Releases: box/box-annotations
Releases · box/box-annotations
- Release: 0.15.0 (6bda868)
- Fix: Pass event to resetHighlightSelection to reset dialog (#129) (89c84d8), closes #129
- Fix: Pending highlight is not cleared on powerpoint page scroll (#125) (777678a), closes #125
- Fix: Prevent default behavior during mobile point annotation mode (#130) (ad3d0b2), closes #130
- Chore: Clean up all tests (#124) (01d5650), closes #124
- Release: 0.14.0 (2b52c1e)
- Chore: Adding yarn install before common package.json scripts (#122) (ee5fd57)
- Update dependencies to enable Greenkeeper 🌴 (#120) (13ee8ff)
- New: Continuous Point Annotation Mode (#105) (496f651)
- New: Enable draw annotations by default (#115) (4994699)
- New: enable travis CI on greenkeeper branches (#118) (4e0cd67)
- Release: 0.12.0 (d1a921e)
- Chore: add flags to bash scripts to bail on errors (#106) (d8ac7a5)
- Chore: Position based on first annotation in thread (#104) (4035853)
- Fix: ability to create highlight annotations on a Microsoft Surface (#108) (a8c613a)
- Fix: Cancel button while creating new point annotation (#109) (77c26d7)
- Fix: Create point dialog doesn't stop propogating click event on mobile (#111) (0ce0153)
- Fix: Do not redraw deleted highlight threads (#107) (0d970d0)
- Fix: Escape key properly destroys pending point annotation (#114) (5a2985c)
- Release: 0.8.0 (77e9347)
- Fix: Clear both highlight canvases when deleting highlights (#96) (cabcba1)
- Fix: Don't deactivate dialog when canceling new annotation (#91) (788d1de)
- Fix: Drawing buttons styling (#82) (400c6ff)
- Fix: Ensure drawing dialog is setup on first save (#81) (9da70ab)
- Fix: Extra padding on escaped comment newlines (#95) (0e62bce)
- Fix: More accurate dialog placement for highlights (#83) (8b768a9)
- Fix: Only reset current page highlights on selection change (#79) (662f2ea)
- Fix: Remove fixed position of mobile header (#85) (6ca5c01), closes #85
- Fix: Render highlight comments on their own canvas (#93) (9eeeace)
- Fix: Safety checks if no threads are registered in the draw controller (#88) (3e54845)
- Fix: set textarea.placeholder when generating dialogs (#74) (496a545)
- Fix: Show the appropriate buttons in mobile create highlight dialog (#75) (8114d0c)
- Fix: Uncaught errors in drawingModeController.handleSelection() (#87) (e0240f6)
- Chore: Enforce Lato font for annotation dialogs (#76) (55b25b3)
- Chore: Move threadmap entirely to mode controllers (#71) (00989ac)
- Chore: Moving rotateAnnotations() into ImageAnnotator (#94) (b9dd7b1)
- Chore: Now respect newline and symbols (#73) (b7f52d2)
- Update: & variable names in BoxAnnotations.js (#89) (ab62d18)
- Update: THIRD_PARTY_LICENSES (#90) (4b0d97f)
- Update (8806f91)
- Update package.json (418d368)
- Update package.json (5ffb68d)