This microservice is an authentication and authorization solution. It ensures secure user management, token validation, and role-based access control for seamless integration with other microservices, such as the ab API Gateway microservice.
User Registration and Login: Enable users to securely register and log in. Password Security: Implements secure password hashing using industry-standard algorithms. Session Management: Generates JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure session management.
Validation Services: Verifies JWTs to ensure secure communication between services. Integration: Supports validation requests from external services, like the API Gateway and Backtesting Engine.
Role Assignment: Supports role management (e.g., admin, trader) for users. Access Control: Enforces granular access restrictions based on user roles.
- Registration: Allows new users to create accounts.
- Login: Authenticates users and issues JWTs.
- Token Validation: Validates existing JWTs for inter-service communication.
Protocol Support: Provides REST and optional gRPC endpoints for seamless service interoperability.
- Usage of stronger hashing algo (e.g., bcrypt/Argon2)
- Short-lived tokens, secure storage, RS256/ES256 algorithms, token revocation.
- Optional Permissions and role hierarchy.
- API Security: Rate limiting, input validation.
- Two-factor authentication for enhanced security.
- Blacklist/whitelist for revoked tokens.
- Db Practices: Indexing, schema design, encryption, secure connections.
- Monitoring (Grafana?)