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Derek Jones edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 7 revisions

I have a small fix to make validation class more flexible.

    <input type="text" name="search[query]">

In this case validation class is not really helpful as we can declare as a rule just field in the first level array. What if you want to have n level array ?

[b]TO DO:[/b]

[b]1.[/b] Add just after :

class CI_Validation {

new var

var $_inputdata            = array();

[b]2.[/b] Replace all $_POST vars to : (ctrl+h)


[b]3.[/b] You need to add this function into Validation library : (system/libraries/Validation.php)

    function parse_rules($data)
        if( ! is_array($data))
            return false;
            foreach($data as $eval_array => $rules) {
                $to_eval = explode(",", $eval_array);
                $this->_inputdata[$eval_array]  = eval('return $_POST[\''.implode("']['", $to_eval).'\'];');

[b]4.[/b] in [i]set_rules()[/i] function add one line just before foreach :

    function set_rules($data, $rules = '')
        if ( ! is_array($data))
            if ($rules == '')
            $data[$data] = $rules;
        $this->parse_rules($data); // Add this line

        foreach ($data as $key => $val)
            $this->_rules[$key] = $val;

[b]Sample : [/b]

    <input type="text" name="search[query]">
    $rules['search,query']  = "required"; 
    // You can add n level array i.e. $rules['level1,level2,level3,level4,...']
    // what will be in fact $_POST['level1']['level2']['level3']['level4'][...]
    if ($this->CI->validation->run() !== FALSE) {
         echo 'OK';
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