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ClickCrystals (CC)

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Scripting Now Has a Wiki!

Want to script custom modules but don't know how to script? Don't worry, there's a full guide on how to create your own custom scripts and modules!

ClickCrystals script is an interrupted scripting language that allows you to scripts and macros without any knowledge of coding. It contains no variables and mostly are just command lines that are very similar to Minecraft.

The full documentation can be found here

Happy coding and cpvping!

- ClickCrystal dev team

What Version Should I Get?

What You Have What to get
higher.. how is that even possible?
1.21.1 1.21-(latestVersion) *recommended
1.21 1.21-(latestVersion) *recommended
1.20.6 1.20.6-(latestVersion)
1.20.5 not supported
1.20.4 1.20.4-(latestVersion)
1.20.3 1.20.4-(latestVersion)
1.20.2 1.20.2-(latestVersion)
1.20.1 1.20.1-(latestVersion)
1.20 1.20.1-(latestVersion)
..lower cry

Newest Changes

Version: 1.2.9

Scripted With Packets:
  - cancel_packet c2s <packetName>
  - cancel_packet s2c <packetName>
  - uncancel_packet c2s <packetName>
  - uncancel_packet s2c <packetName>

  - if hovering_over (ID)
  - if dead # will need to remove the original check for entity selection loop
  - switch **n
  - if item_count #ID
  - if item_count holding
  - if item_count off_holding
  - if item_durability #ID
  - if item_durability holding
  - if item_durability off_holding
  - removed the need to specifically format >,<,>=,<=, etc.. without spaces. (>= 3 is now possible, you wont be required to use >=3 without spaces anymore)
  - prevented adding insane amount of whitespaces in script strings

  - command to toggle on or all for all modules
  - add more animations to the configuration screens
  - add module auto replenish
  - add module death particles # i-no-one

  - merge roles owner and dev, give i-no-one and josh (if pr passes) dev broadcasts

  - fix online configs downtime
  - fix online scripts
  - fix possible bug with notification toast sound where it throws ConcurrentModificationException
  - fix reloading custom scripted modules resetting their keybinds



Keybinding Key Name Description
APOSTROPHE ' Open module settings screen
COMMA , Custom commands prefix
COLON ; Open hud editor screen


Module Description
AxeSwap Switch to axe if hitting a shielding opponent with a sword
BowSwap Hotkey flame bow after placing cart. Requires TntSwap and its "instant" setting to be active
ElytraSwitch Swap to elytra from your hotbar when ever you are double jumping
GapSwap Swaps to gap when you right click with sword
RailSwap Swaps to rails after shooting bow
ShieldSwitch Hotkey to shield after clicking sword
SwordSwap Switch to sword after hitting a shielding opponent with an axe
TntSwap Swaps to tnt after placing rails
AutoDisconnect Disconnect you from the world when a certain condition is met
EntityStatuses DEBUG: Sends received EntityStatusPackets in chat
GuiBorders DEBUG: Renders borders around all ClickCrystals GUI elements
HealthTags Renders a health tag card above selected entities
InGameHuds Manager of all custom ClickCrystals in-game huds
InvPacketSniffer Observe inventory packets you are sending to the server
SelfGlow Am I Glowing?
SilkTouch "Is there a silk touch module?" - I_Got_You_Dead
AnchorSwitch Whenever you place an anchor, switch to glowstone then back after it has been charged
AutoReplenish Automatically replenishes items from your inventory into your hotbar
ClickCrystal Binds end crystal place to left click
ClientCrystals Removes crystals client-side the moment you punch them
CrystalAnchor Right click the ground with a crystal to switch to your respawn anchor
CrystalSwitch Whenever you punch bedrock or obsidian with a sword, it will switch to a crystal
ObsidianSwitch Punch the ground with your sword to switch to obsidian
PearlSwitch Right click your sword or totem to switch to your pearl slot
ArrayList Shows the enabled modules on screen
AutoGg Sends a message upon killing a player
AutoRespawn Clicks the respawn button for you
AutoWalk Presses the walk key for you (only useful in survival)
ChatPrefix Chat tweaks and additional features
GuiCursor What to do with your cursor when you open inventory gui
MouseTaper "I taped a piece of tape on my mouse button, now I cannot use that button anymore but it is still taped down"
MessageResend Press up arrow key to resend your last message or command.
NextBlock Targets next same block that you're mining. (for farming, not pvp, useless in pvp)
NoBreakDelay No block break delay [flags-anticheat]
NoInteractions Prevents opening certain containers(e-chests,chests,etc)
NoScrolling Disable hotbar scrolling
SoundOnDeath Plays a sound upon killing a player
TeamDetector Finding teams and disable attacking your own team
ToolSwitcher Switches to the right tool for mining a block
TotemPops Send messages when a player pops their totem
AntiCrash Prevents various ways servers can crash your client. Be sure to report new crashes to us so we can add more!
ExplodeParticles Turns off explosion particles for smoother crystal pvp!
FullBright Increases your gamma so you can actually see in caves
NoItemBounce Prevents the item sprites from playing the bounce animation in your inventory when updated
NoLoadScreen Prevents some loading screens from rendering
NoServerPacks Prevents servers from forcing you to download their bad resource pack
TimeChanger Changes client world time
BlockOutline Change the color of the block outline
CameraClip Change the camera distance and the camera behavior when encounter walls
CrystalSpeed Crystals per second counter
DeathEffects Spawn lightning/rocket particle on entity death
EntityIndicator Indicates entities around you. Players are excluded
FreeLook lock your camera perspective and let you move around it
GhostTotem Renders a totem in your hand upon dying. Will not work if AutoRespawn is enabled!
GlowingEntities Having trouble seeing entities in the dark?
HealthAsBar Renders your health bar as a singular bar to prevent lag. Recommended for NBT pvp
NoArmorRender Make armor invisible,try to use the enemy hud with this module!
NoGuiBackground disable the black effect when opening the GUI
NoHurtCam Removes the annoying screen shake when you take damage
NoGameOverlay Stops various overlays from rendering
NoScoreboard Disables the scoreboard sidebar display render
NoViewBob Turns off view bob
PearlCustomizer Customize appearance and sound settings for ender pearls
RenderOwnName Renders your own name
SlowHandSwing Makes your hand swing as if you had mining fatigue
SpectatorSight Renders invisible entities the way you see them in spectator mode. Never get sneak attacked again!
TotemOverlay Renders red overlay when not holding totem
TotemColor Change totem pop particles color
TotemScale Changes the scale of the totem pop
ViewModel Changes your view model in your first person hand view
Zoom Changes your FOV

But isn't this cheating?

It is not a cheat. It does not automate any task, for every action the mod preforms, you have to click.

  • This mod is not a macro, it does not click for you. It functions as a hotkey for slots.
Server Flags Bannable no yes no yes no yes no no no no no yes no yes no pending no pending no yes no no no yes no pending no pending no pending no no no no no yes

For this Mod You Will Need

Minecraft Java Edition: 1.20.1
Fabric Loader: 0.14.21 or higher
Fabric API: 1.20.1
To stop: complaining it is a cheat/macro.

Have A Good One!


OgreNetworks: For their wonderful mod showcase!
TheTrouper: For documenting the mod, and giving me ideas!
breadandcarrots: For being a wonderful mod tester!
ClickCrystals (bro really changed his name to this): For creating ClickCrystals' TikTok account
Tesla Tower: Best NBT Creator frfr
I No One: Bro is fr my infinite ideas source + \#1 Bug Spotter
TaxEvasion: Thank you for your changes to AntiCrash and addition of no explosion particles!