Releases: bloxbean/cardano-client-lib
Key Changes
- New methods in ScriptTx
- collectFrom(Utxo, RedeemerData, Datum) : For utxos with datum hash
- collectFrom(Utxo) : To add a regular utxo without datum/datum hash - New methods in QuickTxBuilder
- withRequiredSigners(Address... address)
- withRequiredSigners(byte[]... bytes)
- withCollateralInputs(TransactionInput... inputs) : To add specific inputs as collateral to avoid auto selection of collateral inputs
- ignoreScriptCostEvaluationError(boolean flag) : To determine whether the builder will throw an exception due to an error that occurs during script cost evaluation. - Bump versions for Jackson, Guava, Aiken Java Binding, Yaci
Breaking Changes
Please check 0.5.0-alpha.2 release notes for breaking changes.
What's Changed
- Added collectFrom() methods with datum for V1 by @satran004 in #304
- feat: #299 Methods to add required signers by @satran004 in #305
- feat: #301 Added withCollateralInputs() to add specific collateral in… by @satran004 in #306
- chore: Bump guava, jackson, yaci, aiken-java-binding versions by @satran004 in #307
- ScriptTx: Method to add utxo without redeemer by @satran004 in #308
Full Changelog: v0.5.0-beta1...v0.5.0-beta2
Breaking Changes
Please check 0.5.0-alpha.2 release notes for breaking changes.
What's Changed
- chore: Fixed failed tests specific to reference inputs by @satran004 in #281
- Fix #280 : Duplicate OSUtil class in core module by @satran004 in #282
- chore: #280 Removed placeholder.txt to fix error in Android by @satran004 in #283
- chore: doc changes for 0.5.0 by @satran004 in #288
- Add mergeOutputs option to control whether to merge outputs or not by @satran004 in #290
- fix: #289 Added deprecation notice to high-level apis by @satran004 in #291
- fix: #280 Use guava's UnsignedBytes.lexicographicalComparator to avoi… by @satran004 in #292
- Fix: actually CCL is auto-fixing too large metadata strings, changed … by @matiwinnetou in #294
- fix: #295 Class cast exception during evaluateTx. by @satran004 in #296
- chore: Check if same from address is used in multiple Txs by @satran004 in #297
Full Changelog: v0.5.0-alpha.4...v0.5.0-beta1
Key Changes
- Pool registration / retirement api
- Compile time annotation processor for POJO <-> PlutusData code generator (Experimental)
- Bug fixes
Breaking Changes
Please check 0.5.0-alpha.2 release notes for breaking changes.
What's Changed
- fix: Handle when multiple multiassets with same policy id is use… by @satran004 in #273
- refactor: mintAssets api cleanup. QuickTx integration tests with DEVKIT. by @satran004 in #275
- QuickTx: Api for pool registration, update, retirement by @satran004 in #277
- Annotation module to convert POJO <--> PlutusData by @satran004 in #278
Full Changelog: v0.5.0-alpha.3...v0.5.0-alpha.4
Breaking Changes
Please check 0.5.0-alpha.2 release notes for breaking changes.
What's Changed
- feat(quicktx)!: #253 Add option to set a different utxo selection str… by @satran004 in #262
- Support to verify the transaction content before submission through Verifier(s) by @satran004 in #263
- feat(address)!: #258 Add getPaymentCredential and getDelegationCreden… by @satran004 in #261
- Initial implementation of Plutus Blueprint (CIP 57) by @satran004 in #266
- fix(quicktx): Fixed timeout after transaction submission by @satran004 in #268
- Quicktx - Unit Tests by @satran004 in #269
- fix: #257 Add custom json serializer to fix metadata's json serializa… by @satran004 in #270
- feat(suppliers/local): Local node suppliers implementation by @satran004 in #271
Full Changelog: v0.5.0-alpha.2...v0.5.0-alpha.3
Key Features
- New High-level api (QuickTx)
- Koios Java Client 1.17.2
- New methods in backend api
Quick Tx examples:
Breaking Changes
- Package rename
Plutus specific serialization classes are moved from com.bloxbean.cardano.client.transaction.spec.*
to com.bloxbean.cardano.client.plutus.spec.*
package in plutus
Other classes/packages
Existing | New |
com.bloxbean.cardano.client.backend.model.EvaluationResult | com.bloxbean.cardano.client.api.model.EvaluationResult |
com.bloxbean.cardano.client.transaction.util.ScriptDataHashGenerator | com.bloxbean.cardano.client.plutus.util.ScriptDataHashGenerator |
com.bloxbean.cardano.client.transaction.spec.NetworkId | com.bloxbean.cardano.client.spec.NetworkId |
com.bloxbean.cardano.client.transaction.util.CborSerializationUtil | com.bloxbean.cardano.client.common.cbor.CborSerializationUtil |
com.bloxbean.cardano.client.transaction.spec.script.Script | com.bloxbean.cardano.client.spec.Script |
com.bloxbean.cardano.client.util.AssetUtil | com.bloxbean.cardano.client.api.util.AssetUtil |
What's Changed
- New high-level api module (QuickTx) by @satran004 in #248
- Added ability to serialise plutus data to byte array by @matiwinnetou in #221
- Fix(#223): Added support for Optional types by @satran004 in #225
- Fix insufficient collateral due to new inputs in change adjustment calculation in balanceTx by @satran004 in #226
- This change helps to make API more fluid. by @matiwinnetou in #228
- Fix (#229): Change key sort comparator to compare unsigned bytes and re… by @satran004 in #230
- Alignment with Koios Java Client 1.17.1 + New Get Transactions API by @edridudi in #236
- refactor(address): Rename getPaymentKeyHash & getDelegationHash metho… by @satran004 in #237
- reafactor(core) : #224 Split core module into spec, plutus, coinselec… by @satran004 in #242
- Move remaining plutus classes to plutus module and remove deprecated classes by @satran004 in #245
- feat(address) : #243 Create shelley address from credentials. by @satran004 in #244
- feat(backend-api): #238 getTxOutput(tx,index) in UtxoServicr, UtxoSup… by @satran004 in #241
- Koios Java Client Alignment with 1.17.2 + Tx UTxOs retrieval Bugfix by @edridudi in #246
Full Changelog: v0.4.3...v0.5.0-alpha.2
Key Changes
- Koios Java Client v1.16.3
- Address class has following new methods
- getDelegationHash()
- getPaymentKeyHash()
- isPubKeyHashInPaymentPart()
- isScriptHashInPaymentPart()
- isStakeKeyHashInDelegationPart()
- isScriptHashInDelegationPart()
- CIP30UtxoSupplier to parse utxos from front end wallet
- Updated Plutus V1 / Plutus V2 costmodel constants (As per 14th Feb 2023 release)
- AddressProvider class to provide different kind of Shelley addresses. AddressService class is now deprecated.
PRs / Other Changes
- Fix [#197] Added getTxHash(byte[]) method by @satran004 in #198
- Impl 199 by @satran004 in #202
- [#201] Fixed inputs sorting by @satran004 in #203
- Fix: typos by @omahs in #207
- [#209] Moved Value ser/deser code from TransactionOutput to Value class by @satran004 in #210
- [#205] Deprecated createFromUtxos(List) method and updated tests by @satran004 in #211
- Koios Java Client Bump to 1.16.2 + CIP30 Value Serialize/Deserialize by @edridudi in #208
- [#204] Added methods isPubKeyHashInPaymentPart, isStakeKeyHashInDeleg… (In Progress) by @satran004 in #212
- Many Fixes :) by @edridudi in #215
- Updated costmdls as per 14thFeb HF. Added withCostMdls() to TxBuilder… by @satran004 in #216
- Added support for Map field by @satran004 in #217
- Changed usage of AddressService to AddressProvider by @satran004 in #218
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.4.2...v0.4.3
Key Changes
- Fixed Koios backend Issue : Wrong Koios Transaction Content Mapping #193
- A new UtxoSupplier(CIP30UtxoSupplier) implementation to handle utxos from CIP30's wallet.getUtxos()
PRs/Other Changes
- 0.4.0 doc changes by @satran004 in #190
- Enhancements and Koios Bump to 1.16.1 by @edridudi in #192
- Moved deserialize() from Utxo class to a separate helper class by @satran004 in #194
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.4.1
Key Changes
- Multiple smaller modules which can be added through Gradle or Maven dependencies to a project
- CIP 27 (Royalty Tokens) Implementation
- JSON converter for Datum (PlutusData)
- Koios Provider version 1.16.0 and multiple bug fixes
- Fix for ScriptDataHash generation logic when empty redeemers and non empty datum #181
PRs / Other Changes
- Static unit Plutus data (often used for redeemers) by @will991 in #168
- Getting started guide added for simple transfer by @satran004 in #171
- Update by @stake1edge in #172
- Multisig transfer example by @satran004 in #173
- Royalty Tokens (CIP-27) Support by @edridudi in #175
- Koios Account Assets Endpoint - Fix Mapping of Asset Name by @edridudi in #176
- Function to serialize datum hex to json format by @satran004 in #178
- Split top level main module to sub modules by @satran004 in #179
- [#181] Fix - Changed the generation logic for empty redeemers and non… by @satran004 in #182
- Split core to smaller sub modules and gradle upgrade by @satran004 in #184
- Integration test fixes for preprod by @satran004 in #187
- Support Koios Provider version 1.16.0 by @edridudi in #188
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0
Key Changes
- Support for remaining transaction types
- Update, Mir, PoolRegistion, PoolRetirement
- Updated Koios backend to support Babbage era
- Kupo support in Ogmios backend
The jackson-databind (v2.13.4) used in this release has a vulnerability CVE-2022-42003 which was recently found. This issue has been fixed in jackson-databind 2.14.0-rc1.
Once jackson-databind v2.14.0 is available, a new version of cardano-client-lib will be released to include that.
But if the above CVE is applicable to your application, then you can exclude the default jackson-databind (v2.13.4) and include 2.14..0-rc1 in build.gradle/pom.xml to avoid the above CVE.
PRs / Other Changes
- Kupo Support by @satran004 in #149
- Replace Ogmios Backend implementation with Ogmios Java Client Library Dependency from by @edridudi in #150
- Apply Koios 1.13 Schema Changes by @edridudi in #151
- Fixed [#153] to handled infinite array with last element _BREAK by @satran004 in #155
- Support remaining tx types by @satran004 in #152
- Bump Koios Java Client to 1.14.1 - Fixes #148 by @edridudi in #159
- Migrate release jobs from Jenkins to GitHub actions by @satran004 in #164
- Ci fix by @satran004 in #165
- [WIP] Added new networks #157 by @nejcr in #158
- Network fix merge by @satran004 in #166
- Missing txn types and other changes by @satran004 in #161
- Bump Koios Java Client to 1.15.1 by @edridudi in #167
Full Changelog: v0.3.0-beta2...v0.3.0