diff --git a/content/en/co-events.md b/content/en/co-events.md index fe767c2..0df5925 100644 --- a/content/en/co-events.md +++ b/content/en/co-events.md @@ -7,31 +7,31 @@ note: Please note that the list of events is currently in draft form and will be events: - name: "China Summit Volunteer Training (Session 1)" date_duration: "Aug. 19, p.m." - place: "珍珠2" + place: "Pearl Ballroom 2" organizer: "RVSC Committee" registration_method: - method: "For volunteers only" - name: "The 3rd Open Source EDA (OSEDA) Forum" date_duration: "Aug. 20, p.m." - place: "紫荆2" + place: "Bauhinia Room 2" organizer: "Beijing Institute of Open Source Chip (BOSC)" registration_method: - method: "TBD" - name: "One Student One Chip Forum of Teaching Assistants" date_duration: "Aug. 20, all day" - place: "紫荆1" + place: "Bauhinia Hall 1" organizer: "一生一芯" registration_method: - method: "For teaching assistants only" - name: "China Summit Volunteer Training (Session 2)" date_duration: "Aug. 20, p.m." - place: "珍珠2" + place: "Pearl Ballroom 2" organizer: "RVSC Committee" registration_method: - method: "For volunteers only" - name: "RV 少年说" date_duration: "Aug. 20, all day" - place: "线上" + place: "Online" organizer: "sigRISCV.com 青少年视角的 RISCV 社区" registration_method: - method: "TBD" @@ -43,41 +43,40 @@ events: - method: "TBD" - name: "Intelligent Computing Era, New Paths for RISC-V Innovative Development" date_duration: "Aug. 21, p.m." - place: "珍珠全" + place: "Pearl Ballroom" organizer: "Zhihe Computing" registration_method: - method: "TBD" - name: "Synopsys RISC-V Tech Day" date_duration: "Aug. 21, p.m." - place: "紫荆1" + place: "Bauhinia Hall 1" organizer: "Synopsys" registration_method: - method: "TBD" - name: "The 3rd Hardware Security Architecture Workshop" date_duration: "Aug. 21, p.m." - place: "紫荆2" + place: "Bauhinia Room 2" organizer: "Zhejiang University" registration_method: - method: "TBD" - name: "The 3rd Hardware Agile Development and Verification Methodology Workshop" date_duration: "Aug. 22, a.m." - place: "珍珠1" + place: "Pearl Ballroom 1" organizer: "DatenLord" registration_method: - method: "TBD" - name: "StarFive Full Scenario RISC-V Solutions Workshop" date_duration: "Aug. 22, a.m." - place: "珍珠2" + place: "Pearl Ballroom 2" organizer: "StarFive" registration_method: - method: "TBD" - name: "TBD" date_duration: "8月22日上午" - place: "紫荆1" organizer: "TBD" - name: "RISC-V+AI International Talent and Open Source Technology and Ecology Forum" date_duration: "Aug. 22, a.m." - place: "紫荆2" + place: "Bauhinia Room 2" organizer: "LF开源软件学园 (LFOSSA)" registration_method: - method: "Open to selected participants only" @@ -85,34 +84,33 @@ events: - url: "https://www.oschina.net/event/2333289" - name: "XuanTie Technical Open Day" date_duration: "Aug. 22, p.m." - place: "珍珠1" + place: "Pearl Ballroom 1" organizer: "达摩院玄铁" registration_method: - method: "TBD" - name: "RISC-V Intelligent Computing Summit" date_duration: "Aug. 22, p.m." - place: "珍珠2" + place: "Pearl Ballroom 2" organizer: "厦门算能科技有限公司" registration_method: - method: "TBD" - name: "XiangShan Developer Conference (Include Tutorial)" date_duration: "Aug. 22, p.m." - place: "紫荆1" + place: "Bauhinia Hall 1" organizer: "Beijing Institute of Open Source Chip (BOSC)" registration_method: - method: "TBD" - name: "TBD" date_duration: "8月23日上午" - place: "珍珠1" - name: "openEuler RISC-V SIG Developer Day and Hangzhou Meetup" date_duration: "Aug. 23, a.m." - place: "珍珠2" + place: "Pearl Ballroom 2" organizer: "OERV" registration_method: - method: "TBD" - name: "RISC-V Prosperity 2036 · 开源实习生朝朝联合招聘会" date_duration: "Aug. 23, a.m." - place: "紫荆1" + place: "Bauhinia Hall 1" organizer: "RISC-V Prosperity 2036" registration_method: - method: "Via RISC-V Summit China" @@ -120,7 +118,7 @@ events: - url: "https://www.wenjuan.com/s/bQzaYrS/" - name: "RISC-V Prosperity 2036 · RISC-V 开发板现场随眼缘漂流" date_duration: "Aug. 23, a.m." - place: "紫荆2" + place: "Bauhinia Room 2" organizer: "RISC-V Prosperity 2036" registration_method: - method: "Via RISC-V Summit China" @@ -128,7 +126,7 @@ events: - url: "https://www.wenjuan.com/s/bQzaYrS/" - name: "RVSPOC·RISC-V Software Porting and Optimization Championship Competitor Workshop" date_duration: "Aug. 23, p.m." - place: "珍珠1" + place: "Pearl Ballroom 1" organizer: "Kubuds Technology" registration_method: - method: "Via RISC-V Summit China" @@ -136,7 +134,7 @@ events: - url: "https://www.wenjuan.com/s/bQzaYrS/" - name: "PLCT Lab West Lake Open Day and XiangShan South Lake Laptop Workshop" date_duration: "Aug. 23, p.m." - place: "珍珠2" + place: "Pearl Ballroom 2" organizer: "PLCT Lab" registration_method: - method: "Via RISC-V Summit China" @@ -144,7 +142,7 @@ events: - url: "https://www.wenjuan.com/s/bQzaYrS/" - name: "RISC-V Prosperity 2036 · 开源实习生暮暮联合招聘会" date_duration: "Aug. 23, p.m." - place: "紫荆1" + place: "Bauhinia Hall 1" organizer: "RISC-V Prosperity 2036" registration_method: - method: "Via RISC-V Summit China" @@ -152,7 +150,7 @@ events: - url: "https://www.wenjuan.com/s/bQzaYrS/" - name: "Kubuds Technology · KarsierOS and riscvpedia Workshop" date_duration: "Aug. 23, p.m." - place: "紫荆2" + place: "Bauhinia Room 2" organizer: "Kubuds Technology" registration_method: - method: "Via RISC-V Summit China" diff --git a/content/zh/co-events.md b/content/zh/co-events.md index d4aa1d5..4a65cda 100644 --- a/content/zh/co-events.md +++ b/content/zh/co-events.md @@ -7,25 +7,25 @@ note: 请注意,目前活动列表尚处于草稿状态,后续会根据反 events: - name: "中国峰会志愿者培训会(第一场)" date_duration: "8月19日下午" - place: "珍珠2" + place: "珍珠厅 2" organizer: "RVSC 组委会" registration_method: - method: "仅面向志愿者" - name: "第三届开源 EDA(OSEDA)论坛" date_duration: "8月20日下午" - place: "紫荆2" + place: "紫荆厅 2" organizer: "北京开源芯片研究院" registration_method: - method: "待更新" - name: "“一生一芯”助教大会" date_duration: "8月20日全天" - place: "紫荆1" + place: "紫荆厅 1" organizer: "一生一芯" registration_method: - method: "仅面向助教" - name: "中国峰会志愿者培训会(第二场)" date_duration: "8月20日下午" - place: "珍珠2" + place: "珍珠厅 2" organizer: "RVSC 组委会" registration_method: - method: "仅面向志愿者" @@ -43,41 +43,40 @@ events: - method: "待更新" - name: "智算时代,RISC-V 创新发展新路径" date_duration: "8月21日下午" - place: "珍珠全" + place: "珍珠厅" organizer: "知合计算" registration_method: - method: "待更新" - name: "新思科技 RISC-V 技术日" date_duration: "8月21日下午" - place: "紫荆1" + place: "紫荆厅 1" organizer: "新思科技 Synopsys" registration_method: - method: "待更新" - name: "第三届 硬件安全架构研讨会" date_duration: "8月21日下午" - place: "紫荆2" + place: "紫荆厅 2" organizer: "浙江大学" registration_method: - method: "待更新" - name: "第三届硬件敏捷开发与验证方法学研讨" date_duration: "8月22日上午" - place: "珍珠1" + place: "珍珠厅 1" organizer: "达坦科技 DatenLord" registration_method: - method: "待更新" - name: "赛昉科技全场景 RISC-V 解决方案交流会" date_duration: "8月22日上午" - place: "珍珠2" + place: "珍珠厅 2" organizer: "赛昉科技" registration_method: - method: "待更新" - name: "TBD" date_duration: "8月22日上午" - place: "紫荆1" organizer: "TBD" - name: "RISC-V+AI 国际人才暨开源技术与生态论坛" date_duration: "8月22日上午" - place: "紫荆2" + place: "紫荆厅 2" organizer: "LF开源软件学园 (LFOSSA)" registration_method: - method: "仅面向特定参会者开放" @@ -85,34 +84,33 @@ events: - url: "https://www.oschina.net/event/2333289" - name: "玄铁技术开放日" date_duration: "8月22日下午" - place: "珍珠1" + place: "珍珠厅 1" organizer: "达摩院玄铁" registration_method: - method: "待更新" - name: "RISC-V 智算峰会" date_duration: "8月22日下午" - place: "珍珠2" + place: "珍珠厅 2" organizer: "厦门算能科技有限公司" registration_method: - method: "待更新" - name: "香山开发者大会(含 Tutorial)" date_duration: "8月22日下午" - place: "紫荆1" + place: "紫荆厅 1" organizer: "北京开源芯片研究院" registration_method: - method: "待更新" - name: "TBD" date_duration: "8月23日上午" - place: "珍珠1" - name: "openEuler RISC-V SIG 开发者日与杭州 Meetup" date_duration: "8月23日上午" - place: "珍珠2" + place: "珍珠厅 2" organizer: "OERV" registration_method: - method: "待更新" - name: "甲辰计划 · 开源实习生朝朝联合招聘会" date_duration: "8月23日上午" - place: "紫荆1" + place: "紫荆厅 1" organizer: "甲辰计划" registration_method: - method: "峰会报名" @@ -120,7 +118,7 @@ events: - url: "https://www.wenjuan.com/s/UZBZJvFH93/" - name: "甲辰计划 · RISC-V 开发板现场随眼缘漂流" date_duration: "8月23日上午" - place: "紫荆2" + place: "紫荆厅 2" organizer: "甲辰计划" registration_method: - method: "峰会报名" @@ -128,7 +126,7 @@ events: - url: "https://www.wenjuan.com/s/UZBZJvFH93/" - name: "RVSPOC·RISC-V 软件移植与优化锦标赛选手交流会" date_duration: "8月23日下午" - place: "珍珠1" + place: "珍珠厅 1" organizer: "苦芽科技" registration_method: - method: "峰会报名" @@ -136,7 +134,7 @@ events: - url: "https://www.wenjuan.com/s/UZBZJvFH93/" - name: "PLCT 实验室西湖开放日与香山南湖笔记本展示会" date_duration: "8月23日下午" - place: "珍珠2" + place: "珍珠厅 2" organizer: "PLCT 实验室" registration_method: - method: "峰会报名" @@ -144,7 +142,7 @@ events: - url: "https://www.wenjuan.com/s/UZBZJvFH93/" - name: "甲辰计划 · 开源实习生暮暮联合招聘会" date_duration: "8月23日下午" - place: "紫荆1" + place: "紫荆厅 1" organizer: "甲辰计划" registration_method: - method: "峰会报名" @@ -152,7 +150,7 @@ events: - url: "https://www.wenjuan.com/s/UZBZJvFH93/" - name: "苦芽科技 · KarsierOS 与 RISC-V 文档工程推广会" date_duration: "8月23日下午" - place: "紫荆2" + place: "紫荆厅 2" organizer: "苦芽科技" registration_method: - method: "峰会报名"