diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 2c14e9e2..8872ae7a 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -21,6 +21,29 @@ The [Arlo Robot System](https://www.parallax.com/product/28966) by Parallax has I would love to build a new version of this robot, but I haven't the free time for it at the moment. Until then, enjoy this for what it is, and understand that any commits you see will be rather focused on a set of hardware that is no longer available. +## ROS2 ToDo: + - Get cmd_vel input working so that robot moves. + - Get SLAM Toolbox working so that robot makes maps again. + - Find a planner, either get teb working or another one. + - Convert propeller_node variables to environment variables from .personalData json file like the RPLIDAR values + - Params were never meant to be populated before a node starts, nor to be passed between them + - The purpose of them being params was to allow real-time modification of them during calibration. If this becomes a need again a service should be created with messages to do this. + - Consider dropping "watchdog" from propeller_node + - I don't think that I need the stationary odometry publisher anymore? + - Convert propeller_node to be more ROS2 like + - I'm not sure how the "spin" works as it should be 100% event driven: + - It outputs when it gets data from the propeller board + - It encodes to the propeller board upon receiving twist messages + - Nothing else + - Get propeller_node and entire project to shut down cleanly upon kill_ros call + - RPLidar should shut off + - Finish conversion of anything left in my arlobot_ros1 folder and remove them. + - Clean up unused convenience scripts + - Clean up unused bits of code in the node service + - Clean up unused bits of code in the website + - Fully test and make work the rest of the website and node code + - Update cypress to test what is left and only what is left + ArloBot Package for ROS =======================