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Well, depending on the project, the firmware development can be the most time consuming and complex task to do. For this project, we used free RTOS mostly because it was necessary to deliver a robust application. Dealing with real motors, safety is a big concern. For the microcontroller, we used ESP32, a very very powerful device (Arduinos are ancient technology compared to it). I will not get into too much detail regarding the specifications of the device. In general it has WiFi and Bluetooth connections, it is dual core, have some flash memory (used to store the SSID and Password of WiFi Networks) and can be easily programmed to work in Low Power. Our application consists of a motor control of a hopper, based on the state of a NC switch. Basically, when the switch is not pressed (digital Low) the motor is running and when the switch is pressed (digital High) the motor stops. The system is also capable of retrieve the temperature and humidity of the environment using a DHT22 sensor. On top of that, we count the operation time of the motor. The operation time, temperature and humidity are stored internally and every minute it is sent to a database (we used firebase from Google). We use the information of operation time for two things:

  1. Stop the motor if it stays running for a long period of time (named SP time). Basically, when the motor runs for a long period of time, it means that the line breaks and material is being spilled outside the hopper.
  2. Record the daily operation of the motor to cross check the material used daily.

Global Variables

The global variables as in an ordinary code can be manipulated by all functions and all tasks. It is not good practice to use global variables in free RTOS, unless you really know what you are doing. The risk of a task change the value of a variable in the middle of execution of other task that also manipulates this same variable is high. We can use semaphores, queues and other things to maintain our code safe, however, in our case, there is only one task that ever writes to the variable (although many can read from it), then a global variable should not cause a problem.
The variables, its type and its purpose are organized in the table below:

Variable name Type For what it is used
temperature uint8_t Store the reading of the temperature
humidity uint8_t Store the reading of the humidity
motorStatus uint8_t Store the status of the motor. 1-Running, 2-Halted, 0-Stopped
runningTime time_t Store the operation time of the motor since midnight
continuousRunningTime time_t Store the continuous operating time of the motor since the last time it was off
now time_t Store the current time of the system every time it is called by time() function
timeInfo struct tm Actually it is a struct not a variable, it stores the time in a very detailed way by localtime() function, taking into consideration timezone
url[65] char Store the firebase url to do the HTTP requests
bufferData[60][120] char Store the Data that will be sent to the database, up to 60 different POST request
bufferCounter uint8_t Counter used to do a loop when sending data to database
strftime_db[26] char For debug only, store a string with time in a human readable format
*motorAddress static const char Stores the value of the motor to create the url on connection with thedatabase. It is defined when programming the board on menuconfig, thus we passCONFIG_motorValue to it
*firebaseAddress static const char Stores the address of the firebase to create the url on connection with thedatabase. It is defined when programming on menuconfig, thus we passCONFIG_firebaseAddress to it
spTimesec uint32_t Stores the SP time of the motor. It can be changed by front end or when programming, thus we pass CONFIG_SPTimesec to it when programmin the board.
frontEndReset uint8_t Used to reset the motor by front end
updateBufferCounter uint8_t Used to count a defined number of seconds until the next update of the buffer
updateDailyFlag bool Used to check if the daily updating was already executed
gpio_evt_queue xQueueHandle Used to create a queue to handle GPIO events


In free RTOS, we have tasks, which we can think of as pieces of codes that can run concurrently. The definition of a task is much more complex and I recommend to read the Kolban's book on ESP32 where he explains in details the architecture of a task. One thing to keep in mind is that tasks have priorities (the higher the number, higher is its priority), thus, let's say we have two tasks: A (priority 2) and B (priority 3). If A is running and B is ready to run, the task A will stop and then the task B will run. When B finishes, the task A will resume from where it stopped. All tasks are shown in the table below.

Task name Priority Function Writes to Reads from
motor_control_task 4 Controls the motor operation, based on the state of NC switch, motor status and reset button motorStatus, continuousRunningTime and frontEndReset motorStatus
clock_task 3 Correct the drift time daily around midnight and reset the operation times runningTime, continuousRunningTime,now and timeInfo
motor_supervisor_task 2 Every other second reads temperature and humidity, updates the operation times and update the buffer runningTime, continuousRunningTime, motorStatus, frontEndReset, bufferData size and bufferCounter motorStatus and frontEndReset
database_task 1 Every other minute sends the buffer data to database, read SP time modifications in front end, update front end status and update daily status url size, bufferData, spTime and frontEndReset


Function Name Discussion Parameters Result
bufferUpdate Take the values of tempertature, humidity, now, runningTime, motorStatus and continuousRunningTime and fetch to buffer void bufferData with a new value
update_sntp_time Connect to SNTP server and update system time void System time synchronized with UTC time
get_last_value It takes the last operation times for the current day void continuousRunningTime and runningTime updated
update_frontEndStatus Connect to a child on firebase accordingly to the motorAddress and retrieve its status motorStatusAddress pointer to motorAddress frontEndStatus with a new value
get_sp_time Connect to a child on firebase accordingly to the motorAddress and retrieve the SP time if it changed since last reading motorSPAddress pointer to motorAddress spTimesec with a new value
time_sync_notification_cb For Debug purposes. Log on screen when the time is synchronized *tv struct ?? Log on screen
obtain_time Update now and timeInfo variables with current system time local_now and local_timeinfo pointers to now and timeInfo variables now and timeInfo with updated values
wifi_connection_start Configures the WiFi variables void Returns error if configuration fails
wifi_connection_begin Connect to WiFi in previous configured SSID void Returns error if connection fails
wifi_connection_end Close the connection from WiFi network void Returns error if it fails
gpio_isr_handler Runs every time an interrupt occurs, sending events to a queue arg contains the number of gpio at wich the hardware interrupt happened Send events to gpio event queue
http_event_handler Handles HTTP event queue evt pointer to HTTP event Log accordingly to the content of event ID
update_daily Sends data to database motorDailyAddress Pointer to motorAddress Database with updated daily operation information

Future implementations

  • Separate files (one for function declarations and function definitions), one for tasks, etc.
  • Change temperature and humidity from uint_8 to float variables to have more precision.
  • Use some sort of automatic documentation generation from comments.