Hey there! Thanks for considering contributing to this project! We appreciate your interest and are excited to have you join our community of contributors.
- Report Bugs: Found something that's not working as expected? Let us know! Clear and detailed bug reports are incredibly valuable.
- Suggest Features: Got a brilliant idea for a new feature or improvement? We'd love to hear it!
- Submit Code: Ready to roll up your sleeves and write some code? Awesome! Check out our coding style guidelines (see below) and dive in.
- Improve Documentation: Documentation is just as important as code. Help us make it clear, concise, and easy to understand.
- Spread the Word: Tell your friends, write blog posts, share on social media – help us get the word out!
Help us grow by sharing this project with others! You can:
- Tweet about it – Share your thoughts on Twitter/X and tag us!
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- Upvote on Product Hunt – If we're listed, give us a boost on Product Hunt!
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- Write a Blog Post – A tutorial, review, or use-case would be awesome!
- Tell Your Community – Spread the word in Discord servers, Slack groups, and forums.
- Follow the existing coding style.
- Write clear, concise, and well-commented code.
- Keep your pull requests focused on a single issue or feature.
Please note that this project has a Code of Conduct (.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). By participating in this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
If you're having trouble getting started or have any questions, feel free to reach out to us! You can:
- Open an issue here on GitHub.
- Join our Discord at https://discord.com/invite/y5d2px9KEw.
- Open a Topic on my Forum at https://www.bugfish.eu/forum.
Thank you again for your interest in contributing! We look forward to working with you.
🐟 Bugfish <3