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78 lines (53 loc) · 1.88 KB

Releasing Expecta+Snapshots

There're no particular rules about when to release Expecta+Snapshots. Release bug fixes frequenty, features not so frequently and breaking API changes rarely.


Run tests, check that all tests succeed locally.

cd FBSnapshotTestCaseDemo
bundle exec pod install
xcodebuild -workspace FBSnapshotTestCaseDemo.xcworkspace -scheme FBSnapshotTestCaseDemo -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'name=iPhone 6' build test | xcpretty -c

Check that the last build succeeded in Travis CI.

Increment the version, modify Expecta+Snapshots.podspec.

  • Increment the third number if the release has bug fixes and/or very minor features, only (eg. change 0.5.1 to 0.5.2).
  • Increment the second number if the release contains major features or breaking API changes (eg. change 0.5.1 to 0.4.0).

Change "Next Release" in to the new version.

0.4.0 (2014-01-27)

Remove the line with "Your contribution here.", since there will be no more contributions to this release.

Make sure the library is ready for release.

pod lib lint

Commit your changes.

git add Expecta+Snapshots.podspec
git commit -m "Preparing for release, 0.4.0."
git push origin master

Tag a release.

git tag '0.4.0'
git push --tags

Push to CocoaPods trunk.

pod trunk push Expecta+Snapshots.podspec

Prepare for the Next Version

Add the next release to

Next Release

* Your contribution here.

Increment the minor version, modify Expecta+Snapshots.podspec.

Comit your changes.

git add Expecta+Snapshots.podspec
git commit -m "Preparing for next release, 0.4.1."
git push origin master