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The Earliest Moment When Everyone Become Friends

Linda Zhou edited this page Oct 24, 2022 · 16 revisions

Wiki Solutions Guide

Problem Highlights

1: U-nderstand

Understand what the interviewer is asking for by using test cases and questions about the problem.

  • Established a set (2-3) of test cases to verify their own solution later.
  • Established a set (1-2) of edge cases to verify their solution handles complexities.
  • Have fully understood the problem and have no clarifying questions.
  • Have you verified any Time/Space Constraints for this problem?
  • Question
    • Answer
  • Question
    • Answer



2: M-atch

Match what this problem looks like to known categories of problems, e.g. Linked List or Dynamic Programming, and strategies or patterns in those categories.

For XXX problems, we want to consider the following approaches:

  • Algorithm: Yes/No and explanation on why this approach will or will not work.

3: P-lan

Plan the solution with appropriate visualizations and pseudocode.

General Idea: Write a 1-2 setence overview that explains the general approach.


⚠️ Common Mistakes

  • What are some common pitfalls students might have when implementing this solution?

4: I-mplement

Implement the code to solve the algorithm.

5: R-eview

Review the code by running specific example(s) and recording values (watchlist) of your code's variables along the way.

  • Trace through your code with an input to check for the expected output
  • Catch possible edge cases and off-by-one errors

6: E-valuate

Evaluate the performance of your algorithm and state any strong/weak or future potential work.

Assume N represents the number of XXX.

  • Time Complexity: O(N) because ...
  • Space Complexity: O(N) because ...
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