##ChIP-seq analysis pipeline
###Input files
- BAM file for each sample (From green center pipeline)
- BigWig file for each sample (From green center pipeline)
- Peak bed file for each sample (From green center pipeline)
- Design file
- Genome annotation files (including TSS, TTS, gene region bed files)
- Flanking length (length to extend TSS or TTS)
###Modules that can be processed parallel
#Compute matrix using bigwig
computeMatrix reference-point -S bigwig_file -R Genome_range_bed_file -out matrix_file
#Draw region signal heatmap, profiles
plotHeatmap -m matrix_file --out heatmap.pdf
plotProfile -m matrix_file --out profiles.pdf
#Plots the read/fragment coverage of one or more sets of regions
plotEnrichment -b file1.bam file2.bam --BED peaks.bed -o enrichment.png
#Input is design file, R package will need bam files and peak bed files
R CMD run_diffbind.R design.txt
R CMD run_chipseeker.R
###Output files
- Signal heatmap around TSS, gene body and TTS
- Genomic signal correlation PCA plots
- Peak correlation heatmap
- Annotation figures for peaks
- Differential peaks results (xls files)
- Annotation for differential peaks