This is a guild for people who want to help develop tamcolros. If you just want to use tamcolors please just "pip install tamcolors"
- Have Visual Studio Installed with C/C++ tools
- Then run "./build_scripts/build_win_env.bat
- Have a C/C++ compiler on your machine
- Then run "./build_scripts/build_linux_env.bat
- Have a C/C++ compiler on your machine VIA XCODE
- Then run "./build_scripts/build_mac_env.bat
- run tests: "./"
- run slow tests: "./"
- build docs: "./tamcolors/docs/build_docs.bat"
- make/check manifest "check-manifest"
- python sdist bdist_wheel
- twine upload dist/*
- twine username: CharlesMcMarrow
- twine password: XXXXXXXXX