangabasis feliculoi is known from six locations on the island of Samar in the Philippines (Villanueva and Dow 2014), however the assessor has only been able to assign coordinates to five of these. None of the locations appear to be within a protected area. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available information but based on the area within which the known locations fall and the fact that much of the habitat within that area will not be suitable, the known AOO will be less than 2,000 km² and the true AOO may be very considerably less than this. Although details of the habitat occupied by this species are not known it can be assumed to be forest dependent and therefore the AOO is inferred to be declining because of loss of forest on Samar.
",population:"Judging from the number of specimens available this species can be abundant where it occurs, but it is clearly local in occurrence. Little else can be said with the available data except that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of forest across the range of the species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing was recorded on the habitat or ecology of this species but it can be inferred to be forest-dependent like other Sangabasis species. It is likely that it breeds in swampy habitats. An ongoing decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from loss of forest within the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More information on the distribution of this species, and definite information on habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance are needed for this species. Protection of areas including some of the known locations is needed. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139545021,scientific_name:"Sangabasis feliculoi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Sangabasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Villanueva & Dow, 2014",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-03-19",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"60-1999",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:350,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"176728040",assessment_id:176728051,id_no:176728040,sci_name:"Guyanancistrus brownsbergensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Calegari, B.B.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:-55.18529892,latitude:4.94917011,species_id:176728040,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Based on its currently known distribution, Guyanancistrus brownsbergensis is restricted to the type locality in the Upper Kumbu Creek, Saramacca River basin, in Brownsberg Nature Park, Brownsberg Mountains, Suriname. The extent of occurrence (EOO) is best estimated at 664 km2, and the area of occupancy (AOO) is best estimated at 544 km2. However, it is expected that this species also occurs in similar habitats along upper portions of Kumbu River. Further survey work is needed to survey for this species in more localities in order to better understand its real range. Although the distribution of the species is inside the Brownsberg Nature Park, it borders the left margin of Brokopondo Dam lake area, and there are also proposed and ongoing mining activities, which represent potential severe impacts to the species due to the changes in the habitat. There is one threat-based location. Thus, it is recommended to monitor the species and the area to better understand the range and population status. Guyanancistrus brownsbergensis is assessed as Endangered (EN). However, if this species is found to occur more widely, the assessment should be revised.",geographicrange:"Guyanancistrus brownsbergensis is known only from the type locality in the Upper Kumbu Creek, Saramacca River basin, in Brownsberg Nature Park, Brownsberg Mountains, Suriname (Fisch-Muller et al. 2018). The species is restricted to the western part of Brownsberg Nature Park that drains to the Mindrineti River, Saramacca River basin (e.g. Kumbu Creek). It does not occur in the eastern part of Brownsberg Nature Park that drains to the Suriname River (Brokopondo Reservoir) (e.g. Witi Creek) (J. Mol pers. comm. 2021).
Guyanancistrus brownsbergensis was collected only in the Upper Kumbu Creek in the Brownsberg Nature Park, at Brownsberg Mountains, in an altitude between 200 and 430 m above mean sea level. The Upper Kumbu Creek at Kumbu Falls is a small mountain stream (2.5 to 3.7 m wide, and 28 to 50 cm water depth) with cool water (23.1 to 23.2°C), high dissolved oxygen content (93-96% saturation; 7.08±7.72 mg/L), a pH of 7.0±7.5, conductivity 30.8±31.6 μS/cm, and a current strength of 0.29±0.56 m/s. The bottom substrate consists of sand, gravel, pebbles, boulders and bedrock. The water is mostly clear. Fisch-Muller et al. (2018) observed no aquatic vegetation in the stream, but overhanging terrestrial vegetation, submersed root masses, woody debris, leaf litter and rock crevices offered ample hiding places for G. brownsbergensis. During the day, adults of the species were observed on several occasions throughout the year resting in moderate current in front of a rock crevice in a relatively deep (50 cm) pool upstream of the 50-m high Kumbu Falls (Fisch-Muller et al. 2018).
",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"A portion of the species range extends in the Brownsberg Nature Park in the Upper Kumbu Creek, Suriname, which may provide indirect protection against habitat degradation. Additional information regarding distribution range, population size, population trend, and ecology would be useful in guiding future conservation action.
",usetrade:"This species is not used or traded.
",taxonid:176728040,scientific_name:"Guyanancistrus brownsbergensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LORICARIIDAE",genus:"Guyanancistrus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Mol, Fisch-Muller & Covain, 2018",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-10-20",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Calegari, B.B.",reviewer:"Ballen, G.A. & Mol, J.",aoo_km2:"4-554,554",eoo_km2:"4-664,664",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"SR",country:"Suriname",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"176512622",assessment_id:176512643,id_no:176512622,sci_name:"Austrolebias nigripinnis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Loureiro, M.",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-60.99539948,latitude:-32.15879822,species_id:176512622,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Austrolebias nigripinis is distributed in seasonal wetlands of Lower Parana and Lower Uruguay ecoregions. The area of occupancy (AOO) is 156 km2. Threats not only in close proximity to the habitat, but also those that are present in the same hydrological basin (especially those upstream), were considered and include forestation and desiccation of wetlands to prevent flooding and to gain area for soy and rice crops. There is continuing decline in the AOO, extent of occurrence (EOO) and habitat quality based on these threats. Therefore, this species is assessed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"Austrolebias nigripinis is distributed in seasonal wetlands of Lower Parana and Lower Uruguay ecoregions (according to Abell et al. (2008) classification) in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to one location at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the Indian Ocean. This location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with biologically and geologically coherent identity. Any vent fields within this location therefore also have common exposure to relevant potential threats. This location is an exploration license contract area granted by the International Seabed Authority to the Chinese Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association. The species is currently known from one vent field with active black smokers and diffuse venting located at depths of 2736 m to 2785 m bsl, namely the Longqi vent field on the South West Indian Ridge (Chen et al. 2017). This vent locality lies in International Waters. This species is present over a small area - the total area of the Longqi vent field is 0.012 km2 (Tao et al. 2014).
",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles and a human-occupied vehicle, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Chen et al. 2017).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents on mid-oceanic ridges in the Indian Ocean. It is currently known from the active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2736 m to 2775 m bsl.
Geological context – the South West Indian Ridge is an ultraslow spreading ridge. Environmental Impact Assessments based on the dynamics of the East Pacific or other fast-spreading ridges cannot be applied to this different geological context.
There are no conservation actions currently in place at any Indian Ocean vent fields, however, further research is recommended to determine whether the populations would be susceptible to disturbance by mining, to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along Indian Ocean mid-oceanic ridges and to ascertain the dispersal capability for this species, as these will assist in reevaluation of the conservation status of the species. Development of protocols to minimise sediment plume creation by those investigating the sea-bed habitats during exploration for mineral would also be beneficial for all species in these sensitive habitats.
",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:145337626,scientific_name:"Dracogyra subfuscus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"NEOMPHALIDA",family:"PELTOSPIRIDAE",genus:"Dracogyra",main_common_name:"Dragon Snail",authority:"C. Chen, Y.-D. Zhou, C.-S. Wang & Copley, 2017",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-04-05",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Thomas, E.A., Chen, C. & Sigwart, J.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:2736,depth_lower:2785,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"176163471",assessment_id:176163479,id_no:176163471,sci_name:"Mazarunia mazarunii",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Oscar M. Lasso-Alcalá",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Aquarium",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"GBIF 2021",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-60.620694,latitude:5.866528,species_id:176163471,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Although precise estimates of the current population sizes of Mazarunia mazarunii are not known, its geographical distribution is restricted to only 15 sites of the upper Mazaruni river and Essequibo river basin in Guyana, with an extent of occurrence (EOO) between 4,284-15,955 km2. Although the exact impact on the species is unknown, the threats of mining, deforestation, contamination, and high sediment removal from the waters of the Guyana Shield are inferred to cause a continuing decline in the quality of habitat. Thus, this species is assessed as Near Threatened B1b(iii).',geographicrange:"Mazarunia mazarunii is endemic to the Guiana Shield in Guyana (Kullander 1990, Vari et al. 2009, Araujo 2010, Lemopoulos and Covain 2019, Taphorn et al. 2022).There are no population estimates for this species. Kullander (1990) reports the examination of only two specimens from one locality on Upper Mazaruni River near Kamarang, in Guyana.
According to literature reviews, between 2008 and 2011, there were only 79 specimens in 15 registered sites. Thus, the abundance of this species appears to be very low.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Very little is known about the habitat and ecology of this species. It inhabits typical acid blackwater rivers (Sioli 1975) of the Guiana Shield (Machado et al. 2000, Lasso et al. 2009).
According to data from the localities where this species has been found, it specializes in inhabiting sandy beaches of the upper Mazaruni River. It is a species of omnivorous habits (Taphorn et al. 2022). Other species similar to Mazarunia mazaruni, such as the genus Geophagus, in upper Mazaruni river, are considered to have insectivorous feeding habits (Montaña et al. 2021).
",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.8",title:"Abstraction of ground water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No measures or actions for the conservation of this species or its habitat. There are no protected conservation areas in the Mazaruni river system.
",usetrade:"Its use or market as an ornamental species is not known. However, due to its colouration and shape, it could be appreciated by specialized aquarists.
",taxonid:176163471,scientific_name:"Mazarunia mazarunii",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Mazarunia",main_common_name:"Patwa Cichlid",authority:"Kullander, 1990",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2023-03-12",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lasso-Alcalá, O.M., Quintero-T., E., Mikolji, I. & Martínez, E.O.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"4284-15955",elevation_upper:490,elevation_lower:93,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GY",country:"Guyana",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2023",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"149082404",assessment_id:149121966,id_no:149082404,sci_name:"Atherinella guija",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information facility 2019 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.oemece",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-89.65,latitude:14.316667,species_id:149082404,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Atherinella guija is distributed on the Pacific slope of southwestern Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras and includes documented occurrences in Lake Guija and at least four separate drainages. Extent of Occurrence and Area of Occupancy are both restricted. The major pervasive threat to this species is the spread of non-native cichlids that are likely to prey on and compete with A. guija. Additional regional or localized threats include mining and diversion of surface water for adjacent agricultural development, and associated declines in water quality resulting from agricultural runoff. Given currently available data on the species' restricted range, and inferred decline in the quality of available habitat, it is assessed as Vulnerable (VU) under criterion B1ab(iii). Additional research is needed to verify the species' presence in Honduras and to better examine the population trajectory of the species. Should the species have a smaller than expected distribution in Honduras, the species' conservation status could change.
Atherinella guija is distributed on the Pacific slope of El Salvador and Honduras, including Lake Guija which extends into extreme southeastern Guatemala (Hildebrand 1924, Chernhoff 1986, Matamoros 2010, McMahan et al. 2013). It has been recorded in the Lempa, Goascorán, Nacaome and Choluteca drainages (Matamoros et al. 2009). Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 10,975 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced point records (GBIF 2019). This species is known from less than 10 collection localities (Fishnet2 2019). Given the pervasive and widespread threat of non-native species (Gonzalez 1995, Álvarez Calderón 2014) the number of locations where this species occurs is unlikely to exceed 10.
",population:"The total population size of this species is unknown. Historical records report this species as common in the Rio del Desague, which forms the outlet of Lake Guija, and relatively rare at other sampled localities in the Rio Lempa (Hildebrand 1924). The species is relatively common in portions of its range, particularly in Lake Guija, but its population is not well understood in other areas, especially in Honduras.
Little is known about the basic life history and habitat use of this species. It has been reported from shallow, moving water over sandy substrates (Carr and Giovannoli 1994). Diet consists of insects, insect larvae, copepods, and algal material (Hildebrand 1924). Spawning is probably seasonal, based on the lack of developed gonads in specimens collected during January and February (Hildebrand 1924).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis niloticus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis niloticus"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Parachromis managuensis)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Parachromis managuensis"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis niloticus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis niloticus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Parachromis managuensis)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Parachromis managuensis"},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species has been reported from the Reserva de la Biosfera in northeastern Honduras (Reyes and Vásquez 2009), however the validity of these records are uncertain. Lake Guija is a designated Ramsar Site (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). More information regarding the specific rate of population decline, and the impact and scope of major pervasive threats would be useful in guiding future conservation planning. Additional research is needed to better clarify the species' distribution particularly in Honduras.
The Arogos Skipper (Atrytone arogos) is found in five disjunct sub-populations across the Central and Eastern United States. Historically, the sub-population with the largest range was in the Central United States, from northeastern Wyoming and southeastern Montana, west to Minnesota, and south to Texas (Opler and Wright 1999, GBIF 2021). In the West there was another subpopulation found along the Front Range of Colorado, and in the East, there were three additional subpopulations; one from New Jersey to southeast Georgia, one in peninsular Florida, and one along the Gulf Coast from Louisiana to the Florida panhandle (Opler and Wright 1999). This species has two subspecies: A. a. arogos is found in areas east of the Mississippi, whereas A. a. iowa is found in the western portions of the range.
Presently, this species has been extirpated from most historic localities east of the Mississippi River, with the exception of a few scattered occurrences in New Jersey, Florida, and Louisiana (Minnow and Minnow 2006). It is possibly extinct from New York, Georgia, North Carolina, and Alabama (Minno and Minno 2006, NatureServe 2020a). There is a stronghold for this species in New Jersey (Shepherd 2005). Similarly, the western subspecies has disappeared from many historical localities (Lotts and Naberhaus 2021), though it appears to be most stable in southern parts of its range, such as in Oklahoma (Shepherd 2005). It has declined substantially in Iowa, where it was not seen at 18 historic localities during a 2018 survey (Olsen 2018), and Minnesota, where it has not been seen since 2008 (NatureServe 2018).
The historical extent of occurrence (EOO) for this species was probably around five million km2. Current EOO is estimated to be just over 2.3 million km2, though this number is likely still declining. An estimated 6-80 occurrences of A. a. arogos remain, 4-12 of which are considered truly viable, and 81-300 occurrences of A. a. iowa, though only 4-40 are thought to be viable (NatureServe 2020b, 2011). If we consider each occurrence to be found in one four km grid cell, an area of occupancy (AOO) of 40-1,520 km2 is estimated. Considering all occurrence records for the last 10 years (n=48) (GBIF 2021), an AOO of around 592 is estimated.",population:"No population estimates are available for this species, though a long-term decline of 99-100% in the eastern parts of the range and possibly as high as 90% in western parts of the range, has been suggested (NatureServe 2020a). When Hesperia iowa, now Atrytone arogos iowa, was first described, Scudder (1869) suggested this species was one of the most abundant prairie butterflies seen in Iowa. As early as 1951, the abundance of this butterfly had already been reduced, and it was found only uncommonly in localized populations (Klots 1951). In the east, this species was once locally common, at least in Florida, but now even the most populated colonies contain less than a few hundred individuals (Minno and Minno 2006). Some reportedly robust colonies, such as one in Ocala National Forest and one near Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge, are no longer extant (Minno and Minno 2006).Orthetrum austrosundanum is only known from Sumba in the Lesser Sunda Islands. The assessors are aware of records from 17 locations, but all 12 of these date from the late 1940s, there are only recent records from five locations. The species is present in two protected areas: Manupeu Tanah Daru and Laiwangi Wanggameti National Parks. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining to some degree at least, along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat, due to loss of habitat outside protected areas in Sumba. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 5,249–13,878 km². Given that the species is confirmed to still occur at as few as five locations, it is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B (VU B1ab(ii,iii)). However, it seems likely that this species is still widespread across Sumba, and it is therefore to be hoped that a reassessment to Near Threatened or even Least Concern will be possible in the not-to-distant future when more information is available.
Orthetrum austrosundanum is only known from Sumba in the Lesser Sunda Islands (Irawan and Rahadi 2018, Lieftinck 1953). The assessors are aware of records from 17 locations, but 12 of these date from the late 1940s, there are only recent records from five locations. The species is present in two protected areas: Manupeu Tanah Daru and Laiwangi Wanggameti National Parks. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining to some degree, at least due to loss of habitat outside protected areas in Sumba. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 5,249 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 13,878 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
This appears to have been a common species on Sumba in the late 1940s and to still be relatively common now. However no definite statement about current population sizes and health can be made for this species with the available data.
A variety of habitats are listed for this species in Lieftinck (1953), mostly streams (in both densely and sparsely forested country) but also a shallow lake. The recently recorded locations are streams and a lake, all in secondary forest. The species may be somewhat forest-dependent but appears to be able to survive at locations where few trees remain and is certainly not dependent on old growth forest. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be suffering some decline due to loss of habitat from agricultural activities and pollution.
More data on the current distribution of this species are needed, and on its exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance.
Teinobasis strigosa is known from scattered locations in Catanduanes, Luzon, Polillo and Samar in the Philippines. Threats exist at all locations and the population in Luzon is believed to be severely fragmented. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and with the available data will not be vastly greater than 2,000 km², and may be considerably less than this. The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. If the AOO was known to be below 2,000 km² the species would qualify for Vulnerable status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and it is therefore assessed as Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:"Teinobasis strigosa is known from Catanduanes, Luzon, Polillo and Samar in the Philippines (Gapud 2006; Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen; Hämäläinen and Muller 1997; Ramos and Gapud 2007; Villanueva 2010a,b, 2011). The assessor is aware of records from more than 18 locations but it has only been possible to assign separate coordinates to 18 of these for mapping purposes. At least one location is within a protected area (Mount Makiling Forest Reserve in Luzon). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and with the available data will not be vastly greater than 2,000 km², and may be considerably less than this. The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",population:"Possibly not uncommon at some locations. Beyond this all that can be said with the available data is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species and that the population on Luzon appears to be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Little has been recorded but Villanueva (2010a) notes “prefers shady areas perching underneath the foliage of stream bank vegetations”. So this appears to be a forest-dependent stream species. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for protection of areas of suitable habitat where it occurs, better protection for existing protected areas, and for more information on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance.The priorities for this species are for protection of areas of suitable habitat where it occurs, better protection for existing protected areas, and for more information on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139546802,scientific_name:"Teinobasis strigosa",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Teinobasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Needham & Gyger, 1939",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-07",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"2000-2500",eoo_km2:"74822-96014",elevation_upper:1300,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"157861471",assessment_id:157861749,id_no:157861471,sci_name:"Calyptogena magnifica",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Aoife Molloy",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-113.40000153,latitude:-18.6079998,species_id:157861471,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine bivalve is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise, Gulf of California and Galápagos Rift in the East Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from nine restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2,251 m to 2,791 m bsl. The species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO), and has been found at only nine locations, suggesting that it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. While one of the nine locations lies within two Marine Protected Areas (Menini and Van Dover 2019), the other eight exist in International Waters and the Exclusive Economic Zone of Mexico without any such protection, therefore we have opted to assess the species as Near Threatened (NT). Whilst no licences have been granted to date, if mining were to be approved within any of these locations, this species is projected to experience decline in the extent and quality of its habitat. The presence of the species across a large geographical area owing to the spread of hydrothermal vent fields across ocean ridges might give cause for Least Concern (LC), however, this vent species is endemic to vent environments and only occupies a small area of suitable habitat (~36 km²) which is significantly below the Vulnerable (VU) threshold for AOO under criterion B. Therefore, it would only take a small number of mining events to drive the species to extinction and a reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of the MPAs or in the event of mining licences being granted, whereby the species would be capable of becoming Vulnerable (VU B2ab(iii)).",geographicrange:"This deep-sea bivalve is restricted to nine locations at hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise, the Gulf of California and Galapagos Rift in the East Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. Locations 1 and 2 lie within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Mexico, whereas Locations 3-9 occur beyond national jurisdiction in International Waters. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,251 m bsl to 2,791 m bsl. The nine locations are comprised of the following hydrothermal vent fields: EPR 21N (Location 1), Alarcon Rise Meyibo (Location 2), EPR 13N (Location 3), EPR 9 50'N (Location 4), EPR 11 18'S (Location 5), EPR 11 24'N (Location 6), Animal Farm (Location 7), EPR 17N (Location 8) and Rose Garden (Location 9) (Boss and Turner 1980, Zal et al. 2000, Hurtado et al. 2003, Krylova and Sahling 2020). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Boss and Turner 1980, Zal et al. 2000, Hurtado et al. 2003, Krylova and Sahling 2020).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the East Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,251 m to 2,791 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"One of the nine locations, the EPR 21N vent field, lies within the Hydrothermal Ventilation Sanctuary of the Guaymas Basin and the Eastern Pacific Ridge (Santuario Ventilas Hidrotermales de la Cuenca de Guaymas y de la Dorsal del Pacífico Oriental), established in 2009, where research and fisheries activities are regulated by the Mexican government (Menini and Van Dover 2019). This vent site is further surrounded by the Deep Mexican Pacific Biosphere Reserve (Reserva de la Biosfera Pacífico Mexicano Profundo), established in 2016 (Menini and Van Dover 2019). The exploitation of wildlife and mining in these areas is strictly prohibited. There are no conservation actions currently in place at the other eight locations where this species is found (including the individual vent fields of EPR 13N, Alarcon Rise Meyibo, EPR 9 50'N, EPR 17S, EPR 11 18'S, Animal Farm, EPR 11 24'N and Rose Garden). We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the East Pacific Rise.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157861471,scientific_name:"Calyptogena magnifica",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"BIVALVIA",order:"VENERIDA",family:"VESICOMYIDAE",genus:"Calyptogena",main_common_name:null,authority:"Boss & R.D. Turner, 1980",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-01-26",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"36",eoo_km2:"6715389.165",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:2251,depth_lower:2791,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"197729",assessment_id:139140634,id_no:197729,sci_name:"Caridina loehae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"K. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"K. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Sulawesi",tax_comm:null,source:"von Rintelen K., and Y. Cai. 2009. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 57(2):343-452. URL: http://lkcnhm.nus.edu.sg/nus/pdf/PUBLICATION/Raffles%20Bulletin%20of%20Zoology/Past%20Volumes/RBZ%2057(2)/57rbz343-452.pdf",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2003,longitude:121.335333,latitude:-2.751,species_id:197729,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to the Malili Lake system in Sulawesi, Indonesia, where it has been recorded from three sites: Lake Matano, Petea River and one bay in Lake Towuti (von Rintelen and Cai 2009), although it may be more widespread in this lake. It now considered to be extinct in Lake Matano due to the impact of invasive Flowerhorn Ciclihds (Colossoma sp.) after surveys in 2017 and 2018 failed to it (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2018). As Flowerhorn Cichlids have had a direct impact on this species in Lake Matano and their presence in the Petea River and spread to Lake Towuti is almost certain, they are predicted to cause a population decline of >90% within the next 10 years (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). As such this species is considered Critically Endangered under A3e.
",geographicrange:"Caridina loehae is endemic to the Malili Lake system in Sulawesi, Indonesia where it has been recorded from three sites: Lake Matano, Petea River and one bay in Lake Towuti (von Rintelen and Cai 2009). However, this species is now considered Possibly Extinct in Lake Matano after surveys in 2017 and 2018 failed to recover the species (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2018). Von Rintelen and Cai (2009) note that the species may be more widespread in Lake Towuti, based on older records that require confirmation.",population:"In Lake Matano no specimens of this species were found in 2017 or 2018 at two sites where it was present in 2013 (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2018), and it is now considered to be possibly extinct in this lake. This decline was likely due to the impact of invasive Flowerhorn Chiclids (Colossoma sp.) as Caridina species are an important part of their diet (Herder et al. 2012). Based on this and the spread of Flowerhorn Cichlids in the Malili lakes, an overall population decline of >90% is predicted over the next 10 years (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). They have now been confirmed in the downstream Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obs. 2018) and are assumed, therefore, to also occur in River Petea, which connects Lake Matano and Mahalona. If not already present in Lake Towuti, the Flowerhorn Cichlids will soon spread downstream to the lake, as River Tominanga connecting these two lakes is much less of a barrier than the river between Lakes Matano and Mahalona, and are predicted to cause population declines similar to those seen in Lake Matano populations.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:'Caridina loehae is a hard substrate species, mainly occurring on rocks and gravel shallower than five metres depth.',threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'No conservation plans are currently in place for this species, but protection and management of its known localities is needed along with research into its population dynamics, ecology and threats. Surveys are required to determine whether this species is still extant in Lake Matano.
',usetrade:'Caridina loehae is available in the aquarium trade.
',taxonid:197729,scientific_name:"Caridina loehae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"MALACOSTRACA",order:"DECAPODA",family:"ATYIDAE",genus:"Caridina",main_common_name:"Mini Blue Bee Shrimp",authority:"Woltereck, 1937",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-12-05",category:"CR",criteria:"A3e",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"von Rintelen, K., Wowor, D. & Klotz, W.",reviewer:"De Grave, S.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"128",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2013",assess_year:"2011",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"128724472",assessment_id:128724507,id_no:128724472,sci_name:"Paraschistura punjabensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Zoo Outreach Organization (ZOO)",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:70.274,latitude:31.977,species_id:128724472,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Paraschistura punjabensis has a restricted range with an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 16,800 km2. There are two locations based on the threat of dams, and this threat is leading to a continuing decline in habitat quality. Therefore, this species is assessed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"This species occurs in Salt area, in a stream near Kenhatta in Watta Hills, Punjab, Pakistan. In Pakistan it has been recorded in Gomal drainage system (Mirza et al. 1995), the River Soan (Nazeer et al. 2016) and the Indus River.This unique marine gastropod is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 440 m to 460 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. The potential for anthropogenic influence at this site based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. There may already be disturbance to this species as Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) is in the process of testing of seabed mining technology for future exploitation-phase licensing. The impact of uncertainty around the decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from VU to CR, using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as the top of this range, Critically Endangered (CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)). A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements.
",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to one location at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. This location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with biologically and geologically coherent identity. Any vent fields within this location therefore also have common exposure to relevant potential threats. This location lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Japan. The species is currently known from one vent field with active black smokers and diffuse venting located at depths of 440 m to 460 m bsl, namely the Kaikata Seamount vent field on the Izu-Bonin Arc (Okutani et al. 1993, Desbruyeres, 2006). This species is present over a small area at this vent field.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Okutani et al. 1993, Desbruyeres, 2006).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 440 m to 460 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any vent fields within the Japan EEZ. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along West Pacific Ocean ridges.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157720831,scientific_name:"Laeviphitus japonicus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"LITTORINIMORPHA",family:"ELACHISINIDAE",genus:"Laeviphitus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Okutani, Fujikura & Sasaki, 1993",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-11-23",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"JP",country:"Japan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"139344457",assessment_id:167180064,id_no:139344457,sci_name:"Chlorogomphus canhvang",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Kompier & Karube 2018",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:106.302,latitude:17.488,species_id:139344457,taxonomicnotes:"Zhang (2019) lists this species from China but judged from the photographs this is based on a mis-identification of some other species and the species is not considered to occur in China for assessment purposes.
",rationale:"Chlorogomphus canhvang is known from five locations in central Viet Nam. One of the known locations is close to the border with Laos and the species should be looked for there as well as in Viet Nam. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this forest-dependent species is not possible with the available data but the AOO is inferred to be declining, along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat, to some extent at least due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species, however there are still large areas of apparently suitable habitat within the region where the species occurs. Its current known extent of occurrence (EOO) is within the range 1,466-4,486 km². Strict application of IUCN criteria place this species in Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)). This assessment is likely to change rapidly when more information becomes available, and it is hoped that eventually it will be found that the species qualifies for Near Threatened or Least Concern status.
",geographicrange:"Chlorogomphus canhvang is known from three locations in Quang Binh Province and two location in Thua Thien-Hue Province, both in central Viet Nam (Karube et al. 2020, Kompier and Karube 2018, Kompier unpub. data). One of the known locations is close to the border with Laos and the species should be looked for there as well as in Viet Nam. The Quang Binh locations are on the very edge (opposite side of the road) of Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park so that the species will occur within the national park as well. One of the locations is in the Sao La Nature Reserve. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. The AOO is inferred to be declining to some extent at least due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species, however there are still large areas of apparently suitable habitat within the region where the species occurs. Its minimum extent of occurrence (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around known data points) is 1,466 km²; its maximum EOO (based on an MCP around known ocupied HydroBASINS areas) is 4,486 km².
This does not appear to be a common species, nothing more can be said about current population sizes and health with the available data.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"All that is known about its habitats and ecology is summarised by Kompier and Karube (2018): “observed at small rocky streams under dense primary forest cover in low mountains (300–500 m asl). The males flew on sunny days, but females were also active under cloudy conditions.” This appears to be a species that require good forest cover. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priority for this species is for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139344457,scientific_name:"Chlorogomphus canhvang",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROGOMPHIDAE",genus:"Chlorogomphus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Kompier & Karube, 2018",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-05-29",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A. & Kompier, T.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"1466-4486",elevation_upper:700,elevation_lower:300,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"11545",assessment_id:168314343,id_no:11545,sci_name:"Lepidochrysops littoralis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"ASMORTON, AM_LEPI01.FDB_176",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2008,longitude:20.42691612,latitude:-34.45933151,species_id:11545,taxonomicnotes:"Lepidochrysops littoralis is quite a variable species with populations at the limits of its range showing differences, e.g. Mossel Bay (Edge 2005). A future investigation may show some taxonomically significant infraspecific variation.",rationale:"This taxon is endemic to the Western Cape Province, South Africa (Extent of Occurrence (EOO) 2,488 km2, Area of Occupancy (AOO) 84 km2). Ten locations are known, separated by distances between 10 and 35 km, often across land transformed by agricultural activities, coastal developments, industrial complexes, housing estates, plantations and alien infestations. Even 10 km is probably beyond the dispersal range of this taxon (2-5 km average) so all of these locations represent isolated, closed subpopulations, some of which are non-viable. The population is therefore severely fragmented. At some of its locations there is continuing decline in the AOO, extent and quality of the habitat, the number of subpopulations, and the total number of individuals supported by a smaller area of poorer quality habitat is less. The taxon thus qualifies globally under the IUCN criteria as Endangered under criterion B.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to the Western Cape Province in South Africa, occurring from the De Hoop Nature Reserve near Bredasdorp in the west to a few kilometres west of Mossel Bay in the east.",population:"There are ten locations, separated by 10 to 35 km. The locations are fragmented as follows: De Hoop-Witsand (spearated by 30 km); Witsand-Vermaaklikheid (separated by 15 km); Vermaaklikheid-Jongensfontein (separated by 30 km); Jongensfontein-Still Bay (separated by 15 km); Still Bay-Rheins NR (separated by 20 km); Rheins NR-Gouritsmond (separated by 30 km); Gouritsmond-Albertinia (separated by 25 km); Albertinia-Mossel Bay (separated by 45 km). The gaps between these sites are further than they can fly.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"It occurs on rocky limestone ridges or sand dunes in coastal fynbos. It is usually found quite close to the sea-shore, as at Still Bay.",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.3",title:"Trend Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Acacia cyclops)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Acacia cyclops"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Acacia saligna)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Acacia saligna"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Acacia cyclops)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Acacia cyclops"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Acacia saligna)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Acacia saligna"}],conservationmeasures:"This taxon should be included in environmental impact assessments for all proposed new developments in the coastal zone from De Hoop to Mossel Bay, and further loss or degradation of habitat should be prevented. Additionally, further research into its life history and ecology is needed.",usetrade:null,taxonid:11545,scientific_name:"Lepidochrysops littoralis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"LYCAENIDAE",genus:"Lepidochrysops",main_common_name:"Coastal Blue",authority:"Swanepoel & Vári, 1983",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-02-20",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii,iv,v)+2ab(ii,iii,iv,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Edge, D.A.",reviewer:"Kirkman, S., Raimondo, D., Oberprieler, R.G. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"84",eoo_km2:"2488",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"13.3",habitat:"Marine Coastal/Supratidal - Coastal Sand Dunes",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"3.5",habitat:"Shrubland - Subtropical/Tropical Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"3.8",habitat:"Shrubland - Mediterranean-type Shrubby Vegetation",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"R",category:"Rare"}]},{id:"147416913",assessment_id:147420972,id_no:147416913,sci_name:"Teinobasis alternans",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Lieftinck 1935",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1933,longitude:140.75251,latitude:-2.65366,species_id:147416913,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Teinobasis alternans is only known from the type series from two locations in the Jayapura area in the northeast of Indonesian New Guinea, collected in 1931-1933. Although nothing was recorded on the habitat requirements of this species, it is very likely to be forest-dependent and if this is the case the species will be threatened by deforestation which is occurring on a large scale in the area where it occurs. Based on the available data the area of occupancy (AOO) of the species is less than 2,000 km² (probably much less) and the AOO and extent and quality of suitable habitat are all inferred to be declining. Taking a reasonable precautionary approach the species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criteria D2 and B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly. When more data are available reassessment to a higher threat category may be needed.
",geographicrange:"Teinobasis alternans is only known from the type series from two locations in the northeast of Indonesian New Guinea, collected in 1931-1933 (Lieftinck 1935). One of the locations (Hollandia) is present day Jayapura (or somewhere in its vicinity) and it is not known if the species survives at this location. The other is in the Jayapura region and in an area where extensive clearance of forest has occurred (evident from satellite images). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but if genuinely confined to the Jayapura area then it will not be large, certainly below 2,000 km², probably by a considerable margin. The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest in the Jayapura area.
",population:"Judging from the size of the type series this species may not have been uncommon at the known localities in the early 1930s but beyond this all that can be said is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred (assuming that the species is forest-dependent) from loss of forest in the Jayapura area.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing was recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it is very likely to be forest-dependent and on that basis an ongoing decline in both extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from loss of and disturbance to forest in the area in which it occurs.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Additional data and protection of habitat where the species occurs are the priorities for this species.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:147416913,scientific_name:"Teinobasis alternans",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Teinobasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1935",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-03-18",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii); D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"20-1999,500-1999",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:100,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"139566036",assessment_id:146602555,id_no:139566036,sci_name:"Drepanosticta aries",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Needham & Gyger 1941",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:125.27083,latitude:6.9875,species_id:139566036,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Drepanosticta aries is known only from Mindanao in the Philippines. All locations are on or in the general vicinity of Mount Apo (a protected area but see Threats) or Lake Sebu approximately 120 km to the south. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but based on the available data it is less than 500km2 and will be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest in Mindanao. The species would qualify for endangered status if the overall population was definitely severely fragmented but since this is not known it is assessed as Vulnerable under criteria B2ab(ii,iii), however when fresh data are available re-assessment to Endangered is not unlikely.
",geographicrange:"Drepanosticta aries is known only from Mindanao in the Philippines (Needham & Gyger 1941, van Tol 2005). The assessor is aware of records from around 10 individual sites but it has only been possible to assign separate coordinates to six of these for mapping purposes. All locations are on or in the general vicinity of Mount Apo (a protected area) or Lake Sebu approximately 120 km to the south. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but based on the available data it is less than 500km2 and will be declining due to loss and degradation of forest in Mindanao.
",population:"There is insufficient information on this species to make any statement about current population sizes and health accept that the overall population is inferred to be declining as a result of loss and degradation of forest in Mindanao and that severe fragmentation is likely for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing has been explicitly recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it will be forest-dependent and almost certainly breeds in streams, springs or seepages; it is clearly an upland species. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining as a result of loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and for better protection for Mount Apo. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139566036,scientific_name:"Drepanosticta aries",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Drepanosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Needham & Gyger, 1941",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-07",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:"50-499",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:1800,elevation_lower:700,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"165014399",assessment_id:165015003,id_no:165014399,sci_name:"Atherinella hubbsi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2019 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.vleeuz, Arturo Angulo 2019",basisofrec:" ",event_year:1967,longitude:-85.6109314,latitude:11.21527767,species_id:165014399,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is distributed in Lake Nicaragua and its tributaries on the Atlantic versant of Nicaragua and northern Costa Rica, as well as in the Parismina and Matina River drainages on the Caribbean versant of Costa Rica. There are significant existing and potential threats to Lake Nicaragua and other Caribbean river drainages in Costa Rica, including land-use change resulting from agricultural development, pollution from domestic and agricultural sources, potential interactions with non-native species, as well as the construction of the Nicaragua Canal. These threats are inferred to have resulted in a reduction in the quality of available habitat. However, the Extent of Occurrence does not meet the minimum threshold to assess this species in a threatened category. Therefore, A. hubbsi is assessed as Near Threatened because it is close to meeting the minimum threshold for a threatened category under criterion B.
",geographicrange:"Atherinella hubbsi is distributed from southern Nicaragua to northern Costa Rica (Chernhoff et al. 1986, Bussing 1998, Angulo et al. 2013). In Costa Rica, it has been reported from the Lake Nicaragua, Frio, San Juan, San Carlos, Sarapiquí, Tortuguero, Parismina and Matina River drainages at elevations ranging from 35-540 meters above sea level (Angulo et al. 2013).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 23,925 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019, GBIF 2019). Given the regionally pervasive nature of existing threats, this species likely occurs in fewer than 10 locations.
",population:"Total population size is unknown. However, this species appears to be relatively abundant where it occurs, especially in the San Carlos and Sarapiquí River drainages (A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019). Population trend is suspected to be in decline, given recently reported mass mortality events in parts of the species range (Lorion and Kennedy 2009). However, the rate of decline is currently unknown.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Atherinella hubbsi is a freshwater pelagic species commonly found in creeks and rivers of low to high current velocity at temperatures between 22 and 30 °C (Bussing 1998). As with close congeners, it forms schools that move swiftly through surface waters (Bussing 1998). Diet is comprised primarily of terrestrial and aquatic insects, and a small amount of algae (Bussing 1998). Maximum reported body size is 7 cm standard length (SL) (Bussing 1998).
Other aspects of the ecology of this species are largely unknown.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards A. hubbsi. The range of this species includes a number of Protected Areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019), which are expected to confer indirect protection against habitat modification. More research regarding the impact of regional threats would be useful in guiding future conservation action.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:165014399,scientific_name:"Atherinella hubbsi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"ATHERINIFORMES",family:"ATHERINOPSIDAE",genus:"Atherinella",main_common_name:"Hubb's Silverside",authority:"(Bussing, 1979)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-09-16",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Angulo, A. & Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Contreras MacBeath, T.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"23925",elevation_upper:540,elevation_lower:35,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"NI",country:"Nicaragua",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"49830646",assessment_id:61474108,id_no:49830646,sci_name:"Creagrutus atratus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Herrera-Collazos, E.E.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"SiB Colombia; GBIF; FishNet2; speciesLink; CZUT-IC; IAvH-P; ICN-MHN; IMCN; MPUJ; CPUCLA; MCNG",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Colombia: 0",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:-73.71171,latitude:4.15365,species_id:49830646,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is assessed as Vulnerable. It has an area of occupancy (AOO) best estimated at 1,376 km2. Its distribution is affected by extensive deforestation of headwaters and riparian forest, extraction of water directly from rivers, urban and agro-industrial untreated effluents and transformation of channels by dams and canalization. There are two locations based on these threats and an inferred continuing decline in habitat quality.",geographicrange:'Creagrutus atratus is endemic to Colombia and known from the Andean piedmont. Its type locality is Río Caqueza, a tributary to Río Negro, about 2 km upstream of village of Caqueza, Meta drainage, Cundinamarca (Vari and Harold 2001). The species inhabis upper sections of rivers Upía, Meta and Arauca (Maldonado-Ocampo et al. 2008, Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2009).The habitat for Creagrutus atratus includes creeks, streams and rivers principally in piedmonts and mountains. It inhabits slow currents, clear waters and varied substrates (mud, sand, gravel). The fishes of the genus Creagrutus are omnivorous and feed on aquatic and terrestrial insects, plants and seeds. They can reach 70 mm in standard length. The reproduction is probably periodic and in the rainy season.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"3.1",title:"Oil & gas drilling",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"It is not known from any conservation sites or protected areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020) but is possibly in Natural Park Chingaza. There are no laws, regulations and educational programs for its protection. Awareness raising and communications are recommended. It is necessary to research the population size and distribution, threats and habitat.",usetrade:"There are no known uses for the species.
This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from two restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 349 m to 1380 m bsl. The impact of uncertainty around the total AOO, EOO and other biological factors mean that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from VU to EN, using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii). As the species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted AOO, and has been found at two locations, the threat of current and future anthropogenic influence in these sites based on exploration licenses for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites justifies an inferred and projected continuing decline in the extent and quality of habitat at hydrothermal vents, which would drive this species to CR very rapidly. There may already be disturbance to this species as there has been exploratory mining within the Japanese EEZ which can include extraction of mineral deposits to determine their composition and testing of seabed mining technology for future exploitation-phase licensing. A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining license arrangements or if there are future changes to the prices of relevant commodities.
",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to two locations at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure.
Location 1 is the Exclusive Economic Zone of the United States of America. Location 2 is the Exclusive Economic Zone of Japan. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 349 m to 1380 m bsl. It has been observed from two vent fields in the Mariana Arc: on the East Diamante seamount (in Location 1) and the Suiyo seamount (in Location 2) (Johnson et al. 2015, Stevens et al. 2015). The distance between the two vent fields is 1,497.71 km. The species is present over very small areas in each of these locations.
These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles and a human-occupied vehicle, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Johnson et al. 2015, Stevens et al. 2015).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to deep ocean hydrothermal vents in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from the active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 349 m to 1380 m bsl.
",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any West Pacific vent fields, however, further research is recommended to determine whether the populations would be susceptible to disturbance by mining, to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites, and to ascertain the dispersal capability for this species, as these will assist in re-evaluation of the conservation status of the species.
",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:145380159,scientific_name:"Alviniconcha adamantis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"HYPSOGASTROPODA",family:"PROVANNIDAE",genus:"Alviniconcha",main_common_name:"Diamante Punk-rock Snail",authority:"Johnson, Warén, Tunnicliffe, Van Dover, Wheat, Schultz & Vrijenhoek, 2014",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-04-09",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Thomas, E.A., Sigwart, J. & Chen, C.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"2995.42",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:349,depth_lower:1380,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"JP",country:"Japan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"US",country:"United States of America",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"174524",assessment_id:147083112,id_no:174524,sci_name:"Rhinocypha pelops",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Choong et al 2018b",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2017,longitude:102.72119,latitude:4.84575,species_id:174524,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Rhinocypha pelops is known from scattered locations in Peninsular Malaysia, southern Myanmar and Thailand. No accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is possible with the available data but it is not likely to be large and with the available data could be below 2,000 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and disturbance of forest throughout the range of the species. The species would qualify for Vulnerable status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) if the AOO was known to be below 2,000 km² and is therefore assessed as Near Threatened. However, it is a rather widely distributed species and it is to be hoped that when more data are available re-assessment to Least Concern will be possible.
",geographicrange:"Rhinocypha pelops is known from a few scattered locations in Peninsular Malaysia, southern Myanmar and Thailand (Choong et al. 2018, Hämäläinen 2017, Laidlaw 1936, Lieftinck 1948, N. Makbun et al. personal communication 2019; the assessor also has unpublished data from Selangor). The assessor is aware of records from only seven locations (for which coordinates could only be found for six). The species is present in protected areas, for instance Khao Phanom Bencha National Park in Thailand. No accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is possible with the available data but it is not likely to be large and with the available data could well be below 2,000 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and disturbance of forest throughout the range of the species.
",population:"Few individuals of this species have ever been collected, but this may be due, at least in part, to the behaviour and relatively cryptic colouration of the species. However at two of the known sites in Thailand it has been recorded regularly. Beyond this all that can be said is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and disturbance of forest throughout the range of the species and that severe fragmentation is highly likely for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:'This species occurs at forest streams on hills and mountains, Orr (2005) states that this species is found at "small secluded streams in dense lowland forest". Females are encountered more often than males. It is not known if the species is tolerant of much disturbance to its habitats but given that the majority of recent records are from protected areas it may not be. The assessor found this species in lightly disturbed but never logged hill forest in Selangor. An ongoing decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat is evident from loss and disturbance of forest throughout the range of the species.
',threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More information on the distribution, abundance, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance o this elusive species are urgently needed.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:174524,scientific_name:"Rhinocypha pelops",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROCYPHIDAE",genus:"Rhinocypha",main_common_name:null,authority:"Laidlaw, 1936",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-13",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"2000-2500",eoo_km2:"240200-313618",elevation_upper:950,elevation_lower:20,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MM",country:"Myanmar",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"TH",country:"Thailand",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2011",assess_year:"2010",code:"LC",category:"Least Concern"}]},{id:"163593",assessment_id:138281651,id_no:163593,sci_name:"Tetrathemis flavescens",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Cleary et al 2004",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2e3,longitude:116.35,latitude:-.95,species_id:163593,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Tetrathemis flavescens is known from scattered records from Borneo and Sumatera, including Belitung, and also from Cambodia. Although the species may be under-recorded it is clearly very local in occurrence and not common even where it does occur. Only 12 locations have been recorded for the species. At least two of the known locations in Sarawak are almost certain to be lost to development within the next two decades. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is inferred to be declining, as are the extent and quality of suitable habitat, due to loss of lowland forest, especially swamp forest, throughout most of its range. It is suspected that the overall population is already severely fragmented. The species would qualify for Vulnerable status if its AOO was known to be below 2,000 km² and severe fragmentation was definite, and is therefore assessed as Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:"Tetrathemis flavescens is known from scattered records from Borneo and Sumatra (e.g. Lieftinck 1935) including Belitung (e.g. Dow et al. 2017), and also from Cambodia (Kosterin and Chartier 2018). Records from Borneo are from East Kalimantan (Cleary et al. 2004, Dolny et al. 2011) and Sarawak (Dow and Reels 2013, Dow et al. 2019; the assessor also has unpublished data). It is likely that the species also occurs in Peninsular Malaysia and the south of Thailand, but this requires confirmation. The assessor is aware of records from 12 locations to which it is possible to assign coordinates, one of which is within Gunung Mulu National Park in Sarawak. At least two of the locations in Sarawak are almost certain to be lost to development within the next two decades. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is inferred to be declining due to loss of lowland forest, especially swamp forest, throughout most of its range.
",population:"This is a very locally occurring species usually only encountered singly or in small numbers. It may be under-recorded due to its habits, but is certainly not common. No sensible estimate of current population sizes can be made with the available data but the overall population is inferred to be declining from loss of habitat across the range of this species and it is likely to be severely fragmented for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species has most often been found in swamp forest, including peat swamp forest, and has also been found at slow streams and natural ponds in lowland forest. However it is apparently absent from most seemingly suitable habitat. It has been found in forest disturbed by selective logging, and in a (large) buffer of original forest around a stream in acacia plantation. The available information suggests that it is most active in the morning, which may be a factor contributing to under-recording of the species. An ongoing decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from loss of lowland forest throughout most of the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution of this species are needed, especially on its occurrence, or not, in Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand. It would undoubtedly benefit from good conservation practices in plantations, such as leaving wide buffers of original forest around streams and the setting up of conservation areas consisting of original forest and including stream heads, and the strict enforcement of existing regulations for plantations and for logging activities.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:163593,scientific_name:"Tetrathemis flavescens",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"LIBELLULIDAE",genus:"Tetrathemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Kirby, 1889",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-01-22",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:300,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"KH",country:"Cambodia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"}]},{id:"173831550",assessment_id:173831554,id_no:173831550,sci_name:"Farlowella gianetii",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Ballen et al. 2016",basisofrec:null,event_year:2004,longitude:-53.09277778,latitude:-13.51444444,species_id:173831550,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Farlowella gianetii is restricted to headwater streams and tributary rivers in the upper Xingu River basin, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 492 km2 and area of occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be 24 km2, based on a limited number of georeferenced collection records. Total population size and population trend are unknown. The primary threat to this species is land-use change associated with deforestation, farming, ranching, and mining (Sousa et al. 2018). However, the direct impact and scope of existing threats have not been quantified and therefore it is not possible to accurately estimate the number of threat-based locations where this species occurs. Therefore, F. gianetii is assessed as Near Threatened under criterion B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii). Additional ichthyological surveys will be necessary to clarify range extent, population size, and population trend, and may result in qualification for a higher threatened category.",geographicrange:"Farlowella gianetii is restricted to the upper Xingu River basin, having been reported from the Couto de Magalhães and Culuene Rivers, and from smaller tributaries in Mato Grosso State, Brazil (Ballen et al. 2016).
Extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 492 km2, calculated by generating a minimum convex polygon around georeferenced collection records (Ballen et al. 2016). Area of occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be 24 km2, calculated by overlaying a 2x2 km grid on known collection localities. Because there are a limited number of targeted surveys in adjacent streams, and due to uncertainties regarding the scope and direct impact of existing threats, the number of threat-based locations where this species occurs cannot be determined with accuracy. More comprehensive survey efforts will probably yield a number of additional collection localities and are necessary to clarify the range extent of this species.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is known from rivers and tributary streams in the upper Xingu River basin (Ballen et al. 2016).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards F. gianetii. This species is not known to occur within the boundaries of existing protected areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). More comprehensive ichthyological surveys in the upper Xingu River basin will be necessary to clarify range extent, population size, and population trend. Additional research regarding the direct impact and scope of existing threats would be useful in clarifying the conservation status of this species.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:173831550,scientific_name:"Farlowella gianetii",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LORICARIIDAE",genus:"Farlowella",main_common_name:null,authority:"Ballen, Pastana & Peixoto, 2016",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-11-16",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Reis, R.",aoo_km2:"24",eoo_km2:"492",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"197113",assessment_id:170706660,id_no:197113,sci_name:"Ceylonosticta nietneri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2014)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.1882,latitude:6.7546,species_id:197113,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Ceylonosticta nietneri is endemic to Sri Lanka, where it is found in the wet zone. The assessors are aware of records from 39 individual sites, but some of these are sufficiently close together that they constitute single threat-defined locations (taking clearance of forest as the main threat) so that about 33 locations are known. However, the occurrence of the species in the northern part of its range around Kandy has not been confirmed in the last 50 years. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is smaller than 500 km² (meeting the criterion B2 threshold for Endangered) and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 5,819–8,329 km², which meets the criterion B1 threshold for Vulnerable. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B2ab(ii,iii)).',geographicrange:'Ceylonosticta nietneri is endemic to Sri Lanka where it is found in the wet zone (Bedjanič et al. 2014, 2016; Sumanapala 2017, unpub. data). The assessors are aware of records from 39 individual sites, but some of these are sufficiently close together that they constitute single threat-defined locations (taking clearance of forest as the main threat), so about 33 locations are known. The occurrence of the species in the northern part of its range around Kandy hasn’t been confirmed in the last 50 years. Some locations are within protected areas (for example, Sinharaja Forest Reserve). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data it will be below 500 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 5,819 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 8,329 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
',population:"This species can be quite common where it occurs but an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest within its range. The overall population is clearly already severely fragmented because suitable habitat is.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Sumanapala (2017) states “This species inhabits rainforest habitats and they are mainly found close to small streams. Adults perch close to the ground, usually on bare twigs, stems, leaves or fallen leaf litter.” The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:197113,scientific_name:"Ceylonosticta nietneri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Ceylonosticta",main_common_name:"Nietner’s Shadowdamsel",authority:"Fraser, 1931",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-12",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"156-500",eoo_km2:"5819-8329",elevation_upper:800,elevation_lower:100,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"18897",assessment_id:60642525,id_no:18897,sci_name:"Systomus pleurotaenia",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Malka Fernando",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:"Sri Lanka",tax_comm:null,source:"CHE00116",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2016,longitude:80.333333,latitude:6.25,species_id:18897,taxonomicnotes:"Genus was changed to Systomus by Pethiyagoda et al. (2012).",rationale:"Systomus pleurotaenia is a range-restricted, endemic species, known from eight locations in the south western lowland of Sri Lanka. Its estimated Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is 4763 km2 and Area of Occupancy (AOO) is 240 km2. Systomus pleurotaenia is thought to face high vulnerability owing to poison fishing and unsustainable construction of mini hydro power stations, habitat degradation owing to siltage and agrochemical accumulation. These threats are likely to continue as the area is undergoing agricultural expansion and development and there is no current protection for a majority of its habitat. The species is therefore assessed as a Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"Systomus pleurotaenia is endemic to Sri Lanka and restricted to the lowland wet zone, however, it has not been found to occur close to the coastal areas.",population:"No population data is available for this species regarding its size or trend. However, threats such as urbanisation, pollution and modifications to its natural habitats may cause a decline in the population numbers of this uncommon species.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Systomus pleurotaenia is found in clear, well oxygenated streams and rivers up to a minimum of 400 mm in depth, though juveniles ascend small, shallow streams (200-300 mm). The favoured habitat seems to be streams that are shaded by tall trees and rocky substratum. The upper two thirds of the water column is mostly utilized, but these fish demonstrate a preference to schooling at around 200-400 mm below the surface of the water, over the deeper part of the stream. These fish can be found feeding at all levels of the strata and are generalists in relation to their dietary intake, which includes chironomid larvae, ephemeropteran larvae and terrestrial insects. Multiple authors indicate that this species is a generalist (Vijverber et al. 2017, Senanayaka 1980, Pethiyagoda 1991, De Silva et al. 2015).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.2",title:"Intentional use: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation measures are documented for this species.",usetrade:"During the early 1990's, Systomus pleurotaenia was exported in the aquarium trade (Petiyagoda 1991) but its numbers have reduced since (Gunasekara 2011).",taxonid:18897,scientific_name:"Systomus pleurotaenia",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"CYPRINIDAE",genus:"Systomus",main_common_name:"Side Striped Barb",authority:"(Bleeker, 1863)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-07-29",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Fernado, M., Kotagama, O. & de Alwis Goonatilake, S.",reviewer:"Daniels, A. & Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"240",eoo_km2:"4763.384",elevation_upper:656,elevation_lower:89,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"LR/cd",category:"Lower Risk/conservation dependent"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"195636619",assessment_id:196182301,id_no:195636619,sci_name:"Leioproctus filamentosus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jess Marsh",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"National Environmental Science Program (NESP)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"ALA",basisofrec:null,event_year:1992,longitude:151.22,latitude:-33.87,species_id:195636619,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is listed as Vulnerable on the basis that it is suspected to have undergone a population reduction of between 20 and 40% immediately following the 2019-2020 bushfire season. Although no other immediate threats have been identified, fire seasons are expected to increase in scale and intensity and as such the cause of this decline has not ceased.",geographicrange:"This species occurs in New South Wales from the coast up to the Great Dividing Range, from Sydney south to the border with Victoria (Atlas of Living Australia 2021). The extent of occurrence based on a minimum convex polygon encompassing the known localities is 14,824 km2.",population:"There are numerous records of this species. It is estimated that the 2019-2020 bushfires overlapped with 36% of the species' extent of occurrence, and impacted 48% of the known localities, based on overlaying fire coverage maps over its extent of occurrence and vegetation cover (National Environmental Science Program and J. Dorey unpubl. data). Experts consider it plausible that this may correspond to a global population decline of 20-40%, as mortality from fire is expected to be high (and in other species has been estimated to reach 90% in areas of high intensity fire, and up to 70% from moderate intensity fire).Stylogomphus malayanus is only known from Peninsular Malaysia, where it is has been recorded from Perak, a location less than 30 km away in the Cameron Highlands District and a record from a location in Kelantan that may or may not refer to this species. Even counting the location in Kelantan, at most three locations have been recorded for the species. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) cannot be made with the available data, but it may be small; currently available data indicate that AOO is less than 2,000 km² (it is likely to be considerably less than this). The AOO, extent and quality of suitable habitat are all inferred to be declining from severe loss of forest in the Cameron Highlands. The species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and D2. Hopefully when more information is available on the distribution of the species it may be possible to reassess it into a lower threat category, however, given the likely very small AOO for this species, reassessment to Endangered or Critically Endangered seems likely.
",geographicrange:"Stylogomphus malayanus is only known from Peninsular Malaysia, where it is known from one location in Perak (Sasamoto 2001, 2004); a location less than 30 km away in the Cameron Highlands District of Pahang (Ng et al. 2011); and a record that may or may not refer to this species, from Gunung Stong in Kelantan (Choong et al. 2017). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) cannot be made with the available data, but it may be small; based on the data currently available the AOO is less than 2,000 km² (it is likely to be considerably less than this). The AOO is inferred to be declining from severe loss of forest in the Cameron Highlands.
",population:"There is insufficient information about this species to make any statement on current population sizes and health except that an ongoing decline in overall population can be inferred from loss of forest in the Cameron Highlands area.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"The larvae of this species were collected at a “clean stream” in tropical rain forest (Sasamoto 2001) and in similar habitat but at higher altitude in the Cameron Highlands (Ng et al. 2011). Both the extent and quality of suitable habitat are certainly declining due to loss of forest in the Cameron Highlands.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Protected status for the known sites is needed (from satellite images dated from 2016 clearance of forest is approaching the site in the Cameron Highlands). More data on the distribution of this species is urgently needed.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139372569,scientific_name:"Stylogomphus malayanus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Stylogomphus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Sasamoto, 2001",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-12-21",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii); D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"20-1999",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:1600,elevation_lower:600,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"139070447",assessment_id:139118553,id_no:139070447,sci_name:"Planaeschna asahinai",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow & T. Kompier",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Karube 2011",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:107.866,latitude:16.197,species_id:139070447,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Planaeschna asahinai was described from Bach Ma National Park in central Viet Nam and is known from 1—2 locations within the National Park and three different locations close to the Laotian border. It is likely that the species also occurs in Laos, and it should be looked for there. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species, but since there is much forest cover remaining in the area (including protected and semi-protected areas) surrounding the known locations and in the adjacent part of Laos this decline may not be too severe at present. Its extent of occurrence is 353–1,580 km². The habitat requirements of this species are not well understood. Strict application of IUCN criteria place this species in Endangered under criterion (EN B1ab(ii,iii)) and it is assessed as such. However, this assessment is likely to change rapidly when more information becomes available, and it is to be hoped that eventually it will be found that the species qualifies for Near Threatened or Least Concern status.
",geographicrange:"Planaeschna asahinai was described from Bach Ma National Park in central Viet Nam (Karube 2011). Kompier recorded the species again from Bach Ma in 2016 (probably from a distinct location within the National Park from the type locality), and at two different locations close to the Laotian border in Thua Thien (Hue Province) in the same year. Karube et al. (2020) recorded it from the Sao La Nature Reserve in Thua Thien (Hue Province). It is likely that the species also occurs in Laos, and it should be looked for there. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species, but since there is much forest cover remaining in the area (including protected and semi-protected areas) surrounding the known locations and in the adjacent part of Laos this decline may not be too severe at present. The minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) for this species (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known locations) is 353 km²; maximum EOO (based on a MCP around the known occupied HydroBASINS) is 1,580 km².
",population:"All that can be said with the available data is that at least some ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Karube (2011) records that a male was “collected in crepuscular flight near the ground” and “a female was collected ovipositing into dry mossy rock about 1 m above the water level”. Nothing was recorded about the forest cover, but this is most likely a forest dependent species. Karube (2011) does not mention what type of water body the species was ovipositing above, but it was most likely a stream. Kompier (unpub. data) found a female hawking over a road in the late afternoon in Bach Ma while two specimens close to the Laotian border were caught inside rocky secluded gullies with streams inside forest cover. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range, although large areas of good forest remain at present in the area and Bach Ma National Park at least is generally well-protected.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and on the threats that it faces. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139070447,scientific_name:"Planaeschna asahinai",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"AESHNIDAE",genus:"Planaeschna",main_common_name:null,authority:"Karube, 2011",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-05-05",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A. & Kompier, T.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"353-1580",elevation_upper:1400,elevation_lower:1e3,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"128725538",assessment_id:128725635,id_no:128725538,sci_name:"Schizothorax esocinus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Zoo Outreach Organization (ZOO)",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:71.77538,latitude:35.7703,species_id:128725538,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Schizothorax esocinus is known to occur within Pakistan, India, Nepal and China. It is a big fish and exploited heavily as a food fish. It is suspected to have declined by 40% in the last 10 years due to a number of threats including the impact of invasive species, droughts, illegal fishing, dynamiting, dams and pollution. Due to increasing intensity of the continuing threats it is suspected to decline by similar rates if not more over the next 10 years. It is therefore categorized as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"Schizothorax esocinus occurs in inland waters of India, Nepal, Afghanistan and Pakistan. In India it has been recorded in Kashmir (Mir et al. 2014). In northern Pakistan this species has been recorded in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (Khan et al. 2004). Wu and Wu (1992) report this species from China but this needs to be confirmed (N. Dahanukar pers. comm. 2020).",population:"In 2004 the population of Schizothorax esocinus in Pakistan was estimated to have declined by >40% from 1994-2004, and was predicted to decline by >60% between 2004-2014, due to a number of threats including the impact of invasive species (Khan et al. 2004). The population significantly declined after the introduction of Cyprinus carpio in Kashmir Valley, and increasing human activity (Mir et al. 2014), and possibly declined in India due to predation of young by invasive Brown Trout and competition with Common Carp (Sehgal 1999). It is now rare in the River Swat, Pakistan, due to illegal fishing using electricity and dynamite (Ishaq et al. 2014).Unlike other species of Photuris, which are difficult to distinguish from one another morphologically and are often placed into species complexes, P. mysticalampas has a morphological character—an oval outline when viewed from above—that clearly distinguishes it from other species within its range (Heckscher 2013, Lloyd 2018).
",rationale:"Photuris mysticalampas is a rare habitat specialist known from just five localities within a single county on the Delmarva Peninsula of Delaware. Four of these five sites are in the Nanticoke River watershed. The main threats to this species are habitat loss due to sea level rise and increased storm surges associated with climate change. It has an estimated extent of occurrence (EOO) of 1,050 km2 and is known from only one or two locations, at least one of which and possibly both are threatened by sea level rise, which is projected to increase 0.5 to 1.5 m by 2100. This would inundate much of the tidal freshwater floodplains upon which this species relies. Brief surveys in recent years suggest that one of these sites may no longer be occupied. Assuming each occupied site encompasses an area no larger than 4 km2, this species has an estimated area of occurrence (AOO) of only 16 km2 (20 km2 if all five sites are extant). Additional inventory work would be helpful in confirming this species’ global distribution; however, it is quite possibly endemic to the Delmarva Peninsula. Given the size of the current EOO and AOO, the small number of locations, the continuing decline in area and quality of habitat, and the suspected decline in area of occupancy (AOO) due to the apparent loss of an occupied site, this species is categorized as Endangered under criteria B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii).",geographicrange:"The entire known range of Photuris mysticalampas occurs within Sussex County, Delaware, USA. This species has an estimated extent of occurrence (EOO) of 1,050 km2. It is estimated that the current known population occurs within five localities, one of which may no longer be extant. Four of the five sites are in one contiguous riverine floodplain system. Assuming that each extant locality occurs within a 4 km2 area, the area of occupancy (AOO) could be as low as 16 km2. Even if the species is extant elsewhere, it is unlikely that it occurs in over 100 additional localities, to reach the maximum AOO threshold for Endangered.
",population:"This species has a very small range. Detailed data on population size, trend, and abundance are not available. This species is known from four to five sites in a single county in Delaware (C. Heckscher pers. obs.). Faust (2017) notes that large groups of over one hundred males can be observed, suggesting the species can be locally abundant.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Photuris mysticalampas appears to be a habitat specialist associated with forested peatland floodplains of high ecological quality, where Atlantic white cedar is often codominant (Heckscher 2013, Faust 2017, NatureServe 2020). This firefly has not been found outside of wetland borders (C. Heckscher pers. obs.). Deep peat with sphagnum hummocks and dense vegetation appears to be an important habitat feature for this species (C. Heckscher pers. obs.). Larvae may be restricted to these areas, and adults can be seen emerging from sphagnum hummocks at dusk (C. Heckscher pers. obs., NatureServe 2020).
Photuris larvae are typically dietary generalists, scavenging around damp areas at night looking to consume snails, worms, other soft-bodied invertebrates, and even plant material, such as berries (Buschman 1984). Adults are active at night, usually flying from mid-June into late July (NatureServe 2020), and give off single flashes of medium luminosity typically every 3 to 7 seconds (C. Heckscher pers. obs.). Females of this species may feed as adults by mimicking the female flash patterns of other firefly species (including Photinus, Pyractomena, and Photuris) to lure in males for consumption (NatureServe 2020). In doing this, female Photuris fireflies sequester protective toxins, called lucibufagins, which are produced by other firefly species, to pass on to their offspring.
",threats:[{code:"11.4",title:"Storms & flooding",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.6",title:"Excess energy",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.6.1",title:"Light pollution",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"At least two and possibly all five sites occur on protected public land in the Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge (Delaware Bay Estuary) and Nanticoke Wildlife Area (Chesapeake Bay Estuarine Complex) (Heckscher 2013, Protected Planet 2020). This firefly is listed as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need in Delaware’s State Wildlife Action Plan (Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife 2015), but there are no specific conservation measures in place to protect it. Given this species’ habitat associations and the fact that it may be dependent on cool groundwater seepage from surrounding uplands (C. Heckscher pers. obs.), protection of forested buffers along occupied floodplain corridors is recommended.
Continued inventory of peatland floodplain forest is needed in the Nanticoke watershed in Delaware and Maryland and in other areas of the Delmarva Peninsula. This species has not been found in similar habitat in New Jersey despite limited survey effort (NatureServe 2020). Similarly, seemingly suitable habitat just north of the known localities was surveyed but not found to be occupied (NatureServe 2020).
",usetrade:"There are no known uses of this species for trade, harvest, or ecotourism. However, luciferase, the enzyme responsible for catalyzing the light producing reaction in firefly lanterns, has many practical uses in biomedical and food safety research (Lewis 2016). From the late 1940s until as recently as the 1980s, harvesting of fireflies was carried out on a large scale. By the 1960s, between 500,000 and one million wild fireflies were harvested per year by the public, who were paid by McElroy Labs for their specimens (Lewis 2016). Subsequently, Sigma (now the Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Company) built a network of firefly collectors nationwide that reportedly brought in millions of specimens every year (Lewis 2016). These collectors did not discriminate between species, so it is impossible to determine the degree to which P. mysticalampas was impacted. This species is considered rare; however, it is possible it was more abundant in the past. Synthetic luciferase has been available since 1985, so there is no reason for wild harvest to continue. However, it may still take place at a small scale (Lewis 2016).
",taxonid:164045835,scientific_name:"Photuris mysticalampas",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"COLEOPTERA",family:"LAMPYRIDAE",genus:"Photuris",main_common_name:"Mysterious Lantern Firefly",authority:"Heckscher, 2013",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-12-02",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Fallon, C. & Heckscher, C.",reviewer:"Lewis, S.",aoo_km2:"16-20",eoo_km2:"1050",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"US",country:"United States of America",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"157867345",assessment_id:157867480,id_no:157867345,sci_name:"Lepetodrilus tevnianus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Nova Hanson",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-115.45600128,latitude:-23.82329941,species_id:157867345,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise and Galápagos Rift in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from nine restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2,330 m to 2,845 m bsl. The species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields and has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO), suggesting that it would be threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. All known locations fall within International Waters with no conservation measures in place. Whilst no licences have been granted to date, if mining were to be approved within any of these locations, this species is projected to experience decline in the extent and quality of its habitat. The presence of the species across a large geographical area owing to the spread of hydrothermal vent fields across ocean ridges might give cause for Least Concern (LC), however, this vent species is endemic to vent environments and only occupies a small area of suitable habitat (~36 km²) which is significantly below the Vulnerable (VU) category threshold for AOO under criterion B. Therefore, it would only take a small number of mining events to drive the species to extinction and a reassessment would be merited in the event of mining licences being granted, whereby the species would be capable of becoming Vulnerable (VU B2ab(iii)).The type locality of this species is Shangay creek (=Changay=Shancay, also named Pindaití), a tributary of the río Uruguay in Misiones, Argentina. It is endemic to the province of Misiones, with presence at the type locality and at Ramos Stream (Ramos Ponzón stream), tributary of the Acaraguá River, a tributary of the middle Uruguay River (Schenone et al. 2011, Rosso et al. 2013).
",population:"The number of individuals that were collected together was not above 17 individuals, and so we cannot assume that this species moves in shoals. No data were found on its population abbundance.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Shangay creek, as a tributary of the Uruguay River in Misiones, belongs to environments that have rapids and small falls with clear flowing water, pools, and some areas with slow current. The depth of the streams vary from 0.4-1.3 m and the bottom is composed of sand, and mostly stones (Almirón et al. 2004). Ramos Stream (Ramos Ponzón stream), in Misiones province, is a small mountain first order tributary of the Acaraguá River, a tributary of the middle Uruguay River (Schenone et al. 2011, Rosso et al. 2013), located among the central highlands of Misiones province (municipality of Campo Ramón) surrounded by subtropical rainforests where thermal seasonality is evident but hydrological variation is not as predictable as temperature.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'Bryconamericus ytu has been assessed as "Rara" (Chebez et al. 2009). It exists in a “Private Reserve Chancay”, created in 1991, of 263 hectares at Santa Rita, preserving species and genetic diversity, in rainforests near Shangay stream (Gil and Lobo 2012). It is managed by Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina and visitors are not allowed. Recommendations include adopting urgent and concrete conservation measures that encompass the regulated use of streams, and protection the streams in the area. Shangay stream is suggested to be highly altered, and so it might need not only protection but also restoration according to Araya (2017). This author suggests a similar state to Ramos stream.',usetrade:"There is no use or trade information for this species.",taxonid:176425529,scientific_name:"Bryconamericus ytu",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Bryconamericus",main_common_name:"Mojarra",authority:"Almirón, Azpelicueta & Casciotta, 2004",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-11-19",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Liotta, J. & Fuchs, D.V.",reviewer:"Lyons, T.J.",aoo_km2:"8-5236,8-499",eoo_km2:"5502",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AR",country:"Argentina",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"173252358",assessment_id:173252372,id_no:173252358,sci_name:"Pangio bhujia",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Sidharthan, A.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Cherinjal, Kozhikode district, Kerala, India,",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Anoop et al (2019)",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2019,longitude:75.868611,latitude:11.295,species_id:173252358,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Pangio bhujia has a restricted distribution, found in two locations in the State of Kerala, India, where it has an extent of occurrence of 3,568 km2. A continuing decline has been inferred in the area of occupancy, and the quality of habitats due to threats including unmanaged extraction of groundwater, laterite mining, pollution and deterioration of the quality of water in the wells. The species is hence assessed as Endangered. Urgent attention is required to develop and implement management strategies for managing groundwater extraction in the region, and improved awareness and education for environmental stewardship.
",geographicrange:"Pangio bhujia is currently known from a homestead well in its type locality at Cherinjal, Kozhikode district, Kerala, India (Anoop et al. 2019), and from Indianoor, Malappuram, around 40 km south of the type locality (Sundar et al. 2022).",population:"There is no information on the population status, or trends of the species. The species is known from less than 10 specimens.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The habitat of the species was a six-meter-deep homestead well used for drinking and irrigation purposes, and a shallow channel (<0.4m depth) connecting a pond to an adjacent paddy field located ~200 m away from the well. The pond which had laterite rock walls had a substrate with a mix of sand and clay and was covered with decayed leaves (Anoop et al. 2019).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.5",title:"Abstraction of ground water (domestic use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.7",title:"Abstraction of ground water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No species-specific conservation actions are in place. There is a need to understand and generate baseline information on micro-level distribution, population and location-specific threats of this species to develop future conservation strategies. Targeted campaigns need to be taken up in the distribution range of this species to improve awareness regarding the unique habitats and species.
",usetrade:"No information is available regarding either the use, or trade of this species.
",taxonid:173252358,scientific_name:"Pangio bhujia",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"COBITIDAE",genus:"Pangio",main_common_name:null,authority:"Anoop, Britz, Arjun, Dahanukar & Raghavan, 2019",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-09-26",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Dahanukar, N. & Sidharthan, A.",reviewer:"Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"2408",eoo_km2:"3568",elevation_upper:40,elevation_lower:40,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"IN",country:"India",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.18",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Karst and Other Subterranean Hydrological Systems (inland)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"165014363",assessment_id:165014998,id_no:165014363,sci_name:"Astyanax anai",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.J.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Angulo et al. 2018, A. Angulo 2019",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:1923,longitude:-82.62138889,latitude:9.45416667,species_id:165014363,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is limited to a few drainages (Sixaola and San San) on the Atlantic slope of southeastern Costa Rica and western Panama. While this species is known from a limited number of collection records, Extent of Occurrence is not expected to exceed 5,000 km2. Given the pervasive nature of non-point agricultural pollution, this species is suspected to occur in fewer than five locations. Land-use changes in the Sixaola River drainage have had documented impacts on the area, extent, and quality of available habitat. Additionally, continuous fish kills resulting from pesticide pollution have been reported. As such, this species is assessed as Endangered (EN) under criterion B1ab(iii,v). More research is needed to reduce uncertainties in distribution, population status, biology and ecology, and magnitude of threats.
",geographicrange:"This species is restricted to the Sixaola River basin in Costa Rica-Panama and the San San River (Panama), at elevations ranging from 1-100 meters above sea level (Angulo et al. 2018). In Colombian drainages, it is replaced by the close congeners Astanax bopiensis, A. embera, A. orthodus and A. yariguies (Ruiz et al. 2018).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 523 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (Angulo et al. 2018, A. Angulo pers comm. 2019). While this may be an underestimate resulting from limited sampling, EOO is very unlikely to exceed 5,000 km2. Given the pervasive nature of non-point agricultural pollution, this species is suspected to occur in fewer than five locations.
",population:"Total population size is currently unknown. Population trend is suspected to be in decline, given recently reported mass mortality events in the Sixaola River (Polidoro and Morra 2016). It is anecdotally reported as uncommon by Bussing (1998), McLarney et al. (2008) and Angulo et al. (2018).
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This freshwater, benthopelagic species inhabits streams and ponds, in waters with stagnant to swift current and temperatures ranging from 21 to 32 °C (Bussing 1998, Froese and Pauly 2019). In the Watsi River, Costa Rica, this species has been found at temperatures reaching 36 C (Angulo et al. 2018). Astyanax anai is usually found in pools and backwaters, where it shelters among roots, or in caves and undercuts (McLarney et al. 2008, Angulo et al. 2018). This species co-occurs with A. nicaraguensis, being relatively uncommon and usually less abundant than the former, except in well-preserved environments, with calm and shallow waters, where A. anai reaches greater relative abundances (McLarney et al. 2008, Angulo et al. 2018). This species feeds mainly on seeds, as well as terrestrial and aquatic insects (Angulo et al. 2018). Maximum reported body size is 13 cm standard length (SL) (Angulo et al. 2018).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation actions directed towards A. anai. This species would benefit from more research on distribution, population status, biology and ecology, and the impacts of major threatening factors. Additionally, habitat and population monitoring would be useful in accurately determining rate of loss.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:165014363,scientific_name:"Astyanax anai",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Astyanax",main_common_name:"Anai's Tetra",authority:"Angulo, Santos, López, Langeani & McMahan, 2018",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-09-13",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Angulo, A. & Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Ardon, D.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"523",elevation_upper:100,elevation_lower:1,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"197125",assessment_id:170686265,id_no:197125,sci_name:"Libellago corbeti",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2014)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.25,latitude:6.26,species_id:197125,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Libellago corbeti is endemic to Sri Lanka where it is known from scattered locations in the wet zone. The assessors are aware of records from 37 individual sites, which constitute lower number of isolated threat-defined locations (but >10; deforestation is the main threat). Some locations are within protected areas, for instance the Sinharaja Forest Reserve. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is likely to be below 500 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining, along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat, due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 2,634–5,605 km². The overall population is already severely fragmented. This species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)+B2ab(ii,iii)).
',geographicrange:'Libellago corbeti is endemic to Sri Lanka where it is known from scattered locations in the wet zone (van der Poorten 2011, Bedjanič et al. 2014, Sumanapala 2017, unpub. data). The assessors are aware of records from 37 individual sites, which are in scattered clusters and constitute fewer (but >10) threat-defined locations (taking deforestation as the main threat). Some locations are within protected areas, for instance the Sinharaja Forest Reserve. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible, but with the available data it will be smaller than 500 km². However, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 2,634 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); maximum EOO is 5,605 km² (based on an MCP around known occupied HydroBASINS); its true EOO is likely to be smaller than 5,000 km².
This species is at best locally common and according to Sumanapala (2017) it is “Restricted to lowland and lower montane forests in the south-western wet zone and its vicinity “. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of forest within its range and the overall population is clearly already severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"“It inhabits slow-flowing streams with a dense canopy cover, and is usually more abundant in the presence of emerging aquatic plants upon which they frequently perch.” Sumanapala (2017). The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small-scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas, where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clear-cutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:197125,scientific_name:"Libellago corbeti",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROCYPHIDAE",genus:"Libellago",main_common_name:"Ebony Gem",authority:"van der Poorten, 2009",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-07-31",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"74-500",eoo_km2:"2634-5605",elevation_upper:550,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"109725584",assessment_id:109725588,id_no:109725584,sci_name:"Sulawesidrobia datar",presence:4,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",legend:"Possibly Extinct",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Sulawesi",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2005,longitude:121.311533,latitude:-2.437683,species_id:109725584,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is known only from Lake Matano where it was last recorded in 2005 but is likely to have been present up to 2013. The current threats to this species are nickel mining and hydro-electric power installations on the outlet of Danau Matano, which impact outflow and natural water level fluctuations, while the rapidly expanding human population and erosion around the lake are also causing siltation. Invasive species also threaten this species through direct predation. Not a single specimen of this species was observed in 2017 or 2018 from sites where they have been found to be abundant before. A thick algal cover was observed at all six sites visited in 2017/2018 on rocks, submerged roots and also soft substrates. While some algal cover was observed before, this seems to have spread dramatically to sites where none was previously observed, on rocks and roots in particular (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2018). Whether this apparent eutrophication is linked to the eradication of native molluscs by the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlid or to water level regulation by the mining company PT Vale remains to be investigated. There is thought to have been a decline in the population size of >90% over the last 10 years and the lack of specimens seen in 2017/2018 suggest this species is Possibly Extinct. This species is therefore assessed as Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct) and additional surveys are required to confirm if this species is still extant.
",geographicrange:"This small gastropod species is endemic to Lake Matano in the Malili Lake system (Sulawesi, Indonesia) and where it was only recorded from a single locality on the northern shore in 2005 (Zielske et al. 2010). It has not been recorded in subsequent surveys in 2007. Recent surveys in 2017 and 2018 have failed to find this species at the known site, and due to observed changes in habitat quality, there are concerns that the species may now be Possibly Extinct (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2018).",population:"This species has only been recorded at a single locality in Lake Matano, where it was last recorded in 2005 but is likely to have been present up to 2013 before invasive cichlids spread within the lake. There is thought to have been a >90% population decline within the last 10 years and it is considered Possibly Extinct after surveys in 2017 and 2018 failed to recover the species (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2018).
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species has only been recorded in the freshwater Lake Matano and is a rock dweller.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no known conservation actions currently in place for this species and research into its distribution is recommended, as additional surveys are needed to confirm whether this species is still extant and whether it is present in any springs/rivers entering the lake. If it is still extant then protection of its known localities and habitat is required, along with invasive species control and monitoring of population and habitat quality trends.
",usetrade:"This species is not thought to be utilised.",taxonid:109725584,scientific_name:"Sulawesidrobia datar",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"LITTORINIMORPHA",family:"TATEIDAE",genus:"Sulawesidrobia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Zielske, Glaubrecht & Haase, 2011",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-08-22",category:"CR",criteria:"A2ace",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rintelen, T.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Possibly Extinct",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Possibly Extinct"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"135436679",assessment_id:135436732,id_no:135436679,sci_name:"Elattoneura longispina",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:" ",source:"Choong 2008",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2006,longitude:103.879,latitude:1.823,species_id:135436679,taxonomicnotes:"Dow and Silvius (2014) recorded unusually small individuals of this species, with reduced and atypical pale markings, at three peat swamp forest sites in Central Kalimantan. They also recorded typical individuals at a stream and individuals that were possibly intermediate between the two forms in a habitat that was intermediate. It is not clear whether the atypical form is merely due phenotypic plasticity in E. longispina or represents a distinct species or speciation in process. In the assessors opinion phenotypic plasticity is the most likely explanation, however individuals from peat swamp forest in Sarawak are normal. For the purposes of assessment all are treated as E. longispina, but with uncertainty over the peat swamp forest form.
",rationale:"Elattoneura longispina is known from scattered locations in Belitung, Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia. Twelve to 15 locations are considered to be currently known. It is not possible to make an accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species, but it will not be large and will be declining, as will the quality of habitat at some locations. The overall population of the species is severely fragmented. The species is judged to be close to qualifying for Vulnerable status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed as Near Threatened accordingly.
",geographicrange:"Elattoneura longispina is known from scattered locations in Belitung, Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia. Records from Belitung are from three locations (Lieftinck 1937, Dow et al. 2017) and it is unlikely that the species survives at one of these. Records from Borneo are from Central Kalimantan (Dow & Silvius 2014), two locations in East Kalimantan (Dow unpublished; it is not known if one or more unspecified locations included under south east Borneo by Lieftinck 1954 are in Central, South or East Kalimantan) and three locations in West Kalimantan (Lieftinck 1937), it is not known if the species survives at any of these, and three locations in Sarawak (Dow unpublished, Dow & Unggang 2010, Dow et al. 2019). Records from Peninsular Malaysia are from one location each in Johor (Choong 2008 as Elattoneura analis), Pahang (Dow et al. 2012) and Perak (Dow et al. 2012). The species might occur in the mainland of Sumatra and should be searched for there. The species is present in some protected areas in Sarawak (for instance Maludam National Park). Out of 19 locations recorded it can be considered as currently known from 15, however given the uncertainty over the peat swamp forest form from Central Kalimantan (see the Taxonomic Note) the species can only be considered as definitely known from 12 of these. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the currently available data but it is not likely to be large and will be declining, as will the quality of the habitat at many locations.
",population:"This species is seldom abundant and apparently intermittent in occurrence at some locations. Beyond this little can be said with the available information except that the overall population is certainly severely fragmented in much of its range and some decline in population, possibly serious, will have occurred and be ongoing due to loss of habitat throughout its range.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"The habitats of this species are somewhat difficult to characterise. It is found at streams, usually but not always small, usually in swamp and alluvial forest but is apparently absent from most such sites in much of its range. In Borneo it is most often found in peat swamp forest or low pH formations and is sometimes found in flooded forest remote from any obvious permanent stream, but often where there is a clear flow in the water. The atypical peat swamp forest form from Central Kalimantan (see the Taxonomic Note) was found in wet peat with no free water nearby at two locations. The forest at most currently known locations has been disturbed by logging in the past.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution of this species is needed, and the taxonomic issue needs to be resolved (see the Taxonomic Note). It would undoubtedly benefit from protection of additional areas of lowland swamp forest and from good conservation practices in plantations, such as leaving wide buffers of original forest around streams and the setting up of conservation areas consisting of original forest and including stream heads, and the strict enforcement of existing regulations for plantations and for logging activities.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:135436679,scientific_name:"Elattoneura longispina",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Elattoneura",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1937",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-10-07",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:100,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"No"},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"157867387",assessment_id:157867490,id_no:157867387,sci_name:"Melanodrymia brightae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Nova Hanson",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-130.01400757,latitude:45.93330002,species_id:157867387,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridges in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from three restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 1,540 m to 3,300 m bsl. The species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO), and has been found at only three locations, suggesting that it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. While one location lies within a Marine Protected Area (Glowka 2003), the remaining two do not and are still vulnerable to the threat of deep-sea mining. We have therefore opted to assess this species as Near Threatened (NT). Although the species has a restricted AOO and there is a plausible future threat, it is unlikely to become Critically Endangered (CR) or Extinct (EX) over the next 1-2 generations because at least one location is protected. However, whilst no licences have been granted to date, if mining were to be approved at the unprotected vent fields, the projected decline in the extent and quality of habitat would drive this species to threatened status very rapidly. Therefore, an urgent reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of the MPA or mining licence arrangements, whereby the assessment would probably increase to Endangerd (EN B2ab(iii)).",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to three locations at hydrothermal vents on the Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridges in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1,540 m bsl to 3,300 m bsl. It has been observed from three vent fields within three locations: Main Endeavour Field within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Canada on the Juan de Fuca Ridge (Location 1) (Warén and Bouchet 1993), Axial Seamount ASHES beyond national jurisdiction on the Juan de Fuca Ridge (Location 2) (Kelly and Metaxas 2008) and SESCA within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the United States on the Gorda Ridge (Location 3) (Clague et al. 2001). This species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Warén and Bouchet 1993, Kelly and Metaxas 2008, Clague et al. 2001).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1,540 m to 3,300 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"One of the three locations, Main Endeavour Field, lies within the Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents Marine Protected Area established in 2003 (Glowka 2003). This MPA prohibits the disturbance, damage or removal of any structures or animals without consent from the Minister of Justice for purposes beyond scientific research. However, there are no conservation actions currently in place at the other two locations where this species is found. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the Juan de Fuca or Gorda Ridges.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157867387,scientific_name:"Melanodrymia brightae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"NEOMPHALIDA",family:"MELANODRYMIIDAE",genus:"Melanodrymia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Warén & Bouchet, 1993",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-01-14",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Hanson, N. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"43328.765",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:1540,depth_lower:3300,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CA",country:"Canada",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"US",country:"United States of America",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.5",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Seamount",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"118041979",assessment_id:176498845,id_no:118041979,sci_name:"Hypancistrus vandragti",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Echevarría, G.",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:"Lower Ventuari",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Lujan & Armbruster (2011). Two new genera and species of Ancistrini (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the Western Guiana Shield. Copeia, 2:2016-225.",basisofrec:" ",event_year:2005,longitude:-66.69999695,latitude:4.07000017,species_id:118041979,taxonomicnotes:"Originally described as Micracanthicus vandragti, it was recently moved to the genus Hypancistrus after Lujan et al. (2017) conducted new analyses with molecular data.",rationale:"This species is listed as Vulnerable, in view of its extent of occurrence (EOO) of 8,800 km2. Additionally, decline in habitat quality is inferred related to log extraction in the riparian forests taking place in the upper Orinoco region and to gold mining. There are two locations based on these threats. More research is needed to establish the true extent and effects of deforestation and and to accurately assess the area of occupancy (AOO).",geographicrange:"This species is known from the Guiana Shield. It is present in the Ventuari river and the main channel of the upper Orinoco, in Amazonas state. Due to its recent discovery, it is possible that the area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) are still underestimated.",population:"There are no data available to estimate the population size.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is restricted to shallow, rocky rapids in the main channel of the Ventuari River with the following water conditions: water temperature 32°C, pH 6.9, conductivity 12.9 ms/cm, dissolved oxygen 6.6 mg/l (Lujan and Armbruster 2011).",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Nearly 70% of the distribution occurs within Yacapana National Park. However, there are several gold mines near and inside these areas, and so this measure alone might not be sufficient to guarantee the protection of this species.",usetrade:"This species is collected and traded as an ornamental fish (Lasso 2005), but there are no records about harvest rates, areas of collections, fishing methods, or average lengths of capture. It is also bred outside Venezuela and commercialised as an ornamental fish. Trade in this species is not regulated by any law.",taxonid:118041979,scientific_name:"Hypancistrus vandragti",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LORICARIIDAE",genus:"Hypancistrus",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Lujan & Armbruster, 2011)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-07",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Echevarría, G.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"8800",elevation_upper:150,elevation_lower:100,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"VE",country:"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"173719748",assessment_id:173775375,id_no:173719748,sci_name:"Coeliccia lieftincki",presence:4,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow & H.T. Rachman",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"Dow, R.A. and Rachman, H.T.",legend:"Possibly Extinct",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Laidlaw 1932",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:null,longitude:108.916667,latitude:-7.75,species_id:173719748,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Coeliccia lieftincki is endemic to Java, where it is known from the west and central parts of mainland Java. Although the assessors are aware of records from a total of 11 localities, the only recent records (as yet unpublished) are from three localities on Nusa Kambangan, recorded by members of the Indonesia Dragonfly Society during deliberate searches for this and other poorly known Javan endemic species. None of the recently discovered localities are in totally protected areas. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, but based on the currently available information, there is no reason to believe that the AOO exceeds 500 km². Moreover, the AOO, and the extent and quality of suitable habitat, are inferred to be declining due to loss of and disturbance to forest within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO), based only on the more recent records, is smaller than 5,000 km². With only three locations currently known, this species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)).
",geographicrange:'Coeliccia lieftincki is endemic to Java. It was described from a pair collected from the island of Nusa Kambangan (Laidlaw 1932), and later was recorded from locations in the west and central parts of mainland Java (Lieftinck 1934). Although the assessors are aware of records from a total of 11 localities, the only recent records (as yet unpublished) are from three localities on Nusa Kambangan made by members of the Indonesia Dragonfly Society during deliberate searches for this and other poorly known Javan endemic species. Only the three recently discovered localities can be considered as currently known; the species may already be extinct at some or all of the other localities. None of the recently discovered localities are in completely protected areas. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, but based on the currently available information, there is no reason to believe that the AOO exceeds 500 km². Based on the three current localities, its EOO is 7–1,202 km² (minimum estimate based on data points; maximum estimate based on the HydroBASINS area occupied by recent collection records); if all known localities are used, the EOO would be as large as 11,740–40,348 km² (minimum estimate based on all known localities; maximum estimate based on all HydroBASINS containing known collection records). Its AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of and disturbance to forest within the range of the species.
',population:"This species is very local in occurrence. There is insufficient information to make any other statement about current population sizes or health except that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species and that whether or not the overall population is severely fragmented depends on the definition used, but it is certainly fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:'Lieftinck (1954: 47) gives the habitat of this species as "Runnels in forest marshes". The recent records are all from clear running streams primary forest and it appears likely that this species is particularly sensitive to disturbance to its forest habitats, although it does appear to be able to tolerate droughts. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
',threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for protection of habitat where it occurs and more information on its current distribution, occurrence in protected areas (in particular it should be searched for in Ujung Kulon National Park in the extreme west of Java), precise habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and on threats. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173719748,scientific_name:"Coeliccia lieftincki",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Coeliccia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Laidlaw, 1932",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-12-13",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A., Rachman, H.T. & Kamaludin, N.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"10-500",eoo_km2:"7-1202",elevation_upper:900,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"171093",assessment_id:226314759,id_no:171093,sci_name:"Gyralina pageti",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Danae Karakasi",yrcompiled:2023,citation:"NHMC (Natural History Museum of Crete)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"not accurate",island:"Corfu",tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:19.865439,latitude:39.747423,species_id:171093,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to Greece, where it is known from a very restricted range in the northeast of the Island of Kerkyra (Corfu) Its extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO are both 4 km² and it occurs in just one location. The species has not been collected again since it was described, despite surveys that have been carried out in the area (R. Bank pers. comm. to A. Reischütz, 2017). Quarrying and road construction can pose a threat to this species at any time, whereas alteration of its subterranean habitat resulting from droughts may affect its whole range in the future. The species is therefore assessed as Vulnerable (VU) under criterion D2. However, further surveys for this species are required and if the restricted distribution and a small population size or decline are confirmed, then it would be likely to qualify for the Critically Endangered or Extinct category, considering the possible disturbances to its habitat and the absence of records since the species was described.",geographicrange:"This species occurs in northeastern Kerkyra Island (Corfu), in northwestern Greece (Gittenberger 1988), where it has not been re-collected since its description, although surveys have been carried out in the area (R. Bank pers. comm. 2017).",population:"The species has never been found alive but this does not mean it not extant, since it is subterranean and difficult to collect alive.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is a troglobite. It is found in subterranean environments in karstic crevices and, most probably, in caves and scree slopes.",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Negligible declines",score:"No/Negligible Impact: 2",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Future",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Negligible declines",score:"No/Negligible Impact: 2",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The species has been assessed as Critically Endangered (B2a) by the Greek Red List of Endangered Animals (Vardinoyannis et al. 2009). Further research and field work are needed upon the distribution of the species, since it has not been found in its distribution range since its description in 1988.",usetrade:"This species is not used or traded.",taxonid:171093,scientific_name:"Gyralina pageti",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"STYLOMMATOPHORA",family:"PRISTILOMATIDAE",genus:"Gyralina",main_common_name:null,authority:"E. Gittenberger, 1988",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2023-03-31",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Reischütz, A., Karakasi, D. & Vardinoyannis, K.",reviewer:"Pollock, C.M.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GR",country:"Greece",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"7.1",habitat:"Caves and Subterranean Habitats (non-aquatic) - Caves",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"7.2",habitat:"Caves and Subterranean Habitats (non-aquatic) - Other Subterranean Habitats",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2023",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2017",assess_year:"2016",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"21118",assessment_id:80696262,id_no:21118,sci_name:"Stylurus potulentus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"OdonataCentral",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Abbott, J.C. 2006-2017. OdonataCentral: An online resource for the distribution and identification of Odonata.",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Odonata Central",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-88.64272,latitude:30.86644,species_id:21118,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Known from seven streams and one river in southern Mississippi and the Florida Panhandle. Probably hundreds to thousands per stream, but known from perhaps only 200 miles of stream within an Extent Of Occurrence of about 17,500 km2. Surveys perhaps inadequate, but no recent records from some of the counties where the species was previously known. As presently known, there are <10 locations for the species. May be like many other species in that there are good known locations, and people who want to observe and photograph the species just go to the usual places rather than searching for it more widely. Population trend unknown, but species seems extremely sensitive to any alteration of water quality and apparently needs pristine waters, thus decline in water quality and population loss at some streams, thus decline in Area of Occupancy, predicted. Considered Vulnerable by Bick (1983), Imperiled by Bick (2003).",geographicrange:"This southeastern North American species occurs in a small region from southern Mississippi to northwestern Florida, no records as of yet from intervening Alabama. It is known from 2 states in the United States of America.",population:"Somewhat restricted in range but locally common within it; although the population trend is unknown, there is no indication of any population decline.",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:"Stylurus potulentus occurs at slow-flowing woodland streams with sand and mud bottoms.",threats:[{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This narrowly distributed species is protected in several state forests and state parks near the Gulf coast. Its populations should be monitored, but no specific conservation actions are proposed.",usetrade:null,taxonid:21118,scientific_name:"Stylurus potulentus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Stylurus",main_common_name:"Yellow-sided Clubtail",authority:"(Needham, 1942)",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2016-05-05",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iv)",population_trend:"Stable",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Abbott, J.C. & Paulson, D.R.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"17000-18000",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"US",country:"United States of America",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.4",habitat:"Forest - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2016",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2007",assess_year:"2007",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"173256154",assessment_id:173256165,id_no:173256154,sci_name:"Laubuka latens",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Dahanukar, N.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"India: Cauvery River at Gandehosahalli, Karnataka",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Knight (2015)",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2013,longitude:76.7903,latitude:12.3796,species_id:173256154,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Laubuka latens is assessed as Endangered since it has a restricted distribution in Cauvery River system in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, India with an Extent of Occurrence of less than 2,500 km2 and is currently known from two locations where the habitat is threatened by modifications because of anthropogenic activities including deforestation, severe loss of riparian habitat, expansions of agricultural lands, pesticide contamination from agricultural runoff and sand mining. Destructive fishing practices, including dynamite fishing, are also common in Karnataka part of the Cauvery. Further, the stretch of Cauvery River where the species is found, is also affected by non-native species of fishes. It is essential to note that the species is known only from its original description and research is needed to understand its population status, trends, distribution, ecology and species specific threats.',geographicrange:"Laubuka latens is at presently known only from the Cauvery River system at Gandehosahalli in Karnataka and Hogenakkal in Tamil Nadu, India (Knight 2015).",population:"There is no information regarding population status and trends for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species inhabits Cauvery river and its tributaries (Knight 2015) in its middle and upper reaches.",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Clarias gariepinus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:"Clarias gariepinus"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis niloticus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:"Oreochromis niloticus"},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Clarias gariepinus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:"Clarias gariepinus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis niloticus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:"Oreochromis niloticus"},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No species-specific conservation actions are in place for Laubuka latens.The species is also not known from any protected area. Because the habitat of the species is threatened there is a need for conservation of habitat and resources. Since the species is known only from its original description, research is essential to understand its population status, trends, distribution, ecology and species specific threats. Monitoring the population and habitat trends is also essential.",usetrade:"There is no information on use and trade of this species.",taxonid:173256154,scientific_name:"Laubuka latens",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"DANIONIDAE",genus:"Laubuka",main_common_name:null,authority:"Knight, 2015",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2021-03-06",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Dahanukar, N.",reviewer:"Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"724",eoo_km2:"2476",elevation_upper:663,elevation_lower:235,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"IN",country:"India",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2021",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"169292",assessment_id:138267915,id_no:169292,sci_name:"Coeliccia brachysticta",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Rory Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Laidlaw 1932",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:121.32168,latitude:13.1868,species_id:169292,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Coeliccia brachysticta is endemic to Mindoro in the Philippines where there are records from 4-5 locations. An accurate estimate its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, but it is not likely to be large and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest on Mindoro. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) for this species is constrained by the area of Mindoro (approximately 10,571 km²) and the currently known EOO is less than 5,000 km² (see Geographic Range). With the currently available information the species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B1ab(ii,iii) and is assessed as such.
",geographicrange:"Coeliccia brachysticta is endemic to Mindoro in the Philippines (Hämäläinen and Muller 1997, Hämäläinen pers. comm. 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen, Laidlaw 1932). The assessor is aware of records from 4-5 locations but it has only been possible to assign separate coordinates to three of these for mapping purposes. One of the locations may be within Lake Naujan National Park. It is certainly present in the Mount Halcon Important Bird Area (IBA) but to the assessor's knowledge this IBA has no actual protected status. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is not likely to be large and is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest on Mindoro. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) for this species is constrained by the area of Mindoro (approximately 10,571 km²). The EOO based on only three of the known locations is only 146 km² (therefore this is likely to be a substantial underestimate); the EOO based on known occupied HydroBASIN areas is 767 km².All that can be said about current population sizes and health is that an ongoing decline in overall population is suspected from loss and degradation of forest on Mindoro and that severe fragmentation is likely.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Very little has been recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it will be a forest-dependent stream species, possibly confined to hilly and mountainous areas. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining because of loss and degradation of forest on Mindoro.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.2",title:"Intentional use: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more information on its distribution, habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Total protection of areas in Mindoro (e.g. the Mount Halcon IBA) is highly desirable. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:169292,scientific_name:"Coeliccia brachysticta",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Coeliccia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Ris, 1912",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-01",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"146-767",elevation_upper:2e3,elevation_lower:200,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2008",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"}]},{id:"139556008",assessment_id:146602365,id_no:139556008,sci_name:"Coeliccia werneri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Rory Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Lieftinck 1961",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1947,longitude:118.07556,latitude:9.28278,species_id:139556008,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Coeliccia werneri is endemic to Palawan in the Philippines where it is known from at least eight locations. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. The AOO and extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of lowland forest in Palawan. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) for this species is very likely smaller than 5,000 km², and the global population is suspected to be declining and likely also severely fragmented. This species likely qualifies for Endangered status under criterion B1ab(ii,iii) and, taking the precautionary approach advocated by the IUCN, is assessed as such.
",geographicrange:"Coeliccia werneri is endemic to Palawan in the Philippines (Hämäläinen pers. comm. 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen, Hämäläinen and Muller 1997, Lieftinck 1961, Villanueva et al. 2018). The assessor is aware of records from eight locations but it has not been possible to assign separate coordinates to one of these for mapping purposes. The species is present in the Cleopatra’s Needle area which may receive totally protected status and is likely to be present in the Mount Mantalingajan Protected Landscape and Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park. It is certainly present in the Victoria and Anepahan Ranges in the centre of Palawan, these are not protected but are an Important Bird Area (IBA). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of lowland forest in Palawan. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) of the species is constrained by that of Palawan (approximately 12,189 km²). When calculated based on available point localities, the EOO is 3,083 km² (this will be an underestimate since it is only based on seven out of eight known localities); when calculated based on the extent of known occupied HydroBASIN areas, EOO is 11,508 km² (but this is a large overestimate as the species does not occupy all areas of the HydroBASINs). The true EOO is likely smaller than 5,000 km².
There is insufficient information on this species to make any other statement about populations except that an ongoing decline will be taking place due to loss and degradation of forest on Palawan and that severe fragmentation is very likely.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Very little has been recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it occurs at forest streams. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more information on its distribution, habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Total protection of additional areas in Palawan where the species occurs (for instance Cleopatra’s Needle) is highly desirable. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139556008,scientific_name:"Coeliccia werneri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Coeliccia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1961",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-01",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"3083-11508,3083-5000",elevation_upper:900,elevation_lower:30,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"21749",assessment_id:168304127,id_no:21749,sci_name:"Thestor kaplani",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"AJCOETZER, AC_LEPI01.FDB_17250",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2016,longitude:19.6349926,latitude:-34.03404236,species_id:21749,taxonomicnotes:"Genus recently revised by Heath and Pringle (2004).",rationale:"A range-restricted endemic species from the Western Cape Province in South Africa (Extent of Occurrence and Area of Occupancy 16 km2). The taxon is only known from two subpopulations close to one another on the mountain slopes above Greyton, which constitutes one location. The habitat is under constant threat from encroachment by alien vegetation and also disturbed by recreational activity as it is near to and on popular hiking trails. The taxon thus qualifies globally under the IUCN criteria as Critically Endangered under criterion B.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to the Western Cape Province in South Africa, in the mountains near Greyton.",population:"There is no information currently available.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It occurs in rocky areas on the summits and slopes of mountains.",threats:[{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.3",title:"Trend Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This taxon has not been seen at the colony closest to town for the last three years. This area had a fire less than five years ago. The two colonies need to be surveyed and monitored to see if the population closest to town recovers and to check how healthy the population furthest from town is.",usetrade:null,taxonid:21749,scientific_name:"Thestor kaplani",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"LYCAENIDAE",genus:"Thestor",main_common_name:"Kaplan's Skolly",authority:"Dickson & Stephen, 1971",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-02-20",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Morton, A.",reviewer:"Kirkman, S., Raimondo, D., Oberprieler, R.G. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"16",eoo_km2:"16",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"3.8",habitat:"Shrubland - Mediterranean-type Shrubby Vegetation",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"6",habitat:"Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"R",category:"Rare"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"109686316",assessment_id:109686343,id_no:109686316,sci_name:"Tylomelania gemmifera",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Sulawesi",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1991,longitude:121.468333,latitude:-2.54,species_id:109686316,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species is mostly confined to the 164 km2 Lake Matano in Sulawesi and only known from one site in 24.4 km2 Lake Mahalona, where it is found on soft substrates. It has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 362 km2 and an area of occupancy (AOO) of 96 km2. This is counted as two locations based on the threats of nickle mining, hydro-electric power installations, logging, and organic effluents from the rapidly expanding human population, which are causing a decline in habitat quality through siltation and changes to natural water levels. Most critically, this species is thought to have suffered a population decline of at least 50% in the last 10 years due to predation of small adults and juveniles by invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) in Lake Matano, as fewer large adults were found in surveys in 2017/2018 (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). Flowerhorn Cichlids are now confirmed in Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obv. 2018) and are therefore assumed to be in the connecting River Petea, where they are predicted to cause a population decline of at least 50% in this species within the next 10 years (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018) based on their impact in Lake Matano. Due to the suspected past decline, predicted future decline, its limited distribution and persistent threats, this species is assessed as Endangered.
",geographicrange:"The species is distributed in parts of the Malili Lakes system, Sulawesi, Indonesia. It occurs widely in Lake Matano (164.1 km2) and into the Petea River, which connects Lake Matano to Lake Mahalona (24.4 km2). It has been recorded at one site in Lake Mahalona.",population:"This species was previously considered abundant, but only one large specimen was found in 2017/2018 at two sites in Lake Matano where the species was once abundant. This is thought to be due to invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) introduced to Lake Matano, which spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and likely predated small adults and juveniles of this species (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). There is therefore thought to have been a population decline of >50% over the last 10 years. An overall population decline of at least 50% is also predicted over the next 10 years due to the spread of Flowerhorn Cichlids in the Malili lakes (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018), based on their impact on this species in Lake Matano. Flowerhorn Cichlids have now been confirmed in the downstream Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obs. 2018) and are therefore assumed to be present in the connecting River Petea, where they are predicted to cause population declines similar to those seen in Lake Matano.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs in freshwater rivers and lakes and is a soft substrate dweller in sand and mud.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no known conservation actions in place for this species, but protection of its known localities and habitats is needed, along with invasive species control and harvest management. Research into its population dynamics, use and potential threats is also recommended alongside monitoring of population, harvest, and habitat trends.",usetrade:"Tylomelania gemmifera has been collected for the aquarium trade. The extent of current harvesting is unknown.",taxonid:109686316,scientific_name:"Tylomelania gemmifera",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"SORBEOCONCHA",family:"PACHYCHILIDAE",genus:"Tylomelania",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Sarasin & Sarasin, 1897)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-07-09",category:"EN",criteria:"A2e+3e; B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rintelen, T.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:"96",eoo_km2:"326",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"171467",assessment_id:227374267,id_no:171467,sci_name:"Gyralina formosa",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Danae Karakasi",yrcompiled:2023,citation:"NHMC (Natural History Museum of Crete)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:20.240776,latitude:39.5655,species_id:171467,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species is endemic to Europe, where it is restricted to Ipeiros, near Igoumenitsa, northwestern Greece. It is known from three localities (Riedel and Subai 1993; E. Neubert pers. comm. 2016). It is assumed to be a subterranean species, but shells have been found among leaf litter (Riedel and Subai 1993, Welter-Schultes 2012). Quarrying, road construction and fire are potential localised threats to the species anytime, while habitat alteration resulting from drought may affect its whole range in the future. Based on its restricted distribution and potential threats, it is assessed as Near Threatened (nearly meets criterion B). However, it should be reassessed if further research reveals more details about its population and habitat, since there is scarce information available about the species.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Ipeiros, near Igoumenitsa, northwestern Greece. It is known from only three localities (Riedel and Subai 1993; E. Neubert pers. comm. 2023). It is presumably subterranean, but shells have been found amongst leaf litter (Riedel and Subai 1993, Welter-Schultes 2012).",population:"The species is known from a small number of individuals. The species has never been found alive, but this does not mean it is not extant since it is likely subterranean and difficult to collect alive.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It is presumably subterranean.",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Future",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Future",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The species occurs very close to a protected area. There are no conservation actions regarding the species, but they are needed given the restricted distribution of the species and the presence of immediate and future threats. Research is recommended on the population trends, distribution and ecology of the species, and frequent monitoring of the habitat and population is suggested.",usetrade:"The species is not used or traded.",taxonid:171467,scientific_name:"Gyralina formosa",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"STYLOMMATOPHORA",family:"PRISTILOMATIDAE",genus:"Gyralina",main_common_name:null,authority:"A. Riedel & Subai, 1993",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2023-02-23",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Karakasi, D. & Vardinoyannis, K.",reviewer:"Neubert, E. & Pollock, C.M.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"8",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GR",country:"Greece",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"7.2",habitat:"Caves and Subterranean Habitats (non-aquatic) - Other Subterranean Habitats",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2023",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2017",assess_year:"2016",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"109686124",assessment_id:109686141,id_no:109686124,sci_name:"Tylomelania bakara",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Sulawesi",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1999,longitude:121.433167,latitude:-2.688667,species_id:109686124,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'The species is endemic to the 561.1 km2 Lake Towuti in Sulawesi, where it is found within confined rocky substrate areas with an area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) of 8 km2. This is counted as a single location based on the threats of nickel mining, hydro-electric power installations, logging, and organic effluents from the rapidly expanding human population around Lake Towuti, which are causing a decline in habitat quality through siltation and changes to natural water levels. It is also very vulnerable to the spread of the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) through the Malili lakes system. This species is therefore assessed as Critically Endangered based on its extremely limited distribution and continuing deterioration of habitats.',geographicrange:"The species is endemic to Lake Towuti (561.1 km2), which is part of the Malili Lakes system, Sulawesi, Indonesia. In Lake Towuti it only occurs around Cape Bakara (Tanjung Bakara) in the northwestern part of the lake close to Timampu village.",population:"The species has been collected for research purposes in 1999 and 2002. The population seemed abundant though not quantified, with no discernible difference between the years. The current population trend is unknown, however an overall population decline of at least 50% is predicted over the next 10 years due to the spread of the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) in the Malili lakes (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and are thought to have caused the decline of Tylomelania populations through predation of small adults and juveniles (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017; 2018). Flowerhorn Cichlids have now been confirmed in the downstream Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obs. 2018) and, if not already present, are very likely to continue to spread downstream to Lake Towuti where they are predicted to cause population declines similar to those seen in Lake Matano.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This is a rock-dwelling freshwater lake species.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no known conservation actions currently in place for this species and research into potential threats and population dynamics is recommended alongside monitoring of habitat trends.",usetrade:"There is no use or trade information available for this species.",taxonid:109686124,scientific_name:"Tylomelania bakara",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"SORBEOCONCHA",family:"PACHYCHILIDAE",genus:"Tylomelania",main_common_name:null,authority:"Rintelen & Glaubrecht, 2003",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-07-09",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rintelen, T.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"0.5-8",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"175961012",assessment_id:175961016,id_no:175961012,sci_name:"Bryconamericus motatanensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Herrera-Collazos, E.E.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"GBIF; FishNet2; FishBase; SiB Colombia; SpeciesLink; CZUT-IC; IAvH-P; ICN-MHN; IMCN; MPUJ; MCNG",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Caño Seco cuenca media del río Catatumbo",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:-73.1688,latitude:8.5755,species_id:175961012,taxonomicnotes:"Knodus motatanensis has been proposed as a new combination based on genetic evidence (García-Melo et al. 2019). However, Bryconamericus motatanensis is still considered a valid species by Fricke et al. (2020).",rationale:"This species has a small area of distribution in the Maracaibo basin. The area of occupancy (AOO) is best estimated at 1,112 km2. The current population trend is considered stable, but there is a lack of information about its situation. The species is not registered in protected areas, but may occur in some. In the habitat of the species there are several environmental stressors with negative effects on rivers integrity, some with extreme impacts (e.g. oil and coal exploitation and transport), which are thought to be causing a continuing decline in the habitat. There are 2-4 locations based on these threats. Therefore, this species is assessed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:'Bryconamericus motatanensis was described from the Motatán river, Maracaibo basin (Schultz 1944). Almost all the records of this species are between plains and mountains rivers of the Maracaibo basin. The species is registered in La Pedregosa, near of Cúcuta (Colombia) and rivers Catatumbo, Aricuasá, Socuy, Muyupá, San Pedro, Misoa and Machango, according to Galvis et al. (1997), Ortega-Lara et al. (2012) and fish collections. It occurs in Perijá-Andes biogeographic subprovince (Rodríguez-Olarte et al. 2009). It is possible that the species inhabit in drainages to the Gulf of Venezuela in eastern slopes of Falcón state. A set of isolated records in river Las Marías (upper Portuguesa, Orinoco) are not considered valid. It is necessary to review the taxonomy of the group (Taphorn 1992). The species is reported in 14 localities with elevation from 25-1,200 m above sea level.Teinobasis recurva is only known from six locations in Basilan and Mindanao in the Philippines. Threats exist at all locations and the overall population is believed to already be severely fragmented. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and with the available data will be less than 500 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. The species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly.
",geographicrange:"Teinobasis recurva is only known from Basilan and Mindanao in the Philippines (Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen, Hämäläinen and Muller 1997, Lieftinck 1957). A record in Needham and Gyger (1939) was noted to belong to a different species by Lieftinck (1957). The assessor is aware of records from six scattered locations, one of which may be within the Cabadbaran River Watershed Natural Park. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and with the available data will be less than 500 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",population:"All that can be said with the available data is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species and that severe fragmentation seems certain for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing appears to have been recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it will be forest-dependent. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for protection of areas of suitable habitat where it occurs, better protection for existing protected areas, and for more information on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139546e3,scientific_name:"Teinobasis recurva",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Teinobasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Selys, 1877)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-07",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"28-499",eoo_km2:"53492-63379",elevation_upper:600,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"150122874",assessment_id:150123342,id_no:150122874,sci_name:"Amphilophus supercilius",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.1n8yoo",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:2007,longitude:-86.052778,latitude:11.937386,species_id:150122874,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Amphilophus supercilius is endemic to the small, isolated Lake Apoyo on the Pacific slope of Nicaragua. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) do not exceed 22 km2. While total population size and population trend have not been evaluated in detail, this species is experiencing an inferred continuing decline in habitat availability and population size resulting from the establishment of invasive species, which reduce habitat availability, compete with native species for resources, and prey on juvenile native fishes. As such, A. supercilius is assessed as Critically Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii).",geographicrange:"Amphilophus supercilius is endemic to Lake Apoyo, an isolated crater lake on the Pacific versant of Nicaragua (Recknagel et al. 2013). The surface of area of this lake does not exceed 22 km2 (Wilson et al. 2000). Therefore, Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 22 km2. This species occurs in one location, given the scope of the most pervasive threat.",population:"The population size of this species is unknown. Population trend is suspected to be declining, based on reported losses in habitat and direct predation resulting from the introduction of the invasive Oreochromis niloticus (Cononico et al. 2005, Lehtonen et al. 2012) and Gobiomorus dormitor (Bedarf et al. 2001).
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Breeding occurs during the dry season with peaks in October and February, at depths of 1.5-2 meters where rocky structure forms suitable burrows and crevices (Geiger et al. 2010). Diet consists of fishes, fish eggs, molluscs, and aquatic macrophytes (Geiger et al. 2010). Aquatic macrophytes are important habitat for the cichlids that occur in Lake Apoyo (Canonico et al. 2005).
",threats:[{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Gobiomorus dormitor)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Gobiomorus dormitor"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis niloticus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis niloticus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Gobiomorus dormitor)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Gobiomorus dormitor"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis niloticus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis niloticus"}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no conservation actions directed towards A. supercilius. This species is not known to occur in a protected area (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). Population monitoring and invasive species management are recommended. Additional research regarding population size, population trend, and the scope and magnitude of existing threats would be useful in guiding future conservation outcomes.
This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:150122874,scientific_name:"Amphilophus supercilius",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Amphilophus",main_common_name:"Mojarra",authority:"Geiger, McCrary & Stauffer, 2010",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-19",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Contreras MacBeath, T.",aoo_km2:"22",eoo_km2:"22",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"NI",country:"Nicaragua",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"117513563",assessment_id:166710400,id_no:117513563,sci_name:"Pethia cumingii",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Malka Fernando",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:"Sri Lanka",tax_comm:null,source:"CHE00125",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2018,longitude:80.157548,latitude:6.546787,species_id:117513563,taxonomicnotes:"Meegaskumbura et al. (2008) showed that Pethia cumingii comprises two species: P. cumingii and P. reval. Subsequently, Pethiyagoda et al. (2012) renamed the genus as Pethia. ",rationale:"Pethia cumingii is an endemic, range-restricted species, known from three locations in the southern lowland wet zone of Sri Lanka. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 2,545 km2 and its area of occupancy (AOO) is 140 km2. A continuing decline in the extent and quality of its habitat has been observed due to hydropower projects, water pollution from domestic and agricultural sources, logging and gem mining activities and increased sedimentation. The species is also threatened by ornamental fish trade, overfishing for local consumption and competition and predation from introduced invasive alien species. These threats are likely to continue as the area is undergoing agricultural expansion of rubber and tea plantations and there is no current protection for the majority of its habitat. The species is therefore assessed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species is an endemic freshwater fish distributed in south-western Sri Lanka in the Kalu, Bentara and Gin River Basins (Meegaskumbura et al. 2008, De Silva et al. 2015). It is found in the districts of Kalutara, Ratnapura, Galle and Kegalle.",population:"This species is endemic to the south-west of Sri Lanka, and so it has a restricted range and there is limited population information available to determine how common it is throughout this range. Population declines have been inferred from declines in habitat extent and quality caused by hydropower projects, pollution from domestic and agricultural sources and human disturbance of bank vegetation. Declines have also been inferred from information on the export of this species for the ornamental fish trade.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is associated with clear water streams with relatively low currents. It tends to avoid sun-lit areas and is primarily herbivorous, browsing on algal cover (De Silva and Kortmulder 1997). Is is a small fish with a maximum standard size of 41.2 mm (Meegaskumbura et al. 2008).",threats:[{code:"11.4",title:"Storms & flooding",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.2",title:"Intentional use: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"6.3",title:"Work & other activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species has been recorded in the Kanneliya and Polgahakanda forest reserves, but the majority of its range lies well outside or on the edge of protected areas. The export of this species is not prohibited and legislation has been reported to be poorly enforced and contradictory (Gunasekera 2011). Site protection and trade management need to be implemented to prevent further declines in this species.",usetrade:"This species is harvested for the ornamental freshwater fish trade and also for local consumption (Senanayake and Moyle 1982).Phaenandrogomphus safei may not be correctly placed in Phaenandrogomphus, possibly belonging in Nychogomphus. This is discussed in Dow et al. (2018).
",rationale:"Phaenandrogomphus safei is endemic to Borneo, where it is known from locations in Sabah and Sarawak. Four or five threat-defined locations have been recorded, grouped into two clusters separated by more than 600 km despite the presence of much apparently suitable habitat in-between. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of the species cannot be made with the available data, but the AOO may not be large and can be inferred to be declining from loss of lowland forest throughout its range, as can the extent and quality of suitable habitat. The species may be particularly sensitive to some forms of disturbance, but this requires verification. The species is close to qualifying for Vulnerable status under the B2 criteria except that its AOO is not known, but does qualify under criterion D2 and is assessed accordingly.
",geographicrange:"Phaenandrogomphus safei is endemic to Borneo, where it is known from locations in Sabah and Sarawak. In Sabah it is known from the type locality in the Kalabakan Forest Reserve (Dow and Luke 2015) and the Imbak Canyon (C.Y. Choong personal communication 2018). In Sarawak it is known from three sites in the Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary (Dow et al. 2018), although arguably two of these may constitute only one threat-defined location (taking forest fires during dry periods as the common threat). Five locations have been recorded for the species, falling into two clusters separated by more than 600km. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) cannot be made with the available data, but the AOO may not be large and can be inferred to be declining from loss of lowland forest throughout its range.
",population:"This species appears to be very local in occurrence and is most often encountered singly, however in the right conditions it can be present in greater numbers: “On November 7, 2017, when water levels were relatively low on the Katibas, the river was running very clear, and the sun was out brightly from early, two or more males were seen flying immediately upstream of every rapid passed on the river” Dow et al. (2018: 32). Little else can be said except that at least some decline in overall population can be inferred from loss of lowland forest within the species’ range.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is associated with open aspect rainforest streams and rivers, where males fly immediately upstream of riffles and rapids and females perch high on overhanging vegetation. It can clearly tolerate some disturbance to the forest surrounding the streams; that at the type locality had been selectively logged and around Sungai Katibas and Sungai Bloh at Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary the forest close to the rivers has been disturbed by shifting agriculture in the past and selectively logged on one bank of the Sungai Bloh. However the species is apparently absent from many seemingly suitable locations, suggesting that we may not fully understand its habitat requirements. The species might be particularly sensitive to turbidity, or it may prefer rivers, where sampling is typically more difficult because of the need to use a boat, over streams. There is no evidence that the species can survive at streams surrounded by plantation of any sort. Outside of protected areas an ongoing decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from loss and degradation of forest in the region where it occurs.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution, exact habitat requirements and tolerance to increased sediment loads in streams of this species are urgently needed. The majority of known locations are already protected, but any future development of plantation on the bank of Sungai Bloh outside of the Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary should either be prohibited or at least should include a broad buffer of forest. The species would likely benefit from good conservation practices in plantations, such as leaving wide buffers of original forest around streams and the setting up of conservation areas consisting of original forest and including stream heads, and the strict enforcement of existing regulations for plantations and for logging activities.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139372160,scientific_name:"Phaenandrogomphus safei",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Phaenandrogomphus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Dow & Luke, 2015",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-12-21",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:500,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"82958421",assessment_id:82962201,id_no:82958421,sci_name:"Cyprinodon bondi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2020 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.h4sga5",basisofrec:"HUMAN_OBSERVATION",event_year:2019,longitude:-72.054231,latitude:18.562191,species_id:82958421,taxonomicnotes:"There is evidence to suggest that populations from Lake Enriquillo represent at least one separate species that has not yet been described (Smith 1989, Marmolejo 2011). Further molecular analysis suggests that these two lineages may be the result of colonization by at least two separate progenitors (Echelle et al. 2006). Therefore, subpopulations in Lake Enriquillo are not considered under the scope of this assessment.
",rationale:"Cyprinodon bondi is endemic to the island of Hispaniola, where it occurs in Etang Saumatre, a brackish lake in Haiti. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 113-1,500 km2. Total population size and population trend are unknown. Severe changes in natural hydrology and sedimentation are occurring in Etang Saumatre due to widespread deforestation and agricultural expansion. Mass-tourism development and mining activities adjacent to park boundaries in the Dominican Republic are potential threats that may negatively impact the ecological integrity of surrounding watersheds. Given the scope of ongoing and projected threats, C. bondi is assigned to a single threat-based location. Therefore, this species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Cyprinodon bondi is endemic to the island of Hispaniola, where it occurs in Etang Saumatre, a brackish lake in Haiti (Lee et al. 1983, Smith 1989, Costa 2003, Esmaeili et al. 2018).
There is evidence to suggest that subpopulations from Lake Enriquillo represent a separate species that has not yet been described (Marmolejo 2011). Further molecular analysis suggests that these two lineages may be the result of colonization by at least two separate progenitors (Echelle et al. 2006).
Etang Saumatre has a surface area of 113 km2 (Swartley and Toussaint 2006) and is contained within a watershed that is 1,500 km2 (Posner et al. 2010). Given georeferenced collection records that are restricted to this lake basin, Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 113-1,500 km2, with a lower estimate calculated by generating a minimum convex polygon around the surface area of the lake (Swartley and Toussaint 2006), and an upper estimate calculated by generating a minimum convex polygon around the Etang Saumatre watershed (Swartley and Toussaint 2006, Méndez-Tejeda et al. 2016). Existing and projected future threats are expected to impact the habitat quality of Etang Saumatre in its entirety. Therefore, C. bondi is assigned to a single threat-based location.
The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. Ichthyological sampling from Etang Saumatre in 2010 yielded a total of 44 individuals (Marmolejo 2011).
This species occurs in Etange Suamatre, a brackish (7.4 ppt) lake in Haiti (Lee et al. 1983). Etang Saumatre is the largest lake in Haiti, and parts of it extend across the border into the Dominican Republic. Sometimes its outflow drains to Lake Enriquillo (Marmolejo 2011). Adults reach a maximum body size of at least 6.6 cm standard length (SL) (Lee et al. 1983). The specific life history and ecology of this species have not been evaluated in detail.
There are no known conservation actions in place to protect this species. Additional information regarding population size, population trend, and the direct impact of existing threats would be useful in clarifying the extinction risk of this species.
There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:82958421,scientific_name:"Cyprinodon bondi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"CYPRINODONTIDAE",genus:"Cyprinodon",main_common_name:"Hispaniola Pupfish",authority:"Myers, 1935",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-15",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J., Torres-Pineda, P. & Rodriguez, C.",reviewer:"Rodríguez-Silva, R.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"113-1500",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"DO",country:"Dominican Republic",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"HT",country:"Haiti",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.14",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Saline, Brackish or Alkaline Lakes",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"12395",assessment_id:506299,id_no:12395,sci_name:"Lucania interioris",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Brown, W.L.",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"H. Espinosa Pérez pers. Comms. 2019",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-102.0999985,latitude:26.9333324,species_id:12395,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Lucania interioris is restricted to the isolated regions of the endorheic Bolson de Cuatro Cienegas, Coahulia, Mexico. Here it is restricted to a naturally fragmented and physicochemically severe habitats where populations are subject to large and rapid changes in local abundance (‘boom and bust’ ecology) due to fragmentation and, presumably, to high rates of genetic drift that accompany its small populations, all as a result of natural extreme and rapid fluctuations in temperature, salinity, and size. This turbulence is worsen by the threat of agricultural intensification in adjacent basins, that has been linked to decreases in surface-water flows and extensive loss of habitat in the Cuatro Ciénegas basin. With such threats, Lucania interioris is thought to inhabit no more than 10 fragmented locations, holding an extent of occurrence of 4,733 km2. Therefore the species is assessed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"Lucania interioris is restricted to the isolated regions of the endorheic Bolson de Cuatro Cienegas biological reserve in Coahulia, Mexico. Within the dessert valley it occurs in three major drainage regions of the basin and is limited primarily to naturally fragmented and physicochemically severe habitats of the valley floor (Miller et al. 2005, Carson et al. 2015). Precise localities of this species, as collected by Carson et al. (2015) in 2014, were: Río Garabatal, Juan Santos, Las Salinas, El Laberinto, Laguna de los Burros, Tío Cándido, Los Hundidos and Laguna San Pablo.",population:"As a whole, little is known for the total population size of Lucania interioris, as populations, including those from the remote southeastern basin, remain unstudied (Carson et al. 2015). This species, though abundant in its small distribution area in Cuatro Ciénegas, comprises many scattered and small populations that are isolated one from each other (H. Espinosa-Pérez pers. comm. 2019).There has been confusion over the identification of Tyriobapta kuekenthali and T. laidlawi at least since the publication of Orr (2003) and probably for longer; this issue is discussed in Dow et al. (2020) and the reader is referred to that discussion. One consequence of the confusion is that records of T. laidlawi in a number of publications (Cleary et al. 2004, Lieftinck 1953a, Lieftinck 1953b, Thompson & van Tol 1993 and Noorhidayah-Mamat et al. 2014) may actually refer to T. kuekenthali, most of the specimens concerned are available to be checked in principle but this check has not been carried out at the time of writing. Therefore the records from the listed publications are simply left out of consideration for mapping and most other assessment purposes at this time, other records are used in corrected form. This has little effect on the threat category in which either species is placed in practice, but does have implications for their distributions. In particular if the record of T. laidlawi from Peninsular Malaysia in Noorhidayah-Mamat et al. (2014) actually refers to T. kuekenthali then T. laidlawi is only known from Borneo.
",rationale:"Tyriobapta kuekenthali (as understood here; see the Taxonomic Notes section) is known from Borneo, Sumatra including Belitung, and Peninsular Malaysia. Records from Borneo are from Brunei, Kalimantan, Sabah and Sarawak. The species is present in protected areas. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is not likely to be large and given that it is apparently absent from some areas of suitable habitat it is likely to be smaller than 4,000 km². The AOO is observed to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest, particularly peat swamp forest, within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is uch larger than the criterion B1 thresholds (EOO >1 million km²). Despite its large EOO, there is cause for concern about this species. Its AOO is unlikely to be very large, and its overall population is clearly severely fragmented. The species is assessed as Near Threatened (nearly meets criterion B2). Although this species does not currently qualify for a high threat category, its area of occupancy is undoubtedly shrinking, therefore it needs to be monitored.
",geographicrange:"Tyriobapta kuekenthali (as understood here—see the Taxonomic Notes section—and note that the species is referred to as T. laidlawi in some publications cited here; the reader is referred to Dow et al. (2020) for details) is known from Borneo, Sumatra (Ris 1919), including Belitung (Dow et al. 2017), and Peninsular Malaysia (Choong 2013, Dow et al. 2012, Hämäläinen 2000). Records from Borneo are from Brunei (for instance see Orr 2001; the assessor also has many as-yet unpublished records), Kalimantan (Dow and Silvius 2014), Sabah (Yagi and Kitagawa 2001) and Sarawak (Dow 2012, unpub. data; Dow and Reels 2010, 2011, 2013; Dow and Unggang 2010; Dow et al. 2015, 2020; Kimmins 1936; Steinhoff et al. 2019). The species is present in protected areas (for example, Gunong Mulu and Maludam National Parks in Sarawak). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but it is not likely to be large. Given that it is apparently absent from some areas of suitable habitat, the AOO is likely to be smaller than 4,000 km². Moreover, the AOO is observed to be declining due to loss of forest, particularly peat swamp forest, within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is >1 million km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points).
This species can be common where it occurs. However, an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of peat swamp forest and other low pH swamp formations throughout the range of the species and suitable habitat is increasingly fragmented so that the overall population will be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Throughout most of its range this species breeds in pools in peat swamp forest and other low pH swamp forest. However it is apparently absent from some areas of seemingly suitable habitat. The habitats occupied by the species are declining in both extent and quality throughout Sundaland.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.8",title:"Abstraction of ground water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Although this species does not currently qualify for a high threat category its area of occupancy is undoubtedly shrinking, so that the situation needs to be monitored. More information on the distribution of the species, particularly in Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia are urgently needed. The species would certainly benefit if more areas of peat swamp forest were given protected status.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139417340,scientific_name:"Tyriobapta kuekenthali",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"LIBELLULIDAE",genus:"Tyriobapta",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Karsch, 1903)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-25",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"2000-4000",eoo_km2:"1091590-1211307",elevation_upper:100,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BN",country:"Brunei Darussalam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"194868297",assessment_id:194871466,id_no:194868297,sci_name:"Coeliccia junis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"Dow, R.A.",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Dow 2020",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:null,longitude:113.31351,latitude:2.78643,species_id:194868297,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Coeliccia junis is only known from two localities in Bintulu Division in central Sarawak. One of the known localities is on the fringes of the recently gazetted Danau Mujan National Park (this area is also known as Binyo Penyilam), but it is not clear whether the location is inside the protected area or if other suitable habitat for the species exists within the protected area. The other locality has some protection within the Bukit Mina Wildlife Corridor, an area of old growth forest within a large Acacia plantation. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, but based on the available data it will not be large (likely smaller than 500 km²). Moreover, if the species exists outside the two known localities, then the AOO, along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat, can be inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Threats exist at all localities, even if protected. Although, with only three collections at two localities, the species could be assessed as Data Deficient, it is highly unlikely that, even with more information, it would ever qualify for Least Concern status. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)). If additional localities are not discovered for this species, a future reassessment might move it to Critically Endangered.
",geographicrange:"Coeliccia junis is only known from three specimens from two locations in Bintulu Division in central Sarawak (Dow 2020). One of the known locations is on the fringes of the recently gazetted Danau Mujan National Park (this area is also known as Binyo Penyilam), but it is not clear whether the location is inside the protected area or if other suitable habitat for the species exists within the protected area. The other location has some protection within the Bukit Mina Wildlife Corridor, an area of old growth forest within a large Acacia plantation. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, but based on the available data it will not be large (likely smaller than 500 km². Moreover, if the species exists outside of the two known localities, then the AOO can be inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO), based on known localities, cannot be calculated; however, its maximum EOO, based on the only known HydroBASINS area occupied by the species, is 2,446 km².
This appears to be an uncommon and very locally occurring species. The overall population is certainly fragmented, probably severely fragmented. If the species still exists outside of the two known locations then an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of lowland forest in the region where it occurs.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"At the type location in the Bukit Mina Wildlife Corridor the species was found in a small low pH pool in swampy disturbed kerangas forest, not far from a small stream. At the other location the species was found in low pH swamp forest (also disturbed) at the side of a small stream. It is not clear if the species breeds in swamp pools or streams (or both). Although the forest at both locations has been disturbed by selective logging in the past the canopy is currently closed and it is doubtful that the species can survive in highly degraded forest. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The first priorities for this species are to determine if the location at Binyo Penyilam is actually within the Danau Mujan National Park (if it is not, then the locality should be protected), and searches for additional populations carried out. More information on the degree of disturbance that the species can tolerate is certainly needed. The species would certainly benefit from good conservation practices in plantations, such as leaving wide buffers of original forest around streams and the setting up of conservation areas consisting of original forest and including stream heads, and the strict enforcement of existing regulations for plantations and for logging activities. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:194868297,scientific_name:"Coeliccia junis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Coeliccia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Dow, 2020",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2021-01-21",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"10-500",eoo_km2:"2446",elevation_upper:110,elevation_lower:30,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2021",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"194868263",assessment_id:194871574,id_no:194868263,sci_name:"Coeliccia roberti",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"Dow, R.A.",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Dow 2020",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:null,longitude:113.156,latitude:3.347,species_id:194868263,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Coeliccia roberti is endemic to Borneo where it is known from Brunei and Sarawak. Twenty one locations have been recorded for the species, including within protected areas (for instance Gunong Mulu, Lambir Hills and Similajau National Parks in Sarawak). Almost all locations are within Brunei or adjacent parts of Sarawak, with just one seemingly isolated location (Similajau National Park) further to the southwest. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining to some degree, along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat, due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 10,513 km². Although the species is still relatively common and is present in a number of protected areas, its populations are becoming increasingly fragmented (although probably not severely fragmented yet) and its EOO is plausibly well below the 20,000 km² threshold for Vulnerable under criterion B1. However, since the number of locations is >10, the species is assessed as Near Threatened (nearly meets VU B1ab(ii,iii)).
",geographicrange:"Coeliccia roberti is endemic to Borneo where it is known from Brunei and Sarawak (Dow 2020). Twenty one localities have been recorded for the species, including some within protected areas (for instance Gunong Mulu, Lambir Hills and Similajau National Parks in Sarawak). Almost all records are within Brunei or adjacent parts of Sarawak, with just one seemingly isolated location (Similajau National Park) further to the southwest. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO), based on known collection records, is 10,513 km²; its maximum EOO, based on the HydroBASINS those records are from, is 26,357 km²; it is plausible that the true EOO is <20,000 km².
This species can be common where it occurs. However at least some ongoing decline in overall population is suspected from loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species and the overall population is becoming increasingly fragmented, although it may not be severely fragmented yet.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Dow (2020: 489–500) states that the species “has been found in both low gradient and steep terrain, in small forest streams and seepages, freshwater swamp forest and swampy pools in forest, including some habitats with low pH waters, but not in true peat swamp forest”. To this it can be added that the species is known from disturbed forest at some locations but has not been found in highly degraded forest or in plantation habitats. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priority for this species is for more information on its distribution, particularly in Sarawak, and on its ability to tolerate disturbance. The species would certainly benefit from good conservation practices in plantations, such as leaving wide buffers of original forest around streams and the setting up of conservation areas consisting of original forest and including stream heads, and the strict enforcement of existing regulations for plantations and for logging activities.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:194868263,scientific_name:"Coeliccia roberti",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Coeliccia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Dow, 2020",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2021-01-21",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"10513-26357",elevation_upper:200,elevation_lower:10,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BN",country:"Brunei Darussalam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"6076",assessment_id:158297283,id_no:6076,sci_name:"Cymothoe teita",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"E. Kioko, A. Musyoki, A. Luanga, D. Mwinzi, O. Genga",yrcompiled:2022,citation:"National Museums of Kenya (NMK)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"African Butterfly Research Institute (ABRI)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1946,longitude:38.448278,latitude:-3.326236,species_id:6076,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species is endemic to Taita hills, Kenya, where it has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 91–193 km² and a current area of occupancy(AOO) of 16 km². It remains extant at three threat defined locations; Chawia Forest, Ngangao Forest and Mbololo Forest fragments. There is ongoing decline in quality and extent of habitat as a result of threats ranging from clearing of indigenous forest trees and shrubs for firewood, building poles and forest fires. Extended drought periods are also a threat. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)).",geographicrange:"The species is restricted to the indigenous forest fragments of Taita Hills Kenya, part of Eastern Arc Mountains (Larsen 1996, Wagura 2014, Kioko et al. 2021). The species has occurrence records from Chawia Forest, Mbololo Forest and Ngangao Forest.",population:"The current population trend is not studied. However, studies done in 2017 - 2018 recorded 67 observations of the species along the forest edge in Ngangao forest (Mwinzi, 2019).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Cymothoe teita is a montane forest species restricted to indigenous forest fragments in Taita Hills (Larsen 1996, Mwinzi 2019, Kioko et al., 2021). Larval host plant is Dasylepis integra, endemic to Eastern Arc Mountains (Thijs et al. 2014, Congdon et al. 2017).",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.1",title:"Small-holder plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The Mbololo Forest and Ngangao Forest are protected under Forest conservation and management Act, 2016 (No. 34 of 2016). There is need for research on the impacts of current land uses on the population trend.",usetrade:"Cymothoe teita is sometimes traded on order (www.kipepeo.org/price-list/).",taxonid:6076,scientific_name:"Cymothoe teita",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"NYMPHALIDAE",genus:"Cymothoe",main_common_name:null,authority:"Van Someren, 1939",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2022-06-16",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Musyoki, A.M., Mwinzi, D., Luanga, A., Genga, O.C. & Kioko, E.N.",reviewer:"Raimondo, D. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"16.000",eoo_km2:"91-193",elevation_upper:2e3,elevation_lower:1400,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"KE",country:"Kenya",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2022",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"157867328",assessment_id:157867470,id_no:157867328,sci_name:"Lepetodrilus ovalis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Aoife Molloy",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-114.29199982,latitude:-21.43330002,species_id:157867328,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise and Galápagos Rift in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from eight restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2,500 m to 2,635 m bsl. The species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO), and has been found at only eight locations, suggesting that it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. While one of the eight locations lies within two Marine Protected Areas (Menini and Van Dover 2019), the other seven exist in International Waters without any such protection, therefore we have opted to assess the species as Near Threatened (NT). Whilst no licences have been granted to date, if mining were to be approved within any of these locations, this species is projected to experience decline in the extent and quality of its habitat. The presence of the species across a large geographical area owing to the spread of hydrothermal vent fields across ocean ridges might give cause for Least Concern (LC), however, this vent species is endemic to vent environments and only occupies a small area of suitable habitat (~32 km²) which is significantly below the Vulnerable (VU) category threshold for AOO under criterion B. Therefore, it would only take a small number of mining events to drive the species to extinction and a reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of the MPAs or in the event of mining licences being granted, whereby the species would be capable of becoming Vulnerable (VU B2ab(iii)).",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to eight locations at hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. Location 1 lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Mexico, whereas Locations 2-8 occur beyond national jurisdiction in International Waters. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,500 m bsl to 2,635 m bsl. The eight locations are comprised of the following hydrothermal vent fields: EPR 21N (Location 1), EPR 13N (Location 2), EPR 7 25'S (Location 3), EPR 9 50'N (Location 4), EPR 17S (Location 5), EPR 14S (Location 6), Animal Farm (Location 7) and EPR 21 25'S (Location 8) (McLean 1988, Mills et al. 2007, Vrijenhoek 2010). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (McLean 1988, Mills et al. 2007, Vrijenhoek 2010).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the East Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,500 m to 2,635 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"One of the eight locations, the EPR 21N vent field, lies within the Hydrothermal Ventilation Sanctuary of the Guaymas Basin and the Eastern Pacific Ridge (Santuario Ventilas Hidrotermales de la Cuenca de Guaymas y de la Dorsal del Pacífico Oriental), established in 2009, where research and fisheries activities are regulated by the Mexican government. This vent site is further surrounded by the Deep Mexican Pacific Biosphere Reserve (Reserva de la Biosfera Pacífico Mexicano Profundo), established in 2016 (Menini and Van Dover 2019). The exploitation of wildlife and mining in these areas is strictly prohibited. There are no conservation actions currently in place at the other seven locations where this species is found. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the East Pacific Rise.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157867328,scientific_name:"Lepetodrilus ovalis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"LEPETELLIDA",family:"LEPETODRILIDAE",genus:"Lepetodrilus",main_common_name:null,authority:"McLean, 1988",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-01",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"32",eoo_km2:"2097468.272",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:2500,depth_lower:2635,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"180566",assessment_id:174825349,id_no:180566,sci_name:"Aplocheilus dayi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Malka Fernando",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:"Sri Lanka",tax_comm:null,source:"CHE00144",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:1973,longitude:80.376158,latitude:6.689875,species_id:180566,taxonomicnotes:'Aplocheilus dayi was described as Haplochilus dayi by Steindachner in 1892.',rationale:"Aplocheilus dayi is a range-restricted species, known from 3 locations in the western lowland wet zone of Sri Lanka. Its estimated Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is around 3742.4 km2 and Area of Occupancy (AOO) is 204 km2. Its forest habitat is declining due to logging, rapid expansion of agriculture, land fill, spread of invasive alien plant species such as Eichhornia crassipes and Anona glabra and urbanization. These threats are likely to continue as this species is found in an area which is favourable for agriculture and there is no current protection for its habitat. The species is thus listed as Endangered (EN).",geographicrange:'Aplocheilus dayi is endemic to Sri Lanka. In 1991, Pethiyagoda indicated that this species is restricted to the Kelani River basin. Recent studies however, revealed it to be also found in Attanagalu, Kelani, Kalu, Benthara and Gin River Basins (De Silva et al. 2015, IUCN Sri Lanka 2012).',population:'There is no information on the population size and trends of A. dayi in Sri Lanka. This species is found uncommonly in the country and faces a decline in its habitats owing to a number of factors such as commercial and residential development, pollution and the spread of invasive species that cause degradation in their natural habitat.',populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:'Usually inhabits shallow, heavily shaded forest streams with a silt substrate. Also occurs in brackish mangrove swamps, often found together with Aplocheilus parvus. This species feeds on small insects, insect larvae and juvenile fish (Talwar and Jhingaran 1991).',threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There is no conservation plan in place for this species.",usetrade:'Aplocheilus dayi is a popular ornamental fish and is collected and exported from Sri Lanka.',taxonid:180566,scientific_name:"Aplocheilus dayi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"APLOCHEILIDAE",genus:"Aplocheilus",main_common_name:"Day's Killifish",authority:"(Steindachner, 1892)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-08-01",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"de Alwis Goonatilake, S., Fernado, M. & Kotagama, O.",reviewer:"Maiz-Tome, L. & Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"204.000",eoo_km2:"3742.418",elevation_upper:667,elevation_lower:1,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:'A corrected (errata) assessment has been created to remove the incorrect statement "This species is also cultivated as a larvicidal fish (Talwar and Jhingran 1991)" from the Use and Trade text.',amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"176214364",assessment_id:176214537,id_no:176214364,sci_name:"Hypostomus nematopterus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Gustavo Ballen",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Isbrücker and Nijssen, 1984",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:-52.873951,latitude:2.244806,species_id:176214364,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is only known from three localities in the Oyapock river. It has a restricted distribution with an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 3,675 km2. There are two locations based on the impacts of deforestation and these are leading to a continuing decline in habitat. Therefore, this species is assessed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species is only known from three localities in the Oyapock river in French Guiana (Isbrücker and Nijssen 1984, Weber et al. 2012).",population:"The original description and next collection were separated by 40 years, thus the species is considered as rare (Queiroz et al. 2019).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"No specific habitat information is known for this species.",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The species is considered Endangered nationally in French Guiana (UICN France et al. 2017).",usetrade:"This species, in the adult state, is extremely difficult to distinguish from Hypostomus gymnorhynchus with which it lives in syntopia, which leads to harvesting by fishermen (P.-Y. Le Bail pers. comm. 2021).",taxonid:176214364,scientific_name:"Hypostomus nematopterus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LORICARIIDAE",genus:"Hypostomus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1984",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2021-01-14",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Ballen, G.A.",reviewer:"Le Bail, P.-Y.",aoo_km2:"1348",eoo_km2:"3675",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GF",country:"French Guiana",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2021",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"173714662",assessment_id:173775235,id_no:173714662,sci_name:"Ophiogomphus minimus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow, T.Q. Phan & T. Kompier",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Phan unpublished",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:107.7185,latitude:11.454,species_id:173714662,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Ophiogomphus minimus is known from southern and central Viet Nam, where it is known to occur in 12 locations. Some locations are within protected areas. A number of locations are close to the border with Laos, therefore the species should be looked for there as well as in Viet Nam. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is likely to be smaller than 2,000 km² and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of and disturbance to forest within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is much greater than the criterion B1 thresholds (EOO = 45,074–59,440 km²). Despite its relatively large EOO, this species appears to be dependent on high-quality habitat and is therefore likely to be declining too fast to allow a Least Concern assessment. The species would qualify for Vulnerable status under criterion B2ab(ii,iii) if severe fragmentation was certain, or if the number of locations reduces to 10 or less. The species is therefore assessed as Near Threatened (nearly meets criterion B). It is hoped that when more information becomes available reassessment to Least Concern will be possible.
",geographicrange:"Ophiogomphus minimus is known from southern and central Viet Nam (Karube 2014, Kompier unpub. data, Phan unpub. data). The assessors are aware of records from 13 individual sites, but two of these are so close together that they only constitute a single threat-defined location in the face of almost any conceivable threat to the species, therefore the species is considered to occur in 12 locations. Some locations are within protected areas (for example, the Sao La Nature Reserve in Thua Thien Hue Province). A number of locations are close to the border with Laos, therefore the species should be looked for there as well as in Viet Nam. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data it is not likely to be very large (below 2,000 km²). The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 45,074 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points).
This species appears to be locally occurring but can be moderately common where it does occur. At least some ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of and disturbance to forest within the range of the species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs in open aspect streams with large rocks and boulders in the bed in in mountainous areas. The species is forest-dependent and is most common in areas with undisturbed old growth forest but can tolerate a low level of disturbance to the forest around its streams. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priority for this species is for more information on its distribution, exact habitat requirements, ability to tolerate disturbance and on threats.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173714662,scientific_name:"Ophiogomphus minimus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Ophiogomphus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Karube, 2014",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-14",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A., Kompier, T. & Phan, Q.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"500-2000",eoo_km2:"45074-59440",elevation_upper:900,elevation_lower:200,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"150106675",assessment_id:150107047,id_no:150106675,sci_name:"Amatitlania myrnae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. Lyons",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.or0lp8",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:0,longitude:-82.932213,latitude:9.566529,species_id:150106675,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to the Sixaola River on the Atlantic slope of southeastern Costa Rica. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be between 1,170-2,700 km2. Land-use changes in the Sixaola River drainage have had documented impacts on the area, extent, and quality of available habitat. Additionally, continuous fish kills resulting from pesticide pollution have been reported. As such, this species is assessed as Endangered (EN) under criterion B1ab(iii,v). More research is needed to reduce uncertainties in distribution, population status, and magnitude of threats.
",geographicrange:"Amatitlania myrnae is endemic to the Sixaola River drainage on the Atlantic slope of Costa Rica (Paaby 2008, Angulo et al. 2013). Earlier records from the Atlantic slope of Panama are erroneous (Kullander et al. 2003). This species occurred at 50% of sampled localities throughout the Sixaola River drainage (Lorion et al. 2011). This species occurs at elevations ranging from 40-150 meters above sea level (Angulo et al. 2013).
Based on a limited number of georeferenced collection records, Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 1,170 km2 (GBIF 2019). The Sixaola watershed covers an area of approximately 2,700 km2 (Polidoro and Morra 2016). Therefore, EOO is estimated to be between 1,170-2,700 km2.
",population:"Total population size is unknown. Lorion et al. (2011) collected a total of 58 specimens across 20 sample sites in the Sixaola River drainage. In a similar basin-wide study, A. myrnae was recorded at 2.2% relative abundance and 15% relative abundance in small and large streams, respectively (Oosterhout and Velde 2015).
Population trend is suspected to be declining, given documented mass mortality events within the Sixaola River basin. However, the rate of decline is uncertain.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:'Freshwater; benthopelagic (Bussing 1998, Froese and Pauly 2019). Adults inhabit flowing water from small creeks and streams to the shallows of large and fast flowing rivers. This species prefers rocky habitats with tree branches and leaf litter, and finds sanctuary in the various cracks and crevices provided by this type of environment, or among roots and debris; adults and juveniles also occur in warm (23-26°C) pools of springs and their effluents (Bussing 1998). Diet is comprised of insects, detritus and plant matter (Bussing 1998, A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019).
This species lays eggs on cleaned surfaces of rocks or tree branches one or two times per year (up to six, depending on water conditions) (A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019). Parents incubate eggs, guard young, tend and fan embryos, and transport juveniles into newly excavated pits in the substrate (Conkel 1993, Bussing 1998, A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019). Dark cavities are preferred as nests to conceal the brood and make them less conspicuous to visual predators (Conkel 1993, Bussing 1998). Approximately 100-200 eggs are deposited and are vigorously guarded and cared for by both male and female (A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019).
',threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation actions directed towards A. myrnae. This species would benefit from more research on distribution, population status, and the impacts of major threatening factors. Additionally, habitat and population monitoring would be useful in accurately determining rate of loss.
",usetrade:"This species is common in the ornamental trade, but the total volume of wild harvest is unknown. In Europe, the majority of traded specimens are aquacultured (A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019).
",taxonid:150106675,scientific_name:"Amatitlania myrnae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Amatitlania",main_common_name:"Topaz Cichlid",authority:"(Loiselle, 1997)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-11-07",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J. & Angulo, A.",reviewer:"González, R. & Armbruster, J.W.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"1170-2700",elevation_upper:150,elevation_lower:40,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.9",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Freshwater Springs and Oases",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"83154171",assessment_id:83375030,id_no:83154171,sci_name:"Indolestes cheesmanae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Marinov",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN SSC Odonata Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:" ",event_year:1979,longitude:166.517376,latitude:-22.180517,species_id:83154171,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Indolestes cheesmanae is distributed in New Caledonia and Vanuatu. The extent of occurrence (EOO) for this species is quite large, however its habitat requirements mean its area of occupancy is quite small (AOO is likely less than 2,000 km²). It occupies very specific habitats which are considered vulnerable to human pressures. More studies are necessary in order to assess the type and extent of the impact of human activities on the species, however, currently drainage of humid pastures and disappearance of the coastal marshes are considered possible threats. Therefore, the species is proposed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species occurs in New Caledonia (Grande Terre Island) and Vanuatu (Vanua Lava, Espiritu Santo and Tutuba islands).",population:"There is insufficient information to assess the population size of this species. Davies (2002) claims it is wide spread in the south part of Grande Terre, however, all other studies on the Odonata of New Caledonia (Kimmins 1953, Lieftinck 1975, Marinov et al. 2013, Michalski 2013) and Vanuatu (Kimmins 1936) have established it with single individuals only.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species prefers ponds, grassy marshes, and streams on slopes in forested areas. Most ponds are shallow, and may partially dry out seasonally.",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.2",title:"Abstraction of surface water (commercial use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation measures in place for this species. Studies aer required on the actual population size, trend and threats.",usetrade:null,taxonid:83154171,scientific_name:"Indolestes cheesmanae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"LESTIDAE",genus:"Indolestes",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Kimmins, 1936)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-06-02",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Marinov, M.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"68-1000",eoo_km2:"234926-392972",elevation_upper:600,elevation_lower:40,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"NC",country:"New Caledonia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"VU",country:"Vanuatu",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"175716644",assessment_id:175716677,id_no:175716644,sci_name:"Pseudepapterus gracilis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lina Mesa-Salazar",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"Lina Mesa-Salazar",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Ferraris & Vari 2000; Ferraris 2007; Lasso et al 2004",basisofrec:null,event_year:2e3,longitude:-65,latitude:7.11666667,species_id:175716644,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species occurs in the Lower Caura River basin. It has a known area of occupancy (AOO) of 4 km2 calculated based on point occurrence data. However, there is a need to increase collection efforts specifically for this species to confirm its distribution range. Legal and illegal mining are threats to this species, and there is one location based on the threat of mining, which is leading to a continuing decline in habitat. Therefore, this species is assessed as Critically Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species occurs in the Lower Caura River basin. The type locality is Caño Chuapo, about 20 minutes downstream from Jabillal (on opposite bank) along Caura River, 7°07'N, 65°00'W, Bolívar, Venezuela (Ferraris and Vari 2000).",population:"It is only known from the type locality.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The Caura River presents tea-coloured waters, with pH values between 5.04 and 5.82 and conductivity between 6 and 20 µS/cm (Riseng and Spark 2003). For the genus, pelagic habits are reported, with species with long and numerous gill rakes, and probably feeding on plankton (Akama and Ribeiro 2013). However, Pseudepapterus gracilis was collected in a pool isolated from the main riverbed, which does not represent a typical habitat for the genus. This small pool of about 20 m in depth had a bottom of mud, debris, leaf litter, and logs (Ferraris and Vari 2000).",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"It occurs in El Caura Forest Reserve (Bevilacqua et al. 2005). The underrepresentation of this species in scientific collections could be an artefact of the difficulty of collecting it, given its ecological preferences. Collection efforts should be made around the distribution area using specific methods of manually collecting in trunks, which is unusual in expeditions (B. Calegari pers. comm. 2021).",usetrade:"It is unknown if this species is traded in the ornamental fish market.
",taxonid:175716644,scientific_name:"Pseudepapterus gracilis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"AUCHENIPTERIDAE",genus:"Pseudepapterus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Ferraris & Vari, 2000",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-12-11",category:"CR",criteria:"B2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Mesa-Salazar, L.",reviewer:"Calegari, B.B. & DoNascimiento, CD",aoo_km2:"4-412",eoo_km2:"634",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VE",country:"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"No"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"122802233",assessment_id:146602050,id_no:122802233,sci_name:"Rhinocypha sanguinolenta",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Lieftinck 1961",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:125.27057,latitude:7.14529,species_id:122802233,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Rhinocypha sanguinolenta is known only from Mindanao in the Philippines. Although the species is known from a relatively large number of sites, including within protected areas, threats exist at all locations. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it may not be large, probably not significantly greater than 2,000km2 and likely less than 2,000km2, and will be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of and disturbance to forest throughout the range of the species and including within protected areas. The overall population is believed to be declining and to be severely fragmented. The species is close to qualifying for Vulnerable status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and would qualify if its AOO was definitely known to be below 2,000km2 and is therefore assessed as Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:"Rhinocypha sanguinolenta is known only from Mindanao in the Philippines (Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen, Hämäläinen & Muller 1997, Lieftinck 1961). The assessor is aware of records from at least 25 sites but it has not proved possible to assign separate coordinates to all of these for mapping purposes. The species is present in a number of protected areas, for instance the Mount Apo, Mount Kitanglad Range and Mount Kalatungan Natural Parks. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it may not be large, probably not significantly greater than 2,000km2 and likely less than 2,000km2, and will be declining due to loss of and disturbance to forest throughout the range of the species and including within protected areas.
",population:"This species does not appear to be particularly common even where it occurs. Beyond this all that can be said with the available information is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of and disturbance to forest within the range of the species and that the overall population will already be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Little has been recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it will be a species of forest streams. Although it has been recorded as low as 100-200m a.s.l., most records are from higher altitude (above 800m a.s.l.) suggesting that it prefers montane forest, however since in the areas where the species occurs little forest remains below 800m a.s.l. the apparent altitude preference might actually be the result of strong dependence on forest. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for this species are declining due to loss of and disturbance to forest, including within protected areas.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance of this species are required, and the prevention of encroachment into the existing protected areas where it occurs.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:122802233,scientific_name:"Rhinocypha sanguinolenta",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROCYPHIDAE",genus:"Rhinocypha",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1961",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-06-22",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:1800,elevation_lower:100,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"169202",assessment_id:75106103,id_no:169202,sci_name:"Africocypha centripunctata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling (2012). Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/ipt/resource.do?r=bf_cf21",basisofrec:null,event_year:1995,longitude:9.681864,latitude:4.828705,species_id:169202,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Overall, the species is known from 15 records at four locations; two of these are considered under threat, whilst the other two are not. The species is assessed as Endangered (B1ab(iii), B2ab(iii)) due to the restricted area of occupancy (24 km²), being present in just four locations and an ongoing decline in habitat area and quality. The locality in Nigeria needs a survey, since the records are more than 50 years old. The given locality "Obudu" refers most likely to the Obudu Plateau.',geographicrange:"The species has been recorded from a few locations in Cameroon (Mt Kupe and Bakossi Mts (Kodmin/Kumin) in adjacent SW Cameroon, and Baba II Forest near Babenda (Dijkstra pers. comm.)). The species is also known from the Obudu Plateau of SE Nigeria (type locality), but these records are from 1961 and 1962 and surveys are needed to see, whether the population is still extant.",population:"No information available.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Rocky submontane (above 700 m Asl) rainforest streams.",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation measures known but information on taxonomy, population ecology, habitat status and population trends would be valuable.",usetrade:null,taxonid:169202,scientific_name:"Africocypha centripunctata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROCYPHIDAE",genus:"Africocypha",main_common_name:"Banded Jewel",authority:"(Gambles, 1975)",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2017-10-27",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Clausnitzer, V. & Dijkstra, K.-D.B.",reviewer:"Kipping, J., Meziere, N.M. & Suhling, F.",aoo_km2:"24",eoo_km2:"380-8049",elevation_upper:2e3,elevation_lower:700,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CM",country:"Cameroon",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2017",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2010",assess_year:"2009",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"192898",assessment_id:2179736,id_no:192898,sci_name:"Herichthys tamasopoensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Fabian Pérez, Omar Mejía, Eduardo Soto-Galera, IPN-ENCB",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"ENCB-IPN-P2898",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:1978,longitude:-99.418889,latitude:21.920833,species_id:192898,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Herichthys tamasopoensis is endemic to the Río Gallinas. Although the area is highly impacted by anthropic disturbances such as agriculture, settlements and introduction of exotic species, our collection records in the recent years indicate that species is present in its historical distribution and apparent large population sizes. Considering the species' extent of occurrence, number of locations and continuing decline of its habitat quality, it is assessed as Vulnerable. A constant survey is required to monitor the species' population trends.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to the Gallinas river basin in San Luis de Potosi, Mexico, including the Rio Tamasopo above the Tamasopo falls by the 105 m tall Cascada Tamul, sharing its distribution with the species pair H. pame/H. steindachneri.",population:"Although the area is higly impacted by antropic disturbances such as agriculture, settlements and introduction of exotic species, our collection records in the recent years indicate that species is present in its historical distribution and apparent large population sizes.",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:'It occupies mainstream and tributaries of Río Gallinas (Río Frio), 300-450 m elevation, on Sierra Madre Oriental. Generally, it utilises hard water, with pH 7.8-8.3 and generally clear, light blue to turquoise (visibility may exceed 20 m in the dry season in the headwaters). Yearly temperatures vary from 18-28 °C and dissolved oxygen ranges from 7 to 10 mg/l. Aquatic plants are absent in Río Tamasopo. Substrates are rocky, varying from large boulders to limestone sediments, and commonly including driftwood. Currents are moderate to fast (18-45 cm/s) and depth is generally about 2.0-4.0 m, with stream widths of 5-30 m. Adjacent vegetation comprises lush tropical forest, with trees more than 20 m tall (Miller et al. 2005, Soto-Galera et al. 2006).',threats:[{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"No decline",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"No decline",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation actions for Herichthys tamasopoensis are known. More information would be useful on the species' population status and threats across its range.",usetrade:"There is no use or trade information for this species.",taxonid:192898,scientific_name:"Herichthys tamasopoensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Herichthys",main_common_name:"Tamasopo Cichlid",authority:"Artigas Azas, 1993",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-08-16",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Stable",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Soto Galera, E.",reviewer:"Contreras MacBeath, T.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"300-340",elevation_upper:450,elevation_lower:300,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"189553846",assessment_id:196182152,id_no:189553846,sci_name:"Nunciella kangarooensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jess Marsh",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"National Environmental Science Program (NESP)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Bull Creek, near Shackle Road, Ravine De Casoars Wilderness Protection Area",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2020,longitude:136.7662,latitude:-35.83056,species_id:189553846,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"It is listed as Endangered. The calculated extent of occurrence is 176 km2; however, while the true extent of occurrence is unclear it is not expected to be greater than 1,000 and 2,000 km2. Also, there is inferred to have been a recent decline in the extent and quality of its habitat and the number of mature individuals (estimated to correspond to a decline in excess of 50%, and potentially 70%) as a result of bushfires that encompassed the single location where it occurs. As fire intensity and scale is expected to increase, this represents a continuing decline resulting from a recurring threat from fire.",geographicrange:"The species is only known from the west end of Kangaroo Island, off the coast of South Australia (Hunt 1971), and is expected to be endemic to this area. There have been many surveys on Kangaroo Island, including targeted surveys for harvestmen. The type locality was burned at high severity during the 2019-2020 fire season.",population:"This species is relatively easy to find at known localities, but can be naturally patchy and is not considered common. The population trend is unknown, but severe fires in this area during the 2019-2020 bushfire season are likely to have caused declines. About 60-90% of the species' extent of occurrence overlapped with areas of high severity fire. The scale of decline during and following fire is difficult to estimate, but could be as high as 80-100% in fire-hit areas (the latter only in the most extreme fires) due to a combination of direct mortality and the loss of the organic substrate, corresponding to a maximum decline in the global population of between 60-90%. For the purposes of this assessment a global decline of 60-70% as a result of this fire season is considered likely. It is unknown how rapidly it can recover from this scale of decline.Igneocnemis rubripes is only known from seven locations in Dinagat and Mindanao in the Philippines. The only record from Dinagat is that of the type series from 1931. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is likely to be relatively small and is inferred to be declining as a result of loss and degradation of forest in north-eastern Mindanao. Similarly, the extent of occurrence (EOO) is not likely to be large and, based on the available data, is likely to be smaller than 5,000 km². However, the overall population may not yet be severely fragmented so that the species does not qualify for Endangered with the available data and instead qualifies for and is assessed Vulnerable under criteria B1ab(ii,iii).
",geographicrange:"Igneocnemis rubripes is only known from Dinagat and Mindanao in the Philippines (Gassmann and Hämäläinen 2002, Needham and Gyger 1939, the assessor also has unpublished data). The assessor is aware of records from at least seven locations but it has only been possible to assign separate coordinates to five of these for mapping purposes. The only record from Dinagat is that of the type series from 1931 without further location data. It is not clear if the species is present in any protected areas but it might be present, for instance, in the Cabadbaran River Watershed Forest Reserve within the Mount Hilong-hilong Important Bird Area. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) for this species is not possible with the available data, but it is likely to be relatively small and is inferred to be declining as a result of loss and degradation of forest in north-eastern Mindanao. Similarly, the EOO is not likely to be large; when calculated based on the mapped data points, EOO is 1,458 km², however since this does not include its occurrence on Dinagat, this is certainly an underestimate. However, the known EOO is still likely to be less than 5,000 km².
",population:"This species appears to be local in occurrence but can be moderately common where it does occur. The overall population is suspected to be declining as a result of loss and degradation of forest in north-eastern Mindanao but may not be severely fragmented yet.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Virtually nothing has been recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it is a forest stream species. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining as a result of loss and degradation of forest in north-eastern Mindanao.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, presence in protected areas, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139563724,scientific_name:"Igneocnemis rubripes",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Igneocnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Needham & Gyger, 1939)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-03",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"1458-5000",elevation_upper:650,elevation_lower:150,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"213648894",assessment_id:213648930,id_no:213648894,sci_name:"Bagarius bagarius",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ng, H.H.",yrcompiled:2022,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"age class: adult; standard length: 220mm",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1972,longitude:77.123327,latitude:26.221845,species_id:213648894,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Bagarius bagarius is harvested heavily throughout much or all of its range. This species has been extirpated in some rivers and, based on information from the Brahmaputra River drainage, is estimated to have undergone a decline of at least 30% over the last 30 years throughout its entire range. The status of the species, as it is currently understood, is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion A2d.",geographicrange:"This species is known throughout the Indian subcontinent, from the Indus and Ganges-Brahmaputra River drainages southwards to the Cauvery River drainage. In southern peninsular India, it is known only from the large eastward flowing rivers (Krishna and Cauvery), and their tributaries (Tungabhadra). The extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated at 3,883,000 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated using georeferenced data from GBIF (2019) and the literature (Rauf et al. 2015, Palaniswamy et al. 2017).",population:"Although there is little information on the population and its status, there are indications that this species is suffering population declines throughout much or all of its range. There has been a considerable decline in the population in the Kansai, Rupnarayan and Subarnarekha rivers of 29.2% over four decades from 1960 to 2000 (Mishra et al. 2009), and population declines have also been reported in the Brahmaputra River (Sheikh et al. 1997) and the Padma and Meghna rivers in Bangladesh by Paul et al. (2019). Additionally, this species is considered extirpated in the Mula-Mutha River (Kharat et al. 2003) and is considered to be declining in population throughout southern India (Dahanukar et al. 2004). A decline of at least 30% over the last 30 years (with a generation length of 10 years) is estimated based on studies in the Brahmaputra River drainage (Sheikh et al. 1997).",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species inhabits a variety of fluviatile habitats, although it is typically associated with swift, clear rivers with a substrate of rocks and sand. In southern peninsular India, all recent records (based on photographic evidence) are from large reservoirs.",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.2",title:"Intentional use: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More information about the population size and trend, as well as the effect of fishing and other anthropogenic activities on the global population, is needed.",usetrade:"This species is caught as a food fish throughout its entire distribution. Juveniles and subadults are often caught for the ornamental fish trade. Large adult fish are targeted by catch-and-release recreational anglers.",taxonid:213648894,scientific_name:"Bagarius bagarius",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"SISORIDAE",genus:"Bagarius",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Hamilton, 1822)",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2022-02-04",category:"VU",criteria:"A2d",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Ng, H.H.",reviewer:"Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"3883000",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BD",country:"Bangladesh",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"BT",country:"Bhutan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"IN",country:"India",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"NP",country:"Nepal",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PK",country:"Pakistan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"15.1",habitat:"Artificial/Aquatic - Water Storage Areas (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2022",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"180568",assessment_id:150839197,id_no:180568,sci_name:"Garra ceylonensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Malka Fernando",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:"Sri Lanka",tax_comm:null,source:"CHE00115",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2018,longitude:80.42289,latitude:8.509139,species_id:180568,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Garra ceylonensis is an endemic species which has a wide distribution throughout the island in both the dry and wet zones, extending from the lowland to mid hills. This species main threats are the aquarium trade and exportation, as well as habitat quality decline from both deforestation caused siltation, and the construction of dams. Due to its Area of Occupancy being 792 km2 and number of locations of only 19, although not meeting the thresholds of Vulnerable, the continuing decline results in this species being assessed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"Garra ceylonensis is endemic to Sri Lanka. This is one of the common endemic species which is wide spread throughout the island, in both the dry and wet zones, to high mountain areas with fast flowing rocky substrate rivers and streams (De Silva et al. 2015).",population:"No population data is currently available regarding the population size or trend of Garra ceylonensis, which is a common species. A decline in its population may be inferred on the basis of the threats this species faces, which include pollution, over fishing and modifications to its natural habitat.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Garra ceylonensis is found in fast flowing rivers and streams with rocks or pebble substrates such as runs, pools and riffles (Jayaratne et al. 2010). During the flood season it has been seen to migrate upstream for the purpose of laying eggs. It has been found that it is most abundantly found in riffles along with Schistura notostigma (Senanayake 1980, Pethiyagoda 1991, De Silva et al. 2015). Garra ceylonensis adults and juveniles (>=5 cm.), with fully developed sucking discs, are found associated with rocky substrates. Juveniles are found throughout the water column and are generally free swimming.
",threats:[{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Conservation of G. ceylonensis habitats has been carried out by a number of strategies such as the construction of fish passes to existing miniature hydro weirs, protecting upper catchments and introducing sustainable land management practices to plantations, as well as vegetable farms. Attention has also been brought to the use of laws to control and regulate the wild collection and exploitation of this species for export trade.
",usetrade:"Fernando et al. (2013) showed that, between the period of 1st September 2012 to 31st August in 2013, the highest percentage of endemic fish exported and the highest foreign exchange earnings was from export of Garra ceylonensis. However, the number of exported fish has decreased drastically compared to the years of 2005 and 2006. In 2006, Gunasekara (2011) indicated that the highest number of single endemic fish exported from the country was G. ceylonensis.
",taxonid:180568,scientific_name:"Garra ceylonensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"CYPRINIDAE",genus:"Garra",main_common_name:"Stone Sucker",authority:"Bleeker, 1863",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-08-07",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Fernado, M., Kotagama, O. & de Alwis Goonatilake, S.",reviewer:"Daniels, A. & Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"792.000",eoo_km2:"39833.903",elevation_upper:1667,elevation_lower:12,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"139440885",assessment_id:146602130,id_no:139440885,sci_name:"Cyrano angustior",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Cayasan et al 2013",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2012,longitude:123.14664,latitude:7.84529,species_id:139440885,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Cyrano angustior is endemic to the Philippines where there are records from Camiguin, Dinagat, Leyte, Mindanao and Samar islands. Although a relatively large number of locations are known for the species it is believed that the overall population is declining and severely fragmented. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it may not be particularly large (could be below or close to 2,000km2) and is inferred to be declining, along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat, due to loss of forest and pollution of forest streams within the range of the species. The species would qualify for Vulnerable status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) if its AOO was known to be below 2,000km2 and is therefore assessed as Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:"Cyrano angustior is endemic to the Philippines where there are records from Camiguin, Dinagat, Leyte, Mindanao and Samar (Cayasan et al. 2013, Hämäläinen 1989, personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen, Hämäläinen & Muller 1997, Villanueva 2009, 2011). The assessor is aware of records from many locations but it has only been possible to assign separate coordinates to 35 of these for mapping purposes. The species is present in protected areas, for instance the Mount Matutum Protected Landscape and Aliwagwag Protected Landscape in Mindanao. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it may not be particularly large and is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species.
",population:"There is insufficient information on this species to make definitive statements about current population sizes, however it the overall population is certainly severely fragmented and a decline in population is inferred from loss of forest and pollution of forest streams by mining activities within the range of the species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Little has been recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it is a species of forest streams, typically in hilly and mountainous areas (although Cayasan et al. (2013) record it from a lake). The assessor has seen the species in old-growth forest disturbed by small-scale illegal logging but more information on the ability of the species to tolerate disturbance is needed. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are certainly declining.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance of this species are needed, and better protection for existing protected areas.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139440885,scientific_name:"Cyrano angustior",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROCYPHIDAE",genus:"Cyrano",main_common_name:null,authority:"Hämäläinen, 1989",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-05-25",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:1800,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"123672975",assessment_id:123674364,id_no:123672975,sci_name:"Ceratophyllus fionnus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Craig Macadam",yrcompiled:2022,citation:"Usher [1968]",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Usher 1968",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:1975,longitude:-6.2962759,latitude:56.972325,species_id:123672975,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'The Manx Shearwater Flea (Ceratophyllus fionnus) is known from a single location on the Island of Rum, Scotland, where it is found in the burrows of the Manx Shearwater (Puffinus puffinus). Whilst there is no definitive information on the area of occupancy and population size at this location, the AOO and population of its host, the Manx Shearwater is in decline (Furness 1997, Smith et al. 2001, Murray et al. 2003). Kwak et al. (2019) assessed this species as Vulnerable, indicating that it qualified under the parameters used for the D2 criterion i.e. "limited to a range of less than 20 km2 or limited to five or fewer localities". This was incorrect use of the D2 criterion as that requires there to be a plausible future threat which when it happens could drive the species to become Critically Endangered or Extinct in a short time; an aspect not discussed by Kwak et al. (2019). The Manx Shearwater Flea does qualify for listing as Vulnerable D2, especially with the potential future threat to the host Max Shearwater posed by bird flu. However, applying the Red List Criteria to Ceratophyllus fionnus it is clear that it is restricted to a single threat-defined location in a small area (area of occupancy and extent of occurrence are both about 12 km2) and there are projected ongoing threats to the host species which will result in a continuing decline. Therefore this species qualifies for listing as Critically Endangered under criterion B1ab(ii,iii).',geographicrange:"The Manx Shearwater Flea (Ceratophyllus fionnus) is associated with nest burrows of the Manx Shearwater (Puffinus puffinus) on the island of Rum, Scotland. This island holds one of the largest colony of Manx Shearwater in the world, estimated to be one fifth of the world population, however, the population on Rum is thought to be in decline (Furness 1997, Smith et al. 2001, Murray et al. 2003). Ceratophyllus fionnus is known from a single high altitude (650 m and above) site in Manx Shearwater nest burrows on the mountain of Hallival (Usher 1968).",population:"No specific information is available on the population of Ceratophyllus fionnus, however, as an ecto-parasite its population is intrinsically linked to the population of its host, the Manx Shearwater (Puffinus puffinus). The Manx Shearwater population on Rum is suggested to be slowly declining (Furness 1997, Smith et al. 2001, Murray et al. 2003), and it is expected that this means that the population of C. fionnus will also be in decline.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Little is known about the ecology of the Manx Shearwater Flea. Individuals have been found in nest burrows of the Manx Shearwater (Puffinus puffinus) (Wormell 1982).",threats:[{code:"8.2",title:"Problematic native species/diseases (Rattus norvegicus)",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:"Rattus norvegicus"},{code:"8.2.2",title:"Named species (Rattus norvegicus)",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:"Rattus norvegicus"},{code:"8.5",title:"Viral/prion-induced diseases",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"8.5.2",title:"Named species",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No individual conservation action has been documented for the Ceratophyllus fionnus, however, measures to conserve and expand the population of Manx Shearwaters on Rum should ultimately benefit C. fionnus. Kwak et al. (2019) have suggested the development of a recovery plan for this species, outlining further research and monitoring that is required, in situ conservation measures and the importance of considering translocating the species to other Manx Shearwater colonies.",usetrade:null,taxonid:123672975,scientific_name:"Ceratophyllus fionnus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"SIPHONAPTERA",family:"CERATOPHYLLIDAE",genus:"Ceratophyllus",main_common_name:"Manx Shearwater Flea",authority:"Usher, 1968",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2021-01-30",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Macadam, C.",reviewer:"Gerlach, J.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"12",elevation_upper:722,elevation_lower:650,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GB",country:"United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"13.1",habitat:"Marine Coastal/Supratidal - Sea Cliffs and Rocky Offshore Islands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"17",habitat:"Other",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"201964",assessment_id:2731417,id_no:201964,sci_name:"Schizothorax huegelii",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Dahanukar, N.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"India: Jammu and Kashmir, Jhelum",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Nyman (1995)",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:0,longitude:74.2505,latitude:34.179,species_id:201964,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Schizothorax huegelii is assessed as Endangered as the species is known from only a single location in Jhelum river, Kashmir, with an Extent of Occurrence less than 2,000 km2 and threats to its habitat because of anthropogenic stressors. Habitat of the species is threatened due to land use changes, urbanization, reckless application of pesticides and fertilizers, forest degradation, and deforestation which has lead to nutrient enrichment of streams which has impacted almost all the tributary streams, lakes, and wetlands in the catchment of the Jhelum. Further, fishing might be a potential threat to the species.",geographicrange:"Schizothorax huegelii is known from Jhelum river in Kashmir (Heckel 1838, Nyman 1995). The species is present in a single location based on the threats to the habitat because of land use changes, urbanization, reckless application of pesticides and fertilizers, forest degradation, and deforestation (Rather et al. 2016).",population:"There is no information regarding population status and population trends for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Schizothorax huegelii inhabits rivers (Heckel 1838, Nyman 1995). The quality of the habitat is deteriorating because of land use changes, urbanization, reckless application of pesticides and fertilizers, forest degradation, and deforestation (Rather et al. 2016).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No species specific conservation actions are in place for Schizothorax huegelii. The species is also not known from any protected area. The habitat of the species is under stress; therefore, there is a need for monitoring habitat and populations trends and conservation actions to protect habitat and resources. Limited information is available on the speceis and research is essential to understand its population status, trends, distribution, ecology and species specific threats.",usetrade:"Schizothorax huegelii attains a length of 30 cm and contributes to fisheries in the Kashmir Valley (Talwar and Jhingran 1991).",taxonid:201964,scientific_name:"Schizothorax huegelii",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"CYPRINIDAE",genus:"Schizothorax",main_common_name:null,authority:"Heckel, 1838",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2021-02-27",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Dahanukar, N.",reviewer:"Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"1928",eoo_km2:"1928",elevation_upper:1577,elevation_lower:1577,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"IN",country:"India",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2021",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"218123578",assessment_id:218123635,id_no:218123578,sci_name:"Ancylodactylus mathewsensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"PK Malonza",yrcompiled:2022,citation:"National Museums of Kenya (NMK)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"NMK",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2010,longitude:37.2103,latitude:1.25558,species_id:218123578,taxonomicnotes:"This species was described from material that included records attributed to Cnemaspis dickersonae by Spawls et al. (2018).",rationale:"The species is endemic to Kenya, and found in the Mathews Range Forest. It has an inferred extent of occurrence (EOO) of 150 km2 and area of occupancy (AOO) of 12 km2. It is known from one location where it is potentially threatened by habitat degradation from livestock and wildlife management in future. It therefore qualifies for listing as Vulnerable under criterion D2.",geographicrange:"This is a dryland, hilltop montane forest species endemic to Kenya where it is restricted to the Mathews Range, locally known as Ol Doinyo Lenkiyo, a chain of hills with several peaks (Malonza and Bauer 2022). The elevation ranges between 950 to 2,400 m asl.
",population:"The species is restricted to indigenous montane forests and rock outcrops and is currently only known from two collections where subpopulations were noted to be small, with only a handful of individuals found per rock outcrop. The population trend is suspected to be stable due to the absence of significant threats to the habitat.
",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:"Ancylodactylus mathewsensis occurs in both dry and moist montane forests and rock outcrops, between 950 and 2,400 m asl. It is restricted to tree trunks and hollows, and rock crevices (Malonza and Bauer 2022).
",threats:[{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Future",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.1",title:"Nomadic grazing",timing:"Future",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The only known population occurs in within a protected forest reserve (Malonza and Bauer 2022). More research is needed to understand the species' distribution, population trends and ecology.
",usetrade:"There is no known use of or trade in this species.",taxonid:218123578,scientific_name:"Ancylodactylus mathewsensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"REPTILIA",order:"SQUAMATA",family:"GEKKONIDAE",genus:"Ancylodactylus",main_common_name:"Mathews Range Forest Gecko",authority:"Malonza & Bauer, 2022",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2022-06-16",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Stable",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Malonza, P.K., Wasonga, V.D., Muchai, V., Joash, N. & Bwong, B.A.",reviewer:"Tolley, K.A.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"150",elevation_upper:2400,elevation_lower:950,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"KE",country:"Kenya",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.5",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2022",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"145380559",assessment_id:145380614,id_no:145380559,sci_name:"Iphinopsis boucheti",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin A. Thomas",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:70.03999,latitude:-25.31933,species_id:145380559,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the Indian Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2420 m to 2450 m bsl. The impact of uncertainty around the total AOO, EOO and other biological factors mean that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from VU to CR, using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as the top of this range, CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii). The potential for anthropogenic influence in these sites based on exploration licenses for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports an inferred and projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. There may already be some disturbance to this species as ISA exploration-phase licenses allows for some extraction of mineral deposits to determine their composition and evaluate the use of seabed mining technology for future full exploitation-phase licensing. A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining license arrangements.
",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to one location at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the Indian Ocean. This location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with biologically and geologically coherent identity. Any vent fields within this location therefore also have common exposure to relevant potential threats. This location lies within an exploration license contract area granted by the International Seabed Authority to the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources of Germany. The species is currently known from one vent field with active black smokers and diffuse venting located at depths of 2420 m to 2450 m bsl, namely the Kairei vent field on the Central Indian Ridge (Okuntani et al. 2004). This vent locality lies in International Waters. This species is present over a small area - the total area of the Kairei vent field is 0.0032 km2 (Hashimoto et al. 2001, Gallant and Von Damm 2006).
",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles and a human-occupied vehicle, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Okutani et al. 2004).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the Indian Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2420 m to 2450 m bsl.
Geological context – the Central Indian Ridge is an intermediate to slow spreading ridge. Environmental Impact Assessments based on the dynamics of the East Pacific or other fast-spreading ridges cannot be applied to this different geological context.
",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any Indian Ocean vent fields. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the Central and Southern Indian ridges. Given the limited habitats suitable for this species, urgent consideration should be given to developing protocols for companies investigating the sites to minimise sediment disturbance close to sensitive areas during preliminary phase of investigation.
",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:145380559,scientific_name:"Iphinopsis boucheti",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"NEOGASTROPODA",family:"CANCELLARIIDAE",genus:"Iphinopsis",main_common_name:"Bouchet’s Deep-sea Nutmeg Snail",authority:"Okutani, Hashimoto & Sasaki, 2004",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-04-05",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Thomas, E.A., Chen, C. & Sigwart, J.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:2420,depth_lower:2450,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"176677054",assessment_id:176677114,id_no:176677054,sci_name:"Ichthyoelephas humeralis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2020 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.b6pet9",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2010,longitude:-79.477732,latitude:-.892184,species_id:176677054,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Ichthyoelephas humeralis occurs in the Santiago-Cayapas and Guayas River drainages on the Pacific slope of Ecuador. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 16,985 km2. Total population size and population trend are unknown. A number of regionally pervasive threat in western Ecuador continue to drive declines in habitat quality. However, the direct impact and scope of existing threats on I. humeralis have not been evaluated in detail and therefore the number of threat-based locations where I. humeralis occurs cannot be determined with accuracy. Considering a relatively restricted range, continuing decline in habitat quality, but an unknown number of locations due to data uncertainty, I. humeralis is assessed as Near Threatened under criterion B1ab(iii) because additional study is likely to qualify this species for a threatened category.
",geographicrange:"Ichthyoelephas humeralis occurs in the Guayas River drainage on the Pacific slope of Ecuador (Relevo and Laaz 2012, Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015). To date, it has not been reported from the Esmeraldes River drainage south of the Santiago-Cayapas and north of the Guayas River drainage, though it is feasible that range extends into this drainage. This species occurs at an altitudinal range of 5-560 masl.
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 16,985 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (GBIF 2020). Given uncertainties regarding the scope, magnitude, and direct impact of existing threats, the number of threat-based locations where this species occurs cannot be determined with accuracy.",population:"The total population size of this species is unknown. It appears fairly abundant in the Guayas River drainage (Prado Espana 2012, Ochoa Ubilla et al. 2016). Fishermen from the lower Guayas River basin have anecdotally reported reductions in the number of individuals despite consistent fishing effort, suggesting that population trend is in decline (P. Arguello pers. comm. 2021). Monitoring by the Instituto Público de Investigación de Acuicultura y Pesca suggests that species exhibiting migratory behaviours appear to be in decline decline (Aguirre et al. 2021).
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This freshwater species occurs in large main river channels characterized by quickly flowing water (Revelo and Laaz 2012). Upstream migrations are undertaken for reproduction and to seek out food resources at the beginning of the rainy season (December-January) (Revelo and Laaz 2012). Diet is comprised of algae and periphyton, which is scraped from rock, submerged logs, and other substrate (Revelo and Laaz 2012). Maximum reported body size is 38.5 cm total length (TL) (Cadena 1981).
There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards I. humeralis. However, range likely extends into multiple private protected areas such as Palenque River and Pedro Franco Dávila protective forests (P. Arguello pers. comm. 2021). Additional ichthyological sampling will be necessary to determine range extent, population size, and population status. Further information regarding the scope and direct impact of existing threats would be useful in clarifying the conservation status of this species.
",usetrade:"This species is an important component of subsistence and local commercial fisheries in Los Rios Province (Revelo 2010, Revelo and Laaz 2012). It is captured using a variety of gear types, including cast net, monofilament gill net, and spear (Revelo and Laaz 2012). The direct impact of fishing pressure on population status has not been evaluated in detail.
",taxonid:176677054,scientific_name:"Ichthyoelephas humeralis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"PROCHILODONTIDAE",genus:"Ichthyoelephas",main_common_name:"Bocachico",authority:"(Günther, 1860)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-10-01",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Arguello, P., Barriga, R. & Escobar-Camacho, D.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"16985",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"EC",country:"Ecuador",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"173699164",assessment_id:173756708,id_no:173699164,sci_name:"Amphicnemis rigiketit",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Dow 2019",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:110.4046,latitude:1.4096,species_id:173699164,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Amphicnemis rigiketit is only known from the type locality in non-protected land not far from Kuching in Sarawak. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is likely to be small; the area of the only known location is smaller than 10 km² and therefore so is the known AOO. Although the true AOO may be greater than this, it is not likely to be large and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest within the possible range of the species. If it is not confined to the single known location, the overall population of the species will certainly already be severely fragmented. With the available information the species qualifies for Critically Endangered status under criterion B2ab(ii,iiii). It is to be hoped that with more information it may be possible to reassess it as Endangered in the future.This species was moderately common at the type locality on the day on which it was discovered. No more general statement about current population sizes and health can be made for this species except that an ongoing decline in overall population is suspected from loss of low land forest throughout southwest Sarawak and adjacent parts of Kalimantan and that, if not already confined to a single location, the overall population will already be severely fragmented because suitable habitat is.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"“All specimens of A. rigiketit were collected either hanging over a steep sided, turbid stream or around pools or trailside, perched on foliage, in the adjacent forest, which becomes flooded at least occasionally during the wettest periods of the year” Dow (2019: 376). Nothing else is known and all that can be said with any certainty is that this is a forest-dependent species, it might be breeding in the stream or in the pools (or in both) at the type locality. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for searches for additional populations and for protection of habitat where it does occur. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173699164,scientific_name:"Amphicnemis rigiketit",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Amphicnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Dow, 2019",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-05-03",category:"CR",criteria:"B2b(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"4-12",eoo_km2:"229",elevation_upper:20,elevation_lower:10,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"186459",assessment_id:1813377,id_no:186459,sci_name:"Steindachneridion punctatum",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Salvador, G.N.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"cria",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-51.46111298,latitude:-27.60611153,species_id:186459,taxonomicnotes:"There have been no published papers synonymizing this species in the last five years. There are no taxonomic limitations relevant to taxon validation.
",rationale:'Steindachneridion punctatum occurs in the upper Paraná and upper Uruguay basins. The area of occupancy (AOO) based on known records is only 20 km2. The main threat is the destruction of habitat by hydroelectric plants. There are two locations and an inferred continuing decline in habitat quality and extent based on this threat. Therefore, this species is assessed as Endangered.',geographicrange:'Steindachneridion punctatum is endemic to Brazil, with distribution restricted to the upper Paraná and Uruguay River basins (Garavello 2005, Oyakawa et al. 2009, Oyakawa and Menezes 2011).',population:"Information on its population is unknown.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:'Steindachneridion punctatum is a large size species, with the largest known specimen having a standard length of 632 mm (Garavello 2005). The species prefers large rivers and usually lives in pools close to rapids (Oyakawa et al. 2009).',threats:[{code:"3.3",title:"Renewable energy",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'It is necessary to expand the scientific research related to the distribution, biology and ecology of the species, as well as protect remnent habitat. Ex situ conservation programmes are needed for degraded habitat that is unlikely to be recovered (Oyakawa et al. 2009).',usetrade:"Information about use and trade of the species is unknown.
",taxonid:186459,scientific_name:"Steindachneridion punctatum",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"PIMELODIDAE",genus:"Steindachneridion",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Miranda Ribeiro, 1918)",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2023-06-05",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Salvador, G.N. & Sayer, C.",reviewer:"Rocha, M.S.",aoo_km2:"20",eoo_km2:"18556",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2023",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"215836201",assessment_id:215836213,id_no:215836201,sci_name:"Pholcus nodong",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Hyun-Yong Chung",yrcompiled:2023,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"This set of coordinates is determined by approximating the location within the cave based on the available knowledge of the cave's habitat sections.",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:128.3811346,latitude:36.95363264,species_id:215836201,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Pholcus nodong is exclusively found in the Nodong Cave, Chungcheongbuk-do Province, Republic of Korea. According to our analysis of distributional data, its extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) both are estimated at 4 km2.Cynodonichthys montium is restricted to the Chagres river drainage on the Atlantic slope of central Panama and exhibits an Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and an Area of Occupancy of 8 km2. A number of impacts associated with agricultural and urban expansion have reduced the area and quality of available habitat, especially in regions along the trans-isthmian corridor adjacent to the Panama Canal. At least one subpopulation occurs within the well-protected Chagres National Park, where anthropogenic impacts are minimal. The number of locations where C. montium occurs is therefore estimated to be 2-3. As such, this species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Cynodonichthys montium is distributed throughout upland regions of the Chagres river drainage on the Atlantic slope of central Panama (Breder 1944, Smith and Bermingham 2005, Matamoros et al. 2015). The type locality of this species is a small hillside stream between the Boquerón and Pequeni rivers (Reis et al. 2003).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 2.8 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georefernced collection localities (GBIF 2019). Area of Occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be 8 km2, based on a 2 km2 grid overlain on validated georeferenced localities. As the calculated EOO is smaller than the AOO, the EOO is increased to match the AOO thus they are both 8 km2. Given the pervasive threat of land-use change associated with expanding urbanization and agriculture and an inferred cumulative effect on downstream aquatic habitat, but occurrence within Chagres National Park (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019), this species is inferred to occur in two to three locations.
",population:"The total population size and population trend are this species have not been evaluated in detail. This species was rare in ichthyological samples taken from Lake Alajuela and surrounding tributaries (Maturell 1984).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This non-annual killifish occurs primarily in headwater creeks and streams, and reaches a maximum reported size of 8 cm total length (TL) (Reis et al. 2003).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.1",title:"Small-holder plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.4",title:"Garbage & solid waste",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation actions directed towards C. montium. However, subpopulations within Charges National Park are suspected to be relatively well-protected, given the Panamanian government’s interest in protecting headwaters of the Chagres River drainage to maintain dry-season flow rates (Robinson et al. 2004, Harmon 2005, Ostreicher et al. 2009, Condit 2015). Despite these protections, more comprehensive ichthyological sampling, and additional information regarding population size, population trend, and the direct impacts of pervasive threats to aquatic habitat availability would be useful in guiding future conservation action.
",usetrade:"There is little information regarding the use and trade of this species. It may be kept in a limited capacity by ornamental aquarium hobbyists, but the majority of specimens in trade are probably captive bred individuals.
",taxonid:53875988,scientific_name:"Cynodonichthys montium",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Cynodonichthys",main_common_name:"Olomina",authority:"(Hildebrand, 1938)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-09-25",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Armbruster, J.W. & González, R.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"8",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"83370886",assessment_id:177169781,id_no:83370886,sci_name:"Synthemis ariadne",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Marinov",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN SSC Odonata Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:165.853313,latitude:-21.580072,species_id:83370886,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Synthemis ariadne is endemic to Grande Terre Island, New Caledonia. It has been reported from localities over the entire island, however the observations were usually on single individuals. Studies on naiads show that the species could potentially be locally abundant. More studies are needed to validate this statement. It is assessed as Endangered due to its limited known range, occurrence in a small number of locations, and ongoing habitat destruction.",geographicrange:"This speies is endemic to Grande Terre Island, New Caledonia (Grand et al. 2014).",population:"The population size of this species cannot be assessed. It is known from various locations scattered over the main island of New Caledonia. Observations on adults are on single individuals. Winstanley (1984) collected 19 naiads from a single locality which shows that the population number could potentially be high. More studies are needed to validate this statement.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The biology of this species is little known. Its last stage naiad, described by supposition (Winstanley 1984, Fleck 2005), lives in areas of small creeks and their tributaries. Emergences occur at low height above water surface (Winstanley 1984). Fleck (2005) reared several larval stages in laboratory conditions without obtaining any adult because its development is very slow. This author concludes that the larval development takes at least four years.",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation measures in place for this species. More studies on the population size are needed to establish the actual status on the main island of New Caledonia.",usetrade:null,taxonid:83370886,scientific_name:"Synthemis ariadne",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"SYNTHEMISTIDAE",genus:"Synthemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1975",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2016-07-03",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)c(iv)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Marinov, M.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"44",eoo_km2:"1791-10000",elevation_upper:591,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"NC",country:"New Caledonia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2016",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"173697469",assessment_id:173756588,id_no:173697469,sci_name:"Podolestes parvus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Dow & Ngiam 2019",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:110.94735,latitude:1.40143,species_id:173697469,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Podolestes parvus is only known from three peat swamp forest locations around the Lupar River in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo (Dow and Ngiam 2019). Two of the three locations are protected, but the third is not and is likely to be lost, along with almost all remaining non-protected peat swam forest in the same area, to plantation in the near future. Threats (from fire and unintentional drainage) exist even in the protected areas where the species occurs. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is likely to be smaller than 200 km². Moreover, the AOO is certainly declining due to loss of peat swamp forest within its range, and the extent and quality of suitable habitat is also declining. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 394–1,892 km². The overall population is already fragmented, and as loss of habitat continues it will become more so. This species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)).
',geographicrange:'Podolestes parvus is only known from three peat swamp forest locations around the Lupar River in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo (Dow and Ngiam 2019). It has not been found in peat swamp forest further west in Sarawak or in the northeast of Sarawak or Brunei, and may be genuinely confined to a small area in the southwest of Sarawak. Two of the three locations (Maludam and Ulu Sebuyau National Parks) are protected, but the third is not and is likely to be lost, along with almost all remaining non-protected peat swam forest in the same area, to plantation in the near future. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is not likely to be large. Based on the available data and the very local occurrence of the species even at the known locations, the AOO is likely to be smaller than 200 km² (certainly smaller than 500 km²). Moreover, the AOO is certainly declining due to loss of peat swamp forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 394 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); maximum EOO is 1,892 km² (based on an MCP around known occupied HydroBASINS).
',population:"This species is very local in occurrence and occurs at low densities even where it does occur. Beyond this all that can be said with the available data is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of peat swamp forest in the part of Sarawak where the species occurs and that the overall population is already fragmented and will become more so.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species only occurs in peat swamp forest. Beyond this little is known except that it is very local in occurrence even where it does occur. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are declining due to loss and degradation of peat swamp forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The main threat to this species apart from fires is conversion of peat swamp forest to oil palm plantation, and in an ideal situation all remaining peat swamp forest in Sarawak would receive protected status; however this is unlikely to happen. The best compromise solution is to include well planned conservation areas within any areas of peat swamp forest that are converted to oil palm. However the drainage issue mentioned above in the Threats section is likely to be particularly severe for such conservation areas; oil palm plantations require drainage ditches to prevent inundation which hampers harvesting, but these ditches inevitably drain any areas of remaining peat swamp forest nearby as well. Small conservation areas within plantations are likely to be completely surrounded by oil palm and its associated drainage system. In some plantations at least a simple system of dams is used, which in principle allows drainage to be controlled, e.g. dams are opened when water levels are high but shut during dry periods. Such controlled drainage systems may help with (but not completely solve) the drainage problem if used properly, but in practice they are often left in the maximum drainage state permanently; education and enforcement are needed with regard to this problem.
Increased vigilance against the deliberate setting of fires is also needed, and serious investigation with the aim of finding and prosecuting those behind the starting of such fires, not just those who actually set them, with severe penalties for both companies and individuals responsible.
Further data on the distribution of this species is needed. In particular it should be searched for in Sedilu National Park (in the same part of Sarawak as the known locations) and it could occur further to the north and west in the Rejang delta area. However although there were once extensive areas of peat swamp forest in the Rejang delta, much of this has already been converted to oil palm and what remains is mostly very degraded and is likely to suffer the same fate.
The priority for this species is for protection of the habitats where its remaining populations occur. More data on its distribution is also needed. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173697469,scientific_name:"Podolestes parvus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"ARGIOLESTIDAE",genus:"Podolestes",main_common_name:null,authority:"Dow & Ngiam, 2019",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-04-25",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"12-200",eoo_km2:"394-1892",elevation_upper:40,elevation_lower:5,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"173823654",assessment_id:173823664,id_no:173823654,sci_name:"Anablepsoides luitalimae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Nielsen 2016",basisofrec:null,event_year:2004,longitude:-64.675,latitude:-9.35583333,species_id:173823654,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Anablepsoides luitalimae is known from two collection localities in flooded areas within forest fragments along the right bank of the Madeira River near Porto Velho in Rondônia state, Brazil. Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 8 km2. Occurrence at two threat-based locations and continuing decline in habitat quality are inferred. The primary threats to floodplain forests along the banks of the Madeira River include land-use change associated with urbanization, agricultural expansion, road construction, and hydroelectric infrastructure. Rondônia is subject to an intense deforestation frontier that is further exacerbated by urban expansion and the construction of major paved highways and side roads. The recent construction of the Juira Dam upstream of Porto Velho has the potential to significantly alter floodplain hydrology and trophic structure, resulting in habitat degradation and loss. Therefore, A. luitalimae is assessed as Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Anablepsoides luitalimae is known from flooded areas within forest fragments along the right bank of the Madeira River near Porto Velho in Rondônia state, Brazil (Nielsen 2016). It has been reported from two collection localities (Nielsen 2016).
Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 8 km2, based on a 2x2 km grid overlain on the two collection localities from which this species has been confirmed. This species is inferred to occur in two threat-based locations, based on localized threats that include changes in natural hydrology, deforestation associated with agricultural expansion, urbanization, and road construction, and anthropogenic pollutants from the city of Porto Velho.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. This species is known from a total of 22 specimens (Nielsen 2016).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The type locality of this species is a flooded forest area with a maximum depth of 50 cm and occurs at an urban fragment of very dense Amazonian rainforest approximately 1 km from the bank of the Madeira River (Nielsen 2016). The type locality was characterized by heavily stained water with a pH of 6.0, low conductivity, a substrate of dense leaf litter, and an absence of aquatic vegetation (Nielsen 2016). Anablepsoides luitalimae was the only species recorded at this site (Nielsen 2016). The largest known male is 3.63 cm standard length (SL) and the largest known female is 3.69 cm SL (Nielsen 2016).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards A. luitalimae. It is feasible that the range of this species extends into Área De Proteção Ambiental Do Rio Madeira (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). Additional ichthyological surveys would be useful in clarifying range extent, population size, and population trend. An assessment of the direct impact of existing threats at the two collection localities where this species occurs would further clarify the extinction risk of this species. Site protection may be warranted.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:173823654,scientific_name:"Anablepsoides luitalimae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Anablepsoides",main_common_name:null,authority:"Nielsen, 2016",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-12-28",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Costa, W.J.E.M.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"8",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:0,depth_lower:.5,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"42840",assessment_id:76020339,id_no:42840,sci_name:"Metacnemis valida",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling (2012). Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/ipt/resource.do?r=bf_cf21",basisofrec:null,event_year:1996,longitude:27.41666667,latitude:-32.6,species_id:42840,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Metacnemis valida was never widespread and had disappeared from some of its former known sites (Pinhey 1984) in the nineties. It is suffering from invasive trees colonising stream and river sites. Based on its small and scattered area of occupancy and small extent of occurrence it is assessed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"The species is endemic to South Africa. It was formerly known from a few isolated localities in the Amatola-Winterberg region of the eastern Cape. Today it is only known from two sites on the Kubusi River in the vicinity of Stutterheim.",population:"The current population size is estimated to be at less than 1,000 (per generation) and declining. At the two known sites, population levels are low, numbering no more than 30 or so individuals (Samways 2006 in press). However, it is suspected that other populations exist in the area but have to be discovered, hence it is estimate of less than 1,000.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Shallow, clear, rocky streams and rivers with wooded banks - see reference list for more information.",threats:[{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Acacia mearnsii)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Acacia mearnsii"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oncorhynchus mykiss)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Oncorhynchus mykiss"},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Acacia mearnsii)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Acacia mearnsii"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oncorhynchus mykiss)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Oncorhynchus mykiss"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Further searches are urgently required. Removal of alien invasive trees, particularly Acacia mearnsii, should continue. Translocation to a protected area should be considered as this species is highly threatened and currently does not occur in a protected area. Research into population numbers and range, and trends/monitoring of the species would be valuable.",usetrade:null,taxonid:42840,scientific_name:"Metacnemis valida",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Metacnemis",main_common_name:"Kubusi Stream-damsel",authority:"Hagen in Sélys, 1863",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2017-10-26",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(i,ii,iii)+2ab(i,ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Samways, M.J.",reviewer:"Simaika, J., Suhling, F., Kipping, J., Dijkstra, K.-D.B. & Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"32",eoo_km2:"4765",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2017",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2010",assess_year:"2007",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2007",assess_year:"2007",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2004",assess_year:"2004",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"122150365",assessment_id:135433881,id_no:122150365,sci_name:"Amphicnemis remiger",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:" ",source:"Dow & Reels 2008",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2005,longitude:114.81362,latitude:4.04375,species_id:122150365,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Amphicnemis remiger is endemic to Borneo, where it is known from a relatively small area in Brunei and adjacent parts of Sarawak and Sabah. Threats exist at all sites and the species is likely to become extinct at a number off the known locations in the not-too-distant future. The area of occupancy (AOO) of this species cannot be calculated accurately at present, but will be declining, as will the quality and extent of suitable habitat. This species cannot be assessed as Least Concern, but the currently available information does not clearly support placement in Vulnerable or a higher threat category, so it is assessed as Near Threatened. When it is possible to place an accurate upper bound on the AOO the species will probably require re-assessment to Vulnerable or Endangered.
",geographicrange:'Amphicnemis remiger is endemic to Borneo, where it is known from Brunei (Orr 2001, Dow & Choong unpublished), and adjacent parts of Sarawak (Laidlaw 1912, Dow & Reels 2008, Dow unpublished) and Sabah (unpublished). Laidlaw (1913) gives Batu Lawi (a mountain) as the location of a specimen that is clearly the holotype, but since Laidlaw (1912) gives the type locality as Kuala Madalam, this is clearly a mistake. Laidlaw (1920) lists two males in imperfect condition from "Murud" collected in December 1914, received from J.C. Moulton from the Sarawak Museum. Collectors from the Sarawak Museum went to Gunung Murad, a high mountain in an area all at greater altitude than any other record of this species, in late 1914, but it is not clear if they were still there in December and these specimens may have been collected somewhere on their route back. Since the condition of the specimens is stated to be imperfect they may also not actually be A. remiger but another Amphicnemis species known to occur at altitudes over 1,000m a.s.l. in the same part of Sarawak. In either case this record cannot be regarded as reliably referring to A. remiger and is excluded from the assessment. This leaves 18 locations, mostly in Brunei, known for this species. The species is known from one totally protected area (Gunung Mulu National Park in Sarawak). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, but it will be declining, as will the extent and quality of suitable habitat (see Threats).
',population:"This species can be moderately common where it occurs. Beyond this little can be said except that a decline in population, at least outside of Brunei, can be inferred from loss of lowland swamp forest in Sarawak and Sabah. If not all ready severely fragmented, it is likely to become so in the not-too-distant future.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs in swamp forest, most often in peat swamp forest but it has also been found in other formations.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.1",title:"Small-holder plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data is needed on the distribution of this species outside of Brunei, and better protection at some sites even in Brunei. Within areas being converted to plantation, the survival prospects of the species would be greatly increased by good conservation practices, such as leaving wide buffers of original forest around streams and the setting up of conservation areas consisting of original forest. The strict enforcement of existing regulations for plantations and for logging activities would also be highly beneficial.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:122150365,scientific_name:"Amphicnemis remiger",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Amphicnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Laidlaw, 1912",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-09-16",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:100,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BN",country:"Brunei Darussalam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"196297",assessment_id:150839252,id_no:196297,sci_name:"Stiphodon martenstyni",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Malka Fernando",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:"Sri Lanka",tax_comm:null,source:"CHE00190",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:1998,longitude:80.283886,latitude:6.544764,species_id:196297,taxonomicnotes:"Described in 1998, using single specimen collected from type locality and there were no records of this species since it was described.",rationale:"Stiphodon martenstyni is a point endemic species, known only from single location in the Kalu River Basin in Sri Lanka. Its estimated Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is around 5 km2 and Area of Occupancy (AOO) is 4 km2. The species is threatened by habitat loss and degradation caused by he accumulation of agrochemicals used in the surrounding tea plantations. and the construction of a small dam in its type locality. These threats are likely to continue in the future as the area is undergoing agricultural expansion and there is no current protection for majority of its habitat. Therefore the species is assessed as Critically Endangered.",geographicrange:"This endemic freshwater fish species is only known from its type locality, a stream at Atweltota, Kalu River Basin in the lowland wet zone of Sri Lanka (Watson 1998).",population:"A single specimen was recorded and described in its type locality in 1998 by Watson. However, a recent survey conducted by De Silva et al. (2015) did not find the species at the type locality.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Similar to other sicydiine gobies, Stiphodon martenstyni is probably amphidromous: a condition where the young fry that hatch out of the eggs will passively drift downstream and enter into the planktonic layer of the ocean. The time spent out at sea as planktonic fry is unknown. Eggs are cared for by the males. The young juveniles and adults will spend their time in freshwater streams. These fish are found in association to fast flowing mountainous streams that are well oxygenated. Substratum is made up of hard rocky bottoms and they are found in similar habitats to S. jonklaasi (De Silva et al. 2015).",threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.9",title:"Small dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"It is identified as a protected species under the the Fauna & Flora Protection Ordinance No. 2 of 1937 (last amendment by Act No. 22 of 2009).
",usetrade:"There is no information on the use or trade for this species.",taxonid:196297,scientific_name:"Stiphodon martenstyni",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"GOBIIFORMES",family:"GOBIIDAE",genus:"Stiphodon",main_common_name:"Martenstyni's Goby",authority:"Watson, 1998",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-08-06",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Fernado, M., Kotagama, O. & de Alwis Goonatilake, S.",reviewer:"Maiz-Tome, L. & Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4.798",elevation_upper:123,elevation_lower:123,depth_upper:2,depth_lower:1,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"61007",assessment_id:148657967,id_no:61007,sci_name:"Otopharynx pachycheilus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Arnegard, M.; Snoeks, J. 2001",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1996,longitude:34.205333,latitude:-10.282833,species_id:61007,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Endemic to Lake Malawi where it is only known from two restricted locations. Thick-lipped cichlids always occur in rocky habitats and an increasing sedimentation may completely cover the rocks in very deep water. With only two locations and the threats of sedimentation and localised over-fishing, this species is listed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"Endemic to Lake Malawi where it is known from two localities, Ngara (in the north) and southeast of Mbenji Island, near Domira Bay (central part of the lake). Although the distribution and abundance of O. pachycheilus in the central and northern parts of Lake Malawi is unknown (due to inadequate sampling), it appears to be an uncommon species of little commercial importance in areas where it has been collected. Because it is a very distinctive species, and the fact that it has not been recorded from the relatively shallow southern arms of the lake where most of the mechanized trawling activities and taxonomic efforts have been directed, it is thought to be rare or absent in these regions.",population:"No information available.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It is a deep-water demersal species, occurring over a hard bottom substrates containing loose cobbles and coarse sand, recorded at depths of 78–135 m. It is known to mainly feed on invertebrates.",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No information available.",usetrade:"This species has never been collected for the aquarium trade, but it is most likely eaten when captured in the fishery.",taxonid:61007,scientific_name:"Otopharynx pachycheilus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Otopharynx",main_common_name:null,authority:"Arnegard & Snoeks, 2001",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-05-22",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A. & Kazembe, J.",reviewer:"Kanyerere, G.Z., Phiri, T.B. & Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:'This errata version of the assessment was created to correct a Reviewer name from "Kanyerere, Z." to "Kanyerere, G.Z." and another Reviewer name from "Phiri, B." to "Phiri, T.B.". Additionally, a point data map was added as this was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.',amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MW",country:"Malawi",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"178204577",assessment_id:178204595,id_no:178204577,sci_name:"Akawaio penak",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Albert, J.S.",yrcompiled:2022,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-60.7785,latitude:5.4762,species_id:178204577,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Akawaio penak inhabits the upper Mazaruni River basin. It has a known area of occupancy (AOO) of 12 km2 and the best estimate of the extent of occurrence (EOO) is 943-5,000 km2. Its distribution is under immediate threat due to gold mining in an area of rapidly expanding mining pressures. There is one location based on this threat, which is also inferred to be causing a continuing decline in habitat quality. Therefore, this species is assessed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"Akawaio penak inhabits the upper Mazaruni River basin (Maldonado-Ocampo et al. 2014).Rhinocypha sangihensis is only known from the type series from two locations on Sangihe Island (Sangir Besar) in the Sangihe Islands to the north of Sulawesi, collected in 1985. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of natural habitats on Sangihe Island. Its maximum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 1,930 km². Based on the currently available information, and taking a reasonable precautionary approach, this species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)). If the species proves to be able to survive in human altered habitats in the long-term it may be possible to reassess it to a less threatened category in future.
",geographicrange:"Rhinocypha sangihensis is only known from the type series from two locations on Sangihe Island (Sangir Besar) in the Sangihe Islands to the north of Sulawesi, collected in 1985 (van Tol and Günther 2018). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of natural habitats on Sangihe Island. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) cannot be calculated with only two known data points, however its maximum EOO is 1,930 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon around the Sangihe Islands).
",population:"No statement about current population sizes and health can be made for this species with the currently available information, except that at least some ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of natural habitats on Sangihe Island.
Little is known on the habitats and ecology of this species, “The habitat indicated on the labels includes riverine gardens, coconut plantations and secondary forest” van Tol and Günther 2018) but it is not clear if the species can survive in these habitats in the long-term. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of natural habitats within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There is an urgent need for more information on the distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance of this species. Some parts of Sangihe Island are apparently protected because of the endangered bird species that occur there, but the locations of these areas, and how secure they are, is not known to the assessor. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173698846,scientific_name:"Rhinocypha sangihensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROCYPHIDAE",genus:"Rhinocypha",main_common_name:null,authority:"van Tol & Günther, 2018",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-04-25",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"1930",elevation_upper:650,elevation_lower:100,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"173257027",assessment_id:173257060,id_no:173257027,sci_name:"Pethia striata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Dahanukar, N.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"India: Karnataka, Chikmagalur District, Tunga River basin, Balipehalla, Mudba stream",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Atkore et al. (2015)",basisofrec:null,event_year:2011,longitude:75.12568,latitude:13.30063,species_id:173257027,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Pethia striata is assessed as Endangered as the species is currently known only from the single location of Mudba stream of Tunga River basin, Chikmagalur District, Karnataka, India, with an Extent of Occurrence of no more than 556 km2 and threats to the habitat because of anthropogenic activities. Although Pethia striata is known from within the Kudremukh National Park, several anthropogenic activities impact its populations and habitat. The mining activities in Kudremukh National Park are now halted; however, the aftermath of mining and associated activities are the greatest sources of sediment entering the Bhadra River damaging the riverine ecosystems. In addition, Kudremukh National Park has lost about 7% forest cover in the last four decades. Pethia striata is also affected by existing river barriers, thereby hindering the completion of their reproductive cycle.',geographicrange:"Pethia striata is currently known only from Mudba stream of Tunga River basin, Chikmagalur District, Karnataka, India (Atkore et al. 2015).",population:"There is no information regarding population status and population trends for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Pethia striata inhabits small gently flowing clear water stream with pool-riffle sequence and is normally observed in small groups of three or four individuals in shallow pools beneath dense riparian canopy (Atkore et al. 2015).",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'No species specific conservation actions are in place for Pethia striata. The species is known from within the Kudremukh National Park (although the park has lost about 7% forest cover in the last four decades). Since the species is known only from its original description, research is essential to understand its population status, trends, distribution, ecology and species specific threats. Monitoring of population and habitat trends is essential. Habitat and resource protection is also essential conservation action.',usetrade:"There is no information on use and trade of this species.",taxonid:173257027,scientific_name:"Pethia striata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"CYPRINIDAE",genus:"Pethia",main_common_name:"Kudremukh Barb",authority:"Atkore, Knight, Rema Devi & Krishnaswamy, 2015",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2021-03-28",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Dahanukar, N.",reviewer:"Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"556",eoo_km2:"556",elevation_upper:721,elevation_lower:706,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"IN",country:"India",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2021",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"196330133",assessment_id:196330162,id_no:196330133,sci_name:"Kosciuscola sp. nov. 5 'K. cuneatus Mt Buffalo and Sth Vic Clade'",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Kate Umbers",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"National Environmental Science Program (NESP)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"ANIC",basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:146.1661016,latitude:-37.58957844,species_id:196330133,taxonomicnotes:"Differences in morphological, ecological and behavioural traits suggest that the current five-species arrangement does not accurately reflect species diversity within Kosciuscola (Tatarnic et al. 2013, Umbers et al. 2021). Molecular work has identified species-level clades within K. cuneatus, with strong evidence that K. cuneatus proper is restricted to the Australian Capital Territory and northern New South Wales mountains (Umbers et al. 2021) and the remaining clades within K. cuneatus are undescribed species.This species is known from two isolated ponds located inside of San Juán Poriahú ranch in the north-west of Esteros del Ibera wetlands (type locality) (Almirón et al. 2004). This species is distributed in Corrientes Province in Laguna San Juan, Lagunas in San Juan Poriahú ranch outflow channel in San Juan Poriahú lagoon, Bañado Blanco Cué, and Esteros de Santa Lucía. The species inhabits the Great River ichthyological province of Argentina (Lopez et al. 2018) and belongs to the Región Humedales del corredor fluvial Chaco-Mesopotámic, Subregión Ríos, esteros, bañados y lagunas del río Paraná of the Argentine wetlands classification (Benzaquen et al. 2017).
",population:"No quantitative information on the population size or trend is available. Due to its restricted distribution, the species seems to be not very common or even rare. Since the species has not been identified as having economic or conservation value, no studies have been devoted to assessing its trends and status.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:'The species lives in a vegetated area. Limnological characteristics where the species was collected exhibited low levels of conductivity, alkalinity and hardness (Almirón et al. 2004). The pH was slightly acidic, there was a high concentration of dissolved oxygen and the water had a high transparency (Almirón et al. 2004).',threats:[{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions in place.",usetrade:"There is no use or trade information for this species.",taxonid:176426357,scientific_name:"Hyphessobrycon auca",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Hyphessobrycon",main_common_name:"Mojarra",authority:"Almirón, Casciotta, Bechara & Ruíz Díaz, 2004",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-11-01",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Brancolini, F., Baigun, C. & Minotti, P.",reviewer:"Lyons, T.J.",aoo_km2:"2596",eoo_km2:"6439",elevation_upper:570,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AR",country:"Argentina",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"176429576",assessment_id:189453851,id_no:176429576,sci_name:"Thyenula rufa",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"South African National Biodiversity Institute",yrcompiled:2023,citation:"Agricultural Research Council (2019): Specimen-records of preserved specimens and observations in the database of the National Collection of Arachnida database housed at the Agricultural Research Council - Plant Health and Protection. The Agricultural Re",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:29.58,latitude:-31.37,species_id:176429576,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is a South African species described in 2014 from Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve in KwaZulu-Natal. It is sampled from two provinces and protected at the type locality. It only known from three locations and is experiencing an ongoing decline in habitat quality and has lost habitat to crop cultivation and housing development. It has an extent of occurrence of 1,019 km2 and an estimated area of occupancy of 12 km2. It therefore qualifies as Endangered under criterion B1ab(i,ii,iii)+2ab(i,ii,iii).",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to South Africa occurring in the KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape provinces.",population:"There is currently no population information available.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species has been sampled with canopy fogging and beating trees in the Savanna Biome.",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species has been recorded from a protected area in Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve, South Africa.",usetrade:null,taxonid:176429576,scientific_name:"Thyenula rufa",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"ARACHNIDA",order:"ARANEAE",family:"SALTICIDAE",genus:"Thyenula",main_common_name:"Vernon Crooke Thyenula Jumping Spider",authority:"Wesolowska, Azarkina & Russell-Smith 2014",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2019-03-01",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(i,ii,iii)+2ab(i,ii,iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dippenaar-Schoeman, A., Foord, S., Lotz, L., Haddad, C., Sethusa, T. & Lyle, R.",reviewer:"Raimondo, D.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"1019",elevation_upper:607,elevation_lower:375,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"2.1",habitat:"Savanna - Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"139567776",assessment_id:146602600,id_no:139567776,sci_name:"Drepanosticta leonardi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Villanueva et al 2011",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2001,longitude:124.78999,latitude:10.74667,species_id:139567776,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"
Drepanosticta leonardi is known from the type series from two locations on Leyte in the Philippines and a probable record from Panaon. None of the known locations appear to be within a protected area and threats exist at all locations. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and with the available data will be less than 500 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) calculated considerably less than 5,000 km². This species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B1ab(ii,iii) and B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly.
",geographicrange:'Drepanosticta leonardi is known from the type series from two locations on Leyte in the Philippines and a probable record from Panaon (Villanueva et al. 2011). None of the known locations appear to be within a protected area. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and with the available data will be less than 500 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. The extent of occurrence (EOO) is somewhere between 364 and 1,544 km² (based on the area within a minimum convex polygon around the known localities and around the occupied HydroBASIN areas).
',population:"This does not appear to be a common species, at most four specimens have ever been recorded. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"All that was recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species is that a pair of specimens were found “perching high on a shady cliff” Villanueva et al. (2011: 114). However it will be a stream-breeding forest-dependent species like other members of the Platystictidae. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for protection of habitat where it occurs and for more information on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139567776,scientific_name:"Drepanosticta leonardi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Drepanosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Villanueva, Gapud & Lin, 2011",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-16",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"12-500",eoo_km2:"364-1544",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"128725392",assessment_id:128725438,id_no:128725392,sci_name:"Schistura pakistanica",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Zoo Outreach Organization (ZOO)",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:67.73,latitude:30.81,species_id:128725392,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Schistura pakistancia is restricted to three streams affected by severe drought and the construction of a dam. It has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 16,800 km2, occurs in three threat-based locations, and is experiencing continuing decline in habitat and its population size. Therefore, this species is assessed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"Schistura pakistancia is distributed in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It has been recorded in Muslim Bagh in Baluchistan province in the Zhob River basin, a tributary of the Gomal River which itself is a tributary of the Indus (Mirza et al. 1981, Mirza 1998). It has also been recorded in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in the Aronai stream in the area of Matta, Swat and in Wana rivers near Ashraf Khel and Mughal Khel (Mirza et al. 1995, M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020).",population:"The major threats to this species across its distribution range are severe drought and construction of Gomal Zam dam. The population declines in the past is due to severe drought, while into the future both drought and the dam will affect the population. The decline in population is suspected to be at most 25% in the next 10 years.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This is a carnivorous species that inhabits clear, shallow and cold, running, freshwater streams with stony beds (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020).",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Future",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"A thorough survey of the life history of this species is needed, alongside public education and awareness raising. The species is not protected by any law.",usetrade:"The species is not in use or in trade.",taxonid:128725392,scientific_name:"Schistura pakistanica",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"NEMACHEILIDAE",genus:"Schistura",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Mirza & Bănărescu, 1969)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-02-27",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rafique, M., Zafarullah, M., Daniels, A., Imran, M., Johnson, J.A. & Qureshi, I.",reviewer:"Molur, S.",aoo_km2:"5300",eoo_km2:"16800",elevation_upper:1500,elevation_lower:700,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AF",country:"Afghanistan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PK",country:"Pakistan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"139365146",assessment_id:139403998,id_no:139365146,sci_name:"Heliogomphus blandulus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Dow & Ngiam 2012",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2011,longitude:113.69733,latitude:2.29768,species_id:139365146,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Heliogomphus blandulus is endemic to Borneo, where it is known from four or five non-protected locations in the central northern part of the island. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) cannot be made with the available data but it may be small and can be inferred to be declining from loss of lowland forest throughout its range. The species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criterion D2 and is assessed accordingly. The species would also meet criterion B2b(ii,iii) if the AOO was known to be less than 2,000 km².
",geographicrange:"Heliogomphus blandulus is endemic to Borneo. Records of this species were discussed by Dow and Stokvis (2018) who concluded that only five records could with certainty be regarded as of this species; this view is followed here. Confirmed locations are in West Kalimantan (Lieftinck 1929; it is not known if the species survives at this location) and Sarawak (Dow and Ngiam 2012, 2014; Dow and Stokvis 2018). None of the known locations are protected. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) cannot be made with the available data but it may be small and can be inferred to be declining from loss of lowland forest throughout its range. Moreover confirmed records are from a relatively small area in northern central Borneo.
",population:"This species is either scarce or very elusive (or both). Beyond this little can be said except that a decline in overall population will be occurring due to loss of forest in Borneo.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species has been found at a variety of small streams in forest, both pristine and disturbed by logging. There is no evidence that it can survive at streams with any kind of plantation to the stream bank. A decline in both extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from loss and degradation of forest throughout much of the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on this species are needed and protection of some of the known locations is desirable (the Hose Mountains in Sarawak would be a good choice). The species would benefit from good conservation practices in plantations, such as leaving wide buffers of original forest around streams and the setting up of conservation areas consisting of original forest and including stream heads, and the strict enforcement of existing regulations for plantations and for logging activities.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139365146,scientific_name:"Heliogomphus blandulus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Heliogomphus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1929",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-12-16",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:900,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"197124",assessment_id:170686273,id_no:197124,sci_name:"Libellago finalis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2014)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.2054,latitude:6.2654,species_id:197124,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Libellago finalis is endemic to Sri Lanka. It is known from many individual sites, mostly within the wet zone but also beyond that to the east and north. Some locations are within protected areas. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is likely to be below 2,000 km² and is inferred to be declining, along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat, to some degree due to habitat loss and alteration within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 10,392–14,478 km². The species would qualify for Vulnerable status under criterion B (VU B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)) if the overall population was known to certainly be severely fragmented, but this may not be the case for this non-forest-dependent and seemingly disturbance tolerant species. The species is therefore assessed as Near Threatened (nearly meets criterion B).
',geographicrange:'Libellago finalis is endemic to Sri Lanka (Bedjanič et al. 2014, Sumanapala 2017 unpub. data). It is known from many individual sites, mostly within the montane regions of the wet zone and in the outskirts of Knuckles mountain range. Some locations are within protected areas (for example, the Peak Wilderness Sanctuary). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, but it will be below 2,000 km². However, the AOO is inferred to be declining to some extent due to habitat loss and alteration within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 10,392 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 14,478 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
',population:"This species is not particularly common and at least some ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of and alterations to habitat throughout its range. Mapping of known sites gives an impression of fragmentation but the species is found in larger streams in both disturbed and less disturbed habitats and the overall population cannot be considered as severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Sumanapala (2017) describes the species’ habitat as “Inhabits streams and rivers. Males are usually found perching on rocks or vegetation close to the water surface, while females perch much higher.” and Bedjanič et al. (2014) as: “The species prefers shallow, somewhat slow-moving sections of mountain streams and it has often been recorded in streams and rivulets below waterfalls. ”. It is not clear how much disturbance this species can tolerate. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining to some extent due to loss of and alterations to habitat throughout its range. Its range coincides with heavily degraded area of tea plantations where agricultural pollution and other pressures on streams and rivulets without any buffer effect of forests probably negatively impact its populations.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:197124,scientific_name:"Libellago finalis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROCYPHIDAE",genus:"Libellago",main_common_name:"Ultima Gem",authority:"(Hagen, 1869)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-07-31",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"500-2000",eoo_km2:"10392-14478",elevation_upper:2150,elevation_lower:40,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"195295356",assessment_id:195295840,id_no:195295356,sci_name:"Lamellomphalus manusensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Aoife Molloy",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:151.66999817,latitude:-3.7249999,species_id:195295356,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at a depth of 1,740 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. Mining licences have been granted for this location within the Papa New Guinea EEZ. The potential for anthropogenic influence at this site based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. There may already be disturbance to this species at the PACMANUS vent field as the Papua New Guinea Government has previously granted deep-sea mining licences in the Manus Basin. The impact of uncertainty around the decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from Vulnerable (VU) to Critically Endangered (CR), using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as Critically Endangered (CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)). A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements, for example, if a moratorium on deep-sea mining was reached by the Government of Papua New Guinea, whereby the assessment would be likely to decrease to Least Concern (LC).
",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to one location at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. This location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with biologically and geologically coherent identity. Any vent fields within this location therefore also have common exposure to relevant potential threats. This location lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Papua New Guinea. The species is currently known from one vent field with active black smokers and diffuse venting located at a depth of 1,740 m bsl, namely the PACMANUS vent field on the Manus Basin (Zhang and Zhang, 2017). This species is present over a small area at this vent field.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Zhang and Zhang 2017).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at a depth of 1,740 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any vent fields within the Papua New Guinea EEZ. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along West Pacific Ocean ridges.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:195295356,scientific_name:"Lamellomphalus manusensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"NEOMPHALIDA",family:"NEOMPHALIDAE",genus:"Lamellomphalus",main_common_name:null,authority:"S.-Q. Zhang & S.-P. Zhang, 2017",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-03-04",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:1740,depth_lower:1740,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PG",country:"Papua New Guinea",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"184535327",assessment_id:184535329,id_no:184535327,sci_name:"Copelatus ankaratra",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Eve Englefield",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Ranarilalatiana et al. 2019",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:47.24278,latitude:-19.35163,species_id:184535327,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Copelatus ankaratra is a high-altitude species that is endemic to Madagascar. The extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) of this species are both estimated to be around 8 km2, as the beetle has only been found in the Ankaratra Massif Reserve. The current population trend is unknown. With signs of habitat degradation in the area, and the ongoing threats of deforestation and fire, this species is considered to occur at two locations, and a decline in the quality and extent of the habitat is inferred. Therefore, this species is assessed as Endangered. Monitoring anthropogenic activities and increased protection of the area is required. In addition, further research and monitoring of the population trend and threats is recommended.Rivulus roloffi is distributed throughout headwater streams on central and northern slopes of the Dominican Republic, specifically in the the Yuna, Yaque del Norte, Ozama, and Haina river drainages in La Vegas, Peravia, and San Cristobal provinces. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 1,498 km2. A number of localized and regional threats are likely impacting habitat quality, including deforestation and land-use changes associated with agricultural expansion and cattle grazing, expansion of hydroelectric infrastructure, unsustainable tourism, and mining activities. However, limited ichthyological sampling in the region, few georeferenced collection localities, and uncertainties regarding the scope and magnitude of existing threats prevents and accurate estimation of the number of threat-based locations where this species occurs. Therefore, R. roloffi is assessed as Near Threatened under criterion B1b(iii).
Rivulus roloffi is distributed throughout headwater streams of the Yuna, Yaque del Norte, and Haina river drainages in La Vegas, Peravia, and San Cristobal provinces, Dominican Republic (Lee et al. 1983).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 1,498 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (Lee et al. 1983, GBIF 2020). The number of threat-based locations where this species occurs cannot be determined with accuracy, given limited ichthyological sampling, relatively few georeferenced collection records and uncertainties regarding the scope and magnitude of existing threats.
The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in small headwater streams characterized by swiftly flowing water and sandy substrates (Lee et al. 1983). It co-occurs with several species of native poeciliids (Lee et al. 1983). Maximum reported body size is approximately 4 cm total length (TL) (Lee et al. 1983). It is more common in small streams and creeks with aquatic and marsh vegetation, clear and flowing water (Torres-Pineda 2018).
There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards R. roloffi. The range of this species includes Montaña La Humeadora National Park, and may extend into additional protected areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). Further research regarding distribution, population size, population trend, and the scope and magnitude of existing threats would be useful in clarifying the extinction risk of this species.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.",taxonid:125990534,scientific_name:"Rivulus roloffi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Rivulus",main_common_name:"Hispaniolan Rivulus",authority:"Roloff, 1938",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-05-29",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J. & Torres-Pineda, P.",reviewer:"Rodríguez-Silva, R.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"1498",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"DO",country:"Dominican Republic",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"147332730",assessment_id:147333105,id_no:147332730,sci_name:"Papuagrion corruptum",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Lieftinck 1938",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1936,longitude:140.754,latitude:-3.025,species_id:147332730,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Papuagrion corruptum is only known from the type series from one location in the Bewani Hills area of northeast of Indonesian New Guinea, collected in 1936. There is a threat from clearance of forest for agriculture close to the type locality, so this species certainly cannot be considered as non-threatened but on the other hand definite habitat information is lacking for the species. This species may have a small range and so since it is likely that it will not qualify for Least Concern even when more data are available, a Data Deficient assessment is not appropriate. With only one known location, a definite threat in the vicinity of that location, and taking a reasonable precautionary approach, the species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criterion D2 and is assessed as such.
",geographicrange:"Papuagrion corruptum is only known from the type series from one location in the Bewani Hills area of northeast of Indonesian New Guinea, collected in 1936 (Lieftinck 1938). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy of this species is not possible with the available data.
",population:"The type series consists of 18 specimens all collected on one day, suggesting that the species was not uncommon at the type locality at the time. Nothing else can be said with the available information.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Nothing was recorded about the habitats and ecology of this species but it will be forest-dependent.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More information on the habitat requirements, ability to tolerate disturbance and threats to this species are urgently needed.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:147332730,scientific_name:"Papuagrion corruptum",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Papuagrion",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1938",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-03-17",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:200,elevation_lower:200,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"150123901",assessment_id:152306186,id_no:150123901,sci_name:"Cincelichthys bocourti",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. Lyons",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.7hwi3q",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:0,longitude:-89.150386,latitude:15.593129,species_id:150123901,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is restricted to Atlantic slope drainages in southern Belize, and central Guatemala, with an estimated EOO of 3,116 km2. It is known from a limited number of collection records, and little is known about its biology and ecology. Potential threats include deforestation and land-use change associated with plantation agriculture, localized mining activities, overexploitation of fisheries, and the spread of Hydrilla verticillata in Lake Izabal. However, the direct impact and scope of these threats on population status and habitat availability are largely unknown, and therefore the number of locations where this species occurs cannot be determined. It is unlikely that the species occurs in more than 20 locations and the species is therefore, close to meeting the thresholds necessary for listing as Vulnerable. Given the uncertainties of threat levels, and considering the known threats presented by overexploitation, this species is assessed as Near Threatened as it nearly meets the thresholds necessary for listing in a threatened category. Additional research effort regarding distribution, population status, and the magnitude of threats may result in data that qualifies this species for a threatened category.",geographicrange:"Cincelichthys bocourti occurs on the Atlantic versant of southern Belize (Greenfield and Thomerson 1997) and Guatemala (Kullander 2003, Říčan et al. 2016). In Belize, it has been collected from the Temash and Moho River drainage, with potential occurrence in the Rio Grande. In Guatemala, it occurs from Lake Izabal and potentially from the northern border southward to the Polochic River drainage (Pérez Alvarado et al. 2004, McMahan et al. 2015).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 2,500 to 3,116 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (GBIF 2019). However, this species is poorly represented in museum collections, and therefore the estimated EOO should be interpreted with caution.",population:"Total population size and population trend are unknown. In Lake Izabal, extensive sampling returned 12 individuals/ha, suggesting that this species is locally uncommon (Barrientos 2005). It is apparently uncommon in Belize (Greenfield and Thomerson 1997). Between 2010 and 2011, density values recorded in the Rio Dulce range from 0.4 to 10 individuals per 100 m2 suggesting substantially greater densities in this area (Quintana and Barrientos 2011). The species is a common target of commercial and subsistence fishing within the Rio Dulce.
There are currently no species-specific conservation actions directed towards C. bocourti. The range of this species extends into multiple Protected Areas, namely Sarstoon Temash National Park in Belize, as well as Chocon Machacas Biosphere Reserve, Bocas Del Polochic Wildlife Refuge, and Rio Dulce Natural Park in Guatemala (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019).
More information on the distribution, population size, population status, and impact of potential threats are needed to accurately assess the extinction risk of this species. This is particularly true for portions of the species' range extending into Belize, as these are comparatively poorly studied. Trade in the species is likely to be causing population declines. Additional research into the level of exploitation as well as sustainable harvest rates are needed to better inform fisheries management practices.",usetrade:"The species is targeted by artisanal fisheries, particularly within the Rio Dulce drainage. It is also known to be in the ornamental fish trade though the extent of this market is poorly understood.
Amphicnemis ecornuta is widely distributed (but seldom recorded) in Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak and Sumatra. However very few locations have ever been found for the species, and it is not known if it survives at any of the Sumatran sites. The overall population of this species is certainly severely fragmented, and only the three locations in Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak can be considered as currently known, and threats or potential threats exist at all sites. The species therefore qualifies for Vulnerable status under criterion D2.
",geographicrange:"Amphicnemis ecornuta is widely distributed (but seldom recorded) in Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak and Sumatra. Records from Peninsular Malaysia are from Panti Forest Reserve in Johor (for instance in Dow et al. 2012) and the Krau Wildlife Reserve in Pahang (for instance Hämäläinen 2000). The only record from Borneo is from south west Sarawak, from the Sama Jaya Nature Reserve in Kuching (Dow et al. 2012). Records from Sumatra are all old, and are from four locations spread across the island: two in North Sumatra (Dow et al. 2012, Lieftinck 1940), one in West Sumatra (Lieftinck 1940) and one in Lampung (Dow, Choong & Ng 2010). There is extensive deforestation in the areas of all the Sumatran records and it is not known if the species survives at any of them. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy of this species is impossible with the currently available data, but it is likely to be small.
",population:"This species appears to be extremely local in occurrence, and to be present at low densities where it does occur. Beyond this little can be said with the currently available information except that a decline, possibly severe, in overall population must have occurred, and be ongoing, due to loss of lowland swampy forest across its range, and that it is undoubtedly severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"The habitat of this species is imperfectly understood. The location in Sarawak is probably best characterized as disturbed kerapa (intermediate between peat swamp forest and kerapa); at this location females have been found within forest and at its edge, males at small pools within forest that probably dry out during the driest months of the year. The sites in Peninsular Malaysia appear to be in swamp forest, but the exact formation is not known. Nothing was recorded about the habitats in Sumatra except that one of the locations was 150m a.s.l.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.1",title:"Small-holder plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.1",title:"Abstraction of surface water (domestic use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.2",title:"Abstraction of surface water (commercial use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There is an urgent need for more information on this species, especially from Sumatra, and it should be looked for in the West of Kalimantan as well. A better understanding of its habitat requirements is required and, if it is really as scarce and local in occurrence as it currently appears, additional protected areas may be needed to protect surviving populations, particularly in Sumatra.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:122150300,scientific_name:"Amphicnemis ecornuta",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Amphicnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Selys, 1889",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-09-15",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:150,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"122150132",assessment_id:122150266,id_no:122150132,sci_name:"Rhinoneura villosipes",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Dow 2004",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2004,longitude:116.54257,latitude:6.00731,species_id:122150132,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Rhinoneura villosipes is only known from two streams at 1,500 m asl and above on Mount Kinabalu; the known sites are in close proximity to each other and only comprise one threat defined location (considering forest fires, alteration of stream courses due to earthquakes or infrastructure expansion as the main threats), and a recently discovered site in the nearby Crocker Range. More data on the distribution of this species is needed, but if it does not have a wider distribution than is currently known (the area of occupancy (AOO) known at present is less than 20 km²) then, despite its presence in a well-managed national park, it is certainly at risk. It is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2.
",geographicrange:"Rhinoneura villosipes is only known from Mount Kinabalu in Sabah (e.g., Donnelly 1999, Dow 2004, unpublished, Hämäläinen 1994, Laidlaw 1915) and one very recently discovered location in the nearby Crocker Range. The exact location of the type locality is not known, but it is likely to be the same as the currently known location near the headquarters of the Mount Kinabalu World Heritage site. All records after its original description from Mount Kinabalu are from the Liwagu River and its tributary the Silau-Silau near to the park headquarters at ca 1,500 m asl. The location in the Crocker Range is a single stream. Only one location can be considered known on Mount Kinabalu for threat assessment purposes because of the close proximity of the known sites to one another. It should be searched for at other locations above ca 1,300 m asl on Mount Kinabalu and in the nearby Crocker Range.
",population:"This species is encountered with some regularity on the Silau-Silau stream, but beyond this nothing definite can be said about population sizes or health with the currently available data.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs on the Silau-Silau stream, a small stream in montane forest. It has also been found on the larger and more torrential Liwagu River in the same type of forest, but appears less common there. The habitat at the location in the Crocker Range is similar to that at the Silau-Silau stream.",threats:[{code:"10.2",title:"Earthquakes/tsunamis",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution of this species are needed. Any future expansion of infrastructure in the vicinity of park headquarters at Mount Kinabalu should be planned so that it avoids disturbance to the habitats of this species. Monitoring of the known population is highly desirable, and would be relatively easily to accomplish since no species of similar appearance occurs at the known sites. Education of the park staff concerning this species is desirable, and ensuring that they are vigilant against illegal collecting; there is, however, no need for additional legislation on collecting; it is already illegal to collect specimens in the world heritage site without a research permit, all that is required is to ensure that existing legislation is enforced. To be absolutely clear, a blanket ban on collecting specimens of this species would actually be counterproductive since it would stop the collection of vital voucher specimens needed to confirm identification and so hamper searches for new sites.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:122150132,scientific_name:"Rhinoneura villosipes",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROCYPHIDAE",genus:"Rhinoneura",main_common_name:null,authority:"Laidlaw, 1915",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2017-11-25",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:1800,elevation_lower:1500,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2017",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"173143499",assessment_id:173143637,id_no:173143499,sci_name:"Mesonoemacheilus tambaraparniensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Sidharthan, A.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Courtalum, Tambaraparni drainage",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Menon (1987) ",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:0,longitude:77.269,latitude:8.929,species_id:173143499,taxonomicnotes:"Mesonoemacheilus tambaraparniensis was described as Noemacheilus triangularis tambaraparniensis from Courtallam, Tambaraparni drainage, in the erstwhile British State of Travancore (now Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu, India) (Menon 1987).",rationale:"Mesonoemacheilus tambaraparniensis is assessed as Vulnerable B1ab(iii) as it has a restricted distribution occurring only in two rivers (as is currently known) draining the Agasthyamalai hill ranges of Western Ghats. Currently, its Extent of Occurrence is 5,066 km2 and Area of Occupancy is 3,512 km2. Habitats in the current distribution range of the species are threatened as a result of pollution and changing land-use. As this species is a habitat specialist, any changes to the micro-habitat will impact its continued survival. Future studies need to be carried out to understand its distribution in other rivers draining the Agasthyamalai hills, as well as its population status.",geographicrange:"Mesonoemacheilus tambaraparniensis is known only from two sites, its type locality in River Tambaraparini (Menon 1987, Anoop et al. 2017) and from River Neyyar (Anoop et al. 2018). Both these rivers drain the Agasthyamalai hills in the southern Western Ghats. It is likely that the species of Mesonoemacheilus currently identified as M. triangularis from all rivers draining the eastern and western slopes of the Agasthyamalai hills could represent M. tambaraparniensis, but more studies are required to confirm this.",population:"There is no information on the population status or trends of the species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Like many species of nemacheilid loaches, Mesonoemacheilus tambarapaniensis also prefers moderate to fast-flowing hill stream habitats (Anoop et al. 2018).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No species-specific conservation actions are in place. There is a need to generate baseline information on distribution, population and species-specific threats to develop future conservation strategies. The species does however occur in protected areas.
",usetrade:"No information is available regarding either the use or trade of this species. Nemacheilid loaches are used as aquarium pets, and species of Mesonoemacheilus are in particular, collected and exported from the Western Ghats (Raghavan et al. 2013). Though there is no specific information on M. tambaraparniensis being wild-caught and exported, the possibilities of this species being exported in the name of its closely looking congener, M. triangularis cannot be ruled out.
",taxonid:173143499,scientific_name:"Mesonoemacheilus tambaraparniensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"NEMACHEILIDAE",genus:"Mesonoemacheilus",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Menon, 1987)",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-06-29",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Dahanukar, N. & Sidharthan, A.",reviewer:"Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"3512",eoo_km2:"5066",elevation_upper:2019,elevation_lower:123,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"IN",country:"India",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"61062",assessment_id:155050729,id_no:61062,sci_name:"Aulonocara guentheri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"EU Survey",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:1999,longitude:34.4,latitude:-13.51666667,species_id:61062,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Most subpopulations of Aulonocara guentheri have been extirpated by overfishing. It no longer occurs in beach seine catches in Senga Bay where it was a common catch in the early 1990s. Its decline was already evident by the end of the previous century and this species has not been seen or reported outside of Domira Bay since 2010. The current extent of occurrence (EOO) at Domira Bay is 250 km2 and represents a single location based on the threat of overfishing. The decline in population size continues in Domira Bay as many fishermen ply their nets in this area. This species it is listed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi and Lake Malombe. It occurs in the southeastern arm of Lake Malawi at Monkey Bay, Makanjila Point and Kadango. It has also been observed at Senga Bay, Domira Bay and Nkhotakota. However, this species has not been seen or reported outside of Domira Bay since 2010. It is now considered extant only at Domira Bay and possibly extinct elsewhere in its historic range.",population:"This species used to be common in beach seine catches in the 1980s and early 1990s before the southern part of Lake Malawi became overfished. Since 1999 it has only been recorded from Domira Bay. A lake-wide survey in 1998-1999 recorded the species in Domira Bay with an average of 7.6 kg/20 min haul (5 hauls total). A survey in 2016 in the same area recorded an average of 1.7 kg/20 min haul (3 hauls total). The interpolated decline for the remaining population in the last 10 years is thus about 45%.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"It inhabits shallow sandy areas and was commonly caught in beach seine nets before the southern part of the lake became overfished. A few individuals were seen (Feb 2004) at a depth of about 15-20 m near Thumbi East Island, also over bare sand. This species is a predator, feeding on insects and crustaceans that it locates in the sand using an elaborate sensory system. Males in nuptial dress were rather common in beach seine catches in November and December in the early 1990s. Thus, it seems that spawning takes place in a temporarily defended territory. Males and females (characterised by the yellow colour on the lower half of the head) move around in small foraging groups and regularly accompany groups of other sand-dwelling cichlids.",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.2",title:"Intentional use: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species is possibly present at Thumbi East Island of the Lake Malawi National Park.",usetrade:"This species was rarely collected by the ornamental fish trade in the past, but is no longer targeted. It is targeted by subsistence fishermen.",taxonid:61062,scientific_name:"Aulonocara guentheri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Aulonocara",main_common_name:null,authority:"Eccles, 1989",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-05-23",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A.",reviewer:"Kanyerere, G.Z., Phiri, T.B. & Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"250",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"An amended assessment has been produced to add newly sourced point data for this species to the distribution map.",countries:[{code:"MW",country:"Malawi",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"LC",category:"Least Concern"}]},{id:"83153764",assessment_id:176512447,id_no:83153764,sci_name:"Isosticta gracilior",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Marinov",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN SSC Odonata Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:" ",event_year:2004,longitude:166.644993,latitude:-22.100946,species_id:83153764,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Isosticta gracilior is endemic to New Caledonia. There is still insufficient information to assess the population size and trends the species however due to its small extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO), occurrence in a small number of locations, and ongoing threats from pollution and habitat degradation, the species is assessed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to New Caledonia where it is confined to the main island of Grande Terre (Grand et al. 2014).",population:"This is a rare species known from six localities at low altitudes. There is no precise information on the population size.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species occurs in rivers and streams and in their tributaries that flow in forested plains or hills on ultramafic soils.",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation measures in place for this species. More studies are needed on the population size, trends, biology and ecology.",usetrade:null,taxonid:83153764,scientific_name:"Isosticta gracilior",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"ISOSTICTIDAE",genus:"Isosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1975",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-04-16",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii,iv)+2ab(iii,iv)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Marinov, M.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"32.000",eoo_km2:"1892",elevation_upper:203,elevation_lower:83,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"NC",country:"New Caledonia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"164076824",assessment_id:166771808,id_no:164076824,sci_name:"Photinus dimissus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Walker, A.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"B. Pfeiffer pers. obs., 2020",basisofrec:"Observation",event_year:0,longitude:-98.485032,latitude:29.874198,species_id:164076824,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'This species has an estimated extent of occurrence between 2,161 and 384,036 km2. The high uncertainty in this estimate is a result of insufficient survey efforts over 50-60% of the historical range. Where surveys have taken place over the remaining 40-50% of the range, within Central Texas, an estimated 130 occurrences or areas where habitat is known to be suitable for this species, are known. From these estimates, an AOO of between 988 and 1,040 km2 was calculated. The number of locations cannot accurately be defined for this species, but the quality of riparian habitat across the range is in decline, as previously mentioned. As this species meets criteria B2b(iii) for Vulnerable, it is listed as Near Threatened, despite the indefinite number of locations. Additional survey efforts are needed to better define EOO, AOO, and locations, in case this species falls into a higher threat category.
',geographicrange:'Photinus dimissus was historically recorded in southern Oklahoma and Central Texas, in the United States (Green 1956, Lloyd 1966). Recently, it has been documented at several protected areas in Travis, Comal, and Kendall Counties, Texas (B. Pfeiffer pers. obs.) and one locality in Ellis County, Texas (SCAN 2020). Otherwise many of the recorded occurrences are over fifty years old and it is unclear whether this species remains extant across its former range. There are records for this species from Manitoba, Canada and Georgia, USA (GBIF 2020), but these records are probably erroneous.
The estimated extent of occurrence (EOO) is 2,161- 384,036 km2. The uncertainty in this range stems from a lack of evidence this species remains extant across its historical range. The upper bound is the area of the historical range and the lower bound includes only the occurrences where this species has been reported recently, in Travis, Comal, Kendall and Ellis Counties, Texas (B. Pfeiffer pers. obs., SCAN 2020). This species probably remains extant in some historic occurrences that remain undisturbed. Surveys for this species have taken place over about 40-50% of its historic range. From this portion of the distribution, about 130 occurrences or areas where habitat is known to be suitable for this species, are known. Firefly occurrences are generally small in size, as habitat requirements are very specific and fireflies within this genus, especially the flightless females, cannot disperse far. Therefore, we consider each occurrence to be no more than one 4 km2 grid cell. Over the portion of the range that has not been thoroughly sampled, we can infer a similar situation, adding an additional 117-130 occurrences, resulting in an estimated AOO of between 988 and 1,040 km2. This AOO may be overestimated, as it includes areas of suitable habitat that have not been specifically surveyed for this species. The number of locations cannot accurately be defined for this species as the exact number and locality of occurrences is unknown so the spatial impact of localized threats cannot be estimated.
',population:"The population size for Photinus dimissus is unknown, as is population trend. However, it is reportedly more susceptible to population declines and habitat change than other sympatric species and is less common. Anecdotally, it does not seem to be found as much as it probably once was. It is infrequently observed and usually only occurs in more pristine areas or on private property (B. Pfeiffer pers. obs.). One occurrence near Jerrell, in Williams County, Texas, observed by Lloyd (1968), contained hundreds of individuals, but it is unclear whether this locality still contains this species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:'Photinus dimissus is found in grasslands, meadows, pastures, and fields, often along wet muddy creeks, ephemeral streams, and rivers (Lloyd 1966, Pfeiffer 2020). At twilight, males emerge from riparian areas and exhibit a unique roving behaviour in search of females, flying out across adjacent meadows and pastures, eventually reaching the tops of trees (B. Pfeiffer pers. obs.). This probably indicates females can occur anywhere in a riparian corridor, from the water deep into wooded areas. This species does not seem to tolerate habitat disturbance as well as several other sympatric species, such as P. pyralis (Pfeiffer 2020).
Males of this species produce a twinkling flash, as though it is bimodal, about once a second and females respond at a quick 0.3-0.5 second delay (Lloyd 1966, Pfeiffer 2020). Courtship displays begin about half an hour after sunset, lasting up to a couple hours, from June to early July (Lloyd 1966, Pfeiffer 2020). Females of this species are brachypterous (Green 1956) and therefore flightless. Typically, Photinus larvae are suspected to be subterranean, probably feeding on earthworms and other soft bodied invertebrates at or below the soil surface (Buschman and Faust 2014).
',threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.8",title:"Abstraction of ground water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.6",title:"Excess energy",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.6.1",title:"Light pollution",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation measures in place specifically for this species. Additional research on distribution, population size and trend, habitats and ecology, and threats is urgently needed to better quantify declines and ensure this species is not in a higher threat category.
",usetrade:"There is no evidence that Photinus dimissus has been targeted for entomo-tourism activities. It is unlikely this species was harvested in the past for luciferase, as other firefly species were (Lewis 2016), because it is found in habitats where collection is difficult.",taxonid:164076824,scientific_name:"Photinus dimissus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"COLEOPTERA",family:"LAMPYRIDAE",genus:"Photinus",main_common_name:"Two-step Flasher Firefly",authority:"LeConte, 1881",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-12-16",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Pfeiffer, B. & Walker, A.",reviewer:"Lewis, S.",aoo_km2:"988-1040",eoo_km2:"2161-384036",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"US",country:"United States of America",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"14.2",habitat:"Artificial/Terrestrial - Pastureland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"4.4",habitat:"Grassland - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"195280222",assessment_id:195295782,id_no:195280222,sci_name:"Margarites manusensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Aoife Molloy",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:151.87199402,latitude:-3.69580007,species_id:195280222,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 1,740 m to 1,940 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. Mining licences have been granted for this location within the Papua New Guinea EEZ. The potential for anthropogenic influence at these sites based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. There may already be disturbance to this species at this vent field location, as the Papua New Guinea Government has previously granted deep-sea mining licences in the Manus Basin. The impact of uncertainty around the decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from Vulnerable (VU) to Critically Endangered (CR), using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as Critically Endangered (CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)). A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements, for example, if a moratorium on deep-sea mining was reached by the Government of Papua New Guinea, whereby the assessment would be likely to decrease to Least Concern (LC).
",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to one location at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. This location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with biologically and geologically coherent identity. Any vent fields within this location therefore also have common exposure to relevant potential threats. This location lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Papua New Guinea. The species is currently known from one vent field with active black smokers and diffuse venting located at depths of 1,740 m to 1,940 m bsl, namely the DESMOS Cauldron vent field on the Manus Basin (Zhang and Zhang, 2017). This species is present over a small area at this vent field.",population:"This population has only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Zhang and Zhang 2017).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1,740 m to 1,940 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any vent fields within the Papua New Guinea EEZ. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along West Pacific Ocean ridges.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:195280222,scientific_name:"Margarites manusensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"TROCHIDA",family:"MARGARITIDAE",genus:"Margarites",main_common_name:null,authority:"S.-Q. Zhang & S.-P. Zhang, 2017",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-18",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:1740,depth_lower:1940,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PG",country:"Papua New Guinea",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"60947",assessment_id:148654097,id_no:60947,sci_name:"Trematocranus microstoma",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Darwall, W.",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:1999,longitude:34.785567,latitude:-12.640983,species_id:60947,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is mainly restricted to the southern part of the lake where the fishing pressure is the strongest. It was still a common sight along Chembe Beach at Cape Maclear in the 1980s and 1990s, but has since almost disappeared from this area. It has only rarely been seen north of Senga Bay in last 100 years. It meets the population size reduction requirements under criterion A for Endangered (>50% reduction in 10 years) and it has not been recorded in the trawl survey in 2016. It has however still been recorded in gill nets in the SE arm of the lake in small numbers. Catch records for other parts of the lake are not readily available to confirm its distribution elsewhere. The decline in population size continues as beach seines are still being used around the Nankumba Peninsula, the site where it was common in the 1980s and 90s. The effects of subsistence fishing on this species are continuing and it is therefore listed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi with a lake-wide distribution, but with only two relatively recent collecting points north of Senga Bay (at Kande island by Snoeks and Hanssens at -11.95°, 34.14° and by Darwall at Metangula, Mozambique). Otherwise, it has not been seen in the last 100 years north of Senga Bay. Along the eastern shore it is found south of Metangula, but not at Chinyankwazi and Chinyamwezi islands.",population:"The population is in decline.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"It occurs in shallow, muddy bays and vegetated areas between 4–20 m where it feeds on insect larvae, crustaceans, and small snails. It was regularly caught in beach seine nets in the southern part of the lake. The maximum growth size is 25 cm.",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"It occurs near the Lake Malawi National Park at Chembe, but has been overfished by local fishers.",usetrade:'It is rarely collected by the ornamental fish trade where it is known as "Haplochromis Placodon Pointed Head". It is considered a food fish by subsistence fishermen.',taxonid:60947,scientific_name:"Trematocranus microstoma",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Trematocranus",main_common_name:"Haplochromis Placodon Pointed Head",authority:"Trewavas, 1935",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-05-21",category:"EN",criteria:"A2ab",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A.",reviewer:"Kanyerere, G.Z., Phiri, T.B. & Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:'This errata version of the assessment was created to correct a Reviewer name from "Kanyerere, Z." to "Kanyerere, G.Z.", another Reviewer name from "Phiri, B." to "Phiri, T.B." and a Contributor name from "Kasembe, J." to "Kazembe, J.". Additionally, a point data map was added as this was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.',amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MW",country:"Malawi",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MZ",country:"Mozambique",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"TZ",country:"Tanzania, United Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"LC",category:"Least Concern"}]},{id:"163443511",assessment_id:163445797,id_no:163443511,sci_name:"Pseudavakubia majus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"D. Allen",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Mollusc SG",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:" ",event_year:2019,longitude:-.57471001,latitude:6.23203993,species_id:163443511,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'This species is restricted to eastern Ghana, where it has only been recorded on the Atewa Range in the Akyem Abuakwa region of southeastern Ghana, and is currently thought to be endemic to Upland Evergreen forest habitats.This species is restricted to the Eastern Region of Ghana, where it has only been recorded on the Atewa Range in the Akyem Abuakwa Traditional Area, near the towns of Kibi and Sagamase (Segyimaase). It is currently thought to be endemic to the Atewa Range, where it has only been found in Upland Evergreen Forest habitats (at least 660 m asl). This is based on information collected from field surveys in 2010 (P. Tattersfield, A.J. de Winter & M. Eliken Nutsuakor pers. comm. 2020) and 2019 (same workers; the material collected is still being processed so additional records may come to light) The species' detailed microhabitat associations are not know but there is some evidence that it is associated with arboreal microhabitats.
The Atewa Range Forest Reserve and the Atewa Range Extension Reserve have a total area of 263 km², but Upland Evergreen Forest habitats are estimated to occupy only 174 km² (information from BirdLife International (2020) Important Bird Areas factsheet: Atewa Range Forest Reserve. Downloaded from http://www.birdlife.org on 21/01/2020). There is a possibility that the species may occur across a wider elevational range within the Atewa Range, but based on current knowledge the species' maximum extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated at approximately 174 km². Based on the species' currently confirmed localities, its minimum EOO may be estimated as approximately 5 km2.
The three records of this species derive from two field surveys in 2010 and 2019. There are few other mollusc records from the Atewa Range or close by areas, although small land-snail collections were made by two Dutch researchers in the early 2000s and neither contained Pseudavakubia majus. The material collected in 2019 is still being examined in detail so there is a possibility that further specimens of this species may be identified.
The total extent of the Upland Evergreen Forest, to which this species is believed to be restricted, is very limited in the country and most is found in the Atewa Range. The few other areas containing upland forest in Ghana, such as Tano Ofin Forest Reserve, are small in extent and in much poorer condition. In terms of other forest types, several land-snail surveys have been undertaken elsewhere in Ghana although no areas have been studied exhaustively. However, this species has not been recorded. This adds weight to the conclusion that the species is probably restricted to upland forest habitat, and since there is so little of this forest type in the country it seems reasonably unlikely that populations occur elsewhere and thus reasonably likely that the species is endemic to the Atewa Range.
If plans for mineral extraction in the Atewa Range are to proceed, then further surveys of this species will be essential to obtain a better understanding of its distribution and ecology, and thus accurately assess the potential impacts of the mineral proposals. It is strongly recommended that such information should be included in any impact assessments (e.g. EIA) that are produced to support the mineral proposals.
If mineral extraction proceeds then options to mitigate negative impacts should be explored and, if feasible, implemented. A scheme should also be implemented to monitor the effects of the works on the species. The monitoring scheme should include a pre-works baseline survey, followed by regular surveys designed to detect changes in the species' distribution or abundance that may be caused by the loss of habitat and/or any deterioration in its quality (for example, caused by dust deposition or changes in microclimates).
`,usetrade:'There is no known use or trade in this species.',taxonid:163443511,scientific_name:"Pseudavakubia majus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"STYLOMMATOPHORA",family:"STREPTAXIDAE",genus:"Pseudavakubia",main_common_name:null,authority:"de Winter & Vastenhout, 2013",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2020-01-21",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Tattersfield, P.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"174",elevation_upper:800,elevation_lower:660,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GH",country:"Ghana",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"122150307",assessment_id:175970854,id_no:122150307,sci_name:"Amphicnemis erminea",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:" ",source:"Dow 2014",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1948,longitude:112.9496,latitude:-2.5315,species_id:122150307,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Amphicnemis erminea is known from Central Kalimantan and possibly from East Kalimantan, but this requires confirmation. In Central Kalimantan it appears to be confined to peat swamp forest and associated peripheral forest formations; threats exist to all such habitats in the province; it may already be extinct at the type locality, but this requires confirmation. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of the species is not possible with the available data, but if it is confined to Central Kalimantan is likely to be less than 15,000km2, probably considerably less, below the 2,000 km2 threshold for Vulnerable status, and the AOO will be declining. With at most 7 locations currently known, inferred declines in overall population, AOO and quality and extent of suitable habitat, and threats at all locations the species is close to qualifying for Vulnerable status under criterion D2 and B2abii,iii (would qualify if its AOO was known to be less than 2,000km2) and is assessed as Near Threatened accordingly.
",geographicrange:"Amphicnemis erminea is known from Central Kalimantan (Dow 2014 summarises available information) and possibly from East Kalimantan, where the assessor has observed what might have been this species, but since specimens could not be collected at sites visited there, these records are unconfirmed. About seven locations are known in Central Kalimantan. Considering only Central Kalimantan, one of the known locations (Ampah, the type locality) may no longer support the species (an inhabitant of that area told the assessor that no forest remains there, but this requires verification). In Central Kalimantan the species appears to be confined to peat swamp forest and associated peripheral forest formations and its area of occupancy (AOO) is therefore constrained by the remaining area of such habitat in the province, and based on the figures in Miettinen et al. 2016 (considering pristine and degraded peat swamp forest) is therefore less than 15,000km2, probably considerably less because the species does not appear to be present in all apparently suitable habitat. On the other hand, if its range extends to East Kalimantan then its AOO may be considerably larger, but this needs confirmation. One of the locations in Central Kalimantan enjoys some measure of protection because of its Orangutan population, but to the assessors knowledge this protection is not formal and will effectively vanish if and when scientists working on the Orangutans are no longer present in the area.
",population:"This species can be abundant where it occurs, but beyond this little can be said except that at least some decline to the overall population must have occurred and be ongoing due to loss of lowland forest within its range.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species, at least in Central Kalimantan, appears to be confined to peat swamp forest and associated peripheral forest formations. Lieftinck (1953, 1954) claimed that it was associated with large Pandanus plants but Dow (2014) argued against this. The species has only been found in old growth forest, however the forest has been disturbed at all known locations.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data are needed on the distribution of this species, especially beyond Central Kalimantan. A better understanding of its habitat requirements is also needed. The species would undoubtedly benefit from protection of additional areas of lowland swamp forest in Central Kalimantan.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:122150307,scientific_name:"Amphicnemis erminea",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Amphicnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1953",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-09-15",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"70-14999",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:100,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"11544",assessment_id:168312041,id_no:11544,sci_name:"Lepidochrysops jefferyi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"AJCOETZER, AC_LEPI01.FDB_11973",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2011,longitude:31.1119175,latitude:-25.74600029,species_id:11544,taxonomicnotes:"Subtribe should be Polyommatina.",rationale:"This is an endemic species from Mpumalanga Province in South Africa (Extent of Occurrence and Area of Occupancy 16 km2). There is one location and the quality of the habitat is declining due to mining activities, alien vegetation invasion and inappropriate fire regimes. The taxon thus qualifies globally under the IUCN criteria as Critically Endangered under criterion B.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Mpumalanga Province in South Africa, found only in the mountains north-east of Barberton.",population:"There is no information currently available.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It is restricted to rocky, hilly grassland (Barberton Montane Grassland).",threats:[{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.1",title:"Nomadic grazing",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.3",title:"Trend Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"A management plan that includes appropriate habitat protection and management should be developed and implemented as soon as possible.",usetrade:null,taxonid:11544,scientific_name:"Lepidochrysops jefferyi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"LYCAENIDAE",genus:"Lepidochrysops",main_common_name:"Jeffery's Blue",authority:"(Swierstra, 1909)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-02-20",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Williams, M.C.",reviewer:"Kirkman, S., Raimondo, D., Oberprieler, R.G. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"16",eoo_km2:"16",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"4.7",habitat:"Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"6",habitat:"Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"R",category:"Rare"}]},{id:"141759311",assessment_id:170706231,id_no:141759311,sci_name:"Ceylonosticta goodalei",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Priyadharshana et al. (2018)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.4573,latitude:6.8226,species_id:141759311,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Ceylonosticta goodalei is endemic to Sri Lanka, where it is only known from the area of the type locality at Adam’s Peak. The Assessors are aware of records from as many as 11 individual sites, but these are all within a very small area and are considered to be within one threat-defined location. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is smaller than 10 km², its known extent of occurrence (EOO) is also very small (likely also smaller than 10 km²). The extent and quality of suitable habitat around the Adam's Peak area is likely declining due to loss of and disturbance to forest and, with its tiny known range this species may be particularly vulnerable to habitat shifting and alteration as a result of climate change. Additionally, large numbers of pilgrims visit the area, which may have an impact and any development to cater to the needs of these pilgrims is likely to be detrimental to the species. The species qualifies for Critically Endangered status under criteria B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii), and it is assessed accordingly.
",geographicrange:'Ceylonosticta goodalei is endemic to Sri Lanka, where it is only known from the area of the type locality at Adam’s Peak (Priyadarshana et al. 2016, Sumanapala unpublished). The Assessors are aware of records from as many as 11 individual sites, but these are all within a very small area; all known records occur within one 2x2 km grid cell, therefore its estimated area of occupancy (AOO) is 4 km². Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO), based on the known data points and calculated using GeoCAT, is only 2.595 km²; since the EOO cannot be smaller than the AOO for a Red List assessment, the minimum EOO is here recorded as 4 km². It maximum EOO, based on a minimum convex polygon around the entire HydroBASINS area from which the species has been recorded, is 620 km², but this is very much an over-estimate for this species; its true EOO is likely well below 100 km².
No definitive statement about current population size and health can be made for this species with the available data.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Priyadarshana et al. (2016: 6) state “The species was observed inside a well-shaded typical wet-zone forest, near to the Kuru Ganga (Kuru River). Both sides of the river are densely vegetated with species of Elaeocarpus, Dipterocarpus and Michelia, and various typical wet-zone shrubs”. Nothing else appears to have been recorded. If the range of the species does extend beyond the known sites in the Adam's Peak area then the extent and quality of suitable habitat will be declining due to loss of and disturbance to forest. Even within the Adam's Peak protected area there may be some decline in quality of habitat due the early stages of habitat shifting under climate change (see Threats).
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"6.3",title:"Work & other activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'The Adam’s Peak area is protected. The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended to support and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
As Ceylonostica goodalei is assessed as a Critically Endangered endemic species, a systematic survey of its distribution, populations, biology and threats, encompassing wider surroundings of known localities, should urgently be executed as a basis for conservation measures planning.
',usetrade:null,taxonid:141759311,scientific_name:"Ceylonosticta goodalei",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Ceylonosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Priyadarshana & Wijewardhane, 2018",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-11",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4-620,4-100",elevation_upper:1500,elevation_lower:1050,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"128727269",assessment_id:128727281,id_no:128727269,sci_name:"Triplophysa brahui",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Zoo Outreach Organization (ZOO)",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:61.595,latitude:30.787,species_id:128727269,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is assessed as Endangered. It is restricted to a few patches of remaining pools in the non-perennial river system. Although the extent of occurrence (EOO) encompasses 128,000 km2, the actual remaining population in the pools has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO) of at most 500 km2. The subpopulations in these pools are considered to be severely fragmented. The impacts of the climate crisis leading to long-lasting droughts followed by sand storms that can cover up existing shallow pools, leading to extreme fluctuations in the number of subpopulations, and water abstraction by cities such as Quetta and Kalat in Pakistan, as well as pollution from the cities, compound the situation and are leading to declines in habitat and the AOO.",geographicrange:"Triplophysa brahui occurs from the headwaters of the Lora river in Pakistan to the Helmand watershed downstream in Afghanistan (Ayub et al. 2004, Coad 2015, M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020). Records from Iran require confirmation (Nalbant and Bianco 1998). This species occurs only in very small isolated patches (and pools) in seasonal streams/rivers.",population:"In 2004 it was estimated that the Pakistani subpopulation of this species had declined by <10% in the last 10 years (1994-2004) but would continue to decline by >50% 10 years into the future (2004-2014), due to siltation and drought (Ayub et al. 2004). With the ongoing threat of drought in Pakistan (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020), it can be suspected to be continuing to decline, but the magnitude is unknown. No population data are known regarding the population size or trend of this species in Afghanistan, or within Iran where its occurrence is yet to be confirmed (Nalbant and Bianco 1998).Eretmobrycon gonzalezi is known from a limited number of collection records and is distributed within the Sixaola, Cañaza, and Bongie river basins on the Caribbean slope in Costa Rica and Panama (Román-Valencia 2002, GBIF 2019). In Costa Rica, it has been reported from the Sixaola River at an elevation of 69 meters above sea level (Angulo et al. 2013).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 345 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collections records (GBIF 2019). Area of Occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be 16 km2, and was calculated by overlaying a 2 km2 grid over georeferenced collection records (GBIF 2019). While AOO may be underrepresented due to sampling bias, it is unlikely to exceed 500 km2.
",population:"There is no information about the population size or population trend of this species.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in creeks and streams characterized by shallow, clear water, over sand, stones, and decomposing vegetation (Román-Valencia 2002).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no species-specific conservation actions directed towards E. gonzalezi. The range of this species probably includes more than one protected area (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). More information regarding distribution, population size, population trend, biology and ecology, and potential threats are needed to accurately assess the conservation status of this species.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:149114729,scientific_name:"Eretmobrycon gonzalezi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Eretmobrycon",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Román-Valencia, 2002)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-04-10",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"González, R., Contreras MacBeath, T. & Armbruster, J.W.",reviewer:"Lyons, T.J.",aoo_km2:"16",eoo_km2:"345",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"2811",assessment_id:126813586,id_no:2811,sci_name:"Birgus latro",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Neil Cumberlidge",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-178.701875,latitude:-18.324809,species_id:2811,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:`Global Assessment
The global conservation status of B. latro has changed over the years. This species was assessed on the IUCN Red List as Vulnerable (VU) in 1981 (IUCN 1990), Rare (R) (an earlier version of the criteria) in 1983, 1986, 1988, 1990 and 1994, but was subsequently amended to Data Deficient (DD) in 1996 (Eldridge 1996) because of a perceived lack of biological data (not because the populations had improved). In the more than 20 years since the last assessment, there have been a number of studies of the Coconut Crab that provide significant datasets on distribution, habitat, and population trends, and threats, from most parts of its range. These works allow a reassessment of the extinction risk of this species (Kadiri-Jan and Chauvet 1998; Chauvet and Kadiri-Jan 1999; Sato and Yoseda 2008; Drew et al. 2010; Poupin et al. 2013; Orchard 2012; Patankar and D'souza 2012; Drew and Hansson 2014; Helagi et al. 2015; Laidre 2017, 2018).
The original range of this species on tropical islands has been reduced (probably since 1500 AD) by the impact of human settlements, with the result that this species has declined in many areas. In other parts of its range it has been extirpated (presumed extinct), for example, in coastal eastern Africa and northern Madagascar, the Comoros islands (Mayotte), the Mozambique Channel (Juan de Nova), Glorioso Islands (Ile du Lys), the Mascarene islands (Cargados Carajos, Mauritius, Agaléga Islands, Reunion, and Rodrigues), the Nicobar Islands (Car Nicobar, Katchal, Tillanchong, and Trinket), the Queensland coast of Australia, Hiri Island (Indonesia), the Marquesas Islands (Polynesia), and Easter Island (Polynesia). Although it is likely that this species was historically present in these places, it is not found there today, probably because it has been hunted to extinction by the local human population. Reports of the presence of the species in Honolulu, Hawaii are the result of a rare case of human introduction, however, and it is not established as an invasive species there.
The estimated EOO is 81,056,813 km2 based on the Minimum Convex Polygon calculated from point localities using GeoCAT. Almost all of the EOO of this species comprises huge areas of the Indian and Pacific Oceans where the fully aquatic larval stages and glaucothoe of B. latro develop and disperse in the ocean currents, but they only spend between 4-6 weeks there. However, the adults and juveniles are strictly terrestrial, and are widely distributed on a large number of mostly oceanic islands spread over a vast area spanning the Indian and Pacific Oceans, from the east coast of Africa to Indonesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia as far east as Pitcairn Island. The estimated AOO of 546 km2 calculated using GeoCat based on the more than 150 terrestrial point localities is likely to be an underestimate due to the large areas within the range that are unsampled. It is more relevant when estimating the AOO to focus on the much smaller terrestrial part of the range of B. latro (an estimated total land area of 125,329 km2). This is because the adults and juveniles are fully terrestrial, and these crabs spend the vast majority of their life cycle (up to 60 years) on land, and also because these coastal land areas represent suitable habitat for the species.
Continued threats to B. latro in most of its range are all anthropogenic, particularly on smaller islands: overharvesting, habitat destruction and modification, predation by introduced species, and road kills. Increasing human populations on islands where B. latro is found have directly caused the decline in crab populations, with the result that they are now either rare or extirpated in some parts of its range.
Birgus latro is assessed here as Vulnerable A2cd+4cd at the global level under criterion A. This is justified based on the magnitude of its falling population levels, because this species has suffered rapid population declines of at least 30% over the past three generations (60 years) in more than a dozen sites within its range where we have data, and this decline is expected to continue for at least the next generation (20 years). For example, in the Indian Ocean, population reductions of B. latro have been quantified by population demographic studies in the following seven locations: Comoros Islands, Glorieuses Islands, Mozambique Channel Islands, Seychelles Archipelago, Mascarene Islands (Poupin et al. 2013), Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Patankar and D'souza 2012), and Christmas Island (Rumpff 1986, Hicks et al. 1990, Drew et al. 2010). Population declines have also been recorded on Pemba Island, Tanzania over a three year period as part of a long-term monitoring program (Tim Caro, University of California, Davis, USA, pers. comm.). Similar population declines have been reported in the Pacific Ocean from the following six sites: Guam, Mariana Islands (Amesbury 1980), Niue (Schiller 1992), Lifou, Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia (Kadiri-Jan and Chauvet 1998), Vauvilliers, Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia (Kadiri-Jan 1995), Taiaro, Tuamotu, French Polynesia (Chauvet and Kadiri-Jan 1999), and Hatoma, Japan (Sato and Yoseda 2008). Under Criterion B this species would qualify as Least Concern globally, based on the large EOO (over 81 million km2), together with the large AOO (over 125,329 km2), and the high number of locations (135). However, the reduction in population levels, and the declines in the area and quality of habitat, combined with the other continued immediate threats and lack of protective conservation measures in many areas qualifies this assessment as Vulnerable under Criterion A.
Local Red List Assessments
On the local level, however, B. latro is more acutely threatened with extinction in a number of localities. These are detailed below.
Indian Ocean Region
The Coconut Crab is threatened with extinction in many parts of the western Indian Ocean with populations declining throughout its geographical range (except for those in Aldabra, Seychelles and Chumbe Island, Tanzania that are receiving active conservation protection). Coconut Crabs are vulnerable to heavy predation by humans because they are relatively easy to catch. In addition, once populations have been reduced, this species is slow to recover even with maximum protection because this long-lived species (50- 60 years), is slow growing, and the recruitment of new generations is slow and sporadic. The result is that the threats to this species are causing population declines in most of the islands of the Western Indian Ocean for which we have data. The pelagic larval development at sea of the Coconut Crab takes four weeks or so which restricts the recruitment of these crabs to places that can be reached during the larval phase and subject to oceanic current patterns. The slow recruitment means that it will take a long time to replace losses, and is potentially a great survival risk that underlines the need for careful management. Islands such as Aldabra Atoll, where Coconut Crabs are thriving under active protection, are crucial reservoirs or recruitment sources for repopulating or replenishing other suitable islands in the western Indian Ocean
1. Comoro Islands (4 islands, 2,236 km2). Endangered (EN A2cd; B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv)). Coconut Crab populations on Grande Comore (Njazidja, 1,025 km2), Mohéli (Mwali, 211 km2), and Anjouan (Nzwani, 424 km2) qualify for EN under criteria A and B. EN is justified regionally under criterion A based on the magnitude of falls in population levels because this species has suffered rapid population declines of at least 50% over the past three generations (60 years) in many parts of the Comoros, and is present there now in only very low numbers (Poupin et al. 2013). Populations of Coconut Crabs are declining in the Comoros because they are subject to consistent threats and disturbance from humans, making them vulnerable to local extermination from human pressures (overharvesting, habitat destruction). This species is Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct) in Mayotte where recent searches produced no evidence of its presence on the island (Poupin et al. 2013). Criterion B would indicate a regional assessment of B1ab (EN) based on based on the low number of locations (3), a low and declining EOO (2,221 km2), and declining habitat quality. The overall determination using both criteria A and B is EN, based on the reduction in population levels and the declines in the area and quality of habitat, combined with the continued immediate threats and lack of protective conservation measures in many areas. These factors justify the regional extinction risk assessment of EN for the Coconut Crab in the Comoro Islands.
2. Zanzibar and nearby islands (2 large islands with many outlying islands), plus several small islands off mainland Tanzania. Least Concern (LC). Small populations are found in three main areas on Pemba, at the northwest tip, and on several small outlying islands. None of these localities have protected status. On Pemba Island the areas where fisherman establish temporary camps overnight have heavily impacted crab populations, and Coconut Crabs are hunted by children to different extents. The two largest outlying islands are Fundo and Kisiwa Panza. Kisiwa Panza is the most remote and suports the largest subpopulation of Coconut Crabs, but on this island crabs are eaten by adults as well as children. There are populations of Coconut Crabs on Unguja Island, the largest island in the Zanzibar Archipelago, as well as on Chumbe Island and Mnemba Island Marine Reserve. Monitoring on Chumbe Island indicates that there is a healthy population of these crabs that enjoys strong protection. Bongoyo Island and Mbudya Island are both close to the mainland and are part of the Dar es Salaam Marine Reserve system, and each has a healthy and ageing population of Coconut Crabs. The other 7 islands in the Dar es Salaam Marine Reserve system are likely to have populations of Coconut Crabs but these have not been sampled. Further south, Mafia Island, Songo Songo, and Fanjove Islands have very few Coconut Crabs remaining. The areas that best support Coconut Crab populations have coral rag habitat and some domestic crop agriculture (cassava, bananas, beans), but otherwise are relatively undisturbed places where no-one stays overnight. The population in this region is relatively stable overall, and therefore qualify for a regional assessment of LC.
3. Glorieuses Islands (5 islands, 5 km2), Mozambique Channel islands (2 islands, 32.4 km2). Critically Endangered (CR A2cd; B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv)). The Coconut Crab populations on the Glorieuses Islands qualify for the category CR under criteria A and B. It falls under CR A2cd based on the magnitude of falls in population levels because this species has suffered rapid population declines of at least 80% over the past three generations (60 years) in the Glorieuses Islands and is present there now in only very low numbers (Poupin et al. 2013). Populations of Coconut Crabs are declining in these islands because they are subject to consistent threats from overharvesting and habitat destruction, making them vulnerable to local extermination from human pressures. On Grande Glorieuse the Coconut Crab is rare but present, and receives some protection from the military base which acts as a deterrent to illegal collecting. On Ile du Lys it is likely that this species is Extinct (EX) because it is known only from a single record in 1882, and is not present today despite searching and has probably been extirpated by local fishermen (Coppinger 1884, Miers 1884, Poupin et al. 2013). In the Mozambique Channel Islands this species is present but very rare in Juan de Nova (4.4 km2), and surveys of Europa Island (28 km2) have failed to find any evidence of the presence of the Coconut Crab - so this species is presumed to be Extinct (EX) there (if it was ever there in the first place) (Poupin et al. 2013). Application of criteria B1ab and B2ab for this species in the Glorieuses Islands and Mozambique Channel islands assigns this species to CR, based on the low number of locations (1), the declining EOO based on MCP (B1CR 9 km2), the declining AOO (B2CR 4 km2), and the declining habitat quality (Poupin et al. 2013). The overall regional determination for categories A and B is CR. In summary, the reduction in population levels, and the declines in the area and quality of habitat, combined with the continued immediate threats and lack of protective conservation measures in most areas justifies the regional extinction risk assessment of CR for the Coconut Crab in the Glorieuses Islands and Mozambique Channel Islands.
4. Seychelles Archipelago (115 islands, 459 km2). Critically Endangered (CR A2cd). The Coconut Crab populations on the Seychelles archipelago qualify for the category CR under criterion A. It falls under CR A2cd based on the magnitude of falls in population levels because this species has suffered rapid population declines of at least 80% over the past three generations (60 years) in many parts of the Seychelles Archipelago and is present now in only very low numbers (Poupin et al. 2013). These population declines mean that this species is now rare on the following islands that have been surveyed recently (Poupin et al. 2013): Cousine and Aride (two specimens recorded in 2006 and one in 2007), the Amirantes islands of D’Arros and Desroches (Jupiter et al. 2013), Alphonse (Duhec 2011), Bijoutier (1 specimen in 2012), Coetivy (3 specimens in 2010), plus Assumption, Cosmoledo, Astove, and Farquhar (confirmed in 2012). There is a high probability (but unconfirmed) that Coconut Crabs may occur in small numbers on Providence and St Francois islands. These crabs may even be extinct in the islands of Desneuf, Mahe, Marie Louise, and Remire where recent searches for the presence of this species were unfruitful (Poupin et al. 2013). The exception to the declining populations of Coconut Crabs in the Seychelles is Aldabra Atoll (a protected UNESCO World Heritage Site) that still supports an abundant crab population of more than one thousand individuals (terrestrial adults and juveniles), which would qualify for NT based on criterion D. In summary, the Coconut Crab populations on the Seychelles Archipelago qualify for the category CR under criterion A (based on the measurable recent declines in population numbers of these crabs in most islands in this group, and the declining EOO and AOO) together with the continuing threats from over-harvesting and habitat destruction in most parts of its range (Poupin et al. 2013).
5. Mascarene Islands (4 islands, 4,536 km2). Extinct (EX). Coconut Crabs are presumed to be Extinct (EX) in the Mascarene Islands because exhaustive surveys of suitable habitat in these islands have failed to report a single individual. Coconut Crabs are not present on Mauritius (1,900 km2) despite recent searches and it is now considered to be Extinct (EX) (but this species was there in 1836 according to Darwin, who noted that the species was declining). Similarly, reports of the Coconut Crab in the Agalega Islands (26 km2) (Poupin et al. 2013) and Cargados Carajos Shoals (Saint Brandon) (5 km2) (Reyne 1939), were not confirmed by recent surveys, and this species is presumed to be extinct there, given that these populated islands present an on-going threat to these crabs from human predation. There are no reports of this species from either Reunion (2,500 km2) and Rodrigues (110 km2), and Coconut Crabs are either extinct there (or were never present).
6. Chagos Archipelago (1,000 islands, 60 km2). Least Concern (LC). The large Coconut Crab populations on these remote islands in the Indian Ocean appear to have a favourable conservation status mainly due to the lack of human disturbance, and therefore the lack of immediate threats.
7. Andaman and Nicobar Islands (300 islands, 8,249 km2). Endangered (EN A2cd). The Coconut Crab populations on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands qualify for the category EN under criterion A. EN is justified regionally under criterion A based on the magnitude of falls in population levels because this species has suffered rapid population declines of at least 50% over the past three generations (60 years) in many parts of these islands, and is present there now in only very low numbers (Patankar and D'souza, 2012). Populations of Coconut Crabs are declining in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands because they are subject to consistent threats and disturbance from humans, making them vulnerable to local extermination from human pressures (overharvesting, habitat destruction). Recent surveys of the islands of the Andaman and Nicobar archipelago showed Coconut Crab populations to be small, fragmented, and in serious decline in many islands. The reasons for these declines include the over-hunting of Coconut Crabs for food (despite social taboos against hunting and its legal protection under the Indian Wildlife Protection Act), and habitat destruction. This situation was exacerbated by the 2004 tsunami, a largely unpredictable event that caused widespread destruction of crab habitat and populations. Coconut Crabs may even be locally extinct on four islands in this archipelago that previously supported populations before the 2004 tsunami, because recent searches for the presence of this species were unfruitful (Patankar and D'souza, 2012). This species is Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct) in Katchal, Trinket, and Car Nicobar islands where recent searches produced no evidence of its presence (Patankar and D'souza 2012). Criterion B would indicate a regional assessment of VU B1ab based on based on the low number of locations (7), a low and declining EOO (9,871 km2), and declining habitat quality. The overall determination using criterion A is EN, because this is the highest ranked. In summary, the reduction in population levels, and the declines in the area and quality of habitat, combined with the continued immediate threats and lack of protective conservation measures in many areas justifies this change in the extinction risk (Patankar and D'souza 2012).
8. Christmas Island (135 km2). Vulnerable (VU) A2cd. Birgus latro is assessed here as Vulnerable (VU) A2cd; B2ab(iii) at the regional level. The Christmas Island population of Coconut Crabs is large (more than a million individual terrestrial adults and juveniles) and the majority (>70%) of the island’s population is living in a protected area and receiving active conservation measures. Despite this, Coconut Crab populations on Christmas Island have undergone a measurable decline between 1979 and 2012 (Drew et al. 2010, Drew and Hansson 2014). The population densities in 2014 were much lower than previously recorded on the island in similar habitats, suggesting that there may have been a substantial decline in the population since the late 1970s (Drew and Hansson 2014). VU is justified regionally under criterion A based on the magnitude of falls in population levels because this species has suffered rapid population declines of at least 30% over the past three generations (60 years) (Drew et al. 2010). Population declines are caused by consistent threats and disturbance from humans, making them vulnerable to human pressures (overharvesting, habitat destruction). Population levels of Coconut Crabs on Christmas Island are declining but still large. Furthermore, the species receives active conservation protection both in the National Park and in its migration pathways outside of the Park during the breeding season. However, B. latro is assessed here as VU despite a population level management plan because of the continued threats and population declines from harvesting, road kills, and introduced predators including the Yellow Crazy Ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes that may threaten the population. The protection that this species receives on Christmas Island depends on continued vigilance to prevent population declines due to poaching and deaths by road kills (well in excess of 30% over three generations). Without active protection, the extinction risk of B. latro on Christmas Island would quickly meet the thresholds for a more threatened category should new threats or population data demonstrate that the species is likely to decline within five years. It is still found in a large number of localities (more than 20), but the small size of Christmas Island qualifies it as 2 locations (the area within the National Park, and the unprotected parts of the island) based on the combined threats from overharvesting, habitat destruction, introduced species, and road kills.
Pacific Ocean Region
1. Palmrya Atoll (12 km2, Northern Line islands). Least Concern (LC). The large Coconut Crab populations on these remote islands have a favourable conservation status mainly due to the lack of human disturbance, and therefore the lack of immediate threats. Palmyra Atoll is managed as a United States National Wildlife Refuge and Marine National Monument. The atoll is uninhabited except for visiting researchers, research station staff, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service employees. Hunting and development are fully banned and land access is heavily restricted. Crabs are readily found in large numbers during both day and night surveys of some islets that comprise the atoll (>20 crabs per 30 minute survey). Mark-recapture studies conducted on two islets at Palmyra produced a subpopulation estimate of approximately 500 crabs for these small islets, which comprise just 1% of Palmyra’s total land area (Tim White, Stanford University, USA, pers. comm). Thus, the total coconut crab population at Palmyra is probably thousands or tens of thousands individuals.
2. Teraina, Kiribati (10 km2, Northern Line islands). Critically Endangered (CR A2c; B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv)+B2ab(i,ii,iii,iv))) Coconut Crab populations on Teraina qualify for a regional assessment of CR under criteria A and B. The Coconut Crab populations on this atoll are in decline and are subject to consistent threats and disturbance from humans, making them vulnerable to local extermination from habitat destruction and overharvesting. Teraina is inhabited by 1700 people and hunting is widespread. Electronic tracking and crab habitat mapping have demonstrated a link between habitat and crab populations, and indicate that measurable declines in native forest habitat of Coconut Crabs is contributing to population declines. Comparative visual surveys conducted on Teraina and Palmyra Atoll determined that Coconut Crab densities are 90% lower on Teraina, where harvesting is common. CR is justified regionally under criterion A based on the magnitude of declines in population levels because this species has suffered a rapid fall in population of at least 80% over the past three generations (60 years) on Teraina (Tim White, Stanford University, USA, pers. comm.). CR is justified under criterion B (CR B1ab, B2ab) based on the low number of locations (1), a low and declining EOO (10 km2), a low AOO (8 km2), declining habitat quality, and the existence of threats. In summary, the assessment of CR is justified based on the sharp reduction in population levels and the declines in the area and quality of habitat, combined with the continued immediate threats and lack of protective conservation measures.
3. Green Island, Taiwan. Vulnerable (VU A2c). Coconut crab populations on Green Island qualify for VU under criterion A. The Coconut Crab populations on Green Island are now in decline and are subject to consistent threats and disturbance from humans (overharvesting, road kills, habitat destruction from burning forests, and introduced predators) associated with increasing tourism. VU is justified regionally under criterion A because Green Island is a single location, the EOO, AOO, and habitat quality are all declining, and there are continuing threats. The magnitude of declines in population levels indicate that this species has suffered a fall in population of at least 30% over the past three generations (60 years) (http://biodiv.sinica.edu.tw/~coconutcrab/web/a_intro.html).
4. Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Micronesia. Vulnerable (VU A2c). Coconut Crab populations on Guam qualify for VU under criterion A. The Coconut Crab populations on Guam are subjected to consistent threats and disturbance from humans (overharvesting, road kills, and introduced predators). In addition, Coconut Crab habitat in Guam continues to be threatened by development, especially in the coastal zone, because migrating females need access to the ocean to release their eggs (Amesbury 1980). VU is justified regionally under criterion A because Guam is a single location, the EOO, AOO, and habitat quality are all declining, and there are continuing threats. The magnitude of declines in population levels indicate that this species has suffered a fall in population of at least 30% over the past three generations (60 years) (Amesbury 1980). Conservation measures include some protection of Coconut Crab populations from hunting due to the limited civilian access to the US military installations on Guam (Pacific Ocean). In addition, other conservation measures that protect crabs include limits on harvesting (especially females and their eggs) in the other non-military areas of the island.
5. Niue, Polynesia. Least Concern (LC). The population of Coconut Crabs in Niue has been surveyed five times since 1994 (Helagi et al. 2015). The most recent survey found the population to be stable, despite heavy exploitation for local consumption and export to New Zealand. The regulation of Coconut Crab harvesting by the government is likely to keep the threats to low levels and to maintain the population levels stable into the future, as long as the guidelines are followed (Helagi et al. 2015).
`,geographicrange:`Birgus latro is widely distributed throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans, occurring either on oceanic islands or on small islands lying offshore from large continents, but rarely in the coastal regions of the larger inhabited landmasses. The northern and southern limits of this species generally are marked by the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn respectively, except for a few populations in the subtropics (such as the Ryukyu Islands in southern Japan, and Green Island in Taiwan). In the Indian Ocean this species ranges from the islands off the African coast (Chumbe and Jibondo in Tanzania, Ibo and Rolas Islands in the Quirimbas Archipelago off Mozambique, and the Comoros Islands) to include the Seychelles, Chagos, the Nicobar and Andaman Archipelagos, and the Australian Territory of Christmas Island (south of Java, Indonesia). The range of B. latro continues into the West Pacific Ocean to include islands around Sulawesi and Irian Jaya (Indonesia), the Philippines, Taiwan, and Okinawa (Japan). The species is found in Micronesia (Palau, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Caroline Island, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Nauru), Melanesia (Papua New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago (New Ireland, Purdy Islands), Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia), and Polynesia (Palmyra Atoll, Tonga, Samoa, Tuvalu, Tokelau, Cook Islands, Society Islands, Tuamotu Archipelago, as far east as Pitcairn Island). Despite several literature mentions of B. latro occurring on Easter Island, it is not found there today. It is interesting that the distribution of coconut crabs closely matches that of the coconut palm, although these species are not linked by a dependency of one on the other.
There are significant gaps in the vast distributional range of B. latro where it is reasonable to assume that this species ought to occur, given the large areas of unoccupied suitable habitat. For example, the historical range of the Coconut Crab included the coastal waters of East and southern Africa, Madagascar, Mauritius, the Indian subcontinent, mainland Asia, Borneo, the large islands in Indonesia, and mainland Australia, but Coconut Crabs are not found in any of these places now. The absence of these crabs from many of these suitable habitats on the continental coastlines and larger islands may be due to the presence of large predators that are not found on the smaller offshore islands. In other instances it may be that the increasing human populations have directly caused the decline in Coconut Crab populations, with the result that these crabs are now extinct in some areas that were once part of its range. For example, the decline or absence of populations of robber crabs on the smaller islands may be the result of humans who have over-harvested the crabs, and adversely affected crab habitat by making large changes in land-use patterns.
The long-range dispersal of these crabs is achieved by their planktonic larvae that are carried over great distances by ocean currents. Relatively little inland dispersal in this species is achieved by the movements of adult crabs, which 1) cannot swim and will drown in water; and 2) need to return to the sea to spawn and hence are restricted to coastal areas.
Indian Ocean: Andaman Islands (North and South Sentinel, and Little Andaman Islands); Nicobar Islands (Car Nicobar, Little Nicobar, Great Nicobar (Campbell Bay), Camorta, Menchal, Cabra Islands, Katchal, Tillanchong, Trinket); Australia (Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, West Island); British Indian Ocean Territory (Diego Garcia Atoll, Salomon, Peros Banhos Athol, Egmont Islands, Chagos Archipelago); Comoros Islands (Mayotte, Anjouan, Moheli, Grand Comore); French Indian Ocean Territory (Glorioso Islands); Madagascar (north coast of Madagascar); Mascarene Islands (North Agalega Islands); Seychelles (Silhouette, Ile Alphonse, Astove, Assumption Island, Aldabra, Cosmoledo Island); Tanzania (Pemba, Bongoyo, Mbudya Fundo, Kisiwa Panza, Unguja, Mnemba, Jibondo, Chumbe, Mafia, Songo Songo, Fanjove Islands); Mozambique (Ibo and Rolas Islands in the Quirimbas Archipelago). Birgus latro is extinct in some of the Mascarene Islands (Cargados Carajos Shoals, Mauritius) and in Madagascar (where it was historically known from the northern coast).
West Pacific Ocean: Indonesia (Islands off Sulawesi, Togean, Malenge, Lentea, South Kaledupa, Wakatobi Regency, Manado); Irian Jaya (Piayanemo Islands, Raja Ampat); Philippines (Aparri, Bantayan, Batanes, Bohol, Bongao, Calayan, Cagayan, Cebu, Camotes, Dalupiri Island, Fuga Island, Laguna, Mactan, Marinduque, Mindoro, Olango Island, Polillo, Quezon, Romblon Island, Samar, Santa Cruz, Tawi-Tawi); Taiwan (Green Island, Orchid Island); Japan (Yaeyama Islands (Taketomi, Ishigaki)).
Pacific Ocean: Micronesia: Palau (Kayangel Island); Northern Mariana Islands (Ascuncion, Saipan, Pagan, Northern Islands, Guguan); Guam, Caroline Island, Marshall Islands (Ralik Chain, Ikuren, Enewetak Atoll, Ikuren, Enewetak Atoll, Rongelap Atoll, Eniwetak, Kwajalein Atoll, Jaluit Atoll); Kiribati (Nikumaroro Island, Kiritimati, Vostok Island, Flint Island), Caroline Island; Nauru; Sorel Atoll, Yap. Melanesia: Papua New Guinea (Wuvulu Island, Purdy Islands); Bismarck Archipelago (New Ireland); Fiji (Aiwa Islands, Yandua); Solomon Islands (Malaita Province, Malaupaina, San Cristobal, Shortland Islands); Vanuatu, New Caledonia (Loyalty Islands). Polynesia: Palmyra Atoll, Tonga, Samoa, Tuvalu (Ellice Group, Funafuti Atoll); Tokelau Chain (Swain's Island, Atafu, Nukunonu, Fakaofo); Cook Islands (Pukapuka, Nassau, Palmerston Island, Suwarrow, Rakahanga, Manihiki, Aitutaki, Rarotonga, Takutea Island, Atiu, Mangaia, Penrhyn (=Tongareva), Ma'uke); French Polynesia (Bora Bora, Tiaroa, Tuamotu Archipelago, Marquesas, Gambia Islands); Society Islands; Pitcairn Island); Niue (Lifou Island); Vanuatu (Espiritu Santo, Hiu (Hiw), Loh, Port Vila, Tegua, Toga).
Birgus latro is extinct in the Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia), in Tabuaeran Island (Kiribati), Hiri Island (North Maluku in Sulawesi, Indonesia), Easter Island, and Australia (where it was historically known from the Queensland coast).
`,population:"The global population of B. latro is uncertain but there is evidence that it is declining in many parts of its range. The healthiest populations of Coconut Crabs in are in Aldabra Atoll in the Seychelles, Chumbe Island in Tanzania, the Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, and Palmyra Atoll in the Central Pacific Ocean. In all of these places there is either a low human population or the islands and coral atolls are uninhabited, and the crabs receive active protection. However, in a larger number of areas Coconut Crab populations are in decline due to human predation and habitat disruption. The reduction in the wide historic range of B. latro on previously uninhabited islands across the Indo-Pacific coincides with the arrival of humans, who have harvested these crabs and altered their habitat with the result that Coconut Crabs are either declining or are locally extinct in many parts of their original range. In fact, Coconut Crab population size on oceanic islands directly reflects the level of human activity, with crabs becoming scarce on islands that have a large human population (such as Guam). Most significant viable populations of B. latro today are found in uninhabited or sparsely populated islands.
There have been a number of population demographic studies on B. latro in Christmas Island (Rumpff 1986, Hicks et al. 1990), Guam (Amesbury 1980), Niue (Schiller 1992), Lifou, Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia (Kadiri-Jan and Chauvet 1998), Vauvilliers, Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia (Kadiri-Jan 1995), Taiaro, Tuamotu, French Polynesia (Chauvet and Kadiri-Jan 1999), and Hatoma, Japan (Sato and Yoseda 2008). The population densities of Coconut Crabs on uninhabited islands such as Taiaro in the Tuamotu Archipelago (190.0 crabs/ha), and Igurin in the Enewetok Atoll of the Marshall Islands (147.0 crabs/ha) are high, but densities are much lower on inhabited islands (such as in Nuie (46 crabs/ha) and Lifou (27.5 crabs/ha) in New Caledonia) (Drew et al. 2010). Coconut Crabs are abundant throughout the Australian territory of Christmas Island, where two thirds of the island is under the protection of the Christmas Island National Park (85 km2). Coconut crabs are found all over the island, and despite the presence of humans there are up to one million individual Coconut Crabs, making it one of the strongholds of this species. The Coconut Crab populations on Christmas Island are not evenly distributed, with crabs most abundant (67-160 crabs/ha) in virgin lowland humid rainforest, their favoured habitat, and almost completely absent in places where the forest has been cleared for mining or human settlement. Although the Coconut Crabs on Christmas Island are probably among the best protected anywhere in its range, they still only receive partial protection within the Park, because outside of the Park in the unprotected areas they are still over-harvested by locals, and killed on the island’s roads.
Adult B. latro found on smaller remote oceanic islands had no natural predators. Today, these crabs have been impacted by introduced predators (including humans) on islands that were previously uninhabited. The arrival of humans and their introduced animals meant that the predation pressure on these crabs increased significantly. Human harvesting of the once abundant Coconut Crabs is widespread because these tasty large crustaceans are a valuable cash commodity in local economies. However, such exploitation is not sustainable when the catch includes immature females (which take 5 years to reach sexual maturity) as well as adult crabs. The result is that crab populations of this slow-growing species go into long-term decline. These crabs are slow to recover because successful recruitment events are both infrequent (occurring only every five to ten years) and irregular. This slow rate of replacement is of particular concern in areas where declining crab populations are additionally affected by climate change, because Coconut Crabs have only a limited capacity to sustain harvesting or to adapt to changing conditions. Finally, coastal development has seriously altered the preferred habitat of Coconut Crabs, and further contributes to the decreasing crab populations by reducing the number of large breeding individuals.
Overall, the population is inferred to have declined by at least 30% over the past three generations (60 years) and this decline is expected to continue for at least another generation (20 years).
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Coconut Crabs are widespread, well-adapted land and arboreal crabs that have to breathe air, and will drown if immersed in seawater for even a short time. Coconut Crabs live in burrows which they dig themselves and are also found in rock crevices. Coconut Crabs sometimes climb coconut and Pandanus trees, and might dislodge coconuts growing on trees. Coconut Crabs are solitary and usually nocturnal and spend the day in their cool humid burrows which reduces water loss from high air temperatures. Like other hermit crabs, juvenile Coconut Crabs protect their abdomen inside an empty gastropod shell, but adult Coconut Crabs do not do this because their abdomen is protected by a tough waterproof exoskeleton. Coconut Crabs are active during the day in rain storms, and where large crab populations mean more intense competition for food. Coconut Crabs mate between May and September, and only return to the coast to release their eggs into the sea during a high tide. Their larval stages develop in seawater for three to six weeks as members of the plankton, dispersing on floating logs, coconuts, or rafts of vegetation. When the larvae are well developed (as shrimp-like glaucothoe) they leave the surface waters and drop down to the sea bed. There they locate a suitable gastropod shell for their abdomen, and migrate towards the shore. After spending 4 weeks around the high tide mark, Coconut Crab glaucothoe transform into juvenile crabs, which continue to use a gastropod shell for between 1 and 2 years. Coconut Crabs change up their mollusc shells as they grow, until their abdomen hardens and they do not need to use a shell anymore. These crabs switch to air breathing all the time, move inland (up to 6 km from the shore), and do not enter water again. These crabs reach sexual maturity after five years, but can live for between 40 to 60 years. Adult Coconut Crabs feed primarily on fallen fruits, nuts, seeds, and occasionally plant and animal remains. Interestingly, although this species is closely associated with the coconut palm, coconuts are not a significant part of its diet.
The habitat preferences of the adults of this species varies between islands, and depends on the topography. The preferred habitat for adult Coconut Crabs consists of forested coastal locations that have a high humidity, abundant rock crevices, and lots of soil for burrowing. On Christmas Island, Australia (Indian Ocean) B. latro is mostly found between 3 and 5 km inland in dense humid tropical rain forest over 300 m above sea level, with fewer crabs in the drier areas such as the coconut tree groves next to the beaches. On Lifou Atoll (New Caledonia), B. latro is mostly found in rain forest with dense woody vines, as well as in coconut palm groves, in sparsely vegetated woodlands, and along coastal rubble beaches. On Pemba Island, Tanzania, Coconut Crabs are found in coral rag coastal forests hiding in rocky holes and crevices during the day. In Nuie in the Marshall Islands (Republic of Belau) Coconut Crabs are most abundant in the high humidity closed canopy primary coastal forests. There are fewer individuals inland, and none in the open areas with low humidity, where the vegetation is either low scrub or regenerating forest with no canopy. During the breeding season Coconut Crabs migrate to all sections of the coast, congregating in large numbers in protected places such as caverns, caves, and crevices from where females can release their eggs into incoming tides. These crabs are slow growing, and mature between 4 to 8 years after hatching and live up to 50 to 60 years old (Sato et al. 2013).
Small juvenile crabs prefer habitats close to the ocean, while the larger juveniles prefer cliff faces. On Christmas Island and on Vanuatu, the glaucothoe and small juveniles of B. latro with mollusc shells are found in the relatively humid interstitial spaces in coral rubble during the day and at dusk emerge to feed on the surrounding land. On Lifou Atoll (New Caledonia) juvenile B. latro live in the humid piles of coconut debris at the foot of coconut trees on shore terraces, and feed on leaf and plant litter among the coconut debris. B. latro moults several times while in these beach habitats and selects a larger shell as it grows. As crabs mature and grow larger they move inland where they get access to different vegetation types.
Conservation management strategies for B. latro are in place in some regions, and this species is nationally protected to different degrees in different countries. Bans, catch size limits, minimum size limits, and a protected breeding period for Coconut Crabs are enforced in Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Guam. Specifically, Guam, Vanuatu and the Federated States of Micronesia implement minimum legal size limit restrictions, and there is a ban on the capture of egg-bearing females. The Northern Mariana Islands allow licensed hunting of Coconut Crabs but the bag is restricted to 5 large (76 mm carapace length) non-egg-bearing adult Coconut Crabs a day, and 15 crabs over the three month season from September to November. In Tuvalu, Coconut Crabs are protected throughout the 33 km2 Funafuti Marine Conservation Area on Funafuti Atoll.
In Green Island in Taiwan, B. latro has been legally protected by the Wildlife Conservation Law since 1995. This protection is justified based on the fact that the Coconut Crab is a long-lived, slow growing huge species: the largest terrestrial arthropod in the world. Conservation strategies take into account the fact that these large foraging land crabs occupy a specialized ecological niche, and that their life cycle includes annual migrations to and from the sea from forested mountain areas. The population levels of the Coconut Crab on Green Island are a good indicator of the condition of the habitat of these crabs, and in turn the overall quality of this island's ecosystems. The conservation of these crabs on Green Island includes three parts: habitat protection in the inland forests, coastal zones, and nearby waters, as well as captive breeding, and community education.
On the isolated island of Niue in the South Pacific, Coconut Crabs are threatened by over-harvesting, both for local consumption and for export to New Zealand. Concern for the future of the populations of these crabs in Niue include the practice of capturing of egg-bearing females, immature crabs, and of taking higher numbers than traditionally caught in order to supply the export trade. On Guam, protective measures currently in place include restricting catches to crabs of a certain size, and making it illegal to catch female crabs with eggs. The conservation of the Coconut Crab populations in many parts of its range will therefore need to be a community-driven initiative that takes into account multiple needs.
Conservation action plans have been proposed for Coconut Crab populations on Batanes in the Philippines, where crab populations have declined due to over-harvesting and habitat destruction and these crabs are listed as locally endangered.
Christmas Island supports the world’s largest population of B. latro most of which is protected in the Christmas Island National Park, where this species is carefully managed by the Australian Government. Coconut Crabs are also found in other protected areas of Christmas Island such as The Dales and Hosnie's Spring (both Wetlands of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands).
Conservation actions include the careful mapping of Coconut Crab habitat (enhanced using remotely sensed electronic tracking of habitat cover). This approach in Palmyra Atoll has already demonstrated that the native forest habitat of Coconut Crabs is in decline in parts of its range, and that forest decline is a driver of population declines in this species. The habitat monitoring approach could provide a better understanding of the population levels and conservation status of B. latro across its entire range if it were to be expanded to survey the whole of the range of the Coconut Crab across the Indo-West Pacific. Monitoring of Coconut Crabs can effectively assess population trajectories and allow the investigation of the potential causes of any declines. There is therefore a need for monitoring and detailed research on the ecology and genetics of the Coconut Crab, along with community-based conservation initiatives to protect the species and its habitat.
Conservation measures and recommendations for threatened populations of Coconut Crabs:
1. Establish Coconut Crab sanctuaries to protect their habitat in either coastal forests or inland forests with coastal access, and provide protection for crabs migrating to and from the coast during the spawning season (December to March). These forests should include primarily native vegetation as opposed to Cocos palms.
2. Close major coastal spawning areas to public access during the spawning season (December to March).
3. Introduce a Coconut Crab monitoring program.
4. In places where hunting these crabs is legal, implement a closed hunting season (together with a permit/licensing system) from November to March. Banning the collection of egg-bearing females of B. latro would protect them when migrating to near-shore habitats prior to releasing their eggs into the ocean, and then afterwards when they migrate back to their usual habitats.
5. Where relevant, implement a ban on the export of Coconut Crabs.
6. Introduce a minimum legal size for all Coconut Crabs (e.g., >36 mm thoracic length, as well as a bag limit).
7. Introduce public awareness campaigns informing of the decline in crab populations and the need to restrict crab capture.
9. Recommend/propose adding B. latro to CITES Appendix III
`,usetrade:"These large and tasty crabs are considered a delicacy in all parts of its range and intensive hunting is a real threat to the survival of this species. In some places Coconut Crabs are thought to be an aphrodisiac. The shells of these crabs are also sold to tourists. In Japanese fish markets Coconut Crabs cost as much as Alaskan crabs per kilo.
",taxonid:2811,scientific_name:"Birgus latro",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"MALACOSTRACA",order:"DECAPODA",family:"COENOBITIDAE",genus:"Birgus",main_common_name:"Coconut Crab",authority:"(Linnaeus, 1767)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-08-06",category:"VU",criteria:"A2cd+4cd",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Cumberlidge, N.",reviewer:"Yeo, D.",aoo_km2:"546-125329",eoo_km2:"81056813",elevation_upper:300,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:0,depth_lower:50,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AS",country:"American Samoa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"AU",country:"Australia",presence:"Extinct Post-1500",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Regionally Extinct"},{code:"CC",country:"Cocos (Keeling) Islands",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"CK",country:"Cook Islands",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"CL",country:"Chile",presence:"Extinct Post-1500",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Regionally Extinct"},{code:"CX",country:"Christmas Island",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"FJ",country:"Fiji",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"FM",country:"Micronesia, Federated States of ",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"GU",country:"Guam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"IN",country:"India",presence:"Possibly Extinct",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Possibly Extinct"},{code:"IO",country:"British Indian Ocean Territory",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"JP",country:"Japan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"KI",country:"Kiribati",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MG",country:"Madagascar",presence:"Extinct Post-1500",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Regionally Extinct"},{code:"MH",country:"Marshall Islands",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MP",country:"Northern Mariana Islands",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MU",country:"Mauritius",presence:"Extinct Post-1500",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Regionally Extinct"},{code:"MZ",country:"Mozambique",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"NC",country:"New Caledonia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"NR",country:"Nauru",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"NU",country:"Niue",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PF",country:"French Polynesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PG",country:"Papua New Guinea",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PN",country:"Pitcairn",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PW",country:"Palau",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"RE",country:"Réunion",presence:"Extinct Post-1500",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Regionally Extinct"},{code:"SC",country:"Seychelles",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"TK",country:"Tokelau",presence:"Extinct Post-1500",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Regionally Extinct"},{code:"TO",country:"Tonga",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"TV",country:"Tuvalu",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"TW",country:"Taiwan, Province of China",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"TZ",country:"Tanzania, United Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"UM",country:"United States Minor Outlying Islands",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"VU",country:"Vanuatu",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"WS",country:"Samoa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"13.1",habitat:"Marine Coastal/Supratidal - Sea Cliffs and Rocky Offshore Islands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Breeding Season",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"R",category:"Rare"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"R",category:"Rare"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"R",category:"Rare"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"R",category:"Rare"},{year:"1983",assess_year:"1983",code:"R",category:"Rare"}]},{id:"125979602",assessment_id:125986558,id_no:125979602,sci_name:"Poecilia dominicensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2020 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.nuezss",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:0,longitude:-70.476622,latitude:19.160978,species_id:125979602,taxonomicnotes:"Phylogenetic analysis of one sample in Haiti and two samples in the Dominican Republic, from where this this species is reported, show that this species is polyphyletic (Palacios et al. 2016). Further study may warrant taxonomic revision.
",rationale:"P. dominicensis occurs in highland streams at 0-580 meters above sea level from the Massacre River on the border of the Dominican Republic and Haiti to the lower Yuna River in the northern Dominican Republic. It has also been reported in the headwaters of the Haina and Ozama rivers in the Dominican Republic. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 13,346 km2. The number of threat-based locations where this species occurs is likely greater than 10. Total population size and population trend are unknown. Continuing declines in habitat quality and availability are inferred, based on considerable deforestation and land-use change associated with agricultural practices and development, and the establishment of multiple non-native fishes that may predate on or compete with P. dominicensis for resources. As such, this species is assessed as Near Threatened under criterion B1ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Poecilia dominicensis occurs in highland streams at 0-580 m above sea level from the Massacre River on the border of the Dominican Republic and Haiti to the lower Yuna River in the northern Dominican Republic. It has also been reported in the headwaters of the Haina and Ozama rivers in the Dominican Republic (Rivas 1978, Lee et al. 1983, Lucinda 2003). The type locality of this species is a small stream in the San Francisco Mountains in the interior of Santo Domingo (Lucinda 2003).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 13,346 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (GBIF 2020). The number of threat-based locations where this species occurs is likely greater than 10, given habitat preference for montane streams (Rivas 1978) that are expected to be impacted independently by localized threats.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. However, it is qualitatively characterized as common in the Yuna River (Berge et al. 2003).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is restricted to highland streams in central Hispaniola (Poeser 2003). Habitat is characterized by sluggish water over sandy or muddy substrates (Lee et al. 1983). This species does not tolerate elevated levels of salinity (Sanchez et al. 2019). Diet is comprised primarily of diatoms, cyanobacteria, and aquatic invertebrates (Sanchez et al. 2019). It occurs syntopically with the close congener P. elegans (Poeser 2003), and co-occurs with P. hispaniolana at four collection localities (Rivas 1978). Maximum reported body size is 2.7 cm and 5.2 cm standard length (SL) for males and females, respectively (Lee et al. 1983).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oncorhynchus mykiss)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oncorhynchus mykiss"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Poecilia reticulata)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Poecilia reticulata"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Xiphophorus hellerii)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Xiphophorus hellerii"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oncorhynchus mykiss)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oncorhynchus mykiss"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Poecilia reticulata)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Poecilia reticulata"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Xiphophorus hellerii)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Xiphophorus hellerii"},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Poecilia dominicensis is classified as Vulnerable on the Dominican Republic's Red List of Threatened Species (MIMARENA 2011). The range of this species extends into multiple protected areas, including Valle Nuevo and Armando Bermúdez National Park (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). Additional information regarding population size, population trend, and the direct impact of existing threats would be useful in clarifying the conservation status of this species.
",usetrade:"This species is included within the ornamental aquarium trade, having first been imported into Germany in 1908 (Novák et al. 2020). However, the annual volume of wild harvest is likely negligible.
",taxonid:125979602,scientific_name:"Poecilia dominicensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Poecilia",main_common_name:"Titile",authority:"Valenciennes, 1846",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-05-07",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"McMahan, C.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"13346",elevation_upper:580,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"DO",country:"Dominican Republic",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"176218394",assessment_id:176218506,id_no:176218394,sci_name:"Peckoltia otali",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Gustavo Ballen",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Fisch-Muller et al., 2012",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:-54.433333,latitude:4.383333,species_id:176218394,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species is known from the Maroni basin in French Guiana and Suriname. It has a relatively restricted distribution with an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 13,982 km2. There are three locations based on the threat of mining. This is projected to be leading to a continuing decline in habitat. Therefore, this species is assessed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"The species is known from the Maroni basin in French Guiana and Suriname (Fisch-Muller et al. 2012).",population:"No population assessments have been carried out for this species. Judging from the reported number of specimens in each lot in the original description the species might be locally rare (1-3 individuals per lot; Fisch-Muller et al. 2012).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:'According to the original description: "Peckoltia otali was collected from several localities in the upper Maroni river basin. It lives in same biotopes as the loricariids Guyanancistrus brevispinis, Hemiancistrus medians, Lithoxus planquettei, Panaqolus koko n. sp., Pseudancistrus barbatus, Hypostomus gymnorhynchus, and Cteniloricaria platystoma. In rapids, it is mostly found in sunny and shallow clear water, swiftly flowing currents, with medium-sized rocks substrate. It is a discreet species due to its colouration that resembles its natural environment" (Fisch-Muller et al. 2012).',threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The species is nationally considered Near Threatened in French Guiana (UICN France et al. 2017).",usetrade:"No use information is known for this species. However, congeners are exported for the ornamental trade.",taxonid:176218394,scientific_name:"Peckoltia otali",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LORICARIIDAE",genus:"Peckoltia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Fisch-Muller & Covain, 2012",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2021-01-14",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Ballen, G.A.",reviewer:"Le Bail, P.-Y. & Mol, J.",aoo_km2:"4828",eoo_km2:"13982",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GF",country:"French Guiana",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"SR",country:"Suriname",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"139559753",assessment_id:146602385,id_no:139559753,sci_name:"Igneocnemis fuligifrons",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Rory Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Cayasan et al 2013",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2012,longitude:123.58392,latitude:7.94979,species_id:139559753,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Igneocnemis fuligifrons is endemic to the Philippines where it is known from Basilan, Dinagat, Leyte, Mindanao, Panaon and Siargao. It is not clear if the species is present in any protected areas. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it might not be particularly large, quite possibly less than or not much more than 2,000 km² and will be declining, along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. The overall population is believed to already be severely fragmented. The species would qualify for Vulnerable status if its AOO was known to be below 2,000 km² and is therefore assessed as NT.
",geographicrange:"Igneocnemis fuligifrons is endemic to the Philippines where it is known from Basilan, Dinagat, Leyte, Mindanao, Panaon and Siargao (Cayasan et al. 2013, Gassmann and Hämäläinen 2002, Hämäläinen 1991, Hämäläinen pers. comm. 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen; Villanueva 2009, 2011). The assessor is aware of records from at least 21 locations but it has only been possible to assign separate coordinates to 19 of these for mapping purposes. It is not clear if the species is present in any protected areas but it might be present, for instance, in the Cabadbaran River Watershed Forest Reserve within the Mount Hilong-hilong Important Bird Area. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it might not be particularly large, quite possibly it is less than or not much more than 2,000 km² and will be declining due to loss of forest across the range of the species.
",population:"This species does not appear to be particularly common and is probably rather local in occurrence. An ongoing decline in overall population is suspected due to loss and degradation of forest throughout the range of the species, and severe fragmentation is almost certain for the same reasons.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Little has been recorded but this is a species of forest streams. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest throughout the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, presence in protected areas, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139559753,scientific_name:"Igneocnemis fuligifrons",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Igneocnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Hämäläinen, 1991)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-04",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"67957-105249",elevation_upper:650,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"173830737",assessment_id:173830742,id_no:173830737,sci_name:"Cynopoecilus notabilis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Ferrer et al. 2014",basisofrec:null,event_year:2011,longitude:-50.85138889,latitude:-30.09777778,species_id:173830737,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Cynopoecilus notabilis is known only from its type locality, a temporary pool in the upper portion of the Gravataí River basin, laguna dos Patos system, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, and the species is assigned to a single threat-based location. The type locality of this species is contained entirely within Refúgio de Vida Silvestre Banhado dos Pachecos, which has reduced the immediate likelihood of anthropogenic impacts by preventing habitat modification. However, regional threats include land-use change and pollution associated with intense deforestation, urbanization and agricultural expansion, and could rapidly drive this species into a high threatened category in the future. Therefore, C. notabilis is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2.
",geographicrange:"Cynopoecilus notabilis is known only from its type locality, a temporary pool in the upper portion of the Gravataí River basin, laguna dos Patos system, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (Ferrer et al. 2014).
Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, based on a single 2x2 km grid overlain on the type locality. Given its restricted distribution, potential threats are anticipated to act on the entire known range, and therefore this species is assigned to a single threat-based location.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The type locality of this species is located in a dense fragment of wetland forest (Ferrer et al. 2014). It is characterized by clear water and muddy substrate covered by a large amount of leaf litter (Ferrer et al. 2014). The type locality is connected and adjacent to a swamp, but sampling did not yield any additional specimens outside of the type locality (Ferrer et al. 2014).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The type locality of this species is contained entirely within Refúgio de Vida Silvestre Banhado dos Pachecos, which has reduced the immediate likelihood of anthropogenic impacts by preventing habitat modification (Ferrer et al. 2014). Additional research regarding distribution, population size, population trend, and the current and potential future impacts of threats within and outside of the protected area would be useful in clarifying the extinction risk of this species.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:173830737,scientific_name:"Cynopoecilus notabilis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Cynopoecilus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Ferrer, Wingert & Malabarba, 2014",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-12-30",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Costa, W.J.E.M.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"157846146",assessment_id:157857053,id_no:157846146,sci_name:"Pyropelta ryukyuensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:122.69999695,latitude:24.84900093,species_id:157846146,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from two restricted locations, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 1,336 m to 1,523 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. The potential for anthropogenic influence at this site based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. There may already be disturbance to this species as Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) is in the process of testing of seabed mining technology for future exploitation-phase licensing. The impact of uncertainty around the decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from VU to EN, using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as the top of this range, Endangered (EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)). A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements.
",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to two locations at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. All locations lie within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Japan. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1,336 m bsl to 1,523 m bsl. It has been observed from two vent fields: at the Hatoma Knoll vent field (Location 1) and the Yonaguni Knoll vent field (Location 2) (Sasaki et al. 2008, Watanabe and Kojima 2015). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Sasaki et al. 2008, Watanabe and Kojima 2015).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1,336 m to 1,523 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any vent fields within the Japan EEZ. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along West Pacific Ocean ridges.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157846146,scientific_name:"Pyropelta ryukyuensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"LEPETELLIDA",family:"PYROPELTIDAE",genus:"Pyropelta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Sasaki, Okutani & Fujikura, 2008",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-12-15",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"230.76",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:1336,depth_lower:1523,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"JP",country:"Japan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"139544824",assessment_id:146602180,id_no:139544824,sci_name:"Sangabasis cahilogi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R. Villauneva & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R. Villauneva & R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Villanueva & Dow 2014",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:123.1104,latitude:10.4838,species_id:139544824,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Sangabasis cahilogi is known from one location on Negros Island in the Philippines. The known location is in or at the edge of Mount Kanlaon Natural Park, a protected area, but unfortunately this does not guarantee that the known population there is secure. Negros is almost completely deforested, with very few other substantial areas of forest remaining where this species might occur. The area of occupancy (AOO) of this species cannot be accurately estimated with the available data but if the species is genuinely confined to Negros it will not be large, and if confined to Mount Kanlaon the AOO will be less than 300 km². Mount Kanlaon is an active volcano so eruptions pose a natural threat to subpopulations in their path, information on other threats is lacking. With the presently available data the species could qualify for Endangered status under the B2ab criteria except that it is not known if, for instance, the AOO is declining or not. Taking the precautionary approach advocated by the IUCN it is assessed as Vulnerable under criteria D2 until more data are available.
",geographicrange:"Sangabasis cahilogi is known from one location on Negros Island in the Philippines (Villanueva and Dow 2014). The known location is in or at the edge of Mount Kanlaon Natural Park, a protected area, but unfortunately this does not guarantee that the known population there is secure. Negros is almost completely deforested, with very few other substantial areas of forest remaining where this species might occur. The area of occupancy (AOO) of this species cannot be accurately estimated with the available data but if the species is genuinely confined to Negros it will not be large and that of the known population cannot be much greater than (is almost certainly less than) the area of Mount Kanlaon Natural Park (243.88 km²), so can be assumed to be at most 300 km².
",population:"Only three specimens of this species have ever been collected, but this may have as much to do with its habits as to do with genuine rarity. Beyond this little can be said except that if this species is not naturally confined to Mount Kanlaon then it must have suffered a population decline due to loss of forest in the surrounding areas, but the current population trend could be either stable or decreasing.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Villanueva & Dow (2014: 8) summarise what is known: “This species is encountered perching at or guarding water-filled tree holes in lowland dipterocarp forest with no nearby running water. This species, and perhaps also its close congener S. bulba, appear to be obligate phytotelmata breeders”.
",threats:[{code:"10.1",title:"Volcanoes",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution of this species is needed, both on Mount Kanlaon and beyond, and on threats at Mount Kanlaon. It should be looked for in the other large remaining area of forest in Negros in the Northern Negros Natural Park. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139544824,scientific_name:"Sangabasis cahilogi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Sangabasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Villanueva & Dow, 2014",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-03-09",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"10-300",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:900,elevation_lower:800,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"122149969",assessment_id:176957599,id_no:122149969,sci_name:"Podolestes harrissoni",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Dow, Ngiam & Ahmad 2015",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2012,longitude:111.05844,latitude:1.61882,species_id:122149969,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Podolestes harrissoni is widely distributed in Sarawak and part of Brunei, with at least 16 locations currently known. However some of the known locations are almost certain to be lost to development in the near future and threats exist at all sites, including those in protected areas. The area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is difficult to estimate, but is very likely to be less than 4,000 km² and is probably considerably less than this, approaching or less than the 2,000 km² threshold for Vulnerable status under criterion B2; the AOO is certainly diminishing. The species is assessed as Near Threatened because threats exist at all sites including the protected ones, its AOO is shrinking and is likely not to be considerably greater than the limit for Vulnerable status, and some of the known locations seem almost certain to be lost in the near future, so that the number of locations will also approach the limit for Vulnerable under the B2 criterion.
",geographicrange:"Podolestes harrissoni is endemic to Borneo where it is known from peat swamp forest in Sarawak and Brunei. In Brunei it was recorded as P. chrysopus from the Sungai Ingei area by Thompson and van Tol (1993) and was found there again in 2014 (Dow pers. comm.) and at sites closer to the coast in Brunei’s Belait District in 2013 (Dow and Choong pers. comm). In Sarawak it is distributed across the state, with records from sites in the Kuching area (Dow pers. comm. Dow and Reels 2011, Laidlaw 1920, Lieftinck 1953), peat swamp forest on the old UNIMAS campus (Dow and Reels 2013), Ulu Sebuyau National Park (Dow pers. comm.), Maludam National Park (Dow et al. 2015), a site in Mukah Division (Dow pers. comm.), and Loagan Bunut National Park and sites in the Marudi area (Dow pers. comm). Altogether the assessor has seen records from 18 sites, but it is very likely to be already extinct at two of these.This species is often common where it occurs. Beyond this little can be said except that this species must have experienced a decline in overall population, and that this decline is ongoing, due to loss and degradation of its peat swamp forest habitats.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is found in peat swamp forest, where it is often common.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Permanent protection for some of the sites for this species in Brunei is needed, and will need planned to include measures to prevent the spread of fires and to avoid unintentional drainage through drainage ditches associated with any adjacent agricultural areas; this last issue may be particularly problematic at some sites in the long term.
The main threat apart from fires in Sarawak is conversion of peat swamp forest to oil palm plantation, and in an ideal situation all remaining peat swamp forest in Sarawak would receive protected status; however this is unlikely to happen. The best compromise solution is to include well planned conservation areas within any areas of peat swamp forest that are converted to oil palm. However the drainage issue mentioned above in the Threats section is likely to be particularly severe for such conservation areas; oil palm plantations require drainage ditches to prevent inundation which hampers harvesting, but these ditches inevitably drain any areas of remaining peat swamp forest nearby as well. Small conservation areas within plantations are likely to be completely surrounded by oil palm and its associated drainage system. In some plantations at least a simple system of dams is used, which in principle allows drainage to be controlled, e.g. dams are opened when water levels are high but shut during dry periods. Such controlled drainage systems may help with (but not completely solve) the drainage problem if used properly, but in practice they are often left in the maximum drainage state permanently; education and enforcement are needed with regard to this problem.
Increased vigilance against the deliberate setting of fires is also needed, and serious investigation with the aim of finding and prosecuting those behind the starting of such fires, not just those who actually set them.
Rhamdia zongolicensis is endemic and geographically restricted, primarily known from its type locality: Cueva del Ostoc, cueva del Túnel (J. Arroyave Gutiérrez pers. comm. 2019; coordinates: 18°36'43''N 96°53'14''W), sierra de Zongolica, vía Comalapa-Tezonapa, Veracruz, México (Wilkens 1993). Besides the type locality, there are at least four caves in the karstic region of the sierra de Zongolica (Veracruz) for which populations of troglobitic Rhamdia, possibly R. zongolicensis, have been reported (Robertson 1983, Mosier 1984) but these records need to be confirmed.
",population:"There is no available data, but few paratypes were collected at time of description (Wilkens 1993), which is a hint that the population is small or sparse.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:'This species is endemic to the freshwater Cueva del Ostoc, Zongolica, Veracruz, Mexico. "No other aquatic fauna associated" (Wilkens 1993). During the drought, there are only isolated pools, to 1 m deep, whereas during heavy rains the cave must become completely filled with water; organic matter enters from the outside, as proven by sediment in the bottom of these pools. Water temperature is 19-21 °C (Weber 2003).Rhamdia zongolicensis is federally listed as endangered in the Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 (SEMARNAT 2010), a compendium of species or populations of wild flora and fauna at risk in Mexican territory.
",usetrade:"No trade or use exists for this species.",taxonid:19456,scientific_name:"Rhamdia zongolicensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"HEPTAPTERIDAE",genus:"Rhamdia",main_common_name:"Zongolica Blind Catfish",authority:"Wilkens, 1993",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-02-06",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Arroyave, J. & Schmitter-Soto, J.J.",reviewer:"Maiz-Tome, L.",aoo_km2:"0-10",eoo_km2:"0-100",elevation_upper:250,elevation_lower:250,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.18",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Karst and Other Subterranean Hydrological Systems (inland)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"176422647",assessment_id:189451292,id_no:176422647,sci_name:"Hermacha bicolor",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"South African National Biodiversity Institute",yrcompiled:2023,citation:"Agricultural Research Council (2019): Specimen-records of preserved specimens and observations in the database of the National Collection of Arachnida database housed at the Agricultural Research Council - Plant Health and Protection. The Agricultural Re",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:29.2926,latitude:-29.5875,species_id:176422647,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is a KwaZulu-Natal endemic described in 1897 as Brachythele bicolor from Durban. The species is known from seven locations in the province, it has an extent of occurrence of 11,367 km² and an area of occupancy of 52 km². It occurs both in lowland areas as well as in the Drakensberg Mountains. It has lost substantial amounts of habitat to urban development, afforestation and crop cultivation in the lowland parts of its range, loss in these areas is ongoing therefore listed as Vulnerable under criteria B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii).",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.",population:"There is currently no population information available.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It is a free-living, ground/burrow-dweller. Hermacha bicolor constructs vertical burrows in the ground, similar to those of the Ctenizidae, but the burrows do not have lids. Most burrows recorded were made in the soil, and are well lined with silk, the openings flush with the surface (Hewitt 1915). The males were sampled abundantly with pitfall traps from different altitudes in the Drakensberg at Sani Pass from the Grassland, Indian Ocean Coastal Belt and Savanna biomes.",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The species is present in Ukahlamba Drakensberg World Heritage site.",usetrade:null,taxonid:176422647,scientific_name:"Hermacha bicolor",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"ARACHNIDA",order:"ARANEAE",family:"ENTYPESIDAE",genus:"Hermacha",main_common_name:"Natal Wishbone Trapdoor Spider",authority:"(Pocock, 1897)",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2019-03-01",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dippenaar-Schoeman, A., Foord, S., Lotz, L., Haddad, C., Sethusa, T. & Lyle, R.",reviewer:"Raimondo, D.",aoo_km2:"52",eoo_km2:"11367",elevation_upper:2892,elevation_lower:14,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"2.1",habitat:"Savanna - Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"4.4",habitat:"Grassland - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"4.5",habitat:"Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"134942",assessment_id:109683110,id_no:134942,sci_name:"Syntripsa flavichela",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Christoph Schubart",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Chia & Ng (2006)",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:1988,longitude:121.43525,latitude:-2.681528,species_id:134942,taxonomicnotes:"This species was formerly included in the Parathelphusidae, but was reassigned to the Gecarcinucidae Rathbun, 1904 by Klaus et al. (2006) in the subfamily Parathelphusinae (see Klaus et al. 2010).",rationale:"This updated assessment is based on the results of new freshwater crab surveys of Lakes Mahalona and Towuti, and the connecting river between them, in Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia. Syntripsa flavichela was formerly listed as Least Concern (LC) by Esser and Cumberlidge (2008). The revised extinction risk assessment of Endangered (EN) is based on the low number of locations where this species occurs, combined with the existence of continued immediate threats to this species from pollution (due to nickel mining operations on the shores of the lakes), and from habitat destruction and industrial development (driven by increases in the human population). Furthermore, this species is harvested (including gravid females) by the local human population either for food or for export for the aquarium trade. This species is not found in a protected area, and there are no conservation plans in place.This species is endemic to Sulawesi Selatan in Indonesia where it occurs in in Lake Mahalona, Lake Towuti and in the connecting river between the lakes. The details of these records are as follows:
Lake Mahalona on the northern (2°33'54.3"S 121°29'44.1"E), western (2°34'44"S 121°29'06"E) and southern coasts (2°36.64'S 121°28.54'E, 2°36'58"S 121°30'E).
Sungai Tominanga, 0.5 to 8 km from Lake Mahalona (2°36'57"S 121°31'06"E, 2°37'34"S 121°31'58"E; 2°38'54.5"S 121°31'54"E).
Lake Towuti on the northwestern coast (Tanjung Timbala, southeast of of Timampu 02°42'37.7"S 121°26'26"E = type locality; 2°40'53.5"S 121°26'06.9"E), the entire western coast (outlet 2°48.3'S 121°24'E), and the northern (2°39'30"S 121°30'E) and northeastern coast (2°40.82'S 121°41.43'E). The surface area of Lake Towuti is 561.1 km2.
Prodasineura quadristigma is endemic to Borneo, where it is known from two locations in Central Kalimantan. None of the known locations is protected and threats exist at both; it is not known if the species survives at one of them. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible but with the presently available information the AOO is less than 100km2, possibly much less, and will be declining, as will the quality of habitat. This species is very close to qualifying for Critically Endangered status, but because more populations are likely to exist than are currently known it is assessed as Endangered under criteria B2ab(ii,iii).
",geographicrange:"Prodasineura quadristigma is endemic to Borneo where it is known from two locations in the southeast of Central Kalimantan (Lieftinck 1951, Dow & Silvius 2014). Ampah, the type locality, may no longer support the species; an inhabitant of that area told the assessor that no forest remains there, but this requires verification. The two locations do not have any protected status. Both locations are in the southeast of Central Kalimantan and at sites to the west it appears to be replaced by other species from the same species-group. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of the species is not possible, but given its apparently small range and specialised habitat it is likely to be small, with the presently available data less than 100km2, possibly much less. The extent and quality of suitable habitat is certainly declining.
",population:"The type series (Lieftinck 1951) of this species is fairly large, suggesting it was moderately common at the type locality in 1948, and the species was abundant, but difficult to spot because of its perching habits, along part of the stream at the site reported in Dow & Silvius (2014). However the species appears to be very local in occurrence and an ongoing decline, quite possibly severe, in overall population can be inferred from loss of habitat in the part of Central Kalimantan from where it is known. Remaining populations are likely to be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing was recorded about the habitats at the type locality but the habitat at the second location was a small stream in peat swamp forest (Dow & Silvius 2014), probably at the periphery of the peat swamp on shallow peat, where it was only found hanging high above the stream. It is likely to be confined to small low pH streams on the periphery of peat swamp forest and in swampy kerangas forest.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution of this species are urgently needed, as is definite information on the status of the type locality. The known locations should be given protected status as soon as possible, but this does not seem likely to happen. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:135437246,scientific_name:"Prodasineura quadristigma",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Prodasineura",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1951",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-10-24",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"10-99",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:100,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"191700",assessment_id:1998460,id_no:191700,sci_name:"Chapalichthys encaustus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Köck, GWG",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"C.E.G.",basisofrec:" ",event_year:1984,longitude:-102.7658,latitude:20.1522,species_id:191700,taxonomicnotes:"The types of this species were collected in December 1898 by J. O. Snyder from the Chapala lake near Ocotlán. Described by Jordan and Snyder as Characodon encaustus in 1900, Meek transfered the species to the genus Chapalichthys in 1903. According to the affiliation to two river drainages, two subpopulations (the Laguna de Chapala and the Lower Río Lerma subpopulation) can be distinguished.",rationale:"The Barred Splitfin is a freshwater fish endemic to the Laguna Chapala/Río Grande de Santiago and Lower Río Lerma draianges. Historically abundant in the Chapala lake and adjacent areas of the ríos Lerma and Grande de Santiago, it disappeared from the rivers and has become much less abundant in the lake due to water pollution and invasive Poecilia sphenops and Gambusia yucatana (Lyons 2011, Becerra-Muñoz et al. 2003). A collapse of the Laguna Cajititlán in 2014 killed tons of fish, including Barred Splitfins. In the lower portions of the Río Duero system, water pollution proves to be an increasing threat, in addition to introduced Centrarchid species in some habitats, which have either already eliminated the species (Micropterus salmoides from the Camécuaro lake) or threaten it through competition for food and predation of fry (Lepomis species in the Lagos Los Negritos).This species occurs in the Chiriqui and Santa Maria drainages on the Atlantic and Pacific slopes of central Panama. Extent of Occurrence is estimated at 17,868 km2, and the number of locations where this species occurs is estimated to be 15. Potential threats include invasive predators, and pollution from urban centres, which have probably resulted in a reduction in the area, extent, and quality of habitat in part of this species range. However, the direct impact of these threats on population status are unknown. Given a restricted EOO and threats that have likely impacted habitat quality, but greater than 10 locations, this species is assessed as Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:"Gephyrocharax intermedius is distributed in the Chiriqui and Santa Maria drainages in central Panama (Smith and Bermingham 2005). This species has not been reported from the Chagres River drainage (R. González pers. comm. 2019). In Panama, it has specifically been reported from the Cobre, Santa Maria, Parita, and La Villa rivers, several localities within the Chiriqui drainage, the Sona Peninsula, and the Azuero Peninsula (Vega et al. 2006). Historical records within Costa Rica are misidentifications (Bussing 1966, Angulo et al. 2013).
Extent of Occurrence is estimated to be 17,868 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records. Given that threats are likely acting on a localized scale and occurrence in at least 15 distinct river catchments within its range (W. Matamoros pers. comm. 2019), the number of locations where this species occurs is inferred to be greater than 10 and fewer than 20.",population:"There are no data on total population size or population trend.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The specific habitat associations and ecology of this species have not been evaluated in detail. This species reproduces through internal fertilization (Burns et al. 1995).
",threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.1",title:"Abstraction of surface water (domestic use)",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.4",title:"Garbage & solid waste",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation actions directed toward G. intermedius. The range of this species falls into more than one Protected Areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). More information regarding population size and population trend, life history and ecology, and the scope and magnitude of existing threats would be useful in guiding future conservation outcomes.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:149249086,scientific_name:"Gephyrocharax intermedius",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Gephyrocharax",main_common_name:"Sardina",authority:"Meek & Hildebrand, 1916",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-05-01",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"González, R., Lyons, T.J. & Angulo, A.",reviewer:"Armbruster, J.W.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"17868",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"115866950",assessment_id:148848334,id_no:115866950,sci_name:"Metriaclima lundoense",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Konings / SCUBA",basisofrec:"StillImage",event_year:1996,longitude:34.734562,latitude:-11.224233,species_id:115866950,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is restricted to a single island with a circumference of about 2.2 km and which is about 2.1 km from the mouth of a small mainland river. It meets the area requirements under criterion B for Critically Endangered and it is known from one location. However, continuing declines or extreme fluctuations in EOO, AOO, habitat quality or population size are possible but uncertain. The effects of sedimentation and subsistence fishing on this species are unknown and it is, therefore, listed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi and restricted to Lundo Island in Tanzania.",population:"No information is available on the population.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It occurs in intermediate habitat at a depth ranging between 7-20 m. Often the sandy bottom is covered with a layer of muddy sediment and such sediment is also found on the rocks of the habitat. The slope of the bottom around Lundo Island is rarely steep but often slowly shelving to greater depths. It feeds on phytoplankton and on the aufwuchs, in particular the blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) that grows on the rocks and, although in this habitat a considerable amount of sediment covers the aufwuchs, it appears to obtain sufficient nutrition to establish a dense population. Males are territorial and have a burrow under a rock on the sand or near the bottom between a small pile of rocks, while females and non-territorial males are normally found in small groups or are solitary. Breeding females visit the territorial males and are immediately courted and led into the burrow where spawning takes place. Mouth-brooding females do not usually join a foraging group and are often found solitary between the rocks of the intermediate habitat.",threats:[{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation actions are in place for this species.",usetrade:"This species has not been targeted by the ornamental fish trade and has only rarely been collected. It is of no importance to subsistence fishermen.",taxonid:115866950,scientific_name:"Metriaclima lundoense",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Metriaclima",main_common_name:null,authority:"Stauffer, Black & Konings, 2013",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-06-22",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A.",reviewer:"Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"22",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:"This errata assessment was created to add a point data map that was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.",amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"TZ",country:"Tanzania, United Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"122149956",assessment_id:122150110,id_no:122149956,sci_name:"Podolestes chrysopus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Dow 2012",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2012,longitude:109.72607,latitude:1.726683,species_id:122149956,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Podolestes chrysopus is currently known from only four locations, two of which are non-protected. Threats exist at all locations, including those within national parks. The area of occupancy (AOO) for the species is inferred to be less than 200 km² and an ongoing decline in both AOO and quality of habitat is certainly occurring. The species clearly qualifies for Endangered status under criterion B (EN B2ab(ii,iii)).
",geographicrange:"Podolestes chrysopus is known from West Kalimantan (Lieftinck 1935, Selys 1889) and south western Sarawak (Dow 2012, unpublished, Dow and Reels 2011, Dow et al. 2015). It was described from Labuan (Selys 1889), but the latter location was almost certainly a case of mislabelling and there is no other evidence of the species occurring so far east. Records from Brunei (e.g., Thompson and van Tol 1993) have proved to be misidentifications of Podolestes harrissoni. It is unlikely that the locations in West Kalimantan, especially those in the Singkawang area (Lieftinck 1935) have survived; there has been very extensive loss of lowland forest in West Kalimantan. The only recent records are from four locations in Sarawak, two of these are non-protected, one will almost certainly be lost to development in the not-too-distant future, and the other is a small pocket of swamp within oil palm and has a very uncertain future. The other two are in protected areas: Maludam National Park (Dow et al. 2015) and Ulu Sebuyau National Park (Dow unpublished); even within these national parks the species is extremely localized. The currently known area of occupancy (AOO) for this species is less than 200 km², habitat is declining in quality and extent, and only the four locations in south western Sarawak can be considered as currently known.
",population:"This species is not common even where it occurs. Beyond this little can be said except that this species must have experienced a decline in overall population, and that this decline is ongoing, due to loss and degradation of its low pH swamp forest habitats.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Three of the currently known sites are within peat swamp forest, the fourth is in a pocket of low pH swamp in a depression, surrounded by oil palm. The species clearly requires low pH swamp forest, but even in such habitats it is very localised, and it is apparently absent from many locations that appear suitable for it, suggesting that we do not fully understand its habitat requirements.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution of this species, and its exact habitat requirements, are needed. Searches for additional sites in Sarawak are ongoing but are hampered by funding limitations; similar searches are needed in West Kalimantan.
The main threat apart from fires at any as-yet-undiscovered non-protected sites is likely to be conversion of peat swamp forest to oil palm plantation, and in an ideal situation all remaining peat swamp forest in Sarawak would receive protected status; however this is unlikely to happen. The best compromise solution is to include well planned conservation areas within any areas of peat swamp forest that are converted to oil palm. However the drainage issue (mentioned in the Threats section) is likely to be particularly severe for such conservation areas. Oil palm plantations require drainage ditches to prevent inundation which hampers harvesting, but these ditches inevitably drain any areas of remaining peat swamp forest nearby as well. Small conservation areas within plantations are likely to be completely surrounded by oil palm and its associated drainage system. In some plantations at least a simple system of dams is used, which in principle allows drainage to be controlled, e.g. dams are opened when water levels are high but shut during dry periods. Such controlled drainage systems may help with (but not completely solve) the drainage problem if used properly, but in practice they are often left in the maximum drainage state permanently; education and enforcement are needed with regard to this problem.
Increased vigilance against the deliberate setting of fires is also needed, and serious investigation with the aim of finding and prosecuting those behind the starting of such fires.
Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
Luzonargiolestes baltazarae is known from the type locality in the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park in northern Luzon. Records from another four locations were treated as Luzonargiolestes cf. baltazarae by Kalkman and Theischinger (2013). However, the assessor considers it likely that at least one of these records, less than 40 km from the type locality, does actually refer to the same species. The other three locations are more distant from the type locality and are left out of consideration for assessment purposes until their status is clarified. Unfortunately threats exist even within the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and with the available data is less than 500 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 581 km². The species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed as such. It is to be hoped that once more data are available and the taxonomic issue is resolved the species can be reassessed as Vulnerable.
",geographicrange:"Luzonargiolestes baltazarae is known with certainty only from the type locality in the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park in northern Luzon (Gapud and Recuenco-Adorada 2001, Kalkman and Theischinger 2013). Records from another four locations were treated as Luzonargiolestes cf. baltazarae by Kalkman and Theischinger 2013. However, the assessor considers it likely that at least one of these records, also listed in Villanueva et al. (2009) as L.baltazarae and less than 40 km from the type locality, does actually refer to the same species. The other three locations are more distant from the type locality and are not considered in this assessment until their status can be clarified. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and with the available data is less than 500 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence, based on currently known occupied HydroBASIN areas, is 581 km².
All that can be said with the available data is that an ongoing decline in overall population is suspected due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"“Information on habitat is scant. Gapud and Recuenco-Adorada (2001) give the habitat of Argiolestes baltazarae as a small stream covered with undergrowth vegetation, although specimens were also found further away near a river and at a place where the small stream widened into a mountain stream with rock boulders” Kalkman and Theischinger (2013: 26). It appears that this is a forest-dependent stream-breeding species. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for resolution of taxonomic issues, more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and for better protection for the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:"Pornothemis starrei is known from Borneo, Singapore and Sumatera including Belitung. Although widespread few locations have been recorded for it and it appears to be confined to coastal habitats (mangrove and nipa palm) where it is locally occurring. It is apparently absent from many seemingly suitable locations and we may not have a good understanding of its habitat requirements. With only eight locations ever recorded, and inferred declines in population, area of occupancy (AOO), and extent and quality of suitable habitat, in addition to likely severe fragmentation, the species is assessed as Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:"Pornothemis starrei is known from Borneo, Singapore (where it is considered as Near Threatened, see Ngiam and Cheong 2016) and Sumatera (Lieftinck 1948) including Belitung (Alfarisyi 2018). Records from Borneo are from Brunei (Orr 2001, Dow and Choong unpublished), Central Kalimantan (Lieftinck 1953) and Sarawak (Dow 2016). It is present in Samunsam Wildlife Sanctuary in Sarawak. The assessor is aware of records from eight locations. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it may not be large and is inferred to be declining because of loss of coastal habitats.
",population:"In 2013 the assessor and C.Y. Choong found this species to be quite common on some small nipa palm-lined creeks in Brunei, but it is uncommon at most locations. Beyond this all that can be said is that some ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of coastal habitats throughout the range of the species and that severe fragmentation is likely.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species has been found in mangrove (Belitung and Singapore) and along creeks and rivers lined with nipa palm in Borneo and Sumatra. It appears to be a primarily coastal species, occurring in mangrove and inland as far as nipa palm extends up river. However it is apparently absent from many seemingly suitable locations and more information on the habitats of the species is certainly needed. It may eventually prove to occupy either a wider or a still more specialised range of habitats than is currently known. An ongoing decline in the extent and quality of suitable habitat (as currently understood) is certainly occurring for this species.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.2",title:"Industrial aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data are needed on the distribution of this species and its exact habitat requirements. Until such data are available planning of species-specific conservation measures (if needed) is difficult but the species would certainly benefit if more locations where it occurs were given protected status.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139411995,scientific_name:"Pornothemis starrei",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"LIBELLULIDAE",genus:"Pornothemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1948",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-01-20",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:50,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BN",country:"Brunei Darussalam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"SG",country:"Singapore",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.7",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Mangrove Vegetation Above High Tide Level",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"58600994",assessment_id:58628641,id_no:58600994,sci_name:"Plectostoma kubuensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T-S Liew",yrcompiled:2014,citation:"IUCN SSC Mollusc Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Liew et al. 2014 Appendix_2",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:100.14399719,latitude:6.40435982,species_id:58600994,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to peninsular Malaysia, where it has only been found on Bukit Kubu, limestone hill in the State of Perli and surveys failed to find it on other hills close by (Liew et al. 2014). Whilst the hill lies in a gazetted area, there is permitted use for recreational use, and the best populations lie on the summit, subject to human disturbance. There is no species-specific management plan in place for this species. It would benefit from a habitat trends and species monitoring, given the small populations fragmented over the hill.It is found both in the lake and river (Wandera and Balirwa 2010), but no additional information is available on its suitable habitat and ecological requirements.
",threats:[{code:"3.1",title:"Oil & gas drilling",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Conservation actions are not known to be in place for this species.",usetrade:"There is no use or trade information.",taxonid:57505745,scientific_name:"Haplochromis avium",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Haplochromis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Regan, 1929",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2021-08-22",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Natugonza, V. & Musinguzi, L.",reviewer:"Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:"5936",eoo_km2:"7997",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CD",country:"Congo, The Democratic Republic of the",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"UG",country:"Uganda",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"9312",assessment_id:80695216,id_no:9312,sci_name:"Phanogomphus sandrius",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"OdonataCentral",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"Abbott, J.C. 2006-2017. OdonataCentral: An online resource for the distribution and identification of Odonata.",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Odonata Central",basisofrec:null,event_year:1982,longitude:-86.45805,latitude:35.51376,species_id:9312,taxonomicnotes:"This species is now in the genus Phanogomphus.",rationale:"The maximum known Extent of Occurrence was around 3,000 km2, and it is thought to be less now, but perhaps not a great deal less. Tennessen (1994) stated “Cattle enter the streams...disturbing substrates, and dropping wastes. Runoff...contributes organic loading and possibly agricultural chemicals.” At one point discarded garbage and dead animals were being thrown into one of the streams this species inhabits. The degradation to the habitat, which is restricted to one river system, is alarming. Known historically from at least 8 streams within five counties, but with no recent visits to most of them, it can't be said whether any of them have lost the species (K. J. Tennessen pers. comm. 2016). One stream was added in 2012, for a presently known total of 9 (Odonata Central 2016), but presence in all of them should be reassessed.Drepanosticta emtrai is known from four locations in Viet Nam and Laos. The overall population is believed to be severely fragmented and threats from deforestation exist throughout the range of the species. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large. The AOO will be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat as a result of loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) of the species is likely to be less than 5,000 km2. This species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B1ab(ii,iii). It is to be hoped that when more data are available re-assessment to a lower threat category will be possible.
",geographicrange:"Drepanosticta emtrai is known from five localities in Viet Nam (four locations) and Laos (Dow et al. 2018). One of the known locations is Ba Vi National Park in Viet Nam. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large. The AOO will be declining as a result of loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. The extent of occurrence (EOO) is likely to be smaller than 5,000 km² (EOO is somewhere between 1,541 and 7,009 km², based on the area within a minimum convex polygon around the known localities and around the occupied HydroBASIN areas).
",population:"This appears to be a very locally occurring species and is not common even where it occurs. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of forest throughout the range of the species and severe fragmentation is almost certain for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"“Drepanosticta emtrai was found in Ha Tinh and Nghe An provinces in logged mature forest at seeps that possibly dry up for part of the year. On Ba Vi Mountain, Hanoi, it occurs at seeps under dense forest cover, interestingly preferring almost identical, although possibly slightly less rocky, seeps than D. hongkongensis, which occurs in its close vicinity on the same mountainside. It appears to emerge a few weeks later than D. hongkongensis, but at least on Ba Vi Mountain both species occur in the middle of June.” Dow et al. (2018: 278). The extent and quality of suitable habitat is declining as a result of loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution and ability to tolerate disturbance of this species are needed, as is the protection of more habitat where it occurs. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:145789151,scientific_name:"Drepanosticta emtrai",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Drepanosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Dow, Kompier & Phan, 2018",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-14",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"1541-7009",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"184645",assessment_id:120111694,id_no:184645,sci_name:"Lanistes nyassanus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Christian Albrecht",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2006,longitude:33.936767,latitude:-10.001217,species_id:184645,taxonomicnotes:'Closely related to Lanistes solidus and Lanistes nasutus according to anatomy (Berthold 1990 in Brown 1994).',rationale:"This species is relatively widespread along the western part of Lake Malawi and Likoma island. It is only known from scattered subpopulations, some of which experience significant anthropogenic modification. It is there assessed as Vulnerable under B1ab(iii) as it has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 17,000 km2, six threat-based locations and has a continuing decline in the extent and quality of its habitat.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi and has a fragmented distribution. It has recently only been found along the western shore of Lake Malawi and Likoma island, both in Malawi.Zhang (2019: 1005) states that this species is found at “Montane streams at 500–1,000 m elevation.” However, since little or no habitat information is available with the species being known from only old records, this is largely informed guesswork. Since the species has not been found in recent times, it is likely that it is more specialised than currently known and/or is particularly sensitive to disturbance so that it has already vanished from most accessible sites. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of all natural habitat types within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are 1) more searches for extant populations (particularly in the Wuyi Mountains in Fujian), 2) protection of habitat where the species occurs, and 3) more information sought on its exact habitat requirements and its ability to tolerate disturbance. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139120907,scientific_name:"Neurobasis anderssoni",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CALOPTERYGIDAE",genus:"Neurobasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Sjöstedt, 1926",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2021-01-31",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Zhang, H. & Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"0-500,0-8",eoo_km2:"0-541626,0-100",elevation_upper:1e3,elevation_lower:500,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CN",country:"China",presence:"Possibly Extinct",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Possibly Extinct"}],habitats:[{code:"1.4",habitat:"Forest - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"118037877",assessment_id:118037881,id_no:118037877,sci_name:"Baryancistrus demantoides",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Echevarría, G.",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:"Guapuchi river",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"AUM",basisofrec:" ",event_year:2003,longitude:-66.76670074,latitude:4.11668015,species_id:118037877,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 3,464 km2 and a known area of occupancy (AOO) of 16 km2. Considering its recent discovery in 2005, it is possible that the AOO may increase with more sampling effort in the mid to long term, but it is expected to remain relatively restricted. There is continuing decline in its habitat as a result of logging and illegal gold mining. However, there is insufficient information to count locations. Therefore, this species is assessed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species is only known from the upper Orinoco drainage. It has been collected in Ventuari and Guapuchi rivers, as well as in the main channel of the upper Orinoco. Considering its recent discovery in 2005, it is possible that the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species may increase with more sampling effort in the mid to long term.",population:"There are no data available to estimate the population size, although this species occurs in high densities in small patches in the littorals of rivers.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species has only been collected within streams with rocky substrate, between granite rocks in flowing water. It feeds on algae and invertebrates that it scrapes from the rocks (Werneke et al. 2005).",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Approximately 40% of the population occurs within Yacapana National Park. However, the forests are being cut and there are also several gold mines near and inside this park, so this measure alone might not be sufficient to guarantee the protection of this species.",usetrade:"This species is collected and traded illegally in the market of Puerto Inírida, Colombia, as an ornamental fish (Ortega-Lara et al. 2015), but there are no records regarding harvest rates, areas of collections, fishing methods, or average lengths of capture. Trade in this species is not regulated by any law.",taxonid:118037877,scientific_name:"Baryancistrus demantoides",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LORICARIIDAE",genus:"Baryancistrus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Werneke, Sabaj Pérez, Lujan & Armbruster, 2005",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-08-07",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Echevarría, G.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:"16",eoo_km2:"3464",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:100,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VE",country:"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"202050",assessment_id:177128030,id_no:202050,sci_name:"Raphismia inermis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:" ",source:"Dow & Silvius 2014",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2012,longitude:113.902,latitude:-1.664,species_id:202050,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Raphismia inermis is only known from Borneo and an old record from Bangka Island off of Sumatra. Only nine locations have ever been recorded for this extremely locally occurring peat swamp forest species and it can only be considered as currently known from at most six of these and is certainly extinct at one of the others. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the currently available data but it is estimated to be less than 500km2, the overall population is certainly severely fragmented, and the AOO and extent and quality of suitable habitat is declining. Threats exist at all locations, including the protected ones. The species is assessed as Endangered under criteria B2ab(ii,iii).
",geographicrange:"Raphismia inermis is only known from Borneo and an old record from Bangka Island off of Sumatra (Ris 1919). Records from Borneo are from one location in Brunei (Dow unpublished), three locations in Central Kalimantan (Dow & Silvius 2014, Lieftinck 1953), an unspecified location in West Kalimantan (Ris 1910) and three locations in Sarawak (Dow unpublished: Maludam National Park, Dow & Unggang 2010 and Ris 1919). From the known locations the species is certainly extinct at the one in Sarawak listed by Ris (1919: Rock Road near Kuching; no suitable habitat remains here) and it is highly doubtful that it survives on Bangka where there has been considerable deforestation. In total (including the unspecified one in West Kalimantan) the assessor is aware of records from only nine locations, of which only at most six can be considered as currently known. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the currently available data but the total extent of suitable habitat (peat swamp forest) remaining in Borneo is less than 30,000 km2 (based on figures in Miettinen et al. 2016) and the species appears to occur so locally that it is not likely to occupy more than 1% of this habitat (possibly considerable less than this), while that on Bangka will be very small, so the currently known AOO is less than 500 km2. The AOO will also be declining due to loss and degradation of peat swamp forest throughout the species’ range. One of the locations in Central Kalimantan and two in Sarawak are protected.
",population:"This is an extremely locally occurring species that appears to occur at low densities where it does occur. An accurate estimate of its population is not remotely possible with the currently available information, but the population will be declining due to loss and degradation of peat swamp forest throughout the species’ range. The overall population is undoubtedly already severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs extremely locally in peat swamp forest and associated peripheral forest formations. At the locations where it still survives in Brunei and Sarawak the forest is pristine or close to pristine, and that at the two locations in Central Kalimantan reported in Dow & Silvius (2014) although disturbed by logging, is still more intact than most remaining peat swamp forest in the region; this species may be particularly sensitive to disturbance. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for this species is certainly declining throughout its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution of this species are urgently needed, and a better understanding of its exact habitat requirements. All existing sites should be given protected status if they do not already have it, and increased vigilance is needed at protected areas, both against forest fires and illegal logging activities. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:202050,scientific_name:"Raphismia inermis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"LIBELLULIDAE",genus:"Raphismia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Ris, 1910",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-10-28",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"90-499",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:40,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"176425465",assessment_id:176425494,id_no:176425465,sci_name:"Piabina thomasi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Alonso, F.A.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:-65.079665,latitude:-24.594807,species_id:176425465,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is considered Vulnerable according to the criteria B1ab(iii): it has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 19,973 km2, occurs at four threat-based locations, and there is continuing decline in the area, extent and quality of habitat due to intense anthropic activities such as agriculture, deforestation, habitat modifications, water intake, and sewage.",geographicrange:"This species is distributed in the upper Bermejo and Juramento basins in north-western Argentina, and southern Bolivia (Miquelarena and Aquino 1995).",population:"There are no data available on the population trend of this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is generally found in pools with relatively slow current forming schools (F. Alonso pers. obs.).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.1",title:"Small-holder plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.1",title:"Abstraction of surface water (domestic use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.2",title:"Abstraction of surface water (commercial use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.5",title:"Abstraction of ground water (domestic use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.6",title:"Abstraction of ground water (commercial use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.7",title:"Abstraction of ground water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.8",title:"Abstraction of ground water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.9",title:"Small dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.4",title:"Garbage & solid waste",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation actions are known for this species although it is likely present in protected areas within its distribution range.",usetrade:"No use or trade information for this species, although it is likely to be used as bait eventually by local populations.",taxonid:176425465,scientific_name:"Piabina thomasi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Piabina",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Fowler, 1940)",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-12-15",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Alonso, F.",reviewer:"Mirande, J.M.",aoo_km2:"2284",eoo_km2:"19973",elevation_upper:859,elevation_lower:350,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AR",country:"Argentina",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"BO",country:"Bolivia, Plurinational State of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"158658",assessment_id:83381042,id_no:158658,sci_name:"Caledopteryx maculata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Marinov",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN SSC Odonata Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:166.331136,latitude:-22.073527,species_id:158658,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Caledopteryx maculata is endemic to New Caledonia. The species is probably dependent on the presence of forest and might have declined due to the reduction of the forest cover and bush fires on New Caledonia. It is assessed as Near Threatened because it has a small extent of occurrence and forest habitat is declining. Further research on the status of this species is needed.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to New Caledonia. It is common around streams although confined to the southern half of the main island of Grande Terre. It is found only as far north as the road from Boulouparis to Thio or perhaps the west to east road from Bourail to Canala. In the original description there were 13 localities given.",population:"Caledopteryx maculata is common and locally abundant around streams is southern part of Grande Terre.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:'Caledopteryx maculata generally occurs in the steeper sections of forested catchments and is normally found near water. Larva may survive with low water level, under moss cover on vertical rocky walls on which water oozes. Oviposition was noticed to be directly onto steep rock faces, into a small rivulet flowing over a clay bed and into a steep hillside seepage area where leaf litter had accumulated. Emergence appear during the morning, often under a rock, a few centimetres upon the water surface, where currents are strong and violent. A teneral female was taken at a rock face approximately 1 m away from the water about halfway up a 3 m waterfall. Adults can fly far away from water. Several maturing individuals were observed on the way to the Pic Malaoui, at an altitude of 700 m. Winstanley and Davies (1982) reported males as settling horizontally on prominent perches overlooking at the potential oviposition sites and often returning to the same perching site if disturbed. However, they appear to be non-territorial and often rest on vegetation along the creek banks.',threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation measures in place.",usetrade:null,taxonid:158658,scientific_name:"Caledopteryx maculata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"ARGIOLESTIDAE",genus:"Caledopteryx",main_common_name:null,authority:"Winstanley & Davies, 1982",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-03-08",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Kalkman, V.J. & Marinov, M.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"3797",elevation_upper:550,elevation_lower:125,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"NC",country:"New Caledonia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"LC",category:"Least Concern"}]},{id:"56097796",assessment_id:56717615,id_no:56097796,sci_name:"Dario urops",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Sidharthan, A.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Barapole tributary of Valapattanam river, Karnataka, India",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Britz et al. (2012)",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:0,longitude:75.890133,latitude:12.005167,species_id:56097796,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Dario urops is assessed as Vulnerable, because it is restricted to less than five locations in the Western Ghats Mountain range, with an Extent of Occurrence (EOO) of 6,611 km2, and a continuing decline in the extent and quality of habitats of the species due to increasing developmental activities, fishing activities and pollution.",geographicrange:"Endemic to the Western Ghats, Dario urops is known from the Barapole tributary of the Valapattanam River, Karnataka, Southern India, and from streams in the neighbouring region of Wayanad plateau Kerala (Britz et al. 2012). There are recent records of this species from the upper reaches of the Cauvery near Bhagmandala and Talacauvery (S. Philip and A. Ali pers. comm. 2017), but these have not been published.",population:"No information exists on either the status or trends in population of the species. The species does not seem to be common in the type locality (R. Raghavan. pers. observ.).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It occurs in small clear water streams, with the substrate comprising of a mixture of sand, mud and larger boulders. The species occurs among bundles of tree roots hanging into the water along the edges of the stream, and from thicker layers of leaf litter accumulated in low current depressions of the stream (Britz et al. 2012).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.2",title:"Intentional use: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No species-specific conservation actions are in place. There is a need to generate baseline information on distribution, life history, ecology and threats to this species. Though there is information that the type locality has been extensively modified, field surveys are required to understand its impacts on the species.",usetrade:"No information on use and trade is available. Although fishes under the family are Badidae are popular as aquarium pets and traded internationally, there is no information to suggest that D. urops are collected and traded.",taxonid:56097796,scientific_name:"Dario urops",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"BADIDAE",genus:"Dario",main_common_name:"Malabar Dario",authority:"Britz, Ali & Philip, 2012",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2021-06-29",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Britz, R., Dahanukar, N. & Sidharthan, A.",reviewer:"Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"4272",eoo_km2:"6611",elevation_upper:900,elevation_lower:800,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"IN",country:"India",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"176559262",assessment_id:176559269,id_no:176559262,sci_name:"Odontesthes hatcheri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Cussac, V.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Conte-Grand et al. 2015",basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:-71.91666667,latitude:-47.38333333,species_id:176559262,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species has a widespread but disjunct population in the Andean Subregion of southern South America. There are 20 subpopulations remaining with gene pools that are 100% Odontesthes hatcheri, mainly in the south-west of the distribution. It has an area of occupancy (AOO) of 80 km2. Introgression by stocking of Odontesthes bonariensis is the primary threat. The 20 subpopulations are grouped into six disconnected basins. These six basins represent six locations based on this threat. There has been observed continuing decline in the AOO, extent of occurrence (EOO), number of subpopulations, and number of mature individuals as a result of this threat. There is also inferred continuing decline in habitat extent and quality due to urbanisation. Therefore, this species is assessed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"The Patagonian Pejerrey, Odontesthes hatcheri (Eigenmann, 1909), is a native freshwater species from the Andean Subregion of southern South America (Dyer 2000, López et al. 2008), encompassing a vast latitudinal range, from 27°S to 54°S. This species is commonly found in rivers, lakes, and reservoirs of both Atlantic and Pacific-Patagonian drainages (Aigo et al. 2008).
Gephyromochlus leopardus is distributed along tributaries of the Marowijne (Maroni) River in Suriname on the border with French Guiana and also Brazil. The extent of occurrence (EOO) is 26,146 km² and the area of occupancy (AOO) is 2,536 km². The subpopulation from the Saint Laurent Du Maroni city has been severely impacted in its habitat quality. Additionally, all of the Maroni River basin, both in forest and the main channel, is suffering severe impacts from the presence of very extensive small-scale gold mining activities. There is an inferred continuing decline in AOO and habitat, and five locations based on the impacts of these threats. The EOO and AOO are slightly higher than the thresholds for criteria B1 and B2, respectively, for the Vulnerable (VU) category. Thus, Gephyromochlus leopardus is assessed as Near Threatened (NT). It is recommended to further research the status of its population, since the species is not well known, and is very rare and uncommon in scientific collections, known only from few individuals, as well as to monitor gold mining activities.
',geographicrange:'Gephyromochlus leopardus is distributed along tributaries of Marowijne (Maroni) River in Suriname on the border with French Guiana and also Brazil. The southernmost records of the distribution of species are from material of MNHN fish collection identified under the name of G. leopardus, but these require confirmation since it represents a considerable expansion of the range of distribution. Notwithstanding, these localities are within the expected distribution region of the species and thus probably represent occupancy areas for it. The extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated at 26,146 km2 and the area of occupancy (AOO) is 2,536 km2.
Additionally, Mees (1974) mentioned that localities from the type series in the Marowijne (Maroni) basin were listed by Hoedeman as being from French Guiana, but the village of "Aloiké", recte Alowike, is on the western shore of the Litani Rivier. So, as the Lawa is the boundary river, for Mees (1974) it is certain that G. leopardus occurred also in French Guiana, but at present it is not known from outside of Suriname, except for the new records in the border between Suriname and Brazil in the Amazon.
The species inhabits mainly channels of large river tributaries, particularly seeking out submerged trunks and logs, and its diet is based primarily on adult insects and larvae.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards G. leopardus. However, this species is naturally rare and further research should be conducted to better understand its ecology, population status and trend.",usetrade:"There is no record that it is traded as ornamental fish.",taxonid:176145638,scientific_name:"Gephyromochlus leopardus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"AUCHENIPTERIDAE",genus:"Gephyromochlus",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Hoedeman, 1961)",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-08-05",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Calegari, B.B.",reviewer:"Ballen, G.A. & Mol, J.",aoo_km2:"2536",eoo_km2:"26146",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"GF",country:"French Guiana",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"SR",country:"Suriname",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"177896023",assessment_id:177905480,id_no:177896023,sci_name:"Coeliccia coronata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Kompier et al 2020",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:107.6888,latitude:11.643,species_id:177896023,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Coeliccia coronata is known from seven locations in southern Viet Nam. Some locations are with protected areas, for instance Hon Ba Nature Reserve. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, but it is inferred to be declining, along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat, to some degree due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its known extent of occurrence (EOO) is 3,520–7,068 km². The species would qualify for Endangered status if the overall population was known to be severely fragmented, but since it is not certain that this is the case, it is assessed as Vulnerable under criteiron B (VU B1ab(ii,iii)).
",geographicrange:"Coeliccia coronata is known from seven sites in southern Viet Nam (Kompier et al. 2020). Some locations are within protected areas (for example, Hon Ba Nature Reserve). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining to some degree due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 3,520 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 7,068 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
",population:"This species can be common where it occurs. At least some ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of forest within the range of the species and severe fragmentation appears likely for the same reason, but may not be certain since the species can survive in degraded forest.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Kompier et al. (2020) state that “Coeliccia coronata apparently occurs in a variety of habitats in primary and degraded mountain forests in the proximity of larger and rocky mountains streams or smaller seeps, although its specific breeding habitat is unknown.” The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining to some degree due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priority for this species is for additional information on its distribution, habitat requirements, ability to tolerate disturbance and on threats.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:177896023,scientific_name:"Coeliccia coronata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Coeliccia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Kompier, Dow & Steinhoff, 2020",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-07-11",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"3520-7068",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"176675428",assessment_id:176675433,id_no:176675428,sci_name:"Orestias elegans",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2020 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.x47kg4",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:-77.280704,latitude:-10.127846,species_id:176675428,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Orestias elegans is restricted to high altitude lakes and tributary rivers in the Rimac River drainage on the Pacific slope of Peru. Extent of occurrence is estimated to be 1,012 km2, based on reported occurrence in the Santa Eulalia Basin (tributary to the Rimac River). The primary threat to this species is competitive interaction with and predation by Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), which is widely established in the headwaters of the Rimac River. A number of other threats exist in the high altiplano, including mining activities and effluent discharge, pollution associated with sewage effluent, soil erosion and insecticides associated with agricultural production, cattle ranching, and changes in natural flow hydrology. Considering their scope, O. elegans is assigned to two threat-based locations. Therefore, this species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii). Additional research will be necessary to quantify population decline, determine the direct impact of existing threats, and more accurately estimate range extent.
",geographicrange:"Orestias elegans is restricted to high altitude lakes and tributary rivers in the Rimac River drainage on the Pacific slope of Peru (Arias Boza et al. 2016, Esmaeili et al. 2018). It is specifically restricted to the Santa Eulalia River drainage, which is a headwater tributary of the Rimac River. Ichthyological sampling reported low abundances of this species from Chinchaycocha and in the Añaspuquio region, but failed to detect it in Yaropuquio (Arias Boza et al. 2016). The type locality of this species is a series of small lakes in the headwaters of the Rimac River (Esmaeili et al. 2018). Additional ichthyological sampling on the Andean Altiplano is necessary, and may result in the discovery of additional subpopulations (Arias Boza 2016). An estimated 12 rivers and 20 streams feed Lake Junin, which serves as the primary water source for the capital city of Lima, and many may contain suitable habitat for O. elegans (Shoobridge 2006).
Extent of occurrence is estimated to be 1,012 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around the Santa Eulalia Basin (Inbar and Llerena 2000). Based on limited ichthyological surveys and known collection localities in the Santa Eulalia Basin and considering relatively broad impacts to this ecosystem associated with soil erosion, mining activities, cattle ranching, and the establishment of non-native species, occurrence at two threat-based locations is inferred.
The total population size of this species is unknown. Population trend is suspected to be in decline, given inferred continuous declines in habitat quality associated with the introduction of non-native species, and anecdotal reports of declining abundance by local residents (Arias Boza et al. 2016).
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is restricted to high elevation lakes and tributary streams in the headwaters of the Rimac River (Arias Boza 2016). Habitat is often characterized by clear, slowly moving water, and abundant aquatic and riparian vegetation, and salinities ranging from 1.8-2.2 ppt (Arias Boza et al. 2016). Maximum reported body size is 10 cm total length (TL) (Costa 2003).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oncorhynchus mykiss)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oncorhynchus mykiss"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oncorhynchus mykiss)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oncorhynchus mykiss"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Junin National Reserve is listed by Peru as a Wetland of National Importance, and was accepted as a Ramsar Convention Secretariat in 1997 (Shoobridge 2006, IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). Despite this designation, a number of threats are still present in the Santa Eulalia Basin and within Junin National Reserve. Additional information regarding distribution size, population size and population trend would be useful in clarifying the extinction risk of this restricted species. The scope and direct impact of existing threats need to be studied in more detail. Stronger site management and population monitoring are likely warranted.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:176675428,scientific_name:"Orestias elegans",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"CYPRINODONTIDAE",genus:"Orestias",main_common_name:null,authority:"Garman, 1895",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-09-22",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Reis, R.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"1012",elevation_upper:5200,elevation_lower:4800,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PE",country:"Peru",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"145788041",assessment_id:147083694,id_no:145788041,sci_name:"Diplacina persephone",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Lieftinck 1933",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1932,longitude:140.55132,latitude:-2.58005,species_id:145788041,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Diplacina persephone is only known from two locations in the northeast of Indonesian New Guinea in the Jayapura area in the northeast of Indonesian New Guinea, collected in 1931-1933. Although nothing was recorded on the habitat requirements of this species, it is very likely to be forest-dependent and if this is the case the species will be threatened by deforestation which is occurring on a large scale in the area where it occurs (the species may no longer be present at the known locations). Based on the available data the area of occupancy (AOO) of the species is less than 2,000 km² (probably much less) and the AOO and extent and quality of suitable habitat are all inferred to be declining. Taking a reasonable precautionary approach the species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criteria D2 and B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly. When more data are available re-assessment to a higher threat category may be needed and a case could be made for placing it in such a category now, but there has been a lack of expert odonatological work in the Jayapura area since the 1930s, so we cannot be sure of the current situation with this species.
",geographicrange:"Diplacina persephone is only known from two locations in the northeast of Indonesian New Guinea (Lieftinck 1933). One of the locations is Jayapura (“Hollandia”) where specimens were collected from 0-400 m asl, suggesting that at least some were collected on the lower slopes of the Cycloop Mountains, which are now suffering from deforestation in the Jayapura area, so the species may no longer occur there. The other is in the Jayapura region and in an area where extensive clearance of forest has also occurred (evident from satellite images) and, again, the species may no longer occur there. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of the species is not possible with the available data, but based on the known locations it will be small, certainly below 2,000 km², probably by a considerable margin. The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest in the Jayapura area.
",population:"Judging from the size of the type series this species may not have been uncommon at the known localities in the early 1930s but beyond this all that can be said is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred (assuming that the species is forest-dependent) from loss of forest in the Jayapura area.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing was recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but Orr and Kalkman (2015) note that species of the genus are associated with running water; also it is very likely to be forest-dependent. On this basis an ongoing decline in both extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from loss of and disturbance to forest in the area in which it occurs.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Additional data and protection of habitat where the species occurs are the priorities for this species.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:145788041,scientific_name:"Diplacina persephone",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"LIBELLULIDAE",genus:"Diplacina",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1933",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-03-28",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii); D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"200-1999,500-1999",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:400,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"158667",assessment_id:83380589,id_no:158667,sci_name:"Synthemis campioni",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Marinov",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN SSC Odonata Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:164.55482,latitude:-20.362552,species_id:158667,taxonomicnotes:"Family Synthemistidae is sometimes treated as a subfamily of Corduliidae.",rationale:"Synthemis campioni is endemic to New Caledonia. It might be more widely spread than its known distribution, but as long as we do not know more about its real distribution and its sensitivity, it should be listed in a threat category. Observations show, that populations can have large numbers, but there seem to be fluctuations in population and individual numbers. However, the species is assessed as Near Threatened, as only a dozen localities are known and it has a small range.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Grande Terre Island, New Caledonia (Grand et al. 2014).",population:"No details are known on the population size or trends of this species. It was reported from more than ten localities mainly from the southern part of Grande Terre Island, but number of mature individuals seem to fluctuate extremely.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Mountain creeks and streams in forests, but also in large streams of the lowlands, with strong current. Synthemis campioni avoids ultramafic lands. Naiads develop in relatively calm waters of banks where roots of large trees are partly submerged. Exuviae are found on trunks and boulders 0.2-1.4 m above the water surface. Males patrol a stretch of a bank (6-30 m). Mating (two observations) occurs during flight, between 0.7 m and 1.2 m above the water surface, for 20-30 s, along the stretch of banks which was patrolled by the male.",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no known conservation measures in place. More studies are needed on the impact of the mentioned threats and potential conservation measures.",usetrade:null,taxonid:158667,scientific_name:"Synthemis campioni",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"SYNTHEMISTIDAE",genus:"Synthemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1971",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-05-07",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Kalkman, V.J.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"52",eoo_km2:"5378-12285",elevation_upper:330,elevation_lower:64,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"NC",country:"New Caledonia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"LC",category:"Least Concern"}]},{id:"157861594",assessment_id:157861764,id_no:157861594,sci_name:"Catillopecten vulcani",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Aoife Molloy",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-104.29000092,latitude:9.82999992,species_id:157861594,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine bivalve is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from two restricted locations, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2,470 m to 2,650 m bsl. As the species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO), and has been found at only two locations, the plausible threat of future anthropogenic influence from deep-sea mining in these sites justifies the assessment of the species as Vulnerable (VU D2). Whilst no licences have been granted to date, if mining were to be approved, the projected decline in the extent and quality of habitat would drive this species to Critically Endangered (CR) very rapidly. Furthermore, the endemicity of the species to vent environments means it would only take a small number of mining events to remove all suitable habitat for the species, despite the geographical spread of these vent sites. Therefore, an urgent reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements or if there are future changes to the prices of relevant commodities, whereby the assessment could increase to Endangered (EN B1+B2ab(iii)).",geographicrange:"This deep-sea bivalve is restricted to two locations at hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. Both locations occur beyond national jurisdiction in International Waters. The species occurs at active black smokers, sites of diffuse venting, and in one case on inactive sulfide deposits located at depths of 2,470 m bsl to 2,650 m bsl. It has been observed from two vent fields in separate locations: the EPR 13N bent field (Location 1) and the EPR 9 50'N vent field (Location 2) (Schein-Fatton 1985, Coan & Valentich-Scott 2012, Mullineaux et al. 2013). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Schein-Fatton 1985, Coan & Valentich-Scott 2012, Mullineaux et al. 2013).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the East Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,470 m to 2,650 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:" There are no conservation actions currently in place at the EPR 13N and EPR 9 50'N vent fields. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the East Pacific Rise.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157861594,scientific_name:"Catillopecten vulcani",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"BIVALVIA",order:"PECTINIDA",family:"PROPEAMUSSIIDAE",genus:"Catillopecten",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Schein-Fatton, 1985)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-01-27",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"671.04",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:2470,depth_lower:2650,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"139549193",assessment_id:146602320,id_no:139549193,sci_name:"Macromia negrito",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Needham & Gyger 1937",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1932,longitude:121.21264,latitude:14.143,species_id:139549193,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Macromia negrito is known from the type locality on Mount Makiling in Luzon and records referred to this species with doubts from two locations on Busuanga; both of these islands are in the Philippines. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it may not be large and with the available data is less than 500 km², however this may be a severely under-recorded species due to difficulty of capture. The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. In most circumstances this assessor would place such a poorly known species in Data Deficient but the severity of habitat loss is so great throughout the Philippines that, taking a reasonable precautionary approach and since Least Concern is unlikely to ever be justified, the species must be placed in a high threat category. It qualifies for Endangered under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed as such.
",geographicrange:"Macromia negrito is known from the type locality in Luzon, the Philippines (Needham and Gyger 1937) and records referred to this species with doubts from two locations on Busuanga (Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen, Hämäläinen and Müller 1997). The type locality is Mount Makiling, which is protected as a Forest Reserve. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it may not be large and with the available data is less than 500 km², however this may be a severely under-recorded species due to difficulty of capture. The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",population:"This is either a genuinely scarce species or, and just as likely, it is severely under-recorded due to difficulty of collection because of speed and (possibly) time of flight. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing appears to have been recorded on the habitats or ecology of this species but it will be a stream or river species and almost all species from the genus occurring in south-east Asia are forest-dependent. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for better protection for Mount Makiling and for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance as well as protection of additional habitat where it occurs (assuming additional locations can be found). The identity of specimens from Busuanga needs to be established. Surveys for this species will need to include collection and rearing of larvae since the adult is likely to be elusive. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139549193,scientific_name:"Macromia negrito",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"MACROMIIDAE",genus:"Macromia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Needham & Gyger, 1937",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-10",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"12-499",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"161336484",assessment_id:168311837,id_no:161336484,sci_name:"Erikssonia edgei",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Excel_Mar17, Silvia E-mail Feb17",basisofrec:null,event_year:2013,longitude:28.17535019,latitude:-24.67700005,species_id:161336484,taxonomicnotes:"The Waterberg population of Erikssonia was formerly thought to represent Erikssonia acraeina. This population has subsequently been described as a new species, Erikssonia edgei, by Gardiner and Terblanche (2010).",rationale:"This is a very range-restricted endemic of Limpopo Province in South Africa (Extent of Occurrence 4 km2 and Area of Occupancy 4 km2). This taxon is now known from only one location, Bateleur Nature Reserve, where it was discovered in March 2013. No adults have been seen at the Perdekop location for more than 20 years. Numerous searches in the adjacent area have failed to locate further subpopulations. The habitat at the Perdekop location has deteriorated markedly and is believed to have led to the disappearance of the taxon at this site. While the subpopulation at Bateleur is receiving regular monitoring by LepSoc Africa, numbers of the butterfly have been in rapid decline for four years in a row, very likely a result of one of the worst droughts in recorded history. LepSoc Africa organised a controlled grass-burn at the Bateleur location in August 2016. This appears to have improved the quality of habitat within the area occupied by one of the two colonies at this location. The other colony beyond the Bateleur boundary fence, plus the Perdekop location, have received no active management. The subpopulations are severely fragmented. The taxon thus qualifies globally under the IUCN criteria as Critically Endangered under criterion B.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Limpopo Province in South Africa, confined to one locality in the Waterberg Mountains at Bateleur Nature Reserve. It is locally extinct at Perdekop.",population:"Based on observations from the Bateleur site, the number of adults have decreased every year for the last four seasons. However, there is no quantifiable data available.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"At the type-locality (Perdekop) this species was found on level ground with a grassy understory, herbaceous elements and scattered trees, at the north-western base of a small mountain. An addtitional location in Bateleur Nature Reserve, discovered in March 2013, occupies a gentle south-east- facing grassy slope, with deep sandy soil. Two colonies have been found at the Bateleur site, approximately 800 m apart. The colonies are separated by a game-fence, which marks the border of the Bateleur Nature Reserve; the north-western colony lies on a privately-owned farm. In contrast to most of the adjacent areas, the areas where the butterflies fly are relatively free of large rocks and boulders. Both the Perdekop and Bateleur localities occur at the ecotone between Waterberg Mountain Bushveld and Central Sandy Bushveld vegetation types. Common denominators include altitude (both sites are at about 1,650 m); deep sandy soils; the presence of Gnidia plants and the presence of Lepisiota ants.",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"12.1",title:"Other threat",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.2",title:"Supression in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This taxon is managed under LepSoc Africa’s COREL programme. Conservation actions include regular monitoring and habitat management of the Bateleur subpopulation. Searches for new localities in the Waterberg should be continued. The option of seeking Provincial protection for the Bateleur site is being considered.",usetrade:null,taxonid:161336484,scientific_name:"Erikssonia edgei",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"LYCAENIDAE",genus:"Erikssonia",main_common_name:"Waterberg Copper",authority:"Gardiner & Terblanche, 2010",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-02-20",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dobson, J.C.H. & Dobson, C.M.",reviewer:"Kirkman, S., Raimondo, D., Oberprieler, R.G. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:1650,elevation_lower:1650,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"2.1",habitat:"Savanna - Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"173824557",assessment_id:173824600,id_no:173824557,sci_name:"Cambeva pascuali",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Ochoa et al. 2017",basisofrec:null,event_year:2017,longitude:-48.52926111,latitude:-23.22418333,species_id:173824557,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Cambeva pascuali is known only from its type locality, a small unnamed tributary stream of the Tamanduá River close to the town of Itatinga in the upper Paraná River basin, São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. Area of Occupancy (AOO) and Extent of Occurrence (EOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, and the species is assigned to a single threat-based location. Population size is suspected to be low given few sampled individuals in the type series. The primary threat to this species is the persistence and expansion of monocrop silviculture. While the direct impacts of current activities on habitat quality and population status have not been evaluated in detail, continued activities could feasibly drive this species into a high threat category in the immediate future. Therefore, C. pascauli is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2.
",geographicrange:"Cambeva pascuali is known only from its type locality, a small unnamed tributary stream of the Tamanduá River close to the town of Itatinga in the upper Paraná River basin, São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil (Ochoa et al. 2017).
Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 4 km2 based on a single 2x2 km grid overlain on the type locality (Ochoa et al. 2017). Given a single collection locality in a region utilized for intensive agricultural production, it is feasible that the persistence or expansion of agricultural activities could severely and quickly impact the entire known range of this species. Therefore, despite uncertainties regarding the severity of impact that agricultural expansion may have on the type locality at the current point in time, this species is assigned to a single threat-based location and is considered very restricted. It is important to note that additional surveys may yield range extensions, as well as potential increases in the known number of threat-based locations.
",population:"The population trend of this species are unknown. Population size is likely low, given a low number of sampled individuals at the type locality (Ochoa et al. 2017). This species is known from a total of 11 specimens (Ochoa et al. 2017).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The type locality of this species is a small, unnamed tributary stream at approximately 600 m above sea level characterized by clear water, moderate flow, substrates of mud and rock, and aquatic and riparian vegetation (Ochoa et al. 2017). Cambeva pascuali was the only species of fish found at the type locality (Ochoa et al. 2017).
",threats:[{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards C. pascuali, nor has it been reported from within the boundaries of any existing protected areas. Additional research regarding distribution, population size, population trend, and the direct impact of existing threats would be useful in clarifying the extinction risk of this species. Habitat monitoring and site protection may be warranted as immediate conservation priorities if surrounding agriculture continues to expand.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:173824557,scientific_name:"Cambeva pascuali",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"TRICHOMYCTERIDAE",genus:"Cambeva",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Ochoa, Silva, Costa e Silva, Oliveira & Datovo, 2017)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-01-26",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Reis, R.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"6159",assessment_id:3105308,id_no:6159,sci_name:"Cyprinodon meeki",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. Contreras McBeath",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"T. Contreras McBeath 2014",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-104.5,latitude:24.20666667,species_id:6159,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Cyprinodon meeki is restricted to the headwaters of the Rio Mezquital, where is occurs in streams, springs, ponds, and spring-fed ditches. Population decline is inferred from habitat loss, pollution, and the impacts of introduced species. The number of locations where this species occurs do not exceed 2 (O. Domínguez-Domínguez pers. comm. 2018). A reduction analysis made with GeoCat for this assessment suggests an 81% reduction in its historic range. As such, C. meeki is assessed as Endangered (EN).",geographicrange:"Cyprinodon meeki is restricted to the Rio del Tunal and Rio de la Sauceda in the headwaters of the Rio Mezquital (Miller et al. 2005). In 1983, it was reported from only three sampling localities (Miller et al. 2005).
",population:"Total population size is unknown. According to the American Fisheries Society’s Endangered Species Committee, the population size of C. meeki remained stable up until 2008 (Jelks et al. 2008). Miller et al. (2005) note drastic population reductions as a result of habitat loss, pollution, and predation by the introduced largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs in streams, springs, ponds, and spring-fed ditches in shallow water to 1.3 m over hard clay, mud, sand, gravel, and rocky substrates. Water temperature ranges from 8-29.5 oC (Miller et al. 2005).
",threats:[{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Micropterus salmoides)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Micropterus salmoides"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Micropterus salmoides)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Micropterus salmoides"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Cyprinodon meeki is listed as endangered by NORMA under NOM-59-SEMARNAT-2010.
The American Fisheries Society’s Endangered Species Committee lists this species as endangered (Jelks et al. 2008). The conservation status of this species warrants further evaluation (Lozano-Vilano and Maza-Benignos 2017).
More information on population size, trends, and current distribution are needed to make an accurate assessment of conservation status.
Megalestes australis is known from six locations in central and southern Viet Nam, with a number of known locations being very close to the border with Laos. Some known locations are within protected areas. The species is apparently confined to pristine forest habitats. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, however the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is likely to be <20,000 km² (EOO = 13,145–25,723 km²). The species is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B (VU B1ab(ii,iii)), but it is hoped that when more information becomes available, a future reassessment to Near Threatened or Least Concern will be possible.
",geographicrange:"Megalestes australis is known from six locations in central and southern Viet Nam (Karube 2014, Phan and To 2018, Phan unpub. data), however the assessors cannot provide coordinates for one of the locations. A number of known locations are very close to the border with Laos and the species should be looked for in that country as well as in Viet Nam. Some known locations are in protected areas (for example, Bach Ma National Park). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 13,145 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 25,723 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species); its true EOO is likely to be <20,000 km².
This species can sometimes be quite common where it occurs. No other statement about current population sizes and health can be made for this species except that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of forest in Viet Nam.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is known from small rocky streams, usually in pristine forest, typically at high elevations. However it has been found in disturbed forest at one location at least so it can tolerate some degree of disturbance. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priority for this species is for additional information on its distribution, habitat requirements, ability to tolerate disturbance and on threats.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:125521608,scientific_name:"Megalestes australis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"SYNLESTIDAE",genus:"Megalestes",main_common_name:null,authority:"Karube, 2014",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-15",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A., Kompier, T. & Phan, Q.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"13145-25723,13145-20000",elevation_upper:1900,elevation_lower:900,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"173832069",assessment_id:173832084,id_no:173832069,sci_name:"Hypsolebias faouri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Britzke et al. 2016",basisofrec:null,event_year:2014,longitude:-44.90311111,latitude:-11.39022222,species_id:173832069,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Hypsolebias faouri is known only from its type locality, a temporary pool beside the highway BA-225 at Santa Rita de Cássia in the Preto River drainage, São Francisco River basin, Bahia state, Brazil. Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 4 km2 and the species is assigned to a single threat-based location. The total population size of this species is unknown. The primary threat to this species is the persistence of Oreochromis niloticus and Astronotus ocellatus, two non-native piscivores that likely prey on H. faouri. Continuing decline in population and in the number of mature individuals is inferred. Therefore, H. faouri is assessed as Critically endangered under criterion B1ab(v)+2ab(v). Immediate conservation priorities include invasive species eradication, site protection, habitat monitoring, and population monitoring. Ex-situ propagation and reintroduction into suitable habitat may be warranted.
',geographicrange:"Hypsolebias faouri is known only from its type locality, a temporary pool beside the highway BA-225 at Santa Rita de Cássia in the Preto River drainage, São Francisco River basin, Bahia state, Brazil (Britzke et al. 2016).
Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, based on a single 2x2 km grid overlain on top of the type locality. This species is assigned to a single threat-based location due to the persistence of the invasive Astronotus ocellatus and Oreochromis niloticus (Britzke et al. 2016).
",population:'The total population size of this species is unknown. However, this species is fairly abundant and outnumbers the co-occurring Cynolebias akroa at a ratio of 5:1 (Nielsen et al. 2017). Population trend is suspected to be in decline, based on the persistence of non-native piscivores that probably prey on H. faouri.
',populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:'This annual killifish is restricted to a shallow seasonal pond approximately 96 km north of the city of Barreiras. The pool is characterized by a substrate of clay and sand, slightly dark water, a dense cover of aquatic vegetation composed of Echinodorus sp. and Nymphaea sp., an average depth of one meter, a pH of 6.5, and low conductivity (Britzke et al. 2016). The pool is close to a road near a small village and has been modified at one end so that water is retained throughout the year (Britzke et al. 2016). This species co-occurs with Cynolebias akroa, which is probably a native predator (Nielsen et al. 2017).
',threats:[{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Astronotus ocellatus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Astronotus ocellatus"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis niloticus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis niloticus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Astronotus ocellatus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Astronotus ocellatus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis niloticus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis niloticus"}],conservationmeasures:'There are no species-specific conservation measures directed towards H. faouri. This species is not contained within any existing protected area and the only known collection locality is threatened by habitat modification and non-native species (Nielsen et al. 2017). Immediate conservation priorities include invasive species eradication, site protection, habitat monitoring, and population monitoring. Ex-situ propagation and reintroduction into suitable habitat may be warranted.
',usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:173832069,scientific_name:"Hypsolebias faouri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Hypsolebias",main_common_name:null,authority:"Britzke, Nielsen & Oliveira, 2016",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-12-31",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(v)+2ab(v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Costa, W.J.E.M.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"177038422",assessment_id:177038441,id_no:177038422,sci_name:"Limia islai",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons. T.J.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico Biopark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Rodriguez-Silva and Weaver 2020",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:2019,longitude:-73.07194444,latitude:18.393,species_id:177038422,taxonomicnotes:"Even though some previous studies have treated Limia as one of the multiple subgenera in the genus Poecilia (Rosen and Bailey 1963, Meredith et al. 2010, Meredith et al. 2011), several other works have supported the generic classification for Limia (Rodriguez 1997, Hamilton 2001, Poeser 2003, Palacios et al. 2016, Weaver et al. 2016). Here we endorse the latter assessment that Limia should be considered a valid, separate genus.Limia islai is restricted to Lake Miragoâne, a coastal freshwater lake on the Tiburon Peninsula of southwestern Haiti. Extent of Occurrence and area of Occupancy are estimated to be 9-45 km2, and the species is restricted to a single threat-based location. The primary threatening factor to Lake Miragoâne is deforestation and subsequent land use, sedimentation, and alteration to natural hydrology. Additional threats include translocation or natural dispersal of native competitors, the establishment of non-native species, and pollution associated with unsustainable agricultural practices and lacking wastewater treatment. As such, L. islai is assessed as Critically Endangered under criteria B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii). Additional research is urgently needed to determine range extent, population size, and current population trend. Site protection and ex-situ conservation are likely warranted as immediate conservation actions.
Limia islai is restricted to Lake Miragoâne (Étang de Miragoâne), a coastal freshwater lake on the Tiburon Peninsula of southwestern Haiti (Rodriguez-Silva and Weaver 2020). The type locality is on the north end of the lake and the species was also collected in the southwestern bight of the lake (Rodriguez-Silva and Weaver 2020). The surface area of Lake Miragoâne fluctuates from 9-25 km2, depending on the season (Swartley and Toussaint 2006). There are approximately 69 small ponds surrounding the main lake, with a total combined surface area of approximately 20 km2 (Swartley and Toussaint 2006).
Therefore, Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 9-45 km2, with a lower estimate based on the minimum surface area of Lake Miragoâne, and an upper estimate of the total surface area of potentially suitable habitat where this species has not been reported. Given the scope of deforestation, associated increases in sedimentation, dramatic shifts in natural hydrology throughout the entire range of this species, and establishment of non-native species in Lake Miragoâne (Latta 2005, Posner et al. 2010, Williams 2011, Alscher 2013), it is assigned to a single threat-based location.
Ichthyological surveys from the Tiburon Peninsula are exceedingly scarce (D. Elias pers. comm. 2020). Additional surveys in this region are urgently needed to clarify the extinction risk of this species.
The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. This species is known from a limited number of collection records (Rodriguez-Silva and Weaver 2020).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species has only been reported from Lake Miragoâne, a coastal freshwater lake approximately 20 meters above sea level with a maximum depth of 45 meters (Brenner and Binford 1988, Swartley and Toussaint 2006). It occurs syntopically with several other members of the genus (Rodriguez-Silva and Weaver 2020). Preferred habitat is characterized by submerged vegetation and muddy substrates (Rodriguez-Silva and Weaver 2020). Reproductive males rely on sneak copulation and lack courtship behaviour (Rodriguez-Silva and Weaver 2020).
",threats:[{code:"11.4",title:"Storms & flooding",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Coptodon rendalli)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Coptodon rendalli"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis aureus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis aureus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Coptodon rendalli)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Coptodon rendalli"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis aureus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis aureus"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.4",title:"Garbage & solid waste",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards L. islai. The distribution of this species does not include any protected areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). Haiti lacks a comprehensive forest policy, and enforcement of existing laws is essentially non-existent (Posner et al. 2010). Additional research regarding distribution, population size and population status are urgently needed. Continued population monitoring and habitat monitoring would be useful in clarifying the conservation status of this species. Site protection and ex-situ conservation may be warranted to prevent extirpation.
There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:177038422,scientific_name:"Limia islai",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Limia",main_common_name:"Tiger Limia",authority:"Rodriguez-Silva & Weaver, 2020",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-16",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J. & Rodríguez-Silva, R.",reviewer:"Schlupp, I.",aoo_km2:"9-45",eoo_km2:"9-45",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"HT",country:"Haiti",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"60007",assessment_id:75266174,id_no:60007,sci_name:"Platycypha pinheyi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling (2012). Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/ipt/resource.do?r=bf_cf21",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:29.632506,latitude:-4.670097,species_id:60007,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species is assessed as Near Threatened; because it nearly meets the criteria B1ab(iii) and B2ab(iii). Unfortunately we do not have any information on the species habitat, which is most likely the shoreline of Lake Tanganyika. If this is true indeed, the species is most likely much more widespread around the lake, threatened by pollution and a destruction of the shoreline.Brycon chagrensis is distributed in the Chagres River and Cocle del Norte river drainage and adjacent tributaries on the Atlantic versant of central Panama (Reeves and Birmingham 2006, Angulo et al. 2013), including Lake Gatun and Lake Alajuela (Sharpe et al. 2017). This species is also distributed in the Rio Grande on the Pacific versant of Panama following migration through the Panama Canal (Smith et al. 2004).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be approximately 4,680 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (GBIF 2019). Given uncertainties regarding the scope of potential threats, the number of locations where this species occurs cannot be accurately estimated.",population:"Total population size and population trend are largely unknown. This species is abundant in the Chagres River and Cocle del Norte drainages (Smith et al. 2004).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in rivers and lakes throughout its range. It may play an important role in riparian seed dispersal (Horn et al. 2011). Diet is comprised of algae, fruit, and terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates (Craymer and Bryant 1993). Briceño (1981) determined that in Alajuela lake, this species spawns between December and January, during the dry season and has an omnivorus diet.
",threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.1",title:"Abstraction of surface water (domestic use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Cichla monoculus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Cichla monoculus"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Schyzocotyle acheilognathi)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Schyzocotyle acheilognathi"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Cichla monoculus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Cichla monoculus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Schyzocotyle acheilognathi)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Schyzocotyle acheilognathi"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.4",title:"Garbage & solid waste",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'There are no species-specific conservation actions directed towards B. chagrensis. This species occurs in multiple protected areas, including the Chagres and Soberania National Parks (GBIF 2019, IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). Additional research regarding the scope and magnitude of existing threats is needed to better categorize the extinction risk of this species.
',usetrade:'This species is targeted in subsistence fisheries, but the volume of harvest is unknown.
',taxonid:149115310,scientific_name:"Brycon chagrensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"BRYCONIDAE",genus:"Brycon",main_common_name:"Sábalo Pipon",authority:"(Kner, 1863)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-04-18",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J. & González, R.",reviewer:"Armbruster, J.W.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"4680",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"53870345",assessment_id:118040966,id_no:53870345,sci_name:"Laimosemion sape",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Echevarría, G.",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:"Creek of Ichun river",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Lasso-Alcala et al (2006). Rivulus sape, a new species of killifish (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae) from the Paragua River system, Caroni River drainage, Guyana Shield, Venezuela. Zootaxa 1275:21-29.",basisofrec:" ",event_year:2005,longitude:-63.38000107,latitude:4.45800018,species_id:53870345,taxonomicnotes:"Originally described as Rivulus sape (Lasso et al. 1992), due to a revision of the subfamily Rivulinae it was recently changed to Laimosemion after this was considered a valid genus and not a subgenus of Rivulus (Costa 2011).",rationale:"This species has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 8,820 km2. There is a continuing decline in the extent and quality of its habitat related to deforestation, fires and small farms. However, there is insufficient information on threats in order to count locations for this species. Therefore, it is assessed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species is known from Guiana Shield and has only been collected in the Ichun River and its tributaries, that drain the upper Paragua River, in the Caroní River Basin, Bolívar state.",population:"There are no data available to estimate the population size.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It occurs in marginal pools of small creeks with clear waters with sandy to muddy bottoms and abundant leaf litter. Water conditions are: temperature of 24°C, acidic (pH 4.8-5.2), high concentrations of dissolved oxygen (7.4 mg/l) and low conductivity (16 ms/cm) (Lasso-Alcalá et al. 2006).",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Around 65% of the population occurs within Natural Monument Cerro Ichum.",usetrade:"It is unknown if this species is traded for ornamental purposes. Research is needed to establish this.",taxonid:53870345,scientific_name:"Laimosemion sape",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Laimosemion",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Lasso-Alcalá, Taphorn, Lasso & León-Mata, 2006)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-08-08",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Echevarría, G.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"8820",elevation_upper:950,elevation_lower:400,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VE",country:"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"61121",assessment_id:148653388,id_no:61121,sci_name:"Melanochromis lepidiadaptes",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Bowers, N.; J.R. Stauffer Jr 1997",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1992,longitude:34.85,latitude:-13.75,species_id:61121,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"It is endemic to Lake Malawi where it naturally occurs only at Makanjila Point, where it faces the threat of collection for the aquarium trade. It meets the area requirements under criterion B for Endangered (EOO < 100 km²) and it is known from one location. The effects of aquarium trade and to some lesser extent subsistence fishing on this species are continuing to decrease the number of mature individuals. Melanochromis lepdiadaptes is therefore assessed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi, where it is known to occur naturally only at Makanjila Point.",population:"A population decline is suspected it has been subject to intensive collection for the ornamental trade and local fishermen are likely to catch them as they are attrached to the disturbance from the nets.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"It has been observed at depths ranging from one to five metres, gathering in small groups which may occasionally be seen over sand. Ribbink et al. (1983) report that it feeds on scales, which has sometimes been observed in an aquarium. Also in the aquarium it only attacks non-mbuna and completely ignore mbuna. Konings (1995) also observed small groups feeding on eggs and larvae of the catfish Bagrus meridionalis. Stomach inventories of six specimens collected at Makanjila Point revealed that it is a predator, feeding on catfish eggs, larvae and also on scales of other fishes, in particular those that are stuck in a net. An exclusive scale-feeding habitat has not become apparent from observations in the wild. Usually only one male in breeding colouration is seen in a group of foraging individuals and territoriality has not been observed, also not in the aquarium.",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation actions are in place for this species.",usetrade:"In the past this species was collected by the ornamental fish trade but it may have vanished from these collecting grounds; of little importance for subsistence fishermen.",taxonid:61121,scientific_name:"Melanochromis lepidiadaptes",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Melanochromis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Bowers & Stauffer, 1997",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-05-21",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A.",reviewer:"Kanyerere, G.Z., Phiri, T.B. & Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"12",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:'This errata version of the assessment was created to correct a Reviewer name from "Kanyerere, Z." to "Kanyerere, G.Z.", another Reviewer name from "Phiri, B." to "Phiri, T.B." and a Contributor name from "Kasembe, J." to "Kazembe, J.". Additionally, a point data map was added as this was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.',amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MW",country:"Malawi",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"195362",assessment_id:174842046,id_no:195362,sci_name:"Puntius kamalika",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Malka Fernando",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:"Sri Lanka",tax_comm:null,source:"CHE00138",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2e3,longitude:80.083594,latitude:6.900274,species_id:195362,taxonomicnotes:"Puntius amphibius was misapplied to this species until Silva et al. (2008) evaluated it as a new species.",rationale:"Puntius kamalika is a range-restricted, endemic species, known from five locations in the south western lowlands of Sri Lanka. Its estimated Extent of Occurrence is 3,881 km2 and its Area of Occupancy is 88 km2. A continuing decline in the extent and quality of its habitat has been observed due to deforestation, siltation and accumulation of agrochemicals from agricultural run-off. The species is also threatened by overfishing for human consumption. These threats are likely to continue as the area is undergoing agricultural expansion and development and there is no current protection for a majority of its habitat. Therefore, the species is assessed as an Endangered.",geographicrange:"Puntius kamalika is a species of freshwater fish endemic to Sri Lanka. It is found, rather uncommonly, along the Kelani to Nilwala river basins in south-western Sri Lanka (De Silva et al. 2015).",population:"There is no available data regarding the population of this species which is uncommon. It is possible, however, to infer a decline in population owing to the threats that are faced by this species.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Puntius kamalika occurs in streams, rivers and marshes. It is found in moderately flowing streams with a sandy or gravel substrate and with rich marginal vegetation (De Silva et al. 2015)
",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Conservation actions for this species are limited.",usetrade:"This species is known to be utilized for human consumption.",taxonid:195362,scientific_name:"Puntius kamalika",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"CYPRINIDAE",genus:"Puntius",main_common_name:"Sri Lanka Kamalika’s Barb.",authority:"Silva, Maduwage & Pethiyagoda, 2008",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-07-29",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Fernado, M., Kotagama, O. & de Alwis Goonatilake, S.",reviewer:"Raghavan, R. & Maiz-Tome, L.",aoo_km2:"88",eoo_km2:"3881",elevation_upper:293,elevation_lower:1,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:"A corrected (errata) assessment has been created to correct the distribution map, the Geographic Range text, and the extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) values for this species. These corrections do not affect the final Red List category and criteria assigned.",amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"176669626",assessment_id:176669631,id_no:176669626,sci_name:"Iotabrycon praecox",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Aguirre et al. 2014",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2013,longitude:-79.95694444,latitude:-3.50166667,species_id:176669626,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Iotabrycon praecox is endemic to the Pacific slope of Ecuador, where it is currently known from the Guayas and Santa Rosa drainages. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 12,704 km2. Total population size and population trend are unknown, but this species appears uncommon in at least the Santa Rose drainage. Given such few collection records, the number of threat based locations where this species occurs cannot be determine with accuracy. However, continuing decline in habitat quality throughout the Guayas River drainage is inferred, based on severe anthropogenic degradation associated with agricultural practices, urban development, and industrial operations. Given a relatively restricted known range, anecdotal reports that this species is uncommon to rare, and several regionally pervasive threats that are producing inferred continuous declines in habitat quality, I. praecox is assessed as Near Threatened under criterion B1ab(iii). Additional research regarding distribution, population size and population trend, and the scope and direct impact of existing threats may quality this species for a higher threatened category.
",geographicrange:"Iotabrycon praecox is endemic to the Pacific slope of Ecuador, where it is currently known from the Guayas and Santa Rosa drainages (Barriga 2012, Aguirre et al. 2014, Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015). It has been reported specifically from the Palenque, Bimbe, Vinces, Silanchi, and Santa Rosa rivers, as well as an additional collection locality in Bolivar Province (Aguirre et al. 2014). Although not identified to the species level, one additional record of Iotabrycon occurs from within the Esmeraldes drainage, and constitutes a northern range extension if valid (Aguirre et al. 2014). Range extension may also extend further southward in coastal drainages in southern Ecuador and northern Peru (Aguirre et al. 2014). This species occurs at an altitude above 50 masl.
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 12,704 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (Aguirre et al. 2014). However, this species is known from very few collections, and more comprehensive ichthyological surveys in western Ecuador will be necessary to clarify the true range extent of this species. Given such few collections, the number of threat-based locations where this species occurs cannot be determined with accuracy.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. Relatively intense sampling effort in the Santa Rosa drainage yielded a single individual, suggesting that this species may be uncommon at the sampled localities (Aguirre et al. 2014).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Iotabrycon praecox is the smallest characid in Western Ecuador, reaching a maximum size of about 2.2 cm standard length (Weitzman and Fink 1985, Aguirre et al. 2014). It has been collected from small patches of shallow riffle habitat located between areas of deeper slow running water, in isolated pools near the river bank, in small forested streams, and in main river channels (Aguirre et al. 2014). sexual dimorphism is apparent; females are larger than males but the caudal fin is larger in males (Aguirre et al. 2014). In addition, females have a small black spot on the base of the caudal fin while males have the modified scales of the caudal-fin organ (Roberts 1973).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards I. praecox. It is likely that the range of this specie extends into at least on protected area, namely the Palenque River protective forest (Aguirre et al. 2014, IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). Additional ichthyological survey is urgently needed to determine the range extent, population size, and population trend of this species (Aguirre et al. 2014). Additional information regarding the direct impact of locally and regionally pervasive threats would help clarify the conservation status of this species.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:176669626,scientific_name:"Iotabrycon praecox",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Iotabrycon",main_common_name:"Cachuelas",authority:"Roberts, 1973",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-08-28",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Arguello, P., Barriga, R. & Escobar-Camacho, D.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"12704",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"EC",country:"Ecuador",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"139366014",assessment_id:146602125,id_no:139366014,sci_name:"Heliogomphus olivaceus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Asahina 1980",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1977,longitude:119.89028,latitude:10.51722,species_id:139366014,taxonomicnotes:"A form allied to Heliogomphus olivaceus is known from Borneo, see Dow & Stokvis (2018) but it is not clear if they are the same species or not at this time. For assessment purposes the Bornean form is left out of consideration but if they do eventually prove to be the same species then re-assessment will be necessary.
",rationale:"Heliogomphus olivaceus is known from four locations in Palawan and Busuanga in the Philippines. Threats exist throughout the range of the species. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and with the presently available data is less than 500 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. The species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly. However, this species is likely to be under-recorded and it is to be hoped that with more data in the future re-assessment to a lower threat category will be possible.
",geographicrange:'Heliogomphus olivaceus is known from Palawan and Busuanga in the Philippines (Asahina 1980, Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen, Hämäläinen and Muller 1997, Lieftinck 1961). The assessor is aware of records from four locations to which it has proved possible to assign separate coordinates for mapping purposes. None of the known locations appear to be within protected areas. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and with the presently available data is less than 500 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. The extent of occurrence (EOO) is somewhere between 7,717 and 16,380 km² (based on the area within a minimum convex polygon around the known localities and around the occupied HydroBASIN areas).
',population:"There are very few records of this species but this is as likely to be a result of cryptic behaviour as genuine rarity. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This will be a forest stream species but no details are known beyond this. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for protection of habitat where it occurs and for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Surveys for this species will need to include collection and rearing of larvae since the adult is likely to be elusive. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139366014,scientific_name:"Heliogomphus olivaceus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Heliogomphus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1961",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-09",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"20-500",eoo_km2:"7717-16380",elevation_upper:300,elevation_lower:250,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"161328747",assessment_id:168300369,id_no:161328747,sci_name:"Dingana jerinae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"AJCOETZER, AC_LEPI01.FDB_16552",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2014,longitude:27.6107769,latitude:-24.45421028,species_id:161328747,taxonomicnotes:"There are no notable issues.",rationale:"This is a range-restricted endemic to the Waterberg Mountains of Limpopo Province, known from two locations which are potentially threatened by devastating fires, which could wipe out one or both of the locations and drive the taxon to Critically Endangered or Extinct. The taxon thus qualifies globally under the IUCN criteria as Vulnerable under criterion D2.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Limpopo Province in South Africa, in the Waterberg near Thabazimbi.",population:"No information is available, but the population is suspected to be stable.",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:"This species occurs on grassy slopes and rocky ledges on mountains.",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"It is recommended that the subpopulations are monitored for any changes in the habitat and that an appropriate fire regime be instituted. Research is needed into its life history, ecology/habitat requirements, and monitoring of known subpopulations is recommended to determine the population size and trends.",usetrade:null,taxonid:161328747,scientific_name:"Dingana jerinae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"NYMPHALIDAE",genus:"Dingana",main_common_name:"Jerine's Widow",authority:"Henning G.A. & Henning S.F., 1996",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-02-20",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Stable",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bode, J.",reviewer:"Kirkman, S., Raimondo, D., Oberprieler, R.G. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"20",eoo_km2:"20",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"4.7",habitat:"Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"6",habitat:"Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"173138413",assessment_id:173138419,id_no:173138413,sci_name:"Hypselobarbus bicolor",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Dahanukar, N.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"India: Chara, Sita River",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Knight et al. (2016)",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2013,longitude:74.98,latitude:13.473,species_id:173138413,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Hypselobarbus bicolor is assessed as Endangered because it is restricted in distribution to two locations in west flowing Sita and east flowing Tunga rivers of Western Ghats of India with an Extent of Occurrence less than 5,000 km2 and the habitat of the species in Tunga River is threatened because of anthropogenic stressors including domestic waste, developmental and recreational activities and invasive species. Harvest for local consumption could also act as a plausible threat to the species. Being a recently described species known only from its original description, there is limited information on distribution with no information on the population status, population trends, and species specific threats. Research to overcome data gaps are therefore essential.",geographicrange:"Hypselobarbus bicolor is known from westward flowing Sita River at Chara, and eastward flowing Tunga River at Shimoga, Karnataka, India (Knight et al. 2016).",population:"There is no information on population status and trends for the species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Hypselobarbus bicolor inhabits main river channels. The quality of the habitat where the species occurs is declining because of pollution, increasing urbanization, development and recreational activities due to tourism (Ahmad et al. 2013, Atkore et al. 2020).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Cyprinus carpio)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:"Cyprinus carpio"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Cyprinus carpio)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:"Cyprinus carpio"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Species-specific conservation actions are not in place for this species. The species is also not known from any protected area. Since the species is currently known only based on type description, there is a need for research on understanding its distribution, population size, population trends, life history, ecology and species specific threats. Monitoring population trends and habitat trends is also essential. Since the habitat in Tunga River might be threatened, the relatively undisturbed habitat in Sita River can be used for site area protection.",usetrade:"The speceis has minor fisheries value in local markets.",taxonid:173138413,scientific_name:"Hypselobarbus bicolor",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"CYPRINIDAE",genus:"Hypselobarbus",main_common_name:"Bicolored Barb",authority:"Knight, Rai, d'Souza, Philip & Dahanukar, 2016",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-06-27",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Dahanukar, N.",reviewer:"Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"1828",eoo_km2:"4050",elevation_upper:567,elevation_lower:56,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"IN",country:"India",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"163811",assessment_id:135433713,id_no:163811,sci_name:"Amphicnemis pandanicola",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:" ",source:"Dow & Silvius 2014",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2012,longitude:114.056,latitude:-1.936,species_id:163811,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Amphicnemis pandanicola is known from four locations in the peat swamp forests of Central Kalimantan, and is apparently absent from much seemingly suitable habitat. An ongoing decline in overall population (and area and quality of habitat) is inferred from loss of peat swamp forest in Central Kalimantan, as is severe fragmentation. Forest fires are a threat to all populations and clearance of forest is a threat to non-protected locations, and probably to those that have some protection as well. The species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criterion D2 and is close to qualifying under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) as well, but the area of occupancy (AOO) is not known accurately enough. It is to be hoped that it can be re-assessed to a lower threat category when more data becomes available.
",geographicrange:"Amphicnemis pandanicola is known from four locations in the peat swamp forests of Central Kalimantan (Lieftinck 1953, Dow & Silvius 2014). Although an accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the currently available information, it is a peat swamp forest species and its known AOO is therefore constrained by the remaining area of such habitat in the Central Kalimantan, and based on the figures in Miettinen et al. 2016 (considering pristine and degraded peat swamp forest) is therefore less than 15,000km2, probably considerably less because the species does not appear to be present in all apparently suitable habitat.
",population:"There is no current information on populations of this species. There are five individuals in the type series (Lieftinck 1953).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is found in peat swamp forest, but its apparent absence at many seemingly suitable locations suggests that a deeper understanding of its exact habitat requirements is necessary.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution and exact habitat requirements of this species are needed. Two of the known locations enjoy some measure of protection because they house Orangutan populations, but better protection is required.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:163811,scientific_name:"Amphicnemis pandanicola",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Amphicnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1953",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-09-15",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"40-14999",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:50,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"}]},{id:"8894",assessment_id:3147805,id_no:8894,sci_name:"Gambusia longispinis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. Contreras McBeath",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"T. Contreras McBeath 2014",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-102.16,latitude:26.75222222,species_id:8894,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Gambusia longispinis is restricted to the interior drainage of Bolson de Cuatro Cienegas in in Coahuila, Mexico. While the exact distribution of this species is unknown, Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be between 94-1340 km2 . The most pervasive threat to this species is the loss of suitable habitat resulting from groundwater abstraction and subsequent reductions in the elevation of the water table and, ultimately, in spring flow rates. Large portions of potentially suitable habitat have recently dried up (e.g., Laguna Grande). Additional stressors include potential competitive interaction with established invasive species. Given a restricted EOO, data suggesting less than 5 locations (as defined by current threats), observed declines in the area, extent, and quality of suitable habitat, and inferred declines in the Area of Occupancy (AOO), G. longispinis is assessed as Endangered.Gambusia longispinis is restricted to the interior drainage of Bolson de Cuatro Cienegas in in Coahuila, Mexico (Rauchenberger 1989, Miller et al. 2005).
The exact distribution of this species is poorly documented. Given its secretive nature and habitat preference for heavily vegetated ephemeral habitat, this species has not been extensively sampled. Based on 17 georeferenced point records (GBIF 2018), G. longispinis has an estimated Extent of Occurrence of 94 km2. The total area of Cuatro Cienegas is 843 km2 (IUCN and UNEP 2018), with an estimated Minimum convex Polygon of 1340 km2.
There has been a significant reduction in the range and available habitat for this species over recent years that is likely to impact the extinction risk of this species, but data to quantify this are currently unavailable (A. Valdes pers. comm. 2018).
This species occurs in ephemeral habitat characterized by dense terrestrial grasses and weedy vegetation, highly alkaline and sometimes saline water conditions, and water depths to 0.5 m over fine silt, mud, sand, and clay (Miller et al. 2005). Little is known about the biology of G. longispinis (Miller et al. 2005). The maximum known size for this species is 2.9 cm (Miller et al. 2005).
",threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.7",title:"Abstraction of ground water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Arundo donax)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Arundo donax"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Hemichromis guttatus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Hemichromis guttatus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Arundo donax)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Arundo donax"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Hemichromis guttatus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Hemichromis guttatus"}],conservationmeasures:"This species is federally protected in Mexico under the Mexican Official Norm (SEMARNAT 2010). However, there are no species-specific conservation measures directed towards G. longispinis. Bolson de Cuatro Cienegas is a federally designated protected area and RAMSAR site (IUCN and UNEP 2018). Pronatura Noreste owns and manages Rancho San Pablo (Pozas Azules Reserve) that includes a marsh system locally known as La Pileta where G. longspinis occurs (Lozano-Vilano and Maza-Benignos 2017).
The American Fisheries Society’s Endangered Species Committee lists G. longispinis as endangered based on the present or threatened destruction, modification, or reduction of the taxon’s habitat or range, and a narrowly restricted range (Jelks et al. 2008).
Research and monitoring are needed to accurately estimate population size, population trend, and the impact of regional threats.
The species is endemic to rocky substrate areas of Lake Towuti in Sulawesi, which is 561.1 km2 in size and is counted as a single location. It has an estimated extent of occurrence (EOO) of 99 km2 and an area of occupancy (AOO) of 28 km2. Major threats include over harvesting, and the potential impacts of pollution from nickel mining, eutrophication and most critically invasive species. The spread of invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) to Lake Towuti from Lake Mahalona is almost certain and is predicted to cause a population decline of >90% in this species within the next 10 years (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and caused the loss of the majority of Caridina populations (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017, 2018). As such this species is considered Critically Endangered under A3e; B1ab(iii,v).
Caridina profundicola is endemic to Lake Towuti in Sulawesi, Indonesia (von Rintelen and Cai 2009).
',population:"An overall population decline of >90% is predicted over the next 10 years due to the spread of the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) in the Malili lakes (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and caused the loss of the majority of Caridina populations (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017, 2018). Flowerhorn Cichlids have now been confirmed in the downstream Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obs. 2018) and they are assumed, therefore, to also occur in River Petea, which connects Lake Matano and Mahalona. If not already present in Lake Towuti, the Flowerhorn Cichlids will soon spread downstream to the lake, as River Tominanga connecting these two lakes is much less of a barrier than the river between Lakes Matano and Mahalona, and are predicted to cause population declines in this species similar to those seen in the Caridina populations of Lake Matano.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:'Caridina profundicola is a hard substrate dweller on larger rocks (boulders), almost exclusively found below 3 m depth.
No conservation plans are currently in place for this species, but the protection of its localities and habitats is needed along with research into its population dynamics, ecology and threats.
',usetrade:"Caridina profundicola is available in the aquarium trade.",taxonid:197653,scientific_name:"Caridina profundicola",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"MALACOSTRACA",order:"DECAPODA",family:"ATYIDAE",genus:"Caridina",main_common_name:"Sun Stripe Shrimp",authority:"von Rintelen & Cai, 2009",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-12-06",category:"CR",criteria:"A3e; B1ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"von Rintelen, K.",reviewer:"De Grave, S.",aoo_km2:"28",eoo_km2:"99",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2013",assess_year:"2011",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"176678364",assessment_id:176678423,id_no:176678364,sci_name:"Trichomycterus piurae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:"piurae",subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2020 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.6ur98k",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1919,longitude:-80.62443,latitude:-5.197568,species_id:176678364,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Trichomycterus piurae is known only from the Piura River drainage on the Pacific slope of northern Peru. The extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 1,888 km2. Total population size and population trend are unknown. The primary threats to freshwater habitat in the Piura River drainage include runoff and other pollutants, deforestation, hydrological modification and unsustainable agricultural practices. Despite uncertainties regarding the direct impact of existing threats, continuing decline in habitat quality is inferred. However, it is not possible to calculate locations based on the uncertainty over the direct impact of threats. Therefore, this species is assessed as Near Threatened, meeting criteria B1b(iii).
Trichomycterus piurae is known only from the Piura river drainage on the Pacific slope of northern Peru (de Pinna and Wosiacki 2003). Georeferenced collection records from the Jequetepeque River drainage likely represent the congener T. punctulatus (Wosiacki et al. 2012).
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 1,888 km2, calculated by generating a minimum convex polygon around the HydroBASIN distribution map (considering only Extant basins). The number of threat-based locations where this species occurs cannot be determined with accuracy, given uncertainty regarding the scope of existing threats.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The specific ecology and life history characteristics of this species are unknown. This species has only been reported from the Piura River drainage (de Pinna and Wosiacki 2003).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oncorhynchus mykiss)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oncorhynchus mykiss"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oncorhynchus mykiss)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oncorhynchus mykiss"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards T. piurae. Additional ichthyological surveys are urgently needed to clarify distribution, population size, and population status. More research regarding life history and ecology, and the direct impact of existing threats will be necessary to accurately estimate the extinction risk of this species.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:176678364,scientific_name:"Trichomycterus piurae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"TRICHOMYCTERIDAE",genus:"Trichomycterus",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Eigenmann, 1922)",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-10-05",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Reis, R.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"1888",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PE",country:"Peru",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"145380245",assessment_id:145380594,id_no:145380245,sci_name:"Alviniconcha strummeri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin A. Thomas",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-176.5678,latitude:-21.9876,species_id:145380245,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 1845 m to 1900 m bsl. As the species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted AOO, and has been found at a single location, the plausible threat of future anthropogenic influence from deep-sea mining in these sites justifies the assessment of the species as VU D2. Whilst no licenses have been granted to date, if mining were to be approved within the Tonga EEZ, the projected decline in the extent and quality of habitat would drive this species to CR very rapidly. Therefore, an urgent reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining license arrangements or if there are future changes to the prices of relevant commodities, whereby the assessment status would probably increase to CR B2ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to one location at one hydrothermal vent on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. This location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with biologically and geologically coherent identity. Any vent fields within this location therefore also have common exposure to relevant potential threats. This location is the Exclusive Economic Zone of Tonga. The species is currently known from one vent field with active black smokers and diffuse venting located at depths of 1845 m to 1900 m bsl, namely the Tui Malila vent field in the Lau Basin (Johnson et al. 2015).
",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles and a human-occupied vehicle, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Johnson et al. 2015).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to deep ocean hydrothermal vents in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from the active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1845 m to 1900 m bsl.
",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any West Pacific vent fields, however, further research is recommended to determine whether the populations would be susceptible to disturbance by mining, to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites, and to ascertain the dispersal capability for this species, as these will assist in re-evaluation of the conservation status of the species.
",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:145380245,scientific_name:"Alviniconcha strummeri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"HYPSOGASTROPODA",family:"PROVANNIDAE",genus:"Alviniconcha",main_common_name:"Joe Strummer's Punk-rock Snail",authority:"Johnson, Warén, Tunnicliffe, Van Dover, Wheat, Schultz & Vrijenhoek, 2014",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-04-09",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Thomas, E.A., Sigwart, J. & Chen, C.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:1845,depth_lower:1900,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"TO",country:"Tonga",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"157867298",assessment_id:157867460,id_no:157867298,sci_name:"Lepetodrilus galriftensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Aoife Molloy",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-109.08300018,latitude:20.83329964,species_id:157867298,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise and Galapagos Rift in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from four restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2,451 m to 2,630 m bsl. The species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO), and has been found at only four locations, suggesting that it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. While one of the four locations lies within two Marine Protected Areas (Menini and Van Dover 2019), the other three exist in International Waters without any such protection, therefore we have opted to assess the species as Near Threatened (NT) rather than Vulnerable (VU D2). Although the species has a restricted AOO, and there is a plausible future threat, they are unlikely to become Critically Endangered (CR) or Extinct (EX) over the next 1-2 generations, because at least one location is protected. However, an urgent reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of the MPAs or in the event of mining licences being granted, whereby the species would be capable of becoming Endangered (EN B2ab(iii)) based on a then projected decline in the extent and quality of habitat. A reassessment may also be warranted if the taxonomy of this species is updated in future to reflect data suggesting potential conspecificity among some Lepetodrilus species (Johnson et al. 2008, Matabos and Jollivet 2019).",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to four locations at hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise and Galapagos Rift in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. Location 1 lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Mexico, whereas Locations 2-4 occur beyond national jurisdiction in International Waters. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,451 m bsl to 2,630 m bsl. The four locations are comprised of the following hydrothermal vent fields: EPR 21N (Location 1), Rose Garden and Galapagos Rift 85 50'W (Location 2), EPR 9 50'N (Location 3) and EPR 13 N (Location 4) (McLean 1988, Vrijenhoek et al. 1997, Matabos et al. 2008). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (McLean 1988, Vrijenhoek et al. 1997, Matabos et al. 2008).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the East Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,451 m to 2,630 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"One of the four locations, the EPR 21N vent field, lies within the Hydrothermal Ventilation Sanctuary of the Guaymas Basin and the Eastern Pacific Ridge (Santuario Ventilas Hidrotermales de la Cuenca de Guaymas y de la Dorsal del Pacífico Oriental), established in 2009, where research and fisheries activities are regulated by the Mexican government. This vent site is further surrounded by the Deep Mexican Pacific Biosphere Reserve (Reserva de la Biosfera Pacífico Mexicano Profundo), established in 2016 (Menini and Van Dover 2019). The exploitation of wildlife and mining in these areas is strictly prohibited. There are no conservation actions currently in place at the other locations where this species is found. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended t o predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the East Pacific Rise or Galapagos Rift. More taxonomic research is needed for this species as it has been suggested Lepetrodrilus galriftensis is a subspecies of Lepetodrilus elevatus (Johnson et al. 2008, Matabos and Jollivet 2019).",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157867298,scientific_name:"Lepetodrilus galriftensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"LEPETELLIDA",family:"LEPETODRILIDAE",genus:"Lepetodrilus",main_common_name:null,authority:"McLean, 1988",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-02",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"20",eoo_km2:"1070602.666",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:2451,depth_lower:2630,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"123529516",assessment_id:146602060,id_no:123529516,sci_name:"Telosticta paruatia",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"van Tol 2005",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1991,longitude:119.19992,latitude:10.43841,species_id:123529516,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Telosticta paruatia is known only from the holotype male from the Port Barton area of Palawan in the Philippines. In most cases this assessor would place such a species in Data Deficient. However in this case with the species apparently confined to a single island where there is ongoing habitat loss, it is unlikely that Least Concern will ever be justified and it likely that the species is threatened, possibly seriously. The species qualifies for Vulnerable under criterion D2, and if the AOO and EOO were known would likely qualify under the B1 and B2 criteria as well. It is therefore assessed as Vulnerable.
",geographicrange:"Telosticta paruatia (originally described in Drepanosticta) is known only from the holotype male from the Port Barton area of Palawan in the Philippines (Dow & Orr 2012, van Tol 2005). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but the AOO is likely to be declining due to loss of lowland forest throughout Palawan. The known Extent of Occurrence (EOO) of the species is constrained by the area of Palawan (approximately 12,189km2) and therefore less than 20,000km2.
",population:"Nothing is known about current population sizes and health for this species, but it is clearly either uncommon or has cryptic habits. However a decline in overall population is likely due to loss and degradation of lowland forest in Palawan.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"The only known specimen was collected at a waterfall, nothing else is known with certainty but this is almost certain to be a species of steep forest streams. All other known species of Telosticta are forest-dependent stream species. An ongoing decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from loss and degradation of lowland forest in Palawan.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution, habitat requirements, ability to tolerate disturbance and threats to this species are urgently needed, and protection of habitat where the species occurs.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:123529516,scientific_name:"Telosticta paruatia",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Telosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"(van Tol, 2005)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-01",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"214612575",assessment_id:214613927,id_no:214612575,sci_name:"Luciola tuberculata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Yiu Vor",yrcompiled:2022,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2018,longitude:114.1288222,latitude:22.43578333,species_id:214612575,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Luciola tuberculata, also known as Lumpy-necked Flasher, is a narrowly distributed and highly restricted species of flashing firefly, found only in one locality in Hong Kong: Ng Tung Chai, which is a river valley and lowland forest area. Although we have never conducted formal survey count, it is reasonable to assume that the population of the species is extremely small. Its area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) are both 4 km². Continuing decline has been observed in the quality of habitat, as increasing human disturbance, such as erection of new houses and street lamps with strong LED light near its place of occurrence, cleared vegetation, and increasing light pollution have been observed. This firefly is also only found in one location, as its entire known population is affected by this development. Therefore, it is assessed as Critically Endangered (CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)).",geographicrange:"Only known from Hong Kong, Luciola tuberculata was first reported in 2013 (Yiu 2013) as Luciola sp. 2. This Hong Kong endemic species is found in only one locality: Ng Tung Chai, which is a river valley and lowland forest. Within the 226 hectares of Ng Tung Chai Site of Special Scientific Interest (AFCD 1979), which ranges from 140 m to 740 m above sea level, Luciola tuberculata is only recorded in the lowest portion within about 2 hectares of area situated 140–160 m asl. Another adjacent occurrence is located near Ng Tung Chai Village. All occurrences fit within one 2x2 km grid cell, therefore the area of occupancy (AOO) is 4 km². Its extent of occurrence (EOO), measured using a minimum convex polygon drawn around all reported occurrences, is only 0.025 km², however since the EOO cannot be smaller than the AOO, the EOO for the Red List assessment is 4 km². Although there could be additional occurrences, the chance of this is very slim as the large Ng Tung Chai valley has been repeatedly searched for many years. From 2009 to 2020, a total of 241 field visits to 47 different sites in Hong Kong were conducted specifically for firefly surveys, and this species has not been found in any other places. Amongst the 815 observation of fireflies in Hong Kong listed on iNaturalist (assessed on October 5, 2022), there are six observations of this species, all recorded in the same locality. Additional occurrences are not likely.",population:"There are no data available on the population size. The only information available is that occasional individuals of both sexes were found in Ng Tung Chai during each site visit in May from 2013–2017 along a foot path (Yiu 2017), and by some members of iNaturalists since 2018. However, several visits were conducted in May 2022. While only occasional individuals were found in several visits, around 100 individuals were spotted over their occurrence locality in each of the two visits. This reveals that the number of Luciola tuberculata individuals can boom over a very limited period of time, but in most of the days in May, only few (or none) could be found. Compared with other species, the population size of Luciola tuberculata is still considered very small.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Luciola tuberculata is found only in one area: Ng Tung Chai, which is a river valley, with shrubland and lowland forest. It was found at an altitude of 120–160 m asl. As the larva of this species has not been identified yet, and its food source and life history are still unknown and remain to be revealed, though we may still assume that most Lampyridae species feed on soft bodies invertebrates such as snails, slugs and earthworms since firefly larvae in general are carnivorous. Since the adult species were seen only in May and early June, it could be assumed that there is only one generation per year.There are no conservation actions in place for this species, though one of the occurrence sites is within the Country Park, which is legally protected under the Country Parks Ordinance (Chapter 208, Hong Kong Laws), and is also within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Further site, resource, and habitat protections are needed, as is additional research.
",usetrade:"This species has no commercial value; it is not utilized or targeted for eco-tourism.",taxonid:214612575,scientific_name:"Luciola tuberculata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"COLEOPTERA",family:"LAMPYRIDAE",genus:"Luciola",main_common_name:"Lumpy-necked Flasher",authority:"Yiu, 2017",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2022-03-04",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Poon, C. & YIU, V.",reviewer:"Walker, A.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:210,elevation_lower:120,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"HK",country:"Hong Kong",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2022",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"177038449",assessment_id:177038459,id_no:177038449,sci_name:"Limia mandibularis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons. T.J.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico Biopark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Rodriguez-Silva et al. 2020",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:2019,longitude:-73.04916667,latitude:18.42588889,species_id:177038449,taxonomicnotes:"Even though some previous studies have treated Limia as one of the multiple subgenera in the genus Poecilia (Rosen and Bailey 1963, Meredith et al. 2010, Meredith et al. 2011), several other works have supported the generic classification for Limia (Rodriguez 1997, Hamilton 2001, Poeser 2003, Palacios et al. 2016, Weaver et al. 2016). Here we endorse the latter assessment that Limia should be considered a valid, separate genus.Limia mandibularis is restricted to Lake Miragoâne, a coastal freshwater lake on the Tiburon Peninsula of southwestern Haiti. Extent of Occurrence and area of Occupancy are estimated to be 9-45 km2, and the species is restricted to a single threat-based location. The primary threatening factor to Lake Miragoâne is deforestation and subsequent land use, sedimentation, and alteration to natural hydrology. Additional threats include translocation or natural dispersal of native competitors, the establishment of non-native species, and pollution associated with unsustainable agricultural practices and lacking wastewater treatment. As such, L. mandibularis is assessed as Critically Endangered under criteria B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii). Additional research is urgently needed to determine range extent, population size, and current population trend. Site protection and ex-situ conservation are likely warranted as immediate conservation actions.
",geographicrange:"Limia mandibularis is restricted to Lake Miragoâne (Étang de Miragoâne), a coastal freshwater lake on the Tiburon Peninsula of southwestern Haiti (Rodriguez-Silva et al. 2020). The type locality is in the northern bight of the lake (Rodriguez-Silva et al. 2020). The surface area of Lake Miragoâne fluctuates from 9-25 km2, depending on the season (Swartley and Toussaint 2006). There are approximately 69 small ponds surrounding the main lake, with a total combined surface area of approximately 20 km2 (Swartley and Toussaint 2006).
Therefore, Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 9-45 km2, with a lower estimate based on the minimum surface area of Lake Miragoâne, and an upper estimate of the total surface area of potentially suitable habitat where this species has not been reported. Given the scope of deforestation, associated increases in sedimentation, dramatic shifts in natural hydrology throughout the entire range of this species, and establishment of non-native species in Lake Miragoâne (Latta 2005, Posner et al. 2010, Williams 2011, Alscher 2013), it is assigned to a single threat-based location.
Ichthyological surveys from the Tiburon Peninsula are exceedingly scarce (D. Elias pers. comm. 2020). Additional surveys in this region are urgently needed to clarify the extinction risk of this species.
The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. This species is known from a limited number of collection records (Rodriguez-Silva et al. 2020).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species has only been reported from Lake Miragoâne, a coastal freshwater lake approximately 20 meters above sea level with a maximum depth of 45 meters (Brenner and Binford 1988, Swartley and Toussaint 2006). Limia mandibularis has only been reported from the north bight of the lake and it occurs syntopically with several other members of the genus (Rodriguez-Silva et al. 2020). Preferred habitat is characterized by clear water, slow current, submerged and riparian vegetation, and substrates of mud (Rodriguez-Silva et al. 2020).
There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards L. mandibularis. The distribution of this species does not include any protected areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). Haiti lacks comprehensive forest policy, and enforcement of existing laws is essentially non-existent (Posner et al. 2010). Additional research regarding distribution, population size and population status are urgently needed. Continued population monitoring and habitat monitoring would be useful in clarifying the conservation status of this species. Site protection and ex-situ conservation may be warranted to prevent extirpation.
There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:177038449,scientific_name:"Limia mandibularis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Limia",main_common_name:"Jawed Limia",authority:"Rodriguez-Silva, Torres-Pineda & Josaphat, 2020",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-16",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J. & Rodríguez-Silva, R.",reviewer:"Schlupp, I.",aoo_km2:"9-45",eoo_km2:"9-45",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"HT",country:"Haiti",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"189551007",assessment_id:196181537,id_no:189551007,sci_name:"Nanodectes platycercus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jess Marsh",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"National Environmental Science Program (NESP)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"ALA",basisofrec:null,event_year:1977,longitude:136.85,latitude:-35.83333,species_id:189551007,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is listed as Endangered on the basis that, although the species is known from a single locality, it probably has a somewhat wider range on Kangaroo Island (with a maximum extent of occurrence estimated at around 2,000 km2), it is considered to occur at a single location, and the known locality was impacted by bush fires in 2019 and 2020. An expected increase in the frequency of fire and other extreme events, particularly drought, is likely to result in a continuing decline in the extent and quality of the species' habitat and the number of mature individuals should a population survive. It is possible that the species may already be extinct, but as it is known from a single collection in 1977 in an area subject to limited survey work an Extinct or Critically Endangered listing is considered overly precautionary.",geographicrange:'This species is endemic to Kangaroo Island off the coast of South Australia. It is known only from a single locality, 5 km northeast of Brigadoon Homestead, but the precise type locality is unknown (R. Glatz pers. comm. 2021), there has been limited survey work for this species elsewhere on the island and recent surveys have not detected it. It is likely that it occurs in several sites in western Kangaroo Island where vegetation is contiguous with that at the known locality, but many members of this genus appear to be "highly localized" (Rentz 1985). The known locality is below 200 m asl.',population:"This species has only been recorded from one locality, in December 1977 (Rentz 1985), and nothing is known of its population status. The known locality was burned in the 2019-2020 bushfires, and mortality in flightless katydids known to have been impacted by fire has been estimated to be in excess of 90% at localities subject to high intensity fire.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:'This species was collected from an open area, in a site which had been burned "a year or two prior to collection of the types" (Rentz 1985). Prior to the fire this area had been heathland; at the time of collection much of the heath had been lost but "stump sprouting and vigorous new growth" was observed, and grasses and annuals were abundant (Rentz 1985). Related species favour mallee health and mallee associations (Rentz 1985). It occurs in vegetation and ground litter, and it is unknown whether eggs are laid in the ground, in or on plants, or in crevices in wood or bark. Animals collected in early December 1997 as last-stage instars reached adulthood by the end of the same month (Rentz 1985). Related species are typically univoltine, hatching in late winter or spring and completing their life cycle with the onset of cold weather with a generation length of 6-7 months.',threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Additional surveys (including audio surveys using bat detectors, which are known to be effective for related species) are urgently needed to locate any extant population of this species and, if rediscovered, to obtain data on its ecology and to determine any habitat restoration needs. Awareness-raising of the needs of this and other invertebrate species should be undertaken, particularly to ensure that fire management practices take account of the needs of this species.",usetrade:"There is no known use of or trade in this species.",taxonid:189551007,scientific_name:"Nanodectes platycercus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ORTHOPTERA",family:"TETTIGONIIDAE",genus:"Nanodectes",main_common_name:"Kangaroo Island Shield-back",authority:"Rentz, 1985",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-08",category:"EN",criteria:"B1b(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Glatz, R.",reviewer:"Odé, B.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"4-2000",elevation_upper:200,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AU",country:"Australia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"3.4",habitat:"Shrubland - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"57506999",assessment_id:58341346,id_no:57506999,sci_name:"Engraulicypris bredoi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Vianny Natugonza; Laban Musinguzi",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:" GBIF.org (13 July 2020) GBIF Occurrence Download https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.w6hndw; NaFIRRI/National Fisheries Resources Research Institute",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2007,longitude:30.738733,latitude:1.2535,species_id:57506999,taxonomicnotes:'This species can easily be confused with Rastrineobola argentea, but differs on the number of lateral line scales, gill rakers on the first arch, and fewer anal fin rays.',rationale:"The catch per unit effort of this species, which is a index of population abundance, is suspected to reduce by at least 30% in the next 10 years, as has been observed in the past for other fisheries in the same lake (Mbabazi et al. 2012). This is because the species faces high levels of exploitation in Lake Albert and the delta, with no species-specific management plan in place. Environmental degradation due to oil and gas developments in the region, coupled with human activities in the catchment (Wandera and Balirwa 2010), may also diminish the extent/area of quality habitat, affecting the entire population. Therefore, this species is assessed as Vulnerable A3bcd.",geographicrange:"It is found in Lake Albert, including the delta of Murchison Nile.",population:"The population of this species has increased over the last decade as indicated by increase in catch per unit effort (CPUE), which is an index of population abundance, and is now relatively stable (NELSAP 2019). However, this species is increasingly becoming targeted by fisheries, and its population is projected to decline by at least 30% in the next 10 years due to intensive fishing.",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:"This species is benthopelagic and is common in surface zones of inshore waters.",threats:[{code:"3.1",title:"Oil & gas drilling",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.2",title:"Intentional use: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The species is increasingly becoming targeted by fisheries, but no specific management measures, such as maximum allowable catch or size of nets, are available to protect the species from overexploitation.",usetrade:"The species has emerged as a prominent commercial fishery on Lake Albert. Available data show that in 2012 about 78,000 tones of the species were harvested (Mbabazi et al. 2012), and by 2019, annual catches stood at 121,106 tones worth $32,084 (NELSAP 2019). The species is used both for human consumption and in animal feeds. The species is processed through sun drying, salting, and deep-frying, a post-harvest sector that is a major source of employment, especially for women around the lake. The Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan take the bulk of the deep-fried and sun-dried products, while domestic consumers and the animal feeds industry mainly take sun-dried products (Kolding et al. 2019).",taxonid:57506999,scientific_name:"Engraulicypris bredoi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"DANIONIDAE",genus:"Engraulicypris",main_common_name:null,authority:"Poll, 1945",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2021-02-17",category:"VU",criteria:"A3bcd",population_trend:"Stable",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Natugonza, V. & Musinguzi, L.",reviewer:"Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:"6744",eoo_km2:"7997",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CD",country:"Congo, The Democratic Republic of the",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"UG",country:"Uganda",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"177894388",assessment_id:177905390,id_no:177894388,sci_name:"Pericnemis muragbonita",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Villanueva & Dow 2020",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:124.88611,latitude:11.77528,species_id:177894388,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Pericnemis muragbonita is known only from three locations within a small area in Samar, the Philippines. It is not known for certain if it occurs in any protected area, but it might occur in the Sohoton Natural Bridge Natural Park. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data it is likely to be small. Moreover, its AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is also likely to be much smaller than 100 km². Significant threats exist throughout its known range, unfortunately even within the protected areas where it is likely to occur. The species is assessed as Critically Endangered under criterion B (CR B1ab(ii,iii)). It is to be hoped that future research on Samar will provide sufficient information on its occurrence in a wider range to reassess the species as Endangered.
",geographicrange:'Pericnemis muragbonita is known only from three locations within a small area in Samar, the Philippines (Villanueva and Dow 2020). It is not known for certain if it occurs in any protected area, but it might occur in the Sohoton Natural Bridge Natural Park. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data it is likely to be small. Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO), based on known collection data and calculated using GeoCAT (geocat.kew.org), is around 21 km²; its maximum EOO, based on a polygon around known occupied HydroBASINS, is 1,296 km². Its true EOO is likely to be much smaller than 100 km².
Virtually nothing has been recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it is forest-dependent. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for better protection of existing protected areas where it may occur, protection of additional areas of suitable habitat and for more information on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.The priorities for this species are for better protection of existing protected areas where it may occur, protection of additional areas of suitable habitat and for more information on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:177894388,scientific_name:"Pericnemis muragbonita",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Pericnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Villanueva & Dow, 2020",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-24",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"21-1296,21-100",elevation_upper:280,elevation_lower:100,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"139549557",assessment_id:146602335,id_no:139549557,sci_name:"Asthenocnemis linnaei",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Gassmann & Hämäläinen 2008",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1997,longitude:119.9913,latitude:10.5529,species_id:139549557,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Asthenocnemis linnaei is known only from the type series from two locations on Dumaran in the Philippines. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is believed to be less than 500 km², probably considerably less, and declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to deforestation and disturbance to what original forest remains on Dumaran. If the species is not already confined to a single threat defined location then its overall population will be severely fragmented. The species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and may need to be reassessed as Critically Endangered in the future if more populations are not found.
",geographicrange:"Asthenocnemis linnaei is known only from the type series from two locations on Dumaran in the Philippines (Gassmann and Hämäläinen 2008); the assessor has only been able to assign separate coordinates to one of these locations for mapping purposes. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However, the area of Dumaran is less than 800 km² and not all habitat will be suitable for this species, therefore the AOO can be safely assumed to be less than 500 km². If it is genuinely confined to Dumaran then the true AOO of the species will be considerably less than this since it is evident from satellite images that considerable deforestation has occurred on the island, leaving only scattered patches of original forest. The AOO is inferred to be declining since there is no reason to suppose that the deforestation is not ongoing. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is constrained by that of Dumaran and is therefore less than 800 km².
",population:"All that can be said about current population sizes for this species is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from the deforestation occurring on Dumaran and that if the species is not already confined to a single threat defined location (taking deforestation as the main threat) then the population will already be severely fragmented.All that can be said about current population sizes for this species is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from the deforestation occurring on Dumaran and that if the species is not already confined to a single threat defined location (taking deforestation as the main threat) then the population will already be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing was recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it will be forest-dependent. An ongoing decline in booth extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from loss of and disturbance to forest on Dumaran.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priority for this species is for protection of what forest remains on Dumaran Island. Searches for the species on Dumaran and in adjacent parts of Palawan are also needed. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139549557,scientific_name:"Asthenocnemis linnaei",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Asthenocnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Gassmann & Hämäläinen, 2008",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-06-21",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"10-500",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:150,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"161279834",assessment_id:168308196,id_no:161279834,sci_name:"Aloeides clarki",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"LepiMAP, ABRI",basisofrec:null,event_year:1979,longitude:25.63333321,latitude:-33.75,species_id:161279834,taxonomicnotes:"Species group in need of taxonomic revision.",rationale:"This is a range-restricted endemic species from the Port Elizabeth area of the Eastern Cape Province in South Africa (Extent of Occurrence 92 km2, Area of Occupancy 40 km2). There are four locations. Industrial development has already destroyed a number of subpopulations in the Aloes-Coega flats area. Further development of the area and airborne pollution remain a concern. Informal settlements are a future threat. The taxon thus qualifies globally under the IUCN criteria as Endangered under criterion B.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, from the Sundays River and Aloes-Coega area near Port Elizabeth.",population:"The population is declining.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs on dry, sandy and limestone ridges at an altitude of 30 m to 150 m.",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"9.5",title:"Air-borne pollutants",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.5.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"A special reserve for the butterfly has been established at Coega at a location named Butterfly Valley. Further research on this species may be beneficial.",usetrade:null,taxonid:161279834,scientific_name:"Aloeides clarki",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"LYCAENIDAE",genus:"Aloeides",main_common_name:"Coega Copper",authority:"Tite & Dickson, 1968",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-02-20",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Pringle, E.L.",reviewer:"Kirkman, S., Raimondo, D., Oberprieler, R.G. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"40",eoo_km2:"92",elevation_upper:150,elevation_lower:30,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"3.5",habitat:"Shrubland - Subtropical/Tropical Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"3.8",habitat:"Shrubland - Mediterranean-type Shrubby Vegetation",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"176145230",assessment_id:176145264,id_no:176145230,sci_name:"Bunocephalus chamaizelus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Calegari, B.B.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:-60.36780167,latitude:6.33920002,species_id:176145230,taxonomicnotes:"The species was considered by Mees (1989) under the name Dysichthys chamaizelus.",rationale:"The species has a restricted range in the Essequibo-Potaro and Cuyuni-Mazaruni basins. The best estimate of the extent of occurrence (EOO) is 21,956 km². The subpopulations of the lower Potaro, Kuribrong and Mazaruni rivers have been affected by a reduction in the area of occupancy (AOO) and in the extent and quality of habitat, inferred based on the gold mining activities and considering its habit of living in submerged foliage or buried in the sand of rivers. There are six locations based on this threat. However, not much is known about the population, how these impacts affect the species, and whether there are additional subpopulations in the tributaries of the Essequibo River basin. The EOO is close to meeting the B1 criterion threshold for Vulnerable (VU). There are six locations, meeting subcriterion a. There are continuing declines in the AOO and habitat quality and extent, meeting subcriteria b(ii,iii). Thus, Bunocephalus chamaizelus is assessed as Near Threatened (NT). Further research to investigate the status of its population is recommended, since the species is not well known, as well as being uncommon.",geographicrange:"Bunocephalus chamaizelus is known only from Guyana, and it seems to be restricted to Essequibo-Potaro basins, and to Cuyuni-Mazaruni River system, based on the specimens known from type material and scientific collections. The species is distributed in the Essequibo River basin, in the Potaro River, and Kuribrong River, and in Cuyuni-Mazaruni River system.
",population:"Bunocephalus chamaizelus seems to have a restricted range of distribution in Essequibo-Potaro and Cuyuni-Mazaruni basins. However, the population of this species is not well known, as well as it being uncommon, and so further research should be carried out to ensure it is not in decline. The subpopulations of the lower Potaro, and Kuribrong Rivers have been possibly affected by the reduction in the habitat quality, inferred based on the gold mining activities considering its habit of living in submerged foliage or buried in the sand of rivers. However, not much is known about the population, how these impacts affect the species, and whether there are additional subpopulations along the tributaries.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Bunocephalus chamaizelus inhabits large rivers to small creeks and rapid waters in cataract areas, and it is likely to live in submerged foliage or buried in the sand of rivers and creeks, a usual characteristic of the genus (Mees 1989). Very little is known about the general ecology of this species, but most aspredinids appear to be generalized omnivores including aquatic invertebrates, terrestrial insects and organic debris (Friel 2003), which is also expected for this species.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'There are no conservation measures in place, and further research is recommended to investigate the status of its population, since the species is not well known, as well as being uncommon. Additionally, it is recommended to monitor mining activities in the region to evaluate the impacts to the species.
',usetrade:"This species is not used or traded.
",taxonid:176145230,scientific_name:"Bunocephalus chamaizelus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"ASPREDINIDAE",genus:"Bunocephalus",main_common_name:"Banjo",authority:"Eigenmann, 1912",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-09-23",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Calegari, B.B.",reviewer:"Ballen, G.A. & Carvalho, T.P.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"10609-21956,21956",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GY",country:"Guyana",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"No"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"128725876",assessment_id:128725880,id_no:128725876,sci_name:"Schizothorax skarduensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Zoo Outreach Organization (ZOO)",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:75.467,latitude:35.439,species_id:128725876,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Schizothorax skarduensis is endemic to Pakistan where it is restricted to a single location in Indus River close to the city of Skardu. A high elevation species, the species is threatened by a range of stressors including increasing spells of drought, pollution and hydropower dams. There is also a threat to the habitats from disturbances as a result of military presence and conflicts. Being a single location species, these threats either individually or in synergy can push the species towards extinction if steps are not taken to protect the critical habitats. It is therefore assessed as Vulnerable based on D2.",geographicrange:"Schizothorax skarduensis is endemic to Pakistan where it is found in northern rivers and streams (Khan et al. 2018), including the Skardu District, Gilgit-Baltistan (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020).",population:"The population size and trend of this restricted species are unknown.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in cold water fast-flowing river with stone/rocky and sandy beds, turbid for most part of the year (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020). It is omnivorous and occurs between 2,000-3,000 m asl (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020).",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"6.2",title:"War, civil unrest & military exercises",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There is no information regarding conservation for this species.",usetrade:"It is caught as bycatch but there is no information on its use.",taxonid:128725876,scientific_name:"Schizothorax skarduensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"CYPRINIDAE",genus:"Schizothorax",main_common_name:null,authority:"Mirza & Awan, 1978",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-02-29",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rafique, M. & Daniels, A.",reviewer:"Molur, S. & Dahanukar, N.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:3e3,elevation_lower:2e3,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PK",country:"Pakistan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"9189",assessment_id:129986215,id_no:9189,sci_name:"Gila nigrescens",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. Contreras McBeath",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"T. Contreras McBeath 2014",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-108.08,latitude:30.30833333,species_id:9189,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'This species is listed as Vulnerable because its extent of occurrence is less than 20,000 km2, area of occupancy is apparently less than 500 km2, the species occurs in possibly not more than 10 locations, and distribution, abundance, and habitat quality/quantity are declining (probably at a rate of less than 30 percent over 10 years or three generations). The population size is unknown and the distribution may not be severely fragmented. The species may qualify as a threatened species under criterion A, but the current rate of decline is uncertain.Landonia latidens has been reported from the Guayas River drainage on the Pacific slope of Ecuador, and from the Piura River in northwestern Peru. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 19,510 km2. Total population size and population trend are unknown, but this species is uncommon in ichthyological collections and is anecdotally reported as uncommon in the Guayas River drainage. Continuing decline in habitat quality is inferred, based on the existence of several locally and regionally pervasive threats, including land-use change and pollution associated with urban, industrial, and agricultural development. However, few georeferenced collection records and uncertainty regarding the direct impact of existing threats prevent an accurate estimation of the number of threat-based locations where this species occurs. Therefore, L. latidens is assessed as Near Threatened under criterion B1ab(iii). Additional research regarding distribution, population size, population trend, and the impact of existing threats would be useful in clarifying the conservation status of this species.
",geographicrange:"Landonia latidens has been reported from the Guayas River drainage on the Pacific slope of Ecuador, and from the Piura River in northwestern Peru (Barriga 2012, Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015, Meza-Vargas et al. 2019). This species has not been detected in the Santa Rosa and Tumbes River drainages in southwestern Ecuador and northwestern Peru, respectively, despite recent ichthyological sampling in these drainages (Meza-Vargas et al. 2019). This species occurs an altitudinal range of 19-250 masl.
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 19,510 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around known georeferenced collection records (Meza-Vargas et al. 2019). Given uncertainties regarding the direct impact and scope of locally and regionally pervasive threats, the number of threat-based locations where this species occurs cannot be determined with accuracy.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. However, it is uncommon in ichthyological collections, and does not appear to be common in nature (Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015). This may be partially attributed to sampling bias, as the species occurs primarily in backwater habitat characterized by abundant vegetation, which makes capture difficult (R. Barriga pers. comm. 2021).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Landonia latidens is typically found in river backwaters (Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015). Maximum reported body size is 5.9 cm standard length (SL) (Eigenmann et al. 1914). Stomach content analysis yielded fish fin rays, scales that seemed to belong to small characins and filamentous algae, which indicates an omnivorous diet (Roberts 1973).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"11.4",title:"Storms & flooding",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards L. latidens. It is likely that range extends within the boundaries of privately managed protected areas, including Pedro Franco Dávila and Palenque protected forests (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020, P. Arguello pers. comm. 2021). More information regarding population size, population trend, and the direct impact of existing threats would be useful in clarifying the conservation status of this species.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:176669675,scientific_name:"Landonia latidens",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Landonia",main_common_name:"Cachuelas",authority:"Eigenmann & Henn, 1914",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-08-28",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Arguello, P., Barriga, R. & Escobar-Camacho, D.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"19510",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"EC",country:"Ecuador",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PE",country:"Peru",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"61172",assessment_id:148847246,id_no:61172,sci_name:"Tropheops modestus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Konings / SCUBA",basisofrec:"StillImage",event_year:2003,longitude:34.64357,latitude:-13.915109,species_id:61172,taxonomicnotes:"This species was previously known under the cheironym Pseudotropheus sp. 'Elongatus Bar' (Ribbink et al. 1983, Konings 1990). This species previously appeared on the IUCN Red List in the genus Pseudotropheus Regan, 1922 but is now valid in the genus Tropheops Trewavas, 1984.",rationale:"Endemic to the Nankumba Peninsula in Lake Malawi, the range is considered as a single location due to the potential impact of sedimentation, which could effect the entire population. It meets the area requirements under criterion B for Endangered. However, future declines in habitat quality or population size are possible but uncertain. The effects of increasing sedimentation on this species are unknown and it is, therefore, listed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi where it is restricted to the Maleri islands and Chidunga Rocks.",population:"Tropheops modestus is a common species within its distribution.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It occurs in sediment rich rocky habitats where it feeds on algae, which it picks from the rock surfaces. Territorial males are seen throughout the year and they defend their territories vigorously. In shallow waters solitary females may also defend a feeding territory. Spawning occurs inside the male's cave.",threats:[{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"It occurs mostly within the Lake Malawi National Park.",usetrade:"This species is not targeted by the ornamental fish trade.",taxonid:61172,scientific_name:"Tropheops modestus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Tropheops",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Johnson, 1974)",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-06-19",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A.",reviewer:"Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"175",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:"This errata assessment was created to add a point data map that was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.",amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MW",country:"Malawi",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2017",assess_year:"2006",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"60266",assessment_id:75435074,id_no:60266,sci_name:"Ischnura abyssinica",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling (2012). Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/ipt/resource.do?r=bf_cf21",basisofrec:null,event_year:2004,longitude:38.28468,latitude:9.01762,species_id:60266,taxonomicnotes:"Ischnura hilli was collected from the same locality as I. abyssinica. Full credit to the new synonymy is given in Clausnitzer and Dijkstra (2005).",rationale:"Ischnura abyssinica is endemic to Ethiopian highlands and has been recorded from a few sites. Most of the records are more than 70 years old and surveys are urgently needed, to check, whether the Ethiopian Bluetail still dwells there. The habitat are grassy streams and pools in highland meadows. This anthropogenic habitat is common in the Ethiopian highlands and the distant records suggests that the species is more widespread. Nevertheless this species is endemic to highlands in central Ethiopia and a decrease of the original area of occupancy is inferred due to intense agriculture and pollution of water, which will continue in the future with the fast growing population in Ethiopia, especially in the highland areas. Thus the species is listed as NT. With an ongoing population decline, it would meet the B1a and B2a(ii,iii) criteria.",geographicrange:"The species has been recorded from Highlands (2,000 m Asl) in north east (Lake Alemaya) and in central (highland meadow near, Adis Alem) Ethiopia.This species is found only in Agus and Linnamon Rivers, Mindanao, Philippines (Wood 1968). It has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 390 km2 and an area of occupancy (AOO) of 100 km2.
Agus River is the only outlet of Lake Lanao, the largest lake in Mindanao and the second largest in the Philippines. It drains water from the lake traversing Saguiaran, Pantar, and Baloi municipalities down to Iligan Bay, Iligan City (UPLB-DENR 2014). Its occurrence in Lake Lanao is questionable but possible. Past and recent surveys in Lake Lanao did not detect this species (Sanguila et al. 1975, Escudero et al. 1980, Escudero and Demoral 1983, Escudero 1995, Ismail et al. 2014, Torres 2018).
The species is mainly distributed in the Agus River. This river is not a protected area and is heavily used for hydroelectric plants. Research on distribution, population size and trend, life history and reproductive biology, threats, and use and trade of this species should be conducted.
',usetrade:"This species is used for food at the national level.",taxonid:70037432,scientific_name:"Barbodes umalii",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"CYPRINIDAE",genus:"Barbodes",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Wood, 1968)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-03-25",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Torres, A.G., Palla, H.P., Kesner-Reyes, K. & Leander, N.J.S.",reviewer:"Gonzalez, J.C.T.",aoo_km2:"100",eoo_km2:"390",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"125503739",assessment_id:125504237,id_no:125503739,sci_name:"Idiocnemis nigriventris",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"S.J. Richards",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"S.J. Richards",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Gassmann 2000",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:140.718,latitude:-2.534,species_id:125503739,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Idiocnemis nigriventris is known from only a small area around Jayapura, a town that has expanded rapidly since the species was discovered there. Although few data are available regarding this species' habitat requirements, distribution, population status and trends, it is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B2ab(iii) given its extremely small known range, where it is known from fewer than 10 locations, and the likelihood of ongoing declines in extent and quality of habitat due to the impacts of urban, industrial and agricultural expansion in the area. The known area of occupancy (AOO) for the species is at most 1,500 km². Documentation of additional populations remote from urban development, and within the forests protected within the Cyclops mountains Strict Nature Reserve, is urgently required.
No information is available about population size or trends for this species, however extensive habitat loss within its small range suggests that populations may be declining.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"The exact habitat requirements and ecology of Idiocnemis nigriventris are unknown. However, Kalkman and Orr (2013) report that damselflies in the genus Idiocnemis are 'found at small streams and seepage areas in forest.'",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no species-specific conservation actions in place for Idiocnemis nigriventris. Research is urgently needed to determine its habitat requirements, distribution, and population status and trends.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:125503739,scientific_name:"Idiocnemis nigriventris",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Idiocnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1937",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-04-26",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii,iv,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Richards, S.",reviewer:"Dow, R.A.",aoo_km2:"100-1499",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:400,elevation_lower:300,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"149114854",assessment_id:149122031,id_no:149114854,sci_name:"Odontostilbe dialeptura",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-83.066444,latitude:8.624444,species_id:149114854,taxonomicnotes:"Molecular data suggests that there are at least two distinct subpopulations that exhibit morphological differences. Additional research is needed to determine if these distinct subpopulations warrant species-level status. Changes to the current species concept would likely warrant reassessment.",rationale:"Odontostilbe dialeptura ranges from the Coto River drainage in Costa Rica to the Hato River drainage in Panama. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is limited. Population size and population trend are unknown. Existing threats are producing inferred continuous declines in habitat quality. However, the magnitude of potential impacts are unknown and therefore the number of locations where this species occurs cannot be determined with accuracy. Despite these uncertainties, O. dialeptura is assessed as Near Threatened under criterion B1b(iii) because additional information regarding the scope of threats is likely to qualify this species for a threatened category.",geographicrange:"This species is distributed on the Pacific versant of Central America, occurring from the Coto River drainage in Costa Rica to the Hato River drainage in Panama (Bussing 1998, Angulo et al. 2013). It may also occur in the Terraba River drainage, as one specimen is reported from the Osa Peninsula in southwestern Costa Rica (Monfredi 2012), but verification is needed. Elevation ranges from 20-80 meters above sea level (Bussing 1998).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 15,140 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced point records (GBIF 2019).",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in stagnant puddles, ditches, and creeks characterized by low to moderate velocity water and temperatures ranging between 22-35 °C. It feeds primarily on aufwuchs, algae, and seeds (Bussing 1998). Fertilization occurs internally (Burns et al. 1997).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no species-specific conservation actions directed towards O. dialeptura. This species likely occurs in at least one protected area, namely Fortuna Forest Reserve (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). Additional information regarding distribution, population size, population status, life history and ecology, and the scope and magnitude of existing threats would be useful in guiding future conservation outcomes.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:149114854,scientific_name:"Odontostilbe dialeptura",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Odontostilbe",main_common_name:"Pygmy Tetra",authority:"(Fink & Weitzman, 1974)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-04-11",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Angulo, A.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"15140",elevation_upper:80,elevation_lower:20,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"125986113",assessment_id:125986653,id_no:125986113,sci_name:"Limia yaguajali",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Rivas 1980",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:1949,longitude:-71.352443,latitude:19.471636,species_id:125986113,taxonomicnotes:"Even though some previous studies have treated Limia as one of the multiple subgenera in the genus Poecilia (Rosen and Bailey 1963, Meredith et al. 2010, Meredith et al. 2011), several other works have supported the generic classification for Limia (Rodriguez 1997, Hamilton 2001, Poeser 2003, Palacios et al. 2016, Weaver et al. 2016). Here we endorse the latter assessment that Limia should be considered a valid, separate genus.Limia yaguajali occurs in the Yaguajal, Cana, and Jamao al Norte rivers that drain the northern slope of the Dominican Republic. Additional records not yet confirmed from Riviere du Limbe at Limbe in northeastern Haiti may also be referred to this species. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 413 km2. The number of threat-based locations where this species is estimated to be 3-4, given documented occurrence in three major river drainages and the pervasive threat of competitive exclusion with invasive species that are likely to act on each drainage independently. It is known that L. yaguajali is sympatric with other introduced poeciliids (i.e. Poecilia reticulata and Xiphophorus hellerii), which probably compete with native ichthyofauna for resources. Recent surveys have failed to collect this species in the Yaguajal river (type locality). Instead invasive Poeciliid species were reported in this locality, which indicate that L. yaguajali has probably been extirpated from this location. Additional threats associated with anthropogenic activities have not been documented in detail, but may affect habitat quality on a regional scale. Given this scenario, it is possible to infer continuing decline in the number of mature individuals, and potentially in the number of subpopulations where this species occurs. Therefore, L. yaguajali is assessed as Endangered under criterion B1ab(iv,v).
Limia yaguajali is limited to tributary drainages in the northern Dominican Republic (Rivas 1980, Franz and Burgess 1983). A collection series from Riviere du Limbe at Limbe, Department du Nord, in northeastern Haiti may also be referred to this species (Rivas 1980). It has been reported specifically from the Yaguajal, Cana, and Jamao al Norte rivers (Rodríguez-Silva et al. 2020).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 413 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records reported by Rivas (1980) and Rodríguez-Silva et al. (2020). The number of threat-based locations where this species occurs is estimated to be 3-4, given documented occurrences in three major river drainages and the pervasive threat of competitive exclusion with invasive species that is likely to act on each drainage independently.
The total population size of this species is unknown. The original collection series is comprised of 32 juveniles, a total of 53 males, and 197 females (Rivas 1980). Recent collections failed to detect this species at the type locality (Yaguajal River) but it was collected at two other localities in sympatry with invasive livebearing fishes (Rodríguez-Silva et al. 2020). Therefore, population trend is inferred to be declining, given the likely loss of this species at the type locality.
This species occurs in small, shallow streams (2-3 m in width and 0.3 m in depth) characterized by abundant bank vegetation, water temperature ranging from 25.3-29.8 °C, conductivity ranging from 387-648 microS/cm, and substrates of gravel, rock, and mud (Rodríguez-Silva et al. 2020). The specific life history of this species has not been evaluated in detail (Lee et al. 1983). Maximum reported body size is 3.9 cm and 5.1 cm standard length (SL) in males and females, respectively (Lee et al. 1983).
There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards L. yaguajali. Additional ichthyological surveys are needed to clarify distribution, population size, population status, and persistence at the type locality. More field studies in the Yaguajal, Cana, and Jamao al Norte rivers and other streams associated with these river systems need to be done to clarify the extinction risk of this species.
There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:125986113,scientific_name:"Limia yaguajali",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Limia",main_common_name:"Yaguajal Limia",authority:"Rivas, 1980",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-05-22",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iv,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rodríguez-Silva, R., Rodriguez, C., Schlupp, I. & Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Torres-Pineda, P.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"413",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"DO",country:"Dominican Republic",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"157910046",assessment_id:157910319,id_no:157910046,sci_name:"Provanna muricata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-109.08300018,latitude:20.83329964,species_id:157910046,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise and Galápagos Rift in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from two restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2,450 m to 2,600 m bsl. The species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO), and has been found at only two locations, suggesting that it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. One of the two locations lies within two Marine Protected Areas (Menini and Van Dover 2019), however, the other exists in International Waters without any such protection. Whilst no licences have been granted to date, if mining were to be approved, the projected decline in the extent and quality of habitat would drive this species to CR very rapidly. We have therefore opted to assess the species as Near Threatened, however, an urgent reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements or to the status of the MPAs, whereby the assessment could increase to EN B2ab(iii).",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to two locations at hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise and Galápagos Rift in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,450 m bsl to 2,600 m bsl. Location 1 lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Mexico, whereas Location 2 occurs beyond national jurisdiction in International Waters. The species occurs at two hydrothermal vent fields in these locations: the EPR 21°N vent field (Location 1) and the Rose Garden vent field (Location 2) (Warén and Bouchet 1986, Warén and Bouchet 1991). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Warén and Bouchet 1986, Waren and Bouchet 1991).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,450 m to 2,600 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"One of the two locations, the EPR 21°N vent field, lies within the Hydrothermal Ventilation Sanctuary of the Guaymas Basin and the Eastern Pacific Ridge (Santuario Ventilas Hidrotermales de la Cuenca de Guaymas y de la Dorsal del Pacífico Oriental), established in 2009, where research and fisheries activities are regulated by the Mexican government (Menini and Van Dover 2019). This vent site is further surrounded by the Deep Mexican Pacific Biosphere Reserve (Reserva de la Biosfera Pacífico Mexicano Profundo), established in 2016 (Menini and Van Dover 2019). The exploitation of wildlife and mining in these areas is strictly prohibited. However, there are no conservation actions currently in place at the other location where this species is found, the Rose Garden vent field on the Galápagos Rift. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the East Pacific Rise and Galápagos Rift.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157910046,scientific_name:"Provanna muricata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"HYPSOGASTROPODA",family:"PROVANNIDAE",genus:"Provanna",main_common_name:null,authority:"Warén & Bouchet, 1986",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-09-23",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Hanson, N. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"6682",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:2450,depth_lower:2600,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"56091899",assessment_id:56717565,id_no:56091899,sci_name:"Garra mlapparaensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Dahanukar, N.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"India: Mlappara, Kerala",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Kurup and Radhakrishnan (2011)",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2002,longitude:77.113335,latitude:9.527571,species_id:56091899,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Garra mlapparaensis is assessed as Endangered due to its restricted distribution, occurring in only a single location in the Periyar River System of Kerala, with an Extent of Occurrence (EOO) of less than 2,000 km2 and habitat modifications due to floods caused by anthropogenic interferences including climate change that are causing a continuing decline in habitat quality.",geographicrange:"Garra mlapparaensis is currently known only from Mlappara, Periyar River, Kerala, India (Kurup and Radhakrishnan 2011). The species is present in a single location where the habitat is declining as an aftermath of recent floods with serious depletion of in-stream and riparian cover (Raghavan 2019, Viju 2019).",population:"There is no information regarding population status and trends for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The type series of the species was collected from the main river channel. The quality of the habitat is deteriorating as an aftermath of recent floods with serious depletion of in-stream and riparian cover (Raghavan 2019, Viju 2019).",threats:[{code:"11.4",title:"Storms & flooding",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No species specific conservation actions are in place for Garra mlapparaensis. The species is known from Periyar Tiger Reserve. Since the species is known only from its original description, research is essential to understand its population status, trends, distribution, ecology and species specific threats. Monitoring of population and habitat trends after the floods is essential.",usetrade:"There is no information on use and trade of this species.",taxonid:56091899,scientific_name:"Garra mlapparaensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"CYPRINIDAE",genus:"Garra",main_common_name:"Mlappara Stone Sucker",authority:"Madhusoodana Kurup & Radhakrishnan, 2011",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2021-03-27",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Dahanukar, N.",reviewer:"Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"1092",eoo_km2:"1598",elevation_upper:835,elevation_lower:835,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"IN",country:"India",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2021",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"139069649",assessment_id:139118448,id_no:139069649,sci_name:"Heliaeschna bartelsi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Dow et al 2019",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2009,longitude:113.1185,latitude:2.9391,species_id:139069649,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Heliaeschna bartelsi is known from three locations in the west of Borneo and south of Sumatra, only one record is recent. All that is known of its habitat requirements is that it occurs in lowland forest; there has been very extensive loss of lowland forest throughout the range of the species. Even when more information becomes available it is unlikely that this scarce species will be judged as Least Concern, so a Data Deficient assessment is not suitable now. It is therefore assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2 because only three locations are known.
",geographicrange:"Heliaeschna bartelsi is known from Borneo and Sumatra. It was described from specimens from West Kalimantan (two without specific location) and the south of Sumatra (Lieftinck 1940) and later recorded from one location in Sarawak (Dow et al. 2019). Only three locations to which it is possible to assign coordinates are known and only the record from Sarawak is recent. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data.",population:"There is insufficient information on this species to make any statement on current population sizes and health except that some decline in overall population is inferred from loss of lowland forest across the known range of the species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"All that is known is that the species occurs in lowland forest.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution, habitat requirements and ecology of this species are urgently needed. Within areas being converted to plantation, the survival prospects of the species would be likely to be increased by good conservation practices, such as leaving wide buffers of original forest around streams and the setting up of conservation areas consisting of original forest. In Malaysia the strict enforcement of existing regulations for plantations and for logging activities would also be highly beneficial.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139069649,scientific_name:"Heliaeschna bartelsi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"AESHNIDAE",genus:"Heliaeschna",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1940",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-05-13",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:200,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"187069",assessment_id:1822654,id_no:187069,sci_name:"Austrolebias gymnoventris",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Loureiro, M.",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-54.76620102,latitude:-33.82960129,species_id:187069,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Annual fishes occur in seasonal temporary ponds, which can be found within a matrix of wetlands. The estimated area of occupancy (AOO) is 56 km2. Threats correspond not only to those in close proximity to the habitat, but also those that are present in the same hydrological basin (especially those upstream), including soy and rice crops, intense Eucalyptus spp. plantations, and harvesting for the pet trade. There are three locations and continuing decline in extent of occurrence (EOO), AOO, and habitat based on these threats. Therefore, this species is assessed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species occurs in seasonal wetlands of south-western laguna Merin basin in Uruguay and Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul), which is part of the Lagoa dos Patos freshwater ecoregion according to Abell et al. (2008).Sinhalestes orientalis is endemic to Sri Lanka where it has a restricted range in the central highlands. At Rambodde, the isolated type locality, the species has not been observed for 160 years and it cannot be considered to be present there any more. Although the assessors are aware of records from 17 individual sites many of these are close to one another so that they only constitute at most five threat-defined locations (taking deforestation as the main threat and excluding the type location). The majority of the recently known locations are in the Adam’s Peak area, which is protected but under pressure from the volume of pilgrims visiting every year. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is small (likely much smaller than 500 km²). Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 21–4,103 km². The overall population is clearly severely fragmented. This species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)).
',geographicrange:'Sinhalestes orientalis is endemic to Sri Lanka (Bedjanič et al. 2014, Sumanapala 2017, unpub. data). It is a “restricted range species found only in the sub-montane and montane areas of Adam’s Peak Mountain range” Sumanapala (2017: 53). At Rambodde, the isolated type locality, the species has not been observed for 160 years, and it cannot be considered to be present there any more. Although the assessors are aware of records from 17 individual sites many of these are close to one another so that they only constitute at most five threat-defined locations (taking deforestation as the main threat). The majority of the recently known locations are in the Adam’s Peak area, which is protected (but see the Threats section). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible, but with the available data it will be small, well below 500 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 21 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points, excluding the area where this species is now possibly extinct); its maximum EOO is 4,103 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species, again excluding the area where this species is now possibly extinct).
This is a scarce and locally occurring species. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species “inhabits small to medium, slow flowing mountain streams with dense riparian vegetation. Adults are found in or close to sun lit areas of the stream” Sumanapala (2017), it is only found in forested areas. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"6.3",title:"Work & other activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:59773,scientific_name:"Sinhalestes orientalis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"LESTIDAE",genus:"Sinhalestes",main_common_name:"Emerald Sri Lanka Spreadwing",authority:"(Hagen, 1862)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-08-02",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"32-500",eoo_km2:"21-4103",elevation_upper:1700,elevation_lower:900,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"125987809",assessment_id:125987886,id_no:125987809,sci_name:"Nandopsis ramsdeni",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2020 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.n9b834",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:0,longitude:-75.259007,latitude:20.026724,species_id:125987809,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Nandopsis ramsdeni is restricted to the Guantánamo River drainage and its tributaries in southeastern Cuba. Area of Occupancy is estimated to be 323 km2 and Extent of Occurrence is estimated to be 1,366 km2. Total population size is unknown. Population trend is suspected to be in decline due to the impacts of invasive species, declines in habitat quality and availability, and continuing fisheries pressure. However, the rate of population decline requires additional research. Additional continuing loss in the number of subpopulations is inferred, based on recently reported localized extirpation at one historic locality. Subpopulations are considered severely fragmented, based on documented evidence of habitat fragmentation, restriction to upstream catchments, and a disjunct distribution. As such, N. ramsdeni is assessed as Endangered under criteria B1ab(iii,iv)+2ab(iii,iv). Recommended conservation actions include habitat and population monitoring and protection, ex-situ culture, and education and awareness campaigns.
",geographicrange:"Nandopsis ramsdeni is endemic to Cuba, where it is restricted to the Guantánamo River drainage and its tributaries in the southeastern portion of the country (Ponce de León García et al. 2012). It has been specifically reported from the Guaso, Yateras, Bayate, and Toa rivers (Ponce de León García et al. 2012). Recent ichthyological surveys have also identified a population of N. ramsdeni in Mano and el Pantalón reservoirs in Gibara, Holguín Province (Vega-Torres et al. 2017), which likely represent translocated subpopulations that can be attributed to earlier introduction efforts.
Area of Occupancy (AOO) was estimated by Begué-Quiala et al. (2018) to be approximately 323 km2, in contrast to a lower estimated AOO by Ponce de León García et al. (2012). Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 1,366 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around reported georeferenced collection localities (Ponce de León García et al. 2012, GBIF 2020).
",population:"The total population size of this species is unknown. Population trend is inferred to be in decline based on the total loss of at least one subpopulation (Arroyo Hondo) due to the introduction of the piscivorous Clarias gariepinus and sustained fishery pressure over a 14 year time period (Begué-Quiala et al. 2018). However, the rate of decline is unknown. Surveys of local communities and subsistence fisherfolk suggest that subpopulations in the Bayate, Achotal, Guaso, Guantánamo and Jaibo rivers are relatively small, and are restricted to the upper reaches of those systems (Begué-Quiala et al. 2018).
The largest and most important subpopulation occurs within the boundaries of Cuchillas del Toa Biosphere Reserve, where this species was present at approximately 72.5% of 317 sampled localities (Begué-Quiala et al. 2018). Subpopulations are considered severely fragmented by Ponce de León García et al. (2012), based on the disjunct distribution that this species exhibits, and apparent restriction to higher-elevation streams and rivers.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is a benthopelagic tropical fish found in freshwater rivers in eastern Cuba (Kullander 2003). It is restricted to freshwaters, where it typically occurs in holes along the banks of river channels and in marginal bank habitat (Ponce de León García et al. 2012). Habitat is characterized by clear, slowly flowing water at temperatures as low as 20 C (Ponce de León García et al. 2012), typically over rocky substratum (Begué-Quiala et al. 2018). Eggs are laid in freshly excavated redds, where adults defend and care for young (Ponce de León García et al. 2012). Diet is comprised primarily of detritus and algae, which is captured by sifting fine substrate through gill rakers (Říčan et al. 2016).This species reaches a maximum reported length of 29 cm (Ponce de León García et al. 2012).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Clarias gariepinus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Clarias gariepinus"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Cyprinus carpio)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Cyprinus carpio"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis aureus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Oreochromis aureus"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Poecilia reticulata)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Poecilia reticulata"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Clarias gariepinus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Clarias gariepinus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Cyprinus carpio)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Cyprinus carpio"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis aureus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Oreochromis aureus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Poecilia reticulata)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Poecilia reticulata"},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species is classified as Endangered (EN) on the Cuban National Red List of Vertebrates (Ponce de León García et al. 2012). The largest subpopulation occurs within Cuchillas del Toa Biosphere Reserve (Begué-Quiala et al. 2018), which has likely provided indirect protection against habitat loss within protected area boundaries. Recommended conservation actions include habitat and population management, ex-situ conservation, and environmental education campaigns to prevent further declines in population status or habitat availability (Ponce de León García et al. 2012, Begué-Quiala et al. 2018).
Between 1939 and 1940, approximately 4,000 individuals were introduced into several localities throughout Cuba, though there are no reports of successful establishment outside of eastern Cuba, aside from recent reports of translocated subpopulations in two artificial reservoirs in the municipality of Gibara (Ponce de León García et al. 2012, Vega-Torres et al. 2017).
",usetrade:"This species is utilized in subsistence fisheries (Ponce de León García et al. 2012, Reynaldo et al. 2016). Fishing pressure is cited as an influential factor in the decline of this species at one locality where it has been extirpated (Begué-Quiala et al. 2018), and is suspected to be a contributing factor to decline throughout much of its remaining range.
This species first appeared in the ornamental market after its original export to Germany in 1995 (Werner 2013). However, the number of individuals in trade is likely to be low, and captive trade is most probably supplied by captive aquaculture.
",taxonid:125987809,scientific_name:"Nandopsis ramsdeni",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Nandopsis",main_common_name:"Joturo",authority:"(Fowler, 1938)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-04-06",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii,iv)+2ab(iii,iv)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J. & Rodríguez-Machado, S.",reviewer:"Ponce de León, J. & García-Machado, E.",aoo_km2:"28-323",eoo_km2:"1366",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CU",country:"Cuba",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"169384",assessment_id:161824383,id_no:169384,sci_name:"Cynodonichthys kuelpmanni",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2019 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.rs6amw",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:1998,longitude:-82.17,latitude:8.88,species_id:169384,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Cynodonichthys keulpmanni is known only from its type locality from the foot of the Cordillera Central, 20 km from the town of Punta Peña in Bocas del Toro Province, Panama. Based on these limited georeferenced collection records, Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, and the species is currently known only from one threat-based location. Existing threats include extensive banana and teak plantation agriculture, cattle ranching, oil pipeline development, mining activities, and future hydropower development. Despite uncertainties regarding the scope and magnitude of these threats, they continue to produce inferred declines in habitat quality and availability. Therefore, C. kuelpmanni is assessed as Critically Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii). Additional research regarding distribution, population size, population status, and the direct impact of threats is urgently needed to clarify the extinction risk of this species.
",geographicrange:"Cynodonichthys keulpmanni is only known from its type locality from the foot of the Cordillera Central at an elevation of approximately 200 meters above sea level, 20 km from the town of Punta Peña in Bocas del Toro Province, Panama (Reis et al. 2003, GBIF 2019).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, based on a very limited number of georeferenced ichthyological collections (GBIF 2019). This species occurs in one known location, based on the presence of existing threats that are likely to impact the taxon on a range-wide scale (McLarney et al. 2010, Seeman et al. 2014, Graniero et al. 2016, Libby 2018).
Additional ichthyological surveys may reveal range extensions in adjacent areas within the Bocas biogeographical province (Smith and Bermingham 2005), and are likely to reveal a range extension similar to that of C. birkhahni (J. Ambruster pers. comm. 2019, R. González pers. comm. 2019).
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This amphibious, non-annual killifish occurs in small, clear streams and rivers. Eggs exhibit delayed hatching in response to desiccation (Varela-Lasheras and Van Dooren 2014). This species reaches a maximum reported body size of 6 cm total length (TL) (Reis et al. 2003).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.1",title:"Oil spills",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards C. kuelpmanni. This species has not been reported within the boundaries of any protected areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). Additional ichthyological surveys are urgently needed to determine the range extent of this species. Additionally, more information regarding population size, population trend, and the impacts of potentially pervasive threats in the region is needed. Site protection is recommended.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:169384,scientific_name:"Cynodonichthys kuelpmanni",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Cynodonichthys",main_common_name:"Olomina",authority:"(Berkenkamp & Etzel, 1993)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-09-24",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J., Snoeks, J., Lalèyè, P. & Contreras MacBeath, T.",reviewer:"Armbruster, J.W. & González, R.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"}]},{id:"53876023",assessment_id:161824554,id_no:53876023,sci_name:"Cynodonichthys rubripunctatus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2019 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.0xfmpv, Angulo Arturo 2019",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:1971,longitude:-82.81365967,latitude:9.74861145,species_id:53876023,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is distributed on the Atlantic slope of Central America from the Sixaola River drainage in Cost Rica southward to Chiriqui in western Panama. Extent of Occurrence is estimated to be 1056 km2, based on a restricted number of georeferenced collection records. A number of regionally pervasive threats are present in the Sixaola River drainage and the Bocas del Toro region, including widespread pesticide pollution resulting from extensive non-point agricultural runoff, water quality deterioration resulting from raw sewage discharge around rural communities, and potential habitat loss resulting from cattle ranching, road construction, and developing tourism. Pesticide pollution is a major pervasive threat that is likely to affect habitat quality broadly, and therefore the number of locations where this species occurs is inferred to be between 2-5. Despite uncertainties regarding range extent, population status, and the scope, magnitude, and direct impacts of major pervasive threats, there has been an inferred decline in the quality of available habitat, and documented evidence of fish kills in parts of the Sixaola River drainage. Therefore, this species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii,v).",geographicrange:"Cynodonichthys rubripunctatus is distributed on the Atlantic slope of Central America from the Sixaola River drainage in Cost Rica, southward to Chiriqui in western Panama (Bussing 1998, Smith and Bermingham 2005, Angulo et al. 2013). Elevation distribution ranges from 2-40 meters above sea level (Angulo et al. 2013). The type locality is a small pond 0.5 km southwest of Puerto Vargas outside the town of Cahuita in Limón Province, Costa Rica (Angulo et al. 2015).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 1,056 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around a very limited number of georeferenced collection records.
Additional ichthyological sampling may result in a larger calculated EOO, given the Sixaola River drainage covers a surface area of approximately 2,700 km2 (Polidoro and Morra 2016). However, increases in EOO resulting from additional ichthyological sampling are unlikely to exceed 5,000 km2.
",population:"The total population size of this species is unknown. It is reportedly uncommon in the Sixaola River drainage (Bussing 1998). Museum collections of this species are scarce, with 245 specimens in ten distinct lots held at the University of Costa Rica (Angulo et al. 2015). Population trend is suspected to be declining, given recently reported mass mortality events in the Sixaola River, which are unlikely to cease unless the existing threats of pesticide and herbicide runoff are mitigated (Polidoro and Morra 2016).
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This freshwater, non-seasonal killifish utilizes swamps, ditches, and slow moving waters of brooks and creeks in southeastern Costa Rica and western Panama (Bussing 1998). Diet is comprised primarily of aquatic and terrestrial insects (Bussing 1998). This species is probably physiologically adapted to dispose of nitrogenous waste during periods of temporary emersion (Livingston et al. 2016). Maximum reported body size is 6.5 cm total length (TL) (Bussing 1998).
",threats:[{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards C. rubripunctatus. The distribution of this species probably extends into Gandoca Manzanillo National Wildlife Refuge (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019), although no georeferenced collection records have been taken within the park boundaries.
Additional information regarding distribution, population size, population trend, biology and ecology, and the scope, magnitude, and direct impact of major pervasive threats to this species are research priorities. Population monitoring and site protection may be warranted.
",usetrade:"This species is occasionally found within the ornamental aquarium trade, but the annual volume of harvest from wild populations is unknown.
",taxonid:53876023,scientific_name:"Cynodonichthys rubripunctatus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Cynodonichthys",main_common_name:"Olomina",authority:"(Bussing, 1980)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-09-13",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J. & Angulo, A.",reviewer:"Contreras MacBeath, T.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"1056",elevation_upper:40,elevation_lower:2,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"176424725",assessment_id:176424737,id_no:176424725,sci_name:"Bryconamericus agna",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jorge Liotta",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Azpelicueta et al., 2005",basisofrec:null,event_year:2005,longitude:-55.033333,latitude:-27.05,species_id:176424725,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Bryconamericus agna is assessed as Endangered. It has a limited distribution in two creeks (Tabay and Cuñá Pirú), tributaries of Paraná river in Misiones, with an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 4,843 km2, and an area of occupancy (AOO) best estimated at under 500 km2. Both creeks are outside protected areas, and they suffer threats primarily derived from deforestation and agrochemicals from tea, yerba mate and tobacco crops. There are two locations based on these threats. Fuchs (2014) proposed that this species is a junior synonym of Bryconamericus sylvicola, so further taxonomic research is recommended.",geographicrange:"Bryconamericus agna is known from Tabay stream (Azpelicueta and Almirón 2001) and Cuña Pirú stream (Azpelicueta et al. 2005). Both are affluents of Paraná river basin in Misiones, Argentina.",population:"There is no population estimate for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"In the river systems of Misiones, the marginal vegetation constitutes a very narrow strip forming a gallery forest along the rivers, which includes several species of jungle trees. This vegetation contributes to the structure of the fish community by representing a food resource and favourable conditions for spawning and progress (Flores et al. 2020). These rivers are stony-bottomed, clear waters and fast current, with waterfalls of different heights (Araya et al. 2013). The climate on the mountain ridge in Aristóbulo del Valle, near both sites of B. agna, is classified as warm and temperate. There is significant rainfall throughout the year in this area (average per year is 1678 mm), and even the month with lowest precipitation, August, still has a considerable amount of rain (111 mm). The lowest precipitation months are July, August, and September, but the driest period and lowest water levels are in December, January, and February due to the marked seasonal change in temperature. The peaks in precipitation occur in May and October. The annual average temperature is 19.1ºC, with 23.9ºC monthly average temperature in January and 14.3ºC in June. Water level in the stream can have important changes. Water turbidity is variable among the year with peaks of turbidity after rains and increases in water visibility the rest of the year (Alonso et al. 2019). It occurs in a small, clear fast flowing stream with a rock and sand bed, and vegetated margins (Miquelarena et al. 2002).",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'It has been assessed as "Rara" (Chebez et al. 2009). Cuña-Pirú creek is moderately protected by the homonymous reserve (Araya 2017), and also the middle basin of this stream is partially protected, as it passes through the Salto Encantado Provincial Park and Cultural Reserve of the Cuña-Pirú Valley, the Cuña-Pirú Private Reserve and the Cuña-Pirú Municipal Ecological Reserve (Azpelicueta et al. 2005). However, the localities of Bryconamericus agna in this basin are outside of these protected areas. In Tabay basin, there is no protection for this species. Fuchs (2014) proposed that this species is a junior synonym of Bryconamericus sylvicola, and so further taxonomic research is recommended.',usetrade:"There is no use or trade information for this species.",taxonid:176424725,scientific_name:"Bryconamericus agna",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Bryconamericus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Azpelicueta & Almirón, 2001",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-11-28",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Liotta, J. & Fuchs, D.V.",reviewer:"Lyons, T.J.",aoo_km2:"8-4612,8-499",eoo_km2:"4843",elevation_upper:200,elevation_lower:150,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AR",country:"Argentina",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"197808",assessment_id:139140114,id_no:197808,sci_name:"Caridina holthuisi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"K. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"K. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Sulawesi",tax_comm:null,source:"von Rintelen K., and Y. Cai. 2009. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 57(2):343-452. URL: http://lkcnhm.nus.edu.sg/nus/pdf/PUBLICATION/Raffles%20Bulletin%20of%20Zoology/Past%20Volumes/RBZ%2057(2)/57rbz343-452.pdf",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2002,longitude:121.2595,latitude:-2.4743,species_id:197808,taxonomicnotes:"Populations of Caridina holthuisi appear in two allopatric clades, with one in Lake Matano, Petea River and Lake Mahalona and the other in Lake Towuti. No morphological differences have been observed so far. The existence of two cryptic species is therefore likely.",rationale:"This species is endemic to the Malili Lake system (Sulawesi), occurring in three inter-connected lakes (Towuti, Mahalona, Matano) with an estimated extent of occurrence (EOO) of 1,290 km2 and a total of 2 locations. This species is thought be experiencing population declines in Lake Matano due to the impact of invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.), as no specimens of this species were found in 2017 at one site where it was abundant in 2013. As Flowerhorn Cichlids have had a direct impact on this species in Lake Matano and their presence in the River Petea and spread to remaining Malili lakes and rivers is almost certain, they are predicted to cause a population decline in this species of 50-80% within the next 10 years (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). As such the species is considered Endangered under criteria A3e; B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v).
",geographicrange:'The species is endemic to the Malili Lake system in Sulawesi and occurs in all three connected lakes, Matano (161 km2), Towuti (561 km2), and Mahalona (24 km2) as well as in the Petea River (von Rintelen and Cai 2009). It has an estimated extent of occurrence (EOO) of 1290 km2.
',population:"Populations of Caridina holthuisi appear in two allopatric clades, with one in Lake Matano, Petea River and Lake Mahalona and the other in Lake Towuti. No morphological differences have been observed so far and the existence of two cryptic species is therefore likely. This species is thought be experiencing population declines in Lake Matano due to the impact of invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.), as no specimens were found in 2017 at one site where it was abundant in 2013. It appears however to be the only Cardinia species that has persisted in this lake (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2018). Based on this decline and the spread of Flowerhorn Cichlids in the Malili lakes, an overall population decline of 50-80% is predicted over the next 10 years (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018), although more reliable data from Lake Matano is needed for an exact estimate. Flowerhorn Cichlids have now been confirmed in the downstream Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obs. 2018) and are assumed, therefore, to also occur in River Petea, which connects Lake Matano and Mahalona. If not already present in Lake Towuti, they will soon spread downstream to the lake, as River Tominanga connecting these two lakes is much less of a barrier than the river between Lakes Matano and Mahalona, and are predicted to cause population declines similar to those seen in Lake Matano populations.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This is a soft substrate species that is mainly found under decaying leaves in the leaf litter and also sometimes on macrophytes.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'No conservation plans are currently in place for this species, but protection and management of its known localities is needed along with invasive species control. Research is also needed into the population dynamics, ecology and the threats to this species.
',usetrade:'Caridina holthuisi is available in the aquarium trade.
',taxonid:197808,scientific_name:"Caridina holthuisi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"MALACOSTRACA",order:"DECAPODA",family:"ATYIDAE",genus:"Caridina",main_common_name:"Matano Tiger",authority:"von Rintelen & Cai, 2009",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-12-06",category:"EN",criteria:"A3e; B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"von Rintelen, K., Wowor, D. & Klotz, W.",reviewer:"De Grave, S.",aoo_km2:"64",eoo_km2:"1290",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2013",assess_year:"2011",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"139568078",assessment_id:146602625,id_no:139568078,sci_name:"Drepanosticta megametta",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Cowley 1936",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:125.495,latitude:9.789,species_id:139568078,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Drepanosticta megametta is known from four locations in Dinagat and Mindanao in the Philippines. Threats exist across the range of the species and the overall population is believed to be severely fragmented. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and with the available data is less than 500 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) calculated is considerably less than 5,000 km². The species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B1ab(ii,iii) and B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly.
",geographicrange:"Drepanosticta megametta is known from Dinagat and Mindanao in the Philippines (Cowley 1936, Villanueva 2009; the assessor also has unpublished data). The assessor is aware of records from four locations, none of which appear to be in protected areas. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and with the available data is less than 500 km², probably by a considerable margin. The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. The extent of occurrence (EOO) is somewhere between 555 and 2,922 km² (based on the area within a minimum convex polygon around the known localities and around the occupied HydroBASIN areas).
",population:"Few specimens of this species have ever been recorded. Beyond this all that can be said with the available data is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species and that severe fragmentation is almost certain for the main reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This is a species of small forest streams. Villanueva (2009) recorded single males from each of two sites affected by mining, however this does not demonstrate that the species is tolerant to this form of disturbance since these individuals might have represented the last traces of a declining population. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for protection of habitat where it occurs and for more information on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139568078,scientific_name:"Drepanosticta megametta",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Drepanosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Cowley, 1936",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-16",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"20-500",eoo_km2:"555-2922",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"6331",assessment_id:168301470,id_no:6331,sci_name:"Deloneura immaculata",presence:5,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extinct",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"LepiMAP, SAM-LEP",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:28.60000038,latitude:-32.04999924,species_id:6331,taxonomicnotes:'Deloneura belongs in the tribe Pentilini not Liptenini. Subtribes are no longer used in the subfamily Poritiinae, so the name Durbaniina should be deleted. Deloneura is not divided into subgenera. The type locality of D. immaculata is "Bashee River, Kaffraria [Eastern Cape Province, South Africa]".',rationale:'This was an endemic species from the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. It was only recorded from three females captured by Colonel J.H. Bowker near "Fort Bowker" ... "at the end of December 1863". Numerous undocumented surveys for this taxon, by a number of butterfly collectors over the last century, have been unsuccessful. The taxon thus is listed as Extinct.',geographicrange:"This species was endemic to the Eastern Cape Province in South Africa, recorded only from a single, fairly remote and obscure locality near Fort Bowker overlooking the Mbashe River.",population:"The taxon is extinct.",populationtrend:null,habitat:"The area where this species occurred was described as a wooded area along the steep banks of the Mbashe River in the present Eastern Cape Province in riverine forest. This is possibly in the ecotone between what is now referred to as Eastern Valley Bushveld (of the Sub-Escarpment Savanna Bioregion) and Mthatha Moist Grassland (of the Sub-Escarpment Grassland Bioregion).",threats:[],conservationmeasures:"No conservation actions recommended (taxon is extinct).",usetrade:null,taxonid:6331,scientific_name:"Deloneura immaculata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"LYCAENIDAE",genus:"Deloneura",main_common_name:"Bashee River Buff",authority:"Trimen, 1868",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-02-20",category:"EX",criteria:null,population_trend:null,marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Williams, M.C.",reviewer:"Kirkman, S., Raimondo, D., Oberprieler, R.G. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"0",eoo_km2:"0",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extinct Post-1500",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Regionally Extinct"}],habitats:[{code:"1.5",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"2.1",habitat:"Savanna - Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"EX",category:"Extinct"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"EX",category:"Extinct"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"Ex",category:"Extinct"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"Ex?",category:"Extinct?"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"Ex?",category:"Extinct?"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"Ex?",category:"Extinct?"}]},{id:"158035930",assessment_id:158038973,id_no:158035930,sci_name:"Agriomorpha xinglongensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Viola Clausnitzer",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:109.471409,latitude:18.984335,species_id:158035930,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Agriomorpha xinglongensis is endemic to Hainan Island, China. The assessor is aware of records from seven sites in upland areas of central and southeastern Hainan, including in Wuzhishan and Yinggeling national nature reserves. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is unknown, but it is unlikely to be declining significantly, based on the known distributional information; however, surveys in unprotected areas of Hainan have been limited. Its current known extent of occurrence (EOO) is 688–2,205 km², which is small enough to meet the criterion B1 threshold for Endangered; however, it is known from more than five locations (seven locations are currently known), so it cannot be placed in the EN category. If the AOO or extent or quality of suitable habitat were known to be declining, it would qualify for Vulnerable under criterion B1. However, since it is not certain that either the AOO or the quality or extent of suitable habitat is declining, this species is best assessed as Near Threatened (nearly meets VU B1ab(iii)).
",geographicrange:'Agriomorpha xinglongensis is endemic to Hainan Island, China. The assessor is aware of records from seven sites in upland areas of central and southeastern Hainan, including in Wuzhishan (three localities; Reels 2010) and Yinggeling (two localities; Reels, 2010, 2013) national nature reserves, in addition to Tongtielin (Wilson and Reels 2001) and Xiaonanning (Reels 2010). Its area of occupancy (AOO) is unknown, but is unlikely to be declining significantly, based on the known distributional information. However, surveys in unprotected areas of Hainan have been limited. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO), based on the known collection records (and calculated using GeoCAT), is 688 km². Its maximum EOO, based on the extent of HydroBASINS the known records are from, is 2,205 km².
This species can be moderately common where it occurs, but it is never found in large numbers at any site. Some fragmentation of the population inevitable owing to agriculture and urban development in lowlands and on lower hillsides between forested upland areas. Current population trend unknown, but the population now is unlikely to be declining significantly because mainly occurring in protected areas (but surveys in unprotected areas have been limited).
',populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs at or near to seeps, trickles and small streams in forest (Reels and Zhang 2015). Extent and quality of suitable habitat unlikely to be declining at the locations from which the species is known, most of which are in protected areas.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More information on the distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance of this species is needed. In particular, since surveys for Odonata in unprotected areas of Hainan have been limited, additional surveys outside of protected areas are needed to compliment the available information.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:158035930,scientific_name:"Agriomorpha xinglongensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"RHIPIDOLESTIDAE",genus:"Agriomorpha",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Wilson & Reels, 2001)",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-09-28",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Reels, G.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"688-2205",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CN",country:"China",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"196174807",assessment_id:196182510,id_no:196174807,sci_name:"Keyacris scurra",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jess Marsh",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"University of Melbourne, National Environmental Science Program (NESP)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"ALA",basisofrec:null,event_year:1963,longitude:149.0186,latitude:-34.9698,species_id:196174807,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is listed as Endangered on the basis that it has an estimated area of occupancy based on known records of 124 km2, and a true area of occupancy unlikely to be substantially greater, it occurs as a severely fragmented population and there is a continuing decline in the extent and quality of its remaining native grassland habitat resulting primarily from agricultural and urban development, with additional threats identified from fire, climate change, and grazing by herbivores. The species has undergone documented site losses and is considered to be undergoing a continuing decline in the number of subpopulations and area of occupancy, and by inference a decline in the number of mature individuals, which might be at a rate in excess of 30% per decade.",geographicrange:'This species is endemic to Australia, where it is presently known from the Omeo area of Victoria (but was previously more widespread in this state), much of the Australian Capital Territory and in grassy woodlands of the New South Wales around and on the western slopes of the Great Dividing Range. It ranges as far north at Orange and south to Jindabyne (though not at high altitude) and out to Goulburn. The species is unlikely to occur at many more localities than are presently known to survive, due to the scarcity of native grassland with "a suitable disturbance history" (NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee 2020), and potentially suitable sites within its range have been subjected to targeted survey effort. It occurs below 1,000 m asl.',population:"It can be quite abundant where habitat is suitable. It has been declining as a result of habitat conversion to agricultural use, and the population is considered severely fragmented in remnant grassland patches. NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee (2020) infer a mean rate of decline of 25.4% per 10 year period from the rate of site losses recorded between the 1950s and '60s and 2019, and suggest that this is likely to have exceeded 30% a decade in recent decades. Individuals are thought to disperse less than a 100 m in their lifetime, and recolonization of patches is unlikely following local extinction. An unknown proportion of suitable habitat within this species' extent of occurrence was impacted by the 2019-2020 bushfire season. Mortality in mature adults and juveniles is thought likely to be at least 90% in areas subject to high intensity fire, and between 30 and 70-90% in areas of less intensive fire. Estimates of mortality from fire in the egg stage are uncertain, but as eggs are laid in shallow soil this is expected to be high at least in areas of high-intensity fire.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is found in grassland and in woodland with 20-50% canopy cover and a grassy substrate. It appears to be reliant on native grassland, usually Themeda, and feeds on forbs and annuals associated with this habitat (such as Chrysocephalum). Historical records are known from much of what is now the wheat belt of New South Wales, Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory; current subpopulations are known to survive mainly in cemeteries, railway easements, stock routes and conservation reserves where patches of native woodland persist (NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee 2020). It probably uses grass tussocks for shelter from environmental extremes. Adults live for a few months in spring or summer, overwintering in December and January as eggs and nymphs. A single generation appears to be produced per year, with average fecundity per female of 25 eggs (White 1956, 1977).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"11.3",title:"Temperature extremes",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"6.3",title:"Work & other activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.2",title:"Problematic native species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.2.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Although some subpopulations are found within protected areas such as historic monuments, the majority are not within areas managed for conservation. The possibility of protecting key subpopulations and managing these to limit impacts from threats such as fire is recommended, and existing fire management at known sites should take account of this species' potential vulnerability to winter fires. Translocation of subpopulations is a potential near future conservation measure that may significantly reduce long-term declines. Habitat restoration and herbivore control is recommended where feasible.",usetrade:"There is no use of, or trade in, this species.",taxonid:196174807,scientific_name:"Keyacris scurra",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ORTHOPTERA",family:"MORABIDAE",genus:"Keyacris",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Rehn, 1952)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-11",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii,iv,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Kearney, M.",reviewer:"Odé, B.",aoo_km2:"124",eoo_km2:"32809",elevation_upper:1e3,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AU",country:"Australia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.4",habitat:"Forest - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"4.4",habitat:"Grassland - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"158605",assessment_id:75102100,id_no:158605,sci_name:"Umma mesumbei",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling (2012). Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/ipt/resource.do?r=bf_cf21",basisofrec:null,event_year:1995,longitude:9.6946,latitude:4.8456,species_id:158605,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:`Umma mesumbei is only known from four locations in the Cameroon (Vick 1996; Vick pers. comm.). The known area of occurrence is about 1,200 km² in the volcanic Cameroon Highlands region. The area is mostly within the tribal lands of the Bakossi and it is usually called the Bakossi Mountains in the broadest sense. Some of the sites are in or near protected areas (Bakossi Hills and Mt. Kupe). All known sites are small rocky streams with fast water and bed usually gravel. They flow through very good quality submontane forest and the adults are seen in sunny clearings. All sites also hold Pentaphlebia stahlii which is the 'indicator species' for this kind of habitat. The theats to all sites are forest destruction (logging, clear cutting, fire).Limia nigrofasciata is restricted to Lake Miragoâne, a coastal freshwater lake on the Tiburon Peninsula of southwestern Haiti. Extent of Occurrence and area of Occupancy are estimated to be 9-45 km2, and the species is restricted to a single threat-based location. The primary threatening factor to Lake Miragoâne is deforestation and subsequent land use, sedimentation, and alteration to natural hydrology. Additional threats include translocation or natural dispersal of native competitors, the establishment of non-native species, and pollution associated with unsustainable agricultural practices and lacking wastewater treatment. As such, L. nigrofasciata is assessed as Critically Endangered under criteria B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii). Additional research is urgently needed to determine range extent, population size, and current population trend. Site protection and ex-situ conservation are likely warranted as immediate conservation actions.
",geographicrange:"Limia nigrofasciata is restricted to Lake Miragoâne (Étang de Miragoâne), a coastal freshwater lake on the Tiburon Peninsula of southwestern Haiti (Lee et al. 1983, Lucinda 2003). The type locality was taken on the north end of the lake (Lucinda 2003). The surface area of Lake Miragoâne fluctuates from 9-25 km2, depending on the season (Swartley and Toussaint 2006). There are approximately 69 small ponds surrounding the main lake, with a total combined surface area of approximately 20 km2 (Swartley and Toussaint 2006).
Therefore, Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 9-45 km2, with a lower estimate based on the minimum surface area of Lake Miragoâne, and an upper estimate of the total surface area of potentially suitable habitat where this species has not been reported. Given the scope of deforestation, associated increases in sedimentation, dramatic shifts in natural hydrology throughout the entire range of this species, and establishment of non-native species in Lake Miragoâne (Latta 2005, Posner et al. 2010, Williams 2011, Alscher 2013), it is assigned to a single threat-based location.
Ichthyological surveys from the Tiburon Peninsula are exceedingly scarce (D. Elias pers. comm. 2020), but recent work in Lake Miragoâne (Étang de Miragoâne) has revealed previously unknown Limia diversity (Rodriguez-Silva and Weaver 2020, Rodriguez-Silva et al. 2020). Additional surveys in this region are urgently needed to clarify the extinction risk of this species.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. This species is known only from a few collection records (Rivas 1980). However, this species is fairly well represented in recent ichthyological collections from Lake Miragoâne (D. Elias pers. comm. 2020).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This freshwater, demersal species has only been reported from Lake Miragoâne, a coastal freshwater lake approximately 20 meters above sea level with a maximum depth of 45 meters (Brenner and Binford 1988, Swartley and Toussaint 2006). It occurs syntopically with several other members of the genus (Rivas 1980). Maximum reported body size 5.2 cm standard length (SL) (Lee et al. 1983). This species forms large schools over a variety of bottom types, and young cover in submerged vegetation (Lee et al. 1983).",threats:[{code:"11.4",title:"Storms & flooding",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Coptodon rendalli)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Coptodon rendalli"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Cyprinus carpio)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Cyprinus carpio"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis aureus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis aureus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Coptodon rendalli)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Coptodon rendalli"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Cyprinus carpio)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Cyprinus carpio"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis aureus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis aureus"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.4",title:"Garbage & solid waste",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards L. nigrofasciata. The distribution of this species does not include any protected areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). Haiti lacks comprehensive forest policy, and enforcement of existing laws is essentially non-existent (Posner et al. 2010). Additional research regarding distribution, population size and population status are urgently needed. Continued population monitoring and habitat monitoring would be useful in clarifying the conservation status of this species. Site protection and ex-situ conservation are likely warranted to prevent extirpation.
",usetrade:"This species occurs in the aquarium trade (Lee et al. 1983).",taxonid:125980226,scientific_name:"Limia nigrofasciata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Limia",main_common_name:"Humpback Limia",authority:"Regan, 1913",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-02",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Elias, D.J.",aoo_km2:"9-45",eoo_km2:"9-45",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"HT",country:"Haiti",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"157909995",assessment_id:157910299,id_no:157909995,sci_name:"Pachydermia laevis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Aoife Molloy",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-109.08300018,latitude:20.83329964,species_id:157909995,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from three restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2,612 m to 2,635 m bsl. The species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO), and has been found at only three locations, suggesting that it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. While one of the three locations lies within two Marine Protected Areas (Menini and Van Dover 2019), the other two exist in International Waters without any such protection, therefore we have opted to assess the species as Near Threatened (NT). Although the species has a restricted AOO, and there is a plausible future threat, they are unlikely to become Critically Endangered (CR) or Extinct (EX) over the next 1-2 generations, because at least one location is protected. If there was a substantial change to the status of the MPAs or in the event of mining licences being granted, it would only take a small number of mining events to drive the species to extinction and a reassessment would be merited, whereby the species would be capable of becoming Endangered (EN B2ab(iii)).",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to three locations at hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. Location 1 lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Mexico, whereas Locations 2 and 3 occur beyond national jurisdiction in International Waters. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2612 m bsl to 2635 m bsl. The three locations are comprised of the following hydrothermal vent fields: EPR 21N (Location 1), EPR 13N (Location 2) and EPR 9 50'N (Location 3) (Warén and Bouchet 1989, Mullineaux et al. 2013). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Warén and Bouchet 1989, Mullineaux et al. 2013).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the East Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,612 m to 2,635 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"One of the three locations, the EPR 21N vent field, lies within the Hydrothermal Ventilation Sanctuary of the Guaymas Basin and the Eastern Pacific Ridge (Santuario Ventilas Hidrotermales de la Cuenca de Guaymas y de la Dorsal del Pacífico Oriental), established in 2009, where research and fisheries activities are regulated by the Mexican government. This vent site is further surrounded by the Deep Mexican Pacific Biosphere Reserve (Reserva de la Biosfera Pacífico Mexicano Profundo), established in 2016 (Menini and Van Dover 2019). The exploitation of wildlife and mining in these areas is strictly prohibited. There are no conservation actions currently in place at the other locations where this species is found (including the individual vent fields of EPR 13N and EPR 9 50'N). We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the East Pacific Rise.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157909995,scientific_name:"Pachydermia laevis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"NEOMPHALIDA",family:"PELTOSPIRIDAE",genus:"Pachydermia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Warén & Bouchet, 1989",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-01",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"106732.292",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:2612,depth_lower:2635,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"157734512",assessment_id:157735691,id_no:157734512,sci_name:"Oenopota ogasawarana",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:141.08299255,latitude:26.70000076,species_id:157734512,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from three restricted locations in the distinctive and restricted habitat of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 322 m to 550 m bsl. Two of these locations lie within deep-sea mining licence areas within the Japan EEZ. As the species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted AOO, and has been found at a limited number of locations, it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction at these deep-sea mining sites. However, the other known location lies within an MPA within the USA EEZ, and these populations are protected from the impacts of commercial exploitation and deep-sea mining. Therefore, owing to the significant protection provided by this MPA and the resulting variability in extinction risk for the different populations, we have opted to assess the species as Near Threatened (NT). The species is close to qualifying for a threatened category based on the potential threat of mining activity in a subset of locations where the species occurs. As such, the assessment as NT is dependent on the maintenance of the current marine protection within the USA EEZ vent fields. A reassessment would therefore be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of the MPA, whereby the species would become Endangered (EN B2ab(iii)), based on the projected continuing decline in habitat associated with the two locations in mining licence areas.",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to three locations at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. Locations 1 and 2 lie within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Japan, and Location 3 lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the USA (Northern Mariana Islands & Guam). The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 322 m bsl to 550 m bsl. It has been observed from three vent fields: at the Kaikata Seamount vent field (Location 1) and the Nikko Seamount vent field (Location 2) within the Japan EEZ, and the Daikoku volcano vent field (Location 3) within the USA EEZ. (Okutani, 1993, Yorisue et al. 2012, Tunnicliffe et al. 2013). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Okutani, 1993, Yorisue et al. 2012, Tunnicliffe et al. 2013).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 322 m to 550 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The Daikoku volcano vent field lies within the Mariana Trench National Monument within the USA EEZ. This is a Marine Protected Area and commercial and scientific exploitation is prohibited here (Beaulieu et al. 2011, Richmond et al. 2019). There are no conservation actions currently in place at any vent fields within the Japan EEZ. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along West Pacific Ocean ridges.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157734512,scientific_name:"Oenopota ogasawarana",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"NEOGASTROPODA",family:"MANGELIIDAE",genus:"Oenopota",main_common_name:null,authority:"Okutani, Fujikura & Sasaki, 1993",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-11-24",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"26825.623",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:322,depth_lower:550,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GU",country:"Guam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"JP",country:"Japan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MP",country:"Northern Mariana Islands",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"60859",assessment_id:148657025,id_no:60859,sci_name:"Nyassachromis boadzulu",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Konings / SCUBA",basisofrec:"StillImage",event_year:1989,longitude:35.146416,latitude:-14.29589,species_id:60859,taxonomicnotes:"This species has a bold mid-lateral stripe on its body. Konings (1995) regards this species as belonging to the genus Nyassachromis due to its basic pigmentation pattern as well as its habit of constructing spawning cones, since all other species in the genus Copadichromis have spots or lack pattern on the flanks and are not known to build spawning cones on sand [except for Copadichromis likomae (Iles, 1960)]. This species previously appeared on the IUCN Red List in the genus Copadichromis but is now valid in the genus Nyassachromis (Konings 2016).",rationale:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi. It occurs in the southern part of the lake where it has been recorded from Boadzulu Island, Crocodile Rocks, Kanchedza Island, Domwe Island and Chemwesi rocks. It meets the area requirements under criterion B for Endangered (AOO < 500 km²) and based on the threat of overfishing it is known from four locations. It also meets the threshold for Endangered due to population decline under Criterion A - with an estimated 70% reduction over the last 10 year period. The tendency of N. boadzulu to frequent shallow water over open sandy bottoms makes this species vulnerable to beach seines. There is a projected continuing decline in the number of mature individuals due to beach seining. The species is therefore listed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi. It occurs in the southern part of the lake where it has been recorded from Boadzulu Island, Crocodile Rocks, Kanchedza Island, Domwe Island and Chemwesi rocks.",population:"No information is available on the population. The species was not recorded in a lake-wide survey conducted in 1998 and 1999 and also not in a 2016 fisheries survey of the southern part of the lake but was recorded in the south east arm 2007 trawl surveys in reasonable numbers.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs mostly over sand in shallow water, and it has not been observed deeper than six metres. Breeding males occur in the shallow intermediate habitat. Females and non-breeding males gather in small foraging groups while feeding on plankton over sandy-muddy bottoms. Males excavate spawning pits in the mud between some larger rocks in the intermediate habitat at depths shallower than six metres. Mouth-brooding females have not yet been encountered.",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"It occurs in Lake Malawi National Park. Population monitoring is recommended.",usetrade:"This species is not targeted by the ornamental fish trade, but is a food fish and part of the group of sand-dwelling cichlids that are targeted by beach seine fishermen.",taxonid:60859,scientific_name:"Nyassachromis boadzulu",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Nyassachromis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Iles, 1960)",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-05-23",category:"EN",criteria:"A2d; B1ab(v)+2ab(v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A.",reviewer:"Kanyerere, G.Z., Phiri, T.B. & Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:"250-300",eoo_km2:"1160",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:'This errata version of the assessment was created to correct a Reviewer name from "Kanyerere, Z." to "Kanyerere, G.Z." and another Reviewer name from "Phiri, B." to "Phiri, T.B.". Additionally, a point data map was added as this was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.',amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MW",country:"Malawi",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"191754",assessment_id:2002441,id_no:191754,sci_name:"Poecilia teresae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2019 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.vpgpyw",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:0,longitude:-89.04137,latitude:16.950731,species_id:191754,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Poecilia teresae is known to occur in Mountain Pine Ridge in Cayo, Belize. It may also be present near Belmopan, Belize and in Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in Mexico, though these collections are of questionable validity. The species is known to be threatened by hydroelectric energy development and may be threatened by urban expansion and agricultural runoff should it occur near Belmopan. Should the species occur only in Mountain Pine Ridge, the species would qualify for listing as Critically Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii). If it also occurs near Belmopan, it would qualify for listing as Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii). The latter interpretation is considered to be more credible in this assessment and the species is thus listed as Endangered. Verification of collections from Mexico may further alter the species' conservation status. Clarification of the species' distribution is urgently needed as it could impact the species' conservation status.",geographicrange:"Poecilia teresae occurs in upland tributary streams and isolated pools in the Macal River drainage within the Maya Mountain Range of southern Belize (Lucinda 2003, Bagley et al. 2015, Palacios et al. 2016). It has also been collected in nearby residential areas, including Mount Pleasant Creek in southern Belmopan (Aké 2005). Additional collection records exist from Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in southern Mexico where individuals were collected at low abundances in isolated pools (Vega-Cendejas et al. 2013), but these collections are questionable and verification of range extension is needed. The type locality of this species is a small stream in Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve (Greenfield 1990, Poeser 2003).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 89-800 km2, and the species can be considered to occur in a single location.
The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. However, this species appears rare where it occurs. In a drainage-wide survey of the Monkey Tail branch of the Macal River, only one individual was collected (Esselman and Allan 2010).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in small streams and pools within tropical pine forest habitat, which are typically characterized by clear, cool, and fast flowing water that cuts through granitic rock, often terminating in high waterfalls that prevent the upstream movement of other species (Greenfield 1990). This species reaches a maximum reported body size of 5 cm standard length (SL) (Lucinda 2003).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"6.2",title:"War, civil unrest & military exercises",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.4",title:"Garbage & solid waste",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation actions directed towards P. teresae. The range of this species extends into Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve, likely extends into Chiquibul National Park, and may extend northward into Calakmul Biosphere Reserve (Miller and Miller 1994, Vega-Cendejas et al. 2013, IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). Additional research regarding distribution, population size, population status, life history and ecology, and the scope and magnitude of existing threats are priorities that will guide future conservation outcomes.
This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:191754,scientific_name:"Poecilia teresae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Poecilia",main_common_name:"Mountain Molly",authority:"Greenfield, 1990",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-10-10",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Elias, D.J., Fuentes, C., McMahan, C. & Quintana, Y,",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"89-800",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BZ",country:"Belize",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"189599",assessment_id:109685734,id_no:189599,sci_name:"Tylomelania kruimeli",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Sulawesi",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1991,longitude:121.493333,latitude:-2.6,species_id:189599,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species is endemic to Lake Mahalona in Sulawesi, with an area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) both of 24 km2. This is counted as a single location based on the threats of nickel mining, hydro-electric power installations, logging and organic effluents from the rapidly expanding human population around Lake Mahalona, which are causing a decline in habitat quality through siltation and changes to natural water levels. It is also very vulnerable to the spread of the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) through the Malili lakes system. This species is therefore assessed as Critically Endangered based on its extremely limited distribution and deterioration of habitats.
",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Mahalona, Sulawesi in Indonesia.",population:"This species was previously found to be abundant in Lake Mahalona where suitable habitat was present (von Rintelen and Glaubrecht 2003), but a lower abundance was observed in 2011 (T. von Rintelen pers. comm.). Therefore, the population is assumed to be declining. An overall decline of at least 50% is predicted over the next 10 years due to the spread of Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) in the Malili lakes (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and are thought to have caused the decline of Tylomelania populations predation of small adults and juveniles (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017; 2018). Flowerhorn Cichlids have now been confirmed in the downstream Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obs. 2018) where they are predicted to cause population declines similar to those seen in Lake Matano.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is found on hard substrates such as rocks, sunken wood and Pandanus roots in Lake Mahalona, from the surface to a depth of several metres (Von Rintelen and Glaubrecht 2003).",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'No conservation plans are currently in place for this species, but protection of its known localities and habitats is needed, alongside invasive species control. Research is also needed into the population dynamics, ecology and the threats to this species.',usetrade:"There is no use or trade information on this species. Many species of Tylomelania of the Malili lakes are collected and traded as aquarium pets, but this species has not yet been conspicuously traded.",taxonid:189599,scientific_name:"Tylomelania kruimeli",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"SORBEOCONCHA",family:"PACHYCHILIDAE",genus:"Tylomelania",main_common_name:null,authority:"von Rintelen & Glaubrecht, 2003",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-06-03",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rintelen, T. & Köhler, F.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:"24",eoo_km2:"11.1-24",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2011",assess_year:"2011",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"176026887",assessment_id:176027101,id_no:176026887,sci_name:"Pimelodus garciabarrigai",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Herrera-Collazos, E.E.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Colombia: Ca¤o San Jos‚ (tributario margen izquierda del r¡o Duda), cuenca r¡o Guayabero",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"SiB Colombia; GBIF; FishNet2; speciesLink; CZUT-IC; IAvH-P; ICN-MHN; IMCN; MPUJ; CPUCLA; MCNG",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-73.940889,latitude:2.550333,species_id:176026887,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Pimelodus garciabarrigai is assessed as Vulnerable. The area of occupancy (AOO) is best estimated at 1,040 km2. Threats are a combination of deforestation from the agricultural frontier, and urban effluents. Given the regional impacts, there are 4-6 threat-based locations and an inferred continuing decline in habitat.",geographicrange:'Pimelodus garciabarrigai was described from Lozada Creek, near the junction with Guayabero River, Guaviare basin in Colombia (Dahl 1961). The species is reported in lagoons, creeks and rivers, particularly rivers Upía, Ariari, Cravo Sur, Cravo Norte, Charte, and Losada. The species is distributed in a range of elevations from 143-353 meters above sea level.Anotogaster sapaensis is known from the type locality, Sa Pa in Lao Cai Province, North Viet Nam and another site very close to the first, the two sites are sufficiently close together that they should perhaps be considered as one threat-defined location (taking development and associated pollution of streams as the main threats in the area). The species should be searched for in Yunnan as well as Viet Nam. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is certainly less than 500 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to development in the Sa Pa area. Although possibly tolerant of some disturbance, the species appears to be both very local in occurrence and at best uncommon. Its maximum extent of occurrence (EOO) is just 570 km². Since there are threats to the only known sites Data Deficient does not appear appropriate for this species and taking the reasonable precautionary approach advocated by the IUCN it is assessed as Endangered (EN B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)), although it is to be hoped that when more information is available on its distribution, reassessment to a lower threat category will be possible.
",geographicrange:"Anotogaster sapaensis is known from the type locality, Sa Pa in Lao Cai Province, North Viet Nam (Karube 2012) and another site very close to the first (Kompier unpublished), the two sites are sufficiently close together that they should perhaps be considered as one threat-defined location (taking development and associated pollution of streams as the main threats in the area). The species should be searched for in Yunnan as well as Viet Nam. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but since the species appears to be both very local in occurrence and scarce the AOO may well be small and with the available data is certainly less than 500 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of and disturbance to habitat in the Sa Pa area. With only two data points, the minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) cannot be calculated, however the maximum EOO (based on occupied HydroBASINS) is only 570 km².",population:"No statement about current population sizes and health can be made for this species with the available data except that it appears to be very local in occurrence and uncommon even where it does occur. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of habitat due to development in the Sa Pa area.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing was recorded on the habitats or ecology of this species by Karube (2012). One of the assessors (T. Kompier) found an individual emerging from the larva at a muddy pool at the bottom of a rocky stream cascading off a mountain, alongside a road, this stream was not under heavy forest cover, although bushes remained. However the adult is likely to require forest at least for roosting and the species is probably at least weakly forest-dependent. The known sites are at high altitude. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to development in the Sa Pa area.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for protection of habitat where it occurs and for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements, ability to tolerate disturbance and threats. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173699824,scientific_name:"Anotogaster sapaensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CORDULEGASTRIDAE",genus:"Anotogaster",main_common_name:null,authority:"Karube, 2012",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-05-29",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A. & Kompier, T.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"10-500",eoo_km2:"570",elevation_upper:2e3,elevation_lower:1600,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"157211",assessment_id:220252249,id_no:157211,sci_name:"Ena elongata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Aris Parmakelis",yrcompiled:2023,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:22.35222,latitude:36.95388,species_id:157211,taxonomicnotes:'Ena elongata (Kobelt 1877) has been attributed to the genus Ena based on shell characters (Bank and Menkhorst 1992, Hausdorf 2001). Further taxonomic work is needed to confirm the validity of this species.',rationale:`This species is endemic to Greece, where it is known from five records on Taygetos mountain in Peloponnese. It occurs in rocky areas at high altitude. It has a small extent of occurrence (EOO is estimated at 12 km²) and area of occupancy (AOO is 12 km²) and occurs in 3–4 locations. It is not known if continuing decline is affecting the species at present, however grazing, and droughts and temperature extremes caused by climate change are plausible threats that could cause this in future, which would result in the species rapidly moving to Endangered. Therefore, currently it is assessed as Near Threatened (nearly meets criteria B1ab(ii)+2ab(iii); D2). Further research to confirm this mollusc's distribution and specific habitat requirements and monitoring of its habitat are recommended to be able to refine its status in future.`,geographicrange:"The species is endemic to the Peloponnese (Taygetos Mt.) in Greece (Kobelt 1877, Bank and Menkhorst 2001). It has been reported from five localities from high altitude (800–2,000m asl). The species has not been reported since its initial record. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that its distribution largely goes beyond the current known localities. Its extent of occurrence (EOO), based on a minimum convex polygon around the known records, is 1.5 km², but for assessment purposes, this is raised to 12 km² to match the area of occupancy (AOO).",population:'
There is no available information on the population size or trends for this species.
',populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This mollusc was found under stones in the Taygetos mountain in Peloponnese (Kobelt 1876). Beyond this, its habitat and ecology are not known.",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"11.3",title:"Temperature extremes",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The species was listed in the 2009 Greek Red Data Book as Vulnerable (Legakis and Maraghou 2009). Although Taygetos Mt. is included various protection schemes (e.g. Natura 2000), there are no conservation actions specific to this species. More research on the taxonomy, distribution and ecology of the species is needed.
This species is not used or traded.
",taxonid:157211,scientific_name:"Ena elongata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"STYLOMMATOPHORA",family:"ENIDAE",genus:"Ena",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Kobelt, 1877)",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2023-04-11",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Triantis, K. & Parmakelis, A.",reviewer:"Neubert, E. & Pollock, C.M.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"12",elevation_upper:1980,elevation_lower:800,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GR",country:"Greece",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"6",habitat:"Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2023",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2011",assess_year:"2010",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"}]},{id:"200901",assessment_id:2684925,id_no:200901,sci_name:"Gigantidas horikoshii",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:141.08299255,latitude:26.70000076,species_id:200901,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine bivalve is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 435 m to 762 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. The potential for anthropogenic influence at this site based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. There may already be disturbance to this species as Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) is in the process of testing of seabed mining technology for future exploitation-phase licensing. The impact of uncertainty around the decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from Vulnerable (VU) to Critically Endangered (CR), using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as the top of this range, Critically Endangered B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii). A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements.",geographicrange:"This deep-sea bivalve is restricted to one location at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. This location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with biologically and geologically coherent identity. Any vent fields within this location therefore also have common exposure to relevant potential threats. This location lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Japan. The species is currently known from one vent field with active black smokers and diffuse venting located at depths of 435 to 762 m bsl, namely the Kaikata Seamount vent field on the Izu-Bonin Arc (Hashimoto and Yamane 2005, Miyazaki et al. 2010). This species is present over a small area at this vent field.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated or human-occupied vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Hashimoto and Yamane 2005, Miyazaki et al. 2010).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 435 to 762 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any vent fields within the Japan EEZ. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites within the region.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:200901,scientific_name:"Gigantidas horikoshii",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"BIVALVIA",order:"MYTILIDA",family:"MYTILIDAE",genus:"Gigantidas",main_common_name:"Horikoshi's Giant Mussel",authority:"Hashimoto & Yamane, 2005",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2020-08-24",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A., Thomas, E.A., Chen, C. & Sigwart, J.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:762,depth_lower:435,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"JP",country:"Japan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"59742",assessment_id:76008671,id_no:59742,sci_name:"Micromacromia flava",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling (2012). Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/ipt/resource.do?r=bf_cf21",basisofrec:null,event_year:1932,longitude:14.6844,latitude:-13.7923,species_id:59742,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Micromacromia flava is most likely an Angolan highland endemic taxon. A long time it was only known from the type records dating back over 80 years; an area of approximately 10,000 km² in south-west Angola. Recently it was recorded near Uige in northern Angola. Since the area of occupancy is still very small and the species needs clear and fast running streams, it is listed Near Threatened, closely meeting criteria B2a and B2b(i,ii). The population is still growing unlimited in Africa and with it the intensification of land use (agriculture), habitat destruction (deforestation) and the pollution of water. In Angola mining is also destroying and deteriorating habitats.",geographicrange:"The species is known from western Angola. Records from the Mwinilunga district of northwest Zambia (Pinhey 1984a) have been re-identified as Aethiothemis basilewskyi (Dijkstra and Vick 2006). It is likely that this species has distribution in Zambia.",population:"Current population size is unknown.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is known from wooded plateaus in Angola but no exact description of the aquatic habitat is available.",threats:[],conservationmeasures:"More research is needed to gather data on range, population status, habitat and threats.",usetrade:null,taxonid:59742,scientific_name:"Micromacromia flava",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"LIBELLULIDAE",genus:"Micromacromia",main_common_name:"Angola Micmac",authority:"(Longfield, 1947)",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2017-11-01",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Clausnitzer, V. & Suhling, F.",reviewer:"Dijkstra, K.-D.B. & Kipping, J.",aoo_km2:"16",eoo_km2:"39.2",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AO",country:"Angola",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"18",habitat:"Unknown",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2017",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2010",assess_year:"2008",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"},{year:"2007",assess_year:"2007",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"134327",assessment_id:109682794,id_no:134327,sci_name:"Parathelphusa ferruginea",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Christoph Schubart",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Chia & Ng (2006)",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:1999,longitude:121.475667,latitude:-2.610667,species_id:134327,taxonomicnotes:"This species was formerly included in the Parathelphusidae, but was reassigned to the Gecarcinucidae Rathbun, 1904 by Klaus et al. (2006) in the subfamily Parathelphusinae (see Klaus et al. 2010).",rationale:"This updated assessment of P. ferruginea is based on the results of new freshwater crab surveys of the Malili Lakes in Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia. This species was formerly listed as Least Concern (LC) by Esser and Cumberlidge (2008). The revised extinction risk assessment of Endangered (EN) for P. ferruginea is based on the low number of locations where this species occurs, combined with the existence of continued immediate threats to this species from development (urban and industrial), harvesting and non-native species, and from habitat destruction (driven by increases in the human population). This species is not found in a protected area, and there are no conservation plans in place.This species is restricted to the upper part of the Caroní river sub-basin (middle Uruyén river) in the Orinoco Basin (Fernández-Yépez 1967, Lasso et al. 2004).
",population:"No information is available on the population.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It occurs in black water rivers of Venezuelan Guiana (upper Caroní, Uruyén River), with rocky bottom, very fast waters and strong current (C. Lasso pers. obs.).
",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.1",title:"Oil spills",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Site protection and management are recommended, as well as research into the population size and trend, and its distribution.",usetrade:"The species is not used.
",taxonid:176004582,scientific_name:"Brachyglanis magoi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"HEPTAPTERIDAE",genus:"Brachyglanis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Fernández-Yépez, 1967",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-10-30",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lasso, C.",reviewer:"Taphorn, D.C.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"2502",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VE",country:"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"8431",assessment_id:3145702,id_no:8431,sci_name:"Evarra bustamantei",presence:5,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Soto-Galera, E. and L. Alcántara-Soria, ENCB-IPN-P",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extinct",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:" ",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:1954,longitude:-99.02861,latitude:19.25694,species_id:8431,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Evarra bustamantei is only known to occur within the southern part of the Valley of Mexico, in Mexico. Specifically, it was found in the channels of the Xochimilco-Tláhuac area and having not been seen in over 50 years, with the last sample in 1970, this species is presumed Extinct.",geographicrange:"This species was endemic to the southern portion of Valley of Mexico, Mexico, specifically in the channels of the Xochimilco-Tláhuac area (Álvarez del Villar and Navarro 1957); presumably extinct (Miller et al. 2005).
",population:"There are no data on population size and trends for this species. It is presumably extinct (Miller et al. 2005). Recent surveys have failed to detect the species in the area where it was distributed.
The species was collected in the channels of the Xochimilco-Tláhuac, in the Valley of Mexico (Álvarez del Villar and Navarro 1957). Maximum known SL is 70 mm (Miller et al. 2005).
",threats:[{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation measures in place for this species.",usetrade:"There is no use/trade information for this species.
",taxonid:8431,scientific_name:"Evarra bustamantei",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"LEUCISCIDAE",genus:"Evarra",main_common_name:"Mexican Dace",authority:"Navarro, 1955",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-12-05",category:"EX",criteria:null,population_trend:null,marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Mejía Guerrero, O.",reviewer:"Tognelli, M.F.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extinct Post-1500",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Regionally Extinct"}],habitats:[{code:"15.9",habitat:"Artificial/Aquatic - Canals and Drainage Channels, Ditches",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"EX",category:"Extinct"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"EX",category:"Extinct"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"Ex",category:"Extinct"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"Ex",category:"Extinct"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"Ex",category:"Extinct"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"Ex",category:"Extinct"}]},{id:"122881667",assessment_id:176825953,id_no:122881667,sci_name:"Orchithemis xanthosoma",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Dow, Ngiam & Ahmad 2015",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2012,longitude:111.05844,latitude:1.61882,species_id:122881667,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Orchithemis xanthosoma is widely distributed in Borneo, with 20 locations considered as currently known. However it appears to be more common in Sarawak and Brunei than in Kalimantan and some of the known locations are almost certain to be lost to development in the near future and threats exist at all sites, including those in protected areas. The area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is difficult to estimate, but is probably not much greater than the 2,000 km² threshold for Vulnerable status under criterion B2; the AOO is certainly diminishing, and the overall population of this species is certainly severely fragmented. The species is assessed as Near Threatened because threats exist at all sites including the protected ones, its AOO is shrinking and is likely not to be considerably greater than the limit for Vulnerable status, and some of the known locations seem almost certain to be lost in the near future.",geographicrange:"Orchithemis xanthosoma is endemic to Borneo, where it has been recorded from Brunei (e.g., Orr 2001, Thompson and van Tol 1993), Central (Lieftinck 1953) and West (Ris 1919) Kalimantan and Sarawak (e.g., Dow et al. 2015; Dow and Reels 2011, 2013; Dow and Unggang 2010; Kimmins 1936; Lieftinck 1953). The Assessor is aware of records from 22 locations, but it is extremely unlikely that it survives at two of these now, so 20 locations can be considered as currently known. Some of these locations will certainly be lost to development or oil palm plantation in the not-too-distant future, however some locations are in National Parks; e.g., Gunung Mulu National Park (Dow unpublished) and Maludam National Park (Dow et al. 2015) in Sarawak. The species appears to be more common in Sarawak and Brunei than in Kalimantan (although considerably less data are available from the latter), with only two old records from Kalimantan.
The area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is difficult to estimate, especially given the uncertainty about its distribution in Kalimantan. However the true AOO is unlikely to be much greater than the 2,000 km² threshold for Vulnerable status under the B criteria, and will be declining.
At some peat swamp forest locations in Sarawak this species is moderately common; beyond this little can be said with the available data except that an ongoing decline in overall population is certainly occurring due to loss of habitat throughout its range. The overall population of this species is certainly severely fragmented because of loss of habitat and the non-continuous nature of Borneo's peat swamp forests prior to human disturbance.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is found in low pH swamp forest, mainly peat swamp forest but occasionally also in other formations. However it is not present in all apparently suitable habitat within its known range. Whilst it can survive in peat swamp forest that has been disturbed by selective logging activities, there is no evidence that it can survive in the Oil Palm plantations which have replaced much of its habitat in Sarawak.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Permanent protection for some of the sites for this species in Brunei is needed, and will need planning to include measures to prevent the spread of fires and to avoid unintentional drainage through drainage ditches associated with any adjacent agricultural areas; this last issue may be particularly problematic at some sites in the long term.
The main threat apart from fires in Sarawak is conversion of peat swamp forest to Oil Palm plantation, and in an ideal situation all remaining peat swamp forest in Sarawak would receive protected status; however this is unlikely to happen. The best compromise solution is to include well planned conservation areas within any areas of peat swamp forest that are converted to Oil Palm. However the drainage issue mentioned above and in the Threats section is likely to be particularly severe for such conservation areas; Oil Palm plantations require drainage ditches to prevent inundation which hampers harvesting, but these ditches inevitably drain any areas of remaining peat swamp forest nearby as well. Small conservation areas within plantations are likely to be completely surrounded by Oil Palm and its associated drainage system. In some plantations at least a simple system of dams is used, which in principle allows drainage to be controlled, e.g. dams are opened when water levels are high but shut during dry periods. Such controlled drainage systems may help with (but not completely solve) the drainage problem if used properly, but in practice they are often left in the maximum drainage state permanently; education and enforcement are needed with regard to this problem.
Increased vigilance against the deliberate setting of fires is also needed, and serious investigation with the aim of finding and prosecuting those behind the starting of such fires, not just those who actually set them.
Further data on the distribution of this species are needed, especially in Kalimantan. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:122881667,scientific_name:"Orchithemis xanthosoma",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"LIBELLULIDAE",genus:"Orchithemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Laidlaw, 1911",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-02-24",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"BN",country:"Brunei Darussalam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"233426124",assessment_id:233710546,id_no:233426124,sci_name:"Glossoscolex terraopimus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"ICMBio",yrcompiled:2022,citation:"ICMBio",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:2004,longitude:-51.20232377,latitude:-23.91191577,species_id:233426124,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Glossoscolex terraopimus é endêmica do Brasil, registrada apenas em dois municípios no estado do Paraná. A espécie está associada a áreas com altitude acima de 1.000m e solos com maior teor de matéria orgânica. Sua Extensão de ocorrência (EOO) foi estimada em 913 km² considerando registros confirmados e inferidos da espécie. A região sofreu intenso processo de transformação da paisagem promovida, principalmente, pelas atividades agropecuárias, silviculturais e expansão urbana. Essas atividades conjuntamente promovem redução, fragmentação e declínio continuado da qualidade do habitat remanescente. Não há indícios que sua população esteja severamente fragmentada. Por aproximar-se de Em Perigo (EN) pelo critério B1b(iii), G. terraopimus foi categorizada como Quase Ameaçada (NT).",geographicrange:"Glossoscolex terraopimus é endêmica do Brasil, registrada apenas nos municípios de Ortigueira e Faxinal, no Paraná (Bartz et al. 2012), em altitudes acima de mil metros. A espécie foi encontrada em amostragens em anos distintos (2004 e 2006). Esforços de amostragem na região em 2018 e 2019 não encontraram a espécie (M.L.C. Bartz, com. pess. 2022).Igneocnemis plebeja is known from four locations Panay and Sibuyan in the Philippines. Threats exist throughout Panay and Sibuyan and the overall population is believed to already be severely fragmented. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and with the available data will be below 500 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. The extent of occurrence (EOO) is somewhere between 3,483 and 12,614 km²; it may be less than 5,000 km². The species qualifies for Endangered status under criterion B2ab(ii,iii) (and plausibly also criterion B1ab(ii,iii)) and is assessed as such.
",geographicrange:'Igneocnemis plebeja is known from Panay and Sibuyan in the Philippines (Gassmann and Hämäläinen 2002). The assessor is aware of records from four locations, one of which appears to be in the Mount Guiting-Guiting Natural Park. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and with the available data will be below 500 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. The extent of occurrence (EOO) is somewhere between 3,483 and 12,614 km² (based on the area within a minimum convex polygon around the known localities and around the occupied HydroBASIN areas).
',population:"This does not appear to be a common species. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species and severe fragmentation is very likely for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing appears to have been recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it will be a forest-dependent stream-breeding species. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for protection of habitat where it occurs and for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139561905,scientific_name:"Igneocnemis plebeja",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Igneocnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Hämäläinen, 1991)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-14",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"20-500",eoo_km2:"3483-12614",elevation_upper:700,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"125982185",assessment_id:125986643,id_no:125982185,sci_name:"Limia versicolor",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2020 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.d4y5h9",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:0,longitude:-70.208182,latitude:18.720303,species_id:125982185,taxonomicnotes:"Even though some previous studies have treated Limia as one of the multiple subgenera in the genus Poecilia (Rosen and Bailey 1963, Meredith et al. 2010, Meredith et al. 2011), several other works have supported the generic classification for Limia (Rodriguez 1997, Hamilton 2001, Poeser 2003, Palacios et al. 2016, Weaver et al. 2016). Here we endorse the latter assessment that Limia should be considered a valid, separate genus.Limia versicolor occurs in the Haina River drainage and southward draining streams in the central and southeastern Dominican Republic. Extent of Occurrence is estimated to be 91-564 km2, but limited ichthyological survey in this region and the existence of potentially suitable habitat in adjacent drainages introduces considerable uncertainty. Although total population size and population trend are unknown, L. versicolor is not a dominant species in the habitats where the species occurs with introduced poeciliids. Several threats are pervasive in the Haina River drainage, including deforestation and soil erosion associated with smallholder agriculture, and pollution from a number of agricultural, industrial, and domestic sources. In addition, invasive livebearing fishes may represent a significant threat to this endemic species. Given a limited range and several locally pervasive threats, this species is inferred to occur in 6-10 threat-based locations. The direct impact of these threats are unknown, but continuing decline in habitat quality is inferred. Therefore, L. versicolor is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B1ab(iii).
Limia versicolor occurs in the Haina River drainage and southward draining streams in the central and southeastern Dominican Republic (Lee et al. 1983, Hamilton 2001). Additional collections are reported from Arroyo Jibana, 9 km south of Madrigal (Goldberg 2016).
Extent of Occurrence is estimated to be 91-564 km2, with a lower estimate calculated by generating a minimum convex polygon around georeferenced collection localities (GIBF 2020, MNHNSD 2020), and an upper estimate based on the surface area of the Haina River drainage (Izzo et al. 2010). However, it is important to note that this species is known from very few collection records, and potentially suitable habitat in adjacent drainages has not been surveyed extensively. Additional ichthyological sampling is needed to clarify the range extent of this species. Given several locally pervasive threats and a relatively restricted range, this species is inferred to occur in 6-10 threat-based locations.
The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Limia versicolor occurs in the Haina River drainage and southward draining streams in the Dominican Republic, which is characterized by coastal and hilly geographic features that typically fall below 500 meters above sea level (Izzo et al. 2010). The specific biological and ecological characteristics of this species are poorly studied. Females reach sexual maturity at approximately 2.8 cm and fecundity is an average of 22 offspring per brood (Cohen et al. 2015). Maximum reported body size is 3.3 cm and 4.5 cm standard length (SL) in males and females, respectively (Lee et al. 1983).
Limia versicolor is classified as Endangered on the Dominican Republic's Red List of Threatened Species (MIMARENA 2011). It is feasible that the range of this species may extend into Montaña La Humeadora and Valle Nuevo National Parks (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). Additional research regarding distribution, population size, population status, and the scope and direct impact of existing threats are needed to accurately estimate the extinction risk of this species.
This species is available in the ornamental aquarium trade, having been imported into Germany as early as 1918 (Novák et al. 2020). The current annual volume of harvest from wild populations is unknown.
",taxonid:125982185,scientific_name:"Limia versicolor",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Limia",main_common_name:"Varicolored Limia",authority:"(Günther, 1866)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-05-21",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rodríguez-Silva, R., Rodriguez, C., Schlupp, I. & Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Torres-Pineda, P.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"91-564",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"DO",country:"Dominican Republic",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"176460856",assessment_id:176460866,id_no:176460856,sci_name:"Heptapterus mbya",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jorge Liotta",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Azpelicueta et al., 2011",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2011,longitude:-54.951667,latitude:-27.012778,species_id:176460856,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Heptapterus mbya is assessed as Vulnerable. It has a limited distribution in some creek tributaries of Paraná river in Misiones, with an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 14,494 km2. Although two of the localities are located into protected areas, there are threats in the basin derived from deforestation, forestation with exotic species and agrochemicals from tea, yerba mate and tobacco crops, and increasing urbanization, among others. There are four locations based on these threats, and an inferred continuing decline in habitat.",geographicrange:"Heptapterus mbya is recorded from the Cuña Pirú, Moreno, and Azul streams. The three streams are located in the río Paraná basin in Misiones, Argentina; the latter two are headwaters of Garuhapé stream (Azpelicueta et al. 2011). Later Casciotta et al. (2016) record it from Mbocay river, another affluent of Paraná river in Misiones, near Iguazú river. It probably also inhabits other streams located between these two areas, but there are no specific records.",population:"There is no population estimate for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"In the river systems of Misiones, the marginal vegetation constitutes a very narrow strip forming a gallery forest along the rivers, which includes several species of jungle trees. This vegetation contributes to the structure of the fish community by representing a food resource and favourable conditions for spawning and progress (Flores et al. 2020). These rivers are stony-bottomed, clear waters and fast current, with waterfalls of different heights. The Cuñá-Pirú creek is a small, clear fast flowing stream with a rock and sand bed, and vegetated margins; water temperature ranges from 19.3 to 33.4°C during summer (Miquelarena et al. 2002). The Mbocay river flows through a mantle of volcanic rock from the Serra Geral Formation dating from the Mesozoic era (Casciotta et al. 2016). On its banks develops the typical Ultisol soil, characteristic for its red to reddish brown colour (Burkart et al. 1999). Most of specimens in type locality were collected in a pond about 1 m deep, with a slow current, and a sandy bottom; the place was bordered by dense vegetation, completely covered by shadow. The parameters measured were temperature at 18-20°C, conductivity= 81μS/cm, and pH= 6.3 (Azpelicueta et al. 2011).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Cuña-Pirú creek is moderately protected by the homonymous reserve (Araya 2017), and also the middle basin of this stream is partially protected, as it passes through the Salto Encantado Provincial Park and Cultural Reserve of the Cuña-Pirú Valley, the Cuña-Pirú Private Reserve and the Cuña-Pirú Municipal Ecological Reserve (Azpelicueta et al. 2005). However, only one record of H. mbya is inside the first of these protected areas. The Mbocay record is well protected, because this stream is the limit between two protected areas: Iguazú National Park and Puerto Penínusla Provincial Park (Casciotta et al. 2016).",usetrade:"There is no use or trade information for this species.",taxonid:176460856,scientific_name:"Heptapterus mbya",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"HEPTAPTERIDAE",genus:"Heptapterus",main_common_name:"Bagre anguila",authority:"Azpelicueta, Aguilera & Mirande, 2011",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-11-21",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Liotta, J.",reviewer:"Aguilera, G.",aoo_km2:"6932",eoo_km2:"14494",elevation_upper:225,elevation_lower:200,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AR",country:"Argentina",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"157846171",assessment_id:157857063,id_no:157846171,sci_name:"Shinkailepas myojinensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:127.53299713,latitude:27.49160004,species_id:157846171,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from four restricted locations, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 470 to 1,277 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. The potential for anthropogenic influence at this site based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. There may already be disturbance to this species as Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) is in the process of testing of seabed mining technology for future exploitation-phase licensing. The impact of uncertainty around the decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from VU to EN, using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as the top of this range, Endangered B2ab(iii). A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements.",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to four locations at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. All locations lie within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Japan. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 470 to 1,277 m bsl. It has been observed from five vent fields: at the Minami-Ensei Knoll vent field (Location 1), Yoron Hole vent field (Location 2), Kaikata Seamount vent field (Location 3), Myojin Knoll vent field (Location 4), and Myojinsho Caldera vent field (Location 4) (Sasaki 2003, Fukumori and Kano 2014, Yahagi et al. 2017, Fukumori et al. 2019). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated or human-occupied vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Sasaki 2003, Fukumori and Kano 2014, Yahagi et al. 2017, Fukumori et al. 2019).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 470 to 1,277 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any vent fields within the Japan EEZ. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites within the region.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of the species.",taxonid:157846171,scientific_name:"Shinkailepas myojinensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"CYCLONERITIDA",family:"PHENACOLEPADIDAE",genus:"Shinkailepas",main_common_name:"Myojin's Red-blooded Limpet",authority:"Sasaki, Okutani & Fujikura, 2003",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2020-08-25",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A., Thomas, E.A., Chen, C. & Sigwart, J.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"20",eoo_km2:"450190.504",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:1277,depth_lower:470,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"JP",country:"Japan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"139568681",assessment_id:146602645,id_no:139568681,sci_name:"Drepanosticta philippa",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Rory Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Gapud 2006",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1987,longitude:120.38917,latitude:17.58472,species_id:139568681,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Drepanosticta philippa is known with certainty only from four non-protected locations in Luzon. The overall population is believed to be severely fragmented and threats exist throughout the range of the species. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) for this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and, with the available data, is below 500 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is likely less than 5,000 km². The species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B1ab(ii,iii) and B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly.
",geographicrange:'Drepanosticta philippa is known with certainty only from Luzon (Gapud 2006, Lieftinck 1961). Additionally, there are specimens listed as Drepanosticta sp. cf. philippa/trimaculata from Marinduque (Hämäläinen and Muller 1997) and Polillo (Villanueva 2010a,b) whose status has not been resolved. The assessor is aware of records from four locations definitely referable to this species, none of which appears to be in a protected area. There are records that might or might not be this species from another six locations but there are excluded from further consideration here. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and, with the available data, is below 500 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. Extent of occurrence (EOO) based on known data points is 3,209 km²; the EOO based on known occupied HydroBASIN areas is 8,114 km². The rue EOO is likely to be smaller than 5,000 km².
This appears to be a locally occurring species but perhaps not uncommon at some sites. Beyond this all that can be said with the available data is that an ongoing decline in overall population is suspected due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species and that severe fragmentation appears certain for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This is a species of forest streams, there is insufficient information to say more except that the extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priority for this species is for protection of habitat where it occurs. More data on this species are also urgently needed, on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139568681,scientific_name:"Drepanosticta philippa",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Drepanosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1961",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-09-01",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"20-500",eoo_km2:"3209-8114,3209-5000",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"109690706",assessment_id:109690738,id_no:109690706,sci_name:"Tylomelania marwotoae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Sulawesi",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1991,longitude:121.493333,latitude:-2.6,species_id:109690706,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species is widely distributed in Lake Mahalona and known from five sites in Lake Towuti, both in Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is only found in soft substrate areas and has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 341 km2 and an area of occupancy (AOO) of 56 km2. This is counted as a single location with major threats including pollution from nickel mining, eutrophication and predation from invasive species, most critically Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.). The spread of invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids to Lake Towuti from Lake Mahalona is almost certain and is predicted to cause a population decline of at least 50% in this species within the next 10 years (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids on Tylomelania in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and contributed to the decline of Tylomelania populations through predation of small adults and juveniles (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017; 2018). It is therefore assessed as Endangered given its extremely limited distribution, deterioration of its habitat and the future impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lakes Mahalona and Towuti.",geographicrange:"The species is widely distributed in Lake Mahalona (24.4 km2) and known from five scattered localities in Lake Towuti (561.1 km2), which are both part of the Malili Lakes system in Sulawesi, Indonesia.
There is no current population information available for this species although it was previously reported as abundant in Lake Mahalona (von Rintelen et al. 2007). The current population trend is unknown, but an overall population decline of at least 50% is predicted over the next 10 years due to the spread of the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) in the Malili lakes (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and are thought to have caused the decline of Tylomelania populations through predation of small adults and juveniles (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017; 2018). Flowerhorn Cichlids have now been confirmed in the downstream Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obs. 2018) and, if not already present, are very likely to continue to spread downstream to Lake Towuti where they are predicted to cause population declines similar to those seen in Lake Matano.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is a soft substrate dweller, occasionally also found on gravel.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation plans are currently in place for this species, but protection of its known localities and habitats is needed. Research is also needed into the population dynamics, ecology and the threats to this species.",usetrade:"There is no use or trade information for this species. Many species of Tylomelania of the Malili lakes are collected and traded as aquarium pets, however this species has not yet been conspicuously traded.",taxonid:109690706,scientific_name:"Tylomelania marwotoae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"SORBEOCONCHA",family:"PACHYCHILIDAE",genus:"Tylomelania",main_common_name:null,authority:"Rintelen, Bouchet & Glaubrecht, 2007",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-07-10",category:"EN",criteria:"A3e; B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rintelen, T.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:"56",eoo_km2:"341",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"84379630",assessment_id:176166094,id_no:84379630,sci_name:"Chlorocypha aurora",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:1958,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:1958,longitude:9.912324,latitude:2.937571,species_id:84379630,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This morphologically distinct species was only recently (2008) discovered from one site in southern Cameroon (forested Kienké River at Kiribi in South Province at sea level) (Dijkstra, Kipping and Mézière 2015). Since such habitats are easily accessible and the species is conspicuous, it is considered as a locally endemic species. It is assessed as Critically Endangered because of its small extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO). Since the species is only known from one location, a precautionary AOO and EOO of 5 km² is used. The habitat, where the species is found, is declining (forest destruction, water pollution and siltation). More research is needed to gather more detailed information on population size and trends, AOO, EOO, and habitat requirements for this species.",geographicrange:"This species is known from only one site: at the Kienké River close to Kribi in southern Cameroon.",population:"No information is available on population size or trends for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is known from habitat around large forested rivers in low altitude areas (southern Cameroon).",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There is urgent need to gather more distribution data for this species (to be able to confirm its area of occupancy and extent of occurrence ). Currently it is known from only one locality in southern Cameroon.",usetrade:null,taxonid:84379630,scientific_name:"Chlorocypha aurora",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROCYPHIDAE",genus:"Chlorocypha",main_common_name:"Dawn Jewel",authority:"Dijkstra, Kipping & Schütte, 2015",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2016-09-01",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Clausnitzer, V.",reviewer:"Kipping, J. & Dijkstra, K.-D.B.",aoo_km2:"5",eoo_km2:"5",elevation_upper:15,elevation_lower:10,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"CM",country:"Cameroon",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2017",assess_year:"2016",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"59721",assessment_id:170705929,id_no:59721,sci_name:"Ceylonosticta adami",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2014)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.6944,latitude:7.3842,species_id:59721,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Ceylonosticta adami is endemic to Sri Lanka where it is only known from eight threat defined locations (taking deforestation as the main threat) in the north central part of the island. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 363–1,202 km². An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data the AOO is considerably smaller than 100 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species, and due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species. The overall population is believed to be severely fragmented. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)).
',geographicrange:'Ceylonosticta adami is endemic to Sri Lanka, where it occurs in sub-montane areas of the Knuckles mountain range and surrounding mountains in the northern part of the central highlands of the island (Bedjanič et al. 2014, 2016, Sumanapala 2017, unpub. data). Including unpublished data, as many as 10 individual sites are known, but because some of these are extremely close to each other they only constitute at most eight threat defined locations, taking deforestation as the main threat. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 363 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 1,202 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data the AOO is considerably less than 100 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species.
',population:"Few individuals of this species have ever been recorded and although this will be partly due to cryptic behaviour it is safe to say that this is not a common species and that the populations persisting in isolated habitats are small. Little more can be said except that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest in the region where it occurs and suitable habitat for the species is already fragmented in the area in which it occurs, making it very likely that the overall population of the species is severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"The habitat requirements of this species are not well understood but it is found in deeply shaded areas in the vicinity of small trickles inside forest. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"
The following steps are needed for the effective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:59721,scientific_name:"Ceylonosticta adami",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Ceylonosticta",main_common_name:"Adam’s Shadowdamsel",authority:"Fraser, 1933",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-04-09",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"48-100",eoo_km2:"363-1202",elevation_upper:1338,elevation_lower:500,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"6158",assessment_id:3105157,id_no:6158,sci_name:"Cyprinodon maya",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"J.J. Schmitter-Soto",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Miller et al. 2005",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-88.73,latitude:19.806,species_id:6158,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Cyprinodon maya is an endemic pupfish species restricted to the Laguna Chichancanab in Yucatán Peninsula, México. The area of occupancy is estimated at 6-12 km2, but the number of locations cannot be determined. The species has been known to have been impacted in the past due to the introduction of Oreochromis mossambicus and Astyanax species (Fuselier 2001, Strecker 2006), and may also be impacted by habitat degradation caused by agricultural run-off. These threats may cause the species to become Critically Endangered within a samll space of time. This species' habitat fluctuates naturally, but it is unclear if there is continuing decline in the extent and quality of the habitat. It is therefore listed as Vulnerable (VU).",geographicrange:"Cyprinodon maya is part of the species flock endemic to the brackish, endorheic Lake Chichancanab: a Ramsar site and protected area close to the geographic centre of the Yucatan Peninsula (Schmitter-Soto 1998).",population:"There are no data on population trend and size for this species. It is not very frequent (A. Valdes pers. comm. 2018).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Cyprinodon maya inhabits brackish, inland lake in an endorheic basin, in clear to brownish, hard (3-8 ups) water, mostly over rocky substrates. It is a carnivore: it preys on other species of the genus (Miller et al. 2005) and on tilapia frys (A. Valdes pers. comm. 2018). The habitat of this species varies widely with cycles of 6-8 years causing water levels to reach up to 2 m and decrease to 20-30 cm; the flooded area varies between 300 to 3500 hectares (A. Valdes pers. comm. 2018).",threats:[{code:"8.2",title:"Problematic native species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"No decline",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"No decline",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Lake Chichancanab is a state-level protected area and a Ramsar site (#902315). There are ex situ populations of the species being conserved in academic institutions such as the University of Hamburg (Strecker 2006). Education of the local population of the presence of the endemic species is important for the conservation of the species.",usetrade:"Cyprinodon maya is not believed to be utilised.",taxonid:6158,scientific_name:"Cyprinodon maya",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"CYPRINODONTIDAE",genus:"Cyprinodon",main_common_name:"Maya Pupfish",authority:"Humphries & Miller, 1981",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-09-04",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Contreras MacBeath, T. & Schmitter-Soto, J.J.",reviewer:"Valdes Gonzales, A.",aoo_km2:"6-12",eoo_km2:"6-12",elevation_upper:36,elevation_lower:36,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.14",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Saline, Brackish or Alkaline Lakes",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"R",category:"Rare"}]},{id:"122150289",assessment_id:135433841,id_no:122150289,sci_name:"Amphicnemis billitonis",presence:4,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Possibly Extinct",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:" ",source:"Lieftinck 1940",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1935,longitude:107.23181,latitude:-2.99519,species_id:122150289,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Amphicnemis billitonis is endemic to the island of Belitung, where it has only ever been found at three locations. It is doubtful that the species survives at two of these and threats exist at all. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available information, but based on the known locations it is less than 100 km2, and will be declining, as will the extent and quality of suitable habitat. The species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly, but if no additional locations are found it will need to be re-assessed as Critically Endangered.
",geographicrange:"Amphicnemis billitonis is endemic to the island of Belitung, where it is known from old records from two locations (Lieftinck 1940), including Pulau Aur, a small satellite island of Belitung. Searches on the mainland of Belitung have failed to find the species except at one site (A. Alfarisyi personal communication 2018). It is not known if the species survives on Pulau Aur, a tiny island, but satellite images show extensive clearance of forest on the island. Although an accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, it will be small and based on the known locations it is less than 100km2. The one currently known site is not protected, and large areas in its vicinity have already been converted to plantation. The AOO of the species is certainly suffering an ongoing decline.
",population:"No estimate of the current population of this species is possible with the available information, but if not already confined to a single location, the overall population will certainly be in an ongoing decline due to loss of habitat and will be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"No details are known, but this will be a forest dependent species, possibly confined to swamp forest. However forest is being lost all over Belitung and its satellite islands for agriculture and mining, and the extent and quality of suitable habitat of this species is certainly declining for this reason.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The one currently known site needs protected status, although this seems unlikely to happen. Searches for additional populations are needed, and if found, protection for the habitat will be needed. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:122150289,scientific_name:"Amphicnemis billitonis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Amphicnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1940",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-10-27",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"10-99",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:50,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"139344721",assessment_id:158038868,id_no:139344721,sci_name:"Chlorogomphus piaoacensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"H. Zhang & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"Zhang, H. and Dow, R.A.",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Karube 2013",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:null,longitude:105.867,latitude:22.617,species_id:139344721,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Chlorogomphus piaoacensis is known from the Mount Pia Oac area in northern Viet Nam and a locality in Yunnan, China. The two known locations are approximately 220 km apart. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining, along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat, to some extent due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its maximum current extent of occurrence (EOO) is 8,842 km². Although the species is common at the two known locations, definite threats exist at one of them; if the species were to become extinct at that site, it would rapidly become Critically Endangered. The species is assessed as Vulnerable criteria B and D (VU B1ab(ii,iii); D2). It is hoped that when more data are available, a reassessment to a lower threat category might be possible.
",geographicrange:"Chlorogomphus piaoacensis is known from the Mount Pia Oac area in northern Viet Nam and a location in Yunnan, China (Karube 2013, Zhang 2019, unpublished). The two known locations are approximately 220 km apart. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining to some extent due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its maximum extent of occurrence (EOO), based on the HydroBASINS areas the current known records are within, is 8,847 km².
This species is fairly common at the known locations, little else can be said with the available data except that some ongoing decline in overall population is suspected from loss of forest within the range of the species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Zhang (2019: 45) states that this species is found at “Narrow streams in forest at 500–1,000 m elevation.” The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining to some degree due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for protection of habitat where it occurs and for more information on its distribution and ability to tolerate disturbance.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139344721,scientific_name:"Chlorogomphus piaoacensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROGOMPHIDAE",genus:"Chlorogomphus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Karube, 2013",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2021-01-29",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii); D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Zhang, H. & Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"8847",elevation_upper:1e3,elevation_lower:500,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CN",country:"China",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"6167",assessment_id:3107162,id_no:6167,sci_name:"Cyprinodon simus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"J.J. Schmitter-Soto",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Miller et al. 2005",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-88.73,latitude:19.806,species_id:6167,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Cyprinodon simus is an endemic pupfish species restricted to the Laguna Chichancanab in Yucatán Peninsula, México. The area of occupancy is estimated at 6-12 km2, but the number of locations cannot be determined. The species may be impacted by the introduced invasive alien species (tilapia), and to a lesser degree from habitat degradation caused by agricultural run-off. This species' habitat fluctuates naturally, but it is unclear if there is continuing decline in the extent and quality of the habitat. It is therefore listed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"Cyprinodon simus is part of the species endemic to the brackish, endorheic Lake Chichancanab, a Ramsar site and protected area close to the geographic center of the Yucatan Peninsula (Miller et al. 2005).",population:"There are no data on population size and trends for this species. This species is frequent after the rainy season, but it is more rare during the dry season (A. Valdes pers. comm. 2018). Surveys in 2016 found the species to be relatively frequent (A. Valdes pers. comm. 2018).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Lake Chichancanab and the associated lake Esmeralda are inland, endorheic, hardwater lagoons, from 2 to 8 ups in salinity, with CaSO4 as the main solute. Main bottom vegetation is the algae Chara; mangrove and Cladium constitute the riparian vegetation. Bottom sandy in some parts, but mostly muddy and silty, firm or soft. Mostly shallow, perhaps 2 m in average, but 14 m deep in some points. The system is protected as a Ramsar site and a State PA (Pérez et al. 2011, Ceballos et al. 2016). The species is a trophic specialist, a planktivore (Humphries & Miller 1981), although its niche probably changed, because later studies found it a detritivore (Horstkotte and Strecker 2005). The species has been found in riffles of only 5 cm deep near the road (A. Valdes pers. comm. 2018). The habitat of this species varies widely with cycles of 6-8 years with water level reaching up to 2 m and decreasing to 20-30 cm, and the flooded area varies between 300 to 3500 hectares (A. Valdes pers. comm. 2018).",threats:[{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"No decline",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"No decline",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"No decline",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"No decline",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"No decline",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Lake Chichancanab is a protected area and there are ex situ populations of the species in such institutions as the University of Hamburg (Strecker 2006).",usetrade:"This species not utilised or traded.",taxonid:6167,scientific_name:"Cyprinodon simus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"CYPRINODONTIDAE",genus:"Cyprinodon",main_common_name:"Boxer Pupfish",authority:"Humphries & Miller, 1981",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-10-04",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Contreras MacBeath, T. & Schmitter-Soto, J.J.",reviewer:"Valdes Gonzales, A.",aoo_km2:"6-12",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:36,elevation_lower:36,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Possibly Extinct",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Possibly Extinct"}],habitats:[{code:"5.14",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Saline, Brackish or Alkaline Lakes",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"R",category:"Rare"}]},{id:"201281",assessment_id:2698047,id_no:201281,sci_name:"Gigantidas gladius",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-178.72099304,latitude:-30.2140007,species_id:201281,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine bivalve is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from three restricted locations, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 191 m to 884 m bsl. As the species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO), and has been found at only three locations, the plausible threat of future anthropogenic influence from deep-sea mining in these sites justifies the assessment of the species as Vulnerable (VU D2).This deep-sea bivalve is restricted to three locations at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. All vents lie within the Exclusive Economic Zone of New Zealand. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 191 m bsl to 884 m bsl. It has been observed from six vent fields: at the Calypso vent field (Location 1), the Clark seamount, Tangaroa seamount, Rumble III and Rumble V seamount vent fields (Location 2), and the Macauley caldera vent field (Location 3) (Von Cosel 2003, Wysoczanki and Clark 2012, Boschen et al. 2015). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.
",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Von Cosel 2003, Wysoczanksi and Clark 2012, Thubaut et al. 2013, Boschen et al. 2015).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 191 m to 884 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any vent fields within the New Zealand EEZ. The Rumble III vent field lies within a Benthic Protected Area, however this is not specific to vents within the area and does not protect from mining (Van Dover et al. 2011). We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites within the region.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:201281,scientific_name:"Gigantidas gladius",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"BIVALVIA",order:"MYTILIDA",family:"MYTILIDAE",genus:"Gigantidas",main_common_name:null,authority:"Cosel & Marshall, 2003",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-10-23",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"24",eoo_km2:"6861.661",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:191,depth_lower:884,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"NZ",country:"New Zealand",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"197476147",assessment_id:197529068,id_no:197476147,sci_name:"Pyramidula kobayashii",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Hyun-Yong Chung",yrcompiled:2023,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:130.80798,latitude:37.49027,species_id:197476147,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Pyramidula kobayashii has been exclusively found from Ulleung Island, Republic of Korea. According to our analysis of distributional data, its area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) both are 64 km2.Risiocnemis erythrura is known from 11 locations in the east of Mindanao and an unspecified location on Siargao in the Philippines. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is unlikely to be large, and will be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest in eastern Mindanao and the overall population will be severely fragmented from the same cause. The extent of occurrence of the species will also not be particularly large and with the available data is less than 30,000km2. If the AOO was known to be less than 2,000km2 the species would qualify for Vulnerable status and with the restricted EOO the species qualifies for Near Threatened status under criteria B1ab(ii,iii).
",geographicrange:'Risiocnemis erythrura is known from the eastern side of Mindanao and an unspecified location on Siargao in the Philippines (Hämäläinen 1991, Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen, Villanueva & Cahilog 2013; the assessor also has unpublished data). The assessor is aware of records from 11 locations. One of the locations is near to the Mount Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary and another is near to the Aliwagwag Protected Landscape so the species may well be present in these protected areas. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is unlikely to be large, and will be declining due to loss and degradation of forest in eastern Mindanao. The extent of occurrence of the species will also not be particularly large. Calculated using http://geocat.kew.org the EOO is 25,954.482 km2 and although this does not include the location on Siargao, locations on Siargao will only add at most a few hundred square km to the EOO calculated using minimum convex polygon.
',population:"This can be a moderately common species where it occurs. Beyond this all that can be said is that an ongoing decline is inferred due to loss and degradation of forest in eastern Mindanao and that severe fragmentation is almost certain for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This is a species of small forest streams. It occurs in streams in disturbed forest as well as pristine forest but it is not known how much disturbance it can tolerate. An ongoing decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred due to loss and degradation of forest throughout the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and for better protection for existing protected areas where it might occur.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139565367,scientific_name:"Risiocnemis erythrura",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Risiocnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Brauer, 1868)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-07",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"25954.482",elevation_upper:800,elevation_lower:100,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"139347150",assessment_id:146602085,id_no:139347150,sci_name:"Pericnemis lestoides",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Rory Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Lieftinck 1957",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1915,longitude:125.495,latitude:9.789,species_id:139347150,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Pericnemis lestoides is known from at least 12 locations in Bucas Grande, Dinagat, Siargao and the northeast of Mindanao in the Philippines. Threats exist across the range of the species and the overall population is believed to be severely fragmented. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) for this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and with the available data will be less than 500 km². The AOO will be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and disturbance of forest throughout its range. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is likely less than 5,000 km². The species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed as such.
",geographicrange:'Pericnemis lestoides is known from Bucas Grande, Dinagat, Siargao and the northeast of Mindanao in the Philippines (Needham and Gyger 1939; Lieftinck 1957; Villanueva 2009, 2011, in preparation). The assessor is aware of records from 12 locations to which it has been possible to assign separate coordinates. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and with the available data will be less than 500 km². The AOO will be declining due to loss and disturbance of forest throughout its range. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) based on known localities is 3,827 km²; the EOO based on occupied HydroBASIN areas is 7,117 km².
In the assessor’s experience this is a locally occurring species and typically only occurs at low densities where it is found. Beyond this all that can be said with the available data is that an ongoing decline in overall population is suspected due to loss and disturbance of forest throughout its range and that severe fragmentation appears certain for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Little is known on the habitat requirements of this species but it is certainly at least partly forest-dependent. It has been found at small streams running through coconut plantations (albeit with some original vegetation at the streams themselves) and also in areas with no streams or other freshwater except in phytotelmata. It may be a phytotelmata breeding species. Although it clearly has some tolerance to disturbance it does not appear to be able to survive at locations without substantial shade. An ongoing decline in the extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from loss and disturbance of forest throughout its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for protection of habitat where it occurs and for more information on its habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139347150,scientific_name:"Pericnemis lestoides",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Pericnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Brauer, 1868)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-09-03",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"60-499",eoo_km2:"3827-7117",elevation_upper:600,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"57482786",assessment_id:148847505,id_no:57482786,sci_name:"Copadichromis cyanocephalus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Konings / SCUBA",basisofrec:"StillImage",event_year:1998,longitude:34.790713,latitude:-12.705181,species_id:57482786,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Copadichromis cyanocephalus occurs in Lake Malawi from Meponda to the mouth of the Lumessi River in Mozambique. It meets the area requirements under criterion B for Endangered and it is known from one location, based on the threat of fishing. However, continuing declines or extreme fluctuations in population size are possible but uncertain. The effects of subsistence fishing on this species are unknown. Therefore, it is listed as Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi. It is known from the rocky shores a few kilometres north of Meponda to the mouth of the Lumessi River in Mozambique (Stauffer and Konings 2006).",population:"No information is available on the population size and population trend of this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species frequents habitats characterised by sandy bottoms with scattered rocks and stones; here territorial males defend bowers at depths of 15–22 m (Stauffer and Konings 2006). Females live in small groups and are normally found within a meter from the bottom (Stauffer and Konings 2006).",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation actions are known for this species. Site management, awareness raising and research are recommended.",usetrade:"This species is not targeted by the ornamental fish trade, but belongs to a group of plankton-eating cichlids that are targeted by subsistence fishermen.",taxonid:57482786,scientific_name:"Copadichromis cyanocephalus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Copadichromis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Stauffer & Konings, 2006",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-06-22",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A. & FishBase team RMCA",reviewer:"Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"600",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:"This errata assessment was created to add a point data map that was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.",amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MZ",country:"Mozambique",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"158659",assessment_id:177170292,id_no:158659,sci_name:"Synthemis flexicauda",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Marinov",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN SSC Odonata Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:166.432309,latitude:-21.846406,species_id:158659,taxonomicnotes:"Family Synthemistidae is sometimes treated as a subfamily of Corduliidae.",rationale:"Synthemis flexicauda is endemic to New Caledonia. It is known from a very limited number of localities, with a small area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO). Although information on the species' ecology and threats is scarce, ongoing habitat destruction is considered to be a past, ongoing and future threat. Therefore the species is assessed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Grande Terre Island, New Caledonia (Grand et al. 2014).",population:"No details on population size and trends are known, but it appears to be scarce.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Creeks with steep slopes with rocks in open forest. This species is encountered at higher altitude and on ultramafic soil. The few collected exuviae were at low height and behind boulders emerging from the water. Males start flying along creeks around 09:00, showing an endless and rapid back-and-forward flight above rapids that connect two pools. To rest, they hang under branches of shrubs. The female was not observed.",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation measures in place. The species needs further studies on the population size and trends.",usetrade:null,taxonid:158659,scientific_name:"Synthemis flexicauda",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"SYNTHEMISTIDAE",genus:"Synthemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Campion, 1921",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-05-15",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iv,v)+2ab(iv,v)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Kalkman, V.J.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"16",eoo_km2:"395-2009",elevation_upper:125,elevation_lower:55,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"NC",country:"New Caledonia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"}]},{id:"59726",assessment_id:170688280,id_no:59726,sci_name:"Elattoneura leucostigma",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2014)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.7622,latitude:6.9738,species_id:59726,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Elattoneura leucostigma is endemic to Sri Lanka where it occurs in the central highlands mostly above 1,000 m and up to 2,100 m asl. The assessors are aware of records from 31 individual sites, grouped into five isolated clusters. Some locations are within protected areas, for instance the Peak Wilderness Sanctuary and Horton Plains National Park. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is likely to be smaller than 500 km² and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 600–2,376 km². The overall population is clearly severely fragmented. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)).
',geographicrange:'Elattoneura leucostigma is endemic to Sri Lanka (Bedjanič et al. 2014, Priyadarshana and Wijewardana 2015, Sumanapala and Podduwage 2016, Sumanapala 2017, unpub. data), where it is found in the “Upper montane regions in the central hills of Sri Lanka” Sumanapala (2017). The assessors are aware of records from 31 individual sites, grouped into five clusters. Some locations are within protected areas, for instance the Peak Wilderness Sanctuary and Horton Plains National Park. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible but with the available data the AOO will be less than 500 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 600 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 2,376 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
',population:"This is a scarce and locally occurring species. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range and the overall population is clearly already severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Sumanapala and Poduwage (2016) describe the habitat as “E. leucostigma usually inhabits streams in montane forests, streams running through montane grasslands and seepages from montane marshes. The streams observed to be inhabited by E. leucostigma were usually very small to medium in size …” and Sumanapala (2017) as “Mainly inhabits small streams in montane forests and marshlands and their vicinity”. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:59726,scientific_name:"Elattoneura leucostigma",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Elattoneura",main_common_name:"Smoky-winged Threadtail",authority:"(Fraser, 1933)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-08-01",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"124-500",eoo_km2:"600-2376",elevation_upper:2150,elevation_lower:850,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"195636762",assessment_id:196180486,id_no:195636762,sci_name:"Leioproctus nigrofulvus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jess Marsh",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"National Environmental Science Program (NESP)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"ALA",basisofrec:null,event_year:1933,longitude:148.83,latitude:-35.3,species_id:195636762,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is listed as Vulnerable on the basis that it is suspected to have undergone a population reduction of between 30 and 60% (but for the purposes of this assessment considered most likely to be below 50%, as only 14% of the extent of occurrence was burned at high intensity) immediately following the 2019-2020 bushfire season. Although no other immediate threats have been identified, fire seasons are expected to increase in scale and intensity and as such the cause of this decline has not ceased.",geographicrange:"This Australian species occurs in the easternmost tip of East Gippsland in Victoria northwards through coastal New South Wales and the Great Dividing Range to the northeast of the state close to the Queensland border (Atlas of Living Australia 2021). The extent of occurrence based on a minimum convex polygon is 99,417 km2.",population:"This is most likely a common species. There are a lot of recent records from New South Wales. It is estimated that during the 2019-2020 bushfire season 64% of the known localities, across 34% of the species' extent of occurrence, were impacted by fire (National Environmental Science Program and J. Dorey unpubl. data). Based on expert opinion it is suspected that this may correspond to a global decline of as much as 30-60% as mortality is expected to be high in fire-hit areas, and especially in areas of high-intensity burns (which covered 14% of its extent of occurrence - National Environmental Science Program unpubl. data), where it may reach or exceed 90%.Lanthanusa cochlear is known only from one location, in a region where there has been widespread conversion of forest to grassland and gardens. Although there are moderately extensive areas of intact montane forest with steep clear-flowing streams at higher altitudes in the broader region, this species is classified as Vulnerable under criterion D2 on the basis that there are plausible threats to the only known population that (if the species is restricted to this area alone) potentially could push the species to Critically Endangered or Extinct within a very short time period. Additional information about its distribution (including altitudinal range) and population status is urgently required
",geographicrange:"Lanthanusa cochlear is known from one location in the Trauna River Valley in Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea, where a single specimen was collected at an altitude of 1,618 m asl (Theischinger and Richards 2014).",population:'Lanthanusa cochlear is known from only one specimen, therefore its population status and trends are unknown. However ,Theischinger and Richards (2014) noted that "The species appeared to be uncommon; no additional specimens were observed despite more than 6 hours of sampling over two days at this site."',populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:'The only known specimen of Lanthanusa cochlear was found adjacent to a "small, very steep and clear rocky stream" in lower montane rainforest, along which many trees had been cleared. It perched variously on rocks and low vegetation about 15 m from a large, rocky waterfall (Theischinger and Richards 2014).',threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions in place for this species. Research is needed to better document its habitat requirements, distribution, population status and trends, and threats from habitat conversion and degradation.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:122876866,scientific_name:"Lanthanusa cochlear",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"LIBELLULIDAE",genus:"Lanthanusa",main_common_name:null,authority:"Theischinger & Richards, 2014",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-10-01",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Richards, S.",reviewer:"Dow, R.A.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:1618,elevation_lower:1618,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PG",country:"Papua New Guinea",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"164691405",assessment_id:164691531,id_no:164691405,sci_name:"Brachyrhaphis roseni",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2019 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.ys4a4o, Arturo Angulo 2019",basisofrec:"FIELD_OBSERVATION",event_year:2013,longitude:-83.18173333,latitude:8.65153333,species_id:164691405,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Brachyrhaphis roseni occurs on the Pacific slope of Central America from the Coto River drainage in Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica, eastward to the Santa Maria River in Veragus Province, central Panama. Extent of Occurrence is estimated to be 14,000 km2. Total population size and population trend are unknown, but this species appears abundant throughout much of its range. A number of pervasive threats exist, including agricultural, industrial, and urban expansion, and associated deforestation, pollution, and sedimentation. While the direct effect of these threats on B. roseni have not been evaluated, they have resulted in continuing inferred declines in the area and quality of available habitat. Given uncertainties regarding the direct impacts of existing threats, the number of locations where B. roseni exists cannot be estimated. As such, this species is assessed as Near Threatened under criterion B1b(iii).
",geographicrange:"Brachyrhaphis roseni is distributed throughout the Chiriqui and Santa Maria biogeographic provinces on the Pacific slope of Costa Rica and Panama (Smith and Bermingham 2005). In Costa Rica, distribution is limited to the Coto River drainage (Angulo et al. 2013). In Panama, distribution extends westward to the Santa Maria River in Veragus Province (Robles and Vega 2004, Ingley et al. 2015), with occurrences specifically reported from the Soná Peninsula, Azuero Peninsula, as well as the Cobre, Santa María, La Villa, Chiriquí Viejo, Chico, Chiriquí, Fonseca, San Felix, and Tabasará river drainages (Vega et al. 2006). An additional evolutionarily independent subpopulation occurs in a sulphide-rich spring in the David River drainage (Greenway et al. 2014). The type locality of this species is approximately 3 km west of the city of Paso Canoas in Costa Rica (Lucinda 2003). Elevational distribution ranges from 10-651 meters above sea level (Ingley 2014).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 14,000 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records and distribution reported in Ingley et al. (2015). Given uncertainties regarding the scope and magnitude of existing threats, the number of locations where this species occurs cannot be determined with accuracy.",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. However, this species has been collected extensively and is suspected to be fairly abundant throughout much of its range. This species is represented in the Museum of the University of Costa Rica by 370 specimens across 9 collection lots (Angulo et al. 2015). Ichthyological surveys from the La Cañaza River in the Golfito region of Costa Rica report a relative species abundance of 3.8% (Mendiola 2007). Surveys in streams throughout the Chiriqui River drainage suggest that this species is widely distributed and abundant (Ingley 2014). Ichthyological surveys in the Coto River basin qualitatively characterize this species as common, where it occurs in more than five distinct rivers (A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Brachyrhaphis roseni is a benthopelagic, freshwater species that occurs across a broad elevational gradient of streams and rivers along the Pacific slope of Central America (Bussing 1998, Ingley 2014). Low elevation streams are characterized by warm water temperature, slow water velocity, and substrates of sand, gravel, and mud (Ingley 2014, A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019). Higher elevation streams tend to have cooler water temperatures, faster water velocity, and substrates consisting of small stones and medium to large boulders (Ingley 2014). This species often co-occurs with the sympatric sister species B. terrabensis, but is typically replaced in headwaters by the close congener (Ingley and Johnson 2016, Stallsmith 2018). It often co-occurs with a diverse suite of piscivorous predatory species (Ingley et al. 2015). Reproduction occurs throughout the year (Bussing 1998). This species reaches a maximum reported body size of approximately 4.4 cm standard length (SL) (Lucinda 2003).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation actions directed towards B. roseni. This species has not been collected within the boundaries of any protected areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). However, it is feasible that the range of this species extends into Piedras Blancas National Park and Golfito National Wildlife Refuge. Additional information regarding population size, population trend, and the scope and magnitude of existing threats would be useful in guiding future conservation action.
",usetrade:"This species is relatively common in the ornamental trade, but the annual volume of harvest from wild populations is unknown. In Europe, the majority of specimens in trade are aquacultured (Lee et al. 1980, A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019).
",taxonid:164691405,scientific_name:"Brachyrhaphis roseni",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Brachyrhaphis",main_common_name:"Olomina de Rosen",authority:"Bussing, 1988",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-12-31",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Angulo, A. & Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Armbruster, J.W. & González, R.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"14000",elevation_upper:651,elevation_lower:10,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"125922413",assessment_id:125922449,id_no:125922413,sci_name:"Ancistrus trinitatis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"De Souza et al. 2019, Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2020 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.sgsdxg",basisofrec:"HUMAN_OBSERVATION",event_year:2018,longitude:-61.225795,latitude:10.668482,species_id:125922413,taxonomicnotes:"This is considerable taxonomic uncertainty surrounding the validity of A. trinitatis, due in part to poor original descriptions (Armbruster 2005), and further confounded by missing syntypes of Chaetostomus trinitatis (Lujan et al. 2015). Philips et al. (2013) suggests that all ancistrine Loricariids on the island of Trinidad represent A. maracasae (therefore placing A. trinitatis as junior synonym to A. maracasae). In the following assessment, A. trinitatis is treated as a valid species based on the most recent review of ancistrine systematics available, which effectively assigns the holotype of A. maracasae as the neotype of A. trinitatis (De Souza et al. 2019).
",rationale:"Ancistrus trinitatis is restricted to the northwestern corner of the Island of Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago. Range extent may include streams south of the Northern Range Divide. Extent of Occurrence is estimated to be 42-890 km2. The primary threats to freshwater habitat include habitat degradation and loss associated with industrial expansion, quarrying, oil and gas drilling, and the introduction of non-native species. However, given uncertainty regarding the scope and magnitude of existing threats, the number of threat-based locations where this species occurs cannot be determined with accuracy. Therefore, A. trinitatis is assessed as Near Threatened, because it nearly meets the threshold for a threatened category under criterion B. Additional research regarding distribution, population size, population trend, and the direct impact of existing threats may qualify this species for a threatened category.
",geographicrange:"Ancistrus trinitatis is restricted to the northwestern corner of the Island of Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago (De Souza et al. 2019). Range extent may include streams south of the Northern Range Divide (Phillip et al. 2013).
Extent of Occurrence is estimated to be 42-890 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records within the distributional range of this species reported by De Souza et al. (2019) and an upper estimate based on additional reported georeferenced collection records south of the Northern Range Divide under the recently synonymized A. maracasae (Phillip et al. 2013, GBIF 2020). Given uncertainties in range extent, it is not possible to accurately estimate the Area of Occupancy or number of threat-based locations where this species occurs.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. Extensive repeated sampling was conducted a total of 20 times along 50m long stretches of stream habitat where this species was present between 2010-2015 (twice per year during the dry season, and twice per year during the rainy season) (Deacon et al. 2017, Magurran et al. 2018). Of the nine sites where this species was reported, the average number of individuals collected at each site across all sampling occurrences is as follows: Acono lower: 4; Acono upper: 4; Caura lower: 1; Lopinot lower: <1; Lower Aripo lower: 15; Lower Aripo upper: 6; Maracas lower: 7; Maracas upper: <1; Upper Aripo lower: 46. It is important to note that population density was typically low across across the majority of sampled sites, with the exception of sites that harbored population strongholds (e.g., upper Aripo River), where on occasion more than 100 individuals were recorded along a single 50 m stretch of stream habitat (Magurran et al. 2018). Therefore, protection of certain small portions of this species range will be of vital importance if in-situ conservation measures are considered (A. Deacon pers. comm. 2020).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in various habitats from free-flowing, clear-water streams to very turbid, stagnant waters (Phillip et al. 2013). Males guard sticky egg masses deposited on hard substrates (Phillip et al. 2013). Maximum reported body size is approximately 10 cm (Phillip et al. 2013).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.1",title:"Oil & gas drilling",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Tarebia granifera)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Tarebia granifera"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Tarebia granifera)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Tarebia granifera"}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards A. trinitatis. Range may extend into one or more protected areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). Additional information regarding distribution, population size, population trend, and the scope and magnitude of existing threats would be useful in guiding future conservation interventions.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:125922413,scientific_name:"Ancistrus trinitatis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LORICARIIDAE",genus:"Ancistrus",main_common_name:"Jumbie Teta",authority:"(Günther, 1864)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-04-17",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Deacon, A.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"42-890",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"TT",country:"Trinidad and Tobago",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"223958687",assessment_id:223961542,id_no:223958687,sci_name:"Linepithema aztecoides",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Hannah Bevan",yrcompiled:2023,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Angotti, 2018",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-45.953611,latitude:-21.783056,species_id:223958687,taxonomicnotes:"There may be two largely allopatric species embedded in this taxon, but without more collections it is going to be hard to tell. Both forms are certainly uncommon and habitat-restricted (A. Wild pers. comm. 2023).",rationale:"Linepithema aztecoides has an area of occupancy of 88km2. Its habitat is mostly restricted to cerrado edge, which is projected to continue to be degraded due to cattle ranching and agricultural expansion. This species is not severely fragmented and is found in many localities. There is no population or monitoring data available and so there is no evidence for extreme fluctuations in EOO, AOO, locations/subpopulations or the number of mature individuals. Therefore, the species is listed as Near Threatened (NT).",geographicrange:"Linepithema aztecoides has an estimated extent of occurrence (EOO) of 3,566,560 km2, and minimum area of occupancy (AOO) of 88 km2 and can be found in Colombia, Paraguay and Brazil. The majority of known localities fall within central and south-eastern Brazil, particularly in states Minas Gerais and São Paulo.",population:"There is no recorded information on the population size and trends for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Linepithema aztecoides has been collected from the edge of humid subtropical low forest bordering a small cerrado and from cerrados and riparian gallery forests (Wild 2007). It appears to be largely restricted to these two habitat types. It tends to be found at low elevations and on low vegetation.",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"In a small portion of its range, Linepithema aztecoides exists within protected areas, including Panga Ecological Station. Ensuring that habitat heterogeneity persists in the Cerrado region has been shown to benefit ant diversity (Pacheco and Vasconcelos 2011), and so could be of value to this species. Further research into the distribution, ecology, population size and trend would be useful, as well as to investigate what potential threats it may face.",usetrade:"There is no information currently on the use or trade of this species.",taxonid:223958687,scientific_name:"Linepithema aztecoides",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"HYMENOPTERA",family:"FORMICIDAE",genus:"Linepithema",main_common_name:null,authority:"Wild, 2007",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2023-01-09",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bevan, H.",reviewer:"Flinn, G. & Wild, A.",aoo_km2:"88",eoo_km2:"3566560",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"CO",country:"Colombia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PY",country:"Paraguay",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"2.1",habitat:"Savanna - Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2023",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"173831880",assessment_id:173831884,id_no:173831880,sci_name:"Harttia villasboas",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Okayawa et al. 2018",basisofrec:null,event_year:1984,longitude:-54.96277778,latitude:-8.73583333,species_id:173831880,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Harttia villasboas is only known to occur above a series of two large waterfalls in the Curuá River, a tributary of the Iriri River in the area of Serra do Cachimbo, Pará State, Brazil. Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 4 km2. A single threat-based location is inferred based on the presence of hydroelectric damming development that is projected to impact habitat quality and availability across the known range of the species. Deforestation and cattle ranching are additional, more dispersed ongoing threats. While the immediate impacts of existing threats are currently unknown, it is feasible that continued construction will drive continuing declines in habitat quality and availability in the near future. Therefore, H. villasboas is assessed as Critically Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Harttia villasboas is only known to occur above a series of two large waterfalls in the Curuá River, a tributary of the Iriri River in the area of Serra do Cachimbo, Pará State, Brazil (Oyakawa et al. 2018). Collections below the falls have failed to detect this species, suggesting that range might be restricted to the portion of the river above the two falls (Oyakawa et al. 2018). Collections above a smaller series of three waterfalls immediately upstream of the type locality have also failed to detect this species in the upper Xingu River basin (Oyakawa et al. 2018). Endemism in the upper Curuá River is consistent with the biogeography of the watershed (Birindelli et al. 2009, Garcia-Ayala et al. 2017).
Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, calculated by overlaying a 2x2 km grid over known collection localities (Oyakawa et al. 2018). This species is inferred to occur in a single threat-based location, given a highly restricted range and an immediate projected threat that could feasibly affect habitat quality in the entire known range in the near future.",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Harttia villasboas is only known to occur above a series of two large waterfalls in the Curuá River, a tributary of the Iriri River in the area of Serra do Cachimbo. The Curuá River is a clearwater river (Birindelli et al. 2009).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no species-specific conservation measures directed towards H. villasboas. Range may extend into the adjacent Reserva Biológica Nascente da Serra do Cachimbo, but currently all known collection records exist outside of the park boundary (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). Additional survey in the upper Xingu will be necessary to confirm range extent. Further research regarding the direct impact of immediate threats is warranted. Site protection is likely a conservation priority In view of the apparent high fish endemism in the Serra do Cachimbo (Birindelli et al. 2009).
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:173831880,scientific_name:"Harttia villasboas",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LORICARIIDAE",genus:"Harttia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Oyakawa, Fichberg & Rapp Py-Daniel, 2018",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-11-17",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Reis, R.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"176213433",assessment_id:176213565,id_no:176213433,sci_name:"Hypostomus coppenamensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Gustavo Ballen",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Boeseman 1969",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:-56.76667,latitude:3.9,species_id:176213433,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is known from the Coppename river basin. It has a relatively restricted distribution with an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 5,217 km2 and an area of occupancy (AOO) of 1,852 km2. The Coppename basin is under direct effect of mining activities and there are three threat-based locations based on this threat. However, there is no information as to whether mining is leading to a continuing decline in habitat. Therefore, this species is assessed as Near Threatened B1a+2a on the basis of the number of locations and the EOO.",geographicrange:"The species was described on the basis of two specimens from the same locality in the Coppename river (Boeseman 1969), who noted that the species seems to be restricted to that river among the several species of Hypostomus found in Suriname.Rineloricaria altipinnis is restricted to the Tuira River drainage on the Pacific slope of eastern Panama. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 6,652-33,402 km2. This species has only been collected at five discreet localities, and while more comprehensive surveys could reveal additional localities, the number of locations where this species occurs is estimated to be five. Total population size and population trend are unknown. However, this species is poorly represented in museum records and ichthyological surveys within its native range, suggesting that it is uncommon. Existing threats include land-use change and deforestation associated with agricultural expansion and extractive logging within park boundaries. While there is considerable uncertainty regarding the scope, magnitude, and direct impacts of these threats, they are likely to be producing an inferred continuous decline in habitat quality. As such, R. altipinnis is assessed as Vulnerable (VU) under criterion B1ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Rineloricaria altipinnis is distributed in the Tuira River drainage on the Pacific slope of eastern Panama (Smith and Bermingham 2005, Matamoros et al. 2015, Covain et al. 2016). Ichthyological sampling in Darien National Park only collected this species from Chamurucuate stream (Garcés and García 2007). The type locality of this species is the Chico River (Tuira River drainage) in Darien, Panama (Reis et al. 2003). Additional records have been collected from the Bayano River (R. González pers. comm. 2019). It is also found in the Sambu River.
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 6,652-33,402 km2, with a lower estimate bounded by a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (GBIF 2019), and an upper estimate bounded by a minimum convex polygon calculated around the Tuira River drainage.
This species is known from five discreet collection localities. While there are uncertainties regarding the scope and magnitude of existing threats, as well as uncertainty regarding the distribution of the taxa (which can most probably be attributed to sparse sampling effort), the number of threat-based locations where this species occurs is estimated to be five. The number of locations may increase following more comprehensive ichthyological survey.",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. However, poor representation in museum collections, and a limited number of individuals collected during field surveys in Darien National Park (Breder 1927, Garcés and García 2007) suggest that this species is uncommon to rare (R. González pers. comm. 2019).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species has been collected in freshwater streams and rivers on the Pacific slope of eastern Panama, and typically occurs in small pools alongside evaporating streamsides during the dry season (Breder 1927). Diet is comprised primarily of periphyton (Breder 1927). Reproductive output likely peaks during the rainy season (Breder 1927). This species reaches a maximum reported body size of 15.4 cm standard length (SL) (Reis et al. 2003).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards R. altipinnis. The range of this species extends into Darien National Park (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). Additional ichthyological survey is needed to reduce uncertainties in range extent and abundance. More information regarding population size, population trend, and the scope and magnitude of existing threats will be necessary to inform conservation action.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:164694148,scientific_name:"Rineloricaria altipinnis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LORICARIIDAE",genus:"Rineloricaria",main_common_name:"Chupapiedra",authority:"(Breder, 1925)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-12-18",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J. & González, R.",reviewer:"Armbruster, J.W.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"6652-33402,10000",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"191192",assessment_id:86497951,id_no:191192,sci_name:"Menidia colei",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Ceballos et al. 2016",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-90.361,latitude:20.877,species_id:191192,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to the Gulf of Mexico, where it occurs in coastal brackish to hypersaline epicontinental environments along the northern Yucatan Peninsula. The species is restricted to five lagoons: Progreso, Ría Lagartos, Yalahau (Miller et al. 2005), Celestún and Chelem (Ceballos et al. 2016). This uncommon species is threatened by coastal development, habitat loss and pollution. While its populations are indeed fragmented, the decrease in habitat quantity and quality is restricted to one, perhaps two, of its five localities, and not the largest one. Considering these factors and its extent of occurrence (EOO) of 7,000 km², the species is assessed as Vulnerable.
This species is endemic to the Gulf of Mexico, where it occurs in coastal brackish to hypersaline epicontinental environments along the northern Yucatan Peninsula. The species is only known from five lagoons: Progreso, Ría Lagartos, Yalahau (Miller et al. 2005), Celestún and Chelem (Ceballos et al. 2016).
",population:"This is an infrequent species, but it can be locally abundant; for the original description (Hubbs 1936), ca 100 paratypes were used, out of a larger sample.
There are no specific conservation actions targeting this species, but three out of the five populations occur in protected areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019).
There are no relevant taxonomic limitations.
There is no information about any population parameter. However, it appears to be rare. The population is fragmented by the Itaipu dam in Brazil and several other smaller dams in both Brazil and Paraguay (ICMBio 2018, R. E. Reis pers comm. 2023).
There is no information about species use or trade.
",taxonid:186541,scientific_name:"Gymnogeophagus setequedas",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Gymnogeophagus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Reis, Malabarba & Pavanelli, 1992",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-11-19",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Frederico, R.G.",reviewer:"Reis, R.",aoo_km2:"88-57000",eoo_km2:"18860-67180",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AR",country:"Argentina",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PY",country:"Paraguay",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"61127",assessment_id:148845927,id_no:61127,sci_name:"Melanochromis robustus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Konings / SCUBA",basisofrec:"StillImage",event_year:2003,longitude:34.753184,latitude:-13.99125,species_id:61127,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Melanochromis robustus is endemic to Lake Malawi, where it is known only from Chinyankwazi Island and Mumbo Island in the southern part of the lake. It meets the area requirements under criterion B for the threatened categories and it is known from two locations. However, continuing declines or extreme fluctuations in EOO, AOO, habitat quality or population size are possible but uncertain. The effects of aquarium trade and pollution on this species are unknown and it is, therefore, listed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi. Johnson (1985) indicated Chizumulu Island as the type locality of this species, but Konings and Stauffer (2012) report that Johnson's type locality is based on misinformation and should be corrected to Chinyankwazi Island. It is therefore only positively known from Chinyankwazi Island and Mumbo Island in Malawi (Konings and Stauffer 2012).",population:"This species is uncommon in occurrence in very shallow rocky habitat (Konings and Stauffer 2012). There is no other information on the population size and population trend of this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in the very shallow rocky habitat (less than five metres depth) (Konings and Stauffer 2012), with males defending spawning sites located insides caves and crevices between rocks. Male territories have an estimated diameter of two to three metres (Konings and Stauffer 2012), and mouth-brooding females remain solitary and staying close to the rocky substrate (Konings and Stauffer 2012). This species probably has opportunistic feeding behaviour (Konings and Stauffer 2012).",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The distribution range of M. robustus is wholly inside the Lake Malawi National Park, Africa's first freshwater national park and a UNSECO World Heritage Site. Human waste (from a large number of illegal fishermen) has visibly impacted the water quality around Chinyankwazi Island, with it becoming turbid in the shallow regions. It may have an effect in the population density of M. robustus. The population around Mumbo Island does not appear to be threatened by diminished water quality. More research is needed into this species population numbers and range, habitat status and threats, as well as monitoring population trends.",usetrade:'It is irregularly collected for the aquarium trade where it is known as "Melanochromis Brevis". This species is not targeted by subsistence fishermen.',taxonid:61127,scientific_name:"Melanochromis robustus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Melanochromis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Johnson, 1985",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-06-09",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A. & FishBase team RMCA",reviewer:"Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"60",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:"This errata assessment was created to add a point data map that was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.",amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MW",country:"Malawi",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"LC",category:"Least Concern"}]},{id:"190552225",assessment_id:214850858,id_no:190552225,sci_name:"Cyphocharax muyrakytan",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Douglas Rodríguez Olarte",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"GBIF (2020), Fish Collection ANSP (2020), INPA Fish Collection (2020), USP Fish Collection (2020), PUCRS Fish Collection (2020), UEM Fish Collection (2020), Smithsonian Institution Fish Collection (2020), UNICAMP Fish Collection (2020), UFMS Fish Collect",basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:-55.2075,latitude:-2.5289,species_id:190552225,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Cyphocharax muyrakytan is assessed as Endangered. The extent of occurrence (EOO) is best estimated at 569 km2, and the area of occupancy (AOO) is best estimated at 428 km2. The major threat to the species is the imminent construction of a hydroelectric complex, including a dam and reservoir, in Tapajós river. Additional threats are gold mining and deforestation for agriculture. Based on these threats, the best estimate is that there are two threat-based locations. There is a continuing decline in habitat.",geographicrange:"Cyphocharax muyrakytan was described from a lake 2 km north of Comunidade Santa Sofía, river Arapiuns (Tapajós system), Pará, Santarem, in Brazil (Bortolo et al. 2018). The species occur in igarapés (creeks) in lowland drainage of Tapajós, final stretch of the Tapajós river before its mouth in the Amazon. It is reported in Igarapés Mato Grosso, Dominguinho, Vista Alegre and lake at Arapiranga in drainage of Arapiuns river (Bortolo et al. 2018). The species is reported in six localities with an elevational distribution range from 5-10 meters above sea level.Protosticta lepteca is endemic to Luzon in the Philippines where it is known from four locations (van Tol 2005, Villanueva et al. 2009). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest in northern Luzon. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) is less than 5,000 km2. The species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B1ab(ii,iii) but it is to be hoped that when more data are available from northern Luzon re-assessment to a lower threat category might be possible.
",geographicrange:'Protosticta lepteca is endemic to Luzon in the Philippines (van Tol 2005, Villanueva et al. 2009). The assessor is aware of records from four locations in the northeast of Luzon, one within the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and will be declining as a result of loss and degradation of forest in northern Luzon. The extent of occurrence (EOO) calculated using http://geocat.kew.org is 1,183.642 km2.
',population:"All that can be said with the available data is that some decline in overall population will be occurring as a result of clearance of forest throughout the range of the species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This will be a species of forest streams but no details are known. The extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred to be declining due to loss of and disturbance to forest in northeast Luzon.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and for better protection of the existing protected area where it occurs. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139569559,scientific_name:"Protosticta lepteca",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Protosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"van Tol, 2005",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-15",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"1183.642",elevation_upper:900,elevation_lower:200,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"173833386",assessment_id:173833392,id_no:173833386,sci_name:"Microlepidogaster negomata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Martins et al. 2017",basisofrec:null,event_year:2007,longitude:-45.41444444,latitude:-18.12027778,species_id:173833386,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Microlepidogaster negomata is known from Bebedouro Creek and the Curral das Éguas River in the Abaeté River drainage, a left bank tributary of the São Francisco River basin. Extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 5,606 km2. The type locality of this species is impacted by cattle ranching, increased streambank erosion, and increased sedimentation. The other collection localities where this species has been documented remain free from major anthropogenic impacts. Given uncertainties regarding the scope and direct impact of regionally pervasive threats at it is not possible to accurately estimate the number of threat-based locations where this species occurs. Therefore, M. negomata is assessed as Near Threatened under criterion B1ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Microlepidogaster negomata is known from Bebedouro Creek and the Curral das Éguas River in the Abaeté River drainage, a left bank tributary of the São Francisco River basin in Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil (Martins et al. 2017). The type locality of this species is a very small stream near Arapuá municipality at an elevation of 912-1032 m above sea level (Martins et al. 2017).
Extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 5,606 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (Martins et al. 2017). The number of threat-based location where this species occurs cannot be accurately estimated due to uncertainties regarding the scope and direct impact of diffuse threats (e.g., surface water abstraction, cattle ranching, agricultural expansion) throughout the region.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The type locality of this species is a small stream characterized by a width of 0.8 m, a maximum depth of 0.4 m, and substrates of gravel, stones, and sand (Martins et al. 2017). Riparian vegetation is primarily composed of herbs and grasses, and is surrounded by a grazing area with a few palm trees and shrubs (Martins et al. 2017). Bank erosion and high sunlight exposure are evident at the type locality (Martins et al. 2017). Males are sexually dimorphic based on the presence of urogenital papilla (Martins et al. 2017).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards M. negomata. Range does not extend into any protected areas. Additional research regarding distribution, population size, population trend, and the direct impact of existing threats would be useful in clarifying the conservation status of this species.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:173833386,scientific_name:"Microlepidogaster negomata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LORICARIIDAE",genus:"Microlepidogaster",main_common_name:null,authority:"Martins, Cherobim, Andrade & Langeani, 2017",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-12-03",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Reis, R.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"5606",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"157720147",assessment_id:157733559,id_no:157720147,sci_name:"Iheyaspira lequios",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:126.89700317,latitude:27.79080009,species_id:157720147,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 1,000 m to 1,600 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. The potential for anthropogenic influence at this site based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. There may already be disturbance to this species as Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) is in the process of testing of seabed mining technology for future exploitation-phase licensing. The impact of uncertainty around the decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from VU to CR, using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as the top of this range, Critically Endangered (CR B1ab(iii)). A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements.
",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to one location at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. This location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with biologically and geologically coherent identity. Any vent fields within this location therefore also have common exposure to relevant potential threats. This location lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Japan. The species is currently known from three vent fields with active black smokers and diffuse venting located at depths of 1,000 m to 1,600 m bsl, namely the Izena Hole, Iheya Ridge and Iheya North vent fields on the Okinawa Trough (Okutani et al. 2000, Watanabe and Kojima 2015). This species is present over a small area at these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Okutani et al. 2000, Watanabe and Kojima 2015).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1,000 m to 1,600 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any vent fields within the Japan EEZ. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the West Pacific Ocean ridges.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157720147,scientific_name:"Iheyaspira lequios",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"TROCHIDA",family:"SKENEIDAE",genus:"Iheyaspira",main_common_name:null,authority:"Okutani, Sasaki & Tsuchida, 2000",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-11-23",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Böhm, M., Seddon, M.B. & Sigwart, J.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"17.881",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:1e3,depth_lower:1600,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"JP",country:"Japan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"118043564",assessment_id:118043593,id_no:118043564,sci_name:"Phenacorhamdia taphorni",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Echevarría, G.",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:"Bocono river",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"DoNascimiento and Milani (2008). The Venezuelan species of Phenacorhamdia (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae), with the description of two new species and a remarkable new tooth morphology for siluriforms. Proced. Academy Nat. Sciences of Philadelphia, 157:163",basisofrec:" ",event_year:1982,longitude:-70.09449768,latitude:9.52449989,species_id:118043564,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species has a restricted distribution. The area of distribution of this species has been highly disturbed and faces intense pressure from agricultural use, the construction of dams and urban development. There are two threat-based locations based on these impacts. Both the extent of occurrence (EOO: 1,826 km2) and area of occupancy (AOO: 24 km2) are small. The habitat quality and distribution of this species are declining. Therefore, it is assessed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species occurs in the central Venezuelan Andes, in the rivers Santo Domingo, Boconó, La Yuca and Mazparro, that drain towards Apure River, Orinoco drainage.",population:"There are no data available to estimate a population size.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It inhabits foothills streams characterized by their substrate of cobbles and the presence of riffles and pools (DoNascimiento and Milani 2008).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.9",title:"Small dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The species is not known from any protected areas, but clearly there is a need for improved habitat protection at sites where it is known to occur. Further survey work is required to determine whether or not this species is experiencing a genuine decline, or is undergoing natural population fluctuations. This species would benefit from habitat restoration and better information on distribution, abundance, population trend, and threats.",usetrade:"It is unknown whether this species is traded in the ornamental fish market.",taxonid:118043564,scientific_name:"Phenacorhamdia taphorni",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"HEPTAPTERIDAE",genus:"Phenacorhamdia",main_common_name:null,authority:"DoNascimiento & Milani, 2008",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2017-03-30",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Echevarría, G.",reviewer:"Harrison, I.J.",aoo_km2:"24",eoo_km2:"1826",elevation_upper:300,elevation_lower:200,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VE",country:"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2017",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"157085",assessment_id:128306875,id_no:157085,sci_name:"Xerosecta explanata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"D. Allen",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN European Red List / Mollusc Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"A. López Alabau / Vincent Prie",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-.203555,latitude:39.04959869,species_id:157085,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species has a fragmented distribution in southern France and southeastern Spain, with records from the Balearic Islands considered to result from introduction and to be extirpated.Hypsolebias gardneri is known only from its type locality, a wide, heavily vegetated temporary pool near highway Br-030 about 8 km northeast of the village of Malhada in the São Francisco River floodplain, Bahia, Brazil. Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, and the species is assigned to a single threat-based location. No other pools with similar characteristics were found in the region. Because this species is only known from its type series collected in 2010, total population size and population trend are unknown. However, suitable habitat is extremely vulnerable to deforestation associated with road construction and agricultural expansion. While their direct impact on H. gardneri remain unevaluated, these activities represent a plausible future threat that could quickly drive this species to extinction. Therefore, H. gardneri is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2.
",geographicrange:"Hypsolebias gardneri is known only from its type locality, a wide temporary pool near highway Br-030 about 8 km northeast of the village of Malhada at approximately 500 m above sea level in the São Francisco River floodplain, Bahia, Brazil (Costa et al. 2018). No similar pools were found in the region (Costa et al. 2018).
Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, based on a single 2x2 km grid overlain on top of the type locality. This species is inferred from a single location, as any localized threats are likely to affect the type locality in its entirety.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species cannot be determined because the pool has only been sampled a single time in 2010, when the entire type series of this species was collected (Costa et al. 2018).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Hypsolebias gardneri is known only from a wide temporary pool near highway Br-030 at approximately 500 m above sea level in the São Francisco River floodplain, Bahia, Brazil (Costa et al. 2018). The pool is characterized by dense aquatic vegetation in open areas and bushes concentrated along a portion of the bank (Costa et al. 2018). The congener H. pterophyllus was common throughout the pool, whereas H. gardneri was restricted to overshadowed areas under marginal bushes (Costa et al. 2018).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards this species, and range does not extend into any existing protected areas. Additional ichthyological survey and an evaluation of potential threats at the type locality are necessary research priorities. Site protection and habitat monitoring may be warranted conservation priorities.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:173832092,scientific_name:"Hypsolebias gardneri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Hypsolebias",main_common_name:null,authority:"Costa, Amorim & Mattos, 2018",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-01-04",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Costa, W.J.E.M.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:500,elevation_lower:500,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"44269",assessment_id:110767086,id_no:44269,sci_name:"Burnupia stuhlmanni",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Dirk Van Damme",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Below Owen Falls",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Mandahl-Barth, 1954",basisofrec:null,event_year:1951,longitude:33.15,latitude:.483333,species_id:44269,taxonomicnotes:"Four species of the genus Burnupia have been described from eastern Africa; two species from the highlands and two from the large rift lakes. Burnupia stuhlmanni is the species that was described from Lake Victoria and the Victoria Nile. The taxonomic relationship between these four species and with the widespread B. caffra are unknown. If these are distinct species or ecophenotypic adaptations to exceptional conditions (highlands, rift lakes) needs further investigation.",rationale:"That Burnupia stuhlmanni is a distinct species currently is an assumption, not based on reliable morphological or molecular evidence. We project a 25% population decline in the next 10 years based on the existing and potential threats on the habitat (C. Lange pers. comm. 2016). Considering its high sensitivity to pollution and global warming, it may become extinct rapidly. This species is assessed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to East Africa. It is found in Lake Victoria, from Kisumu in Kenya to the Victoria Nile in Uganda (Brown 1994). Data from this author suggests that this species is common and abundant in Kisumu, but during a 2002-2004 survey in Winam Bay this species was not recovered (Lange et al. 2013). However, C. Lange (pers. comm. 2016) states that it is still common.",population:"No information is available on the population but currently it is cited as abundant.",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:"It is found on stones at the lakes edge (Brown 1994).",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation measures have been implemented.",usetrade:"This species is not used.",taxonid:44269,scientific_name:"Burnupia stuhlmanni",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"HYGROPHILA",family:"BURNUPIIDAE",genus:"Burnupia",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Martens, 1897)",published_year:2017,assessment_date:"2016-01-21",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Stable",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Van Damme, D. & Lange, C.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Point locality records for this species were recently compiled by D. Van Damme. As a result of these records, there has been a slight extension to the previously published distribution range for this species. These point locality records are also now displayed on the distribution map.",countries:[{code:"KE",country:"Kenya",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"TZ",country:"Tanzania, United Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"UG",country:"Uganda",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2016",assess_year:"2016",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2010",assess_year:"2004",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2004",assess_year:"2004",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"196329994",assessment_id:196330015,id_no:196329994,sci_name:"Kosciuscola sp. nov. 3 'K. cuneatus Sth NSW Clade'",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Kate Umbers",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"National Environmental Science Program (NESP)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"ANIC",basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:147.7979346,latitude:-36.64701074,species_id:196329994,taxonomicnotes:"Differences in morphological, ecological and behavioural traits suggest that the current five-species arrangement does not accurately reflect species diversity within Kosciuscola (Tatarnic et al. 2013, Umbers et al. 2021). Molecular work has identified species-level clades within K. cuneatus, with strong evidence that K. cuneatus proper is restricted to the Australian Capital Territory and northern New South Wales mountains (Umbers et al. 2021) and the remaining clades within K. cuneatus are undescribed species.Cyprinodon macrolepis is restricted to El Ojo de Haicenda Delores and its outlet canal, a small spring 12.5 km southwest of Jimenez in Chihuahua, Mexico. The primary habitat of this species is used as a recreational swimming area and bathing area. However the impacts of such activities on the total population size of C. macrolepis are unknown. Current habitat loss as a result of regional water use is unknown. This species is highly restricted, with an estimated extent of occurrence of 0.034 km2 and area of occupancy of 4 km2. However, total population size is unknown and there is no documented evidence of population decline. Therefore, C. macrolepis is listed as Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:"Cyprinodon macrolepis is restricted to El Ojo de Hacienda Delores and its outlet canal, a small spring 12.5 km southwest of Jimenez in Chihuahua, Mexico within the Rio Florida drainage basin (Miller et al. 2005, Lozano-Vilano and Maza-Benignos 2017). Ojo de Hacienda Delores has a surface area that does not exceed 0.034 km2. Estimated extent of occurrence (EOO) is 0.034 km2 and estimated area of occupancy (AOO) is 4 km2.
",population:"The total population size of C. macrolepis is unknown, but likely relatively small considering its highly restricted range. Habitat loss as a result of water use in the region has not been quantified.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Water temperature within El Ojo de Hacienda Delores ranges from 29-34 oC annually. This species occurs in clear spring waters at depths of 0.3-1.2 m, over sand, gravel, mud, bedrock, and silt. Vegetation within the spring includes aquatic macrophytes and green algae. Salinity ranges from 0.5-0.6 ppt (Miller et al. 2005).
Historically, this population was likely connected to the Rio Florido, as evidenced by allele similarities with its close congener C. eximius (Echelle and Echelle 1998).",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species is federally protected in Mexico under NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. Additionally, the American Fisheries Society’s Endangered Species Committee lists C. macrolepis as endangered due to 1) present or threatened destruction, modification, or reduction of a taxon’s habitat or range, and 5) a narrowly restricted range (Jelks et al. 2008). However, this listing confers no protective benefit.
Future conservation actions should seek to identify the impacts of recreational use on El Ojo de Hacienda Delores, as well as estimate population size and verify population trend. Education and awareness is recommended for the people using the spring as swimming facility.
Risiocnemis moroensis is only known from five locations the Kalatungan and Katanglad Mountains, both protected areas, in Mindanao in the Philippines. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but unless far more widely distributed than currently known the AOO will be less than 500km2 and declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat (even in the protected areas) due to loss and degradation of forest in the part of Mindanao where the species occurs. The known extent of occurrence is less than 1,000km2. The species qualifies for Endangered under both the B1 and B2 criteria and once fresh data is available from the Kalatungan and Katanglad Mountains might even need re-assessment to Critically Endangered.
",geographicrange:'Risiocnemis moroensis is only known from the Kalatungan and Katanglad Mountains, both protected areas, in Mindanao in the Philippines (Hämäläinen 1991, Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen). The assessor is aware of records from five locations. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but unless far more widely distributed than currently known the AOO will be less than 500km2 and declining due to loss and degradation of forest in the part of Mindanao where the species occurs. The extent of occurrence calculated using http://geocat.kew.org is only 755.054 km2.
',population:"This species may not be uncommon at some of the locations where it occurs but beyond this all that can be said is that an that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred due to loss and degradation of forest in the part of Mindanao where the species occurs
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This will be a species of forest streams, occurring in upland and montane areas. An ongoing decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred due to loss and degradation of forest in the part of Mindanao where the species occurs (also see Threats).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and, urgently, for better protection for the two protected areas where it occurs. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139565500,scientific_name:"Risiocnemis moroensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Risiocnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Hämäläinen, 1991",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-07",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:"25-499",eoo_km2:"755.054",elevation_upper:1400,elevation_lower:700,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"61111",assessment_id:148653947,id_no:61111,sci_name:"Pseudotropheus brevis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Konings / SCUBA",basisofrec:"StillImage",event_year:2004,longitude:34.955047,latitude:-13.889712,species_id:61111,taxonomicnotes:"This species previously appeared on the IUCN Red List in the genus Melanochromis Trewavas, 1935 but is now valid in the genus Pseudotropheus Regan, 1922.",rationale:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi where it is known from only three localities and where it has disappeared from one of them (Monkey Bay). It has an AOO of less than 20 sq km and there are only three locations based on threats of over-fishing by local fishermen. It is therefore assessed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi. It occurs in the southern part of the lake at Monkey Bay, Boadzulu Island, and also occurs at Chinyamwezi Island.",population:"The population is declining and has been extirpated from the area around Monkey Bay.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species lives among medium to large rocks in water no deeper than four metres. It feeds predominantly on insects and insect larvae which are apparently located in visually open water, rather than picked from rock crevices. Like other members of the Pseudotropheus williamsi complex it will jump out of the water to get at insects. This is why it is normally found in areas where large rocks break the surface, forming wind-still pockets in which large numbers of the Lake Fly (Chaoborus edulis) hover. The flies wait for calm moments to descend to the water’s surface to deposit their eggs but are eaten while they hover near the surface. Males are territorial but defend their domains only against intruding conspecific males, whereas females and juveniles wander through the habitat, searching for food, and are rarely sedentary.",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"All known subpopulations are within the Lake Malawi National Park.",usetrade:"It is rarely collected mainly because all subpopulations are within the Lake Malawi National Park. It is collected by subsistence fishermen using hook and line.",taxonid:61111,scientific_name:"Pseudotropheus brevis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Pseudotropheus",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Trewavas, 1935)",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-05-22",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii)+2ab(ii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A.",reviewer:"Kanyerere, G.Z., Phiri, T.B. & Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"280",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:'This errata version of the assessment was created to correct a Reviewer name from "Kanyerere, Z." to "Kanyerere, G.Z.", another Reviewer name from "Phiri, B." to "Phiri, T.B." and a Contributor name from "Kasembe, J." to "Kazembe, J.". Additionally, a point data map was added as this was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.',amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MW",country:"Malawi",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"LC",category:"Least Concern"}]},{id:"58601044",assessment_id:58628651,id_no:58601044,sci_name:"Plectostoma laidlawi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T-S Liew",yrcompiled:2014,citation:"IUCN SSC Mollusc Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Liew et al. 2014 Appendix_2",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:101.71700287,latitude:4.70642996,species_id:58601044,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to the Kelantan area, peninsular Malaysia. Liew et al. (2014) considered that the species occurs on the limestone hills along Berok River and Nenggiri River in about 10 known sites. The major threats to this species are loss of habitats due to forest exploitation and more recently conversion to oil-palm plantations. One site has been already been lost, due to habitat degradation around a tourist attraction, that was a cave (Liew et al. 2014) and only two of the known sites had living populations during 2011 surveys. As a consequence it is considered Vulnerable B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii).",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to the Kelantan area, peninsular Malaysia. Liew et al (2014) considered that the species occurs on the limestone hills along Berok River and Nenggiri River and that the type locality was probably Pulai Princess Cave. However, they also concluded that a recent survey at the Bukit Pulai Princess cave failed to retrieve any shells of Plectostoma and that the habitats had been degraded.",population:"The species is no longer present at the type locality and living populations were present on only two limestone hills during a survey in May 2011 (Liew et al. 2014). All the limestone hills from which this species is known are surrounded by degraded forest and oil palm plantation and as a consequence the species is considered to be declining.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"The species is found on limestone hills within tropical forest habitats, however these habitats are now fragmented due to forest exploitation over the last few decades and more recently conversion to oil-palm plantations (Liew et al. 2014)",threats:[{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no known conservation actions in place for this species and the habitats are considered to be in recent decline due to oil-palm conversion. Monitoring of known sites for habitat trends and populations are recommended, and EIA prior to conversion of natural forest to oil palm plantations would be advised.",usetrade:"There is no known trade in this species.",taxonid:58601044,scientific_name:"Plectostoma laidlawi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"ARCHITAENIOGLOSSA",family:"DIPLOMMATINIDAE",genus:"Plectostoma",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Sykes, 1902)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2017-05-18",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Thorseng, L. & Seddon, M.B.",reviewer:"Schilthuizen, M. & Vermeulen, J.J.",aoo_km2:"32-40",eoo_km2:"1260",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"6",habitat:"Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2017",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"212431983",assessment_id:222415354,id_no:212431983,sci_name:"Bythinella rachonica",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Nefeli Kassari",yrcompiled:2023,citation:"Kassari, N.",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:24.6381,latitude:40.7582,species_id:212431983,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to Greece, where it is known only from its type locality: a large spring in the yard of the church of Rachoni village, on the North Aegean island of Thassos (Georgiev and Glöer 2020). Possibly, improper water management, increased frequency of drought or inappropriate maintenance of the spring could negatively affect its population; once started, these threats potentially could rapidly push the species into Critically Endangered or Extinct. However, the spring is situated in a churchyard, where currently it is well protected from negative human influence. This snail is assessed as Vulnerable (VU) under criterion D2. If future research shows the species is present in other springs, a reassessment will be required and this species may then move to Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Greece, Thassos Island, North Aegean, a big spring in the yard of the church of Rachoni village (type locality) (Georgiev and Glöer 2020). The spring at the Agora of Limenas was also checked and no living snails were found, however, some empty, eroded shells of a Bythinella species were found in sand deposits in a spring below Panagia village but it is not clear if they belong to Bythinella rachonica (Georgiev and Glöer 2020). Further research is required to confirm whether this species occurs in a wider distribution than currently known.",population:"There are no population data available for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Found in a spring (captured under the church of Rachoni, with a concrete bed) on stones and submerged mosses (Georgiev and Glöer 2020).",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.5",title:"Abstraction of ground water (domestic use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation measures have been taken for this species. The spring this species is known from is within a churchyard, where currently it is well protected from negative human influence. It is important that care is taken for any maintenance of the artificial spring to avoid accidental pollution of the water.",usetrade:"No trade or use of this species.",taxonid:212431983,scientific_name:"Bythinella rachonica",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"LITTORINIMORPHA",family:"BYTHINELLIDAE",genus:"Bythinella",main_common_name:null,authority:"Georgiev & Glöer, 2020",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2023-04-24",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Georgiev, D.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Karakasi, D.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:49,elevation_lower:49,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GR",country:"Greece",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.9",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Freshwater Springs and Oases",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2023",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"83150405",assessment_id:83376300,id_no:83150405,sci_name:"Teinobasis nigrolutea",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Marinov",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN SSC Odonata Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Lieftinck, M.A., 1962",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:158.2111,latitude:6.9138,species_id:83150405,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Teinobasis nigrolutea inhabits the small island of Pohnpei. It is probably a very narrow habitat specialist which most likely breeds in phytotelmata. There is no sufficient information on the population size and trend, but the species is assessed for the moment as Endangered because of its restricted range, occurrence in a small number of locations, and potential threats (timber harvest, logging, fire).",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Pohnpei Island, Federal States of Micronesia.",population:"Paulson and Buden (2003) record this species occasionally from a wide elevation range. It is possibly widely distributed around the island, but not encountered with high number of individuals. Therefore, the population trend is assessed as unknown.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Paulson and Buden (2003) record this species is an inhabitant of wet forests in and around fast-flowing streams. It is unclear if the species breeds in these streams. As Lieftinck (1962) described a Teinobasis naiad from phytotelmata, Paulson and Buden (2003) consider T. nigrolutea as the most likely species with such type of behaviour.",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation measures in place for this species. Further research is needed to establish the population size and trends.",usetrade:null,taxonid:83150405,scientific_name:"Teinobasis nigrolutea",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Teinobasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1962",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-01-02",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii,iv)+2ab(iii,iv)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Marinov, M.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"12-100",eoo_km2:"15-100",elevation_upper:650,elevation_lower:70,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"FM",country:"Micronesia, Federated States of ",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"18",habitat:"Unknown",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"173721207",assessment_id:173775445,id_no:173721207,sci_name:"Protosticta proboscis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow, T.Q. Phan & T. Kompier",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Kompier 2016a",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2016,longitude:107.742,latitude:11.641,species_id:173721207,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Protosticta proboscis is only known from two locations in the Bao Loc area in southern Viet Nam. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is certainly smaller than 500 km² and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its maximum known extent of occurrence (EOO) is 582 km². Only two locations known. With this information, and given the degree of deforestation that has already occurred in the region where it is found, the species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)).
",geographicrange:"Protosticta proboscis is known from the type location in the Bao Loc area in southern Viet Nam (Kompier 2016) and another location in the same area, neither location is protected. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible, but with the available data it will be small (certainly below 500 km²). Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its maximum extent of occurrence (EOO), based on a minimum convex polygon around the only known occupied HydroBASINS area, is 582 km².
This appears to be a locally occurring and uncommon species, but it may well also be under--recorded. The overall population will be severely fragmented and an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of forest in the area where this species occurs.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Little is known but this species appears to be associated with seepages and wet soil within forest. The species may tolerate some disturbance but more information is needed on this. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for protection of habitat where it occurs and for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173721207,scientific_name:"Protosticta proboscis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Protosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Kompier, 2016",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-14",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"12-500",eoo_km2:"582",elevation_upper:850,elevation_lower:800,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.9",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Freshwater Springs and Oases",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"61129",assessment_id:148846067,id_no:61129,sci_name:"Melanochromis vermivorus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Konings-Dudin, G.; Konings, A.F.; Stauffer, J.R. 2009",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2004,longitude:35.000183,latitude:-14.162867,species_id:61129,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Endemic to Lake Malawi where it is restricted to four rocky areas south of Monkey Bay in the southeastern arm of the lake. It meets the area requirements under criterion B for the threatened categories and occurs at four locations based on the threat of fishing. Subsistence fishing might threaten the population in the future but the effects are uncertain. This species is, therefore, assessed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi. It occurs in the southern part of the lake between Nkhudzi and Makokola Reef, including Mphandi and Boadzulu islands.",population:"The species is fairly common at most places in its distribution.",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:"It is most often found in the shallow intermediate habitat, with most individuals encountered at a depth of about three metres, but some were seen at depths of more than 20 m (Makokola Reef). It is attracted to stirred-up material and has an opportunistic feeding behaviour, picking at anything that moves in the shallow habitat but also at algae attached to rocks. Males in breeding coloration were seen in small foraging groups but none of these showed any territoriality. When males in breeding colours meet there is some aggression but a specific site is not protected and mouth-brooding females have not yet been encountered.",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Part of the population occurs in the Lake Malawi National Park.",usetrade:"This species has not yet been exported for the aquarium trade. It is a food fish but of little importance to subsistence fishermen.",taxonid:61129,scientific_name:"Melanochromis vermivorus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Melanochromis",main_common_name:"Purple Mbuna",authority:"Trewavas, 1935",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-06-19",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Stable",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A.",reviewer:"Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:"16",eoo_km2:"155",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:"This errata assessment was created to add a point data map that was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.",amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MW",country:"Malawi",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"LC",category:"Least Concern"}]},{id:"157857035",assessment_id:192734030,id_no:157857035,sci_name:"Phymorhynchus moskalevi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-44.97850037,latitude:14.75199986,species_id:157857035,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the Atlantic Ocean. It is currently known from five restricted locations, in the distinctive and restricted habitat of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 3,019 to 4,080 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. The potential for anthropogenic influence at these sites based on the three exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. There may already be disturbance to this species as ISA exploration-phase licences allow some extraction of mineral deposits to determine their composition and testing of seabed mining technology for future exploitation-phase licensing. The impact of uncertainty around the decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from VU to EN, using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as the top of this range, Endangered B2ab(iii). A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements.",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is known from only five locations at hydrothermal vents on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the Atlantic Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. All these locations lie beyond national jurisdiction in International Waters. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 3,019 to 4,080 m bsl. It has been observed from five vent fields: at the Broken Spur vent field (Location 1), the TAG vent field (Location 2), the Snake Pit vent field (Location 3), the Logatchev-1 vent field (Location 4), and the Ashadze-1 vent field (Location 5) (Sysoev 1995, Copley et al. 1997, Waren and Bouchet 2001, Ivanenko et al. 2006, Fabri et al. 2011). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Sysoev 1995, Copley et al. 1997, Waren and Bouchet 2001, Ivanenko et al. 2006, Fabri et al. 2011).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the Atlantic Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 3,019 to 4,080 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any of the five vent fields. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157857035,scientific_name:"Phymorhynchus moskalevi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"NEOGASTROPODA",family:"RAPHITOMIDAE",genus:"Phymorhynchus",main_common_name:"Moskalev's Vent Snail",authority:"Sysoev & Kantor, 1995",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2020-08-11",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A., Thomas, E.A. & Sigwart, J.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"20",eoo_km2:"133088.869",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:4080,depth_lower:3019,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:"The map has been corrected in this assessment; previously the latitude and longitude attributes were accidentally recorded the wrong way round.",amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"176166687",assessment_id:176166701,id_no:176166687,sci_name:"Brachyglanis phalacra",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Dario Faustino",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"C. H. Eigenmann 1908",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:1908,longitude:-59.27,latitude:5.25,species_id:176166687,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Brachyglanis phalacra is endemic from Guyana, distributed along the Potaro and Kuribrong rivers, tributaries of the Essequibo River basin in Guiana. The species is restricted, not very abundant, and occurs in a region impacted by mining activities. The the area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) were calculated at 12 km2 and 71 km2, respectively. Considering two locations and a continuing decline in habitat quality due to the species occurring in only two rivers located in an area of intense mining activity, Brachyglanis phalacra is categorised as Endangered.",geographicrange:"Brachyglanis phalacra is distributed along the Potaro and Kuribrong rivers, Essequibo River basin in Guiana (Eigenmann 1912, Fricke et al. 2020, Faustino-Fuster et al. in preparation).",population:"The population size and trend of this species are unknown. This species is not very abundant (D. Faustino-Fuster pers. comm. 2020).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Brachyglanis phalacra is a demersal (living near the bottom of the water body) species, which is found among rocky crevices (Eigenmann 1912).",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no specific conservation measures for Brachyglanis phalacra.",usetrade:"There is no use or trade information for this species.",taxonid:176166687,scientific_name:"Brachyglanis phalacra",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"HEPTAPTERIDAE",genus:"Brachyglanis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Eigenmann, 1912",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-12-19",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Faustino-Fuster, D.R.",reviewer:"Ballen, G.A. & Slobodian, V.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"71",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GY",country:"Guyana",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"178290336",assessment_id:125987881,id_no:178290336,sci_name:"Lucifuga dentata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2020 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.nbvff9",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:0,longitude:-83.516667,latitude:22.433333,species_id:178290336,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Lucifuga dentata is patchily distributed in karst subterranean ecosystems in western and southwestern Cuba. Area of Occupancy is estimated to be 150 km2. Population trend and number of mature individuals are inferred to be in decline, though the rate of decline has not been quantified. Given a disjunct distribution and molecular evidence of limited dispersal between subpopulations, this species is considered severely fragmented. However, this species shows the broadest distribution among the Cuban species of the genus, occupying different karst landscapes across the western region of Cuba. Major pervasive threats include groundwater extraction, the introduction or invasion of invasive species, domestic, industrial and solid waste pollution, which are producing inferred continuous declines in habitat quality and availability and have likely resulted in the extirpation of at least one subpopulation. As such, this species is assessed as Endangered (EN) under criterion B2ab(iii,iv,v).
This species occurs over a relatively broad but disjointed distribution in western and southwestern Cuba. The distributions of Lucifuga species are highly patchy due to habitat specificity for karst caves located inland and near coastal margins (García-Machado et al. 2011). This species has been confirmed from 30 individual collection localities (Ponce de León et al. 2012). Recent genetic studies have identified five major population groupings, including Guanahacabibes (extreme western distribution), Cayuco Province in Pinar del Río (western distribution), localities near Havana (middle distribution), Bolondrón (eastern distribution), and Agramonte/Jagüey Grande in Matanzas Province (extreme eastern distribution) (Hernández et al. 2016). The type locality of this species is a cave in Cajio on the southern coast of Artemisa Province (Reis et al. 2003).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 19,758 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection localities (Hernández et al. 2016, GBIF 2020). Recent estimates suggest that Area of Occupancy (AOO) is unlikely to exceed 150 km2 (Ponce de León et al. 2012).
",population:'The total population size of this species is unknown, but is suspected to be relatively small given a fragmented regional distribution, low fecundity, absence of fecund females in all known collections, and few observed juveniles suggesting limited recruitment (Ponce de León et al. 2012). Early last century 219 individuals were sampled between March 1902 and June 1905 (Eigenmann 1909). Recent molecular studies have collected a total of 90 individuals between 2001 and 2009 (García-Machado et al. 2011, Hernández et al. 2016). All collections of this species are held at Museo de Historia Natural Felipe Poey in Havana (Rodríguez-Silva 2018).
Direct field observations suggest that this species is an order of magnitude more abundant than its close congener L. subterranea and where they co-occur, including karst caves of south-central Havana (Hernández et al. 2016). In Pozo Azul cave in the Cayuco region they also largely outnumber Lucifuga sp., an unnamed species closely related to L. gibarensis (García-Machado et al. 2011, Hernández et al. 2016, Hernández et al. 2020).
While data regarding population trends are scarce, the possible extirpation of this species from La Yagruma Cave in Matanzas due to the introduction of the invasive Clarias gariepinus, and continued declines in habitat quality in other portions of the species range (Ponce de León et al. 2012), continuing declines in population status and the number of mature individuals are inferred.
Limited dispersal capabilities and unique haplotypes in several karst caves indicate high population isolation within each subpopulation (Hernández et al. 2016) and provides supporting evidence that subpopulations are severely fragmented.
Lucifuga dentata inhabits freshwater and brackish caves, caverns, and karst cracks that are characterized by stable seasonal abiotic conditions, clear water, high concentrations of dissolved magnesium salts from lime dissolution, and temperatures of approximately 25 C (Ponce de León et al. 2012). Normally, the water level remains almost unchanged throughout the year (Eigenmann 1909). However, in recent decades drastic fluctuations in the water table have been observed (e.g. Cueva El Tunel) as a consequence of dry periods and intense water use for agriculture and human consumption.
Lucifuga dentata is an opportunistic carnivore and its diet is comprised of amphipods, mysid shrimp, copepods, isopods, decapods, and dipteran insects (García-Debrás and Pérez 1999). This species is viviparous, with an average fecundity of two to 15 offspring, as inferred from the species L. subterranea (Eigenmann 1909). No breeding season is known. The generation length is unknown but is suspected to be similar to other stigobiont fishes in that this is a relatively long-lived species (10-40 years).
L. dentata is often found with L. subterranea in Ashton, Artemisa province, and with Lucifuga sp. in Pozo Azul Cave in Cayuco, Guanahacabibes (Díaz et al. 1988, Nielsen et al. 1999, García-Machado et al. 2011). Abundances are largely higher than that of the other species. Current patterns of distribution are the result of sequential dispersal and settlement from the Matanzas region westward (Hernández et al. 2016). Overall, this species is characterized by relatively high levels of genetic diversity (Hernández et al. 2016).
Maximum reported body size is 12.4 cm standard length (SL), based on a sample size of approximately 126 individuals (Hernández et al. 2020).",threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.5",title:"Abstraction of ground water (domestic use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.7",title:"Abstraction of ground water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Clarias gariepinus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:"Clarias gariepinus"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Nandopsis tetracanthus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Nandopsis tetracanthus"},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Clarias gariepinus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:"Clarias gariepinus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Nandopsis tetracanthus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Nandopsis tetracanthus"},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.1",title:"Oil spills",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.4",title:"Garbage & solid waste",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species is currently assessed as Near Threatened in the Cuban Red List of Vertebrates, which includes recommended conservation priorities for habitat monitoring and management, and environmental education campaigns (Ponce de León et al. 2012). The range of this species extends into several protected areas, including the Guanahacabibes National Park (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). Habitat protection and population monitoring are conservation priorities. Additional research regarding population size, population trend, life history and ecology, and the severity of threats is also recommended.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:178290336,scientific_name:"Lucifuga dentata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"OPHIDIIFORMES",family:"BYTHITIDAE",genus:"Lucifuga",main_common_name:"Toothed Cuban Cusk-Eel",authority:"Poey, 1858",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-01-29",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(iii,iv,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"García-Machado, E. & Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Rodríguez-Machado, S., Ponce de León, J. & Ulmo-Díaz, G.",aoo_km2:"150",eoo_km2:"19758",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CU",country:"Cuba",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.18",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Karst and Other Subterranean Hydrological Systems (inland)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"122885292",assessment_id:176977040,id_no:122885292,sci_name:"Prodasineura yulan",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Dow & Ngiam 2013",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2012,longitude:111.05844,latitude:1.61882,species_id:122885292,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Prodasineura yulan is only known from a single specimen and its habitat requirements are not fully understood; in these circumstances the Assessor would not normally consider any assessment other than Data Deficient. However, there are threats at the only known location: nearly all habitat that appears suitable for the species in surrounding areas is already gone and it has not been found during surveys in apparently suitable habitat further afield. The species qualifies for Endangered status under criterion B (EN B2ab(ii,iii)), and if further searches for the species do not reveal more populations it will need to be reassessed as Critically Endangered.
",geographicrange:"Prodasineura yulan is known only from the holotype male, collected in Maludam National Park, in Betong Division (Dow and Ngiam 2013). It should be looked for in low pH habitats in surrounding areas, however two surveys in Ulu Sebuyau National Park on the other side of the Lupar River have not revealed the species and there is little suitable habitat remaining on the same side of the Lupar as Maludam; surveys further afield, for instance various other peat swamp locations in Kuching, Samarahan, Sibu and Mukah Divisions have not yet found the species.
It is not possible to make an accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species at present, but the area of Maludam National Park is only 432 km² and the species is clearly not present in most of the surveyed part, so that it is safe to say that its currently known AOO is less than 300 km².
There are insufficient data on this species to make any statement about its population sizes and health, except that it is highly likely to have suffered a decline, possibly severe, due to loss of forest habitats in the areas where it is likely to be found and degradation at the one location it is definitely known from (see the Threats section).
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"“The holotype and only known specimen of P. yulan was collected at a small stream in highly disturbed peat swamp forest inside Maludam National Park, Sarawak” Dow and Ngiam (2013: 88). However the species may not be confined to peat swamp forest, some of the other species most closely allied to it in Borneo occur on low pH streams in kerangas forest or in kerapa forest (intermediate between peat swamp and kerangas forest).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"8.2",title:"Problematic native species/diseases (Ceriagrion cerinorubellum)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Ceriagrion cerinorubellum"},{code:"8.2.2",title:"Named species (Ceriagrion cerinorubellum)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Ceriagrion cerinorubellum"}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution and exact habitat requirements (to this end surveys in surrounding areas are needed, and additional surveys in Maludam National Park). Action, if possible, to speed the recovery of a closed canopy in Maludam National Park should be taken.
Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
Typhlias pearsei is endemic to the Yucatán Peninsula (México) and categorized as Near Threatened (NT) because it has a restricted AOO (<500 km2), but the number of locations is uncertain and the magnitude of the potential habitat threats to its persistence is not fully understood.
",geographicrange:"Typhlias pearsei is a vicarious freshwater species endemic to cenotes and flooded caves in the northern Yucatan Peninsula, in the states of Yucatan and Quintana Roo, Mexico (Miller et al. 2005). The total number of cenotes where this species occurs is unknown. Recent focused sampling of the species throughout the Yucatan Peninsula has resulted in an additional 31 records (documented with voucher specimens; J. Arroyave pers. comm. 2018), totalling at least 36 known sites (cenotes).",population:"The total population size of this species is unknown. However, it is likely relatively small, given that T. pearsei occupies the highest trophic position where it occurs (Pohlman et al. 1997). Populations sizes are likely small based on the very few numbers of individuals (< 5-10) observed by cave divers in most caves where the species is present (J. Arroyave pers. comm. 2018).
Population trends unknown but might be affected by declining water quality (Schmitter-Soto 1998, Proudlove et al. 2001, Miller et al. 2005, Ceballos et al. 2016, Barrientos-Medina and Gasca Tenorio 2017). The population size in Quintana Roo appears low but population trend is relatively stable (J. Schmitter-Soto pers. comm. 2018).
This species is restricted to freshwater subterranean environments in the northern Yucatan Peninsula. Habitat is characterized by clear pools with mud and bedrock substrates, typically to depths of less than 1 m (Miller et al. 2005). T. pearsei has been observed at depths of up to 60 m in flooded caves. Water temperature ranges from 22-26 oC (Schmitter-Soto 1996). In Yucatan, occupied sites include pools accessible by foot that are heavily impacted by solid waste. In Quintana Roo, habitat includes fully flooded caves with clear water that are relatively undisturbed (J. Schmitter-Soto pers. comm. 2018).
Although this species primarily inhabits flooded caves, and therefore lives nowhere near the surface (consequently mostly observable by cave diving), surface-dwelling populations have been observed in cenotes that are protected by a dry cave entrance (of varying length) and are therefore mostly or fully dark (J. Arroyave pers. comm. 2018).
Its diet is comprised primarily of aquatic invertebrates (Pohlman et al. 1997). This species is viviparous with parturition occurring from December to February, and exhibits a relatively low fecundity of 2-11 individuals per batch (Schmitter-Soto 1998, Proudlove et al. 2001).
",threats:[{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.5",title:"Abstraction of ground water (domestic use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.6",title:"Abstraction of ground water (commercial use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.4",title:"Garbage & solid waste",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The American Fisheries Society Endangered Species Committee lists T. pearsei as endangered due to a present or threatened destruction, modification, or reduction of a taxon’s habitat or range, and a restricted range (Jelks et al. 2008).
This species is federally listed as endangered in the Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 (SEMARNAT 2010).
Suggested conservation recommendations revolve around protecting the integrity of the aquifer and include implementing proper wastewater treatment and utilizing alternative sources of municipal drinking water (Proudlove et al. 2001).",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.",taxonid:39296,scientific_name:"Typhlias pearsei",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"OPHIDIIFORMES",family:"DINEMATICHTHYIDAE",genus:"Typhlias",main_common_name:"Mexican Blind Brotula",authority:"(Hubbs, 1938)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-10-05",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Arroyave, J., Schmitter-Soto, J.J. & Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Contreras MacBeath, T., Domínguez, O. & Rivas, M.",aoo_km2:"132",eoo_km2:"28000",elevation_upper:36,elevation_lower:5,depth_upper:0,depth_lower:60,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.18",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Karst and Other Subterranean Hydrological Systems (inland)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"E",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"E",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"191168",assessment_id:1971757,id_no:191168,sci_name:"Chirostoma melanoccus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Eduardo Soto-Galera, E., Flor Delia Estrada-Navarrete, Lilián Alcántara-Soria (ENCB-IPN-P & CRIP-Pátzcuaro).",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Eduardo Soto-Galera",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:1962,longitude:-102.67611,latitude:19.85444,species_id:191168,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species is endemic and restricted to Lago de San Juanico, near Cotija, Michoacán (Miller et al. 2005). A continuing decline on the quality of the species habitat has been observed as a result ofThe species is endemic to the Lago de San Juanico, near Cotija, Michoacán, where it occurs only on the shorelines and certain habitats of the lake, also taken from an artificial outlet canal as far east as Tocumbo, Michoacán, however this was a single record and not a voucher specimen (O. Mejia pers. comm. 2019, Miller et al. 2005).
This species can be common where it occurs, but beyond this nothing definitive can be said about current population sizes and health except that a decline must have occurred, and be ongoing, because of loss of the peat swamp forest habitats of this species, and that the overall population will be severely fragmented due to fragmentation of its peat swamp forest habitats.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This is a species of peat swamp forest.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Permanent protection for some of the sites for this species in Brunei is needed, and will need to include measures to prevent the spread of fires and to avoid unintentional drainage through drainage ditches associated with any adjacent agricultural areas; this last issue may be particularly problematic at some sites in the long term.
The main threat apart from fires in Sarawak is conversion of peat swamp forest to oil palm plantation, and in an ideal situation all remaining peat swamp forest in Sarawak would receive protected status; however this is unlikely to happen. The best compromise solution is to include well planned conservation areas within any areas of peat swamp forest that are converted to oil palm. However the drainage issue mentioned in the Threats section is likely to be particularly severe for such conservation areas; oil palm plantations require drainage ditches to prevent inundation which hampers harvesting, but these ditches inevitably drain any areas of remaining peat swamp forest nearby as well. Small conservation areas within plantations are likely to be completely surrounded by oil palm and its associated drainage system. In some plantations at least a simple system of dams is used, which in principle allows drainage to be controlled, e.g. dams are opened when water levels are high but shut during dry periods. Such controlled drainage systems may help with (but not completely solve) the drainage problem if used properly, but in practice they are often left in the maximum drainage state permanently; education and enforcement are needed with regard to this problem.
Increased vigilance against the deliberate setting of fires is also needed, and serious investigation with the aim of finding and prosecuting those behind the starting of such fires, not just those who actually set them.
Further data on the distribution of this species is needed, especially in Kalimantan.
This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents on mid-oceanic ridges in the Indian Ocean. It is currently known from two restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2422 m to 2606 m bsl. The impact of uncertainty around the total AOO, EOO and other biological factors mean that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from VU to EN, using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii). As the species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted AOO, and has been found at two locations, the threat of current and future anthropogenic influence in these sites based on exploration licenses for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites would drive this species to CR very rapidly. There may already be disturbance to this species as ISA exploration-phase licenses allow some extraction of mineral deposits to determine their composition and testing of seabed mining technology for future exploitation-phase licensing, thus justifying an inferred and projected continuing decline in the extent and quality of the habitat. A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining license arrangements or if there are future changes to the prices of relevant commodities.
",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to two locations at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the Indian Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure.Cyclophaea cyanifrons is endemic to the Philippines where it is known from around 20 locations on Palawan and Busunga. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. The AOO and extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of lowland forest in Palawan. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) of the species is constrained by that of Palawan and Busuanga and is therefore less than 20,000 km². Overall, the population is inferred to be declining and is likely to be severely fragmented. The species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criteria B1ab(ii,iii) and, taking the precautionary approach advocated by the IUCN, is assessed as such.
",geographicrange:"Cyclophaea cyanifrons is endemic to the Philippines where it is known from Palawan (Asahina 1968, Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen, Hämäläinen and Muller 1997, Ris 1930, Villanueva et al. 2018) and Busunga (Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen, Hämäläinen and Muller 1997). The assessor is aware of records from 20 locations but it has not been possible to assign coordinates to two of these for mapping purposes. The species occurs in the Cleopatra’s Needle area which may gain totally protected status and is present in the Mount Mantalingajan Protected Landscape and likely to occur in the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park. It is certainly also present in the Victoria and Anepahan Ranges in the centre of Palawan, these are not protected but are an Important Bird Area (IBA). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) of the species is constrained by the area of the islands on which it has been found and is therefore less than 20,000 km² (EOO is calculated 16,337 km² based on a minimum convex polygon around the mapped daa points).
",population:"Judging from the number of specimens in the Müller collection, this species can be common where it occurs. Beyond this all that can be said with the available data is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of lowland forest in Palawan and its satellite Islands and that severe fragmentation is likely for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Virtually nothing has been recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it will be a species of lowland forest, confined to stream habitats. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more information on its distribution, habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Total protection of additional areas in Palawan where the species occurs (for instance Cleopatra’s Needle) and any remaining habitat on Busuanga is highly desirable.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139547001,scientific_name:"Cyclophaea cyanifrons",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"EUPHAEIDAE",genus:"Cyclophaea",main_common_name:null,authority:"Ris, 1930",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-06-30",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"16337",elevation_upper:600,elevation_lower:10,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"64791194",assessment_id:64890505,id_no:64791194,sci_name:"Corydoras simulatus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Herrera-Collazos, E.E.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Colombia: Cano Rico, at Brasilia; Meta drainage.",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"SiB Colombia; GBIF; FishNet2; speciesLink; CZUT-IC; IAvH-P; ICN-MHN; IMCN; MPUJ; CPUCLA; MCNG",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-73.055665,latitude:4.052825,species_id:64791194,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Corydoras simulatus is restricted to a relatively small distribution in the upper Meta tributaries. The area of occupancy (AOO) is best estimated at 1,312 km2. The population size is in continuing decline as a consequence of ornamental fisheries. The species not occur in protected areas and its habitat is continuously affected by the expansion of the agricultural and urban frontier, leading to a continuing decline in habitat. There are 2-4 locations based on these threats. Corydoras simulatus is assessed as Vulnerable.',geographicrange:'Corydoras simulatus was described from the Ocoa River in the drainage of the Meta River, Colombia (Weitzman and Nijssen 1970). It occurs in the tributaries Acacías, La Raya, Maporita, Indio, Ariporó, and Ocoa, and also in wetlands Kirpas-Pinilla and Hato Corozal. The species is distributed in a range of elevations from 104-389 meters above sea level.This species is endemic to Bigge Island, Montague Sound, NW Kimberley, Australia (Köhler 2011). Currently it has only been recorded from a small area in the southern part of this island. Accordingly, the area of occupancy is just 8 km2. It has been determined by recording known occurrences in 2x2 km grid cells. Because the island has not been completely surveyed, this localized occurrence may be an artefact of limited sampling. The island has a size of 171 km2 (Conservation Commission of Western Australia 2010), which is considered to be the maximum potential extent of the geographic range of this species. About a third of the island has suitable habitat, such as vine thickets and gullies. Therefore, this species may potentially occupy an area equivalent to about one third of the island surface. This is based on the assumption that the species may occur elsewhere on the entire island and not just at the localities where it has been collected; but further information is required. This island is uninhabited and unused Crown Land and there is no documented or inferred past or continuing decline in the area and/or quality of habitat due to anthropogenic impact. Species of the genus Amplirhagada are known to be narrow range endemics usually not exceeding linear distances of more than 20 km (Solem and McKenzie 1991).
",population:"The population of this species is suspected to be stable because there is no known or inferred major anthropogenic impact on this species. There is no indication to suggest population is severely fragmented.",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:"This species inhabits vine thickets in sheltered pockets below cliffs and aestivates in rock crevices or under rock piles. No decline in habitat area and / or quality is inferred.
",threats:[{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'This species does not occur within the boundaries of a protected area, and no conservation management or monitoring plan is known to be in place for this species. Habitat monitoring and research into potential threats would be advised.
',usetrade:"There is no trade in this species.",taxonid:89031843,scientific_name:"Amplirhagada decora",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"STYLOMMATOPHORA",family:"CAMAENIDAE",genus:"Amplirhagada",main_common_name:null,authority:"Köhler, 2010",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2017-07-13",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Stable",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Köhler, F.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"8",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AU",country:"Australia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"3.6",habitat:"Shrubland - Subtropical/Tropical Moist",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"6",habitat:"Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2017",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"118039177",assessment_id:118039197,id_no:118039177,sci_name:"Creagrutus gyrospilus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Echevarría, G.",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:"Bocono river",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"MHNLS",basisofrec:" ",event_year:2003,longitude:-70.26670074,latitude:9.25166988,species_id:118039177,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is listed as Vulnerable, in view of its extent of occurrence (EOO) of 14,267 km2 and area of occupancy (AOO) of 40 km2, its occurrence in six threat-based locations, and a continuing decline in the extent and quality of its habitat related to urbanization and agriculture.",geographicrange:"This species occurs in the central Venezuelan Andes, in tributary streams and creeks of Santo Domingo River, the rivers Saguaz, Río Claro, Boconó, and the steams La Bellaca and El Molino, that drain towards Apure River, Orinoco drainage.",population:"There are no data available to estimate a population size.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species inhabits creeks and streams of clear waters with rocky substrate and fast currents (Vari and Harold 2001).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.9",title:"Small dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Around 27% of its population occurs within protected areas such as Yacambú, Guaramacal and Sierra Nevada. However, most of its population occurs in areas that have been converted for agricultural use.",usetrade:"It is unknown if this species is traded in the ornamental fish market.",taxonid:118039177,scientific_name:"Creagrutus gyrospilus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Creagrutus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Vari & Harold, 2001",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2017-05-17",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Echevarría, G.",reviewer:"Harrison, I.J.",aoo_km2:"40",eoo_km2:"14267",elevation_upper:3800,elevation_lower:250,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VE",country:"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2017",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"145380272",assessment_id:145380599,id_no:145380272,sci_name:"Alviniconcha hessleri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin A. Thomas",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:143.62,latitude:12.9533,species_id:145380272,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from two restricted locations, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 1447 m to 3680 m bsl. As the species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted AOO, and has been found at two locations, the plausible threat of future anthropogenic influence from deep-sea mining in these sites justifies the assessment of the species as VU D2. Whilst no licenses have been granted to date, if mining were to be approved within the USA EEZ, the projected decline in the extent and quality of habitat would drive this species to CR very rapidly. Therefore, an urgent reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining license arrangements or if there are future changes to the prices of relevant commodities, whereby the assessment would probably increase to EN B2ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to two locations covering four hydrothermal vent fields in the Mariana Back-Arc Basin, West Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure.
Both Locations 1 and 2 are within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the United States of America. The species is currently known from four hydrothermal vent fields with active black smokers and diffuse venting located at depths of 1447 m to 3680 m bsl, namely the Alice Springs vent field (in Location 1) and the Snail, Forecast, and Pika vent fields (in Location 2) (Johnson et al. 2015). The four vent fields are distributed over a Minimum Convex Polygon area of 6,755.815 km2 in the West Pacific Ocean.
",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles and a human-occupied vehicle, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Johnson et al. 2015).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from the active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1447 m to 3680 m bsl.
",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any West Pacific vent fields, however, further research is recommended to determine whether the populations would be susceptible to disturbance by mining, to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites, and to ascertain the dispersal capability for this species, as these will assist in re-evaluation of the conservation status of the species. Development of protocols to minimise sediment plume creation by those investigating the sea-bed habitats during exploration for mineral would be beneficial for all species in these sensitive habitats.
",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:145380272,scientific_name:"Alviniconcha hessleri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"HYPSOGASTROPODA",family:"PROVANNIDAE",genus:"Alviniconcha",main_common_name:"Hessler's Punk-rock Snail",authority:"Okutani & Ohta, 1988",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-04-10",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Thomas, E.A., Chen, C. & Sigwart, J.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"16",eoo_km2:"6755.815",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:1447,depth_lower:3680,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"US",country:"United States of America",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"61142",assessment_id:148846463,id_no:61142,sci_name:"Metriaclima greshakei",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Konings / SCUBA",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:1996,longitude:35.125836,latitude:-14.259483,species_id:61142,taxonomicnotes:"This species previously appeared on the IUCN Red List in the genus Maylandia but is now considered valid in the genus Metriaclima (Konings 2016, Stauffer et al. 2016).",rationale:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi where it is only known from Makokola Reef in the southeastern arm of the lake, west of Boadzulu Island. It meets the area requirements under criterion B for Critically Endangered and it is known from one location. However, continuing declines or extreme fluctuations in EOO, AOO, habitat quality or population size are possible but uncertain. The effects of aquarium trade and pollution on this species are unknown and it is, therefore, listed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"Endemic to Lake Malawi, this species occurs at Makokola Reef west of Boadzulu Island, in the southeastern arm of the lake.",population:"This is one of the most common cichlids at Makokola Reef.",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:"It inhabits rocky habitat where the rocks are covered with a layer of sediment at depths of 10–35 m. Females and non-breeding males occur singly or in groups, feeding on plankton in the open water, with territorial males mainly feeding from the aufwuchs on the rocks because their territories consist of caves between rocks. It attains a maximum total length of about 10 cm.",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation actions are in place for this species.",usetrade:'It is known as "Pseudotropheus Ice Blue" in the aquarium trade for which it is regularly collected. It is of no importance to subsistence fishermen.',taxonid:61142,scientific_name:"Metriaclima greshakei",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Metriaclima",main_common_name:"Ice Blue Mbuna",authority:"(Meyer & Förster, 1984)",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-06-11",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Stable",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A.",reviewer:"Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"1-4,4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:"This errata assessment was created to add a point data map that was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.",amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MW",country:"Malawi",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"169382",assessment_id:149120216,id_no:169382,sci_name:"Amphilophus zaliosus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.odxsmy",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:0,longitude:-86.033511,latitude:11.945192,species_id:169382,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Amphilophus zaliosus is endemic to the small, isolated Lake Apoyo on the Pacific slope of Nicaragua. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) do not exceed 22 km2. While total population size and population trend have not been evaluated in detail, this species is experiencing an inferred continuing decline in habitat availability and population size resulting from the establishment of invasive species, which reduce habitat availability, compete with native species for resources, and prey on juvenile native fishes. As such, A. zaliosus is assessed as Critically Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii).",geographicrange:"Amphilophus zaliosus is endemic to Lake Apoyo, an isolated crater lake on the Pacific versant of Nicaragua (Recknagel et al. 2013). The surface of area of this lake does not exceed 22 km2 (Wilson et al. 2000). Therefore, Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 22 km2. This species occurs in one location, given the scope of the most pervasive threat.
",population:"The population size of this species is unknown. Population trend is suspected to be declining, based on reported losses in habitat and direct predation resulting from the introduction of the invasive Oreochromis niloticus (Cononico et al. 2005, Lehtonen et al. 2012) and the translocated piscivore Gobiomorus dormitor (Bedarf et al. 2001).
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This benthopelagic, freshwater species is restricted to Lake Apoyo on the Pacific slope of Nicaragua. Breeding occurs during the dry season with peaks in October and February, at depths of 1.5-2 meters where rocky structure forms suitable burrows and crevices (Geiger et al. 2010). Aquatic macrophytes are important habitat for the cichlids that occur in Lake Apoyo (Canonico et al. 2005).
",threats:[{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Gobiomorus dormitor)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Gobiomorus dormitor"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis niloticus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis niloticus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Gobiomorus dormitor)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Gobiomorus dormitor"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis niloticus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis niloticus"},{code:"8.2",title:"Problematic native species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no conservation actions directed towards A. zaliosus. This species is not known to occur in a protected area. Population monitoring and invasive species management are immediate recommended conservation actions. Additional research regarding population size, population trend, life history and ecology, and the direct impact of existing threats is urgently needed to clarify conservation status.",usetrade:"This species may intermittently be targeted by the ornamental aquarium trade. However, the volume of harvest is unknown.
",taxonid:169382,scientific_name:"Amphilophus zaliosus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Amphilophus",main_common_name:"Arrow Cichlid",authority:"(Barlow, 1976)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-22",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J., Contreras MacBeath, T., Lalèyè, P. & Snoeks, J.",reviewer:"Matamoros, W.A.",aoo_km2:"22",eoo_km2:"22",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"NI",country:"Nicaragua",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"139561597",assessment_id:146602420,id_no:139561597,sci_name:"Igneocnemis odobeni",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Gassmann & Hämäläinen 2002",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:123.458,latitude:13.4549,species_id:139561597,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Igneocnemis odobeni is known from 16 locations in Catanduanes and southeast Luzon in the Philippines; the population is severely fragmented. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is unlikely to be large and will be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) is below 20,000 km² and at least the southern Luzon population is severely fragmented. The species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criteria B1ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly.
",geographicrange:"Igneocnemis odobeni is known from Catanduanes and southeast Luzon in the Philippines (Gassmann and Hämäläinen 2002, Villanueva and Gil 2011). Hämäläinen and Muller (1997) listed this species from Mindoro but Gassmann and Hämäläinen (2002: 253) considered that this record was most likely due to mislabeling of the specimen concerned and dropped Mindoro from the known range of the species. The assessor is aware of records from 16 locations but it has only been possible to assign separate coordinates to 12 of these for mapping purposes, the majority of known locations are on Catanduanes. At least one location is within a protected area (Mount Isarog National Park). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is unlikely to be large and will be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species. The extent of occurrence (EOO), calculated using a minimum convex polygon around the mapped data points and HydroBASIN areas, is somewhere between 7,631 and 11,639 km².
",population:"There is insufficient information to make any statement about current population sizes and health except that an ongoing decline is inferred due to loss and degradation of forest in the range of the species and that severe fragmentation is likely for the same reason and certain for the southern Luzon populations.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing was recorded on the habitats and biology of this species but it will be a species of forest streams or seeps, like the others in the genus. An ongoing decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and for the protection of habitat on Catanduanes and better protection for Mount Isarog.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139561597,scientific_name:"Igneocnemis odobeni",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Igneocnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Hämäläinen, 1991)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-07",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"7361-11639",elevation_upper:700,elevation_lower:200,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"886",assessment_id:165245627,id_no:886,sci_name:"Aloeides carolynnae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Excel_Dec16, Silvia E-mail Dec16",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2003,longitude:19.20555496,latitude:-33.55527878,species_id:886,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This is an endemic taxon from the Western Cape Province in South Africa. There are subpopulations within the De Hoop Nature Reserve that are not threatened, however, subpopulations occurring outside the reserve are threatened by agricultural developments, alien vegetation, poor fire management and coastal housing development. In Worcester and Rawsonville, there is an ongoing decline in the extent of occurrence (EOO), area of occupancy (AOO), habitat quality, number of subpopulations and mature individuals due to severe infestations of invasive plant species and too frequent fires. The taxon has also lost significant habitat to viticulture over the past 15 years in this area. This species has an AOO of 56 km2, an EOO of 6,739 km2, and is known from eight locations. It qualifies globally under the IUCN Red List criteria as Vulnerable under criteria B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii).",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to the Western Cape Province of South Africa and is known from Slanghoek Valley, Goudini near Worcester in the west and the south-western side of the Badsberg north-west of Rawsonville in the east. It has not been seen at some of its former localities on the Slanghoekberge for 20 years. It is also known from De Hoop Nature Reserve near Bredasdorp in the west to the Riversdale district in the east (see Mecenero et al. 2020).",population:"One subspecies, Aloeides carolynnae ssp. carolynnae, has a narrow habitat specificity, a small and shrinking geographical range, and it occurs at low abundance. There is no information regarding the population of the other subspecies, A. c. ssp. aurata.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"It occurs in montane fynbos on the south-western side of the Badsberg, on the lower slopes, at elevations between 300 and 600 m. It is also found in flat, sandy terrain in subcoastal fynbos. It has a presumed larval ant association, and its larval food plant is probably an Aspalathus sp. It is a rapid flight butterfly, often settling after a short spurt on vegetation or the ground (see Mecenero et al. 2020).",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Hakea sericea)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Hakea sericea"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Unspecified Pinus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:"Negligible declines",score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Unspecified Pinus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Hakea sericea)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Hakea sericea"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Unspecified Pinus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:"Negligible declines",score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Unspecified Pinus"}],conservationmeasures:"Management plans for this taxon, which include an integrated approach to the control of Hakea sericea using mechanical and biological control, are required. These plans are required for the sites where the species occurs and should consider the presumed larval ant associations and include regular monitoring of the known habitats. There should be no further upslope extension of vineyards into the remaining habitat. Further surveys for additional sites as well as autecological and synecological studies are required. Research is also needed to locate additional subpopulations.",usetrade:null,taxonid:886,scientific_name:"Aloeides carolynnae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"LYCAENIDAE",genus:"Aloeides",main_common_name:null,authority:"Dickson, 1983",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2021-09-03",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Rautenbach, F., Pringle, E.L., Patel, T. & Van Der Colff, D.",reviewer:"Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"56",eoo_km2:"6739",elevation_upper:600,elevation_lower:300,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"3.8",habitat:"Shrubland - Mediterranean-type Shrubby Vegetation",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"R",category:"Rare"}]},{id:"191755",assessment_id:2002448,id_no:191755,sci_name:"Poecilia velifera",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Schmitter-Soto et al 2006",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-91.684,latitude:18.68,species_id:191755,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Poecilia velifera has been assessed as Vulnerable (American Fisheries Society) by Jelks et al. (2008), and also listed in the Mexican Official Norm. Given the restricted area of occupancy (200-300 km2), the restricted number of locations (nine), the probable decreasing trend in the number of locations and AOO, and the threat to coastal mangroves in the Yucatan Peninsula (causing decrease in extent and quality of habitat), this species is listed as Vulnerable under B2ab(ii,iii,iv,v).",geographicrange:"Poecilia velifera is endemic to the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, in the states of Campeche (from Laguna de Términos northward), Quintana Roo (including the islands Mujeres and Cozumel, south to Tulum), and Yucatán (Miller et al. 2005). There is also a record for this species at the Isla Contoy marine protected area (Vega-Cendejas and Hernándes 2014). The species is invasive in Florida, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Israel, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Thailand (Sa-nguansil & Lheknim 2010).",population:"More information is needed about the population size and population trend of P. velifera. However, since two out of ca. 28 known sub-populations have been destroyed by urban/highway development over a period of about 20 years (Schmitter-Soto 1998, Schmitter-Soto et al. 2006), an estimation of a declining trend can be obtained, namely 3.5% per decade, or 0.35% every year.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Poecilia velifera is restricted to coastal habitats, mostly brackish but also freshwater, such as cenotes (karstic sinkholes), mangrove channels, coastal lagoons, and salt marshes, never higher than c. 20 m above sea level. It is known to perform courtship displays (Hankison and Ptacek, 2008), which likely necessitates good visibility, that is, good water conditions. The maximum size for this species is 15 mm TL (males). An omnivore, the species feeds on filamentous algae and diatoms, as well as crustaceans and insects (Schmitter-Soto 1998).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"No decline",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"No decline",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"No decline",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"No decline",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No species-specific conservation actions currently known to be in place for P. velifera. It has beeen recorded at the Isla Contoy marine protected area (Vega-Cendejas and Hernándes 2014) and a range biosphere reserves (IUCN-UNEP 2018).",usetrade:"The species is commercialised in the aquarium trade, but this is mostly from captive lines, with no extraction of wild specimens evident.",taxonid:191755,scientific_name:"Poecilia velifera",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Poecilia",main_common_name:"Sail-fin Molly",authority:"(Regan, 1914)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-03-12",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii,iv,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Schmitter-Soto, J.J., Matamoros, W.A. & Valdes Gonzales, A.",reviewer:"Vega-Cendejas, M.",aoo_km2:"200-300",eoo_km2:"22000-23000",elevation_upper:20,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CO",country:"Colombia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"IL",country:"Israel",presence:"Extant",origin:"Introduced",distribution_code:"Introduced"},{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PE",country:"Peru",presence:"Extant",origin:"Introduced",distribution_code:"Introduced"},{code:"SG",country:"Singapore",presence:"Extant",origin:"Introduced",distribution_code:"Introduced"},{code:"TH",country:"Thailand",presence:"Extant",origin:"Introduced",distribution_code:"Introduced"},{code:"TW",country:"Taiwan, Province of China",presence:"Extant",origin:"Introduced",distribution_code:"Introduced"},{code:"US",country:"United States of America",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Introduced",distribution_code:"Introduced"}],habitats:[{code:"12.5",habitat:"Marine Intertidal - Salt Marshes (Emergent Grasses)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Seasonal Occurrence Unknown",majorimportance:"No"},{code:"13.4",habitat:"Marine Coastal/Supratidal - Coastal Brackish/Saline Lagoons/Marine Lakes",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"13.5",habitat:"Marine Coastal/Supratidal - Coastal Freshwater Lakes",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.14",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Saline, Brackish or Alkaline Lakes",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.16",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Saline, Brackish or Alkaline Marshes/Pools",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.17",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Saline, Brackish or Alkaline Marshes/Pools",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Seasonal Occurrence Unknown",majorimportance:"No"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"176403591",assessment_id:176403600,id_no:176403591,sci_name:"Cetopsis starnesi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Claudio Baigún. Florencia Brancolini",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Aguilera and Mirande, 2006",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2003,longitude:-64.37069,latitude:-22.96144,species_id:176403591,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species occurs in the north-western part of La Plata river basin, Argentina and upper Madeira river basin, Bolivia. It has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 19,042 km2. The main threat is water abstraction for irrigation by neighbouring farms. There are 2-3 locations based on this threat. However, it is unclear whether this is leading to a continuing decline in the habitat. Therefore, this species is assessed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"The distribution falls within the north-western part of La Plata river basin, Argentina and upper Madeira river basin, Bolivia (Vari et al. 2005, Ferraris 2007).Euphaea cora is known from 11 locations in Basilan, Mindanao and Samar in the Philippines. Most records are from Samar and there are very few records from Mindanao and these are widely spaced over the island. Although the species appears to have some degree of tolerance to disturbance to the forest surrounding its stream habitats it is apparently absent from most seemingly suitable habitats and the overall population will be severely fragmented. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is unlikely to be large and with the available data is below 2,000 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species and as a species that appears to be confined to the lowlands it will already have lost much of its habitat. The species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed as such.
",geographicrange:"Euphaea cora is known from Basilan, Mindanao and Samar in the Philippines (Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen, Needham & Gyger 1939, Ris 1930). The assessor is aware of records from 11 locations. Most records are from Samar and there are very few records from Mindanao and these are widely spaced over the island. It is not clear if the species occurs in any protected areas but based on nearby records it might occur in the Pasonanca Natural Park in Mindanao or the Sohoton Natural Bridge Natural Park in Samar. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is unlikely to be large and with the available data is below 2,000 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
This species appears to be very locally occurring, but may be more common in Samar than in the rest of its range. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest, particularly lowland forest, across the range of the species and severe fragmentation appears certain.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This is a forest stream species but one that is capable of surviving in disturbed forest. The assessor has seen it on a stream in Mindanao where the surrounding forest had been reduced to low scrub by a typhoon the year before. However the species is apparently absent from the majority of seemingly suitable locations, suggesting that it is more specialised than we currently understand. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. Moreover it appears to be a decidedly lowland species, which limits the habitat remaining to it because of the extent of loss of forest at low altitudes.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"A better understanding of the exact habitat requirements and disturbance-tolerance of this species are urgently needed, along with more information on its presence in protected areas and its distribution generally and protection of habitat where it does occur.
This species lives in quiet waters with currents none to slight of lakes, ponds, canals and ditches. The substrates in the habitats are mainly mud, silt, clay, sand, rocks and decaying organic matter. It prefers depths less than 1.3 m. The water is clear to usually turbid or muddy, vegetation is present and dense, mainly green algae, Potamogeton, Eichhornia, Typha and Scirpus. The Laguna de Zacapú is a spring-fed lake, drained by the Río Angulo, which divides in two streams after 20 km. The habitat is 0.5 to 1 m deep and the ground is predominantly of mud which leads to a translucent (greenish) to turbid water. The Highland Splitfin prefers well planted areas, where it is hiding under the aquatic vegetation, including Chara, Potamogeton, Ceratophyllum and green algae (Miller, 2005). Hubbsina turneri is a semi-nocturnal predator feeding from small Crustacea, Bloodworms and Mosquito larvae. It usually hides by day and hunts at dusk and dawn.
The Lago Zacapú is an irregular shaped small lagoon with an extension from the north-west to the south-west, length about 670 m, width about 470 m. In the south-west corner of the lake begins the dammed outlet, extending east-north-east upward over a length of about 800 m and 60 m wide over the whole length. The outlet ends with a southwards bended hook with an extension of 150 x 90 m. After the dam, the affluent of the Canal or Río Angulo begins and merges into it after about 6.5 km. Köck et al. (2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017; M. Köck pers. comm. 2018) found the species in small numbers on two sites of the lagoon in shallow water between dense roots and foliage of willow trees (Salix sp.). The water was, in one place, greenish brown but clear with little current and partly shaded by trees; in the other place, brownish but clear, with little current as well. Other species found at the first spot were Skiffia lermae, Xenotoca variata, Goodea atripinnis, Allotoca zacapuensis and Zoogoneticus quitzeoensis, at the second site the same species except the Zacapú Allotoca.
The Lago Zacapú is fed by approximately 20 cold water springs (19 °C), which emerge at the southwestern end of the valley of Zacapú, some of which are used for human consumption and recreation (Ramsar Secretariat, Site No.1465, 2004). Also, with the confluence of fish species, migratory birds, plants and endemic amphibians (Ambystoma andersoni), it can be considered as a broad transitional zone, giving it great ecological importance. Two main sections of Lago Zacapú differ, with one of depths between 4 to 6 m, and the other region from 12 to 90 m deep, bedded by soils and alluvium (Ramsar Secretariat, Site No.1465, 2004).
Once widespread in the Yaqui and Casas Grande drainage basins, this species is now likely restricted to the Yaqui, Mayo and Fuerte river basins. Major pervasive threats that have caused past and current declines in population size include habitat degradation resulting from land use changes, pollution, surface water diversion, ground water extraction and the impacts of nonnative species, including hybridization with blue catfish. Ictulurus pricei is listed as Endangered (EN) because its area of occupancy is unlikely to surpass 500 km2, number of locations is unlikely to exceed five, and distribution and abundance exhibit ongoing declines (rate unknown, but threats have increased in recent years).
",geographicrange:"The historical range most probably included the uppermost Rio Yaqui system, Arizona, and the basins of the Rio Yaqui and Rio Casas Grandes, Sonora and Chihuahua, Mexico (USFWS 1994, Page and Burr 2011); also Rios Sonora, Mayo, and Fuerte, northwestern Mexico (Miller 2005). The species is apparently extirpated in the Rio Sonora basin and in the Rio Casas Grandes, an endorheic interior drainage in Chihuahua, Mexico (Miller 2005, Varela-Romero et al. 2011). Recent range-wide surveys indicated that Ictalurus pricei is now restricted to the Yaqui, Mayo and Fuerte river basins, though the species is possibly extirpated in the Mayo drainage (Varela-Romero et al. 2011). There is mounting evidence that populations of native Ictalurus spp. south of the Fuerte River represent a distinct, undescribed species (Miller 2005, Varela-Romero et al. 2011, Castaneda-Rivera et al. 2014, Ballesteros-Cordova et al. 2016).
Three small, wild populations (introduced from hatchery stock) exist in the United States: Twin Pond (San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge) and House Pond (Slaughter Ranch), both in the Yaqui River Basin, and Big Tank (El Coronado Ranch) in the Sulphur Springs Valley drainage, all in Cochise County, Arizona (Baker et al. 2008, Varela-Romero et al. 2011). Baker et al. (2008) indicated it is fairly certain that populations in Twin Pond and Big Tank were pure I. pricei, but there was some concern as to whether the population in House Pond was contaminated by either blue catfish or channel catfish.
Extirpation in the U.S. is likely eminent without immediate conservation action (e.g., captive reproduction efforts). Remaining individuals at this locality are likely remnants of the original stocking program in the 1990’s, and are approaching senescence (Lohrengel 2014, Stewart et al. 2017). There is no evidence of recruitment at Twin Pond and Big Tank since the time of stocking (Lohrengel 2014, Stewart et al. 2017).
",population:"This species is represented by a limited number of distinct occurrences, or subpopulations (probably fewer than 20). Varela-Romero et al. (2011) surveyed the entire Mexican range and found this species in three sites in the Yaqui basin, zero sites in the Mayo basin, and two sites in the Fuerte basin. Not more than a few small populations exist in Arizona (Varela-Romero et al. 2011). Based on pervasive threats in most occupied drainage basins, the number of distinct locations may not exceed five.
The total adult population size is unknown. This fish is rare to uncommon throughout its range (Varela-Romero et al. 2011).
Surveys in 1979 found Mexican populations to be seriously depleted. USFWS (1990) categorized the status as 'declining'. Recent surveys found Ictalurus pricei in only five collection sites in Mexico, compared to 15 historical collection sites (Varela-Romero et al. 2011).
Global population trend over the past 10 years or three generations is uncertain, but distribution and abundance probably are still declining. Local population trend at Big Tank has declined by 15% annually since the 1990’s (Stewart et al. 2017).
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Habitat includes medium to slow currents over gravel/sand substrates in small to medium rivers (Lee et al. 1980, Page and Burr 2011). Habitat in Mexico includes moderate to large streams, at elevations up of 2100 m, in moderate to swift currents; substrates of mud, sand, gravel, rock, and scattered boulders; vegetation may be sparse except for diatoms and green algae on riffles; depths of 1.0 - 4.0 m (Miller 2005).",threats:[{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.3",title:"Renewable energy",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.5",title:"Abstraction of ground water (domestic use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.6",title:"Abstraction of ground water (commercial use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.7",title:"Abstraction of ground water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Ameiurus melas)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Ameiurus melas"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Ictalurus furcatus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Ictalurus furcatus"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Ictalurus punctatus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Ictalurus punctatus"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Pylodictis olivaris)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Pylodictis olivaris"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Ameiurus melas)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Ameiurus melas"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Ictalurus furcatus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Ictalurus furcatus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Ictalurus punctatus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Ictalurus punctatus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Pylodictis olivaris)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Pylodictis olivaris"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Ictulurus pricei is listed as federally threatened in the U.S. with designated critical habitat in the San Bernardino Natural Wildlife Refuge (USFWS 1994). In Mexico, this species is federally listed as federally threatened under NOM-59-SEMARNAT-2010. The American Fisheries Society’s Endangered Species Committee lists I. pricei as endangered (Jelks et al. 2008).
More information is needed about life history and reproductive methods and the effects on the population from water removal and invasive species. There is a critical need to assess the population status and trend of this species within its Mexican range (Stewart et al. 2017).
The species is endemic to rocky substrate areas of the 561.1 km2 Lake Towuti in Sulawesi, which is counted as a single location with major threats including over harvesting, the potential impacts of pollution from nickel mining, eutrophication and most critically invasive species. The spread of invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) to Lake Towuti from Lake Mahalona is almost certain and is predicted to cause a population decline of >90% in this species within the next 10 years (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and caused the loss of the majority of Caridina populations (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017, 2018). As such this species is considered Critically Endangered under A3e.
Caridina woltereckae is endemic to Lake Towuti in the Malili Lakes, Sulawesi, Indonesia.
There are no specific conservation measures in place for this species, but levels of harvesting have been increasing and have probably caused a population decline, so the adoption of regulations and harvest management is required. Research is also needed into its population dynamics, ecology and threats, as well as into harvest levels.
The species is available in the aquarium trade and is all wild harvested.
',taxonid:197697,scientific_name:"Caridina woltereckae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"MALACOSTRACA",order:"DECAPODA",family:"ATYIDAE",genus:"Caridina",main_common_name:"Harlequin Shrimp Sulawesi",authority:"Cai, Wowor & Choy, 2009",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-12-06",category:"CR",criteria:"A3e",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"von Rintelen, K., Wowor, D. & Klotz, W.",reviewer:"De Grave, S.",aoo_km2:"60",eoo_km2:"468",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2013",assess_year:"2011",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"139564224",assessment_id:146602465,id_no:139564224,sci_name:"Prodasineura palawana",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Lieftinck 1961",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1947,longitude:120.1497,latitude:12.0394,species_id:139564224,taxonomicnotes:"
A record of Prodasineura palawana from Balabac (Hämäläinen & Muller 1997) might refer to the recently described P. poncei Villanueva & Cahilog, 2013 which is only known from Balabac. However P. poncei is very similar to P. palawana structurally and might eventually prove to be a junior synonym of this species.
",rationale:"Prodasineura palawana is known from about 20 locations in Balabac, Busuanga, Dumaran and Palawan in the Philippines An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but the AOO is not likely to be large, certainly not much greater than 2,000 km2 and together with the extent and quality of suitable habitat will be declining due to loss of forest within the range of this species. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) of the species is constrained by the combined area of these islands, but is greater than 20,000 km². The overall population will certainly be declining as a result of deforestation on Busuanga and Dumaran and low-lying parts of Palawan and is believed to already be severely fragmented. This species would qualify for Vulnerable status under criteria B1ab((ii,iii) if the EOO was smaller or the AOO was known to be below 2,000 km². There is certainly cause for concern over this species and, taking the precautionary approach advocated by the IUCN, it is assessed as Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:"Prodasineura palawana is known from Balabac, Busuanga, Dumaran and Palawan in the Philippines (Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen, Lieftinck 1961, Lieftinck 1974, Villanueva et al. 2018). The assessor is aware of records from at least 20 locations but it has only been possible to assign separate coordinates to 19 of these for mapping purposes. The species is likely (but not confirmed) to be present in protected areas, for instance the Mount Mantalingajan Protected Landscape. It is certainly present in the Cleopatra’s Needle area which might receive protected status. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is not likely to be particularly large and will be declining due to loss of forest within the range of this species. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) of the species is constrained by the combined area of these islands; calculated using a minimum convex polygon around the mapped data points, the EOO is 31,377 km².
",population:"“This species is the most abundant Prodasineura in the Palawan region” Villanueva et al. (2018: 5). Beyond this all that can be said is that some ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of forest in Palawan and its satellite islands and that severe fragmentation is likely.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"All that has been recorded is “can be found in partly disturbed partly pristine flowing fluvial systems” Villanueva et al. (2018: 5); it is a species of forest streams with some degree of tolerance to disturbance. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution and exact habitat requirements of this species are needed. It would certainly benefit if the Cleopatra’s Needle area was given totally protected status.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139564224,scientific_name:"Prodasineura palawana",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Prodasineura",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1948",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-01",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"31377",elevation_upper:500,elevation_lower:5,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"139564472",assessment_id:146602480,id_no:139564472,sci_name:"Risiocnemis arator",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Gapud 2006",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1986,longitude:121.54423,latitude:14.52108,species_id:139564472,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Risiocnemis arator is endemic to Luzon in the Philippines where it has a wide but scattered distribution in northern and central Luzon. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but the relatively wide range the AOO is not likely to be large, quite likely around or less than 2,000km2 and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to continuing loss and degradation of forest. Severe fragmentation is certain since suitable habitat is already fragmented across the range of the species. If the AOO was known to be below 2,000km2 this species would qualify for Vulnerable under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and it is therefore assessed as Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:"Risiocnemis arator is endemic to Luzon in the Philippines (Gapud 2006, Hämäläinen 1991, Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen, Villanueva et al. 2009). It has a wide but scattered distribution in northern and central Luzon. The assessor is aware of records from about 15 locations but it has only been possible to assign separate coordinates to 12 of these for mapping purposes. Some locations are within protected areas, for instance Aurora Memorial National Park and the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. Despite the relatively wide range of the species the AOO is not likely to be large (since much of the suitable habitat has already been lost within the species range), quite likely around or less than 2,000km2 and is inferred to be declining due to continuing loss of forest.
",population:"All that can be said with the available data is that some decline in overall population will be occurring as a result of clearance of forest throughout the range of the species and that severe fragmentation is certain for te same reason.
Nothing appears to have been recorded explicitly about the habitats and ecology of this species but it will occur at streams in lowland and lower montane forest. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are assumed to be declining loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and for better protection of existing protected areas where it occurs.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139564472,scientific_name:"Risiocnemis arator",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Risiocnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Hämäläinen, 1991",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-07",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:1200,elevation_lower:200,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"173831816",assessment_id:173831821,id_no:173831816,sci_name:"Gymnotus refugio",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Giora and Malabarba 2016",basisofrec:null,event_year:2005,longitude:-49.76583333,latitude:-29.35638889,species_id:173831816,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Gymnotus refugio is restricted to coastal rivers in Rio Grande do Sul and Catarina States, Brazil. Extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 19,021 km2 and area of occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be 24-32 km2. Eight threat-based locations are inferred based on persistence in relatively high abundance within two small protected areas, and a limited number of collections that suggest persistence but low abundance outside of existing protected areas. Swamp forest in southern Brazil are highly fragmented and continuing decline in habitat quality and extent are inferred due land-use changes associated with riparian deforestation, agricultural expansion, livestock ranching, silviculture, and urbanization. Therefore, G. refugio is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii). Protection of remaining swamp forests is an immediate conservation priority.
",geographicrange:"Gymnotus refugio is restricted to coastal rivers in Rio Grande do Sul and Catarina States, Brazil (Giora and Malabarba 2016). The type locality of this species is Amaral Ferrador, a creek in the Laguna dos Patos drainage (Giora and Malabarba 2016). Additional collection localities have been reported from elsewhere in the Laguna dos Patios drainage, and in the Tramandaí, Maquiné, and Mampituba drainages (Giora and Malabarba 2016).
Extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 19,021 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (Giora and Malabarba 2016). Area of occupancy (AOO) in Rio Grande do Sul is estimated to be 24-32 km2, with a lower estimate based on habitat extent reported in Vanin et al. (2017) and an upper estimate based on a 2x2 km grid overlain on known collection localities (Giora and Malabarba 2016). Eight threat-based locations are inferred based on persistence in relatively high abundances within two small protected areas, and a limited number of collections that suggest persistence but low abundances outside of existing protected areas (Giora and Malabarba 2016).
Subpopulations are separated by large areas of unsuitable habitat, and site fidelity suggests that limited genetic interchange occurs between existing subpopulations (Vanin et al. 2017). However, there is no documented evidence to infer that existing subpopulations are not self-sustaining, and therefore subpopulations are not considered to be extremely fragmented.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. However, it is typically rare and collected in low abundances, except in two conservation areas in Rio Grande do Sul where it appears to be abundant in well-preserved dense riparian vegetation (Giora and Malabarba 2016).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species inhabits streams, small tributaries, and puddles characterized by lentic conditions, muddy substrates, and dense riparian vegetation (Giora and Malabarba 2016). It is frequently associated with swampy forests where it occurs amongst roots and in flooded vegetated margins (Giora and Malabarba 2016). Reproduction occurs from August to March with a peak in reproductive output in October (Vanin et al. 2017). Females exhibit low relative fecundity and adults likely exhibit parental care (Vanin et al. 2017). Juveniles likely use flooded interiors of riparian forest as a nursery for early development (Vanin et al. 2017). Diet is comprised primarily of terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates (Vanin et al. 2017).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species is assessed as Endangered for the state of Rio Grande do Sul, based on a limited and fragmented distribution, a high level of habitat specificity, and high susceptibility of remaining habitat to anthropogenic disturbance (Giora and Malabarba 2016). Site protection to mitigate further losses of fragmented swampy forests in southern Brazil is an immediate conservation priority for this habitat specialist (Vanin et al. 2017). Additional ichthyological sampling is urgently needed to clarify range extent, population size, and population status. Continued habitat and population monitoring is a recommended research priority that will inform future conservation action.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:173831816,scientific_name:"Gymnotus refugio",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"GYMNOTIFORMES",family:"GYMNOTIDAE",genus:"Gymnotus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Giora & Malabarba, 2016",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-11-04",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"de Santana, C.D.",aoo_km2:"24-32",eoo_km2:"19021",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"87538495",assessment_id:87540159,id_no:87538495,sci_name:"Choristhemis olivei",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2016,citation:"I. Endersby & R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:null,longitude:145.4127778,latitude:-16.18555556,species_id:87538495,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Choristhemis olivei is only known from three locations in two clusters in north east Queensland. None of the known sites is in a protected area and potential threats exist for all known sites. With only three known locations, the species would qualify for Vulnerable status under criterion D2, except that definite threats are not known, only potential threats that may push the species into VU or EN within a short time. Accordingly it is assessed as Near Threatened rather than Vulnerable. Fresh surveys for the species, and more information on the threats it faces are urgently needed, and might result in a change of threat category.",geographicrange:"Choristhemis olivei is endemic to Australia, where it is only known from three locations in the Cairns area of Queensland. One location appears to be very close to Wooroonooran National Park, but no known location actually appears to be within a protected area. The other sites are in the Cape Tribulation area. Its maximum extent of occurrence (EOO), based on a minimum convex polygon around occupied HydroBASIN areas, is 12,362 km². With only three sites its area of AOO is very small, however the known northern sites are separated from the southern site by ca 140 km and it is very likely that there are populations in between.",population:"The assessor has seen records of only three specimens of this species, however this does not necessarily imply that it is actually rare, it may simply have habits that make it elusive or be difficult to catch. More data on populations is needed.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Tillyard (1910) states that this species “inhabits small mountain-creeks and bogs. December-January”. Theischinger and Hawking (2006), presumably referring to the larva, state that its habitats are unknown, whereas Theischinger and Endersby (2009) state that it “inhabits rainforest streams”. It appears that more definite information on habitat and ecology is needed.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There is an urgent need for more data on this species, especially on population sizes and health, habitat requirements and distribution; surveys for the species should be made throughout the rain forests of north east Queensland, especially in protected areas, to establish whether or not it is present in any such area. Research into threats is also needed.",usetrade:null,taxonid:87538495,scientific_name:"Choristhemis olivei",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"SYNTHEMISTIDAE",genus:"Choristhemis",main_common_name:"Delicate Tigertail",authority:"(Tillyard, 1909)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2016-04-07",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Endersby, I. & Theischinger, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"728-12362",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AU",country:"Australia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2016",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"195991864",assessment_id:195997067,id_no:195991864,sci_name:"Diorygopyx duplodentatus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jess Marsh",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"National Environmental Science Program (NESP)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"ALA",basisofrec:null,event_year:1967,longitude:152.2833333,latitude:-29.5,species_id:195991864,taxonomicnotes:"Two Australian Museum specimens from the area north of Mount Hyland, within the distribution of the similar Diorypogyx niger, appear to represent D. duplodentatus. Further taxonomic research is required to clarify their assignment, and it is possible they represent an undescribed species (C. Reid pers. comm. 2021). These records are excluded from this assessment pending resolution of this issue.",rationale:"This species is listed as Endangered on the basis that it is a narrow range endemic, which is estimated to have an extent of occurrence as low as 245 km2, occurring in one location defined by a widespread threat from bushfires (which either encompassed the entire range in 2019-2020 or have the potential to do so in a single fire event in future) and there is an ongoing decline in the extent and quality of its habitat due to bushfires and their impact on the species on which this beetle relies for breeding habitat. The population is also estimated to have declined by at least 50% and potentially more, due to the impact of the fires, a recurring threat which is expected to increase in intensity and frequency and as such is not considered to have ceased.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Australia, where it is known from five localities in northeast New South Wales near Tenterfield. The known localities are all on high-elevation ridges of the Great Dividing Range. This species may occur more widely, but Australian members of this group typically have relatively restricted distributions. The most recently-collected specimens were collected at 1,043 and 1,075 m asl. (C. Reid pers. comm. 2021).",population:"Nothing is known of the pre-fire population of this species, which is rarely collected. Prior to two collections in 2021 (during ongoing surveys which at that point had covered 66 localities - C. Reid unpubl. data) the most recent report appeared to be from 1993. This scarcity may partially reflect inadequate knowledge of its ecology, as surveys have tended to target wetter forests than those apparently preferred by this species, but surveys in apparently favoured habitat suggest that it is genuinely scarce (C. Reid pers. comm. 2021). Between 67% (Hyman et al. 2020) and the entire range was impacted by fire in the 2019-2020 bushfire season (an uncertainty likely to reflect a lack of clarity about the precise identity of the vague type locality - C. Reid pers. comm. 2021), 23% at high intensity. Mortality is expected to have been as high as 70-80% in high-intensity fire, and may have exceeded 50% in areas of lower-intensity fire. As such the species is estimated to have undergone a global decline of at least 50%, but probably less than 80%, as a result of this event.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs in temperate forest where it breeds in mammal dung, and larval development presumably takes place in shallow burrows either in or beneath the dung. Recent survey work suggests a preference for tall sclerophyll forest in the west of the Great Dividing Range, a drier forest type than suggested by Matthews (1974), and it has not been recorded in rainforest or in wet sclerophyll with a rainforest understorey (C. Reid pers. comm. 2021). It has also not been recorded from closed dry forest on granite. It is unknown whether it is specialized on the dung of any specific species. It has been collected from traps baited with macropod dung (C. Reid pers comm. 2021). Most species have annual life cycles, but some may have generation lengths of up to two years.",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation measures in place for this species. Research is needed to determine its degree of host specificity and dispersal capabilities. Surveys are underway to obtain further material following the 2019-2020 bushfires, and a report is likely to be available soon (C. Reid pers. comm. 2021).",usetrade:"There is no known use of or trade in this species.",taxonid:195991864,scientific_name:"Diorygopyx duplodentatus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"COLEOPTERA",family:"SCARABAEIDAE",genus:"Diorygopyx",main_common_name:null,authority:"Matthews, 1974",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-17",category:"EN",criteria:"A2c; B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Nash, M. & Reid, C.",reviewer:"Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"245",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AU",country:"Australia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.4",habitat:"Forest - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"200030437",assessment_id:173365264,id_no:200030437,sci_name:"Anisogomphus ceylonicus",presence:4,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Possibly Extinct",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2014)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.4542,latitude:6.9915,species_id:200030437,taxonomicnotes:"Anisogomphus solitaris and Heliogomphus ceylonicus have both been assessed before 2010 as Critically Endangered (Bedjanič 2006, 2009). According to Bedjanič and van der Poorten (2013) they both fall under synonymy of Anisogomphus ceylonicus (Hagen in Selys, 1878).",rationale:"Anisogomphus ceylonicus is endemic to Sri Lanka where it is known from just two old specimens from two locations. The species has not been recorded since 1962 and may no longer occur at the only known locations; targeted, but unsuccessful, searches for the species have been made. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but if it is still extant, its AOO is very likely smaller than 10 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species, although we have little idea of the exact habitat requirements of the species. It is not impossible that this species is already extinct; it is therefore assessed as Critically Endangered and flagged as Possibly Extinct.
",geographicrange:"Anisogomphus ceylonicus is endemic to Sri Lanka where it is known from just two old specimens from two locations in the central part of the island (Selys 1878, Lieftinck 1971, Bedjanič and van der Poorten 2013, Bedjanič et al. 2014), the species has not been recorded since 1962 and may no longer occur at the previously known localities; it has been actively searched for without success. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but it is likely smaller than 10 km². Moreover, its AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. With only two known historic locations, its extent of occurrence (EOO) has not been calculated.
",population:"No statement can be made about current population sizes and health for this species except that it is not impossible that this species is already extinct.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Bedjanič et al. (2014: 172) state: “So far the only known precise locality of A. ceylonicus has been described as a stream in a steep ravine with bush and some indigenous vegetation, and the surroundings covered with tea and rubber plantations, while the forest was cut and rubber planted at higher altitudes.” From this it appears that the species might be rather disturbance tolerant, on the other hand the single specimen collected from the habitat described above might have represented a last remnant of a population unable to survive there in the long-term. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of habitat and other threats within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in the future.
More specifically for this taxon targeted searches in different seasons and with larval sampling are urgently needed in central part of Sri Lanka.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:200030437,scientific_name:"Anisogomphus ceylonicus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Anisogomphus",main_common_name:"Sri Lankan Clubtail",authority:"(Hagen, 1878)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-07-31",category:"CR",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"0-8",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:850,elevation_lower:250,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Possibly Extinct",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Possibly Extinct"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"66597594",assessment_id:176669588,id_no:66597594,sci_name:"Hyphessobrycon ecuadoriensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2020 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.4d5x4n",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:-79.758333,latitude:-1.625,species_id:66597594,taxonomicnotes:"It should be noted that this species is not the same as Megalamphodus ecuadorensis Eigenmann, 1915 which is now considered valid as Hyphessobrycon ecuadorensis (Eigenmann, 1915) (Eschmeyer et al. 2020).",rationale:"Hyphessobrycon ecuadoriensis is restricted to the Guayas River drainage on the Pacific slope of Ecuador. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 1,565-8,478 km2. Total population size and population trend are unknown, but this species appears locally abundant in the Vinales River, from which most specimens in georeferenced collections originate. A number of regionally pervasive threats are producing inferred and continuing declines in habitat, including agricultural, commercial, and urban expansion, pollution associated with expansion and land-use change, and the establishment of several non-native fishes. However, the scope, magnitude, and direct impact of these threats on H. ecuadoriensis are unknown, meaning it is not possible to calculate the number of threat-based locations. Therefore, this species is assessed as Near Threatened based on meeting criteria B1b(iii).",geographicrange:"Hyphessobrycon ecuadoriensis is restricted to the Guayas River drainage on the Pacific slope of Ecuador (Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015). The Guayas River Basin occupies a surface area of 32,112 km2 (Damanik-Ambarita et al. 2018). Reported occurrence in the Santiago River drainage (Barriga 2012) is erroneous and represents a separate, closely related species (Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015, Ota 2018).
The extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 1,565-8,478 km2, with a lower estimate calculated by generating a minimum convex polygon around all georeferenced collection records within the Guayas River Basin, and an upper estimate calculated by generating a minimum convex polygon around the HydroBASIN distribution map (considering only Extant basins). The number of threat-based locations where this species occurs cannot be determined with accuracy, given uncertainty regarding the scope of existing threats and a limited number of ichthyological surveys from this region.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this are unknown. However, it is locally abundant (Revelo and Laaz 2012, Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015) and there is currently no indication of major range-wide population decline.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This omnivorous, benthopelagic species is frequently found along the banks of rivers and in the presence of abundant submerged vegetation, where it forms small schools of 30-40 individuals (Revelo and Laaz 2012). It is abundant in lentic habitats such as lagoons and pools, and in the dry season it is abundant in low flow estuaries along the Vinces River and its tributaries (Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015). Maximum reported body size is 5 cm total length (TL), but the majority of individuals reach about 3 cm (Revelo and Laaz 2012).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Gambusia affinis)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Gambusia affinis"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oncorhynchus mykiss)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oncorhynchus mykiss"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Poecilia reticulata)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Poecilia reticulata"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Gambusia affinis)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Gambusia affinis"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oncorhynchus mykiss)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oncorhynchus mykiss"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Poecilia reticulata)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Poecilia reticulata"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards H. ecuadoriensis. It has not been reported within the boundaries of any protected areas. However, it is feasible that range extends downstream of Guayaquil and into Manglares Churute Ecological Reserve (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). Additional ichthyological surveys are needed to determine range extent, population size and population trend. Additional research regarding the scope, magnitude, and direct impact of existing threats would be useful in clarifying the conservation status of this species.
",usetrade:"This species may occasionally enter ornamental markets (Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015), but the annual volume of harvest is most likely small and relatively unimpactful.
",taxonid:66597594,scientific_name:"Hyphessobrycon ecuadoriensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Hyphessobrycon",main_common_name:"Sardinita",authority:"Eigenmann & Henn, 1914",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-08-26",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Reis, R.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"1565-8478",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"EC",country:"Ecuador",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"167476",assessment_id:137454032,id_no:167476,sci_name:"Euthygomphus parvus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:" ",source:"Butler & Kohler 2013",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2002,longitude:99.78832,latitude:6.36393,species_id:167476,taxonomicnotes:"Euthygomphus parvus was placed in Merogomphus until Kosterin (2016) transferred it to his new genus Euthygomphus. In the same publication Kosterin showed that records of E. parvus from north of peninsula Thailand actually refer to E. yunnanensis and “parvus has not been in fact reported northerly of Malay Peninsula”, leaving some ambiguity over a record in Asahina (1986) from Khao Chang Forest in Trang Province, peninsula Thailand. The record from Trang is treated as in need of confirmation for assessment purposes, but may well refer to E. parvus.",rationale:"Euthygomphus parvus is known from Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra and might also occur in Peninsular Thailand. Most records are old (including all from Sumatra) and only seven locations appear to have been recorded for the species. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) cannot be made with the available data, but the AOO can be inferred to be declining from loss of lowland forest throughout its range, and may be small; with the available data there is no reason to assume that it is above 2,000km2. The extent and quality of suitable habitat can also be inferred to be declining, so the species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii). It is to be hoped that additional information will allow re-assessment to a lower threat category in the future.
",geographicrange:"Euthygomphus parvus is known from Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra and might also occur in Peninsular Thailand (but possible records from the latter are not included in the map). Records from Peninsular Malaysia are from Kelantan (Hämäläinen et al. 1996), Perak (for instance Lieftinck 1964), Selangor (Lieftinck 1964) and Langkawi Island (Butler & Kohler 2013). Records from Sumatra (all old) are from single locations in Lampung (Lieftinck 1941) and North Sumatra (Krüger 1898). Most of the other records are not recent. The assessor is only aware of records of this species from seven locations. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) cannot be made with the available data, but the AOO can be inferred to be declining from loss of lowland forest throughout its range, and may be small; with the available data there is no reason to assume that it is above 2,000km2.
",population:"Few specimens of this species have ever been collected and it appears to be very local in occurrence but might be merely elusive. Beyond this little can be said except that the overall population can be inferred to be declining because of loss of forest throughout its range and may be severely fragmented for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Little is known on the habitats and ecology of this species. Lieftinck (1954) gives the habitat as hill forest streams, and the species has been recorded in logged forest and in a bamboo grove. The extent and quality of suitable habitat can be inferred to be declining due to loss of and disturbance to forest throughout the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution (especially in Sumatra and Thailand) and exact habitat requirements of this species are needed. It would likely benefit from good conservation practices in plantations, such as leaving wide buffers of original forest around streams and the setting up of conservation areas consisting of original forest and including stream heads, and the strict enforcement of existing regulations for plantations and for logging activities.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:167476,scientific_name:"Euthygomphus parvus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Euthygomphus",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Krüger, 1899)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-11-02",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"500-1999",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:500,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2010",assess_year:"2010",code:"LC",category:"Least Concern"}]},{id:"170899",assessment_id:226317161,id_no:170899,sci_name:"Lindbergia stylokamarae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Danae Karakasi",yrcompiled:2023,citation:"NHMC (Natural History Museum of Crete)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"not accurate",island:"Kasos",tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:26.915189,latitude:35.411932,species_id:170899,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species is endemic to Greece, where it occurs on Kasos Island (Aegean Sea). It is known from at least five localities, including phryganic areas outside caves and only locality inside a cave. It has a small area of occupancy (AOO = 12 km²) and its extent of occurrence (EOO) is smaller than 86 km² (it may be as small as 12 km²). Any confirmed continuing decline will immediately qualify this species for Endangered. Therefore, it is assessed as Near Threatened (nearly meets criterion B). Research is recommended on its distribution, population trend and ecology.",geographicrange:"The species is endemic to Kasos Island (Aegean Islands, Greece), where it is known from at least five localities.",population:"The species is abundant in the areas where it is found (Riedel 1992, Vardinoyannis 1994).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It is known from a cave but also from phryganic areas outside caves (Riedel 1992, Vardinoyannis 1994). The species is considered troglophile as it lives both inside and outside caves.",threats:[{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Future",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Future",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The species occurs in at least one protected area (Natura 2000 site). There are no conservation actions regarding the species. Research is recommended on its distribution, population trend and ecology.",usetrade:"The species is not used or traded.",taxonid:170899,scientific_name:"Lindbergia stylokamarae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"STYLOMMATOPHORA",family:"PRISTILOMATIDAE",genus:"Lindbergia",main_common_name:null,authority:"A. Riedel, 1981",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2023-03-31",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Karakasi, D. & Vardinoyannis, K.",reviewer:"Neubert, E. & Pollock, C.M.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"12-86,12",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GR",country:"Greece",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"3.8",habitat:"Shrubland - Mediterranean-type Shrubby Vegetation",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"7.2",habitat:"Caves and Subterranean Habitats (non-aquatic) - Other Subterranean Habitats",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2023",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2017",assess_year:"2016",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"157856975",assessment_id:196751458,id_no:157856975,sci_name:"Lurifax japonicus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Aoife Molloy",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:140.06700134,latitude:31.4666996,species_id:157856975,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at a depth of 676 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. The potential for anthropogenic influence at this site based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. There may already be disturbance to this species as Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) is in the process of testing of seabed mining technology for future exploitation-phase licensing. The impact of uncertainty around the decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from Vulnerable (VU) to Critically Endangered (CR), using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as the top of this range, Critically Endangered (CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)). A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements.
",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to one location at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. This location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with biologically and geologically coherent identity. Any vent fields within this location therefore also have common exposure to relevant potential threats. This location lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Japan. The species is currently known from one vent field with active black smokers and diffuse venting located at a depth of 676 m bsl, namely the Sumisu Caldera vent field on the Izu-Bonin Arc (Sasaki and Okutani 2005). This species is present over a small area at this vent field.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Sasaki and Okutani 2005).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at a depth of 676 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any vent fields within the Japan EEZ. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along West Pacific Ocean ridges.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157856975,scientific_name:"Lurifax japonicus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"ALLOGASTROPODA",family:"ORBITESTELLIDAE",genus:"Lurifax",main_common_name:null,authority:"Sasaki & Okutani, 2005",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-18",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:676,depth_lower:676,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"JP",country:"Japan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"83153820",assessment_id:176512804,id_no:83153820,sci_name:"Isosticta humilior",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Marinov",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN SSC Odonata Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:165.248515,latitude:-21.005532,species_id:83153820,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Isosticta humilior is endemic to New Caledonia. It has a small extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO), and is known from few locations. Although there is still insufficient information to assess the population size it is assumed to be under threat from habitat degradation. The species is assessed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to New Caledonia where it is confined to the main island of Grande Terre (Grand et al. 2014).",population:"It is known from seven localities, six of which are in the Province Sud. Only single individuals have been recorded. There is insufficient information available to be able to assess population size.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Little is known about the habitat preferences on this species. So far it has bee found in creeks and slopes in forest habitats. It avoids ultramafic environments.",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation measures in place for this species. Moer studies are needed on the population size, trends, biology and ecology.",usetrade:null,taxonid:83153820,scientific_name:"Isosticta humilior",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"ISOSTICTIDAE",genus:"Isosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1975",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-04-23",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Marinov, M.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"44",eoo_km2:"2550",elevation_upper:1350,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"NC",country:"New Caledonia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"2752",assessment_id:187685605,id_no:2752,sci_name:"Bellamya rubicunda",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Albrecht, C.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"Albrecht, C.",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Christian Albrecht",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2006,longitude:30.91564,latitude:1.44854,species_id:2752,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to Lake Albert, Uganda. Based on the current known records for this species, it has an area of occupancy (AOO) of 24 km² and an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 161 km². There is inferred to be a continuing decline in the habitat extent, AOO and number of locations, based on a loss of populations in deeper parts of the lake (recently it has only been recorded to 6 m in depth whereas previously it was reported to 18 m). There are only eight known sites to date, which are in close proximity, and representing at most five locations based on the threat of water pollution. Therefore, this species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Albert, Uganda. It should be noted that the type locality for this species is not Lake Victoria as originally reported (Mandahl-Barth 1954). It is estimated that the species is now present in a small area of the lake, not the entire lake, and this reduced area is smaller than 161 km² with fewer than five locations.",population:"There is no information available on the population trends nor status.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species has been reported down to 18 m in depth in Lake Albert, but recently has only been found to 6 m in depth.",threats:[{code:"3.1",title:"Oil & gas drilling",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There is no information available on conservation actions in place for this species. Further survey and monitoring work is recommended to review the ongoing habitat decline across the lake.",usetrade:"There is no use or trade information for this species.",taxonid:2752,scientific_name:"Bellamya rubicunda",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"ARCHITAENIOGLOSSA",family:"VIVIPARIDAE",genus:"Bellamya",main_common_name:null,authority:"(von Martens, 1879)",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-11-02",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii,iv)+2ab(ii,iii,iv)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Albrecht, C. & Clewing, C.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"24",eoo_km2:"161",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:0,depth_lower:18,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"UG",country:"Uganda",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2010",assess_year:"2004",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"9188",assessment_id:3150046,id_no:9188,sci_name:"Gila modesta",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. Contreras McBeath",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"T. Contreras McBeath 2014",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-101,latitude:25.38138889,species_id:9188,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is occurs in a very small area of the Chorro stream near Saltillo in Coahuila, north-eastern Mexico and at a stream in Iturbide, Nuevo Leon. It is thought to survive in only two of its 12 known localities with an extent of occurrence of less than 20 km2 and an estimated population size of just 500 individuals in 2008. It’s population and habitat are thought to be declining due to a number of threats, the most serious of which are invasive species, the modification of its stream habitat, and water abstraction. The species undergoes extreme population fluctuations due to absence of sufficient stream flow. It is therefore assessed as Endangered B1ab(iii,v)c(iv)+2ab(iii,v)c(iv); C2b. Monitoring of population trends is needed to determine the current rate of population decline particularly in light of the tendency for the species' population to fluctuate, its habitat should be protected from further modification and the impacts of invasive species, and reintroductions to restored sites need to take place to ensure this species’ survival.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to north-eastern Mexico where it occurs in a very small area of the Chorro stream, in the headwaters of the Rio Salinas drainage in the Rio San Juan basin near Saltillo in Coahuila (Miller et al. 2005). It is thought to survive in only 1 of its 12 known localities (Ceballos et al. 2016). There is some evidence that the species occurs in Iturbide, Nuevo Leon: the only known occurrence of Gila within an Atlantic drainage (A. Valdes Gonzalez pers. comm. 2018).",population:"The population of this species is in serious decline and is thought to survive in only two of its 12 known localities (Contreras-Balderas et al. 2003, Caballos et al. 2016). It was very abundant at some sites in the 1960s to 1990s, but these areas have now dried up or only have invasive species present. In 2008 it was recorded as being very rare or scarce, making up only 1.5% of fish species caught (Contreras-Balderas and Arquieta 2008). In 2000, a population estimate of 3000-4000 individuals was made (Martinez 2000, Dinerstien et al. 2001), but this was estimated at 500 in 2008 in a stream just over 800 m in length (Contreras-Balderas and Arquieta 2008), which is a potential decline of around 87% in 8 years. The current population size is unknown, but threats are ongoing so it is likely still in decline.It is unknown if this species is traded in the ornamental fish market.
",taxonid:176001662,scientific_name:"Dicrossus gladicauda",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Dicrossus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Schindler & Staeck, 2008",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-10-23",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Mesa-Salazar, L.",reviewer:"Rodríguez-Olarte, D.",aoo_km2:"772",eoo_km2:"1002",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CO",country:"Colombia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"173832004",assessment_id:173832008,id_no:173832004,sci_name:"Hypostomus yaku",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Martins et al. 2014",basisofrec:null,event_year:2012,longitude:-48.76555556,latitude:-17.77555556,species_id:173832004,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Hypostomus yaku occurs in the Quente River, a small tributary of the Piracanjuba River in the upper Paraná River basin, central Brazil that is characterized by thermally warmed waters. Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 8 km2, and the species is known from a single threat-based location. Comprehensive ichthyological sampling in the region failed to identify any additional collection localities in the immediate vicinity and this species is likely restricted to warm water. Threats to this species are localized and include urban expansion, habitat degradation and solid waste pollution associated with tourism, and organic pollutants associated with urban runoff. Continuing decline in habitat quality is inferred. Therefore, H. yaku is assessed as Critically Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Hypostomus yaku occurs in the Quente River, a small tributary of the Piracanjuba River in the upper Paraná River basin, central Brazil (Martins et al. 2014).
Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimate to be 8 km2, based on a 2x2 km grid overlain on the three known collection localities for which this species is reported (Martins et al. 2014). This species is assigned to a single threat-based location because all collection localities are closely adjacent to one another, and are likely impacted by pollutants from the municipality of Rio Quente.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. However, it is abundant at the type locality (Martins et al. 2014).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is reported from the Quente River, a small tributary characterized by a width of three meters, depths of 1-1.5 m, with moderate flow and substrates of sand, pebbles, and rock (Martins et al. 2014). This species appear to be restricted to warm waters such as the Quente River Resort and other sites in the urban area of the Municipality of the Rio Quente (Martins et al. 2014). Sampling in other nearby streams with lower water temperature did not yield any additional specimens (Martins et al. 2014).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis niloticus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis niloticus"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Xiphophorus hellerii)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Xiphophorus hellerii"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis niloticus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis niloticus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Xiphophorus hellerii)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Xiphophorus hellerii"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.4",title:"Garbage & solid waste",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards H. yaku. This species does not occur in any protected areas. Comprehensive ichthyological sampling in the region failed to identify any additional collection localities in the immediate vicinity (Martins et al. 2014). Frequent population monitoring is a warranted conservation priority (Martins et al. 2014). Habitat monitoring and site protection may be warranted.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:173832004,scientific_name:"Hypostomus yaku",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LORICARIIDAE",genus:"Hypostomus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Martins, Langeani & Zawadzki, 2014",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-12-03",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Reis, R.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"8",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.12",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Geothermal Wetlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"4836",assessment_id:3012480,id_no:4836,sci_name:"Herichthys minckleyi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Fabian Pérez, Omar Mejía, Eduardo Soto-Galera, IPN-ENCB",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"ECOSURECOCH6413",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:2009,longitude:-102.036,latitude:26.91,species_id:4836,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species has a very restricted distribution in the Cuatro Cienégas basin with an EOO of 177 km2. A continuing decline of the species' habitat quality has been observed as a result of drying due to agriculture exploitation of the aquifer. The genetic pool of the species is highly compromised by hybridization with Herichthys cyanoguttatus, in addition to competition and predation with the introduced African cichlid: Hemichromis guttatus. Based on the most serious plausible threat, the species has three locations. Therefore, it is assessed as Endangered.The type locality is the Essequibo River, Guyana. It is present in the Essequibo and Demerara River Basins. It is also present in the Cuyuni River, an Essequibo tributary, in eastern Venezuela. It is possibly also present in the Corantijn River basin in Guyana and Suriname, and the upper Branco River drainage (Amazon Basin) of southern Guyana and northern Brazil. Records from southern and western Amazon are considered misidentifications.
",population:"There are no data available to estimate the population size of this species. The population is thought to be decreasing because of habitat loss due to gold mining and fishing pressure at a magnitude of 25% over the past 10 years.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is a freshwater, potamodromous, benthopelagic species (Riede 2004). It migrates during the rainy season (Planquette et al. 1996). It feeds almost exclusively on Podostemaceae plants that grow in the rapids.",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.2",title:"Intentional use: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no specific conservation measures to protect this species. It probably occurs in at least one protected area.",usetrade:"Myleus pacu is used in the commercial aquarium trade and as a food fish (Cagauan 2007).
",taxonid:85281263,scientific_name:"Myleus pacu",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"SERRASALMIDAE",genus:"Myleus",main_common_name:"Pacu",authority:"(Jardine, 1841)",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2021-01-02",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Taphorn, D.C. & Rodríguez-Olarte, D.",reviewer:"Mojica, J.I.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:225,elevation_lower:1,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GY",country:"Guyana",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"SR",country:"Suriname",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"VE",country:"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.6",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"123528293",assessment_id:177239852,id_no:123528293,sci_name:"Telosticta dupophila",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Dow 2016",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2015,longitude:109.598,latitude:1.931,species_id:123528293,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Telosticta dupophila is known from six protected and one non-protected locations in Sarawak and the type locality in West Kalimantan; it is not known if the species is still extant at the type locality. The overall population of this species, which occupies lowland, low gradient forest habitats, must have declined significantly due to loss of lowland forest across its known range, especially in West Kalimantan. A definite threat from encroachment exists at one of the known locations in Sarawak, despite the fact that it is protected, and those at some of the other locations occupy rather small areas and are therefore vulnerable to threats such as forest fires, which may become more frequent with climate change. This species is close to qualifying for Vulnerable status under criterion D2, and there is certainly some cause for concern over its future, especially in Kalimantan. Therefore it is assessed as Near Threatened because of the small number of known locations and definite and potential threats.
",geographicrange:"Telosticta dupophila is endemic to Borneo, where it is known from locations in West Kalimantan and Sarawak (Dow and Orr 2012). The type locality is Montrado (Lieftinck 1933), a site in the Singkawang area of West Kalimantan. No other sites are known in Kalimantan. In Sarawak it is known from a number of locations in Kuching Division: two separate locations within the Samunsam Wildlife Sanctuary (Dow 2016, Dow unpublished), a site at the foot of the Bungo Range (Dow unpublished), Bako National Park, one tiny site in the Sama Jaya Nature Reserve (Dow and Orr 2012), a location at the foot of Gunung Santubong in the National Park of the same name (Dow unpublished) and a location within Kubah National Park (Dow and Orr 2012). Altogether only eight locations have ever been recorded for this species, but it is doubtful that the species survives at the type locality.
",population:"This species can be moderately common at most of the locations where it occurs in Sarawak. Nothing is known about the current status of the population in West Kalimantan. However there has been extensive loss of lowland forest in West Kalimantan, and also in south-western Sarawak, so that a decline in overall population must have occurred, and be ongoing. Although most of the locations known in Sarawak are protected, the overall population of this species is fragmented into a number of isolated subpopulations.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Dow and Orr (2012: 377) state that “The habitat at the type locality is described as “swampy forest” in Lieftinck (1933) and on the label as “strook vochtig bosch”: a “strip of moist forest”. At Bako National Park in Sarawak it is found at small streams in kerangas forest; in places this could be described as swampy. At Sama Jaya Nature Reserve it has been found on one tiny swampy stream in disturbed kerangas forest. At Kubah National Park it has been found on small low gradient streams in semi-alluvial forest; again this could be described as swampy. It appears to favour lower gradient streams than the closely allied T. serapi; at Kubah they occur within 100 m of each other but on streams differing by gradient. At Bako it is quite a common species, males are found perched at the side of streams.” After the publication of Dow & Orr (2012) the species was found on the same stream as T. serapi, within metres of that species, but again segregated by gradient. At the Samunsam Wildlife Sanctuary it is found at small low gradient streams in kerangas, and at the foot of Gunung Santubong and of the Bungo Range it is found in similar situations, with another closely related species, T. santubong Dow and Orr, 2012, occurring at higher gradient streams on Gunung Santubong.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data are needed on populations of this species in Kalimantan. In Sarawak searches for additional populations need to be made.
Within areas being converted to plantation, the survival prospects of the species would be greatly increased by good conservation practices, such as leaving wide buffers of original forest around streams and the setting up of conservation areas consisting of original forest and including stream heads. The strict enforcement of existing regulations for plantations and for logging activities would also be highly beneficial.
Sangabasis circularis is only known from the Sulu region in the southwest Philippines, with records from eight locations on a number of islands. The area of occupancy (AOO) of this species cannot be accurately estimated with the available data but is believed to be less than 2,000 km² and may well be considerably less than this. The AOO, extent and quality of suitable habitat are all be inferred to be declining because of loss and degradation of lowland forest habitats throughout the Sulu Archipelago. The population on each of the larger islands where the species occurs may well already be severely fragmented but more information is needed to confirm this. This species qualifies for Vulnerable status under B2ab(ii,iii) and is therefore assessed as such.
",geographicrange:"Sangabasis circularis is only known from the Sulu region in the southwest Philippines, the distribution of the species is summarised in Villanueva and Dow (2014). The assessor is aware of records from eight locations. The area of occupancy (AOO) of this species cannot be accurately estimated with the available data. However the entire land area of the Sulu Archipelago is not much more than 4,000 km² and since much of this will not be suitable for this species, its AOO can be assumed to be less than 2,000 km² and may well be considerably less than this. The AOO can also be inferred to be declining because of loss and degradation of lowland forest habitats throughout the Sulu Archipelago.
",population:"There is insufficient information to make any statement about current population sizes and health for this species except that an ongoing decline in overall population in inferred from loss of suitable habitats throughout the range of the species and severe fragmentation is likely for the same reasons but cannot be confirmed at present.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing definite has been recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it is likely to occupy swamp forest and swampy areas in forest around the margins of lakes and ponds, similar habitats to some other Sangabasis species. Both the extent and quality of suitable habitat for this species are inferred to be declining because of loss of and degradation to lowland forest habitats in the Sulu Archipelago.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Additional data on the distribution of this species are needed and better information on its habitat requirements and threats. Protection of at least some locations is also needed. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139544878,scientific_name:"Sangabasis circularis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Sangabasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Lieftinck, 1974)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-03-13",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"80-1999",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:100,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"123672002",assessment_id:123674334,id_no:123672002,sci_name:"Cixius caledonicus",presence:4,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Craig Macadam",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"Auchenorrhyncha Recording Scheme for Britain and Ireland",legend:"Possibly Extinct",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"China (1942)",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:1937,longitude:-2.9578355,latitude:55.766604,species_id:123672002,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"There are only two records of this species, with no records after 1960, suggesting that this species may be extinct. However, there is a possibility that further survey work may discover an unknown population of this species and this is probably very small )(<50 mature individuals). This assessment was produced based on information supplied by Alan Stewart.",geographicrange:"The Caledonian Planthopper is known from only two locations: Heriot Water and Edinburgh, both in Scotland (China 1942). There have been no confirmed records for at least 70 years (Wilson et al. 2015).",population:"The population size of this species is unknown and it may even be extinct. If the species is still extant, given the lack of records, any population is probably very small (<50 mature individuals).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The habitat requirements of this species are unknown.",threats:[],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions planned for this species.",usetrade:null,taxonid:123672002,scientific_name:"Cixius caledonicus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"HEMIPTERA",family:"CIXIIDAE",genus:"Cixius",main_common_name:"Caledonian Planthopper",authority:"China, 1942",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2021-01-30",category:"CR",criteria:"D",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Macadam, C.",reviewer:"Gerlach, J.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GB",country:"United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland",presence:"Possibly Extinct",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Possibly Extinct"}],habitats:[{code:"3.4",habitat:"Shrubland - Temperate",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"191307",assessment_id:1975366,id_no:191307,sci_name:"Cyprinodon suavium",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Strecker 2005",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-88.771,latitude:19.877,species_id:191307,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Cyprinodon suavium is an endemic pupfish species restricted to the Laguna Chichancanab in Yucatán Peninsula, México. The area of occupancy is estimated at 6-12 km2, but the number of locations cannot be determined. The species may be impacted by the introduced invasive alien species (tilapia and Astyanax sp.), and in minor degree from habitat degradation caused by agricultural run-off and water abstraction. This species' habitat fluctuates naturally, but it is unclear if there is continuing decline in the extent and quality of the habitat. It is therefore listed as Vulnerable (VU).",geographicrange:'Cyprinodon suavium is a freshwater fish species endemic to the Ramsar Site Laguna Chichancanab (Site No.1364) in Quintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (Strecker 2006).',population:"This species is frequent after the rainy season, but it is rarer during the dry season (A. Valdes pers. comm. 2018). More information is needed about the population size of Cyprinodon suavium. Nevertheless, most of the other endemic species of Chichancanab, which have been monitored for years, are declining in relative abundance (Schmitter-Soto et al. 2006). However, there is no data to infer or suspect a decline in this species' population.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Laguna Chichancanab is an endorheic basin with hard-water lagoons that merge in wetter years. Cyprinodon suavium eats mainly benthic invertebrates (Strecker 2005). Chichancanab is surrounded by floodplain areas (hence, its surface increases seasonally), with grassland savannas and a rare inland population of button mangrove (Conocarpus erectus; Ramsar Secretariat 2004, Site No. 1364). Unlike most in the Yucatan peninsula, the waters of Chichancanab are saturated with calcium sulfate (Perry et al. 2003). The habitat of this species varies widely with cycles of 6-8 years, with the water level reaching up to 2 m and decreasing to 20-30 cm, while the flooded area varies between 300 to 3500 hectares (A. Valdes pers. comm. 2018).",threats:[{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"No decline",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"No decline",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Lake Chichancanab is a Ramsar Site (#902315) and a State Reserve (declared 2011). However, no specific conservation action are known for C. suavium.",usetrade:"Cyprinodon suavium is not a utilised species.",taxonid:191307,scientific_name:"Cyprinodon suavium",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"CYPRINODONTIDAE",genus:"Cyprinodon",main_common_name:"Kissing Pupfish",authority:"Strecker, 2005",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-03-06",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Contreras MacBeath, T. & Schmitter-Soto, J.J.",reviewer:"Valdes Gonzales, A.",aoo_km2:"6-12",eoo_km2:"6-12",elevation_upper:36,elevation_lower:36,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.14",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Saline, Brackish or Alkaline Lakes",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"173720718",assessment_id:174825296,id_no:173720718,sci_name:"Platysticta secreta",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2016)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.648,latitude:8.1088,species_id:173720718,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Platysticta secreta is endemic to Sri Lanka, where it is known from locations in mountainous parts of the island from the south east through the central part. The species is known from many individual sites grouped into a smaller number of isolated clusters. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is likely smaller than 500 km² (meeting the criterion B2 threshold for Endangered) and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 5,456–8,155 km², which meets the criterion B1 threshold for Vulnerable. The overall population of the species is clearly already severely fragmented. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B2ab(ii,iii)).
',geographicrange:'Platysticta secreta is endemic to Sri Lanka (Bedjanič et al. 2016; Sumanapala, unpub. data), where it is known from locations in eastern mountainous parts of the island from the south east through the central part and also very localized in the eastern lowlands. The species is known from many individual sites grouped into isolated clusters; it also occurs in protected areas (for example, the Knuckles Forest Reserve and Victoria-Randenigala-Rantambe Sanctuary). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, but it is very unlikely to be more than 500 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 5,456 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 8,155 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
',population:"An ongoing decline in overall population of this species is inferred from loss and degradation of forest and other threats within the range of the species and the overall population will already be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"“As far as habitat and distribution is concerned, P. secreta sp. nov. is peculiar and distinct from its congeners in inhabiting much drier eastern parts of the island. Here the appropriate habitats, like smaller shaded streams and seepages along rivulets in forest or at least in a forested corridor, are rather scarce” Bedjanič et al. (2016: 42). The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173720718,scientific_name:"Platysticta secreta",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Platysticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Bedjanic & van Tol, 2016",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-07-31",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"164-500",eoo_km2:"5456-8155",elevation_upper:1350,elevation_lower:70,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"188000682",assessment_id:188000698,id_no:188000682,sci_name:"Hoplomyzon cardosoi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Douglas Rodríguez Olarte",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"GBIF (2020), Fish Collection ANSP (2020), INPA Fish Collection (2020), USP Fish Collection (2020), PUCRS Fish Collection (2020), UEM Fish Collection (2020), Smithsonian Institution Fish Collection (2020), UNICAMP Fish Collection (2020), UFMS Fish Collect",basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:-72.6,latitude:9.3833,species_id:188000682,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Collections of the species occurred from 1977 to 1982. The historical changes that have occurred in the Maracaibo basin since then have been dramatic and evident, including the eutrophication of the lake and the massive dissemination of floating macrophytes (such as Lemna) in response to the extreme organic loads in the tributaries, the increase in oil spills in the middle and lower river basins (e.g. Catatumbo) and inside the lake, the expansion of aquaculture (e.g. shrimp farms) associated with the final reaches of the rivers and the introduction of predatory species. The above evidence implies a extensive contamination and a decline of habitat of several rivers. This species has a restricted distribution with an extent of occurrence (EOO) best estimated at 2,082 km2 and an area of occupancy (AOO) best estimated at 208 km2. It is suspected there are 1-2 threat-based locations. Therefore, this species is assessed as Endangered.",geographicrange:'The species Hoplomyzon cardosoi is endemic to the Maracaibo basin and was described from Caño La Raya, a tributary of Escalante river (Carvalho et al. 2017). The species also occurs in the rivers Escalante and Aricuaisá, between Perijá and Andes ranges, and probably is dispersed along the humid floodplains associated with Lake Maracaibo. It is possibly extant in Colombia. The species is reported in four localities with a elevational distribution ranges from 17-34 meters above sea level.This unique marine gastropod is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at a depth of 1,483 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. Mining licences have been granted for this location within the Papua New Guinea EEZ. The potential for anthropogenic influence at these sites based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. There may already be disturbance to this species at this location, as the Papua New Guinea Government has previously granted deep-sea mining licences within their EEZ. The impact of uncertainty around the decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from VU to CR, using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as Critically Endangered (CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)).
A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements, for example, if a moratorium on deep-sea mining was reached by the Government of Papua New Guinea, whereby the assessment would be likely to decrease to Least Concern.
This species is only found in Madagascar, and is likely to be endemic to the humid forests of the north-eastern region (Ranarilalatiana and Bergsten 2019). It is known from the humid forest from Marojejy National Park to Masoala National Park, including the island of Nosy Mangabe. It has only been found at an altitudinal range of 195 m to 860 m Asl (Ranarilalatiana and Bergsten 2019). The extent of occurrence (EOO) of this species is estimated to be around 1,294 km2 and the minimum area of occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be around 12 km2. Based on the current known records, the species is considered to occur at three locations, when considering logging as the main threat.
",population:"The species has been found as recently as 2017 and 2018 (Ranarilalatiana and Bergsten 2019), but there is little information on the population size and trend of this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The habitat of this species is humid forests (Ranarilalatiana and Bergsten 2019). In Masoala National Park, this species was found in primary humid forests in dry shallow forest floor depressions with soil and dead leaves. On Nosy Mangabe, the species was found in a pool of rainwater. In Marojejy National Park, the species occurred in residual pools of a small stream, at a slightly higher altitude than the other two localities. Due to illegal logging, there is considered to be a decline in the quality and extent of the habitat of this species (Ranarilalatiana and Bergsten 2019).",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Both Marojejy and Masoala National Parks are included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site 'Rainforests of the Atsinanana', and so are formally protected and have management plans in place. However, in 2010, UNESCO designated the site as 'In Danger' and this was reconfirmed in 2019 (UNESCO 2019), and so further protection of the area would benefit the species. The species would also benefit from further research on the life history, population and distribution, and monitoring of population and habitat trends.",usetrade:"This species is not used or traded.",taxonid:184535207,scientific_name:"Copelatus amphibius",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"COLEOPTERA",family:"DYTISCIDAE",genus:"Copelatus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Ranarilalatiana & Bergsten, 2019",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-09-11",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Englefield, E.",reviewer:"Gerlach, J.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"1294",elevation_upper:860,elevation_lower:195,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MG",country:"Madagascar",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"157715467",assessment_id:157715744,id_no:157715467,sci_name:"Desbruyeresia armata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:139.73300171,latitude:31.9666996,species_id:157715467,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 806 m to 1244 m bsl. There is uncertainty regarding the total AOO, EOO and other biological factors, and in particular it is not certain whether there is currently a continuing decline in habitat quality; this results in potential Red List categories for this species spanning VU and EN. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii). As the species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted AOO and EOO, and has been found at one location, the threat of current and future anthropogenic influence in these sites based on exploration licenses for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites justifies an inferred and projected continuing decline in the extent and quality of habitat at hydrothermal vents, which would drive this species to CR very rapidly. There may already be disturbance to this species as there has been exploratory mining within the Japan EEZ which can include extraction of mineral deposits to determine their composition and testing of seabed mining technology for future exploitation-phase licensing. A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining license arrangements, such as a moratorium on seabed mining, or if there are future changes to the prices of relevant commodities.",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to one location at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. In hydrothermal vent ecosystems, a location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes would smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure.Protosticta joepani is known from 13 locations in Sabah and Sarawak, including some locations within National Parks. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is much larger than the criterion B1 thresholds (EOO = 49,326–63,257 km²). However, this species appears to be particularly sensitive to disturbance to the forest around the streams in which it breeds and is very local in occurrence across much of its range. Although an accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, it is likely to be smaller than 2,000 km² and the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of and disturbance to forest within the range of the species. The overall population will already be severely fragmented. Threats exist at all locations, even those in protected areas. The species is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B (VU B2ab(ii,iii)).
",geographicrange:"Protosticta joepani is known from 13 locations in Sabah and Sarawak (Dow et al. 2020, Dow unpub. data). Some locations are within National Parks (for example, the Crocker Range National Park in Sabah and Gunong Mulu National Park in Sarawak). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data it is unlikely to be larger than 2,000 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of and disturbance to forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 49,326 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points).",population:"This species typically occurs at fairly low densities and is very local in occurrence across most of its range. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest throughout the range of the species and the overall population will already be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Dow et al. (2020: 383) state: “Protosticta joepani is typically found in steep forested terrain, perched on steep slopes, sometimes far above water; it is only occasionally collected at the streams where it presumably breeds. It occurs at ca 450–1,500 m asl but is probably most common in the middle of this range.” All that can be added to this is that the species has only been found in pristine or close to pristine forest, this is true even in areas that are under (or have been under) timber licences, where the species has only been found in sections either not yet logged, deliberately set aside (for instance as water catchments) or that simply have not had, or been crossed to reach, valuable timber in them and were therefore left alone. It appears that this species may be particularly sensitive to disturbance to the forest around the streams in which it breeds. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for the protection of more habitat where it occurs and for more data on its distribution and ability to tolerate disturbance to the forest surrounding its stream habitats.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173721057,scientific_name:"Protosticta joepani",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Protosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Dow, Phan & Choong, 2020",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-05-21",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"500-2000",eoo_km2:"49326-63257",elevation_upper:1500,elevation_lower:450,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"83130744",assessment_id:83380158,id_no:83130744,sci_name:"Teinobasis aerides",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Marinov",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN SSC Odonata Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Belyshev, B.F., 1969",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:158.2325,latitude:6.9069,species_id:83130744,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Teinobasis aerides is confined to a small mountain area of Pohnpei Island. Its current known extent of occurrence is small (certainly <100 km²) and, based on plausible threats from habitat degradation and the effects of climate change, it is considered to occur in only one location. The species is reported as uncommon and although it was rediscovered 50 years after its original description; there are no good indications that its populations are stable. For the moment the species is assessed as CR, since single events like climate or habitat destruction might exterminate the entire population. More research is urgently needed.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Pohnpei Island, Federal States of Micronesia.",population:"Paulson and Buden (2003) consider this species uncommon on the island. They found it in several locations about 50 years after its initial description. However, there are no good indications that the populations are stable.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Paulson and Buden (2003) reported this species as confined to higher-elevation forested areas. In these zone it inhabits seepage areas dominated by the sedge Mapania pacifica where it probably breeds. Immature individuals were observed among the streamside vegetation and they probably use it for some time during the maturation period.",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.1",title:"Abstraction of surface water (domestic use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation measures are in place for this species. Studies on population size and trends are recommended.",usetrade:null,taxonid:83130744,scientific_name:"Teinobasis aerides",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Teinobasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1962",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-08-09",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Marinov, M.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"11-1761,17",elevation_upper:772,elevation_lower:274,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"FM",country:"Micronesia, Federated States of ",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"109690594",assessment_id:109690677,id_no:109690594,sci_name:"Tylomelania mahalonensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Sulawesi",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1991,longitude:121.493333,latitude:-2.6,species_id:109690594,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species is endemic to Lake Mahalona in Sulawesi, where it is only found in soft substrate areas with an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 40 km2. This is counted as a single location based on the threats of nickel mining, hydro-electric power installations, logging, and organic effluents from the rapidly expanding human population around Lake Mahalona, which are causing a decline in habitat quality through siltation and changes to natural water levels. It is also very vulnerable to the spread of the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) through the Malili lakes system. This species is therefore assessed as Critically Endangered based on its extremely limited distribution and deterioration of habitats.",geographicrange:"The species is endemic to Lake Mahalona (24.4 km2), which is part of the Malili Lakes system in Sulawesi, Indonesia.
",population:"There is no current population information available for this species but it was reported as abundant in von Rintelen et al. (2007). An overall population decline of at least 50% is predicted over the next 10 years due to the spread of the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) in the Malili lakes (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and are thought to have caused the decline of Tylomelania populations through predation of small adults and juveniles (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017; 2018). Flowerhorn Cichlids have now been confirmed in the downstream Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obs. 2018) where they are predicted to cause population declines similar to those seen in Lake Matano.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in freshwater lakes and is a soft substrate dweller in sand or mud.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation plans are currently in place for this species, but protection of its known localities and habitats is needed. Research is also needed into the population dynamics, ecology and the threats to this species.
",usetrade:"There is no use or trade information on this species. Many species of Tylomelania of the Malili lakes are collected traded as aquarium pets, however this species has not yet been conspicuously traded.",taxonid:109690594,scientific_name:"Tylomelania mahalonensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"SORBEOCONCHA",family:"PACHYCHILIDAE",genus:"Tylomelania",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Kruimel, 1913)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-07-10",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rintelen, T.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:"40",eoo_km2:"21.7-40",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"176166611",assessment_id:176166676,id_no:176166611,sci_name:"Brachyglanis melas",presence:4,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Dario Faustino",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Possibly Extinct",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"C. H. Eigenmann 1908",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:1908,longitude:-58.850595,latitude:5.399962,species_id:176166611,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Brachyglanis melas is endemic to Guyana, known from the Essequibo River in the Crab Falls. The species has a restricted distribution, is not very abundant, and occurs in a region impacted by mining activities. It has not been collected since 1908 and is considered Possibly Extinct. If still extant, the area of occupancy (AOO) and the extent of occurrence (EOO) would both be 4 km2. Considering only one location and the continuing decline in habitat quality due to the species occurring in only one river located in an area of intense mining activity, Brachyglanis melas is categorized as Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct).",geographicrange:"Brachyglanis melas was originally described from the Crab Falls in Essequibo River in Guyana (Eigenmann 1912) and is currently considered to be distributed exclusively in this river basin (Fricke et al. 2020, Faustino-Fuster et al. 2021). It has not been collected since 1908 (Fricke et al. 2020, Faustino-Fuster et al. 2021), despite expeditions around the original description area and other places in Guyana (D. Faustino-Fuster pers. comm. 2020). Collections identified as this species from Brazil, Venezuela and elsewhere in Guyana (including those mentioned in Eigenmann 1912) refer to undescribed species (Faustino-Fuster et al. 2021, in prep).",population:"Brachyglanis melas is rare. No information is available on its population size and trend.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Brachyglanis melas is a demersal (living near the bottom of the water body) species and individuals in the description were found among the rocky crevices of a cataract (Eigenmann 1912).",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no specific conservation measures in place for Brachyglanis melas. Taxonomic revision of the genus is currently underway (D. Faustino-Fuster pers. comm. 2020). Further sampling for the species within the type locality and surrounding area in Guyana is recommended.",usetrade:"There is no use or trade information for this species.",taxonid:176166611,scientific_name:"Brachyglanis melas",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"HEPTAPTERIDAE",genus:"Brachyglanis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Eigenmann, 1912",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-12-19",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Faustino-Fuster, D.R.",reviewer:"Ballen, G.A. & Slobodian, V.",aoo_km2:"0-4",eoo_km2:"0-4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GY",country:"Guyana",presence:"Possibly Extinct",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Possibly Extinct"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"60887",assessment_id:148657335,id_no:60887,sci_name:"Corematodus shiranus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Snoeks, J. pers. comm.",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:1997,longitude:34.8,latitude:-12.09,species_id:60887,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'This species is endemic to Lake Malawi. Only a few specimens were observed in the extensive fish catches analysed for the "Chambo Project" in 1992. It was last reported in 1997 (MRAC specimen) north of Cape Maclear. The already small population has probably since collapsed with its prey (Chambo) virtually removed from the southern parts of the lake. This species had not been recorded in research trawl surveys performed in 1998/1999 and in 2016. Given the population decline and lack of any recent records C. shiranus is assessed similarly as its prey (Chambo), as Critically Endangered, based on a suspected 90% population decline over the past 10 years. It is thought likely to be extinct in Malawi but extant in Mozambique.',geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi. It has been recorded from the southwestern and southeastern arms of the lake. One specimen (1997) was collected between Likoma Island and the mainland.",population:"At the height of the Oreochromis extraction in the southeastern arm of the lake Turner (1996) encountered only about 20 specimens among tens of thousands Oreochromis during his 1990-1992 survey. Therefore, even before the drastic decline of Oreochromis, which it feeds on the tail fins of, this species was rare.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"It occurs over sandy areas or near rocks or in the open water. It is a specialised feeder biting small scales from tail fins of all Oreochromis species. The maximum size is 20 cm total length.",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation actions are in place. Population monitoring is recommended.",usetrade:"This species is neither targeted by the ornamental fish trade nor subsistence fishermen, but is a bycatch of the commercial Chambo fishing.",taxonid:60887,scientific_name:"Corematodus shiranus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Corematodus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Boulenger, 1897",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-06-19",category:"CR",criteria:"A2d",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A.",reviewer:"Kanyerere, G.Z., Phiri, T.B. & Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:'This errata version of the assessment was created to correct a Reviewer name from "Kanyerere, Z." to "Kanyerere, G.Z." and another Reviewer name from "Phiri, B." to "Phiri, T.B.". Additionally, a point data map was added as this was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.',amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MW",country:"Malawi",presence:"Possibly Extinct",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Possibly Extinct"},{code:"MZ",country:"Mozambique",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"LC",category:"Least Concern"}]},{id:"109690770",assessment_id:177281180,id_no:109690770,sci_name:"Tylomelania masapensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Sulawesi",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2e3,longitude:121.3515,latitude:-2.847333,species_id:109690770,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:" The species is endemic to the Lake Masapi in Sulawesi, with an area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) both of 4 km2. This is counted as a single location with major threats including increased siltation from activities on the lake shore, which are causing declines in the habitat quality of this species. It also vulnerable to the potential introduction of invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.). It is therefore assessed as Critically Endangered based on its extremely limited distribution and the deterioration of its habitat.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to the small freshwater Lake Masapi, which is to the west of the larger Lake Towuti in the Malili Lakes system in Sulawesi, Indonesia.",population:"There is no current population information available for this species but it has previously been reported as abundant (von Rintelen et al. 2007). The current population trend is unknown. This species is vulnerable to the impact of invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) that are spreading within the Malili lakes and causing population declines in Tylomelania populations through predation of small adults and juveniles (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2018). However, it is not certain if or when these invasives will reach the Lake Masapi, which is more isolated than the other Malili lakes. A future population decline can therefore not be estimated accurately. However, if Flowerhorn Cichlids were to reach this lake, population declines similar to those seen in Lake Matano would also likely occur in this species (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is found in a single freshwater lake and is found mostly on soft substrate.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation plans are currently in place for this species, but protection of its known localities and habitats is needed. Research is also needed into the population dynamics, ecology and the threats to this species.
",usetrade:"There is no use or trade information for this species. While many species of Tylomelania of the Malili lakes are collected and traded as aquarium pets, this species has not yet been conspicuously traded.",taxonid:109690770,scientific_name:"Tylomelania masapensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"SORBEOCONCHA",family:"PACHYCHILIDAE",genus:"Tylomelania",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Kruimel, 1913)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-07-10",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rintelen, T.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"139544865",assessment_id:146602185,id_no:139544865,sci_name:"Sangabasis carmelae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R. Villauneva & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R. Villauneva & R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Villanueva & Dow 2014",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:121.895,latitude:14.815,species_id:139544865,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Sangabasis carmelae is known from one coastal site on Polillo Island in the Philippines. The species appears to occupy coastal swamps. Threats exist at the known location and more generally around the coast of Polillo. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but the AOO must be less than the area of Polillo Island and is therefore less than 629 km² (likely considerably less, and realistically it will be less than 500km2) and declining, as is the extent and quality of suitable habitat. The species qualifies for Endangered status under criterion B2ab(ii,iii) and may need to be reassessed as Critically Endangered once more data become available.
",geographicrange:"Sangabasis carmelae is known from one coastal site on Polillo Island in the Philippines (Villanueva and Dow 2014). The area of Polillo is only 628.9 km² so the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species, if genuinely confined to the island, must be less than this; if confined to coastal areas then the AOO will be considerably less. The AOO is also inferred to be decreasing due to loss of suitable habitats on Polillo.
",population:"This species may be relatively abundant where it occurs but is clearly very local in occurrence. An ongoing decline, in overall population, is inferred from loss and degradation of coastal habitats on Polillo and it is likely that the overall population is severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"The only available information is “It was found on a small Nipa swamp” (Villanueva 2010: 8 as Amphicnemis sp.n.). It appears likely that the species is confined to coastal swamp forest formations and if this is the case then the extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred will certainly be declining due to human activities
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More information on the distribution and exact habitat requirements of this species is urgently needed, and protection of the known location is required. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139544865,scientific_name:"Sangabasis carmelae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Sangabasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Villanueva & Dow, 2014",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-03-09",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"10-629",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:40,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"157867042",assessment_id:157867138,id_no:157867042,sci_name:"Hyalogyrina globularis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Nova Hanson",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-130.01400757,latitude:45.93330002,species_id:157867042,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from three restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 1,512 m to 2,440 m bsl. The species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO), and has been found at only three locations, suggesting that it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. While Location 1 lies within a Marine Protected Area (Glowka 2003), Locations 2 and 3 do not and are still vulnerable to the threat of deep-sea mining. We have therefore opted to assess this species as Near Threatened (NT). Although the species has a restricted AOO and there is a plausible future threat, it is unlikely to become Critically Endangered (CR) or Extinct (EX) over the next 1–2 generations because at least one location is protected. However, whilst no licences have been granted to date, if mining were to be approved at the unprotected vent fields within Locations 2 and 3, the projected decline in the extent and quality of habitat could possibly impact more than one location, protected or not, due to the close proximity of Locations 1 and 2, as mining sediment plumes are predicted to spread up to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such an event could cause this species to become threatened very rapidly, therefore, an urgent reassessment would be merited if there is any change to the status of mining licence arrangements within Canada's EEZ, whereby the assessment should increase to EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii), regardless of the MPA status at Location 1.",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to three locations at hydrothermal vents on the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. Locations 1 and 2 fall within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Canada. Despite these locations being only 62.2 km of each other, they are subject to different regulations within their respective prescribed management areas and are thus considered separate locations. Location 1 encompasses the Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents Marine Protected Area (Glowka 2003), whereas there is currently no such regulation in place at Location 2. Location 3 falls outside of national jurisdiction in International Waters. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1,512 m bsl to 2,440 m bsl. It has been observed from five vent fields within the three locations: Main Endeavour Field (Location 1) (Warén and Bouchet 2001), High-Rise Field (Location 1) (Kelly et al. 2007), Middle Valley Bent Hill Massive Sulfide (Location 2) (Warén and Bouchet 2001), Axial Seamount International District (Location 3) (Marcus et al. 2009) and Axial Seamount ASHES (Location 3) (Kelly et al. 2007). This species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Warén and Bouchet 2001, Kelly et al. 2007, Marcus et al. 2009).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1,512 m to 2,440 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"One of the three locations, which includes Main Endeavour Field and High-Rise Field, lies within the Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents Marine Protected Area established in 2003 (Glowka 2003). This MPA prohibits the disturbance, damage or removal of any structures or animals without consent from the Minister of Justice for purposes beyond scientific research. However, there are no conservation actions currently in place at the other two locations where this species is found. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the Juan de Fuca Ridge.",usetrade:"There is no known trade nor use of this species.",taxonid:157867042,scientific_name:"Hyalogyrina globularis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"ALLOGASTROPODA",family:"HYALOGYRINIDAE",genus:"Hyalogyrina",main_common_name:null,authority:"Warén & Bouchet, 2001",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-01-05",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Hanson, N. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"16",eoo_km2:"1951.749",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:1512,depth_lower:2440,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CA",country:"Canada",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.5",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Seamount",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"125989524",assessment_id:125989542,id_no:125989524,sci_name:"Quintana atrizona",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2020 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.smr9a3",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:1916,longitude:-82.730576,latitude:21.886122,species_id:125989524,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Quintana atrizona is currently known from two sites on separate islands, about 160 km apart, with an area of occupancy (AOO) of 8 km2. Despite recent surveys, it has not been sighted since 2008. Predatory alien fish species represent the main direct threat to the species at both locations, along with river bank erosion due to livestock farming and agriculture, which results in a continuing decline in the species' habitat quality. Given the lack of exchange of individuals between the two known sites, the population is considered severely fragmented. The species is therefore assessed as Critically Endangered.",geographicrange:"Quintana atrizona is endemic to Cuba, where it has been reported from small freshwater ponds in western Cuba and Isla de la Juventud, formerly Isle of Pines (Rivas 1958). The most recent collections were taken from a small freshwater lagoon at Guanahacabibes Peninsula in 2007 (Doadrio et al. 2009), and in the Itabo river, Isla de la Juventud in 2008 (Ponce de León and Rodríguez 2008) and 2009 (Ponce de Leon 2012). These sites are on separate islands, about 160 km apart. Its current area of occupancy (AOO) is estimated at 8 km2 based on the presence at these two sites, and it occurs in two locations considering the main threats to the species. It occurs at elevations between 1 and 5 m above sea level (Doadrio et al. 2009, Ponce de León and Rodríguez 2008).",population:"There are few data on population size for this species. Ponce de Leon (2012) reported very low numbers of individuals in the wild. In addition, the absence of sightings since 2009 suggests a decreasing trend of its subpopulations. The last known records are Guanahacabibes Peninsula (21.9606 N, 84.4214 W) and Itabo river (21.659128 N, 82.985032 W). Several subsequent surveys have failed to detect this species. Previous records include four other sites on Isla de la Juventud in 1990 and 1919 (MNHNCu-22-000666, 000690, 000700, and MCZ-Ich-34192, respectively), some freshwater ponds in the southern drainage of western Cuba (Rivas 1958) and the type locality in Baracoa, La Habana (Hubbs 1934). Likewise, the latter sites have been visited several times and the species has been never found. The population of the species is considered severely fragmented given that the last two known sites are on different islands, separated by approximately 160 km.This species occurs in small freshwater ponds and prefers dense thickets of aquatic vegetation (Rivas 1958). The habitat of the species has been subjected to a strong fragmentation and loss due to the construction of dams since the 1970s. The habitat quality of this species appears to be declining due to introduction of invasive exotic fish species and river bank erosion due to livestock farming and agriculture. Quintana atrizona is a very small viviparous and sexually dimorphic species. Adult females can reach up to 5 cm and males 3 cm in total length. Females reach maturity at eight weeks and males at 5 weeks (Ponce de León et al. 2013). The species produces the smallest newborns among Cuban poeciliids (Ponce de León et al. 2013). The species is omnivorous (Vergara 1992) and usually swims in small groups close to the bottom of the water column (Ponce de León and Rodríguez 2010).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.9",title:"Small dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Clarias gariepinus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Clarias gariepinus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Clarias gariepinus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Clarias gariepinus"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.4",title:"Garbage & solid waste",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Currently, there are no direct conservation actions in place for this species. However, a small conservation project focused on this species was achieved in 2018, which allowed surveying most of its range. The species has not been found since 2007-2008. The last two known localities are within protected areas (Los Indios Ecological Reserve, Isla de la Juventud (Ponce de León and Rodríguez 2008, Ponce de León 2012) and Guanahacabibes National Park, Pinar del Río province (Doadrio et al. 2009). Additional research is needed to determine its population size and trends and implement ex-situ conservation programs.",usetrade:"Despite previous reports of inclusion within the ornamental trade during its original description (Hubbs 1934), this species does not appear to be included in the present-day ornamental aquarium trade.",taxonid:125989524,scientific_name:"Quintana atrizona",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Quintana",main_common_name:"Barred Topminnow",authority:"Hubbs, 1934",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-21",category:"CR",criteria:"B2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Tognelli, M.F., Lyons, T.J., Rodríguez-Machado, S. & Ponce de León, J.",reviewer:"García-Machado, E.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:5,elevation_lower:1,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CU",country:"Cuba",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"139541726",assessment_id:146602145,id_no:139541726,sci_name:"Pandanobasis curacha",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Villanueva 2012",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:124.65972,latitude:12.36861,species_id:139541726,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Pandanobasis curacha is known from seven locations in Homonhon and Samar in the Philippines. Threats exist at all known locations and the overall population is believed to be severely fragmented. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is not likely to be large and is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of habitat across the range of the species. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) is likely well below 20,000 km². The species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criteria B1ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly. When more data become available re-assessment to Endangered is as likely as re-assessment to Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:'Pandanobasis curacha is known from seven locations in Homonhon and Samar in the Philippines (Villanueva 2012). It has also been recorded from singe locations in each of Biliran and Mindanao but as noted by Villanueva (2012) there are some differences in these populations, and they might represent a distinct species; these records are treated as presence uncertain here and are not included in the calculation of extent of occurrence (EOO) below. It might be present in the Calbayog Pan-as–Hayiban Protected Landscape in Samar which is not far from one of the known locations and is likely to be present in two (non-protected) Important Bird Areas (IBAs) on Samar, the Mount Cabalantian - Mount Capoto-an complex and the Mount Yacgun - Mount Sohoton complex and might be present within the Sohoton Natural Bridge Natural Park within the latter IBA. Additionally, the entirety of Samar is apparently a Natural Park but this does not seem to have any practical value. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is not likely to be large and is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of habitat across the range of the species. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) is somewhere between 7,836 and 21,325 km² (based on the area within a minimum convex polygon around the known localities and around the occupied HydroBASIN areas).
',population:"All that can be said with the available data is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest throughout the range of the species and that severe fragmentation is highly likely for the same reasons.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing was recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it will be forest dependent and is very likely to breed in phytotelmata. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest throughout the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution, habitat requirements, ability to tolerate disturbance and presence in existing protected areas is needed for this species and better protection for existing protected areas on Samar.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139541726,scientific_name:"Pandanobasis curacha",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Pandanobasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Villanueva, 2012",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-04",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"7836-21325",elevation_upper:400,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"137924",assessment_id:533430,id_no:137924,sci_name:"Onthophagus aureofuscus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Ixtlan, Oaxaca, M�xico",basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:-96.3722563,latitude:17.212629,species_id:137924,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Onthophagus aureofuscus has been assessed as Endangered. Being a high altitude species, this beetle has a restricted narrow range affected by climate change. Altitudinal shifts in range have already been observed for other similar species, suggesting this is also affecting this species, and resulting in a continuing decline in quality and extent of habitat. The species has an estimated extent of occurrence of 97,000 km², but within this a currently known area of occupancy of only 12 km² (based on the IUCN Guidelines of a 2 x 2 km grid overlaid on the three known localities). This is likely to be an underestimate as any further localities recorded will increase the area of occupancy. However, the estimate is well within the threshold for Endangered, even if many more localities are discovered. As it is currently known from only four localities, which under the threat of climate change affecting the species would translate into a single location, the species is listed as Endangered under Criterion B2ab(iii). While any further localities recorded may ultimately drop the species' extinction risk to Vulnerable due to an increase in area of occupancy, our current estimate is well below the Endangered threshold of 500 km².",geographicrange:"This species is found at high altitudes in both the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Sierra Madre Oriental in Mexico, between 2,600 and 3,160 m (Zunino and Halffter 1988, Halffter et al. 1995). The estimated extent of occurrence is around 121 km², while the known area of occupancy to date is 12-32 km² due to the limited number of localities known for this species (three broad localities, but within Veracruz, multiple localities near Xalapa, as indicated by GBIF records).",population:"There are no population data available for this species.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species has been collected at high altitudes 2,800 m to 3,160 m in both the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Sierra Madre Oriental and in pine forest and pasture land at high altitudes (Zunino and Halffter 1988, Halffter et al. 1995). Its diet is unknown.",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation measures in place for this species. Further surveys are required to establish whether this species has a wider distribution than is currently known, as this would have an impact on area of occupancy measurements. Similarly, the impact of climate change on this species should be investigated.",usetrade:"This species is unlikely to be utilised.
",taxonid:137924,scientific_name:"Onthophagus aureofuscus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"COLEOPTERA",family:"SCARABAEIDAE",genus:"Onthophagus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Bates, 1887",published_year:2017,assessment_date:"2015-02-03",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Favila, M., Escobar, F., Escobar, F., Halffter, G. & Vaz-de-Mello, F.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Gerlach, J.",aoo_km2:"12-32",eoo_km2:"121",elevation_upper:3160,elevation_lower:2600,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.5",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"4.7",habitat:"Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2017",assess_year:"2015",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"157786766",assessment_id:192732633,id_no:157786766,sci_name:"Pseudorimula midatlantica",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-44.97850037,latitude:14.75199986,species_id:157786766,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the Atlantic Ocean. It is currently known from six restricted locations in the distinctive and restricted habitat of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 1,500 to 4,080 m bsl. Four of these locations lie within deep-sea mining exploration licence areas granted by the ISA. As the species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO), and has been found at a limited number of locations, it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction at these deep-sea mining sites. However, two other locations lie within marine protected areas (MPAs) and these populations are protected from the impacts of commercial exploitation and deep-sea mining. Therefore, owing to the significant protection provided by these MPAs and the resulting variability in extinction risk for the different populations, we have opted to assess the species as Near Threatened. The species is close to qualifying for a threatened category based on the potential threat of mining activity in a subset of locations where the species occurs. As such, the assessment as NT is dependent on the maintenance of the current marine protection at the Azorian vent fields, the cessation of which would result in the taxon becoming threatened in a short period of time. A reassessment would therefore be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of the MPAs, whereby the species would become VU B2ab(iii), based on the projected continuing decline in habitat associated with the four locations in mining licence areas.",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is known from only six locations at hydrothermal vents on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the Atlantic Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. Location 1 lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of The Azores, Portugal. Location 2 lies beyond national jurisdiction in International Waters but is included within the Azores Marine Park (Ribeiro 2010, Calado et al. 2011). The other four Locations (Location 3 to 6) lie in areas beyond national jurisdiction in International Waters. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1,500 to 4,080 m bsl. It has been observed from six vent fields each in separate Locations: at the Lucky Strike vent field (Location 1), and the Rainbow vent field (Location 2), the Broken Spur vent field (Location 3), the Snake Pit vent field (Location 4), the Logatchev-1 vent field (Location 5), and the Ashadze-1 vent field (Location 6) (McLean 1992, Waren and Bouchet 2001, Kiel 2004, Galkin and Goroslavskaya 2010, Fabri et al. 2011, Goroslavskaya and Galkin 2011). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (McLean 1992, Waren and Bouchet 2001, Kiel 2004, Galkin and Goroslavskaya 2010, Fabri et al. 2011, Goroslavskaya and Galkin 2011).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the Atlantic Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1,500 to 4,080 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The Menez Gwen and Lucky Strike vent fields, which lie within the Azorean-Portuguese Economic Exclusive Zone, are Marine Protected Areas (MPA) and considered Special Areas of Conservation under the European Habitats Directive (Calado et al. 2011, Aguiar and Costa 2010), where the Azores Regional Government protects them from commercial and scientific exploitation. The Rainbow vent field, which lies 35 NM beyond the Azorean-Portuguese EEZ, is also an assigned MPA and is included within Portuguese jurisdiction (Calado et al. 2011). These MPAs are designed specifically to protect hydrothermal vent environments, safeguarding two of the six locations where the species is found. However, there are no conservation actions currently in place at the Broken Spur, Snake Pit, Logatchev-1, or Ashadze-1 vent fields. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on these populations from disturbance by mining.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157786766,scientific_name:"Pseudorimula midatlantica",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"LEPETELLIDA",family:"LEPETODRILIDAE",genus:"Pseudorimula",main_common_name:"Atlantic Vent Slit-limpet",authority:"McLean, 1992",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2020-08-20",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A., Thomas, E.A. & Sigwart, J.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"24",eoo_km2:"910146.302",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:4080,depth_lower:1500,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:"The map has been corrected in this assessment; previously the latitude and longitude attributes were accidentally recorded the wrong way round.",amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PT",country:"Portugal",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"139069838",assessment_id:139118473,id_no:139069838,sci_name:"Oligoaeschna buehri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:" ",source:"Dow et al 2017",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2016,longitude:107.69277,latitude:-2.837,species_id:139069838,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Oligoaeschna buehri is known from Borneo and Sumatra where it appears to be uncommon and very local in occurrence. It has been recorded from 10 specified locations, but it is not known if it still occurs at four (at least) of these, so that only at most six locations can be considered as currently known. None of the known locations is totally protected and threats certainly exist at all known locations. It is close to qualifying for Vulnerable status under criterion D2 and, taking the reasonable precautionary approach advocated by the IUCN, it is therefore assessed as Near Threatened. It is to be hoped that with more information on the distribution of the species re-assessment as Least Concern will be possible in the future.
",geographicrange:"Oligoaeschna buehri is known from Borneo and Sumatra (Lieftinck 1968), including Belitung (Dow et al. 2017). Records from Borneo are from Brunei (for instance in Orr 2001), East Kalimantan (Lieftinck 1968) and Sarawak (Dow et al. 2019). The assessor is aware of records from ten locations to which it is possible to assign coordinates, but it is not known if the species survives at the locations in East Kalimantan (three locations) or mainland Sumatra (one location). To the assessor’s knowledge none of the known locations is totally protected, but the location in Sarawak is inside a wildlife corridor in an area of acacia plantation. Most records are from Brunei. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the currently available data, but it is not likely to be very large and can be inferred to be declining from loss of lowland forest across most of the species range.
",population:"This does not appear to be a common species, but beyond this nothing can be said about current population sizes and health with the available information except that some ongoing decline in overall population can be inferred from loss of lowland forest across most of the species’ range.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"In Brunei (Orr 2001) this species was found in alluvial forest at one location, hawking over a steep ridge at another and a female was recorded apparently ovipositing in shallow pools in secondary dipterocarp forest. In Sarawak both sexes were recorded flying in a clearing in disturbed mixed dipterocarp forest in the early morning and late afternoon. In Belitung a male was found perched in low secondary forest near a stream. Nothing else is known, but it appears that this species occurs very locally in lowland forest and possibly breeds in small forest pools and alluvial forest.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Totally protected status for some of the locations where this species occurs is needed, as is more information on its distribution and exact habitat requirements. The species would likely benefit from good conservation practices in plantations, such as leaving wide buffers of original forest around streams and the setting up of conservation areas consisting of original forest and including stream heads, and the strict enforcement of existing regulations for plantations and for logging activities.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139069838,scientific_name:"Oligoaeschna buehri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"AESHNIDAE",genus:"Oligoaeschna",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Förster, 1903)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-12-07",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:200,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BN",country:"Brunei Darussalam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"152306277",assessment_id:152306353,id_no:152306277,sci_name:"Isthmoheros tuyrensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. Lyons",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2019, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute 2019",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:0,longitude:-77.773848,latitude:8.327588,species_id:152306277,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to the Tuíra and Bayano river basins on the Pacific versant of eastern Panama, although a translocated subpopulation exists in the Chagres River drainage on the Caribbean slope of central Panama. Given uncertainties in distribution, Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be between 2,157-12,040 km2. Total population size and population trend are unknown. Potential threats include deforestation, agricultural expansion, mining activities, and road infrastructure development within the Darien region. While the scope and magnitude of these threats are unknown, they are having inferred negative impacts on habitat quality. Given 10 or fewer locations, a relatively restricted range, and a number of continuing threats, this species is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B1ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Isthmoheros tuyrensis is endemic to the Pacific slope of Panama, occurring within the Tuíra and Bayano river basins (Kullander 2003, Smith and Bermingham 2005). Within Darien National park, it has been reported from the Balsas and Urugantícito rivers, as well as Mamatí stream (Garcés and García 2007).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be between 2,157-12,040 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around a limited number of georeferenced collection records (GBIF 2019).
While there is significant uncertainty regarding the magnitude and scope of potential threats, the most pervasive threat of land conversion associated with agricultural development is likely to produce negative impacts in all downstream catchments. As such, the number of locations where this species occurs is inferred to be fewer than 10.
",population:"Total population size and population trend are unknown. In an ichthyological survey conducted within Darien National Park, this species comprised 1.8% of relative fish abundance (Garcés and García 2007).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in slow moving waters. Diet is primarily comprised of algae and detritus (Říčan et al. 2016). Maximum body size is 23.5 cm standard length (SL) (Kullander 2003).",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.1",title:"Abstraction of surface water (domestic use)",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Schyzocotyle acheilognathi)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Schyzocotyle acheilognathi"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Schyzocotyle acheilognathi)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Schyzocotyle acheilognathi"},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards I. tuyrensis. Much of the species range extends into Darien National Park (Garcés and García 2007, IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019), which may confer limited protection against habitat degradation. More data regarding distribution, population size, population trend, and the impacts of potential threats would be useful in guiding future conservation action.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:152306277,scientific_name:"Isthmoheros tuyrensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Isthmoheros",main_common_name:"Mojarra",authority:"(Meek & Hildebrand, 1913)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-05",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"González, R. & Armbruster, J.W.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"2157-12040",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"60070",assessment_id:75097776,id_no:60070,sci_name:"Umma declivium",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling (2012). Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/ipt/resource.do?r=bf_cf21",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:35.41508,latitude:-11.5539,species_id:60070,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Umma declivium is listed as Vulnerable at the global level in view of its restriction to clear montane forest streams of the Eastern Arc Mountains in Tanzania and the adjacent southern mountains in Malawi. The extent of occurrence is with 252,039 km² rather large, but the area of occupancy is just 72 km² and the known 9 locations are all highly fragment without any suitable habitat in between.Ceylonosticta bine is endemic to Sri Lanka, where it is known from the wet zone of the island. More than 60 individual sites have been recorded for this species but many of these are close together so that a lower number of threat-defined (taking deforestation as the major threat) locations are known. The known locations are scattered in clusters across much of the wet zone and the overall population is clearly severely fragmented. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is certainly smaller than 500 km² (meeting the criterion B2 threshold for Endangered) and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 6,472–10,163 km², which meets the criterion B1 threshold for Vulnerable. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B2ab(ii,iii)).
',geographicrange:'Ceylonosticta bine is endemic to Sri Lanka, where it is known from the wet zone of the island (Bedjanič 2010, Bedjanič et al. 2014, 2016; Sumanapala 2017, unpub. data). More than 60 individual sites have been recorded for this species, but many of these are close together so that a lower number of threat-defined (taking deforestation as the major threat) locations are known. The known locations are scattered in clusters across much of the wet zone. Some locations are within protected areas, for instance the Sinharaja Forest Reserve. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data it is certainly smaller than 500 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 6,472 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 10,163 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).This species appears to only occur at low densities where it occurs and an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest within its range. The overall population is clearly already severely fragmented because suitable habitat is.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs at “water habitats in dense rainforests, such as trickles, marshy springs and very small streams, are typical habitats of D. bine, but apparently it also inhabits well shadowed seeps in secondary forests. In such habitats, individuals can be found near the ground or clinging onto leaves or twigs a few decimetres from the ground” Bedjanič et al. (2014: 114). The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:141759017,scientific_name:"Ceylonosticta bine",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Ceylonosticta",main_common_name:"Bine’s Shadowdamsel",authority:"(Bedjanic, 2010)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-05-02",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"244-500",eoo_km2:"6472-10163",elevation_upper:1e3,elevation_lower:30,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"9195",assessment_id:3150207,id_no:9195,sci_name:"Girardinichthys multiradiatus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Köck, GWG",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Cruz-Gomez",basisofrec:" ",event_year:2008,longitude:-99.6915,latitude:20.0035,species_id:9195,taxonomicnotes:"The description by Meek (1904) as Characodon multiradiatus is based on specimens collected by J.N. Rose in the Lerma Lake E of Toluca at the beginning of the 20th century and referred to Girardinichthys innominatus (a synonym of Girardinichthys viviparus) by Evermann and Goldsborough (1902). The species was transfered into the new genus Lermichthys by Hubbs in 1926, temporally overlapping with the description by Jordan and Evermann (1927) as Girardinichthys limnurgus. Finally, Miller and Fitzsimons (1971) placed this species within the genus Girardinichthys. According to its appearance in four different drainages, four subpopulations can be distinguished: The Río Lerma subpopulation (type subpopulation), the Río Pánuco subpopulation, the Río Cutzmala subpopulation and the Lagunas de Zempoala subpopulation.",rationale:"The Darkedged Splitfin is endemic to central Mexico and occurs in the upper Rio Lerma basin, in Zempoala lagoons, some dams in the Río Pánuco drainage and parts of the Upper Balsas river basin close to the Río Lerma basin (Contreras-MacBeath et al. 1998). It was reported that this species' range was contracting during the 1990s (Lyons et al. 1998), especially along the Río Lerma basin, and it disappeared from many places. Nevertheless, this species is still relatively widespread, but the population is experiencing ongoing declines and is threatened, especially by water pollution, exploitation and exotic fish species, which are partly predators including the rainbow trout, providing competition for food and space. Based on the AOO, and taking into consideration severe fragmentation, several heavy declines and the above mentioned threats, this species is assessed Endangered.",geographicrange:'The Darkedged Splitfin is a live-bearing freshwater fish endemic mainly to the Mexican federal states of Mexico and Michoacán, but also reaches the federal states of Querétaro, Morelos and even Hidalgo. The centre of its historical distribution is the upper Río Lerma drainage, where it occurred mainly in channels, dams, creeks, ponds and lakes along the river. The habitats closest to the Lerma river sources are the Laguna Chignahuapán and swamps near Xalatlaco, south of Toluca de Lerdo. The distribution also includes habitats along some of upper Lerma main affluents, like the ríos Las Minas and Cachiví and the Arroyo Jaltepec. The westernmost habitat along the Río Lerma is the San Miguel spring in Maravatío de Ocampo, only 45 km east of the Laguna Cuitzeo, but about 150 km northwest from the Río Lerma sources. In addition to the Río Lerma drainage, Girardinichthys multiradiatus also occupies two bigger drainages. One is in the south of the Río Balsas drainage with the Arroyo El Zarco in the headwaters of the Río Turundeo, west of Ciudad Hidalgo (the westernmost known habitat in general), 30 km southwest of Maravatio de Ocampo, the endorheic Presa El Bosque south of the town of Heroica Zitácuaro and dams within the headwaters of the Río Tiloxtoc; all of these localities occur within the Río Cutzmala basin. The eastern- and southernmost known habitats is about 25 km southwest of Mexico City: the endorheic Lagunas Zempoala, the only known habitats within the state of Morelos. The third big drainage where this species occurs is the Río Pánuco drainage in the north of the Río Lerma. The distribution encompasses several smaller dams in the headwaters of the Arroyo Characol southwest of San Juan del Río (e.g. La Goleta and San Martins dam) in the state of Querétaro, the Presa Huapango and smaller dams near Polotitlán de la Illustración, Río San Juan headwaters in the state of Mexico and the only known habitat in the state of Hidalgo, a small dam about 6 km northeast of Polotitlán, draining into the Arroyo Casas Viejas, a Río San Francisco affluent. Mercado-Silva confirmed its presence in the Tonatiahua and Zempoala lakes in Morelos, through surveys in 2016 and 2017, and the habitats in the Río Balsas and Pánuco drainages are still partly populated with this species (Lyons 2011, Domínguez-Domínguez 2005). The distribution and abundance declined substantially over the 20th century (Lyons 2011), leaving remnant stocks. A new stock has been discovered west of Ciudad Hidalgo, during a survey by Köck et al. (2017).The Lakes of Zempoala is a National Park, that has specific actions aimed at the conservation of aquatic species, including G. multiradiatus. There are also conservation efforts by the University of Michoacan, which has an ex-situ conservation program for this species.
",usetrade:"The Darkedged Splitfin is not used for consumption and is not a target species for the ornamental fish trade.",taxonid:9195,scientific_name:"Girardinichthys multiradiatus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"GOODEIDAE",genus:"Girardinichthys",main_common_name:"Darkedged Splitfin",authority:"(Meek, 1904)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-04-12",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(i,ii,iii,iv)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Koeck, M., Daniels, A. & Maiz-Tome, L.",reviewer:"Domínguez, O., Arroyave, J., Rivas, M. & Contreras MacBeath, T.",aoo_km2:"172-296",eoo_km2:"12000-14300",elevation_upper:2850,elevation_lower:1650,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"No"},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.9",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Freshwater Springs and Oases",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"E",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"E",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"E",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"157846332",assessment_id:157857078,id_no:157846332,sci_name:"Solemya flava",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:126.98999786,latitude:27.54809952,species_id:157846332,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine bivalve is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 1,300 m to 1,500 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. The potential for anthropogenic influence at this site based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. There may already be disturbance to this species as Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) is in the process of testing of seabed mining technology for future exploitation-phase licensing. The impact of uncertainty around the decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from VU to CR, using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as the top of this range, Critically Endangered (CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)). A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements.
",geographicrange:"This deep-sea bivalve is restricted to one location at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. This location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with biologically and geologically coherent identity. Any vent fields within this location therefore also have common exposure to relevant potential threats. This location lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Japan. The species is currently known from one vent field with active black smokers and diffuse venting located at depths of 1,300 m to 1,500 m bsl, namely the Iheya Ridge vent field on the Okinawa Trough (Sato et al. 2013, Watanabe and Kojima 2015). This species is present over a small area at this vent field.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Sato et al. 2013, Watanabe and Kojima 2015).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1,300 m to 1,500 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any vent fields within the Japan EEZ. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along West Pacific Ocean ridges.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157846332,scientific_name:"Solemya flava",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"BIVALVIA",order:"SOLEMYIDA",family:"SOLEMYIDAE",genus:"Solemya",main_common_name:null,authority:"Sato, Sasaki & Watanabe, 2013",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-12-17",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:1300,depth_lower:1500,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"JP",country:"Japan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"89032212",assessment_id:89039683,id_no:89032212,sci_name:"Amplirhagada kessneri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Frank Köhler",yrcompiled:2016,citation:"Frank Köhler, Australian Museum, IUCN SSC Mollusc SG",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Western Australian Museum",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2007,longitude:125.181389,latitude:-14.587222,species_id:89032212,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to Bigge Island, and is known only from the southern part of this island. The documented area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is 4 km2. However, Bigge Island comprises a surface area of 171 km2 and a large portion of the island supports potentially suitable habitat. We suspect that the actual geographic range of this species is larger than currently documented. Bigge Island is uninhabited and unused Crown Land and there is no documented or inferred past or continuing decline in the area and/or quality of habitat due to anthropogenic impact. Despite this, based on its small extent of AOO, the species is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2 because any potential future disturbance, such as human lit bushfires, has the potential to impact the entire population of this species rapidly. Should the species be recorded from other parts of Bigge Island in the future, then its AOO may increase to more than 20 km2 and the species could be assessed as Least Concern.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Bigge Island, Montague Sound, NW Kimberley, Australia (Köhler 2011). Currently it has only been recorded from a small area in the southern part of this island. Because the the island has not been completely surveyed, this localized occurrence is potentially an artefact of limited sampling. The island has a size of 171 km2 (Conservation Commission of Western Australia 2010), which is considered to be the maximum potential extent of the geographic range of this species. This island is uninhabited and unused Crown Land and there is no documented or inferred past or continuing decline in the area and/or quality of habitat due to anthropogenic impact. Species of the genus Amplirhagada are known to be narrow range endemics usually not exceeding linear distances of more than 20 km (Solem and McKenzie 1991).
",population:"We suspect that the population trend is stable because there is no known or inferred anthropogenic impact on this species.
",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:"This species inhabits vine thickets in sheltered pockets below cliffs and aestivates in rock crevices or under rock piles. No decline in habitat area and / or quality is inferred.
",threats:[{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'Amplirhagada kessneri does not occur within the boundaries of a protected area. No conservation management or monitoring plan is in place currently, and further research and surveys are recommended.
',usetrade:"There is no known trade in this species.",taxonid:89032212,scientific_name:"Amplirhagada kessneri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"STYLOMMATOPHORA",family:"CAMAENIDAE",genus:"Amplirhagada",main_common_name:null,authority:"Köhler, 2010",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2017-08-07",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Stable",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Köhler, F.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AU",country:"Australia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"3.6",habitat:"Shrubland - Subtropical/Tropical Moist",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"6",habitat:"Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2017",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"157861722",assessment_id:157861799,id_no:157861722,sci_name:"Echinopelta fistulosa",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-114.30000305,latitude:-21.55999947,species_id:157861722,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from two restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2,600 m to 2,845 m bsl. The species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO), and has been found at only two locations, suggesting that it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. While one of the two locations lies within two Marine Protected Areas (Menini and Van Dover 2019), the other exists in International Waters without any such protection, therefore we have opted to assess the species as Near Threatened.Chirosoma attenuatum is a freshwater fish species endemic to Lake Pátzcuaro with an Area of Occupancy of 97 km2. The species is threatened by overfishing and hybridisation with species of the same genus. A continuing decline of the species population size, in addition to extent and quality of its natural habitat, have been observed as a result of industrial discharges, urban sewage and agricultural run-off. In Pátzcuaro during 1985, the total annual catch of charales was 523 tons, for 2003 it decreased to only 14 tons, probably with the same fishing effort (Rojas-Carrillo 2006). Given the number of threats and its restricted range to the lake, the species is assessed as Endangered.
The species is distributed in parts of the Malili Lakes system, Sulawesi, Indonesia. It occurs widely in Lake Towuti (561.1 km2) and has also been recorded at two sites in Lake Mahalona (24.4 km2).
",population:"The current population trend is unknown, however an overall population decline of >90% is predicted over the next 10 years due to the spread of the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) in the Malili lakes (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and are thought to have caused the decline of some Tylomelania species through predation of small adults and juveniles (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017; 2018). Juveniles of this species are particularly vulnerable to predation due to their small size. Flowerhorn Cichlids have now been confirmed in Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obs. 2018) and they are assumed, therefore, to also occur in River Petea, which connects Lake Matano and Mahalona. If not already present in Lake Towuti, the Flowerhorn Cichlids will soon spread downstream to the lake, as River Tominanga connecting these two lakes is much less of a barrier than the river between Lakes Matano and Mahalona, and are predicted to cause population declines similar to those seen in Lake Matano.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in freshwater lakes where it can be found only on rocks in shallow water to a depth of around one metre.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation plans are currently in place for this species, but protection of its known localities and habitats is needed. Research is also needed into the population dynamics, ecology and the threats to this species.
",usetrade:"This species is not thought to be used or traded.",taxonid:109689201,scientific_name:"Tylomelania insulaesacrae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"SORBEOCONCHA",family:"PACHYCHILIDAE",genus:"Tylomelania",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Sarasin & Sarasin, 1897)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-07-09",category:"CR",criteria:"A3e",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rintelen, T.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:"108",eoo_km2:"486",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"149844482",assessment_id:174833952,id_no:149844482,sci_name:"Devario monticola",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Malka Fernando",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:"Sri Lanka",tax_comm:null,source:"CHE00114",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2017,longitude:80.703356,latitude:6.865012,species_id:149844482,taxonomicnotes:"Devario malabaricus was misapplied to this species and it was reevaluated to valid species by Batuwita et al. (2017). However, Sudasinghe and Pethiyagoda (2019) have questioned the validity of this species on the basis that the criteria used to distinguish this species is unusable as it is ambiguous and self contradictory.",rationale:"Devario monticola is a range-restricted, endemic species, known only from a single location in the upper Mahaweli River Basin of Sri Lanka. Its estimated Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is around 12.5 km2, and its Area of Occupancy (AOO) is 12 km2. A continuing decline in the extent and quality of its habitat has been observed as a result of accumulation of agrochemicals and rapid expansion of tea plantations. These threats are likely to continue as the area is still undergoing agricultural expansion and there is no current protection for its habitat. The species is therefore assessed as Critically Endangered.",geographicrange:"Devario monticola is a point endemic species confined to the Agra Oya, a tributary of the Mahaweli River upper basin in Sri Lanka (Batuwita et al. 2017).",population:"There is no information available about the population size and population trends for this rare species. It is possible to infer a decline in its population number owing to threats caused by pollution within its limited range.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"D. monticola is found in clear water bodies with sandy or gravel substrate flowing through tea plantations (De Silva et al. 2015).
",threats:[{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions in place for this species.",usetrade:"There is no use/trade information available for this species.",taxonid:149844482,scientific_name:"Devario monticola",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"DANIONIDAE",genus:"Devario",main_common_name:"Agra Danio",authority:"Batuwita, De Silva & Udugampala, 2017",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-08-06",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Fernado, M., Kotagama, O. & de Alwis Goonatilake, S.",reviewer:"Maiz-Tome, L. & Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"12.498",elevation_upper:1633,elevation_lower:1367,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:"This corrected (errata) assessment was created to correct text in the Taxonomic Notes field.",amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"186361",assessment_id:1811886,id_no:186361,sci_name:"Scleronema operculatum",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Brejão, G. L.; Fernando, E.",yrcompiled:2023,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"CRIA",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-55.12944412,latitude:-29.54055595,species_id:186361,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Scleronema operculatum has a moderately small range and an Extent of Occurrence (EOO) of 23,053 km2, but the full distribution of the species is uncertain, and so the number of locations cannot be ascertained. Associated agricultural pressures on its distribution range is also inferred to be causing a continuing decline in the habitat quality; as such, the species is assessed as Near Threatened. Further research must be conducted on its exact distribution.",geographicrange:"Scleronema operculatum occurs in the Rio Ibicuí basin, a tributary on the left bank of Rio Uruguay, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil (Ferrer and Malabarba 2020). There is a 2005 record of this species at Arroio Santa Maria, Argentina (Species Link Network 2023), however, since it is well outside the more recently described range (see Ferrer and Malabarba 2020), the overall distribution must be studied carefully.",population:"There is no information about any population parameter.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Scleronema operculatum inhabits rivers and streams usually with fine sand-bottoms. Scleronema guapa and S. minutum may be collected in the same microhabitat of S. operculatum. The stomachs of three specimens were analysed and two had immature aquatic Diptera (Chironomidae), Odonata and grains of sand (Ferrer and Malabarba 2020).",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species does not have any conservation measures in place. The species' distribution, threats, and population trends must be thouroughly investigated.
",usetrade:"There is no information about species use or trade.
",taxonid:186361,scientific_name:"Scleronema operculatum",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"TRICHOMYCTERIDAE",genus:"Scleronema",main_common_name:null,authority:"Eigenmann, 1917",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-12-09",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Brejão, G.L.",reviewer:"Wosiacki, W.B.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"23053",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"165014431",assessment_id:165015008,id_no:165014431,sci_name:"Atherinella sardina",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2019 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.dhwefc",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:0,longitude:-86.474844,latitude:12.351968,species_id:165014431,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is restricted to the Lake Nicaragua and tributaries on the Atlantic versant of Nicaragua and northern Costa Rica. There are significant current and potential threats to Lake Nicaragua and north Caribbean river drainages in Costa Rica, including land-use change resulting from agricultural development, pollution from domestic and agricultural sources, potential interactions with non-native species, as well as the construction of the Nicaragua Canal. These threats are inferred to have resulted in a reduction in the quality of available habitat. Given a restricted range, documented declines in habitat quality and few locations, this species is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B1ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Atherinella sardina is distributed from southern Nicaragua to northern Costa Rica (Chernhoff et al. 1986, Bussing 1998, Angulo et al. 2013). In Costa Rica it has been reported only from the Lake Nicaragua River drainage at elevations ranging from 0-40 meters above sea level (Angulo et al. 2013).
The surface area of Lake Nicaragua is approximately 8144 km2 and the San Juan watershed is approximately 19,530 km2 (Vammen et al. 2019). Therefore, Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is unlikely to exceed 20,000 km2 given this species has only been reported in lakes and waters with no to moderate current (Bussing 1998). Land use change, non-point source pollution, and non-native species are regionally pervasive threats that are likely having direct impacts on this species. While there is considerable uncertainty regarding the scope of existing threats, the number of locations where A. sardina occurs is unlikely to exceed 10.",population:"Total population size and population trend of this species are unknown.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Atherinella sardina is a pelagic, freshwater species that can be found in lakes and waters with little to moderate current, at water temperatures of approximately 25 °C (Bussing 1998). As with other close congeners, it forms schools that move swiftly through surface waters (Bussing 1998). It feeds on terrestrial and aquatic insects and possibly on algae (Bussing 1998). Maximum reported body size is 5.5 cm standard length (SL) (Bussing 1998).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no species-specific conservation measures directed towards A. sardina. The range of this species includes a number of Protected Areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). More research regarding the impact of regional threats would be useful in guiding future conservation action.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:165014431,scientific_name:"Atherinella sardina",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"ATHERINIFORMES",family:"ATHERINOPSIDAE",genus:"Atherinella",main_common_name:"Sardina Plateada",authority:"(Meek, 1907)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-09-20",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Angulo, A. & Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Contreras MacBeath, T.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"8144-19530",elevation_upper:40,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"NI",country:"Nicaragua",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"161326462",assessment_id:168311611,id_no:161326462,sci_name:"Dingana fraterna",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"AJCOETZER, AC_LEPI01.FDB_16513",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2015,longitude:29.76891518,latitude:-25.05395699,species_id:161326462,taxonomicnotes:"There are no notable issues.",rationale:"This species is restricted to Limpopo Province, South Africa (Extent of Occurrence (EOO) 4 km2). There is one location and the population is small. There is a continuing decline in habitat and number of mature individuals, mainly due to fires during the flight period. The taxon thus qualifies globally under the IUCN criteria as Critically Endangered under criteria B and C.",geographicrange:"This species is restricted to Limpopo Province in South Africa, now only existing at one locality in Sekhukhuneland.",population:"No specimens have been seen at the type locality for 17 years despite frequent searches, and the remaining population is restricted to a unique habitat. Seldom have more than a dozen adults been seen to fly at any one time during the flight period.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs on grassy, rocky ridges and slopes of the eastern edge of the Highveld plateau in a very limited geological area; the Rashoop Granophyre suite.",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.1",title:"Nomadic grazing",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Acacia mearnsii)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Acacia mearnsii"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Acacia mearnsii)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Acacia mearnsii"}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no conservation measures in place, but a detailed management plan is recommended for this taxon. Special attention should be given to appropriate fire regimes as well as to the constant threat of mining and agricultural activities in the area. The current research programme should expand to include the life history and ecology/habitat requirements, with monitoring of the population size, distribution and trends.",usetrade:null,taxonid:161326462,scientific_name:"Dingana fraterna",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"NYMPHALIDAE",genus:"Dingana",main_common_name:"Stoffberg Widow",authority:"Henning G.A. & Henning S.F., 1996",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-02-20",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii,v); C2a(ii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Henning, G.A.",reviewer:"Kirkman, S., Raimondo, D., Oberprieler, R.G. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"4.7",habitat:"Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"6",habitat:"Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"109725489",assessment_id:109725498,id_no:109725489,sci_name:"Sulawesidrobia soedjatmokoi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Sulawesi",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2005,longitude:121.43405,latitude:-2.681267,species_id:109725489,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species is endemic to Lake Towuti (561.1 km2) in Sulawesi, which is counted as a single location with major threats including pollution from nickel mining, eutrophication, and invasive species. The species is only found in the rocky substrate areas within Lake Towuti and is restricted to the north-west shores of the lake, with an extent of occurrence (EOO) and an area of occupancy (AOO) both of 4 km2, which makes it extremely vulnerable to the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.). The spread of invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids to Lake Towuti from Lake Mahalona is almost certain and is predicted to cause a population decline of >90% in this species within the next 10 years (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and caused the rapid loss of Sulawesidrobia populations (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017; 2018). It is therefore assessed as Critically Endangered given its extremely limited distribution, expected deterioration of its habitat and the future impact of Flowernhorn Cichlids in Lake Towuti.
",geographicrange:"Sulawesidrobia soedjatmokoi is endemic to Lake Towuti in the Malili Lake system (Sulawesi, Indonesia) and is only known from a single locality on the north-west shore of the lake (Zielske et al. 2010). It is possible that other sites may be found if a specific survey was done for suitable habitats along the shores and within rivers in the catchment, although its presence in rivers and springs around the lake is highly unlikely given its habitat specialisation (Zielske et al. 2010).",population:"The current population trend is unknown, however an overall population decline of >90% is predicted over the next 10 years due to the spread of the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) in the Malili lakes (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and caused the rapid loss of Sulawesidrobia populations (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017; 2018). Flowerhorn Cichlids have now been confirmed in the downstream Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obs. 2018) and they are assumed, therefore, to also occur in River Petea, which connects Lake Matano and Mahalona. If not already present in Lake Towuti, the Flowerhorn Cichlids will soon spread downstream to the lake, as River Tominanga connecting these two lakes is much less of a barrier than the river between Lakes Matano and Mahalona, and are predicted to cause population declines in this species similar to those seen in the Sulawesidrobia populations of Lake Matano.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This is a rock-dwelling freshwater lake species.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no known conservation actions currently in place for this species and research into potential threats and its distribution is recommended, as it is possibly more widespread than currently known. Monitoring for the expansion of the invasive species is urgently required to be determine potential threats.
Hypsolebias hamadryades is known only from its type locality, a temporary pool at in the floodplains of the Gorutuba River, within the town of Janaúba in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, and the species is assigned to a single threat-based location. The area is subjected to intense urbanization, which has resulted in the destruction of habitat and extirpation of killifish populations in several temporary pools that were studied from 2002-2010. Similar declines in habitat quality and availability are inferred at the type locality of H. hamadryades. The most recent collection efforts yielded only 2 females, and failed to yield any adult males. Therefore, H. hamadryades is assessed as Critically Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii). Site protection and ex-situ propagation may be warranted conservation priorities.
",geographicrange:"Hypsolebias hamadryades is known only from its type locality, a temporary pool at approximately 530 m above sea level in the floodplains of the Gorutuba River, within the town of Janaúba in Minas Gerais state, Brazil (Costa et al. 2018).
Area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, based on a single 2x2 km grid overlain on top of the type locality. This species is inferred from a single location, as urbanization is affecting the habitat quality of the type locality in its entirety.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. This species is restricted to shaded, shallow margins of the pool near riparian bushes (Costa et al. 2018). The majority of the pond is dominated by the congener H. janaubensis (Costa et al. 2018). Recent ichthyological collection in April 2017 yielded only two females and no males (Costa et al. 2018).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Hypsolebias hamadryades is known only from its type locality, a temporary pool at approximately 530 meters above sea level in the floodplains of the Gorutuba River, within the town of Janaúba in Minas Gerais state, Brazil (Costa et al. 2018). The area has been under ichthyological study since 2002, but H. hamadryades was first collected in 2017 because its type locality had previously been obscured by dense Caatinga forest that is disappearing due to intense urbanization (Costa et al. 2018). The pool occupies an area of approximately 100 m2 and is about 1 m in depth (Costa et al. 2018). The entire pond is densely populated by the congener H. janaubensis, whereas individuals of H. hamadryades, mostly juveniles with a standard length (SL) below 2 cm, were found only in a small shaded portion of the pool near marginal vegetation (Costa et al. 2018).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards this species, and range does not extend into any existing protected areas. Habitat and population monitoring are immediate research priorities. Site protection and ex-situ propagation may be warranted conservation priorities.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:173832222,scientific_name:"Hypsolebias hamadryades",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Hypsolebias",main_common_name:null,authority:"Costa, Amorim & Mattos, 2018",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-01-04",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Costa, W.J.E.M.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:530,elevation_lower:530,depth_upper:0,depth_lower:1,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"189551829",assessment_id:196181709,id_no:189551829,sci_name:"Xylocopa aerata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jess Marsh",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"National Environmental Science Program (NESP)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"ALA",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:136.7167,latitude:-35.95,species_id:189551829,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is listed as Endangered on the basis that it is suspected to have undergone a decline of greater than 50% immediately following the 2019-2020 bushfire season, inferred from a decline in suitable habitat of approximately 50% in its New South Wales range, and of 95% on Kangaroo Island in the same timeframe. This species has a history of suffering declines and has become extinct in both Victoria and mainland South Australia, a consequence of recurring fire events and habitat clearance which destroy its highly specific breeding habitat, and as annual bushfires are expected to increase in both scale and intensity and as such the cause of this decline has not ceased.",geographicrange:'This previously widespread species historically occurred in New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia, at low elevations. It became extinct in Victoria after the 1938 bush fire in the Grampians, and disappeared from the South Australian mainland after 1896 (Glatz et al. 2015). Extant records are known from Kangaroo Island off the coast of South Australia, where it is restricted to areas where natural habitat remains (following historical range contraction restricting it to the west of the island - McIlwee and Leijs 2003), and from around Sydney, and north into the Great Dividing Range as far as the New South Wales-Queensland border. In the past three years it has been recorded from the Botanical Gardens in Canberra; no previous records exist from the Australian Capital Territory and this may represent the effects of climate warming or aided introduction rather than a previously undetected locality within its historical range. The species appears to have a genuinely highly disjunct range associated with the distribution of suitable habitat, and is considered the best-studied bee species in Australia over the last 20 years (R. Leijs pers. comm. 2021).',population:"This is a common, regularly encountered species around Sydney in New South Wales. The species is highly sensitive to fire, having been lost from Victoria following bushfires in 1938. Most (estimated at 95%) suitable habitat on Kangaroo Island was destroyed during the 2007 and 2019/2020 bushfire seasons (R. Leijs pers. comm. 2020). Post-2020 fire surveys by three surveyors in surviving habitat on Kangaroo Island found 23 nests in 3 weeks of targeted surveys, while prior to fire a comparable number of nests with as many fieldworkers could be found in three hours (Glatz et al. 2020, Fig. 2). In the following summer only two female individuals were observed foraging. The species was also severely impacted by fire on the mainland in 2019-2020. About 50% of suitable habitat around Sydney was affected by fire (R. Leijs pers. comm. 2021). From this it is reasonable to infer a decline in the number of mature individuals of at least 50% as a result of the 2019/2020 fires.Guyanancistrus nassauensis is known solely from Paramaka Creek and some of its tributaries, in Marowijne River Basin, in the Nassau Mountains, Suriname (Fisch-Muller et al. 2018). The species is restricted to eastern drainage of Nassau Mountains (Paramaka Creek basin) and does not occur in the lower area of the drainage in French Guiana (eastern side of Maroni River) (J. Mol pers. comm. 2021).
",population:"This species was recently described, thus there is no information about the population status. In the upper of Paramaka Creek, as well as in some upstream branches on the plateau, G. nassauensis occurs syntopically with G. brevispinis (Fisch-Muller et al. 2018).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Guyanancistrus nassauensi inhabits the Nassau Mountains at an elevation of 277 m, the type locality is located in a northern branch of Paramaka Creek, a medium-sized and shallow stream (3±7 m width; less than 50 cm depth) with pools and some riffle habitat, a rocky substrate, and bordered by terra firme rainforest. Water was transparent, with a mean pH of 6.26, conductivity 24.2 μS/cm and temperature 23.2°C. Specimens were collected there by electrofishing with set seine.
It occurs both on the plateau in perennial flowing headwaters and in the upper mainstem of Paramaka Creek (lower slopes of the plateau; altitude range 120±530 m amsl). In the IJs Creek tributary of Paramaka Creek on the Nassau plateau (467 m amsl) it occurs in cool (22.6°C), shallow (40 cm water depth), clear (Secchi transparency > 40 cm) water with low conductivity (28 μS cm-1), neutral pH of 7, low inorganic N (0.067±0.120 mg L-1), relatively high organic N (0.307±0.592 mg L-1), low total P (0.002±0.010 mg L-1) and high organic C (2.916±4.972 mg L-1). The bottom substrate is gravel with boulders and bedrock (with the red filamentous algae Batrachospermum sp. attached to it) and near the edge of the plateau in slightly deeper water (approximately 50 cm) stands of the emergent macrophyte Thurnia sphaerocephala occur.
",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation measures in place. Research into general biology and ecology (habitat status and population trends) are required. It is recommended to monitor mining activities in the region.
This species is not used or traded.
",taxonid:176728110,scientific_name:"Guyanancistrus nassauensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LORICARIIDAE",genus:"Guyanancistrus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Mol, Fisch-Muller & Covain, 2018",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-10-21",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Calegari, B.B.",reviewer:"Ballen, G.A. & Mol, J.",aoo_km2:"16-760,144",eoo_km2:"16-760,288",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"SR",country:"Suriname",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"60287",assessment_id:72725790,id_no:60287,sci_name:"Calopteryx exul",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling (2012). Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/ipt/resource.do?r=bf_cf21",basisofrec:null,event_year:2002,longitude:8.737419,latitude:36.6909078,species_id:60287,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Most of the originally known populations (see map) are extinct (last survey 2014) and the decline is expected to continue due to stream drying, which may be due to climatic fluctuations combined with human use for agricultural purposes. In Algeria, many previously known populations are extinct due to heavy stream pollution. The whole range is extremely fragmented (known localities are a small area in Tunisia, a recent record in Algeria, and an area in Morocco: total area of occupancy (AOO) according to the IUCN criteria is 56 km², but the actual area that this species occupies is less than 10 km²). The species may be relatively mobile, but more studies are required to confirm distance travelled by individuals. Based on its restricted AOO, severe fragmentation and continuing declines it is assessed as Endangered under criterion B.Hylaeothemis fruhstorferi is endemic to Sri Lanka where it is only known from the south-western wet zone. The assessors are aware of records from 38 individual sites, grouped into scattered isolated clusters. The species has been recorded in some protected areas, for instance Sinharaja Forest Reserve. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is smaller than 500 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 3,981–6,389 km². The overall population is clearly already severely fragmented. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)).
',geographicrange:'Hylaeothemis fruhstorferi is endemic to Sri Lanka (Bedjanič et al. 2014, Priyadarshana and Wijewardana 2015, Sumanapala et al. 2016, Sumanapala 2017, unpub. data), where it is only known from the “lowland and lower montane regions in the south-western wet zone of Sri Lanka” Sumanapala (2017). The assessors are aware of records from 38 individual sites, grouped into scattered and isolated clusters. The species has been recorded in some protected areas, for instance Sinharaja Forest Reserve. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible, but with the available data it will certainly be below 500 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 3,981 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 6,389 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species); its true EOO is likely smaller than 5,000 km².
This is a scarce and locally occurring species. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range and the overall population is clearly already severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:'This species inhabits "small streams and seepages in rain forest habitats.” Sumanapala (2017). It primarily prefers forested marshlands or marshy edges of slow flowing streams in lowland rainforest habitats. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range.',threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:60280,scientific_name:"Hylaeothemis fruhstorferi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"LIBELLULIDAE",genus:"Hylaeothemis",main_common_name:"Fruhstorfer’s Junglewatcher",authority:"(Karsch, 1889)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-08-01",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"152-500",eoo_km2:"3981-6389",elevation_upper:1e3,elevation_lower:10,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"176426264",assessment_id:176426273,id_no:176426264,sci_name:"Hyphessobrycon arianae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Hector S. Vera-Alcaraz",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Uj and Gery 1987",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:-55.877763,latitude:-25.442098,species_id:176426264,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is known only from the Río Guyrauguá. Modifications caused by land use change, urbanization, road construction, and dams for irrigation in agriculture are the main threats of this species. There is a single threat-based location based on these threats. At present, it is unknown as to whether the threats are causing continuing declines. However, it is possible that they could push the species to becoming Endangered or Critically Endangered in a very short time period. Therefore, this species is assessed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"This species occurs in the Río Guyrauguá, tributary to the Monday River, Río Paraná Basin in Paraguay (Uj and Gery 1989, Fricke et al. 2020).",population:"This is a rare species, known from a single site based on the available literature. The population documentation is null. Research and monitoring is needed to know population composition, structure, size and trend.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in Río Guyrauguá, tributary to the Monday River (Uj and Gery 1989). There are no data about its habitat preferences and the information about its ecology is null.",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There is no research, monitoring and planning known to be conducted. Research is necessary into its taxonomy, population, ecology and threats.",usetrade:"This is a rare species, but could be used in the ornamental trade, as are most tetras.",taxonid:176426264,scientific_name:"Hyphessobrycon arianae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Hyphessobrycon",main_common_name:"Tetra",authority:"Uj & Géry, 1989",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2021-02-03",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Vera-Alcaraz, H.S.",reviewer:"Lyons, T.J.",aoo_km2:"1916",eoo_km2:"1916",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PY",country:"Paraguay",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"169192",assessment_id:72714251,id_no:169192,sci_name:"Pentaphlebia gamblesi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling (2012). Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/ipt/resource.do?r=bf_cf21",basisofrec:null,event_year:1973,longitude:9.377779,latitude:6.379924,species_id:169192,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Listed as Critically Endangered. It was short-listed by Dijkstra and Vick (2004) as a western African odonate requiring special attention. It is known only from the type material, which is of undisputed taxonomic status. Despite being a conspicuous insect occurring in a reasonably well surveyed area it has not been rediscovered. As this species is only know from its type locality, it's extent of occurrence and area of occupancy are both 4 km².The forest and stream habitats the species occurs in has been impacted by the Obudu hotel resort and is expected to deteriorate in the future as the resort expands. The species extent of occurrence and area of occupancy are less than 100 km² and 10 km² respectively, it has been found in only one location and hasn't been recorded since the holotype in subsequent surveys, the last taking place by Mike Parr in December 2005. The species and is therefore listed as Critically Endangered-Possibly Extinct. New records may be found to the south of Obudu where further survey work is required. The species is listed as CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii) in central Africa.",geographicrange:"The species is known only from the holotype from Obudu in Nigeria (Parr 1977), an upland area. The species hasn't been found in subsequent surveys at the holotype locality, or at suitable habitat across the Cameroon border. However the species may occur south of Obudu, where further surveys are needed. This and P. stahli are the only members of the family in Africa. Both occur only in the southern Cameroon-Nigeria border region and have their nearest relatives in South America. As this species is only know from its type locality, it's extent of occurrence and area of occupancy are both 4 km².",population:"This species has not been rediscovered at the type locality, last survey undertaken in December 2005. Further surveys are required.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Probably similar to P. stahli (rainforest streams), only specimen collected at great altitude (1,524 m Asl). The site where the specimen was caught was a pool in a stream created by a small dam (Parr 1977).Drepanosticta lestoides is known from Dinagat, Mindanao, Panaon and Samar in the Philippines. Threats exist throughout the range of the species, including within protected areas and the overall population is believed to already be severely fragmented. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is unlikely to be large, probably not greater than 2,000 km² and likely significantly less than this. The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. The species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly.
",geographicrange:"Drepanosticta lestoides is known from Dinagat, Mindanao, Panaon and Samar in the Philippines (Lieftinck 1961; van Tol 2005; Villanueva 2009, 2011; the assessor also has unpublished data). The assessor is aware of records from at least 15 locations but it has only been possible to assign separate coordinates to 14 of these for mapping purposes. The species is present in protected areas, for instance the Mount Kitanglad Range Natural Park in Mindanao. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is unlikely to be large, probably not greater than 2,000 km² and likely significantly less than this. The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",population:"This species is local in occurrence and is only found at low densities. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species and severe fragmentation is almost certain for the same reasons.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs at small forest streams. The assessor has found it at a stream in a small patch of disturbed original forest without forest either upstream or downstream, so it appears that the species has some tolerance to disturbance and is capable of surviving in small patches of suitable habitat. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for better protection for existing protected areas where it occurs and for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139567828,scientific_name:"Drepanosticta lestoides",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Drepanosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Brauer, 1868)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-16",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"500-2000",eoo_km2:"81914-96840",elevation_upper:1020,elevation_lower:90,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"173698921",assessment_id:173756668,id_no:173698921,sci_name:"Rhinocypha virgulata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"van Tol & Günther 2018",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1993,longitude:121.21667,latitude:-2.45,species_id:173698921,taxonomicnotes:"Although van Tol & Günther (2018) did not exclude specimens from the Takala Mountains in South Sulawesi from the type series of Rhinocypha virgulata (in marked contrast to their exclusion of a single specimen of R. flavipoda van Tol & Günther, 2018, from the same location from the type series of that species, which has a similar distribution) it is clear from their other comments (e.g. “Probably restricted to streams running into or from Lake Poso or the Malili lakes”) that they consider the Takala Mountains location highly unlikely. Here we consider the Takala Mountains location as presence uncertain (but very unlikely) for this species, probably it is the result of mislabeling.
",rationale:"Rhinocypha virgulata is known with certainty only from the Lake Poso and Mailili Lakes areas in the central part of Sulawesi. Eight individual confirmed sites have been recorded for this species, but it is not clear if these are all really separate threat defined locations (taking clearance for agriculture as the main threat at most locations); the assessor has only been able to assign separate coordinates to six sites. The species appears to be forest-dependent, and all localities are heavily deforested. In particular, one of the confirmed locations is very close to an area which, from satellite images, has been extensively cleared of vegetation, probably for mining but possibly for agriculture, and it is doubtful that the species still occurs there. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 707–2,564 km². The overall population is already likely to be severely fragmented. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)).
",geographicrange:"Rhinocypha virgulata is known with certainty only from the Lake Poso and Mailili Lakes areas in the central part of Sulawesi (van Tol and Günther 2018). A location from much further south is considered highly dubious here (see the Taxonomic Notes section) and is excluded from further consideration in this assessment. Eight individual sites confirmed sites have been recorded for the species, but it is not clear if these are all really separate threat defined locations (taking clearance for agriculture as the main threat at most locations) and the assessor has only been able to assign separate coordinates to six sites. The species appears to be forest-dependent, and van Tol and Günther (2018) note that “Current Google Earth™ images suggest all localities are heavily deforested.” In particular, one of the confirmed locations is very close to an area which, from satellite images, has been extensively cleared of vegetation, probably for mining but possibly for agriculture, and it is doubtful that the species still occurs there. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Based on a minimum convex polygon around the confirmed data points, excluding the one locality where the species is possibly extinct, its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 707 km²; its maximum EOO (based on a minimum convex polygon around the known occupied HydroBASINS areas) is 2,564 km².
",population:"This appears to have been an at least moderately common species at the known locations in the 1990s, but no further statement about current population sizes and health can be made for this species except that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of forest throughout its known range and that it is almost certain that the overall population is already severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Van Tol and Günther (2018) report the following: “In the Lake Poso area R. virgulata was found in four different streams that flowed directly into Lake Poso at an altitude between 510 m and 750 m a.s.l. (Fig. 17). The fast flowing, clear streams ranged from 2 to 10 m in width. The substrates were sandy-gravelly, rarely slightly muddy. The species was found in forested habitats or at least streams with dense gallery forests, including half-shaded streams within plantations but not in sections that were more affected by paddy fields. Probably at this time the original habitats in the open lower stream sections no longer met the habitat requirements as a result of land clearing and preparing paddy fields. The highest abundance of about 15–20 males per 100 m stream was observed in areas of slightly disturbed primary forests and well-developed secondary forests. At Sungai Wera the colonised section ended below the Saluopa falls. In the undisturbed rain forest section above the falls, only R. phantasma was found. In the 1990s, the species probably spread further into the headwaters due to progressive deforestation.”. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There is an urgent need for the protection of habitat where this species occurs and for further information on the distribution of, and threats to, this species. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173698921,scientific_name:"Rhinocypha virgulata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROCYPHIDAE",genus:"Rhinocypha",main_common_name:null,authority:"van Tol & Günther, 2018",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-04-26",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"707-2564",elevation_upper:750,elevation_lower:390,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"139119297",assessment_id:167179945,id_no:139119297,sci_name:"Atrocalopteryx auco",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow, T.Q. Phan & T. Kompier",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Hämäläinen 2014",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2008,longitude:106.3875,latitude:21.7261,species_id:139119297,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Atrocalopteryx auco is only known from the Huu Lien Nature Reserve in northern Viet Nam. This location is deteriorating due to clearance of forest for timber and agriculture. With the available data the area of occupancy (AOO) for this species is smaller than 10 km² and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of and disturbance to the habitats within Huu Lien Nature Reserve. Its known current extent of occurrence (EOO) is smaller than 10 km² (actually smaller than 3 km², based on the known collection data points). The species qualifies for Critically Endangered status under criteria B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly.Atrocalopteryx auco is only known from sites within the Huu Lien Nature Reserve in northern Viet Nam (Hämäläinen 2014). All sites are being affected by the same threat (clearance of forest for timber and agriculture) and are close together (only spanning less than 7 km) so that they only constitute one threat defined location. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is smaller than 10 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of and disturbance to forest within Huu Lien Nature Reserve. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO), calculated based on the known point data using GeoCAT is only 2.5 km², but since the EOO cannot be smaller than the AOO for a Red List assessment, the minimum EOO is recorded here as 4 km². Maximum EOO (based on a minimum convex polygon around the entire HydroBASIN this species occurs within) is 272 km², but this is very much an over-estimate for this species and the true EOO is very likely smaller than 100 km².
This species is not common where it occurs, but beyond this all that can be said with the available information is an ongoing decline in overall population is occurring because of loss and degradation of its habitat.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Hämäläinen (2014: 566) states “A. auco has been found along streams (3–7 m wide) with moderate flow in rather open surroundings in a valley (ca 200–260 m asl) surrounded by limestone karst peaks. At the site where the holotype was collected a stream emerges from underground beneath a karst peak. The immediate surroundings are cultivated land, but at least in 2008–2009 there was a small bamboo thicket left, where these damselflies took shelter. The flight period of A. auco extends from early June to early December at least. The damselflies are alert and difficult to approach” and “Huu Lien has been designated as a nature reserve covering ca 120 sq km. Much of the area of the reserve is forested, but since the two valleys inside the reserve have a population of ca 3000 people, the forests in the reserve are suffering from continuing exploitation.” The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within Huu Lien Nature Reserve (see Threats).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for proper protection of its habitats in Huu Lien Nature Reserve and for searches for the species at other locations, as well as more information on its habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139119297,scientific_name:"Atrocalopteryx auco",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CALOPTERYGIDAE",genus:"Atrocalopteryx",main_common_name:null,authority:"Hämäläinen, 2014",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-05-08",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A., Phan, Q. & Kompier, T.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"4-8",eoo_km2:"4-272,4-100",elevation_upper:260,elevation_lower:220,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"191181",assessment_id:1972211,id_no:191181,sci_name:"Chirostoma patzcuaro",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Eduardo Soto-Galera, E., Flor Delia Estrada-Navarrete, Lilián Alcántara-Soria (ENCB-IPN-P & CRIP-Pátzcuaro).",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Eduardo Soto-Galera",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:1937,longitude:-101.61306,latitude:19.53167,species_id:191181,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Chirosoma patzcuaro is a freshwater fish species restricted to Lake Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México (Miller et al. 2005), with an Extent of Occurrence of 96 km2. The species has one location based on the most serious plausible threat: water pollution as a result of urban sewage, agricultural run-off and industrial discharges in Lake Patzcuaro. The species is also threatened by overfishing and hybridisation with species of the same genus such as C. attenuatum and C. grandocule (Soria-Barreto et al. 2016). As a result of these threats, a population decline in the number of mature individuals has been inferred. Therefore the species is assessed as Endangered.
The species is zooplanktivore. It inhabits open waters of clear to turbid lakes (Miller et al. 2005).
Drepanosticta halterata is only known from eight locations in the north of Luzon in the Philippines. Threats exist at all locations, including the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is not likely to be large. The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) is less than 20,000 km². This species qualifies for Vulnerable under criteria B1ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly.
",geographicrange:'Drepanosticta halterata is only known from Luzon in the Philippines (Gapud 2006, Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen, Villanueva et al. 2009). The assessor is aware of records from at least eight locations in the north of Luzon, one of which is within the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is not likely to be large. The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) is somewhere between 11,451 and 17,904 km² (based on the area within a minimum convex polygon around the known localities and around the occupied HydroBASIN areas).
',population:"Judging from the number of specimens available this is a locally common species. Little else can be said with the available data except that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This is a forest-dependent stream-breeding species, Villanueva et al. ((2009: 73) record it “in well shaded rheophilous areas”. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and for better protection for the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139566159,scientific_name:"Drepanosticta halterata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Drepanosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Brauer, 1868)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-16",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"11451-17904",elevation_upper:900,elevation_lower:100,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"189545680",assessment_id:195996978,id_no:189545680,sci_name:"Ogyris halmaturia",presence:4,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Braby",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"Australian National Insect Collection",legend:"Possibly Extinct",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Ceduna (Koonibba Mission)",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"M. Braby pers. Comm.",basisofrec:null,event_year:1942,longitude:133.427,latitude:-31.903,species_id:189545680,taxonomicnotes:"The extremely complex nomenclatural history of this species - resulting from a type series consisting of two species, the lack of an unambiguously identified holotype, and a long history of inconsistent usages of the names Ogyris halmaturia and O. waterhouseri - was discussed iin detail by Braby and Douglas (2008), who referred O. halmaturia to the synonymy of O. otanes.This unique marine gastropod is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at a depth of 2,750 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. Mining licences have been granted for the location within the Fiji EEZ. In 2019, the Fijian president called for a ten-year moratorium on mining, however this has not yet been put into effect. The potential for anthropogenic influence at these sites based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. Mining is suspended in Fiji at present, but the moratorium has not yet been put into effect, therefore we have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as Vulnerable (VU D2). If mining were to be approved within the Fiji EEZ, the projected decline in the extent and quality of habitat would drive this species to Critically Endangered (CR) very rapidly. A reassessment would be merited if the similar species at the further two locations within the Mariana Trench Marine National Monument protected area were confirmed to be Phymorhynchus starmeri, whereby the assessment would be likely to decrease to Near Threatened (NT). A reassessment would also be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements, for example, if a moratorium on deep-sea mining was reached by the Government of Fiji, whereby the assessment would be likely to decrease to Least Concern.
",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to one location at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. This location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with biologically and geologically coherent identity. Any vent fields within this location therefore also have common exposure to relevant potential threats. This location lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Fiji. The species is currently known from one vent field with active black smokers and diffuse venting located at a depth of 2,750 m bsl, namely the Mussel Valley vent field on the North Fiji Basin (Okutani and Ohta 1993). This species is present over a small area at this vent field.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Okutani and Ohta 1993).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at a depth of 2,750 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any vent fields within the Fiji EEZ. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along West Pacific Ocean ridges. Further taxonomic research is recommended as unconfirmed specimens of Phymorhynchus aff. starmeri have been found at two other locations within the Mariana Trench Marine National Monument protected area (Beaulieu et al. 2011, Kojima and Watanabe 2015, Chen et al. 2018).",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:195280380,scientific_name:"Phymorhynchus starmeri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"NEOGASTROPODA",family:"RAPHITOMIDAE",genus:"Phymorhynchus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Okutani & Ohta, 1993",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-19",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:2750,depth_lower:2750,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"FJ",country:"Fiji",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"18137",assessment_id:1726388,id_no:18137,sci_name:"Prietella lundbergi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. Contreras McBeath",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"T. Contreras McBeath 2014",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-98.83472222,latitude:22.67083333,species_id:18137,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is only known from the type locality; a cave west of Ciudad Mante in the Rio Tamesi basin, Tamaulipas, Mexico, and one other cave about 26 km to the north (Miller 2005). P. lundbergi's restricted distribution makes it extremely vulnerable to threats, such as water pollution, which would rapidly affect all the individuals in the population. However, it is mainly threatened by large-scale water extraction. Considering the species restricted range with a plausible future threats that could drive the taxon to CR or EX in the short-term, the species is assessed as Vulnerable D2.",geographicrange:"This species is only known from the type locality; a cave west of Ciudad Mante in the Rio Tamesi basin, Tamaulipas, Mexico, and one other cave about 26 km to the north (Miller 2005).",population:"P. lundbergi is thought to be rare at the two sites it has been found in; only five specimens have ever been seen (Hendrickson et al. 2001).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"P. lundbergi inhabits subterranean waters. Only one specimen has been taken from the type locality despite extensive subsequent exploration that demonstrated that the spring is the surface expression of a very deep, submerged cave system. All specimens from the other locality were taken by cave divers from below 50 m water depth. It thus appears that the preferred habitat of the species may be in deep portions of the aquifer, and it is only occasionally found in shallower portions of caves accessible to divers (Miller 2005).",threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation measures in place for this species.",usetrade:"This species is not thought to be utilised.",taxonid:18137,scientific_name:"Prietella lundbergi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"ICTALURIDAE",genus:"Prietella",main_common_name:"Phantom Blindcat",authority:"Walsh & Gilbert, 1995",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-12-06",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Snoeks, J., Lalèyè, P. & Contreras MacBeath, T.",reviewer:"Hendrickson, D.",aoo_km2:"20",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.18",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Karst and Other Subterranean Hydrological Systems (inland)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"139562955",assessment_id:146602435,id_no:139562955,sci_name:"Igneocnemis polilloensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Gapud 2006",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2003,longitude:121.93333,latitude:14.75,species_id:139562955,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Igneocnemis polilloensis is only known from 15 locations in Catanduanes, Luzon and Polillo in the Philippines. Only one location is in Luzon, the majority are in Catanduanes. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is unlikely to be large and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest throughout the range of the species. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) is less than 20,000 km² and although this is likely to be an underestimate the EOO will not be large. Severe fragmentation appears highly likely. The species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criteria B1ab(ii,iii) and is assessed as such.
",geographicrange:"Igneocnemis polilloensis is only known from Catanduanes, Luzon and Polillo in the Philippines (Gassmann and Hämäläinen 2002, Villanueva 2010a, 2010b, Villanueva and Gil 2011). The assessor is aware of records from 15 locations but it has not been possible to assign coordinates to two of these for mapping purposes. Only one location is in Luzon, the majority are in Catanduanes. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is unlikely to be large and is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest throughout the range of the species. The extent of occurrence (EOO), calculated using a minimum convex polygon around the mapped data points and HydroBASIN areas, is somewhere between 11,951 and 21,301 km²; it is very likely to be smaller than 20,000 km².",population:"There is insufficient information to make any statement about current population sizes and health except that an ongoing decline is inferred due to loss and degradation of forest in the range of the species occurs and severe fragmentation is likely for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Little has been recorded but according to Villanueva (2010a) it perches on moist dark forest floors, although it presumably breeds in streams or seepages. An ongoing decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and for the protection of habitat on Catanduanes and Polillo.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139562955,scientific_name:"Igneocnemis polilloensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Igneocnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Hämäläinen, 1991)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-07",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"11951-21301",elevation_upper:700,elevation_lower:300,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"155969",assessment_id:222409515,id_no:155969,sci_name:"Graecorientalia vrissiana",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Caroline Pollock",yrcompiled:2023,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Aris Parmakelis",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:22.99563,latitude:39.400586,species_id:155969,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Graecorientalia vrissiana is endemic to Greece. It is assessed as Critically Endangered (CR), as currently it is only known to exist in a single site: a spring (Szarowska 2006) found near Makrinitsa, a village on Mount Pilion, Thessalia, in central Greece. It has already been lost from two springs and there is concern over the future of the third spring as water is drawn for domestic and agricultural purposes. Given the loss of the other sites following spring capture, the major threat is considered to be the capping of this spring. If other sites were to be found for this species, then its status would change, depending on the number of sites, and the potential threats. Its extent of occurrence and area of occupancy are both very small (EOO and AOO are both 4 km²), it occurs in just one location and is undergoing a continuing decline in habitat, subpopulations, locations and population size. Therefore, it is assessed as CR based on criterion B.",geographicrange:'Bank (2006) noted that Graecorientalia vrissiana, a Greek endemic species, was described from a spring near Vrissia on the road between Larisa and Athens. According to Szarowska and Falniowski (2004) the site at Vrissia (the type locality) has been lost due to the presence of a water intake which was built over the spring, so now there is "...neither water nor snails on the earth surface". P. Reichschutz (pers. comm. 2010) found it living in a tiny spring east of Agios Konstantinos (east of Lamia) in 1987, however, this site is also now destroyed. Currently, it is restricted to a single site: a spring (Szarowska 2006) near Makrinitsa, a village on Mount Pilion, Thessalia, in central Greece.',population:"The population status (size and trends) for this species is not known.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species inhabits freshwater springs.",threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.1",title:"Abstraction of surface water (domestic use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Currently, this species is not under any targeted conservation actions. Research into potential presence at other locations is required. Appropriate management and protection is required to maintain suitable water levels at the current known site.",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.",taxonid:155969,scientific_name:"Graecorientalia vrissiana",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"LITTORINIMORPHA",family:"HYDROBIIDAE",genus:"Graecorientalia",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Radoman, 1966)",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2023-04-21",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii,iv,v)+2ab(iii,iv,v)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Reischütz, P., Falniowski, A. & Parmakelis, A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GR",country:"Greece",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.9",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Freshwater Springs and Oases",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2023",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2011",assess_year:"2010",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"233425174",assessment_id:233710496,id_no:233425174,sci_name:"Glossoscolex matogrossensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"ICMBio",yrcompiled:2022,citation:"ICMBio",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"G.G. Brown & S.W. James, com. pess., 2022",basisofrec:null,event_year:2004,longitude:-54.77326734,latitude:-22.18632009,species_id:233425174,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Glossoscolex matogrossensis é endêmica do Brasil, encontrada em localidades no Mato Grosso do Sul e Paraná, apresentando Extensão de Ocorrência (EOO) calculada em 14.633 km². A espécie é conhecida de áreas de brejo e florestas ripárias. A região sofreu processo de transformação da paisagem natural promovida, sobretudo, pelas atividades agropecuárias (em especial o plantio de soja e milho). Essas atividades, em escala empresarial, fazem intenso uso de insumos e implementos agrícolas que promoveram forte fragmentação e declínio da qualidade do habitat remanescente. Considerando a baixa capacidade de dispersão, a especificidade do habitat e a matriz em que a espécie está inserida, suspeita-se que a população esteja severamente fragmentada. Por essas razões, G. matogrossensis foi categorizada como Vulnerável (VU), pelo critério B1ab(iii).",geographicrange:"Glossoscolex matogrossensis é encontrada em localidades no Mato Grosso do Sul (Righi 1984) e Paraná (Zicsi e Csuzdi 1987).Ceylonosticta anamia is endemic to Sri Lanka where it is known from clusters of locations scattered over the southwestern wet zone of the island. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is likely to be smaller than 500 km² and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its known extent of occurrence (EOO) is 4,484–7,632 km², but likely to be <5,000 km². The overall population is clearly already severely fragmented. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)).
',geographicrange:'Ceylonosticta anamia is endemic to Sri Lanka where it is known from the southwestern wet zone of the island (Bedjanič 2010, Bedjanič et al. 2016) and Sumanapala 2017, unpub. data). The assessors are aware of records from many individual localities, but many of these are grouped into clusters. The species has been recorded from protected areas (for example, the Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data, the AOO is smaller than 500 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 4,484 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 7,632 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species); its true EOO is likely smaller than 5,000 km².
This species appears to only occur at low densities where it occurs and an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest within its range and the overall population will already be severely fragmented because suitable habitat is.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"What is known is summarised by Bedjanič et al. (2016) “D. anamia is usually found hanging from leaves near small to mid-sized shaded streams in primary and secondary forests” and “Some records from disturbed landscapes show that, at least in the short term, it can persist also in less optimal habitats that have a preserved corridor of trees and bushes along the streams.” The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended to support and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:141758366,scientific_name:"Ceylonosticta anamia",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Ceylonosticta",main_common_name:"Ana Mia’s Shadowdamsel",authority:"(Bedjanic, 2010)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-05-01",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"300-500",eoo_km2:"4484-7632,4484-5000",elevation_upper:1e3,elevation_lower:30,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"63200",assessment_id:75439614,id_no:63200,sci_name:"Pseudagrion angolense",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling (2012). Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/ipt/resource.do?r=bf_cf21",basisofrec:null,event_year:1960,longitude:20.83,latitude:-7.35,species_id:63200,taxonomicnotes:'A-group. Pseudagrion is likely to be split into two genera at some point. Until this taxonomic split occurs, the candidates for these two groups are highlighted by "group A" and "group B".Hypsolebias martinsi was originally described from a temporary pool near the Icaraizinho River at an altitude of 42 meters above sea level in Ceará state, Brazil (Britzke et al. 2016). It was subsequently reported from two additional collection localities in the Mundaú River basin, the first being a temporary pond adjacent to a road containing properties that are used for agriculture and livestock production, and the second in the Cruxati River near the municipality of Itapipoca (Abrantes et al. 2020).
Extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 328 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (Britzke et al. 2016, Abrantes et al. 2020). Area of occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be 12 km2, based on a 2x2 km grid overlain on the three collection localities from which this species has been reported (Britzke et al. 2016, Abrantes et al. 2020). This species is assigned to three threat-based locations, as collection localities are isolated from one another and existing threats are localized and expected to affect each location independently.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in annual pools of the semi-arid Caatinga in northeastern Brazil that are characterized by low and irregular rainfall (Brtizke et al. 2016). Pools are characterized by substrates of clay and aquatic vegetation that is dominated by Echinodorus (Britzke et al. 2016).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards H. martinsi. The range of this species does not extend into any existing protected areas. Additional ichthyological sampling in potentially suitable habitat may expand the known range of this species. More research regarding population size, population status, and the direct impact of existing threats would be useful in clarifying the conservation status of this species. Site protection, habitat monitoring, and population monitoring may be warranted.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:173832276,scientific_name:"Hypsolebias martinsi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Hypsolebias",main_common_name:null,authority:"Britzke, Nielsen & Oliveira, 2016",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-01-04",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Costa, W.J.E.M.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"328",elevation_upper:120,elevation_lower:12,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"139064573",assessment_id:139118137,id_no:139064573,sci_name:"Gynacantha cattienensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Kompier & Holden 2017",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:107.4053208,latitude:11.44406,species_id:139064573,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Gynacantha cattienensis is only known from Cat Tien National Park in southern Viet Nam (Kompier and Holden 2017). More than one individual site for the species has been identified in the National Park, but arguably they only constitute one threat-defined location (taking illegal logging or, possibly, forest fires as the main threats). Given that relatively little other forest remains in the same part of south Viet Nam, and most of that at higher elevations, it is possible that the species is confined to Cat Tien National Park. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) or extent of occurrence (EOO) for this species is not possible with the available data. However, Cat Tien National Park has an area of 720 km² and so if the species is confined to the National Park then its EOO is at most this and likely to be significantly smaller; a maximum estimate of 720 km² is used here. Given that threats from encroachment and illegal logging have been listed for Cat Tien, the AOO and extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Although only one or a few locations are known, given the threats that appear to be present, Data Deficient is not an appropriate assessment for this species. The species therefore qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B1ab(ii,iii), and taking a reasonable precautionary approach it is assessed as such. It is to be hoped that when additional data become available, it will be possible to reassess the species in a lower threat category.
",geographicrange:"Gynacantha cattienensis is only known from Cat Tien National Park in southern Viet Nam (Kompier and Holden 2017). In the original description, general coordinates for the park are given but Kompier and Holden (2017) note that the species was found flying over two streams (coordinates given) and sometimes seen flying over the Dong Nai River, as well as being seen flying over roads and sometimes entering buildings. Based on this information, three sites have been included in the map, but arguably they only constitute one threat-defined location (taking illegal logging or, possibly, forest fires as the main threats). Given that relatively little other forest remains in the same part of south Viet Nam, and most of that at higher elevations, it is possible that the species is confined to Cat Tien National Park. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) or extent of occurrence (EOO) for this species is not possible with the available data. However, Cat Tien National Park has an area of 720 km², therefore, if the species is confined to the National Park, its EOO is likely to be smaller than this. Even if it occurs at other lowland forest sites in the same area, its EOO is likely to be below 2,000 km². The AOO is likely (or certainly, if it extends beyond the protected area) to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species. The Park Forest is reasonably well protected, and the locations where the species is found are relatively close to Park HQ.From the information given in Kompier and Holden (2017) this appears to be a fairly common species within at least a part of Cat Tien National Park but if its range extends beyond the park then both severe fragmentation and an ongoing decline in overall population can be inferred from loss and fragmentation of lowland forest in southern Viet Nam.
The species was found at two slow flowing forest streams, reduced to stagnant pools in the dry season (Kompier and Holden 2017); these may well represent the breeding habitat of the species. It was also observed flying over roads and a river, but this is likely to be feeding behaviour. It appears to be a forest-dependent species (like most Gynacantha), probably breeding in swampy areas, forest pools and slow streams. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species will be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range if it occurs beyond Cat Tien National Park, and may be occurring even within the protected area (see the Threats section).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance, and for the elimination of threats within Cat Tien National Park (if still present). Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
This species is endemic to the Malili lake system and has been recorded as widely distributed in Lakes Matano and Towuti, with a few specimens found in the Petea and Tominanga rivers but none in Lake Mahalona (von Rintelen and Cai 2009). It is now considered to be extinct in Lake Matano due to the impact of invasive Flowerhorn Ciclihds (Colossoma sp.) after surveys in 2017 and 2018 failed to it (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2018). As Flowerhorn Cichlids have had a direct impact on this species in Lake Matano, and their presence in the Petea River and spread to the Tominanga and Lake Towuti is almost certain, they are predicted to cause a population decline in this species of >90% within the next 10 years (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). As such this species is considered Critically Endangered under A3e.
",geographicrange:"Caridina parvula is endemic to the Malili lake system and has been recorded as widely distributed in Lakes Matano and Towuti, with a few specimens found in the Petea and Tominanga rivers but none in Lake Mahalona (von Rintelen and Cai 2009). However, this species is now considered Possibly Extinct in Lake Matano given no specimens were recorded in the lake during surveys in 2017 and 2018 (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2018).",population:"No specimens of this species were found in 2017 or 2018 in Lake Matano (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2018), and it is now considered to be possibly extinct in this lake. This decline was likely due to the impact of invasive Flowerhorn Chiclids (Colossoma sp.) as Caridina species are an important part of their diet (Herder et al. 2012). Based on this and the spread of Flowerhorn Cichlids in the Malili lakes, an overall population decline of >90% is predicted over the next 10 years (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). They have now been confirmed in the downstream Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obs. 2018) and are assumed, therefore, to also occur in River Petea, which connects Lake Matano and Mahalona. If not already present in Lake Towuti, the Flowerhorn Cichlids will soon spread downstream to the lake, as River Tominanga connecting these two lakes is much less of a barrier than the river between Lakes Matano and Mahalona, and are predicted to cause population declines similar to those seen in Lake Matano populations.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species lives primarily under rocks in shallow water, often in sympatry with other rock dwelling shrimps.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'No conservation plans are currently in place for this species, but protection and management of its known localities and habitats is needed, along with harvest management. Research is also needed into the population dynamics, ecology and the threats to this species. Surveys are required to confirm whether this species is still extant in Lake Matano.
',usetrade:'Caridina parvula is available in the aquarium trade.
Conservation actions have been carried out through a number of means. One of the attempts was to generate a system of community based conservation efforts. The local population, including schoolchildren, residents and landowners were made aware of the species and its threatened status. Further steps were taken to strengthen the community by capacity building workshops that focused on conservation and establishment of a community run Eco-tourism program (IUCN 2013). Workshops were carried out in order to divert local farmers in the vicinity to Organic paddy cultivation. The main aim of this venture was to reduce the pressures that this species may face owing to use of pesticides and fertilizers. Steps were taken to improve water conditions of its habitat by promoting the minimization of agrochemical usage and shifting the scope towards organic farming practices.
Translocation of 20 individuals was carried out in to an identical habitat at Wilikulakanda Proposed Forest Reserve, Warakapola and periodic monitoring of the translocated population was carried out.
This species is prohibited from exports in accordance to the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Act No.02 of 1996.
It is identified as a protected species under the Flora and Fauna Protection Ordinance Act no. 22 of 2009.
Merogomphus femoralis is known from very few records from Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. It is believed to already be extinct at the type locality and is only currently known from one location in Singapore and two in Sarawak; two of these locations are protected but threats still exist. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) cannot be made with the available data, but it is likely to be small and based on the few known locations it is suspected to be less than 500 km². The AOO, extent and quality of suitable habitat can be inferred to be declining from loss of lowland forest throughout its range. The species is assessed as Endangered under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and if additional locations are not found it might need to be reassessed as Critically Endangered in the future.
Merogomphus femoralis is known from very few records from Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. It was described from somewhere in Kuala Lumpur or its vicinity (Laidlaw 1931) and is likely to be extinct at the type locality. It is known from two locations in Sarawak’s Bintulu Division (Dow and Unggang 2010, Dow et al. 2019), one of which is protected. In Singapore, where it is considered critically endangered (Ngiam and Cheong 2016), it is known from one, protected, location (Cheong, Tang and Ngiam 2009). Only three locations can be considered as currently known. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) cannot be made with the available data, but it is likely to be small and based on the few known locations it is suspected to be less than 500 km². The AOO can be inferred to be declining from loss of lowland forest throughout its range.
",population:"This species is sometimes moderately common at one of the known locations in Sarawak, but has otherwise only rarely been seen. Beyond this all that can be said with the available data is that the overall population will be declining due to loss of lowland forest across the range of the species and is likely to be severely fragmented.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs at lowland, low gradient forest streams, typically in swamp or alluvial forest. At the Sungai Penyilam in Sarawak, the only known location where the species is sometimes moderately common, the water is deep and of low pH and the species is found perched low on leaves or logs at the edge of the stream. Both the extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of lowland forest throughout the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data are needed on the distribution of this species, and protected status for any new locations found is highly desirable. The species would likely benefit from good conservation practices in plantations, such as leaving wide buffers of original forest around streams and the setting up of conservation areas consisting of original forest and including stream heads, and the strict enforcement of existing regulations for plantations and for logging activities. The population at the Sungai Penyilam would benefit if the size of buffers upstream of the protected area in plantation was increased substantially to help reduce run-off of sediment into the stream during harvesting. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:202045,scientific_name:"Merogomphus femoralis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Merogomphus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Laidlaw, 1931",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-12-18",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:"40-499",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:50,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"SG",country:"Singapore",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"15414",assessment_id:168307396,id_no:15414,sci_name:"Orachrysops niobe",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"AJCOETZER, AC_LEPI01.FDB_8490",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2008,longitude:23.03197289,latitude:-34.07249832,species_id:15414,taxonomicnotes:"There are no notable issues.",rationale:"This taxon is a highly range-restricted endemic to the Western Cape Province, South Africa (Extent of Occurrence and Area of Occupancy 4 km2). There is only one remaining location, and there is continuing decline in the quality of the habitat (due to declines in the amount of host plant) and the number of mature individuals because of a severe drought (93% reduction in population size from 2014-2017), and more recently, a devastating fire in 2017 (the butterfly has not been seen since and the population reduction is suspected to be as high as 100%). If the species persists there are less than 50 mature individuals remaining, and there has been continuing decline of >25% over three years. All of the mature individuals are in one subpopulation. The taxon thus qualifies as Critically Endangered under criteria A, B, C and D.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to the Western Cape Province, confined to the Brenton Blue Butterfly Reserve near Knysna. It is now extinct at the only other known locality at Nature's Valley.",population:"A complete population analysis is described in Edge (2005). The current adult population is < 50, having declined from c. 150 in 2008. This is mostly the result of prolonged drought conditions in the southern Cape.The species is endemic to Lake Matano and its outflowing river (River Petea) in Sulawesi, Indonesia where it is found on soft substrate. It has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 184 km2 and an area of occupancy (AOO) of 80 km2. This is counted as a single location based on the threats of nickel mining, hydro-electric power installations, logging, and organic effluents from a rapidly expanding human population, which are causing a decline in habitat quality through siltation and changes to natural water levels. Most critically, this species is thought to have suffered a population decline of at least 50% in the last 10 years due predation of small adults and juveniles by invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.), as this species was found at a much reduced density at two sites in 2017 where it was previously abundant in 2002 and 2003 (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017). Flowerhorn Cichlids are now confirmed in Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obv. 2018) and are therefore assumed to be in the connecting River Petea. They are predicted to cause a population decline of at least 50% in this species within the next 10 years (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018) based on their impact in Lake Matano. Due to the suspected past decline, predicted future decline, its limited distribution and persistent threats, this species is assessed as Endangered.
",geographicrange:"The species is endemic to Lake Matano (164.1 km2), which is part of the Malili Lakes system, Sulawesi, Indonesia. It also extends into the upper reaches of the Petea River that drains Lake Matano.
This species has previously been recorded as abundant (von Rintelen et al. 2007), but it was found at a much reduced density at two sites in 2017 where it was previously abundant in 2002 and 2003 (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017). This is thought to be due to invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) introduced to Lake Matano, which likely predate juveniles of this species (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018), as only large specimens were found in 2017/2018. There is therefore thought to have been a population decline of >50% over the last 10 years. An overall population decline of at least 50% is also predicted over the next 10 years due to the continued impact and spread of Flowerhorn Cichlids in the Malili lakes (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This is based on their impact on this species in Lake Matano, and as they have now been confirmed in the downstream Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obs. 2018) and are therefore assumed to be present in the connecting River Petea.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs in the freshwater Lake Matano and also in the River Petea. It is found on soft substrates, such as mud.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.2",title:"Intentional use: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Unspecified CICHLIDAE)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:"Unspecified CICHLIDAE"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Unspecified CICHLIDAE)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:"Unspecified CICHLIDAE"},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation plans are currently in place for this species, but protection of its known localities and habitats is needed, along with invasive species control and harvest management. Research is also needed into the population dynamics, ecology and the threats to this species.",usetrade:"Tylomelania patriarchalis is collected for the international aquarium trade and is widely available in parts of Europe, Asia and North America. The proportion of specimens in the trade caught in the Malili lakes versus being bred in aquaria in unknown, although occurrence of breeding is increasing.",taxonid:109691605,scientific_name:"Tylomelania patriarchalis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"SORBEOCONCHA",family:"PACHYCHILIDAE",genus:"Tylomelania",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Sarasin & Sarasin, 1897)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-07-09",category:"EN",criteria:"A2ae+3e; B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rintelen, T.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:"80",eoo_km2:"184",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"139565719",assessment_id:146602535,id_no:139565719,sci_name:"Risiocnemis rolandmuelleri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Hämäläinen 1991a",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1959,longitude:123.1784,latitude:9.3537,species_id:139565719,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Risiocnemis rolandmuelleri is known from scattered records from more than about 30 locations in Masbate, Negros, Panay, Sibuyan and Siquijor in the Philippines. Threats exists at all locations, including those within protected areas and the overall population is believed to already be severely fragmented. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it may not be large and given the extent of deforestation that has occurred on many of the islands where it is found is likely to be below 2,000 km². The AOO and extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. The species qualifies for Vulnerable status and is assessed accordingly.
",geographicrange:"Risiocnemis rolandmuelleri is known from scattered records from Masbate, Negros, Panay, Sibuyan and Siquijor in the Philippines (Hämäläinen 1991, Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen). The assessor is aware of records from at least 30 locations but it has only been possible to assign separate coordinates to 27 of these for mapping purposes. The species is present in protected areas, for instance the Mount Kanala-on Natural Park in Negros and the Mount Guiting-Guiting Natural Park in Sibuyan. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it may not be large and given the extent of deforestation that has occurred on many of the islands where it is found is likely to be below 2,000 km², quite possibly by a significant margin. The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",population:"This species appears to be (or to have been) common at a number of locations. Beyond this all that can be said with the available data is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species and that severe fragmentation is almost certain for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing has been explicitly recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it will be a species of forest streams. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for better protection of the protected areas where it occurs, the protection of additional suitable habitat and for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139565719,scientific_name:"Risiocnemis rolandmuelleri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Risiocnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Hämäläinen, 1991",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-15",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"500-1999",eoo_km2:"58955-72572",elevation_upper:1900,elevation_lower:5,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"139560865",assessment_id:146602400,id_no:139560865,sci_name:"Igneocnemis incisa",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Gapud 2006",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1987,longitude:120.38917,latitude:17.58472,species_id:139560865,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Igneocnemis incisa is endemic to Luzon in the Philippines where it has a wide but scattered distribution in northern and central Luzon. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but despite the relatively wide range the AOO is not likely to be large, quite likely around or less than 2,000km2 and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to continuing loss and degradation of forest. Severe fragmentation is certain since suitable habitat is already fragmented across the range of the species. If the AOO was known to be below 2,000km2 this species would qualify for Vulnerable under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and it is therefore assessed as Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:"Igneocnemis incisa is only definitely known from Luzon in the Philippines (Gapud 2006, Gassmann & Hämäläinen 2002, Lieftinck 1981, Villanueva et al. 2009). It has a wide but scattered distribution in northern and central Luzon. Hämäläinen & Muller 1997 recorded this species from Mindoro based on a female specimen but Gassmann & Hämäläinen (2002) raised doubts over this record and concluded that there was not enough evidence that I. incisa occurs on Mindoro. The assessor is aware of records from at least 23 locations but it has only been possible to assign separate coordinates to 21 of these for mapping purposes. Some locations are within protected areas, for instance Mount Banahaw and the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. Despite the relatively wide range of the species the AOO is not likely to be large (since much of the suitable habitat has already been lost within the species range), quite likely around or less than 2,000km2 and is inferred to be declining due to continuing loss of forest.
",population:"All that can be said with the available data is that some decline in overall population will be occurring as a result of clearance of forest throughout the range of the species and that severe fragmentation is certain.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs at low densities “at forest seepages, small streams and springs” Villanueva et al. (2009: 73). The extent and quality of suitable habitat are assumed to be declining loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and for better protection of existing protected areas where it occurs.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139560865,scientific_name:"Igneocnemis incisa",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Igneocnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Kimmins, 1936)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-07",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:1500,elevation_lower:100,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"39285",assessment_id:130050933,id_no:39285,sci_name:"Tiaroga cobitis",presence:4,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. Contreras McBeath",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",legend:"Possibly Extinct",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"T. Contreras McBeath 2014",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-110.63,latitude:31.01666667,species_id:39285,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Tiaroga cobitis is a freshwater fluvial specialist that once occurred throughout much of the Verde, Salt, San Pedro, San Francisco, and Gila (upstream from Phoenix) river systems, Arizona, New Mexico, and Sonora. It is now restricted to less than 20% of its historical range resulting primarily from habitat degradation and the introduction of non-native species. Area of occupancy is estimated between 500 km2 and 2,000 km2. Given the severe fragmentation of existing subpopulations, and an inferred continuing decline in area of occupancy, area, extent, and quality of habitat, and the number of mature individuals, T. cobitis is assessed as Vulnerable. It is considered as extirpated from Mexico.
",geographicrange:"Tiaroga cobitis was once locally abundant throughout much of the Verde, Salt, San Pedro, San Francisco, and Gila (upstream from Phoenix) river systems, Arizona, New Mexico, and Sonora, occupying suitable habitat in both the mainstreams and perennial tributaries, at elevations up to about 2,200 meters (Minckley and Marsh 2009). It is extirpated throughout much of its former range in Arizona. Historically, it occurred in the San Pedro River, Sonora, Mexico, but habitat there has been largely destroyed by diversion of water for agriculture. It is estimated that this species now occupies 15-20% of its historical range (USFWS 2012).The total adult population size of T. cobitis is unknown. Abundance varies from common to very rare within occupied areas (USFWS 1999, 2012).This species is represented by more than 10 distinct occurrences (subpopulations). USFWS (2012) estimated that the present range is approximately 15 to 20 percent or less of the historical range. Distribution and abundance have likely declined over the past 10 years or three generations. Data indicate that the population in New Mexico has declined in recent years (see USFWS 2012). Marsh et al. (2003) reported an apparently stable population in North Fork of East Fork Black River.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Tiaroga cobitis is a benthic species that occurs in permanent, flowing, unpolluted creeks and small to medium rivers of low to moderate gradient, low amounts of fine sediment and substrate embeddedness, abundant aquatic insects, and a healthy, intact riparian community with moderate to high bank stability; typically on turbulent riffles, sometimes in association with filamentous algae; habitat resembles that of many eastern darters (Percidae) (Lee et al. 1980). It is an obligate riffle-dweller that occurs in shallow (<20 cm) water over gravel/ cobble substrate (Rinne 1989, Propst and Bestgen 1991) or in interstices between rocks, often in association with eddying currents (Sublette et al. 1990, Miller et al. 2005). Adults inhabit moderate to swift (15–100 cm/sec), shallow (3–40 cm) water with gravel, cobble, and rubble substrates; juvenile habitat is similar but includes also sand substrates (Federal Register, 8 March 1994).
This species persists in streams with relatively natural flow regimes and a predominance of native species (Propst and Bestgen 1991, Propst et al. 2008). Recurrent flooding is important in keeping substrate free of sediments and in helping this species maintain a competitive edge over invading non-native fishes.
Eggs are laid in cavities under flattened cobble (or uncemented cobble and rubble) in slow to swift (3–85 cm/sec), shallow (3–30 cm) water; eggs adhere to under surface (Sublette et al. 1990, Vives and Minckley 1990); males guard cavities and eggs. Larvae apparently use low velocity nursery areas: 0–30 cm/sec, 3–30 cm deep, with sand, gravel, and cobble substrates and abundant instream cover (Sublette et al. 1990, Propst and Bestgen 1991, Federal Register 8 March 1994). Upper lethal thermal tolerances range from 32-38 oC, with reduced growth above 28 oC (Widmer et al. 2006).
More data regarding life history, habitat requirements, and effects of non-native species are needed. Research is also needed to look at removal methods of non-native species, including crayfish.
This species is federally listed as endangered in the United States under 50 CRF Part 17 (USFWS 2012) and in Mexico under SEDESOL 1994. See the USFWS (1991) recovery plan for T. cobitis for a comprehensive overview of outlined action items.
Anisogomphus yingsaki is known from four widely separated locations in Thailand. Some locations are close to the borders with Laos and Myanmar so the species should be looked for in those countries as well as in Thailand. One location is within a protected area (Nam Kam Nature Reserve in Chiang Rai). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining to some extent along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat, due to loss of forest and pollution of streams and rivers within the range of the species. Its current known extent of occurrence (EOO) is much greater than the criterion B1 thresold (EOO = 162,790–171,551 km²). Despite its large EOO, there are causes for concern over this seemingly very locally occurring species. It is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2 because of the small number of locations and plausible threats from deforestation, sand mining and pollution, which may drive this species into Critically Endangered or Extinct within a very short time. Hopefully, when more information becomes available, a future reassessment to a lower threat category will be possible for this species.
",geographicrange:"Anisogomphus yingsaki is known from four widely separated locations in Thailand (Makbun 2017, Dow unpub. data). Some locations are close to the borders with Laos and Myanmar, therefore the species should be looked for in those countries as well as in Thailand. One location is within a protected area (Nam Kam Nature Reserve in Chiang Rai). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining to some extent due to loss of forest and pollution of streams and rivers within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 162,790 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points).
The species is moderately common and found regularly at one of the known locations. No other statement about current population sizes and health can be made for this species except that some ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of and disturbance to its habitats.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Writing about the type locality Makbun (2017) states: “While many Anisogomphus species are found near montane streams … A. yingsaki sp. nov. was found perching on grass near large river with a sandy bottom. These dragonflies often perched on leaf surfaces, 20–30 centimetres above the ground, on sunny days and disappeared when it was clouded. They would perch nearby or higher when threatened. … Anisogomphus yingsaki sp. nov. adults were also found patrolling along the river as dusk fell (from 17.00 to 19.00) on June 21–23, 2016. My colleague and I observed both males and females (but mostly males) patrolling over the water surface and hovering for few minutes before patrolling again. After doing this for some time, some of them perched on nearby bushes. We also once witnessed a hovering male grasping a female and flying into the forest near the river.” The assessor found a single male at a stream, smaller than at the type locality, with a partly sandy bottom and some forest remaining on one bank in Chiang Mai. The species is likely to be forest-dependent, clearly breeds in streams and rivers, but it is not clear how tolerant to disturbance it is. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining to some extent due to loss and degradation of forest and disturbance to streams and rivers within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for the protection of more habitat where it occurs and for more information on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139358700,scientific_name:"Anisogomphus yingsaki",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Anisogomphus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Makbun, 2017",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-24",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"162790-171551",elevation_upper:800,elevation_lower:100,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"TH",country:"Thailand",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"139070145",assessment_id:139118508,id_no:139070145,sci_name:"Oligoaeschna uropetala",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:" ",source:"Karube & Yeh 2001",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1990,longitude:98.700831,latitude:.123584,species_id:139070145,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Oligoaeschna uropetala is only known from Sumatra and some of its satellite islands. Only five locations have been recorded for the species and it might no longer be present at two of these. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of the species is not possible with the currently available data, but it may not be large and is inferred to be declining because of loss of lowland forest throughout much of its range; the extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred to be declining for the same reason. The overall population is inferred to be declining and is likely to be severely fragmented. The species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criterion D2 and is assessed accordingly. If the AOO could be accurately estimated or bounded the species would likely qualify for Vulnerable or a higher threat category under criteria B2ab(ii,iii).
",geographicrange:"Oligoaeschna uropetala is only known from Sumatra, where there are records from Aceh (Lieftinck 1968), North Sumatra (Lieftinck 1968), the Mentawei Islands (Laidlaw 1926, Lieftinck 1968) and Pini Island (Karube & Yeh 2001). The assessor has seen records from only five locations, of which only that from Pini Island is remotely recent, and it may no longer occur at the two locations in mainland Sumatra (see Threats). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of the species is not possible with the currently available data, but it may not be large and is inferred to be declining because of loss of lowland forest throughout much of its range.
",population:"Few specimens of this species have ever been collected. Beyond this all that can be said with the available information is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of forest across much of the species’ range and that the overall population may well be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing has been recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it will be forest-dependent and may be confined to lowland forest. An ongoing decline in both extent and quality of suitable habitat can be inferred from loss of lowland forest in at least parts of the species range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.1",title:"Small-holder plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The first priority for this species is for additional, fresh data on its distribution and exact habitat requirements. Protection of habitat at some of the known locations is highly desirable. Part of the Mentawei Islands is protected but it is not known if the species occurs in the protected part.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139070145,scientific_name:"Oligoaeschna uropetala",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"AESHNIDAE",genus:"Oligoaeschna",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1968",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-12-07",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:100,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"157857026",assessment_id:157910279,id_no:157857026,sci_name:"Peltospira lamellifera",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-104.29000092,latitude:9.82999992,species_id:157857026,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from two restricted locations, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2,494 m to 2,635 m bsl. As the species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO), and has been found at two locations, the plausible threat of future anthropogenic influence from deep-sea mining in these sites justifies the assessment of the species as VU D2.Podolestes atomarius is endemic to Borneo, where it is only known from peat swamp forest in Central Kalimantan. It was described from Ampah (Lieftinck 1950) in the south east of the province, then later recorded from the Sampit area (Lieftinck 1953). After this it was not recorded again until Dow and Silvius (2014) found it at six peat swamp forest sites in Central Kalimantan in 2012. Altogether eight locations have been recorded for this species. It is not clear if the species survives at the type locality; a person from Ampah told the Assessor that all forest was gone there, but it has not been verified if this information is correct. Of the remaining sites, Sebangau is protected, two of the others are part of projects involving Orangutans, so may have some degree of protection while these projects are active. It may extend into the south and west of West Kalimantan, areas from which there is no data at all on Odonata; this needs verification. It is not possible to make an even remotely accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) for this species, but the AOO must be shrinking due to loss and degradation of peat swamp forest habitats in Central Kalimantan.
",population:"Dow and Silvius (2014) noted that the species was “common at many localities”. However the overall population of this species must be suffering an ongoing decline due to loss of peat swamp forest in Central Kalimantan.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is found in peat swamp forest, although no other details are known. Dow and Silvius (2014) noted that “We found it in every peat swamp site surveyed”.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:null,score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:null,score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution of this species is needed. Protection of additional areas of peat swamp forest in Kalimantan Tengah is highly desirable. The main threat apart from fires at any as-yet-undiscovered non-protected sites for this species is likely to be conversion of peat swamp forest to oil palm plantation, and in an ideal situation all remaining peat swamp forest in Borneo would receive protected status; however this is unlikely to happen. The best compromise solution is to include well planned conservation areas within any areas of peat swamp forest that are converted to oil palm. However the drainage issue mentioned in the Threats section is likely to be particularly severe for such conservation areas. Oil palm plantations require drainage ditches to prevent inundation which hampers harvesting, but these ditches inevitably drain any areas of remaining peat swamp forest nearby as well. Small conservation areas within plantations are likely to be completely surrounded by oil palm and its associated drainage system. In some plantations at least a simple system of dams is used, which in principle allows drainage to be controlled, e.g. dams are opened when water levels are high but shut during dry periods. Such controlled drainage systems may help with (but not completely solve) the drainage problem if used properly, but in practice they are often left in the maximum drainage state permanently; education and enforcement are needed with regard to this problem.
Increased vigilance against the deliberate setting of fires is also needed, and serious investigation with the aim of finding and prosecuting those behind the starting of such fires.
Micronaspis floridana is the only named species in this genus (Lloyd 2018). Two subpopulations occur: one along the Florida coastline, and another on some northern islands of the Bahamas (Faust 2017). Although Lloyd (2018) suggests the Bahamas subpopulation may eventually be described as a new species, here we treat both the Florida and Bahamas varieties as the same.
",rationale:"The Florida Intertidal Firefly, Micronaspis floridana, is a small, semitropical firefly species found only in coastal Florida and some northern islands of the Bahamas. The species relies on intertidal marshes and mangroves—habitat types that are severely threatened in Florida due to coastal development and sea level rise. Increased severity and frequency of tropical storms due to climate change further threaten this species and its habitat. Because adults depend on darkness to communicate, and localities may occur near large urban areas, light pollution is a concern. This species has a patchy distribution, and although its dispersal capacity is unknown, and larvae do appear able to disperse via waterways, it is highly unlikely that individuals are dispersing between sites on opposite coastlines or between the remaining known extant sites, which are located many miles from each other. This isolation is probably resulting in reduced gene flow.
Based on the seven known extant localities of this species, the lower end of the area of occurrence (AOO) range is 28 km2; given the fragmented nature of this species’ remaining habitat, the upper end of the AOO range is expected to be below 500 km2. The population is severely fragmented, and population reduction is suspected based on the apparent extirpation of at least two localities and reductions in AOO, EOO, and habitat quality. Continued decline in the extent of occurrence, area of occupancy, and area and quality of habitat is both observed and projected. Given these factors, this species is categorized as Endangered under B2ab(i,ii,iii).
",geographicrange:"The intertidal firefly, Micronaspis floridana, occurs along a narrow band of the Florida coast and on some of the northern islands of the Bahamas (Faust 2017, L. Faust pers. comm. 2020). In Florida, it has been documented from the following counties: Brevard, Broward, Charlotte, Citrus, Collier, Dixie, Hernando, Hillsborough, Indian River, Levy, Manatee, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Pasco, Pinellas, Sarasota, Seminole, St. Lucie, and Volusia (Green 1948, Lloyd 2001, Faust 2017, Lloyd 2018, L. Faust pers. comm. 2019, GBIF 2020). Historically, this firefly was probably continuous in appropriate habitats all around subtropical peninsular Florida; however, localities are now quite restricted and fragmented (Faust 2017). The species remains in only a few nature preserves with mangroves along the Florida coast (L. Faust pers. comm. 2019) and Bahamas (L. Faust pers. comm. 2020). Since 2000, the species has been confirmed in just six Florida counties—Charlotte, Collier, Levy, Miami-Dade, Pinellas, and Seminole (MacRae 2012, Faust 2017, BugGuide 2020, GBIF 2020, L. Faust pers. comm. 2020)—and the Bahamas, where it has been documented on Deep Water Cay off the southeast coast of Grand Bahama Island (Faust 2014a). It probably occurs on other nearby islands, as locals have reported seeing fireflies on other cays, although multiple species are known to occur in the area (Faust 2014a).
This species has a current extent of occurrence (EOO) of 109,494 km2, compared to 159,417 km2 historically (pre-2000), representing a 31% decrease in EOO. If we assume that each of the 7 extant localities exists in only a 4 km2 area, then the lower limit of the current area of occurrence (AOO) is 28 km2. The AOO threshold for inclusion as Endangered is 500 km2. To exceed this threshold, additional localities would have to cover an area larger than about 475 km2. As this is unlikely, the AOO is probably far less than 500 km2.
Local populations in at least two sites (Brevard and Manatee Counties) are thought to be potentially extirpated (Faust 2017, L. Faust pers. comm. 2020), and the status of many other sites is uncertain. Survey efforts are uneven across time and space, and many of the historic sites have not been visited since the 1960s or even earlier. However, the AOO is likely to be decreasing as habitat for this firefly continues to be lost due to coastal development, mangrove removal, pesticide use, light pollution, hurricanes, and rising sea levels. Because of these factors, increased sampling effort is not likely to reveal many additional occurrence localities.
",population:"Population size and abundance estimates are not available for this species. However, it is considered uncommon to rare (Faust 2017). Faust (2017) notes that Micronaspis floridana is not especially abundant, even under ideal conditions in appropriate habitat. On a peak night, 50 males may be observed in a half mile walk, while on other nights only one or two might be seen (Faust 2017). Population reduction is suspected based on the potential loss of at least two localities and reductions in AOO, EOO, and habitat quality.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Micronaspis floridana is a small semitropical firefly species restricted to the intertidal zone of salt marshes, mudflats, and mangroves in coastal Florida and the Bahamas. Lloyd (2018) describes their Florida habitat as the edges of black-needle-rush marshes, where they can be found under shrubs among oyster shells and other debris. In the Bahamas, this firefly can be found in sandy, high marsh, scrub, and mangrove areas that are prone to total immersion during storms and spring tides (Faust 2014b). Larvae and females are often found below or just above the high tide mark on wet sandy rubble (Faust 2017). Larvae eat snails and scavenge a variety of other foods, often feeding in groups (Faust 2014b, Lloyd 2018). Adults are not known to feed. Breeding can take place year-round but adults tend to be most active March through May (Faust 2014b, Faust 2017). At higher latitudes, such as Cedar Key, FL, adults are active from late April to early October, but may be more common in May (Lloyd 2018). Adults are nocturnal, typically signalling from 45-90 minutes after sunset (Faust 2014b, Faust 2017). Males typically fly just above the marsh vegetation, emitting short single or bimodal flashes every couple seconds (Faust 2017, Lloyd 2018). Females respond with prolonged, modulated glow-flashes lasting up to a minute, typically perched on vegetation or coral rubble but sometimes also flying (Lewis and Cratsley 2008, Faust 2014b, Faust 2017, Lloyd 2018). It is not unusual to see females in loose groups of two to four individuals, with one female initiating a group flash-glow response (Faust 2017). Flashes appear yellow or yellowish green (Faust 2017). Both larvae and adults can be present in some numbers every month of the year (L. Faust pers. obs.). The dispersal capacity of this species is unknown. Although larvae do appear able to disperse via waterways, it is unlikely that they travel very far.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"11.4",title:"Storms & flooding",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:"Unknown",severity:null,score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:"Unknown",severity:null,score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"9.6",title:"Excess energy",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.6.1",title:"Light pollution",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No known conservation actions are in place for this species. Although it is listed as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need in Florida’s State Wildlife Action Plan (FFWCC 2012), this does not ensure regulatory mechanisms to protect the species. Some of the extant intertidal localities may occur within Marine Protected Areas, but location information is not specific enough to determine this with certainty. Continued monitoring and adaptive site management for this species will probably be important for its persistence. Increased survey efforts are also needed to determine if historic sites remain extant and if remnant undocumented sites exist, and if so, in what condition. Trained citizen scientists could really help survey efforts for this species. Museum collections could be searched to determine if any additional specimens and associated data are available but overlooked.
",usetrade:"There are no known uses for Micronaspis floridana in trade or entomo-tourism.
",taxonid:13374,scientific_name:"Micronaspis floridana",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"COLEOPTERA",family:"LAMPYRIDAE",genus:"Micronaspis",main_common_name:"Florida Intertidal Firefly",authority:"Green, 1948",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-11-03",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(i,ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Fallon, C. & Walker, A.",reviewer:"Lewis, S.",aoo_km2:"28",eoo_km2:"109494",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BS",country:"Bahamas",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"US",country:"United States of America",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"12.4",habitat:"Marine Intertidal - Mud Flats and Salt Flats",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"12.5",habitat:"Marine Intertidal - Salt Marshes (Emergent Grasses)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"I",category:"Indeterminate"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"I",category:"Indeterminate"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"I",category:"Indeterminate"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"I",category:"Indeterminate"}]},{id:"128724786",assessment_id:128724802,id_no:128724786,sci_name:"Schistura curtistigma",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Zoo Outreach Organization (ZOO)",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:70.632,latitude:32.994,species_id:128724786,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Schistura curtistigma is endemic to Pakistan where it occurs commonly throughout the Kurram River. However, an ongoing large dam and another planned hydro-electric development project on the river is predicted to impact the habitat for the species. Hence the population is suspected to decline by 30-40% in the next 10 years. It has a restricted extent of occurrence (EOO) of 16,476 km2 and occurs in three locations based on the threat of dams. The species is therefore categorised as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Pakistan where it occurs commonly in the whole stretch of Kurram River (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020). Its distribution in Ravi River in Lahore, Punjab by Mirza et al. (1981) is not recognized currently as correct identification (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020).",population:"This species was described as rare in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province (George 1992), but current information by M. Rafique (pers. comm. 2020) indicates that the species is widely distributed throughout the Kurram River and occurs commonly throughout its range.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Schistura curtistigma is a freshwater, benthopelagic carnivore that occurs in spring waters and rivers, where it hides in vegetation, small boulder, and cobbles in small channels (M. Rafique and J.A. Johnson pers. comm. 2020).",threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There is no information regarding conservation of this species. More research into its current population size and trend is strongly recommended, as well as potential utilisation.",usetrade:"The species is not in use or in trade.",taxonid:128724786,scientific_name:"Schistura curtistigma",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"NEMACHEILIDAE",genus:"Schistura",main_common_name:null,authority:"Mirza & Nalbant, 1981",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-02-27",category:"VU",criteria:"A3c; B1ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rafique, M., Johnson, J.A., Zafarullah, M., Qureshi, I., Imran, M. & Daniels, A.",reviewer:"Molur, S. & Ali, A.",aoo_km2:"11800",eoo_km2:"16476",elevation_upper:2e3,elevation_lower:400,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PK",country:"Pakistan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.9",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Freshwater Springs and Oases",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"176043835",assessment_id:176044136,id_no:176043835,sci_name:"Trichomycterus guianensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jonathan Armbruster",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Fishnet2 (2020)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1908,longitude:-59.62583,latitude:5.00139,species_id:176043835,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Trichomycterus guianensis has not been collected in large numbers, and is more common in the upstream locality (Ayangana) than the lower locality (Arauataima/Chenapowu Falls). Notably, the potentially undescribed species (T. cf. guianensis) was not collected in the upstream location (J.W. Armbruster pers. obs.). The habitat for the species is likely to be limited, but most of the upper Potaro River has not been explored. The species is thus far known from only two locations and has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 834 km2, an area of occupancy (AOO) of 364 km2 with these measurements likely exaggerated as the species is likely only in the main channel and only in swift flow. There is an inferred continuing decline in habitat as mining was even seen at the very remote Ayangana locality. Therefore, this species is considered Endangered.",geographicrange:"Trichomycterus guianensis was described by Eignemann (1912), and the name has been applied to most specimens of spotted Trichomycterus from Guyana; however, the species is actually rarely encountered and is restricted to the upper Potaro River (Hayes et al. 2020). Most spotted specimens were referred to as T. cf. guianensis by Hayes et al. (2020), a species that is found in the Mazaruni and Potaro river basins and which is similar to T. lewi from Venezuela. The species differ in spotting pattern (small, random blotches in T. guianensis vs. small to large, regularly ordered spots in T. cf. guianensis), body shape (deep in T. guianensis and shallow in T. cf. guianensis), length of the ridge formed from the dorsal procurrent caudal-fin rays (to dorsal fin base in T. guianensis and far short of dorsal-fin base in T. cf. guianensis), among other characters.",population:"Nothing is known about the population of T. guianensis, but it appears to be far less common than the potentially undescribed species referred to as T. cf. guianensis by Hayes et al. (2020).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is found in swift rapids among boulders and cobble.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Trichomycterus guianensis has a limited range in swift rapids above Kaieteur Falls in Guyana and is known from only two localities. Adding new localities in the upper Potaro River would not increase its extent of occurrence (EOO) or area of occupacny (AOO) by much if anything. Its presence in the upper Potaro demonstrates that the upper Potaro River should be protected.",usetrade:"This species may be used as food.",taxonid:176043835,scientific_name:"Trichomycterus guianensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"TRICHOMYCTERIDAE",genus:"Trichomycterus",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Eigenmann, 1909)",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-10-21",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Armbruster, J.W.",reviewer:"Baskin, J.N. & Taphorn, D.C.",aoo_km2:"364",eoo_km2:"834",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GY",country:"Guyana",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"139564263",assessment_id:146602470,id_no:139564263,sci_name:"Prodasineura poncei",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Villanueva & Cahilog 2013",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2013,longitude:116.98238,latitude:7.87031,species_id:139564263,taxonomicnotes:"Prodasineura poncei is very similar to P. palawana Lieftinck, 1948, differing only in having a reduced or absent antehumeral stripe, and might eventually prove to be a junior synonym of P. palawana.
",rationale:"Prodasineura poncei is only known from three locations on Balabac in the Philippines. There are insufficient data on the distribution of the species and the threats that it faces, however based on the area of Balabac and the fact that not all habitat on the island will be suitable for the species, its Area of Occupancy (AOO) known is less than 500km2 and is inferred, along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat, to be suffering at least some ongoing decline due to logging and agricultural activities. Although (see Taxonomic Note) the species might be a junior synonym of P. palawana it should be treated as distinct until there is completely convincing evidence to the contrary. With only three known locations the species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and, taking the reasonable precautionary approach advocated by the IUCN, is assessed accordingly.
",geographicrange:"Prodasineura poncei is only known from Balabac in the Philippines (Villanueva & Cahilog 2013). The assessor is aware of records from three locations but it has not been possible to assign separate coordinates to one of these for mapping purposes. An accurate estimate of the Area of Occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data but the area of Balabac is less than 600km2 and since not all of the island will be suitable for this species it is safe to say that its known AOO is less than 500km2. At least some ongoing decline in AOO can be inferred as a result of logging and agricultural activities on Balabac.
",population:"Judging from the number of specimens in the type series this can be a common species where it occurs. Nothing else can be said with the available data except that some decline in overall population is inferred from loss of habitat on Balabac, however this decline may not be very severe.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Villanueva & Cahilog (2013: 23-24) note that “This species prefers small partly shaded streams. Although a small population was encountered on the swamp where clear flowing water surface[d] from the ground”. An ongoing decline in both extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from logging and agricultural activities on Balabac.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The first priority for this species is for more data on its distribution and exact habitat requirements and to determine (see Taxonomic Note) if it is really distinct from P. palawana. Protection of areas where the species occurs will also be needed. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139564263,scientific_name:"Prodasineura poncei",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Prodasineura",main_common_name:null,authority:"Villanueva & Cahilog, 2013",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-06-30",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"15-499",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"125518791",assessment_id:125518848,id_no:125518791,sci_name:"Palaiargia traunae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"S.J. Richards",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"S.J. Richards",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Orr & Richards 2014",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:144.2371,latitude:-5.4853,species_id:125518791,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Palaiargia traunae is known only from one locality where two specimens were collected in 2013, and there has been widespread conversion of forest to grassland and gardens in the general area, particularly at lower altitudes where this species was not encountered (Richards and Theischinger 2014). Although there are moderately extensive areas of intact montane forest with steep clear-flowing streams at higher altitudes in the broader region, this species is classified as Vulnerable on the basis that there are plausible threats to the only known population that (if the species is restricted to this area alone) potentially could push the species to Critically Endangered or Extinct within a very short time period. Additional information about its distribution (including altitudinal range) and population status is urgently required.
",geographicrange:"Palaiargia traunae is known from a single location at 1,618 m asl near Trauna Gap in the Trauna River Valley, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea (Orr and Richards 2014).
There are no conservation actions in place for this species. Research is needed to better document its habitat requirements, distribution, population status and trends, and threats from habitat conversion and degradation.
Barbodes tumba is endemic to Mindanao, Philippines. It is distributed over the Lanao Plateau (Herre 1953, Ismail and Escudero 2011). It has been recorded from Lanao del Norte Province (Lake Nunungan) and Lanao del Sur Province (outlet of Lake Dapao; Lake Uyaan; Lake Butig; Lake Lanao and tributaries (Gata, Masiu, Ramain, Taraka Rivers; Marantao streams); Lake Lanao outlet (Agus River); and Siwagat River (Herre 1924, 1953; Eza 2017). It is recently reported from Lake Dagoyanan in Lanao del Sur and Pulangi River in Bukidnon, which is a range extension outside the Lanao Plateau (Abdulmalik-Labe and Quilang 2019).
It has an estimated extent of occurrence (EOO) from 2,151 km2 based on known localities to 5,627 km2 based on known HydroBASINS, with the lower limit as the best estimate. Its area of occupancy (AOO) ranges from 68 km2 estimated based on known localities to 500 km2 computed based on known HydroBASINS, with the lower limit as the best estimate.
Information on the current population status throughout the distributional range of Barbodes tumba is very limited. It has been reported that this species is on the verge of extinction, particularly its subpopulations from Lake Lanao and its tributaries, Lake Dapao and Lake Uyaan (Kornfield 1982, Escudero 1995, Abdulmalik-Labe and Quilang 2019).
In Lake Lanao and its tributaries, the abundance of B. tumba has been reduced significantly over the years based on fisheries production. Major market surveys conducted almost daily showed a remarkable decrease from 1,509 kg in 13 months (1,317-1,329 kg/yr) in June 1976-June 1977 (Escudero et al. 1980) to 281 kg in August 1982-July 1983 (Escudero and Demoral 1983) and 292 kg in 1990-1991 (Escudero 1995). After the 1990-1991 surveys, no major fisheries monitoring was carried out in Lake Lanao mainly due to the unstable peace and order situation around the lake. Then in July-October 2008, fish landing surveys with 12 sampling events and market surveys with 13 sampling events recorded only 7 kg of this species (Ismail et al. 2014). In May 2016-March 2017, fish landing monitoring conducted every other day in major fish landing sites in the north-eastern, north-western, south-western, and south-eastern parts of Lake Lanao yielded only 1.02 kg (Torres 2018). Local knowledge through key informant interviews further confirmed that this previously abundant species is now generally from low in abundance to very rare in Lake Lanao and its tributaries (Eza 2017, Torres 2018). However, the subpopulation in upstream of Masiu River in Masiu, Lanao del Sur is thriving well. This area is undisturbed and can be the source of B. tumba for captive breeding. One fisherman can catch 10-15 individuals in an hour with hook and line (Torres 2018).
The only conservation effort is a monitoring and ex-situ breeding project run by the Laboratorio de Biología Acuatica in Michoacan University, Morelia, Mexico.
",usetrade:`The species is not used for human consumption, but is targeted in the aquarium trade to a certain degree. All fish that are sold go back to different captive strains; in the 1970's a hybrid with Skiffia francesae (called "Black Beauty") was bred and regionally distributed, but probably disappeared again from the trade.`,taxonid:191715,scientific_name:"Skiffia multipunctata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"GOODEIDAE",genus:"Skiffia",main_common_name:"Spotted Skiffia",authority:"(Pellegrin, 1901)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-03-14",category:"EN",criteria:"A2ac; B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Koeck, M.",reviewer:"Domínguez, O., Contreras MacBeath, T., Rivas, M. & Arroyave, J.",aoo_km2:"16-128",eoo_km2:"290-1400",elevation_upper:1750,elevation_lower:1550,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.9",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Freshwater Springs and Oases",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"191371",assessment_id:175785790,id_no:191371,sci_name:"Allodontichthys tamazulae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Köck, GWG",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:"Río El Tule",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Lyons",basisofrec:" ",event_year:1995,longitude:-103.3926,latitude:19.3899,species_id:191371,taxonomicnotes:"Holotype and Paratypes of this species were taken by Clarence L. Turner from the Río Tamazula in Jalisco, just above the town of Tamazula de Giordano in April 1939. In the following years, this species was found to inhabit the Río Tamazula/ Tuxpán system downstream to about the town of San Marcos, 12km SE of Tuxpán, upper Río Coahuayana sections. Furthermore, it was collected in the Río El Tule drainage above El Pihuamo, an affluent of the middle Río Coahuayana section (named Río Naranjo). From the distribution in two distinct river systems, two subpopulations, the Río Tuxpán subpopulation (type subpopulation) and the Río El Tule subpopulation, can be inferred.",rationale:"Allodontichthys tamazulae was historically known from the state of Jalisco throughout the upper Coahuayana River basin (ríos Tamazula and Tuxpán) and from upper sections of an affluent of the middle section of this river (named Río Naranjo), the Río El Tule. Pollution from a sugar cane mill near the town of Tamazula has made a portion of the former range of the species in the lower Tamazula River uninhabitable since the 1970’s (Lyons and Mercado-Silva 2000). Additional pollution from waste water from the town of Tuxpán, and from sewage from a huge paper mill in Atenquique (García 2008), leads to an ongoing decline in extent of occurrence, area of occupancy and quality of habitats. From 1995 to 2016, the species has been found at about 10 collection sites, several of them moderately large, and recent surveys indicate that probably all of these populations still persist and have been quite stable since the 1980's and 1990's.This species occurs in shallow, saline, marshy pools and ephemeral lakes with extreme variation in annual temperature, water height, and salinity (Minckley 1992, Miller et al. 2005, Carson et al. 2012, Lozano-Vilano and Maza-Benignos 2017). Introgressive hybridization with close congener C. bifasciatus occurs in intermediate habitat throughout the basin, but hybrids remain environmentally segregated from parental C. atrorus (Carson et al. 2012).
The majority of prey items consist of invertebrates and crustaceans (Hernandez et al. 2017).
Cyprinodon atrorus is listed as federally protected in Mexico by SEDESOL under NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. Additionally, Cuatro Cienegas is a designated protected area and recognized RAMSAR site. Pronatura Noreste owns and manages Rancho San Pablo (Pozas Azules Reserve) that includes a marsh system locally known as La Pileta where C. atrorus naturally occurs (Lozano-Vilano and Maza-Benignos 2017). The American Fisheries Society’s Endangered Species Committee lists C. atrorus as endangered (Jelks et al. 2008).
More detailed estimates of population size and trend would be useful in determining a more accurate conservation status.
Cynolebias obscurus is known only from its type locality, a series of small vestigial pools adjacent to highway BR-156 near the town of Macaúbas, Bahia state, Brazil. Area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, and the species is assigned to a single threat-based location. Total population size and population trend are unknown, but this species was rare during all sampling trips. Continuing decline in habitat quality and availability is inferred based on widespread plantation agriculture immediately adjacent to the type locality, and threatens to destroy remaining habitat if expansion is not mitigated. Therefore, C. obscurus is assessed as Critically Endangered under criterion B1b(iii)+2ab(iii). Site protection and captive management are immediate conservation priorities that will likely be necessary to prevent the extinction of this species in the immediate future.
",geographicrange:"Cynolebias obscurus is known only from its type locality, a series of small vestigial pools adjacent to highway BR-156 near the town of Macaúbas, Bahia state, Brazil (Costa 2014). Recent surveys in nearby temporary pools have failed to detect this species (Costa 2014).
Area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) are estimated to be 4 km2 based on a single 2x2 km grid overlain on top of the type locality (Costa 2014). This species is assigned to a single threat-based location, given a restricted distribution and localized deforestation associated with agricultural expansion that has resulted in the destruction of all potentially suitable habitat outside of the type locality (Costa 2014).
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. However, this species is rare and is known from a total of 15 specimens (Costa 2014).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is known from a series of small, vestigial pools adjacent to highway BR-156 near the town of Macaúbas in the Paramirim River drainage, a right-bank tributary of the São Francisco River (Costa 2014). The pools measure approximately 3 m wide and extend parallel to the road for about 1 km (Costa 2014). The entire region around the pool is composed of plantation agriculture, without any vestige of original habitat (Costa 2014).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards C. obscurus, nor has the species been reported from within the boundaries of any existing protected areas. Additional ichthyological surveys in potentially suitable habitat are urgently needed to clarify the conservation status of this species. Additional information regarding population size and population trend would be useful in clarifying extinction risk. Site protection and captive management are warranted conservation priorities, given the pervasive threat of agricultural expansion that could result in the complete loss of temporary pond habitat in the immediate future.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:173830346,scientific_name:"Cynolebias obscurus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Cynolebias",main_common_name:null,authority:"Costa, 2014",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-03",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Costa, W.J.E.M.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"53875841",assessment_id:161824529,id_no:53875841,sci_name:"Cynodonichthys glaucus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Arturo Angulo, 2019",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:1966,longitude:-83.6650238,latitude:9.31944466,species_id:53875841,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Cynodonichthys glaucus is restricted to the Térraba and Coto River drainages on the Pacific slope of Costa Rica. Total population size and population trend are unknown. This species is rare in ichthyological samples and is rarely encountered throughout its range. Based on a limited number of collection records, Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 24-175 km2, and Area of Occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be 24 km2. A number of threats exist, including deforestation and land-use changes associated with agricultural expansion, and potential dam construction. These threats have resulted in an inferred decline in habitat quality. However, their impacts are primarily restricted to low-lying areas and coastal plains, and their effect on higher elevation headwater streams and creeks where additional subpopulations of C. glaucus may occur have not been evaluated. Despite uncertainties regarding distribution, population status, and the direct impact of threats, currently available information is used to assess this species as Endangered (EN) under criteria B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii). Additional research on this species is recommended as a conservation priority.",geographicrange:'Cynodonichthys glaucus is endemic to the Térraba and Coto River drainages on the Pacific slope of Costa Rica (Angulo et al. 2013). Elevational distribution ranges from 540-680 meters above sea level (Angulo et al. 2013). The type locality of this species is the Pedregoso River, tributary to the General River in San Juan, Costa Rica (Angulo et al. 2015). Two additional records exist northeast of the city of San José (GBIF 2019), but their validity has not been confirmed.
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be approximately 24-175 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019) and two records with uncertain validity (GBIF 2019). Area of Occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be 24 km2, based on a 2x2 km grid overlaying georeferenced collection records.
This species is very poorly represented in museum collections (Angulo et al. 2015), and EOO may be underestimated. The Térraba and Coto rivers drain a large portion of Costa Rica’s Pacific slope (Spongberg and Davis 1998, Krishnaswamy et al. 2001), and additional sampling is required to accurately determine the distributional range of C. glaucus.
Based on the pervasive threat of habitat modification resulting from deforestation and land-use changes (Krishnaswamy et al. 2001), but possible inclusion within at least one protected area and potentially extending into relatively high quality habitat north and northeast of the town of San Ysidro de El General, the number of locations where this species occurs is estimated to be 2-5.
',population:"Little is known about the population size and population trend of this species. It is qualitatively reported as rare in the Térraba river drainages and its tributaries (Bussing 1998).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in brooks and creeks characterized by low water temperatures ranging between 23-25 and low to moderate water velocity. Diet is comprised primarily of aquatic insects (Bussing 1998). Maximum reported body size is 4.5 cm total length (TL) (Bussing 1998).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation actions directed towards C. glaucus. Based on the known distribution, this species is likely to occur within Los Quetzales National Park (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). Additional research regarding distribution, population size and population trend, biology and ecology, and the effects of potential threats are strongly recommended. Site protection and population monitoring may be warranted.
",usetrade:"This species is occasionally found within the ornamental aquarium trade, but the annual volume of harvest from wild populations is unknown.
",taxonid:53875841,scientific_name:"Cynodonichthys glaucus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Cynodonichthys",main_common_name:"Blue Rivulus",authority:"(Bussing, 1980)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-09-11",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J. & Angulo, A.",reviewer:"Contreras MacBeath, T.",aoo_km2:"24",eoo_km2:"24-175",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"176397604",assessment_id:176397609,id_no:176397604,sci_name:"Jenynsia maculata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Alonso, F.A.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:-66.158332,latitude:-25.120727,species_id:176397604,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Jenynsia maculata is considered as Endangered according to the criteria B1ab(iii). The extent of occurrence is estimated to be less than 5,000 km2 (3,749 km2), it is known to exist at no more than five locations (two), and there is a continuing decline inferred in quality of habitat due mainly to exotic species (Oncorhynchus mykiss) presence and human population impacts (sewage) and agriculture.",geographicrange:"This species is abundant in the Calchaquí and Santa María river basins, in the upper Juramento basin in north-western Argentina.",population:"This species is relatively abundant along its natural range of distribution although there are no studies with respect to the population size and parameters.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species inhabits secondary branches with low current and abundant aquatic vegetation (F. Alonso pers. obs. 2020).",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oncorhynchus mykiss)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Oncorhynchus mykiss"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oncorhynchus mykiss)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Oncorhynchus mykiss"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.4",title:"Garbage & solid waste",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions in place for this species.",usetrade:"This species is sometimes consumed as a food by local human populations.",taxonid:176397604,scientific_name:"Jenynsia maculata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"ANABLEPIDAE",genus:"Jenynsia",main_common_name:"Onesided Livebearer",authority:"Regan, 1906",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-11-11",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Alonso, F.",reviewer:"Aguilera, G.",aoo_km2:"572",eoo_km2:"3749",elevation_upper:2435,elevation_lower:1836,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AR",country:"Argentina",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"119863483",assessment_id:119865661,id_no:119863483,sci_name:"Ischnura foylei",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"O.E. Kosterin",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"O.E. Kosterin",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:" ",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Kosterin 2015",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2014,longitude:101.424,latitude:1.687,species_id:119863483,taxonomicnotes:"According to the molecular phylogenetic analysis by Sánchez-Guillén et al. (2018), Ischnura foylei forms a tight cluster together with two Neotropical species, Ischnura fluviatilis Selys, 1876 and I. ramburii (Selys in Sagra, 1857), and indeed, these species share some similarity in the abdominal colour pattern. Occurrence of a representative of a Neotropical lineage in the Indo-Malayan Biogeographical Realm, but only at one crater lake in Sumatra, is striking. It may be hypothesized that after the crater lake was formed and became suitable for Odonata it was by chance colonised by an American damselfly arrived across the Pacific as aeroplancton.",rationale:"The only population of the species is known to exist in a unique habitat, the Danau Gunung Tujuh caldera lake in Kerinci Seblat National Park, Sumatra. Most probably the entire species is confined to it. Then its very existence depends on this lake, any dramatic change of the natural conditions of this lake can exterminate the species. This may be because of human disturbance such as water pollution (possible although hopefully unlikely in a national park), geological events (a strong earthquake or eruption of the volcano), or strong climate change could result in the species very rapidly moving to Critically Endangered or even Extinct. Since threats exist and the species is known from a single threat-defined location, it qualifies for Vulnerable under criterion D2.
The species is known only from one lake, Danau Gunung Tujuh (Danau Sakti), in Indonesia, Sumatra, Jambi Province.
",population:"The only known population at Lake Gunung Tujuh is very numerous.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is known only from a lake residing in an extinct volcanic caldera (the highest caldera lake in South East Asia) among evergreen forest at 1995 m asl. These damselflies abound at sedge at the banks and are the only species of those so far recorded at the lake.
",threats:[{code:"10.1",title:"Volcanoes",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"10.2",title:"Earthquakes/tsunamis",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The lake with the only known population of the species is in Kerinci Seblat National Park and, although a popular touristic object, this is a protected area. The species is not threatened as long as this regime persists",usetrade:null,taxonid:119863483,scientific_name:"Ischnura foylei",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Ischnura",main_common_name:null,authority:"Kosterin, 2015",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2017-12-16",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Kosterin, O.E.",reviewer:"Dow, R.A.",aoo_km2:"1-9.6",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:1995,elevation_lower:1995,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2017",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"195280342",assessment_id:195295884,id_no:195280342,sci_name:"Phymorhynchus oculatus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Aoife Molloy",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:151.66999817,latitude:-3.7249999,species_id:195280342,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at a depth of 1,740 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. Mining licences have been granted for this location within the Papua New Guinea EEZ. The potential for anthropogenic influence at these sites based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. There may already be disturbance to this species at the PACMANUS vent field, as the Papua New Guinea Government has previously granted deep-sea mining licences in the Manus Basin. The impact of uncertainty around the decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from Vulnerable (VU) to Critically Endangered (CR), using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as Critically Endangered (CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)). A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements, for example, if a moratorium on deep-sea mining was reached by the Government of Papua New Guinea, whereby the assessment would be likely to decrease to Least Concern (LC).
",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to one location at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. This location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with biologically and geologically coherent identity. Any vent fields within this location therefore also have common exposure to relevant potential threats. This location lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Papua New Guinea. The species is currently known from one vent field with active black smokers and diffuse venting located at a depth of 1,740 m bsl, namely the PACMANUS vent field on the Manus Basin (Zhang and Zhang 2017). This species is present over a small area at this vent field.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Zhang and Zhang 2017).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at a depth of 1,740 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any vent fields within the Papua New Guinea EEZ. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along West Pacific Ocean ridges.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:195280342,scientific_name:"Phymorhynchus oculatus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"NEOGASTROPODA",family:"RAPHITOMIDAE",genus:"Phymorhynchus",main_common_name:null,authority:"S.-Q. Zhang & S.-P. Zhang, 2017",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-18",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:1740,depth_lower:1740,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PG",country:"Papua New Guinea",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"60844",assessment_id:155041345,id_no:60844,sci_name:"Opsaridium microlepis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"EU Survey",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:1999,longitude:34.8,latitude:-11.33333333,species_id:60844,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is projected to decline by 30% over the next 10 years based on the threats of increasing over-exploitation, including the use of smaller mesh sizes which catch juveniles, as well as continuing habitat decline due to siltation from soil erosion and water abstraction for irrigation purposes during the dry season which hampers downstream movement of young fish. It has been shown to have some resilience to habitat changes in the past, but will likely decline as threats are increasing and ongoing. This species is therefore assessed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi and ascends affluent streams to spawn during the rainy season and early dry season. It also occurs in the Middle Shire River in the vicinity of Liwonde and juveniles have been caught in the small Likwenu stream at the entrance to Liwonde National Park (Tweddle 1993), indicating that spawning occurs in that stream.",population:"There was a major reduction in populations in the 1990s, particularly in the Bua River but the species continues to run up rivers in reasonable numbers. The causes of population decline (overfishing, habitat degradation, and pollution) are ongoing.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"A lacustrine species, living in the pelagic zone of the lake. Juveniles remain close inshore and near the river mouths. The adults are piscivorous, feeding on small pelagic fishes. Young fish feed on fish fry, plankton, insects and other small organic matter. It migrates up rivers from the lake to spawn during the rainy season. Spawning mainly takes place at night and requires well-oxygenated flowing waters and silt free gravel (Tweddle 1983). Spawning takes place in very shallow water and occurs over an extended period during and after the rains.",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.2",title:"Intentional use: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"One major river where this species breeds is the Bua river, which runs through the Nkhotakota game reserve (Central Malawi). This is the only river where the spawning grounds are protected (as the surrounding woodlands are protected from deforestation). The river has, however, deteriorated as a result of upstream agricultural activities, and has even ceased to flow during recent dry seasons, being reduced to isolated disconnected pools. Damming the Bua River for hydroelectricity generation is a major and imminent threat. The headwaters of the North Rukuru river are also protected within the Nyika National Park — there is however, increasing land clearance between the park and the spawning grounds. The Linthipe river, a major spawning river, is unprotected, receiving untreated effluent from Lilongwe. The status of 'mpasa' rivers in Tanzania and Mozambique is unknown. Research into its population trends, harvest and threats as well as monitoring of population trends is required alongside the development of an area based management plan, habitat protection, harvest management, legislation at an international level and raising awareness and communications.The type series of Bornargiolestes fuscus comes from Gunung Mulu and Lambir Hills in Sarawak and Ulu Temburong National Park in Brunei; when Dow (2014) described the species, structurally similar female specimens from the upper Baram, Mount Dulit and the Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary were included but excluded from the type series because of differences in colouration. It is possible that the females from the aforementioned locations belong to another species. For purposes of assessment only the populations from Gunung Mulu, Lambir Hills and Ulu Temburong are treated as certainly belonging to this species.
",rationale:"Bornargiolestes fuscus is known with certainty from only three locations in a relatively small area of Brunei and north-eastern Sarawak; however all of these locations are within National Parks. No realistic calculation of the area of occupancy (AOO) of the species is possible with the available data. Although its precise habitat requirements are not fully understood, the species seems likely to be particularly sensitive to disturbance to its forest habitats. Forest fires are a threat at all locations. With only three locations known with certainty, even if they are in National Parks, Least Concern does not seem to be justified. The species arguably qualifies for Vulnerable status under criterion D2, but since it is difficult to gauge how serious the forest fire threat is and once taxonomic issues are resolved the species may be found to be much more widely distributed than is known with certainty now, it is best assessed as Near Threatened at this time.
",geographicrange:"Bornargiolestes fuscus is endemic to Borneo, where it is known with certainty only from Gunung Mulu and Lambir Hills National Park in Sarawak, and Ulu Temburong National Park in Brunei (Dow 2014). It may also occur at locations in the upper Baram, Mount Dulit and the Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary but it is not certain if these populations represent the same species (see the Taxonomic Notes). Known sites comprise three threat defined locations, considering forest fires as the main threat. No realistic estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is possible with the available data; the known locations are within a relatively small area in Brunei and Sarawak.
",population:"Few individuals of this species have been recorded, but this may just as well be because of the difficulties of working in the steep terrain that it occurs in as an indication of genuine rarity. An accurate population estimate is not possible with the available data, but some decline in overall population must be occurring because of loss of and disturbance to forest within the range of the species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs in steep, forested terrain but beyond this its habitat requirements are poorly understood. A large proportion of the specimens that have been collected have been found on trails away from water, and “Where the individuals have been found at water, they have often been found at permanently wet cliff faces deep in forest, or at very small trickles and seepages beside small streams. These habitats are characterised by having only the barest amount of water running above the leaf litter; in some cases no flow was visible above the leaf litter” Dow (2014: 5710). Attempts to find the larvae of this species have been unsuccessful. The locations from which the species is known with certainty are all in undisturbed or nearly undisturbed old growth mixed dipterocarp forest, so it is possible that the species is particularly sensitive to disturbance. The types of habitat described above are particularly vulnerable since they are prone to drying up when the forest canopy is thinned and because of disruption to subsurface water flows caused by the network of skid trails used to remove logs in most commercial logging operations.
",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"With all definitely known populations in National Parks, species specific conservation measures are probably not needed for this species. There is a need for resolution of taxonomic issues, for which males from the questionable populations must be found, and for more data on distribution and exact habitat requirements. Forest fires are a threat to all populations, but it is difficult to judge how severe this threat is; research is needed into this.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:125769435,scientific_name:"Bornargiolestes fuscus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"RHIPIDOLESTIDAE",genus:"Bornargiolestes",main_common_name:null,authority:"Dow, 2014",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-02-28",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"BN",country:"Brunei Darussalam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"196108",assessment_id:174846682,id_no:196108,sci_name:"Schistura notostigma",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Malka Fernando",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:"Sri Lanka",tax_comm:null,source:"CHE00116",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2016,longitude:80.383333,latitude:6.4,species_id:196108,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Schistura notostigma is an endemic species in Sri Lanka which has a wide distribution throughout the wet zone and the mid to upper Mahaweli River Basin. Its habitat has faced threats owing to accumulation of agrochemicals and construction of large dams. Due to its estimated Extent of Occurance (EOO) which is 14622 km2, Area of Occupancy (AOO) which is 572 km2 and distribution in 16 locations, we propose that this species be identified as a Near Threatened (NT) species.",geographicrange:"Schistura notostigma is endemic to Sri Lanka where it is distributed in the lowland wet zone, in the Mahaweli mid River Basin and the Uva hills (De Silva et al. 2015).",population:"The species is widespread and common in the lowland wet zone of Sri Lanka. More information is needed however on its population size and population trends, although a decline in population may be inferred on the basis of the threats it faces such as pollution and natural system modifications.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This loach is confined to small streams and associated pools. Usually, these streams occur on sharp gradients and are rocky. It has also been recorded from elevations as high as 5000 ft, often in association with Puntius bimaculatus. Furthermore, it is found in open, degraded land and in streams flowing through the tea estates. However, large populations are only encountered where there is shade. It moves slowly over the substrate, browsing on algae and picking up detritus matter (De Silva et al. 2015, Pethiyagoda 1991, Senanayake 1980).
",threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No known conservation efforts have been taken.",usetrade:"Small numbers of Schistura notostigma are known to be exported in the aquarium trade (Gunasekara 2011).",taxonid:196108,scientific_name:"Schistura notostigma",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"NEMACHEILIDAE",genus:"Schistura",main_common_name:"Banded mountain loach",authority:"(Bleeker, 1863)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-08-05",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Fernado, M., Kotagama, O. & de Alwis Goonatilake, S.",reviewer:"Maiz-Tome, L. & Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"572",eoo_km2:"14622.740",elevation_upper:1562,elevation_lower:95,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:"This corrected (errata) assessment has been created to update the scientific name of Barbus bimaculatus to Puntius bimaculatus in the Habitats and Ecology text.",amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"164691443",assessment_id:164691571,id_no:164691443,sci_name:"Phallichthys quadripunctatus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2019 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.kvqej7, Arturo Angulo 2019",basisofrec:"FIELD_OBSERVATION",event_year:2003,longitude:-82.66938895,latitude:9.58294615,species_id:164691443,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Phallichthys quadripunctatus occurs in the Sixaola and Guarumo river basins on the Atlantic slope of Costa Rica and western Panama, and additional sampling may reveal a further range extent into the Cricamola River. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be between 3,569 km2. Deforestation, land-use change, increased sedimentation, and non-point pesticide pollution associated with intensive plantation agriculture have resulted in declines in the area, extent, and quality of habitat. Fish kills closely linked to pesticide pollution infer recent declines in the number of mature individuals. Given the pervasive impact of these threats on downstream catchments where P. quadripunctatus occurs, this species is inferred to occur in fewer than five locations. As such, this species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii,v). Additional research is needed to clarify distribution, population size, population trend, and the scope and magnitude of major pervasive threats.
",geographicrange:"Phallichthys quadripunctatus occurs in the Sixaola River on the Atlantic slope of Costa Rica (Bussing 1998, Smith and Bermingham 2005, Angulo et al. 2013). Elevational distribution ranges from 0-40 meters above sea level (Angulo et al. 2013). The type locality of this species is a small tributary of the Sixaola River, between the towns on Puerto Viejo and Bratsi in Limón, Costa Rica (Angulo et al. 2015).
This species has also been observed in small bodies of water within the Guarumo River basin, near Punta Peña, Chiriquí Grande in Bocas del Toro province, which represents a range extension outside of the Sixaola River (R. González pers. comm. 2019). Additional georeferenced records exist southward in the Róbalo River, Panama (GBIF 2019, W. Matamoros pers. comm. 2019), and additional sampling may reveal a further range extent into the Cricamola River (R. González pers. comm. 2019).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 3,569 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (GBIF 2019, A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019, R. González, pers. comm. 2019). Given the pervasive impact of non-point agricultural pollution on coastal river drainages (Polidoro and Morra 2016), and no georeferenced collections from upstream catchments, this species is inferred to occur in fewer than five locations.",population:"Total population size is unknown. However, this species is reportedly uncommon throughout its known range, except for in streams near Gondoca where it is relatively common (Bussing 1998). This species is poorly represented at the Museum of the University of Costa Rica, where it is known from 26 specimens across two collection lots (Angulo et al. 2015). Population trend is suspected to be in decline, given reported fish kills associated with pesticide pollution within the Sixaola River, (Polidoro and Morra 2016), but the rate of decline is unknown.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Phallichthys quadripunctatus occurs in puddles, standing water and slow, sluggish coastal streams characterized by water temperatures ranging from 26-34 C and moderate to abundant vegetation (Bussing 1998, Regus et al. 2013, Oosterhout and Velde 2015). Diet is comprised primarily of microalgae and detritus (Bussing 1998).
This species reproduces by giving live birth, characterized by a lack of superfoetation, an interbrood interval of 26-37 days, and a mean brood size of nine offspring (Regus et al. 2013). Maximum reported body size is 3.5 cm standard length (SL) (Bussing 1998).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation actions directed towards P. quadripunctatus. The range of this species may extend into Palo Seco Protected Area, but at present it has not been collected in any protected areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). More information regarding distribution, population size, population status, and the scope, magnitude, and direct impact of major pervasive threats is needed. Site protection and population monitoring may be necessary.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:164691443,scientific_name:"Phallichthys quadripunctatus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Phallichthys",main_common_name:"Olomina",authority:"Bussing, 1979",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-12-18",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J. & González, R.",reviewer:"Angulo, A.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"3569",elevation_upper:40,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"118041071",assessment_id:118041076,id_no:118041071,sci_name:"Lebiasina provenzanoi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Echevarría, G.",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:"Chirima river",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"MCNG-UNELLEZ",basisofrec:" ",event_year:2003,longitude:-60.97299957,latitude:5.03499985,species_id:118041071,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is listed as Vulnerable, in view of its extent of occurrence (EOO) of 14,573km2 and area of occupancy (AOO) of 76 km2, with all observed individuals in seven threat-based locations and a continuing decline in the extent and quality of its habitat related to deforestation and pollution from illegal mining activities. Deforestation was established as the main threat to identify the number of locations, due to the high specificity of habitat that this species shows, for small and clear-water streams in dense forests.",geographicrange:"This species is distributed across La Gran Sabana, in Canaima National Park. It occurs in tributaries and ponds of the upper Caroní and the Cuyuní rivers in Bolívar state, southeastern Venezuela.",population:"There are no data available to estimate a population size.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It inhabits small creeks with shallow, clear to black waters with leaf litter substrate within forests. The channels of these streams are usually covered by the riparian vegetation (Ardila Rodríguez 1999).",threats:[{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"About 80% of the population occurs within Canaima National Park. However, there are several gold mines near and inside the park, meaning this measure alone might not be sufficient to guarantee the protection of this species.",usetrade:"It is unknown whether this species is traded in the fish ornamental market or if it is part of the livelihoods of indigenous peoples.",taxonid:118041071,scientific_name:"Lebiasina provenzanoi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"LEBIASINIDAE",genus:"Lebiasina",main_common_name:null,authority:"Ardila Rodríguez, 1999",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2017-04-03",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Echevarría, G.",reviewer:"Harrison, I.J.",aoo_km2:"76",eoo_km2:"14573",elevation_upper:1600,elevation_lower:800,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VE",country:"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2017",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"139356635",assessment_id:158038893,id_no:139356635,sci_name:"Bayadera kirbyi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"H. Zhang & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"Zhang, H. and Dow, R.A.",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Wilson & Reels 2001",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:null,longitude:109.6764,latitude:18.8896,species_id:139356635,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Bayadera kirbyi has a curious known distribution. It was described from Wuzhishan in Hainan, China, and the only other known location is in Yunnan, China, approximately 750 km from the type location. The location in Hainan is within the Wuzhishan Nature Reserve. The location in Yunnan is not far from the border with Viet Nam, so the species should also be looked for in northern Viet Nam. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining, along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat, to some degree due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its current known maximum extent of occurrence (EOO), based on the two occupied HydroBASINS areas, is 16,352 km². The species is therefore assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B (VU B1ab(ii,iii)).
",geographicrange:"Bayadera kirbyi has a curious known distribution. It was described from Wuzhishan in Hainan, China (Wilson and Reels 2001) and the only other known location is in Yunnan, China (Zhang 2019 unpublished), approximately 750 km from the type location. The location in Hainan is within the Wuzhishan Nature Reserve. The location in Yunnan is not far from the border with Viet Nam, so the species should also be looked for in northern Viet Nam. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining to some degree due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its maximum known extent of occurrence (EOO), based on the HydroBASINS that known records are from, is 16,352 km² (because the only two known localities are so far apart).
This appears to be a scarce and very locally occurring species and it is likely that populations between the two known locations are suffering an ongoing decline in overall population due to loss of forest and other alterations to habitat. The known populations are certainly fragmented, whether the overall population is actually severely fragmented is not known.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Zhang (2019: 1069) states that this species is found at “Streams in forest below 1,500 m elevation.” The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest and other alterations to habitat within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more information on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance, and for protection of additional habitat where it occurs.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139356635,scientific_name:"Bayadera kirbyi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"EUPHAEIDAE",genus:"Bayadera",main_common_name:null,authority:"Wilson & Reels, 2001",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2021-02-06",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Zhang, H. & Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"16352",elevation_upper:800,elevation_lower:500,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CN",country:"China",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"109723575",assessment_id:109723591,id_no:109723575,sci_name:"Tylomelania tominangensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Sulawesi",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1991,longitude:121.72,latitude:-2.67,species_id:109723575,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is only known to occur in Lake Lontoa, with a potential record from Tominanga River, in Sulawesi, Indonesia. It has an extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) both of 8 km2. This is counted as a single location based on the primary threats of logging and organic effluents from the rapidly expanding human population around Lake Lontoa, which are causing a decline in habitat quality through siltation and changes to natural water levels. It is also very vulnerable to the spread of the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colssoma sp.) through the Malili lakes system. This species is therefore assessed as Critically Endangered based on its extremely limited distribution and deterioration of habitats.",geographicrange:"The species may be endemic to Lake Lontoa (1.6 km2), which is part of the Malili Lakes system in Sulawesi, Indonesia. The type locality is Tominanga River, where it has not been found and where there is no suitable habitat for this species.
There is no current population information available for this species although it has previously been reported as abundant (von Rintelen et al. 2007). An overall population decline of at least 50% is predicted over the next 10 years due to the spread of the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) in the Malili lakes (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and are thought to have caused the decline of Tylomelania populations due to predation of small adults and juveniles (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017; 2018). Flowerhorn Cichlids have now been confirmed in the downstream Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obs. 2018) and, if not already present, are very likely to continue to spread downstream to Lake Lontoa where they are predicted to cause population declines similar to those seen in Lake Matano.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in freshwater lakes, predominantly on soft substrate.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation plans are currently in place for this species, but protection of its known localities and habitats is needed. Research is also needed into the population dynamics, ecology and the threats to this species.
",usetrade:"There is no use or trade information for this species. Many species of Tylomelania are being collected for the aquarium pet trade, but T. tominangensis does not yet seem to be.",taxonid:109723575,scientific_name:"Tylomelania tominangensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"SORBEOCONCHA",family:"PACHYCHILIDAE",genus:"Tylomelania",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Kruimel, 1913)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-06-03",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rintelen, T.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"0.386-8",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"176011871",assessment_id:176011876,id_no:176011871,sci_name:"Pimelodella linami",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Herrera-Collazos, E.E.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"SiB Colombia; GBIF; FishNet2; speciesLink; CZUT-IC; IAvH-P; ICN-MHN; IMCN; MPUJ; CPUCLA; MCNG",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Colombia: Ca¤o Perro",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:-71.09875,latitude:6.831361,species_id:176011871,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is distributed in high elevation tributaries of the Apure and Meta Rivers. It has an area of occupancy (AOO) of 916 km2. There is inferred continuing decline in habitat based on logging due to residential and commercial development, small-holder grazing and farming, large dams, and pollution from sewage and herbicides or pesticides. There are four locations based on these threats. Therefore, it is assessed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"This species is distributed in high elevation tributaries of the Apure and Meta Rivers. It has been recorded from Río Torbes, 1 km above Táriba, Orinoco River system, Venezuela. It occurs in the DNMI Ariari river (Colombia). Two records in the Arauca and Bita rivers must be confirmed.",population:"The total population size is suspected to be greater than 10,000 individuals, given its natural abundance and broad distribution.",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:"This species usually inhabits the shore of the main channel of rivers and lagoons. It is a strictly carnivorous species that takes refuge among trunks (Galvis et al. 2007). The species could have an important role in both spatial heterogeneity and benthic diversity (Flecker and Taylor 2004). It possibly has a periodic reproductive strategy associated with the rainy season. Males have snout structures (Myers 1930) and develop a filament in the first radius of the dorsal fin, probably during courtship. It can be over 150 mm in standard length, but is usually smaller.",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"It occurs in the DNMI Ariari river (Colombia) and possibly in PN Tama and Chorro El Indio (Venezuela).",usetrade:"This species has ornamental value (Galvis et al. 2007) and has some importance in subsistence fisheries.",taxonid:176011871,scientific_name:"Pimelodella linami",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"HEPTAPTERIDAE",genus:"Pimelodella",main_common_name:"Pimelodella linami",authority:"Schultz, 1944",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-12-21",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Stable",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Usma, S., Mojica, J.I., Rodríguez-Olarte, D., Taphorn, D.C., Villa-Navarro, F. & Herrera-Collazos, E.E.",reviewer:"DoNascimiento, CD",aoo_km2:"36-9136,916",eoo_km2:"150837-218836,150837",elevation_upper:800,elevation_lower:400,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CO",country:"Colombia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"VE",country:"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"169193",assessment_id:72714763,id_no:169193,sci_name:"Pentaphlebia stahli",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling (2012). Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/ipt/resource.do?r=bf_cf21",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:9.1752,latitude:4.16509,species_id:169193,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is short-listed by Dijkstra and Vick (2004) as one of the western African odonates requiring special attention. In this assessment it is estimated to occur in less than ten locations, based on the threat of destruction of its forest habitat, and even though its extent of occurrence is 25,247 km², this EOO includes records over 50 years old and its AOO is with 112km² even within the EN threshold. Since the species is not a good flier and dispersal is rather limited paralleled with the ongoing forest destruction, most of the locations are isolated. In respect of the current decline in the area of extent and/or its quality of habitat which is expected to continue to deteriorate in the future due to illegal logging, this species is there therefore assessed as Vulnerable under criteria B1ab(iii).",geographicrange:"Pentaphlebia stahli, P. gamblesi and a still undescribed species are the only members of the family in Africa, occurring in Cameroon, Nigeria and Gabon border region. Their nearest relatives are found in South America. This species is only known from the Cameroon highlands in south west Cameroon.",population:"No information available.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Cool rainforest streams (i.e., submontane or piedmont lowlands, lowlands at foot of highlands) with beds of mostly coarse gravel and stones; large larvae cling to the underside of rocks in the stream bed, while adults perch and oviposit in vegetation above seepage's on the stream banks, suggesting that larvae may move from the seepage's to the main part of the stream as they grow (Vick 1996, 1998).",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"None in place. Further research into the species habitat, ecology, population, range and threats is required, as well as habitat conservation measures. In western Africa, some localities are found in protected areas.",usetrade:null,taxonid:169193,scientific_name:"Pentaphlebia stahli",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PENTAPHLEBIIDAE",genus:"Pentaphlebia",main_common_name:"Red Relic",authority:"Förster, 1909",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2015-03-12",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Clausnitzer, V. & Dijkstra, K.-D.B.",reviewer:"Meziere, N.M. & Suhling, F.",aoo_km2:"112",eoo_km2:"25740",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CM",country:"Cameroon",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2015",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2010",assess_year:"2009",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"60281",assessment_id:170687227,id_no:60281,sci_name:"Macrogomphus lankanensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2014)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:79.9452,latitude:6.8879,species_id:60281,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Macrogomphus lankanensis is endemic to Sri Lanka, where it is known from clusters of locations in the south of the island and old records from three isolated locations in the north. Some locations are within protected areas. Its area of occupancy (AOO) may be smaller than 2,000 km², but this is uncertain. The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to alterations to habitat and other threats within its range. Its current extent of occurrence (EOO) is 37,592–42,569 km². However, this includes some isolated northern localities, and it is not known if the species still occurs in these areas; if it no longer occurs in these areas, then the EOO will reduce to 17,530–21,384 km². The overall population appears likely to be fragmented. Taking a reasonable precautionary approach (as advised by IUCN), the species is assessed as Near Threatened (nearly meets criterion B). It is hoped that with more information this species might be able to move to Least Concern in the future.
',geographicrange:'Macrogomphus lankanensis is endemic to Sri Lanka (Bedjanič et al. 2014, Sumanapala 2017 unpub. data). Sumanapala (2017) states that the species is found in the “low country and mid hills in the wet zone and intermediate zone. However, it has been recorded from the dry zone too”. The assessors are aware of records from 45 individual sites, but these are largely grouped into scattered clusters with a few isolated locations (old records, the most recent from 1970) in the north. Some locations are within protected areas (for example, the Hiyare, Sinharaja and Yagirala Forest Reserves). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data the AOO will not be particularly large, and might well be below 2,000 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to alterations to habitat and other threats within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 37,592 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 42,569 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species). However, these EOO calculations include isolated northern locations, and it is not known if the species still occurs at these sites; if it no longer occurs in these areas, then the EOO will decrease to 17,530–21,384 km².
',population:"This is an uncommon species, and usually only single individuals are observed where it does occur. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of and disturbance to its habitats. The overall population appears to be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species “Inhabits slow moving canals and streams with riparian vegetation” Sumanapala (2017). The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to alterations to habitat and other threats within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.7",title:"Abstraction of ground water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
Neurobasis florida is endemic to Java, with records from across the island. The assessors have seen records from at least 24 individual sites, however most of these records date from the colonial period; there are far fewer recent records and probably fewer than 10 locations that can really be considered as currently known. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, but with the available information the AOO is unlikely to be greater than 2,000 km² and could very well be considerably less. Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining to some degree along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and pollution of habitat across Java. Its extent of occurrence is well above the criterion B1 thresholds. Despite the relatively large (for a Javan endemic) EOO, the relatively few currently known locations for this species are a cause for concern and given the inferred declines in AOO etc. and the fact that even in the best case the AOO is unlikely to be much greater than 2,000 km², the species is best assessed as Near Threatened because it is close to qualifying for Vulnerable under criterion B2 (nearly meets VU B2ab(ii,iii)). It would qualify for Vulnerable if the AOO was known to be under 2,000 km² and the overall population was severely fragmented. It is to be hoped that as more data become available, a reassessment to Least Concern might become possible for this species.
",geographicrange:'Neurobasis florida is endemic to Java, with records from across the island (e.g. Baskoro et al. 2018, Lieftinck 1934, Orr and Hämäläinen 2007, Pamungkas e al. 2016, Ris 1912, Schmidt 1934, Setiyono et al. 2017). The assessors have seen records from at least 24 individual sites. However, most of these records date from the colonial period; there are far fewer recent records and probably fewer than 10 locations that can really be considered as currently known. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, but with the available information the AOO is unlikely to be greater than 2,000 km² and could very well be considerably less. Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and pollution of habitat across Java. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is well above the criterion B1 thresholds.
',population:"This is not a particularly common species, and it appears to only occur locally. No other statement about current population sizes and health can be made for this species except that some ongoing decline in overall population is suspected from loss and degradation of suitable habitat throughout Java.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is found at streams, sometimes in forest (second or old growth) but with an open aspect, sometimes at still more open locations and occasionally even in suburban areas. It is not clear if the species is at all forest-dependent but it appears to require some trees near to the streams in which it breeds. It might have some tolerance to low levels of water pollution but appears to be absent from heavily polluted streams. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining to some extent due to loss and degradation of suitable habitat in Java.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priority for this species is for more information on its current distribution, presence in protected areas and ability to tolerate disturbance.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139120982,scientific_name:"Neurobasis florida",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CALOPTERYGIDAE",genus:"Neurobasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Hagen in Walker, 1853)",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-12-02",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A., Rachman, H.T. & Kamaludin, N.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"67534-168832",elevation_upper:1200,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"157910258",assessment_id:157910354,id_no:157910258,sci_name:"Temnocinclis euripes",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Nova Hanson",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-130.36700439,latitude:44.66669846,species_id:157910258,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from three restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 1,512 m to 2,250 m bsl. The species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO), and has been found at only three locations, suggesting that it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. While Location 1 lies within a Marine Protected Area (Glowka 2003), Locations 2 and 3 do not and are still vulnerable to the threat of deep-sea mining. We have therefore opted to assess this species as Near Threatened (NT). Although the species has a restricted AOO and there is a plausible future threat required for Vulnerable (VU D2), it is unlikely to become Critically Endangered (CR) or Extinct (EX) over the next 1-2 generations because at least one location is protected. There is currently no continuing decline inferred for the species as mining licences have not been granted for the unprotected locations to date, however, an urgent reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements or to the status of the MPAs, whereby the assessment could increase to Endangered (EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)).",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to three locations at hydrothermal vents on the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. Location 1 falls within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Canada and is protected by the Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents Marine Protected Area (Glowka 2003). Locations 2 and 3 fall outside of national jurisdiction in International Waters. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1,512 m bsl to 2,250 m bsl. It has been observed from six vent fields within the three locations: Main Endeavour Field (Location 1) (McLean 1989), Source (Location 2) (Tunnicliffe et al. 1997), Axial Seamount International District (Location 2) (Kelly and Metaxas 2008), Axial Seamount CASM (Location 2) (McLean 1989), North Cleft Low Temperature (Location 3) (Milligan and Tunnicliffe 1994) and South Cleft (Location 3) (McLean 1989, Milligan and Tunnicliffe 1994). This species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (McLean 1989, Milligan and Tunnicliffe 1994, Tunnicliffe et al. 1997, Kelly and Metaxas 2008).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on seamounts and deep ocean ridges in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1,512 m to 2,250 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"One of the three locations, Main Endeavour Field, lies within the Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents Marine Protected Area established in 2003 (Glowka 2003). This MPA prohibits the disturbance, damage or removal of any structures or animals without consent from the Minister of Justice for purposes beyond scientific research. However, there are no conservation actions currently in place at the other two locations where this species is found. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the Juan de Fuca Ridge.",usetrade:"There is no known trade nor use of this species.",taxonid:157910258,scientific_name:"Temnocinclis euripes",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"LEPETELLIDA",family:"SUTILIZONIDAE",genus:"Temnocinclis",main_common_name:null,authority:"McLean, 1989",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-03-01",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Hanson, N. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"24",eoo_km2:"2464.477",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:1512,depth_lower:2250,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CA",country:"Canada",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.5",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Seamount",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"82958911",assessment_id:82962236,id_no:82958911,sci_name:"Cyprinodon laciniatus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2020 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.nx2cb4",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:0,longitude:-77.412745,latitude:25.061672,species_id:82958911,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Cyprinodon laciniatus is endemic to New Providence Island, Bahamas, where it has been reported from Cunningham and Killarney lakes. Area of Occupancy is estimated to be 12-44 km2, Extent of Occurrence is estimated to be 18.9-44 km2, and the species occurs in two threat-based locations. Existing threats are producing inferred and continuous declines in habitat quality, including potential competitive interaction associated with established non-native species, increased nutrients associated with sewage, and coastal habitat modification. As such, C. laciniatus is assessed as Endangered under criteria B1ab(iii)+B2ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Cyprinodon laciniatus is endemic to New Providence Island, Bahamas, where it occurs in slightly saline inland and coastal lakes. It has been reported specifically from Lake Cunningham (Rauchenberger 1988, Richards and Martin 2017) and Lake Killarney. The type locality of this species is Cunningham Lake (UMMZ 134565) (Esmaeili et al. 2018).
Area of Occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be 12-44 km2, with a lower bounded estimate calculated by overlaying a 2 km2 grid on all verified georeferenced collection records (GBIF 2020), and an upper bounded estimate calculated by overlaying a 2x2 km grid across all potentially suitable habitat in lakes Killarney and Cunningham. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 18.9-44 km2, with a lower bounded estimate based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around the surface area of lakes Cunningham and Killarney, and an upper bounded estimate that is equivalent to the maximum estimated AOO. Existing threats are expected to affect each lake individually, and therefore the species occurs in two threat-based locations.
",population:"Total population size is unknown. However, this species was one of the most common fish encountered in the shallow waters of Lake Cunningham and Lake Killarney during inland ichthyological surveys in recent decades (Barton 1999). It may be common in other bodies of water on New Providence as well (Barton 1999, Martin 2016).
Population trend is suspected to be in decline due to the potential impacts of invasive species and development (Barton 1999, Buchan 2000, Sealey et al. 2014), but has not been confirmed by direct observation or by proxy.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs in Lake Cunningham and Lake Killarney, two brackish lakes on New Providence Island, Bahamas (Barton 1999, Hubbs and Miller 1942). Fish were collected at depths of 1.5 m (adults) and 0.3-1 m (juveniles) (Hubbs and Miller 1942). The lakes that this species inhabits have salinities ranging from 10–14 ppt. Substrate is comprised of marl over limestone in the form of coarse cobble and boulders. Algae (Batophora) is abundant. The greatest abundance of individuals is within 10 m of the shore at depths ranging from 0.3 to 1.2 m. Although stomach content analyses have not been published, the Bahama Pupfish is similar to the sheepshead minnow C. variegatus in consuming mainly plant matter and detritus and exhibits similar dietary isotope signatures to other Caribbean pupfish populations (Martin 2016). This species co-occurs with Gambusia manni (Hubbs and Miller 1942). Reproduction occurs throughout the year (Barton 1999).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.5",title:"Abstraction of ground water (domestic use)",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Herotilapia multispinosa)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Herotilapia multispinosa"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Poecilia latipinna)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Poecilia latipinna"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Herotilapia multispinosa)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Herotilapia multispinosa"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Poecilia latipinna)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Poecilia latipinna"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species has not been reported from within the boundaries of any protected areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). This species is susceptible to gene flow and interbreeding with all other Bahamian pupfish populations (e.g. Richards and Martin 2017) so introduction into natural or artificial waterways should be avoided. Control or targeting fishing of invasive species is recommended as one potential conservation priority in addition to multiple captive refuge populations. Additional ichthyological surveys would be useful in clarifying distribution, population size and population trend. Additional research regarding the scope and direct impact of existing threats is needed.
This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:82958911,scientific_name:"Cyprinodon laciniatus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"CYPRINODONTIDAE",genus:"Cyprinodon",main_common_name:"Black and Blue Pupfish",authority:"Hubbs & Miller, 1942",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-04-13",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Martin, C.",aoo_km2:"12-44,44",eoo_km2:"18.9-44,44",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BS",country:"Bahamas",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.14",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Saline, Brackish or Alkaline Lakes",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.15",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Saline, Brackish or Alkaline Lakes and Flats",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"192903",assessment_id:2179771,id_no:192903,sci_name:"Rocio gemmata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Schmitter-Soto 2007",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-87.274,latitude:20.962,species_id:192903,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"One of the known localities of Rocio gemmata faces the threat of urban growth of the small city of Leona Vicario, and others could become affected by agriculture in the future, e.g. by pesticides or by water extraction. As per criterion D2 (small AOO and low number of locations), the species could be assessed as Vulnerable. However, given that the other location occurs within a protected area and that it seems unlikely that any negative impacts would occur within 1-2 generations, the assessment is Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"Rocio gemmata is endemic to cenotes (karstic sinkholes) and small inland lakes in northeastern Yucatan Peninsula, State of Quintana Roo, Mexico (Schmitter-Soto 2007).",population:"More information is needed about the population size and population trend of Rocio gemmata. However, based just on casual field observations, the population seems small but stable over the last two decades (J.J. Schmitter-Soto pers. comm. 2018).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Rocio gemmata can be found in cenotes (karstic sinkholes) as well as in small (less than 8 ha in area) inland freshwater lakes. The maximum size of this species is 7 cm SL. Its habitats have rocky or muddy bottoms. The species coexists with other cichlids, especially Mayaheros urophthalmus, and poeciliids (Schmitter-Soto 1998).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Future",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Negligible declines",score:"No/Negligible Impact: 2",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation actions for Rocio gemmata are known.",usetrade:"The species is used in the international aquarium trade.Pseudoxiphophorus cataractae is known only from its type locality in the Sachicha Arroyo, a large jungle stream that is tributary to the Senizo River (Usumacinta River drainage, Matamoros et al. 2015) approximately 20 km northwest of Cobán in Alta Verapaz, Guatemala (Rosen 1979, Lucinda 2003, Agorreta et al. 2013). The Sachicha Arroyo is isolated from the downstream Senizo River by a 30 meter high ribbon waterfall (Rosen 1979). The species is difficult to identify and additional surveys could expand the range of the species.
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, based on a 2x2 km grid overlain on the only known collection locality (GBIF 2019). This species occurs in a single location.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. This species is known from collections made during its original description, which included 93 young adult males and females, and 105 young to adult males and females (Rosen 1979). Additional collections have occurred in 2015, 2018, and 2019. It is common within the type locality.
This species is restricted to a large, isolated jungle stream above a large ribbon waterfall in Alta Verapaz, Guatemala (Rosen 1979). This species reaches a maximum reported body size of 6 cm standard length (SL) (Lucinda 2003).
",threats:[{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"No decline",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species is currently listed in category two on the Guatemalan List of Threatened Species, which limits use to scientific research or reproduction for conservation purposes (CONAP 2009). Multiple authors have expressed the need for further research and species-specific conservation measures (Valdez-Moreno et al. 2005, Quintana et al. 2019). This species has not been reported within the boundaries of any protected areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). Research priorities include distribution, population size, population status, and the impacts of potential localized or regional threats. Population monitoring and site protection may be warranted.
This species is not utilized. Use and trade is restricted to scientific research and reproduction for conservation purposes (CONAP 2009).
",taxonid:125341262,scientific_name:"Pseudoxiphophorus cataractae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Pseudoxiphophorus",main_common_name:"Bute",authority:"(Rosen, 1979)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-10-14",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"McMahan, C., Quintana, Y, & Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Fuentes, C. & Elias, D.J.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GT",country:"Guatemala",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"118043721",assessment_id:118043726,id_no:118043721,sci_name:"Poecilia dauli",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Echevarría, G.",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:"Ponds in Bachaquero",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Meyer and Radda (2000).Notes on the subgenus Mollienesia LeSeur, 1921, with a description of a new species of Poecilia Bloch and Schneider, 1801 (Cyprinodonbtiformes: Poecilidae) from Venezuela. Amn. Naturhist. Nus. Wien, 102B:75-81.",basisofrec:" ",event_year:1999,longitude:-71.10099792,latitude:9.97500038,species_id:118043721,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is listed as Vulnerable, in view of its extent of occurrence (EOO) of 19,929 km2 with all observed individuals in three threat-based locations. There is a continuing decline in the extent and quality of its habitat related to urbanization and agriculture. It is necessary to conduct more sampling to determine the area of occupancy (AOO) and to estimate the populations size and trend.",geographicrange:"This species is only known from small ponds in three localities: Chichiriviche, Miranda near the coast of the Caribbean Sea, and Bachaquero near the coast of Maracaibo Lake.",population:"There are no data available to estimate the population size.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species has been collected in brooks and ditches near the central coast of Venezuela (Meyer and Radda 2000).",threats:[{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"One of the three known subpopulations, representing around 30% of the entire population, occurs within Cuare Refuge for Wildlife. This species would benefit from habitat restoration and better information on distribution, abundance, population trend and threats.",usetrade:"It is unknown whether this species is traded in the ornamental fish market.",taxonid:118043721,scientific_name:"Poecilia dauli",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Poecilia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Meyer & Radda, 2000",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-08-07",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Echevarría, G.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"19929",elevation_upper:700,elevation_lower:2,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VE",country:"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"15.9",habitat:"Artificial/Aquatic - Canals and Drainage Channels, Ditches",suitability:"Marginal",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"176014163",assessment_id:176014261,id_no:176014163,sci_name:"Baryancistrus beggini",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jonathan Armbruster",yrcompiled:2004,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Fishnet2 2020",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-67.96748,latitude:3.68297,species_id:176014163,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Most of the distribution of Baryancistrus beggini is around the periphery of Parque Nacional Yapacana; however, the park is experiencing gold mining. In addition, B. beggini is being exported for the aquarium trade. These factors are inferred to be leading to a continuing decline in both habitat extent and quality, and population size. Along with an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 13,832 km2 and three threat-based locations, this supports a ranking of Vulnerable under B1ab(iii,v).",geographicrange:"Baryancistrus beggini is known from the lower Río Ventuari and lower Río Guaviare, as well as the mainstem Orinoco River from just upstream of the Río Ventuari downstream of the point where the Orinoco makes a northward bend on the Venezuela and Colombia border (Lujan et al. 2009, Fishnet2 2020).",population:"The population size and trend of Baryancistrus beggini are unknown.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Baryancistrus beggini is found in the interstices of granitic bedrock and boulders of Guiana Shield streams. It feeds on periphyton and other microfauna that are found on and under rocks (Lujan et al. 2009). The species has been reported to spawn several times in the aquarium. Males (~90 mm standard length) guard a nest cavity that is generally a clay tube. Females (~70-75 mm) lay 10–45 eggs that the male then guards. Reported sizes of juveniles is 10 mm at 7 days, 12 mm at 14 days, and 13 mm at 21 days (PlanetCatfish 2020).",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Although the species is found in several protected areas, the protected areas in Venezuela are seeing increased illegal mining (Rendon et al. 2020). If possible, the species should be monitored in its natural habitat, and the numbers of specimens exported for the pet trade should be monitored. The range is relatively small for species in the region, and the increase in mining is likely to have a detrimental effect on the species.",usetrade:"A large number of species of Loricariidae catfish are exported from the region in which Baryancistrus beggini is found, and B. beggini is no exception (Lujan et al. 2009). The species is fairly common in the pet trade, and at least four spawning reports have been filed (PlanetCatfish 2020).",taxonid:176014163,scientific_name:"Baryancistrus beggini",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LORICARIIDAE",genus:"Baryancistrus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lujan, Arce H. & Armbruster, 2009",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-07-28",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Armbruster, J.W.",reviewer:"Provenzano-Rizzi, F.",aoo_km2:"6300",eoo_km2:"13832",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CO",country:"Colombia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"VE",country:"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"118043513",assessment_id:118043524,id_no:118043513,sci_name:"Peckoltia wernekei",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Echevarría, G.",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:"Manapiare river",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Armbruster and Lujan (2016). A new species of Peckoltia from the upper Orinoco (Siluriformes, Loricariidae). ZooKeys, 569:105-121.",basisofrec:" ",event_year:2010,longitude:-66.13619995,latitude:5.42859983,species_id:118043513,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 7,312 km2 and a known area of occupancy (AOO) of 12 km2. It was recently discovered, which suggests that the AOO might increase with more sampling effort. There is continuing decline in habitat inferred based on the presence of logging activities and illegal gold mines within the distribution area. There is insufficient information to count threat-based locations. Therefore, this species is assessed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species is known from the Guiana Shield. It is present in the rivers Ventuari and Manapiare, upper Orinoco drainage, in Amazonas state.",population:"There are no data available to estimate the population size.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It is present in rivers, streams and creeks of clear waters and moderately acidic waters (Armbruster and Lujan 2016).",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Nearly 30% of this species' distribution occurs within the natural monuments of Cuao-Sipapo, Serranía de Yutajé and Cerro Camani. However, there are several gold mines near these areas, so this measure alone might not be sufficient to guarantee the protection of this species.",usetrade:"This species is collected and traded as an ornamental fish, but there are no records about harvest rates, areas of collections, fishing methods, or average lengths of capture. It is also bred outside of Venezuela and commercialized as an ornamental fish. Trade in this species is not regulated by any law.",taxonid:118043513,scientific_name:"Peckoltia wernekei",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LORICARIIDAE",genus:"Peckoltia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Armbruster & Lujan, 2016",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-08-07",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Echevarría, G.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:"16",eoo_km2:"7312",elevation_upper:300,elevation_lower:100,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VE",country:"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"50969065",assessment_id:80683958,id_no:50969065,sci_name:"Cordulegaster sarracenia",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"OdonataCentral",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Abbott, J.C. 2006-2017. OdonataCentral: An online resource for the distribution and identification of Odonata.",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Odonata Central",basisofrec:null,event_year:2009,longitude:-94.3362,latitude:30.5823,species_id:50969065,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This is the most recently discovered odonate species in North America (US/Canada) (Abbott and Hibbits 2011). Because there are probably no more than 1,000 adult individuals in any given year (presumably many more larvae, which represent several year classes), with fewer than 250 adult individuals in any subpopulation, the species qualifies as Endangered. In addition, its known Area of Occupancy is no more than 1000 km², and it is known presently from fewer than 10 locations. Recent field studies have not shown the species to be common anywhere (https://texasnongameprogram.wordpress.com/2016/02/09/texas-rarest-dragonflies-closely-tied-to-rare-natural-community-pitcher-plant-bogs/), perhaps because its habitat is not only limited but occurs in small patches. The habitat is small bogs, and some of these are being ditched for drainage (Abbott and Hibbits 2011), which poses an immediate threat to the species. John Abbott, the only person who has studied the species, recommended its listing as Endangered (email 25 Sep 2015). It has not been monitored for sufficient time to show a current decline, but because of a variety of very real threats to its limited habitat, a continuing decline seems likely.",geographicrange:"This very restricted species occurs locally, so far known from seven counties (Odonata Central, http://www.odonatacentral.org) in eastern Texas and western Louisiana in the United States of America.",population:"As far as is known, there are quite small populations in the pitcher-plant bogs where it has been found, but there is no quantification or information about population trends.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Cordulegaster sarracenia is so far known as a breeding species only from bogs containing the pitcher plant Sarracenia alata (Abbott and Hibbitts 2011). Adults roam away from the bogs into the surrounding woodland.",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.1",title:"Nomadic grazing",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"At present the species is known to occur in Angelina National Forest in Texas and Kisatchie National Forest in Louisiana, which gives it protection at least from development. Every effort should be made to discover more populations of this very range-restricted and specialized species. Fortunately, the presence of pitcher plants may be a good clue toward searching for larvae, as the adult flight season is not very long.",usetrade:null,taxonid:50969065,scientific_name:"Cordulegaster sarracenia",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CORDULEGASTRIDAE",genus:"Cordulegaster",main_common_name:"Sarracenia Spiketail",authority:"Abbott & Hibbitts, 2011",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2016-05-05",category:"EN",criteria:"C2a(i)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Paulson, D.R.",reviewer:"Abbott, J. & Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"1000",eoo_km2:"20000",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"US",country:"United States of America",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2016",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"123529398",assessment_id:123530092,id_no:123529398,sci_name:"Telosticta janeus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Dow & Orr 2012",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1987,longitude:117.66667,latitude:4.91667,species_id:123529398,taxonomicnotes:"The female of Telosticta janeus has not been described.
",rationale:"Telosticta janeus is currently only known from about five locations in south and east Sabah; its overall population is likely to already be highly fragmented. Most existing locations already have some measure of protection, but stronger, more permanent protection is needed for some of them. It is close to qualifying for Vulnerable status under criterion D2 and, taking a reasonable precautionary approach and because threats from forest fires and plantation establishment exist, it is assessed as Near Threatened until more data are available; hopefully it will be possible to reassess it as Least Concern in the future.
",geographicrange:"Telosticta janeus is endemic to Borneo, where it is known from a few locations in the south and east of Sabah: the Danum valley (Dow and Orr 2012), the Imbak Canyon Conservation Area (Dow and Orr 2012, C.Y. Choong personal communication), the nearby Maliau Basin (Dow unpublished), and two sites within the Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems (SAFE) project area (Dow unpublished). For conservation purposes the known sites probably only comprise five locations (in the sense employed by the IUCN and considering forest fires as the threat most likely to affect a large area rapidly). It is likely to occur at more locations in the south and east of Sabah, and should be looked for in the north-east of Kalimantan; in the west of Sabah, on Mount Kinabalu and the Crocker Range, it appears to be replaced by T. fugispinosa Dow, Afendy & Rachman, 2016.
",population:"This species is moderately common where it occurs, but there are insufficient data to make concrete statements about overall population size or health, except that some decline is likely to have occurred in recent decades due to replacement of forest by oil palm plantation.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"“All specimens have been collected at small streams in mixed dipterocarp forest in hilly or mountainous terrain” Dow and Orr (2012: 395); this statement remains true. The sites at the SAFE project have been disturbed by logging activities in the past, indicating some tolerance to, or ability to recover from, such disturbance.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data are needed on this species, especially on its distribution. It would undoubtedly benefit from the establishment of additional protected areas. Within areas being converted to plantation, the survival prospects of the species would be greatly increased by good conservation practices, such as leaving wide buffers of original forest around streams and the setting up of conservation areas consisting of original forest and including stream heads. The strict enforcement of existing regulations for plantations and for logging activities would also be highly beneficial.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:123529398,scientific_name:"Telosticta janeus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Telosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Dow & Orr, 2012",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-01-30",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"163657",assessment_id:123027580,id_no:163657,sci_name:"Coeliccia macrostigma",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Dow 2016",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2006,longitude:114.877,latitude:4.239,species_id:163657,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Coeliccia macrostigma is known from a restricted range in Brunei and adjacent parts of Sarawak. Its area of occupancy is inferred to be less than 500 km². Threats exist at all locations and at least one of the currently known locations in Sarawak is considered unlikely to survive even into the near future. The species appears to be close to extinction in Sarawak, where only two locations are known; one of these is just inside Gunung Mulu National Park, but this population appears to be marginal. At most 5-8 threat defined locations are currently known, which will drop to 4-7 once the site near Marudi is lost, unless more locations are found. Continuing decline in extent and quality of habitat in Sarawak and on the Badas peat dome in Brunei are certainly occurring. Taking the lower estimate of number of locations, a reasonable precautionary approach and noting that the species is close to severely fragmented, it qualifies for Endangered under criterion B (EN B2ab(ii,iii)). Although given the uncertainty over the number of locations it might be argued that it should be assessed as Vulnerable, it is the opinion of the Assessor, with first-hand experience of the species and its locations, that the higher threat category is more appropriate for this species.
",geographicrange:"Coeliccia macrostigma is endemic to Borneo, where it is known only from Brunei and Sarawak. Dow (2016: 87) summarised the distribution of the species: “Lieftinck (1954) gives the distribution of this species as west and northwest Borneo and the habitat as “Lowland forests of Sarawak and western Borneo”; these statements appear to be extrapolation based on the types and a series of C. nigrohamata misidentified as C. macrostigma in RMNH, from the Singkawang area of northwest Kalimantan, collected in the 1930s. Unfortunately Lieftinck’s statements are wildly inaccurate. The male and female from Baram (clearly the Baram river area and almost certainly the section between the mouth of the river and Long Lama, where the peat swamp habitats are, or were), the male from Marudi and the female from Gunung Mulu National Park are the only records actually of this species outside of Brunei, which, on the basis of the data available now, appears to have a restricted range in the lower Baram area of Sarawak and Brunei’s Belait district, with one record from the Telsai area in Tutong district, immediately adjacent to Belait district.” No additional data have become available since Dow (2016) was published.
The only currently known sites for this species in Sarawak are one near to Marudi and one in a section of Gunung Mulu National Park very close to the border with Brunei’s Belait District; only single individuals have been found at these sites. The site near Marudi is an area of severely degraded peat swamp forest. The site at Mulu might be best described as kerapa forest (intermediate between peat swamp and kerangas forest); there is relatively little such habitat in the national park, which, with the presently available data, cannot be considered to hold anything except a minor, marginal population of this species.
The remainder of the known locations are in Brunei, where it is known from sites on the Badas peat dome, and in the Sungai Ingei area of the upper Belait River. It has not been found on the nearby Rasau Peat dome, despite the fact that much apparently suitable habitat exits there. The site on the Badas peat dome where Orr (2001) recorded this species was already destroyed by a forest fire. Seven sites on the Badas Peat dome were found during surveys in 2013 (Dow and Choong unpublished), but it is debatable how many threat defined locations these constitute; taking forest fires as the threat most likely to impact a wide area at one time in this area not more than four locations are known here and it could be argued that the entire Badas peat dome should be taken as a single location. Known sites in the Sunagi Ingei area are in close proximity, and comprise a single threat defined location (again taking forest fires as the major threat). The exact location of the site in the Telsai area is not known.
An accurate estimate of area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the currently available data, but based on the known sites the AOO must be less than 500 km². Moreover, the distribution of this species is already close to being severely fragmented.
At some sites in Brunei’s Belait District this species can be abundant. However loss of peat swamp forest habitats in the lower Baram in Sarawak must mean that the species has undergone a serious decline in that part of its range, whilst the loss of some locations in Brunei due to forest fires and development implies that it has also undergone a decline, albeit it less severe, there as well.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Dow (2016: 87) stated “All records for which details of habitat are known are either from peat swamp forest or from kerapa forest (intermediate between peat swamp forest and kerangas forest).” This species appears to be specialised to the types of habitats mentioned in Dow (2016).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution of this species is needed, e.g. are there additional populations in Sarawak, does its range extend further in Brunei than is currently known. However the priority is for permanent protection for the sites in Brunei, which will need planned to include measures to prevent the spread of fires and to avoid unintentional drainage through drainage ditches associated with any adjacent agricultural areas; this last issue may be particularly problematic at some sites in the long term.
Any remaining populations in Sarawak outside of Gunung Mulu National Park will also need protection. The main threat apart from fires in Sarawak is conversion of peat swamp forest to oil palm plantation, and in an ideal situation all remaining peat swamp forest in Sarawak would receive protected status; however this is unlikely to happen. The best compromise solution is to include well planned conservation areas within any areas of peat swamp forest that are converted to oil palm. However the drainage issue mentioned above is likely to be particularly severe for such conservation areas; oil palm plantations require drainage ditches to prevent inundation which hampers harvesting, but these ditches inevitably drain any areas of remaining peat swamp forest nearby as well. In some plantations at least a simple system of dams is used, which in principle allows drainage to be controlled, e.g. dams are fully opened when water levels are high but shut during dry periods. Such controlled drainage systems may help with (but not completely solve) the drainage problem if used properly, but in practice they are often left in the maximum drainage state permanently; education and enforcement are needed with regard to this problem.
Increased vigilance against the deliberate setting of fires is also needed, and serious investigation with the aim of finding and prosecuting those behind the starting of such fires.
Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
Azuragrion granti has been found only on the main Island of the Socotra archipelago, where it is still common in the eastern, mostly granitic, mountains and is considered locally abundant (Riservato et al. 2010), because of the higher number of suitable habitats. The species is unknown from the karstic western half of the island where few open freshwater bodies are found. Previously, this species was assessed as Least Concern (assessment date 2006), because there was no observation of any population trend or more recent threats, e.g. road construction and increase in water extraction. The species is known only from 25 records from 18 locations and its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 550 km² (Haghier mountains). The area of occupancy (AOO) 80 km². The species is close to qualifying for the category VU or even EN under criterion B1 and B2, however, the number of locations is larger than 10 and the population is not severely fragmented. Decline of the quality of its habitat as a consequence of water extraction and pollution has also been observed in the lowlands where tourism concentrates and is rapidly developing. It is therefore listed as Near Threatened. Due to the endemicity and small range of the species, future predicted impacts by infrastructural development on Socotra Island will have negative effects. To assess a future change in the conservation status of the Socotra Bluet monitoring of population trends and water quality and quantity are recommended.
",geographicrange:"Azuragrion granti is endemic to Socotra Island, Yemen (Van Damme 2010). The species is known only from the eastern, mostly granitic, mountainous half of the island over 550 km² (Haghier mountains). 25 records are available from 20 localities in 18 locations. 76% of the records date from 1990 onwards and 68% from 2000 onwards. Additional records are available (Schneider, unpublished).",population:"Azuragrion granti is said to be locally abundant (Riservato et al. 2010).",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:"This species reproduces in mountain running water.",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.1",title:"Nomadic grazing",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.1",title:"Abstraction of surface water (domestic use)",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Monitoring and protection of water quality and population trends, together with research and protection through legislation, are needed for this species.",usetrade:"This species is not utilised.",taxonid:60286,scientific_name:"Azuragrion granti",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Azuragrion",main_common_name:"Socotra Bluet",authority:"(McLachlan, 1903)",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2017-11-01",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Stable",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Schneider, W., Samraoui, B. & Boudot, J.-P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V. & Dijkstra, K.-D.B.",aoo_km2:"80",eoo_km2:"550",elevation_upper:1500,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"YE",country:"Yemen",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.9",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Freshwater Springs and Oases",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2017",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2013",assess_year:"2012",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"LC",category:"Least Concern"}]},{id:"195280319",assessment_id:195295874,id_no:195280319,sci_name:"Phymorhynchus major",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Aoife Molloy",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-104.29000092,latitude:9.82999992,species_id:195280319,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from two restricted locations, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2,500 m to 2,600 m bsl. As the species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO), and has been found at only two locations, the plausible threat of future anthropogenic influence from deep-sea mining in these sites justifies the assessment of the species as Vulnerable (VU D2). Whilst no licences have been granted to date, if mining were to be approved, the projected decline in the extent and quality of habitat would drive this species to Critically Endangered (CR) or Extinct (EX) very rapidly. Furthermore, the endemicity of the species to vent environments means it would only take a small number of mining events to remove all suitable habitat for the species, despite the geographical spread of these vent sites. Therefore, an urgent reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements or if there are future changes to the prices of relevant commodities, whereby the assessment could increase to Endangered (EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)) under an inferred continuing decline, with a likely trajectory to CR possible over 1-2 generations.",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to two locations at hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. Both locations occur beyond national jurisdiction in International Waters. The species occurs at active black smokers, sites of diffuse venting, and in one case on inactive sulfide deposits located at depths of 2,500 m bsl to 2,600 m bsl. It has been observed from two vent fields in separate locations: EPR 13N (Location 1) and EPR 9 50'N (Location 2) (Waren and Bouchet, 2001). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Waren and Bouchet 2001).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the East Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,500 m to 2,600 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at the EPR 13N or EPR 9 50'N vent fields. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the East Pacific Rise.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:195280319,scientific_name:"Phymorhynchus major",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"NEOGASTROPODA",family:"RAPHITOMIDAE",genus:"Phymorhynchus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Warén & Bouchet, 2001",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-26",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"677.66",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:2500,depth_lower:2600,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"157858690",assessment_id:157858808,id_no:157858690,sci_name:"Bathymargarites symplector",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-109.08300018,latitude:20.83329964,species_id:157858690,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise and Gulf of California in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from four restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2,286 m to 2,630 m bsl. The species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO), and has been found at only four locations, suggesting that it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. While one of the four locations lies within two Marine Protected Areas (Menini and Van Dover 2019), the others exist in the Mexico Exclusive Economic Zone or International Waters without any such protection, therefore we have opted to assess the species as NT. Whilst no licences have been granted to date, if mining were to be approved, the projected decline in the extent and quality of habitat would drive this species to CR very rapidly. Therefore, an urgent reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements or to the status of the MPAs, whereby the assessment could increase to EN B2ab(iii).",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to four locations at hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise and the Gulf of California in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,286 m bsl to 2,630 m bsl. Locations 1 and 2 lie within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Mexico, whereas Locations 3 and 4 occur beyond national jurisdiction in International Waters. The species has been observed at four vent fields in these locations: the EPR 21°N vent field (Location 1), the Alarcon Rise, Meyibo vent field (Location 2), the EPR 13°N vent field (Location 3), and the EPR 9°50'N vent field (Warén and Bouchet 1989, Dreyer 2004, Aronson 2017). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Warén and Bouchet 1989, Dreyer 2004, Aronson 2017).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,286 m to 2,630 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"One of the four locations, the EPR 21°N vent field, lies within the Hydrothermal Ventilation Sanctuary of the Guaymas Basin and the Eastern Pacific Ridge (Santuario Ventilas Hidrotermales de la Cuenca de Guaymas y de la Dorsal del Pacífico Oriental), established in 2009, where research and fisheries activities are regulated by the Mexican government (Menini and Van Dover 2019). This vent site is further surrounded by the Deep Mexican Pacific Biosphere Reserve (Reserva de la Biosfera Pacífico Mexicano Profundo), established in 2016 (Menini and Van Dover 2019). The exploitation of wildlife and mining in these areas is strictly prohibited. However, there are no conservation actions currently in place at the other three locations where this species is found, EPR 13°N, EPR 9°50'N, and Alarcon Rise, Meyibo. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the East Pacific Rise and in the Gulf of California.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157858690,scientific_name:"Bathymargarites symplector",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"SEGUENZIIDA",family:"SEGUENZIIDAE",genus:"Bathymargarites",main_common_name:null,authority:"Warén & Bouchet, 1989",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-11-27",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Hanson, N. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"16",eoo_km2:"209922.19",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:2286,depth_lower:2630,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"163802",assessment_id:175971294,id_no:163802,sci_name:"Amphicnemis platystyla",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:" ",source:"Dow & Silvius 2014",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2012,longitude:113.902,latitude:-1.664,species_id:163802,taxonomicnotes:"Known only from the holotype.",rationale:"Amphicnemis platystyla is endemic to Borneo, where it is has been recorded from seven locations in Central Kalimantan; it may no longer be present at one of these. Its area of occupancy (AOO) cannot be accurately calculated but is constrained by the remaining area of peat swamp forest in Central Kalimantan and is therefore less than about 15,000km2, possibly much less than this. An ongoing population decline, severe fragmentation, reduction in AOO and in extent and quality of suitable habitat can all be inferred from loss and degradation of peat swamp forest in Central Kalimantan, so that the B2abii,iii criteria are met and the species would qualify for Vulnerable status except that its AOO is not known and may be greater than 2,000km2, therefore the species is assessed as Near Threatened. Hopefully when more data are available re-assessment to Least Concern might be possible for this species.
",geographicrange:"Amphicnemis platystyla is endemic to Borneo, where it is has been recorded from seven locations in Central Kalimantan (Dow & Silvius 2014, Lieftinck 1953). One of the known locations (Ampah, the type locality) may no longer support the species (an inhabitant of that area told the assessor that no forest remains there, but this requires verification). In Central Kalimantan the species appears to be confined to peat swamp forest and associated peripheral forest formations and its area of occupancy (AOO) is therefore constrained by the remaining area of such habitat in the province, and based on the figures in Miettinen et al. 2016 (considering pristine and degraded peat swamp forest) is therefore less than about 15,000km2, possibly considerably less because the species does not appear to be present in all apparently suitable habitat. Ongoing reduction in AOO and in extent and quality of suitable habitat can all be inferred from loss and degradation of peat swamp forest in Central Kalimantan. The species is present in one protected area (Sebangau National Park) and two others that enjoy some measure of protection because of their Orangutan populations.
",population:"This species occurs at low densities where it occurs and is somewhat local in occurrence. Beyond this little can be said except that some population decline must have occurred and be ongoing because of continued loss and degradation of peat swamp forest in Central Kalimantan, and that the overall population will have become severely fragmented from the same cause.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs in peat swamp forest and associated peripheral formations.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data are needed on the distribution of this species. The species would undoubtedly benefit from protection of additional areas of lowland swamp forest in Central Kalimantan.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:163802,scientific_name:"Amphicnemis platystyla",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Amphicnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1953",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-09-16",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"70-14999",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:50,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"}]},{id:"139570899",assessment_id:146602715,id_no:139570899,sci_name:"Macromidia asahinai",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Asahina 1968",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1958,longitude:117.6968,latitude:9.0465,species_id:139570899,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Macromidia asahinai is known with certainty only from five locations in Palawan in the Philippines. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is not likely to be large and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of lowland forest throughout Palawan. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) of the species is constrained by that of Palawan (approximately 12,189 km²) and therefore significantly less than 20,000 km² and when calculated using minimum convex polygon is less than 5,000 km². Severe fragmentation is likely. The species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B1ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly. It is to be hoped that when more data on its distribution in Palawan become available it will be possible to reassess this species to Vulnerable or Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:`Macromidia asahinai is known with certainty only from Palawan in the Philippines (Asahina 1980, Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen, Lieftinck 1971, Villanueva et al. 2018). The assessor is aware of records from five locations but can only assign separate coordinates to four of these for mapping purposes. It occurs in the Cleopatra’s Needle area (which may gain protected status) and is likely to occur in the Mount Mantalingajan Protected Landscape and St Paul's Subterranean River National Park (but this requires confirmation). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. The extent of occurrence (EOO) of the species is constrained by the area of Palawan (approximately 12,189 km²) and calculated using http://geocat.kew.org is only 371.142 km², however, and especially given that one location is omitted from the calculation, the true EOO will be greater than this.
`,population:"Few individuals of this species have ever been collected but this may have as much to do with difficulty of capture as genuine rarity. Beyond this all that can be said is that that an ongoing decline in overall population will be taking place due to loss and degradation of forest on Palawan and that severe fragmentation is likely for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing has been recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but based on other species from the same genus it will be forest-dependent and occur at streams. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more information on its distribution, habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Protection of areas in Palawan where the species occurs (for instance Cleopatra’s Needle) is highly desirable. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139570899,scientific_name:"Macromidia asahinai",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"SYNTHEMISTIDAE",genus:"Macromidia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1971",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-14",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Dow, R.A.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"371.142",elevation_upper:350,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"128723701",assessment_id:128723713,id_no:128723701,sci_name:"Naziritor zhobensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Zoo Outreach Organization (ZOO)",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:69.206576,latitude:31.074198,species_id:128723701,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Naziritor zhobensis is endemic to Pakistan, where it is currently restricted to Zhob, Gomal and Kurram rivers, and extirpated from the Kabul and Swat rivers. This species was once abundant in its range, but is known to have declined by 50% in the last three decades. The decline is thought to be due to loss of critical habitats due to extreme drought and loss of habitat connectivity. Predictions of future drought in the region indicate that the decline will continue in the near future. The species is therefore assessed as Endangered.',geographicrange:"Naziritor zhobensis is endemic to Pakistan, where it occurs in the Zhob, Gomal and Kurram rivers. The species is currently extirpated from the Kabul and Swat rivers from where previous records are available (Mirza and Javed 1985, Mirza 2007). A record of this species from Kunhar river (Rashid et al. 2001) is likely to be erroneous.",population:"This species was one of the most common fishes found in the Zhob river in the early 1990s (Mirza et al. 1995), but its population has declined during the last decades, and is currently not frequently caught from this area. More research on the current distribution range and status of population is required.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Naziritor zhobensis is a benthopelagic species occurring in fast-flowing streams and rivers in the upper reaches of rivers between 1,000-1,500 m asl (Mirza 2007). It is an omnivorous feeder consuming diatoms, algae, macrophytes and aquatic insects. Although the maximum known size is around 33 cm, catches during the recent past has resulted in smaller individuals of around 15 cm. The species has a low fecundity, producing 10 eggs per gram of body weight (Mirza et al. 1995).",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Cyprinus carpio)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Cyprinus carpio"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Cyprinus carpio)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Cyprinus carpio"}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation actions are in place. However, there is a need to understand the population status and trends as well as threats to the species throughout its distribution range.",usetrade:"Being a large-sized fish, it is utilized as a much-relished food fish and also a popular sport fish (Mirza et al. 1995, Desai 2003).",taxonid:128723701,scientific_name:"Naziritor zhobensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"CYPRINIDAE",genus:"Naziritor",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Mirza, 1967)",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-02-27",category:"EN",criteria:"A2bc",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Ahmad, I., Narejo, N., Ramzan, M., Qadir, A., Daniels, A., Hasan, Z. & Dahanukar, N.",reviewer:"Ali, A. & Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"4380",eoo_km2:"17000",elevation_upper:1600,elevation_lower:1e3,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PK",country:"Pakistan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"5933",assessment_id:3078207,id_no:5933,sci_name:"Cualac tessellatus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"A. Valdez Gonzalez",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"A. Valdez Gonzalez pers. Comms. 2018",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-100.038655,latitude:22.302688,species_id:5933,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Cualac tessellatus is endemic to La Media Luna springs and the immediate surrounding areas in the Panuco River drainage, near Rio Verde in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated at 5,550 km2 based on the most recently sampled localities. Although this species appears fairly abundant where it occurs, habitat quality is threatened by groundwater abstraction and surface water diversion from La Media Luna and adjacent areas, by the establishment of non-native species throughout much of its range, and potentially by intense tourism at La Media Luna. Given the pervasive nature of these threats, the number of locations where this species occurs is 6-8. As such, C. tessellatus is assessed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"Cualac tessellatus is endemic to La Media Luna springs and the immediate surrounding areas in the Panuco River drainage, near Rio Verde in San Luis Potosi, Mexico (Miller et al. 2005, Palacio-Nunez et al. 2010). Based on collection records from Palacio-Nunez et al. (2015) and geo-referenced historical records (GBIF 2018), Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated at 5,550 km2. Given the scope of impact that regional groundwater abstraction and surface water diversion for agricultural use have on the height of the water table and spring discharge, as well as the regionally pervasive threat of non-native species interaction, the number of locations where this species occurs is estimated at 6-8.
",population:"On a range-wide scale, total population size and population trend are unknown. Despite a relatively restricted range, this species is abundant where it occurs (Palacio-Nunez et al. 2015). The adult population size at La Media Luna and its outlet was estimated in excess of 12,000 individuals (Palacio-Nunez et al. 2010). It is qualitatively reported as abundant at Tablas, Los Peroles, and in tributaries of the Verde River (Palacio-Nunez et al. 2015).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species inhabits small lagoons eroded by springs in the calcareous soil of the valley, such as Los Anteojitos, Manga Larga, Los Peroles, Las Tablas, Laguna de San Bartolo and El Aguaje. It is also found in minor streams, artificial irrigation channels and small natural channels that flow from some springs. The spring of La Media Luna has a maximum depth of 50 cm and the water is clear, thermal and sulfurous, with floating and submerged vegetation, floating green-brown algae, aquatic lilies on the margins; the bottom consists of compressed sand, silt and gravel, with some rocks (Aguilera-González et al. 2016). The bottom of the secondary channels are at depths no greater than 80 cm. C. tessellatus prefers sites with shade, firm bottom, with rocks that are used as an anti-predator refuge (Hubbs et al. 1977).Cualac tessellatus is federally listed as endangered in the Mexican Official Norm (SEMARNAT 2010). The American Fisheries society’s Endangered Species Committee lists C. tessellatus as endangered due to reductions in habitat quality, the impact of non-native taxa, and a narrowly restricted range (Jelks et al. 2008). Additionally, La Media Luna is designated as a protected area (IUCN and UNEP 2018).
Suggestions have been made towards limiting the amount of tourism that occurs at La Media Luna (Palacio-Nunez et al. 2007). To date, no known restrictions on tourist activity have been made. This species is cultured ex-situ in captive populations at the London Zoo Aquarium (Koldewey et al. 2013).
Igneocnemis calceata is known from about 13 locations in Dinagat and Panaon in the Philippines. The population is likely to be severely fragmented due to deforestation creating a highly fragmented habitat. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) for this species is not possible with the available data, but it is likely to be small and will be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest on Dinagat and Panaon. Its curent known extent of occurrence (EOO) is smaller than 3,500 km² and is constrained by the combined areas of Dinagat and Panaon (therefore is below 5,000 km²). The species qualifies for Endangered status under criterion B1ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly.
Igneocnemis calceata is known from Dinagat and Panaon in the Philippines (Gassmann and Hämäläinen 2002, Hämäläinen 1991, Villanueva 2009). The assessor is aware of records from 13 sites but it has not been possible to assign coordinates to six of these for mapping purposes. To the assessor's knowledge none of the known locations are in a protected area but many of the locations on Dinagat are within the Mount Kambinlio and Mount Redondo Important Bird Area. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is likely to be small and will be declining due to loss of forest on Dinagat and Panaon. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is constrained by the combined areas of Dinagat and Panaon. The EOO based on known localities is only 682 km², but this is based on only seven of the known locations and is therefore a serious underestimate; the EOO based on occupied HydroBASIN areas is 3,466 km².
",population:"This does not appear to be a common species even where it occurs. Beyond this all that can be said is that an ongoing decline in overall population is suspected due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species and that severe fragmentation is very likely.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Villanueva (2009: 32) states “Solitary, strict forest specialist that prefers heavily shaded habitats besides rivulets.” Nothing else is known. An ongoing decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more information on its distribution, habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Total protection of areas in Panaon and Dinagat where the species occurs (for instance parts of the Mount Kambinlio and Mount Redondo Important Bird Area) is highly desirable. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139559714,scientific_name:"Igneocnemis calceata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Igneocnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Hämäläinen, 1991)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-01",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"682-3466",elevation_upper:400,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"164304141",assessment_id:164304165,id_no:164304141,sci_name:"Aenigmachanna gollum",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Sidharthan, A.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Avala",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Raghavan et al (2023)",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2023,longitude:75.727,latitude:11.589,species_id:164304141,taxonomicnotes:"A second species of Aenigmachanna, A. mahabali described by Kumar et al. (2019) is now a synonym of A. gollum (Raghavan et al. 2022).",rationale:'Aenigmachanna gollum is assessed as Vulnerable B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii) since the species has an extent of occurrence of 3,942-19,059 km2 and an area of occupancy (AOO) of 36 km2 and is currently known from less than 10 locations. All known locations from where the species has been currently recorded are threatened by a range of anthropogenic stressors which has resulted in the continuous decline in the area and quality of habitats. Being a poorly known species, there is also a need to determine the microlevel distribution, behaviour, population status and threats in order to inform future conservation action.',geographicrange:"Aenigmachanna gollum is endemic to the state of Kerala, southern peninsular India, where it is currently known from wetlands and adjoining paddy-fields in at least five districts (Kozhikode, Malappuram, Thrissur, Ernakulam and Pathanamthitta) (Raghavan et al. 2022). It was described from a paddy field near Oorakam, Malappuram, Kerala, India (Britz et al. 2019).",population:"There is no information on the population status of Aenigmachanna gollum. Though there are very few published records of the species, and only less than 25 specimens have been recorded in the scientific literature (Britz et al. 2019, Britz et al. 2020, Raghavan et al. 2022), it may not be as rare as it was once considered (Britz et al. 2019).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"
The species is primarily known to occur in wetlands and adjoining paddy fields (Raghavan et al. 2022) where they likely lead a fossorial life. A single individual has also been collected from a homestead well (Kumar et al. 2019). Fish were collected mostly at night, from low water areas of the rice paddies, as well as from deeper parts with a noticeable flow of water. It is still entirely unclear whether A. gollum is a subterranean species residing in the lateritic aquifers or whether it lives an exclusively nocturnal, previously undetected, secret life in paddy fields that are supplied with groundwater (Britz et al. 2019, Raghavan et al. 2022).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.2",title:"Intentional use: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Clarias gariepinus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:"Clarias gariepinus"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Clarias gariepinus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:"Clarias gariepinus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The species has been recently listed in the Schedule II of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act, but its enforcement will be a challenge given that all sites where the species occurs are in open-access, common-property, human dominated landscapes. There is a need to specifically protect the wetlands and paddy fields in and around the region from where A. gollum has been recorded. Most importantly, there has to be a regulation on the use of pesticides and insecticides in the paddy fields. Extensive reclamation of paddy fields and wetlands is an issue in the State of Kerala, though strict regulations against the same is in place. Given the importance of these wetland ecosystems as a critical habitat for one of the most unique freshwater fish lineages of the world (Britz et al. 2020), no development activities should be permitted.",usetrade:"There is a growing demand for A. gollum in the international aquarium pet trade, largely as a result of its bizarre 'dragon-like' appearance and perceived rarity. Customs records of the Government of India indicate that export trade of the fish has already commenced.",taxonid:164304141,scientific_name:"Aenigmachanna gollum",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"AENIGMACHANNIDAE",genus:"Aenigmachanna",main_common_name:"Gollum Snakehead",authority:"Britz, Anoop, Dahanukar & Raghavan, 2019",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-02-28",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Ali, A., Dahanukar, N. & Sidharthan, A.",reviewer:"Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"36",eoo_km2:"3942-19059",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"IN",country:"India",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"15.7",habitat:"Artificial/Aquatic - Irrigated Land (includes irrigation channels)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.18",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Karst and Other Subterranean Hydrological Systems (inland)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Seasonal Occurrence Unknown",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"109685895",assessment_id:177280870,id_no:109685895,sci_name:"Tylomelania abendanoni",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Sulawesi",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1991,longitude:121.72,latitude:-2.67,species_id:109685895,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is only known to occur in small (1.6 km2) Lake Lontoa, with an extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) both of 8 km2. This is counted as a single location based on the threats of hydro-electric power installations, logging, and organic effluents from the rapidly expanding human population around Lake Lontoa, which are causing a decline in habitat quality through siltation and changes to natural water levels. It is also very vulnerable to the spread of the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) through the Malili lakes system. This species is therefore assessed as Critically Endangered based on its extremely limited distribution and deterioration of habitats.
",geographicrange:"The species is endemic to the small Lake Lontoa (1.6 km2), which is part of the Malili Lakes system, Sulawesi, Indonesia (von Rintelen et al. 2007).",population:"
The current population trend is unknown, however an overall population decline of at least 50% is predicted over the next 10 years due to the spread of the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) in the Malili lakes (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and are thought to have caused the decline of Tylomelania populations through predation of small adults and juveniles (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017; 2018). Flowerhorn Cichlids have now been confirmed in the downstream Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obs. 2018) and, if not already present, are very likely to continue to spread downstream to Lake Lontoa where they are predicted to cause population declines similar to those seen in Lake Matano.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This is a freshwater lake species which can be found on soft substrate and sunken wood.",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no known conservation actions currently in place for this species and research into potential threats and its population dynamics is recommended.",usetrade:"This species is not thought to be used or traded.",taxonid:109685895,scientific_name:"Tylomelania abendanoni",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"SORBEOCONCHA",family:"PACHYCHILIDAE",genus:"Tylomelania",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Kruimel, 1913)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-07-09",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rintelen, T.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"0.036-8,8",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"176424503",assessment_id:176424515,id_no:176424503,sci_name:"Psalidodon troya",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jorge Liotta",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Araya et al., 2012",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2012,longitude:-53.983333,latitude:-26.983333,species_id:176424503,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Psalidodon troya is assessed as Vulnerable. Its distribution includes diverse streams in both Uruguay and Paraná basins in Misiones province, and one record in the Paraná river main course, in a reach bordering with Paraguay, suggesting a wider range of possible habitats. It has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 17,096 km2 and occurs in nine locations based on the threats related to urbanisation, agriculture and damming. There is an inferred continuing decline in habitat based on these threats.",geographicrange:"Psalidodon troya has been recorded from the arroyos Cuñá Pirú Chico, Cuñá Pirú and Tabay, in Misiones, Argentina. One specimen was also found in the main course of the Paraná river, near Eldorado city (Azpelicueta et al. 2002). It was found later it in the upper and lower basin of Yabotí stream (Araya et al. 2012, Flores et al. 2015), and in Paraiso stream (Flores et al. 2020), both part of the Uruguay basin. Lopez et al. (2005) mention this species for affluent streams of the Paraná River in Misiones, without identifying specific records.",population:"There is no information about the population size or trend for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"In the river systems of Misiones, the marginal vegetation constitutes a very narrow strip forming a gallery forest along the rivers, which includes several species of jungle trees. This vegetation contributes to the structure of the fish community by representing a food resource and favourable conditions for spawning and progress (Flores et al. 2020). Cuñá Pirú creek runs along the Cuñá Pirú valley, marking the boundary between the General San Martín and Cainguás Departments. It is a small, clear fast flowing stream with a rock and sand bed, and vegetated margins; water temperature ranges from 19.3-33.4°C during summer (Miquelarena et al. 2002). Cuña-pirú stream has numerous tributaries: on the northern edge of the Park the Moreno and Azul streams, tributaries of the Garuhapé; all drain into the Paraná River. In general, they are stony bottom streams, clear waters and fast current, with slopes of different height, with four falls: Salto Encantado, Alegre, Piedras Blancas and La Olla, which are impassable barriers to the displacement of the ichthyofauna upstream of the main course of the stream (Azpelicueta et al. 2005). Paraíso stream presents a wavy topography with soft to very steep slopes. It has an extension of 80 km. Data from Flores et al. (2020) showed that the water temperature ranged between 17.5 and 28.5°C, conductivity was low (between 15 and 40 uS/cm), pH between 7 and 8.27, and dissolved oxygen between 7.4 and 9.6 ppm.",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'Psalidodon troya has been assessed as "Rara" (Chebez et al. 2009). The Cuñá Pirú is moderately protected by the reserve of the same name. This stream is protected in part, going through the Provincial Park and Cultural Reserve Salto Encantado del Valle del Cuña-pirú, Reserva Particular Cuña-pirú and the Municipal Ecological Reserve Cuña-pirú (Araya 2017). The Esmeralda provincial park (acting as a core zone for the biosphere reserve Yabotí) protects some of the known sites of the species, but there are no known specific actions for its conservation. The Paraíso stream is a moderately protected tributary of the Uruguay River: is the north-eastern boundary of the Yabotí Biosphere Reserve, and crosses the Guarani Multiple Use Reserve (RUMG), the Guarai Reserve and the Papel Misionero Private Reserve (Araya 2017). Further research and monitoring is recommended.',usetrade:"There is no use or trade information for this species.",taxonid:176424503,scientific_name:"Psalidodon troya",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Psalidodon",main_common_name:"Mojarra",authority:"(Azpelicueta, Casciotta & Almirón, 2002)",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-11-23",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Liotta, J.",reviewer:"Lyons, T.J.",aoo_km2:"8140",eoo_km2:"17096",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AR",country:"Argentina",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"161277940",assessment_id:168309354,id_no:161277940,sci_name:"Kedestes sarahae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"J.Dobson, Dropbox Apr17",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2016,longitude:19.16723251,latitude:-32.42368317,species_id:161277940,taxonomicnotes:"Morphologically, Kedestes sarahae is similar to Kedestes barberae.The historical records of C. aculeatum indicate that it is a rare species in the Lerma basin, with relative abundances of less than 2% of the total fish by capture event. In the Yuriria Lagoon, this species exceeds 20% of the catch however, in the last 30 years, its presence in catches has become extremely rare (Soto-Galera and Alcántara-Soria 2016).
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species inhabits lakes, rivers, and small streams, with turbid water of at least 0.7 m depth (Miller et al. 2005). C. aculeatum is a species with narrow ecological tolerance and therefore is very vulnerable to environmental changes. Between 1985 and 1989, the species was collected in waters with the following characteristics: temperature of 13-28 ° C, concentration of developing oxygen from 2.4 to 15 mg/l, turbidity from undetectable (ND) to 600 UFT, suspended solids ND-580 mg / l, pH from 6.3 to 9.4, hardness from 19 to 280 mg / l of CaCO3, sulfates ND-170 mg/l, phosphates ND-6.0 mg/l, and nitrates ND-35.2 mg/l (Diaz-Pardo et al. 1993).",threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.1",title:"Abstraction of surface water (domestic use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation actions are known for the species. Further research into this species and future conservation actions are recommended.",usetrade:"There is no information available on the use or trade of this species.",taxonid:191129,scientific_name:"Chirostoma aculeatum",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"ATHERINIFORMES",family:"ATHERINOPSIDAE",genus:"Chirostoma",main_common_name:"Scowling Silverside",authority:"Barbour, 1973",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-10-16",category:"CR",criteria:"A2ae",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Soto Galera, E. & Mercado Silva, N.",reviewer:"Mejía Guerrero, O. & Gómez Balandra, A.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"150107090",assessment_id:150123302,id_no:150107090,sci_name:"Amphilophus amarillo",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.quv89s",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:0,longitude:-86.32312,latitude:12.2308,species_id:150107090,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to Lake Xiloá in Nicaragua. Population size and population trend are unknown. While there are currently no major threats to the lake, the introduction of non-native species or changes to current land-use around the lake are plausible future threats that have the potential to considerably increase the extinction risk of this species. Given a very limited distribution, occurrence at a single threat-based location, and potential future threats, A. amarillo is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2.
",geographicrange:"Amphilophus amarillo is endemic to Lake Xiloá, a small volcanic crater-lake on the Chiltepe Peninsula approximately 20 km north of Managua (Kullander 2003, Matamoros et al. 2015). This species is known from very few museum collections (GBIF 2019), and additional sampling is needed to determine if range extends outside of the crater lake.
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and area of Occupancy (AOO) do not exceed 10 km2, based on the available georeferenced collection records (GBIF 2019) and the current assumption that this species is restricted to the crater lake.",population:"Total population size is unknown. Population estimates are likely to prove difficult, given similar coloration and morphology with close congeners (Recknagel et al. 2013).
Population trend is suspected to be stable, given the absence of major threatening factors.
",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:"This species typically occurs close to the shoreline, in the presence of weedy aquatic vegetation (Recknagel et al. 2013). Maximum body size is 15.5 cm standard length (SL) (Kullander 2003).",threats:[{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are current no species specific conservation actions directed towards A. amarillo. Lake Xiloá occurs within Chiltepe Peninsula Nature Reserve (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019), which provides indirect protection against habitat degradation. More information regarding the potential threats to this species would be useful.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:150107090,scientific_name:"Amphilophus amarillo",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Amphilophus",main_common_name:"Mojarra",authority:"Stauffer & McKaye, 2002",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-06-17",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Stable",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J. & Contreras MacBeath, T.",reviewer:"Matamoros, W.A.",aoo_km2:"10",eoo_km2:"10",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"NI",country:"Nicaragua",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"149118674",assessment_id:149122056,id_no:149118674,sci_name:"Brycon petrosus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.rnf6xf",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-79.96,latitude:8.85,species_id:149118674,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Brycon petrosus is restricted to the Chagres River and Lake Gatun on the Atlantic versant of central Panama, and in the Pacora River drainage on the Pacific versant of Panama. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 7,330 km2. Introduced species, solid waste pollution, and raw sewage discharge have likely resulted in a reduction in the quality of available habitat. However, the scope and impact of these threats require further study. Given an Extent of Occurrence that falls within the minimum threshold for a threatened category, threats that have likely impacted the quality of available habitat, but an unknown number of locations, this species is assessed as Near Threatened. More information regarding the scope of potential threats and their impacts may result in assessment under a threatened category.
",geographicrange:"Brycon petrosus is occurs in the Chagres River drainage on the Atlantic slope of central Panama, and the Pacora River drainage on the Pacific slope (Reeves and Birmingham 2006, Angulo et al. 2013). The range of this species includes Lake Gatun (Sharpe et al. 2017). A subpopulation has also established in the Rio Grande, resulting from migration through the Panama Canal (Smith et al. 2004).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 7,330 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (GBIF 2019). Given uncertainties regarding the scope and direct impact of existing threats, the number of threat-based locations where this species occurs cannot be determined with accuracy.
",population:"There is no information about the population size or population status of this species.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in rivers and lakes throughout its range. Diet is primarily comprised of terrestrial and aquatic vegetation, and increases in relative composition as individuals age (Kramer and Bryant 1995). This species may play an important role in riparian seed dispersal (Horn et al. 2011) Eggs are laid in mud and vegetation on stream banks (Hernández-Portocarrero et al. 2015, Ishimatsu et al. 2018).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.1",title:"Abstraction of surface water (domestic use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.4",title:"Garbage & solid waste",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no species-specific conservation actions directed towards B. petrosus. This species likely occurs in multiple protected areas, including the Chagres and Soberania National Parks (GBIF 2019, IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). Additional research is needed to determine population size and status, and the impact and scope of potential threats.
",usetrade:"This species may be targeted in subsistence fisheries, but the volume of harvest is unknown.
",taxonid:149118674,scientific_name:"Brycon petrosus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"BRYCONIDAE",genus:"Brycon",main_common_name:"Sábalo Pipon",authority:"Meek & Hildebrand, 1913",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-04-19",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Armbruster, J.W. & González, R.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"7330",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"61168",assessment_id:148847111,id_no:61168,sci_name:"Pseudotropheus galanos",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Konings / SCUBA",basisofrec:"StillImage",event_year:2002,longitude:34.474825,latitude:-13.437591,species_id:61168,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi where it is only known from a single small island. It meets the area requirements under criterion B for Critically Endangered and it is known from one location based on the threat of collection (B1a). However, future declines in habitat quality or population size are possible but uncertain. The effects of aquarium trade and sedimentation on this species are unknown and it is, therefore, listed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi and only known from Mbenji Island.",population:"Pseudotropheus galanos is a common cichlid around Mbenji Island.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs mainly in the upper regions of the sediment-free rocky habitat. It lives among medium-sized and large rocks in less than 10 m depth. Females, juveniles and non territorial adult males occur in groups. Males are territorial and defend a spawning site inside a cave in the rocky habitat, feeding feed from the aufwuchs in their territories and upon plankton in the water column above their territories. All non territorial individuals feed on plankton in the water column and mouth-brooding females hide between rocks. Maximum total length is approximately 11 cm.",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No information is available on conservation actions for this species.",usetrade:'It is regularly collected by the ornamental fish trade where it is known as "Red Top Brevis". It is of no importance to subsistence fishermen.',taxonid:61168,scientific_name:"Pseudotropheus galanos",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Pseudotropheus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Stauffer & Kellogg, 2002",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-06-19",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A.",reviewer:"Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"20",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:"This errata assessment was created to add a point data map that was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.",amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MW",country:"Malawi",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"164691475",assessment_id:164691606,id_no:164691475,sci_name:"Poeciliopsis retropinna",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2019 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.ftw6r9, Arturo Angulo 2019",basisofrec:"FIELD_OBSERVATION",event_year:2e3,longitude:-83.27972,latitude:9.09639,species_id:164691475,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Poeciliopsis retropinna occurs on the Pacific slope of Central America from the Térraba River drainage in Costa Rica southeastward to the Chiriquí River drainage in western Panama, and exhibits an estimated Extent of Occurrence (EOO) of 6,184-9,236 km2. A number of pervasive threats exist throughout the range of this species, including deforestation, non-point agricultural runoff, and land-use changes associated with the expansion of plantation agriculture. Additional threats include industrial and domestic wastewater discharge, inadequate sewerage, and the presence of hydroelectric structures. While there is considerable uncertainty regarding the scope and magnitude of these threats, they have resulted in an inferred decline in the area and quality of habitat available, and the species is suspected to occur in 6-10 locations. Therefore, P. retropinna is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B1ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Poeciliopsis retropinna is distributed on the Pacific slope of Central America from the Térraba River drainage in Costa Rica southeastward to the Chiriquí River drainage (including the Chiriquí Viejo, Chico, Chiriquí, Fonseca, San Felix, and Tabasará rivers) in western Panama (Bussing 1998, Smith and Bermingham 2005, Vega et al. 2006, Angulo et al. 2013). Elevational distribution ranges from 0-940 meters above sea level (Angulo et al. 2013).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 6,184-9,236 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019, GBIF 2019). Given the scope of non-point pollution, deforestation, and land-use change associated with expansive plantation agriculture, and considering distribution in at least three major river drainages and at least four protected areas, this species is inferred to occur in 6-10 locations.",population:"The total population size and population trend of P. retropinna are unknown. This species was uncommon in samples taken from Quebrada Negra, where it comprised 3.9% and 3.8% of relative fish abundance in pools and sites with moderate water velocity, respectively (Pichler and Schiemer 2008). Three individuals were collected from samples taken in small streams on the Osa Peninsula (Monfredi 2012). In Piedras Blancas National Park, this species was moderately abundant in samples taken from 2011-2012 (Füreder et al. 2014).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species prefers midwater and low regions of creeks, streams, rivers, and pools, where it feeds primarily on algae, detritus, and mud (Pichler and Schiemer 2008, Füreder et al. 2014). Habitat is characterized by water temperatures of 21-29 °C and substrates of rock, gravel, and sand (Bussing 1998). Maximum reported body size is approximately 7.5 cm total length (TL) (Bussing 1998). This species reproduces by giving birth to live young, and exhibits superfetation (Hagmayer 2018).",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards P. retropinna. The range of this species extends into a number of protected areas, including Corcovado National Park, Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve, Piedras Blancas National Park, and Golfito National Wildlife Refuge (Monfredi 2012, Füreder et al. 2014, IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). Additional information regarding population size, population trend, and the scope and magnitude of major pervasive threats would be useful in guiding future conservation action.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:164691475,scientific_name:"Poeciliopsis retropinna",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Poeciliopsis",main_common_name:"Olomina",authority:"(Regan, 1908)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-09-20",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Angulo, A. & Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Contreras MacBeath, T.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"6184-9236",elevation_upper:940,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"196174028",assessment_id:212098466,id_no:196174028,sci_name:"Kosciuscola restrictus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jess Marsh",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"National Environmental Science Program (NESP)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:"restrictus",subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"ANIC",basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:146.7671959,latitude:-36.77621062,species_id:196174028,taxonomicnotes:"Differences in morphological, ecological and behavioural traits suggest that the current five-species arrangement does not accurately reflect species diversity within Kosciuscola (Tatarnic et al. 2013, Umbers et al. 2021). Molecular work has identified species-level clades within K. tristis (Umbers et al. 2021), and provided strong evidence supporting the elevation of K. tristis restrictus to species level as K. restrictus (Song et al. in prep.). Before this is formally published, it is assessed here as a subspecies of K. tristis, though.",rationale:"This taxon is listed as Critically Endangered on the basis that it is known only from high elevations on Mt. Buffalo (extent of occurrence of 12 km2), considered a single location on the basis of an ongoing or immediately imminent threat from climate change. This latter is associated with reduction in snowfall and increases in the intensity and frequency of fire, which is leading to an immediately projected reduction in the quality of the taxon's habitat and, through reducing successful recruitment as a result of temperature extremes, the number of mature individuals.",geographicrange:"This taxon is endemic to Victoria in Australia, where it is known only from Mt. Buffalo from elevations above 1,300 m asl. The mountain has a maximum elevation of 1,723 m.",population:"This taxon is currently common and widespread at the top of Mt. Buffalo, and the population appears to be continuous. A total population of 1,000 to 10,000 mature individuals has been estimated prior to the 2019-2020 bushfire season (K. Umbers unpubl. data) the impacts of which on this taxon are unknown. A decline is presumably ongoing as a result of ongoing habitat loss and degradation due to climate change in the form of increased stochasticity in temperature and fire regimes.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:'This is a habitat generalist found in alpine and subalpine grassland, shrubland, heathland, and open and woodland forest (up to 80% canopy cover). It is found on leaf litter, in or beneath logs and bark, and in vegetation, including standing wood. The adult lifespan is unlikely to exceed a few months, with a single generation of eggs laid which overwinter in the soil often beneath snow cover. The generation length is less than a year.',threats:[{code:"11.3",title:"Temperature extremes",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Vulpes vulpes)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Vulpes vulpes"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Vulpes vulpes)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Vulpes vulpes"}],conservationmeasures:"This taxon's known population is contained within Mount Buffalo National Park. This taxon may be reliant on establishing an ex situ breeding programme to ensure its survival, as there are no in situ conservation measures that can address the expected near-future impacts of climate change other than long-term measures to address climate change and reverse its effects. Awareness-raising of this taxon's conservation management needs, including creating accurate ground-truthed distribution maps within the national park.",usetrade:"There is no known use of or trade in this taxon.",taxonid:196174028,scientific_name:"Kosciuscola restrictus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ORTHOPTERA",family:"ACRIDIDAE",genus:"Kosciuscola",main_common_name:"Mt. Buffalo Skyhopper",authority:"Rehn, 1957",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2021-02-11",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Umbers, K. & Tatarnic, N.",reviewer:"Odé, B.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"12",elevation_upper:1723,elevation_lower:1300,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"The scientific name for this species has been altered based on a recent publication, and the taxonomic notes have been updated accordingly.",countries:[{code:"AU",country:"Australia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.4",habitat:"Forest - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"3.4",habitat:"Shrubland - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"4.4",habitat:"Grassland - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"59769",assessment_id:75544320,id_no:59769,sci_name:"Pseudagrion vumbaense",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling (2012). Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/ipt/resource.do?r=bf_cf21",basisofrec:null,event_year:1955,longitude:32.71659,latitude:-19.11149,species_id:59769,taxonomicnotes:'A-group. Pseudagrion is likely to be split into two genera at some point. Until this taxonomic split occurs, the candidates for these two groups are highlighted by "group A" and "group B".',rationale:'The Vumba Sprite is currently only known from the Chimanimani Mts and Nyanga NP in Zimbabwe. Old records from the Vumba Mountains and Mt. Selinda could not be confirmed and the habitat at these localities has recently been destroyed due to human activities (population growth, building, goldmining). Even though the locality situated in the Chimanimani National Park the ongoing illegal goldmining in the entire mountain range including the National Park, poses an immediate threat to all aquatic organism in the area. There is an report from the giz on this issue (https://www.giz.de/en/downloads/giz2015-en-tfca-chimanimani.pdf) and the situation was reported as serious by local conservationists: "The situation in the Chimanimanis is that there is considerable impact of alluvial goldmining along the upper streams and rivers, particularly on the Mozambique side of the mountains. The impact on the general ecosystem of the mountain habitats is limited and probably not lasting but certainly more serious to the those ecologies directly bound to the streams and stream banks such as your Odonata species" (e-mail from Bart Wursten on 11th September 2016). Due to the unclear situation of the illegal gold mining in the mountainous regions in Zimbabwe, even within the National Parks, the Vumba Sprite is currently listed as Endangered based on an AOO of 28 km², an EOO of 4446 km² and 4 locations, which are highly fragmented and threatened by illegal mining and agriculture.',geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Zimbabwe, where it has been recorded from the Vumba Mountains and Mt. Selinda (old records) and the Chimanimani and Nyanga national parks (recent records from 2013).",population:"Current population size and trends are unknown.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Streams in montane bush or forest (Pinhey 1984).",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Unspecified SALMONIDAE)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Unspecified SALMONIDAE"},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Unspecified SALMONIDAE)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Unspecified SALMONIDAE"}],conservationmeasures:"Protection of forest habitat is needed. Research into population numbers and range, biology and ecology, habitat status, threats, conservation measures, and trends/monitoring of this species would be valuable.",usetrade:null,taxonid:59769,scientific_name:"Pseudagrion vumbaense",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Pseudagrion",main_common_name:"Vumba Sprite",authority:"Balinsky, 1963",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2017-10-27",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Suhling, F.",reviewer:"Dijkstra, K.-D.B., Kipping, J. & Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"28",eoo_km2:"4446",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZW",country:"Zimbabwe",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2017",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2010",assess_year:"2006",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"191116",assessment_id:1970358,id_no:191116,sci_name:"Atherinella callida",presence:5,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Topiltzin Contreras McBeath",legend:"Extinct",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"T. Contreras McBeath 2014",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-96.63333,latitude:18.54999924,species_id:191116,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Atherinella callida was a narrow endemic freshwater fish species known only from a single collection taken at Refugio, Veracruz, Mexico just west-north-west of Acatlan (Eschmeyer 1998, Chernoff 1986). The species has not been reported from the wild since 1957 (Burkhead 2012). Over the last fifty years there have been several comprehensive surveys but all the attempts (with Dr. and Mrs. Robert Rush Miller in February, 1982) to capture this species in the vicinity of Refugio and in the Rio Amapa (also tributary to the Rio Tonto) were unsuccessful (Chernoff 1986). A continuing decline of the species' habitat quality has been reported as a result of water pollution from urban and industrial discharges and agricultural run-off, increased sedimentation, dewatering, and anthropogenic modifications to natural channels and flow regimes due to the construction of large dams within the species distribution range (Harrison & Stiassny 1999, Jelks, et al. 2008, Garrido et al. 2010). Based on these observations and the survey effort, the species is assessed as Extinct.",geographicrange:"Atherinella callida is a narrow endemic known only from a single collection taken at Refugio, Veracruz, Mexico just west north west of Acatlan (Eschmeyer 1998 Chernoff, 1986). The streams around Refugio drain into the Rio Tonto, a tributary to the Rio Papaloapan. There have been several comprehensive surveys over the last fifty years but all the attempts (with Dr. and Mrs. Robert Rush Miller in February, 1982) to capture this species in the vicinity of Refugio and in the Rio Amapa (also tributary to the Rio Tonto) were unsuccessful (Chernoff 1986). The species has not been reported from the wild since 1957, which is considered the estimated year of extinction (Burkhead 2012).",population:"This species is thought to be extinct.",populationtrend:null,habitat:"Very little is known about this freshwater riverine species, other than inhabiting rocky-bottomed waters, with a maximum known size of 55 mm (SL) (Miller 2005).",threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Past Impact",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Atherinella callida is believed to be extinct.",usetrade:"Atherinella callida is believed to be extinct.",taxonid:191116,scientific_name:"Atherinella callida",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"ATHERINIFORMES",family:"ATHERINOPSIDAE",genus:"Atherinella",main_common_name:"Cunning Silverside",authority:"Chernoff, 1986",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-02-23",category:"EX",criteria:null,population_trend:null,marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Mercado Silva, N.",reviewer:"Gómez Balandra, A.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extinct Post-1500",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Regionally Extinct"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"EX",category:"Extinct"}]},{id:"218123848",assessment_id:218123874,id_no:218123848,sci_name:"Ancylodactylus chyuluensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"PK Malonza",yrcompiled:2022,citation:"National Museums of Kenya (NMK)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Chyulu Hills",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"NMK",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2016,longitude:37.88877,latitude:-2.56017,species_id:218123848,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species is endemic to Kenya, where it is found in Chyulu Hills National Park. It is currently known from only one collection but suitable habitat exists within other parts of the park, it therefore has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of between 4 and 236 km2. It occurs in two threat defined locations (Chyulu Hills National Park), which is experiencing a continuing decline in the quality of its habitat primarily linked to habitat alteration as a result of wildfires (estimated to affect about 50% of the likely population) but also due to degradation of its habitat due to livestock grazing. Given that this specie is highly likely to occur in other parts of the park, its extent of occurrence is very likely to be more than 100 km2 it is therefore assessed as Endangered under criterion B.
This species is endemic to Kenya, where it is found in Chyulu Hills National Park. It is presently known from a single locality, but is potentially more widespread in suitable habitat within the Chyulu Hills and for the purposes of this assessment the species is assumed to have an extent of occurrence of up to 236 km2.
",population:"There is no information on the abundance of this species and no data on population trends. However, the population is assumed to be relatively small due to its restricted microhabitat. The species is restricted to indigenous forests which currently face low-level threats from grazing and wildfires which is causing habitat degradation (Malonza and Bauer 2022). It is unknown whether this habitat degradation is resulting in population decline.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Ancylodactylus chyuluensis has thus far been sampled in dry montane forests at around 1,200 m asl., but may also occur in the moist montane forests that reach 2,000 m asl.. It occurs on tree trunks, fallen tree logs and hollows as well as in volcanic rock crevices (Malonza and Bauer 2022).
",threats:[{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.1",title:"Nomadic grazing",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species is only known to occur in protected forests of Chyulu Hills National Park (Malonza and Bauer 2022). Improved enforcement is required to reduce the access of surrounding communities to this area. Additionally, more research is needed to understand the species' population trends, the impact of current threats and its ecological requirements.
",usetrade:"There is no known use of or trade in this species.",taxonid:218123848,scientific_name:"Ancylodactylus chyuluensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"REPTILIA",order:"SQUAMATA",family:"GEKKONIDAE",genus:"Ancylodactylus",main_common_name:"Chyulu Hills Pygmy Forest Gecko",authority:"Malonza & Bauer, 2022",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2022-06-16",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Wasonga, V.D., Malonza, P.K., Bwong, B.A., Joash, N. & Muchai, V.",reviewer:"Tolley, K.A.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"4-236",elevation_upper:2e3,elevation_lower:1200,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"KE",country:"Kenya",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.5",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2022",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"173831804",assessment_id:173831808,id_no:173831804,sci_name:"Gymnotus capitimaculatus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Rangel-Pereira 2014",basisofrec:null,event_year:2013,longitude:-39.55583333,latitude:-16.95111111,species_id:173831804,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Gymnotus capitimaculatus is known only from the Rio do Ouro, a tributary of the Jucuruçu River in Bahia state, Brazil. Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 4 km2. This species is assigned to a single threat-based location based on documented impacts to habitat quality associated with riparian deforestation and cattle ranching. Continuing decline in habitat quality at the type locality is inferred. Therefore, G. capitimaculatus is assessed as Critically Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii). Targeted ichthyological sampling along the Rio do Ouro is urgently needed to clarify range extent, population size, and population trend. Determining the scope and direct impact of localized threats is an immediate research priority.",geographicrange:"Gymnotus capitimaculatus is known only from its type locality Rio do Ouro, a tributary of the Jucuruçu River in Itamaraju municipality, Bahia state, northeastern Brazil (Rangel-Pereira 2014, Ferraris et al. 2017, Silva et al. 2020). The current distribution is likely a relict population of a formerly larger range, and comprehensive ichthyological sampling will be necessary to determine if additional collection localities exist (Rangel-Pereira 2014).
Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, based on a 2x2 km grid overlain on the type locality where it has been reported (Silva et al. 2020). The type locality of this species is impacted by riparian deforestation and land-use change associated with cattle ranching (Rangel-Pereira 2014), and therefore it is assigned to a single threat-based location (Rangel-Pereira 2014).
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. It is known from a total of 12 individuals collected in 2013 (Rangel-Pereira 2014).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The type locality of this species is a clearwater stream with a width of approximately 1.5 m and depths from 0.1-1 m over substrates of sand and small gravel (Rangel-Pereira 2014). Individuals were hidden amongst marginal vegetation and roots, primarily where water flow was swift (Rangel-Pereira 2014). The land through which the stream flows is a mix of grass pasture and scarce riparian forest (Rangel-Pereira 2014).",threats:[{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no-species-specific conservation measures directed towards G. capitimaculatus. Proposals have been submitted to preserve remaining riparian habitat in the region (Rangel-Pereira 2014). Currently, the known range of this species does not extend into any existing protected areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). Targeted ichthyological sampling along the Rio do Ouro is urgently needed to clarify range extent, population size, and population trend. Determining the scope and direct impact of localized threats is an immediate research priority. Site protection is likely warranted as an immediate conservation priority.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:173831804,scientific_name:"Gymnotus capitimaculatus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"GYMNOTIFORMES",family:"GYMNOTIDAE",genus:"Gymnotus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Rangel-Pereira, 2014",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-11-03",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"de Santana, C.D.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"186531",assessment_id:1814469,id_no:186531,sci_name:"Austrolebias reicherti",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Loureiro, M.",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-53.9211998,latitude:-32.92679977,species_id:186531,taxonomicnotes:"It is possible that populations of Austrolebias nachtigalli from northern bank of Yaguaron river may be actually A. reicherti. Further taxonomic work will be needed to confirm this.",rationale:"This species occurs in the wetlands of the Cebollatí, Tacuarí, and Yaguaron river basin. The extent of occurrence (EOO) is 1,812 km2 and the area of occupancy (AOO) is 48 km2. Annual fishes occur in seasonal temporary ponds, which can be found within a matrix of wetlands. Threats not only in close proximity to the habitat, but also those that are present in the same hydrological basin (especially those upstream) were considered, and include forestation and desiccation of wetlands to prevent flooding and to gain area for soy and rice crops. There is one location and a continuing decline in habitat inferred due to these threats. As a result, this species is listed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species occurs in the wetlands of the Cebollatí, Tacuarí, and Yaguaron river basin (southern Patos-Merin drainage; freshwater ecoregion 334 according to Abell et al. (2008)).Corydoras hephaestus is known only from its type locality Igarapé Piracolina, which is a tributary of the upper Machado River in the Madeira River basin, Brazil. Despite extensive sampling efforts, this species has not been recorded elsewhere, and is therefore assigned to a single threat-based location. The type locality of this species is a small forest fragment that is threatened by future agricultural expansion and development around the town of Vilhena. These threats have the potential to drive this species to extinction within a short period of time if they continue unabated. Therefore, C. hephaestus is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2. Site protection is an immediate conservation priority.
",geographicrange:"Corydoras hephaestus is known only from its type locality Igarapé Piracolina, which is a tributary of the upper Machado River, Madeira River basin, approximately 9 km south of the town of Vilhena near the border of Rondônia and Mato Grosso States, Brazil (Ohara et al. 2016).
Despite intensive and broad collecting efforts in the Madeira River Basin from 2009-2013 and recent surveys conducted in the southeastern portion of Rondônia State and northwest of Mato Grosso State undertaken in 2010-2011 and 2013-2014, this species has only been detected in low abundance at the type locality (Ohara et al. 2016). Therefore, this species is assigned to a single threat-based location. Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are both estimated to be 4 km2, based on a 2x2 km grid overlain on the type locality. This species is assigned to a single threat-based location, based on lacking collection records outside of the type locality.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. However, this species is known only from its type locality where it is not abundant (Ohara et al. 2016).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The type locality of this species is a small highland stream at 585 m above sea level (masl) with little preserved riparian vegetation and is surrounded by large plantation fields that are producing soy and corn (Ohara et al. 2016). Habitat is characterized by clear water, a width of 1.5-2.8 m and depths of 0.3-0.8 m, swift currents, and a substrate of sand and leaf litter (Ohara et al. 2016). This benthic forager likely consumes small aquatic invertebrates, based on stomach content analysis of a single individual (Ohara et al. 2016). Mature males can be distinguished by the presence of a lanceolated genital papilla (Ohara et al. 2016). Maximum reported body size is 3.4 cm standard length (SL) (Ohara et al. 2016).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"11.3",title:"Temperature extremes",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"11.4",title:"Storms & flooding",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards C. hephaestus. Additional research regarding distribution, population size, and population trend would be useful in clarifying the extinction risk of this species. Agricultural expansion and continued development is an imminent threat to the small forest fragment from which C. hephaestus is known, and therefore site protection is an immediate conservation priority to prevent future habitat loss (Ohara et al. 2016).
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:173829631,scientific_name:"Corydoras hephaestus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"CALLICHTHYIDAE",genus:"Corydoras",main_common_name:null,authority:"Ohara, Tencatt & Britto, 2016",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-10-26",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Tencatt, L.F.C.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"191370",assessment_id:1977348,id_no:191370,sci_name:"Allodontichthys polylepis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Köck, GWG",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:"Río de las Bolas",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Köck et al.",basisofrec:" ",event_year:2016,longitude:-104.3596,latitude:20.5575,species_id:191370,taxonomicnotes:"The Holotype of the Finescale Spitfin (Allodontichthys polylepis) was collected by Robert Rush Miller in 1976 from the Río Potrero Grande (Arroyo Grande), Río Ameca drainage, whereas the Paratypes included in the original description originate from collections he made in 1957 and 1970 from the Arroyo Estanzuela (Río de las Bolas or de la Pola), Río Atenguillo drainage. From the affiliation to different drainages, two subpopulations can be inferred: the (now possibly Extinct in the Wild) Río Potrero Grande subpopulation and the Río de las Bolas subpopulation. Both display plainly divergent colour patterns though they are anatomically similar, so further studies including phylogenetics to clear the relationship are recommended.",rationale:"Allodontichthys polylepis is restricted to the headwaters of the Río de las Bolas, an affluent of the Río Atenguillo, close to Guachinango in the State of Jalisco, Mexico. The major threats include severe droughts and desertification caused by climate change, competition by introduced species, and habitat loss and degradation caused by increased sedimentation and eutrophication through deforestation and extensive farming. As a result of these threats, the remaining population is alarmingly small and recent surveys conducted in 2016 suggest that the species is now gone from part of its entire range. The Finescale Splitfin is assessed Critically Endangered (CR) based on its restricted AOO, EOO, number of locations (1) and numerous threats (e.g., drought, agriculture-driven diffuse pollution, exotic species).",geographicrange:"The Finescale Splitfin is a freshwater fish species endemic to the Mexican federal state of Jalisco, historically known only from a short (approximately 8 km long) affluent of the Río Ameca, the Arroyo Grande (Río or Arroyo Potrero Grande, type location), from the Arroyo Estanzuela (Río de las Bolas or de la Pola) and from one of its affluents, the Arroyo de Ávalos (Arroyo Dávalos or Diábolos). The Río de las Bolas is an affluent of the Río Atenguillo that again flows into the Río Ameca about 45 km NNW of Guachinango. Nevertheless, the Río de las Bolas collection site is separated from the Río Potrero Grande collection site by approximately 300 km. Several surveys since about the year 2000 indicate that the species no longer exists at the type locality. Domínguez-Domínguez et al. (2008) found a reduction of about 65% of the historical distribution range of the species.",population:"Two subpopulations, the Río Potrero Grande subpopulation from the type location and the Río de las Bolas subpopulation from the Río de las Bolas headwaters and from one of its affluents, the Arroyo Dávalos, are known. The collection sites of both subpopulations are separated by only 2 5km beeline, but by about 300 km of river length, being located in two different subbasins of the Río Ameca basin. While the subpopulation from the type location presumably disappeared in the wild about 1999 or 2000 and no surveys since then were successful in finding any specimens, fish from the Río de las Bolas subpopulation were observed until 2002. After this year, this subpopulation did not show up any individuals on surveys, until in 2016 some specimens were found at both collection sites. Nevertheless, the surveyors were able to collect only one adult male in the Arroyo Dávalos and a single juvenile female in the Río de las Bolas, but a few more individuals were spotted at the second location. However, the only remaining subpopulation of this species seems to be alarmingly small.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This is a bottom-dwelling and riffle-inhabiting species, hiding under and dashing between stones and boulders of rocky riffles of generally clear streams and creeks, that are usually from three to eight metres wide. Green algae are abundant on rocks and along stream margins, and sometimes trees, for example Salix spp., are shading part of the habitat. The currents are moderate to fairly swift in the dry season, but torrential during the wet summer months. Its habitats are similar to those of the North American darters (Percidae, genus Etheostoma), living among and under rocks in shallow waters (Miller et al. 2005).Pericnemis bisaya is known from Cebu, Mindanao, Negros and Panay in the Philippines (Villanueva and Dow 2020). Ten scattered locations are known. The species occurs in some protected areas, for instance Mount Kanala-on Natural Park on Negros. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it will be constrained by the extent of forest remaining on the islands where it occurs; on Cebu, Negros and Panay this is very low. Since the species has been recorded from few locations, it can be assumed that the AOO is less than 500 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 52,059 km² (well above the thresholds for criterion B1).
This appears to be a locally occurring and fairly scarce species. No other statement about current population sizes and health can be made for this species except that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of forest within its range and that severe fragmentation is certain.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Virtually nothing has been recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it is forest-dependent. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for better protection of existing protected areas where it may occur, protection of additional areas of suitable habitat and for more information on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance as well as on taxonomy (see the Taxonomic Note). Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:177894335,scientific_name:"Pericnemis bisaya",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Pericnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Villanueva & Dow, 2020",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-24",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"40-500",eoo_km2:"52059-71136",elevation_upper:1500,elevation_lower:400,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"173712833",assessment_id:173775180,id_no:173712833,sci_name:"Gomphidictinus kompieri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow & T. Kompier",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Karube 2016",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:104.9376,latitude:21.11,species_id:173712833,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Gomphidictinus kompieri is known from three locations in Northern Viet Nam: one in Xuan Son National Park, the other two in Tam Dao National Park. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but it is not likely to be large. If this forest-dependent species occurs outside the current known localities, then its AOO will be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species; it is likely that AOO is declining even within Xuan Son National Park and possibly to a lesser extent within Tam Dao National Park. Its current known extent of occurrence (EOO) is 169–1,988 km², however given that the species is likely to be more widespread, at least within the Tam Dao Range, than is currently known this is likely to be an underestimate. The overall population is already fragmented. Taking a reasonable precautionary approach (as advocated by the IUCN), this species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)). If the AOO can be demonstrated to be stable rather than declining then the species could be reassessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2, but unless it has a much wider distribution than is currently known it will never qualify for Least Concern.
",geographicrange:"Gomphidictinus kompieri is known from three locations in Northern Viet Nam: one in Xuan Son National Park, the other two in Tam Dao National Park (Karube 2016, von Ellenrieder et al. 2015 as Gomphidia sp.—record from Tam Dao only). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data it is not likely to be large. However, if this forest-dependent species occurs outside the known localities, then the AOO will be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species, and it is likely that the AOO is declining even within Xuan Son National Park and possibly to a lesser extent within Tam Dao National Park (see the Threats section). Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 169 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 1,988 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species). However, since the species is likely to be more widespread than is currently known (at least within the Tam Dao Range) this may be an underestimate.
",population:"This appears to be a locally occurring species and scarce species. No other statement about current population sizes and health can be made for this species with the available data except that the overall population will be severely fragmented because good forest is fragmented in northern Viet Nam and that, unless confined to the known locations, an ongoing decline in overall population will be occurring due to loss of forest in northern Viet Nam.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"“This species was observed at two different localities. The habitat of type locality was a shallow, very clear stream over a cobble stone substrate with dense, but short vegetation, secondary forest, still remaining feature of primary forest at 1,000 m a.s.l. in Xuan Son National Park, Phu Tho Province. Here males were observed perched on sticks near the spring from which the stream originated, at an area of more open water of 4 x 2 m and approximately 0.5 m deep. Several males were observed competing for territorial space and copulating with visiting females. The earliest observation was of 4 males, on April 18, and the last observation on June 8, irrespective of regular visits later in the season. The other locality was in Tam Dao National Park, Vinh Phuc Province, above the Tay Thien Monastery. Here males were seen at about 350 m asl along a mountain stream of about 5 meters wide in a steep rocky valley, located deep in primary forest. A single male was observed perched on twigs in the spray-zone over a rapid. The earliest observation was on June 15 and the last on August 18. Apparently the flight period in Tam Dao was later than in Xuan Son” Karube (2016: 44-45). The part of the text just quoted about the habitat at Xuan Son National Park is not very clear but Kompier (http://odonatavietnam.blogspot.com/search/label/Gomphidictinus) states that the habitat there is “a stretch of a shallow clear stream under heavy forest cover.” The stream where it has been found at the other location in Tam Dao National Park is also under forest cover, but is not clean. It appears that this species requires good forest cover around the streams where it breeds, and therefore the extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priority for this species is for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173712833,scientific_name:"Gomphidictinus kompieri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Gomphidictinus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Karube, 2016",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-13",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A. & Kompier, T.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"169-1988",elevation_upper:1e3,elevation_lower:350,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"53876256",assessment_id:161824579,id_no:53876256,sci_name:"Cynodonichthys weberi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2019 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.a3uebd",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:1985,longitude:-78.983,latitude:9.3,species_id:53876256,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Cynodonichthys weberi is known only from a limited number of georeferenced collection records taken in tributary streams and other marginal aquatic habitat in the upper Bayano River drainage on the Pacific slope of central Panama. Extent of Occurrence is currently estimated to be 59 km2 and Area of Occupancy is estimated to be 20 km2, although more comprehensive ichthyological surveys are likely to reveal additional subpopulations. Total population size and population trend are unknown. The potential threats to this species include deforestation and pollution associated with unsustainable agriculture and livestock production, which could feasibly drive this species into a higher threatened category in the immediate future. Therefore, this species is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2.
",geographicrange:"Cynodonichthys weberi occurs in the Bayano River drainage on the Pacific slope of central Panama. Georeferenced collection records are limited, but occur in both the Chagres and Tuira biogeographical provinces, in upland streams north of Lake Bayano (Hrbek and Larson 1999, Smith and Bermingham 2005, GBIF 2019). The type locality of this species is a culvert on El Llano-Carti approximately 12 km north of the Inter-American Highway crossing (Murphy and Collier 1996, Reis et al. 2003).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 59 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around a very limited number of georeferenced collection records (GBIF 2019). Area of Occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be 20 km2, based on a 2 km2 grid overlain on validated georeferenced collection records. The number of threat-based locations where this species occurs is inferred to be three, based on the most pervasive threats in the Bayano River drainage. These figures are probably underestimated due to limited sampling effort in this region, and additional sampling is expected to produce range expansion.",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Cynodonichthys weberi occurs in streams and marginal habitat in the upland areas of the Bayano River drainage (Reis et al. 2003). This species reaches a maximum reported body size of approximately 9 cm total length (TL) (Reis et al. 2003).",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards C. weberi. This species has not been reported within the boundaries of any protected areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). More comprehensive ichthyological surveys in the upper Bayano River drainage are needed, in addition to more information regarding population size, population trend, and potential threats to aquatic habitat.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species. It may occasionally occur in the ornamental aquarium trade, but the majority of individuals in-trade are probably captively bred.
",taxonid:53876256,scientific_name:"Cynodonichthys weberi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Cynodonichthys",main_common_name:"Olomina",authority:"(Huber, 1992)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-09-27",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"González, R., Armbruster, J.W. & Contreras MacBeath, T.",reviewer:"Lyons, T.J.",aoo_km2:"20",eoo_km2:"59",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"176509361",assessment_id:176509376,id_no:176509361,sci_name:"Cnesterodon holopteros",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Loureiro, M.",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-57.62149811,latitude:-30.21750069,species_id:176509361,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is known from only two sites in Uruguay from the original description. No further information exists for this species. Based on these records, it has an area of occupancy (AOO) of 8 km2. This species could be threatened by contamination from mining activities, and change in hydrological regimes due to climate change. There are two locations and an inferred continuing decline in habitat quality based on these threats. Therefore, it is assessed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species is known from only two sites in Uruguay in the Lower Uruguay ecoregion (according to Abell et al. (2008)). Records are based on the original description (Lucinda et al. 2006) since there are no further records for it.",population:"No information is available on the population.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It has been recorded in a stream and a marginal lagoon. It may be an omnivorous species. It is a viviparous species, but there is no further information about its reproductive biology.",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This is a problematic species from the taxonomic point of view. Although considered valid by Fricke et al. (2020), comparisons with the related and sympatric species Cnesterodon decemmaculatus cast doubts over its identity. Further research is recommended.",usetrade:"This species is not used.",taxonid:176509361,scientific_name:"Cnesterodon holopteros",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Cnesterodon",main_common_name:"Madrecita",authority:"Lucinda, Litz & Recuero, 2006",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2021-02-18",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Loureiro, M. & Bessonart, J.",reviewer:"Ferrer, J.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:166,elevation_lower:55,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"UY",country:"Uruguay",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2021",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"118037631",assessment_id:118037635,id_no:118037631,sci_name:"Aphyocharax yekwanae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Echevarría, G.",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:"Aro river",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Lasso et al (2004). Peces de la cuenca del rio Orinoco. Parte I: lista de especies y distribucion por subcuencias. Biota Colombiana, 5(2):95-158.",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-64.08499908,latitude:7.55999994,species_id:118037631,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is listed as Vulnerable, in view of its extent of occurrence (EOO) of 10,525 km2 and area of occupancy (AOO) of 48 km2, with all observed individuals in six threat-based locations, and a continuing decline in the extent and quality of its habitat related to deforestation and pollution from illegal mining activities.",geographicrange:"This species is only known from the Guiana Shield. It has been collected in the Aro River and also in the upper Caura Basin, in the Erebato, Kakada and Suajadito rivers, and in the main channel of the Caura.",population:"There are no data available to estimate a population size, although this species occurs in high densities in small patches in the littorals of rivers.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It inhabits margins of streams with rocky and sandy bottoms in acidic waters tainted with tannins (Willink et al. 2003).",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Approximately half of the distribution area of this species falls within the newly created national park that encompasses the basin of the Caura River, but clearly there is a need for improved habitat protection at sites where it is known to occur.",usetrade:"This species is collected and traded as an ornamental fish (Lasso 2005), however, there are no records about harvest rates, areas of collections, fishing methods, or average lengths of capture. The trade of this species is not regulated by any law.",taxonid:118037631,scientific_name:"Aphyocharax yekwanae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Aphyocharax",main_common_name:null,authority:"Willink, Chernoff & Machado-Allison, 2003",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2017-08-18",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Echevarría, G.",reviewer:"Harrison, I.J.",aoo_km2:"48",eoo_km2:"10525",elevation_upper:600,elevation_lower:400,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VE",country:"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2017",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"176458683",assessment_id:176458816,id_no:176458683,sci_name:"Australoheros ykeregua",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jorge Liotta",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Rícan et al., 2011",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2011,longitude:-55.159375,latitude:-27.765958,species_id:176458683,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Australoheros ykeregua is assessed as Vulnerable. Its distribution is restricted to some tributaries of the Uruguay river in Misiones province in Argentina, with an extent of occurrence (EOO) best estimated at 17,740 km2, and an area of occupancy (AOO) best estimated at under 500 km2. The distribution is affected by habitat alteration resulting from nearby patches mainly occupied by tobacco cultivation, and there are six locations based on this threat.",geographicrange:"Australoheros ykeregua is known from stream tributaries of the Uruguay river below Moconá falls, in Misiones province, Argentina (Říčan et al. 2011). The streams with records of the species are Fortaleza, Paraiso, Shangai, Guerrero, Tamandua and Soberbio.",population:"There is no population estimate for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"In the river systems of Misiones, the marginal vegetation constitutes a very narrow strip forming a gallery forest along the rivers, which includes several species of jungle trees. This vegetation contributes to the structure of the fish community by representing a food resource and favourable conditions for spawning and growth (Flores et al. 2020). The high and middle basins of the misionerean streams where A. ykeregua lives are characterized by crystal clear waters with narrow channels that cross deep valleys of basalt in the mountains where rapids, backwaters and jumps alternate (Giraudo et al. 2003, López et al. 2005). The range of limnological parameters recorded in Paraiso stream (Araya 2017) were: water temperature: 19-25°C, conductivity: 15-38 ppm, dissolved oxygen: 7.4-9.6 mg/l; and pH: 7.3-7.9.",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Among the streams where this species occurs, the Yabotí and the Fortaleza are well protected by a biosphere reserve, and El Soberbio is marginally protected. The rest of the streams are completely devoid of protection (Araya 2017), but protection and management is recommended. Trade and harvest management of this species for the ornamental trade is also recommended, as is further research into the species.",usetrade:"This species is commercially captured as ornamental fish, but the level of exploitation is unknown.",taxonid:176458683,scientific_name:"Australoheros ykeregua",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Australoheros",main_common_name:"Chanchita",authority:"Říčan, Piálek, Almirón & Casciotta, 2011",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-11-20",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Liotta, J.",reviewer:"Lyons, T.J.",aoo_km2:"24-10680,24-499",eoo_km2:"4718-17741,4718",elevation_upper:450,elevation_lower:150,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AR",country:"Argentina",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"161276036",assessment_id:168300053,id_no:161276036,sci_name:"Aloeides stevensoni",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"AJCOETZER, AC_LEPI01.FDB_17032",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2015,longitude:29.86446571,latitude:-24.05039215,species_id:161276036,taxonomicnotes:"There are no notable issues.",rationale:"This is a range-restricted endemic species found in Limpopo Province in South Africa (Extent of Occurrence and Area of Occupancy 4 km2). Historically recorded from two subpopulations, one of the two was exterminated by agricultural development early in this century. At the extant location no specimens have been seen since 2015, and the site has been affected by drought and inappropriate fire regimes. The location however is very inaccessible so it is likely that the taxon will be found again when conditions improve. The taxon thus qualifies globally under the IUCN criteria as Critically Endangered under criterion B.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Limpopo Province in South Africa, on the Wolkberg near Serala.",population:"The subpopulation at one site has been destroyed by agricultural activity. At the other site the habitat has deteriorated due to inappropriate fire regimes and drought. Recent surveys during the flight period of the taxon at this site have been carried out without success.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"It occurs on south-facing, high-altitude grassy slopes of the Wolkberg in Woodbush Granite Grassland, which is Critically Endangered.",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.3",title:"Trend Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"A management plan is required which considers the habitat requirements of this taxon, including an appropriate burning regime. Research is needed into the life history and ecology, with monitoring of the population size, area of occupancy and trends.",usetrade:null,taxonid:161276036,scientific_name:"Aloeides stevensoni",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"LYCAENIDAE",genus:"Aloeides",main_common_name:"Stevenson's Copper",authority:"Tite & Dickson, 1973",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-02-20",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Henning, G.A.",reviewer:"Kirkman, S., Raimondo, D., Oberprieler, R.G. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"4.7",habitat:"Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"6143",assessment_id:3104718,id_no:6143,sci_name:"Cyprinella alvarezdelvillari",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. Contreras McBeath",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"T. Contreras McBeath 2014",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-104.09,latitude:24.72,species_id:6143,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Cyprinella alvarezdelvillari is restricted to an 8 km section of the Rio Penon Blanco from Ojo la Concha thermal spring to the town of Penon Blanco in Durango, Mexico (Contreras-Balderas and Lozano 1994). Potential threats to this single location include a bathhouse located at the spring source that may influence water quality or velocity within this small creek. Additionally, there are potential threats from the presence of introduced Oreochromis mossambicus. However, the magnitude of impacts has not been evaluated and sampling is limited. While the total population size is unknown, these threats are likely to impact the area of occupancy (AOO), extent of occurrence (EOO), the area, extent, and quality of habitat, and the number of mature individuals within a short time period, and has the possibility to extirpate this species. As such, C. alvarezdelvillari is listed as Vulnerable. Further study of population size, population trend, and the impacts of potential threats may qualify this species for a higher threatened category.
",geographicrange:"Cyprinella alvarezdelvillari is restricted to a small spring-fed tributary of the Nazas River, in the Rio Penon Blanco from Ojo la Concha spring to 8 km downstream in Durango, Mexico (Contreras-Balderas and Lozano 1994). Extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated at 26 km2.
The total population size of C. alvarezdelvillari is unknown, but likely small given a highly restricted range. This species is reported as locally abundant at a series of waterfalls below the public bathhouse (Contreras-Balderasa and Lozano 1994). Limited sampling efforts suggest that this species was the most abundant fish in 1988. However, surveys as recent as 2002 did not detect this species, prompting Contreras-Balderas et al. (2005) to suggest possible extinction. Decline in population may partly be the result of storm damage in 1996 that reportedly reduced the available habitat of this species by 95% (Contreras-Balderas et al. 2003). Recent population trend is almost certainly in decline (Jelks et al. 2008). This species occurs at only one location.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Cyprinella alvarezdelvillari is a freshwater fluvial specialist that occurs only in a small creek fed by a thermal spring that is 32 oC at its source (Miller et al. 2005). This species has not been reported in water cooler than 25 oC (Miller et al. 2005). It is found over primarily gravel and boulder substrates, and below a series of waterfalls downstream of La Concha bathhouse (Contreras-Balderas and Lozano 1994).",threats:[{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"}],conservationmeasures:"Cyprinella alvarezdelvillari is listed as endangered in the Mexican Official Norm (SEMARNAT 2010). More research on the population size, reproductive characteristics, and critical habitat would be useful for future conservation efforts.
",usetrade:"There is no information about the use and trade of this species.",taxonid:6143,scientific_name:"Cyprinella alvarezdelvillari",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"LEUCISCIDAE",genus:"Cyprinella",main_common_name:null,authority:"Contreras-Balderas & Lozano-Vilano, 1994",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-09-12",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Contreras MacBeath, T.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"26",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.9",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Freshwater Springs and Oases",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"125989582",assessment_id:125990580,id_no:125989582,sci_name:"Rivulus berovidesi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Ponce de Leon et al. 2014, Rodriguez Silva 2015",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:0,longitude:-84.29277778,latitude:22.42805556,species_id:125989582,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Rivulus berovidesi is known only from its type locality, a small stream in the Sierra de Cajalbana, and a second collection locality in the Camarones River, both of which are situated in Pinar del Rio province, northwestern Cuba. These bodies of water are ~ 95 km apart and recent surveys in western Cuba in 2019 failed to detect this species in additional sites (S. Rodríguez-Machado, pers. comm. 2020). Therefore, R. berovidesi has an estimated Area of Occupancy (AOO) of 8 km2. Predatory alien fish species represent the main direct threat to the species, along with erosion due to livestock and agriculture, which results in a continuing decline in the species habitat quality, at least in one of the two known localities. Considering an extremely limited distribution, two known threat-based locations, and continuing decline in habitat quality associated with invasive species and land-use change, R. berovidesi is assessed as Endangered under criterion B2ab(iii). However, given that this species was described as recently as 2015, additional studies and further ichthyological sampling will be useful in clarifying the conservation status of this species.
Rivulus berovidesi is known only from its type locality, a small stream in the Sierra de Cajalbana, and a second collection locality in the Camarones River, both of which are situated in Pinar del Rio province, northwestern Cuba (Rodriguez Silva 2015). These bodies of water are ~ 95 km apart and recent surveys to western Cuba in 2019 failed to detect this species in additional localities (S. Rodríguez-Machado pers. comm. 2020). Based on the information on this species so far, Rivulus berovidesi has an area of occupancy (AOO) of 8 km2.
The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. The original description relies on a total of 23 specimens (11 males and 12 females) collected in February 2014 (Rodriguez Silva 2015, Faloh-Gandarilla et al. 2016).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species inhabits small mountain streams characterized by a depth of 30-70 cm, lacking aquatic vegetation, a pH of 7.5, water temperature of 24°C, and substrates of stones, sand, and leaf litter (Rodriguez Silva 2015). It co-occurs with a number of other Cuban natives, including Gambusia punctata, Girardinus uninotatus, Girardinus creolus, Girardinus microdactylus, Nandopsis tetracanthus, Agonostomus monticola and Gobiomorus dormitor. Specific life history characteristics are currently unknown (Rodriguez Silva 2015).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Clarias gariepinus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Clarias gariepinus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Clarias gariepinus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Clarias gariepinus"},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation actions directed towards R. berovidesi. The type locality is in a protected area; however, its main focus is its flora (given that it is a Flora Management Area). It is possible that the distribution of this species may extend into one or more protected areas, namely Viñales National Park, Sierra de la Güira, and Mil Cumbres (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). However, additional ichthyological sampling in this region is needed to confirm presence within protected area boundaries. Additional sampling is needed to clarify the distribution, population size, and population status of this species. Further information on the presence, scope, and magnitude of potential threats is needed to clarify the extinction risk of this species.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:125989582,scientific_name:"Rivulus berovidesi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Rivulus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Silva, 2015",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-05-28",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rodríguez-Machado, S., Ponce de León, J. & Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"García-Machado, E.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CU",country:"Cuba",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"191713",assessment_id:2000012,id_no:191713,sci_name:"Neotoca bilineata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Köck, GWG",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Köck et al.",basisofrec:" ",event_year:2014,longitude:-101.1492,latitude:19.9178,species_id:191713,taxonomicnotes:"The types Tarleton Bean used to describe Characodon bilineatus (1887) go back to fish Álfredo Dugès collected (probably) in Guanajuato before 1887. It was transfered into the genus Skiffia by S. Meek in 1902 and into Goodea by Regan in 1907. Hubbs and Turner (in Turner, 1937) erected the genus Neotoca for this species and placed it herein (1939). Miller and Fitzsimons proposed in 1971 to transfer this species back into Skiffia where it stayed for several decades. Already by the late 1990`s (Webb, 1998) became more and more clear, that the Twoline Skiffia is not closely related with the other representatives of the genus, so Doadrio and Domínguez-Domínguez placed it in Neotoca again (2004). This species is here considered valid in the genus Neotoca Hubbs and Turner, 1939. This differs from Eschmeyer et al. (2018) where it is considered valid in the genus Skiffia Meek, 1902. Affiliated to different drainages, five subpopulations can be inferred: The Middle Río Lerma subpopulation (type subpopulation), the Río Grande de Morelia subpopulation, the Laguna Yuriría subpopulation, the Río Grande de Santiago/ Laguna Chapala subpopulation, and - inferred from the range of the species, but not documented with Vouchers - the Lower Río Lerma subpopulation. The last three subpopulations are regarded Extinct.",rationale:"Neotoca bilineata is a freshwater species endemic to the Pacific slope of Mexico, where it is found in the Rio Lerma Grande de Santiago basin and the Rio Grande de Morelia basin within the States of Michoacan and Guanajuato. The species is threatened by a continuing decline in the quality of its habitat, as a result of water pollution from urban sewage, increased sedimentation and agricultural run-off, in addition to predation and competition from introduced invasive alien species (De La Vega-Salazar et al. 2003). A survey conducted between 2000 and 2001 found Neotoca bilineata to occur within only two out of the 14 known localities; surveys by Köck et al. (2014-2017) found the species within three localities. Surveys carried out by Domínguez-Domínguez et al. (2008) highlighted in the disappearance of the Twoline Skiffia from almost 60% of its historical range. Four known locations and dramatic declines in subpopulations, locations, habitats and quality of habitats, justify assessing the Twoline Skiffia as Endangered.",geographicrange:'The Twoline Skiffia is a freshwater fish species endemic to the Mexican federal states of Guanajuato and Michoacán. It was historically known from the upper sections of the endorheic Río Grande de Morelia drainage including the Lago Cuitzeo and the Presa Cointzio, from the Laguna Yuriría and from habitats along the Middle Río Lerma and lowland habitats along the Río Turbio. It was historically known from 14 localities, however, within a survey conducted between 2000-2001 the species was only found in two localities (De La Vega-Salazar et al. 2003). Neotoca bilineata disappeared from the Río Lerma, where it must have been living in the lower part as well, the Laguna Yuriría and possibly from the Río Guanajuato. It can still be found in the Río Grande de Morelia drainage including the Lago Cuitzeo and the Presa Cointzio and some localities along the Río Turbio around Penjamo (Presa Corralejo) and Abasolo (Lago El Pedregál).Chlorogomphus infuscatus is only known from China, where there are records from six locations. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data it is unlikely to be large (possibly below 2,000 km², but this needs to be confirmed). Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its known extent of occurrence (EOO) is much larger than the criterion B1 thresholds. Despite the large EOO, there are some causes for concern over this uncommon and locally occurring species. If the AOO was known to be below 2,000 km², the species would qualify for Vulnerable under criterion B2. It is therefore assessed as Near Threatened (nearly meets VU B2ab(ii,iii)).
",geographicrange:"Chlorogomphus infuscatus is only known from China where there are records from six localities (Needham 1930, Zhang 2019, unpublished). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data it is unlikely to be large, possibly below 2,000 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is well above the thresholds for criterion B1.
This is a locally occurring species and not common where it does occur. Little else can be said with the available data except that an ongoing decline in overall population is suspected from loss and degradation of suitable habitat in the range of the species. The overall population is certainly fragmented, whether or not it is severely fragmented depends on the definition used.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Zhang (2019: 536) states that this species is found at “Streams in forest at 1,000–1,500 m elevation.” The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for protection of habitat where it occurs and for more information on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139344508,scientific_name:"Chlorogomphus infuscatus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROGOMPHIDAE",genus:"Chlorogomphus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Needham, 1930",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2021-01-29",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Zhang, H. & Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"256644-306872",elevation_upper:1500,elevation_lower:1e3,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CN",country:"China",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"147473413",assessment_id:147474604,id_no:147473413,sci_name:"Coeliccia sameerae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Dow, Choong & Ng 2018",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:101.62097,latitude:5.2128,species_id:147473413,taxonomicnotes:"Until recently this species had been confused with Coeliccia erici, see Dow et al. (2018.)
",rationale:"Coeliccia sameerae is known from six locations in the northeast of Peninsular Malaysia. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large. The AOO will be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat as a result of loss and degradation of hill forest across most of the range of the species. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) of the species is below 20,000 km². This species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criteria B1ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly.
",geographicrange:"Coeliccia sameerae is known from six locations in the northeast of Peninsular Malaysia (Dow et al. 2018). The species occurs in protected areas, most notably in Taman Negera. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large. The AOO will be declining as a result of loss and degradation of hill forest across most of the range of the species. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) is somewhere between 9,801 and 14,257 km² (based on the area within a minimum convex polygon around the known localities and around the occupied HydroBASIN areas).
",population:"This species is local in occurrence but can be common where it occurs. Beyond this all that can be said with the available data is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest throughout most of the range of the species. However fragmentation may not yet have occurred.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"“Coeliccia sameerae is found at small moderately high gradient forest streams” Dow et al. (2018: 366). The species may have some tolerance to disturbance of the forest surrounding the streams where it breeds but more data are needed on this. An ongoing decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from loss and degradation of hill forest across most of the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution and ability to tolerate disturbance of this species are needed, and the protection of additional areas of suitable habitat where it occurs. The species would undoubtedly benefit from good conservation practices in plantations, such as leaving wide buffers of original forest around streams and the setting up of conservation areas consisting of original forest and including stream heads, and the strict enforcement of existing regulations for plantations and for logging activities.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:147473413,scientific_name:"Coeliccia sameerae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Coeliccia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Dow, Choong & Ng, 2018",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-14",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"9801-14257",elevation_upper:900,elevation_lower:100,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"139569914",assessment_id:146602705,id_no:139569914,sci_name:"Sulcosticta vantoli",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Villanueva & Schorr 2011",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:121.90383,latitude:14.80701,species_id:139569914,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Sulcosticta vantoli is known from five locations on Polillo in the Philippines. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is likely to be small and with the presently available data can be assumed to be below 500km2. The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest in Polillo. The species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly.
",geographicrange:"Sulcosticta vantoli is known from five locations on Polillo in the Philippines (Villanueva 2010, Villanueva & Schorr 2011). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However the area of Polillo is only approximately 629km2 and since not all habitat on the island will be suitable for the species the AOO can safely be assumed to be less than 500km2. The AOO will be declining due to loss of and disturbance to forest on Polillo.
",population:"“It is a very local species but occurs in significant numbers in sites where it was found” Villanueva & Schorr (2011: 49). Beyond this all that can be said is that some decline in overall population is inferred from habitat loss on Polillo Island and that severe fragmentation is possible for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Villanueva (2010) notes that this species was found at shaded and partially shaded seepages. It appears to be a species that occupies the heads of small forest streams. The extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred to be declining due to loss of and disturbance to forest on Polillo.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and for protection of habitat where the species occurs. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139569914,scientific_name:"Sulcosticta vantoli",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Sulcosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Villanueva & Schorr, 2011",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-15",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:"25-499",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:200,elevation_lower:10,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"161281661",assessment_id:168309022,id_no:161281661,sci_name:"Anthene lindae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"AJCOETZER, AC_LEPI01.FDB_17152",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2014,longitude:22.48503876,latitude:-27.287117,species_id:161281661,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This taxon occurs in the Northern Cape Province, South Africa (Extent of Occurrence 1,330 km2). It is known from four locations that are potentially threatened in the future by the combined impact of drought (associated with climate change), overgrazing and abstraction of underground water. The Kalahari region is one of the areas of South Africa that is experiencing the most significant changes in temperatures, a trend attributed to climate change. The taxon thus qualifies globally under the IUCN criteria as Near Threatened under criterion D.",geographicrange:"This species occurs in the Northern Cape Province in South Africa, from Witsand Nature Reserve to the western base of the Langberg, near Postmasburg, and north to as far as the south-eastern parts of the Tswalu Game Reserve along the Korannaberg east of Hotazel. It has been reported from Namibia, but further work is needed to confirm that this represents a subpopulation rather than just a 'vagrant' individual.",population:"No estimate of population numbers is possible.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in the arid ecotone between Gordonia Plains Shrubland and Olifantshoek Plains Thornveld in the Eastern Kalahari Bushveld Bioregion of the Savanna Biome. Adults are found on sparsely scattered Camel Thorn, Vachellia erioloba, which is probably the larval host plant. These trees are large in the known habitat of the butterfly and generally occur on white Kalahari sand above subterranean aquifers.",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.7",title:"Abstraction of ground water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Parts of the range of the species are conserved in the Witsand Nature Reserve, but better conservation would be achieved if part of the Langeberg was incorporated into the reserve. It is also protected in Tswalu Game Reserve. Research is required into the life history, ecology/habitat needs, and the size of known subpopulations.",usetrade:null,taxonid:161281661,scientific_name:"Anthene lindae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"LYCAENIDAE",genus:"Anthene",main_common_name:"Linda's Hairtail",authority:"Henning S.F. & Henning G.A., 1994",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-02-20",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Selb, H.E.T.",reviewer:"Kirkman, S., Raimondo, D., Oberprieler, R.G. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"20",eoo_km2:"1330",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"NA",country:"Namibia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Origin Uncertain",distribution_code:"Present - Origin Uncertain"},{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"2.1",habitat:"Savanna - Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"122149973",assessment_id:158038798,id_no:122149973,sci_name:"Podolestes pandanus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Viola Clausnitzer",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:110.18188,latitude:18.601337,species_id:122149973,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Podolestes pandanus is endemic to Hainan Island, China. It is known from a single coastal locality within Qingpilin Provincial Nature Reserve near Wanning, southeast Hainan. This area still seems to be intact, so its area of occupancy (AOO) does not appear to be declining. However, although its true AOO cannot be accurately calculated with the currently available information, even if other populations exist (likely), there is no reason to suppose that the AOO exceeds 500 km²; it is likely to be considerably less than this. Moreover, away from the known locality, the quality and extent of habitat for the species in the lowlands of Hainan are inferred to be declining due to development and agriculture. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B2ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Podolestes pandanus is endemic to Hainan Island, China. It is known from a single coastal location within Qingpilin Provincial Nature Reserve, near Wanning, southeast Hainan (Wilson and Reels 2001). This area still seems to be intact (from Google Earth images), so its area of occupancy (AOO) does not appear to be declining. However, although the AOO cannot be accurately calculated with the available information, and even if other populations exist (likely), there is no reason to believe that the AOO exceeds 500 km²; it is likely to be considerably less than this.
Three individuals were encountered during a survey in May 1999 (Wilson and Reels 2001). None were found in a subsequent very brief survey conducted in June 2007, the result of which is inconclusive (Reels 2010). The assessor is not aware of any further records of the species. The species is assumed to be very rare; however, published reports of surveys of areas of similar habitat in Hainan are lacking. Although the species is known from only a single location, it is possible that it occurs elsewhere in lowland / coastal Hainan, in which case the population is undoubtedly highly fragmented and very probably declining.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The known specimens of this species were discovered in well-shaded damp depressions in thick coastal screwpine (Pandanus sp.) scrub (Wilson & Reels 2001). This area still seems to be intact (from Google Earth images). It is possible that the species also breeds in small, shady ponds and sluggish streams in lowland areas. The extent and quality of other suitable habitat in the lowlands of Hainan are inferred to be declining due to development and agriculture.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Focussed surveys should be conducted within Qingpilin Nature Reserve and in other lowland / coastal nature reserves and in unprotected surviving areas of coastal screwpine to gain a clearer understanding of the true status and habitat requirements of this species. More generally, more information on the distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance of this species is needed. In particular, since surveys for Odonata in unprotected areas of Hainan have been limited, additional surveys outside of protected areas are needed to compliment the available information.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:122149973,scientific_name:"Podolestes pandanus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"ARGIOLESTIDAE",genus:"Podolestes",main_common_name:null,authority:"Wilson & Reels, 2001",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-09-28",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Reels, G.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"10-500",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CN",country:"China",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Unknown",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Unknown",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Unknown",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"109725625",assessment_id:109725628,id_no:109725625,sci_name:"Sulawesidrobia mahalonaensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Sulawesi",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2005,longitude:121.472517,latitude:-2.597217,species_id:109725625,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'This species is endemic to Lake Mahalona (24.4 km2), part of the Malili Lakes complex in Sulawesi. It is known from one rocky shore locality in Lake Mahalona and has a potential extent of occurrence (EOO) of up to 27 km2 and a known area of occupancy (AOO) of 4 km2. The lake is considered a single location with major threats including eutrophication, pollution from nickel mining, and invasive species. It is thus potentially highly vulnerable to any habitat degradation and the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.), which have now been confirmed in Lake Mahalona and are predicted to cause a population decline of >90% in this species within the next 10 years (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and caused the rapid loss of Sulawesidrobia populations (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017; 2018). It is therefore assessed as Critically Endangered given its extremely limited distribution, expected deterioration of its habitat and the impact of Flowernhorn Cichlids in Lake Mahalona.',geographicrange:"Sulawesidrobia mahalonaensis is endemic to Lake Mahalona in the Malili Lake system (Sulawesi, Indonesia) and is currently only known from a single locality on the western shore (Zielske et al. 2010). Zielske et al. (2010) noted that it is uncertain whether new Sulawesidrobia species were confined to lake habitats because species occurring in other types of water bodies in Sulawesi have not been investigated. However, their occurrence in rivers and springs around the lakes is highly unlikely given their habitat specialisation.",population:"
There is no population information available for this species as there are limited survey data. However, an overall population decline of >90% is predicted over the next 10 years due to the spread of the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) in the Malili lakes (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and caused the rapid loss of Sulawesidrobia populations (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017; 2018). Flowerhorn Cichlids have now been confirmed in the downstream Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obs. 2018) and are predicted to cause population declines in this species similar to those seen in the Sulawesidrobia populations of Lake Matano.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is only known to occur in the freshwater Lake Mahalona and is a rock dweller.
",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no known conservation actions currently in place for this species and research into potential threats and its distribution is recommended, as it is possibly more widespread than currently known.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilised.",taxonid:109725625,scientific_name:"Sulawesidrobia mahalonaensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"LITTORINIMORPHA",family:"TATEIDAE",genus:"Sulawesidrobia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Zielske, Glaubrecht & Haase, 2011",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-07-09",category:"CR",criteria:"A3e; B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rintelen, T.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"27",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"191187",assessment_id:1972380,id_no:191187,sci_name:"Chirostoma riojai",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Eduardo Soto-Galera, E., Flor Delia Estrada-Navarrete, Lilián Alcántara-Soria (ENCB-IPN-P & CRIP-Pátzcuaro).",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Eduardo Soto-Galera",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:1954,longitude:-99.43857,latitude:19.21453,species_id:191187,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Chirostoma riojai is a freshwater fish endemic to the headwaters of Rio Lerma basin where it was found in nine localities until 1985. A continuing decline in the extent and quality of its habitat has been observed as a result of industrialisation and fast population growth in the upper Lerma river basin. The species is currently restricted to only two localities: Laguna Guadalupe Victoria (type locality 7 ha) and the Ignacio Ramirez dam (80 ha) in Valle de Toluca, Mexico (Méndez-Sánchez et al. 2016) with an AOO of less than 1 km2. The species is threatened by overfishing, over-extraction of water resources for irrigation and an elevated biomagnification of pesticides at Ignacio Ramı́rez Dam located in an agricultural area with high levels of soil erosion. Fish populations have declined in response to the environmental stress caused by bioaccumulation of these contaminants (Favari et al. 2002). Water conditions are slightly better at the natural lagoon of Guadalupe Victoria, where the local authorities have prevented sewage discharges and the introduction of invasive species in the lagoon (Méndez-Sánchez et al. 2016). The Guadalupe Victoria lagoon is the very last intact habitat relict for this endemic freshwater fish. Considering the species restricted range and threats, it is assessed as Critically Endangered.",geographicrange:"Chirostoma riojai is a freshwater fish species endemic to the headwaters of Lerma river basin where it was found in nine localities until 1985. Currently, the species is restricted to only two localities: Laguna Guadalupe Victoria (type locality 7 ha) and the Ignacio Ramirez Dam (80 ha) in Valle de Toluca, Mexico (Méndez-Sánchez et al. 2016).",population:"Population density is low and restricted to only two localities (H. Espinosa pers. comm. 2018).",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"The species inhabits clear to turbid, spring-fed lakes and streams at high altitude (Miller et al. 2005). C. riojai is a species with very narrow tolerance intervals and therefore very vulnerable to environmental changes, between 1985 and 1989, the species was collected in waters with the following characteristics: temperature of 13-28 °C, concentration of developing oxygen from 2.4 to 15 mg/l, turbidity from undetectable (ND) to 600 UFT, suspended solids ND-580 mg/l, pH from 6.3 to 9.4, hardness from 19 to 280 mg/l of CaCO3, sulfates ND-170 mg/l, phosphates ND-6.0 mg/l, and nitrates ND-35.2 mg/l (Diaz-Pardo et al. 1993). Clear to turbid (9–332 UFT), spring-fed lakes and streams, inhabiting relatively shallow, vegetated areas. Found in alkaline (pH 7.4–9.7) and well oxygenated (5–9 mg l−1) waters of low to moderate conductivity (20–340 μs.cm-1) (Soto-Galera et al. 2008). This species is carnivorous,f eeding primarily on zooplankton and fish less than 50 mm SL. It mainly consumes Bosmina coregoni, Paracyclops sp. and Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum; larger individuals eat mostly Daphnia, especially D. catawba. The lifespan probably does not exceed two years in nature (Méndez-Sánchez and Soto-Galera 1996).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The species is listed as threatened of extinction in the NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. Ex-situ conservation is undertaken by the Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas del Instituto Politecnico Nacional and the Universidad Autonoma de Mexico (Méndez Sánchez et al. 2016). Implementation of fisheries regulations and integrated water resource management and environmental flows systems are recommended to guarantee the long term survival of the species.",usetrade:"The species is targeted by local fisheries.",taxonid:191187,scientific_name:"Chirostoma riojai",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"ATHERINIFORMES",family:"ATHERINOPSIDAE",genus:"Chirostoma",main_common_name:"Toluca Silverside",authority:"Solórzano & López, 1966",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-06-27",category:"CR",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Soto Galera, E. & Mercado Silva, N.",reviewer:"Mejía Guerrero, O. & Gómez Balandra, A.",aoo_km2:"1",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:2569,elevation_lower:2e3,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"57482794",assessment_id:148847650,id_no:57482794,sci_name:"Copadichromis diplostigma",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Konings / SCUBA",basisofrec:"StillImage",event_year:2006,longitude:34.736521,latitude:-12.04299,species_id:57482794,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Copadichromis diplostigma is endemic to Lake Malawi and occurs only around Likoma Island. It meets the area requirements under criterion B for Critically Endangered and it is known from one location. However, future declines in population size are possible but uncertain. The effects of subsistence fishing on this species are unknown and it is, therefore, listed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Likoma Island (Malawi) in Lake Malawi.",population:"No information is available on the population size and population trend of this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species frequents habitats characterised by sandy bottoms with scattered rocks and stones; here territorial males construct bowers at the sand/rock interface at depths of 12–18 m (Stauffer and Konings 2006). Females and immature males occur in small groups and feed on plankton in the water column and on benthic invertebrates (Stauffer and Konings 2006).",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation actions are known for this species. Research is recommended.",usetrade:"This species is not targeted by the ornamental fish trade, but is targeted by utaka fishermen.",taxonid:57482794,scientific_name:"Copadichromis diplostigma",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Copadichromis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Stauffer & Konings, 2006",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-06-22",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A. & FishBase team RMCA",reviewer:"Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:"56",eoo_km2:"90",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:"This errata assessment was created to add a point data map that was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.",amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MW",country:"Malawi",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"176025489",assessment_id:176025722,id_no:176025489,sci_name:"Parodon orinocensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lasso, C.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-67.80495,latitude:5.2106,species_id:176025489,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is restricted to a number of localities in the Orinoco River basin. The maximum area of occupancy (AOO) is estimated at 840 km2. It is a very rare species with particular habitat requirements. Mining is a severe threat that is leading to a continuing decline in the habitat extent and quality. There are 7-10 locations based on this threat. Therefore, this species is assessed as Vulnerable.
This species is known from the Orinoco Basin in Venezuela in Colombia, including the Caura river basin (Tabare and Nichare rivers) and the main channel of the upper Orinoco river (Bonilla et al. 1999, Lasso et al. 2004).
",population:"It is apparently a very rare species in its natural environment.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It occurs in rivers of black and clear waters, with torrential water. It has only been observed in areas of rapids or streams of large rivers (Orinoco, Caura: Nichare and Tabaro) (Bonilla et al. 1999).
",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.1",title:"Oil spills",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation actions are known to be in place for this species. Site protection and further research are recommended.
There is no available information on the population size or trend for this species. However, it is considered rare. The island of Evvoia has been surveyed repeatedly but no specimens have been found besides the areas located close to Steni in Dirphi Mt. (Parmakelis 2003), and possibly also from a site 8 km N of Styra (Parmakelis et al. 2005). This mollusc's shell is large and whitish in appearance, but the species appears to be difficult to find. The island is well sampled, but even so, only a few empty shells are known. Thus, the species is extremely rare.
`,populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This is a soil dwelling species, usually found in xeric shrublands (maquis and phrygana) (Parmakelis 2003).",threats:[{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'This species was listed in the 2009 Greek Red Data Book as Least Concern (Legakis and Maraghou 2009). Although there are a number of areas in Evvoia included in various protection schemes, there is no conservation action regarding the species. Further research on its taxonomy, distribution, threats and monitoring of the its habitat are recommended for this species.
',usetrade:"This species is not used or traded.
",taxonid:189711,scientific_name:"Mastus dirphicus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"STYLOMMATOPHORA",family:"ENIDAE",genus:"Mastus",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Blanc, 1879)",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2023-04-29",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Parmakelis, A.",reviewer:"Pollock, C.M. & Neubert, E.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"314",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GR",country:"Greece",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"3.5",habitat:"Shrubland - Subtropical/Tropical Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"3.8",habitat:"Shrubland - Mediterranean-type Shrubby Vegetation",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2023",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2011",assess_year:"2010",code:"LC",category:"Least Concern"}]},{id:"161319448",assessment_id:168302462,id_no:161319448,sci_name:"Lepidochrysops praeterita",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"AJCOETZER, AC_LEPI01.FDB_5297",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2004,longitude:27.98488998,latitude:-26.49558449,species_id:161319448,taxonomicnotes:"There are no notable issues.",rationale:"This is a range-restricted endemic species of the Free State, Gauteng and North West Provinces in South Africa (Extent of Occurrence 1,336 km2, Area of Occupancy 44 km2). There are currently estimated to be four locations. The taxon inhabits an area with dense human habitation and intensive land use. Its range has shrunk significantly over the last 20 years, and the number of specimens recorded during its flight period has reduced alarmingly in recent years. The quality and extent of habitat is declining at a fairly rapid rate, due to extended residential construction and associated infrastructure, agricultural development and overgrazing by nomadic herds of cattle. The taxon thus qualifies globally under the IUCN criteria as Endangered under criterion B.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to the Free State, Gauteng and North West Provinces, of South Africa occurring from Potchefstroom in the west to Walkerville in the east, in the highveld region.",population:"The taxon has a fairly large geographical range but a narrow habitat specificity. Its population size has declined rapidly in both number of localities and number of specimens over the last 20 years.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This taxon is confined to grassy, rocky, typically south-facing slopes, where its host plant (Ocimum obovatum) and, presumably, its host ant occur. Most localities are within an altitudinal band between 1,500 m and 1,750 m. Males frequently fly around solitary trees or other features in the general vicinity of the colony. Lepidochrysops praeterita is highly localized and appears to have a very specific habitat niche. The life history is unrecorded.",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.1",title:"Nomadic grazing",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.2",title:"Supression in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Monitoring of population levels should to be undertaken by LepSoc Africa. The life history and habitat niche needs to be established, to assist future conservation efforts. The town-planners responsible for the proposed Hillshaven extension into the adjacent colony need to be informed of the implications and alternative plans made, if possible. The habitat of many known subpopulations of this species are close to residential areas. These areas are regularly burnt in winter for public safety reasons. Regular grass-burning is considered imperative for the wellbeing of this species, but this needs to be monitored.",usetrade:null,taxonid:161319448,scientific_name:"Lepidochrysops praeterita",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"LYCAENIDAE",genus:"Lepidochrysops",main_common_name:"Highveld Blue",authority:"Swanepoel, 1962",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-02-20",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dobson, J.C.H.",reviewer:"Kirkman, S., Raimondo, D., Oberprieler, R.G. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"44",eoo_km2:"1336",elevation_upper:1750,elevation_lower:1500,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"2.1",habitat:"Savanna - Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"4.7",habitat:"Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"6",habitat:"Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"173830382",assessment_id:173830399,id_no:173830382,sci_name:"Cynolebias ochraceus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Costa 2014",basisofrec:null,event_year:1999,longitude:-43.52444444,latitude:-13.87833333,species_id:173830382,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Cynolebias ochraceus is known only from its type locality, a small series of interconnected pools close to highway BR-349, about 12 km from the town of Bom Jesus da Lapa in the middle São Francisco River basin, Bahia, Brazil. Area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, and the species is assigned to a single threat-based location. Total population size and population trend are unknown, but this species was rare during all sampling trips. Habitat was first sampled in 1999 and consisted of several temporary pools characterized by in-tact Cerrado vegetation along the margins of the pools. Subsequent sampling trips in 2009 reported that 280 m2 (93%) of the original habitat had been destroyed due to deforestation associated with agricultural expansion. Therefore, inferred and continuing decline in habitat quality and availability is inferred and C. ochraceus is assessed as Critically Endangered under criterion B1b(iii)+2ab(iii). Site protection and captive management are immediate conservation priorities that will likely be necessary to prevent the extinction of this species in the immediate future.
",geographicrange:"Cynolebias ochraceus is known only from its type locality, a small series of interconnected pools close to highway BR-349, about 12 km from the town of Bom Jesus da Lapa, Bahia state, Brazil (Costa 2014). One additional specimen was reported from a pool near the village of Malhada, suggesting a potentially broader distribution in the middle São Francisco River basin (Costa 2014). However, because this record cannot be substantiated, range is considered to be restricted to the type locality until additional ichthyological survey can verify a potentially larger distribution. Recent surveys in nearby temporary pools have failed to detect this species (Costa 2014).
Area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) are estimated to be 4 km2 based on a single 2x2 km grid overlain on top of the type locality (Costa 2014). This species is assigned to a single threat-based location, given a restricted distribution and localized deforestation associated with agricultural expansion that has resulted in the destruction of most suitable habitat at the type locality (Costa 2014).
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. However, this species is rare and is known from a total of 13 specimens (Costa 2014).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is known from a series of small, interconnected ponds on the right bank of the middle São Francisco River basin (Costa 2014). This habitat was first sampled in 1999 and consisted of a few temporary pools with an area of approximately 300 m2 and a maximum depth of about 1 m, with typical Caatinga vegetation around its margins (Costa 2014). In recent years, the area has been completely deforested for agricultural use, resulting in the destruction of approximately 280 m2 of habitat by 2009 (Costa 2014).
",threats:[{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards C. ochraceus, nor has the species been reported from within the boundaries of any existing protected areas. Additional ichthyological surveys in potentially suitable habitat are urgently needed to clarify the conservation status of this species. Additional information regarding population size and population trend would be useful in clarifying extinction risk. Site protection and captive management are warranted conservation priorities, given the pervasive threat of agricultural expansion that could result in the complete loss of temporary pond habitat in the immediate future.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:173830382,scientific_name:"Cynolebias ochraceus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Cynolebias",main_common_name:null,authority:"Costa, 2014",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-03",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Costa, W.J.E.M.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"164692295",assessment_id:164692531,id_no:164692295,sci_name:"Hiatirhaphis parismina",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.8rj7jf",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:0,longitude:-84.003646,latitude:10.45813,species_id:164692295,taxonomicnotes:"Additional research is needed to determine the specific relationship between H. parismina and its close congener B. cascajelensis (Angulo et al. 2013).
",rationale:"This species is distributed on the Atlantic slope of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, ranging from the Bartola River in southeastern Nicaragua to at least the Matina River in central Costa Rica, and possibly extending into the Sixaola River drainage. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 11,202-13,556 km2. Given the pervasive effects of deforestation, agricultural pesticides, and urban pollution resulting from wastewater and sewage discharge, this species is inferred to occur in fewer than 10 locations. These threats have had a demonstrated impact on the quality and availability of aquatic habitat. Therefore, H. parismina is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B1ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Hiatirhaphis parismina is distributed on the Atlantic slope of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, ranging from the Bartola River in southeastern Nicaragua (tributary to the San Juan River) (GBIF 2019), southward to at least the Matina River in central Costa Rica (Smith and Bermingham 2005, Angulo et al. 2013). Elevation ranges from 5-50 meters above sea level (Angulo et al. 2013).
Southward range extent is uncertain, given the exclusion of this species from the Sixaola River drainage by Angulo et al. (2013), but reported occurrences in some additional surveys (Lorion et al. 2011, Oosterhout and Velde 2015). This is further confounded by uncertainties regarding the relationship between H. parismina and its close congener H. cascajalensis (Lucinda 2003, Angulo et al. 2013).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 11,202-13,556 km2. The lower threshold of this estimate is based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around the reported distribution of this species in Angulo et al. (2013). The upper threshold of this estimate is based on a range extending into the Sixaola River (Lorion et al. 2011, Oosterhout and Velde 2015). Given the scope of major pervasive threats (Echeverría-Sáenz et al. 2012, Bower 2014) and considering the cumulative impact of non-point pollution on downstream catchments, this species is inferred to occur in fewer than 10 locations.",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. In the Sixaola River, surveys across 20 sampling sites produced 13 specimens out of a total of 6,689 collected fishes (Lorion et al. 2011). In similar surveys within the Sixaola River, this species comprised 0.4% and 0.1% of relative fish abundance in small and large streams, respectively (Oosterhout and Velde 2015). Ichthyological surveys in the Sarapiquí River qualitatively characterize this species as uncommon (Angulo et al. 2017).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This benthopelagic, freshwater species typically occurs in low elevation streams and creeks characterized by low to moderate water velocity, temperatures ranging from 23-34 C, and substrates of sand, gravel and mud (Bussing 1998, Belk et al. 2011). Diet is comprised primarily of terrestrial insects (Small et al. 2011), but also includes aquatic insects and diatoms (Burcham 1988). Maximum reported body size is 7 cm total length (TL) (Lucinda 2003). Reproduction occurs throughout the year (Bussing 1998).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.9",title:"Small dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation actions directed towards H. parismina. The range of this species extends into a number of protected areas, including the Tortuguero National Park, Braulio Carrillo National Park, and Tirimbina Biological Reserve in Heredia, Costa Rica (Angulo et al. 2017, IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019), which may confer indirect habitat protection. Additional research regarding taxonomy, distribution, population size and trend, and the direct impacts of major pervasive threats would be useful in guiding future conservation action.
",usetrade:"This species is relatively common in the ornamental trade, but the total volume of wild harvest is unknown. In Europe, the majority of traded specimens are aquacultured (Lee et al. 1980, A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019).
",taxonid:164692295,scientific_name:"Hiatirhaphis parismina",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Hiatirhaphis",main_common_name:"Parismina Livebearer",authority:"(Meek, 1912)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-11-08",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J. & Angulo, A.",reviewer:"Contreras MacBeath, T.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"11202-13556",elevation_upper:50,elevation_lower:5,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"NI",country:"Nicaragua",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"163603",assessment_id:122149983,id_no:163603,sci_name:"Podolestes coomansi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Kosterin & Vikhrev 2009",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:null,longitude:98.3038,latitude:8.0909,species_id:163603,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Podolestes coomansi is rather widely distributed but is known from relatively few locations, at only 10 of which the species can be considered to be certainly still present. At three of the other locations in Thailand it appears to have become extinct in recent years, and a definite threat is known at another. Although an even remotely accurate estimate of area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, based on the currently known sites the AOO is below 2,000 km², a decline in AOO and quality and extent of suitable habitat is occurring and existing populations are severely fragmented. The species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criterion B (VU B2ab(ii,iii)) and is assessed as such but with some reservations. Given that some of its habitats are man-made or severely human-altered it is to be hoped that when more data becomes available it will be possible to reassess this species as Least Concern.
",geographicrange:"Podolestes coomansi is known from the type series from one location in south Sumatra (Lieftinck 1940), likely photographic records from Belitung (Alfarisyi 2017) and Berbak National Park in Jambi Province (M. Silvius pers. comm. 2018), and an increasing number of records from peninsular and the south west of central Thailand (Kosterin and Vikhrev 2009; N. Makbun pers. comm. 2018, based on his own records and photographic and observational information compiled by him, some of which is based on contributions by S. Tesring, R. Ruangrong, S. Chanhong, S. Lekwilai, P. Dawwrueng, C. Kongchuay, T. Thitiarchagul, P. Siriathiwat and S. Jitnaree). The Assessor has seen records from 13 locations in Thailand, but is unable to assign coordinates to one of these (in Pathum Thani province). It appears to have become extinct at three of the locations in Thailand after alterations to the habitat at these sites (one of which is the location in Pathum Thani province). It is not known if the location in south Sumatera is still intact but it was given as Palembang (a city) and presumably was somewhere in the vicinity of the city so that it is likely to have been severely altered, so that 10 locations are currently known with certainty for the species, all in Thailand. It is very likely to be more widespread in Sumatra than is now known and also to occur in southern Myanmar and Peninsular Malaysia, but this needs confirmation. An even remotely accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of the species is not possible with the currently available data but based on the currently and certainly known sites it is below 2,000 km².",population:"This species may be moderately common at some locations, but beyond this nothing can be said about current population sizes and health except that some decline is clearly ongoing in Thailand (based on the loss of several sites and threats to swamp forest habitats) and that with the currently available data the overall population is severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:'The type locality was described as a "marshy spot in second growth forest" (Lieftinck 1954). In Thailand this species occurs at “partly shaded or open pond or ditch often with fern and/or common cattails (Typha angustifolia) and swamp forest” (N. Makbun pers. comm. 2018); this agrees with the habitat where the likely record from Belitung was made.',threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data are required on the distribution of this species, its exact habitat requirements and its ability to colonise new habitats or recolonise old ones when conditions become suitable for it. Protection of some existing sites in Thailand is needed, and expert searches throughout its range, particularly in Sumatera, and in southern Myanmar and Peninsular Malaysia to determine whether or not the species occurs there.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:163603,scientific_name:"Podolestes coomansi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"ARGIOLESTIDAE",genus:"Podolestes",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1940",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-03-14",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:"500-1999",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"TH",country:"Thailand",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"15.2",habitat:"Artificial/Aquatic - Ponds (below 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"15.9",habitat:"Artificial/Aquatic - Canals and Drainage Channels, Ditches",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"}]},{id:"163851",assessment_id:83376673,id_no:163851,sci_name:"Lieftinckia lairdi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Marinov",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN SSC Odonata Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Lieftinck, M.A., 1987",basisofrec:" ",event_year:1965,longitude:159.9417,latitude:-9.4363,species_id:163851,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species is assessed as Endangered because it is known from a small number of locations with a small extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO). It is likely that there will be a continuing decline in at least the extent and quality of the habitat.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Guadalcanal (Solomon Islands) where it is known from seven localities. All known records were collected between 1953 and 2005.",population:"Information is lacking regarding population numbers, although it is thought to be decreasing.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:'From the habitat descriptions given when the specimens were taken, Lieftinckia lairdi is known to occur at running water. These habitats include a river; a slow flowing pool formed by seepage alongside river, by ford; on a ridge above Sutakiki river and hill country of northwest Guadalcanal Island, upper reaches of Tenaru River, backwater of a stream near Betilonga Village (freshly emerged Zygopteron clining to half-submerged log). It is not unlikely that the species is confined to forest.',threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There does not appear to be any conservation measures in place and fieldwork is needed to fully understand the habitat status and population numbers as it is likely the habitat is in decline.",usetrade:null,taxonid:163851,scientific_name:"Lieftinckia lairdi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Lieftinckia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1963",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-04-02",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Kalkman, V.J.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"68",elevation_upper:680,elevation_lower:600,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"SB",country:"Solomon Islands",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"157857029",assessment_id:157910284,id_no:157857029,sci_name:"Peltospira operculata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-114.29199982,latitude:-21.43330002,species_id:157857029,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from seven restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2,500 m to 2,850 m bsl. The species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO), and has been found at only seven locations, suggesting that it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. While one of the seven locations lies within two MPAs (Menini and Van Dover 2019), the other six exist in International Waters without any such protection, therefore we have opted to assess the species as NT. A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of the MPAs, or in the event of mining licences being granted, whereby the species would be capable of becoming VU B2ab(iii).",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to seven locations at hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. Location 1 lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Mexico, whereas Locations 2-7 occur beyond national jurisdiction in International Waters. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,500 m bsl to 2,850 m bsl. The seven locations are comprised of the following hydrothermal vent fields: EPR 21°N (Location 1), EPR 13°N (Location 2), EPR 9°50'N (Location 3), EPR 14°S (Location 4), EPR 17°S (Location 5), Rehu-Marka (Location 5), EPR 17°34'S (Location 5), Animal Farm (Location 6), EPR 21°25'S (Location 7) (McLean 1989, Warén and Bouchet 2001, Pradillon et al. 2009, Matabos et al. 2011). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (McLean 1989, Warén and Bouchet 2001, Pradillon et al. 2009, Matabos et al. 2011).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,500 m to 2,850 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"One of the seven locations, the EPR 21°N vent field, lies within the Hydrothermal Ventilation Sanctuary of the Guaymas Basin and the Eastern Pacific Ridge (Santuario Ventilas Hidrotermales de la Cuenca de Guaymas y de la Dorsal del Pacífico Oriental), established in 2009, where research and fisheries activities are regulated by the Mexican government (Menini and Van Dover 2019). This vent site is further surrounded by the Deep Mexican Pacific Biosphere Reserve (Reserva de la Biosfera Pacífico Mexicano Profundo), established in 2016 (Menini and Van Dover 2019). The exploitation of wildlife and mining in these areas is strictly prohibited. However, there are no conservation actions currently in place at the other six locations where this species is found (including the individual vent fields of EPR 13°N, EPR 9°50'N, EPR 14°S, EPR 17°S, Rehu-Marka, EPR 17°34'S, Animal Farm and EPR 21°25'S). We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the East Pacific Rise.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157857029,scientific_name:"Peltospira operculata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"NEOMPHALIDA",family:"PELTOSPIRIDAE",genus:"Peltospira",main_common_name:null,authority:"McLean, 1989",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-09-08",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Hanson, N. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"36",eoo_km2:"2389804.453",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:2500,depth_lower:2850,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"11070",assessment_id:150838654,id_no:11070,sci_name:"Labeo fisheri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Malka Fernando",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:"Sri Lanka",tax_comm:null,source:"CHE00115",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2018,longitude:80.57633,latitude:7.126528,species_id:11070,taxonomicnotes:"Sudasinghe et al. (2018) reviewed the genus Labeo and confirmed, both morphologically and phylogenetically, that Labeo fisheri is a true species. Anusha et al. (2017) recorded a specimen of L. fisheri from the upstream regions of the Tamiraparani River in the southern Peninsular India. However, the meristic counts reported for this specimen differ from those of Sri Lankan L. fisheri as follows: 42 (vs. 37–39) lateral-line scales; and 21 (vs. 17–20) circumpeduncular scales. Therefore, the record of L. fisheri from India by Anusha et al. (2017) can be considered as a misidentification (Sudasinghe et al. 2018).",rationale:"Labeo fisheri is a range-restricted, endemic species, known from four locations in the Mahaweli River Basin of central Sri Lanka. Its Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is around 3126 km2 and Area of Occupancy (AOO) is 232 km2. A continuing decline in the extent and quality of its habitat has been observed due to construction of dams causing habitat fragmentation and degradation of feeding grounds. The species is also threatened by overfishing, competition and predation from invasive species and water pollution from agricultural run-off and increased in sedimentation. Even though part of the species range occurs within protected areas, these threats are likely to continue. Therefore, the species is listed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"A freshwater fish species endemic to Sri Lanka. Labeo fisheri, was considered to be restricted to the upper basin of the Mahaweli River, consisting of streams draining through the Knuckles Mountain Range and the central hills in the vicinity of Kandy, Gampola and Nawalapitiya in the Central province (Deraniyagala 1952, Pethiyagoda 1991). Recent studies have recorded L. fisheri from the Mid and lower basins of the Mahaweli River as far downstream as Angammedilla near Polonnaruwa (NARA 2017, Sudasinghe et al. 2018).",population:"It appears that there are several localized populations of L. fisheri throughout its range in the Mahaweli River basin. However, large numbers were not recorded in any of these localities (NARA 2017, Sudasinghe et al. 2018). There are ten large dams constructed along the upper and middle basins of the Mahaweli River, which may have affected the distribution of L. fisheri. For example, fishermen in the Polgolla-Digana and Hulu ganga area reported that they rarely catch L. fisheri compared to their catch frequency 20–30 years ago. Similarly, in Lewella near Kandy, downstream of the Polgolla dam, L. fisheri is rarely caught today (IUCN 2019, NARA 2017, Sudasinghe et al. 2018), even though it has been reported that the fish could be easily collected in this area in the past (Jordan and Starks 1917, Deraniyagala 1952).
During the NARA survey carried out in 2017, population density of L. fisheri has been estimated at two locations, namely Moragolla area and Heen Ganga in the upper basin of the Mahaweli river where 158±14 individuals over a 3 km (or 0.31 km2) stretch and 272±3 individuals over a 1.5 km (0.14 km2) stretch have been reported respectively. Therefore, the estimated population size per 1 km2 ranges between 510 and 1942 individuals. Hence the total estimated population, based on the currently known area of occupancy (35.15 km2) for this species ranges between 17915 and 68291 individuals.
The species was recorded from both clear-water streams draining from the Knuckles hills, as well as much more turbid waters in the central hills (IUCN 2019, NARA 2017, Sudasinghe et al. 2018). At Heen Ganga in Sulugune, adults of L. fisheri were observed in >1 m deep rapids, among large rocks and boulders, whereas juveniles and semi-adults were common in shallower regions with a moderate, non-turbulent flow (Sudasinghe et al. 2018). In Moragolla area adults were recorded from dark crevices in deep rocky pools >16 m deep during daytime and it is assumed that the fish moves into shallow areas during dusk in search of food. It was also recorded that L. fisheri has a well-developed swim bladder comprising of two chambers. This obviously bears evidence for its ability for quick diving, surfacing and occupying deep pools (NARA 2017).
Shirantha (2012) suggests that there is an upstream movement for spawning (like other cyprinids, and that eggs would drift downstream, but this has not been properly documented). Several gravid females (individuals up to 45-60 cm length) were recorded in the Moragolla proposed hydro power project area in March 2017 by the NARA survey team (2017).
De Silva (1989) demonstrated that the fish is herbivorous, mainly feeding on diatoms and algae. Sudasinghe et al. (2018), has also observed L. fisheri feeding on algae on submerged rocks during daytime. However, more recent data has shown that juveniles (up to 8 cm long) are prevalent in shallow (1 to 2 m depth) areas where the rocky substratum supports aquatic plant Farmeria metzgerioides (family: Podostemaceae) and patches of sand with river debris (Kumara and Samarawickrama 2018, NARA 2017). Most recent study on the food habits of L. fisheri was done by Thilakaratne et al. (2018) using specimens collected from the Victoria Reservoir, where they report that the most dominant food types found are algae species such as Aulacaseira sp. (29%), Staurastum sp. (8%), Chracoccus sp. (9%) and diatoms (14%). It has also been observed that the fish tend to rest under crevices for extended periods (5–10 minutes) suggesting that individual L. fisheri may inhabit limited stretches of the river, apparently maintaining territories. Adult L. fisheri were observed to display schooling behavior with Puntius dorsalis (Jerdon), Systomus martenstyni (Kottelat & Pethiyagoda) and Tor khudree (Sykes) (NARA 2017, Sudasinghe et al. 2018).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"8.2",title:"Problematic native species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"8.2",title:"Problematic native species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"8.2.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The species is listed as a protected species in the schedule II of the Fauna & Flora Protection Ordinance No. 2 of 1937 (last amendment by Act No. 22 of 2009). It is subject to export controls in the Fisheries Act Schedule I. The species is listed as an Endangered (EN) species in the global Red List (Devi and Boguskaya 2009) and Critically Endangered (CR) species in the National List of Threatened species (MOE 2012).
One of the known sites of occurrence, the main Mahaweli river at Waratenna-Hakkinda area in the Kandy District in the Central Province has been declared as an Environmental Protected Area (EPA) targeting the Green Labeo and several other endemic and threatened species under Section 24C of the National Environmental Act (NEA), which enables regulating and prohibiting certain activities in this area under Section 24D of the NEA. This order is officially published in the Gazette Extraordinary No; 2024/06 of 19.06.2017.
",usetrade:"Locally, this fish is used for food.",taxonid:11070,scientific_name:"Labeo fisheri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"CYPRINIDAE",genus:"Labeo",main_common_name:"Green Labeo",authority:"Jordan & Starks, 1917",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-08-07",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"de Alwis Goonatilake, S., Fernado, M. & Kotagama, O.",reviewer:"Maiz-Tome, L. & Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"232.000",eoo_km2:"3126.111",elevation_upper:750,elevation_lower:80,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"E",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"E",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"E",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"E",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"139541745",assessment_id:146602150,id_no:139541745,sci_name:"Pandanobasis daku",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Villanueva 2012",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:124.97721,latitude:10.61371,species_id:139541745,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Pandanobasis daku is known only from the holotype male from Mount Bolocaue in Leyte in the Philippines. Threats exist not only at the known location but throughout Leyte. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but with the available data is very likely to be less than 10 km² and will be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest throughout Leyte. In most circumstances this assessor would place an odonate species known from only a single location in Data Deficient but given the degree of loss and disturbance of forest on Leyte (and throughout the Philippines) a high threat category is clearly warranted. The species qualifies for Critically Endangered under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed as such. If (much needed) future surveys for Odonata on Leyte reveal a wider distribution then the species can hopefully be re-assessed as Endangered.
",geographicrange:"Pandanobasis daku is known only from the holotype male from Mount Bolocaue in Leyte in the Philippines (Villanueva 2012). Mount Bolocaue appears to either be in or is close to the Mount Nacolod Important Bird Area but, to the assessor's knowledge,this does not have any protected status. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible but with the available data it is likely to be less than 10 km² and will be declining due to loss and degradation of forest throughout Leyte.
All that can be said with the available data is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred for this species because of loss and degradation of forest throughout Leyte.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing was recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it will be forest-dependent and might be a phytotelmata breeder. An ongoing decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from loss and degradation of forest throughout Leyte.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for protection of habitat where it occurs and for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139541745,scientific_name:"Pandanobasis daku",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Pandanobasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Villanueva, 2012",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-04",category:"CR",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"4-8",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:700,elevation_lower:700,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"133764299",assessment_id:133764334,id_no:133764299,sci_name:"Profundulus mixtlanensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Patricia Ornelas-García",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Ornelas-García, C. P., Martínez-Ramírez, E., & Doadrio, I. (2015). A new species of killifish of the family Profundulidae from the highlands of the Mixteca region, Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 86(4), 926-933.",basisofrec:"Collection",event_year:2018,longitude:-98.010556,latitude:17.319722,species_id:133764299,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Profundulus mixtlanensis is an endemic freshwater fish species of Mexico, found within the river systems of Río Grande Santiago, Río Cucharas, El Carmen Tuxtitlán, Putla de Guerrero, and the springs Aldama, Chalcatongo, and Santiago Yosondúa, in the Federal State of Oaxaca, Mexico. The species range is relatively restricted, in comparison to other species in the genus, and the population size is very small. Most of the spring habitats where the species inhabits are under threat from anthropogenic pressures and currently declining. However, more information is needed about the number of locations to be able to assess it as threatened. Therefore, it is currently assessed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"Profundulus mixtlanensis is native to the river systems of the Oaxaca State in Mexico. These include the Colorado River, Atoyaquillo River, the Atoyac river basin, and the Mixteco river basin. The majority of these river systems drain into the Pacific (Ornelas-García et al. 2015).",population:"The populations sizes are very small. When the species is present in pools, there are no more than 100 individuals. Similarly, when the species inhabits rivers (e.g. Río Cucharas), the species density is comparatively very low to the rest of the fish species present in the locality.Melligomphus ludens is known from Fujian and Zhejiang in China. The assessors are aware of records from four localities (interpreted as four locations, based on plausible threats and the distribution of known records). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 11,614–16,788 km². Without better information on the habitats and ecology of this species than is currently available, it is difficult to assess the threats faced by this species, but given its lowland habitats and small known distribution, it is likely to be under pressure and is inherently vulnerable. With an EOO smaller than 20,000 km², it meets the Vulnerable (VU) B1 threshold, and with only four known locations, it also meets the conditions for VU B1a. However, it is not known if the species is currently undergoing continuing decline, therefore under criterion B the highest category the species qualifies for is Near Threatened (NT). But, with only four locations and plausible threats from forest clearance, pollution of lowland streams and rivers, and diversion of stream courses to feed medium scale hydroelectric projects, this species could rapidly move into Critically Endangered. Therefore, it is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D (VU D2).
",geographicrange:"Melligomphus ludens is known from Fujian and Zhejiang in China (Chao 1990, Zhang 2019 unpublished). The assessors are aware of records from four localities. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO), based on the known collection records, is 11,614 km². Its maximum EOO, based on the extent of HydroBASINS the known records are from, is 16,788 km².",population:"There is insufficient information on this species to make any statement about current population sizes and health.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Zhang (2019: 387) states that this species is found at “streams and rivers below 500 m elevation.” It is not known if the species is forest dependent or how tolerant to disturbance it is.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:178293564,scientific_name:"Melligomphus ludens",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Melligomphus",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Needham, 1930)",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2021-02-25",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Zhang, H. & Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"11614-16788",elevation_upper:500,elevation_lower:10,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CN",country:"China",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"176160795",assessment_id:176160812,id_no:176160795,sci_name:"Guianacara cuyunii",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Oscar M. Lasso-Alcalá",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"banks of Cuyuni River about 12km upstream of Devil's Hole",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"GBIF 2021",basisofrec:null,event_year:2011,longitude:-59.9603,latitude:6.81213,species_id:176160795,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Although precise estimates of the current population size of Guianacara cuyunii are not known, based on the spatial and temporal quantification of the records in the bibliographic review, and of collections, it is considered that its population abundance is very low (only 83 known specimens) in most of its area of distribution. This situation, added to its geographical distribution being small and restricted to 2-3 locations across Venezuela and Guyana (EOO 13,847 km2), with populations that are in continuing decline (no records in the last 20 years in Venezuela and 12 years in Guyana despite survey effort), with extensive impact from mining (resulting in a continuing decline in habitat quality), it is assessed that the species be classified as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"Guianacara cuyunii occurs in the Guiana Shield of Venezuela and Guyana (López-Fernández et al. 2006, Vari et al. 2009, Araujo 2010, Lemopoulos and Covain 2019, Taphorn et al. 2022). The type locality is a creek at Venamo River, upstream from Apanao rapids, Bolívar, Venezuela (López-Fernández et al. 2006, Fricke et al. 2020). According to our bibliographic and collection review, Guianacara cuyunii in the Guiana Shield, is a species that only occurs at Upper Cuyuní River drainage, in the main channel and small tributaries, especially the Venamo, Botanamo, and Yuruarı rivers in Essequibo River basin, Venezuela, and Cuyuni river in Guyana (López-Fernández et al. 2006, Araujo 2010, Vari et al. 2012, Lemopoulos and Covain 2019, Taphorn et al. 2022). Records of Guianacara cuyunii for other basins and hydrographic systems in Brazil refer to erroneous identifications and possible confusions with other species, for which reason they require adequate taxonomic review.No measures or actions for the conservation of Guianacara cuyunii or its habitat are known. There are no protected conservation areas in the Cuyuní river system in Venezuela and Guyana. Stricter policies on mining activities and immediate considerations of protected areas are recommended.
",usetrade:"Due to its colouration and shape, it could be appreciated by specialized aquarists. And due to its low abundance, and the existence of severe threats in this distribution area, its use as an ornamental species may constitute a new threat.
",taxonid:176160795,scientific_name:"Guianacara cuyunii",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Guianacara",main_common_name:"Cara Caballo",authority:"López-Fernández, Taphorn & Kullander, 2006",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2023-03-12",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lasso-Alcalá, O.M., Quintero-T., E., Mikolji, I. & Martínez, E.O.",reviewer:"Taphorn, D.C.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"13847",elevation_upper:90,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GY",country:"Guyana",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"VE",country:"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2023",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"157850657",assessment_id:157857113,id_no:157850657,sci_name:"Vetulonia phalcata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:173.91700745,latitude:-16.98329926,species_id:157850657,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting within the Fiji EEZ, located at a depth of 2,000 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. Mining licences have previously been granted to areas within the Fiji EEZ, however in 2019, the Fijian president called for a ten-year moratorium on mining. This has not yet been put into effect, however mining has been suspended within the Fiji EEZ. The potential for anthropogenic influence at these sites based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. The impact of uncertainty around the future potential for decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species is Vulnerable (VU D2).Lestes praecellens is very similar to L. praemorsus and could possibly be merely a variant or form of that species. However this is an open question and several species may currently all be treated as L. praemorsus.
",rationale:"Lestes praecellens is known from old records from Java, and recent and relatively recent records from Peninsular Malaysia. Few sites have ever been recorded for the species and these probably only constitute four threat-defined locations. However the species may be under-recorded and some records may have been obscured by miss-identification as Lestes praemorsus. The habitat requirements of the species do not appear to be well understood. This is a difficult species to assess and cases could probably be made for several different threat categories, however no case for Least Concern can be made with the available data so that Data Deficient is also not an appropriate assessment. With the currently available data the species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criterion D2 and, taking a reasonable precautionary approach, it is assessed as such.
",geographicrange:"Lestes praecellens is known from Java (Lieftinck 1937, 1960) and Peninsular Malaysia (e.g. Dow et al. 2016, Hämäläinen 2000). Few locations have been recorded for the species, the assessor is aware of records from five or six sites that probably only constitute four threat defined locations. However additional records may have been obscured by miss-identification as the very similar L. praemorsus. Records from Java are old but those from Peninsular Malaysia are recent and relatively recent. No accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) can be made with the available data. It has been recorded in protected areas, for instance the Krau Wildlife Reserve in Peninsular Malaysia.
",population:"This species appears to occur very locally and to not be particularly common even where it does occur. Beyond this all that can be said with the available information is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of lowland forest throughout the range of the species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species has been recorded from swamp forest, forest pools but also ponds and marshes. However it is absent from most locations fitting the above description, suggesting that we do not have a good understanding of its habitat requirements.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution and exact habitat requirements of this species are needed.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139372867,scientific_name:"Lestes praecellens",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"LESTIDAE",genus:"Lestes",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1937",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-02-02",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:200,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"157846164",assessment_id:157857058,id_no:157846164,sci_name:"Shinkailepas kaikatensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:127.53299713,latitude:27.49160004,species_id:157846164,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from five restricted locations in the distinctive and restricted habitat of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 470 m to 1,360 m bsl. Three of these locations lie within deep-sea mining licence areas within the Japan EEZ. As the species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO), and has been found at a limited number of locations, it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction at these deep-sea mining sites. However, the other two known locations lie within MPAs within the USA EEZ, and these populations are protected from the impacts of commercial exploitation and deep-sea mining. Therefore, owing to the significant protection provided by these MPAs and the resulting variability in extinction risk for the different populations, we have opted to assess the species as Near Threatened. The species is close to qualifying for a threatened category based on the potential threat of mining activity in a subset of locations where the species occurs. As such, the assessment as NT is dependent on the maintenance of the current marine protection within the USA EEZ vent fields. A reassessment would therefore be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of the MPAs, whereby the species would become EN B2ab(iii), based on the projected continuing decline in habitat associated with the three locations in mining licence areas.",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to five locations at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. Three locations lie within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Japan, the other two locations lying within the USA (Mariana Islands & Guam) EEZ. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 470 m bsl to 1,360 m bsl. It has been observed from five vent fields: at the Kaikata Seamount vent field (Location 1), Yoron Hole vent field (Location 2), Myojin Knoll vent field (Location 3), East Diamante Seamount vent field (Location 4) and Kasuga 2 Seamount vent field (Location 5) (Okuntani et al. 1989, Watanabe and Kojima 2015, Fukumori et al. 2019). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Okuntani et al. 1989, Watanabe and Kojima 2015, Fukumori et al. 2019).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 470 m to 1,360 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The East Diamante Seamount and Kasuga 2 Seamount vent fields, which lie within the USA EEZ, are Marine Protected Areas and are protected from commercial and scientific exploitation (Beaulieu et al. 2011, Richmond et al. 2019). There are no conservation actions currently in place at any vent fields within the Japan EEZ. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites within the region.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157846164,scientific_name:"Shinkailepas kaikatensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"CYCLONERITIDA",family:"PHENACOLEPADIDAE",genus:"Shinkailepas",main_common_name:null,authority:"Okutani, Saito & Hashimoto, 1989",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-10-27",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"20",eoo_km2:"1240315.714",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:470,depth_lower:1360,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GU",country:"Guam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"JP",country:"Japan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"178290603",assessment_id:178290673,id_no:178290603,sci_name:"Lucifuga gibarensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Hernández et al. 2020",basisofrec:" ",event_year:1986,longitude:-76.24861111,latitude:21.1616667,species_id:178290603,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Lucifuga gibarensis is the most recent addition to the genus Lucifuga. This species is restricted to three anchialine caves in the northeastern karst region of Gibara, north of Holguin province, Cuba. Available information for the species is limited but reduced distribution and tourism are its main threats, and continuing declines in habitat quality are inferred. Estimated Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 8 km2. The scope of existing threats are expected to impact each site individually, and therefore this species is assigned to three threat-based locations. As such, L. gibarensis is assessed as Endangered under criteria B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"This is one of the most spatially restricted species in the genus. It is known from three anchialine caves: Aguada de Macigo, Tanque Azul, and El Baga, all in the northeastern karst region of Gibara. Lucifuga gibarensis is closely related to Lucifuga sp. 4 (sensu García-Machado et al. 2011) a putative new species living in a single karst hole in Cayo Coco, north of Ciego de Avila province.
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 8 km2, based on a 2 km2 grid overlain on the three known collection localities where this species occurs (two of which are immediately adjacent and fall into a single 2 km2 grid), and considering a separate estimate of AOO in the Cuban National Red List of Vertebrates (García-Machado and Hernández 2012). The scope of existing threats are expected to impact each site individually, and therefore this species is assigned to three threat-based locations.
",population:"Information about L. gibarensis is scarce. It is only known from three localities and the number of specimens observed so far is very low (Díaz et al. 1987, Hernández et al. 2020, A. Rojas pers. comm. 2020). However, approximately 30 caves with similar characteristics occur in the region (Corella et al. 2000, Guarch and Corella 2011) and additional ichthyological survey of these localities may reveal additional subpopulations. The population size is suspected to be small which is expected considering limited dispersion abilities and range extent. Population trend is unknown.
Genetic data are also limited. Phylogenetic analysis suggest it is closely related to a lineage (Lucifuga sp. 4) living in a single karst hole of Cayo Coco, North Ciego de Avila province (sensu García-Machado et al. 2011). As inferred from other species of Lucifuga spp. (Eigenmann 1909), populations might remain demographically stable and the fecundity could be low.
Lucifuga gibarensis inhabits a lithographically isolated karst patch north of Gibara municipality, Holguín province (García-Machado et al. 2011, Ponce de Leon et al. 2012). This region consists of coastal limestone plains and marine terraces, rich in caves and sinkholes, and devoid of fluvial drainages (Núñez et al. 1984, Corella et al. 2000, Cotilla 2003). Underground water is at the same level as the sea and originates by infiltration, draining north to the coast (Corella et al. 2000). Most of the caves have a single level. The three known caves for L. gibarensis (Aguada de Macigo, Tanque Azul, and Cueva El Baga) are near the coast (Hernández et al. 2020). The best known is Tanque Azul cave, a horizontal and reticulated cave system of 21 m maximum depth considered the largest flooded cavern in Cuba (Corella et al. 2000, Guarch and Corella 2011). Surface access occurs through a sinkhole of clear crystal waters. Aguada de Macigo cave is the type-locality with an emergent large doline, ca. 22 m deep and salinity of 16 ppt. The type specimen and a second individual, not captured, were found at 12 m depth (Díaz et al. 1987). In Tanque Azul cave temperature fluctuates between 25°C and 26°C during summer and 18°C and 19°C during winter. The deepest layers are freshwater and the upper one is brackish (Guarch and Corella 2011).
There is no species-specific information about diet, but this species likely exhibits opportunistic foraging, as has been observed in other congeners (Eigenmann 1909, García-Debrás and Pérez 1999). Accompanying fauna is also not well known, but the crustacean decapods Barburia cubensis, Macrobrachium faustinum lucifugum, Thyphlatya consobrina, Troglocubanus gibarensis, Espeleonaushomia augudrea, the remiped Speleonectes sp., and the American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) have been reported from these caves together with other shrimp species and brackish water fishes thriving in the main entrance (Guarch and Corella 2011).
The species is viviparous like others in the genus, but information about fecundity, breeding season, and longevity is missing. However, we can infer offspring number could approach that of L. subterranea (Eigenmann 1909). Similarly, the generation length is unknown but could to be similar to other stigobiont fishes in that they are relatively long-lived species.
",threats:[{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.5",title:"Abstraction of ground water (domestic use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.7",title:"Abstraction of ground water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"
The species' habitat is included within the Caletones Ecological Reserve (Reynaldo et al. 2016).
Lucifuga gibarensis is currently assessed as Endangered in the Cuban Red List of Vertebrates (Ponce de León García et al. 2012). Environmental education, research regarding life history, population trends, distribution, and ecology are suggested priorities for conservation of the species and the habitat.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.",taxonid:178290603,scientific_name:"Lucifuga gibarensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"OPHIDIIFORMES",family:"BYTHITIDAE",genus:"Lucifuga",main_common_name:"Gibara Cave Brotula",authority:"Hernández, Møller, Casane & García-Machado, 2020",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-08-14",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"García-Machado, E. & Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Rodríguez-Machado, S., Ponce de León, J. & Ulmo-Díaz, G.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"8",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CU",country:"Cuba",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.18",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Karst and Other Subterranean Hydrological Systems (inland)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"161320641",assessment_id:168302578,id_no:161320641,sci_name:"Orachrysops regalis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"AJCOETZER, AC_LEPI01.FDB_16467",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2014,longitude:29.86427307,latitude:-24.05073547,species_id:161320641,taxonomicnotes:"There are no notable issues.",rationale:"This is a range-restricted endemic of the Wolkberg Mountains in Limpopo Province, South Africa (Extent of Occurrence 97 km2, minimum Area of Occupancy 16 km2). The only records found to be accurate for this species are those from the three locations in the Wolkberg. One location is facing extreme threats, with overgrazing by cattle having become a significant threat. The taxon thus qualifies globally under the IUCN criteria as Endangered under criterion B.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to the Limpopo Province in South Africa, specifically the Wolkberg Mountains.",population:"There is no information currently available.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It occurs on south-facing slopes of mountains, at approximately 1,600 m to 1,750 m.",threats:[{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.1",title:"Nomadic grazing",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.3",title:"Trend Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"It is recommended that extra care should be taken to protect the Mome Hill location. Livestock grazing should be controlled and a suitable fire regime should be implemented. Further research, monitoring and planning would be beneficial.",usetrade:null,taxonid:161320641,scientific_name:"Orachrysops regalis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"LYCAENIDAE",genus:"Orachrysops",main_common_name:"Royal Blue",authority:"Henning G.A. & Henning S.F., 1994",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-02-20",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Coetzer, A.J.",reviewer:"Kirkman, S., Raimondo, D., Oberprieler, R.G. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"16",eoo_km2:"97",elevation_upper:1750,elevation_lower:1600,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"4.7",habitat:"Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"197108",assessment_id:170707001,id_no:197108,sci_name:"Platysticta apicalis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2014)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.1496,latitude:6.7651,species_id:197108,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Platysticta apicalis is endemic to Sri Lanka where it is known from many locations in the wet zone of the country. The species has been recorded within some protected areas. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is likely to be smaller than 2,000 km² and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species, but these declines may not be as serious for this species as for others that are less tolerant of disturbance. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 9,354–12,939 km². Although it is more tolerant of disturbance than many of Sri Lanka’s endemic Platystictidae, the overall population is clearly already severely fragmented. The species is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B (VU B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)).
',geographicrange:'Platysticta apicalis is endemic to Sri Lanka (Bedjanič et al. 2014, 2016; Sumanapala 2017 unpub. data), where it is “Found mainly in low country and lower montane areas of the wet zone” Sumanapala (2017). The species is known from many locations and has been recorded in protected areas (for example, the Kanneliya and Sinharaja Forest Reserves). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, but it will be smaller than 2,000 km². However, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 9,354 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 12,939 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
',population:"This species is locally common. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest and other threats within the range of the species, however this decline may not be as serious for this species as many others that are more sensitive to disturbance. The overall population will already be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species “Inhabits small streams and streamlets inside forests, and forested home gardens. It is encountered in rubber plantations too.” Sumanapala (2017). The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range, but these declines may not be as serious for this species as many others that are more sensitive to disturbance.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:197108,scientific_name:"Platysticta apicalis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Platysticta",main_common_name:"Dark Forestdamsel",authority:"Kirby, 1893",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-07-31",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"500-2000",eoo_km2:"9354-12939",elevation_upper:1100,elevation_lower:10,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"178211678",assessment_id:178211682,id_no:178211678,sci_name:"Sternarchorhynchus mendesi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Albert, J.S.",yrcompiled:2022,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-63.733,latitude:9.417,species_id:178211678,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Sternarchorhynchus mendesi is only known from the Río San Juan and Río Guanipa basins. It has a known area of occupancy (AOO) of 12 km2 and the best estimate of the extent of occurrence (EOO) is 100-5,000 km2. The species is threatened by habitat destruction, human disturbances, and pollution in the lower Orinoco River basin. There are 1-3 locations based on the threat of pollution, which is also inferred to be causing a continuing decline in habitat quality. Therefore, this species is assessed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"Sternarchorhynchus mendesi is only known from the Río San Juan and Río Guanipa basins draining northeastern Venezuela into the Golfo de Paria (de Santana and Vari 2010). It is currently known from only three localities separated by c. 50 km in rapids of small rivers draining into the mouth of the Orinoco River.Macromia mnemosyne is endemic to Borneo, where it is known with certainty only from the type series (two males) from one locality in West Kalimantan; it is not known if the species survives at this location but there has been extensive loss of forest in that part of West Kalimantan. Another record from Central Kalimantan is considered to be unconfirmed. Little is known for certain about the habitats of the species but it may be confined to lowland forest or even to lowland swamp forest. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) cannot be made with the available data, but it can be inferred to be declining from loss of forest throughout its range, as can the extent and quality of suitable habitat. In most circumstances the assessor would place a species only known from old records from one location in Data Deficient, but given the degree of forest loss that has taken place in West Kalimantan, assessment into a threat category is warranted. The species is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2 and also meets the Bb(ii,iii) criteria. Once fresh data are available from West Kalimantan this species may need reassessment into a higher threat category.
",geographicrange:"Macromia mnemosyne is endemic to Borneo, where it is known with certainty only from the type series (two males) from one locality in West Kalimantan (Lieftinck 1935). It is not known if the species survives at this location but there has been extensive loss of forest in that part of West Kalimantan. Later Lieftinck (1953) recorded the species from the Sampit area in Central Kalimantan, based on a female reared from a larva, noting that the identity was supposition and that it might actually represent a distinct (new) species; this record is considered as in need of confirmation here. So only one location is definitely known for this species, but it is not known if it is still present there. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) cannot be made with the available data, but the AOO can be inferred to be declining from loss of forest throughout its range.
",population:"There are insufficient data to make any statement about current population sizes and health for this species except that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of lowland forest in West Kalimantan.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"The habitat where the type series was collected was described as “swampy forest” (Lieftinck 1935). At least one of the two specimens was collected at dusk. It is very likely that the species breeds in streams and that it is forest-dependent; it might be confined to swamp forest. An ongoing decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from known loss and degradation of lowland forest in West Kalimantan.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution and habitat requirements of this species are urgently needed and it needs to be searched for at the type location and throughout West Kalimantan and also in Central Kalimantan. If the species is still present at the type locality then that location should be given protected status if possible.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139419869,scientific_name:"Macromia mnemosyne",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"MACROMIIDAE",genus:"Macromia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1935",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-12-26",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:100,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"163776",assessment_id:139087902,id_no:163776,sci_name:"Planaeschna chiengmaiensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"H. Zhang & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"Zhang, H. and Dow, R.A.",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Asahina 1981",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:null,longitude:98.98468,latitude:18.79038,species_id:163776,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Planaeschna chiengmaiensis is known from Yunnan, and Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai in the northwest of Thailand. The species should also be looked for in Myanmar. Only three locations have been recorded in Thailand and one in Yunnan; the latter is in the Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO and extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining to at least some degree due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 8,772 km². With only four locations known and a relatively small EOO, the species is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B (VU B1ab(ii,iii)). However, it is hoped that when additional information becomes available, a reassessment to a lower threat category will be possible.
",geographicrange:"Planaeschna chiengmaiensis is known from Yunnan (Zhang 2019) and Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai in the northwest of Thailand (Asahina 1981, 1985; Katatani et al. 2004). The species should also be looked for in Myanmar. Only three locations have been recorded in Thailand and one in Yunnan; the latter is in the Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining to at least some degree due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO), based on the known collection records, is 8,772 km²; its maximum EOO, based on the HydroBASINS known records are from, is 28,6443 km²; its true EOO is likely smaller than 20,000 km².
This species is found at streams and ditches on forested mountainsides (Zhang 2019). The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:163776,scientific_name:"Planaeschna chiengmaiensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"AESHNIDAE",genus:"Planaeschna",main_common_name:null,authority:"Asahina, 1981",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2021-01-12",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A. & Zhang, H.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"9772-28643",elevation_upper:1e3,elevation_lower:500,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CN",country:"China",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"TH",country:"Thailand",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"}]},{id:"176511681",assessment_id:176511687,id_no:176511681,sci_name:"Austrolebias elongatus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Loureiro, M.",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-58.4992981,latitude:-33.01200104,species_id:176511681,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is distributed in seasonal wetlands of Lower Parana and Lower Uruguay ecoregions, and Atlantic coastal basins in Argentina. The area of occupancy (AOO) is 36 km2. Threats not only in close proximity to the habitat, but also those that are present in the same hydrological basin (especially those upstream), were considered and include forestation and desiccation of wetlands to prevent flooding and to gain area for soy and rice crops. There are three locations, and continuing declines in extent of occurrence (EOO), AOO and habitat based on these threats. As a result, this species is listed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species is distributed in Argentina and Uruguay in seasonal wetlands of Lower Parana and Lower Uruguay ecoregions, and Atlantic coastal basins.The Nyungwe Junglewatcher was described in 2006, based on one museum specimen from the "Zoologische Staatssammlung Munich", Germany, which was collected at "Rwanda, Nyungwe National Park, Karamba, (2°30’S, 29°10’E), muddy pools and slow-flowing streamlets in rainforest, alt. c. 1,500 m asl." (Dijkstra and Vick 2006). There was no further information available for this highly endemic species until two expeditions in 2016. While a few specimens were recorded along a stream in January 2016, hatching adults were found in the swamp forests around Kamiranzovu Swamp in March 2016. The Nyungwe Junglewatcher seems to be restricted to the Karamba trail and Kamiranzovu Swamp area in the Nyungwe Mts and the population should be monitored in the future.
',threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation measures are known but information on taxonomy, population size and trend, ecology, threats and habitat status would be valuable. This species is now dependent on protection of the Nyungwe National Park as all other potential habitats in the area have been deforested.",usetrade:"This species is not utilised.",taxonid:184188,scientific_name:"Neodythemis nyungwe",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"LIBELLULIDAE",genus:"Neodythemis",main_common_name:"Nyungwe Junglewatcher",authority:"Dijkstra & Vick, 2006",published_year:2016,assessment_date:"2016-11-02",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Clausnitzer, V.",reviewer:"Kipping, J., Suhling, F. & Dijkstra, K.-D.B.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"5",elevation_upper:1500,elevation_lower:1500,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"RW",country:"Rwanda",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2016",assess_year:"2016",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2010",assess_year:"2008",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"135436698",assessment_id:176243820,id_no:135436698,sci_name:"Elattoneura mauros",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:" ",source:"Dow et al 2018",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2013,longitude:112.2432,latitude:1.6572,species_id:135436698,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Elattoneura mauros is endemic to Borneo where it is only known from the upper Katibas River and its tributary Sungai Bloh at sites within or along the boundary of the Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary in Sarawak. Known sites comprise two threat defined locations, and a potential future threat from plantation establishment exists at one of these. The currently known area of occupancy (AOO) is less than 100km2 and, since the species only appears to occur along the banks of rivers and large streams, it is unlikely that the true AOO is large. Arguably this species qualifies for Endangered status under the B criteria, but since definite, current threats are lacking at the two known locations it is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2.
",geographicrange:"Elattoneura mauros is endemic to Borneo where it is only known from the upper Katibas River and its tributary Sungai Bloh at sites within and along the boundary of the Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary in Sarawak (Dow et al. 2010, 2018). Known sites are best treated as two threat defined locations corresponding to Sungai Bloh and the Katibas upstream of Sungai Bloh). Although an accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible, based on the known sites the known AOO is less than 100 km2.
",population:"This species is moderately common at the known sites. Beyond this little can be said with the available information except that unless the species has always been confined to a small area in the upper Katibas basin, a decline in population due to loss of lowland forest in will have occurred and be ongoing.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"All that is known is summarised in Dow et al. (2018: 26): “The species is found hanging on steep banks and on overhanging vegetation at the side of the Katibas and Bloh, and sometimes just inside the mouths of tributary streams, often over water that is waist deep or more; most records are from near to stream mouths but in 2017 individuals were collected at some points remote from any stream mouth.”
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Further information on the distribution of this species is urgently needed, and research is needed into what effect, if any, increased sediment loads in the rivers where it breeds is having on it. The non-protected side of Sungai Bloh needs to be preserved as natural forest and this must be taken into account in environmental impact assessments for any future plantation projects in this area; ideally a broad buffer zone where plantation is not allowed should be set up all around the Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:135436698,scientific_name:"Elattoneura mauros",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Elattoneura",main_common_name:null,authority:"Dow, Choong & Ng, 2010",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-10-07",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"20-100",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:150,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"177559403",assessment_id:177559407,id_no:177559403,sci_name:"Gymnogeophagus jaryi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Alonso, F.A.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:-55.373221,latitude:-27.120712,species_id:177559403,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is considered Endangered according to B1ab(iii) criteria. The extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 1,499 km2, it is known to exist in three locations, and there is a continuing decline in area, extent and/or quality of habitat due to deforestation, agriculture and other human activities in the area.",geographicrange:"Gymnogeophagus jaryi is known from several tributaries of the southern middle Paraná: the Cuña Pirú basin, the Garuhapé basin, and the Ñacanguazú basin in Argentina, Misiones. Based on photographs and mtDNA sequences it may also be present in the Manduviyú, Pirapó and Ype Curú basins in Paraguay (Alonso et al. 2019) but these records require confirmation and are not considered here.",population:"No data on the population trends of this species are available.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Gymnogeophagus jaryi inhabits streams with sandy and rocky bottom and abundant marginal vegetation. The climate on the mountain ridge in Aristóbulo del Valle is classified as warm and temperate. There is significant rainfall throughout the year in this area (average per year is 1,678 mm), and even the month with lowest precipitation, August, still has a considerable amount of rain (111 mm). The lowest precipitation months are July, August, and September, but the driest period and lowest water levels are in December, January, and February due to the marked seasonal change in temperature. The peaks in precipitation occur in May and October. The annual average temperature is 19.1˚C, with 23.9ºC monthly average temperature in January and 14.3ºC in June. Water level in the stream can have important changes. Water turbidity is variable among the year with peaks of turbidity after rains and increases in water visibility the rest of the year. Specimens are frequently found in the rocky areas or associated with marsh and marginal vegetation. This species was observed with fry in November (Alonso et al. 2019).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.1",title:"Small-holder plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.1",title:"Subsistence/artisinal aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.2",title:"Industrial aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"4.2",title:"Utility & service lines",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.1",title:"Abstraction of surface water (domestic use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.2",title:"Abstraction of surface water (commercial use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.5",title:"Abstraction of ground water (domestic use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.6",title:"Abstraction of ground water (commercial use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.7",title:"Abstraction of ground water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.9",title:"Small dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis niloticus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Oreochromis niloticus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis niloticus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:"Oreochromis niloticus"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.4",title:"Garbage & solid waste",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no actions particularly directed towards the conservation of this species, although it is present in some protected areas in the region.",usetrade:"This species could be object of aquarium trade as other similar species of the same genus.",taxonid:177559403,scientific_name:"Gymnogeophagus jaryi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Gymnogeophagus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Alonso, Terán, Aguilera, Říčan, Casciotta, Serra, Almirón, Benítez et al., 2019",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-12-16",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Alonso, F.",reviewer:"Serra, W.S.",aoo_km2:"928",eoo_km2:"1499",elevation_upper:210,elevation_lower:109,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AR",country:"Argentina",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"233426027",assessment_id:233710486,id_no:233426027,sci_name:"Glossoscolex lutocolus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"ICMBio",yrcompiled:2022,citation:"ICMBio",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"M.Bartz, com. pess., 2022",basisofrec:null,event_year:2014,longitude:-51.39808294,latitude:-24.14230822,species_id:233426027,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Glossoscolex lutocolus é endêmica do Brasil, registrada apenas no estado do Paraná. A espécie parece estar associada a áreas com solos alagáveis, pois foi registrada em brejos, pastagens úmidas e áreas inundadas. Sua extensão de ocorrência (EOO) foi calculada em 6.095 km². A região sofreu intenso processo de transformação da paisagem promovida, principalmente, pelas atividades agropecuárias (com predomínio das culturas de soja, milho, cana-de-açúcar e culturas anuais), que também fazem uso de insumos agrícolas e podem contaminar os corpos d'água. Essas atividades, conjuntamente, promovem redução, fragmentação e declínio da qualidade do habitat remanescente. Considerando a baixa capacidade de dispersão e a matriz onde a espécie está inserida, suspeita-se que sua população esteja severamente fragmentada. Por essas razões, G. lutocolus foi categorizada como Vulnerável (VU), pelo critério B1ab(iii).",geographicrange:"Glossoscolex lutocolus ocorre em várias localidades no norte do estado do Paraná (Bartz et al. 2012). Sua extensão de ocorrência (EOO) é de 6.095 km², calculada a partir do mínimo polígono convexo entre seus registros confirmados.",population:"Não foram encontradas informações para o táxon. Considerando a baixa capacidade de dispersão e a matriz onde a espécie está inserida, suspeita-se que sua população esteja severamente fragmentada.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Espécie endogeica que vive em pastagem, na camada mineral do solo e em solos encharcados ou brejos. Houve coleta de Glossoscolex lucotoculus em lavoura de milho sob plantio direto em amostragem realizada em 03/2014. Há 16 exemplares adultos, dois subadultos e um juvenil registrados na literatura e depositados em coleção. Os registros de coleta feitos em brejos, pastagens úmidas e áreas inundadas, faz supor que a espécie está associada a áreas com solos alagáveis.",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"São necessárias expedições de campo para confirmar a presença atual da espécie na região de ocorrência, além do monitoramento das populações conhecidas, para avaliar seu estado de conservação local.",usetrade:"Não foram encontradas informações para o táxon.",taxonid:233426027,scientific_name:"Glossoscolex lutocolus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ANNELIDA",class:"CLITELLATA",order:"CRASSICLITELLATA",family:"GLOSSOSCOLECIDAE",genus:"Glossoscolex",main_common_name:null,authority:"Bartz & James, 2012",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2022-04-29",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio), Brown, G.G., Brant, A., Hernandez Garcia, L.M., de Oliveira, M.M., Prado, M.U., Bartz, M.L.C. & James, S.W.",reviewer:"Boos Junior, H. & Costa Martins, M.R.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"6095",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"14.2",habitat:"Artificial/Terrestrial - Pastureland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"2.2",habitat:"Savanna - Moist",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"4.6",habitat:"Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical Seasonally Wet/Flooded",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2022",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"163785",assessment_id:137391137,id_no:163785,sci_name:"Linaeschna polli",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:" ",source:"Kitagawa 1999",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1997,longitude:116.01739,latitude:5.48754,species_id:163785,taxonomicnotes:"The female of Linaeschna polli is unknown.",rationale:"
Linaeschna polli is endemic to Borneo where it is known from three locations in Sabah and Sarawak. Only four individuals of the species have ever been collected. Its habitat requirements are not known with certainty, and an argument could be made that the species is best assessed as Data Deficient. However this appears to be an extremely uncommon and locally occurring species, which, on the available evidence is likely to be threatened. With only three locations known (with threats at all) and a severely fragmented population, it is assessed as Vulnerable under criteria D2. When more data are available it may need to be re-assessed into a higher threat category.
",geographicrange:"Linaeschna polli is endemic to Borneo where it is known from three locations in Sabah and Sarawak. The type locality is the Marapok Mountains in Sabah (Lieftinck 1971, von Ellenrieder 2002), on the border with Sarawak. The other location in Sabah is somewhere in the vicinity of the Kimanis Road in the Crocker Range National Park where a single individual was collected in 1997 (Kitagawa 1999). The location in Sarawak is in Bintulu Division (Dow et al. 2019), where single males were collected in 2009 and 2010, however the species has not been sighted again at this location and could have vanished there. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the currently available data but it is not likely to be large and may well be below 2,000 km2, quite possibly considerably below. The AOO and extent and quality of suitable habitat can be inferred to be in ongoing decline due to loss and degradation of forest throughout the range of the species.
",population:"Only four individuals of this species have ever been collected. It is clearly a very locally occurring species. Beyond this nothing can be said about current population sizes and health except that at least some decline in overall population will have occurred and be ongoing due to loss of forest throughout the range of this species, and that the overall population is severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing was recorded about the habitat of this species at the locations in Sabah, but that in Sarawak is a rocky stream running through lowland kerangas forest that has been heavily disturbed by logging. Repeated attempts to find larvae in and around this stream have failed, so it cannot even be confirmed that it breeds there, although this seems likely. The species might be crepuscular but the individuals collected in Sarawak were caught while flying over the stream in the day time, although possible they could have been disturbed from a nearby roost.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"It is difficult to assess the conservation measures needed by this species without more information, but it would clearly benefit from protection of the two locations not in National Parks. However the exact location in the Marapok Mountains is not known, and it could be from a low altitude area that has already been cleared, while the location in Sarawak is within an area of industrial plantation, so that permanent protected status is unlikely to be obtained for the site.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:163785,scientific_name:"Linaeschna polli",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"AESHNIDAE",genus:"Linaeschna",main_common_name:null,authority:"Martin, 1909",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-10-30",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:1e3,elevation_lower:40,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"}]},{id:"60991",assessment_id:148653528,id_no:60991,sci_name:"Nyassachromis breviceps",presence:4,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Possibly Extinct",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Konings / SCUBA",basisofrec:"StillImage",event_year:1988,longitude:34.357389,latitude:-13.326722,species_id:60991,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi where it has most likely been extirpated by artisanal fishermen. No specimen has been positively identified since 1997 (MRAC 99041.3018). If not already Extinct, it is restricted to a very small range, with an area of occupancy (AOO) of 4 km2, one location and a probable continuing decline in the number of mature individuals. Therefore, this species is listed as Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct).",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi. It is a rare species from the southern end of the lake where a breeding subpopulation was observed at Nkhomo Reef near Benga in 1988, but has never been seen there again. The last record of the species is from 1997 when it was collected probably from Domwe Island in the southern part of the lake.",population:"Nyassachromis breviceps has not been recorded since 1997 and is feared extinct.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species prefers sandy habitats and feeds on plankton, mainly phytoplankton. With this species breeding from August to December, males construct their spawning sites beside a rock, where a spawning site is dug to form a cave. Females live in schools in the open water and this species has been observed to a depth of 16 m. The maximum size is 14 cm.",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No information is available on conservation actions for this species.",usetrade:"This species is not targeted by the ornamental fish trade, but it is targeted by artisanal fishermen.",taxonid:60991,scientific_name:"Nyassachromis breviceps",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Nyassachromis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Regan, 1922)",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-05-21",category:"CR",criteria:"B2ab(v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A.",reviewer:"Kanyerere, G.Z., Phiri, T.B. & Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:'This errata version of the assessment was created to correct a Reviewer name from "Kanyerere, Z." to "Kanyerere, G.Z.", another Reviewer name from "Phiri, B." to "Phiri, T.B." and a Contributor name from "Kasembe, J." to "Kazembe, J.". Additionally, a point data map was added as this was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.',amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MW",country:"Malawi",presence:"Possibly Extinct",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Possibly Extinct"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"LC",category:"Least Concern"}]},{id:"157735154",assessment_id:157735706,id_no:157735154,sci_name:"Phreagena edisonensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:152.58000183,latitude:-3.30999994,species_id:157735154,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine bivalve is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 1,440 m to 1,606 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. Mining licences have been granted for this location within the Papua New Guinea EEZ. The potential for anthropogenic influence at these sites based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. There may already be disturbance to this species at this location, as the Papua New Guinea Government has previously granted deep-sea mining licences within their EEZ. The impact of uncertainty around the decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from VU to CR, using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as Critically Endangered (CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)).Sulcosticta sierramadrensis is known only from the type locality in the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park on Luzon in the Philippines, collected in 2008; unfortunately threats exist to the species even within the protected area. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is likely to be small and with the presently available data can be assumed to be below 500km2. The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest in northern Luzon. In most circumstance this assessor would only place such a poorly known species in Data Deficient but the fact that this species was not found among material from northern Luzon in the extensive Müller collection strongly suggests that the species is likely to be genuinely extremely local in occurrence and quite possibly confined to a small area. The severity of threats to forest-dependent Odonata in the north of Luzon is such that Least Concern is not likely to ever be justified for this species and therefore Data Deficient is not an appropriate assessment. It qualifies for Endangered under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly. Whilst it is to be hoped that fresh data will allow re-assessment to a lower threat category it is possible that re-assessment to Critically Endangered will be required.
",geographicrange:"Sulcosticta sierramadrensis is known only from the type location in in the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park on Luzon in the Philippines, collected in 2008 (Villanueva et al. 2011). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is likely to be small and with the available data will be below 500km2. The AOO will also be declining as a result of loss and degradation of forest in northern Luzon.
",population:"Judged from the size of the type series the species was uncommon even at the type locality. Beyond this there is insufficient information to make any statement about current population sizes and health except that an ongoing decline is inferred due to loss and degradation of forest in the north of Luzon.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"All that was recorded is “The species was found perching in well shaded areas of the creek” Villanueva et al. (2009: 73). It will be a species of forest streams, possibly confined to lowland forest.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and for better protection for the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139569892,scientific_name:"Sulcosticta sierramadrensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Sulcosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Villanueva, Van Der Ploeg & Van Weerd, 2011",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-13",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:"10-499",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:300,elevation_lower:300,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"199788991",assessment_id:199817215,id_no:199788991,sci_name:"Photuris forresti",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Walker, A.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Jefferson County, TN",tax_comm:null,source:"L. Faust pers. comm. 2020",basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:-83.634225,latitude:36.053002,species_id:199788991,taxonomicnotes:"This species was described in a self-published manuscript by James E. Lloyd (Lloyd 2018). Photuris forresti is a member of the P. versicolor species complex which contains many closely related species, distinguishable primarily by observed flash pattern, as there are few morphological differences (Barber 1951, McDermott 1967, Lloyd 2018). This species is morphologically indistinguishable from Photuris tremulans. It can only be identified by its flash pattern, which is typically a series of 4-11 pulsed flashes. It is also very similar to P. walldoxeyi, though the ranges, elevations, and habitat preferences of these two species differ markedly (Faust and Davis 2019).",rationale:"The Loopy Five Firefly (Photuris forresti) is a flashing firefly species known to occur at only three sites, one in southern Tennessee, one in northwest South Carolina, and one in northern Georgia. It was described from a marsh in Pickens County, South Carolina in 1986, but the site was subsequently lost when the habitat was destroyed for the construction on a golf course. This rare firefly is found in marsh habitats, which are not common within its range. Habitat loss remains the main threat to this species, as all known populations are on private property. It is also likely threatened by light pollution.
The extent of occurrence (EOO) for this species is at least 11,206 km2. The area of occupancy (AOO) is at least 12 km2, as there are only three known occurrences, each contained within a four km2 area. While the AOO for this species may increase, should new occurrence localities be discovered, search efforts have been fairly extensive already. Therefore, the AOO is unlikely to surpass the threshold for listing as Endangered (500 km2), as an additional 122 occurrence localities would be needed. Currently, three locations are considered, as each occurrence locality is independently impacted by the main threat of habitat loss. The number of locations may also prove to be larger, if additional occurrences are discovered. Continuing decline in extent of occurrence, area of occupancy, number of locations, and area and extent of habitat has been observed, as a result of the loss of at least one occurrence. Therefore, this species meets the threshold for listing as Endangered under criteria B2ab(i,ii,iii,iv).
The loopy five firefly (Photuris forresti) is found in the Southeastern United States. It is known from very few occurrences; one each in eastern Tennessee, northwestern South Carolina, and northern Georgia (L. Faust pers. obs., Faust and Davis 2019). When it was first described, it was known only from a site in Pickens County, South Carolina. This type locality, located at the southern tip of the Appalachian Mountains, was destroyed during the construction of a golf course in 1986, shortly after it was discovered (Lloyd 2018). A survey was conducted at the type locality for this species in 2018, but no P. forresti were found (L. Faust pers. obs.) This species has since been found at a nearby site in Pickens County, as well as a site in Jefferson County, Tennessee. It is possible that additional occurrences remain to be found in appropriate habitats in Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina, and Alabama. However, during concerted search efforts in 2018, 2019, and 2020, when as many as five biologists searched appropriate habitats for this species, across multiple states, no additional occurrences were reported (L. Faust pers. obs.).
The extent of occurrence (EOO) for this species is at least 3,349 km2. The area of occupancy (AOO) is at least twelve km2, as there are only three known extant occurrences, each contained within a four km2 area. This species is found in only three locations, as each occurrence locality is separately impacted by the main threat of habitat loss. The EOO, AOO, and number of locations may prove to be larger, if additional occurrences are discovered.
",population:"The population size and trend are not known for this species. However, as this species is known from only three localities, and has not been observed at other appropriate habitats within its range despite extensive search efforts, it is probably rare. Additionally, at least one historical occurrence has been lost to development (Lloyd 2018), so it is likely that the population size has declined since historical times.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is restricted to marshy habitats, usually containing cattails (Lloyd 2018, Faust 2017). Males of this species often begin flashing after dark, from perches low down in the marsh vegetation (L. Faust pers. obs.). Forty to 50 minutes after sunset, males begin flying out over the marsh and displaying to females below (Lloyd 2018). The flash of this species can be quite erratic, but generally presents as combinations of 4-7 flashes, lasting about 2.5 seconds, emitted as they fly in vertical loops (Faust 2017). There is a relatively long interval between flash patterns, usually 12-26 seconds, and males move laterally a couple meters during this pause (Lloyd 2018). Larvae of this genus are usually dietary generalists, scavenging around damp areas at night looking to consume snails, worms, other soft-bodied invertebrates, and plant material (Buschman 1984).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"No/Negligible Impact: 0",invasive:null},{code:"9.6",title:"Excess energy",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.6.1",title:"Light pollution",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation measures in place for this species and it is unknown whether it occurs in any protected areas. All known occurrence localities are on private property and are therefore are vulnerable to disturbance. This species would benefit from site protections. Efforts to identify additional occurrences should continue and additional research on population size, habitats and ecology, and threats is necessary.
",usetrade:"There is no evidence that this species has been harvested for luciferase or otherwise utilized.
",taxonid:199788991,scientific_name:"Photuris forresti",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"COLEOPTERA",family:"LAMPYRIDAE",genus:"Photuris",main_common_name:"Loopy Five Firefly",authority:null,published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2021-02-19",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(i,ii,iii,iv)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Walker, A. & Faust, L.",reviewer:"Lewis, S.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"11206",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"US",country:"United States of America",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2021",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"176425151",assessment_id:176425159,id_no:176425151,sci_name:"Bryconamericus eigenmanni",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jorge Liotta",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Miquelarena et al., 2002",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2002,longitude:-65.133333,latitude:-31.2,species_id:176425151,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Bryconamericus eigenmanni, which has very few, old, records and a reduced geographical range, is limited to a single endorreic basin, Primero (Suquía) river in central Argentina. This basin faces various threats (pollution, invasive alien species, alteration of environments). This species is assessed as Endangered, based on an extent of occurrence (EOO) best estimated at 3,859 km2, an area of occupancy (AOO) based estimated at under 500 km2, four threat-based locations, and an inferred continuing decline in habitat.",geographicrange:"The type locality of this species is the Primero River, Córdoba. It is endemic to the province of Córdoba, restricted to the endorreic basins of the Primero, Segundo and Pichanas rivers, to the east and west, respectively of the Sierras Grandes de Córdoba (Miquelarena and Aquino 1999). Malabarba and Kindel (1995) mistakenly cite the type locality of B. eigenmanni within the Paraná River system, this is commented and rectified by Miquelarena and Aquino (1999), where the authors clarify that the type locality is an endorreic basin, separated from the Paraná/Plata basin. López et al. (2008) designated this as one of the endemic species of the Pampean Region.",population:"It can be assumed that this species moves in shoals, judging by the number of individuals that make up some of the preserved lots (>50 individuals). No data were found on its population abundance. The newest identified lot was collected in 1992 (Miquelarena et al. 2009).",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"The streams that constituted the headwaters of the Primero River currently converge on the San Roque dam reservoir. From here to its mouth, the Primero River receives only two tributaries of some importance, the Saldán stream on its left bank, and further east, in the city of Córdoba, the la Cañada stream. The Primero River has a course of 203 km, with an active or upper basin of 1,350 km2 and an average annual spill of 208 Hm3. The average annual rainfall in the basin is 700 mm. In the first 20 km, up to La Calera, the river runs down a deep gorge, with a slope of 5.7 m/km. From this town its channel widens, until reaching 4 km in front of Cordoba (Menni 2004), where the decline is 3 m/km, and then gradually decreases from Capilla de los Remedios to its mouth in Mar Chiquita. In this section the course shows meanders, and has a decline of 1.7 m/km. The first sections, up to approximately the city of Córdoba, are typically Serrano, with bed of boulders and sand, with depths of 0.5 to 2 m, with deep wells. The following have a sandy bottom, and about 60 cm deep (Haro et al. 1986). This species inhabits shallow streams (0.5 m) with sandy or rocky bottoms, and in deeper waters (up to 1.5 m) of the same streams (Miquelarena and Aquino 1999); water is these environments has as more abundant elements the anion C03++ and the cations Ca++ and Na+ (Menni et al. 1984). Haro et al. (1986) present it as a small animalivore, feeding on crustaceans, larvae and insect imagos and larval forms of fish.",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.9",title:"Small dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Ctenopharyngodon idella)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Ctenopharyngodon idella"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Cyprinus carpio)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Cyprinus carpio"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Gambusia affinis)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Gambusia affinis"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Odontesthes bonariensis)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Odontesthes bonariensis"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oncorhynchus mykiss)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oncorhynchus mykiss"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Salvelinus fontinalis)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Salvelinus fontinalis"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Ctenopharyngodon idella)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Ctenopharyngodon idella"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Cyprinus carpio)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Cyprinus carpio"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Gambusia affinis)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Gambusia affinis"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Odontesthes bonariensis)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Odontesthes bonariensis"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oncorhynchus mykiss)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oncorhynchus mykiss"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Salvelinus fontinalis)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Salvelinus fontinalis"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.4",title:"Garbage & solid waste",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'Bryconamericus eigenmanni has been assessed as "No amenazada" (Orlandini et al. 2001; López et al. 2003) and "Rara" (Chebez et al. 2009). Recommendations include the adoption of urgent and concrete conservation measures covering the regulated use of the Primero River and its tributaries, the elimination of exotic fish, especially in high sections, and the protection of rithron sectors.',usetrade:"There is no use or trade information for this species.",taxonid:176425151,scientific_name:"Bryconamericus eigenmanni",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Bryconamericus",main_common_name:"Mojarra",authority:"(Evermann & Kendall, 1906)",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-09-30",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Liotta, J. & Fuchs, D.V.",reviewer:"Carvajal-Vallejos, F.M.",aoo_km2:"36-4576,36-499",eoo_km2:"3859-11697,3859",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AR",country:"Argentina",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"190785",assessment_id:176262639,id_no:190785,sci_name:"Euphaea pahyapi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Asahina 1985",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:null,longitude:99.716,latitude:13.85,species_id:190785,taxonomicnotes:"Euphaea pahyapi was recently (Phan et al. 2018) recorded from Cambodia and Viet Nam, however these records are incorrect (Matti Hämäläinen pers. comm. 2018) and are not considered in the assessment.
",rationale:"Euphaea pahyapi is only known to still exist at two locations in Thailand (a record from a third location may refer to a different species and the species is already extinct at a fourth location). A precise estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but based on the two locations where the species is known to survive with certainty, it is less than 100 km². The overall population is certainly severely fragmented and a decline in quality and extent of suitable habitat is certainly ongoing. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B2ab(ii,iii)).
",geographicrange:"Euphaea pahyapi is only known from four locations in Thailand, however at one of these it is already extinct and the single record from another location requires confirmation. The species was described (Hämäläinen 1985) from a stream at Khao Phanom Bencha National Park and another stream between Krabi and Khao Phanom Bencha; the latter location is now completely covered by oil palm and the species is no longer present there. At Khao Phanom Bencha most of the stream inhabited by the species is now surrounded by oil palm and “pahyapi remains only in a short section (maybe only 300 m long) of the stream downstrea of the Huay To waterfall at the headquarters site” (Matti Hämäläinen personal communication 2018). Asahina (1985) described E. khaochongensis, a junior synonym of E. pahyapi, from Khao Chong in Trang. Hämäläinen & Pinratana (1999) included a location in Ranong in their distribution maps, based on a single specimen in collection Pinratana, but this specimen may merely be an immature individual of the widespread E. masoni (Matti Hämäläinen pers. comm. 2018), so this location is regarded as uncertain here. This leaves two locations where the species is still definitely known to be extant. The area of occupancy (AOO) of the species is difficult to calculate accurately, but based on the two definitely known locations it is certainly less than 100 km².
",population:"There is insufficient information to make any definitive statement about current population sizes and health, but this species has certainly suffered a decline due to loss of its habitats, and this decline is likely to be ongoing. The overall population is certainly severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Hämäläinen (1985) states that the species occurs at very shallow forest streams, a few meters wide with a sandy substrate. It appears to be confined to lowland, low gradient streams and disappears when the surrounding forest is converted to oil palm.
",threats:[{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The first priority for this species is to ensure that the two existing sites are secure and that management practices are improved at them, and for more data on its distribution; the Ranong record needs to be re-examined and exhaustive searches in any remaining suitable habitat in peninsular Thailand must be made as soon as possible.
Measures for the conservation of this species must be based on protection of habitat; other measures will be at best ineffective and may be counterproductive (e.g., blanket bans on collection of specimens will simply hamper attempts to find new populations).
The type locality for Xenotoca lyonsi is an area with high seasonal changes in water clarity and volume, from a turbid and deep high flow running water in the rainy season to clear and low flow water other times of the year, sometimes reduced to a few shallow pools in the dry season. The bottom is primarily composed of mud and gravel, and water plants are only evident in the stream bed, which seems to change in composition and coverage depending on the season. The area is totally surrounded by sugar cane plantations. Other fish species present in the area are Xenotoca melanosoma (now possibly extirpated), Ilyodon whitei, Poecilia butleri, Allodontichthys tamazulae and Astyanax aenaeus, as well as the introduced Cyprinus carpio and Oreochromis sp. (Domínguez-Domínguez et al.2016).
From a survey of Köck et al. (2016): The Río Tamazula east of Tamazula de Giordano has a width of 5 to 10 m with a depth down to about 50 cm. The bottom is comprised of big rocks and boulders, gravel, silt, mud and sand. The water in March 2016 was swift to torrential, depending on ground and width, and clear to murky. The water parameters were: pH 7.6, carbonate hardness 3°, total hardness 7°, water temperature 22°C. The species was associated with Allodontichthys hubs and A. tamazulae, Poecilia butleri and Ilyodon whitei. The embankment was comprised by small trees (probably Salix), reed and few herbaceous riparian plants; the main sections of the riverbank were free of vegetation. The quantity of urban waste was moderate, very close were viscous remains of burnt sugar cane that would be washed in the river when raining. The species was found in small numbers in a small bay with less current than the river.
The only conservation effort is an ex-situ breeding project run by the Laboratorio de Biología Acuatica of the Michoacan University, Morelia, Mexico.
",usetrade:"The species is not used for consumption and not targeted for the ornamental fish trade.",taxonid:130988955,scientific_name:"Xenotoca lyonsi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"GOODEIDAE",genus:"Xenotoca",main_common_name:"Tamazula Redtail Splitfin",authority:"Domínguez-Domínguez, Bernal-Zuñiga & Piller, 2016",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-03-14",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Koeck, M.",reviewer:"Domínguez, O., Rivas, M., Arroyave, J. & Contreras MacBeath, T.",aoo_km2:"8-124",eoo_km2:"20-1670",elevation_upper:1150,elevation_lower:850,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"196174760",assessment_id:196183038,id_no:196174760,sci_name:"Blakistonia bassi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Phil Bowles",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"National Environmental Science Program (NESP)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"ALA",basisofrec:null,event_year:2019,longitude:138.74706,latitude:-34.93128,species_id:196174760,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is listed as Endangered on the basis that this species is known from a single locality (treated as a single location defined by a wide range of threats) and is subject to an ongoing decline in the quality of its habitat primarily driven by ongoing and projected climate change and likely secondarily as a result of the impacts of multiple invasive species. The species' exact extent of occurrence is not clear, but it is considered plausible that it occurs more widely - but in very fragmentary areas of suitable habitat - than is presently known but over an area no greater than 1,000 km2 (and likely below 400 km2), in which case the population will be severely fragmented. In addition to the currently-known threats, the species is expected to have undergone significant historical population declines as a result of land clearance and a major projected threat exists from fire, which has the potential to destroy the known subpopulation should this threat become active.",geographicrange:"This species is known only from the type locality, a single mossy roadside embankment bordering the Pound Road Reserve in the Mt. Lofty Ranges of South Australia, despite many surveys for trapdoor spiders in the Mt. Lofty Ranges (Harrison et al. 2018). This is part of the Flinders Lofty Block bioregion. It was discovered during a PhD project revising this genus, which involved extensive targeted survey work throughout South Australia and searches through museum collections, and no other specimens or localities have been recorded although this is a historically well-surveyed region. It is uncertain whether other subpopulations exist, but this species is a member of a group with long life cycles and poor dispersal abilities that tend to exhibit naturally restricted ranges. It may nevertheless occur in other highly restricted roadside vegetation in or near conservation parks within the Mt. Lofty Ranges, but it is unlikely to range outside these mountains.",population:"This species appears to be naturally rare. From burrow observations there may be fewer than 20 mature individuals at this locality, and the species has been too recently-discovered relative to its life cycle to determine population trends. A 1.5 hour survey by two workers in early March 2021 found a total of 5 active (4 adult, 1 juvenile) and 4 disused burrows (S. Bass pers. comm. 2021). This may be an underestimate of the number of active burrows, as this species is highly cryptic (S. Bass pers. comm. 2021). Should this species occur more widely than is presently known, the population will undoubtedly be severely fragmented as it will be restricted to small patches of remnant habitat, between which there can be no dispersal. The known locality has not been exposed to bushfires since 1957.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The known locality is a mossy roadside cutting with clay banks. The Mt. Lofty ranges provide a refuge for relictual temperate forest, which is likely to have been the natural habitat for this species. This species has not been found on the forest floor, but in related species wandering males in search of receptive females can be found beneath logs and rocks among leaf litter (Harrison et al. 2018). Mature females spend their lives within deep burrows from which they ambush arthropod prey, and juveniles develop and construct their own shallow burrows (which they expand as they grow) close to the maternal burrow. Recruitment rates are likely to be low: juvenile survivorship of 29% has been estimated in Euoplos grandis, another idiopod spider which is likely to have a similar life history (Rix et al. 2019). Idiopod spiders have a particularly long life cycle: maturity is generally reached between 4-8 years of age (Main 1978), and adult females have been recorded living to more than 40 in the wild (Main 1987, Mason et al. 2018).",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Past, Unlikely to Return",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Felis catus)",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Felis catus"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oryctolagus cuniculus)",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oryctolagus cuniculus"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Vulpes vulpes)",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Vulpes vulpes"},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Felis catus)",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Felis catus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oryctolagus cuniculus)",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oryctolagus cuniculus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Vulpes vulpes)",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Vulpes vulpes"},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species occurs at the edge of Pound Road Reserve, which is owned by a local council and managed by a volunteer group. There is a need to ensure the species' site is well-protected during management activities (including efforts to exclude fire from this area in ways that are sensitive to the needs of this species) and to continue monitoring programmes. Awareness-raising of this species is needed, and surveys of other localities are needed to determine whether it occurs elsewhere.",usetrade:"This species is of potential interest to specialist collectors, but has not so far been recorded in trade.",taxonid:196174760,scientific_name:"Blakistonia bassi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"ARACHNIDA",order:"ARANEAE",family:"IDIOPIDAE",genus:"Blakistonia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Harrison, Rix, Harvey & Austin, 2018",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-11",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bass, S.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Henriques, S.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"300-1000",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AU",country:"Australia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.4",habitat:"Forest - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"125962259",assessment_id:125963394,id_no:125962259,sci_name:"Gambusia wrayi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Lee et al. 1983, Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2020 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.99dc8x",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:0,longitude:-77.660162,latitude:18.072298,species_id:125962259,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Gambusia wrayi occurs in freshwater drainages on the island of Jamaica. Extent of Occurrence is approximately 8,151 km2. Total population size and population trend are unknown. A number of threats are producing inferred continuous declines in habitat quality and potentially in habitat availability, including deforestation associated with land use change and agricultural practices, pollution from a number of agricultural, domestic, and industrial sources, the establishment of several non-native fishes, and mining activities. Increased incidence of drought and severe weather events associated with climate change are anticipated. However, the direct impact, scope, and magnitude of existing threats on G. wrayi and occupied habitat have not been evaluated in detail. Therefore, this species is assessed as Near Threatened under criterion B1b(iii), because it nearly meets the threshold for a threatened category.",geographicrange:"Gambusia wrayi occurs in freshwater drainages on the island of Jamaica, with the highest abundances in southern catchments (Rivas 1963, Fink 1971).
Extent of Occurrence is approximately 8,151 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (Lee et al. 1983, GBIF 2020).
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. However, G. wrayi is anecdotally reported as common throughout its known range (Fink 1971).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"There is little information regarding the ecology and habitat preferences of G. wrayi (John 2006). This species is replaced in brackish and marine habitat by the close congener G. puncticulata, although both occasionally occur together (Fink 1971, Lee et al. 1983). Gambusia wrayi is closely related to G. melapleura, and may be the ancestral progenitor of the latter, more restricted species (Fink 1971). Maximum reported body size is 5.6 cm standard length (SL) (Lee et al. 1983).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"11.4",title:"Storms & flooding",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis niloticus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis niloticus"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Parachromis managuensis)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Parachromis managuensis"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Poecilia reticulata)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Poecilia reticulata"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Pterygoplichthys pardalis)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Pterygoplichthys pardalis"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Xiphophorus hellerii)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Xiphophorus hellerii"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Xiphophorus maculatus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Xiphophorus maculatus"},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis niloticus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oreochromis niloticus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Parachromis managuensis)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Parachromis managuensis"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Poecilia reticulata)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Poecilia reticulata"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Pterygoplichthys pardalis)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Pterygoplichthys pardalis"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Xiphophorus hellerii)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Xiphophorus hellerii"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Xiphophorus maculatus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Xiphophorus maculatus"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no conservation measures directed towards G. wrayi. The range of this species probably includes a number of protected areas, namely the Black River Lower Morass, Portland Bight, Healthshire Forest Reserve, and Blue Mountain Forest Reserve (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). Additional research regarding distribution, population size, population trend, and the direct impact of existing threats is needed to clarify the conservation status of this species.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:125962259,scientific_name:"Gambusia wrayi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Gambusia",main_common_name:"Wray's Gambusia",authority:"Regan, 1913",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-04-28",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Hyslop, E.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"8151",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"JM",country:"Jamaica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"176668001",assessment_id:176668016,id_no:176668001,sci_name:"Paracetopsis bleekeri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2020 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.uh6awf",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:-79.873221,latitude:-2.194799,species_id:176668001,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Paracetopsis bleekeri is known only from the Guayas and Santa Rosa river basins on the Pacific slope of southwestern Ecuador. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 6,327-52,037 km2. However, limited surveys of ichthyofauna in this region prevent an accurate estimation of the number of threat-based locations where this species occurs. Total population size and population trend are unknown. Limited ichthyological survey suggests that this species is rare where it occurs. Existing threats in the Guayas and Santa Rosa River basins include land-use changes associated with agricultural production, cattle grazing, urban expansion, and industrial processing. Despite uncertainties regarding the scope, magnitude, and direct impact of existing threats, continuing declines in habitat quality are inferred. Therefore, P. bleekeri is assessed as Near Threatened under criterion B1ab(iii), given a relatively restricted range and documented evidence of continuing decline in habitat quality. Additional research regarding distribution, population size, population trend, and the direct impact of existing threats may qualify this species for a higher threatened category.
",geographicrange:"Paracetopsis bleekeri is known only from the Guayas and Santa Rosa river basins on the Pacific slope of southwestern Ecuador (Vari et al. 2005, Barriga 2012, Revelo and Laaz 2012). It has been reported specifically from the Baba, Vinces, and Yaguachi rivers (Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015). Earlier reports of this species from the Tumbes River basin in northern Peru represent the close congener P. atahualpa (Vari et al. 2005).
The greater Guayas River Basin occupies a surface area of 32,112 km2 (Damanik-Ambarita et al. 2018). The Santa-Rosa River Basin occupies a surface area of 19,925 km2 (Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015). Therefore, Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 6,327-52,037 km2, with a lower estimate calculated by generating a minimum convex polygon around georeferenced collection records (GBIF 2020), and an upper estimate calculating by combining the surface area of major drainages from which this species has been reported (Barriga 2012, Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015). Limited ichthyological sampling has been carried out in these two drainages, and therefore the lower estimated EOO is likely an underestimate of spatial extent associated with sampling bias. Additional survey will be necessary to clarify the range extent of this species. This species occurs at an altitudinal range of 10-400 masl.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. However, it is anecdotally categorized as uncommon to rare (Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This freshwater, benthopelagic species inhabits rivers and streams on the Pacific slope of southwestern Ecuador, where it feeds primarily on aquatic macroinvertebrates and small fishes (Revelo and Laaz 2012), but also exhibits some scavenging habits (R. Barriga pers. comm. 2021). Habitat is characterized by high velocity water and substrates of gravel and rock, and habitat further downstream can be tidally influenced and exhibit sandy substrates (Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015). Maximum reported body size is 24.2 cm standard length (SL) (Vari and Ferraris 2003). Life history is unknown (Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Gambusia affinis)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Gambusia affinis"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oncorhynchus mykiss)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oncorhynchus mykiss"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Poecilia reticulata)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Poecilia reticulata"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Xiphophorus hellerii)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Xiphophorus hellerii"},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Gambusia affinis)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Gambusia affinis"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oncorhynchus mykiss)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Oncorhynchus mykiss"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Poecilia reticulata)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Poecilia reticulata"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Xiphophorus hellerii)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Xiphophorus hellerii"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards P. bleekeri. The range of this species likely extends into several privately owned protected areas in southwestern Ecuador (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020), including Juaneche and Palenque protected forests (P. Arguello pers. comm. 2021). Additional research regarding distribution, population size, population trend, and the direct impact of existing threats would be useful in clarifying the extinction risk of this species.
",usetrade:"This species is utilized in subsistence and local artisanal fisheries, where it is harvested using a variety of selective and non-selective fishing gear (Revelo and Laaz 2012).
",taxonid:176668001,scientific_name:"Paracetopsis bleekeri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"CETOPSIDAE",genus:"Paracetopsis",main_common_name:"Bagre Ciego",authority:"Bleeker, 1862",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-07-20",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Arguello, P., Barriga, R. & Escobar-Camacho, D.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"6327-52037",elevation_upper:400,elevation_lower:10,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"EC",country:"Ecuador",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"139548915",assessment_id:146602295,id_no:139548915,sci_name:"Diplacina guentherpetersi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Villanueva 2012",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:121.45858,latitude:19.28383,species_id:139548915,taxonomicnotes:"Diplacina guentherpetersi appears to differ from D. bolivari Selys mostly in details of colouration and wing venation and confirmation that it is really a distinct species rather than a variant of D. bolivari is needed.
",rationale:"Diplacina guentherpetersi is only known from the type series of two males from one location in Calayan Island in the Philippines. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but if the species is genuinely confined to Calayan then the AOO will be less than 500 km² because that of the island is. Ongoing declines in AOO and extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred from loss of forest on Calayan and with only a single location known the species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and, taking a reasonable precautionary approach, is assessed accordingly. Additional data from Calayan may allow reassessment to a lower threat category in the future, but given the small AOO and definite threats it is very unlikely that Least Concern status will ever be appropriate (and therefore Data Deficient is not an appropriate assessment) unless the species is found on other islands in the Philippines.
",geographicrange:"Diplacina guentherpetersi is only known from the type series of two males from one location in Calayan Island in the Philippines (Villanueva 2012). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However, if the species is genuinely confined to Calayan then its AOO will be less than 500 km² because the entire area of the island is around 500 km². Considerable deforestation is evident on Calayan in satellite images, especially in coastal areas and because of this an ongoing decline in the AOO of this species is inferred.
",population:"This does not appear to be a common species. Beyond this all that can be said is that some decline in overall population is inferred from habitat loss on Calayan Island.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"All that is known is summarised in Villanueva (2012: 232): “This species was found on an open shallow river approximately four meters wide at the edge of the forest. The water is clear and cold with moderate flow. The substrate consists of coarse sand and gravel with some mud along the non-moving portion. The collected specimens were found perching on exposed rocks and boulders along the river.” It is likely that the species is forest-dependent. An ongoing decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from loss of forest on Calayan.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for verification that it is in fact distinct from Diplacina bolivari (see the Taxonomic Note) and if it is, for more data on exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Protection of habitat where the species occurs is highly desirable. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139548915,scientific_name:"Diplacina guentherpetersi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"LIBELLULIDAE",genus:"Diplacina",main_common_name:null,authority:"Villanueva, 2012",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-06-23",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"10-499",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"58599268",assessment_id:58628522,id_no:58599268,sci_name:"Plectostoma palinhelix",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T-S Liew",yrcompiled:2014,citation:"IUCN SSC Mollusc Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Liew et al. 2014 Appendix_2",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:101.92299652,latitude:3.83931994,species_id:58599268,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to peninsular Malaysia, where it is known from four limestone hills in Pahang. Two hills are now being quarried for limestone. The habitats on one hill are highly degraded and surrounded by oil palm plantations. There are no known conservation actions in place for this species. Habitat monitoring would benefit this species as would the requirement for EIA's within the review process for the planning applications for quarry extensions and conversion of forests to Oil Palms. As two of the four known sites are under threat, and there is already decline in the quality of the habitats, the species is assessed as Endangered B2ab(iii,v).",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to peninular Malaysia, where it is known from four limestone hills in Pahang. Two hills, Bukit Serdam and the adjacent hill, both supported populations at the last surveys assessment done in 2010 and 2011. However the two other hills, Bukit Serdam and Gunung Panas, are now being quarried for limestone (Liew et al. 2014). The smallest unnamed hill is highly degraded and Gua Kechil is surrounded by oil palm plantation.",population:"Two of the four known sites had living populations in 2011. At the other two sites only dead shells were found, and so their status is unknown.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Found on limestone hills within tropical forests.",threats:[{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no known conservation actions in place for this species. Habitat monitoring would benefit this species as would the requirement for EIA's within the review process for the planning applications for quarry extensions and conversion of forests to Oil Palms. Quarrying can be carried out providing not all suitable habitat is quarried and if suitable guidelines are developed in order to mitigate impact of dust on forest habitats during operations. There is an active group communicating the importance of the limestone biodiversity in Malaysia.",usetrade:"There is no known trade in this species.",taxonid:58599268,scientific_name:"Plectostoma palinhelix",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"ARCHITAENIOGLOSSA",family:"DIPLOMMATINIDAE",genus:"Plectostoma",main_common_name:null,authority:"(van Benthem-Jutting, 1952)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2017-05-18",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Thorseng, L. & Seddon, M.B.",reviewer:"Schilthuizen, M. & Vermeulen, J.J.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"6",habitat:"Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2017",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"176108753",assessment_id:176108770,id_no:176108753,sci_name:"Ancistrus amaris",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jonathan Armbruster",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"de Souza et al. 2019",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1983,longitude:-70.094444,latitude:9.052778,species_id:176108753,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Ancistrus amaris occurs in the upper Piedmont of Venezuela. Despite heavy sampling in the region, the species is known only from a few collections with no more than five individuals per collection. It has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 26,088 km2. The piedmont region of Venezuela is under intense threat due to deforestation, extraction of water for irrigation, hydroelectric development (with one reservoir likely already having submerged some of the species range), and pollution from agricultural runoff and from urbanization. There are seven locations based on these threats. Given the few localities that are known for this species and the lack of any recent assessment, the species should be monitored for continued persistence. It is considered Near Threatened because of an EOO approaching the threshold for Vulnerable, seven locations, and a continuing decline in the quality and extent of habitat inferred based on the threats.",geographicrange:"Ancistrus amaris is known from Andean piedmont streams of the Río Apure/Río Orinoco drainage of Venezuela (de Souza et al. 2019).",population:"The population size is unknown, but the species was described from very few individuals and no collections are available of over five individuals (de Souza et al. 2019).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Ancistrus amaris is found in piedmont streams in fast flow. Relative to the sympatric A. triradiatus, A. amaris has a longer jaw, which usually denotes that it lives in faster water (Lujan and Armbruster 2012). No information is available on breeding, but other species of Ancistrus spawn under rocks and the males protect the eggs until they hatch and the young until after they have absorbed their yolk sacs (Sabaj et al. 1999, Power 2003). Species of Ancistrus have tentacles on the snout with the tentacles of males much larger and more numerous than that of females and juveniles, and these structures have been hypothesized to provide oxygen for the young, to be sensory, and/or to act as larval mimics to attract females (Sabaj et al. 1999, Power 2003). The tentacles of A. amaris are among the smallest in Ancistrus (de Souza et al 2019). Several studies of the Ancistrus of the Las Marias in Venezuela have been published, and they may have included some A. amaris as the species had not been separated from A. triradiatus until de Souza et al. (2019). Ancistrus of the Las Marias were found to be primary algal grazers and likely have an effect on algal community structure (Flecker et al. 2002). Ancistrus of the Las Marias are phosphorous limited and responsible for recycling up to 10% of the nitrogen needed for algal growth (Vanni et al. 2002, Hood et al. 2005). Species of Ancistrus have moderate air-capacity in the stomach to breathe air (Armbruster 1998), but being one of the more montane species of Ancistrus, it is likely that A. amaris has little to no ability to breathe air.This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from three restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 1300 m to 2700 m bsl. The impact of uncertainty around the total AOO and other biological factors mean that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from VU to EN, using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as EN B2ab(iii). As the species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted AOO, and has been found at three locations, the threat of current and future anthropogenic influence in these sites based on exploration licenses for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites justifies an inferred and projected continuing decline in the extent and quality of habitat at hydrothermal vents, which would drive this species to CR very rapidly. There may already be disturbance to this species as there has been exploratory mining within the Papua New Guinea EEZ which can include extraction of mineral deposits to determine their composition and testing of seabed mining technology for future exploitation-phase licensing. A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining license arrangements or if there are future changes to the prices of relevant commodities.
",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to three locations at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure.These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles and a human-occupied vehicle, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Johnson et al. 2015).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to deep ocean hydrothermal vents in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from the active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1300 m to 2700 m bsl.
",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any West Pacific vent fields, however, further research is recommended to determine whether the populations would be susceptible to disturbance by mining, to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites, and to ascertain the dispersal capability for this species, as these will assist in re-evaluation of the conservation status of the species. Development of protocols to minimise sediment plume creation by those investigating the sea-bed habitats during exploration for mineral would be beneficial for all species in these sensitive habitats.
",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:145380180,scientific_name:"Alviniconcha boucheti",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"HYPSOGASTROPODA",family:"PROVANNIDAE",genus:"Alviniconcha",main_common_name:"Bouchet's Punk-rock Snail",authority:"Johnson, Warén, Tunnicliffe, Van Dover, Wheat, Schultz & Vrijenhoek, 2014",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-04-10",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Thomas, E.A., Sigwart, J. & Chen, C.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"20",eoo_km2:"295717.761",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:1300,depth_lower:2700,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"FJ",country:"Fiji",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PG",country:"Papua New Guinea",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"TO",country:"Tonga",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"82627914",assessment_id:82627918,id_no:82627914,sci_name:"Zoogoneticus purhepechus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Köck, GWG",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Köck et al.",basisofrec:" ",event_year:2016,longitude:-104.0911,latitude:20.8823,species_id:82627914,taxonomicnotes:"The first individuals of this species were sampled in 1901 by S.E. Meek and F.E. Lutz from La Barca, Ocotlán, but at this time regarded as Zoogoneticus quitzeoensis. It lasted until the late 1990's and early 2000's when it become likely, that the stocks from the western distribution range of this species belong to a distinct one (Webb 1998, Doadrio and Domínguez 2004). Then in 2008, Domínguez-Domínguez et al. described Zoogoneticus purhepechus from individuals they collected in the Presa Verduzco (La Luz spring) at Jacona de Plancarte. They large distribution area and different populated drainages are the reason for distinguishing seven subpopulations of the La Luz Splitfin: The Lower Río Lerma subpopulation (type subpopulation) including the Río Duero, the Laguna Chapala/ Río Grande de Santiago subpopulation, the Laguna Magdalena subpopulation, the Upper Río Ameca subpopulation, the Laguna de Sayula subpopulation, the Laguna de Zapotlán subpopulation and the Laguna San Marcos subpopulation, including the lagunas San Marcos, Zacoalcos and Atotonilco.",rationale:"Being threatened by water pollution, competition through numerous exotic fish species and severe droughts in the western and southwestern part of its distribution, the La Luz Splitfin has already lost large parts of its historical range. Except for several spring fed ponds, mainly along the Río Duero, it can only be found in remnant stocks.Sulcosticta pallida is endemic to Luzon in the Philippines where it is known from five locations in the north of the island. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest in northern Luzon. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) is less than 5,000 km2. The species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B1ab(ii,iii) but it is to be hoped that when more data are available from northern Luzon re-assessment to a lower threat category might be possible.
",geographicrange:"Sulcosticta pallida is endemic to Luzon in the Philippines (van Tol 2005). The assessor is aware of records from five locations in the north of the island but it has not been possible to assign coordinates to one of these for mapping purposes. Based on the known locations the species might be present in the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park or Mount Pulag National Park, but this requires confirmation. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and will be declining as a result of loss and degradation of forest in northern Luzon. The extent of occurrence (EOO) calculated using http://geocat.kew.org is 1,066.594 km2 and although this is likely to be an underestimate, with the available data there is no reason to assume that the EOO is greater than 5,000km2.
",population:"All that can be said with the available data is that some decline in overall population will be occurring as a result of clearance of forest throughout the range of the species and that severe fragmentation is likely for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This will be a species of forest streams but no details are known. The extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred to be declining due to loss of and disturbance to forest in northeast Luzon.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and, if not present in existing protected areas, for the protection of habitat where it does occur. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139569850,scientific_name:"Sulcosticta pallida",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Sulcosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"van Tol, 2005",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-15",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"1066.594-4999",elevation_upper:1400,elevation_lower:550,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"148207862",assessment_id:148209490,id_no:148207862,sci_name:"Melligomphus guangdongensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Wilson, K.D.P.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Odonata Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:"Big Wave Bay, HK Island",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Wilson, 1997",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:114.249505,latitude:22.249509,species_id:148207862,taxonomicnotes:"Chao (1953) published a very detailed account of the external morphology of Onychogomphus ardens Needham. Later, Chao (1990) selected ardens as the genotype species for his new genus Melligomphus, which he established to receive Chinese onychogomphines with, inter alia, superior appendages shorter than inferior appendages and without markedly hooked tips, as in seen in the genus Lamelligomphus Fraser. Wilson (2009) stated the genus Melligomphus is reliably characterised by: (i) inferior anal appendages of male slightly longer than superior appendages, (ii) both branches of superior appendages more or less parallel, (iii) penile organ with a prominent postgenital lobe and a pair of raised, prominent, nose-like sclerotized structures, (iv) anal triangle of male 4-celled, (v) anal loop 2-celled or occasionally 1 or 3-celled, and (vi) posterior hamulus with an acuminate tip, not overtly hook-like. Wilson (2009) transferred Ophiogomphus guangdongensis Chao, 1994 to the genus Melligomphus and synonymised Melligomphus moluami Wilson (1995) as a junior synonym of Melligomphus quangdongensis.",rationale:"Melligomphus quangdongensis is endemic to Guangdong and Hong Kong. It occupies an extent of occurrence (EOO) smaller than 20,000 km², with much of its EOO formed of the highly developed urban area of the Pearl delta region. The Pearl delta region has undergone an explosive growth in human population, exceeding 120 million people over the past 30 years. Much of the area occupied by M. guangdongensis lies within several fully protected and well managed designated Country Parks in Hong Kong, covering a total area of 440 km², within which the species is categorised as common (Tam et al. 2011). Moreover, the type-locality Heishiding in Guangdong is also a protected nature reserve. However, given its fragmented distribution, the rapid population growth within its small EOO, and the small number of recorded sites (eight localities, which are estimated to represent eight locations for this assessment), this species is considered Vulnerable.
Melligomphus guangdongensis breeds in small to medium-sized montane forested, streams and streams in shrubby exposed sections of streams at lower altitudes. Substrates in small exposed sections of streams include bedrock, boulders and pockets of gravel but broader forested streams with substrates of boulders and gravel are also frequented. Larvae have also been found in the same gravel habitat as Ophiogomphus sinicus. Males of the genus can be observed perched on bankside vegetation, bare ground and rocks adjacent to suitable breeding sites.
Van Tol (2008) defined a “dark form” of Protosticta satoi Asahina, 1997. Later Kompier (2016a) considered this dark form as a separate species, P. nigra Kompier, 2016 but only provided a description and list of type material in Kompier (2016b).
",rationale:"Protosticta nigra is known from nine locations in the north of Viet Nam and from two locations in Guangxi. Some locations are within protected areas. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is not known, however the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of and disturbance to forest within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is larger than the threshold for criterion B1 (EOO = 28,308–34,536 km²). It is clear that the overall population of this species is already severely fragmented and threats exist throughout its known range, including within some protected areas where it occurs. The species is close to qualifying for Vulnerable under criterion B (VU B1ab(ii,iii)), therefore, taking a reasonable precautionary approach as advised by IUCN, it is assessed as Near Threatened. It is hoped that when more information becomes available, reassessment to Least Concern will be possible.
",geographicrange:"Protosticta nigra is known from nine locations in the north of Viet Nam (Kompier 2016a,b unpub. data; Phan and Kompier 2016; Phan unpub. data). The species has also been recorded at two locations in Guangxi (Zhang (2019, pers. comm. June 2020). Some locations are within protected areas (for example, Tam Dao National Park and Pia Oac Nature Reserve in Viet Nam and Shiwandashan National Nature Reserve in China). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of and disturbance to forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 28,308 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points).
",population:"This species can be common where it occurs. Little else can be said with the available data except that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of forest within the range of the species and it is clear that the overall population is already severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Both sexes of this species usually perch 10–20 cm above the ground in shade at the side of shallow, narrow (about 1–3 m width) mountain streams in forest, and also disperse inside the forest. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining to at least some degree due to loss and degradation of forest within its range, but we do not know enough about its ability to tolerate disturbance to judge how severe these declines will be.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more information on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and for an end to illegal activities within protected areas that may be have a negative impact on the species.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173721152,scientific_name:"Protosticta nigra",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Protosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Kompier, 2017",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-07-08",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A., Kompier, T. & Phan, Q.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"28308-34536",elevation_upper:1600,elevation_lower:200,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CN",country:"China",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"2039",assessment_id:160300790,id_no:2039,sci_name:"Archachatina bicarinata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Frazer Sinclair (Fauna & Flora International) and Martina Panisi (University of Lisbon)",yrcompiled:2022,citation:"Sinclair, F. and Panisi, M.",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Principe",tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:2018,longitude:7.32938298,latitude:1.600726,species_id:2039,taxonomicnotes:'The Obô Giant Snail Archachatina bicarinata was first described in 1792 by Bruguière as Bulimus bicarinatus, the name being based on the two-keeled body-whorl (last and largest whorl) of its shell. It is now placed in the genus Archachatina, which was named by Albers in 1850, for which his type species was Achatina sinistrorsa L. Pfeiffer, 1848. However, this species name is invalid because it is a junior synonym of that introduced by Bruguière. The epithet sinistrorsa was based on the sinistral shell (left-handed coiling), an uncommon feature in the genus Archachatina. It belongs to the family Achatinidae Swainson, 1840 (the "agate snails"). The species belongs to the family Achatinidae Swainson, 1840 (the "agate snails") and can easily be identified by the combination of sinistral coiling and very large shell size, along with the broad blunt apex to the shell, characteristic of the genus Archachatina. Adults can be recognised by the thick dark to blackish-purple shell coloration, marked with obscure brown waves with a bluish white interior of the aperture; it also has six to seven shell whorls and an arched columella (Reeve, 1849).
Although currently treated as endemic to both São Tomé and Príncipe islands, Archachatina bicarinata is likely to have originated on one and then colonised the other, either naturally or – more likely – through anthropogenic dispersal. Genetic analyses are currently ongoing to establish the historical origin of the species and set conservation priorities based on genetic variability.
As noted in Dow & Stokvis (2018) Heliogomphus borneensis is very similar to Heliogomphus kelantanensis and may eventually prove to be a junior synonym of it.
",rationale:"Heliogomphus kelantanensis, as currently understood, is known from Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. Only three locations are definitely known for the species, which is considered as critically endangered in Singapore. None of the known locations in Peninsular Malaysia is within a totally protected area. The species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criterion D2 and is assessed as such. It is to be hoped that re-assessment into a lower threat category will be possible when more data becomes available. Also, if Heliogomphus borneensis eventually proves to be a junior synonym of this species (see the Taxonomic Note) then re-assessment to a lower threat category will be possible.
",geographicrange:"Heliogomphus kelantanensis, as currently understood, is known from Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. Records from Peninsular Malaysia are from Kelantan (Laidlaw 1902) and Negeri Sembilan (Norma-Rashid 2009). Dow & Stokvis (2018) questioned records based on larval exuvia and freshly emerged female specimens from Peninsular Malaysia (for instance Lieftinck 1933, Furtado 1969) and these are treated as in need of confirmation here. Records from Singapore are from the main island (e.g. Murphy 1997) and Pulau Ubin, however the record from Pulau Ubin is considered to be a vagrant since there is no suitable habitat for the species there (Ngiam & Cheong 2016), so only one location is considered as known in Singapore, where the species is considered to be critically endangered (Ngiam & Cheong 2016). Altogether only three locations can be considered as definitely known for this species. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) cannot be made with the available data, but the AOO can be inferred to be declining from loss of lowland forest throughout its range. None of the definitely known locations in Peninsular Malaysia is within a totally protected area.
",population:"This species has seldom been recorded but this may be due to elusive behavior rather than genuine rarity. Beyond this little can be said with the available information except that at least some decline in overall population can be inferred from loss of lowland forest throughout its range, and that the overall population may already be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Little is known about the habitats and ecology of this species except that it occurs, seemingly very locally, at lowland forest streams. A decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat can be inferred from loss and disturbance to lowland forest in Peninsular Malaysia.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution and exact habitat requirements of this species are needed and if not present in totally protected areas then creation of new totally protected areas containing the species should be considered. It would likely benefit from good conservation practices in plantations, such as leaving wide buffers of original forest around streams and the setting up of conservation areas consisting of original forest and including stream heads, and the strict enforcement of existing regulations for plantations and for logging activities.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:163740,scientific_name:"Heliogomphus kelantanensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Heliogomphus",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Laidlaw, 1902)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-10-30",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"SG",country:"Singapore",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"191692",assessment_id:1998108,id_no:191692,sci_name:"Alloophorus robustus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Köck, GWG",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:"Cotija",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Univ. Michoacana",basisofrec:" ",event_year:1984,longitude:-101.6916,latitude:19.5853,species_id:191692,taxonomicnotes:"Bean's Holotype of the Bulldog Splitfin was collected by Alfredo Dugès in 1891 in the Pátzcuaro lake (Hubbs and Turner, 1939), but soon thereafter, it was also known from some locations in Guanajuato and several other large lakes (lagos Cuitzeo, Chapala and Zirahuén). Descibed as Fundulus robustus, it was transfered into the genus Zoogoneticus by Meek in 1902 and later into the new monotypic genus Alloophorus by Turner (1937). Taking in consideration its affiliation to different separate river drainages respectively endorheic basins and phylogenetic results, ten subpopulations in two lineages can be inferred: The Lago de Pátzcuaro subpopulation (type subpopulation), the adjacent Río Grande de Morelia subpopulation (including the Lago Cuitzeo), the Río Angulo subpopulation (including the Lago Zacapú) and the possibly Extinct lagunas de Zirahuén and Yuriría and Middle Río Lerma subpopulations, the last one encompassing several rivers in Guanajuato (like the ríos Turbío, Guanajuato and Laja). Representatives from these six drainages belong phylogenetically to one lineage with respect to the following four ones, which again form a distinct lineage and probably even a separate to be described species: The Río Duero subpopulation (lower Río Lerma basin), the Cotija subpopulation (upper Río Balsas drainage), the Río Cupatitzio subpopulation, also in the Río Balsas headwaters in and south of Uruapán and the Lago de Chapala-Río Grande de Santiago subpopulation, now possibly Extinct except for the isolated Lagos Los Negritos about 10 km east of Sahuayo. Further studies to reveal the phylogenetic relationship within this species are required.",rationale:"The Bulldog Splitfin is difficult to find and very shy. It was historically distributed over a large area in Mexico, reaching from the Chapala lake in the west to the Río Laja in the east. Throughout the decades, it disappeared from many of the big lakes and dams and has reduced in numbers where it once was common. In the Pátzcuaro lake, it was an important part of the hauls of the local people, but due to low population numbers, it is no longer used for consumption. Different threats, often specific for certain habitats, eliminated the species or led to a decrease in numbers. Predation by Black Bass extirpated Alloophorus robustus from the Zirahuén lake, while competition from Xiphophorus variatus occurred in Río Laja. Water pollution was the reason for the disappearance of the species from the Chapala lake and Río Grande de Santiago, also causing very low numbers in the Pátzcuaro lake. Only three out of nine original subpopulations now exist.There is an ongoing monitoring and ex-situ breeding project run by the Laboratorio de Biología Aucatica in Michoacan University, Morelia, Mexico
",usetrade:"The species was targeted by local commercial fisheries in Lake Pátzcuaro but, due to increasing stocks of Oreochormis niloticus and Common carps causing competition, it almost completely disappeared from the lake. It is no longer used for consumption and is not a target species for the ornamental fish trade. ",taxonid:191692,scientific_name:"Alloophorus robustus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"GOODEIDAE",genus:"Alloophorus",main_common_name:"Bulldog Goodeid",authority:"(Bean, 1892)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-04-17",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Koeck, M.",reviewer:"Domínguez, O.",aoo_km2:"112-772",eoo_km2:"11400-13700",elevation_upper:2100,elevation_lower:1300,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.9",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Freshwater Springs and Oases",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"122150545",assessment_id:146602010,id_no:122150545,sci_name:"Mortonagrion astamii",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Villanueva & Cahilog 2013",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:116.9697,latitude:7.9815,species_id:122150545,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Mortonagrion astamii is only known from the type location on Balabac in the Philippines. There are insufficient data on the distribution of the species and the threats that it faces, however based on the area of Balabac and the fact that not all habitat on the island will be suitable for the species, its Area of Occupancy (AOO) known is less than 500km2 and is inferred, along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat, to be suffering at least some ongoing decline due to logging and agricultural activities. With only one known location the species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and, taking the reasonable precautionary approach advocated by the IUCN, is assessed accordingly. It is to be hoped that this species will eventually be found to be more widely distributed than is currently known, allowing re-assessment to a lower threat category.
",geographicrange:"Mortonagrion astamii is only known from the type location on Balabac in the Philippines (Villanueva & Cahilog 2013). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but the area of Balabac is less than 600km2 and since not all of the island will be suitable for this species it is safe to say that its known AOO is less than 500km2. At least some ongoing decline in AOO can be inferred as a result of logging and agricultural activities on Balabac.
",population:"There is insufficient information on this species to make any statement about current population sizes and health except that at least some ongoing decline in overall population can be inferred from habitat loss.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"The habitat where this species was found is described as a “Swamp/lake” in a (at the time of sampling) mostly dry swamp surrounded by “lowland Dipterocarp trees mixed with mangrove tree species” (Villanueva & Cahilog 2013: 15). The location was close to the coast. An ongoing decline in both extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from logging and agricultural activities on Balabac.
",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The first priority for this species is for more data on its distribution and exact habitat requirements. Protection of areas where the species occurs will also be needed. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:122150545,scientific_name:"Mortonagrion astamii",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Mortonagrion",main_common_name:null,authority:"Villanueva & Cahilog, 2013",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-06-21",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"10-499",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:50,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.7",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Mangrove Vegetation Above High Tide Level",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"177896346",assessment_id:177905485,id_no:177896346,sci_name:"Coeliccia curua",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Kompier et al 2020",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:104.932,latitude:21.141,species_id:177896346,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Coeliccia curua is known from three sites in northern Viet Nam. All the known locations are within Ba Be (two sites) and Xuan Son (one site) National Parks. An accurate estimate its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 446–3,829 km². Threats exist even within one of the protected areas where the species occurs (Xuan Son National Park). The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)).
",geographicrange:"Coeliccia curua is known from three sites in northern Viet Nam (Kompier et al. 2020). All the known locations are within Ba Be (two sites) and Xuan Son (one site) National Parks. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 446 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 3,829 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
",population:"This species appears to be very local in occurrence and not particularly common where it does occur. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of forest in northern Vietnam and the overall population is clearly severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"“In Ba Be NP Coeliccia curua sp. nov. was found at two different locations in karst mountains with seeps over rocks and forest floor ... In Xuan Son NP it was found at two small and very shallow streams at appr. 900m asl. in degraded primary forest, similarly on karst mountains.” Kompier et al. (2020). The species appears to be restricted to karst mountains and forest-dependent, although able to tolerate some disturbance to the forest around its breeding habitats. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priority for this species is for more information on its distribution, population sizes, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. It would certainly benefit if issues at Xuan Son National Park were addressed. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:177896346,scientific_name:"Coeliccia curua",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Coeliccia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Kompier, Dow & Steinhoff, 2020",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-07-11",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"446-3829",elevation_upper:900,elevation_lower:400,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"197101",assessment_id:170687943,id_no:197101,sci_name:"Lyriothemis defonsekai",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2014)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.25,latitude:6.26,species_id:197101,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Lyriothemis defonsekai is endemic to Sri Lanka where it is known from 22 sites in the wet zone. The known sites are mostly grouped into scattered clusters and comprise a smaller number of threat-defined locations (taking deforestation as the main threat). Some locations are within protected areas, for instance the Sinharaja Forest Reserve. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is likely to be significantly smaller than 500 km² and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 1,369–2,838 km² The overall population is clearly severely fragmented. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)).
',geographicrange:'Lyriothemis defonsekai is endemic to Sri Lanka (van der Poorten 2009, Bedjanič et al. 2014, Sumanapala and Jayawardana, 2016, Sumanapala 2017, unpub. data), where it is known from 22 sites in the wet zone. The known sites are mostly grouped into scattered clusters and comprise a smaller number of threat-defined locations (taking deforestation as the main threat). Some locations are within protected areas, for instance the Sinharaja Forest Reserve. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible, but with the available data the AOO will be significantly less than 500 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 1,369 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 2,838 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
',population:"This is a scarce and locally occurring species. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range and the overall population is clearly already severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is found “in open habitats close to marshes and streams in rainforests” Sumanapala (2017). The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended to support and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:197101,scientific_name:"Lyriothemis defonsekai",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"LIBELLULIDAE",genus:"Lyriothemis",main_common_name:"Vermilion Forester",authority:"van der Poorten, 2009",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-08-01",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"88-500",eoo_km2:"1369-2838",elevation_upper:600,elevation_lower:20,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"184516",assessment_id:121710380,id_no:184516,sci_name:"Afrogyrorbis concavus",presence:4,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Dirk Van Damme",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Possibly Extinct",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Bujagali",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Mandahl-Barth, 1954",basisofrec:null,event_year:1951,longitude:33.11666667,latitude:.51666667,species_id:184516,taxonomicnotes:"The Afrotropical genus Ceratophallus consists of 12 small planorbid snails, most of which are restricted to rift lakes (Brown 1994). The generic position of three of these Ceratophallus species remains uncertain. The highest species diversity is found in the Victoria Basin and Lake Victoria proper. In addition to four species that are endemic to the lake and lake shore, namely C. kisumiensis, C. subtilis, C. concavus and C. crassus, the widespread C. natalensis and C. kigeziensis also occur in the Lake Victoria basin.",rationale:"This species has been recorded and described by Mandahl-Barth (1954) from the Victoria Nile near Bujagali (Uganda) and from Hippo Bay, Entebbe (Uganda). Since Mandahl-Barth and subsequently Cridland collected this species in the early 1950s (Mandahl-Barth 1954), it has not been cited any more. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are under 100 km² and 10 km², respectively. There is one location based on the threats of pollution and dam construction around Bujagali. The subpopulation at Bujagali may already be extinct. Therefore, this species is assessed as Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct).",geographicrange:"This species has been recorded and described by Mandahl-Barth (1954) from the Victoria Nile near Bujagali (Uganda) and from Hippo Bay, Entebbe (Uganda). These records are repeated by Brown (1994) but there have not actually been any additional records since the original 1954 ones.",population:"There is no information available on the population.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:'It has been found below stones in association with Segmentorbis and Burnupia (Mandahl-Barth 1954, Brown 1994).',threats:[{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Negligible declines",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Negligible declines",score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There is no information available on conservation actions.",usetrade:"This species is not utilised.",taxonid:184516,scientific_name:"Afrogyrorbis concavus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"HYGROPHILA",family:"PLANORBIDAE",genus:"Afrogyrorbis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Mandahl-Bath, 1954)",published_year:2017,assessment_date:"2016-02-09",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Van Damme, D. & Lange, C.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"4-8",eoo_km2:"1-100",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:"This errata assessment has been published to correct a typo in the reference (Brown, 1994), and to delete a duplicated reference.",amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Point locality records for this species were recently compiled by D. Van Damme and these are now displayed on the distribution map.",countries:[{code:"UG",country:"Uganda",presence:"Possibly Extinct",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Possibly Extinct"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2016",assess_year:"2016",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2010",assess_year:"2004",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"191030",assessment_id:1967114,id_no:191030,sci_name:"Lacantunia enigmatica",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Rodiles-Hernández et al. 2005",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-91.116,latitude:16.758,species_id:191030,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Lacantunia enigmatica is threatened by habitat alteration (deforestation), proposed dam constructions, and invasive species (Rodiles-Hernández et al. 2005) which could cause it to become Critically Endangered or Extinct within a short space of time. This, in addition to the very low number of locations (1), means there is rationale to assess the species as Vulnerable D2.",geographicrange:"Lacantunia enigmatica is endemic to the Lacantún, Chajulillo, Tzendales, and Lacanjá rivers, tributaries of the Río Usumacinta basin, Chiapas, Mexico (Rodiles-Hernández et al. 2005, Ceballos et al. 2016).",population:"More information is needed about the population size and population trend of Lacantunia enigmatica. Nevertheless, Rodiles-Hernández et al. (2005) were able to collect the 12 paratypes plus many non-type specimens, in at least four streams, in all seasons.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species inhabits deep river channels, to a depth of 18 m, and pools with rocks and strong eddy currents. It is sometimes also found in stream mouths and can be collected in both high- and low-water seasons, generally during the night. Its food includes fish, crabs, prawns, and large and tough seeds. The maximum size of this species is 42.7 cm SL (Rodiles-Hernández et al. 2005).",threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation actions for Lacantunia enigmatica are known. However, all of its locations occur within protected areas (Rodiles-Hernández et al. 2005).",usetrade:"Lacantunia enigmatica is not used at all.",taxonid:191030,scientific_name:"Lacantunia enigmatica",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LACANTUNIIDAE",genus:"Lacantunia",main_common_name:"Chiapas Catfish",authority:"Rodiles-Hernández, Hendrickson & Lundberg, 2005",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-03-01",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Schmitter-Soto, J.J.",reviewer:"Maiz-Tome, L.",aoo_km2:"350-450",eoo_km2:"6500-7000",elevation_upper:420,elevation_lower:130,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"160075998",assessment_id:160081499,id_no:160075998,sci_name:"Pinna nobilis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elisa Alcazar Montanez",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN Mediterranean Red List",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-.795844,latitude:35.768635,species_id:160075998,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This long-lived bivalve is endemic to the Mediterranean Sea, where it has a range from Spain to Turkey along the northern and southern coasts and coasts of the Mediterranean islands. Since 2016, a devastating and geographically widespread mass mortality event (MME) has impacted P. nobilis populations throughout the Mediterranean Sea. Previous to the MME, the species was widespread and locally abundant in some locations. The mortality is caused by a pathogen (H. pinnae) and the associated die-offs have rapidly spread from the western (starting in Spain) to the eastern Mediterranean Sea in less than three years, causing mortality rates of 80-100% of the individuals in most locations, including those with long-term P. nobilis monitoring programmes. There are a few populations (less than ten subpopulations) that are known to remain pathogen-free and these are geographically isolated and located in sites characterized by very specific environmental conditions (lagoons with little access to the sea and differing salinities).Austrolebias pelotapes is known from a series of small seasonal pools and swamps associated with small tributary streams on the northern margin of the Canal de São Gonçalo in the Patos-Mirim lagoon system, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 12 km2, and the species is assigned to three threat-based locations. The primary threat to this species is habitat loss associated with urban expansion. Area of Occupancy and habitat quality are directly impacted by land-use changes and continuing decline in both metrics is inferred. Populations are considered severely fragmented due to a lack of hydrological connectivity and limited gene exchange between subpopulations. Therefore, A. pelotapes is assessed as Critically Endangered under criterion B1ab(ii,iii). Immediate conservation priorities include site protection, population monitoring, and habitat monitoring. Captive propagation and reintroduction into suitable habitat should be evaluated as conservation priorities.
",geographicrange:"Austrolebias pelotapes is known from a series of small seasonal pools and swamps associated with small tributary streams on the northern margin of the Canal de São Gonçalo in the Patos-Mirim lagoon system, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (Costa et al. 2017).
Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimated to b 12 km2, based on a 2x2 km grid overlain on known collection localities. The primary threat to this species is habitat destruction associated with urban expansion (Costa et al. 2017), and is expected to impact each collection locality independently. Therefore, this species is assigned to three threat-based locations.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. Collection localities are considered severely fragmented based on the hydrological isolation of the temporary pools in which this species occurs, and limited to no gene exchange between subpopulations (Costa et al. 2017).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This annual killifish is restricted to small, shallow seasonal ponds surrounded by or adjacent to urban development in the town of Pelotas (Costa et al. 2017). The type locality is characterized by a temperature of 16.7-25.9 °C, pH of 6.4-6.8, and a dissolved oxygen concentration of 5.7-8.7 mg/l (Costa et al. 2017).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no species-specific conservation measures directed towards A. pelotapes. This species is not contained within any existing protected area and all known collection localities are threatened by urban expansion (Costa et al. 2017). Immediate conservation priorities include site protection, habitat monitoring, and population monitoring. Ex-situ propagation and reintroduction into suitable habitat may be warranted.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:173823877,scientific_name:"Austrolebias pelotapes",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Austrolebias",main_common_name:null,authority:"Costa & Cheffe, 2017",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-12-29",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Costa, W.J.E.M.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"12",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"17839",assessment_id:162641138,id_no:17839,sci_name:"Chrysoritis adonis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"AJCOETZER, AC_LEPI01.FDB_17232",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2016,longitude:21.29745865,latitude:-33.33114624,species_id:17839,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This butterfly is a range-restricted endemic of the Gydo Mountain and Elandsberg Mountain in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. It has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 425 km2, an area of occupancy (AOO) of 24 km2, and it is known from two locations. The subspecies Chrysoritis adonis ssp. adonis has not been seen during the normal flight period since 2004, despite regular surveys. The vegetation has shown no signs of degradation, but fruit tree farming has expanded on the lower slopes of the mountain range to the north and may have had an influence on the population through drift of insecticides used for crop spraying. The subspecies on the Elandsberg seems to be stable with no known threats to its subpopulations. The taxon thus qualifies globally under the IUCN criteria as Endangered under criteria B1ab(i,ii,iii)+2ab(i,ii,iii).",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to the Western Cape Province of South Africa and is only known from two localities, on the northern slopes of the Gydo Mountain near Ceres and the Elandsberg mountains north of the Swartberg, near Ladismith (see e.g. Williams 2016, Mecenero et al. 2020). It is suspected that this species may occur in the mountain ranges north of Gydo but there are no records to substantiate this to date. The taxon's author has searched these possible localities but the species was not seen.",population:"This taxon is known from only two locations, one with four known subpopulations along the mountain range, each separated by sufficient distance of unsuitable habitat to prevent regular genetic exchange on Elandsberg. The second location has at least one subpopulation on the Gydo Mountains. The population has shown a decline as no adults of the nominate subspecies have been seen since 2004 (from Mecenero et al. 2020).",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"It occurs on the summits of rocky ridges and montane fynbos at an altitude of 1,400-1,630 m. It is not found on peaks (see e.g. Williams 2016).",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The taxon occurs in a protected area, but its population has shown a decline as no adults of the nominate subspecies have been seen since 2004. Action is needed to determine the reason for the decline. More field work needs to be done to try and find new localities. The subspecies in the Elandsberg does not require conservation measures as it occurs in a relatively inaccessible natural habitat with no threats.",usetrade:null,taxonid:17839,scientific_name:"Chrysoritis adonis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"LYCAENIDAE",genus:"Chrysoritis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Pennington, 1962)",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2022-01-28",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(i,ii,iii)+2ab(i,ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Edge, D.A., Selb, H.E.T., Van Der Colff, D. & Patel, T.",reviewer:"Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"24",eoo_km2:"425",elevation_upper:1630,elevation_lower:1400,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"3.8",habitat:"Shrubland - Mediterranean-type Shrubby Vegetation",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"6",habitat:"Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2022",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"R",category:"Rare"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"168627110",assessment_id:170647198,id_no:168627110,sci_name:"Poeciliopsis paucimaculata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2020 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.gpjttb, University of Costa Rica 2020",basisofrec:"FIELD_OBSERVATION",event_year:2e3,longitude:-83.62722,latitude:9.27278,species_id:168627110,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is restricted to the Térraba and Coto drainages on the pacific slope of Costa Rica. species distribution is 3,507 km2, occurs in two threat-based locations, and is uncommon to rare throughout its known distribution. Existing threats include land-use changes, agricultural expansion, and agricultural pollution. While the direct impact of these threats on the population of this species are unknown, they are producing inferred and continuous declines in the quality and availability of suitable habitat. Therefore, this species is assessed as Endangered under criteria B1ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Poeciliopsis paucimaculata is endemic to the Térraba and Coto drainages on the Pacific slope of Costa Rica (Angulo et al. 2013).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 3,507 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around a limited number of georeferenced collection records (University of Costa Rica unpublished data, GBIF 2020). Given the scope of basin-wide sedimentation and agricultural runoff (Rojas and Rodríguez 2008, Krishnaswamy et al. 2018), this species is inferred to occur in two threat-based locations.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in streams and rivers from 20 to 900 meters above sea level (A. Angulo pers. comm. 2020).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no species-specific conservation actions directed towards P. paucimaculata. This species likely occurs in more than one protected area (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020), but existing threats are expected to be pervasive within park boundaries, given the connectivity of upstream habitat. Additional information regarding distribution, population size, population trend, and the direct impact of existing threats would be useful in guiding future conservation outcomes.
",usetrade:"The use and trade of this species are unknown.
",taxonid:168627110,scientific_name:"Poeciliopsis paucimaculata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Poeciliopsis",main_common_name:"Olomina manchada",authority:"Bussing, 1967",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2020-02-07",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Angulo, A., McMahan, C. & Elias, D.J.",reviewer:"Lyons, T.J.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"3507",elevation_upper:900,elevation_lower:20,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"3312",assessment_id:110774987,id_no:3312,sci_name:"Bulinus browni",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Dirk Van Damme",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Kano Plain (Obuso River)",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Brown, 1994",basisofrec:null,event_year:1994,longitude:34.86666667,latitude:-.11666667,species_id:3312,taxonomicnotes:"Bulinus browni belongs to the Bulinus forskalii group, containing high spired, small species able to thrive in seasonal waters (Brown 1994). Except for the studies of Jelnes (1979, 1983), the author of this species, no research has been done on this rather enigmatic species, which in appearance is very similar to B. forskalii, with which it co-occurs.",rationale:"The surface of wetlands in the Kano Plains, where this species occurs, was estimated to be 10,000 ha at the end of the 20th century (Hughes and Hughes 1992). The agro-industrial expansion and the ensuing environmental changes that have since taken place in the Kano Plains are drastic. Use of biocides and eutrophication are known to have highly negative effects on the fauna of temporary waters. Possessing no information about this species since the early 1980s, we can not assess its present status but it may be assumed that its extent of occurrence (EOO) and the amount of suitable habitat it can occur in is shrinking and becoming fragmented. In absence of precise data, it is here assessed as Near Threatened as it almost qualifies for for a threatened category under criterion B1, although it may well already fall into one of the threatened categories.",geographicrange:'This species is endemic to the Kano Plains, east of Lake Victoria. The type locality is the Obuso stream (Brown 1994).',population:"No information is available on the population. Representatives of the B. forskalii group as a rule are abundant during the short period that they appear.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is recorded in drains briefly filled with rainwater (Brown 1994) .",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No information is available on conservation actions.",usetrade:"This species is not used.",taxonid:3312,scientific_name:"Bulinus browni",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"HYGROPHILA",family:"BULINIDAE",genus:"Bulinus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Jelnes, 1979",published_year:2017,assessment_date:"2016-02-08",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Van Damme, D. & Lange, C.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"1-100",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Point locality records for this species were recently compiled by D. Van Damme and these are now displayed on the distribution map.",countries:[{code:"KE",country:"Kenya",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2016",assess_year:"2016",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2010",assess_year:"2004",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"LR/nt",category:"Lower Risk/near threatened"}]},{id:"173699728",assessment_id:173756748,id_no:173699728,sci_name:"Paracercion ambiguum",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Ning et al. 2016",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:106.371,latitude:21.66,species_id:173699728,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"
Paracercion ambiguum is known only from the Huu Lien Nature Reserve in northern Viet Nam. The species has only been recorded on an approximately 500 m long section of a single stream. Its known area of occupancy (AOO) is currently 4 km², although it occupies a much smaller area of habitat within this. Moreover, its AOO is observed to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of and disturbance to the habitats within Huu Lien Nature Reserve. The species qualifies for Critically Endangered under criterion B (CR B2ab(ii,iii)).
",geographicrange:"Paracercion ambiguum is known only from the Huu Lien Nature Reserve in northern Viet Nam (Ning et al. 2016, Kompier unpublished), from an approximately 500 m long section of a single stream (and a reservoir on that stream). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data it occurs in an area smaller than 1 km², therefore its current known AOO is only 4 km² (based on it occupying only one 2x2 km grid cell). Moreover, its AOO is observed to be declining due to loss of and disturbance to habitat within Huu Lien Nature Reserve.
",population:"This species is stated (Ning et al. 2016) to be relatively common at its type locality, but one of the assessors (T. Kompier) has noticed an apparent drop in numbers. There is insufficient information to make any other statement about current population sizes and health for this species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Ning et al. 2016 state: “Unlike most Paracercion species, P. ambiguum behaves much like the Pseudagrion species it occurs side-by-side with at the type locality. Males typically hang from tips of vegetation, between just a few cm and 30 cm, over the water surface along the edge of a slow streaming river, about 10m wide, or along the edges of the reservoir from which the stream originates. Males are easily found, even under less promising cloudy conditions, but females are rarely observed and only visit to oviposit, presumably foraging at some distance from the water. Males were observed to interact with Pseudagrion spencei and P. microcephalum for positions on leaves.” The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of habitat within Huu Lien Nature Reserve.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for proper protection of its habitats in Huu Lien Nature Reserve and for searches for the species at other locations, as well as more information on its habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173699728,scientific_name:"Paracercion ambiguum",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Paracercion",main_common_name:null,authority:"Kompier & Yu in Ning, Kompier, Yu & Bu, 2016",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-24",category:"CR",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A. & Kompier, T.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:350,elevation_lower:200,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"15362",assessment_id:176824979,id_no:15362,sci_name:"Ophiogomphus acuminatus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"OdonataCentral",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Abbott, J.C. 2006-2017. OdonataCentral: An online resource for the distribution and identification of Odonata.",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Odonata Central",basisofrec:null,event_year:1982,longitude:-87.49484,latitude:35.52179,species_id:15362,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Listed as Rare by Bick (1983, 2003), this species is very localized, and like other Ophiogomphus it is probably fairly susceptible to pollution, siltation and damming. There are likely to be hundreds to thousands occurring on each stream, but the species is declining: Ophiogomphus larvae are sensitive to flood scouring as well as pollution. 15+ years of observation support this decline. Extent of occurrence is less than 5,000 km² and area of occupancy is less than 550 km²; the species is known from a total of 31 localities, including eight counties in Tennessee, one in Alabama, and possible larvae in two counties in Kentucky. Other localities were searched for by Tennessen (1994). Larvae are susceptible to flood scouring (easily washed away), siltation, and pollutants. The species nearly meets the requirements for Vulnerable under criterion B and is therefore assessed as Near Threatened. New records have come to light in recent years, adding counties and streams to the known range, but the known extent of that range has not changed.",geographicrange:"This southeastern North American species is known only from a small region from Kentucky south to Alabama. It is known from 3 states in the United States of America.",population:"Current population size and trends are unknown, but locally common within restricted range, and additional localities have been found in recent surveys.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Ophiogomphus acuminatus larvae occur in sparse gravel pockets in fissures of rocky stream beds (Carle 1981). Typically on second-order streams that are mostly shaded, with relatively stable substrates and riffle areas (Tennessen 1994).",threats:[{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Short sections of a few streams are protected by the Natchez Trace National Parkway, and the Alabama locality is in the Freedom Hills Wildlife Management Area. Although the species is not widespread, it appears to be locally common within its range, and no further conservation actions are recommended now.",usetrade:null,taxonid:15362,scientific_name:"Ophiogomphus acuminatus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Ophiogomphus",main_common_name:"Acuminate Snaketail",authority:"Carle, 1981",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2016-05-05",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Abbott, J.C. & Paulson, D.R.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"US",country:"United States of America",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.4",habitat:"Forest - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2016",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2007",assess_year:"2007",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"R",category:"Rare"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"R",category:"Rare"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"R",category:"Rare"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"R",category:"Rare"}]},{id:"163519",assessment_id:170688434,id_no:163519,sci_name:"Elattoneura oculata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2014)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.0848,latitude:6.8407,species_id:163519,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Elattoneura oculata is endemic to Sri Lanka where it is known from more than 100 individual sites scattered across the wet zone, some in protected areas. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is likely smaller than 2,000 km² and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 6,710–9,742 km². The overall population is clearly severely fragmented. The species is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B (VU B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)).
',geographicrange:'Elattoneura oculata is endemic to Sri Lanka (Bedjanič et al. 2014, Sumanapala 2017 unpub. data) where it is found in “low country and lower montane areas of the wet zone.” Sumanapala (2017). The species is known from more than 100 individual sites scattered across the wet zone, some in protected areas (for example, the Sinharaja, Yagirala and Kottawa Forest Reserves). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data the AOO will be smaller than 2,000 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 6,710 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 9,742 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
',population:"This is a relatively uncommon and locally occurring species. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range and the overall population is clearly already severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species “inhabits rivers and streams with dense riparian vegetation and some canopy cover, usually in or around forest areas” Sumanapala (2017). The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:163519,scientific_name:"Elattoneura oculata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Elattoneura",main_common_name:"Two-spotted Threadtail",authority:"(Kirby, 1894)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-08-01",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"500-2000",eoo_km2:"6710-9742",elevation_upper:800,elevation_lower:10,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"122150378",assessment_id:175972124,id_no:122150378,sci_name:"Amphicnemis triplex",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:" ",source:"Dow 2014",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1950,longitude:112.9496,latitude:-2.5315,species_id:122150378,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Amphicnemis triplex is known from Central Kalimantan where it appears to be confined to peat swamp forest and associated peripheral forest formations; threats exist to all such habitats in the province; it may already be extinct at one locality, but this requires confirmation. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of the species is not possible with the available data, but if it is confined to Central Kalimantan is likely to be less than 15,000km2, probably considerably less, below the 2,000 km2 threshold for Vulnerable status, and the AOO will be declining. With at most 7 locations currently known, inferred declines in overall population, AOO and quality and extent of suitable habitat, and threats at all locations the species is close to qualifying for Vulnerable status under criterion D2 and B2ab(ii,iii) (would qualify if its AOO was known to be less than 2,000km2) and is assessed as Near Threatened accordingly.
",geographicrange:"Amphicnemis triplex is endemic to Borneo, where it is only known from Central Kalimantan (Dow 2014). About seven locations are known. One of the known locations (Ampah, the type locality) may no longer support the species (an inhabitant of that area told the assessor that no forest remains there, but this requires verification). The species appears to be confined to peat swamp forest and associated peripheral forest formations and its area of occupancy (AOO) is therefore constrained by the remaining area of such habitat in the province, and based on the figures in Miettinen et al. 2016 (considering pristine and degraded peat swamp forest) is therefore less than about 15,000km2, probably considerably less because the species does not appear to be present in all apparently suitable habitat. The species is recorded from Sebangau National Park (where forest fires have already degraded parts of the species’ habitat). Two of the other locations enjoy some measure of protection because of their Orangutan populations, but to the assessors knowledge this protection is not formal and will effectively vanish if and when scientists and others working on the Orangutans are no longer present in the areas. The AOO and quality and extent of suitable habitat of this species are certainly declining.
",population:"This species can be moderately abundant where it occurs, but beyond this little can be said except that at least some decline to the overall population must have occurred and be ongoing due to loss of lowland forest within its range.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species appears to be confined to peat swamp forest and associated peripheral forest formations. The species has only been found in old growth forest (apart from one record of a female found in a house in Sampit), however the forest has been disturbed at all known locations.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data are needed on the distribution of this species. It would undoubtedly benefit from protection of additional areas of lowland swamp forest in Central Kalimantan.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:122150378,scientific_name:"Amphicnemis triplex",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Amphicnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Dow, 2014",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-09-16",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"70-14999",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:100,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"173431189",assessment_id:189439810,id_no:173431189,sci_name:"Cladomelea akermani",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"South African National Biodiversity Institute",yrcompiled:2023,citation:"Agricultural Research Council (2019): Specimen-records of preserved specimens and observations in the database of the National Collection of Arachnida database housed at the Agricultural Research Council - Plant Health and Protection. The Agricultural Re",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:30.2252,latitude:-29.4226,species_id:173431189,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species is a KwaZulu-Natal endemic described in 1923 from Pietermaritzburg based on a female. The male was described in 1998 from Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve. The species is known from three locations and has an extent of occurrence of 494 km2 and an area of occupancy of 12 km2 and is experiencing an ongoing degradation and loss of habitat due to urban development, crop cultivation and afforestation. It is therefore listed as Endangered B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii).",geographicrange:"This species is found in South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal.",population:"There is currently no information about the population of this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species constructs a reduced orb-web consisting of a bolas line used to catch moths at night. This spider is found in open grasslands, both in short grasses such as Themeda triandra which grows to about 40 cm and very tall grasses such as giant turpentine grass, Cymbopogon validus (=C. nardus), which grows over 2 m in height. So far, adults have only been found on grasses and not on other plants. Adult females are found towards the end of the summer (March) and into autumn. The egg sacs are attached to grass stems. The behaviour of the species is discussed in Leroy et al. (1998). The species is known from the Grassland and Savanna Biomes.",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The species records include a record from one protected area known as Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve.",usetrade:null,taxonid:173431189,scientific_name:"Cladomelea akermani",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"ARACHNIDA",order:"ARANEAE",family:"ARANEIDAE",genus:"Cladomelea",main_common_name:"Akerman’s Bolas Spider",authority:"Hewitt, 1923",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2019-03-01",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dippenaar-Schoeman, A., Foord, S., Lotz, L., Haddad, C., Sethusa, T. & Lyle, R.",reviewer:"Raimondo, D.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"494",elevation_upper:1245,elevation_lower:652,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"2.1",habitat:"Savanna - Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"4.4",habitat:"Grassland - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"128727229",assessment_id:128727255,id_no:128727229,sci_name:"Tariqilabeo macmahoni",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Zoo Outreach Organization (ZOO)",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:62.005601,latitude:25.481976,species_id:128727229,taxonomicnotes:"This species is questionably a synonym of Crossocheilus diplochilus (Mirza and Arshad 2008), however it is considered a separate species by Mirza and Javed and in the Catalog of Fishes (Mirza and Javed 2015, Eschmeyer et al. 2018).",rationale:"This species has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 10,600 km2, occurs in one threat-based location, and is facing continuing declines in the quality and extent of habitat due to threats of drought and flooding and damming. Therefore, it is assessed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"Tariqilabeo macmahoni was originally described from Dasht River, near Suntsar and Turbat, Baluchistan Province, and is currently known to be restricted to this basin.",population:"In 2004, it was estimated that there would be a future decline of >90% over the next 10 years, until 2014, due to the threats of damning and drought (CAMP 2004, M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020). However, no current population data are available regarding the population size or trend of this species, other than it can be suspected to still be in decline given the ongoing threats to this species and its habitat (Tariq and Van de Giesen 2012, Xie et al. 2013).",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Tariqilabeo macmahoni occurs in seasonal rivers, temporary pools and ditches with stone or clay beds. It is a benthopelagic herbivore and is found up to 100 m (Talwar and Jhingran 1991).",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"11.4",title:"Storms & flooding",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There is no information regarding conservation for this species.",usetrade:"There is insufficient information regarding this species' possible use and or trade, and more research is required.",taxonid:128727229,scientific_name:"Tariqilabeo macmahoni",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"CYPRINIDAE",genus:"Tariqilabeo",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Zugmayer, 1912)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-02-27",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Daniels, A., Qadir, A., Johnson, J.A., Ali, A. & Narejo, N.",reviewer:"Dahanukar, N., Molur, S. & Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"8100",eoo_km2:"10600",elevation_upper:100,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PK",country:"Pakistan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"15.9",habitat:"Artificial/Aquatic - Canals and Drainage Channels, Ditches",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"157783956",assessment_id:157787119,id_no:157783956,sci_name:"Provanna subglabra",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:123.84100342,latitude:24.85499954,species_id:157783956,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from four restricted locations, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 701 to 2,050 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. The potential for anthropogenic influence at this site based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. There may already be disturbance to this species as JOGMEC (Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation) is in the process of testing of seabed mining technology for future exploitation-phase licensing. The impact of uncertainty around the decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from VU to EN, using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as the top of this range, Endangered B2ab(iii). A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements.",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to four locations at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. All locations lie within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Japan. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 701 to 2,050 m bsl. It has been observed from four vent fields: at the Minami-Ensei Knoll vent field (Location 1), Izena Cauldron vent field (Location 2), Irabu Knoll vent field (Location 3), and SPOT Hatoma Knoll vent field (Location 4) (Sasaki et al. 2016, Miyazaki et al. 2017). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated or human-occupied vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Sasaki et al. 2016, Miyazaki et al. 2017).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 701 to 2,050 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any vent fields within the Japan EEZ. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites within the region.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of the species.",taxonid:157783956,scientific_name:"Provanna subglabra",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"HYPSOGASTROPODA",family:"PROVANNIDAE",genus:"Provanna",main_common_name:"Okinawan Cinderella Snail",authority:"Sasaki, Ogura, Watanabe & Fujikura, 2016",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2020-08-25",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A., Thomas, E.A., Chen, C. & Sigwart, J.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"16",eoo_km2:"20802.064",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:2050,depth_lower:701,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"JP",country:"Japan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"14881",assessment_id:546437,id_no:14881,sci_name:"Notropis amecae",presence:6,origin:2,seasonal:1,compiler:"Soto-Galera, E. and L. Alcántara-Soria, ENCB-IPN-P",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Presence Uncertain & Reintroduced",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:" ",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:1999,longitude:-103.84308,latitude:20.6852,species_id:14881,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to the upper Río Ameca in Jalisco, Mexico. The species was considered extinct in 2000, but was later found in 2005 and 2008. In 2014, intensive surveys during ten months in the entire range of its distribution, and using different sampling techniques, did not find the species. In 2016, 40 individuals were reintroduced in its native range. Recent surveys have recorded the species there, but it is unclear if the population is viable. Based on this, the species is considered Extinct in the Wild. If the introduced population proves to be viable in the next few years, a reassessment should be conducted and a change in category may be considered.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Mexico, where it used to occur in the upper part of Río Ameca-Magdalena basin, Jalisco (Miller et al. 2005).
",population:"Historically, this species was never common. Of 2,895 fishes collected in the upper Ameca river basin between 1939 and 1969, only 46 were N. amecae (Chernoff and Miller 1986). Before 1996 it was considered an extinct species (Hilton-Taylor, 2000). Later, it was reported by López-López and Paulo-Maya (2001) and in 2008 by J. Lyons and P. Gesundheit-Montero (UWZM 12145).
In 2014, the entire distribution of the species was surveyed with appropriate methods during ten months (one week each time), and no individuals were collected. In 2016, 40 individuals of this species were re-introduced in Balneario El Rincon (O. Domínguez Domínguez pers. comm. 2018). These individuals come from a captive population of six individuals collected in 2005. The species is still apparently present there, but its population size and trend is not known (O. Domínguez Domínguez pers. comm. 2018).
The species used to occur above 1,300 m Asl, in the channel of Río Ameca and two tributaries, one fed by warm springs with much vegetation (including water hyacinth, green algae, Ceratophyllum, and Potamogeton), in slight, moderate or swift current, over sand, rock, and silt, at depths up to about 1 m (Miller et al. 2005). The Teuchitlán River (tributary fed by springs) has an average width of 6 m, with a bottom of silt, sand, gravel, rocks and boulders (Chernoff and Miller 1986).
Spawning probably occurs from early spring to late summer, as suggested by mature adults and appearance of young. A single mature female examined contained 272 eggs (Miller et al. 2005, Soto-Galera and Alcántara-Soria 2007).
Austrolebias camaquensis is known from a series of temporary pools in the floodplains of the middle Camaquã River basin in Laguna dos Patos system at Encruzilhada do Sul and Canguçu municipalities, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 21.08 km2, area of occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be 20 km2, and the species is assigned to five threat-based locations. Despite extensive surveys conducted in adjacent and potentially suitable habitat, no additional collection localities are reported. The five collection localities where this species occurs are surrounded and immediately threatened by land-use change associated with rice production. In addition, this region is used for timber cultivation of Eucalyptus, Acacia and Pinus species, river impoundments and hydrological development is planned in the upper and middle courses of Camaquã River, and mining activities are present upstream of the five collection. Area of occupancy and habitat quality are directly impacted by land-use changes and continuing decline in both metrics is inferred. Therefore, A. camaquensis is assessed as Endangered under criterion B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii). Immediate conservation priorities include site protection, population monitoring, and habitat monitoring. Captive propagation and reintroduction into suitable habitat should be evaluated as conservation priorities.
",geographicrange:"Austrolebias camaquensis is known from a series of temporary pools in the floodplains of the middle Camaquã River basin in Laguna dos Patos system at Encruzilhada do Sul and Canguçu municipalities, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (Volcan et al. 2017).
Extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 21.08 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (Volcan et al. 2017). Area of occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be 20 km2, based on a 2x2 grid overlain on known collection localities (Volcan et al. 2017). Impacts to habitat quality and availability at collection localities are expected to act independently, and therefore this species is assigned to five threat-based locations. Despite extensive surveys conducted in adjacent and potentially suitable habitat, no additional collection localities are reported (Volcan et al. 2017).
",population:"The total population size of this species is unknown. However, this species is relatively abundant at its sites of occurrence, with a catch per unit area that ranges from 0.36-2.1 ind/m2 (Volcan et al. 2017). The localities may be severely fragmented based on the hydrological isolation of the temporary pools in which this species occurs and limited to no migration between subpopulations (Volcan et al. 2017). However, given uncertainty in the total size of each subpopulation, it is not possible to infer whether or not populations are self-sustainable long term, and therefore more research is needed to determine if the species is severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is restricted to small, shallow seasonal ponds surrounded by agricultural grasslands in the floodplains of the middle Camaquã basin in Laguna dos Patos system (Volcan et al. 2017). Pools are hydrologically isolated from one another by terrestrial habitat that has been highly modified for agricultural production (Volcan et al. 2017). Pools are characterized by brownish transparent water and muddy substrates (Volcan et al. 2017).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no species-specific conservation measures directed towards A. camaquensis. This species is not contained within any existing protected area. Immediate conservation priorities include site protection, habitat monitoring, and population monitoring. Ex-situ propagation and reintroduction into suitable habitat may be warranted.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.",taxonid:173823824,scientific_name:"Austrolebias camaquensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Austrolebias",main_common_name:null,authority:"Volcan, Gonçalves & Lanés, 2017",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-12-29",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Costa, W.J.E.M.",aoo_km2:"20",eoo_km2:"21.08",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"169216",assessment_id:75952899,id_no:169216,sci_name:"Phyllomacromia lamottei",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling (2012). Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/ipt/resource.do?r=bf_cf21",basisofrec:null,event_year:1987,longitude:-8.83333333,latitude:5.33333333,species_id:169216,taxonomicnotes:"Very similar to P. bispina from east Africa and P. bicristulata and P. villiersi from central Africa: requires revision.",rationale:"This species is known from the Mt. Nimba region in Liberia and adjacent Guinea and the area in and around Sapo National Park in southern Liberai. It seems to be endemic to that area and should be monitored in the future. Even though the area of occupancy and extent of occurrence qualify for a higher threat category, we list the species as NT based on the experience that Cruisers in general are difficult to survey and underrepresented in collections. At the moment it is listed as Near Threatened, but might qualify for a higher threat category, if the habitat is disturbed B1a(i,ii) + B2a(i,ii). The growing population in Africa poses a growing threat in terms of habitat destruction (deforestation, logging) and habitat deterioration (water pollution).",geographicrange:"The species is known from Mount Nimba (Legrand 1993, 2003) and the area of and around Sapo National Park. Cruisers are generally difficult to record, and thus a wider distribution in the area is assumed.",population:"No information available.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Found in and around rainforest streams.",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No information available but research into taxonomy, population numbers and range, biology and ecology, habitat status, threats, and trends/monitoring of this species would be valuable.",usetrade:null,taxonid:169216,scientific_name:"Phyllomacromia lamottei",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"MACROMIIDAE",genus:"Phyllomacromia",main_common_name:"Western Double-spined Cruiser",authority:"(Legrand, 1993)",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2017-11-01",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dijkstra, K.-D.B.",reviewer:"Kipping, J., Clausnitzer, V. & Suhling, F.",aoo_km2:"20",eoo_km2:"12904",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GN",country:"Guinea",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"LR",country:"Liberia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2017",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2010",assess_year:"2006",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2006",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"}]},{id:"149115445",assessment_id:149122051,id_no:149115445,sci_name:"Brycon obscurus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.qq8m78",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-80.55,latitude:8.82,species_id:149115445,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species occurs within the Indio, Cocle del Norte, and Cocle del Sur Rivers on the Atlantic and Pacific slopes of central Panama. Extent of Occurrence is estimated to be between 810-2,230 km2. This species occurs in 8-10 threat-based locations. Although this species exhibits a relatively restricted Extent of Occurrence, there is no information about population size or population trend. Existing threats include deforestation, land clearing associated with unsustainable agriculture, cattle farming, and mining, which are producing continuous inferred declines in habitat quality. Despite uncertainty in distribution, population size, population trend, and the direct impact of existing threats, this species is assessed as Vulnerable (VU) under criterion B1ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Brycon obscurus is restricted to the Indio and Cocle del Norte rivers on the Atlantic slope of Central Panama, and the Cocle del Sur River on the Pacific slope (Smith et al. 2004, Reeves and Birmingham 2006, Angulo et al. 2013). Based on the scope of existing threats and a range that extends into Santa Fe National Park (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019), this species probably occurs in 8-10 locations.
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be between 810-2,230 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (GBIF 2019).
",population:"There is no information regarding the population size or population trend of this species.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It is likely that this species occurs in rivers and streams characterized by abundant submerged and riparian vegetation over rock and gravel substrates, based on the habitat preference of close congeners (Maldonado-Ocampo et al. 2012).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.1",title:"Nomadic grazing",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no species-specific conservation actions directed towards B. obscurus. The range of this species probably extends into Santa Fe National Park (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). Additional data on distribution, population size, population trend, biology and ecology, and the impacts of potential threats are needed.",usetrade:"This species is probably targeted in subsistence fisheries. However, the volume of harvest has not been documented.
",taxonid:149115445,scientific_name:"Brycon obscurus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"BRYCONIDAE",genus:"Brycon",main_common_name:"Sábalo Pipon",authority:"Hildebrand, 1938",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-04-19",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J., González, R. & Contreras MacBeath, T.",reviewer:"Armbruster, J.W.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"810-2230",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"15365",assessment_id:80696915,id_no:15365,sci_name:"Ophiogomphus edmundo",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"OdonataCentral",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Abbott, J.C. 2006-2017. OdonataCentral: An online resource for the distribution and identification of Odonata.",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Odonata Central",basisofrec:null,event_year:1999,longitude:-84.51554,latitude:35.12632,species_id:15365,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"O. edmundo has a very restricted range, Extent of Occurrence in the neighbourhood of 2,500 km2, and known rivers where it occurs are subject to some loss of wooded habitat that provides feeding areas when away from water. Also, there is potential to be impacted by pollution, channelization, siltation, and impoundments modifying habitat away from optimal conditions for the species. The species was considered Imperiled (G2) by Bick (2003), who listed it from six counties in three states. It is presently known from ten counties in four states (Odonata Central 2018) and is dependably present at some locations, but it remains a rare species.",geographicrange:"This southeastern North American species occurs in a fairly restricted range in eastern Tennessee, western North Carolina, and far northern Georgia and South Carolina. It is found in 4 states in the United States of America.",population:"The population size of O. edmundo is probably rather small because of its limited range and habitat preference. At localities where the species is known, it is presumed hundreds of larvae are present, but adult population at any given time remains unknown. It is still common at several historic localities.",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:"Ophiogomphus edmundo is found in clear, moderately flowing rocky mountain streams.",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"11.4",title:"Storms & flooding",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The Conasauga River runs through fairly rugged country in national forests in Tennessee and Georgia, so it is somewhat protected. The species is also state-listed in Georgia, and its occurrence was relatively recently surveyed (G. Beaton pers. comm. 2008).Euphaea cyanopogon has an apparently restricted range in Preah Sihanouk province in southern Cambodia and the northern part of Phú Quốc Island in southern Viet Nam. Only eight-ten threat-defined locations (taking pollution or clearance of habitat for agriculture or development as the main threats) are known. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of suitable habitat within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 242–2,698, and its population (as currently known) is fragmented into two clusters. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)).
",geographicrange:"Euphaea cyanopogon apparently has a restricted range in Preah Sihanouk province in southern Cambodia and the northern part of Phú Quốc Island in southern Viet Nam (Phan et al. 2018 as Euphaea pahyapi, Hämäläinen et al. 2019, Kompier unpub. data). Two or three individual localities are known in Cambodia (three sites but two are so close together that it is doubtful that they constitute more than one threat-defined location in the face of any threat), and a number of sites are known on Phú Quốc Island but these only constitute six-seven threat-defined locations. At least some localities on Phú Quốc Island are within Phú Quốc National Park. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of suitable habitat within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 242 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 2,698 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
",population:"This species does not appear to be particularly common even where it occurs and appears to be local in occurrence. No statement about current population sizes and health can be made for this species. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of and disturbance to suitable habitat within the range of the species and the known population is already fragmented into two clusters.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Hämäläinen et al. (2019: 39) state “In Cambodia, E. cyanopogon males perched on flat sandstone rocks close to running water in the vicinity of Khal Chhay Waterfall, or perched, as did females, on tips of dry branches of nearby trees at 1–2 m above the ground. Teneral specimens were observed in November 2018. Also at that time these damselflies were found at the Prek Toeuk Sap River 1–1.5 km downstream of the waterfall, where they were seemingly absent in May 2013 and March 2017. In Phú Quốc Island the habitats were slightly different: small half-open streams: in central Phú Quốc rocky streams located in forest that dried out seasonally; in northern Phú Quốc just outside primary forest, sandy bottomed, shallow, with bushes at banks. There they tended to perch at 2–3 m over the water. Apparently, the flight season extends throughout the year; it has been recorded in March, April, May, July, and December. (However, not observed at the type locality in May 2013).” The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to agricultural expansion, logging, pollution and, on Phú Quốc Island, possibly tourist activities.
",threats:[{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species appear to be for protection of more habitat where it occurs, better protection of the habitat on Phú Quốc Island and more information on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173705199,scientific_name:"Euphaea cyanopogon",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"EUPHAEIDAE",genus:"Euphaea",main_common_name:null,authority:"Hämäläinen, Kosterin & Kompier, 2019",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-06",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A., Kompier, T. & Phan, Q.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"242-2698",elevation_upper:150,elevation_lower:10,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"KH",country:"Cambodia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"59849",assessment_id:75128848,id_no:59849,sci_name:"Stenocypha molindica",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2016,citation:"Odonata Database of Africa (ODA)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:" ",basisofrec:null,event_year:2003,longitude:29.6083,latitude:-.991667,species_id:59849,taxonomicnotes:"The closeness of the slender red Chlorocypha species is demonstrated by two hybrid males C. molindica x tenuis discovered in south west Uganda (Dijkstra, Kisakye unpubl.).",rationale:"This species is only known from forest streams of southwest Uganda, Burundi (presence uncertain) and eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. There are new records from eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, and it is likely to be more widespread in suitable habitat. It is a montane species and such habitat is fragmented in Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo, but large parts of these forest types are well protected in national parks. No recent information is available for Burundi but the habitats are assumed to have been reduced dramatically or vanished with developments over the last decade. Since montane forest areas at moderate altitude have been clear-cut to a large extent, this species is likely to qualify for Vulnerable but there is insufficient information to confirm this. The extent of occurrence (EOO) is under 5,000 km², the area of occupancy (AOO) is under 3,500 km², the population is fragmented (although not severely fragmented) and there are continuing declines in habitat. It is therefore assessed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species has been recorded from Burundi (though uncertain), southwest Uganda (Bwindi, Mafuga Forest) and Democratic Republic of Congo (Kakinga, Iringi, Beni and Irangi). Available habitat (and hence the population) is fragmented. This is an Albertine Rift endemic.",population:"The population size is unknown. The subpopulations are disjunct due to the fragmented nature of the suitable habitat.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is found around rainforest streams.",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation measures are known but information on taxonomy, population ecology, habitat status and population trend would be valuable.",usetrade:"There is no use or trade information for this species.",taxonid:59849,scientific_name:"Stenocypha molindica",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROCYPHIDAE",genus:"Stenocypha",main_common_name:"Bow-faced Jewel",authority:"(Fraser, 1948)",published_year:2016,assessment_date:"2015-04-07",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Clausnitzer, V.",reviewer:"Kipping, J., Dijkstra, K.-D.B. & Suhling, F.",aoo_km2:"0-3500",eoo_km2:"0-5000",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CD",country:"Congo, The Democratic Republic of the",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"UG",country:"Uganda",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2016",assess_year:"2015",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2010",assess_year:"2009",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"184535197",assessment_id:184535199,id_no:184535197,sci_name:"Madaglymbus semifactus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Eve Englefield",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Ranarilalatiana and Bergsten 2019",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-17.91604,latitude:-17.91604,species_id:184535197,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Madaglymbus semifactus is endemic to Madagascar, and has only been recorded from Betampona Reserve and Analalava Reserve in the lowland humid forests. The species has been found in dry depressions on the forest floor, but in an area of high rainfall. Based on the current known occurrences, the minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) and minimum area of occupancy (AOO) are both very small, estimated to be around 8 km2. Little is known about population trend of this species, but there has been a decline in the habitat due to slash and burn agriculture, and based on this threat it is considered to occur in two locations. In addition, climate change causing increased droughts may be a future threat, given it is found in areas of high rainfall. Therefore, this species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B. Fieldwork in the dry season is required to establish if the species can be found in dry depressions throughout the year. In addition, more information on the population and threats to this species is recommended.",geographicrange:"This species is only known from Betampona Reserve and Analalava Reserve in eastern Madagascar (Ranarilalatiana and Bergsten 2019). It is a lowland species, found at altitudes between 320 m and 525 m asl. Based on the known occurrences, the extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are both estimated to be around 8 km2. Due to the threat of slash and burn agriculture, it is considered to occur in two locations.",population:"There is no information about the population of this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species has been found in lowland humid forests in dry shallow depressions of the forest floor with dead leaves and soil. One specimen was collected from Analalava Reserve in forest pools after a cyclone with heavy rain. Larval development may occur during the rainy season, but it is not known if this would occur in the forest floor depressions or in a more aquatic habitat (Ranarilalatiana and Bergsten 2019). Due to slash and burn agriculture, there is considered to be a decline in the extent and quality of the habitat.",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Future fieldwork is required during the dry season to establish if the species can be found in dry depressions throughout the year, particularly for larval development (Ranarilalatiana and Bergsten 2019). In addition, more information on the population and threats to this species is recommended. This species appears to be highly localised to a small area of Madagascar, and although it occurs in protected areas, there still seems to be habitat degradation, and so the beetle would likely benefit from increased protection of the habitat.",usetrade:"This species is not known to be used or traded.",taxonid:184535197,scientific_name:"Madaglymbus semifactus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"COLEOPTERA",family:"DYTISCIDAE",genus:"Madaglymbus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Ranarilalatiana & Bergsten, 2019",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-10-07",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Englefield, E.",reviewer:"Gerlach, J.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"8",elevation_upper:525,elevation_lower:320,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MG",country:"Madagascar",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"157772605",assessment_id:157787074,id_no:157772605,sci_name:"Planorbidella planispira",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-113.11699677,latitude:-17,species_id:157772605,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from three restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2,500 m to 2,635 m bsl. The species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO), and has been found at only three locations, suggesting that it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. One of the three locations lies within two Marine Protected Areas (Menini and Van Dover 2019), however, the others exists in International Waters without any such protection. We have therefore opted to assess the species as Near threatened (NT). Although the species has a restricted AOO and there is a plausible future threat, it is unlikely to become Critically Endangered (CR) or Extinct (EX) over the next 1-2 generations because at least one location is protected. However, whilst no licences have been granted to date, if mining were to be approved, the projected decline in the extent and quality of habitat would drive this species to threatened status very rapidly. An urgent reassessment would therefore be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements or to the status of the MPAs, whereby the assessment could increase to Endangered (EN B2ab(iii)).",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to three locations at hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,500 m bsl to 2,635 m bsl. Location 1 lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Mexico, whereas Locations 2 and 3 occur beyond national jurisdiction in International Waters. The species occurs at three hydrothermal vent fields in these locations: the EPR 21N vent field (Location 1), the EPR 13N vent field (Location 2), and the EPR 17S vent field (Location 3) (Warén and Bouchet 1989, Warén and Bouchet 1993, Warén and Bouchet 2001). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Warén and Bouchet 1989, Warén and Bouchet 1993, Warén and Bouchet 2001).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,500 m to 2,635 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"One of the three locations, the EPR 21N vent field, lies within the Hydrothermal Ventilation Sanctuary of the Guaymas Basin and the Eastern Pacific Ridge (Santuario Ventilas Hidrotermales de la Cuenca de Guaymas y de la Dorsal del Pacífico Oriental), established in 2009, where research and fisheries activities are regulated by the Mexican government (Menini and Van Dover 2019). This vent site is further surrounded by the Deep Mexican Pacific Biosphere Reserve (Reserva de la Biosfera Pacífico Mexicano Profundo), established in 2016 (Menini and Van Dover 2019). The exploitation of wildlife and mining in these areas is strictly prohibited. However, there are no conservation actions currently in place at the other two locations where this species is found. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the East Pacific Rise.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157772605,scientific_name:"Planorbidella planispira",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"NEOMPHALIDA",family:"NEOMPHALIDAE",genus:"Planorbidella",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Warén & Bouchet, 1989)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-01",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"1405371.519",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:2500,depth_lower:2635,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"167181",assessment_id:176240144,id_no:167181,sci_name:"Drepanosticta brownelli",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Garrison et al 2015",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:null,longitude:113.85886,latitude:23.64028,species_id:167181,taxonomicnotes:'',rationale:"Drepanosticta brownelli is only known from seven locations in south China. Threats are known at two of the locations and the overall population is very likely to be severely fragmented. The population is likely to be declining. It is close to qualifying for Vulnerable status under criterion B (B2ab(ii,iii)), except that an accurate calculation of its true area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, and it is therefore assessed as Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:"Drepanosticta brownelli is known from Guangdong (e.g., Tinkham 1938, Wilson and Xu 2007) and Guangxi (Wilson and Reels 2003) in China. The Assessor is aware of records from seven locations, including within nature reserves. It is not possible to provide an even remotely accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species with the available data.
",population:"There are insufficient data to make any statement about population sizes and health for this species, except that an ongoing decline in overall population can be inferred from loss of forest within its range and that its populations are likely to already be severely fragmented for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is found at forest streams, and has some tolerance to disturbance, nothing else is known.
",threats:[{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data are needed on the distribution of this species, its exact habitat requirements, how much disturbance it can tolerate and on threats.
",usetrade:"No information available",taxonid:167181,scientific_name:"Drepanosticta brownelli",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Drepanosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Tinkham, 1938)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-03-22",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:750,elevation_lower:250,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"CN",country:"China",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2011",assess_year:"2011",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"17855",assessment_id:168306871,id_no:17855,sci_name:"Chrysoritis penningtoni",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Excel_Mar17, Dropbox Mar17",basisofrec:null,event_year:2010,longitude:27.00055504,latitude:-32.61750031,species_id:17855,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This is a range restricted, endemic species of the Eastern Cape, South Africa (Extent of Occurrence 310 km2, Area of Occupancy 40 km2). There are six locations. At present there is no evidence of population decline, but there is evidence of habitat deterioration as a result of alien vegetation and low frequency of fires. It therefore qualifies as Vulnerable under Criterion B.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, from Gaika's Kop at Hogsback and a few localities north and east on the Amatole mountains.",population:"There is no information currently available.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs on rocky outcrops with shrubs, in montane grassland at altitudes above 1,500 m.",threats:[{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.2",title:"Supression in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Further field surveys are required to establish the exact range and abundance of this taxon. Control of invasive plants would be beneficial.",usetrade:null,taxonid:17855,scientific_name:"Chrysoritis penningtoni",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"LYCAENIDAE",genus:"Chrysoritis",main_common_name:"Pennington's Opal",authority:"(Riley, 1938)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-02-20",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Pringle, E.L.",reviewer:"Kirkman, S., Raimondo, D., Oberprieler, R.G. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"40",eoo_km2:"310",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:1500,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"4.7",habitat:"Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"6",habitat:"Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"R",category:"Rare"}]},{id:"149103349",assessment_id:149121981,id_no:149103349,sci_name:"Eretmobrycon terrabensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2019 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.xcs04a, Arturo Angulo 2019",basisofrec:"FIELD_OBSERVATION",event_year:2010,longitude:-83.19418611,latitude:8.63973611,species_id:149103349,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Eretmobrycon terrabensis is endemic to the Térraba River drainage in Costa Rica, which includes an estimated 5084 km2 of land. Total population size and population trend are unknown. However, the Térraba River has undergone extensive deforestation due to agricultural expansion, which has resulted in altered flow hydrology and increases in sedimentation. While the direct impact of these threats on population status have not been evaluated, they have likely resulted in a reduction in habitat quality. Given a relatively restricted range and documented evidence of pervasive habitat alteration, E. terrabensis is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B1ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Eretmobrycon terrabensis is endemic to the Térraba River drainage in Costa Rica (Smith and Bermingham 2005, Angulo et al. 2013), which drains an estimated 5084 km2 (Rólier-Lara and Whertmann 2011). Elevation ranges from 60-940 meters above sea level (Bussing 1998). Therefore, Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is unlikely to exceed 5084 km2 unless additional sampling identifies the presence of this species outside the Térraba River drainage. Given the scope of deforestation and its effect on sedimentation rates and natural flow regimes, the number of locations where this species occurs is unlikely to exceed 10.",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. It is apparently uncommon in the southern Pacific portion of the Térraba River drainage (Bussing 1998). There are 15 institutional collections reported for this species, with the largest individual collection comprising 190 individuals (Fishnet2 2019, UCR Fish Collections unpublished data).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in creeks and brooks characterized by moderate to high velocity and temperatures between 22-27 °C. Diet is primarily comprised of terrestrial seeds, vegetation, and insects (Bussing 1998). Maximum reported body size is 9.0 cm (Bussing 1998).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no known species-specific conservation actions directed towards E. terrabensis. A considerable portion of the Térraba River drainage is included within Los Quetzales National Park and La Amistad International Park (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019), but it is unlikely that this species is present within their boundaries, given high elevation catchments (A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019). More research is needed regarding distribution, population size, population trend, and the impacts of regionally pervasive threats.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.",taxonid:149103349,scientific_name:"Eretmobrycon terrabensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Eretmobrycon",main_common_name:"Creek Tetra",authority:"(Meek, 1914)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-03-28",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J., Angulo, A. & González, R.",reviewer:"Armbruster, J.W.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"5084",elevation_upper:940,elevation_lower:90,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"176539277",assessment_id:176539343,id_no:176539277,sci_name:"Trichomycterus tenuis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jorge Liotta",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Cardoso et al., 2015c",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2014,longitude:-66.313167,latitude:-33.302444,species_id:176539277,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Trichomycterus tenuis is categorized as Endangered. It has a limited distribution with an extent of occurrence (EOO) of at least 534 km2 and best estimated as under 5,000 km2, and an area of occupancy (AOO) of at least 20 km2 and best estimated at under 500 km2 in dispersed watercourses with low and variable flow. In addition, most localities are subject to threats because it lives in rivers modified by dams or with probable degradation events by the presence of populated centres on their margins (city of San Luis, on Chorrillos river). There are five locations and an inferred continuing decline in habitat based on these threats.",geographicrange:"The type locality is a lake near the town of Cruz del Eje (Weyenbergh 1877) in central Argentina, province of Córdoba (30°43’S 64°48’W), located within the endorheic system of Cruz del Eje river. Haro and Bistoni (2007) have not found it in their prospections in Córdoba province in the previous 20 years. Ringuelet et al. (1967) consider it distributed in some hill and mountain areas of provinces of Córdoba and San Luis (Río EI Potrero, Arroyo Cuchi Corral, Río de La Bolsa, Río de los Funes). Menni (2004, with samplings from 1984) recorded its presence in various streams of San Luis. Cardoso et al. (2015) found it in the Chorrillos River, near the city of San Luis.This species is limited to a few drainages (Parismina, Matina and Sixaola) on the Atlantic slope southeastern Costa Rica and possibly western Panama. This species is known from a limited number of collection records, and Extent of Occurrence is not expected to exceed 5,000 km2. Land-use changes in the Sixaola River drainage have had documented impacts on the area, extent, and quality of available habitat. Additionally, continuous fish kills resulting from pesticide pollution have been reported. As such, this species is assessed as Endangered (EN) under criterion B1ab(iii,v). More research is needed to reduce uncertainties in distribution, population status, and magnitude of threats.
",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to the Atlantic slope of Costa Rica (Parismina, Matina and Sixaola River drainages), occurring at elevations ranging between 10 and 800 m above sea level (Bussing 1998, Angulo et al. 2013). Given the occurrence of the species in the binational Sixaola River basin, it is possible that it also occurs in the waters of western Panama.
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 2,667 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records (GBIF 2020, UCR Fish Collection Unpublished Data). Given the widespread impact of plantation agriculture and associated increases in agricultural pollutants, this species is inferred to occur in three threat-based locations.
",population:"The total population size of this species is unknown. Given the existence of several locally and regionally pervasive threats, population trend is suspected to be declining slowly, although the rate of decline has not been evaluated.
Specimens in scientific collections are rare. In ichthyological collections at the Museum of the University of Costa Rica, there are only 13 lots with less than 5 specimens each on average (A. Angulo pers. comm. 2020). This species was reported as uncommon by Bussing (1998), who reported fewer than 10 collection localities.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:'This species inhabits creeks and rivers at elevations ranging between 0 and 800 meters above sea level and temperatures ranging between 22 and 31 °C, where it is usually present in rapids or riffles of high current velocity. This species is almost always stuck to rocks or hidden between stones (Bussing 1998, Angulo et al. 2013). Larvae and juveniles migrate from river mouths to upstream water, where they spend their life in freshwater (Bussing 1998). Diet is comprised of mud, diatoms and filamentous algae that it scrapes from the substratum (Bussing 1998).
',threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards S. adelum. The range of this species extends into a number of protected areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020), though existing threats are expected to impact subpopulations within these boundaries. Additional research regarding population size, population trend, and the impact of existing threats would be useful in guiding future conservation action.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:171188879,scientific_name:"Sicydium adelum",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"GOBIIFORMES",family:"GOBIIDAE",genus:"Sicydium",main_common_name:"Tití",authority:"Bussing, 1996",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2020-02-28",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Angulo, A.",reviewer:"Lyons, T.J.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"2667",elevation_upper:800,elevation_lower:10,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"123523144",assessment_id:123525537,id_no:123523144,sci_name:"Drepanosticta hamulifera",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"van Tol 2007",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1989,longitude:121.95763,latitude:-5.264381,species_id:123523144,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Drepanosticta hamulifera is only known from the type series from Pulau Kabena, an island off the south coast of Sulawesi. The area of Pulau Kabaena is only 873 km² and there is evidence of deforestation on the island. Whilst the species could be assessed as Data Deficient, it may be confined to a relatively small island with a definite threat in the form of deforestation and only one location known. Therefore, taking a reasonable precautionary approach, it is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B (VU B2ab(iii)).
",geographicrange:"Drepanosticta hamulifera is known only from the type series collected in 1989 from one location on Pulau Kabaena, an island off the southern coast of Southeast Sulawesi in Indonesia (van Tol 2007). The area of Pulau Kabena is 873 km², so if the species is genuinely confined to this island its area of occupancy (AOO) must be less than this.
",population:"Only five specimens of this species have ever been recorded. There are insufficient data to make any statement about current population sizes and health.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"All that was recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species is that the type series was collected in “Open / riverine forest” at 300 m asl (van Tol 2007: 181).
",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data are urgently needed on this species; fresh searches need to be made on Pulau Kabena and adjacent parts of mainland Sulawesi. If the species is truly confined to Pulau Kabaena, then one or more protected areas including populations of the species need to be established.
Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
Teinobasis ruficollis is known from the north west of Borneo, Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia, with old records from Sumatra and the Lingga Islands and Riouw Archipelago. It is a locally occurring species that appears to occur at low densities where it does occur. Although it is capable of surviving in swamp forest disturbed by logging, some of the known sites are certainly threatened by development and other sites are likely to be threatened by conversion of forest to plantation and forest fires; at least one site in Sarawak appears to have already been lost. Although the species is widespread, the number of locations known is relatively small and it is not known if the species still occurs at the sites of old records. The area of occupancy (AOO) cannot be accurately estimated with the currently available data, but given the local occurrence of the species, it may be small and can be inferred to be declining along with the extent of suitable habitat because of loss of lowland swamp forest throughout its range, and the overall population is believed to already be severely fragmented. The species is would qualify for Vulnerable status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) if its AOO was known to be less than 2,000km2 and taking a precautionary approach it is therefore assessed as Near Threatened until more data become available.
Teinobasis ruficollis is known from Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia (for instance Choong 2013, Choong et al. 2016, Dow 2010), Singapore (for instance Murphy 1997, Norma-Rashid et al. 2008), Sumatra (Ris 1927), and the Lingga Islands (St. Quentin 1968 as T. rajah) and the Riouw Archipelago (Lieftinck 1935). Records from Borneo are from the northwest, from West Kalimantan (Dow 2010) and the south west of Sarawak (for instance in Dow 2010, Dow & Reels 2013). The assessor is aware of records from at least 18 locations, some in protected areas (Bako National Park in Sarawak, the Krau Wildlife Reserve in Pahang). All records except some from Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak and Singapore are old. The species is already likely to be extinct at one of the locations in Sarawak because of clearance of forest, and two of the other locations in Sarawak are likely to be lost to development in the not-to-distant future. No remotely accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of the species is possible with the currently available data, but it is likely to be small and but it can be inferred to be declining because of loss of lowland swamp forest throughout its range.
This species is local in occurrence and appears to occur at low densities where it does occur. Beyond this little can be said with the currently available data except that some decline in overall population must be ongoing due to loss of lowland swamp forest in the species’ range, and that the overall population will have become severely fragmented.
Where the habitat has been recorded this species has been found in swamp forest (often peat swamp forest) and sometimes swampy areas within other forest formations. It has been found in forest disturbed by logging activities, but not yet in any type of plantation. Occasionally it is found in buildings (a house in Singkawang, a petrol station toilet in Lundu), where it has presumably come from some suitable habitat nearby. The extent of suitable habitat for this species can be inferred to be declining due to loss of lowland forest throughout its range.
More data on the distribution of this species, especially in Indonesia and Peninsular Malaysia, are urgently needed, as is research into threats.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:135435076,scientific_name:"Teinobasis ruficollis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Teinobasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Selys, 1877)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-10-24",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:100,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"SG",country:"Singapore",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"139568128",assessment_id:146602630,id_no:139568128,sci_name:"Drepanosticta moorei",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Rory Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Gapud 2006",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2e3,longitude:122.01404,latitude:16.98265,species_id:139568128,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Drepanosticta moorei is known from seven locations on Luzon Island in the Philippines. Threats exist across the known range of the species and the overall population is believed to already be severely fragmented. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but is not likely to be particularly large and with the available data will be below 500 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. The species qualifies for Endangered status under criterion B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed as such.
",geographicrange:'Drepanosticta moorei is known from seven locations on Luzon Island in the Philippines (Gapud 2006, van Tol 2005, van Tol and Müller 2003). The species is likely to be present in one or more of the protected areas in the north of Luzon but none of the recorded locations appear to be in any of these areas, although some are close. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but is not likely to be particularly large and with the available data will be below 500 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO), based on known point localities, is 19,350 km²; EOO based on the extent of occupied HydroBASIN areas is 33,800 km².
This species was common at the type locality but occurs at low densities elsewhere (van Tol and Müller 2003). Nothing more can be said with the available data except that an ongoing decline in overall population is suspected from loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species and that severe fragmentation is almost certain for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This is a forest stream species but details are not known. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for protection of habitat where it occurs and for more information on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139568128,scientific_name:"Drepanosticta moorei",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Drepanosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"van Tol & Müller, 2003",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-09-01",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"36-500",eoo_km2:"19350-33800",elevation_upper:900,elevation_lower:300,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"120695830",assessment_id:148848946,id_no:120695830,sci_name:"Iodotropheus sprengerae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Konings / SCUBA",basisofrec:"StillImage",event_year:1989,longitude:35.141447,latitude:-14.255088,species_id:120695830,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi where it is only recorded at islands and reefs in the southeastern arm of the lake. It meets the area requirements under criterion B for Endangered and it is known from four locations. However, future declines in habitat quality or population size are possible but uncertain. The effects of aquarium trade and sedimentation on this species are unknown and it is, therefore, listed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi where it occurs at Boadzulu Island, Chinyamwezi Island, Chinyankwazi Island and Makokola Reef.",population:"It is common at Boadzulu Island, Chinyamwezi Island, Chinyankwazi Island and Makokola Reef.",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:"It is found over large rocks and slabs where detritus and organic matter accumulate in pockets among rocks. It is most numerous between 3–15 m depth but can occur from the surface to at least 40 m. It feeds on aufwuchs, insect larvae, benthic crustaceans and blue-green algae. Spawning occurs at any location in the rocky habitat.",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Three of the four localities known are in Lake Malawi National Park.",usetrade:'It is irregularly collected by the ornamental fish trade at Makokola Reef. Is sometimes known as "Rusty Cichlid” or by its scientific name.',taxonid:120695830,scientific_name:"Iodotropheus sprengerae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Iodotropheus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Oliver & Loiselle, 1972",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-06-22",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Stable",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A.",reviewer:"Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:"16",eoo_km2:"106",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:"This errata assessment was created to add a point data map that was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.",amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MW",country:"Malawi",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"62201",assessment_id:129987081,id_no:62201,sci_name:"Gila robusta",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. Contreras McBeath",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"T. Contreras McBeath 2014",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-109,latitude:31.25,species_id:62201,taxonomicnotes:"The Gila robusta complex includes nominal species G. robusta, G. intermedius, and G. nigrescens, all of which are described from the lower Colorado River basin in Arizona and New Mexico (Page et al. 2017). While they are currently considered valid, several studies suggest combining the complex under the senior synonym G. robusta (Page et al. 2017, Carter et al. 2018, Copus et al. 2018). Observed morphological and genetic variation is likely the result of past geographic isolation and differentiation followed by recent mixing and hybridization (Page et al. 2017). If such changes occur, reassessment is warranted based on a non-genuine change in total population size and distribution.",rationale:"The historical range of Gila robusta includes the Colorado River and its tributaries from southwestern Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado southward to the Little Colorado River confluence in Arizona, south of which it occurred only in primary tributaries of the Colorado River. Southward range extent included much of the Bill Williams and Gila drainages in Arizona, and occasionally into northern Sonora, Mexico. On a range-wide scale, occurrence of G. robusta has been reduced by approximately 50% from its historic distribution, much of which occurred between 1970-1990. Major threats include interactions of watershed changes, such as reductions in suitable habitat due to impoundment, flow regulation, channel downcutting, water diversion, and groundwater pumping, with the invasion of non-native predatory and competitive fish species. These major pervasive threats have not ceased. Given past range-wide documented reductions of 50%, and basin-wide reductions of up to 82% (in the lower Colorado River Basin), range-wide population reduction over three generations (17-23 years) is suspected to be between 30-50% based on a decline in the area of occupancy and habitat quality, in addition to the negative effects of introduced taxa and competitors. As such, G. robusta is listed as Vulnerable under criterion A2.",geographicrange:"The historical range of Gila robusta includes the Colorado River and its tributaries from southwestern Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado southward to the Little Colorado River confluence in Arizona, south of which the species occurred only in primary tributaries of the Colorado River (Carman 2006). The southward range extent included much of the Bill Williams and Gila drainages, Arizona; occasionally this species may have occupied the Colorado River delta in northern Sonora and Baja California (Minckley and Marsh 2009). Additionally, a taxonomically confusing population (usually known as Gila robusta jordani) occurs along the White River, Nevada. Current overall range is similar, but the species no longer occurs in much of the formerly occupied area.
In the upper Colorado River basin, extirpations have occurred in the Price River and portions of the San Juan, Gunnison, and Green rivers (Bezzerides and Bestgen 2002, UDNR 2006). In the lower Colorado River basin, extirpations have occurred in the San Francisco River, the San Pedro River, and the Colorado River and tributaries in Grand Canyon and downstream (Bezzerides and Bestgen 2002, UDNR 2006). Many of these extirpations occurred between 1970-1990, with the onset of dam closures and introductions of non-native predators (Bezzerides and Bestgen 2002).
In Wyoming, this species occurs in tributaries to the Green River and in several lakes in the upper portion of the basin. Extant but declining populations in Utah occur in the Escalante and San Rafael rivers, the middle and upper San Juan River (including some tributaries), in the Colorado River from Moab to Silt, in the Fremont River, in the Green River from the Colorado River confluence upstream to Sand Wash and from Jensen to Echo Park, in the White River from the Green River confluence upstream to near Meeker, and in the Duchesne River from the Green River confluence upstream to Myton (UDNR 2006).
Certain populations in the northern and eastern Gila River basin of Arizona and New Mexico (formerly included in G. robusta) are now recognized as a distinct species (Gila nigra) (Minckley and DeMarais 2000). See Minckley and DeMarais (2000), Copus et al. (2018), and Carter et al. (2018) for detailed distributions of G. robusta, G. intermedia, and G. nigra in the Gila River basin in Arizona, New Mexico, and Sonora. Miller (2005) assigned forms inhabiting northwestern Mexico (Rio Yaqui basin) to coastal streams in Sinaloa to Gila minacae.
This species is represented by a fairly large number of occurrences (subpopulations). Stratification of recent collection locations using existing migration barriers and suitable habitat yielded 15 preliminary populations of G. robusta in the Colorado River basin (Bezzerides and Bestgen 2002). Some of these occupy very large areas.
Total adult population size is unknown but likely exceeds 10,000.
Today, G. robusta occupy only about 45 percent of the historical range in the Colorado River basin (Bezzerides and Bestgen 2002). The species currently occupies about 18 percent of its historical range in the lower Colorado River basin (Voeltz 2002, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish 2016). In Black Rocks, Colorado, populations have remained relatively stable in recent years (Francis et al. 2016). Given these documented range-wide reductions in occupancy, it is suspected that population reduction has occurred in the past
In most areas where this species persists, abundance has been much reduced. Sampling from 1999-2012 in the San Juan River report this species as extremely rare (Franssen et al. 2015), but others report likely extirpation (Bezzerides and Bengsten 2002, UDNR 2006). In the upper Gila River, population decline is likely due to the competitive or predatory effects of non-native species; only one individual was collected from six sites across a 19 year sampling period (Propst et al. 2008). It may now be extirpated in the Gila River drainage, and is considered extirpated from the Zuni and San Francisco River drainages (New Mexico Department of Fish and Game 2016).
In Arizona, G. robusta occupies 1841 linear km of stream habitat and 38 unique streams, which is 21.6% of total stream habitat in the state (Turner and List 2007). In Aravaipa Creek, Arizona, this species comprises a minor proportion of relative abundance (Eby et al. 2003). In the Upper Bill Williams River Basin, G. robusta populations have remained relatively stable over the past 30 years (Pool and Olden 2015).
Population trend over the past 10 years or three generations is uncertain but suspected to be in decline. Age at first reproduction occurs between years 3 and 5, with an average longevity of 8-10 years (USFWS 2015). Given these parameters and an estimated z of 0.5, three generations is estimated at 17-23 years. Most of the decline likely occurred more than 20 years ago (probably in the 1960s and 1970s). It is likely that a total range-wide population reduction of 30% or greater occurred between 1950-1970 or 1970-1990.
This species' habitat includes rocky runs, rapids, and pools of creeks and small to large rivers, also large reservoirs in the upper Colorado River system; generally this species prefers cobble-rubble, sand-cobble, or sand-gravel substrate. Adults are associated with the largest, most permanent water in streams (Minckley 1981), where a few deep (greater than 1 meter) pools with cover (boulders, woody debris) are intermixed with riffles, runs, and eddies (Bestgen and Propst 1989, Propst 1999, White 2005). Large populations often occur in pools behind irrigation diversions (Barber and Minckley 1966). This species is less prone to using cover than are close congeners; they typically frequent open areas in the deepest pools and eddies of middle sized to larger streams (Minckley and DeMarais 2000).
Eggs are scattered over clean gravel or cobble substrates (sometimes sand and silt) of pools with moderate velocity runs and generally at least 25 cm deep (Neve 1976, Minckley 1981, Sublette et al. 1990).
Existing populations should be carefully monitored and protected by eliminating detrimental water and land use and exposure to non-native fishes. Research is needed to identify specific aspects of these practices that result in the demise of the G. robusta. Other native species are threatened, endangered, or extirpated from the historic and present range. An ecological approach to habitat management is necessary to protect remaining populations of native fishes. Degraded habitat should be reclaimed and enhanced.
This species is listed as state endangered in New Mexico, and is included in the Colorado River state recovery plan; standardized annual monitoring and stocking from ex-situ culture are included in this action plan (New Mexico Department of Fish and Game 2016). The distinct population segment in the lower Colorado River is candidate for protection by the US Fish and Wildlife Service under the Endangered Species Act (USFWS 2015). This species is listed as a species of special concern in Utah, Arizona, Colorado, and Wyoming (UDNR 2006). A range-wide, multi-agency conservation strategy is currently in place (UDNR 2006).
Gila robusta is federally protected in Mexico under NOM-59-SEMARNAT-2010. It occurs in a number of protected areas throughout its range (IUCN and UNEP 2018).
Mortonagrion ceylonicum is endemic to Sri Lanka, where it is known from 19 scattered locations within the wet zone with just one location in the intermediate zone. Some locations are within protected areas, for instance the Hiyare and Sinharaja Forest Reserve. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible, but based on the currently available data, the AOO is certainly below 500 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of lowland forest, marshes and appropriate swampy areas as well as other threats within the range of the species. It is very possible that its extent of occurrence (EOO) is smaller than 5,000 km² (4,195–6,920 km²). The overall population is clearly already severely fragmented. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)).
',geographicrange:'Mortonagrion ceylonicum is endemic to Sri Lanka, where it is known from 19 scattered locations within the wet zone with just one location in the intermediate zone (Bedjanič et al. 2014, Sumanapala 2017, unpub. data). Some locations are within protected areas, for instance the Hiyare and Sinharaja Forest Reserve. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible, but with the available data the AOO is certainly below 500 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of lowland forest, marshes and appropriate swampy areas as well as other threats within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 4,195 km² (based n a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 6,920 km² (based n an MCP around the known occupied HydroBASINS areas).
This is a scarce species with a severely fragmented population. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of suitable habitat in Sri Lanka.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"“Usually found in very small seepages, marshes and small ponds with a dense canopy cover and dense emergent aquatic vegetation” Sumanapala (2017: 69). The species seems to be associated with lowland marshes with dense riparian vegetation providing shade. Recent records are found even from urban or semi-urban areas with scattered marshy habitats. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of marshlands and forest and other threats within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended to support and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:163517,scientific_name:"Mortonagrion ceylonicum",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Mortonagrion",main_common_name:"Sri Lanka Midget",authority:"Lieftinck, 1971",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-07-31",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A., Sumanapala, A.P. & Bedjanič, M.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"76-500",eoo_km2:"4195-6920",elevation_upper:500,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"}]},{id:"132675480",assessment_id:132675647,id_no:132675480,sci_name:"Rhamdia laluchensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:"Type locality",source:"Weber et al. 2003",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-93.89,latitude:17.061,species_id:132675480,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Rhamdia laluchensis is known only from the caves of La Lucha System, State of Chiapas, Mexico. The species is categorised as Vulnerable on the basis of criterion D2. Its restricted AOO (8 km2) and number of locations (1) make it highly sensitive to possible future threats that could drive this taxon to CR or EX in a very short time.",geographicrange:"Rhamdia laluchensis is known only from its type locality, the caves of Sistema de La Lucha, Municipio Ocozocoautla, Chiapas, Mexico (entrance c. 5 km southwest of the village of Aguablanca on the eastern shore of the Malpaso Reservoir: 17˚03’40”N, 93˚53’23”W; Weber et al. 2003). The cave entrance (360 m asl) is a resurgence with a watercourse flowing northeastwards and reaching the extreme east of the Malpas Reservoir (Presa Nezahualcoyotl) near the Aguablanca village.",population:'The discoverers (Weber et al. 2003) observed "dozens" of catfish in the type locality.',populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:'Rhamdia laluchensis is a strictly hypogean fish. The cave it inhabits includes lotic and lentic environments, with "dramatic" changes in water level; water temperature, 19 °C. The passable part of the cave system is about 1300 m long, interrupted after 650 m by a large doline (250 m of diameter and 200 m deep). At low water level the watercourse is reduced to a small brook originating from a siphon pool (416 m asl) at the end of the upper gallery and flowing into a lake in the lower cave section (Weber et al. 2003). The Sistema de La Lucha is inhabited by a fauna dominated by cambarid decapods, nematocerans and carabid insects (Weber et al. 2003).',threats:[],conservationmeasures:"No specific action for this species is known.",usetrade:"Rhamdia laluchensis is not utilised.",taxonid:132675480,scientific_name:"Rhamdia laluchensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"HEPTAPTERIDAE",genus:"Rhamdia",main_common_name:"La Lucha Blind Catfish",authority:"Weber, Allegrucci & Sbordoni, 2003",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-09-05",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Arroyave, J. & Schmitter-Soto, J.J.",reviewer:"Contreras MacBeath, T., Domínguez, O. & Rivas, M.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"0.4",elevation_upper:416,elevation_lower:360,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.18",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Karst and Other Subterranean Hydrological Systems (inland)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"145788970",assessment_id:158038948,id_no:145788970,sci_name:"Drepanosticta elongata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Viola Clausnitzer",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:109.321124,latitude:18.995771,species_id:145788970,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Drepanosticta elongata is endemic to Hainan Island, China. The assessor is aware of records from nine sites spread widely across upland areas of central and southeastern Hainan, including in Yinggeling and Wuzhishan national nature reserves and in Diaoluoshan and Shangxi provincial nature reserves. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is unknown, but it is unlikely to be declining significantly, based on the known distributional information; however, surveys in unprotected areas of Hainan have been limited. Its current known extent of occurrence (EOO) is 2,875–5,304 km², which is small enough to meet the criterion B1 threshold for Endangered (EN) or Vulnerable (VU); however, it is known from more than five locations (nine locations are currently known), so it cannot be placed in the EN category. If the AOO or extent or quality of suitable habitat were known to be declining, it would qualify for Vulnerable under criterion B1. However, since it is not certain that either the AOO or the quality or extent of suitable habitat is declining, this species is best assessed as Near Threatened (nearly meets VU B1ab(iii)).
",geographicrange:'Drepanosticta elongata is endemic to Hainan Island, China. The assessor is aware of records from nine sites spread widely across upland areas of central and southeastern Hainan, including in Yinggeling (three localities) and Wuzhishan (Reels 2010) national nature reserves and in Diaoluoshan and Shangxi provincial nature reserves (Wilson and Reels 2001), in addition to two sites at Hui Shan in central Hainan and one at Xiaonanning in southeastern Hainan (Reels 2010). Its area of occupancy (AOO) is unknown, but it is unlikely to be declining significantly, based on the known distributional information; however, surveys in unprotected areas of Hainan have been limited. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO), based on the known collection records (and calculated using GeoCAT), is 2,875 km². Its maximum EOO, based on the extent of HydroBASINS the known records are from, is 5,304 km².
',population:"This species is quite common where it occurs, but it is never found in large numbers at a given location. Some fragmentation of the population is inevitable owing to agriculture and urban development in lowlands and on lower hillsides between forested upland areas. The current population trend is unknown, but the population now is unlikely to be declining significantly because mainly occurring in protected areas (but surveys in unprotected areas have been limited).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is forest-dependent, occurring at or near small shady streams, trickles and seepages in upland woodland (Reels and Zhang 2015). The extent and quality of habitat is unlikely to be declining at the localities from which the species is known, most of which are within protected areas.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More information on the distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance of this species is needed but species specific conservation measures do not appear to be needed at present. In particular, since surveys for Odonata in unprotected areas of Hainan have been limited, additional surveys outside of protected areas are needed to compliment the available information.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:145788970,scientific_name:"Drepanosticta elongata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Drepanosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Wilson & Reels, 2001",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-09-25",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Reels, G.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"2875-5304",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CN",country:"China",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"184535367",assessment_id:184535369,id_no:184535367,sci_name:"Rhantus bouvieri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Eve Englefield",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Hjalmarsson et al. 2013",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:46.9207,latitude:-22.1043,species_id:184535367,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Rhantus bouvieri is endemic to Madagascar, known from the Ankaratra mountains and the Andringitra mountains. In addition, there is some evidence that it also occurs in the regions of Forêt Tanala, Fianarantsoa and Antananarivo. Therefore, the extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be in the range around 497 km2 to 5,000 km2 and the area of occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be at least 24 to 500 km2. Based on the threat of habitat loss, this species is considered to occur at between two and six locations, but it is unknown if there is currently a decline in the habitat, as the species is only found at very high altitudes. The current population trend is unknown. Based on the current known information, the species is assessed as Near Threatened as it is close to meeting the criteria for a threatened category under criterion B. If the species is found to be more widespread than currently known, and it is found to be a fairly adaptable species, it may be considered as Least Concern in the future.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Madagascar, and is known from Manjakatompo forestry station in the Ankaratra mountains, and the Andringitra mountains. In addition, there are records from the regions of Forêt Tanala, Fianarantsoa and Antananarivo, but the exact localities are not known (Hjalmarsson et al. 2013). Therefore, the extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be in the range around 497 km2 to 5,000 km2 and the area of occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be at least 24 to 500 km2. The altitudinal range based on the known localities is between 1,420 m and 2,070 m Asl. Based on the threat of habitat loss, this species is considered to occur at between two and six locations.",population:"There is no information about the population of this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species was found in a high-altitude river in Andringitra and in streams and grassy ponds in Manjakatompo (Hjalmarsson et al. 2013). However, there is no information about the habitat in the other regions where it is thought to occur.",threats:[{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Further research is required to establish the true distribution of this species in Madagascar, as well as information on the population, habitat and threats. The forest relics in which this species is found are legally protected, but illegal activities still occur and so efforts to decrease these activities are needed to mitigate this.",usetrade:"This species is not known to be used or traded.",taxonid:184535367,scientific_name:"Rhantus bouvieri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"COLEOPTERA",family:"DYTISCIDAE",genus:"Rhantus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Régimbart, 1900",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-10-13",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Englefield, E.",reviewer:"Gerlach, J.",aoo_km2:"24-500",eoo_km2:"497-5000",elevation_upper:2070,elevation_lower:1420,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MG",country:"Madagascar",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"176514159",assessment_id:176514386,id_no:176514159,sci_name:"Austrolebias quirogai",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Loureiro, M.",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-55.4333992,latitude:-32.44469833,species_id:176514159,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species occurs in the wetlands of the middle and upper Negro river basin and upper Yaguaron and Tacuarí rivers basins. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is 80 km2. Annual fishes occur in seasonal temporary ponds, which can be found within a matrix of wetlands. Threats not only in close proximity to the habitat, but also those that are present in the same hydrological basin (especially those upstream), were considered and include exotic forestation and desiccation of wetlands to prevent flooding and to gain area for soy and rice crops. There are three locations and an inferred continuing decline in habitat due to these threats. As a result, this species is listed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species occurs in the wetlands of the middle and upper Negro river basin (Lower Uruguay ecoregion) and upper Yaguaron and Tacuarí rivers basins (Southern Patos-Merin drainage; freshwater ecoregion 334) with freshwater ecoregions assigned according to Abell et al. (2008), mainly in Uruguay and marginally in southern Brazil.Diplacina paragua is only known from two locations in Palawan in the Philippines. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but the AOO may well be small and is likely to be declining due to loss of forest in Palawan. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) of the species is constrained by that of Palawan (approximately 12,189 km²) and is therefore less than 20,000 km². The habitat requirements of the species may not be well understood and information is lacking on its ability to tolerate disturbance. It is not definitely known to occur in any currently gazetted totally protected area. The species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criterion D2 and taking a reasonable precautionary approach is assessed as such. It is likely that the AOO and quality and extent of suitable habitat for the species are declining as well, in which case Vulnerable would also be justified under B1ab(ii,iii), however our understanding of the species habitat requirements is not good enough to be sure about these declines.
",geographicrange:"Diplacina paragua is only known from Palawan in the Philippines (Villanueva 2012, Villanueva et al. 2018). The species is known with certainty from only two locations. One of the known locations is in the Cleopatra’s Needle area, which may receive protected status in the future, this is not far from the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park so the species may occur in that National Park. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but the AOO may well be small and is likely to be declining due to loss of forest in Palawan. The known extent of occurrence (EOO) of the species is constrained by that of Palawan (approximately 12,189 km²) and is therefore less than 20,000 km².
",population:"Villanueva et al. (2018) note that while this species was abundant at the type locality in eastern central Palawan it was very scarce in the Cleopatra’s Needle area in northern Palawan. Beyond this all that can be said with the available data is that at least some ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of forest.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Villanueva (2012: 235) states: “This species prefers open streams and creeks, as it was recorded on well-lit areas and avoided shady parts of the stream. It perched on the ground and the exposed surface of rocks along the water. The stream was shallow with slow to very slow-moving, clear cold water. The substrate was sandy.” It appears that the species prefers open aspect streams and sections of streams but, since it has only been found in forested areas, it is still highly likely that it is dependent on forest for roosting and foraging.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Totally protected status for the Cleopatra’s Needle area is highly desirable.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139549052,scientific_name:"Diplacina paragua",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"LIBELLULIDAE",genus:"Diplacina",main_common_name:null,authority:"Villanueva, 2012",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-01",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"2220-12189",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"14260328",assessment_id:59256478,id_no:14260328,sci_name:"Austropetalia patricia",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2016,citation:"I. Endersby & R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:null,longitude:150.3333333,latitude:-33.71666667,species_id:14260328,taxonomicnotes:"Southern populations of Austropetalia, originally treated as A. patricia, were separated as A. tonyana by Theischinger (1995). A single female from Barrington Tops was treated as A. patricia until it was recognised as a separate species Austropetalia anneliese (Theischinger 2013).",rationale:"Austropetalia patricia is only known from a relatively small range in New South Wales, with a maximum extent of occurrence (EOO) a little over 20,000 km² (the true EOo is likely less than 20,000 km²) and an area of occupancy (AOO) estimated to be less than 500 km². Fewer than 10 locations are known, and at some locations it is only known from old records and may already be extinct in those areas. Although precise information on threats is lacking, a number of potential threats are likely to be affecting the species, or will do in the future, and a continuing decline in area and quality of habitat appears likely for the species. It is therefore assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B (VU B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)) and taking a reasonable precautionary approach with regard to continuing decline in habitat quality and extent. However it is possible that this species is seriously under-recorded because of the difficulty of sampling.
",geographicrange:"Austropetalia patricia is endemic to Australia, where it is only known from a relatively small area in New South Wales. Most records are from a small number of relatively close together locations in the Blue Mountains, with isolated locations approximately 100 km to the north-east and 100 km to the south-east. All together about eight individual locations are known, some of which are within Blue Mountains National Park, whilst the southernmost location is just inside Morton national Park. Its extent of occurrence (EOO), based on a minimum convex polygon around known occupied HydroBASIN areas, is 20,386 km². Bush et al. (2014: Table S2) give an estimate of the current extent of suitable habitat of this species of 585 km², this is an upper bound on the area of occupancy (AOO) of the species, but the true AOO will certainly be less than 500 km².
",population:'There are insufficient data to make definitive statements about population sizes or health for this species, but there are relatively few records, and since the species of Austropetalia have been actively searched for by a number of odonatologists, this does suggest that it is not common. Moreover, most records that the assessor has seen are rather old, dating from the 1950s or earlier, with only a handful from the 1980s and 1990s; perhaps this reflects reduced effort to find the species in recent decades, but it might be evidence of a decline, especially as some of the old records appear to be from sites now in or very close to towns, and so may represent extinct populations. However both adults and larvae are difficult to sample, on the larva G. Theischinger (pers. comm.) writes "Stream ... assessment and steam watch programs completely fail to detect the species because of the larva’s semiterrestrial life (hard to sample)". It can be reasonably assumed to have suffered some decline in its populations, but it is not clear if this decline is ongoing.
',populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species “inhabits narrow, trickles, sphagnum swamps and splash zone of waterfalls” (Theischinger and Endersby 2009). The apparent scarcity of the species suggests that it is particularly sensitive or specialised in its habitat choices, so more specific habitat information may be needed.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.8",title:"Abstraction of ground water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More, and up-to-date, data on the distribution of this species is needed, as is more information on its habitats and ecology, and on threats. Some populations, even in more accessible locations in national parks, may need management plans to help ensure their long-term survival.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:14260328,scientific_name:"Austropetalia patricia",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"AUSTROPETALIIDAE",genus:"Austropetalia",main_common_name:"Waterfall Redspot",authority:"(Tillyard, 1910)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2016-05-16",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Endersby, I. & Theischinger, G.",aoo_km2:"499",eoo_km2:"5271-20386",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AU",country:"Australia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2016",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"11532",assessment_id:150838836,id_no:11532,sci_name:"Lepidocephalichthys jonklaasi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Malka Fernando",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:"Sri Lanka",tax_comm:null,source:"CHE00142",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2016,longitude:80.444329,latitude:6.342297,species_id:11532,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Lepidocephalichthys jonklaasi is an endemic range-restricted species, known from four locations in the southwestern lowland wet zone of Sri Lanka. Its estimated Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is around 2418 km2 and Area of Occupancy (AOO) is 92 km2. Its habitat is declining due to logging, rapid expansion of agriculture and drying out of streams due to climate change. A continuing habitat quality decline has been observed due to accumulation of agrochemicals, seepage from gem mining activities and siltation. These threats are likely to continue as the area is undergoing agricultural expansion and development and there is no current protection for a majority of its habitat. Therefore, the species is assessed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species of loach is endemic and restricted to the shallow streams of lowland rain forests in the wet zone of Sri Lanka (De Silva et al. 2015).",population:"There is no population data available for this species which is rare within the country. However, a decline in its populations may be inferred on the basis of threats faced by this spices which include pollution, climate change and over fishing.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is found to inhabit shallow and slow-flowing rivulets which are heavily shaded and have a substrate made up of mainly leaf debris. They also prefer silty substrate with slow flowing water (Senanayake 1980, Pethiyagoda 1991, De Silva et al. 2015).
",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species is banned from exportation in accordance to the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Act No. 02 of 2006 and is identified as a protected species under the Flora and Fauna Protection Ordinance Act No. 22 of 2009.
",usetrade:"This species used to be exported in the aquarium trade but this exportation is now prohibited by national acts and ordinances.",taxonid:11532,scientific_name:"Lepidocephalichthys jonklaasi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"COBITIDAE",genus:"Lepidocephalichthys",main_common_name:"Jonklaas’s Loach",authority:"(Deraniyagala, 1956)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-08-07",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Fernado, M., Kotagama, O. & de Alwis Goonatilake, S.",reviewer:"Maiz-Tome, L. & Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"92.000",eoo_km2:"2418.244",elevation_upper:400,elevation_lower:87,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"E",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"E",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"E",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"E",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"80340731",assessment_id:196181330,id_no:80340731,sci_name:"Austrarchaea monteithi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jess Marsh",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"National Environmental Science Program (NESP)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"ALA",basisofrec:null,event_year:2010,longitude:152.32971,latitude:-29.48971,species_id:80340731,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is listed as Critically Endangered on the basis that, as presently understood, the species has an extent of occurrence and area of occupancy both of 4 km2, it occurs at a single location defined by a threat from bushfire, and the 2019-2020 fire season is inferred to have resulted in a decline of 90-95% of the population. As the frequency and intensity of annual bushfires are expected to increase the species is considered to be subject to a continuing decline in the extent and quality of its habitat and in the number of mature individuals as a result of recurring fire events. It is possible that the species is somewhat more widespread than presently known. Even if so, fire encompassed most or all of the Gibraltar Range.",geographicrange:'This species is restricted to the Gibraltar Range in northern New South Wales, where it is known with certainty only from the type locality "off Gwydir Highway, near Richardsons Creek" (Rix and Harvey 2011). A specimen with the vague locality "Gibraltar Range" (Rix and Harvey 2011) may represent the same locality. There have been limited surveys within the range and apparently suitable habitat is fairly extensive within the range, but its distribution is not expected to exceed approximately 750 km2, the area of the Gibraltar Range. The type locality lies at 1,061 m asl.',population:"This species was reported to be relatively abundant near Richardson's Creek when described. The species' current abundance is unclear, but the entirety of the species' potential range was impacted by bushfires in the 2019-2020 fire season. It is presumed that this species was subject to very high mortality as it has no mechanism to evade fire and has been recorded from a fire-sensitive microhabitat, and global mortality could plausibly have corresponded to 90-95% of the population.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is known from subtropical forest, and the holotype was collected from elevated (suspended among vegetation) leaf litter (Rix and Harvey 2011).",threats:[{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species is present in Gibraltar Range National Park and post-fire surveys of the type locality are needed to confirm whether the species survives here and, if so, clarify the extent of population declines. Additional surveying is urgently needed to locate additional subpopulations, and ongoing monitoring of any additional localities is needed.",usetrade:"There is no known use of or trade in this species.",taxonid:80340731,scientific_name:"Austrarchaea monteithi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"ARACHNIDA",order:"ARANEAE",family:"ARCHAEIDAE",genus:"Austrarchaea",main_common_name:null,authority:"Rix & Harvey, 2011",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-11",category:"CR",criteria:"A2c; B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Harvey, M.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Henriques, S.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4-750",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:1061,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AU",country:"Australia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"139548970",assessment_id:146602300,id_no:139548970,sci_name:"Diplacina holgerhungeri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Villanueva 2012",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:121.88885,latitude:14.82968,species_id:139548970,taxonomicnotes:"Diplacina holgerhungeri appears to differ from D. bolivari Selys mostly in details of colouration and confirmation that it is really a distinct species rather than a variant of D. bolivari is needed.
",rationale:"An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However, the area of Polillo is less than 630 km2 and since not all habitat on the island will be suitable for the species the AOO can safely be assumed to be less than 500 km2. Similarly, its extent of occurrence is constrained by the area of Polilllo. Ongoing declines in AOO and extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred from loss of forest on Polillo and with only two locations known the species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and, taking a reasonable precautionary approach, is assessed accordingly. Additional data from Polillo may allow re-assessment to a lower threat category in the future, but given the small AOO and definite threats it is very unlikely that Least Concern status will ever be appropriate (and therefore Data Deficient is not an appropriate assessment) unless the species is found on other islands in the Philippines.
",geographicrange:"Diplacina holgerhungeri is known from the type series from two locations on Polillo Island (Villanueva 2012). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However, the area of Polillo is less than 630 km² and since not all habitat on the island will be suitable for the species the AOO can safely be assumed to be less than 500 km². Similarly, its extent of occurrence is constrained by the area of Polilllo. The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of and disturbance to forest on Polillo.
",population:"This does not appear to be a common species. Beyond this all that can be said is that some decline in overall population is inferred from habitat loss on Polillo Island.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"All that is known is summarised in Villanueva (2012: 233): “The specimens were collected in a forested stream. The stream had a canopy cover ranging from 60-80% shade, and was located in a relatively steep slope and the course had several cascades of varying height. The substrate was sandy with plenty of decaying detritus trapped on exposed rocks. The water was clear and very cold. Specimens were found perching on sun-exposed leaves beside the stream.” It is likely that the species is forest-dependent, its ability to tolerate disturbance is not known. The extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred to be declining due to loss of and disturbance to forest on Polillo.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for verification that it is in fact distinct from Diplacina bolivari (see the Taxonomic Note) and if it is, for more data on exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance. Protection of habitat where the species occurs is highly desirable. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139548970,scientific_name:"Diplacina holgerhungeri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"LIBELLULIDAE",genus:"Diplacina",main_common_name:null,authority:"Villanueva, 2012",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-06-23",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"10-499",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:300,elevation_lower:10,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"59847",assessment_id:75123626,id_no:59847,sci_name:"Stenocypha hasta",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling (2012). Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/ipt/resource.do?r=bf_cf21",basisofrec:null,event_year:1959,longitude:29.7551,latitude:-6.2383,species_id:59847,taxonomicnotes:"Pinhey (1967) regarded C. hasta Pinhey, 1960 as a subspecies of C. molindica Fraser, 1948. Dijkstra (2007) considers C. hasta as a good species and as closely related to C. tenuis Longfield, 1936, of which it might even be a synonym.",rationale:"The species is listed as Endangered B1ab(iii) due to its extent of occurrence (EOO) of 2,981 km², an area of occupancy (AOO) of 20 km² and four locations, of which two are outside a protected area. All the records (four localities) are in or around the Mahale Mountains along the eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika. Due to a drastic human population increase the locations outside the Mahale NP are most likely not anymore in the condition to keep populations of the Mahale Jewel. The Mahale Jewel seems to be a rather localised endemic species of the eastern shores of Lake Tanganyika.",geographicrange:'All the records are around the Mahale Mountains along the eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika ("Lumbugwe River, Kasangazi", eastern shores of Lake Tanganyica (Tanzania)). All records are at least 45 years old - recent surveys are urgently needed.',population:"Population size is unknown.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Perhaps lacustrine and/or in forest streams.",threats:[],conservationmeasures:"No conservation measures known but information on taxonomy, population ecology, habitat status and population trends would be valuable.",usetrade:null,taxonid:59847,scientific_name:"Stenocypha hasta",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROCYPHIDAE",genus:"Stenocypha",main_common_name:"Mahale Jewel",authority:"(Pinhey, 1960)",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2017-10-27",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Clausnitzer, V.",reviewer:"Dijkstra, K.-D.B. & Suhling, F.",aoo_km2:"20",eoo_km2:"2981",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"TZ",country:"Tanzania, United Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Unknown",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"18",habitat:"Unknown",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Unknown",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2017",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2010",assess_year:"2009",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"}]},{id:"4531",assessment_id:3000383,id_no:4531,sci_name:"Characodon lateralis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Köck, GWG",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Köck et al.",basisofrec:" ",event_year:2015,longitude:-104.2744,latitude:23.9389,species_id:4531,taxonomicnotes:`The specimens A. Günther used for his description of Characodon lateralis in 1866 go back to fish being part of collections of the British Museum: Four females from a collection from B. Seemann, that he should have had "obtained in Southern Middle America" (Günther, 1969) and three females respectively two males from the Haslar collection, also with location data "Middle-America". Characodon garmani, described from a single female by Jordan and Evermann (1898) had been seen as synonym of lateralis by S.E. Meek in 1904, but again accepted as separate species by Hubbs and Turner in 1939. Since about the late 1990's, it has become clear, that red finned Characodon populations north of the El Saltito falls, historically seen as Characodon lateralis, are closer related with the black finned Characodon audax from El Toboso and therefore belong to this species. Two subpopulations, the Los Berros subpopulation (regarded as type subpopulation) and the Amado Nervo subpopulation are distinguished. The second one is regarded Extinct in the Wild.`,rationale:"The Rainbow Characodon, historically known from springs and their outlets north and east of the town of Nombre de Díos in Durango, has been extirpated from large parts of its range throughout the last two decades. Heavy droughts, predatory non-native crayfish, several introduced exotic fish species, Tilapia farming and recreational activities have been identified as main threats. The known extant sites are the Ojo de Agua Los Berros springs and a spring on a private property in La Constancia.This species is endemic to the Sixaola River drainage on the Atlantic slope of southern Costa Rica and western Panama. Limited sampling suggests that this species is relatively common where it occurs. However, it exhibits a limited range with an estimated Extent of Occurrence (EOO) of 856-2,793 km2. Major threats to the Sixaola River include heavy metal pollution, raw sewage discharge, and expanding plantation agriculture with associated pesticide and nutrient runoff. As a result, numerous fish kills have been reported in the Sixaola River in recent years. Therefore, this species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii,v).
",geographicrange:"Cribroheros bussingi occurs in the Sixaola River drainage on the Atlantic slope of southern Costa Rica and western Panama (Smith and Bermingham 2005, Angulo et al. 2013, W. Matamoros pers. comm. 2019). This species was described from its type locality in the Cocolis River 3.5 km southeast of Shiroles in Limon Province, Costa Rica (Kullander 2003). Additional records exist from the Guarumo River near the town of Rambala (Kullander 2003, GBIF 2019). This species was recorded at 70% of sites sampled in the Sixaola River in 2011 (Lorion et al. 2011). Elevation ranges from 40-150 meters above sea level (Angulo et al. 2013).
Given the pervasive nature of non-point agricultural pollution, this species is inferred to occur in fewer than five locations. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be between 856-2,793 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around a limited number of georeferenced collection records (GBIF 2019), and likely range extension into coastal drainages of Bocas del Toros Province, western Panama.",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown, but this species appears relatively common where it occurs. In a comprehensive ichthyological survey from the Sixaola River and its tributaries, a total of 2,870 specimens were collected, representing 2.3% of relative fish abundance in small streams and 1.3% relative fish abundance in large streams (Oosterhout and Velde 2015). Similar surveys by Lorion et al. (2011) suggest that this species is relatively common where it occurs.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in streams and large rivers between elevations of 40-150 meters above sea level (Bussing 1998). Habitat is characterized by sand or mud bottoms (Bussing 1998). Diet typically consists of aquatic insects, seeds, and detritus (Bussing 1998). Maximum reported body size is approximately 15 cm standard length (SL) (Bussing 1998).",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation actions directed towards C. bussingi. This species has been recorded within the boundaries of Palo Seco Forest Reserve (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019, R. González pers. comm. 2019). More information on population size, population trend, and the direct impacts of threats would be useful in guiding future conservation action.
",usetrade:"This species is targeted in subsistence fisheries in Panama and possibly in Costa Rica (R. González pers. comm. 2019).",taxonid:150125270,scientific_name:"Cribroheros bussingi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Cribroheros",main_common_name:"Mojarra",authority:"(Loiselle, 1997)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-25",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J. & Angulo, A.",reviewer:"González, R.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"856-2793",elevation_upper:150,elevation_lower:40,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"201983",assessment_id:2731671,id_no:201983,sci_name:"Pinniwallago kanpurensis",presence:4,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Dahanukar, N.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Possibly Extinct",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"India: Bhitargaon, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Gupta et al. (1981)",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:1976,longitude:80.2722,latitude:26.2093,species_id:201983,taxonomicnotes:"Pinniwallago kanpurensis was described from a small lake 'Bara Tal' near village of Bhitargaon, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India (Gupta et al. 1981). This unique genus and species was disregarded as based on anomalous specimens and synonymized to Wallago attu by Menon (1999). However, other authors (Talwar and Jhingran 1991, Ferraris 2007) have considered this monotypic genus valid.",rationale:"Pinniwallago kanpurensis is assessed as Critically Engendered (Possibly Extinct) because the species is known only based on its type series, consisting of three specimens, collected from a small lake in 1976, which has experienced drastic habitat degradation from the densely populated village and surrounding agricultural lands; both causing significant pollution of the lake. If the species is extant within the lake however, it is thought to be restricted to a single location and is likely severely impacted by ongoing habitat degradation. There is an immediate need to carry out exploratory surveys in its type locality and adjacent areas to see if there is any extant population of the species.",geographicrange:"Pinniwallago kanpurensis is only known from a small lake 'Bara Tal' near village of Bhitargaon, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India (Gupta et al. 1981). There are three specimens from the type series where the paratypes were collected on 5th July 1976. The species has never been recorded since and is therefore considered to be Possibly Extinct. If extant however, the species is thought to exist from a single location within the lake (which is no more than 0.023 km2 in area) and is next to a densely populated village and is surrounded by agricultural fields which has previously led to a drastic decline in the habitat, with threats likely continuing to impact the habitat of the species.",population:"There is no information regarding population status and population trends for this species. The species has never been recorded since its original description based on three specimens.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Pinniwallago kanpurensis was described from a small lake. The quality of the habitat has drastically declined as the lake is situated next to densely populated village and agricultural fields.",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No species specific conservation actions are in place for Pinniwallago kanpurensis. The species is also not known from any protected area. Since the species is known only from its original description and has not been recorded for more than four decades there is a need to carry out exploratory surveys in its type locality and adjacent areas to record any extant population. If the extant population is confirmed there is an immediate need to protect the area and habitat to conserve this unique species.",usetrade:"There is no information on use and trade of this species.",taxonid:201983,scientific_name:"Pinniwallago kanpurensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"SILURIDAE",genus:"Pinniwallago",main_common_name:null,authority:"Gupta, Jayaram & Hajela, 1981",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2021-03-29",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Dahanukar, N.",reviewer:"Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"0-4",eoo_km2:"0-4",elevation_upper:123,elevation_lower:123,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"IN",country:"India",presence:"Possibly Extinct",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Possibly Extinct"}],habitats:[{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"161277000",assessment_id:168305427,id_no:161277e3,sci_name:"Aloeides barbarae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"AJCOETZER, AC_LEPI01.FDB_11977",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2011,longitude:31.1119175,latitude:-25.74600029,species_id:161277e3,taxonomicnotes:"The specimens from Eswatini are in the USA and were studied from photographs supplied. The assessment author is satisfied that they represent this species.",rationale:"This is a range-restricted species from Mpumalanga Province in South Africa and also from Eswatini (Extent of Occurrence 168 km2, Area of Occupancy 32 km2). There are three locations. The habitat is declining in the Mountainlands Nature Reserve due to invasive plants. The taxon thus qualifies globally under the IUCN criteria as Endangered under criterion B.",geographicrange:"It is found in Mpumalanga Province in South Africa, on the hills between the Sheba and Fairview mines near Barberton, to Malolotja National Park in Eswatini.",population:"Numbers of adults flying recorded at the site range from about six to 30 individuals on any one day.",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:"It occurs on rocky ridges in montane grassland.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Future",scope:null,severity:null,score:"No/Negligible Impact: 1",invasive:null},{code:"8.4",title:"Problematic species/disease of unknown origin",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.4.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"A management plan which limits disturbance to the habitat and which includes monitoring of the population is required.",usetrade:null,taxonid:161277e3,scientific_name:"Aloeides barbarae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"LYCAENIDAE",genus:"Aloeides",main_common_name:"Barbara's Copper",authority:"Henning S.F. & Henning G.A., 1994",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-02-20",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Stable",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Henning, G.A.",reviewer:"Kirkman, S., Raimondo, D., Oberprieler, R.G. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"32",eoo_km2:"168",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"SZ",country:"Eswatini",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"2.1",habitat:"Savanna - Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"4.7",habitat:"Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"176172144",assessment_id:176172155,id_no:176172144,sci_name:"Harttiella janmoli",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Gustavo Ballen",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Covain et al. 2012",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:-54.180556,latitude:3.954444,species_id:176172144,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is only known from the type locality in the Kotika massif. It has a restricted distribution with an area of occupancy (AOO) best estimated at 4 km2. There is one location based on the threat of mining according to regional experts. This is leading to a continuing decline in habitat. Therefore, this species is assessed as Critically Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species is only known from the type locality in the Kotika massif (Covain et al. 2012).",population:"Only one subpopulation is known for this species (P.-Y. Le Bail pers. comm. 2021).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:'
This species is found in river rafts and permanent streams, including waterfalls (P.-Y. Le Bail pers. comm. 2021).
All Harttiella species live in small forest streams and are subservient to areas of torrents at the head of watersheds, where predatory fish seem to be absent. Their environment is characterized by running water and an essentially rocky substrate, supplemented by plant debris from the forest cover. Harttiella species have adapted to this biotope by evolving into dwarfism. They have low fertility and low dispersal capacities, which make them particularly vulnerable to any disturbance to their environment (UICN France et al. 2017).
This species is sought after by aquarists due to its rarity (P.-Y. Le Bail pers. comm. 2021).
Chiapaheros grammodes is endemic to the upper Grijalva River on the Atlantic Slope of Mexico and extreme western Guatemala (Huehuetenango) (Miller et al. 2005). It has been specifically reported from Río Grande de Chiapas (Miller et al. 2005), the coastal regions of Istmo and Soconusco (Velazquez-Velazquez et al. 2016), and from the Chicoasen and Angostura regions of the upper Grijalva (Gomez-Gonzalez et al. 2015). Extent of occurrence is estimated at 18071 km2. Given the scope of threatening factors, this species is unlikely to occur in more than 10 locations (Schmitter-Soto et al. 2006, Jelks et al. 2008).
",population:'The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown.
The search for records deposited in collections indicates the existence of very few specimens of C. grammodes captured until the end of the last century. However, recent catches made by personnel from the “Colección Nacional de Peces Dulceacuícolas Mexicanos, ENCB, IPN”, in 124 sites, located in the "Corredor Sierra Madre del Sur" as part of Project Y026 funded by CONABIO, indicate that this species is quite scarce. They captured 86 specimens of the species from a total of 15360 fish, representing only 0.5% of the catches (Soto-Galera 2006). Velazquez-Velazquez et al. (2015) report 10 captured specimens from the Grijalva between the years 2006-2009.
During the dry season this species was collected in clear or slightly turbid water with moderate to strong currents (with the exception of the shallow waters where juveniles were caught, which generally do not present current). The composition of the bottom was variable, constituted by gravel, boulders, sand and in some cases organic mud. The vegetation was usually scarce or absent, but the presence of Potamogeton and green algae was detected; the fish in the tributaries were found in pools. The depths varied in the tributaries between 0.5 and 1 m, while in the main river it reached 1.7 m; the width of the tributaries fluctuated between 3 and 6 m. The Rio Grande de Chiapas presented an average width of 60 m. Water temperatures between January and May varied from 20 to 29 °C, while the pH ranged from 7.0 to 8.0. (Taylor and Miller 1980, Miller et al. 2005). In the Sierra Madre del Sur this species is more abundant in the rivers of the higher portions, at altitudes ranging from 870 to 1490 m above sea level, they prefer sites with a certain speed of the current, average depths of 85 cm, although it is also possible to find them in the backwaters. The average temperature of the water in which they inhabit is 18.4 °C with dissolved oxygen of 10.42 mg/l (Soto-Galera 2006).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation actions directed towards C. grammodes.Austrogomphus doddi is only known from four locations and a small number of specimens. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is less than 20,000 km². Urban development is a potential threat to three of the populations and none of the known locations is within a protected area. With only four known locations, and a threat from urban expansion at three of these, it qualifies for Vulnerable status under criterion D2. The species is also close to qualifying for Vulnerable status under the B criteria, since its EOO is less than 20,000 km².
",geographicrange:"Austrogomphus doddi is endemic to Australia and only known from a restricted range in Queensland, where a small number of specimens have been collected from four locations. None of the known sites appear to be within national parks, although some are close to them. Three of the known locations are close to human habitations. Its extent of occurrence (EOO), based on a polygon around occupied HydroBASIN areas, is 18,501 km².
There are insufficient data on this species to make definitive statements about population sizes and health. The fact that few specimens have ever been collected might indicate genuine rarity, but might also be due to other factors such as behaviour. The most recent record that the assessor has seen is from 1968.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species “inhabits streams and rivers” (Theischinger and Endersby 2009). “The records of A. doddi are too few for any generalizations to be made about its habitats. It does, however, frequent streams” Watson (1991). From published information it is not clear if this species is dependent on forest cover for its survival, although one of the known locations appears to lack rain forest.",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Research into the distribution, population sizes and health and exact habitat requirements of this species is needed, as is research into threats. Management plans might be needed at sites close to human population centres.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:163573,scientific_name:"Austrogomphus doddi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Austrogomphus",main_common_name:"Northern River Hunter",authority:"Tillyard, 1909",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2016-04-17",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Endersby, I. & Theischinger, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"2581-18501",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AU",country:"Australia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2016",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"}]},{id:"139120256",assessment_id:158038843,id_no:139120256,sci_name:"Matrona oreades",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"H. Zhang & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"Zhang, H. and Dow, R.A.",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Hämäläinen Yu & Zhang 2011",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:null,longitude:103.38111,latitude:29.58972,species_id:139120256,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Matrona oreades is known from six locations in China. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, however it is unlikely to be large (likely smaller than 2,000 km²). Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of suitable habitat within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is well above the thresholds for criterion B1. Despite its relatively large EOO, this is a locally occurring species with fragmented (possibly severely fragmented) populations and definite threats. With only six locations known, it is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B2 (VU B2ab(ii,iii)). It is hoped that when more data are available, a reassessment to a lower threat category might be possible.
",geographicrange:"Matrona oreades is known from six localities in China (Hämäläinen et al. 2011), however we cannot assign coordinates to one of the localities (an old specimen found in a museum collection) so that only five data points are included in the map. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, however it is unlikely to be large and with the available data is probably below 2,000 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of suitable habitat within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO), based on the known collection records, is well above the thresholds for criterion B1.
",population:"This is an uncommon and locally occurring species. Little else can be said with the available data except that an ongoing decline in overall population is suspected from loss and degradation of suitable habitat in the range of the species. The overall population is certainly fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Zhang (2019: 989) states that this specie is found at “Shady montane streams below 1,500 m elevation.” From information in Hämäläinen et al. (2011) the species can occur at a variety of stream types and gradients. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of suitable habitat within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for protection of habitat where it occurs and for more information on its distribution and ability to tolerate disturbance.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139120256,scientific_name:"Matrona oreades",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CALOPTERYGIDAE",genus:"Matrona",main_common_name:null,authority:"Hämäläinen, Yu & Zhang, 2011",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2021-01-29",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Zhang, H. & Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"500-2000",eoo_km2:"119126-165250",elevation_upper:1500,elevation_lower:700,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CN",country:"China",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.4",habitat:"Forest - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"176172127",assessment_id:176172136,id_no:176172127,sci_name:"Harttiella intermedia",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Gustavo Ballen",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Covain et al. 2012",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:-53.359167,latitude:4.609722,species_id:176172127,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is known from the type locality in the Trinité massif, French Guiana. It has a restricted distribution with an an area of occupancy (AOO) best estimated at 4 km2. There is one location based on the threat of mining according to regional experts. This is leading to a continuing decline in habitat. Therefore, this species is assessed as Critically Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species is only known from the type locality in the Trinité massif, French Guiana (Covain et al. 2012).",population:"Only one subpopulation is known for this species (P.-Y. Le Bail pers. comm. 2021).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:'
This species is found in river rafts and permanent streams, including waterfalls (P.-Y. Le Bail pers. comm. 2021).
All Harttiella species live in small forest streams and are subservient to areas of torrents at the head of watersheds, where predatory fish seem to be absent. Their environment is characterized by running water and an essentially rocky substrate, supplemented by plant debris from the forest cover. Harttiella species have adapted to this biotope by evolving into dwarfism. They have low fertility and low dispersal capacities, which make them particularly vulnerable to any disturbance to their environment (UICN France et al. 2017).
This species is sought after by aquarists due to its rarity (P.-Y. Le Bail pers. comm. 2021).
On the basis of the limited information available this appears to be a scarce and locally occurring species. At least some ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of original habitats on Polillo.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Villanueva (2010) does not provide any specific information on the habitats of this species, but gives the following information about his collecting sites in the Tamulaya area: “I surveyed few hundred meters downstream the waterfall which was dammed for local use and about 4 km upstream. Several feeding streams and springs were also explored. The area was mainly agricultural with scattered forested patches in the upstream region of this small river.” So it appears that the species is stream breeding and possess some degree of tolerance to disturbance, but it is not clear how strongly dependent on forest for survival it is, but it is very unlikely that it can survive in completely open habitats. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining to at least some extent due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and protection of habitat where the species occurs is highly desirable. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:177895199,scientific_name:"Teinobasis martinschorri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Teinobasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Villanueva, 2010",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-08-02",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"12-500",eoo_km2:"336-2173",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"139544386",assessment_id:146602165,id_no:139544386,sci_name:"Sangabasis braulitae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R. Villauneva & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R. Villauneva & R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Villanueva & Dow 2014",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:124.7823,latitude:9.0878,species_id:139544386,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Sangabasis braulitae is known from Camiguin and Homonhon islands in the Philippines, with only two locations definitely known. The species appears to occupy coastal swamps. Threats exist at both known locations and more generally around the coast of Camiguin and throughout Homonhon. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but the AOO is believed to be less than 343 km² (likely considerably less) and declining, as is the extent and quality of suitable habitat. The species qualifies for Endangered status under criterion B2ab(ii,iii) and may need to be reassessed as Critically Endangered once more data become available.
",geographicrange:"Sangabasis braulitae is known from Camiguin and Homonhon islands in the Philippines (Villanueva 2005, Villanueva and Dow 2014), two locations to which it is possible to assign coordinates are known, there is also material from Homonhon for which no specific location was recorded. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but if the species is really confined to Camiguin and Homonhon then the AOO is constrained by the combined area of these two islands and is therefore less than 343 km², in reality it may be considerably less than this, especially since the species appears to be confined to coastal locations. The AOO is also inferred to be decreasing due to loss of suitable habitats in the range of the species.
This species may be relatively abundant where it occurs but is clearly very local in occurrence. An ongoing decline, likely severe, in overall population, is inferred from loss and degradation of habitat on both islands where it occurs and it is very likely that the overall population is severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"The habitat at the type locality on Camiguin is a coastal Nipa swamp, isolated from similar habitats by rice fields and a road, and near to a town (Villanueva 2005). No details were recorded on the habitat on Homonhon but the specified location is also coastal and low lying (and appears to have few trees left in satellite images) and near to a settlement. Searches in similar habitats on Camiguin did not find the species, suggesting that it is extremely localised in occurrence even in suitable habitat. The extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred to be declining due to human activities on both islands where the species occurs (also see under Threats).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More information on the distribution of this species is urgently needed, and protection of the two known locations is required. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139544386,scientific_name:"Sangabasis braulitae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Sangabasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Villanueva, 2005)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-03-09",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"10-343",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:20,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"139560577",assessment_id:146602390,id_no:139560577,sci_name:"Igneocnemis haematopus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Gapud 2006",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1949,longitude:121.21264,latitude:14.143,species_id:139560577,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Igneocnemis haematopus is known from more than 30 locations in Catanduanes, southern Luzon and Polillo in the Philippines. Threats from clearance of forest exist across the range of the species. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but despite the relatively wide range the AOO is not likely to be large, quite likely around or less than 2,000km2 and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to continuing loss and degradation of forest. Severe fragmentation is certain since suitable habitat in southern Luzon is fragmented. If the AOO was known to be below 2,000km2 this species would qualify for Vulnerable under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and it is therefore assessed as Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:"Igneocnemis haematopus is known from Catanduanes, southern Luzon and Polillo in the Philippines (Gapud 2006, Gassmann & Hämäläinen 2002, Lieftinck 1981, Needham & Gyger 1939, Villanueva 2010a, 2010b, Villanueva & Gil 2011, Villanueva et al. 2012). The assessor is aware of records from more than 30 locations but it has only been possible to assign separate coordinates to 26 of these for mapping purposes. Some of the locations are within protected areas, for instance the Mount Makiling Forest Reserve and Mount Isarog National Park in Luzon. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. Despite the relatively wide range of the species the AOO is not likely to be large (since much of the suitable habitat has already been lost within the species range, especially in southern Luzon and Polillo), quite likely around or less than 2,000km2 and is inferred to be declining due to continuing loss of forest.
",population:"Judged from the numbers of specimens available this is often a relatively common species where it occurs. Beyond this all that can be said with the available data is that some decline in overall population will be occurring as a result of clearance of forest throughout the range of the species and that severe fragmentation is certain.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Little has been recorded but Villanueva & Gil (2011) found it a shady streams in Catanduanes and in Polillo Villanueva (2010a) noted that it occurred at “in shady moist vertical surfaces of boulder and cliff where females were noted ovipositing”, presumably these boulders and cliffs were in or beside streams. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are assumed to be declining loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and for better protection of existing protected areas where it occurs.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139560577,scientific_name:"Igneocnemis haematopus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Igneocnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Selys, 1882)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-06",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:700,elevation_lower:200,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"128725184",assessment_id:128725199,id_no:128725184,sci_name:"Schistura kohatensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Zoo Outreach Organization (ZOO)",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:69.795,latitude:31.978,species_id:128725184,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Schistura kohatensis is endemic to Pakistan, where it has been recorded in the Kohat Toi River, Hungo, and in Kurram, Gomal and Zhob in Balochistan. It is suspected to have declined by 30-40% in the last 10 years due to drought and dams, and this population decline is predicted to continue at the same rate over the next 10 years due to the same reasons. The species is therefore assessed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"Schistura kohatensis is endemic to Pakistan, where it has been recorded in the Kohat Toi River, Hungo, and in Kurram, Gomal and Zhob in Balochistan (Kottelat 2012, M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020).",population:"Drought in Zhob and Gomal rivers, and dams in Kurram and Gomal rivers are possible reasons for population decline in the species, suspected to be 30-40 % over the last 10 years and also predicted at the same rate in the next 10 years.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Schistura kohatensis is a benthic species that occurs in clear, running freshwater rivers, over a rocky or gravel bed at 400-800 m asl.",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There is no information regarding conservation for this species. Research into the threats and habitat degradation is recommended. There are no laws to protect the species.",usetrade:"The species is not in use or trade.",taxonid:128725184,scientific_name:"Schistura kohatensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"NEMACHEILIDAE",genus:"Schistura",main_common_name:null,authority:"Mirza & Bănărescu, 1981",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-02-27",category:"VU",criteria:"A2c+3c",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rafique, M., Zafarullah, M., Daniels, A., Qureshi, I., Imran, M. & Johnson, J.A.",reviewer:"Molur, S. & Ali, A.",aoo_km2:"6250",eoo_km2:"24330",elevation_upper:800,elevation_lower:400,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PK",country:"Pakistan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"141765151",assessment_id:170706844,id_no:141765151,sci_name:"Ceylonosticta venusta",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2016)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.6765,latitude:7.0537,species_id:141765151,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Ceylonosticta venusta is endemic to Sri Lanka where it is only known from the area around Rambodde in the central part of the island. The species is known from four threat-defined locations (taking deforestation as the main threat). Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is much smaller than 100 km² and its area of occupancy (AOO) is 8 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. The overall population will already be severely fragmented. This species is assessed as Critically Endangered criterion B (CR B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)).
",geographicrange:'Ceylonosticta venusta is endemic to Sri Lanka where it is only known from sites “in the wider surroundings of Rambodde in the central part of the island” Bedjanič et al. (2016: 31). Six sites are known, constituting at most four threat-defined locations (all sites are within a small area; the main threat is deforestation) are known. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO), based on collection data records and calculated using GeoCAT (geocat.kew.org) is just over 8 km². Its maximum EOO, based on a polygon around the two known occupied HydroBASINS, is 270 km²; its true EOO is likely to be well below the 100 km² threshold for CR B1. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is very likely smaller than 10 km² (based on occurrence within two 2x2 km grid cells, its AOO is 8 km²). Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species.
',population:"This is an uncommon and very locally occurring species. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest and other threats within the range of the species and the overall population is already severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This very uncommon and localized species occurs in and around small forest streams and seepages in the central mountainous part of Sri Lanka. “Its distribution is obviously limited to higher altitudes, mainly between 700 and 1,000 metres, although it has also been recorded as high as over 1,600 metres.” Bedjanič et al. (2016: 31). The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in the future.
As Ceylonostica venusta is assessed as a Critically Endangered endemic species, a systematic survey of its distribution, populations, biology and threats, encompassing wider surroundings of known localities, should urgently be executed as a basis for conservation measures planning.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:141765151,scientific_name:"Ceylonosticta venusta",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Ceylonosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Bedjanic & Conniff, 2016",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-07-31",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"8.478-270",elevation_upper:1600,elevation_lower:700,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"157861604",assessment_id:157861769,id_no:157861604,sci_name:"Clypeosectus curvus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Aoife Molloy",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-130.01400757,latitude:45.93330002,species_id:157861604,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from two restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 1,818 m to 1,546 m bsl. The species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO), and has been found at only two locations, suggesting that it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. While Location 1 lies within a Marine Protected Area (Glowka 2003), Location 2 does not and is still vulnerable to the threat of deep-sea mining. Whilst no licences have been granted to date, if mining were to be approved at the unprotected vent fields, the projected decline in the extent and quality of habitat could cause this species to become threatened very rapidly. However as one location is protected, the species is unlikely to become Critically Endangered (CR) or Extinct (EX) over the next 1-2 generations, and we have opted to assess this species as Near threatened (NT) rather than Vulnerable (VU D2), although an urgent reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of the MPA or mining licence arrangements within Canada's EEZ, whereby the assessment could increase to Endangered (EN B1ab(iii)+B2ab(iii)).",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to two locations at hydrothermal vents on the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. Location 1 falls within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Canada and encompasses the Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents Marine Protected Area (Glowka, 2003), whereas, Location 2 lies beyond national jurisdiction in the high seas where there is currently no such regulation. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1,818 m bsl to 1,546 m bsl. It has been observed from two vent field locations: Main Endeavor Field (Location 1) and the Axial Seamount ASHES (Location 2) (McLean 1989, Warén and Bouchet 1993, Kelly and Metaxas 2008). This species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (McLean 1989, Warén and Bouchet 1993, Kelly and Metaxas 2008).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the East Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1,818 m to 1,546 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Location 1, which includes Main Endeavour Field, lies within the Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents Marine Protected Area established in 2003 (Glowka 2003). This MPA prohibits the disturbance, damage or removal of any structures or animals without consent from the Minister of Justice for purposes beyond scientific research. However, there are no conservation actions currently in place at the other location where this species is found. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the Juan de Fuca Ridge.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157861604,scientific_name:"Clypeosectus curvus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"LEPETELLIDA",family:"LEPETODRILIDAE",genus:"Clypeosectus",main_common_name:null,authority:"McLean, 1989",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-01-27",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"469.74",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:1818,depth_lower:1546,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CA",country:"Canada",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.5",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Seamount",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"173697089",assessment_id:173756571,id_no:173697089,sci_name:"Periaeschna furukawai",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Karube & Kompier 2018",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:104.2663,latitude:21.919,species_id:173697089,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Periaeschna furukawai was described and remains known from only two locations (in the same area: Nam Bung) in Yen Bai Province, northern Viet Nam. Serious threats are present in the area where the species is known to occur. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but unless it is more widely distributed than is currently known, the AOO will certainly be well below 500 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its maximum extent of occurrence (EOO) is just 647 km². With the currently available information the species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)) and, unless it proves to be much more widely distributed than is currently known.
",geographicrange:"Periaeschna furukawai was described and remains known only from two locations (in the same area: Nam Bung) in Yen Bai Province, northern Viet Nam (Karube and Kompier 2018). The range of hills and mountains in which the species occurs extends into Yunnan Province in China, so the species should be looked for in Yunnan as well as in Viet Nam. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but unless it is more widely distributed than is currently known, the AOO will certainly be well below 500 km². Moreover the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species. The extent of occurrence (EOO) cannot be calculated using minimum convex polygon (MCP) with only two known locations, however the maximum EOO (based on a MCP around the only HydroBASINS areas known to be occupied by the species) is 647 km².
",population:"This species is known from only a few individuals and no statement about current population sizes and health can be made with the available data except that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of forest in the area where it is known to occur and that severe fragmentation is likely for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs along streams in densely forested hills. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priority for this species is for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements, ability to tolerate disturbance and threats, and for protection of habitat where it occurs. It is not known if the species occurs in any protected area, but part of the same mountain range, considerably further north than the type locality of the species, is protected as Hoang Lien National Park. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173697089,scientific_name:"Periaeschna furukawai",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"AESHNIDAE",genus:"Periaeschna",main_common_name:null,authority:"Karube & Kompier, 2018",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-05-05",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A. & Kompier, T.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"20-499",eoo_km2:"647",elevation_upper:1e3,elevation_lower:1e3,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"122883460",assessment_id:123029773,id_no:122883460,sci_name:"Coeliccia kenyah",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Dow 2010",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2006,longitude:114.238,latitude:3.749,species_id:122883460,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Coeliccia kenyah is only known from a relatively small area of Sarawak and Brunei, with only one minor population within a totally protected area. The overall population is likely to become severely fragmented in the future, and plantation establishment is a threat across its range, while forest fires are a threat to individual populations and some populations may be threatened by large-scale hydroelectric projects in the near future. Whilst, with the available data, the species does not qualify for Vulnerable status, it is close to doing so under criterion B (B2 ab(ii,iii)) except that its area of occupancy (AOO) is not definitely known (at this time at least) to be below 2,000 km², 14 locations are known and it is not yet known to be severely fragmented; it is therefore assessed as Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:"Coeliccia kenyah is endemic to Borneo, where it is known from 13 sites in Sarawak (Dow 2010, Dow and Ngiam 2015, Dow and Reels 2011, Dow unpublished) and one site in Brunei (Dow unpublished). One site is within Loagan Bunut National Park, although it should be noted that there is only a small amount of suitable habitat for the species in this national park so that it cannot be considered to house a major population of this species; all other sites are unprotected or with only limited protection. Its range extends from Labi Hills in Brunei and parts of the mid and upper Baram area in Sarawak to Bintulu Division and the east of Kapit Division. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) will be relatively large and its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible to calculate with any accuracy with the presently available data, however given the very local occurrence of the species it may well be below 2,000 km².
",population:"This is a very locally occurring species, possibly most common in the basin of the Tinjar River in Sarawak, but beyond this nothing can be said about population sizes except that an ongoing decline due to loss of forest can be inferred, and since plantation establishment is proceeding rapidly within its range, this may be fast and widespread enough to be a cause for concern.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:'Coelicca kenyah is "a species of trickles and small streams in steep terrain in mixed dipterocarp forest. All material available was collected in the altitude range ca 50-800 m, with most records from ca 50-300 m” Dow (2010: 152). Most sites where this species has been found are in forest disturbed by commercial selective logging, so it appears to have some tolerance to this kind of disturbance.
',threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution of this species is needed. Whilst it is not seriously threatened at present, it could become so within a relatively short period, so monitoring is desirable and the inclusion of additional sites in protected areas is highly recommended (Mount Dulit, at least at one time a proposed national park, is an ideal candidate for this purpose). It would undoubtedly benefit, within areas being converted to plantation, from good conservation practices, such as leaving wide buffers of original forest around streams and the setting up of conservation areas consisting of original forest and including stream heads. The strict enforcement of existing regulations for plantations and for logging activities would also be highly beneficial.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:122883460,scientific_name:"Coeliccia kenyah",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Coeliccia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Dow, 2010",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2017-12-20",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:800,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BN",country:"Brunei Darussalam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2017",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"190497133",assessment_id:190497146,id_no:190497133,sci_name:"Kosciuscola tasmanicus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Kate Umbers",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"National Environmental Science Program (NESP)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"ANIC",basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:146.2090064,latitude:-42.1560825,species_id:190497133,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is listed as Near Threatened on the basis that this species has an extent of occurrence below 2,000 km2 and is considered to occur at a single location defined by impacts from climate change. This species is associated with wetland habitats in alpine meadows that are expected to be highly sensitive to increased frequency and severity of droughts and fires, but no significant change in habitat quality has yet been observed. As such the species is close to but does not currently qualify for listing as Vulnerable applying Criterion B1, but does approach the requirements, hence its listing as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species is known from the central plateau northwest to Vale of Belvoir Conservation Area in Tasmania, Australia. It may occur more widely than is currently known both beyond but particularly between known localities. It has an elevational range of 600-1,100 m asl.",population:"It is a reasonably common species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in swamps, bogs and wetlands in sub-alpine and alpine meadows. It lays its eggs in shallow soil.",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Its range includes several protected areas, including Cradle National Park.",usetrade:"There is no known use of or trade in this species.",taxonid:190497133,scientific_name:"Kosciuscola tasmanicus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ORTHOPTERA",family:"ACRIDIDAE",genus:"Kosciuscola",main_common_name:"Tasmanian Skyhopper",authority:"Rehn, 1957",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-11",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Umbers, K. & Tatarnic, N.",reviewer:"Odé, B.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"1796",elevation_upper:1100,elevation_lower:600,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AU",country:"Australia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"4.4",habitat:"Grassland - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"125769523",assessment_id:176089716,id_no:125769523,sci_name:"Bornargiolestes reelsi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Dow 2014",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2008,longitude:110.165,latitude:1.505,species_id:125769523,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Bornargiolestes reelsi is known from five locations in south-western Sarawak, two of which are protected in National Parks, while the other locations are considered relatively secure. However forest fires are a potential threat at all locations and the species is likely to be particularly sensitive to disturbance. It is not possible to calculate the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species with any accuracy at present, but the AOO is likely to be small, certainly below the 2,000 km² threshold for Vulnerable and very likely below the 500 km² threshold for Endangered. Arguments could be made for the species qualifying for Vulnerable under criterion D2, or Least Concern status (because it occurs in two protected areas and the other three locations are considered relatively secure), but it is best assessed as Near Threatened in view of its likely sensitivity to disturbance, few known locations and the potential threat from forest fires at all locations. Hopefully it will be possible to reassess the species as Least Concern when more data on its distribution are available.
",geographicrange:"Bornargiolestes reelsi is endemic to Borneo, where it is known from five locations in south-western Sarawak (Dow 2014, unpublished). Two of the known locations are in National Parks (Kubah and Gading); the others (on Mount Penrissen and in the Matang Range outside of Kubah National Park) appear to be relatively secure although not protected. The species is likely to occur on Gunung Pueh (although it has not been found there yet) and the Bungo Range, and maybe on other mountains west of the Lupar River, and is also likely to occur in West Kalimantan. A meaningful estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of the species is not possible with the data available at present, but it is likely to be relatively small.
",population:"This species may be moderately common where it occurs, but it is easily missed because of its inconspicuous colouration and behaviour, and because of the typically very steep terrain that it occurs in. There is insufficient data for a population estimate, but it will have suffered some decline in overall population due to loss of forest and logging activities.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is typically found in steep and very steep terrain, always in forest. Its larval habitat is not known with certainty and mature individuals are most often found on trails, sometimes far from water. However the available information suggests that the species breeds in tiny trickles, sometimes at the bottom of permanently wet cliff faces, and sometimes where the flow is only above ground for a few metres or less. It is likely that this species is particularly sensitive to disturbance from logging activities since that habitats just described are prone to drying up when the forest canopy around them is opened up. At some sites it has been found in forest disturbed by logging, but in places so steep that the forest was relatively undisturbed.
",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution and exact habitats of this species are needed. Searches for additional locations in Sarawak are underway, but rendered difficult by the steep terrain favoured by the species and hampered by a lack of funding. Searches in West Kalimantan are also needed.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:125769523,scientific_name:"Bornargiolestes reelsi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"RHIPIDOLESTIDAE",genus:"Bornargiolestes",main_common_name:null,authority:"Dow, 2014",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-02-28",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:1100,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"194591468",assessment_id:196180395,id_no:194591468,sci_name:"Maratus sarahae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Mark Harvey",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"National Environmental Science Program (NESP)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:118.25,latitude:-34.383333,species_id:194591468,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is listed as Critically Endangered on the basis that this species has an extent of occurrence below 100 km2 and there is inferred to have been a recent decline in the extent and quality of its habitat and the number of mature individuals (estimated to correspond to a decline potentially as great as, but for the purposes of this assessment considered most likely to be below, 80%) as a result of bushfires that encompassed the single location where it occurs. As fire intensity and scale are expected to increase, this represents a continuing decline resulting from a recurring threat from fire. Climate change is expected to lead to significant degradation of its habitat through desiccation within at most 20-30 years.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Stirling Ranges National Park in Western Australia, where it is known from Bluff Knoll and Ellen Peak (Waldock 2013). There has been intensive surveying for this species, and it has not been recorded elsewhere.",population:"It is a generally rare species. The populations are inferred to have declined as a result of the impacts of the 2019-2020 bushfire season. Fires may have been intensive within the species range. It seems plausible that 60-80% of the population may have been lost as a result, but this could be considered overprecautionary pending post-fire surveys as fires in this area typically leave areas of unburnt habitat which may act as refugia.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species lives on vegetation in montane heathland habitat (Girard and Endler 2014). Members of this genus are typically ground-dwelling (Girard and Endler 2014).",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Phytophthora cinnamomi)",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Phytophthora cinnamomi"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Phytophthora cinnamomi)",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Phytophthora cinnamomi"}],conservationmeasures:"This species is endemic to Stirling Range National Park. The most important conservation intervention is fire management focused on excluding fire from this species' range, although prevention of large-scale fires is difficult. Control of Phytophthora-induced dieback is recommended and may be underway. Surveys are needed to clarify whether the species occurs away from the known localities.",usetrade:"These spiders are highly desirable by specialist collectors.",taxonid:194591468,scientific_name:"Maratus sarahae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"ARACHNIDA",order:"ARANEAE",family:"SALTICIDAE",genus:"Maratus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Waldock, 2013",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-11",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Harvey, M.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Henriques, S.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"12",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AU",country:"Australia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"3.4",habitat:"Shrubland - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"197107",assessment_id:170707009,id_no:197107,sci_name:"Platysticta maculata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2014)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.4823,latitude:6.9269,species_id:197107,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Platysticta maculata is endemic to Sri Lanka. Many individual sites are known, but these fall into a smaller number of scattered clusters. The species is known from protected areas (for example, the Peak Wilderness Sanctuary). Its area of occupancy (AOO) is smaller than 500 km² and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is <5,000 km². The overall population is already severely fragmented. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)).
',geographicrange:'Platysticta maculata is endemic to Sri Lanka (Bedjanič et al. 2014, 2016; Sumanapala 2017, unpub. data), where it occurs in “the sub-montane zone except for the eastern slope of central hills” Sumanapala (2017). Many individual sites are known, but these fall into a smaller number of scattered clusters. The species is known from protected areas, for instance the Peak Wilderness Sanctuary. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data it will be below 500 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 3,075 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 6,228 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species); its true EOO is likely <5,000 km².
',population:"This species can be locally quite common. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest and other threats within the range of the species and the overall population will already be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"“Inhabits small streams and streamlets inside forest or similar habitats with a dense canopy” Sumanapala (2017: 92). The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:197107,scientific_name:"Platysticta maculata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Platysticta",main_common_name:"Blurry Forestdamsel",authority:"Hagen, 1860",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-07-31",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"416-500",eoo_km2:"3075-6228",elevation_upper:1300,elevation_lower:200,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"18883",assessment_id:150838859,id_no:18883,sci_name:"Systomus asoka",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Malka Fernando",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:"Sri Lanka",tax_comm:null,source:"CHE00187",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2011,longitude:80.333889,latitude:6.923611,species_id:18883,taxonomicnotes:"Genus has changed to Systomus by Pethiyagoda et al. 2012.",rationale:"Systomus asoka is a range-restricted, endemic species, known from one location in the wet zone lowland streams of Sri Lanka. Its estimated Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is 97 km2 and its Area of Occupancy (AOO) is 44 km2. A continuing decline in the extent and quality of its habitat has been observed due to construction of dams and water pollution from agricultural run-off, accumulation of agrochemicals, and increased sedimentation caused by deforestation. These threats are likely to continue as the area is undergoing agricultural expansion and development and there is no current protection for the majority of its habitat. Droughts influenced by climate change are also a major concern. Therefore, the species is assessed as Critically Endangered.",geographicrange:"Systomus asoka is endemic to Sri Lanka, where it is restricted to Sithawaka river and Kithulagala area at Kelani River Basin (De Silva et al. 2015).",population:"No population data is available for this rare species. A decline in its population may be inferred, however, on the basis of the threats that its habitat faces.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"S. asoka is found in relatively deep (1-2 m) fast-flowing water, clear and well oxygenated in areas with gravel or sand substrates. Usually found to occupy unshaded areas. These fish are fast swimmers and are not easily identified from the water surface (Pethiyagoda 1991, De Silva et al. 2015).
",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:null,score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:null,score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species is prohibited from exports in accordance to the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Act No.02 of 1996. It is also identified as a protected species under the Flora and Fauna Protection Ordinance Act No. 22 of 2009.
",usetrade:"Occasionally large individuals have been known to be caught as food (De Silva et al. 2015).",taxonid:18883,scientific_name:"Systomus asoka",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"CYPRINIDAE",genus:"Systomus",main_common_name:"Asoka Barb",authority:"(Kottelat & Pethiyagoda, 1989)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-07-29",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Fernado, M., Kotagama, O. & de Alwis Goonatilake, S.",reviewer:"Maiz-Tome, L. & Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"47",eoo_km2:"97",elevation_upper:400,elevation_lower:48,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"R",category:"Rare"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"R",category:"Rare"}]},{id:"191694",assessment_id:47097611,id_no:191694,sci_name:"Allotoca catarinae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Köck, GWG",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Domínguez-Domínguez",basisofrec:" ",event_year:2010,longitude:-102.018,latitude:19.415,species_id:191694,taxonomicnotes:"A first collection of the Catarina Allotoca from the Presa Santa Catarina by Hobart M. Smith in 1936 was examined by Carl Hubbs and Clarence Turner, but placed within Neoophorus (now Allotoca) diazi (Hubbs and Turner, 1939). A few years later in 1941, the Spanish ichthyologist Fernando de Buén Lozano examined individuals collected by fishermen from the Estación Limnológica de Pátzcuaro, also from the Presa Santa Catarina. He recognised differences to diazi and saw the necessity to give this population subspecies level (De Buén, 1942). Finally, a decade later, the Mexican ichthyologist José Álvarez del Villar gave it full species rank (Àlvarez del Villar, 1959). Affiliated to its occurence in only one river system, no subpopulations are distinguished.",rationale:"Allotoca catarinae is only known from the Río San Antonio or Santa Bárbara, an affluent of the Río Cupatitzio, south of the town of Uruapán and the section of the Río Cupatitzio (after the junction with the Río Santa Bárbara to just below the Presa Cupatitzio). The population seems to be stable in the upper section of the Río Santa Bárbara, including the spring and the subsequent Presa Santa Catarina, but stocks below the town are heavily impacted by water pollution. Though the species still seems to inhabit all known collection sites since the 1990's (Lyons 2011), a survey by Köck et al. in 2017 indicates that these stocks are threatened by declines.Fundulus lima is endemic to interior waters of the Baja California Sur on the Pacific slope of Mexico (Miller et al. 2005). Historically, this species was distributed from the San Ignacio Oasis in Mulege Municipality southward to Arroyo Las Pocitas (Miller et al. 2005).The current distribution of this species is, however, highly reduced from historical norms. Extensive surveys in 2010 suggest localized extirpation from the San Javier, Bebelamas, San Luis, and San Pedro de La Presa drainage basins (Ruiz-Campos et al. 2006, 2014). Similarly, sampling at 10 localities in the Santa Rita and Los Pocitas-San Hilario from 2009-2011 failed to report this species (Ruiz-Campos et al. 2014). Localized extirpations do not represent a major decline in the extent of occurrence, given extant populations at the northern and southern range extent at San Ignacios and Las Pocitas, respectively. However, surveys in 2002 and 2004 show a total range reduction greater than 50% of the historical distribution of this species, the majority of which occurred following the establishment of the redbelly tilapia Coptodon zillii (Ruiz-Campos et al. 2006). Given this pervasive threat, the number of localities where this species occurs is unlikely to exceed 10.
",population:"The total population size of F. lima is unknown, but it is likely relatively small given its restricted range. Subpopulations within each drainage basin are considered severely fragmented based on morphometrically and genetically unique characteristics that suggest little to no exchange of propagules among basins (Bernardi et al. 2007, Reyes-Valdez et al. 2011). In the San Ignacio and La Purisma drainages, the most recent sampling suggests low to moderate relative abundance at many sites and considerable increases in the total biomass of C. zillii (Ruiz-Campos et al. 2006). Las Ceudas in the Bramonas Basin contains the most intact subpopulation (Ruiz-Campos 2000).
On a range-wide scale, population trend has declined by more than 50% in the recent past, estimated from catch abundance and inferred from range decline (Ruiz-Campos et al. 2006, 2014, Lozano-Vilano and Maza-Benignos 2017). In 2003, a major flood event caused significant population reductions over a short period of time (Ruiz-Campos et al. 2006). Continued decline is inferred from the localized extirpation of this species at several localities resulting primarily from competitive interaction with invasive species (Ruiz-Campos et al. 2014, Andreu-Soler and Ruiz Campos 2013, Lozano-Vilano and Maza-Benignos 2017). The American Fisheries Society’s Endangered Species Committee also recognizes range-wide population decline (Jelks et al. 2008).
Fundulus lima occurs in oases, springs, ponds, and creeks characterized by clear water, low salinity, and lentic conditions to moderate velocity over bedrock, sand, and gravel substrate (Miller et al. 2005, Lozano-Vilano and Maza-Benignos 2017). This species prefers pools with lateral scour ranging from 0.3-2 m in depth, and water temperature between 20-28 oC (Ruiz-Campos 2000). Diet varies seasonally, comprised primarily of diatoms, insect larvae, and fish scales in the dry season and insect larvae, filamentous algae, and ostrocods in the rainy season (Zamorano et al. 2011). Reproduction occurs in April and March (Ruiz-Campos 2000).
",threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.7",title:"Abstraction of ground water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Coptodon zillii)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Coptodon zillii"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Cyprinus carpio)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Cyprinus carpio"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Poecilia reticulata)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Poecilia reticulata"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Xiphophorus hellerii)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Xiphophorus hellerii"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Coptodon zillii)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Coptodon zillii"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Cyprinus carpio)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Cyprinus carpio"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Poecilia reticulata)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Poecilia reticulata"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Xiphophorus hellerii)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Xiphophorus hellerii"}],conservationmeasures:"Fundulus lima is listed as endangered in the Mexican Official Norm (SEMARNAT 2010). However, there are currently no known species-specific conservation action directed towards L. lima. Assisted reintroduction of this species into water bodies that do not contain invasive species has been suggested (Ruiz-Campos 2000). However, careful consideration is needed to preserve the genetic identity of each basin subpopulation (Bernardi et al. 2007).
The range of this species falls into multiple protected areas, including Ramsar designated sites (IUCN and UNEP 2018), which may confer indirect protection against future habitat degradation.
Igneocnemis pistor is only known from the type series from one locality in south east Mindanao in the Philippines, collected in 1996. The type location is near to, possibly inside, the Mount Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary and in any case the species is likely to occur somewhere within this sanctuary (but see threats). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it is likely to be small and with the presently available data can be assumed to be below 500km2. The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest in the part of Mindanao where the species occurs. In most circumstance this assessor would only place such a poorly known species in Data Deficient but Igneocnemis species should not be particularly hard to find where present so the species is likely to be genuinely extremely local in occurrence and confined to a small area and the severity of threats to forest-dependent Odonata in Mindanao is such that Least Concern is not likely to ever be justified for this species. It qualifies for Endangered under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly. Whilst it is to be hoped that fresh data will allow re-assessment to a lower threat category it is entirely possible that re-assessment to Critically Endangered will be required.
",geographicrange:"Igneocnemis pistor is only known from the type series from one locality in south east Mindanao in the Philippines, collected in 1996 (Gassmann & Hämäläinen 2002). The type location is near to, possibly inside, the Mount Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary and in any case the species is likely to occur somewhere within this sanctuary. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it will be small, probably less than 500km2 and declining due to loss and degradation of forest in the area where it occurs.
",population:"There is insufficient information to make any statement about current population sizes and health except that an ongoing decline is inferred due to loss and degradation of forest in the part of Mindanao where the species occurs and if not confined to a single location (unlikely) then severe fragmentation is likely for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing was recorded on the habitats and biology of this species but it will be a species of forest streams or seeps, like the others in the genus. An ongoing decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred due to loss and degradation of forest in the part of Mindanao where the species occurs.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and for better protection of the Mount Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139561690,scientific_name:"Igneocnemis pistor",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Igneocnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Gassmann & Hämäläinen, 2002)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-05",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:"10-500",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:800,elevation_lower:400,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"176236416",assessment_id:176236522,id_no:176236416,sci_name:"Tometes lebaili",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Rodríguez-Olarte, R. and Taphorn, D.C.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"GBIF (2020); Fishnet2 (2020); MCNG (2020)",basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:-54.443,latitude:4.938,species_id:176236416,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species, although still common in the highlands of the Maroni, Mana and Commewijne rivers of Suriname and French Guiana, faces increasing fishing pressure, as well as habitat destruction by gold miners. There are continuing declines in habitat and population size, and four locations, based on these threats. It has an extent of occurrence (EOO) best estimated at 13,569 km2 and an area of occupancy (AOO) best estimated at under 2,000 km2. Therefore, this species is assessed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:`This species occurs in the Maroni, Mana and Commewijne rivers of Suriname and French Guiana. The type locality is rapids upstream of the Litany River at Antecume Pata village, 3°18'06.4"N, 54°04'54.1"W, Maroni River system, French Guiana (Jégu et al. 2002).`,population:"It is estimated that the total population probably exceeds 10,000 individuals, but is decreasing because of overfishing and habitat destruction.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species lives in upland rapids of black and clearwater rivers where Podostemacea plants (the main food) grow on the rapids.
",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no specific measures protecting this species, but it does occur in some protected areas.",usetrade:"This species is much sought after as food.",taxonid:176236416,scientific_name:"Tometes lebaili",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"SERRASALMIDAE",genus:"Tometes",main_common_name:"Tometes de Le Bail",authority:"Jégu, Keith & Belmont-Jégu, 2002",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2021-01-10",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Taphorn, D.C. & Rodríguez-Olarte, D.",reviewer:"Mojica, J.I.",aoo_km2:"20-5256,1999",eoo_km2:"1006-13569,13569",elevation_upper:150,elevation_lower:7,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GF",country:"French Guiana",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"SR",country:"Suriname",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"15141984",assessment_id:127918276,id_no:15141984,sci_name:"Schistura afasciata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Zoo Outreach Organization (ZOO)",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:72.076,latitude:34.75,species_id:15141984,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is assessed as Endangered due to suspected declines of 50-60% in the next 10 years due to ongoing and planned multiple hydro-electric dams on all of the streams in which the species occurs.",geographicrange:"Schistura afasciata was earlier thought to be endemic to a restricted area of the Dor river, a left tributary of the upper Indus River near Havelian, Pakistan (Mirza et al. 1981). It is recently reported from Jhelum River (from the Indian border up to Muzaffarabad), Kunhar River (lower stretches), Punjkora River (middle and lower areas), Swat River (lower Swat up to Mingora), Dor River (Hazara), Unar stream, and Siren River in the upper reaches of Trabela Dam (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020).",population:"There is construction of multiple hydro-electric projects in the region and, due to inundation of most of the areas of distribution due to the development projects, the habitat will be non-conducive for the species. It is suspected, therefore, that this species is suspected to decline by 50-60% in the next 10 years (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020).",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Schistura afasciata is a carnivorous freshwater species that occurs in running rivers with stony beds and shallow runs in small streams. It is a bottom feeder found between 800 to 1,000 m above sea level (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020).",threats:[{code:"11.4",title:"Storms & flooding",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Salmo trutta)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:"Salmo trutta"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Salmo trutta)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:"Salmo trutta"}],conservationmeasures:"Research is needed into the life history of this species, habitat and wild population management are recommended, alongside raising public awareness and captive breeding, which could lead to reintroduction. There are no current conservation actions in place.",usetrade:"It has the potential of becoming an aquarium species, but is not used at present.",taxonid:15141984,scientific_name:"Schistura afasciata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"NEMACHEILIDAE",genus:"Schistura",main_common_name:null,authority:"Mirza & Bănărescu, 1981",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-02-27",category:"EN",criteria:"A3c",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rafique, M., Zafarullah, M., Imran, M., Qureshi, I., Daniels, A. & Johnson, J.A.",reviewer:"Molur, S. & Ali, A.",aoo_km2:"5300",eoo_km2:"17580",elevation_upper:1200,elevation_lower:800,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PK",country:"Pakistan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"109690031",assessment_id:109690126,id_no:109690031,sci_name:"Tylomelania lalemae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Sulawesi",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:121.5,latitude:-2.75,species_id:109690031,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species is endemic to 561.1 km2 Lake Towuti in Sulawesi, where it is found at fewer than 10 scattered sites with an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 265 km2 and an area of occupancy (AOO) of 32 km2. This is counted as a single location with major threats including pollution from nickel mining, eutrophication and predation from invasive species, most critically Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.). The spread of invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids to Lake Towuti from Lake Mahalona is almost certain and is predicted to cause a population decline of at least 50% in this species within the next 10 years (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids on Tylomelania in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and contributed to the decline of Tylomelania populations through predation of small adults and juveniles (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017; 2018). It is therefore assessed as Endangered given its extremely limited distribution, deterioration of its habitat and the future impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Towuti.
",geographicrange:"The species is endemic to Lake Towuti (561.1 km2), which is part of the Malili Lakes system in Sulawesi, Indonesia.
",population:"There is no current population information available for this species but it was reported as abundant where occurring in von Rintelen et al. (2007). An overall population decline of at least 50% is predicted over the next 10 years due to the spread of the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) in the Malili lakes (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and are thought to have caused the decline of Tylomelania populations through predation of small adults and juveniles (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017; 2018). Flowerhorn Cichlids have now been confirmed in the downstream Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obs. 2018) and, if not already present, are very likely to continue to spread downstream to Lake Towuti where they are predicted to cause population declines similar to those seen in Lake Matano.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This is a freshwater lake species that is confined to rock crevices in shallow water at depths of up to half a metre.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation plans are currently in place for this species, but protection of its known localities and habitats is needed. Research is also needed into the population dynamics, ecology and the threats to this species.
",usetrade:"There is no use or trade information for this species. Many species of Tylomelania of the Malili lakes are collected traded as aquarium pets, but this species has not yet been conspicuously traded.",taxonid:109690031,scientific_name:"Tylomelania lalemae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"SORBEOCONCHA",family:"PACHYCHILIDAE",genus:"Tylomelania",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Kruimel, 1913)",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-06-03",category:"EN",criteria:"A3e; B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rintelen, T.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:"32",eoo_km2:"265",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:0,depth_lower:.5,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"64808299",assessment_id:173258147,id_no:64808299,sci_name:"Schistura bhimachari",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Sidharthan, A.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Thunga River at Shimoga, Karnataka, southern India",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Hora (1937)",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:1935,longitude:75.57788,latitude:13.921469,species_id:64808299,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Schistura bhimachari is assessed as Endangered. It is restricted in distribution to only its type locality area at Shimoga, Karnataka (Hora 1937) with an area of occupancy and extent of occurrence value of 1,116 km2 but this may not reflect the actual distribution range of the species. Habitat of the species in Tunga river is threatened because of the anthropogenic stressors including domestic waste, developmental and recreational activities and invasive species causing a continuing decline in the extent and quality of habitat. However, no information on population status/trends of the species is currently available. There is hence a need to determine the distribution, population status and species specific threats in order to inform future conservation action.
",geographicrange:"Schistura bhmachari is currently known only from Tunga River, Shimoga, Karnataka, Southern India (Hora 1937).",population:"There is no information on the population status or trends of the species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"There is no information on the habitat ecology or requirements of S. bhimachari, but like other species of the genus, it is likely to prefer slow to swift current, among small pebbles, stones and boulders (Lokeshwor and Vishwanath 2013).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Cyprinus carpio)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:"Cyprinus carpio"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Cyprinus carpio)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:"Cyprinus carpio"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Oreochromis mossambicus)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:"Oreochromis mossambicus"},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No species- specific conservation action are in place. There is an urgent need for effective conservation measures to conserve the fish species richness of Tunga and Bhadra rivers (Ahmad et al. 2013). Also, there is a need to understand and generate baseline information on distribution, population and species specific threats to develop future conservation strategies.
",usetrade:"No information is available regarding either the use or trade of this species.
",taxonid:64808299,scientific_name:"Schistura bhimachari",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"NEMACHEILIDAE",genus:"Schistura",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Hora, 1937)",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-09-04",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Sidharthan, A.",reviewer:"Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"1116",eoo_km2:"1116",elevation_upper:589,elevation_lower:589,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"IN",country:"India",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"125341177",assessment_id:164692315,id_no:125341177,sci_name:"Pseudoxiphophorus attenuatus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2019 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.pqv0do",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:0,longitude:-90.305556,latitude:15.747222,species_id:125341177,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Psuedoxiphophorus attenuatus is known only from its type locality in the Candelaria Yalicar, a small, 11 km long endorheic stretch of in Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 64 km2. Despite limited ichthyological surveys, including those conducted at the type locality of the species and in nearby drainages, it has not been collected since its original description in 1979. Given its limited distribution, restriction to a single location, and ongoing habitat degradation, the species is assessed as Critically Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii).
Pseudoxiphophorus attenuatus is known only from its type locality in the Candelaria Yalicar, a small, approximately 11 km long endorheic stretch of river that is fed via an unknown subterranean connection in Alta Verapaz, Guatemala (Rosen 1979, Lucinda 2003, Matamoros et al. 2015). Elevation of the Candelaria-Yalicar is 353 meters above sea level (Barrientos et al. 2018).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 64 km2, based on a 2x2 km grid overlain onto the entire length of the Candelaria-Yalicar River, and inferring that this species does not occur in adjacent river drainages. This species occurs in one location, given its highly restricted known distribution and the presence of agriculture within the valley.
",population:"The total population size of this species is unknown. This species has not been collected since its original description in 1979 (Valdez-Moreno et al. 2005, Agoretta et al. 2013). Additional surveys are needed to establish the current status of the species.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is known only from the Candelaria Yalicar, a small endorheic river in Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. This species reaches a maximum reported body size of 6.2 cm standard length (SL) (Lucinda 2003).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards P. attenuatus. It is not assessed by the Guatemalan National Red List (CONAP 2009). This species has not been collected within the boundaries of any protected area (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). Additional research regarding distribution, population size, population trend, and the direct impacts of potential threats in the Candelaria Valley on aquatic habitat are urgently needed. Population monitoring and site protection may be warranted.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:125341177,scientific_name:"Pseudoxiphophorus attenuatus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Pseudoxiphophorus",main_common_name:"Bute",authority:"(Rosen & Bailey, 1979)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-10-11",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Elias, D.J., Lyons, T.J. & Contreras MacBeath, T.",reviewer:"Fuentes, C.",aoo_km2:"64",eoo_km2:"64",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"GT",country:"Guatemala",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"173699317",assessment_id:173756724,id_no:173699317,sci_name:"Ceriagrion annulosum",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"Dow, R.A.",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Asahina 1967",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1935,longitude:107.35586,latitude:-7.48617,species_id:173699317,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Ceriagrion annulosum was described from a single male from an unspecified location in Java, and later recorded from the south of Sumatra and a location in West Java, plus one very recent record from East Java without details. There is also an unconfirmed record from North Sumatra. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. The only available information suggests that the species might be confined to primary swamp forest, and on this basis the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its current extent of occurrence (EOO), based on a minimum convex polygon around the HydroBASINS areas it has been confirmed from so far, is 15,408 km². There is certainly some cause for concern for this species, but given that there has been insufficient sampling of Odonata in the west of Java and the south of Sumatra it is likely that the species may be under-recorded. With at most five locations recorded so far, and its current EOO of <20,000 km², the species is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B (VU B1ab(ii,iii)).
Ceriagrion annulosum was described from a single male from an unspecified location in Java (Lieftinck 1934a), and later recorded from the south of Sumatra (Lieftinck 1934b) and another location in West Java (Asahina 1967). A record from North Sumatra of Ceriagrion melanurum (Krüger 1898) might actually refer to this species (Asahina 1967) but this is not certain. Just as this assessment was being finalised a fresh record from Malang in East Java was reported (Rachman personal communication 2020) but no further details were available at the time of writing. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its current minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is not possible to estimate based on only the two confirmed records; its current maximum EOO, based on the two known occupied HydroBASINS areas, is 15,408 km².
No statement about current population sizes and health can be made for this species except that an ongoing decline is likely due to loss of forest within its range and that severe fragmentation is likely.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Lieftinck (1954: 84) states “Weedy runnels and small brooks meandering through marshes in dense, primitive forest.” Nothing else is known. It should be noted that there are a number of instances where habitat information given by Lieftinck for poorly known species has later proved to be wildly inaccurate. If the information given by Lieftinck (1954) is correct then the extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There is an urgent need for fresh information on the distribution of this species, its exact habitat requirements and its ability to tolerate disturbance and habitat where it occurs needs to be protected. There might be suitable habitat for the species within Ujung Kulon National Park in Banten in the extreme west of Java and this would be a good place to start looking for it. Although there are is only one recent record, there has been little survey work done for Odonata in either the west of Java or the south of Sumatra in recent decades (ever in the case of southern Sumatra) so the species may be under-recorded.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173699317,scientific_name:"Ceriagrion annulosum",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Ceriagrion",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1934",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-12-01",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"15408",elevation_upper:900,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"128724058",assessment_id:128724291,id_no:128724058,sci_name:"Paraschistura microlabra",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Zoo Outreach Organization (ZOO)",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:71.263,latitude:34.021,species_id:128724058,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Paraschistura microlabra is restricted to two isolated areas of the Kabul and Shiren rivers with a major threat to the Shiren subpopulation from a proposed dam. This dam is suspected to impact the species and lead to a population decline of 30% in the next 10 years. This species has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 10,960 km2 and occurs in two threat based locations. The dam is also expected to lead to a continuing decline in the habitat quality. Hence, this species is assessed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"Paraschistura microlabra is endemic to Pakistan and has been recorded in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa at Ali Mazjid in the Kabul and Unar river drainages, and in tributaries of Siren loghi, Manglhra (Kottelat 2012, M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020).",population:"This species has been described as rare in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province (George 1992). More recent population data on size or trend are not known for this species and more research is required. A dam is planned on the Siren River, upstream of Oghi, and this is projected to cause a future population decline.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Paraschistura microlabra is a freshwater, benthic and carnivorous species, that occurs in shallow semi-cold running rivers with a sandy bed at 800-1,000 m asl (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020). More information is required on its ecological role.",threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The species is not protected by law. There are no conservation actions or plans in place.",usetrade:"The species is not used or traded.",taxonid:128724058,scientific_name:"Paraschistura microlabra",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"NEMACHEILIDAE",genus:"Paraschistura",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Mirza & Nalbant, 1981)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-02-27",category:"VU",criteria:"A3c; B1ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rafique, M., Zafarullah, M., Daniels, A., Johnson, J.A., Imran, M. & Qureshi, I.",reviewer:"Molur, S., Dahanukar, N., Ali, A. & Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"3872",eoo_km2:"10960",elevation_upper:1e3,elevation_lower:800,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PK",country:"Pakistan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"176459283",assessment_id:176459317,id_no:176459283,sci_name:"Crenicichla hu",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jorge Liotta",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Piálek et al., 2010",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2010,longitude:-53.875,latitude:-26.333417,species_id:176459283,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Crenicichla hu, assessed as Endangered, is only known from its type locality in Piray Miní stream, an affluent of Paraná river in Misiones province. It has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 1,989 km2. This basin has no protection and its ecological status requires urgent protection and restoration. There is an evidence of continuous habitat conversion, especially in the upper reach where this species occurs. The type locality represents a single threat based location.",geographicrange:"Crenicichla hu has been found only in the arroyo Piray Miní, Paraná River basin, Misiones province, Argentina (Piálek et al. 2010).",population:"There is no population estimate for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Piray Miní stream is part of the wetlands of the streams of Missions with steep relief (Minotti et al. 2013). It is characterized by being low order, extensive, very winding with narrow and undefined valleys, and high slope margins. It has a rocky bed with basalt plates and discontinuities that form jumps, wells and slides. The pH is close to neutral and the degree of oxygenation is variable depending on the hydrometric level and the area of the stream. The water temperature is typical for these watercourses, with an average greater than 20°C (Araya 2017). In the type locality, it has clear and rapidly flowing water, and the depth is variable at 0.20 to 1.40 m. The bottom consists of mud, sand, and mostly stones. Some areas have scarce submerged vegetation (Piálek et al. 2010).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"4.1",title:"Roads & railroads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no known conservation actions for this species. Site management and protection is recommended, as well as further research into the species.",usetrade:"The Crenicichla genus is of aquarium interest (Gomez et al. 1993, 1994; López et al. 2003). This species is likely extracted and traded for this reason, but there are no official statistics.",taxonid:176459283,scientific_name:"Crenicichla hu",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Crenicichla",main_common_name:"Cabeza amarga",authority:"Piálek, Říčan, Casciotta & Almirón, 2010",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-11-22",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Liotta, J.",reviewer:"Lyons, T.J.",aoo_km2:"1960",eoo_km2:"1989",elevation_upper:475,elevation_lower:475,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AR",country:"Argentina",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"58599851",assessment_id:58628556,id_no:58599851,sci_name:"Plectostoma mengaburensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T-S Liew",yrcompiled:2014,citation:"IUCN SSC Mollusc Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Liew et al. 2014 Appendix_2",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:102.82800293,latitude:3.73069,species_id:58599851,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to peninsular Malaysia. It has a restricted range, found in the small region of the Mengabur limestone hills. At present the threats are largely for future declines, as whilst quarrying activities have started to destroy the forests on the eastern part of the cluster and the whole limestone forest area is surrounded by oil palm plantations, at present the forest is largely intact. However both of these threats can rapidly escalate and cause landsnail extinctions and as such the species is considered to be Near Threatened. If the threats escalate, the species would immediately be a candidate for Endangered, based on the AOO, number of sites and loss of the habitats.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to peninsular Malaysia. It has a restricted range, found in the small region of the Mengabur limestone hills. The forest cover is currently largely intact, although the forest has plantations and quarrying on the edges (Liew et al. 2014).",population:"Whilst there is insufficient population survey data to establish detailed trends, given that habitats are declining on the east part of the forest, it is considered likely that the species is also in decline.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Limestone hills within tropical forest habitats.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservations actions currently in place for this species. Habitat monitoring would benefit this species as would the requirement for EIAs within the review process for the planning applications for quarry extensions and conversion of forests to Oil Palms. Quarrying can be carried out providing not all habitat is quarried and suitable guidelines are developed in order to mitigate impact of dust on forest habitats during operations.",usetrade:"There is no known trade in this species.",taxonid:58599851,scientific_name:"Plectostoma mengaburensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"ARCHITAENIOGLOSSA",family:"DIPLOMMATINIDAE",genus:"Plectostoma",main_common_name:null,authority:"Liew, Vermeulen, Marzuki & Schilthuizen, 2014",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2017-03-16",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Thorseng, L. & Seddon, M.B.",reviewer:"Schilthuizen, M. & Vermeulen, J.J.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"10",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2017",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"56140172",assessment_id:56140182,id_no:56140172,sci_name:"Agriocnemis bumhilli",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Odonata Database of Africa",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika, F. Suhling (2012). Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/ipt/resource.do?r=bf_cf21",basisofrec:null,event_year:2006,longitude:23.34127778,latitude:-17.7664,species_id:56140172,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species has only been recorded from northern Namibia (Kwando River, Bum Hill) and several localities in the Cuando Cubango Province, south-eastern Angola. At the moment there seems to be no immediate threat, but the restricted range qualifies it for Near Threatened. Threats are based on the growing populations and economies in Africa, which go hand in hand with habitat destruction (water management systems, intensified agriculture) and habitat deterioration (water pollution). If habitats are destroyed, this species will easily qualify for VU under B criteria.",geographicrange:"Recorded from northern Namibia (Kwando River, Bum Hill) and Cuando Cubango Province south-eastern Angola (Luassingua River, Cuito River, Cuebe River). The species is very elusive and we assume it to occur at other localities in Angola as well.",population:"There is no population information currently available for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Dense vegetation (grass and reeds) along rivers.",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More surveys are needed to get an impression on area of occupancy and extent of occurrence of this species.",usetrade:null,taxonid:56140172,scientific_name:"Agriocnemis bumhilli",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Agriocnemis",main_common_name:"Bumhill Wisp",authority:"Kipping, Martens & Suhling, 2012",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2017-11-01",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Clausnitzer, V. & Kipping, J.",reviewer:"Dijkstra, K.-D.B. & Suhling, F.",aoo_km2:"16",eoo_km2:"5225",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AO",country:"Angola",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"NA",country:"Namibia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Breeding Season",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2017",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"139568377",assessment_id:146602635,id_no:139568377,sci_name:"Drepanosticta mylitta",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Rory Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Cowley 1936",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:125.43194,latitude:11.60806,species_id:139568377,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Drepanosticta mylitta is known from at least 28 locations in Biliran, Cebu, Dinagat, Homonhon, Leyte, Luzon, Panaon and Samar in the Philippines. Threats exist across the range of the species, even within protected areas and severe fragmentation of the population on most islands seems inevitable. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but although the species is widespread the AOO is unlikely to be large, probably not significantly greater than 2,000 km² and is likely considerably smaller. The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. If the AOO was known to be below 2,000 km², the species would qualify for Vulnerable status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and it is therefore assessed as Near Threatened.
",geographicrange:"Drepanosticta mylitta is known from Biliran, Cebu, Dinagat, Homonhon, Leyte, Luzon, Panaon and Samar in the Philippines (Cowley 1936, Hämäläinen and Muller 1997, van Tol 2005, Villanueva and Seidenschwarz 2012, Villanueva 2009). The assessor is aware of records from at least 28 locations but it has only been possible to assign separate coordinates to 21 of these for mapping purposes. Some locations are in or near to protected areas, for instance the Bulusan Volcano Natural Park in Luzon. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but although the species is widespread the AOO is unlikely to be large; it is probably not significantly greater than 2,000 km² and likely considerably smaller. The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",population:"Van Tol (2005: 253) states: “Widespread species, including several small islands, but apparently uncommon on most sites”. An ongoing decline in overall population is suspected due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species and severe fragmentation of the population on most of the islands where the species occurs is very likely for the same reasons.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This will be a forest stream species but no details have been recorded. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for better protection of habitat where it occurs and for more information on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139568377,scientific_name:"Drepanosticta mylitta",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Drepanosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Cowley, 1936",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-09-01",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"140464-193417",elevation_upper:700,elevation_lower:100,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"197109",assessment_id:170706804,id_no:197109,sci_name:"Ceylonosticta tropica",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2014)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.4384,latitude:7.0169,species_id:197109,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Ceylonosticta tropica is endemic to Sri Lanka where it occurs in the mountainous central part of the island. The assessors are aware of records from 27 sites, but many of these are sufficiently close together that they only constitute single threat-defined locations (taking deforestation as the main threat) so that about 18 threat-defined locations are known. Some known locations are within protected areas. Its area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is smaller than 500 km² and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 2,059–4,035 km². The overall population is already severely fragmented. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)).
',geographicrange:'Ceylonosticta tropica is endemic to Sri Lanka, where it occurs in the mountainous central part of the island (Bedjanič et al. 2014, 2016; Sumanapala unpub. data). The assessors are aware of records from 27 sites, but many of these are sufficiently close together that they only constitute single threat-defined locations (taking deforestation as the main threat) so that about 18 threat-defined locations are known. Some known locations are within protected areas (for example, the Hakgala Strict Nature Reserve and Peak Wilderness area). Its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data it will be below 500 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 2,059 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 4,035 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
',population:"This is an uncommon and locally occurring predominantly montane species. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest and other threats within the range of the species and the overall population will already be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Bedjanič et al. (2014) state: “Clearly, the species prefers higher altitudes, although apparently it can also be found in the midhills. Small streams and seeps, densely overgrown with natural montane vegetation are the characteristic habitat of the species.” The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended to support and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:197109,scientific_name:"Ceylonosticta tropica",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Ceylonosticta",main_common_name:"Dark-shouldered Cornuted Shadowdamsel",authority:"(Hagen in Selys, 1860)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-07-31",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"108-500",eoo_km2:"2059-4035",elevation_upper:2e3,elevation_lower:400,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"173830659",assessment_id:173830700,id_no:173830659,sci_name:"Cynolebias roseus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Costa 2014",basisofrec:null,event_year:2009,longitude:-43.05,latitude:-10.97444444,species_id:173830659,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Cynolebias roseus is known only from its type locality, a remnant temporary pool near the town of Barra in the left-bank floodplain of the São Francisco River. Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, and the species is assigned to a single threat-based location. Total population size and population trend are unknown. Primary localized threats at the type locality include land-use change associated with cattle ranching and plantation agriculture. While the direct impact of these threats at the type locality are not well understood, their expansion could feasibly result in the extirpation of this species within the immediate future. Well-preserved and potentially suitable habitat occurs in seasonally flooded areas in the neighbouring region to the north, but has to date received limited sampling effort. As such, C. roseus is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2.
",geographicrange:"Cynolebias roseus is known only from its type locality, a remnant temporary pool near the town of Barra in the left-bank floodplain of the São Francisco River (Costa 2014). However, well-preserved seasonally flooded areas occur in the neighbouring region to the north, and may provide suitable habitat in poorly accessible areas that have received little sampling attention (Costa 2014).
Despite uncertainties in range extent and the need for additional ichthyological surveys, Area of Occupancy (AOO) and Extent of Occurrence (EOO) are estimated to be 4 km2 based on a single 2x2 km grid overlain on top of the type locality (Costa 2014). This species is assigned to a single threat-based location, given a restricted distribution that is surrounded by cattle ranches and plantation agriculture (Costa 2014). While the direct impact of existing threats are not documented in detail, their expansion could quickly result in the destruction of suitable habitat at the type locality.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. However, this species is rare in ichthyological collections, and is known from a total of 20 specimens (Costa 2014).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The only locality from which this species has been confirmed is a small, remnant, temporary pool in an area occupied by cattle farms and plantation agriculture (Costa 2014). Specific habitat characteristics are not documented in detail.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards C. roseus, nor has the species been reported from within the boundaries of any existing protected areas. Additional ichthyological surveys in potentially suitable habitat north of the type locality are urgently needed to clarify the conservation status of this species. Additional information regarding population size, population trend, and the direct impact of localized threats at the type locality would be useful in clarifying extinction risk. Site protection and captive management are likely warranted conservation priorities, given the pervasive threat of agricultural expansion that could result in the complete loss of temporary pond habitat in the immediate future.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:173830659,scientific_name:"Cynolebias roseus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Cynolebias",main_common_name:null,authority:"Costa, 2014",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-03",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Costa, W.J.E.M.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"14485",assessment_id:80696438,id_no:14485,sci_name:"Nehalennia pallidula",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"OdonataCentral",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"Abbott, J.C. 2006-2017. OdonataCentral: An online resource for the distribution and identification of Odonata.",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Odonata Central",basisofrec:null,event_year:1989,longitude:-80.50209808,latitude:25.60639954,species_id:14485,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is infrequently collected and has been considered difficult to find due to habitat destruction (Mauffray 1997). According to Bick (2003), who ranked it as Rare, much of the destruction was caused by extensive cutting and removal of the invasive Melaleuca tree. Bick hypothesized that because of the shade-loving nature of Nehalennia pallidula, tree removal is adversely affecting the Everglades population by disturbance and depriving the insects of critically required shade. Many populations are protected by Everglades National Park. The number of occurrences probably varies from large areas in wet season to relatively few refugia in dry season, but there are no data on this or an understanding of the exact extent of occurrence in southern Florida. The adults are small and inconspicuous and often in dense vegetation, so they are difficult to detect and can be sampled effectively only in the few areas of open sedges (not Cladium) by sweep-netting. Extent of occurrence is less than 5,000 km² and Area of occupancy may be less than 500 km², and there is ongoing habitat degradation and loss. But the number of locations is estimated as 81 to >300 (NatureServe 2006); therefore, the species does not fully meet the requirements for an Endangered listing. Given its limited range and declining habitat, the species is listed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species is presently known only from Florida, although apparently it also has occurred in Texas, at least historically (Flint 2000).",population:"Numerous populations, some of them large, have been reported within its relatively restricted range, but population size and trends are unknown.",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:"Nehalennia pallidula occurs in grass and sedge marshes; may retire to woodland, even middle of dense forest, when not breeding. Breeds in tiny limestone sinkholes in pineland adjacent to Everglades as well as in open Everglades (where locally abundant). Within the Everglades it is found in dry limestone hammock sinkholes, sedge marshes and rock pools, where it is shade loving (Bick 2003). The habitat appears similar in the Florida Panhandle, a large sawgrass (Cladium mariscus jamaicense) marsh adjacent to woodland, to which many individuals retire for shelter (Keppner et al. 2007).",threats:[{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:null,invasive:null},{code:"7.1.3",title:"Trend Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:null,invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:null,invasive:null},{code:"7.2.8",title:"Abstraction of ground water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:null,invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:null,invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:null,invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species is well protected in Everglades National Park, its stronghold, as well as several reserves in the Big Cypress Swamp area. From there it is spottily distributed to the north, not recently recorded from the series of state parks in the rest of the state. An old, seemingly valid record from southeastern Texas indicates the species should be sought in marshlands all along the Gulf coast. It is difficult to survey because of its small size and preference for dense vegetation.",usetrade:null,taxonid:14485,scientific_name:"Nehalennia pallidula",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Nehalennia",main_common_name:"Everglades Sprite",authority:"Calvert, 1913",published_year:2017,assessment_date:"2016-05-05",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Stable",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Abbott, J.C. & Paulson, D.R.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"US",country:"United States of America",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2017",assess_year:"2016",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2007",assess_year:"2007",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"195278428",assessment_id:195295857,id_no:195278428,sci_name:"Deshayesiella sirenkoi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Julia Sigwart",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:142.33200073,latitude:23.07830048,species_id:195278428,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine polyplacophoran is restricted to hydrothermal vents on seamounts in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from two restricted locations, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 400 m bsl to 460 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. The potential for anthropogenic influence to this species based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites in one of the two locations supports a potential projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. There may already be disturbance to this species as Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) is in the process of testing of seabed mining technology for future exploitation-phase licensing. However, the majority of the known population has been observed at two seamounts in one location in the Northern Marianas Islands, which are explicitly protected from mining by the Mariana Arc of Fire National Wildlife Refuge and the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument Volcanic Unit (USA). Therefore, owing to the significant protection provided by these MPAs and the resulting variability in extinction risk for the different populations, we have opted to assess the species as Near Threatened (NT). The species is close to qualifying for a threatened category based on the potential threat of mining activity in a subset of locations where the species occurs. As such, the assessment as NT is dependent on the maintenance of the current marine protection within the USA EEZ vent fields. A reassessment would therefore be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of the MPAs, whereby the species would become Endangeed (EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)), based on the projected continuing decline in habitat associated with the location in mining licence areas.",geographicrange:"This deep-sea polyplacophoran is restricted to two locations at hydrothermal vents on seamounts in the West Pacific. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure.
The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 400 m bsl to 460 m bsl. It has been observed from vent fields on three seamounts in two locations (Saito et al. 2008). One location lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the second location lies within the EEZ of Japan. Location 1 includes the Kasuga II Seamount and Daikoku Seamount, which are explicitly protected within the Mariana Arc of Fire National Wildlife Refuge and the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument Volcanic Unit (USA). Location 2 is a vent field on the Nikko Seamount which is within the EEZ of Japan. The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.
",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Saito et al. 2008).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on seamounts in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 400 m bsl to 460 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"One of the two locations where this species is known includes two seamounts within the EEZ of the Northern Marianas Islands; these areas are are explicitly protected by the the Mariana Arc of Fire National Wildlife Refuge (USA) and the Marianas Trench Volcanic Unit Marine National Monument (USA). The vent fields within the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument form the Volcanic Unit, also know as the Mariana Arc of Fire National Wildlife Refuge (Bush 2009). The area is managed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service as part of the National Wildlife Refuge System. The Minerals Management Policy of USFWS forbids mineral extraction on NWRS lands, including seabed (US Fish and Wildlife 2016).There is no known trade or use of this species.
",taxonid:195278428,scientific_name:"Deshayesiella sirenkoi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"POLYPLACOPHORA",order:"LEPIDOPLEURIDA",family:"PROTOCHITONIDAE",genus:"Deshayesiella",main_common_name:null,authority:"Saito, Fujikura & Tsuchida, 2008",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-18",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Sigwart, J. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"2650",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:400,depth_lower:460,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"JP",country:"Japan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MP",country:"Northern Mariana Islands",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"109724445",assessment_id:109724449,id_no:109724445,sci_name:"Corbicula loehensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:"Sulawesi",tax_comm:" ",source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2e3,longitude:121.3515,latitude:-2.847333,species_id:109724445,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to the Malili lakes in Sulawesi. It is known from Lake Towuti (561.1 km2) and the two smaller satellite lakes Lake Lontoa (1.6 km2) and Lake Masapi (2.2 km2), which are counted as three locations as there are differing major threats including the potential impacts of pollution from nickel mining, eutrophication and invasive species. This species has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 775 km2 and an area of occupancy (AOO) of 80 km2. As there is insufficient information available on either population decline or the effect of ongoing habitat degradation on this species, it is assessed as Near Threatened based on its limited distribution. Monitoring of the population trends for this species is required to determine whether there is evidence of population declines as a result of the ongoing threats in the lake. This species is a candidate for Endangered, if there is sufficient evidence of the effects of the observed declining quality of habitat on the species.",geographicrange:'Corbicula loehensis is endemic to the Malili Lakes (Sulawesi), where it occurs in Lake Towuti, Lake Lontoa and Lake Masapi (Glaubrecht et al. 2003, von Rintelan pers. comm. 2018).',population:"There is no population information available for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in freshwater lakes and is found within soft substrates such as sand or mud (von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018).",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no known conservation actions currently in place for this species. Further research into the impact of the invasive species on the endemic bivalves is recommended, as well as the impacts of pollution and siltation within the lakes. Monitoring of the population trends for this species is required to determine whether there is evidence of population declines as a result of the ongoing threats in the lake.",usetrade:"This species is occasionally consumed locally.",taxonid:109724445,scientific_name:"Corbicula loehensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"BIVALVIA",order:"VENERIDA",family:"CYRENIDAE",genus:"Corbicula",main_common_name:null,authority:"Kruimel, 1913",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-07-20",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rintelen, T.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:"80",eoo_km2:"775",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"184713",assessment_id:110767317,id_no:184713,sci_name:"Afrogyrorbis crassus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Dirk Van Damme",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Buvuma Channel",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Mandahl-Barth, 1954",basisofrec:null,event_year:1951,longitude:33.21666667,latitude:.3,species_id:184713,taxonomicnotes:"The Afrotropical genus Ceratophallus consists of 12 small planorbid snails, most of which are restricted to rift lakes (Brown 1994). The generic position of three of these Ceratophallus species remains uncertain. The highest species diversity is found in the Victoria Basin and Lake Victoria proper. In addition to four species that are endemic to the lake and lake shore, namely C. kisumiensis, C. subtilis, C. concavus and C. crassus, the widespread C. natalensis and C. kigeziensis also occur in the Lake Victoria basin.",rationale:"This species has only been found in Hippo Bay near Entebbe and in one locality in Buvuma Channel by C. Cridland in 1950 and described by Mandahl-Barth (1954). This species has never been found since and it may be extinct around Hippo Bay (D. Van Damme pers. comm. 2016). There are one or two locations depending on the status of the species in Hippo Bay. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 1,500-3,500 km² and its area of occupancy (AOO) is 20-40 km² (ranges depending on status in Hippo Bay) at the northeastern shore of Lake Victoria (Uganda), which presently is heavily urbanised and polluted. These disturbances are ongoing and increasing. An estimate of the population reduction over the last 10 years cannot be provided since the subpopulations may have already crashed in previous decades (i.e. between 1990 and 2000 when pollution and habitat degradation started to affect significantly the heavily populated northern region of Lake Victoria). Considering the restricted range, the degrading environment and the fact that it has not been recollected during the last 65 years, this species is assessed as Endangered. A systematic survey of the Victorian malacofauna is required.",geographicrange:"This species is only known from the northern part of Lake Victoria in Uganda; at Hippo Bay and Buvuma Channel down to nine metres depth (Brown 1994). It was described by Mandahl-Barth in 1954 and has not been recorded since.",population:"It is mentioned by Cridland (in Mandahl-Barth 1954) to occur in 'great numbers' at Hippo Bay. It may now be extinct in this area (D. Van Damme pers. comm. 2016).",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"It is found in northern Lake Victoria from shallow waters to a depth of nine metres (Mandahl-Barth 1954).",threats:[{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation measures have been implemented.",usetrade:"This species is not used.",taxonid:184713,scientific_name:"Afrogyrorbis crassus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"HYGROPHILA",family:"PLANORBIDAE",genus:"Afrogyrorbis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Mandahl-Barth, 1954)",published_year:2017,assessment_date:"2016-02-09",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(i,ii,iii)+2ab(i,ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Van Damme, D. & Lange, C.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"20-40",eoo_km2:"1500-3500",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Point locality records for this species were recently compiled by D. Van Damme. As a result of these records, there has been a slight extension to the previously published distribution range for this species. These point locality records are also now displayed on the distribution map.",countries:[{code:"UG",country:"Uganda",presence:"Possibly Extinct",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Possibly Extinct"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2016",assess_year:"2016",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2010",assess_year:"2004",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"118039625",assessment_id:118039774,id_no:118039625,sci_name:"Farlowella venezuelensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Echevarría, G.",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:"Caripe river, near Caripito",island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"MBUCV",basisofrec:" ",event_year:1949,longitude:-63.12799835,latitude:10.13799953,species_id:118039625,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The distribution of this species faces intense pressure for urban and industrial development. Both the extent of occurrence (EOO: 4,484 km2) and area of occupancy (AOO: 28 km2) are small, with the presence of two threat-based locations. The rivers integrity has been affected by pollution from oil spills. This, together with deforestation for the settlement of farms, is deteriorating the habitat quality of this species. Therefore, it is assessed as Endangered. More research efforts are needed to identify the effects of the pollution of rivers on the species and to assess the accuracy of its AOO.",geographicrange:"This species occurs in the drainage of the Golfo de Paria. It is present in the rivers Guarapiche, Cocoyal, Quiriquire, Punceres and Colorado.",population:"There are no data available to estimate the population size.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is present in rivers, streams and creeks in the foothills of the Guarapiche-San Juan Rivers, characterised by bottoms with cobble and rocks and clear waters. The riparian vegetation is represented by wet forests (Retzer and Page 1996).",threats:[{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.1",title:"Oil spills",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Approximately 15% of its distribution occurs within El Guácharo National Park. However, most of the population occurs in highly degraded areas. This species would benefit from habitat restoration and better information on distribution, abundance, population trend and threats.",usetrade:"It is unknown if this species is traded in the ornamental fish market.",taxonid:118039625,scientific_name:"Farlowella venezuelensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LORICARIIDAE",genus:"Farlowella",main_common_name:null,authority:"Martín Salazar, 1964",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2017-05-24",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Echevarría, G.",reviewer:"Reis, R. & Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:"28",eoo_km2:"4484",elevation_upper:500,elevation_lower:20,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VE",country:"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2017",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"83306480",assessment_id:83379329,id_no:83306480,sci_name:"Procordulia irregularis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Marinov",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN SSC Odonata Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:" ",event_year:1972,longitude:177.684572,latitude:-17.786514,species_id:83306480,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Procordulia irregularis is endemic to Fiji where for the moment it has been reported from Viti Levu and Vanua Levu islands. Taxonomic validation is needed for populations outside Viti Levu. The populations within the presently known range are believed to be stable, although habitat destruction and pollution of streams are considered a present and future threat. There is no more detailed information available on threats and no conservation measures are in place for the species at the moment. The species is assessed as Near Threatened based on its relatively small extent of occurrence (it is plausible that EOO is less than 20,000 km²) and its inferred dependence on forested streams in high mountain areas, which may be susceptible to deforestation.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Fiji where it is reported from Viti Levu and Vanua Levu islands (Marinov and Waqa-Sakiti 2013). Populations outside Viti Levu have to be validated because they may represent an undescribed species (Marinov per. comm).",population:"This species has been recorded in several studies including unpublished records. The population is believed to be stable.",populationtrend:"stable",habitat:"This species inhabits montane streams. Males commonly patrol in-stream pools or tiny trickles with slow flight just above the water surface. They stop to hover close to the shore facing the bank vegetation. Females have been observed ovipositing in similar habitats.",threats:[{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation measures in place for this species. More information is required about taxonomic position of populations outsite Viti Levu Island. Population investigations (size, trend, habitat preferences, threats) are encouraged too.",usetrade:null,taxonid:83306480,scientific_name:"Procordulia irregularis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CORDULIIDAE",genus:"Procordulia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Martin, 1907",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-03-13",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Stable",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Marinov, M.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"14140-36562",elevation_upper:914,elevation_lower:76,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"FJ",country:"Fiji",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"3.6",habitat:"Shrubland - Subtropical/Tropical Moist",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"199468",assessment_id:150839499,id_no:199468,sci_name:"Monopterus desilvai",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Sampath de A Goonatilake",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:"Sri Lanka",tax_comm:null,source:"API0065",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2e3,longitude:79.966333,latitude:6.743056,species_id:199468,taxonomicnotes:"In 1998, it was described by using single specimen collected in 1976 from Marawila (Bailey and Gans 1998).",rationale:"Monopterus desilvai is a range-restricted freshwater fish species endemic to Sri Lanka, where it is known only from Marawila and Bolgoda swamps along the western and northwestern coastal lowland in the Bolgoda River Basin. Its estimated Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is around 77 km2 and Area of Occupancy (AOO) is 12 km2. A continuing decline in its habitat quality has been observed due to accumulation of agrochemicals used in the surrounding paddy fields, urban run-off and overfishing. These threats are likely to continue as the area is undergoing agricultural expansion and there is no current protection for its habitat. Therefore the species is assessed as Critically Endangered.The species is protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance No. 2 of 1937 (amended in 2009 by Act No. 22).
",usetrade:"The larger specimens are known to be consumed as food by local villagers (Goonatilake 2000).",taxonid:199468,scientific_name:"Monopterus desilvai",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SYNBRANCHIFORMES",family:"SYNBRANCHIDAE",genus:"Monopterus",main_common_name:"Desilvai's Blind Eel",authority:"Bailey & Gans, 1998",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-08-07",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"de Alwis Goonatilake, S., Kotagama, O. & Fernado, M.",reviewer:"Maiz-Tome, L. & Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"12.000",eoo_km2:"76.994",elevation_upper:7,elevation_lower:7,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"12726",assessment_id:117405689,id_no:12726,sci_name:"Malpulutta kretseri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Malka Fernando",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:"Sri Lanka",tax_comm:null,source:"CHE00116",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2016,longitude:80.333333,latitude:6.1,species_id:12726,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Malpulutta kretseri is an endemic range-restricted species, known from five locations in the southwestern lowland wetzone of Sri Lanka. Its estimated Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is around 5045 km2 and Area of Occupancy (AOO) is 96 km2. Habitat loss and degradation has been observed as a result of increased sedimentation caused by deforestation, accumulation of agrochemicals, gem mining and construction of small-scale dams for irrigation. These threats are likely to continue as the area is undergoing agricultural expansion and development and there is no current protection for most of its habitat. The species is therefore assessed as Endangered.",geographicrange:"This freshwater fish species is endemic to Sri Lanka. It occurs in Kelani, Kalutara, Bentota, and Nilwala river basins in the lowland wet zone (Senanayake 1980, Pethiyagoda 1991, De Silva et al. 2015). Historically, it was also known to occur in the western-intermediate zone in Deduru Oya basin (Deraniyagala 1952). An introduced population was recorded in the Kotugoda Attanagalu basin, but its present status is unknown (Pethiyagoda 1991).",population:"A study by Ranaweera et al. (2014) found the presence of M. kretseri in only five historical sites: the Kelani, Kalu, Gin and Bentota river basins. However, what was most concerning was the low number of individuals in the populations; which was as low as only 2 -5 individuals at each site.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Restricted to forested areas and small, shallow, slow flowing silted streams with leaf debris and thick marginal vegetation. Stays close to the substrate and is very seldom found in un-shaded waters. Typical habitats have plenty of aquatic vegetation and roots of marginal vegetation. It is an omnivore feeding mainly on zooplankton and insects (Pethiyagoda, 1991, De Silva et al. 2015, Senanayake 1980).
",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Steps have been taken to minimize the exploitation of this species for the purpose of international trade. This has been achieved via the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Act No. 02 of 1996 bans the export of this fish for aquarium trade purposes.",usetrade:"A trade ban has been implemented by the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Act No. 02 of 1996. However, this species remains to be a very attractive ornamental fish. Ex-situ breeding experiments for commercial purposes have had positive outcomes (Gunasekara 2011).",taxonid:12726,scientific_name:"Malpulutta kretseri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"OSPHRONEMIDAE",genus:"Malpulutta",main_common_name:"Ornate Paradisefish",authority:"Deraniyagala, 1937",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-08-07",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Kotagama, O., de Alwis Goonatilake, S. & Fernado, M.",reviewer:"Maiz-Tome, L. & Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"96.000",eoo_km2:"5045.355",elevation_upper:117,elevation_lower:86,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"LR/cd",category:"Lower Risk/conservation dependent"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"149114795",assessment_id:149122026,id_no:149114795,sci_name:"Hyphessobrycon savagei",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2019 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.ijaffy",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-84.33,latitude:9.52,species_id:149114795,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"
This species is restricted to the Tusubres, Pirris, and Terraba River basins on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Extent of Occurrence is estimated to be 6,530 km2 and it is likely that this species occurs at less than 10 locations. Existing threats include habitat degradation associated with land use changes, urban pollution, and agricultural runoff. While there is currently no indication of major population decline resulting from these potential threats, they continue to produce inferred declines in habitat quality and potentially availability. Therefore, H. savagei is assessed as Vulnerable. Additional research regarding the scope and magnitude of existing threats would be useful in guiding future conservation outcomes.
",geographicrange:"Hyphessobrycon savagei is endemic to the Pacific slope of Costa Rica, where it is distributed within the Tusubres, Pirris, and Terraba River basins (Angulo et al. 2013, Angulo et al. 2015, Ota 2018) southward to Quebrada Negra. Elevation ranges from 0-70 meters above sea level (Angulo et al. 2013).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 6,530 km2, based on available georeferenced point localities (GBIF 2019). Given inclusion within two protected areas (Monfredi 2012, Füreder et al. 2014), but demonstrated and pervasive threats throughout this species range including deforestation and land conversion, this species is inferred to occur in 3-10 locations.
",population:"Total population size and population trend are unknown. This species was common at lower and intermediate reaches in Corcovado National Park (Constantz and Bussing 1981, Monfredi 2012). Pichler and Schiemer (2008) report only one individual collected during the rainy season. Anecdotally reported as uncommon in the southwestern portion of Costa Rica (Bussing 1998).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in creeks and near river shorelines from stagnant conditions to high water velocities between 24 and 30 °C. Diet is primarily comprised of terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates (Bussing 1998). This species may play a role in riparian seed dispersal (Horn et al. 2011). Maximum reported size is 5.0 cm total length (TL) (Bussing 1998).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"No/Negligible Impact: 0",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"No/Negligible Impact: 0",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species is known from multiple protected areas, including Piedra Blanca and Corcovado National Parks (Monfredi 2012, Füreder et al. 2014, IUCN and UNEP 2019). More information regarding the impact of potential threats would be useful in guiding future conservation actions.
",usetrade:"This species is relatively common in the ornamental aquarium trade.
",taxonid:149114795,scientific_name:"Hyphessobrycon savagei",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Hyphessobrycon",main_common_name:"Sardina de Savage",authority:"Bussing, 1967",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-04-10",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J. & Angulo, A.",reviewer:"Armbruster, J.W.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"6530",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"169389308",assessment_id:169389319,id_no:169389308,sci_name:"Glyptothorax naziri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Zoo Outreach Organization (ZOO)",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:70.534,latitude:33.042,species_id:169389308,taxonomicnotes:"This species is currently considered a synonym of Glyptothorax kashmirensis Hora, 1923 by Javed et al. (2013) and followed by Fricke et al. (2020). However, as per the information provided by taxonomic experts (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020) at the Pakistan Red List Assessment Meeting (February 2020), G. naziri is a valid endemic species of Pakistan.",rationale:"Glyptothorax naziri is widely distributed in many rivers of Pakistan. Due to planned hydro-power projects, the population is suspected to decline by 20-25% in the next 10 years. Therefore, this species is assessed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"Glyptothorax naziri is endemic to Pakistan where it is found in Neelam, Jhelum and Siran rivers, in lower Swat, Kabul, Kohar Toi, and Haro rivers and in lower Kurram (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020).",population:"The species is quite common in all the rivers at present, but due to planned hydro-power projects, the population is suspected to decline by 20-25% in the next 10 years (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020).",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"It is a fish of cold to cool waters with stony, gravely beds. It prefers shallow waters of riffle areas of rivers and streams. It is carnivorous (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020).",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The species is not protected under any law.",usetrade:"The species is not in use.",taxonid:169389308,scientific_name:"Glyptothorax naziri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"SISORIDAE",genus:"Glyptothorax",main_common_name:null,authority:"Mirza & Naik, 1969",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-02-29",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rafique, M.",reviewer:"Molur, S. & Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:1e3,elevation_lower:500,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PK",country:"Pakistan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"176402183",assessment_id:176402187,id_no:176402183,sci_name:"Xyliphius barbatus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Hector S. Vera-Alcaraz",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Carvalho et al. 2017",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:-60.641644,latitude:-32.933314,species_id:176402183,taxonomicnotes:"Xyliphius lombarderoi Risso & Risso, 1964 was described based in a specimen from Barranqueras, Provincia Chaco in Argentina and was treated as a valid taxon in Friel (2003). According to Calviño and Castello (2008) the single specimen is lost and probably the taxon should be treated as a junior synonym of Xyliphius barbatus Alonso de Arámburu & Arámburu, 1962. This supposition was later confirmed by Carvalho et al. (2017) who stated that despite of not analyzing the lost specimen, the variation reported in the original description fall inside the variation they observed under Xyliphius barbatus, making the formal synonymity.",rationale:"This species has been confirmed to occur in the Paraguay-Paraná River basin in Argentina and Paraguay. Records from Uruguay require confirmation. The best estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) is between 48 km2 and 1,999 km2. Canalization of rivers for commercial boat passing (hydrovia Paraguay-Paraná) is the most serious plausible threat. There are two locations based on this threat. At present, it is unknown as to whether this is causing continuing declines. Therefore, this species is assessed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species has been reported from the Paraguay-Paraná River basin in Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay (Fricke et al. 2020). Records from the Paraguay River and Paraná River range from Asunción (Paraguay) to Rosario (Argentina) (Arámburu and Arámburu 1692, Carvalho et al. 2017). The distribution in Uruguay is listed by Loureiro et al. (2013), but with no locality provided, and therefore it is considered Presence Uncertain.",population:"Samples from museum collections are usually scarce in specimen number, reaching usually one or two, which might suggest a small population size. Research and monitoring is needed to know population composition, structure, size and trend.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This is a rare species considering its habitat preference. This species is found in the main channel of large rivers and the collection for these kind of habitats is unusual in the practice of ichthyology considering the high cost and logistic needs. The habitat was characterized as the main canal of river at about 40 m deep, without luminosity, suspended mud and sediment (Calviño and Castello 2008). Very little is known about its general ecology. Most taxa within the Aspredinidae family appear to be generalized omnivores with stomach contents of aquatic invertebrates, terrestrial insects and organic debris (Friel 2003).",threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species is considered as a conservation priority and as threatened in Uruguay, considering its small extent of occurrence in this country (Loureiro et al. 2013). There is no research, monitoring and planning known to be conducted for this species. It is important to highlight that most protected areas in the region are terrestrial, and is difficult or almost impossible that any area managed for terrestrial species could satisfy conservation actions for this species due its habitat preference in main canal of large rivers.",usetrade:"The Aspredinidae family are composed of small sized species (under 15 cm) with little or no comercial interest for food consumption, but this species might be used in the ornamental fish trade (Friel 2003).",taxonid:176402183,scientific_name:"Xyliphius barbatus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"ASPREDINIDAE",genus:"Xyliphius",main_common_name:"Banjo catfish",authority:"Alonso de Arámburu & Arámburu, 1962",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2021-01-21",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Vera-Alcaraz, H.S.",reviewer:"Lyons, T.J.",aoo_km2:"48-57276,48-1999",eoo_km2:"21366-143190",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:35,depth_lower:45,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AR",country:"Argentina",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PY",country:"Paraguay",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"176023661",assessment_id:176023671,id_no:176023661,sci_name:"Peckoltia lineola",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jonathan Armbruster",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"fishnet2.net",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2004,longitude:-66.86513,latitude:4.08042,species_id:176023661,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Peckoltia lineola is known from the upper and lower Ventuari River, but only two localities are present and only few individuals are known. The Ventuari River has been fairly well explored, but no collections have been procured from middle portions suggesting that the species may be relatively rare. The species is highly desired in the aquarium trade, and one of the main localities for the species is next to a national park that is experiencing an increase in mining. There are two locations based on threats and inferred continuing declines in habitat extent and quality, and population size. With an extent of occurrence of 6,105 km2 and area of occupancy (AOO) of 1,384 km2, the species is considered Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"Peckoltia lineola is distributed in the lower and middle Ventuari River, a large tributary of the Orinoco River in Amazonas state, Venezuela (Armbruster 2008). Anecdotal evidence suggests that it is also in the Río Iniridá, a tributary of the Guaviare River in Colombia, but this needs to be confirmed (PlanetCatfish 2020).",population:"Nothing is known about the population of P. lineola.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Specimens of P. lineola were collected from rocky riffles. Males develop elongate odontodes on the lateral plates and the upper caudal-fin unbranched ray (Armbruster 2008). Aquarium reports demonstrate that the species is a cave spawner and that the male may trap the female in the cave until eggs are laid (PlanetCatfish 2020).",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Despite several expeditions by Auburn University to the Ventuari River as well as other parts of the upper Orinoco, this species has been rarely collected. The species is valued in the pet trade, which could put pressure on it. Species of Peckoltia rarely occur in large collections, so they may just be difficult to capture in the wild. There are reports of this species in Colombia, but no scientific collections have been made. Some aquarium specimens from Venezuela are being exported through Colombia, so it is unknown if P. lineola has a greater range or if fishers are indicating specimens were collected in Colombia to avoid entanglements in Venezuela. The lower Ventuari River locations are adjacent to the Parque Nacional Yapacana, but illegal gold mining is currently ongoing in the park (Rendon et al. 2020). The distribution of this species needs to be explored to determine if conservation measures should be put in place.",usetrade:"Peckoltia lineola has been exported for the aquarium industry and is a sought-after species (PlanetCatfish 2020).",taxonid:176023661,scientific_name:"Peckoltia lineola",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LORICARIIDAE",genus:"Peckoltia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Armbruster, 2008",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-08-21",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Armbruster, J.W.",reviewer:"Provenzano-Rizzi, F.",aoo_km2:"1384",eoo_km2:"6105",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VE",country:"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"157786883",assessment_id:157787129,id_no:157786883,sci_name:"Puncturella parvinobilis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:126.89700317,latitude:27.79080009,species_id:157786883,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from two restricted locations, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 800 m to 1,600 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. The potential for anthropogenic influence at this site based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. There may already be disturbance to this species as Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) is in the process of testing of seabed mining technology for future exploitation-phase licensing. The impact of uncertainty around the decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from VU to EN, using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as the top of this range, Endangered (EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)). A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements.
",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to two locations at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. All locations lie within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Japan. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 800 m bsl to 1,600 m bsl. It has been observed from three vent fields: at the Minami-Ensei Knoll vent field (Location 1), and the Iheya North and Izena Hole vent fields (Location 2) (Okutani, 1993, Hashimoto et al. 1995, Watanabe & Kojima, 2015). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Okutani, 1993, Hashimoto et al. 1995, Watanabe and Kojima, 2015).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 800 m to 1,600 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any vent fields within the Japan EEZ. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along West Pacific Ocean ridges.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157786883,scientific_name:"Puncturella parvinobilis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"LEPETELLIDA",family:"FISSURELLIDAE",genus:"Puncturella",main_common_name:null,authority:"Okutani, Fujikura & Sasaki, 1993",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-11-28",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"2748.134",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:800,depth_lower:1600,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"JP",country:"Japan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"150123724",assessment_id:152306171,id_no:150123724,sci_name:"Chortiheros wesseli",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.0px3z9",basisofrec:"PRESERVED_SPECIMEN",event_year:0,longitude:-86.510867,latitude:15.738898,species_id:150123724,taxonomicnotes:"Říčan et al. (2016) moved this species from the genus Theraps into genus Chortiheros based partly on uncertainty in the original placement of this species discussed by Miller (1996) in its original description.
",rationale:"Chortiheros wesseli is endemic to a limited number of rivers in the Papaloteca River drainage on the Atlantic slope of northern Honduras. Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 378 km2. It is estimated that this species exists in 8-10 locations. Total population size and population trend are unknown. The main potential threat to this species is hydroelectric dam construction, as several projects in the region are tentatively planned. Should these projects move ahead, the resulting habitat degradation will likely impact this species. Other potential threats include pollution from agriculture and industrial development. Given the limited distribution of this species, the number of locations, and projected decline in quality of habitat as a result of dam construction, this species is assessed as Vulnerable under B1ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Chortiheros wesseli is endemic to the Atlantic coast of Honduras, where it is known from a limited number of collection records taken in the Belleaire, Cangregal, and Danto rivers within the Papaloteca River drainage (Matamoros et al. 2009). The type locality of this species is the Río Belleaire at CA 13 bridge (near Entelina), 8 km south of the Río Jutiapa crossing, in the Río Papaloteca drainage (Kullander 2003).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 378 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around a limited number of georeferenced collection records (GBIF 2019). Due to the major threat of dam construction, it is estimated that this species occurs in 8-10 locations.",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The type locality of this species is characterized by a maximum width of 20 m and water velocity flowing at a rate of 1 m/sec over a substrate of boulders (45%), rocky rubble (25%), riffle and sand (25%), and silt (5%), with little to no marginal vegetation. Water clarity was excellent during the dry season and river depth was approximately 2.4-3.0 m (Miller 1996, Artigas Azas 2016).
Spawning occurs in rocky crevices and clutch sizes reported in captivity range from 300-500 eggs. Fry are guarded by females until development is complete (Woodland 2011).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation actions directed towards C. wesseli. The entire known range of this species is with the protected areas of Pico Bonito and Nombre de Dios National Parks. (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). More information on population size, population trend, and the impacts of land-use change and future dam construction on aquatic habitat quality around La Ceiba would be useful in guiding future conservation actions.",usetrade:"This species is currently held in private ornamental collections in the United States and Europe (Artigas Azas 2016). The volume of harvest from wild populations is unknown.
",taxonid:150123724,scientific_name:"Chortiheros wesseli",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Chortiheros",main_common_name:"Honduran Mojarra",authority:"(Miller, 1996)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2020-02-04",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Carrasco, J.C. & Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Matamoros, W.A. & Lardizabal, C.C.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"378",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"HN",country:"Honduras",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"139346947",assessment_id:146602080,id_no:139346947,sci_name:"Pericnemis incallida",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Needham & Gyger 1939",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:121.24154,latitude:14.16505,species_id:139346947,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Pericnemis incallida is known from five locations in north and central Luzon in the Philippines. Threats exist at all known locations and the overall population is believed to already be severely fragmented. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and with the available data is less than 500 km². The AOO will be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and disturbance of forest throughout its range. The species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly. However, this species appears to have a relatively wide distribution in Luzon and it is to be hoped that when more information becomes available re-assessment to a lower threat category might be possible.
",geographicrange:"Pericnemis incallida is known from five locations in north and central Luzon in the Philippines (Needham and Gyger 1939, Ramos and Gapud 2007, Villanueva in preparation). Records from Los Banos may actually be from Mount Makiling, a Forest Reserve and in any case the species is likely to occur within the reserve. The type series includes a male from Samar (Needham and Gyger 1939) but this now appears likely to be from a distinct species and is left out of consideration here. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it is unlikely to be large and with the available data is less than 500 km². The AOO will be declining due to loss and disturbance of forest throughout its range.
",population:"Very few individuals of this species have ever been recorded. Beyond this all that can be said with the available data is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and disturbance of forest throughout its range and that severe fragmentation is almost certain for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing appears to have been recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but it will be forest-dependent and is likely to be a phytotelmata breeder. An ongoing decline in the extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from loss and disturbance of forest throughout its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"6.1",title:"Recreational activities",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for additional data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements, ability to tolerate disturbance as well as for better protection for the existing protected area where it probably occurs. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139346947,scientific_name:"Pericnemis incallida",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Pericnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Needham & Gyger, 1939",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-06",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"24-500",eoo_km2:"32913-45577",elevation_upper:600,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"109725508",assessment_id:109725511,id_no:109725508,sci_name:"Sulawesidrobia anceps",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Sulawesi",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2003,longitude:121.384167,latitude:-2.801333,species_id:109725508,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species is endemic to the Lake Towuti (561.1 km2 ) in Sulawesi, where it has been recorded at several sites. The major threats to this species include pollution from nickel mining, eutrophication and, most critically, invasive species. The spread of invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) to Lake Towuti from Lake Mahalona is almost certain and is predicted to cause a population decline of >90% in this species within the next 10 years (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and caused the rapid loss of Sulawesidrobia populations (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017; 2018). As such this species is considered Critically Endangered under A3e.
",geographicrange:"Sulawesidrobia anceps is endemic to Lake Towuti in the Malili Lake system (Sulawesi, Indonesia). It was originally described based on several sites within the lake, including two on Loehe island (Zielske et al. 2010). In this is was noted that it was uncertain whether new Sulawesidrobia species were confined to lake habitats because other types of water bodies in Sulawesi have not been investigated. However, their occurrence in rivers and springs around the lakes is highly unlikely given their habitat specialisation.",population:"The current population trend is unknown, however an overall population decline of >90% is predicted over the next 10 years due to the spread of the invasive Flowerhorn Cichlids (Colossoma sp.) in the Malili lakes (T. von Rintelen pers. comm. 2018). This prediction is based on the impact of Flowerhorn Cichlids in Lake Matano, where they spread throughout the entire lake in under 10 years (Herder et al. 2012) and caused the rapid loss of Sulawesidrobia populations (T. von Rintelen pers. obs. 2017; 2018). Flowerhorn Cichlids have now been confirmed in the downstream Lake Mahalona (W. Darwall pers. obs. 2018) and they are assumed, therefore, to also occur in River Petea, which connects Lake Matano and Mahalona. If not already present in Lake Towuti, the Flowerhorn Cichlids will soon spread downstream to the lake, as River Tominanga connecting these two lakes is much less of a barrier than the river between Lakes Matano and Mahalona, and are predicted to cause population declines in this species similar to those seen in the Sulawesidrobia populations of Lake Matano.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is only known to occur in the freshwater Lake Towuti and is a rock dweller.
",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no known conservation actions currently in place for this species. Research into potential threats and its distribution is recommended, as it is possibly more widespread than currently known.
",usetrade:"This species is not used or traded.",taxonid:109725508,scientific_name:"Sulawesidrobia anceps",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"LITTORINIMORPHA",family:"TATEIDAE",genus:"Sulawesidrobia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Zielske, Glaubrecht & Haase, 2011",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-07-09",category:"CR",criteria:"A3e",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rintelen, T.",reviewer:"Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:"20",eoo_km2:"287",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"186641",assessment_id:1816172,id_no:186641,sci_name:"Psalidodon ojiara",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jorge Liotta",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Araya et al., 2012",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2012,longitude:-53.983333,latitude:-26.983333,species_id:186641,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Psalidodon ojiara is assessed as Near Threatened. Its distribution is restricted to the Yabotí stream basin, an affluent of the Uruguay river in Misiones province, Argentina, with an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 2,532 km2. The type locality, Benítez stream, is not protected and the environment surrounding the stream is composed of patches of various activities: tea, deforestation and small-scale livestock farming, among others. This is inferred to be causing a continuing decline in habitat quality. The two other known localities are in protected areas, and are not thought to face major threats at present. Therefore, since the majority of the range is not facing major threats, it is not possible to count locations. There are additional records that require confirmation and could expand its geographic range.",geographicrange:"Psalidodon ojiara was described from the headwaters of the Yaboti river, an affluent of the Uruguay river in the province of Misiones (Azpelicueta and García 2000). Araya et al. (2012) and Flores et al. (2015) found it again in lower reaches of the same basin. Confirmation is required about material assigned to P. ojiara collected in the Uruguay river or its tributaries in Uruguay and Brazil (GBIF 2020).",population:"There is no population estimate for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"In the basin of the Yabotí Guazú stream three sectors can be recognized (Flores et al. 2015): i) an upper basin, with courses of approximately 15 m width in low water, rocky bed and clear waters with a sequence of wells and rapid and abundant marginal vegetation characteristic of the missionary forest that promote the formation of microhabitats. The average depth is 1.61 m; the current speed is 0.41 m/s on average, varying between 0.3 and 0.5 m/s, and transparency is1.46 m; ii) a middle basin in which margins are high and steep with significant marginal vegetation development; extensive and deep backs are observed with rocky-sandy substrate. The average depth is 3.53 m; the current speed is 0.77 m/s on average, varying between 0.05 and 2.23 m/s and transparency 1.66 m; and iii) a lower basin in which the channel widens to about 25 m, and depth is variable by the development of wells and rapids, marginal vegetation is important. The average depth is 2.38 m; the current speed is 0.33 m/s on average, varying between 0.07 and 0.6m/s and transparency is 2.04 m.",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'Psalidodon ojiara has been assessed as "Rara" (Chebez et al. 2009). Two of the sites in the Yabotí stream basin are protected by the Yabotí Biosphere Reserve and one also by the Esmeralda provincial park, which functions as the core area of the former. The type locality is not protected at all, and is located in a productive area, close to the city of San Pedro, Misiones. Protection and restoration, and further research are recommended.',usetrade:"There is no use or trade information for this species.",taxonid:186641,scientific_name:"Psalidodon ojiara",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Psalidodon",main_common_name:"Mojarra",authority:"(Azpelicueta & Garcia, 2000)",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-11-25",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Liotta, J.",reviewer:"Lyons, T.J.",aoo_km2:"2532",eoo_km2:"2532",elevation_upper:550,elevation_lower:325,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AR",country:"Argentina",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"139347091",assessment_id:176852715,id_no:139347091,sci_name:"Pericnemis kiautarum",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:" ",source:"Dow et al 2018",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2016,longitude:112.2773,latitude:1.6451,species_id:139347091,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Pericnemis kiautarum is endemic to Borneo, where it is known from only three definite locations in Brunei, Sarawak and Sabah. The species may be particularly sensitive to disturbance from logging but more data are needed to confirm this. No remotely accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this phytotelmata-breeding species is possible with the available data but it may not be large; the AOO, and the extent and quality of suitable habitat, can be inferred to be declining because of loss of forest throughout its range. Taking the precautionary approach advocated by the IUCN, the species is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2; hopefully when more data are available re-assessment to a lower threat category will be possible.
",geographicrange:"Pericnemis kiautarum is endemic to Borneo, where it is known from Brunei (Dow & Ngiam 2014), Sabah (Orr & Hämäläinen 2013) and Sarawak (Dow et al. 2018). A female recorded by Dow & Ngiam (2014) as Pericnemis ?kiautarum may be this species, but this requires confirmation. Only three definite locations for the species have been recorded, all are in protected areas. No remotely accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this (probably phytotelmata-breeding) species is possible with the available data, but the AOO can be inferred to be declining because of loss of forest throughout its range.
",population:"This species is seldom encountered but this may have as much to do with its habits and habitat as genuine rarity. Beyond this all that can be said with the available data is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of forest throughout the range of the species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occurs in forest. Its breeding habitat is not known with certainty but is very likely to be phytotelmata. All records are from unlogged forest, so it may be particularly sensitive to disturbance from logging, but more data are needed to confirm this. In any event the extent and quality of suitable habitat for this species are certainly declining because of loss of and disturbance to forest throughout its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priority for this species is for more data on its distribution, breeding habitat and degree of sensitivity to disturbance from logging.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139347091,scientific_name:"Pericnemis kiautarum",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Pericnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Orr & Hämäläinen, 2013",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-12-07",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:800,elevation_lower:100,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"BN",country:"Brunei Darussalam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"176458598",assessment_id:176458626,id_no:176458598,sci_name:"Australoheros tembe",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Claudio Baigún. Florencia Brancolini",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Casciotta et al 1995",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1983,longitude:-54.117,latitude:-25.967,species_id:176458598,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species occurs in the Paraná River basin in Urugua-í stream, Misiones, Argentina. The extent of occurrence (EOO) is 16,601 km2. The main threat for this basin is water management due to the presence of a dam. There are four locations based on this threat. However, there is no current or projected continuing decline in habitat quality. Therefore, the species is assessed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:'This species is described from the Paraná River basin in Urugua-í stream, Misiones, Argentina (Casciotta et al. 1995). In this basin the species is distributed in Urugua-í stream, above Salto del Urugua-í, at Alto Paraná company fields, at Isla Palacios, at the Provincial Route 19, and at "Intercontinental fiel company", about 8 km north of ruta Provincial 18, close to Paraje Dos Hermanas and at The Tirica stream (Misiones) belonging to the Uruguay-i basin. The species belongs to the Great River ichthyological province of Argentina (Lopez et al. 2008) and inhabits the Region Humedales Misioneros of the Argentine wetlands classification (Benzaquen et al. 2017).
',population:"No quantitative information on the population size or trend is available, thus it is not possible to identify if the species is common, abundant, rare, etc. Since the species has not been identified as having economic or conservation value, no studies have been devoted to assessing its trends and status.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:'It inhabits a moderately fast-flowing stream with substrate consisting of mud, sand, sand with gravel or bedrock. Adults were collected in zones with little current, 0.5-1 m deep, and rocky or sandy bottom. However, juveniles often occur in zones 0.2-0.3m deep, with sandy bottom and macrophytes (Casciotta et al. 1995). The Tirica stream (Misiones) where it was collected presented a water temperature of 27 °C; pH 7.4; conductivity of 40 us/cm; dissolved oxygen 11 mg/l; carbonate hardness 3 ° KH; total hardness less than 3 °dGH; depth 0.8 m; length of stream 2-4 m, reddish colour, slight turbidity, no shading and almost no current (Casciotta et al. 2003).',threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.9",title:"Small dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions in place.",usetrade:"There is no use or trade information for this species.",taxonid:176458598,scientific_name:"Australoheros tembe",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Australoheros",main_common_name:"Chanchito",authority:"(Casciotta, Gómez & Toresanni, 1995)",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-11-01",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Baigun, C., Brancolini, F. & Minotti, P.",reviewer:"Lyons, T.J.",aoo_km2:"7404",eoo_km2:"16601",elevation_upper:570,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AR",country:"Argentina",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"191266",assessment_id:1974611,id_no:191266,sci_name:"Gila eremica",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. Contreras McBeath",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"T. Contreras McBeath 2014",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-111.13,latitude:28.03777778,species_id:191266,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Gila eremica is native to the State of Sonora, Mexico and although it is relatively widespread and with populations separate from one another, it is potentially threatened by habitat loss and this could lead to severe fragmentation. More information is required about its population trends, habitat requirements and threats to each population but it is known to be included within the boundaries of a protected area. Given the criteria for threatened close to being met in the Extent Of Occurrence (21,109 km2 ) but the lack of information detailing the extent and distribution of the threats, number of locations or population size or trend, the species is assessed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"Gila eremica is a native freshwater species known from the western tributaries of the upper Rio Yaqui, specifically the headwaters of the Sonora and Matape rivers of northwestern Sonora, Mexico (DeMarais 1991, Miller 2005). This species also occupies the Rio Moctezuma in the western based Rio Yaqui basin, with the apparent localised distribution in the sub-basins thought to reflect the watershed exchange(s) over basin floors within the region (DeMarais 1991). Varela-Romero (2001) firstly reported two new populations of Gila eremica in large spring-fed pools (tinajas) in two subtropical canyons of the Arroyo (“creek”) El Tigre sub-basin, which intermittently drains the Sierra El Aguaje in the Matape River basin, near San Carlos-Guaymas region, Sonora. These new populations are distantly isolated from other populations in the Sonora and Matape river basins (Varela-Romero 2001).",population:"There are no data on population size and population trend for Gila eremica.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This relatively small chub species selects highly localised sites, reflecting the most permanent parts of the habitat. Often found in deep undercut areas of the stream formed by cliffs, boulders or tree roots, it favours depths of one to one and a half metres. Also occurring in cienegas, the vegetation is often formed of green algae, Chara, Sigittaria and Potamogeton (Miller 2005). This species can be found in streams and rivers of moderate to no current strength, with substrates of sand, gravel, rock and mud.Euphaea sanguinea is known from the east of Cambodia and south central Viet Nam. The assessors are aware of records from 14 separate sites, but some of these are so close to one another that they only constitute a single threat-defined location in the face of almost any imaginable threat, so that we only consider nine threat-defined locations to be known. Some locations are in protected areas. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of and disturbance to forest within the range of the species. Its known extent of occurrence (EOO) is 8,719–12,345 km². The overall population will be severely fragmented and threats exist across the range of the species. The species is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B (VU B1ab(ii,iii)).
",geographicrange:"Euphaea sanguinea is known from the east of Cambodia and south central Viet Nam (Kosterin 2016 as Euphaea ochracea, Phan et al. 2018, Kompier unpub. data, Phan unpub. data). The assessors are aware of records from 14 separate sites but some of these are so close to one another that they only constitute a single threat-defined location in the face of almost any imaginable threat, therefore we only consider nine threat-defined locations to be known. Some locations are in protected areas, for instance Nam Ka Nature Reserve and Chu Yang Sin National Park in Viet Nam. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of and disturbance to forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 8,719 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 12,345 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
",population:"This species occurs at low densities. No other statement about current population sizes and health can be made for this species with the currently available data except that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of and disturbance to forest within the range of the species and that the overall population will already be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species is typically found at larger, open aspect forest streams with boulders in the stream bed. It is not clear how much disturbance to the forest where it occurs the species can tolerate but it is not likely to be confined to completely pristine forest. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance of this species are needed.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173705368,scientific_name:"Euphaea sanguinea",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"EUPHAEIDAE",genus:"Euphaea",main_common_name:null,authority:"Kompier & Hayashi, 2018",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-05-29",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A., Kompier, T. & Phan, Q.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"8719-12345",elevation_upper:1100,elevation_lower:100,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"KH",country:"Cambodia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"173421925",assessment_id:173421958,id_no:173421925,sci_name:"Garra simbalbaraensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Dahanukar, N.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"India: Simbalbara River, Yamuna River basin, Sirmaur District, Himachal Pradesh",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Rath et al. (2019)",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2012,longitude:77.564778,latitude:30.448649,species_id:173421925,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Garra simbalbaraensis is assessed as Endangered because it is known only from one locations in Simbalbara River, Himachal Pradesh, India with an Area of Occupancy and Extent of Occurrence of less than 500 km2 and threats to its habitat due to deforestation, developmental activities and industrial pollution are causing a continuing decline in habitat quality. It is also important to note that the species is known only from its type description and further research is essential to overcome knowledge gaps in population status, trends, distribution, ecology and species specific threats.",geographicrange:"Garra simbalbaraensis is known only from Simbalbara River, a tributary of Yamuna River Basin in Sirmaur District, Himachal Pradesh, India (Rath et al. 2019). The species is present from a single location where the habitat is threatened due to deforestation, developmental activities and industrial pollution (Sivakumar et al. 2010, Kamaldeep et al. 2011).",population:"There is no information regarding population status and trends for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The type series of Garra simbalbaraensis was collected from the main river channel. The quality of the habitat is deteriorating because of deforestation for developmental activities and disposal of untreated industrial effluents (Sivakumar et al. 2010, Kamaldeep et al. 2011).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No species specific conservation actions are in place for Garra simbalbaraensis. The species is also not known from any protected area. Since the speceis is known only from a single location site, area, habitat and resource protection are necessary conservation actions. Research is essential to overcome knowledge gaps in population status, trends, distribution, ecology and species specific threats. Monitoring of population and habitat trends is recommended.",usetrade:"There is no information on use and trade of this species.",taxonid:173421925,scientific_name:"Garra simbalbaraensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"CYPRINIDAE",genus:"Garra",main_common_name:null,authority:"Rath, Shangningam & Kosygin, 2019",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2021-01-02",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Dahanukar, N.",reviewer:"Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"464",eoo_km2:"464",elevation_upper:403,elevation_lower:403,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"IN",country:"India",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2021",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"189541557",assessment_id:195997340,id_no:189541557,sci_name:"Aenetus tindalei",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Richard Glatz",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"National Environmental Science Program (NESP)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Cherry Gardens SA 5157, Australia",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2019,longitude:138.675048,latitude:-35.084793,species_id:189541557,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is listed as Vulnerable based on an inferred decline of between 30-49% as a result of the 2019-2020 bushfire season, a recurring threat that has not ceased and is likely to increase in future. This is considered to be leading to a continuing decline in the extent and quality of the species' habitat and in the number of mature individuals. The species also has an extent of occurrence below 5,500 km2 defined by this threat and is considered to occur at two locations (Kangaroo Island and the Mount Lofty Ranges) defined by widespread threats mainly from fire and drought.",geographicrange:"This species was originally only known from Kangaroo Island in the state of South Australia. Since 2018, it has been reported from multiple localities in the Mount Lofty Ranges on the South Australian mainland (Simonsen 2018, Beaver 2019).",population:"It is a moderately common species where it occurs (though adults are more rarely observed than larvae) but numbers may fluctuate seasonally. Larvae are estimated to have a 2-4 year life span. Subpopulations in Vivonne Bay and in the west of Kangaroo Island were impacted by the fires of 2019-2020 and larval mortality was presumably high as they occur above ground and rely on live trees. It is estimated that 60-70% of the habitat was impacted by fires (E. Beaver unpubl. data). Presuming mortality of at least 30% in even low-intensity fire - and possibly more than 90% in high-intensity fire - and that the species occurs throughout the impacted area, this corresponds to a global decline from this single event probably in excess of 20%, and potentially as high as 63%. An actual decline of between 30 and 49% is considered plausible.This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at a depth of 1,026 m bsl. As the species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted AOO and EOO, and has been found at one location, the plausible threat of future anthropogenic influence from deep-sea mining in these sites justifies the assessment of the species as Vulnerable (VU D2). Whilst no licences have been granted within the New Zealand EEZ to date, if mining were to be approved, the projected decline in the extent and quality of habitat would lead to a rapid decline in species population. Therefore, an urgent reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements or if there are future changes to the prices of relevant commodities, whereby the assessment would increase to Critically Endangered (CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)). A reassessment would also be merited if a moratorium on deep-sea mining is reached by the New Zealand Government, whereby the assessment would likely decrease to Near Threatened or Least Concern.
",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to one location at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. This location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with biologically and geologically coherent identity. Any vent fields within this location therefore also have common exposure to relevant potential threats. This location lies just outside the Exclusive Economic Zone of New Zealand. The species is currently known from one vent field with active black smokers and diffuse venting located at a depth of 1,026 m bsl, namely the Monowai Caldera vent field on the Kermadec Arc (Fraussen et al. 2016). This species is present over a small area at this vent field.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Fraussen et al. 2016).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at a depth of 1,026 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any vent fields within the New Zealand EEZ. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along West Pacific Ocean ridges.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:195278682,scientific_name:"Enigmaticolus marshalli",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"NEOGASTROPODA",family:"BUCCINIDAE",genus:"Enigmaticolus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Fraussen & Stahlschmidt, 2016",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-17",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:1026,depth_lower:1026,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"NZ",country:"New Zealand",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"173832350",assessment_id:173832355,id_no:173832350,sci_name:"Hypsolebias shibattai",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Nielsen et al. 2014",basisofrec:null,event_year:2013,longitude:-43.2875,latitude:-13.35444444,species_id:173832350,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Hypsolebias shibattai is known only from its type locality, a temporary pool beside highway BR-430 at Bom Jeus da Lapa in the São Francisco River basin, Bahia state, Brazil. Area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, and this species is inferred from a single location. The primary threat to this species is ongoing agricultural activity which continues to degrade existing habitat. Habitat modification in 2013 has ceased, but has likely produced a lasting impact on habitat quality. Future habitat modification and ongoing agricultural activities are likely to result in the complete destruction of the type locality if these threats are not mitigated. Therefore, H. shibattai is assessed as Critically Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Hypsolebias shibattai is known only from its type locality, a temporary pool beside highway BR-430 at Bom Jeus da Lapa in the São Francisco River basin, Bahia state, Brazil (Nielsen et al. 2014, Silva et al. 2020).
Area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, based on a single 2x2 km grid overlain on top of the type locality. This species is inferred from a single location, as ongoing agricultural activities and past habitat modification continue to impact the habitat quality of the type locality in its entirety (Nielsen et al. 2014).
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. This species is known from a total of 11 individuals that belong to the original type series collected in 2013 (Nielsen et al. 2014).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The type locality of this species is an annual pool in the Brazilian Caatinga biome, located about 18 km southeast of the city of Bom Jesus da Lapa (Nielsen et al. 2014). The pool is characterized by slightly turbid and acidic water, depths that range from 0.8-1.2 m in depth, substrates of clay and sand, and dense submerged aquatic vegetation comprised of Utricularia and Nymphaea (Nielsen et al. 2014). Males exhibit an elaborate courtship display and eggs are laid in the substrate, which is fertilized externally (Nielsen et al. 2014).",threats:[{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.1",title:"Small-holder plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.3",title:"Other ecosystem modifications",timing:"Past, Likely to Return",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Past Impact",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards H. shibattai. The type locality is located on a private farm (Nielsen et al. 2014). Site protection is an immediate conservation priority. Ex-situ propagation and benign introduction may be warranted conservation priorities if habitat quality or availability is further reduced at the type locality as a result of persisting agricultural activity or habitat modification.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:173832350,scientific_name:"Hypsolebias shibattai",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Hypsolebias",main_common_name:null,authority:"Nielsen, Martins, Araujo & Suzart, 2014",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-01-04",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Costa, W.J.E.M.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:.8000000119209291,depth_lower:1.20000004768372,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"163516",assessment_id:170706858,id_no:163516,sci_name:"Ceylonosticta walli",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2014)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.1663,latitude:6.8635,species_id:163516,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Ceylonosticta walli is endemic to Sri Lanka, where it occurs mainly in the northern parts of the central hills. Nearly 50 individual sites have been recorded for the species, but many of these are close together so that they constitute a considerably smaller number of single threat-defined (taking deforestation as the main threat) locations. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is smaller than 500 km² and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 1,348–3,471 km². The overall population is already severely fragmented. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)).
',geographicrange:'Ceylonosticta walli is endemic to Sri Lanka (Bedjanič et al. 2014, 2016; Sumanapala 2017, unpub. data), where it occurs “in the sub-montane zone and lower-montane areas, mainly in the northern parts of the central hills.” Sumanapala (2017: 90). Nearly 50 individual sites have been recorded for the species, but many of these are close together so that they constitute a considerably smaller number of threat-defined (taking deforestation as the main threat) locations. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, but it is certainly below 500 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 1,348 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 3,471 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
',population:"This species is not common. Isolated western records in the lowlands around Tunmodera and Labugama have not been confirmed in last 50 years. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest and other threats within the range of the species and the overall population will already be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:'This species is "found in small and shady forest streams, brooks and seeps with dense riparian vegetation and canopy cover. Adults perch on stems, twigs and leaves about up to one meter from ground” Sumanapala (2017). Additional information on the species’ habitat can be derived from Fraser (1933): “…a small colony was discovered scattered about steep rocky slopes, where the insects were hiding up in dense curtain of maidenhair fern which hung from the sides of numerous small brooklets meandering down the sides of the hills”. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range. Often encountered in the vicinity of small streams in rubber plantations within its range.
',threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended to support and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:163516,scientific_name:"Ceylonosticta walli",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Ceylonosticta",main_common_name:"Wall's Shadowdamsel",authority:"Fraser, 1931",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-07-31",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"192-500",eoo_km2:"1348-3471",elevation_upper:900,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"}]},{id:"164692174",assessment_id:164692491,id_no:164692174,sci_name:"Priapichthys puetzi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2019 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.hcnip3",basisofrec:"HUMAN_OBSERVATION",event_year:2015,longitude:-82.338903,latitude:9.192106,species_id:164692174,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Priapichthys puetzi is known from two collection localities in the Guarumo River drainage in Bocas del Toro Province, Panama. Based on limited georeferenced collection records, Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 8 km2, and the species is currently known from 1-2 locations. A number of threats exist, including banana and teak plantation agriculture, mining activities, and pollution associated with unsustainable agricultural practices. The direct impacts of these threats requires further study, but they are producing inferred continuous declines in habitat quality and potentially in habitat availability. Considering a highly restricted range, single threat-based location, and documented evidence of habitat degradation, this species is assessed as Critically Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii). Additional research regarding distribution, population size, population status, and the direct impact of threats is a recommended priority.
",geographicrange:"Priapichthys puetzi is known only from two collection localities in the Guarumo River drainage in Bocas del Toro Province, northeastern Panama (Lucinda 2003, Matamoros et al. 2015). The type locality of this species is in the Guabo River, upper Guarumo River drainage, approximately 20 km southeast of the town of Punta Peña (Lucinda 2003).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 8 km2, and the species is currently known to occur in 1-2 locations. Additional ichthyological survey may produce additional collection localities, and potentially additional locations.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The specific life history characteristics and habitat preferences of this species have not been evaluated in detail. This species reaches a maximum reported body size of 6.7 cm total length (TL) (Lucinda 2003).
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation measures directed towards P. puetzi. The type locality of this species was taken in Fortuna Forest Reserve (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019). Additional ichthyological surveys are urgently needed to determine the range extent of this species. More information regarding population size, population trend, and the direct impacts of existing threats would be useful in guiding conservation outcomes.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:164692174,scientific_name:"Priapichthys puetzi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"POECILIIDAE",genus:"Priapichthys",main_common_name:"Olomina",authority:"Meyer & Etzel, 1996",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-10-10",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"González, R. & Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Armbruster, J.W.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"8",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"122210215",assessment_id:146602030,id_no:122210215,sci_name:"Leptogomphus semperi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Laidlaw 1936",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1932,longitude:122.0831,latitude:6.6952,species_id:122210215,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Leptogomphus semperi is known from scattered records from a handful of locations on Basilan, Dinagat, Leyte, Mindanao and Samar, and possibly Luzon, in the Philippines. Threats exist at all known locations and the overall population is believed to be severely fragmented. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it may not be large and with the available data is very unlikely to be greater than 2,000 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. The species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criterion B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly. When more data are available it is to be hoped that re-assessment to a lower threat category will be possible.
",geographicrange:"Leptogomphus semperi is known from scattered records from Basilan, Dinagat, Leyte, Mindanao and Samar in the Philippines (Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen, Laidlaw 1936, the assessor also has unpublished data). The assessor is aware of records from only six locations to which it has proved possible to assign separate coordinates for mapping purposes, other records (for instance of the type specimen from Mindanao) do not have location information beyond the island on which they were collected. Hämäläinen and Müller (1997) list Luzon in the distribution of this species but the source of this record is not clear to the assessor. None of the known locations appears to be within a protected area. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but it may not be large and with the available data is very unlikely to be greater than 2,000 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",population:"This may not be an uncommon species where it occurs but it has not often been recorded. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species and severe fragmentation is very likely.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species occupies lowland forest streams but beyond this little is known. It is not known how tolerant to disturbance it is. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more information on its distribution, habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance, and for protection of areas of suitable habitat where the species occurs.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:122210215,scientific_name:"Leptogomphus semperi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Leptogomphus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Selys, 1878",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-09",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"500-2000",eoo_km2:"99356-119738",elevation_upper:600,elevation_lower:90,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"195992126",assessment_id:195997190,id_no:195992126,sci_name:"Notonomus clivinoides",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jess Marsh",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"National Environmental Science Program (NESP)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"ALA",basisofrec:null,event_year:1951,longitude:147.18,latitude:-37.02,species_id:195992126,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is listed as Critically Endangered because its extent of occurrence is less than 100 km2, it is known from only one location defined by threats from bushfires and climate change and there is a projected continuing decline in the extent and quality of the species habitat due to shrubland encroachment resulting from climate change.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Victoria, Australia, where it is known only from Whiskey Flat near Mt. Hotham and Rocky Knobs on the Bogong High Plains. These two sites are 17 km apart. Despite surveys in around 40 peaks in neighbouring areas it has not been recorded elsewhere and is expected to be endemic to this region as a similar pattern of endemism to Mt. Hotham and Bogong High Plains has been observed in other species. The known localities are at 1,650 m and 1,744 m asl.",population:"This is a very rare species in an area that has been well-surveyed. During surveys it is only occasionally detected, and at very low levels. During intense surveys only 1-2 individuals might be found, in a beetle community whose most common members may have 150 (M. Nash pers. comm. 2021). Only nine records have ever been taken: one from Whiskey Flat taken in 1951, and the remainder from Rocky Knobs.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in - and is likely restricted to - sub-alpine grassland, where it is likely to be a generalist predator. Members of this subfamily are flightless and frequently habitat specialists (Thiele 1977). Eggs are likely laid in a shallow burrow in the soil, with females attending the eggs as they develop.",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The two known localities are within Alpine National Park. Fire management practices should take account of the needs of this species, and avoid burns in autumn when mortality is likely to be highest.",usetrade:"There is no known use of or trade in this species.",taxonid:195992126,scientific_name:"Notonomus clivinoides",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"COLEOPTERA",family:"CARABIDAE",genus:"Notonomus",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Moore, 1962)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-17",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Nash, M.",reviewer:"Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"20-99",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AU",country:"Australia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"4.4",habitat:"Grassland - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"80337495",assessment_id:196183067,id_no:80337495,sci_name:"Austrarchaea mcguiganae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Phil Bowles",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"National Environmental Science Program (NESP)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"ALA",basisofrec:null,event_year:2010,longitude:149.90416,latitude:-35.56749,species_id:80337495,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is listed as Critically Endangered on the basis that, as presently understood, the species could have an extent of occurrence as low as 5 km2 and an area of occupancy of 4 km2, it occurs at a single location defined by a threat from bushfire, and the 2019-2020 fire season is inferred to have resulted in a decline of 90-95% of the population. As the frequency and intensity of annual bushfires are expected to increase the species is considered to be subject to a continuing decline in the extent and quality of its habitat and in the number of mature individuals as a result of recurring fire events. It is possible that the species is somewhat more widespread than presently known. Even if so, fire encompassed nearly all of the area between Monga and two areas where spiders possibly referable to this species occur, as well as areas of potentially suitable habitat elsewhere.",geographicrange:"This species is known with certainty only from mesic closed forest habitats in Monga National Park in New South Wales, Australia (Rix and Harvey 2011). Records from Badia State Forest and Deua National Park have been assigned to this species, but their identity requires confirmation and those from Badja exhibit levels of genetic divergence which may indicate they represent a distinct species (Rix and Harvey 2011) or a long-isolated subpopulation. Pending this confirmation, this assessment treats the species as being restricted to Monga National Park. It seems likely that this species is undersurveyed, and at least prior to the 2019-2020 bushfire season largely contiguous habitat extended almost as far south as the Victorian border, but members of this group typically have restricted distributions and poor dispersal capabilities.",population:"This species was locally common at the type locality when described, and numerous juveniles were present. There have been no post-fire surveys to clarify its current abundance, but this area was severely impacted by the 2019-2020 bushfires (97% overlap with the area encompassing the type locality and the possible records from Deua and Badja, 67% at high intensity). This ground-dwelling species has no mechanisms to evade fire, and global mortality could plausibly have corresponded to 90-95% of the population.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:'This species occurs in complex eucalypt forest with thick understorey near creeks and gullies, characterized in the description as "mesic closed forest" (Rix and Harvey 2011). There is no information on microhabitat preferences, but assassin-spiders are ground dwelling or sometimes in leaf litter suspended in vegetation.',threats:[{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species is present in Monga National Park and post-fire surveys of the type locality are needed to confirm whether the species survives here and, if so, clarify the extent of population declines. Additional surveying is urgently needed to locate additional subpopulations, and ongoing monitoring of any additional localities is needed. There is a need for taxonomic research to resolve the relationship between the Monga population and records from other areas, one or both of which are potentially conspecific.",usetrade:"There is no known use of or trade in this species.",taxonid:80337495,scientific_name:"Austrarchaea mcguiganae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"ARACHNIDA",order:"ARANEAE",family:"ARCHAEIDAE",genus:"Austrarchaea",main_common_name:null,authority:"Rix & Harvey, 2011",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-11",category:"CR",criteria:"A2c; B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Harvey, M.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Henriques, S.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"5-1500",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AU",country:"Australia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.4",habitat:"Forest - Temperate",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"176014489",assessment_id:176014508,id_no:176014489,sci_name:"Chaetostoma dorsale",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Herrera-Collazos, E.E.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"GBIF; FishNet2; FishBase; SiB Colombia; SpeciesLink; CZUT-IC; IAvH-P; ICN-MHN; IMCN; MPUJ; MCNG",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"Afluente del río Cusiana",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:-72.68,latitude:5.01,species_id:176014489,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The distribution of Chaetostoma dorsale is restricted to piedmont and mountain rivers and the Meta and Guaviare drainages, where it usually has a high abundance. Various rivers in the distribution are in a good condition, but the expansion of the agricultural and urban frontier affects several tributaries and expands throughout the region. Based on an area of occupancy (AOO) of 548 km2, 2-4 threat-based locations and a continuing decline in the habitat, this species is assessed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:'Chaetostoma dorsale is known from western piedmont and mountain rivers within the upper Guaviare and Meta drainage (Eigenmann 1922). The species reaches higher altitudes in Andean mountains. The records include rivers Ariari (Guaviare), Upía, Cusiana, Cravo Sur, Pauto, Acacías, Ariporo, Cravo Norte (Meta) (Ballen 2011, DoNascimiento et al. 2016), Arauca and Uribante (upper Apure). The species is reported in 248 sites with elevation from 160-1,500 m above sea level.Romero (1967) mentioned that of 5065 captured during a sampling year in Alto Lerma, only 84 belonged to A. barbata. The species had not been collected since 1972 (Díaz-Pardo et al. 1993). However, the recent catches report five male and three female specimens in a channel of the Sila River (Figueroa-Lucero and Ontiveros-López 2000). Because the species was described on the basis of eight specimens from Lerma, State of Mexico (Álvarez del Villar and Cortés 1964) and also that only about one hundred individuals have been captured at present, it can be considered a species with low population densities (Díaz-Pardo et al. 2016). A study published in 2011 visited all the sites where the species had been recorded until then and was not found in 98% of the sites (Pedraza-Marrón 2011). The only site where the species was found is Tiacaque (O. Dominguez-Dominguez pers. comm. 2018).
Based on the above information, this species has suffered a population reduction of over 90% in the last ten years (the species lifespan is not considered to be more than three years, so one generation is less than 3 years).
This species was found in standing water or streams with slow to moderate current; substrates of sandy silt, mud, or firm clay; depths to at least 1.3 m (Miller et al. 2005); generally with sparse vegetation (Barbour and Miller 1978). The species spawns during July (Barbour and Miller 1978).
Gynacantha musa is known from about 11 locations in Java, Bali, Flores and Lombok. Records from only four of the locations date from after the 1950s. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it might not be large and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest throughout the range of the species. If more data become available to confirm the AOO as being below 2,000 km², the species would qualify for Vulnerable status given the small number of locations. Taking a reasonable precautionary approach it is assessed as Near Threatened. It is to be hoped that re-assessment to Least Concern will be possible once more data are available for this relatively widely distributed species.
",geographicrange:"Gynacantha musa is known from Java (for instance see Lieftinck 1934, Setiyono et al. 2017), Bali (Kishi 1999), Flores (Lieftinck 1953) and Lombok (Lieftinck 1953). The assessor is aware of records from 11 specified locations. Records from only four of the locations date from after the 1950s. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it might not be large and will be declining due to loss and degradation of forest throughout the range of the species.
",population:"There is insufficient information on this species to make any statement on current population sizes and health except that some decline in overall population is likely to be occurring due to loss of forest within the range of the species, and that it is likely to be an under-recorded species.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Little has been recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but Lieftinck (1954) states that it occurs in lowland and hill forest. Lieftinck (1934: 445) recorded a male “hovering over a small leaf-bottomed pool in second growth wood” so it appears that the species is not dependent on old growth forest. It is likely that it breeds in forest pools and possibly also marshy areas in forest. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest throughout the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Fresh data on this species are needed, in particular on its exact habitat requirement, ability to tolerate disturbance and on its continued presence in parts of its range from where there are no recent records.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139064651,scientific_name:"Gynacantha musa",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"AESHNIDAE",genus:"Gynacantha",main_common_name:null,authority:"Karsch, 1892",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-13",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"2000-2500",eoo_km2:"101063-297460",elevation_upper:1e3,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ID",country:"Indonesia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.5",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"22149",assessment_id:165245684,id_no:22149,sci_name:"Trimenia wallengrenii",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Southern African Lepidoptera Conservation Assessment project",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"ASMORTON, AM_LEPI01.FDB_124",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2008,longitude:19.04619408,latitude:-33.04333496,species_id:22149,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 340 km2 and an area of occupancy (AOO) of 28 km2. It is known from five locations and there has been past loss of habitat to agriculture and an ongoing slow loss of habitat to further agricultural expansion. There is also ongoing decline in habitat quality as a result of invasion by alien plants. The taxon thus qualifies globally under the IUCN Red List criteria as Endangered under criterion B.",geographicrange:"This taxon is endemic to the Western Cape Province of South Africa, on upper slopes of the inselberg of the Piketberg mountain, and on hills between Darling in the west to Mamre, and in Stellenbosch in the east. Only subpopulations on the upper slopes of Piketberg still persist (see Williams 2016).",population:"There is no information currently available on the population size of this species. The Darling to Mamre and Stellenbosch subpopulations have been extirpated.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"It occurs on flat or sloping summits of mountains and on the western slopes of low hills in renosterveld and in open areas between rocky, montane fynbos vegetation at an altitude of 350 m to 450 m (see e.g. Williams 2016).",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"8.1.1",title:"Unspecified species",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No further plantation forestry should be allowed where this taxon presently occurs. Invasive alien vegetation needs to be removed from the mountain as it increases fire frequency and intensity. Any further agricultural development near the few remaining colonies needs to be carefully considered because of its possible deleterious effects on subpopulations.",usetrade:null,taxonid:22149,scientific_name:"Trimenia wallengrenii",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"LEPIDOPTERA",family:"LYCAENIDAE",genus:"Trimenia",main_common_name:"Wallengren's Copper",authority:"(Trimen, 1887)",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2022-02-22",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Ball, J.B. & Rautenbach, F.",reviewer:"Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"24",eoo_km2:"340",elevation_upper:450,elevation_lower:350,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ZA",country:"South Africa",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"3.8",habitat:"Shrubland - Mediterranean-type Shrubby Vegetation",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"6",habitat:"Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2022",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"R",category:"Rare"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"186344466",assessment_id:186344768,id_no:186344466,sci_name:"Heterogyrus milloti",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Eve Englefield",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Gustafson et al. 2017",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:46.95273,latitude:-22.475516,species_id:186344466,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The Malagasy Striped Whirligig (Heterogyrus milloti) is an endemic species of Madagascar, known from Ranomafana National Park, Pic d’Ivohibe Special Reserve and Andringitra National Park. Based on known localities, the extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be around 1,318 km2 and the minimum area of occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be around 24 km2. However, the species was not found in the Andringitra National Park during searches in 2006 and 2013, which suggests a decline in the population and number of the locations, as a result of zebu disturbance, fire and deforestation. Therefore, this species is assessed as Endangered. More research is needed to confirm the recent distribution of this species, and species-focused conservation efforts should be implemented.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to south-eastern Madagascar (Gustafson et al. 2017). The extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be around 1,318 km2 and the minimum area of occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be around 24 km2.",population:"The species is only known from a few localities in Upper Iantara River valley (south-east of Andringitra massif), Pic d’Ivohibe Special Reserve, and Ranomafana National Park. The type locality is known from Andringitra National Park (Viette 1991), but the species has not been found here since, despite searches in 2006 and 2013 (Gustafson et al. 2017). This suggests there is a decline in the population.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species was found within montane rainforest, in a gully with tree debris and boulders, possibly a result of past flooding. Larger pools with greater numbers of specimens were often no more than around 15 cm deep with sandy bottoms and leaf packs (Gustafson et al. 2017). Individuals have also been found in the dark areas under overhanging rocks and logs. In 2013, a specimen was found in a weakly trickling forest floor stream with pools and leaf debris, near pristine humid forest (Gustafson et al. 2017). The species has been recorded jumping downstream, potentially associated with water abundance, and this behaviour may be the result of specialisation to trickling stream habitats (Gustafson et al. 2017).",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"This species is known to occur in Ranomafana National Park, which should offer reasonable protection to the species. In Pic d’Ivohibe Special Reserve, the species was found in intact near pristine forest and so is also reasonably protected (Gustafson et al. 2017). However, further research is required to establish whether the species still occurs in Andringitra, and if this is the case, the area would require increased threat mitigation. In addition, more information on the population, habitat, and ecology would be beneficial to guide species-specific conservation action. Gustafson et al. (2017) suggest the use of this species as a flagship species for freshwater conservation.",usetrade:"This species is not known to be used or traded.",taxonid:186344466,scientific_name:"Heterogyrus milloti",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"COLEOPTERA",family:"GYRINIDAE",genus:"Heterogyrus",main_common_name:"Malagasy Striped Whirligig",authority:"Legros 1953",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-11-01",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Englefield, E.",reviewer:"Gerlach, J.",aoo_km2:"24",eoo_km2:"1318",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MG",country:"Madagascar",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"157857564",assessment_id:192734726,id_no:157857564,sci_name:"Thyasira southwardae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-44.97850037,latitude:14.75199986,species_id:157857564,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine bivalve is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the Atlantic Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive and restricted habitat of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at a depth of 3,038 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. The potential for anthropogenic influence at this site based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. There may already be disturbance to this species as ISA exploration-phase licences allow some extraction of mineral deposits to determine their composition and testing of seabed mining technology for future exploitation-phase licensing. The impact of uncertainty around the decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from VU to CR, using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and presence at a single location and therefore assessed the species as the top of this range, Critically Endangered B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii).Green (1948) correctly asserted that “the generic designations for Lucidota species (atra, punctata, and luteicollis) cannot be determined until the generic types have been properly tabulated.” The original description of species ‘luteicollis’ was published by LeConte in 1878 who placed it directly into the genus Lucidota. Subsequently, Henshaw (1882) moved the species to Pyropyga. Green (1948) returned the species to Lucidota in order to maintain Pyropyga as a homogeneous collection of species. Lucidota was, at that time, and continues to be at present, a heterogeneous collection of unrelated species that unreconciled types could be set aside in. Poole et al. (1966) listed the species as “Pyropyga luteicollis LeConte 1878 (Lucidota)” which suggests that they didn’t know of Green’s revision. This reversion to Pyropyga has been ignored by subsequent authors and should not be considered as a formal re-reversion of the species’ taxonomy.
Currently, Lucidota luteicollis stands fully vested as the nomen for LeConte’s type; however, the type of the genus is the South American species banoni, and luteicollis is very likely not congeneric with it. The species will certainly be designated as a new genus if a modern author takes up the species problem and removes it from Lucidota sensu lato. Lucidota is long due a full revision, and when this eventually happens, downsizing will also remove it to a new genus.
",rationale:"Lucidota luteicollis is a diurnal firefly endemic to Florida, USA. This species occurs on dry ridges in scrub, sandhill, and pine savannah habitats. Females are subterranean, flightless, and very cryptic, and little is known about the species’ population size, trends, or abundance. Records for the species are sparse and seem to be focused on the Archbold Biological Station in Highlands County, with several records reported within the last 10 years. This species is known from four extant localities and has an estimated extent of occurrence of 13,035 km2. It is possible that it occurs in more localities but has been overlooked due to its cryptic life cycle. Threats to this species include habitat loss, climate change associated drought, and trampling of flightless females. The habitats upon which this species depends, including sandhill scrub and longleaf pine savannas, are highly imperilled, with estimated losses ranging up to 80-90% of original habitat. The species is known from a single location if we take into account the wide reaching effects of drought in central Florida. However, there could be as many as four locations based on known extant localities, each of which may be subject to localized threats such as development or trampling. Due to the limited number of extant localities, the low number of locations, and the past and ongoing loss of habitat due to urbanization and other threats, this species is categorized as Vulnerable under B1ab(iii).",geographicrange:"Lucidota luteicollis is endemic to Florida, USA (Lloyd 2003). It was originally described from two male specimens from Sumter County and is now reported from Orange, Marion, Highlands, and Citrus Counties (LeConte 1878). J. Cicero (pers. obs.) has not seen the species since 2008, despite searching for it for several years. However, several recent records have been reported from Archbold Biological Station, Crystal River, Ocala National Forest, and Highlands Hammock State Park (FPS 2018, BugGuide 2020).
",population:"Information on the size, trends, and status of this species’ population is not available.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This day active (diurnal) firefly occurs in very dry habitats in Florida’s scrub, sandhill, and longleaf pine savannah habitats, although special adaptations for these habitats remain relatively unknown (Arnett et al. 2002, BugGuide 2020). This species appears to be confined to upland ridges, including Brooksville Ridge, Mount Dora Ridge, and Lake Wales Ridge (Deyrup 1990).
Like females of the related species L. atra, L. luteicollis females are also likely to attract males by releasing pheromones (Lloyd 2018). Unlike other Lucidota species, females of L. luteicollis are flightless (Cicero 1988) and subterranean. Females may avoid coming above ground even to mate (Wing 1988), and may mate with males through the sand (Wing 1988, Lall and Lloyd 1989, Lloyd 2018). Although LeConte (1878) states that both males and females are without phosphorescent organs, the flying adult males do retain their larval bioluminescent light organ, which glows and may help females locate males in dark or shady microhabitats (Lall and Lloyd 1989, Lloyd 2018). Lucidota larvae can be found within and under decaying logs, in leaf litter (especially pine), and near or below the soil surface (Lewis 2016, Lloyd 2018). They feed on snails, worms, and other soft-bodied insects (Lewis 2016). The nearly grown larvae or pupae become inactive during winter, then metamorphose into adults in early to mid summer.
No conservation actions are currently in place for this species, although it does occur within protected areas, with the majority of records located in Florida State Parks, National Forests, and a research station. More information is needed on this species’ life history, distribution, and population status in order to determine the most appropriate conservation actions. Survey efforts are probably not sufficient, particularly given the cryptic nature of the adult females. Taxonomic work would be helpful in identifying this species’ true relationship to other fireflies, including other Lucidota species.
",usetrade:"There are no known uses of this taxon for trade, research, or entomo-tourism.",taxonid:164015739,scientific_name:"Lucidota luteicollis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"COLEOPTERA",family:"LAMPYRIDAE",genus:"Lucidota",main_common_name:"Florida Scrub Dark Firefly",authority:"LeConte, 1878",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-12-01",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Fallon, C. & Cicero, J.",reviewer:"Lewis, S.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"13035",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"US",country:"United States of America",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"2.1",habitat:"Savanna - Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"3.5",habitat:"Shrubland - Subtropical/Tropical Dry",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"150106660",assessment_id:150107042,id_no:150106660,sci_name:"Amatitlania kanna",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. Lyons",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2019 https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.gpzzbo, Arturo Angulo 2019",basisofrec:"FIELD_OBSERVATION",event_year:2001,longitude:-83.04715639,latitude:9.71313714,species_id:150106660,taxonomicnotes:"Although this species is currently considered valid (Eschmeyer et al. 2019), recent genetic analysis suggests that species-level status may not be warranted. Any taxonomic changes in this regard would like cause a non-genuine increase in Extent of Occurrence (EOO), which may warrant reassessment.",rationale:"This species is limited to a few drainages on the Atlantic slope of southeastern Costa Rica and western Panama. While this species is known from a limited number of collection records, Extent of Occurrence is not expected to exceed 5,000 km2. Land-use changes in the Sixaola River drainage have had documented impacts on the area, extent, and quality of available habitat. Additionally, continuous fish kills resulting from pesticide pollution have been reported. As such, this species is assessed as Endangered (EN) under criterion B1ab(iii,v). More research is needed to reduce uncertainties in distribution, population status, biology and ecology, and magnitude of threats.",geographicrange:"Amatitlania kanna is restricted to a few drainages (Sixaola, Cañaveral and Cricamola) on the Atlantic slope of Costa Rica and Panama (Schmitter-Soto 2007, McMahan et al. 2014). In Costa Rica, it has only been reported from the Sixaola River drainage at elevations ranging from 0-65 meters above sea level (Angulo et al. 2013).
Based on a georeferenced collection records (A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019, GBIF 2019), Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 2,160 km2. Given the pervasive threat of non-point agricultural pollution, this species is suspected to occur in 3-5 locations.
The total population size of this species is unknown. Documented fish kills resulting from agricultural runoff in the Sixaola River drainage (Lorion and Kenney 2009, Polidoro and Morra 2016) suggest continuous declines in the number of mature individuals.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Freshwater; benthopelagic (Bussing 1998, Froese and Pauly 2019). Adults inhabit flowing water from small creeks and streams to the shallows of large and fast flowing rivers. This species prefers rocky habitats with tree branches and leaf litter, and finds sanctuary in the various cracks and crevices provided by this type of environment, or among roots and debris. Adults and juveniles also occur in warm (20–36°C) pools of springs and their effluents (Conkel 1993, Bussing 1998). Diet is comprised of worms, crustaceans, insects, and plant matter (Conkel 1993, Bussing 1998, A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019).
This species lays eggs on cleaned surfaces of rocks or tree branches one or two times per year (up to six, depending on water conditions) (A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019); parents incubate eggs, guard young, tend and fan embryos, and transport juveniles into newly excavated pits in the substrate (Conkel 1993, Bussing 1998, A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019). Dark cavities are preferred as nests to conceal the brood and make them less conspicuous to visual predators (Conkel 1993, Bussing 1998). Approximately 100-200 eggs are deposited and are vigorously guarded and cared for by both male and female (A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019).
Maximum reported body size is 10 cm standard length (SL) (A. Angulo pers. comm. 2019).
This species is available in the ornamental aquarium trade (most often treated as A. nigrofasciata), but the majority of traded specimens are aquacultured (Tuckett et al. 2017).
",taxonid:150106660,scientific_name:"Amatitlania kanna",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Amatitlania",main_common_name:"Mojarra",authority:"Schmitter-Soto, 2007",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-06-17",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Angulo, A. & Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"González, R. & Armbruster, J.W.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"2160",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"},{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.9",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Freshwater Springs and Oases",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"62209",assessment_id:82961225,id_no:62209,sci_name:"Cyprinodon macularius",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. Contreras McBeath",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"T. Contreras McBeath 2014",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-115.68,latitude:32.53333333,species_id:62209,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is listed as Vulnerable because the extent of occurrence may be less than 20,000 km2, area of occupancy probably does not exceed 2,000 km2, the distribution is severely fragmented, viable naturally occurring populations occur in very few locations, and the population is subject to continuing declines from ongoing threats from habitat loss/alteration in addition to effects of non-native species.",geographicrange:"Historical range included the lower Colorado and Gila river drainages, southern Arizona to southeastern California, and the Salton Sea and Laguna Salada basins, California and Mexico (Minckley and Marsh 2009). Currently this pupfish occurs in California in the Salton Sink (San Felipe Creek/San Sebastian Marsh, upper Salt Creek, and shoreline pools and irrigation drains of Salton Sea, California); El Doctor (3 localities) and Santa Clara Slough (=Cienega de Santa Clara; 2 localities), Sonora, Mexico; Laguna Salada, Baja California, Mexico; and Cerro Prieto (2 localities), Baja California, Mexico (USFWS 2010; see also Hendrickson and Varela Romero 1989, Echelle et al. 2000, Minckley and Marsh 2009). No naturally occurring populations of Cyprinodon macularius remain in Arizona (Minckley et al. 1991), but several reintroduced populations exist. The species has been introduced in areas outside the native range and several populations exist in artificial refugia.",population:"This species is represented by 4 naturally occurring metapopulations in 11 known locations (USFWS 2010). However, only one naturally occurring population (San Felipe Creek, California) is relatively secure (USFWS 2010). About 16 transplanted populations exist in the wild (all in Arizona); the number fluctuates with establishment and failure of populations (Moyle 2002). Long-term viability of these populations is uncertain (USFWS 2010).Heliogomphus walli is endemic to Sri Lanka, where it is known from many locations in the wet and intermediate zones. Some locations are within protected areas, for instance the Sinharaja Forest Reserve. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is likely smaller than 2,000 km² and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B (VU B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)).
',geographicrange:'Heliogomphus walli is endemic to Sri Lanka where it is known from many locations in the wet and intermediate zones (Bedjanič et al. 2014; Sumanapala 2017, unpub. data). Some locations are within protected areas (for example, the Sinharaja Forest Reserve). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data it will be below 2,000 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest and other threats within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 12,405 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 16,177 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
',population:"This is an at least locally common species, but an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of and disturbance to its habitats. The overall population is increasingly (severely) fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species “Inhabits shallow forest streams with a canopy cover.” Sumanapala (2017). The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:163520,scientific_name:"Heliogomphus walli",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Heliogomphus",main_common_name:"Wall's Grappletail",authority:"Fraser, 1925",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-08-01",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"500-2000",eoo_km2:"12405-16177",elevation_upper:1250,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"139545032",assessment_id:146602205,id_no:139545032,sci_name:"Sangabasis furcata",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Villanueva et al 2012",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:122.044,latitude:16.283,species_id:139545032,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Sangabasis furcata is only known from swamps in a small area in the north of Luzon in the Philippines. Only two locations are currently known and although an accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available information, based on the area within which the known locations fall and the fact that much of the habitat within that area will not be suitable, the known AOO will be less than 500km2 and the true AOO may be considerably less than this. The AOO and extent and quality of suitable habitat are all inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of lowland forest in the area where the species occurs, due to conversion for agriculture and mining activities. There are mountains apparently still with good forest cover not that far from the known locations but there may be no suitable (swamp) habitat in that area. The species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed as accordingly. It is to be hoped that when more information is available from the north of Luzon re-assessment to a lower threat category will be possible.
",geographicrange:"Sangabasis furcata is only known from a small area in the north of Luzon in the Philippines. It was described from an unspecified location in Luzon (Brauer 1868) and later recorded from Casiguran by Lieftinck (1957) based on a specimen collected in 1915. It was not recorded again until 2012 when it was found at two locations, one in the Casiguran area and the other in the same general area (Villanueva et al. 2012). The location in the Casiguran area reported by Lieftinck (1957), if it still survives, may be the same as that reported by Villanueva et al. (2012), or so close to it that they are best counted as one threat-defined location (taking clearance for agriculture as the main threat); certainly only two locations can be considered as currently known. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available information but based on the area within which the known locations fall and the fact that much of the habitat within that area will not be suitable, the known AOO will be less than 500km2 and the true AOO may be considerably less than this. The AOO is also inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of lowland forest in the area where the species occurs.
",population:"This species appears to be common where it occurs but the overall population will be constrained by the amount of suitable habitat for it and is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of lowland forest in the area where the species occurs.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"All that is known is that both locations reported in Villanueva et al. (2012) are described as swamps (presumably pockets of swamp forest or swampy margins of ponds in forest); neither location is far inland. An ongoing decline in both extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from loss and degradation of lowland forest in the area where the species occurs.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More information on the distribution of this species, and on its exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance is needed for this species. Protection of areas including some of the known locations is also required. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139545032,scientific_name:"Sangabasis furcata",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Sangabasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Brauer, 1868)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-05-13",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"20-499",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:200,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"157718687",assessment_id:157733554,id_no:157718687,sci_name:"Hyalogyra vitrinelloides",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-176.69700623,latitude:-22.53000069,species_id:157718687,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at a depth of 1,900 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. Exploratory and commercial mining licences have been granted for mining within the Tonga EEZ. The potential for anthropogenic influence at these sites based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. The impact of uncertainty around the decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species ranges from VU to CR, using the recommended risk tolerance. We have opted to take a precautionary approach based on this level of uncertainty and therefore assessed the species as Critically Endangered (CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)). A reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements, for example, if a moratorium on deep-sea mining was reached by the Government of Tonga, whereby the assessment would be likely to decrease to Least Concern.",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to one location at hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. This location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with biologically and geologically coherent identity. Any vent fields within this location therefore also have common exposure to relevant potential threats. This location lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Tonga. The species is currently known from one vent field with active black smokers and diffuse venting located at a depth of 1,900 m bsl, namely the Hine Hina vent field on the Lau Basin (Warén and Bouchet, 1993, Haszprunar et al. 2011). This species is present over a small area at this vent field.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Warén and Bouchet, 1993, Haszprunar et al. 2011).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at a depth of 1,900 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation actions currently in place at any vent fields within the Tonga EEZ. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the West Pacific Ocean ridges.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157718687,scientific_name:"Hyalogyra vitrinelloides",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"ALLOGASTROPODA",family:"HYALOGYRINIDAE",genus:"Hyalogyra",main_common_name:null,authority:"Warén & Bouchet, 1993",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-11-23",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:1900,depth_lower:1900,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"TO",country:"Tonga",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"139566082",assessment_id:146602570,id_no:139566082,sci_name:"Drepanosticta clados",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"van Tol 2005",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2003,longitude:125.39908,latitude:7.36152,species_id:139566082,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Drepanosticta clados is known only from three locations in eastern Mindanao in the Philippines. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but deforestation has been severe in the part of Mindanao where this species has been found so, if genuinely confined to this part of the island the AOO will be less than 500km2, probably considerably less and declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat since deforestation continues to take place. The species qualifies for Endangered under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly. Whilst it is to be hoped that fresh data will allow re-assessment to a lower threat category it is entirely possible that re-assessment to Critically Endangered will be required.
",geographicrange:"Drepanosticta clados is known only from eastern Mindanao in the Philippines (van Tol 2005, Villanueva & Cahilog 2013). The assessor is aware of records from three sites but it has only been possible to assign separate coordinates to two of these for mapping purposes, however the third is in the same general area (Talaingod) as one of the others. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but deforestation has been severe in the part of Mindanao where this species has been found so, if genuinely confined to this part of the island the AOO will be less than 500km2 and declining since deforestation continues to take place.
",population:"There is insufficient information to make any statement about current population sizes and health except that an ongoing decline is inferred due to loss and degradation of forest in the part of Mindanao where the species occurs and that severe fragmentation is certain for the same reason.
Nothing was recorded on the habitats and biology of this species but it will be a species of forest streams, like the others in the genus. An ongoing decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred due to loss and degradation of forest in the part of Mindanao where the species occurs.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and for the protection of the remaining forest in the part of Mindanao where it occurs. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139566082,scientific_name:"Drepanosticta clados",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Drepanosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"van Tol, 2005",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-07",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:"15-499",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"163518",assessment_id:170687536,id_no:163518,sci_name:"Paragomphus henryi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2014)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.3853,latitude:7.2974,species_id:163518,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'
Paragomphus henryi is endemic to Sri Lanka where its distribution is mostly within the wet zone. The assessors are aware of many individual sites and clusters of sites, including within protected areas. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is certainly smaller than 2,000 km² and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss of forest, pollution and other threats within the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 9,395–12,733 km². Although both the AOO and EOO are within the range for Vulnerable, the overall population is not believed to be severely fragmented and many locations are known, therefore the species does not qualify as threatened under criterion B (or under any of the other criteria). It is therefore assessed as Near Threatened (nearly meets criterion B).
',geographicrange:'Paragomphus henryi is endemic to Sri Lanka (Bedjanič et al. 2014, Sumanapala 2017 unpub. data), its distribution is mostly within the lower montane regions of the wet zone and in the outskirts of Knuckles mountain range. The assessors are aware of many individual sites and clusters of sites, including within protected areas (for example, the Peak Wilderness Sanctuary). An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible, but with the available data it will certainly be below 2,000 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest, water pollution and other pressures on streams and rivulets within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 9,395 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 12,733 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
',population:"This is not a particularly common species. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of and disturbance to its habitats.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This species “inhabits streams and rivers inside or close to forests” Sumanapala (2017). The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range. Its range coincides with heavily degraded area of tea plantations, where agricultural pollution and other pressures on streams and rivulets lacking buffer effect of forests probably negatively impact its populations.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:163518,scientific_name:"Paragomphus henryi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"GOMPHIDAE",genus:"Paragomphus",main_common_name:"Brook Hooktail",authority:"(Laidlaw, 1928)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-08-01",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"500-2000",eoo_km2:"9395-12733",elevation_upper:1650,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"139565297",assessment_id:146602495,id_no:139565297,sci_name:"Risiocnemis elegans",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Gapud 2006",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2002,longitude:122.39662,latitude:17.07582,species_id:139565297,taxonomicnotes:"The Roland Müller collection contains a number of specimens identified as allied to Risiocnemis elegans by M. Hämäläinen (pers. comm. 2019: unpub. database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen); the status of these specimens is unresolved. The view taken for assessment purposes is that only the type series and other specimens identified as elegans in published sources are definitely R. elegans and other specimens are left out of consideration. Hämäläinen (1991) noted that R. varians Hämäläinen, 1991 might eventually prove to be a junior synonym of R. elegans but Hämäläinen and Muller (1997: 279) noted that material collected in Quirino Province after the publication of Hämäläinen (1991) “seems to indicate that R. elegans and R. varians are different species.”",rationale:"Risiocnemis elegans is known with certainty (see the Taxonomic Notes section) from five locations in Cagayan Valley Province in Luzon Island, the Philippines. All known locations are in or to the west of the Sierra Madre Mountains. At least one of the locations is in the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. Threats exist at all locations, including within the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, but it is unlikely to be large. The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 1,575–3,641 km². The overall population will be severely fragmented because at least the populations west of the Sierra Madre Mountains must be severely fragmented because remaining suitable habitat is. The species is assessed as Endangered under criterion B (EN B1ab(ii,iii)), however it is hoped that further research will show that its range extends further north in the Sierra Madre Mountains, possibly increasing its known EOO enough that it can be reassessed as Vulnerable.
",geographicrange:"Risiocnemis elegans is known with certainty (see the Taxonomic Notes section) from six sites in Cagayan Valley Province in Luzon Island, the Philippines (Gapud 2006, Kitagawa 1990, Villanueva et al. 2009, 2012). Note that the records in Gapud (2006) are under R. varians but Villanueva et al. (2009) note that it should be R. elegans. However, two of these sites are so close together that they can only be counted as one threat-defined location in the face of almost any conceivable threat, so that only five distinct locations are considered to be known. All known locations are in or to the west of the Sierra Madre Mountains. At least one of the locations is in the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data, but it is unlikely to be large. The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 1,575 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 3,641 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
",population:"All that can be said with the available data is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species and that away from the Sierra Madre Mountain Range the population will be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Villanueva et al. (2009) state: “It was encountered in shaded seepages and even in moist forest floor several meters from water sources. Pairs were seen ovipositing on moist moss with no standing or running water nearby.” From this it appears that this is forest-dependent species that breeds in seepages and even in permanently wet moss, it is likely to require an intact forest canopy to maintain the humid conditions necessary for its survival. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more data on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance and for better protection for the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139565297,scientific_name:"Risiocnemis elegans",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Risiocnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Kitagawa, 1990",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-05-23",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"1575-3641",elevation_upper:300,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.9",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Freshwater Springs and Oases",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"29599",assessment_id:138267615,id_no:29599,sci_name:"Rhinocypha latimacula",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Lieftinck 1974",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1957,longitude:119.87275,latitude:5.08602,species_id:29599,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Rhinocypha latimaculata is only known from the islands of Bongao and Tawi-Tawi in the southwest Philippines but is likely to already be extinct on Bongao. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but based on estimates of the amount of remaining forest on Tawi-Tawi the AOO cannot be more than 350km2 and is likely to be substantially less than this. The AOO, extent and quality of suitable habitat are all inferred to be declining, along with the overall population of the species, due to loss degradation to the remaining forest on Tawi-Tawi. If severe fragmentation of the overall population has not already occurred it is likely to occur in the near future. There are no protected areas within the range of the species. The species qualifies for Endangered status under criteria B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly.
",geographicrange:"Rhinocypha latimaculata is only known from the islands of Bongao and Tawi-Tawi in the southwest Philippines (Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen, Hämäläinen & Muller 1997, Lieftinck 1974, Villanueva & Cahilog 2012). It is evident from satellite images that virtually no original forest remains on Bongao so it is unlikely that the species survives there. The most recent records of the species are from Tawi-Tawi in Villanueva & Cahilog (2012) but details of the location(s) where the species was found are not given so they are not included in the map. Including the site on Bongao the assessor has seen records from at most six specified sites but it has not proved possible to assign separate coordinates to all of these for mapping purposes. It is not clear how many threat-defined locations are known where the species still survives but it might be as low as five. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but BirdLife International (2019) estimated (based on data compiled in 2001) that only 250-350km2 of forest remains and much of that had been selectively logged, so the AOO can be assumed to be at most 350km2 and is likely to be substantially less than this. Since it appears that logging and clearance for agriculture are ongoing the AOO can be assumed to be declining.
",population:"Judging from numbers of specimens collected this species can be common where it occurs. However an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of forest on Tawi-Tawi and if the overall population is not already severely fragmented then it will become so in the near future for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Villanueva & Cahilog (2012: 21) state that the species was found at “open areas at the edge of forested streams”. It appears that this species is a forest-dependent stream dweller but it may not require undisturbed old growth forest. An ongoing decline in both extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species is certainly occurring.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Further data on the distribution and exact habitats of this species, and protection of some of the habitat where it occurs are the priorities for this species. Gathering of additional data is hampered by the security situation in the southwest Philippines, see Villanueva & Cahilog (2012) for an account of the difficulties faced even by a Philippine researcher in this region. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:29599,scientific_name:"Rhinocypha latimacula",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"CHLOROCYPHIDAE",genus:"Rhinocypha",main_common_name:null,authority:"Lieftinck, 1974",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-05-20",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"50-350",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:200,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"I",category:"Indeterminate"}]},{id:"157861491",assessment_id:157861759,id_no:157861491,sci_name:"Calyptogena starobogatovi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Aoife Molloy",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-130.01400757,latitude:45.93330002,species_id:157861491,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine bivalve is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from three restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 1,540 m to 2,389 m bsl. The species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO), and has been found at only three locations, suggesting that it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. While the High-Rise Field within Location 1 lies within a Marine Protected Area (Glowka, 2003), the Middle Valley Bent Hill Massive Sulfide vent field (Location 2) and the Axial Seamount ASHES vent field (Location 3) do not and are still vulnerable to the threat of deep-sea mining. We have therefore opted to assess this species as Near Threatened (NT). Although the species has a restricted AOO and EOO, and there is a plausible future threat, they are unlikely to become Critically Endangered (CR) or Extinct (EX) over the next 1-2 generations, because at least one location is protected. Whilst no licences have been granted to date, if mining were to be approved at the unprotected vent fields, the projected decline in the extent and quality of habitat could possibly impact more than one location, protected or not, due to the close proximity of the vent fields in Locations 1 and 2, as mining sediment plumes are predicted to spread up to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such an event would drive this species to CR very rapidly, therefore, an urgent reassessment would be merited if there is any change to the status of mining licence arrangements within Canada's EEZ, whereby the assessment should increase to Endangered (EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)), regardless of the MPA status at Location 1.",geographicrange:`This deep-sea bivalve is restricted to three locations at hydrothermal vents on the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. In this case, two vent fields lie within 62.2 km of each other within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Canada, however, they are subject to different regulations within their respective prescribed management areas and are thus considered separate locations. At Location 1, the High-Rise Field lies within the Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents Marine Protected Area (Glowka 2003), whereas, there is currently no such regulation in place at Middle Valley Bent Hill Massive Sulfide vent field (Location 2), which is 62.2km from the High-Rise Field. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1,540 m bsl to 2,389 m bsl. It has been observed from three vent field locations within Canada's EEZ: High-Rise Field (Location 1), Middle Valley Bent Hill Massive Sulfide vent field (Location 2), and the Axial Seamount ASHES vent field (Location 3) (Krylova & Sahling 2006, Voight 2014). This species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.`,population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Krylova and Sahling 2006, Voight 2014).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the East Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 1,540 m to 2,389 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The High-Rise Field lies within the Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents Marine Protected Area established in 2003 (Glowka 2003). This MPA prohibits the disturbance, damage or removal of any structures or animals without consent from the Minister of Justice for purposes beyond scientific research. However, there are no conservation actions currently in place at the other locations where this species is found. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the Juan de Fuca Ridge.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157861491,scientific_name:"Calyptogena starobogatovi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"BIVALVIA",order:"VENERIDA",family:"VESICOMYIDAE",genus:"Calyptogena",main_common_name:null,authority:"Krylova & Sahling, 2006",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-01-26",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"1540.086",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:1540,depth_lower:2389,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CA",country:"Canada",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.5",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Seamount",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"14880",assessment_id:546386,id_no:14880,sci_name:"Notropis aguirrepequenoi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Arcadio Valdes",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Arcadio Valdes, pers comms 2018",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-98.453525,latitude:24.570522,species_id:14880,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Notropis aguirrepequenoi is an endemic freshwater fish that occurs on the northern Atlantic slope drainage in Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon, Mexico. While little information is available on the population size of this species, it has a relatively small distribution with a calculated EOO between 11,979-14,509 km2 and an inferred continued decline in the area, extent, and quality of its habitat. Because the most plausible threat to this species is habitat degradation resulting from varying anthropogenic sources, the number of locations cannot be determined with accuracy. However, given the restricted distribution and connectivity of these systems, the number of locations is likely less than 10. As such, N. aguirrepequenoiis listed as Vulnerable.
",geographicrange:"Notropis aguirrepequenoi is endemic to the northern Atlantic slope drainage in Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon, Mexico. It is specifically reported from the Soto la Marina (Miller et al. 2005) and the San Fernando rivers (Garcia de Leon et al. 2005). Miller et al. (2005) reports approximately 18 collection localities from the Soto la Marina River.
",population:"More data are needed to quantify the population size of N. aguirrepequenoi. In the upper reaches of the Soto la Marina River, this species is reported as the sixth most dominant species of fish (Garcia de Leon et al. 2005). Population trend is likely in decline as a result of present or threatened destruction, modification, or reduction of the taxon’s habitat or range (Jelks et al. 2008).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Notropis aguirrepequenoi occurs in the pools and riffles of clear streams with moderate to rapid water flow over sand, gravel, and rocky substrates (Miller et al. 2005). Little is known about the reproductive biology of this species.",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The American Fisheries Societies Endangered Species Committee includes N. aguirrepequenoi as threatened under criteria 1 (present or threatened destruction, modification, or reduction of a taxon’s habitat or range), 3 (disease or parasites) and 5 (a narrowly restricted range) (Jelks et al. 2008). However, these designations confer no protective benefit. Additionally, N. aguirrepequenoi is subject to special protection in Mexico under NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. The range of this species includes El Cielo Biosphere Reserve (IUCN and UNEP 2018).",usetrade:"There is no information on the use and trade of this species.",taxonid:14880,scientific_name:"Notropis aguirrepequenoi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"LEUCISCIDAE",genus:"Notropis",main_common_name:"Soto la Marina Shiner",authority:"Contreras-Balderas & Rivera-Teillery, 1973",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-08-31",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Contreras MacBeath, T.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"11979-14509",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1996",assess_year:"1996",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1994",assess_year:"1994",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1990",assess_year:"1990",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1988",assess_year:"1988",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"},{year:"1986",assess_year:"1986",code:"V",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"173719953",assessment_id:173775400,id_no:173719953,sci_name:"Coeliccia schorri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow & T.Q. Phan",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Phan & To 2019",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:107.436,latitude:15.907,species_id:173719953,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Coeliccia schorri is known from six locations in the Central Highlands of Viet Nam. One of the known locations is close to Laos and the species should be searched for there as well as in Viet Nam. Many of the locations are within protected areas. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred, along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat, to be suffering at least some decline due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its known extent of occurrence (EOO) is 5,939–9,189 km². With this information, and the species knwon to occur in only six locations, it is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion B (VU B1ab(ii,iii)). However, it is to be hoped that with more information it will be possible to r-asses this species into a lower threat category.
",geographicrange:"Coeliccia schorri is known from six locations in the Central Highlands of Viet Nam (Phan and Ngo 2019, Phan and To 2019, Phan unpub. data). One of the known locations is close to Laos and the species should be searched for there as well as in Viet Nam. Many of the locations are within protected areas (for example, Kon Ka Kinh National Park). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However, the AOO is inferred to be suffering at least some decline due to loss of forest within the range of the species. Its minimum extent of occurrence (EOO) is 5,939 km² (based on a minimum convex polygon (MCP) around the known data points); its maximum EOO is 9,189 km² (based on an MCP around the HydroBASINS known to be occupied by this species).
",population:"This species can be common where it occurs, beyond this little can be said with the available data except that at least some ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of suitable habitat within its range.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"“In the typical locality, the new species was found in two different habitats at different elevations. The first one is a marsh near a hydroelectric dam (alt. 923 m) with muddy bottom ... The second one is a shaded shallow narrow (about 1–3 m width) forest mountain stream in Dak Hro village (alt. 1130 m), with slow running water, with a swampy sandy bottom with many large rocks.” Phan and To (2019). The two habitats for which information is available appear rather different, however marsh as used by Phan and To (2019) appears to mean a marshy area or seepage under canopy cover rather than an open habitat. It is clear that we do not have a very good understanding of the habitat requirements of this species. However, the extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species can be inferred to be declining to some extent due to alterations to habitat within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priority for this species is for more information on its distribution, exact habitat requirements, ability to tolerate disturbance and on threats.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:173719953,scientific_name:"Coeliccia schorri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Coeliccia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Phan & To, 2019",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-28",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A. & Phan, Q.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"5939-9189",elevation_upper:1130,elevation_lower:630,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"VN",country:"Viet Nam",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"173830260",assessment_id:173830275,id_no:173830260,sci_name:"Cynolebias elegans",presence:4,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Possibly Extinct",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Costa 2017",basisofrec:null,event_year:2005,longitude:-42.70277778,latitude:-14.56083333,species_id:173830260,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Cynolebias elegans is known only from its type locality, a temporary pool at approximately 630 m above sea level in the Verde Grande River drainage, Bahia, Brazil (Costa 2017). This species is known from a total six specimens that were collected in 2005. Surveys in 2009, 2010, and 2017 have failed to yield any additional specimens, following severe habitat modification associated with cattle ranching. Continuing decline in habitat quality is observed, as existing threats have not been mitigated. The type locality does not appear to support an extant population of C. elegans. Ichthyological surveys in adjacent ponds along the road yielded have failed to detect this species outside of its type locality. As such, C. elegans is assessed as Critically Endangered under criterion A2ac; B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii); D. Immediate conservation priorities include exhaustive surveys in all potentially suitable habitat to determine if remnant subpopulations exist.
",geographicrange:"Cynolebias elegans is known only from its type locality, a temporary pool at approximately 630 m above sea level in the Verde Grande River drainage, Bahia, Brazil (Costa 2017). This species was last recorded in 2005 (Costa 2017).
Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, based on a single 2x2 km grid overlain on top of the type locality. This species is assigned to a single threat-based location because habitat has been severely modified by the introduction of cattle, replacement of natural riparian vegetation with grasses, and modification of natural hydrology to support a permanent water body (Costa 2017).
",population:"This species is known from a total six specimens that were collected in 2005 (Costa 2017). Subsequent surveys in 2009, 2010, and 2017 have failed to yield any additional specimens, which is likely due to severe habitat modification (Costa 2017). Ichthyological surveys in adjacent ponds along the road yielded an abundance of C. oticus, C. leptocephalus, and Hypsolebias mediopapillatus, but failed to detect this species outside of its type locality (Costa 2017). These field records indicate that C. elegans may already be Extinct (Costa 2017).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This annual killifish is known from a single temporary pool in the Verde Grande River drainage, Bahia, Brazil (Costa 2017). At the time of collection, the pool was covered by dense aquatic vegetation and spiny riparian bushes (Costa 2017). In 2005, cattle were introduced into the area and the original vegetation was substituted by grass (Costa 2017). The type locality is currently represented by a highly modified permanent pool that only contains a single species of characid (Costa 2017).",threats:[{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 9",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no species-specific conservation measures directed towards C. elegans. This species is not contained within any existing protected area. The only known collection locality is severely modified and does not appear to support an extant population of C. elegans (Costa 2017). Immediate conservation priorities include exhaustive surveys in all potentially suitable habitat to determine if remnant subpopulations or collection localities may exist. If additional subpopulations are located, site protection and captive management are imperative.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:173830260,scientific_name:"Cynolebias elegans",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINODONTIFORMES",family:"RIVULIDAE",genus:"Cynolebias",main_common_name:null,authority:"Costa, 2017",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-12-29",category:"CR",criteria:"A2ac; B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii); D",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Costa, W.J.E.M.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:630,elevation_lower:630,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"184535357",assessment_id:184535359,id_no:184535357,sci_name:"Rhantus manjakatompo",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Eve Englefield",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Hjalmarsson et al. 2013",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:47.2779,latitude:-19.3496,species_id:184535357,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Rhantus manjakatompo is an endemic species of Madagascar, currently only known from the Tsaratanana mountains and Manjakatompo forestry station in the Ankaratra mountains. Based on the current available records, the area of occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be around 16 km2. The current population trend is unknown, and although the habitat appears to currently be well protected, the plausible future threat of fire or pollution may quickly drive the species to Critically Endangered or Extinct. Therefore, this species is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2. Ensuring the ongoing good management of the protected area is critical for the protection of this species. In addition, further research on the population and threats to this species is recommended.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Madagascar, and is only known from the Tsaratanana mountains and Manjakatompo forestry station in the Ankaratra mountains (Hjalmarsson et al. 2013). The extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be around 786 km2 and the area of occupancy (AOO) is estimated to be around 16 km2. The species has been found at altitudes between 1,700 to 2,070 m asl. Based on the threat of habitat degradation, through events such as fire or pollution, the species is considered to occur at around five locations.",population:"Very little of the original forest remains in the central highland plateau of Madagascar. Manjakatompo forestry station is one of three small forest relics remaining of the high plateau. Although the subpopulation was fairly healthy at Manjakatompo forestry station, the occurrence of this species is highly localised, likely due to degradation of other suitable areas (Hjalmarsson et al. 2013). The current population trend is unknown.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species is associated with high altitude sources and streams, and nearby pools and marshes (Hjalmarsson et al. 2013).",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.3",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Unknown",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The forest relics in which this species is found are legally protected. However, illegal activities still occur in the protected areas and so efforts to decrease these activities are needed to mitigate this. In addition, further research on the population, distribution, threats and ecology of this species is recommended.",usetrade:"This species is not known to be used or traded.",taxonid:184535357,scientific_name:"Rhantus manjakatompo",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"COLEOPTERA",family:"DYTISCIDAE",genus:"Rhantus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Pederzani & Rocchi, 2009",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-10-12",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Englefield, E.",reviewer:"Gerlach, J.",aoo_km2:"16",eoo_km2:"786",elevation_upper:2070,elevation_lower:1700,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MG",country:"Madagascar",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.7",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.8",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"176172187",assessment_id:176172198,id_no:176172187,sci_name:"Harttiella longicauda",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Gustavo Ballen",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Covain et al. 2012",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:-53.417778,latitude:4.603056,species_id:176172187,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"The species is known from a few disjunct localities in French Guiana. It has a moderate distribution with an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 17,588 km2. There are three locations based on the impact of mining according to regional experts. This is leading to a continuing decline in habitat. Therefore, this species is assessed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"The species is known from a few disjunct localities in French Guiana.",population:"No population assessments are known for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:'
This species is found in river rafts and permanent streams, including waterfalls (P.-Y. Le Bail pers. comm. 2021).
All Harttiella species live in small forest streams and are subservient to areas of torrents at the head of watersheds, where predatory fish seem to be absent. Their environment is characterized by running water and an essentially rocky substrate, supplemented by plant debris from the forest cover. Harttiella species have adapted to this biotope by evolving into dwarfism. They have low fertility and low dispersal capacities, which make them particularly vulnerable to any disturbance to their environment (UICN France et al. 2017).
This species is sought after by aquarists due to its rarity (P.-Y. Le Bail pers. comm. 2021).
Lyriothemis latro is known three locations in Bohol, Luzon and Samar in the Philippines. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However the AOO may not be large and is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species, in particular it is evident from satellite images that little forest remains on Bohol and although forest remains in the area of the location in Samar, satellite images (not up-to-date) show clearance and other disturbance in the area. The species qualifies for Vulnerable status under criterion D2 and is assessed as such. If the AOO could be more than guessed at the species might well qualify for a higher threat category.
",geographicrange:"Lyriothemis latro is known from Bohol, Luzon and Samar in the Philippines (Hämäläinen personal communication 2019: unpublished database of specimens from collection R. Müller identified by M. Hämäläinen, Hämäläinen & Muller 1997, Needham & Gyger 1937, Ramos & Gapud 2007). The assessor is aware of records from only three specific locations. The type locality is on or in the vicinity of Mount Makiling, a Forest Reserve. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However the AOO may not be large and is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest within the range of the species, in particular it is evident from satellite images that little forest remains on Bohol and although forest remains in the area of the location in Samar, satellite images (not up-to-date) show clearance and other disturbance in the area.
",population:"There is insufficient information on this species to make any statement about current population sizes and health except that a ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss of forest in the Philippines and that the overall population will be severely fragmented due to fragmentation of forest on the islands where the species occurs.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing has been recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but other species of Lyriothemis are forest-dependent and many breed in phytotelmata. This species will certainly be forest-dependent. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priorities for this species are for more information on its distribution, exact habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance, and also for protected status for locations where the species is known to occur on Bohol and Samar.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139549062,scientific_name:"Lyriothemis latro",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"LIBELLULIDAE",genus:"Lyriothemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Needham & Gyger, 1937",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-01",category:"VU",criteria:"D2",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"173833658",assessment_id:173833684,id_no:173833658,sci_name:"Neoplecostomus watersi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Silva et al. 2019",basisofrec:null,event_year:2017,longitude:-52.098,latitude:-18.58077778,species_id:173833658,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Neoplecostomus watersi is known from Cachoeira Creek, a tributary stream of the Corrente River in the upper Paraná River basin in central Brazil. Area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) are estimated to be 4 km2 and the species is assigned to a single threat-based location. The primary threat to aquatic ecosystem integrity in the Correntes basin is severe land-use alteration associated with agricultural expansion and cattle ranching which dominate the landscape. Despite uncertainties regarding the direct impact of existing threats at the type locality, continuing decline in habitat quality is inferred. Therefore, N. watersi is assessed as Critically Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii). Additional research regarding distribution, population size, population trend, and the direct impact of existing threats is urgently needed to clarify the conservation status of this species. Site protection, habitat monitoring, and population monitoring are warranted conservation priorities.
",geographicrange:"Neoplecostomus watersi is known from Cachoeira Creek, a tributary stream of the Corrente River in the upper Paraná River basin in central Brazil (Silva et al. 2019).
Extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are estimated to be 4 km2, based on a 2x2 km grid overlain on the type locality and only known collection locality of this species. Existing threats within the Corrente River basin are expected to impact the type locality in its entirety, and therefore this species is assigned to a single threat-based location.
",population:"The total population size and population trend of this species are unknown. This species is known from a total of 12 specimens across four collection lots (Silva et al. 2019).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"Neoplecostomus watersi is known from Cachoeira Creek, a tributary stream of the Corrente River in the upper Paraná River basin. The type locality of this species is characterized by clear water where specimens occurred on the substrate under rocks (Silva et al. 2019). Males are sexually dimorphic based on the presence of a urogenital papilla (Silva et al. 2019).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.3",title:"Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"It is feasible that range extends into das Emas National Park where primary threats are largely mitigated (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020), but adjacent land is heavily impacted by agricultural activities and cattle ranching (Carvalho et al. 2009, Filoso et al. 2015, Spera et al. 2017). Additional research regarding distribution, population size, population trend, and the direct impact of existing threats is urgently needed to clarify the conservation status of this species. Site protection, habitat monitoring, and population monitoring are warranted conservation priorities.
",usetrade:"There is no information regarding the use and trade of this species.
",taxonid:173833658,scientific_name:"Neoplecostomus watersi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"LORICARIIDAE",genus:"Neoplecostomus",main_common_name:null,authority:"Silva, Reia, Zawadzki & Roxo, 2019",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-12-07",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Reis, R.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"BR",country:"Brazil",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"197110",assessment_id:170706794,id_no:197110,sci_name:"Ceylonosticta subtropica",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2014)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.6358,latitude:6.6645,species_id:197110,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Ceylonosticta subtropica is endemic to Sri Lanka where the only confirmed records are of the type series from two locations in the surroundings of Balangoda, collected in 1926. Targeted surveys in the area in recent years have not found the species; recently reported records from the Peak Wilderness Sanctuary are currently considered doubtful and need verification. It is possible that this species is already extinct. If it still exists, its area of occupancy (AOO) is likely smaller than 10 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining, along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat, due to loss of forest and other threats in the Balangoda area and its surrounds. Any surviving population will be severely fragmented. This species is assessed as Critically Endangered under criterion B (CR B2ab(ii,iii)).
",geographicrange:"Ceylonosticta subtropica is endemic to Sri Lanka (Bedjanič et al. 2014, 2016). Recent new records of supposed C. subtropica from a small area in the Peak Wilderness Sanctuary (Priyadarshana et al. 2016) are considered doubtful by the assessors and need taxonomic confirmation, therefore this information is not considered in this assessment. This leaves the type series from two nearby locations in the Balangoda, collected in 1926, as the only confirmed examples of the species ever found and surveys in the area in recent years have not found the species; it is possible that this species is already extinct. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data but, if it still exists, the AOO is almost certainly below 10 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss of forest and other threats in the Balangoda area and its surrounds.
",population:"If this species is not already extinct then an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of suitable habitat within the area where it occurs and any surviving populations are likely to be severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"This will be a species of forested hill side and submontane streams and/or trickles and seepages but details are not known. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest and other threats within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much-needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended supporting and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in the future.
Specifically for Ceylonosticta subtropica, a comprehensive odonatological research should urgently be executed, focusing on remaining patches of rainforests and small streams with corridors of natural vegetation in wider surroundings of Balangoda. Fieldwork should cover different seasons, obligatory also from April to October. Additionally, the taxonomic status of suposed Ceylonosticta subtropica population in the Peak Wilderness Sanctuary should be further investigated and cleared.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:197110,scientific_name:"Ceylonosticta subtropica",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Ceylonosticta",main_common_name:"Blue-shouldered Cornuted Shadowdamsel",authority:"Fraser, 1933",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-07-31",category:"CR",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"0-8",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Possibly Extinct",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Possibly Extinct"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"61060",assessment_id:148658521,id_no:61060,sci_name:"Aulonocara ethelwynnae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Konings / SCUBA",basisofrec:"StillImage",event_year:2e3,longitude:34.179155,latitude:-10.280607,species_id:61060,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species has a restricted range being only recorded between Mdoka and Chitande Island in Lake Malawi. It meets the area requirements under criterion B for the threatened categories and, based on the threat of over-exploitation by the aquarium trade, it is known from one location. However, continuing declines in population size are possible but uncertain. The effects of aquarium trade on this species are unknown and it is, therefore, listed as Near Threatened.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi, where it has only been recorded from the northwestern shore between Mdoka and Chitande Island.",population:"There is no information available on the population.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"It is found over the sand in intermediate habitats where rocks are lying on the sand. Territorial males are only observed at depths greater than about 15 m, whereas foraging females and non-breeding males can be found at a depth of three metres only. Food consists of small crustaceans and insect larvae, which are collected from the sand. Territorial males, which are found throughout the year, defend their premises only against conspecifics. Spawning takes place inside the cave or sometimes on the open sand if the male was unsuccessful in obtaining a cave. Ripe females approach the males' territories, which are situated at rather deep levels.",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No information is available on conservation actions in place. Site protection and monitoring of the population trend are recommended.",usetrade:'This species is regularly collected by the ornamental fish trade where it is sometimes known as "Northern Aulonocara" or as "Chitande Aulonocara".',taxonid:61060,scientific_name:"Aulonocara ethelwynnae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Aulonocara",main_common_name:"Chitande Aulonocara",authority:"Meyer, Riehl & Zetzsche, 1987",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-05-23",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A.",reviewer:"Kanyerere, G.Z., Phiri, T.B. & Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:"20",eoo_km2:"40",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:'This errata version of the assessment was created to correct a Reviewer name from "Kanyerere, Z." to "Kanyerere, G.Z." and another Reviewer name from "Phiri, B." to "Phiri, T.B.". Additionally, a point data map was added as this was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.',amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MW",country:"Malawi",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"171851",assessment_id:98191660,id_no:171851,sci_name:"Modellnaia siamensis",presence:4,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"John Pfeiffer",yrcompiled:2016,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Possibly Extinct",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Collected by John Pfeiffer et al. 2016",basisofrec:" ",event_year:2016,longitude:103.6215,latitude:15.307247,species_id:171851,taxonomicnotes:'',rationale:"This species is known from only a few specimens, being restricted to a single location with a very small extent of occurrence (around 1 km2) in a region that has been highly modified by agricultural practices. Collecting efforts focused on recovering specimens of M. siamensis in 2015, 2016, and 2017 were unsuccessful (Pfeiffer, pers. obs, 2017). Therefore, it qualifies for Critically Endangered B1ab(i,ii)+2ab(i,ii). Given that the last records of living animals were in 1974, it is possible that this species is already extinct.Risiocnemis laguna is only known from the type series of three specimens, collected in 1916, from Paete on the opposite shore of Laguna de Bay from Manila on Luzon in the Philippines. The only known location is in a heavily populated and developed part of Luzon and the fact that the species has not been recorded for more than 100 years is very troubling, it could already be extinct. An accurate estimate of its area of occupancy (AOO) is not possible with the available data. However, even if the species is still extant the AOO is likely to be small, certainly below 500 km², maybe by a very significant amount. Moreover, the AOO is likely to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest in the part of Luzon where the species occurs.
",geographicrange:"Risiocnemis laguna is only known from the type series of three specimens, collected in 1916, from Paete on the opposite shore of Laguna de Bay from Manila on Luzon in the Philippines (Hämäläinen 1991). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data. However, since the species has never yet been found elsewhere the AOO is likely to be small, certainly below 500 km², maybe by a very significant amount. Moreover, the AOO is likely to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest in the part of Luzon where the species occurs.
",population:"This species is either extremely local in occurrence or genuinely rare (or both), since it has not been recorded since 1916 and the only known location is in a heavily populated and developed part of Luzon it might even be extinct already. If not extinct then a decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest in the part of Luzon where the species occurs.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing was recorded about habitat, but this will likely be a species of forest streams like the others of its genus. If it is not already extinct then an ongoing decline in extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred due to loss and degradation of forest in the part of Luzon where the species occurs.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The first priority for this species is for expert searches for it in suitable habitat in the vicinity of the type locality. If still extant, protection of the habitat where it occurs will be needed. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139565471,scientific_name:"Risiocnemis laguna",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYCNEMIDIDAE",genus:"Risiocnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Hämäläinen, 1991",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-06",category:"CR",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:"0-500",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:400,elevation_lower:50,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"233419423",assessment_id:233710266,id_no:233419423,sci_name:"Andiorrhinus priollii",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"ICMBio",yrcompiled:2022,citation:"ICMBio",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"G.G. Brown, com. pess., 2022",basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-60.21843288,latitude:-2.89548081,species_id:233419423,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Andiorrhinus priollii é endêmica do Brasil, registrada apenas no estado do Amazonas, na região do entorno de Manaus. A Extensão de Ocorrência (EOO) foi calculada em 961 km², considerando os registros confirmados da espécie. Ela parece ser associada a ambientes florestais de terra firme e sofre impactos do da expansão urbana e das atividades agrícolas de pequenas propriedades. Essas atividades, conjuntamente, promovem declínio da qualidade do habitat remanescente. Não há evidências de que sua população esteja severamente fragmentada. Por aproximar-se de Em Perigo (EN), pelo critério B1b(iii), A. priollii foi categorizada como Quase Ameaçada (NT).",geographicrange:"Andiorrhinus priollii ocorre no estado do Amazonas, com registro apenas no município de Manaus (Righi 1967). Esforços de coleta em Rio Preto da Eva, Iranduba e Presidente Figueiredo não foram exitosos em registrar a espécie (G.G. Brown, com. pess. 2022).Syntripsa matannensis is known from a number of localities around Lake Matano in Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia, where it appears to be evenly distributed throughout the lake. The lake has a surface area of 164.1 km2.
This species has been recorded in Lake Matano on the south coast, west and east of Soroako (2°30'24"S 121°19'58"E; 2°33.566'S 121°25.187'E), east coast (2°31.492'S 121°26.996'E; outlet: 2°32'S 121°28.3'E) and west coast (2°26.01'S 121°13.03'E; 2°26.97'S 121°13.00'E; 2°27'41.5"S 121°13'6.3"E).
Teinobasis aurea is only known from old records from two locations in the Jayapura area of Indonesian New Guinea. There is insufficient information on its habitat requirements and distribution to make a reliable threat assessment, however there has been considerable deforestation in this area and if the species is confined to the Jayapura area then it is likely to be threatened, maybe severely threatened, so more data are urgently required. In the meantime, and taking a precautionary approach, it is assessed as Vulnerable under criterion D2.
",geographicrange:"Teinobasis aurea is only known from two locations in the Jayapura area of Indonesian New Guinea. One of these locations is given as Hollandia (present day Jayapura) in Lieftinck (1949), the other as the Pim River in the Jayapura area (Lieftinck 1932), without information on exactly where on the river, although the altitude is given as 200m a.s.l. Given that Jayapura has expanded considerably since the species was recorded and that there is extensive deforestation in its surroundings, the species may no longer be present at the known locations. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of the species is not possible with the available data.
",population:"There is insufficient data to make any statement about population sizes or health of this species, except that it is very likely to be declining because of the expansion of Jayapura and loss of forest in the surroundings of Jayapura.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing has been recorded about the habitats or ecology of this species but it is very likely to be forest dependent and to be a stream species.
",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The priority for this species is for fresh information on its survival in the Jayapura area and on its overall range, and on its exact habitat requirements. If it is confined to the Jayapura area then conservation measures based on the protection of habitat are very likely to be needed.
",usetrade:"Horaglanis abdulkalami is assessed as Endangered B1ab(i,ii,iii)+2ab(i,ii,iii), as the species is known to have a restricted distribution, being known from less than five locations, and with an AOO of 4-420 km2 and an EOO of 420 km2. A continuing decline has been inferred in the EOO, AOO and the quality of habitats due to threats including unmanaged extraction of groundwater, laterite mining, pollution and deterioration of the quality of water in the wells. Urgent attention is required to develop and implement management strategies for managing groundwater extraction in the region, and improved awareness and education for environmental stewardship.
No species-specific conservation actions are in place. There is a need to understand and generate baseline information on micro-level distribution, population and location-specific threats of this species to develop future conservation strategies. Targeted campaigns need to be taken up in the distribution range of this species to improve awareness regarding the unique habitats and species.
",usetrade:"No information is available regarding either the use or trade of this species.
",taxonid:56099918,scientific_name:"Horaglanis abdulkalami",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"SILURIFORMES",family:"CLARIIDAE",genus:"Horaglanis",main_common_name:"Abdulkalam's Blind Cave Catfish",authority:"Subhash Babu, 2012",published_year:2023,assessment_date:"2020-08-14",category:"EN",criteria:"B1ab(i,ii,iii)+2ab(i,ii,iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Dahanukar, N. & Sidharthan, A.",reviewer:"Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"4-420",eoo_km2:"420",elevation_upper:4.5,elevation_lower:4.5,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"IN",country:"India",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.18",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Karst and Other Subterranean Hydrological Systems (inland)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2023",assess_year:"2020",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"169388855",assessment_id:169388931,id_no:169388855,sci_name:"Triplophysa hazaraensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Zoo Outreach Organization (ZOO)",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:71.759,latitude:34.659,species_id:169388855,taxonomicnotes:"Triplophysa hazaraensis is considered a valid species endemic to Pakistan (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020) and not a synonym of T. grifithi as mentioned in Fricke et al. (2020).",rationale:"Triplophysa hazaraensis is restricted in its range to four river systems in Pakistan, with three of them under threat from recently completed, ongoing and planned hydroelectric dams. The species, although it has some resilience to change in the habitat, is suspected to decline by 30-40% in the next 10 years due to the impacts of the dams on their habitats and distribution. It has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 16,400 km2 and there are four locations based on this threat. This species is therefore assessed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"Triplophysa hazaraensis is distributed in the Hazara area in Shiren and Dor rivers in Pakistan (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020). Recently it has been recorded from Malakund, Swat and Dir in Swat and Panjkora rivers (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020).",population:"The dams on rivers Swat and Panjkora and one planned on Shiran River are suspected to impact the population such as to cause a decline of 30-40% in the next 10 years.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"The species is carnivorous. It is not strictly benthopelagic as it can inhabit pools, runs and torrents (M. Rafique pers. comm. 2020).",threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.11",title:"Dams (size unknown)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no conservation plans or actions for the species, nor are there laws to protect it.",usetrade:"The species is not in use or trade.",taxonid:169388855,scientific_name:"Triplophysa hazaraensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"NEMACHEILIDAE",genus:"Triplophysa",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Omer & Mirza, 1975)",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-02-28",category:"VU",criteria:"A3c; B1ab(iii,v)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Rafique, M., Zafarullah, M. & Qureshi, I.",reviewer:"Molur, S. & Dahanukar, N.",aoo_km2:"6200",eoo_km2:"16400",elevation_upper:1400,elevation_lower:700,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PK",country:"Pakistan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"57498955",assessment_id:58341121,id_no:57498955,sci_name:"Enteromius seymouri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"Denis Tweddle",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:"Kasitu",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:" ",basisofrec:" ",event_year:1980,longitude:33.849,latitude:-11.261,species_id:57498955,taxonomicnotes:"Yang et al. (2015), placed Barbus seymouri in Enteromius.",rationale:"Enteromius seymouri occurs in the South Rukuru and the Kaziwiziwi River systems in Malawi. It has an estimated extent of occurrence (EOO) of 10,000 km2 and the habitat is declining due to sedimentation caused by agricultural activities in the tributaries of the South Rukuru system, but has more than 10 locations. The population is suspected to have declined by well over 30% during the period 1976 to 1992, based on sampling and habitat deterioration. While that time period cannot be used for assessment, the rapid clearance of land for small scale agriculture leading to severe river habitat degradation continues throughout the range of this species so it is therefore assessed as Vulnerable due to a suspected population reduction of at least 30% within the next 10 years.",geographicrange:'This species is found throughout the South Rukuru system and in the Kaziwiziwi River in Malawi. It occurs in the South Rukuru River at Njakwa gorge, in the Runyina River at Rumphi, in the Mzimba river at Mzimba and in the upper region. In the Kaziwiziwi River Enteromius seymouri is found above the lakeshore escarpment (Tweddle and Skelton 2008).',population:"In suitable fairly pristine riverine habitats this species is quite common, but it is less common in degraded sand/silty streams without cover. The population is thought to be decreasing in the main stream due to habitat deterioration. The rapid clearance of land for small scale agriculture leading to severe river habitat degradation continues throughout the range of this species, which is suspected to cause a >30% decline in the overall population within the next 10 years.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Enteromius seymouri is generally caught in clear, strongly-flowing streams with cover in the form of vegetation and/or rocks (Tweddle and Skelton 2008).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Enteromius seymouri penetrates just within the boundaries of the Nyika National Park in Malawi on the lower slopes of the plateau (W. Kadye unpublished data) and is very likely to occur in the Vwaza Marsh Game reserve, and thus has some protection in the upper reaches of its distribution, but the majority of its distribution is in increasingly degraded streams. Research into its population and trends, habitat, threats and ecology is required, along with site management, awareness raising and policies and regulations.",usetrade:"This species is caught in subsistence fisheries.",taxonid:57498955,scientific_name:"Enteromius seymouri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"CYPRINIDAE",genus:"Enteromius",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Tweddle & Skelton, 2008)",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-05-21",category:"VU",criteria:"A3c",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Tweddle, D.",reviewer:"Shechonge, A., Gobo, E. & Sayer, C.",aoo_km2:null,eoo_km2:"10000",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MW",country:"Malawi",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"128718019",assessment_id:128718032,id_no:128718019,sci_name:"Barilius naseeri",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Zoo Outreach Organization (ZOO)",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:72.233984,latitude:33.236024,species_id:128718019,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Barilius naseeri is endemic to the Punjab Province, Pakistan, where it occurs within a limited distribution range in the Soan and Jhelum Rivers. The species has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 8,000 km2 and an area of occupancy (AOO) of 1,300 km2. Considered to be rare, the species is under threat from a range of anthropogenic stressors prevalent in the river systems where it occurs. There are two locations based on these threats. Therefore, B. naseeri is assessed as Vulnerable.",geographicrange:"Barilius naseeri is endemic to the Punjab Province, Pakistan (Mirza and Mirza 2014). Since its description from River Soan near Pindighaip, Attock District (Mirza et al. 1986), it has been recorded from the Jhelum River at the Jhelum Bridge (Mirza et al. 2011).",population:"The species is rare, but no data are available regarding the population size or trend for this species.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This is an omnivorous species. It is a surface feeder and occurs in freshwater streams with sandy beds (Mirza 2003).",threats:[{code:"1.1",title:"Housing & urban areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"1.2",title:"Commercial & industrial areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1",title:"Domestic & urban waste water",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.1",title:"Sewage",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.1.2",title:"Run-off",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.3",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:null,severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 3",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no species-specific conservation action plans in place. The species is not found in any protected area.",usetrade:"The species is not in use or trade.",taxonid:128718019,scientific_name:"Barilius naseeri",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"DANIONIDAE",genus:"Barilius",main_common_name:null,authority:"Mirza, Rafiq & Awan, 1986",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-02-26",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Daniels, A. & Raghavan, R.",reviewer:"Molur, S. & Dahanukar, N.",aoo_km2:"1300",eoo_km2:"8000",elevation_upper:350,elevation_lower:200,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PK",country:"Pakistan",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"163769",assessment_id:175969254,id_no:163769,sci_name:"Amphicnemis bicolor",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:" ",source:"Lieftinck 1940",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:117.15187,latitude:7.24127,species_id:163769,taxonomicnotes:"There is a possibility that Amphicnemis amabilis Lieftinck, 1940 is a junior synonym of A. bicolor, in which case the known range of A. bicolor will be considerably increased and re-assessment of A. bicolor will be needed.
",rationale:"Amphicnemis bicolor is only known from the holotype male from Banggi Island off of the north coast of Sabah. Although the precise habitat requirements of the species are not known, it will be forest dependent. The currently known area of occupancy (AOO) of the species is constrained by the area of Banggi Island and is therefore less than 440km2. Considerable loss of original forest both on Banggi Island, its adjacent smaller islands and nearby parts of mainland Sabah are evident from satellite images so that an going decline in both area and quality of habitat, and true AOO, can reasonably be inferred. The species is therefore, and taking a precautionary approach, assessed as Endangered under criteria B2abii,iii. It is to be hoped that when much needed searches for the species are carried out, the data generated will allow re-assessment to a lower threat category.
",geographicrange:"Amphicnemis bicolor is only known from the holotype male collected on Banggi Island (Banguey in older literature) off of the north coast of Sabah more than 100 years ago; details of the type locality are not known (general coordinates for the island are used for the map) (Martin 1897, Lieftinck 1940). The species should be looked for on adjacent smaller islands and in the northern parts of the Sabah mainland. Banggi Island has an area of approximately 441 km2, so if the species is really confined to the island its area of occupancy (AOO) must be less than 440km 2.
",population:"Known from a single, male specimen. Nothing can be said about current population sizes and health for this species with the available information except that a decline in overall population is likely due to deforestation (large deforested areas are visible in satellite images of Banggi Island).",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing has been recorded on the habitats or ecology of this species. It is likely to be species of swamp forest or swampy areas in forest, like most other species of Amphicnemis and can certainly be assumed to be forest dependent.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.1",title:"Small-holder plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1",title:"Fire & fire suppression",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.1.1",title:"Increase in fire frequency/intensity",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Fresh data on this species are urgently needed. Searches for the species on Banggi Island, adjacent smaller islands and on the northern mainland of Sabah are needed, as is detailed habitat information. Protection of suitable habitat on Banggi Island is likely to be required. Banggi Island is included in the Tun Mustapha Marine Park, but this protected status does not currently appear (from the deforestation visible in satellite images) to extend to the interior of the island. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:163769,scientific_name:"Amphicnemis bicolor",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Amphicnemis",main_common_name:null,authority:"(Martin, 1898)",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2018-09-15",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"10-440",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:!0,amended_reason:"Correction of coded threats: logging and wood harvesting has unintentional effects on the species, rather than the species being intentionally used for this purpose.",countries:[{code:"MY",country:"Malaysia",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"},{year:"2009",assess_year:"2007",code:"DD",category:"Data Deficient"}]},{id:"61067",assessment_id:148658797,id_no:61067,sci_name:"Aulonocara maylandi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Ad Konings",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:" ",source:"Konings / SCUBA",basisofrec:"StillImage",event_year:1996,longitude:34.937589,latitude:-13.76625,species_id:61067,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi where it has only been recorded from two sites: West and Eccles Reefs (Luwala and Chimwalani Reefs). It has an area of occupancy (AOO) of 8 km2 and an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 70 km2. Overexploitation by the aquarium trade is the primary threat and the sites are considered a single location based on this threat. This species undergoes extreme fluctuations in the number of mature individuals following extraction by the ornamental fish trade. It is, therefore, listed as Critically Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to Lake Malawi where it has only been recorded at West Reef (Luwala Reef) and Eccles Reef (Chimwalani Reef).",population:"This species used to be common at the bottom of the two reefs but is now subject to extreme fluctuation in numbers following collection for the ornamental trade. As the traders target the adults the recovery of the adult population takes time. Overexploitation by the aquarium trade has decreased the population size by more than 70% from the mid 1990s to 2005. There are currently under 2,500 mature individuals.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"It is mainly observed over sand directly bordering the rocky reefs. The average depth is about 15 m. The reefs consist of large boulders which create enormous caves at the bottom. These are sometimes inhabited by large groups of A. maylandi. Food consists of small invertebrates which live in the sand. The prey is located with the aid of the enlarged cephalic pores on the head. Males defend their territories beneath large rocks. Usually they stand just in front of the cave's entrance and attract females to their spawning sites.",threats:[{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.1",title:"Intentional use: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No information available is available on conservation actions in place. Site protection and monitoring of the population trend is recommended.",usetrade:'It is regularly collected by the ornamental fish trade where it is known as "Sulphur Head Aulonocara".',taxonid:61067,scientific_name:"Aulonocara maylandi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"PERCIFORMES",family:"CICHLIDAE",genus:"Aulonocara",main_common_name:"Sulphur Head Aulonocara",authority:"Trewavas, 1984",published_year:2018,assessment_date:"2018-05-22",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ac(iv)+2ac(iv)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Konings, A.",reviewer:"Kanyerere, G.Z., Phiri, T.B. & Snoeks, J.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"70",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:'This errata version of the assessment was created to correct a Reviewer name from "Kanyerere, Z." to "Kanyerere, G.Z." and another Reviewer name from "Phiri, B." to "Phiri, T.B.". Additionally, a point data map was added as this was accidentally missed out of the previous assessment.',amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MW",country:"Malawi",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.5",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2018",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"},{year:"2006",assess_year:"2006",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"117060520",assessment_id:117060582,id_no:117060520,sci_name:"Triops emeritensis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elisa Alcazar Montanez",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN Mediterranean Red List",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Korn et al 2010",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-6.74540997,latitude:38.68669891,species_id:117060520,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species has a very restricted extent of occurrence and area of occupancy (both 8 km2). It occurs in one single location in Spain (Extremadura) which is represented by two temporary ponds. Both of these are located within a protected area, however they are threatened by agricultural activities. In addition, the habitat of this endemic species is severely fragmented by human infrastructure and natural barriers. These factors impede its dispersal by vectors and are expected to lead to a continuing decline in EOO, AOO, and the number of locations. There is a small chance that the species’ population will survive without specific conservation measures. Based on these observations the species is assessed as Critically Endangered.",geographicrange:"This species is endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, specifically within Extremadura in the Guadiana valley. It has been recorded only from two ponds near La Albuera, Badajoz, Spain (38.716745N, -6.822804W) which represent a single location (Korn et al. 2010).",population:"This species is known from only a single location, which is represented by two ponds in the Iberian Peninsula that are both found within a protected area (García-de-Lomas et al. 2015).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in rain-filled temporary ponds (García-de-Lomas et al. 2017).
",threats:[{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.3",title:"Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Low Impact: 5",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"Conservation: This species occurs at two localities in the “Complejo Lagunar de La Albuera” which represent a single location. This habitat is (i) a Ramsar site, (ii) a Site of Community Importance defined by the European Commission’s Habitats Directive, and (iii) a Special Protection Area defined by the Birds Directive. Thus, both localities of this species are in a protected area. However, there are no conservation efforts targeted specifically at this species. The LIFE project “Conservation of endangered arthropods of Extremadura” (2004-2007) addressed other classes of Arthropoda, but not branchiopods.
Research: More research is needed on the distribution of this species in order to determine the impact of threats on its population and habitat (Pérez-Bote et al. 2006). Furthermore, in order to verify the actual number of localities and locations in the Iberian Peninsula, it would be necessary to test further records that were initially reported as Triops cancriformis mauritanicus in Pérez-Bote et al. (2006) but were not included in Korn et al. (2010). Pérez-Bote et al. (2006) reported 16 records of branchiopods as Triops emeritensis, but the identification of these specimens has been questioned; if these specimens were confirmed as belonging to T. emeritensis then this species might be assessed in a lower threat category. On the other hand, if these specimens proved to belong to another lineage (such as Triops mauritanicus) then this assessment could change again.
",usetrade:"This species is neither traded nor utilized commercially.",taxonid:117060520,scientific_name:"Triops emeritensis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"BRANCHIOPODA",order:"NOTOSTRACA",family:"TRIOPSIDAE",genus:"Triops",main_common_name:"Tadpole shrimp",authority:"Korn & Pérez-Bote, 2010",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-31",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(i,ii,iv)+2ab(i,ii,iv)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"García de Lomas, J., Sala, J., Barrios, V., Prunier, F., Camacho, A., Machado, M., Alonso, M., Korn, M., Boix, D., Hortas, F., García, C.M., Serrano, L. & Muñoz, G.",reviewer:"Cumberlidge, N.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"8",elevation_upper:240,elevation_lower:240,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"ES",country:"Spain",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.17",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Saline, Brackish or Alkaline Marshes/Pools",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"191825",assessment_id:2006883,id_no:191825,sci_name:"Gobiesox juniperoserrai",presence:4,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"IUCN Freshwater Biodiversity Unit",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Possibly Extinct",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:" ",island:" ",tax_comm:"Type locality",source:"Ruiz-Campos et al. 2014",basisofrec:" ",event_year:null,longitude:-111.115,latitude:24.385,species_id:191825,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Gobiesox juniperoserrai is a microendemic desert species restricted to Pozas del Vado creek in Baja California Sur, Mexico. The species is severely threatened by over extraction of water resources and droughts caused by climate change. No specimens have been found since 1996, despite extensive search efforts from 2009 to 2014 (Ruiz-Campos et al. 2014). Considering its restricted range and continuing decline in the extent and quality of its habitat, the species is assessed as Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct).",geographicrange:"Gobiesox juniperoserrai is an endemic Nearctic freshwater species of Mexico, with a very restricted distribution, limited to the Pozas del Vado creek, Baja California Sur (Miller et al. 2005).",population:"The only known specimens of Gobiesox juniperoserrai are the three type specimens collected at the time of discovery; the species is probably extinct (Ruiz-Campos et al. 2014).",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"The only stream where the species used to occur is seasonal, not permanent, usually 50 cm deep; the bottom is sand, gravel, rock, with vegetation dominated by Chara and Potamogeton (Miller et al. 2005).",threats:[{code:"11.2",title:"Droughts",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.8",title:"Abstraction of ground water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"High Impact: 8",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Poecilia reticulata)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Poecilia reticulata"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Poecilia reticulata)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Poecilia reticulata"}],conservationmeasures:"No conservation actions for Gobiesox juniperoserrai exist, other than listing.",usetrade:"This species is not utilised.",taxonid:191825,scientific_name:"Gobiesox juniperoserrai",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"GOBIESOCIFORMES",family:"GOBIESOCIDAE",genus:"Gobiesox",main_common_name:"Peninsular Clingfish",authority:"Espinosa Pérez & Castro-Aguirre, 1996",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2018-03-01",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv)c(i,ii)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv)c(i,ii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Schmitter-Soto, J.J.",reviewer:"Arroyave, J., Contreras MacBeath, T., Domínguez, O. & Rivas, M.",aoo_km2:"4-8",eoo_km2:"50-90",elevation_upper:60,elevation_lower:30,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.2",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2018",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"157867341",assessment_id:157867475,id_no:157867341,sci_name:"Lepetodrilus pustulosus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Aoife Molloy",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-115.56700134,latitude:-23.5333004,species_id:157867341,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise and Galapagos Rift in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from nine restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2,447 m to 2,635 m bsl. The species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO), and has been found at only nine locations, suggesting that it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. While one of the nine locations lies within two Marine Protected Areas (Menini and Van Dover 2019), the other eight exist in International Waters without any such protection, therefore we have opted to assess the species as Near Threatened (NT). Whilst no licences have been granted to date, if mining were to be approved within any of these locations, this species is projected to experience decline in the extent and quality of its habitat. The presence of the species across a large geographical area owing to the spread of hydrothermal vent fields across ocean ridges might give cause for Least Concern (LC), however, this vent species is endemic to vent environments and only occupies a small area of suitable habitat (~36 km²) which is significantly below the Vulnerable (VU) category threshold for AOO under criterion B. Therefore, it would only take a small number of mining events to drive the species to extinction and a reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of the MPAs or in the event of mining licences being granted, whereby the species would be capable of becoming Vulnerable (VU B2ab(iii)). A reassessment may also be warranted if the taxonomy of this species is updated in future to reflect data suggesting potential conspecificity among some Lepetodrilus species (Johnson et al. 2008, Matabos and Jollivet 2019).",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to nine locations at hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise and Galapagos Rift in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. Location 1 lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Mexico, whereas Locations 2-9 occur beyond national jurisdiction in International Waters. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,447 m bsl to 2,635 m bsl. The nine locations are comprised of the following hydrothermal vent fields: EPR 21N (Location 1), EPR 13 N (Location 2), EPR 9 50'N (Location 3), EPR 7 25'S (Location 4), EPR 11 18'S (Location 5), EPR 17 S (Location 6), EPR 23 30'S (Location 7), Rose Garden (Location 8) and Feather Duster (Location 9) (McLean 1988, Johnson et al. 2008). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (McLean 1988, Johnson et al. 2008).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the East Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,447 m to 2,635 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"One of the nine locations, the EPR 21N vent field, lies within the Hydrothermal Ventilation Sanctuary of the Guaymas Basin and the Eastern Pacific Ridge (Santuario Ventilas Hidrotermales de la Cuenca de Guaymas y de la Dorsal del Pacífico Oriental), established in 2009, where research and fisheries activities are regulated by the Mexican government. This vent site is further surrounded by the Deep Mexican Pacific Biosphere Reserve (Reserva de la Biosfera Pacífico Mexicano Profundo), established in 2016 (Menini and Van Dover 2019). The exploitation of wildlife and mining in these areas is strictly prohibited. There are no conservation actions currently in place at the other locations where this species is found. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Taxonomic research is recommended for this species as it has been suggested Lepetodrilus pustulosus has at least two conspecific species (Johnson et al. 2008, Matabos and Jollivet 2019), therefore further research is required to confirm this. Further research is also recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the East Pacific Rise or Galapagos Rift.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157867341,scientific_name:"Lepetodrilus pustulosus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"LEPETELLIDA",family:"LEPETODRILIDAE",genus:"Lepetodrilus",main_common_name:null,authority:"McLean, 1988",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-02-02",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Molloy, A. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Böhm, M. & Seddon, M.B.",aoo_km2:"36",eoo_km2:"7305593.254",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:2635,depth_lower:2447,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"157866293",assessment_id:157867108,id_no:157866293,sci_name:"Gorgoleptis emarginatus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-114.30000305,latitude:-21.56200027,species_id:157866293,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from nine restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2,200 m to 2,845 m bsl. This species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields and has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO), suggesting that it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. While one of the nine locations lies within two Marine Protected Areas (Menini and Van Dover 2019), the other eight exist in International Waters without any such protection, therefore we have opted to assess the species as NT. The presence of the species across a large geographical area owing to the spread of hydrothermal vent fields across ocean ridges might give cause for LC, however, this vent species is endemic to vent environments and only occupies a small area of suitable habitat (~36 km²) which is significantly below the VU category threshold for AOO under criterion B. Therefore, it would only take a small number of mining events to drive the species to extinction and a reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of the MPAs or in the event of mining licences being granted, whereby the species would be capable of becoming VU B2ab(iii).",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to nine locations at hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. This species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2200 m bsl to 2,845 m bsl. Location 1 occurs within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Mexico, whereas the remaining eight locations occur beyond national jurisdiction in International Waters. The species has been observed from the following vent fields in these locations: EPR 21°N (Location 1), EPR 13°N (Location 2), Feather Duster (Location 3), EPR 9°50'N (Location 4), EPR 7°25'S (Location 5), EPR 14°S (Location 6), Rehu-Marka (Location 7), Rapa Nui (Location 8), and EPR 48'S Axial Dome (Location 9) (McLean 1988, Warén and Bouchet 2001, Dreyer 2004, Blake 2006, Mills et al. 2007, Matabos et al. 2011). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (McLean 1988, Warén and Bouchet 2001, Dreyer 2004, Blake 2006, Mills et al. 2007, Matabos et al. 2011).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,200 m to 2,845 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"One of the nine locations, the EPR 21°N vent field, lies within the Hydrothermal Ventilation Sanctuary of the Guaymas Basin and the Eastern Pacific Ridge (Santuario Ventilas Hidrotermales de la Cuenca de Guaymas y de la Dorsal del Pacífico Oriental), established in 2009, where research and fisheries activities are regulated by the Mexican government (Menini and Van Dover 2019). This vent site is further surrounded by the Deep Mexican Pacific Biosphere Reserve (Reserva de la Biosfera Pacífico Mexicano Profundo), established in 2016 (Menini and Van Dover 2019). The exploitation of wildlife and mining in these areas is strictly prohibited. There are no conservation actions currently in place at the remaining eight locations where this species is found. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the East Pacific Rise.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157866293,scientific_name:"Gorgoleptis emarginatus",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"LEPETELLIDA",family:"LEPETODRILIDAE",genus:"Gorgoleptis",main_common_name:null,authority:"McLean, 1988",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-11-28",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Hanson, N. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"36",eoo_km2:"3588052.099",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:2200,depth_lower:2845,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"157850705",assessment_id:157857123,id_no:157850705,sci_name:"Xylodiscula major",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:173.91700745,latitude:-16.98329926,species_id:157850705,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to hydrothermal vents at deep ocean ridges in the West Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from one restricted location, in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting within the Fiji EEZ, located at a depth of 2,000 m bsl, and would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if commercial deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. Mining licences have previously been granted to areas within the Fiji EEZ, however in 2019, the Fijian president called for a ten-year moratorium on mining. This has not yet been put into effect, however mining has been suspended within the Fiji EEZ. The potential for anthropogenic influence at these sites based on exploration licences for mineral extraction at or adjacent to the sites supports a projected continuing decline in quality of habitat. The impact of uncertainty around the future potential for decline in habitat means that the applicable threat level for this species is Vulnerable (VU D2).Rhinagrion reinhardi is known from more than 16 locations in Dinagat and Mindanao in the Philippines. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but since it appears to be extremely local in occurrence the AOO is unlikely to be large and is almost certainly below 2,000 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species. As a lowland, forest-dependent species it will already have lost a great deal of its habitat. Threats exist at all locations and the overall population is believed to be severely fragmented. The species qualifies for Vulnerable status and is assessed accordingly.
",geographicrange:"Rhinagrion reinhardi is known from Dinagat and Mindanao in the Philippines (Kalkman and Villanueva 2011, Villanueva 2009, Villanueva and Cahilog 2013). The assessor is aware of records from 16 locations to which it has proved possible to assign separate coordinates for mapping purposes. It is present in some protected areas, for instance the Aliwagwag Protected Landscape and Mount Kitanglad Range Natural Park in Mindanao. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data but since it appears to be extremely local in occurrence the AOO is unlikely to be large and is almost certainly below 2,000 km². The AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",population:"This species is not present at high densities even where it occurs. An ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species and severe fragmentation is almost certain for the same reasons.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"“Rhinagrion reinhardi has been recorded only in creeks and streams in forest, unlike R. philippinum which has also been found in rivers. One of the authors (RJTV) observed R. reinhardi regularly over a period of two years at a creek in Paragua Forest on Dinagat Island. At a seemingly uniform stretch of nearly 100 metres, males were found to perch only on two branches at a single spot. After a male was collected another male would take its place. These observations suggest that R. reinhardi is territorial” Kalkman & Villanueva (2011: 22). The same observation suggests that the species is extremely local in occurrence, and the assessor’s own experience supports this. It does have some ability to tolerate disturbance to the forest surrounding its streams. It appears to be confined to the lowlands. The extent and quality of suitable habitat are inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest across the range of the species.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2",title:"Industrial & military effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.2.2",title:"Seepage from mining",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More data on the distribution and ability to tolerate disturbance is needed for this species, and better protection for the existing protected areas where it occurs.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139549213,scientific_name:"Rhinagrion reinhardi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PHILOSINIDAE",genus:"Rhinagrion",main_common_name:null,authority:"Kalkman & Villanueva, 2011",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-08-10",category:"VU",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"500-2000",eoo_km2:"88736-106438",elevation_upper:500,elevation_lower:100,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"141760092",assessment_id:170706492,id_no:141760092,sci_name:"Ceylonosticta mirifica",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"M. Bedjanič, A. Sumanapala & R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Bedjanič et al. (2016)",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:80.6059,latitude:6.6968,species_id:141760092,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'Ceylonosticta mirifica is endemic to Sri Lanka where it is only known from two locations in the wet zone of the island. Its area of occupancy (AOO) is smaller than 10 km². Moreover, its AOO is inferred to be declining along with the extent and quality of suitable habitat due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species. It appears that the overall population is already severely fragmented. The species qualifies for Critically Endangered status under criterion B2ab(ii,iii), and is assessed as such.
',geographicrange:'Ceylonosticta mirifica is endemic to Sri Lanka where it is only known from two locations in the wet zone of the island (Bedjanič et al. 2016, Sumanapala unpublished). The second, unpublished location is just outside the Peak Wilderness Sanctuary protected area. The known records for this species occur within two 4 km² grid cells, therefore its estimated area of occupancy (AOO) is 8 km². Moreover, the AOO is inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within the range of the species. Since the species is known from only two sites, its extent of occurrence (EOO) is not calculated for this assessment.
This is clearly a very scarce and locally occurring species, and an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest in the area where it occurs. It appears that the overall population is already severely fragmented.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"At the type locality the species was found “in a small seepage on a densely wooded slope” Bedjanič et al. (2016: 23). At the second location the species was found on a medium sized stream. The extent and quality of suitable habitat for the species are observed to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest within its range.
",threats:[{code:"11.1",title:"Habitat shifting & alteration",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.5",title:"Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.4",title:"Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Slow, Significant Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"The following steps are needed for the affective conservation of this species and other Odonata endemic to Sri Lanka:
(1) Enforce and supplement existing conservation measures in protected areas. In many cases the protective legislation doesn’t stop the gross destruction of the habitat with the consequent loss of species. Agricultural expansion in forest areas slowly but consistently encroaches important areas by the cutting of undergrowth and small scale logging. When vegetation is removed or damaged around streams and seeps, there are negative effects on many dragonfly species.
(2) Establish new protected areas in the central and southwestern part of Sri Lanka and enlarge existing ones. Several patches of rainforests or partly degraded areas with exceptionally rich fauna and flora are excluded from the current protected area network. The conservation focus should be on the wet zone and montane areas where the majority of the island’s endemics are found.
(3) Enforce existing legislation and legislate additional protection for the smallest streams, rivulets and forest corridors in the wet zone. Streams, rivulets and forest corridors need legislation to prohibit the diversion of streams and clearcutting from the edges since this destroys the dragonfly habitats. Buffer zones of natural vegetation, especially around swamps and flowing waters, should be mandatory by legislation.
(4) Enforce measures to avoid siltation and unnatural flow regimes of running waters. Damming streams or piping springs should be minimized, especially in key dragonfly conservation areas. Water extraction for consumption and irrigation should be sustainable, taking into account the integrity of the habitat and its biodiversity.
(5) Minimize the chemical and organic pollution of water habitats. The impact of the over-use of various agricultural chemicals and insecticides in Sri Lanka is virtually unknown, but surely has a strong negative impact on species, including humans.
(6) Restore degraded areas in key locations. The natural potential for restoration is very high in partly degraded habitats, and a favourable conservation status can be restored in a relatively short time with simple measures.
(7) Conduct comprehensive odonatological faunistic work in protected areas of the central and southwestern part of the island, including regular monitoring as a subsequent step. The amount of much needed new knowledge gathered in this way would be immense. Without this baseline information, specific conservation guidelines are hard to elaborate and effective conservation measures on the local level cannot be undertaken.
(8) Raise awareness on the threat status of the endemic dragonfly fauna of Sri Lanka among local scientists, students, nature tour guides and naturalists, as well as relevant nature conservation authorities and organisations, both locally and internationally.
(9) As voucher specimen are vital in confirming the identity of newly discovered populations and as additional research is required on threatened endemic dragonfly species, it is highly recommended to support and encourage taxonomic and faunistic work as important conservation actions. A more convenient process of obtaining permits from a centralized permit issuing agency should be enforced in future.
As Ceylonostica mirifica is assessed as a Critically Endangered endemic species, a systematic survey of its distribution, populations, biology and threats, encompassing wider surroundings of known localities, should urgently be executed as a basis for conservation measures planning.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:141760092,scientific_name:"Ceylonosticta mirifica",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"PLATYSTICTIDAE",genus:"Ceylonosticta",main_common_name:null,authority:"Bedjanic, 2016",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2020-06-11",category:"CR",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Bedjanič, M., Dow, R.A. & Sumanapala, A.P.",reviewer:"Clausnitzer, V.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:760,elevation_lower:508,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"},{code:"1.9",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"175718316",assessment_id:175718338,id_no:175718316,sci_name:"Corydoras habrosus",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Herrera-Collazos, E.E.",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"GBIF; FishNet2; FishBase; SiB Colombia; SpeciesLink; CZUT-IC; IAvH-P; ICN-MHN; IMCN; MPUJ; MCNG",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:"A branch of R. Pao Viejo, El Baul.",island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:null,longitude:-68.037385,latitude:9.14138,species_id:175718316,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Corydoras habrosus can be found throughout the plains in Apure, Arauca and Meta drainages. It has an area of occupancy (AOO) best estimated at 2,904 km2. It is abundant in records in biological collections. The level of actual aquatic habitat degradation and amount of harvest in ornamental fisheries is unknown. There are not adequate records to recognize the population size and trend for the species, but ornamental fishing pressure is expected to have an impact. There is a continuing decline in the extent, quality and integrity of its aquatic habitat related to extensive deforestation, transformation of rivers (eg. dams, dredged and sedimentation), untreated urban effluents with pesticides, agriculture areas and their sewages. There are 6-8 locations based on these threats. Considering the previous arguments, the species is evaluated as Near Threatened, given the AOO is greater than the Vulnerable threshold. There are no laws or regulations specifically oriented to the protection of the species, but conservation sites and protected areas occur across the range of the species. The most important actions for the conservation of the species include protection with respect to the ornamental fisheries. Research (taxonomy, biology, population) and management actions are recommended.",geographicrange:'The species Corydoras habrosus is restricted to the Apure and Arauca river drainages. The type locality is Río Salinas, tributary of Río Pao Viejo, El Baúl, Cojedes, Venezuela (Weitzman 1960). The species occurs in Colombia and Venezuela, and is reported in rivers Casanare (Meta), Arauca, Maraca and Igüez creeks, and rivers Socopó, Masparro, Suripá, Ticoporo, Canaguá, Cojedes (Apure drainage) and Aguaro (Taphorn 1989, Taphorn et al. 2005, Usma-Oviedo et al. 2016). The species is reported in 96 effective localities with elevation from 80-225 m above sea level.Pseudocheirodon terrabae is endemic to the Terraba and Pirris River drainages on the Pacific slope of Costa Rica. Threats include deforestation, non-point pollution from agricultural runoff, and increased sedimentation, which are inferred to have resulted in a decline in the quality of available habitat. This species exhibits a relatively restricted range with an Extent of Occurrence that is unlikely to exceed 20,000 km2 and an AOO that is unlikely to exceed 2,000 km2. As such, it is assessed as Vulnerable under criteria B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"Pseudocheirodon terrabae is endemic to the Terraba, Pirris, and Coto River drainages on the Pacific slope of Costa Rica (Angulo et al. 2013, Matamoros et al. 2015). Elevation ranges from 0-680 meters above sea level (Bussing 1998). The Terraba River drainage is approximately 5084 km2 (Rólier-Lara and Whertmann 2011) with 456 linear km of waterways (Paaby 2008).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is not expected to exceed 10,000 km2, based on a minimum convex polygon calculated around georeferenced collection records and the drainages where this species has been reported (GBIF 2019). Area of Occupancy (AOO) is unlikely to exceed 2,000 km2, based on a 2x2 km2 grid overlain on linear waterways where this species may occur. Given a relatively restricted range and broad threats that include deforestation and extensive agricultural practices, the number of locations where this species occurs is unlikely to exceed 10.
",population:"Total population size and population trend are unknown. Bussing (1998) reports this species as uncommon. Rojas and Rodríguez (2008) did not detect this species in their sample area, but suggest that this may be an artifact of sampling gear bias.
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"This species occurs in creeks and river backwaters characterized by low to moderate water velocity. It is often found associated with submerged vegetation on river shorelines. Diet is comprised primarily of aufwuchs (Bussing 1998). This species reaches a maximum reported body size of 5.0 cm total length (TL) (Bussing 1998).
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.4",title:"Unintentional effects: (large scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.10",title:"Large dams",timing:"Future",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.9",title:"Small dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are currently no species-specific conservation actions directed towards P. terrabae. The range of this species may include Los Quetzales National Park (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2019), however this species typically occurs below 680 meters above sea level (Bussing 1998), and Los Quetzales contains many higher elevation catchments. More information regarding total population size, population trend, and the direct impacts of threats would be useful in guiding future conservation action.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:150105894,scientific_name:"Pseudocheirodon terrabae",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Pseudocheirodon",main_common_name:"Térraba tetra",authority:"Bussing, 1967",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-05-14",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Angulo, A.",aoo_km2:"1000-2000,1424",eoo_km2:"5482-14304,14304",elevation_upper:680,elevation_lower:0,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"CR",country:"Costa Rica",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"139545047",assessment_id:146602210,id_no:139545047,sci_name:"Sangabasis hamis",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"R.A. Dow",yrcompiled:2018,citation:"R.A. Dow",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Villanueva & Dow 2014",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:0,longitude:123.6304,latitude:8.4816,species_id:139545047,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Sangabasis hamis is known only from the type locality in the northwest of Mindanao in the Philippines. An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available information but based on the available data it will be below 500km2. The AOO and extent and quality of suitable habitat are all inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of lowland forest in the area where the species occurs; this is based on the assumption that the species, like the others in its genus, is forest-dependent. With no definite information on habitat requirements and only one location known it could be argued that this species should be assessed as Data Deficient, but it is likely to have a restricted range in the northwest of Mindanao and given that there is ongoing loss of and alteration to all original lowland habitats in the region it is unlikely that the species will qualify for Least Concern when more information is available, a Data Deficient assessment is not appropriate. The species qualifies for Endangered status under criterion B2ab(ii,iii) and is assessed accordingly.
",geographicrange:"Sangabasis hamis is known only from the type locality in the northwest of Mindanao in the Philippines (Villanueva & Dow 2014). The type locality is close to the Mount Malindang Natural Park and it is possible that the species occurs in that protected area (but see Threats). An accurate estimate of the area of occupancy (AOO) of this species is not possible with the available data, but it may not be large and with the available data will be below 500km2, and can be inferred to be declining due to loss and degradation of forest in northwest Mindanao.
",population:"The species may have been fairly common at the type locality at the time of collection, but beyond this all that can be said with the available data is that an ongoing decline in overall population is inferred from loss and degradation of forest in the region where the species occurs and that if not already confined to a single location then severe fragmentation seems certain for the same reason.
",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"Nothing was recorded on the habitats and ecology of this species but other species of the genus are typically associated with swamp forest and swampy areas (sometimes around the margins of ponds or lakes) in other types of forest. Assuming that the species is forest-dependent, an ongoing decline in both extent and quality of suitable habitat is inferred from loss and degradation of lowland forest in the area where the species occurs.
",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.1",title:"Shifting agriculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.3",title:"Agro-industry farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3",title:"Logging & wood harvesting",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.3.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Unknown",severity:"Rapid Declines",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"More information on the distribution of this species, and on its habitat requirements and ability to tolerate disturbance is needed for this species. Protection of areas including populations of the species is also required and better protection for Mount Malindang Natural Park. Any conservation measures not focused on protection of habitat will be at best futile and might actually be counterproductive, for instance blanket bans on collection of specimens will hamper searches for additional populations of the species, since vital voucher specimens to confirm identification will not be available.
",usetrade:null,taxonid:139545047,scientific_name:"Sangabasis hamis",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"ARTHROPODA",class:"INSECTA",order:"ODONATA",family:"COENAGRIONIDAE",genus:"Sangabasis",main_common_name:null,authority:"Villanueva & Dow, 2014",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2019-07-13",category:"EN",criteria:"B2ab(ii,iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!0,assessor:"Dow, R.A.",reviewer:"Reels, G.",aoo_km2:"10-499",eoo_km2:null,elevation_upper:300,elevation_lower:100,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PH",country:"Philippines",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"1.6",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"1.8",habitat:"Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Swamp",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null},{code:"5.4",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands",suitability:"Suitable",season:null,majorimportance:null}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2019",code:"EN",category:"Endangered"}]},{id:"176425386",assessment_id:176425391,id_no:176425386,sci_name:"Bryconamericus sylvicola",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Jorge Liotta",yrcompiled:2020,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:"Braga, 1998a",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:1983,longitude:-54.216667,latitude:-25.938333,species_id:176425386,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is assessed as Vulnerable, because its extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 19,705 km2, it is known from eight locations, and there is projected continuing decline in the extent and quality of its aquatic habitat in the different streams, due to habitat alterations, agricultural activities and the presence of invasive exotic fish species.",geographicrange:'This species was described from upper and middle río Urugua-i, a small river system tributary of río Paraná in Misiones, Argentina. It has been recorded for only two water courses in this basin: Central creek (near national route 101, and Uruzú creek, near provincial route 19 (Braga 1998). Lopez et al. (2005) mention this species for "affluent streams of the Paraná River in Misiones" southern than the Urugua-í, but without identifying specific records. In a comprehensive review of the genus, Fuchs (2014) gathers more recent records from various sectors of the Urugua-í River, as well as other Misiones paranensean basin, such as the Cuña-Pirú stream.',population:"There is no population estimation for this species. This species was described in 1998. The typical material was collected some years earlier, in 1983. Lots of the species were collected in different events and localities at least up to 2010.",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The Urugua-í river is located in the Iguazú department in Misiones. Its headwaters are about 700 m a.s.l. near Bernardo de Irigoyen, in the Sierra de Misiones, crosses the province from East to West, and formed, a few kilometers from its mouth in the Paraná, a jump of 28 m high, annulled by the construction of a dam in 1989. The current is moderate, with a flow rate of up to 5 m/s. Its drainage basin has an area of 2,556 km2. Like the Iguazú river, the stream crosses a subtropical area without a dry season, with an average monthly temperature between 13.5 and 23.5oC, with average rainfall between 1900 and 2000 mm per year. The bottom of the stream is muddy, sand, gravel sand or rocky (Menni 2004). The upper course of the Urugua-i River system and part of its middle course are characterized by the presence of small falls, slides and backwaters. Braga (1998) thought that B. sylvicola was endemic to the Urugua-i River, upstream of the jumps, but later the species was found in the lower reaches too. After impoundment, in 2006, the species remained living in the artificial lake. Also, various collectors found it in the Cuñá Pirú basin. Its streams have stony bottom, clear waters and fast current, with slopes of different heights (Araya 2017), with four falls: Salto Encantado, Alegre, Piedras Blancas and La Olla. These jumps are impassable barriers to the displacement of the ichthyofauna upstream of the main course of the Cuñapirú stream (Azpelicueta et al. 2005).",threats:[{code:"2.2",title:"Wood & pulp plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"2.2.2",title:"Agro-industry plantations",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:null,score:"Low Impact: 4",invasive:null},{code:"2.3",title:"Livestock farming & ranching",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.3.2",title:"Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4",title:"Marine & freshwater aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.4.1",title:"Subsistence/artisinal aquaculture",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4",title:"Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"5.4.3",title:"Unintentional effects: (subsistence/small scale) [harvest]",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2",title:"Dams & water management/use",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"7.2.9",title:"Small dams",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Coptodon rendalli)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Coptodon rendalli"},{code:"8.1",title:"Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases (Cyprinus carpio)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Cyprinus carpio"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Coptodon rendalli)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Coptodon rendalli"},{code:"8.1.2",title:"Named species (Cyprinus carpio)",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:"Cyprinus carpio"},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Minority (<50%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:'Bryconamericus sylvicola has been assessed as "Rara" (Chebez et al. 2009). Parts of the range of the species distribution are within provincial protected areas. In the Urugua-í river basin there are three major protected areas: the Protected Landscape Lake Urugua-í (80 km2) and the Urugua-í (871.5 km2) and Uruzú (25 km2) Provincial Parks. In the basin of the Cuñá Pirú stream there are also protected sectors, such as the Valle del Cuñá Pirú Provincial Park (125.2 km2), Salto Encantado del Valle de Cuñá Pirú Provincial Park (7 km2), and the Valle del Cuñá Pirú Private Reserve (55 km2) of the National University of La Plata.',usetrade:"There is no use or trade information for this species.",taxonid:176425386,scientific_name:"Bryconamericus sylvicola",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Bryconamericus",main_common_name:"Mojarra",authority:"Braga, 1998",published_year:2022,assessment_date:"2020-09-30",category:"VU",criteria:"B1ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Liotta, J. & Fuchs, D.V.",reviewer:"Lyons, T.J.",aoo_km2:"9028",eoo_km2:"19705",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"AR",country:"Argentina",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"15.1",habitat:"Artificial/Aquatic - Water Storage Areas (over 8ha)",suitability:"Unknown",season:"Resident",majorimportance:null},{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2022",assess_year:"2020",code:"VU",category:"Vulnerable"}]},{id:"149847763",assessment_id:174846963,id_no:149847763,sci_name:"Schistura scripta",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Malka Fernando",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"IUCN",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:"Sri Lanka",tax_comm:null,source:"CHE00130",basisofrec:"HumanObservation",event_year:2018,longitude:80.310134,latitude:6.151961,species_id:149847763,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"Schistura scripta is a range-restricted, endemic species, known only from a single location in the Gin river basin of Sri Lanka. Its estimated Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is around 4 km2 and Area of Occupancy (AOO) is 4 km2. A continuing decline in its habitat quality has been observed due to accumulation of agrochemicals used in the surrounding tea plantations and expansion of oil palm plantations. These threats are likely to continue as the area is undergoing agricultural expansion and there is no current protection for its habitat. Therefore, the species is assessed as Critically Endangered.",geographicrange:"Schistura scripta is an endemic freshwater fish species from Sri Lanka, where it is only known from its type locality, a stream about 3-4 m wide, flowing through the palm-oil plantations of Nakiyadeniya Estate in an unprotected area of the Gin River Basin, at an elevation of about 80 m above sea level (Sudasinghe 2018).",population:"About 100 or so adults of this species were observed along a stretch of about 50 m along the length of the stream. This also included several gravid females and indicates a level of local abundance. The studies were done during a relatively dry period in December of 2017 by Subasinghe (2018). More information is needed, however, about the species population trends; although it is not wrong to infer a decline in its population, owing to threat activities such as pollution and plantation activity.",populationtrend:"decreasing",habitat:"The species occurs in a freshwater stream. The substrate consists of small boulders and pebbles. Schistura scripta prefers the faster-flowing regions of the stream and was observed sharing its habitat with Garra ceylonensis, Rasbora dandia and Belontia signata (Sudasinghe 2018).",threats:[{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.4",title:"Scale Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.4",title:"Type Unknown/Unrecorded",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Causing/Could cause fluctuations",score:"Medium Impact: 6",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"No specific conservation measures are in place to protect this species.",usetrade:"There is no specific information available regarding the use or trade of this species.",taxonid:149847763,scientific_name:"Schistura scripta",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CYPRINIFORMES",family:"NEMACHEILIDAE",genus:"Schistura",main_common_name:"Nakiyadeniya mountain loach",authority:"Sudasinghe, 2018",published_year:2019,assessment_date:"2019-08-07",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Decreasing",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Fernado, M., Kotagama, O. & de Alwis Goonatilake, S.",reviewer:"Maiz-Tome, L. & Raghavan, R.",aoo_km2:"4",eoo_km2:"4",elevation_upper:135,elevation_lower:135,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:!0,errata_reason:"This corrected (errata) assessment was created to clarify the results of the study by Subasinghe (2018) reported in the Population text.",amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"LK",country:"Sri Lanka",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2019",assess_year:"2019",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"157909880",assessment_id:157910294,id_no:157909880,sci_name:"Nodopelta heminoda",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Nova Hanson",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-109.08300018,latitude:20.83329964,species_id:157909880,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from two restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2,600 m to 2,630 m bsl. The species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO), and has been found at only two locations, suggesting that it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. One of the two locations lies within two Marine Protected Areas (Menini and Van Dover 2019), however, the other exists in International Waters without any such protection and is still vulnerable to the threat of deep-sea mining. Whilst no licences have been granted to date, if mining were to be approved at the unprotected vent field, the projected decline in the extent and quality of habitat could cause this species to become threatened very rapidly. However as one location is protected, the species is unlikely to become Critically Endangered (CR) or Extinct (EX) over the next 1-2 generations, and we have opted to assess this species as Near Threatened (NT) rather than Vulnerable (VU D2), although an urgent reassessment would be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of the MPA or mining licence arrangements, whereby the assessment could increase to Endangered (EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)).",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to two locations at hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,600 m bsl to 2,630 m bsl. Location 1 lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Mexico, whereas Location 2 occurs beyond national jurisdiction in International Waters. The species occurs at two hydrothermal vent fields in these locations: the EPR 21N vent field (Location 1) and the EPR 13N vent field (Location 2) (McLean 1989). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (McLean 1989).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,600 m to 2,630 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"One of the two locations, the EPR 21N vent field, lies within the Hydrothermal Ventilation Sanctuary of the Guaymas Basin and the Eastern Pacific Ridge (Santuario Ventilas Hidrotermales de la Cuenca de Guaymas y de la Dorsal del Pacífico Oriental), established in 2009, where research and fisheries activities are regulated by the Mexican government (Menini and Van Dover 2019). This vent site is further surrounded by the Deep Mexican Pacific Biosphere Reserve (Reserva de la Biosfera Pacífico Mexicano Profundo), established in 2016 (Menini and Van Dover 2019). The exploitation of wildlife and mining in these areas is strictly prohibited. However, there are no conservation actions currently in place at the other location where this species is found, EPR 13N. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the East Pacific Rise.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157909880,scientific_name:"Nodopelta heminoda",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"NEOMPHALIDA",family:"PELTOSPIRIDAE",genus:"Nodopelta",main_common_name:null,authority:"McLean, 1989",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-03-01",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Hanson, N. & Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"8",eoo_km2:"2084",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:2600,depth_lower:2630,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"157867377",assessment_id:157867485,id_no:157867377,sci_name:"Melanodrymia aurantiaca",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Elin Thomas",yrcompiled:2021,citation:"IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:null,tax_comm:null,source:null,basisofrec:null,event_year:0,longitude:-113.11699677,latitude:-17,species_id:157867377,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This unique marine gastropod is restricted to deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from three restricted locations in the distinctive microhabitats of active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting, located at depths of 2,500 m to 2,800 m bsl. The species occurs only at hydrothermal vent fields, has a restricted area of occupancy (AOO), and has been found at only three locations, suggesting that it would be severely threatened by the anthropogenic impacts associated with mineral extraction if deep-sea mining were to occur in this region. One of the three locations lies within two Marine Protected Areas (Menini and Van Dover 2019), however, the others exists in International Waters without any such protection. We have therefore opted to assess the species as Near Threatened (NT). Although the species has a restricted AOO and there is a plausible future threat, it is unlikely to become Critically Endangered (CR) or Extinct (EX) over the next 1-2 generations because at least one location is protected. However, whilst no licences have been granted to date, if mining were to be approved, the projected decline in the extent and quality of habitat would drive this species to threatened status very rapidly. An urgent reassessment would therefore be merited if there was a substantial change to the status of mining licence arrangements or to the status of the MPAs, whereby the assessment could increase to Endangered (EN B2ab(iii)).",geographicrange:"This deep-sea gastropod is restricted to three locations at hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise in the Pacific Ocean. A location encompasses vent fields within a prescribed management area, with a biologically and geologically coherent identity, and within 80 km of each other. To delineate locations, we started with prescribed management areas, then divided each of these into subareas with a biologically and geologically coherent identity. Finally, we divided these subareas into clusters of vents within 80 km of each other. Each location therefore also has common exposure to relevant potential threats. A distance of 80 km was set as the minimum threshold to separate vent fields into different locations as evidence from the literature suggests that sediment plumes from mining activity could spread across distances of 60 to 70 km (Luick 2012, Miller et al. 2018). Such sediment plumes will smother adjacent seabed communities, thus degrading the habitat quality. Associated threats are likely to include impacts to gas exchange and feeding ability, delay or prevention of the recolonisation of mined areas, or additional unknown effects of exposure. The species occurs at active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,500 m bsl to 2,800 m bsl. Location 1 lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Mexico, whereas Locations 2 and 3 occur beyond national jurisdiction in International Waters. The species occurs at three hydrothermal vent fields in these locations: the EPR 21N vent field (Location 1), the EPR 13N vent field (Location 2), and the EPR 17S vent field (Location 3) (Hickman 1984, Waren and Bouchet 1989, Waren and Bouchet 1993, Waren and Bouchet 2001, Aktipis and Giribet 2012). The species is present over very small areas in each of these vent fields.",population:"These populations have only been sampled by remotely operated vehicles, and given the presence at depth, it is difficult to ascertain the population status (Hickman 1984, Waren and Bouchet 1989, Waren and Bouchet 1993, Waren and Bouchet 2001, Aktipis and Giribet 2012).",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The species is restricted to hydrothermal vents on deep ocean ridges in the Pacific Ocean. It is currently known from active black smokers and sites of diffuse venting located at depths of 2,500 m to 2,800 m bsl.",threats:[{code:"3.2",title:"Mining & quarrying",timing:"Future",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"One of the three locations, the EPR 21N vent field, lies within the Hydrothermal Ventilation Sanctuary of the Guaymas Basin and the Eastern Pacific Ridge (Santuario Ventilas Hidrotermales de la Cuenca de Guaymas y de la Dorsal del Pacífico Oriental), established in 2009, where research and fisheries activities are regulated by the Mexican government (Menini and Van Dover 2019). This vent site is further surrounded by the Deep Mexican Pacific Biosphere Reserve (Reserva de la Biosfera Pacífico Mexicano Profundo), established in 2016 (Menini and Van Dover 2019). The exploitation of wildlife and mining in these areas is strictly prohibited. However, there are no conservation actions currently in place at the other two locations where this species is found. We recommend that specific national/international legislation is required for the protection of deep-sea habitats and resources. Further research is recommended to predict the impacts on populations from disturbance by mining and to confirm whether the species is present at any other vent sites along the East Pacific Rise.",usetrade:"There is no known trade or use of this species.",taxonid:157867377,scientific_name:"Melanodrymia aurantiaca",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"MOLLUSCA",class:"GASTROPODA",order:"NEOMPHALIDA",family:"MELANODRYMIIDAE",genus:"Melanodrymia",main_common_name:null,authority:"Hickman, 1984",published_year:2021,assessment_date:"2021-03-05",category:"NT",criteria:null,population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!0,freshwater_system:!1,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"Thomas, E.A.",reviewer:"Seddon, M.B. & Böhm, M.",aoo_km2:"12",eoo_km2:"1405371.519",elevation_upper:null,elevation_lower:null,depth_upper:2500,depth_lower:2800,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"MX",country:"Mexico",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"11.6",habitat:"Marine Deep Benthic - Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2021",assess_year:"2021",code:"NT",category:"Near Threatened"}]},{id:"149118918",assessment_id:149122066,id_no:149118918,sci_name:"Astyanax kompi",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"Lyons, T.",yrcompiled:2019,citation:"New Mexico BioPark Society",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:" ",subpop:" ",dist_comm:null,island:" ",tax_comm:null,source:"Global Biodiversity Information Facility https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.hrxbpj",basisofrec:" ",event_year:0,longitude:-82.678626,latitude:8.764553,species_id:149118918,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:"This species is restricted to Lagunas de Volcán on the Pacific versant of Panama. The total range of this species is included within a protected area. However, agriculture and tourism occur in the immediate area and have the potential to negatively affect habitat quality. Additionally, an eruption event of Volcán Barú has the future potential to drive this species towards extinction within a very short period of time. Introduced predatory fish in both lagoons is resulting in an inferred and continuous decline in habitat quality and availability. As such, this species is assessed as Critically Endangered under criterion B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii).
",geographicrange:"This species is known from a single location, Lagunas de Volcán, within the highlands of the Chiriquí Viejo River basin on the Pacific versant of Panama (Schmitter-Soto 2017, Angulo et al. 2018). The elevation of this site is approximately 1200 meters above sea level (CREHO 2010).
Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) are not expected to exceed 5 km2, based on the size of Laguna de Volcán and its outflow (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020).
",population:"There is no information regarding the population size or population trend of this species. It is known from a restricted number of museum collections (Fishnet2 2020, GBIF 2020).
",populationtrend:"unknown",habitat:"The specific habitat requirements and life history of this species are largely unknown.
",threats:[{code:"10.1",title:"Volcanoes",timing:"Future",scope:"Whole (>90%)",severity:"Very Rapid Declines",score:"Medium Impact: 7",invasive:null},{code:"1.3",title:"Tourism & recreation areas",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1",title:"Annual & perennial non-timber crops",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"2.1.2",title:"Small-holder farming",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3",title:"Agricultural & forestry effluents",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.1",title:"Nutrient loads",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.2",title:"Soil erosion, sedimentation",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null},{code:"9.3.3",title:"Herbicides and pesticides",timing:"Ongoing",scope:"Majority (50-90%)",severity:"Unknown",score:"Unknown",invasive:null}],conservationmeasures:"There are no species-specific conservation measures directed towards A. kompi. The range of this species is included in the Volcán Lagoon Protected Area (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2020). Additional information regarding distribution, population size, population trend, and the direct impact of existing threats would be useful in guiding additional conservation outcomes.
",usetrade:"This species is not utilized.
",taxonid:149118918,scientific_name:"Astyanax kompi",kingdom:"ANIMALIA",phylum:"CHORDATA",class:"ACTINOPTERYGII",order:"CHARACIFORMES",family:"CHARACIDAE",genus:"Astyanax",main_common_name:null,authority:"Hildebrand, 1938",published_year:2020,assessment_date:"2020-02-03",category:"CR",criteria:"B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)",population_trend:"Unknown",marine_system:!1,freshwater_system:!0,terrestrial_system:!1,assessor:"González, R., Angulo, A. & Lyons, T.J.",reviewer:"Armbruster, J.W.",aoo_km2:"5",eoo_km2:"5",elevation_upper:1200,elevation_lower:1200,depth_upper:null,depth_lower:null,errata_flag:null,errata_reason:null,amended_flag:null,amended_reason:null,countries:[{code:"PA",country:"Panama",presence:"Extant",origin:"Native",distribution_code:"Native"}],habitats:[{code:"5.1",habitat:"Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)",suitability:"Suitable",season:"Resident",majorimportance:"Yes"}],history:[{year:"2020",assess_year:"2020",code:"CR",category:"Critically Endangered"}]},{id:"109686382",assessment_id:109686403,id_no:109686382,sci_name:"Tylomelania hannelorae",presence:1,origin:1,seasonal:1,compiler:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",yrcompiled:2017,citation:"T. von Rintelen, MfN Berlin",legend:"Extant (resident)",subspecies:null,subpop:null,dist_comm:null,island:"Sulawesi",tax_comm:null,source:" ",basisofrec:"PreservedSpecimen",event_year:2003,longitude:121.485333,latitude:-2.578667,species_id:109686382,taxonomicnotes:null,rationale:'The species is endemic to Lake Mahalona in Sulawesi, which is counted as a single location with major threats including the potential impacts of pollution from nickel mining, eutrophication and invasive species. This species is only found at one rocky shore locality in Lake Mahalona and has an extent of occurrence (EOO) and an area of occupancy (AOO) both of 4 km