An implementation of gradient decent solving Regression problems including Batch gradient decent,SGD and Mini-batch gradient decent
The goal of this project is to implementation the three gradient decent from scrach which makes me get more familiar with the gradient decent optimization algorithms.
This project requires Python version 3.x(Python 2.x is not supported).
python install
Using the Boston dataset from sklearn as an example
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gradientdecent import LRGrad
from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
boston = load_boston()
X,y =,
lr = LRGrad(X,y,'SGD',alpha=0.1,epoch=1)
history,best_theta =
The current gradient decent contains the following params:
- param X : feature vectors of input
- param y : label of input
- param type : has three type "FULL"-Batch gradient decent "SGD"-SGD "MINI"-MINI-batch gradient decent
- param batch_size : the batch size of MINI-batch gradient decent
- param epoch : when using the SGD or MINI,every epoch iters update the loss
- param alpha : learning rate
- param shuffle : when |loss_new-loss|<shuffle,the iteration stop
- param theta : the param we want to learn
- param history : restore the iter and loss
- plot_loss () : plot the loss changes with iterations
- run () : run the gradient decent and finally return the history and best params we want to learn
- chZzZzZz - Initial work
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