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GIT & GITHUB | Syncing your fork with the original repo using git command line

Mary @Ifycode edited this page Feb 8, 2025 · 2 revisions


The SSH url is used in this tutorial. If you are using HTTPS url, just replace the SSH url with the HTTPS url anywhere git urls are used. What's the difference between SSH url and HTTPS url? - See Introduction: using command line git

Your fork as remote origin

Open your terminal. In the root of the cloned repo on your computer run the command:

git remote -v

The result will look like this:

origin (fetch)
origin (push)

By default, the word "origin" is used to point to or identify any repo that you own and have access to manage. In the case of forks, you own your fork, and you have access to manage (i.e. push directly to, edit and delete) your fork. The result above also shows fetch and push actions on the origin.

Setting the original repo as upstream

Go to the original @collabo-community GitHub repository that you forked from, get their clone URL, and use it to add another remote called "upstream":

git remote add upstream

Run this command again:

git remote -v

The result will look like this:

origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

By default, the word "upstream" is used to point to or identify any repo that you do not own and do not have access to manage. Simply put, you do not have access to manage (i.e. push directly to, edit and delete) that repo. The result above also shows fetch and push actions on the upstream too.

Pulling in new changes & syncing your fork

You are now set and ready pull in changes from the upstream and merge into your origin.

Switch to the develop branch:

git checkout develop

Pull in new changes from the upstream repo to your local computer with:

git pull upstream develop

Sync your fork (check and observe your fork's develop branch on the GitHub web UI after running the command below to see that it's synced):

git push origin develop

Create new branch and make your changes!

Create i.e. checkout to a new branch, make your changes, add, commit and push your new branch.


Go to your fork on the GitHub web UI, you should see your branch there. Send a pull request as usual.