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244 lines (185 loc) · 6.76 KB

Linked list based JSON encoder

This is a very simple JSON encoder written in C.

The code itself is not very complex and theirby easy to understand. It has been intentionally kept simple with a very open MIT license, see the, so that it can be taken apart and reused in other applications.

Common API

List operations

Check whether the linked list contains elements

bool isEmpty(struct Node** head_ref);

Get length of linked list. Nested lists are counted as +1

int getLength(struct Node** head_ref);

Print functions

Print content of a Node.

void printNodeContent(struct Node* pNode, bool pretty = false, int indentationNumber = 0);

Print complete linked list in JSON format. Use the pretty parameter to print the JSON in styled format (indentations).

void printJson(struct Node** head_ref, bool pretty = false, int indentationNumber = 1);
void printJsonChildContent(struct Node* pNode, bool pretty = false, int indentationNumber = 1);

Search functions

Search for an element in the linked list/JSON by key (number) or keyStr (name of element).

struct Node* searchForKey(struct Node** head_ref, int key = 0, bool deepSearch=true);
struct Node* searchForKeyString(struct Node** head_ref, const char* keyStr="", bool deepSearch=true);
struct Node* searchForNode(struct Node** head_ref, int key = 0, const char* keyStr="", bool deepSearch=true);

Add elements

The maximum number of characters for the key is limited to 50. This can be changed in the jsonHelper.h file.

In case a element of this name already exists, the value will be overwritten. Thereby it is always safe to call addNode in case you are not sure whether this key already exists. If it does not yet exist, it will be created of course.


As only a void pointer is stored in the Node, a seperate element of the Node struct is set according to the type which is stored.

All elements like numbers, floats, strings, arrays or nested Nodes are represented by a data type, which is defined in the dataType enum.

The functions are just wrappers around the addGeneralNode function.

struct Node* createGeneralNode(const char* keyStr, void* pVal, dataType type);
void addGeneralNode(struct Node** head_ref, const char* keyStr, void* pVal, dataType type);


void addU8IntegerNode(struct Node** head_ref, const char* keyStr, void* pVal);
void addS8IntegerNode(struct Node** head_ref, const char* keyStr, void* pVal);
void addU16IntegerNode(struct Node** head_ref, const char* keyStr, void* pVal);
void addS16IntegerNode(struct Node** head_ref, const char* keyStr, void* pVal);
void addU32IntegerNode(struct Node** head_ref, const char* keyStr, void* pVal);
void addS32IntegerNode(struct Node** head_ref, const char* keyStr, void* pVal);
void addIntegerNode(struct Node** head_ref, const char* keyStr, void* pVal);


struct Node* head = getNode();

// add an unsigned int (0...65536) Node to the linked list
uint16_t abcU16 = 32800;
addU16IntegerNode(&head, "someKeyForThisUInt16", &abcU16);

// print the JSON with pretty indentation
printJson(&head, true);
  "someKeyForThisUInt16": 32800,


void addFloatNode(struct Node** head_ref, const char* keyStr, void* pVal);


struct Node* head = getNode();

// add a float Node to the linked list
float abcF = 1.23456890;
addFloatNode(&head, "floatNode", &abcF);

// floats will be printed with a precision of 5 decimals
// print the JSON with pretty indentation
printJson(&head, true);
  "floatNode": 1.23456,


void addStringNode(struct Node** head_ref, const char* keyStr, void* pVal);


struct Node* head = getNode();

// add a string Node to the linked list
char* pSomeString = (char *) calloc(255, sizeof(char));
sprintf(pSomeString, "asdf bla bla %d", 1234);
addStringNode(&head, "keyOfThisNode", pSomeString);

// print the JSON with pretty indentation
printJson(&head, true);
  "keyOfThisNode": "asdf bla bla 1234",


void addBoolNode(struct Node** head_ref, const char* keyStr, void* pVal);


struct Node* head = getNode();

// add a boolean Node to the linked list
bool abcB = false;
addBoolNode(&head, "exampleOfBool", &abcB);

// print the JSON with pretty indentation
printJson(&head, true);
  "exampleOfBool": false,

Array of integers

struct Node* createArrayNode(const char* keyStr, int* pVal, int numberOfElements);
void addArrayNode(struct Node** head_ref, const char* keyStr, void* pVal, int numberOfElements);


struct Node* head = getNode();

// add array Node to the linked list
int arr2[] = { 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77 };
int numOfElements = sizeof(arr2) / sizeof(arr2[0]);
addArrayNode(&head, "arrayNode", arr2, numOfElements);

// print the JSON with pretty indentation
printJson(&head, true);
  "arrayNode": [11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77],

Nested elements

struct Node* createNestedNode(const char* keyStr);
struct Node* addNestedNode(struct Node** head_ref, const char* keyStr);

struct Node* getNestedNodeHead(struct Node** head_ref, const char* keyStr, bool createOnError = false);
struct Node* clearNestedNodeContent(struct Node** head_ref, const char* keyStr);


struct Node* head = getNode();

// add a nested Node list to the linked list
struct Node* nestedHead = addNestedNode(&head, "nodeNode");

// append a nested integer Node to the first sub Node (optional)
int bcd = 234;
addIntegerNode(&nestedHead, "intNestedNode", &bcd);

// append a nested string Node to the first sub Node (optional)
char* pNestedString = (char *) calloc(255, sizeof(char));
sprintf(pNestedString, "Hello World! @ %d", 9876);
addStringNode(&nestedHead, "strNestedNode", pNestedString);

// append a nested nested Node to the first sub Node (optional)
struct Node* nestedNestedHead = addNestedNode(&nestedHead, "nodeNestedNode");
// append a nested integer Node to the first sub Node (optional)
float cde = 3.141592;
addFloatNode(&nestedNestedHead, "floatNestedNestedNode", &cde);

// print the JSON with pretty indentation
printJson(&head, true);
  "nodeNode": {
    "intNestedNode": 234,
    "strNestedNode": "Hello World! @ 9876",
    "nodeNestedNode": {
      "floatNestedNestedNode": 3.15159


Use this library together with the SerialDebugMonitor and a microcontroller, to view the data in an easy and human readable way.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details