This is a living document that keeps a (best effort) record of the design decisions behind StackCafe, a platform for connecting developers to projects based on technology match.
These models back the core functionality of StackCafe.
Projects are associated to users via a "member" resource. The member object allows users to be associated with multiple projects and vice versa (projects can be associated with multiple users).
Applications represent a User's request to be added as a Member to a Project.
User {
id: ObjectId
displayName: string
username: string, indexed
avatarUrl: string
githubId: number, indexed
isAdmin: boolean // whether the user is a site admin
techs: ObjectId[] // ref to Tech
Project {
id: ObjectId
name: string
description: string // short description
techs: ObjectId[] // ref to Tech
settingOpenRoles: string[] // default ["developer", "designer"]
Member {
project: ObjectId // ref to Project
user: ObjectId // ref to User
roleName: string // owner, developer, etc.
Tech {
id: ObjectId
name: string, indexed
description: string
imageUrl: string
Application {
id: ObjectId
project: ObjectId // ref to Project
user: ObjectId // ref to User
content: string // markdown
status: string // pending, accepted, closed
requestedRole: string
Hook {
id: ObjectId
project: ObjectId // ref to Project
secret: string
secretGeneratedAt: Date
isActive: boolean
invokedAt: Date | null
invokeCount: number
ProjectEvent {
id: ObjectId
event: string
project: ObjectId // ref to Project
user?: ObjectId // ref to User, missing if a user can't be associated.
payload: string // JSON string of event payload
The Search model is an insert-only collection that stores information about user interaction with the project search. Of relevance are the search term, the number of matched projects per attribute of project, time elapsed, and whether the search was initiated by a logged-in user. This information is used for downstream processing.
Search {
query: string;
nameMatchesProjects: ObjectId[]; // ref to Project
descriptionMatchesProjects: ObjectId[]; // ref to Project
techMatchesProjects: ObjectId[]; // ref to Project
matchedTechs: ObjectId[]; // ref to Tech
mergedCount: number;
totalCount: number;
timeElapsedMs: number;
user: ObjectId | null; // ref to User, the logged-in user making the search
Computations are the result of periodic endpoint calls. Only the latest result matters, so no indexing on any fields besides the _id field is needed. Getting the latest item relies on the fact that _id's ObjectId contains a timestamp component and the latest _id can be queried.
ComputationTrendingSearch {
id: ObjectId
suggestions: {
query: string
score: number
start: ObjectId // ref to Search
end: ObjectId // ref to Search
analyzed: number
maxAnalyzed: number
timeElapsedMs: number
createdAt: Date