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177 lines (151 loc) · 5.23 KB


A Giter8 template with preset libraries and sbt-laplas-codegen plugin usually used by Laplacian organization!

You should only need to clone this project if you are modifying the giter8 template. For information on giter8 templates, please see


You should have sbt, scala and docker installed on your machine to follow this guide.

Creating the project from template

If you want to create a project:

$ sbt new bmarinovic/laplas-play-app.g8

This will provide you with wizard where you can name your project and organization, along with library versions (ENTER means it takes default property value that is enclosed in brackets). In this example, we will use chronos as project name leaving rest of the values default:

Creates new Scala Play project with script that generates code from Slick's Tables file. 

name [laplas-play-scala-seed]: chronos
organization [hr.laplacian]: 
useJwt [YES/no]: 
jodaVersion [2.10.1]: 
playJsonVersion [2.7.1]: 
playJodaVersion [2.7.1]: 
silencerVersion [1.3.1]: 
retryVersion [0.3.2]: 
laplasCommonsVersion [0.1.2]: 
chimneyVersion [0.3.0]: 
postgresqlVersion [42.2.5]: 
playSlickVersion [4.0.0]: 
playSlickEvolutionsVersion [4.0.0]: 
slickJodaMapperVersion [2.4.0]: 
jodaConvertVersion [2.2.0]: 
tsecVersion [0.0.1-M11]: 
playJsonExtensionVersion [0.40.2]: 
autoconfigMacrosVersion [0.2.0]: 
scalaFmtVersion [2.0.0]: 
slickCodegenPluginVersion [1.4.0]: 

Template applied in /home/user/git/chronos

Compiling the project

Go to project's root and start sbt session:

$ cd /home/user/git/chronos
$ sbt

Once in sbt, you can compile the project:


Open new bash session and start PostgreSQL container that will create chronos database:

$ cd /home/user/git/chronos/docker/
$ docker-compose up --build -d
Creating network "docker_default" with the default driver
Creating docker_postgres_1 ... done

This template comes with example Play evolution (1.sql) that contains users table with default Admin user and hashed password admin123.

Return to sbt session and run the Play application which will apply Play evolution when we go to http://localhost:9000:


We can now use sbt-laplas-codegen plugin that has slickCodegen task as a dependency:


This will create Tables.scala from users table as part of the slickCodegen task and also controller, api, domain and DAO layers as part of the laplasCodegen main task.

Open the chronos as a project in your favourite IDE and uncomment the code in JwtController.scala. JwtUserApiV1Impl.scala also contains example code that you could use if you implement used method (findByEmailAndSecret). This step is needed because there's no Users layers until we execute laplasCodegen, but we need the code to compile and run to generate the Tables.scala which is input to laplasCodegen.

Now we can compile and run the app again:


Testing the app

You can login to app using Postman or similar app:

POST http://localhost:9000/api/v1/jwt/login
	"username": "",
	"password": "admin123"

Create some user with UserRole:

	"email": "",
	"firstName": "Blaz",
	"lastName": "Marinovic",
	"password": "bade123",
	"role": "UserRole"

You can go to browser and see all Users (paginated):



  "pagination": {
    "pageNumber": 1,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "pageItemsOffset": 0
  "totalRecords": 2,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "records": [
      "id": 1,
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "Admin",
      "lastName": "Adminic",
      "password": "$2a$10$GqiG8fWtmajdNFJ4YhFvLu.86Oh3ITJb.0DWqsbPc5SWpptVQd/bG",
      "role": "Admin",
      "createdAt": "2019-12-11T23:04:19.663+01:00",
      "updatedAt": "2019-12-11T23:04:19.663+01:00"
      "id": 2,
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "Blaz",
      "lastName": "Marinovic",
      "password": "bade123",
      "role": "UserRole",
      "createdAt": "2019-12-11T23:06:20.620+01:00",
      "updatedAt": "2019-12-11T23:06:20.644+01:00"


Until you implement findByEmailAndSecret functionality which is used in JwtUserApiV1Impl.login(login: Contract.Login), every request will be treated as AdminRole.

Additional advice

Use CryptoUtils.scala to implement password hashing on DAO layer.

Running template locally

If you are testing this giter8 template locally, you should install g8 and then run the local test feature:

$ g8 file://laplas-play-app.g8/

Template license

Written in 2019 by bmarinovic [other author/contributor lines as appropriate]

To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this template to the public domain worldwide. This template is distributed without any warranty. See