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Derek Jones edited this page Jul 5, 2012 · 31 revisions

December 5, 2011

Community Auth has just been updated to use CI 2.1.0. The download available at Bitbucket comes pre-installed in CI 2.1.0. All you need to do is look through the config files ( application/config ), make sure they are all set to your liking, use the sql dump file to create a database ( /sql ), and then edit / run the controller named init.php. No further instructions are available, but usage is easy to see in the provided controllers.

Blessings, Brian Gottier Brian's Web Design - Temecula, CA

Offical Website: Community Auth

Repository and Download at Bitbucket: [url][/url]

Categories: Category:Libraries::Community Category:Libraries::Authentication Category:Contributions::Libraries::Community Category:Contributions::Libraries::Authentication

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