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Simon Dückert edited this page Sep 23, 2018
66 revisions
Welcome to the lernOS wiki! Everybody can contribute content related to #lernOS. Netiquette: be excellent to each other.
For creating and maintaining the lernOS content a lot of software is used. We try to use open source software if possible.
- Atom - markdown editor for writing the single source content.
- Github Desktop - client to sync the sources of the lernOS repository on github between developers desktops and the cloud
- Web Conferencing like Skype for Business, Skype, Zoom, GoToMeeting, Circuit
- Instant Messengers like Threema, MS Teams, Slack, WhatsApp, WeChat, Telegram, Signal, RocketChat
- Enterprise Social Networks like Jive, Yammer, Connections, Lithium, Workplace by Facebook
- Personal Notebooks like OneNote, Evernote, TiddlyWiki, Etherpad
- File Hosting Services like Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, OwnCloud
- Task Management Services like Trello, Microsoft ToDo, Microsoft Planner
- Mind Mapping Software like XMind, Freemind, MindManager, iThoughts, MindMeister
- Weblog Software like Wordpress, Tumblr
lernOS was created inspired by a lot of methods, frameworks, and approaches to master living and working in the 21st century. Here is a (never complete) list:
- 21st Century Skills
- 70/20/10 Model
- Agile Manifesto
- Agile Mindset
- Agile Fluency Project
- Ambidextrous Organization
- Balanced Scorecard
- Beyond Budgeting
- Business Model Generation
- Business Motivation Model
- Cluetrain Manifesto
- Community of Practice by Etienne Wenger: group of people who share a passion for something they know how to do and who interact regularly to learn how to do it better - Sources: Paper (2000), Introduction Article, Quick Start-Up Guide, Video
- CoderDojo
- Complex Adaptive Systems
- Core Competence
- Cynefin by David Snowden: a knowledge management model to explain the difference between simple, complicated, complex, and chaotic systems - Sources: Article (2007), Video, Video
- Design Thinking
- Dynamic Governance
- Dual Operating System
- Enterprise 2.0 by Andrew McAfee: the use of emergent social software platforms within companies, or between companies and their partners or customers - Sources: Blog with Definition (2005), Article (2006), Video
- Future Backwards
- Getting Things Done by David Allen: a self-organization method for knowledge workers to collect, process, organize, review, and improve activities - Sources: Website, Infographic, Video
- Grossmann Method
- Growth Mindset
- Holacracy
- Hoshin Kanri
- Intellectual Capital
- Knowledge Society
- Knowledge Worker
- Lead User Innovation
- Lean in
- Lean Startup
- Lean Thinking
- Learning Organization by David Garvin: 3 building blocks of the learning Organization (supportive learning environment, concrete learning processes, leadership that reinforces learning) - Sources: Article (2008), Video
- Lifehacks
- Mastermind Groups
- Management 2.0
- Management 3.0
- Management by Objectives
- Megatrend
- Memex
- Middle-Up-Down Management
- Mind map
- Mindset, Skillset, Toolset
- New Work
- Objective Key Results by Andy Grove: agile planning and governence method for organizations, teams, and individuals - Souces: Booklet, Video
- PDCA-Circle
- Personal Information Management
- Personal Knowledge Mastery
- Pomodoro Technique
- Reinventing Organizations
- Responsive Organization
- Scaled Agile Framework
- Scientific Management
- Scrum
- Servant Leadership
- Sociocracy 3.0
- Viable System Model
- Web 2.0 by Tim O‘Reilly: seeing the internet as a plattform and building applications that harness network effects to get better the more people use them - Sources: Blog with definition, Article What is Web 2.0 (2005), Video
- Web Literacy Framework
- Workhacks
- Working Out Loud