- Git and GitHub
- Terminals and command line interfaces
- Environment variables, pipenv
- Functions as variables
- Higher order functions
- Closure
- Decorators
- IP addresses and ports, clients and servers
- Sockets (echo, tic-tac-toe)
- Threads and locking
- Callbacks
- Event loop and workers
- Implement an event loop?
- Javascript (Typescript) with node.js, introduced with discord bots?
- Concurrency in js: callbacks, promises, async/await
- The networking stack
- Http
- Making a web server
- Why databases?, relational: sql, document: firestore
- Cache/in-memory/key-value: redis
- Google Cloud platform
- html and css
- js frameworks lol
- json
- basic patterns
- groups, things to be careful of
- digital images, pillow
- ocr
- syntax quick overview, pointers, structs, strings
- arrays, memory management
- implementing data structures