First Principles, are the building blocks of the book, as always we start with the primitives, Integers(whole numbers), Strings(characters), etc., then build the Arrays, and Vectors to hold the primitive data and then the Objects you desire.
With native interface and object manipulation proficiency with the BASH terminal and the primitive building blocks of programming languages of the machine there is no problem that cannot be configured to werk.
- JavaScript ECMA, node.js (npm, node packet manager)
- Flask: Micro Framework
- Django: Web Framework
- Tensorflow: Machine Learning
- NumPy: Numerical Computation
- Bevy: Game Engine
- Amethyst: Game Framework
- WebGL: Graphics Library
- WebGPU: Graphics API,
Git is the key for DevOps, Github is a pretty way to illustrate your work to the public, and the CI/CD workflow.
At its core, I feel DevOps should be a tool in all Developer's tool box, because it is just so dam usefull.
From laying the foundation in a virtual machine or container Installing OS, Updating and Uprading, Git Repo Build with dependencies.
Linting and Unit Testing, auto merging to code.
Creating a pristine working (bug free) image.
- DevOps
- OS Workspace: Linux Ubuntu
- Tools: JavaScript Node.js (NPM), Python, Cython, Rust (Cargo),
- Co-Ops: Ansible, Docker,k8 (Kubernetes),Prometheus and Grafana
Is all inclusive, to represent development of Substrate and Rust, Price Analytics Oracle for price of other Blockchains and conventional regulatory news.
Is the means and the money, to provide options to implement from.
Experience in this will set one to self custodial crypto wallets, lighting node operations, and management of full validators, and delegators.
- Crypto Blockchain, BTC (MyNode)
- EVM: Solidity, Vipr
- Polkadot: Substrate, Ink! Swanky (Smart Contract)
- Para-Chains: Astar(Plasm), Acala, Nodle,
- Fresh accounts, should be incepted through a air gapped, cold hardware wallet, trezor, or nano x. with crypto steel as primary backup.
Bitcoin and Litecoin node with lightning and other options MyNode Lighting Node (ARM, 1TB, 4 GIG RAM)
Avado (i7, 2TB, 32 GIG RAM)