Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt to v10 (#1379) (55dfc2b)
- deps: update dependency org.springframework.security:spring-security-core to v6.3.5 [security] (#1381) (dee12ef)
- fe: display year of birth when birthdate is masked (#1380) (1ccfdf1)
- fe: fix style on summary title (#1378) (9854c1b)
- FSADT1-1593: fixing doing business as loading (#1384) (11f54e5)
- FSADT1-1595: fixing missing contact code desc (#1383) (954d225)
- FSADT1-1694: change obfuscation to BCSC value (#1387) (555559e)
- multi-location association (#1375) (06c076c)
- fe:FSADT1-1605: CLIENT_VIEWER Related Client Section - Front-End (#1372) (fdc0faf)
- fe:FSADT1-1606: CLIENT_VIEWER Activity Log Section - Front-End (#1374) (2602ac7)
- fe:FSADT1-1682: CLIENT_VIEWER Client Location/Contact accordion title style (#1376) (66601ed)
- fe: remove dash from location's title when it has no name (#1377) (a376e0f)