Releases: cloudinary/cloudinary_magento
Releases · cloudinary/cloudinary_magento
- Fixed wrong config path on Cloudinary_Cloudinary_Model_Configuration::getUseRootPath()
- Added support for 'cloud-name-less' URLs on 'Use Root Path'.
- Changed the default 'pad' cropping mode to 'lpad'.
- Fixed 'Unable to set target directory' on Cloudinary > Manual Migration (when the 'wysiwyg'/'category' dir is missing).
- Fixed 'Magento 1 module does not show preview images when uploading from product screen'.
- Fixed productPathRegex on Cloudinary_Cloudinary_Model_MagentoFolderTranslator in order to support dashes on file names.
- Added support for 'Use signed URLs' (dafault: false).
- Fixed "Auto upload mapping" after installation (Made sure that the config cache will be automatically deleted before mapping the media dir after changing the value of cloudinary_auto_upload_mapping_request).
- Fixed "URLs are not being changed to Cloudinary urls on static pages" (wysiwyg issue).
- Moved Cloudinary tab outside of Services & added Cloudinary's icon.
- Added new 'Advanced' section to Cloudinary's configuration tab on admin panel.
- Added support for "Use Root Path" & "Remove version number from URLs" (under Magento Admin > Stores > Configuration > Cloudinary > Settings > Advanced).
- Removed website & store scopes from system.xml & cleaned store/website specific configurations (only supports default at the moment).
- Fixed the wysiwig issue when the media dir is a symlink by ovirriding Mage_Cms_Helper_Wysiwyg_Images::getStorageRoot() & removed the use of realpath()
- Fixed method declaration errors on Cloudinary_Cloudinary_Model_Cache
- Added option to configuration in order to allow the admin to bypass the quality transformation code.
Merge pull request #25 from cloudinary/release/core-1.7.2-m1-2.8.2-m2…
1.2.0 - pre-release
This is a pre-release and is not intended for public use.
Main features
- Supported folders hierarchy
1.0.0 - Initial release
Initial version