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This project consists of two Solidity smart contracts: SepoliaFaucet and BlockfuseNFT. These contracts allow users to claim Sepolia testnet ETH if they own an NFT from the BlockfuseNFT collection. The faucet distributes ETH once every 24 hours to eligible users.


1. BlockfuseNFT (ERC-721 NFT Contract)

This contract implements an ERC-721 NFT collection where each address can mint one unique NFT.


  • Minting: Users can mint a single NFT to their address.
  • Ownership Check: Ensures each address can only mint one NFT.
  • Token Existence Check: Provides a function to check if a token ID exists.


  • mint(address to): Mints an NFT to the given address.
  • exists(uint256 tokenId): Checks if a given token ID exists.

2. SepoliaFaucet (ETH Faucet)

This contract distributes Sepolia ETH to users who own a BlockfuseNFT.


  • NFT Ownership Check: Only users who own an NFT can claim ETH.
  • Claim Restriction: Users can only claim once every 24 hours.
  • ETH Withdrawal: The contract owner can withdraw all funds from the faucet.
  • Funding Mechanism: Allows anyone to send ETH to the contract to fund the faucet.


  • claimETH(): Allows NFT holders to claim 0.001 ETH once every 24 hours.
  • ownsNFT(address user): Checks if the user owns at least one NFT.
  • withdrawFunds(): Allows the owner to withdraw the contract's balance.
  • getBalance(): Returns the contract's ETH balance.
  • receive(): Accepts ETH deposits to fund the faucet.


1. Deploy BlockfuseNFT

Deploy the BlockfuseNFT contract first, as its address is required for deploying SepoliaFaucet.

2. Deploy SepoliaFaucet

Deploy the SepoliaFaucet contract, passing the address of BlockfuseNFT as an argument to the constructor.


  1. Mint an NFT: Call mint(address) on BlockfuseNFT to receive an NFT.
  2. Fund the Faucet: Send ETH to the SepoliaFaucet contract.
  3. Claim ETH: Call claimETH() on SepoliaFaucet if you own an NFT.
  4. Withdraw Funds: The owner can call withdrawFunds() to withdraw all funds from the faucet.


  • Solidity ^0.8.28
  • OpenZeppelin Contracts (ERC721, Ownable, IERC721)
  • A funded Sepolia account for deployment
  • A blockchain development environment like Hardhat or Foundry

🛠️ Installation

1️⃣ Clone the Repository

git clone
cd nft-faucet

**2️⃣ Install Dependencies

npm install

**3️⃣Compile Smart Contracts

npx hardhat compile

**4️⃣ Run Tests

npx hardhat test

🚀 Deploying to Sepolia Testnet

**1️⃣ Configure Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the root directory and add:


**2️⃣ Deploy the Contract

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network sepolia

**🤝 Contributing

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch (git checkout -b feature-name)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m "Add feature X")
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-name)
  5. Create a Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License.