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bchavez edited this page Feb 14, 2016 · 80 revisions

RethinkDb.Driver is a ReQL driver for RethinkDB. This driver is closely ported from the official Java driver. Architecturally, both the Java driver and C# driver are very similar. This C# driver has some extra language features that adds some expressiveness over the Java driver (such as anonymous type optional arguments).

This driver also aims for 100% API compatibility and ReQL completeness with the official drivers. This driver is generally considered a super-set of features of the official Java driver.

Getting Started

NuGet Package RethinkDb.Driver

Install-Package RethinkDb.Driver -Pre


Developers can follow the examples found in the official ReQL documentation for the Java driver. In general, the C# driver and Java driver are both API compatible.

The C# driver supports additional integrated language ReQL features such as anonymous type arguments. The documentation for the extended C# driver features can be found here.

Tutorials and Blog Posts


Java Driver

Driver Development

If you're interested in making a contribution or want to build the driver manually, these pages might be helpful.