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Simon Dückert edited this page Sep 30, 2018 · 66 revisions

Welcome to the lernOS wiki! Everybody can contribute content related to #lernOS. Netiquette: be excellent to each other.

Used Software

For creating and maintaining the lernOS content a lot of software is used. We try to use open source software if possible.

  • Atom - markdown editor for writing the single source content.
  • Calibre - e-book management software for adding the covers and creating mobi format from epub.
  • Github Desktop - client to sync the sources of the lernOS repository on github between developers desktops and the cloud.
  • Inkscape - for creating the vector graphics for the guide. Images are provided in scalable vector graphic format (SVG) and PNG (96 and 300 dpi).
  • Microsoft OneNote - digital notebook used for the circle template and the memex (in the future)
  • MiKTeX - LaTeX distribution for Windows used by pandoc to create pdf format.
  • Pandoc - converter for converting the markdown source to other formats (e.g. docx, pdf, epub, html).

Community Contributions

One basic idea of lernOS is that it is not a one size fits all approach. Users (individuals and organizations) should adapt it to their needs. If users publish their adoptions they can list and link it here in this section. Just add another bullet point, a title, a short description and a link if available.

  • lernOS Canvas vhs Edition - a adoption of the lernOS Canvas by @martinlindner for adult education centers (german: Volkshochschule).
  • Sketchnote Out Loud - a lernOS style by @karlcdamke to learn sketchnoting in a lernOS Circle.
  • ... add your contribution here ...

lernOS Toolkit

lernOS Roots & Inspiration

lernOS was created inspired by a lot of methods, frameworks, and approaches to master living and working in the 21st century. Here is a (never complete) list:

  1. 21st Century Skills
  2. 70/20/10 Model
  3. Agile Manifesto
  4. Agile Mindset
  5. Agile Fluency Project
  6. Ambidextrous Organization
  7. Balanced Scorecard
  8. Beyond Budgeting
  9. Business Model Generation
  10. Business Motivation Model
  11. Cluetrain Manifesto
  12. Community of Practice by Etienne Wenger: group of people who share a passion for something they know how to do and who interact regularly to learn how to do it better - Sources: Paper (2000), Introduction Article, Quick Start-Up Guide, Video
  13. CoderDojo
  14. Complex Adaptive Systems
  15. Core Competence
  16. Cynefin by David Snowden: a knowledge management model to explain the difference between simple, complicated, complex, and chaotic systems - Sources: Article (2007), Video, Video
  17. Design Thinking
  18. Dynamic Governance
  19. Dual Operating System
  20. Enterprise 2.0 by Andrew McAfee: the use of emergent social software platforms within companies, or between companies and their partners or customers - Sources: Blog with Definition (2005), Article (2006), Video
  21. Future Backwards
  22. Getting Things Done by David Allen: a self-organization method for knowledge workers to collect, process, organize, review, and improve activities - Sources: Website, Infographic, Video
  23. Grossmann Method
  24. Growth Mindset
  25. Holacracy
  26. Hoshin Kanri
  27. Intellectual Capital
  28. Knowledge Society
  29. Knowledge Worker
  30. Lead User Innovation
  31. Lean in
  32. Lean Startup
  33. Lean Thinking
  34. Learning Organization by David Garvin: 3 building blocks of the learning Organization (supportive learning environment, concrete learning processes, leadership that reinforces learning) - Sources: Article (2008), Video
  35. Lifehacks
  36. Mastermind Groups
  37. Management 2.0
  38. Management 3.0
  39. Management by Objectives
  40. Megatrend
  41. Memex
  42. Middle-Up-Down Management
  43. Mind map
  44. Mindset, Skillset, Toolset
  45. New Work
  46. Objective Key Results by Andy Grove: agile planning and governence method for organizations, teams, and individuals - Souces: Booklet, Video
  47. PDCA-Circle
  48. Personal Information Management
  49. Personal Knowledge Mastery
  50. Pomodoro Technique
  51. RACI
  52. Reinventing Organizations
  53. Responsive Organization
  54. Scaled Agile Framework
  55. Scientific Management
  56. Scrum
  57. Servant Leadership
  58. Sociocracy 3.0
  59. Viable System Model
  60. VUCA
  61. Web 2.0 by Tim O‘Reilly: seeing the internet as a plattform and building applications that harness network effects to get better the more people use them - Sources: Blog with definition, Article What is Web 2.0 (2005), Video
  62. Web Literacy Framework
  63. Workhacks
  64. Working Out Loud
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