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Msn contact grabber

World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 6 revisions

Hi all, luego de varios intentos he logrado integrar a codeigniter unas librerias para poder extraer los contactos de hotmail de un usuario y asi poder enviar invitaciones por ejemplo, de la misma forma en que lo hace facebook, hi5.. etc.

Estas librerias estan hechas con base en phpListgrab y MSNPauth the Daniel Winter.

In this moment, i use two libraries.. but later y make only one whit other sources.

You can use this library.. sending the email and password beetwen ajax and return a message for the result the process.

so.. go it!!


[code] function import_msn() {
$this->load->model('modemsn','import_msg'); if($this->import_msg->grabber_msn()){ echo $this->set_msg('ok!!!'); }else{ echo $this->set_msg('failed'); } } [/code]

Now, supose what you send in the form the parameters the account e-mail and password.. i load the model.. in the model have the code for conect to msn and extract the contacts.


[code] . . . . function grabber_msn() {

$params = array('user' => $this->input->post('user'), 'password' => $this->input->post('password'));

$this->load->library('phpListgrab', $params);

$ret = $this->phplistgrab->grab();

if (!$ret)
    switch ($this->phplistgrab->result)
            echo '<p>Authentication failed.</p>';

            echo '<p>Failed to connect to server.</p>';


foreach ($this->phplistgrab->lists[LIST_FORWARD] as $contact)
    $ndatos = array (
    'id_usuario' => $this->session->userdata('id'),
    'friend' => $contact['passport']);




Explanation So.. in the model i make a array for send the data account the user.. this array send whit parameter to the library whe its load.

later, call the function grab and storage the result in $ret for check if connect or not to the service.

and in the last part.. call the function "lists" for retrive the contact information, in this case.. i read the data and storage inmediatly in the database, using whit id_usuario, the id th user what give the friends.

In the zip file, you hace two files.

phplistgrabber = class msnpauth = class

Put this class in your folder libraries and enjoy!

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