design: Figma Design Cards
deployment: Github Pages Deployment
Picks a random event to do in the Sandbox MMO Game Rust developed by Facepunch, you can click on the wheel or click spin wheel to begin, showing you a nice animation of the style from the bandit camp casino ingame that randomly will pick a category based off weights for each category and then will randomly pick a event inside that category for a cool completion based wipe, to challenge yourself for some new events, or just if maybe your group cannot ever thing of what you should do.
- Create a new issue
- Title your issue
Mission Suggestion:<your mission name>
- Describe what event should be added
- Completion Criteria
- Image Banner suggestion (if you have one in mind)
- label your issue with the Mission Suggestion label
No pull requests will be approved as this is a personal project for my portfolio. sorry
Then wheel in the center would only show around the top of the whell kinda like a paint brush stroke across the middle of the page like read dead redemption style and it will rotate and the color and text on the wheel will be based on the category and then it will pop up with the actual mission that needs to be completed infront of the wheel as a like overlay
wheel colors will be based off of categores eg
- green farm
- red pvp
- purple roleplayer
left side will loke like the rust main menu
- spin wheel
- missions
- settings (filters and options)
- credits?
Learn More Button
links to wiki about event / thing (helps people learn more about stuff in game)
Complete Green Button / Skip Button
in future probably change this to accept so can hold multiple missions at once incase one literally just cannot be completed right now also change the skip button to a cancel button maybe
add % of people that pass in future and if say like 70% of people pass difficulty would be labeled as “hard”
- disable sound
- disable animation
- category adjustments (disable categories like raid or roleplayer stuff)
- change weigths (sliders maybe like if raid is too rare can make it heavier in weight to show more)
- disable events that are time based (cargo, heli, airdrops) stuff that can only happen if event is currently going on
Easiest way for stuff pertaining to this project is open a issue
Reach out to me at