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Bharat Dodeja edited this page Dec 10, 2018 · 15 revisions


A native Android app writtern entirely in Kotlin to showcase a Curriculum Vitae 📄

Why MVP?

  1. Simplicity
  2. Testability
  3. Extensibility

Architecture Diagram

Architecture Diagram

Why Reactive Extensions (Rx)?

Reactive Extensions makes asynchronous programming easy with observable streams especially event driven programs like Android app.

JSON Resume

JSON Resume is a community driven open source initiative to create JSON-based standard for resumes.


  • JUnit tests for testing presenter, repository, data source
  • Espresso tests for testing UI using Robot patterns and Kotlin DSL


  • Mocking of final classes and methods of Kotlin using mockito extension mock-maker-inline

TODO v1.0

TODO v2.0

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