So you want to see Fabric8/JBoss Fuse in action, aye? Well I just demo'd this and thought, what the hell, let's spend a few more minutes making it so anyone can re-create this as a starting point. So here goes!
BTW, we're using JBoss Fuse 6.1 in this demo, but you can use the community version, Fabric8 as well.
First... you're asking what are we going to demo?
Ultimately, the focus is going to be on a full developer lifecycle + devops management. The scenario is this: we are an investment bank and we manage people's investment funds. We are trying to modernize our infrastructure by utilizing an event-driven architecture to process new funds when they get created. However, on of our business partners can't/won't update their communication strategies, so we're stuck with trying to modernize within some constraints.
First, as our business partners deliver new-fund information via FTP/filesystem, we have to watch a file location. If a new file gets dropped into that location, we need to consume it as fast as possible and publish the payload as a a "New Fund" event onto our messaging bus.
Next, we have two consumers, but don't want to constrain ourselves with the architectural decisions we make right now as we can easily add additional systems that are interested in new-fund events. So we use a JMS Topic to distribute the new-fund event and have our consumers independently consume this stream. One consumer is interested in "Global" funds so it can store it to a database, while the other consumer needs to do some basic transformations and put it into a file directory.
Our basic flows look like this:
File Listener:
Fund Persisteer:
Fund Processor:
So we have these microservices that perform a "Single Responsibility" and participate in a event-driven architecture. But now we need to deploy them, version, and manage the deployments somehow. At last, the business cannot make money from our development efforts until the code is deployed so we need a consistent, automated, managed approach to deploying our solutions. So that's where the "Fuse Fabric" or Fabric8 piece fits into the picture.
So let's get started.
First note, when you download JBoss Fuse (I will use JBoss Fuse and Fabric8 as interchangeable entities for the purposes of this demo), you should edit $FUSE_HOME/etc/ to contain a valid user. You can uncomment the last line so that admin=admin,admin user is enabled.
To start Fuse, run this command:
This will start the ESB container in a standalone mode. You could deploy the parts of the demo into this standalone container if you don't wish to use Fabric. You'd have to build the maven project so that the modules are installed into the local maven repository:
mvn clean install
Once you've built the project and installed into the local maven repo, you can run this from the JBoss Fuse shell prompt:
JBossFuse:karaf@root> osgi:install -s mvn:com.redhat.poc.fsi/file-listener/1.0-SNAPSHOT
This would install the bundle assocaited with the file-listener module.
Another tip.. you can run each module stand-alone as well by running this command from within the module's directory. For example, to start up the file-listener module stand alone:
$SRC_HOME/file-listener $ mvn camel:run
This will bootstrap the Camel context in the same JVM that's running Maven.. pretty useful for showing how simple, lightweight and container agnostic Camel can be.
But we want to demo the Fabric8/Fuse Fabric pieces, so let's continue.
Our demo uses an external database, but don't worry it's pretty easy to set that up. We use Apache Derby so download it from here. All you have to do is unpack it (zip/tar) to a location and change directory into the root folder, $DERBY_HOME.
You'll need to start the network listener so that the client can connect. Just run this command:
> $DERBY_HOME/bin/startNetworkServer -h localhost -p 1527
Then you can use the derby ij command promopt to interact with the server and install the required tables.
The DB location must match that in the JDBC URI that's specified in SqlMapConfig.xml.
So for example, on my machine we do this:
> $DERBY_HOME/bin/ij
ij> connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527//Users/ceposta/temp/opp.db;create=true';
ij> run '/Users/ceposta/dev/poc/fsi/workspace/fsi-poc/fund-persister/src/main/resources/sql/tables.sql';
ij> show tables;
ij> select * from funds;
You should see very clearly that there are no rows in the table because we haven't created any and the microservices that handle new-fund events haven't processed anything.
You'll need to create a fabric for Jboss Fuse. When we started it earlier, it was really just a standalone ESB container, but we want to enable the devops/management tools. So type this:
JBossFuse:karaf@root> fabric:create --clean --wait-for-provisioning
This will create a new Fabric registry and turn the container into a Fabric ensemble member. The shell should block until everything is all set up. You should see the following if everything was successful:
Waiting for container: root
Waiting for container root to provision.
Using specified zookeeper password:admin
NOTE: If you're using Fabric8, you don't need to "create a fabric" as this is the default out of the box, i.e., a Fabric is enabled once you start the container.
You can then navigate to the webconsole url: http://localhost:8181, and should see the JBoss Fuse dashboard:
Now that you have a fabric server running, we're going to use the fabric8-maven-plugin to create our profiles and upload the profiles to fabric so we can deploy applications. If you're not familiar with profiles, please see the JBoss Fuse documentation or the community docs at the Fabric8 website.
BTW, you'll need to configure your settings.xml. See the fabric8-maven-plugin for more, but here's the snippet from mine:
Then you can navigate to the root of the source (this project source) and run this command:
mvn fabric8:deploy
This will use the fabric8-maven-plugin to create the profiles and upload them to JBoss Fuse.
Now click the "Wiki" tab of the JBoss Fuse webconsole and you should see the fsi profiles got properly pushed to the Fabric registry:
The wiki profiles are organized in a hierarchical tree structure, so we can see that the top-level profile name made it but click the fsi entry to expand it and see the rest of the profiles:
You can now click back to the "Runtime" tab to get a list of all the containers in our Fabric. At the moment, there really should be only one container, the root container:
Off to the top right, you should see a "Create" icon. Click that to create a new container:
Now you need to assign a name, and chose a profile that will be applied to this container. See this guide:
Then click the "Create And Start Container button" If everything went okay, you should see your new container:
Now repeat this for the other two profiles, fund.persister and fund.processor You should end up with a list of containers like this:
How easy was that!? We just deployed our solution as three separate microservices running in their own separate JVMs just by clicking a couple links! You should see what else JBoss Fuse/Fabric8 can do with this model, like dynamic runtime discovery, load balancing, master/slave election, versioning, incremental upgrades, rollbacks, and much more!!
So, to exercise this demo, we'll need to exercise the file-listener module. And we know that module listens at a location on the file system for files. Well yes, but guess what.. With JBoss Fuse you can package up sample messages to include alongside your profiles (think of "smoke testing" with known good messages). And sure enough, we included some sample messages. Go to the Wiki, select the fsi/file.listener profile. You should see a little data folder in the profile listing:
You should click that Data folder, then the input folder after that, and you should see the messages available for testing. Clikc the message1.xml file:
Sweet! Now we know this message is available to us in the profile, let's connect up to the container that has this profile deployed. We will then use this message and send it to the file: input that Camel is listening on:
We should be taken to the container perspective of our filelistener container within HawtIO:
After you've sent it, navigate back to the route itself:
WooHoo! It worked! Can you see the "1" on the diagram. This means one message was processed through this route. Now take a look at the fact that it should have gone to the message broker, right? And subsequently, to the microservices listening to the topic. Let's make sure:
Go back to the root container, and change the perspective from "Fabric" to "Container". Choose the container perspective.
You should click on the "ActiveMQ" tab and expand the Topics:
Click the Topics top-level item and you should see this summary:
Awesome! What about the rest of our route? Use the same mechanism to log in to each container and click the Camel tab. Should see these diagrams:
Well, since we did use an external database, let's make sure everything got stored properly. Go back to our ij tool and type the following:
ij> select * from funds;
If successful, we should see this output:
ij> select * from funds;
1 |WITHDRAWL |Global
1 row selected
Well we kinda just scratched the surface. We should also show the Camel debugger, Camel Tracer, and Camel profiler. We should also show dynamic master/slave failover and the clients stay working. We could also show version changes and profile version sets and upgrade/rollback. We could also show the fabric:watch * and dev lifecycle/Rapid application deployment. Lots left to demo!