- Kaggle competitions
- Closed DS Competition: CareerVillage
- Closed DS Competition: City of Los Angeles
- Closed ML Competition: Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster
- Closed ML Competition: Dogs vs. Cats
- Active DS Competition: 2019 Data Science Bowl
- Active ML Competition: RSNA Intracranial Hemorrhage Detection
- Active ML Competition: ASHRAE - Great Energy Predictor III
- Active DS Competition: NFL Big Data Bowl
- Closed NLP Competition: Tweet Sentiment Extraction
- Bitgrit competition platform
- CrowdAI
- Crowd Analytix
- CodaLab
- DataKind DataDives
- DataScience.net
- Data Science Challenge
- Driven Data
- Pivigo Challenges
- Imperial College Data Science Society Challenges
- Analytics, Data Science, Data Mining Competitions
- Signate Competitions (Japanese)
- Best kept secret about data science competitions by Vincent Granville
- MPP Capstone Challenge
- Topcoder Data Science & Analytics competitions
- data-science-competitions on github
- Data Science Bowl
- Data science competition platforms you need to know about
- KDD Data mining and Knowledge Discovery cup
- VizDoom AI competition [deadlink]
- Numerai - data science tournaments | Keynote
- 10 Data Science Competitions for you to hone your skills for 2020
- QuantQuest
Kaggle Kernels Guide for Beginners — Step by Step Tutorial | Best Data Scientists on Kaggle from 2011-2020 | What Kaggle has learned from almost a million data scientists - Anthony Goldbloom (Kaggle)
Episode 1.1: Intro and building a machine learning framework MLFramework
Episode 1.2: Building an inference for the machine learning framework
Tips N Tricks #3: Creating a clean inference kernel/notebook on Kaggle
Interview with Abhishek Thakur | World's First Triple Grandmaster | Kaggle
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