The easiest way to get started with EDIPIC-2D is by copying one of the examples found in the top directory of the repository and modifying it to match the parameters of your system. The example directories are:
- input_data_sample
- input_data_sample_periodic_SEE
- input_data_sample_periodic_ebeam
- iinput_data_files_waveform
A description of the input parameters can be found in the Doc directory:
Most high performance computing (HPC) clusters are equipped with a fast parallel filesystem where simulations are to be carried out. It is recommended that you copy the example directory to that location (often called scratch) as well as the executable edipic2d.
cd /gpfs/scratch/my_project # for example
cp -r ~/EDIPIC-2D/input_data_sample_periodic_ebeam EXAMPLE_EBEAM
cp ~/EDIPIC-2D/src/edipic2d . # Copy executable
If you are running on the PPPL or Princeton University clusters, you will need to use the SLURM workload managing system (or "batch" system) to submit a job. Chances are that your cluster is also running SLURM, in which case you would use the same type of job script. EDIPIC-2D is an MPI code so it typically runs on 32 CPU cores (32 MPI tasks). Here is an example job script to launch a 32-task simulation:
## this is sample SLURM script
## Ask for 2 nodes on the cluster
#SBATCH --nodes=2
## Ask for a total of 32 MPI tasks
#SBATCH --ntasks=32
## Ste a run time limit of 4 hours
#SBATCH --time=4:00:00
# sends mail when process begins, and when it ends. Make sure you define your email
#SBATCH --mail-type=begin
#SBATCH --mail-type=end
# Load compiler and openmpi environments
module load intel/2021.1
module load openmpi/intel-2021.1/4.1.0
# Set PETSC_DIR environment variable
export PETSC_DIR=location_of_PETSc_installation
# Add $PETSC_DIR/lib to shared libraries search path
# Run edipic2d
srun -n 32 ./edipic2d >& output.log
Here is a job script to run with 96 MPI taks on stellar slurm_script
To submit this job to the queuing system, copy the slurm script to your run directory and do:
sbatch slurm_script
**NOTE** You always need to set PETSC_DIR and LD_LIBRARY_PATH in order to run the code successfully. Also make sure that you have the file petsc.rc, which contains run parameters for PETSc. There should be a copy in all the example directories.
The examples in the repository take less than 15 minutes to run so you can reduce the time
limit to --time=15:00
or run interactively.
To run interactively on a system that is not using SLURM, try:
mpirun -np 32 ./edipic2d >& output.log &
tail -f output.log # to see the content of output.log as data is being generated