All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- add pages (64aff08)
- apply prefs on change (46a0808)
- blob storage support (4772a45)
- campaign creation (261d444)
- campaign form email and phone number support (cb0b104)
- campaign publication creation done (28ed4f0)
- campaign publication support (c6b05fe)
- campaigns: campaign deletion support with new UI (8f78c86)
- configure auth (a9e976c)
- configure netlify functions (23a8fa8)
- currency exchange rates (59de026)
- deletion support for campaigns (131150b)
- finished settings page (d46d9d8)
- google auth done (179dceb)
- implement campaign redirect url (d9da36e)
- mtn momo integration (e605132)
- new campaign links and contacts section done (e89150c)
- refresh token support implemented (300a89c)
- settings page done (ca2be4d)
- settings: user prefs form done (505ab73)
- telegram integration done (862ba3f)
- wallet page 50% done (7856fbb)
- wallet page 50% done. (1ddec83)
- wallet: topup done (caade7f)
- wallet: transfer retrieval (5056a6a)
- attempt 1 (a767577)
- attempt 2 (4364591)
- ci: fix double branch deploys (621ebcb)
- ci: undefined ORIGIN env in CI (20f02d0)
- crashing awl client on staging (4d2fc09)
- crashing cli after sign in (167acb3)
- crashing function call in staging (a473854)
- done with errors (115e752)
- fix issues (e1f0cea)
- missing logs in staging (7f125c1)
- netlify async workloads removed (19e2845)
- refactor (4f05b81)
- refactor (9f0a5ad)
- refactor logging (b75ea81)
- staging issues (37fe6ca)
- undefined BASE_URL value in Netlify function (#2) (74fbf6c)
- undefined IP in staging (1c083c4)
- undefined IP in staging (5597388)
- undefined IP in staging (e536867)
- undefined IP in staging (f7f9ee9)
- undefined IP in staging (4356abb)
- wallets: fix incorrenct funding balance calculation (d29d990)