var templeteEngine = require('./simple_templating_engine.js');
var template = "Hello, <% change_me %>";
var handlerWorld = function(key) { return { '<% change_me %>': 'World' } };
templeteEngine.populate(template, handlerWorld).then(populated => {
console.log(populated); // "Hello, World"
var handlerAsyncWorld = function(key) { return { '<% change_me %>': 'Async World' } };
(async function() {
let populated = await templeteEngine.populate(template, handlerAsyncWorld);
console.log(populated); // Hello, Async World
It also work with JSON template:
var templateJSON = `{ "root": <% change_me %> }`;
var handlerJSON = function(key) {
return {
'<% change_me %>': {
'key1': 'value1',
'key2': 'value2'
templeteEngine.populate(templateJSON, handlerJSON).then(populated => {
// { "root": {"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"} }
The handler can be an async function when we need to call remote APIs to get data:
var handlerJSON = async function(key) {
return await {
'<% change_me %>': {
'key1': 'value1',
'key2': 'value2'
templeteEngine.populate(templateJSON, handlerJSON).then(populated => {
You can also use another matcher pattern other than <% ... %>
var template = "Hello, {_ change_me _}";
var options = { matcher: /"{_([^%>]+)?_}"/g}
var handler = function(key) { return { '{_ change_me _}': 'World' } };
templeteEngine.populate(template, handler, options).then(populated => {
console.log(populated); // "Hello, World"