This is used for processing TEI item data into JSON format for the cudl-viewer. It is used in the cudl data processing workflow, as a layer on the lambda function that converts item data.
IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THE DIRECTORY STRUCTURE IS PRESERVED as this is referenced in the lambda code.
First ensure that you have committed and pushed any changed to git.
Then install the required modules:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To publish the version to s3 run the following script
Required: Python3.8, AWS credentials configured for use.
This script will zip up the xslt and uploads to s3.
Once done remember the commit the new version with
git add VERSION
git commit -m "Releasing new version"
git push
Once complete you can deploy the new version by editing the configuration in
- Java JDK
- Saxon JAR (
- Apache Ant (
Link a local checkout of the TEI data into the 'data' folder under the root level, e.g.
ln -s ~/projects/cudl-data-source/data/items data
Page transcripts and json can be built locally using:
ant -buildfile ./bin/build.xml
To only build transcripts use:
ant -buildfile ./bin/build.xml "transcripts"
To only build json use:
ant -buildfile ./bin/build.xml "json"
The test suite checks that:
- each JSON file is syntactically valid
- links to transcripts within the JSON resolve to an existing html file
- each html file is pointed to by links within the JSON
Run the tests locally using:
ant -buildfile bin/test.xml
This command initiates a full build of the transcripts and json before running the tests. If you have already built the transcripts and json and wish only to run the tests, use:
ant -buildfile bin/build.xml "tests-only"
The results of the test are written to ./test.log