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Bosque Language Overview

The Bosque language derives from a combination of TypeScript inspired syntax and types plus ML and Node/JavaScript inspired semantics. This document provides an overview of the syntax, operations, and semantics in the Bosque language with an emphasis on the distinctive or unusual features in the language.

[Due to recent language updates some of this documentation is slightly out of date. We are working to get everything back in sync but please open issues as needed.]

Table of Contents

0 Highlight Features

The Bosque programming language is designed for writing code that is simple, obvious, and easy to reason about for both humans and machines. The design was driven heavily by the identification and elimination of various sources of accidental complexity and insights on how they can be alleviated via the thoughtful language design.

This section highlights and contains information on many of the notable and/or unique features and design choices in the Bosque programming language.

0.1 Immutable Values

All values in the Bosque language are immutable!

Reasoning about and understanding the effect of a statement or block of code is greatly simplified when it is side-effect free. Functional languages have long benefited from the simplifications to program development, sophisticated tooling, and aggressive compiler optimizations that this model allows. From this perspective the natural choice for the Bosque language is to adopt a pure functional model with immutable data only.

0.2 Block Scoping

Local variables with block structured code is a very appealing model for structuring code. The Bosque language fuses functional programming with block scopes and {...} braces by allowing multiple assignments to updatable variables var (6.3 Variable Assignment). This supports functional style programming in a block-scoped language and allows developers to write code such as:

function abs(x: Int): Int {
    var sign = 1; //declare updatable variable with initial value
    if(x < 0) {
        sign = -1; //update the variable

    return x * sign;

0.3 Flexible Invocations

Bosque provides named arguments along with rest and spread operators. These can be used to perform simple and powerful data manipulation as part of invocations and constructor operations (5.1 Arguments).

function nmin(d: Int, ...args: List<Int>): Int {
    return args.min(default=d);

function np(p1: Int, p2: Int): {x: Int, y: Int} {
    return {x=p1, y=p2};

//calls with explicit arguments
nmin(-1, 1, 2, 3) //returns 1

np(1, 2)         //returns {x=1, y=2}
np(p2=2, 1)      //also returns {x=1, y=2}

//calls with spread arguments
let t = List<Int>@{1, 2, 3};
let p = nmin(-1, ...t);    //returns 1 -- same as explicit call

let r = {p1=1, p2=2};
let q = np(...r);         //returns {x=1, y=2} -- same as explicit call

0.4 Reference Parameter Threading

In addition to allowing multiple assignments to variables and multi-return values, the Bosque language also allows developers to thread parameters via ref argument passing. This alternative to multi-return values simplifies scenarios where a variable (often some sort of environment) is passed to a method which may use and update it. Allowing the update in the parameter eliminates the extra return value management that would otherwise be needed:

function next(ref ctr: Int): Int {
    let res = ctr;
    ctr = ctr + 1;
    return res;

var ctr = 0;
let v1 = next(ref ctr);
let v2 = next(ref ctr);

_debug(ctr); //2
_debug(v1);  //0
_debug(v2);  //1

A more realistic example, with a more complex environment, for interning strings to Int identifiers is: [TODO: needs DynamicMap and Test]

function internString(ref env: DynamicMap<String, Int>, str: String): Int {
    if(env.has(str)) {              //use the ref parameter
        return env.get(str);

    env = env.add(str, env.size()); //update the ref parameter
    return env.size();

var env = Map<String, Int>@{};
let nameid1 = internString(ref env, "hello");
let nameid2 = internString(ref env, "goodbye");

_debug(env->toList()); //List<[String, Int]>@{ ["hello", 0], ["goodbye", 1] }

0.5 Typed Strings

Bosque provides two flavors of typed strings, SafeString<T> and StringOf<T>, to address various scenarios where including meta-data about the string in the type is useful.

The SafeString<T> type is parameterized with a Validator regular expression type which describes the language that the string belongs to. This supports concise representation of many common string structures seen in a program, particularly at API call parameters, in a way that does not require exposing details of the program.

[TODO: needs Regex fully implemented and tests -- may also want to change the example a bit]

typedef SizeFormat = /(\d)+(em|px)/; //declare Validator type the size formats

entrypoint function convertToPX(size: SafeString<SizeFormat>): Int {
    let dvalstr = /?<digits>\d+/.match(size.string()).digits;
    let dval = Int::parse(dvalstr);
    if(size.string().endsWith("px")) {
        return dval;
    else {
        return convertEMToPX(dval);

function convertEMToPX(emsize: Int): Int {
    //conversion code here

The StringOf<T> type is much richer at the cost of using customized logic and exposing internal information from the codebase. It is parameterized by any type implementing the Parsable concept. The contents of the string are then restricted to the language of strings accepted by the static T::tryParse method -- which may be arbitrarily complex code. This makes them ideal for working with data that comes in a custom format or simply for light validation and then to tag strings with a type to avoid confusion in code or APIs with multiple string valued parameters.

[TODO: needs regex implementation, fill in regex parsing, and test]

//Represent an EMail address + specify parsing of format
entity EMailAddress provides Parsable {
    field local: String;
    field domain: String;

    hidden static parseLocal(str: String): Result<String, String> {
        //Complex regex parsing here

    hidden static parseDomain(str: String): Result<String, String> {
        //Complex regex parsing here

    override static tryParse(str: String): Result<Any, String> {
        let localResult = EMailAddress::parseLocal(str);
        let domainResult = EMailAddress::parseDomain(str);

        if(localResult.isErr() || domainResult.isErr()) {
            return Result<Any, String>::err("Invalid Email Address");
        else {
            let addr = EMailAddress@{local=localResult.value(), domain=domainResult.value()};
            return Result<Any, String>::ok(addr);

//Almost any string is a valid user name but this gives us a nice way to sanity check and them in the type system so we don't confuse them with other strings
entity UserName provides Parsable {
    field name: String;

    override static tryParse(str: String): Result<Any, String> {
        if(str == "") {
            return Result<Any, String>::err("User name cannot be empty"); 

        return Result<Any, String>::ok(UserName{name=str});

function generateNotifications(users: List<StringOf<UserName>>, 
    contactInfo: Map<StringOf<UserName>, StringOf<EMailAddress>>, 
    msg: String): List<{addr: StringOf<EMailAdress>, msg: String}> {
        return<{addr: StringOf<EMailAdress>, msg: String}>(fn(uname) => {
            let uaddr = contactInfo.get(uname);
            let umsg = String::concat("Dear ", uname.string(), ", ", msg);

            return {addr: uaddr, msg: umsg};

Additionally, the StringOf construction provides a user friendly object-literal and lightweight DSL format that can be used inside a Bosque program without requiring special extensions.

In addition to improving the clarity of the code in these examples the Typed String design improves the testability of the code, enabling the symbolic-tester or a grammar aware fuzzer to generate structurally appropriate inputs, resulting in higher coverage of the core application logic.

0.6 Bulk Algebraic Data Operations

Bulk algebraic operations in Bosque start with support for bulk reads and updates to data values. Consider the common case of having a struct with 3 fields where 2 of them need to be updated. In most languages this would need to be done on a field-by-field basis. However with the bulk data operations it is possible to perform the update as an atomic operation (unlike in an imperative style) and without manually extracting and copying fields (like in a functional style).

let x = {f=1, g=2, h=3};
x.update(f=-1, g=-2); //{f=-1, g=-2, h=3}

In addition to eliminating opportunities to forget or confuse a field these operators help focus the code on the overall intent, instead of being hidden in the individual steps, and allow a developer to perform algebraic reasoning on the data structure operations. Bosque provides several flavors of these algebraic operations for various data types, tuples, records, and nominal types, and for various operations including projection, multi-update, and merge.

[TODO: project operation not implemented]

let l = [7, 8, 9];
let r = {f=7, g=8};

l.[0, 2]                //[7, 9]
l.merge([5, 6])         //[7, 8, 9, 5, 6]
l.project<[Int, Int]>() //[7, 8]

r.{f, h}            //{f=7, h=none}
r.update(f=5, h=1)  //{f=5, g=8, h=1}
r.merge({f=5, h=1}) //{f=5, g=8, h=1}

These bulk operations also work on entities and concepts (and even with invariant specifications!):

[TODO: virtual updates and virtual invariants are not implemented]

[TODO: tests needed]

concept Person {
    field name: String;

    invariant $name != "";

entity Worker {
    field job: String;
    field hobby: String;

    invariant $job != "";

let bob = Worker@{"bob", "programmer", "golf"};

bob.update(job="manager")                  //Worker@{name="bob", job="manager", hobby="golf"}
bob.update(job="")                         //invariant error
bob.{name, hobby}                          //{name="bob", hobby="golf"}
bob.merge({job="manager", hobby="tennis"}) //Worker@{name="bob", job="manager", hobby="tennis"}

0.7 None Processing

Handling none values is a relatively common task that can obscure the fundamental intent of a section of code with nests of cases and conditional handling for the special case. To simplify this type of code, Bosque includes various forms of coalescing or short-circuit operators (5.8 Chaining and None Chaining) to enable code like:

function foo(val?: {tag: Int, value?: String}): String {
    return val?.value ?| "[No Value]";

0.8 Iterative Processing

A fundamental concept in a programming language is the iteration construct and a critical question is should this construct be provided as high-level functors, such as filter/map/reduce, or do programmers benefit from the flexibility available with iterative, while or for, looping constructs. To answer this question in a definitive manner the authors of Mining Semantic Loop Idioms engaged in a study of all the loops "idioms" found in real-world code. The categorization and coverage results showed that almost every loop a developer would want to write falls into a small number of idiomatic patterns which correspond to higher level concepts developers are using in the code, e.g., filter, find, group, map, etc. With this result in mind the Bosque language trades structured loops for a set of high-level iterative processing constructs (3 Collections).

let v: List<Int?> = List<Int?>@{1, 2, none, 4};

let dd = v.ofType<Int>().map<Int>(fn(x) => x*x);
_debug(dd); //List<Int>@{1, 4, 16}

Eliminating the boilerplate of writing the same loops repeatedly eliminates whole classes of errors including, e.g. bounds computations, and makes the intent clear with a descriptively named functor instead of relying on a shared set of mutually known loop patterns. Critically, for enabling automated program validation and optimization, eliminating loops also eliminates the need for computing loop-invariants. Instead, and with a careful design of the collection libraries, it is possible to write precise transformers for each functor. In this case the computation of strongest-postconditions or weakest-preconditions avoids the complexity of generating a loop invariant and instead becomes a deterministic case of formula pushing!

0.9 Recursion

The lack of explicit looping constructs, and the presence of collection processing functors, is not unusual in functional languages. However, the result is often the replacement of complex loop structures with complex recursion structures. Complex raw flows obfuscate the intent of the code and hinder automated analysis and tooling regardless of if the flow is a loop or recursion.

Thus, Bosque is designed to encourage limited uses of recursion, increase the clarity of the recursive structure, and enable compilers/runtimes to avoid stack related errors. This is done by introducing the recursive keyword which is used at both declaration sites to indicate a function/method is recursive and again at the call site so as to affirm that the caller is aware of the recursive nature of the call (7 Invokable-Declarations).

0.10 Determinacy

When the behavior of a code block is under-specified the result is code that is harder to reason about and more prone to errors. As a key goal of the Bosque language is to eliminate sources of unneeded complexity that lead to confusion and errors we naturally want to eliminate these under-specified behaviors. Thus, Bosque does not have any undefined behavior such as allowing uninitialized variable reads and eliminates all under defined behavior as well including sorting stability and all associative collections (sets and maps) have a fixed and stable enumeration order based on the order of the underlying key values.

As a result of these design choices there is always a single unique and canonical result for any Bosque program. This means that developers will never see intermittent production failures or flaky unit-tests!

0.11 Equality and Representation

Equality is a multifaceted concept in programming and ensuring consistent behavior across the many areas it can surface in a modern programming language such as ==, .equals, Set.has, List.sort, is a source of subtle bugs.

This complexity further manifests itself in the need to consider the possible aliasing relations of values, in addition to their structural data, in order to understand the behavior of a block of code. The fact that reference equality is chosen as a default, or is an option, is also a bit of an anachronism as reference equality heavily ties the execution to a hardware model in which objects are associated with a memory location.

In light of these issues the Bosque language does not allow user visible reference equality in any operation including == or container operations. Instead equality is defined either by the core language for the primitives Bool, Int, String, GUID, etc., or as a user defined composite key identifier type (5.21 Equality Comparison).

identifier UserId = Int;
enum GlobalEnum {

entity Resource {
    field access: UserId | GlobalEnum;
    field data: String;

function checkAccessForUser(user: UserId, resources: List<Resource>): Bool {
    return resources.allOf(fn(r) => {
            let access = r.access;
            return switch(access) {
                type GlobalEnum => access == GlobalEnum::local
                type UserId => access == user

let user5 = UserId::create(5);
let user2 = UserId::create(2);
let resources1 = List<Resource>@{ 
        Resource@{user5, "file1"},
        Resource@{GlobalEnum::local, "file2"}

let resources2 = List<Resource>@{ 
        Resource@{user5, "file1"},
        Resource@{user2, "file2"}

_debug(checkAccessForUser(user5, resources1)); //true
_debug(checkAccessForUser(user5, resources2)); //false

The composite key type allows a developer to create a distinct type to represent a composite equality comparable value that provides the notion of equality e.g. identity, primary key, equivalence, etc. that makes sense for their domain. The language also allows types to define a key field that will be used for equality/order by the associative containers in the language (3 Collections).

0.12 Errors and Checks

A central goal of the Bosque language is to simplify the process of building high reliability software. As part of this, the language provides first-class support for expressing a full range of invariants, sanity-checks, and diagnostic assertions.

entity Foo {
    field x: Int;

    invariant $x > 0; //check whenever a Foo is constructed

    method m(y: Int): Int
        requires y >= 0;               //precondition -- only enabled in debug
        requires release this.x > 1;   //precondition enabled in release as well as debug
        ensures $return > 0;           //postcondition
        check this.x - y >= 0;      //sanity check - enabled on optimized builds
        assert this.x + y > this.x; //diagnostic assert - only for test/debug

        return this.x - (y + 1);

The special references $x in the invariant and $return in the ensures check are instances of implicit binder variables in Bosque. These variables serve a number of useful roles. In the case of $return the variable provides a way to refer to the implicit return value. Similarly for any reference parameter p, which may be rebound in the body, the variable $p can be used to refer to the original value. In the case of the invariant the variable $x refers to the value of the field x in the about to be created object, i.e., we check the invariants on the fields before construction. This choice ensures that at no point in time (or code) an object will be visible/accessible that violates its invariants.

0.13 Atomic Constructors and Factories

To reduce the amount of boilerplate code introduced by constructors, and in particular constructors that have long argument lists that are mainly passed through to super constructors, Bosque uses construction via direct field initialization to construct entity (object) values. For many uses, this simple direct initializer approach is sufficient and there is no need for complex constructors that compute derived values as part of the constructor execution.

However, it is sometimes useful to encapsulate initialization logic and, to accomplish this, we allow for the definition of factory functions which operate similar to constructors but, in some sense, are upside down. A factory function returns a record with all the fields needed for the enclosing entity/concept (5.5 Entity Constructors).

concept Bar {
    field f: Int;

    factory static default(): {f: Int} {
        return {f=1};

entity Baz provides Bar {
    field g: Int;
    field h: Bool = true;

    factory static identity(i: Int): {f: Int, g: Int} {
        return {f=i, g=i};

let x = Baz@{1, 2};
let y = Baz@{1, 2, h=false};

let p = Baz@identity(1); //equivalent to Baz@{...Baz::identity(1)}
let q = Baz@{...Bar::default(), g=2};

In this code the two Baz entities are allocated via the atomic initialization constructor. In the first case the omitted h field is set to the provided default value of true. The identity factory defines f and g values for the entity via the returned record. When invoked with the constructor syntax this is desugared to the atomic initializer with the result of factory.

With this design the need to pass data up through super calls is eliminated as the data can be directly inserted into the initializer or, if the super constructor has factory logic, then the super factory can be called and the result expanded directly into the atomic constructor as in p = Baz{...Bar::default(), g=2}. The result of this inverted constructor logic is that only the arguments needed for internal computation of initialization values must be propagated while all others can be directly set in the initializer. The elimination of the constructor boilerplate code and reduction in argument passing simplifies the definition of new nominal types as well as the impact of cascading changes when a field (or constructor argument) is added/removed in a base definition.

0.14 Synthesis Blocks


0.15 API Types

API types are designed to support the definition of high-quality external interfaces into Bosque applications. Good types for APIs are easy to understand without looking at the source code of an application, can easily be validated for changes to an applications semantic version, and also are precise descriptions of what the value of the argument should be. Thus API types include:

  • Primitive values including None, Int, String, etc.
  • Simple exportable types like enums or identifier types
  • Validated string types -- SafeString<T>
  • Self describing tuple and record types -- which are built from other API types
  • Containers of API types -- List, Set, and Map
  • Exported formats -- StringOf and Buffer (although these cannot be nested in other API types)

Using these types it is possible to define a high quality interface that is:

  1. Easy to use and highly self documenting
  2. Can have all marshalling + validation code auto-generated
  3. Can be checked for common semantic version changes
  4. Can be effectively fuzzed using structure aware fuzzers
  5. Can be effectively checked using symbolic analysis techniques

1 Type System

The Bosque language supports a simple and non-opinionated type system that allows developers to use a range of structural, nominal, and combination types to best convey their intent and flexibly encode the relevant features of the problem domain.

Notation: As part of describing the type system we use the following notation which is not part of the Bosque language:

T1 <: T2 //Type T1 is a subtype of T2
T1 <! T2 //Type T1 is not a subtype of T2
T1 === T2 //Type T1 is equal to T2

1.1 Nominal Types

The nominal type system is a mostly standard object-oriented design with parametric polymorphism provided by generics. All type names must start with a capital letter - MyType is a valid type name while myType is not.

Users can define abstract types (TODO), concept declarations, which allow both abstract definitions and inheritable implementations for const members (TODO), static functions (TODO), field members (TODO), and virtual method members (TODO). Bosque concept types are fully abstract and can never be instantiated concretely. The entity types can provide concepts as well as override definitions in them and can be instantiated concretely but can never be further inherited from.

Developers can alias types or create special types (TODO) using typedef, enum, and identifier constructs (TODO).

The Bosque core library defines several unique concepts/entities. The Any type is an uber type which all others are a subtype of, the None and Some types are for distinguishing around the unique none value, and Tuple, Record, etc. exist to unify with the structural type system (section 2). The language has primitives for Bool, Int, String, etc. as well as the expected set of parametric collection types such as List<T> Map<K, V> (section 3).

Examples of nominal types include:

MyType       //user declared concept or entity
Some         //core library declared concept
NSCore::Some //core library concept with explicit namespace scope
List<Int>    //core collection with generic parameter Int

1.1.1 Type Relation on Nominal Types

The subtype relation on nominal types T1 and T2 is the standard parametric inheritance relation where T1 <: T2 if any of the following are true:

  1. T1 === T2
  2. T1 provides T3 && T3 <: T2 (8 Concept and Entity Declarations)

The first cases is if the two types are syntactically identical names. The second case covers the situation in which T1 is declared to provide a concept that is, transitively, a subtype of T2. Some examples of these include:

MyType <: MyType             //true - by case 1
Some <: Any                  //true - Some provides Any
Int <: Bool                  //false - no suitable `T3` for case 2
List<Int> <: List<Any>       //false - Int <: Any but do not do parametric polymorphism
List<Int> <: Collection<Int> //true - List<Int> provides Collection<Int>

1.1.2 Typed Strings

Typed strings provide a novel mechanism for lifting known structure about the contents of a string into the type in a way that is meaningful to humans and that can be used by the type checker. Just as with other parametric types they are univariate on the template term but both SafeString and StringOf provide efficient (when possible) coercion methods.

Bosque provides two flavors of typed strings, SafeString<T> and StringOf<T>, to address various scenarios where including meta-data about the string in the type is useful.

The SafeString<T> type is parameterized with a Validator regular expression type which describes the language that the string belongs to. This supports concise representation of many common string structures seen in a program, particularly at API call parameters, in a way that does not require exposing details of the program.

typedef SizeFormat = /(\d)+(em|px)/; //declare Validator type the size formats

entrypoint function convertToPX(size: SafeString<SizeFormat>): Int {
    let dvalstr = /?<digits>\d+/.match(size.string()).digits;
    let dval = Int::parse(dvalstr);
    if(size.string().endsWith("px")) {
        return dval;
    else {
        return convertEMToPX(dval);

function convertEMToPX(emsize: Int): Int {
    //conversion code here

The StringOf<T> type is much richer at the cost of using customized logic and exposing internal information from the codebase. It is parameterized by any type implementing the Parsable concept. The contents of the string are then restricted to the language of strings accepted by the static T::tryParse method -- which may be arbitrarily complex code. This makes them ideal for working with data that comes in a custom format or simply for light validation and then to tag strings with a type to avoid confusion in code or APIs with multiple string valued parameters.

//Represent an EMail address + specify parsing of format
entity EMailAddress provides Parsable {
    field local: String;
    field domain: String;

    hidden static parseLocal(str: String): Result<String, String> {
        //Complex regex parsing here

    hidden static parseDomain(str: String): Result<String, String> {
        //Complex regex parsing here

    override static tryParse(str: String): Result<Any, String> {
        let localResult = EMailAddress::parseLocal(str);
        let domainResult = EMailAddress::parseDomain(str);

        if(localResult.isErr() || domainResult.isErr()) {
            return Result<Any, String>::err("Invalid Email Address");
        else {
            let addr = EMailAddress@{local=localResult.value(), domain=domainResult.value()};
            return Result<Any, String>::ok(addr);

//Almost any string is a valid user name but this gives us a nice way to sanity check and them in the type system so we don't confuse them with other strings
entity UserName provides Parsable {
    field name: String;

    override static tryParse(str: String): Result<Any, String> {
        if(str == "") {
            return Result<Any, String>::err("User name cannot be empty"); 

        return Result<Any, String>::ok(UserName{name=str});

function generateNotifications(users: List<StringOf<UserName>>, 
    contactInfo: Map<StringOf<UserName>, StringOf<EMailAddress>>, 
    msg: String): List<{addr: StringOf<EMailAdress>, msg: String}> {
        return<{addr: StringOf<EMailAdress>, msg: String}>(fn(uname) => {
            let uaddr = contactInfo.get(uname);
            let umsg = String::concat("Dear ", uname.string(), ", ", msg);

            return {addr: uaddr, msg: umsg};

Additionally, the StringOf construction provides a user friendly object-literal and lightweight DSL format that can be used inside a Bosque program without requiring special extensions.

In addition to improving the clarity of the code in these examples the Typed String design improves the testability of the code, enabling the symbolic-tester or a grammar aware fuzzer to generate structurally appropriate inputs, resulting in higher coverage of the core application logic.

1.2 Structural Types

The structural type system includes Tuples and Records. These are self-describing, allow for optional entries with the ? syntax.

1.2.1 Tuples

A tuple is a list of entries where each entry provides a type and can be marked as optional. Some examples include:

[Int, Bool]   //Tuple of an Int and Bool
[Int, ?:Bool] //Tuple of an Int and optionally a Bool

The subtype relation on tuples T1 and T2 is a lexicographic order on the tuple entries where a required entry is always less than an optional (?) entry.

[Int] <: [Any]               //true - Int <: Any
[Int] <: [Bool]              //false - Int <! Bool
[Int] <: [Int, ?:Bool]       //true - omitting optional type is ok
[Int, Bool] <: [Int, ?:Bool] //true - optional type is ok
[Int, ?:Bool] <: [Int]       //false - missing optional type

All tuples are a subtype of the special nominal type Tuple.

1.2.2 Records

A record is a map of identifier names to entries where each entry provides a type and can be marked as optional. Some examples include:

{f: Int, g: Bool} //Record required f and g
{f: Int, g?: Bool} //Record required f optional g

The subtype relation on records R1 and R2 is a subset based order on the record entries where a required entry is always less than an optional (?) entry.

{f: Int} <: {f: Any}                    //true - Int <: Any
{f: Int} <: {g: Int}                    //false - different names
{f: Int} <: {f: Bool}                   //false - Int <! Bool
{f: Int} <: {f: Any, g?: Bool}          //true - omitting optional type is ok
{f: Int, g: Bool} <: {f: Int, g?: Bool} //true - optional type is ok
{f: Int, g?: Bool} <: {f: Int}          //false - missing optional type

All records are a subtype of the special nominal type Record.

1.3 Parameter Code Block Types

Parameter code blocks, or pcode functions, are special values and types in the Bosque language that can be used to specialize the behavior of another function or method. They cannot be stored in variables or values and cannot be passed to other calls. Thus, they must be placed as literals in an invocation and can be invoked using the given parameter name.

The parameter code types can use named arguments for bindings arguments and, thus, names are part of the type signature. The special _ parameter name indicates a "don't care" for a parameter name. PCode types also allow for optional parameters, with the ? syntax, and rest parameters using the ... syntax. The types of the rest parameters can be specified as any of the collection types from the core library including, lists, sets, and maps. Example types include:

fn(x: Int) -> Int          //pcode type with required parameter named "x"
fn(_: Int) -> Int          //pcode type required unnamed parameter
fn(x?: Int) -> Int         //pcode type optional x parameter
fn(...l: List<Int>) -> Int //pcode type rest List parameter

The subtype relation on pcode types F1 and F2 requires equality on parameter counts, types, and optionality.

fn(x: Int) -> Int <: fn(x: Int) -> Int  //true - Int == Int
fn(x: Any) -> Int <: fn(x: Int) -> Int  //false - Int != Any
fn(x: Int) -> Int <: fn(x: Bool) -> Int //false - Bool != Int
fn(x: Int) -> Int <: fn(x: Any) -> Int  //false - Any != Int

fn(x: Any) -> Int <: fn(y: Int) -> Int //false - name mismatch
fn(x: Any) -> Int <: fn(_: Int) -> Int //true - name ignore
fn(_: Any) -> Int <: fn(x: Int) -> Int //false - name needed

fn(y?: Bool) -> Int         <: fn(y: Bool) -> Int          //false - optional parameter mismatch
fn(x: Int, y?: Bool) -> Int <: fn(x: Int) -> Int           //false - mismatch optional parameter
fn(x: Int) -> Int           <: fn(x: Int, y?: Bool) -> Int //false - mismatch optional type

fn(x: Any) -> Int <: fn(x: Int) -> Any //true - Int <: Any
fn(x: Any) -> Any <: fn(x: Any) -> Int //false - Any <! Int

fn(...r: List<Int>) -> Int <: fn(...r: List<Int>) -> Int    //true - rest match
fn(...r: List<Int>) -> Int <: fn(_: Int) -> Int             //false - rest mismatch
fn(...r: List<Int>) -> Int <: fn() -> Int                   //false - rest mismatch
fn(...r: List<Int>) -> Int <: fn(...r: Set<Int>) -> Int     //false - rest mismatch

1.4 Combination Types

With the base structural and nominal types Bosque also supports noneable (T1?), union (T1 | T2), and limited conjunction (C1 & C2) concept types.

Example combination types include:

String | None
Int | Bool
Parsable + Indexable

The T1 | T2notation specifies a type may be either T1 or T2 while the notation T1? is shorthand for T1 | None. Note that this implies that (T1?)? is the same type as T1?. The type system also admits conjunction but limits it to conjunctions of concept types where C1 & C2 indicates a type must provide both C1 and C2.

Int | Bool <: Any         //true
Int | Bool <: Int         //false
Int | Bool <: Int | Some  //true
Int | Int <: Int          //true - algebra
Some | None <: Any        //true
Any <: Some | None        //true - special case
Int? <: Int | None        //true
Int <: Int?               //true
Int?? <: Int?             //true - algebra
None? <: None             //true - algebra
C1 & C2 <: C2             //true
C1 & C1 <: C1             //true - algebra
C1 <: C1 & C2             //false - (unless C1 <: C2)

As shown in the above examples several combination types reduce to simpler version based on algebraic rules.

1.5 Value Packs

Bosque supports multi-assign, multi-return, multi-yield operations. These operations implicitly result in multi-value-pack types. You cannot declare or store these types explicitly but they occur in various locations.

2 Core Types


3 Collections


4 Type Checking


5 Expressions

The Bosque language provides a rich set of expressions that support compact data manipulation and expression of intent. A major theme of these operators is to provide simple to reason about semantics that capture common operations with the goal of improving productivity and code quality.

5.1 Arguments

Bosque provides named arguments along with rest and spread operators. These can be used to perform simple and powerful data manipulation as part of invocations and constructor operations. Examples of these situations include:

function nsum(d: Int, ...args: List<Int>): Int {
    return args.sum(default=d);

function np(p1: Int, p2: Int): {x: Int, y: Int} {
    return {x=p1, y=p2};

//calls with explicit arguments
let x = nsum(0, 1, 2, 3); //returns 6

let a = np(1, 2);         //returns {x=1, y=2}
let b = np(p2=2, 1);      //also returns {x=1, y=2}
let c = np(p2=2, p1=1);   //also returns {x=1, y=2}

//calls with spread arguments
let t = [1, 2, 3];
let p = nsum(0, ...t);    //returns 6 -- same as explicit call

let r = {p1=1, p2=2};
let q = np(...r);         //returns {x=1, y=2} -- same as explicit call

The first of the examples show the use of rest and named arguments in call signatures. The call to nsum takes an arbitrary number of arguments which are automatically converted into a List. The calls to np show how named parameters can be used and mixed with positional parameters.

The next set of examples show how spread arguments can be used. In the first case a tuple, [1, 2, 3], is created and assigned to the variable t. This tuple is then spread to provide the last three arguments to nsum. Semantically the call nsum(0, ...t) is the same as nsum(0, t[0], t[1], t[2]) and, as a result, the value in p is the same as the value computed for x. The spread operator also works for records and named parameters. In the example the call to np(...r) is semantically the same as np(p1=r.p1, p2=r.p2). Although not shown here spread can also be used on any collection, List, Set, Map, based data values as well.

For creating Maps we also provide a key/value argument notation kexp => vexp where kexp is an expression of the map key type and vexp is the value expression:

let m = Map<Int, Bool>@{ 0=>false, 1=>true };

5.2 Constants

Constant value expressions include none, true, false Integer, String, TypedString, and TypedStringLiteral:

/a*b*/       //Regex
Int'5'       //String<Int>

Most of these literal expressions are familiar from other languages but Bosque introduces the concept of Typed Strings (1.1.2 Typed Strings). The constant notation includes Type'...' to introduce a literal typed string and Type@'...' to introduce a literal object that the string represents. Semantically the expression Type@'...' is equivalent to the expression Type::tryParse(Type'...'). Similarly for SafeString where Type is a validator then Type'...' is a literal safe string of type SafeString<Type>.

5.3 Variable and Scoped Access

Simple name expressions can be used to refer to local, argument, and captured variables as well as to type or globally scoped constants. Examples include:

x              //Local, Argument, or Captured Variable
NSFoo::g       //Namespace scoped global
Bar::c         //Type scoped constant
Bar<Int>::c    //Generic type scoped constant
(Bar & Baz)::c //Conjunction type scoped constant

Names in Bosque are resolved using the lexical scope where they are used, starting from the current block, up to arguments, captured variables, type and finally namespace scoping. Shadowing is not permitted on any variables. However, arguments/locals in a pcode body can be the same as names in the enclosing declaring body (preventing the closure capture section 5.6 PCode Constructors).

The ability to perform conjunction scoped constant resolution works by looking up the definition of the constant using both Bar and Baz. If the constant definition is the same for both then this is well defined (and legal) otherwise it is a type error.

5.4 Tuple and Record Constructors

Tuple and records are constructed via a simple literal constructor syntax where the values for each tuple or record entry can be any other expression in the language.

[]               //Empty Tuple
[ 1 ]            //Tuple of [Int]
[ 1, "ok" ]      //Tuple of [Int, String]
[ 1, foo() ]     //Tuple of 1 and result of foo
{}               //Empty Record
{ f=1 };         //Record of {f: Int}
{ f=1, g=true }; //Record of {f: Int, g: Bool}
{ g=x.h, f=1 };  //Record where f is 1 and g is result of x.h

5.5 Entity Constructors

To reduce the amount of boilerplate code introduced by constructors, and in particular constructors that have long argument lists that are mainly passed through to super constructors, the Bosque language uses construction via direct field initialization to construct entity (object) values. For many uses this simple direct initializer approach is sufficient and there is no need for complex constructors that compute derived values as part of the constructor execution. Examples of this syntax include:

concept Bar {
    field f: Int;

entity Baz provides Bar {
    field g: Int;
    field h: Bool = true;

let y = Baz@{f=1, g=2, h=false}; //Create a Baz entity with the given field values
let x = Baz@{f=1, g=2};          //Create a Baz entity with default value for h

In this code snippet two Baz entities are allocated via the atomic initialization constructor. In the second case the omitted h field is set to the provided default value of true.

Sometimes it is useful to encapsulate initialization logic and, to accomplish this, Bosque provides for the definition of factory functions which operate similar to constructors but, in some sense, are upside down. A factory function returns a record with all the fields needed for the enclosing entity/concept. So, the identity factory defines f and g. When invoked with the constructor syntax this is desugared to the atomic initializer being used with expanded record result of factory function, Baz{...Baz::identity(1)}, in our example.

With this design the need to pass data up through super calls is eliminated as the data can be directly inserted into the initializer or, if the super constructor has factory logic, then the super factory can be called and the result expanded directly into the atomic constructor as in Baz{...Bar::default(), g=2} below.

concept Bar {
    field f: Int;

    factory default(): {f: Int} {
        return {f=1};

entity Baz provides Bar {
    field g: Int;
    field h: Bool = true;

    factory identity(i: Int): {f: Int, g: Int} {
        return {f=i, g=i};

let p = Baz@identity(1);              //Factory provides all arguments for constructor
let q = Baz{...Bar::default(), g=2}; //Use super factory + specific values in direct constructor

The result of this inverted constructor logic is that only the arguments needed for internal computation of initialization values must be propagated while all others can be directly set in the initializer. The elimination of the constructor boilerplate code and reduction in argument passing simplifies the definition of new nominal types as well as the impact of cascading changes when a field (or constructor argument) is added/removed in a base definition.

5.6 PCode Constructors

PCode constructors in the Bosque language combine a code definition for the pcode function body with a variable copy semantics for closure captured variables on creation. The body definition can be either an expression or a statement block. The constructor must always be placed in the direct argument position of a function/method call that takes a pcode function argument.

fn(): Int => { return 1; }                            //No arguments statement block body
fn(): Int => 1;                                       //No arguments expression body
fn(x: Int): Int => x;                                 //One required argument
fn(x: Int, y?: Int): {a: Int, b: Int?} => {a=x, b=y}; //One required and one optional argument

let c = 1;
let res = foo(fn(): Int => c); //Captured variable c

In the above examples the type of the pcode expression is explicitly declared via the explicit type declarations for the arguments and return value. However, we also allow these types to be inferred automatically.

function foo(f: fn(_: Int, _: Int) -> Int, a: [Int, Int]): Int {
    return f(...a);

let ir = foo(fn(x, y) => x + y, [1, 2]); //Types inferred

5.7 Scoped Invokes

Scoped invocations in the Bosque language include calls to global functions and static member functions. The arguments variations in section 5.1 Arguments can be used in any of these invocations.

NSFoo::f(3)                 //Namespace scoped invocation
NSFoo::g<Int>(0)            //Namespace scoped invocation with generic invoke
NSFoo::k<Int, String>(1)    //Namespace scoped invocation with generic invoke

Bar::f()                    //Type scoped invocation
Baz<Int>::g<Int>(0)         //Static invocation with generic type and invoke
Baz<Int>::k<Int, String>(5) //Static invocation with generic type and invoke
(Baz & Bar)::m(0)           //Conjunction resolved static type invocation

Most of these forms are familiar from other object-oriented languages but the ability to perform static invocations using conjunction types is unique. As with scoped constant resolution this works by looking up the definition of the invoke using both Bar and Baz. If the constant definition is the same for both then this is well defined (and legal) otherwise it is a type error.

5.8 Chaining and None-Chaining

Handling none values (or null, undefined, etc. in other languages) is a relatively common task that can obscure the fundamental intent of a section of code with nests of cases and conditional handling for the special case.

The definition of Bosque provides support for short-circuiting none values on all chainable actions, using a ? notion.

{}.h           //none
{}.h.k         //error
{}.h?.k        //none
{h={}}.h?.k    //none
{h={k=3}}.h?.k //3

When combined with a chainable operator (below) the ? operator short-circuits evaluation and returns none whenever the expression value is none.

5.9 Tuple Typed Access Operators

The tuple typed chainable operators include:

  • .i to get the value at index i in the tuple or none if the index is not defined
  • .[i, ..., j], create a new tuple using the values at indices i, ..., j

Examples of these include:

let t = [ 1, 2, 3 ];

t.0         //1
t?.0        //1
t.101       //none
t.[1]       //[2]
t.[2, 0]    //[3, 1]
t.[5, 1]    //[none, 2]
t.5.0       //error
t.5.[0]     //also error
t.5?.[0, 1] //none
t.(|0, 2|)  //(|1, 3|) value pack

As in most languages the [] operator allows access to individual elements in a tuple while the bulk algebraic .[] operator provides compact and simple reshaping of a tuple data value.

5.10 Record Typed Access Operators

The record typed chainable operators include:

  • .p to get the value associated with the property or none if the property is not defined
  • .{f, ..., g}, create a new record using the values at properties f, ..., g

Examples of these include:

let r = { f=1, g=2, k=true };

r.f         //1
r?.f        //1
r.h         //none
r.{g}       //{g=2}
r.{g, k}    //{g=2, k=true}
r.{h, g}    //{h=none, g=2}
r.h.f       //error
r.h.{f}     //also error
r.h?.{f, g} //none
r.(|f, k|)  //(|1, true|) value pack

As in most languages the . operator allows access to individual elements in a record while the bulk algebraic .{} operator provides compact and simple reshaping of a record data value.

5.11 Nominal Typed Access Operators

Fields in nominal types can be chain accessed in a similar manner as properties in records:

  • .f to get the value associated with the field or error if the field is not defined on the type
  • .{f, ..., g}, create a new record using the values at fields f, ..., g

Examples of these include:

entity Baz {
    field f: Int;
    field g: Int;
    field k: Bool

let e = Baz@{ f=1, g=2, k=true };

e.f         //1
e?.f        //1
e.h         //none
e.{g}       //{g=2}
e.{g, k}    //{g=2, k=true}
e.{h, g}    //{h=none, g=2}
e.h.f       //error
e.h.{f}     //also error
e.h?.{f, g} //none
e.(|f, k|)  //(|1, true|) value pack

As in most languages the . operator allows access to individual elements in a entity (object) while the bulk algebraic .{} operator provides compact and simple reshaping of a data value. Note that the result type is a record.

5.12 Typed Projection

In addition to extracting new tuples/records using the .[] and .{} notation the Bosque language also supports projecting out structured data using types via the notation Exp.project<Type>() method. This chain operator can be used on tuples, records, and nominal types:

concept Bar {
    field f: Int;

concept T3 {
    field f: Int;

entity Baz provides Bar {
    field g: Int;
    field k: Bool

let t = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
t.project<[Int]>()       //[1]
t.project<[Bool]()       //error type mismatch
t.project<[Int, ?:Int]() //[1, 2]
t.project<[Int, Any]()   //[1, 2]

let r = { f=1, g=2, k=true };
r.project<{f: Int}>()          //{f=1}
r.project<{f: Bool}>()         //error type mismatch
r.project<{f: Int, g?: Int}>() //{f=1, g=2}
r.project<{f: Int, g: Any}>()  //{f=1, g=2}

let e = Baz{ f=1, g=2, k=true };
e.project<Bar>()       //{f=1}
e.project<{f: Bool}>() //error type projection requires same kinds
e.project<T3>()        //error type mismatch

Note that the result type of projecting from a nominal type is a record.

5.13 Update

In most languages updating (or creating an updated copy) is done on a field-by-field basis. However, with the bulk updates in Bosque it is possible to perform the update as an atomic operation and without manually extracting and copying fields. Bosque provides a chainable update operations for tuples (Exp.update(i=e1, ... j=ek) notation), records, and nominal types (Exp.update(f=e1, ... f=ek)).

entity Baz {
    field f: Int;
    field g: Int;
    field k: Bool

let t = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
t.update(1=5)      //[1, 5, 2]
t.update(0=3, 1=5) //[3, 5, 3]
t.update(1=5, 4=0) //[1, 5, 3, none, 0]

let r = { f=1, g=2, k=true };
r.update(g=5)          //{f=1, g=5, k=true}
r.update(g=3, k=false) //{f=1, g=3, k=false}
r.update(g=5, h=0)     //{f=1, g=5, k=true, h=0}

let e = Baz{ f=1, g=2, k=true };
e.update(g=5)          //Baz{f=1, g=5, k=true}
e.update(g=3, k=false) //Baz{f=1, g=3, k=false}
e.update(g=5, h=0)     //error invalid field name

Note that for tuples updating past the end of the tuple will none pad the needed locations while for records it will insert the specified property. Updating a non-existent field on a nominal type is an error.

5.14 Merge

The update operations allow bulk algebraic copy-modification of values but require the literal properties/indecies/fields to be specified. To allow more programmatic operation the Bosque language also provides chainable merge operations which take pairs of tuple/tuple, record/record, or nominal/record and merge the data values using the syntax Exp.merge(Exp). The tuple/tuple operation maps to append, record/record is dictionary merge, and nominal/record is bulk update fields.

entity Baz {
    field f: Int;
    field g: Int;
    field k: Bool

let t = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
t.merge([5])       //[1, 2, 3, 5]
t.merge([3, 5])    //[1, 2, 3, 3, 5]

let r = { f=1, g=2, k=true };
r.merge({g=5})          //{f=1, g=5, k=true}
r.merge({g=3, k=false}) //{f=1, g=3, k=false}
r.merge({g=5, h=0})     //{f=1, g=5, k=true, h=0}

let e = Baz{ f=1, g=2, k=true };
e.merge({g=5})          //{f=1, g=5, k=true}
e.merge({g=3, k=false}) //{f=1, g=3, k=false}
e.merge({g=5, h=0})     //error field not defined

The ability to programmatically merge into values allows us to write concise data processing code and eliminate redundant code copying around individual values. In addition to helping prevent subtle bugs during initial coding the operators can also simplify the process of updating data representations when refactoring code by reducing the number of places where explicit value deconstruction, update, and copies need to be used.

5.15 PCode Apply

A pcode argument is invoked using the notation -- pcode(...)

function foo(f: fn(_: Int, _: Int) -> Int, a: [Int, Int]): Int {
    return f(...a);

In the case where the pcode return type is a value pack it must be denoted (|T1, T2, ... TK|) as opposed to other function declarations where they braces are optional.

5.16 Invoke

The chainable invoke operator . is used to invoke both member methods from nominal types.

For member method invocation the invoke operator will handle any virtual method resolution, either from the dynamic object type or from the specified base overload when using the .::Type syntax.

concept Fizz {
    field v: Int;

    method m1(x: Int): Int {
        return this.v + x;

    virtual method m3(x: Int): Int {
        return this.v + x + 3;

entity Bar provides Fizz {
    override method m3(x: Int): Int {
        return 0;

entity Biz provides Fizz {
    method mc<T>(arg: T): T? {
        return this.v != 0 ? arg : none;

let bar = Bar{v=10};
let biz = Biz{v=3};

bar.m1(5) //15
biz.m1(5) //8

bar.m3(5)      //0
bar.Fiz::m3(5) //18
biz.m3(5)      //11<Int>(3) //error no such method<Int>(3) //3

(none).m1(5)    //error no such method
(none)?.m1(5)   //none

none.isNone() //true - see core None and Any types
{}.isSome()   //true - see core None and Any types
5.isSome()    //true - see core None and Any types

The Bosque type system provides a unified model for all structural, primitive, and nominal types. So, methods can be invoked on any value. See the core types section for more info on what invocations are supported.

5.17 Unary Operators

Bosque supports the three unary prefix operators:

  • ! will negate a Bool value and converts the value none into true
  • + is a nop but is often useful for indicating intent
  • - negates an integer value

Examples include:

!true   //false
!false  //true
!none   //true
!"true" //error
!0      //error

+5 //5
-5 //-5

5.18 Binary Operators

Bosque supports a range of binary operators which can be applied to Int values including +, -, Math::mult, Math::div, and Math::mod. Examples include:

5 + 6            //11
3 - 1            //2
Math::mult(2, 3) //6
Math::div(3, 2)  //1
Math::div(4, 2)  //2
Math::div(4, 0)  //error
Math::mod(3, 2)  //1
Math::mod(4, 2)  //0
Math::mod(4, 0)  //error

5.19 Equality Comparison

The Bosque language provides == and != operators which work for KeyType values including:

  • None where none may be compared with values of any other type (KeyType or not)
  • Bool
  • Int
  • String
  • StringOf<T>
  • SafeString<T>
  • GUID
  • LogicalTime
  • DataHash
  • CryptoHash
  • Enum where their types and values must be the same
  • IdKey where their types and values must be the same
  • GUIDIdKey where their types and values must be the same
  • LogicalTimeIdKey where their types and values must be the same
  • ContentHashIdKey where their types and values must be the same

Examples of the equality operators on primitive values include:

1 == 1                     //true
"1" == ""                  //false
"1" != ""                  //true
Foo'hello' == Foo'hello'   //true
{} == none                 //false
false == none              //false

Bosque does not admit reference equality in any form. A program can either use explicit comparison on a primitive type or a developer can define an identifier key that provides the notion of equality e.g. identity, primary key, equivalence, etc. that makes sense for their domain.

Identifier keys are compared using the type of the key and the pairwise equality of each field defined in the key.

identifier SimpleKey = Int;
composite identifier CompoundKey = { f: Int, g: String };

let sk = SimpleKey@create(1);
let osk = SimpleKey@create(2);

let a = CompoundKey@create(1, "yes");
let b = CompoundKey@create(f=1, g="yes");
let c = CompoundKey@create(1, "no");

a == a    //true
a == b    //true
a == c    //false - different field values
sk == sk  //true
sk == osk //false

Collections and operations on them are also defined to use this definition of equality and custom key valued fields (section 3 Collections) instead of overloaded equals or compare methods.

When using the == operator (unless one argument is the None type) the types of the left and right hand sides must be the same. If not then it is a type error. For a relaxed equality, that will check type equality in addition to value equality, use the static KeyType::equal(a: KeyType, b: KeyType) method.

5.20 Order Comparison

Bosque supports a range of order operators, <, >, <=, and >= which can be applied to Int values.

1 < 2                      //true

[TODO] Extend to tuples/records then Enums and IdKeys

5.21 Logic Operators

Bosque provides the standard short-circuiting && and || operators as well as a implies ==> operator. These operators all work on Bool typed values and will implicitly convert none into false. Examples include:

true || (Math.div(1, 0) == 0)  //true
false || (Math.div(1, 0) == 0) //error
none || false         //false
1 || true             //error

false && (Math.div(1, 0) == 0) //false
true && (Math.div(1, 0) == 0)  //error
none && true          //false
1 && true             //error

false ==> true        //true
false ==> false       //true
true ==> true         //true
true ==> false        //false

false ==> (Math.div(1, 0) == 0) //true
true ==> (Math.div(1, 0) == 0)  //error
true ==> none          //false
1 ==> true             //error

5.22 None Coalescing

Bosque provides specific none-coalescing operations, ?| and ?&, as opposed to truthy based coalescing that overloads the logical and/or operators.

function defaultValue(x?: Int, y?: Int) : Int {
    return (x ?| 0) + (y ?| 0); //default on none
defaultValue(1, 1) //2
defaultValue(1)    //1
defaultValue()     //0

function checkValue(x?: Int, y?: Int) : Int? {
    return x ?& y ?& x + y; //check none
checkValue(1, 1) //2
checkValue(1)    //none
checkValue()     //none

The ?| operator short-circuits on non-none values while the ?& operator short-circuits on none values.

5.23 Select

The select operator uses a condition which may return a Bool or None and uses this to select between to lazily evaluated alternative expressions. The none value is automatically coerced to false.

true ? 1 : 2               //1
false ? 1 : 2              //2
true ? 1 : Math.div(2, 0)  //1
false ? 1 : Math.div(2, 0) //error
none ? 1 : 2               //2
"" ? 1 : 2                 //error

5.24 Statement Expressions

Bosque includes Switch, If, and Block statements (section 6 Statements) which can be used as both expressions and statements. It also allows these to be used in expression positions where the action blocks in If/Switch are treated as expressions and, instead of return, a block will yield a result:

let a = if(true) 3 else 4;    //3
let b = {| let x = 3; yield x; |} //3
let c = switch("yes") {
    case "yes" => 5
    case "no" => {| let x = 5; yield x - 3; |}
    case _ => if(true) 11 else 17
} //5

Note that the introduction of an expression block creates a new lexical scope for any variables declared inside. Thus, these will not pollute the enclosing namespace.

The If statement conditions allow Bool and None types.

The Switch statements support destructuring and type operations in the match just as described in section 6.6 Match.

When block statements are used as expressions they cannot use return statements inside.

5.25 Synthesis Blocks

[Not Implemented Yet]

6 Statements

Given the rich set of expression primitives in Bosque there is a reduced need for a large set of statement combinators. The language includes the expected Match and If which can be used as both expressions and statements as well as structured assignment for easy destructuring of return values. As high reliability software is a key goal, Bosque provides an assert, enabled only for debug builds, and a check, enabled on all builds, statements as first class features in the language (in addition to pre/post conditions and class invariants). We also note that there are no looping constructs in the language.

Local variables with block structured code is an appealing model for programming. The statements provided in the Bosque language seek to fuse functional programming with block scopes and {...} braces by allowing multiple assignments to a variable and scoped blocks.

6.1 Empty

The empty statement is simply the ; which has no effect but is a legal statement.

6.2 Variable Declaration

Variable declarations in Bosque can be declared as constant in the scope using the let declaration form:

Examples of these declarations are:

  • let Identifier = Exp;
  • let Identifier:Type = Exp;

Multi-decls using explicit initialization or assignment from a value pack are also supported:

  • let x, y: Int = true, 3;
  • let x, y = foo(5); //where foo is defined as function foo(v: Int): Int, Int {...}

If the type is omitted in the declaration it is inferred from the type of the expression used to initialize the variable.

let x: Int = 3; //Int variable introduced and initialized
let y = 3;      //variable introduced and inferred to be of type Int

Alternatively variables can be declared as updatable in the scope using the var declaration form. In the var form an initializer expression can be used to set the initial value for the variable or it can be omitted to leave the variable uninitialized.

  • var Identifier: Type;
  • var Identifier = Exp;
  • var Identifier:Type = Exp;

Using the var form allows for later assignment statements (6.3 Variable Assignment) to update the value of the variable. It is an error to use an uninitialized variable unless all possible paths flowing to the use must have assigned it a value.

Examples of these declarations are:

var x: Int;     //uninitialized mutable variable of type Int introduced
var x: Int = 3; //mutable variable of type Int introduced
var x = 3;      //mutable variable of inferred type Int introduced

6.3 Variable Assignment

Variables declared as mutable, using the var syntax, can be modified by later assignment statements.

var x: Int;
var y = 7;

let a = x; //error undefined use

x = 3;
y = x;     //ok x is defined now

let z = 5;
z = y;     //error z is not updatable

Similar to declaration multi assignment is allowed either with an explicit value list or from a value pack typed expression.

Updates can occur in different blocks of code as well:

var x = 0;
if(true) {
    x = 1;

var y: Int;
if(true) {
    y = 1;
else {
    y = 2;

6.4 Structured Declaration and Assignment

In addition to single variable declarations and assignments the Bosque language also supports de-structuring values with declaration/assignment to multiple variables simultaneously.

[let x: Int, let y: Int] = [1, 2];               //declare and assign x=1, y=2 (explicit types)
{f=let x, g=let y} = {f=1, g=2};                 //declare and assign x=1, y=2 (infer types)
{f=let x, g=[let y, let z]} = {f=1, g=[2, 3]}; //declare x=1, y=2, and z=3
Pair@{f=let x, s=let y} = Pair{f=1, s=2};       //declare x, y and assign from entity or concept
(|let x, let y|) = foo(5)                        //declare x, y and assign from value pack typed expression

Just as with single variable declaration, variables can be declared as mutable:

[var x, var y] = [1, 2]; //declare and assign x=1, y=2 (mutable)
[var x, let y] = [1, 2];  //declare and assign x=1, y=2 (x is mutable but y is not)

Since including let or var for each variable is often redundant and cluttered you can do a single global declaration for all variables in the assignment:

let {f=x, g=y} = {f=1, g=2};  //declare and assign x=1, y=2
var {f=x, g=y} = {f=1, g=2}; //declare and assign x=1, y=2 (mutable)

In addition to declaration variables can also be updated as part of a structured assignment:

var x: Int;
var y: Int;
{f=x, g=y} = {f=1, g=2}; //assign x=1, y=2

It is possible to mix declarations and assignments:

var x: Int;
[x, let y] = [1, 2]; //assign x=1 and declare y=2

Finally, as in many cases there are parts of a structure that are not useful, Bosque provides ways to ignore these values:

//declare and assign x, y but ignore the h property
let {f=x, h=_, g=y} = {f=1, g=2};

//declare and assign x, y but ignore the h property which must be an Int
let {f=x, h=_:Int, g=y} = {f=1, g=2};

//declare and assign x, y -- since g property is missing y=none
let {f=x, g=y?: Int} = {f=1};

//declare and assign x -- ignore optional g property
let {f=x, g=_?} = {f=1};

//declare and assign x -- ignore any other tuple values
let [x, ...] = [1, 2, 3];

6.5 Return and Yield

Within a block of code the return statement exits the current invocation with the value of the expression as the result. The yield statement is used in an expression block (5.26 Statement Expressions) to exit the block with the value of the expression as the result.

function abs(x: Int): Int {
    if(x < 0) {
        return -x;
    else {
        return x;

function absy(x?: Int): Int {
    if(x == none) {
        return 0;

    return {|
        var y = x;
        if(y < 0) {
            y = -y;
        yield y;

Bosque supports multi-valued return and yield and return statements with the , notation or an explicit value pack construction (|...|).

function foo(v: Int): Int, Int {
    return v, v + 1;

function bar(v: Int): Int, Int {
    return (|v, v +1|);

function baz(opt: Bool): Bool {
    let x, y = foo(0); //x=0 and y=1

    let p, q = if(opt) {|
        yield bar(0);
    else {|
        yield -1, -1;

Error code return checking and handling can frequently obscure the core flow of a function and result in subtle errors. To simplify the logic or return values with error codes the Bosque language provides a return with, Exp or (return | yield) (Exp)? (when Cond)?, syntax.

function tryit(arg?: Int): Int | None {
    let y = arg or return;
    return y + 1;

tryit(2) //3
tryit()  //none

function try0(arg: Int): Int {
    let y = arg or return when _value_ == 0;
    return y + 1;

try0(2) //3
try0(0) //0

function trydec(arg: Int): Int {
    let y = arg or return (_value_ - 1) when (_value_ == 0);
    return y + 1;

trydec(2) //3
trydec(0) //-1

In the case where the when clause is omitted the checked condition is if the expression value is none or if it is of type Result<T, E> and isErr is true. If the alternate expression is missing then the expression value is simply propagated instead of the user supplied value.

Again in the test expression the special implicit binder variable $value can be used to refer to the value of the expression.

6.6 Validation

For statement level validation statement the Bosque language provides the assert and check statements. By default the assert is only enabled in debug builds while check is enabled in all builds. If the condition provided evaluates to false both statements will raise an error.

assert false; //raise error in debug
assert true;  //no effect

check false;  //raise error always
check true;   //no effect

The error semantics in Bosque are unique. In most languages errors are distinguishable as runtime error reporting requires the inclusion of observable information, like line numbers and error messages, to support failure analysis and debugging. However, Since Bosque execution is fully deterministic (0.10 Determinacy) and repeatable, the language has two execution semantics: deployed and debug. In the deployed semantics all runtime errors are indistinguishable while in the debug semantics errors contain full line number, call-stack, and error metadata. When an error occurs in deployed mode the runtime simply aborts, resets, and re-runs the execution in debug mode to compute the precise error!

In addition to checking for unexpected values a developer must often validate inputs and gracefully return error information if the date is invalid or indicates a recoverable error has occurred. To support this, while minimizing the control flow clutter, Bosque provides a validate statement that, in one line, validates a property and allows an immediate return of a meaninful error result.

function foo(x: Int): Result<Int, String> {
    validate x >= 0 or return Result<Int, String>::err("x must be >= 0");
    validate x < 10 or return Result<Int, String>::err("x must < 0");

    return Result<Int, String>::ok(x + 1);

6.7 If-Then-Else

The conditional if statements in Bosque are classical conditional control flow structures.

let x = 3;

//if with fall through
if(x == none) {
    return none;

//simple if-else
if(x < 0) {
    return -x;
else {
    return x;

//if-elif*-else form
if(x < 0) {
    return -x;
elif(x > 0) {
    return x;
else {
    return 0;

Note that dangling elifs must have a final else block.

6.8 Switch

Bosque provides a switch statement that supports simple literal dispatch, type based dispatch, pattern matching, and optional additional constraints. A switch statement must be exhaustive in the case list so there is a simple wildcard case option _ that matches anything.

A simple switch statement is:

switch(x) {
    case 0 => { return "zero"; }
    case 1 => { return "one"; }
    case _ => { return "many"; }

The case statement uses the same syntax as structured assignments (plus checking literal values) and can bind variables:

var z: Int;
switch(x) {
    case [1, let y: Int] => { return y; }     //on match define, bind, and use y
    case let {f=2, g=y: Int} => { return y; } //on match define all new vars in the match
    case {f=3, g=z} => { return z; }          //on match bind the mutable outer variable z
    case _ => { return none; }

The switch statement also supports matching on the type of the value as in the following example:

switch(x) {
    type Bool => { return false; }
    type Int => { return 0; }
    type String => {return ""; }
    type {f: Int, g?: Bool} => { return x.f; }
    case _ => { return none; }

The switch statement supports additional conditions with the use of a when clause. This clause can be any boolean expression and, in the case of bound variables, may refer to them as well.

switch(x) {
    case Int when x >= 0 => { return x; }
    case Int when x < 0 => { return -x; }
    case {f=_: Int, g=let y: Int} when y != 0 => { return y; }
    case _ => { return -1; }

Finally, a switch statement is allowed to mix case and type matches but it is required to be exhaustive. The matches are checked in order from top to bottom, first matching option is taken, and if none of the matches are valid a runtime error is raised.

6.10 Statement Calls

In rare cases a function does not have an explicit return result, perhaps just ref parameters, and thus calling it without a left-hand-side binding is acceptable.

6.9 Block

Block statements in Bosque are sequences of statements. The block introduces a new lexical scope for any variables declared inside.

let x = 3;
    let y = 5;

    var z: Int;
    if(x != 3) {
        z = 0;
    else {
        z = 1;

check z == 0; //error z is out of scope
check x > 0;  //ok x is in scope

7 Invokable Declarations


[TODO] discuss ref parameters threading

[TODO] discuss recursive call management

8 Concept and Entity Declarations


9 Namespace Declarations