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254 lines (182 loc) · 6.11 KB

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executable file
254 lines (182 loc) · 6.11 KB

Description 🚁

Code archive of my bachelor's thesis Research on Cooperative Control Algorithm for UAV Ad-Hoc Network.

Prerequisites 🛠️


  • ROS Noetic

  • Gazebo Classic 11

  • PX4 13

  • Apt Packages:

    sudo apt install -y tmux zsh
  • Python Packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Operation Instructions 🚀

Quick Start

One command to rule them all:

roscd dmpc_uav_ad_hoc && sh ./scripts/ -n <uav_num> -t <simu_time> -a -r # delete -r if you don't want to run immediately.

Or, schedule all the simulations automatically:

python ./scripts/

Manual Start

  1. Launch the simulation environment:

    roslaunch dmpc_uav_ad_hoc simu_env.launch
  2. Launch the swarm controller node:

    rosrun dmpc_uav_ad_hoc --uav_num <num>

    For specifing setpoint via rviz:

    rosrun dmpc_uav_ad_hoc --uav_num <num> --rviz --remap_target_topic
  3. Enable the controller: To enable the controller for a UAV, use:

    rosservice call /iris_0/enable_ctrl "data: true"

    Manage controllers with:

    python ./scripts/ on # enable all controllers
    python ./scripts/ off # disable all controllers

Debugging 🐞

dynamic reconfigure supports ROS dynamic reconfigure mechanism. The tunable parameters are defined in ./config/nmpc.cfg.You can use rqt_reconfigure to tune the parameters online.

Note:exclamation:: Set default parameters in rather than in nmpc.cfg to avoid unexpected behavior.

Useful Commands 🛠️

  • Instantly shut down Gazebo:

  • Instantly terminate ROS processes:

  • Instantly terminate all processes:


ROS Communication Structure 📡

  • src/


    • /<uav_name>/real_pose
    • /<uav_name>/target_pose
    • /<uav_name>/mpc_matrix_q
    • /<uav_name>/mpc_matrix_r


    • /<uav_name>/opti_traj
    • /<uav_name>/opti_input


    • /<uav_name>/enable_ctrl

    • /<uav_name>/set_mpc_matrix msg type: dmpc_uav_ad_hoc/SetMPCMatrix.srv

      Note:exclamation:: Service calling may be laggy, which may cause a decrease in the running speed of other nodes. If synchronous configuration isn't necessarily required, use the topic /<uav_name>/mpc_matrix_q and /<uav_name>/mpc_matrix_r instead.

    • /<uav_name>/get_mpc_matrix

    • /<uav_name>/set_controller msg type: dmpc_uav_ad_hoc/SetController.srv

      Set the controller type (nmpc/px4) of the UAV. This action can be performed online.

  • src/


    • /<uav_name>/real_pose
    • /<uav_name>/real_twist
    • /<uav_name>/thrust_est
    • /crowds/target_net_capacity
    • /enable_simu


    • /<uav_name>/perf_analyzer/induced_power
    • /<uav_name>/perf_analyzer/profile_power
    • /<uav_name>/perf_analyzer/instant_power
    • /perf_analyzer/ave_curr_net_cap Average current network capacity of all UAVs.
    • /perf_analyzer/ave_tgt_net_cap Average target network capacity of all UAVs.
    • /perf_analyzer/ave_instant_power
    • /perf_analyzer/cpu_usage Instant CPU usage of the simulation environment.
  • src/


    • <uav_name>/target_pose
    • <uav_name>/real_pose
    • /crowds/target_net_capacity
    • enable_simu


    • <uav_name>/matrix_q
    • <uav_name>/matrix_r
    • <uav_name>/max_atti_ang
    • <uav_name>/max_lin_acc

Some Import Mathematical Formulation

Quadrotor Dynamics in NED coordinate

In this project, the quadrotor dynamics in NED coordinate is formulated as

$$ \begin{aligned} &\boldsymbol{x}=[x_p,y_p,z_p,\dot{x}_p,\dot{y}_p,\dot{z}_p]^T\\ &\boldsymbol{u}=[T,{\phi,\theta,\psi}]^T \end{aligned} $$

$$ \dot{\boldsymbol x}= \left[ \begin{matrix} \dot{x}_p\\ \dot{y}_p\\ \dot{z}_p\\ \ddot{x}_p\\ \ddot{y}_p\\ \ddot{z}_p\\ \end{matrix} \right] = \left[\begin{matrix} \dot{x}_p\\ \dot{y}_p\\ \dot{z}_p\\ -\frac{T}{m}(\cos\psi \sin\theta \cos\phi + \sin\psi\sin\phi)\\ -\frac{T}{m}(\sin\psi \sin\theta \cos\phi - \cos\psi\sin\phi) \\ g-\frac{T}{m} (\cos\phi\cos\theta)\\ \end{matrix} \right] $$

Which can be rewritten as

$$ \left[ \begin{matrix} \boldsymbol{x}_1\\ \boldsymbol{x}_2\\ \boldsymbol{x}_3\\ \boldsymbol{x}_4\\ \boldsymbol{x}_5\\ \boldsymbol{x}_6\\ \end{matrix} \right] = \left[ \begin{matrix} {\boldsymbol x}_3\\ {\boldsymbol x}_4\\ {\boldsymbol x}_5\\ -\frac{\boldsymbol{u}_1}{m}(\cos\boldsymbol{u}_3 \sin\boldsymbol{u}_2 \cos\boldsymbol{u}_1 + \sin\boldsymbol{u}_3\sin\boldsymbol{u}_1)\\ -\frac{\boldsymbol{u}_1}{m}(\sin\boldsymbol{u}_3 \sin\boldsymbol{u}_2 \cos\boldsymbol{u}_1 - \cos\boldsymbol{u}_3\sin\boldsymbol{u}_1) \\ g-\frac{\boldsymbol{u}_1}{m} (\cos\boldsymbol{u}_1\cos\boldsymbol{u}_2)\\ \end{matrix} \right] $$


CasADi is used to implement Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC). The NMPC formulation for single UAV is as follows:

$$ \begin{aligned} \min_{x,u} \quad & J=\sum_{k=0}^{T-1} \Big(\Vert x(k)-x^r(k)\Vert_Q+ \Vert u(k)-u^r(k) \Vert_R \Big) + \\ &\Vert x(T)-x^r(T) \Vert_{Q_f} \\ s.t. \quad & \dot{x} = f(x,u) &(1)\\ & x(0) = x_0 &(2)\\ & \vert \dot{x} \vert \le c_3 , |\dot{u}| \le c_4 &(3) \\ & \vert \ddot{x}\vert \le c_1, \vert \ddot{u}\vert \le c_2 &(4)\\ & \Vert x-x^{\mathcal{N}}\Vert \ge c_5 &(5)\\ \end{aligned} $$

Where $||\cdot||_\chi$ denotes the quadratic form, in which $\chi\in \mathbb{R}^n$ is a n-dim diagonal matrix. Equ. 1 is the non-linear system dynamics differential equation. $x^{\mathcal{N}}$ denots the nearest neighbor of UAV $x$.