The mci-matching-service
is a simple flask app. It listens for POST requests with Individual data from the master-client-index
and responds with a match score and Individual match, if one exists.
This service works in coordination with two other services: the mci
and its psql
database. All containers must live in the same network (and, at the very least, the database and matching service containers should be launched).
1. Create a common network. The mci-matching-service
and master-client-index
docker-compose files specify mci_network
: please use this one.
docker network create mci_network
2. Clone the master-client-index
repo onto your local machine. Build the mci image, and launch the mci
and mci_psql
services using the dev-specific docker-compose file.
git clone
# In your locally cloned master-client-index repo.
docker build -t brighthive/master-client-index:1.0.0 .
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-devel.yml up
3. Finally, build the matching-service image, and bring it to life.
docker build -t brighthive/mci-matching-service:1.0.0 .
docker-compose up
For a fully integrated approach, POST data to the master-client-index, for example:
# Note! The mci conatiner should be exposed on port 8000, per its docker-compose-devel.yml.
curl -d '{"first_name":"Arcangelo", "last_name":"Corelli", "date_of_birth":"1653-02-17"}' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"
For a more localized approach, POST data to the mci-matching-service, like so:
# Note! The matching conatiner should be exposed on port 9000, per its docker-compose.yml.
curl -d '{"first_name":"Arcangelo", "last_name":"Corelli", "date_of_birth":"1653-02-17"}' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"