| 1 | +local M = {} |
| 2 | +local request_symbols = require("namu.namu_symbols").request_symbols |
| 3 | +local filter_symbol_types = require("namu.namu_symbols").config.filter_symbol_types |
| 4 | + |
| 5 | +-- Shared constants and utilities |
| 6 | +---@enum LSPSymbolKinds |
| 7 | +local lsp_symbol_kinds = { |
| 8 | + [1] = "File", |
| 9 | + [2] = "Module", |
| 10 | + [3] = "Namespace", |
| 11 | + [4] = "Package", |
| 12 | + [5] = "Class", |
| 13 | + [6] = "Method", |
| 14 | + [7] = "Property", |
| 15 | + [8] = "Field", |
| 16 | + [9] = "Constructor", |
| 17 | + [10] = "Enum", |
| 18 | + [11] = "Interface", |
| 19 | + [12] = "Function", |
| 20 | + [13] = "Variable", |
| 21 | + [14] = "Constant", |
| 22 | + [15] = "String", |
| 23 | + [16] = "Number", |
| 24 | + [17] = "Boolean", |
| 25 | + [18] = "Array", |
| 26 | + [19] = "Object", |
| 27 | + [20] = "Key", |
| 28 | + [21] = "Null", |
| 29 | + [22] = "EnumMember", |
| 30 | + [23] = "Struct", |
| 31 | + [24] = "Event", |
| 32 | + [25] = "Operator", |
| 33 | + [26] = "TypeParameter", |
| 34 | +} |
| 35 | + |
| 36 | +-- Shared UI setup function |
| 37 | +---@param buf number |
| 38 | +---@param filetype string |
| 39 | +local function setup_buffer(buf, filetype) |
| 40 | + vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("buftype", "nofile", { buf = buf }) |
| 41 | + vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("bufhidden", "wipe", { buf = buf }) |
| 42 | + vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("swapfile", false, { buf = buf }) |
| 43 | + vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("modifiable", false, { buf = buf }) |
| 44 | + vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("filetype", filetype, { buf = buf }) |
| 45 | + |
| 46 | + local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true } |
| 47 | + vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(buf, "n", "q", ":close<CR>", opts) |
| 48 | + vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(buf, "n", "<Esc>", ":close<CR>", opts) |
| 49 | +end |
| 50 | + |
| 51 | +---@param buf number |
| 52 | +---@param content_lines string[] |
| 53 | +---@return number window ID |
| 54 | +local function create_floating_window(buf, content_lines) |
| 55 | + local width = math.min(70, vim.o.columns - 4) |
| 56 | + local height = math.min(#content_lines, vim.o.lines - 12) |
| 57 | + local row = math.floor((vim.o.lines - height) / 2) |
| 58 | + local col = math.floor((vim.o.columns - width) / 2) |
| 59 | + |
| 60 | + local win = vim.api.nvim_open_win(buf, true, { |
| 61 | + relative = "editor", |
| 62 | + width = width, |
| 63 | + height = height, |
| 64 | + row = row, |
| 65 | + col = col, |
| 66 | + style = "minimal", |
| 67 | + border = "rounded", |
| 68 | + }) |
| 69 | + |
| 70 | + -- Set window-local options |
| 71 | + vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("conceallevel", 2, { win = win }) |
| 72 | + vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("foldenable", false, { win = win }) |
| 73 | + vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("wrap", false, { win = win }) |
| 74 | + |
| 75 | + return win |
| 76 | +end |
| 77 | + |
| 78 | +-- Highlight management |
| 79 | +---@param buf number |
| 80 | +---@param ns_id number |
| 81 | +---@param line number |
| 82 | +---@param col_start number |
| 83 | +---@param col_end number |
| 84 | +---@param hl_group string |
| 85 | +local function add_highlight(buf, ns_id, line, col_start, col_end, hl_group) |
| 86 | + local line_content = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(buf, line, line + 1, true)[1] or "" |
| 87 | + local end_col = col_end == -1 and #line_content or math.min(col_end, #line_content) |
| 88 | + |
| 89 | + if end_col > col_start then |
| 90 | + vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(buf, ns_id, hl_group, line, col_start, end_col) |
| 91 | + end |
| 92 | +end |
| 93 | + |
| 94 | +local function helper_highlights() |
| 95 | + vim.cmd([[ |
| 96 | + highlight default link NamuHelperHeader Title |
| 97 | + highlight default link NamuHelperSubHeader Statement |
| 98 | + highlight default link NamuHelperCount Number |
| 99 | + highlight default link NamuHelperKind Type |
| 100 | + highlight default link NamuHelperFilter Special |
| 101 | + highlight default link NamuHelperPath Comment |
| 102 | + highlight default link NamuHelperCode Special |
| 103 | + ]]) |
| 104 | +end |
| 105 | + |
| 106 | +---@param current_bufname string |
| 107 | +---@param total_symbols number |
| 108 | +---@param kind_count table<string, number> |
| 109 | +---@param kind_examples table<string, string> |
| 110 | +---@param default_symbol_types table |
| 111 | +---@return string[] |
| 112 | +function M.create_analysis_content(current_bufname, total_symbols, kind_count, kind_examples, default_symbol_types) |
| 113 | + local lines = { |
| 114 | + "Symbol Analysis", |
| 115 | + string.rep("=", 50), |
| 116 | + "", |
| 117 | + string.format("File: %s", vim.fn.fnamemodify(current_bufname, ":.")), |
| 118 | + string.format("Total Symbols: %d", total_symbols), |
| 119 | + "", |
| 120 | + "Symbol Distribution:", |
| 121 | + string.rep("-", 50), |
| 122 | + "", |
| 123 | + } |
| 124 | + |
| 125 | + -- Find matching symbol types |
| 126 | + local matched_types = {} |
| 127 | + for kind, _ in pairs(kind_count) do |
| 128 | + for code, symbol_type in pairs(default_symbol_types) do |
| 129 | + if vim.tbl_contains(symbol_type.kinds, kind) then |
| 130 | + matched_types[kind] = code |
| 131 | + break |
| 132 | + end |
| 133 | + end |
| 134 | + end |
| 135 | + |
| 136 | + -- Add symbol counts and examples |
| 137 | + for kind, count in pairs(kind_count) do |
| 138 | + local filter_code = matched_types[kind] or "??" |
| 139 | + local example = kind_examples[kind] or "N/A" |
| 140 | + table.insert(lines, string.format(" %s (%d symbols)", kind, count)) |
| 141 | + table.insert(lines, string.format(" Filter: /%s", filter_code)) -- Updated to use / instead of % |
| 142 | + table.insert(lines, string.format(" Example: %s", example)) |
| 143 | + table.insert(lines, "") |
| 144 | + end |
| 145 | + |
| 146 | + -- Add usage hints |
| 147 | + table.insert(lines, "Usage Tips:") |
| 148 | + table.insert(lines, string.rep("-", 50)) |
| 149 | + table.insert(lines, " - Use the filters shown above to narrow down symbols") |
| 150 | + table.insert(lines, " - Combine with text: /fn main") |
| 151 | + table.insert(lines, " - Press ? in symbol picker for more help") |
| 152 | + |
| 153 | + return lines |
| 154 | +end |
| 155 | + |
| 156 | +-- Symbol analysis |
| 157 | +---@param symbol table |
| 158 | +---@param kind_count table<string, number> |
| 159 | +---@param kind_examples table<string, string> |
| 160 | +---@return number total_count |
| 161 | +local function analyze_symbol(symbol, kind_count, kind_examples) |
| 162 | + local total_count = 0 |
| 163 | + |
| 164 | + if symbol.kind then |
| 165 | + local kind_str = type(symbol.kind) == "number" and lsp_symbol_kinds[symbol.kind] or symbol.kind |
| 166 | + if kind_str then |
| 167 | + kind_count[kind_str] = (kind_count[kind_str] or 0) + 1 |
| 168 | + total_count = total_count + 1 |
| 169 | + |
| 170 | + if not kind_examples[kind_str] and symbol.name then |
| 171 | + kind_examples[kind_str] = symbol.name |
| 172 | + end |
| 173 | + end |
| 174 | + end |
| 175 | + |
| 176 | + if symbol.children then |
| 177 | + for _, child in ipairs(symbol.children) do |
| 178 | + total_count = total_count + analyze_symbol(child, kind_count, kind_examples) |
| 179 | + end |
| 180 | + end |
| 181 | + |
| 182 | + return total_count |
| 183 | +end |
| 184 | + |
| 185 | +local function set_buffer_lines(buf, lines) |
| 186 | + vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("modifiable", true, { buf = buf }) |
| 187 | + vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, false, lines) |
| 188 | + vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("modifiable", false, { buf = buf }) |
| 189 | +end |
| 190 | + |
| 191 | +---@return number, number buffer window ID, number window ID |
| 192 | +function M.create_help_buffer() |
| 193 | + local buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) |
| 194 | + setup_buffer(buf, "namu-help") |
| 195 | + |
| 196 | + local lines = { |
| 197 | + "Namu Symbol Types", |
| 198 | + string.rep("=", 40), |
| 199 | + "", |
| 200 | + "Usage: Type /xx followed by search term", |
| 201 | + "Example: /fn main - finds functions containing 'main'", |
| 202 | + "", |
| 203 | + "Available Symbol Types:", |
| 204 | + string.rep("-", 40), |
| 205 | + "", |
| 206 | + } |
| 207 | + |
| 208 | + for code, symbol_type in pairs(filter_symbol_types) do |
| 209 | + table.insert(lines, string.format(" %s - %s", code, symbol_type.description)) |
| 210 | + table.insert(lines, string.format(" Matches: %s", table.concat(symbol_type.kinds, ", "))) |
| 211 | + table.insert(lines, "") |
| 212 | + end |
| 213 | + |
| 214 | + set_buffer_lines(buf, lines) |
| 215 | + |
| 216 | + local win = create_floating_window(buf, lines) |
| 217 | + |
| 218 | + helper_highlights() |
| 219 | + local ns_id = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace("namu_help") |
| 220 | + |
| 221 | + -- Apply highlights with unified groups |
| 222 | + add_highlight(buf, ns_id, 0, 0, -1, "NamuHelperHeader") |
| 223 | + add_highlight(buf, ns_id, 3, 0, 5, "NamuHelperSubHeader") |
| 224 | + add_highlight(buf, ns_id, 4, 0, -1, "NamuHelperCode") |
| 225 | + add_highlight(buf, ns_id, 6, 0, -1, "NamuHelperSubHeader") |
| 226 | + |
| 227 | + local current_line = 9 |
| 228 | + for _ in pairs(filter_symbol_types) do |
| 229 | + add_highlight(buf, ns_id, current_line, 2, 4, "NamuHelperCode") |
| 230 | + add_highlight(buf, ns_id, current_line, 7, -1, "NamuHelperKind") |
| 231 | + add_highlight(buf, ns_id, current_line + 1, 4, -1, "NamuHelperFilter") |
| 232 | + current_line = current_line + 3 |
| 233 | + end |
| 234 | + |
| 235 | + return buf, win |
| 236 | +end |
| 237 | + |
| 238 | +-- Analyzer functionality |
| 239 | +---@return number, number buffer ID, number window ID |
| 240 | +function M.create_analysis_buffer() |
| 241 | + local current_buf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() |
| 242 | + local current_bufname = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(current_buf) |
| 243 | + local buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) |
| 244 | + |
| 245 | + setup_buffer(buf, "namu-analysis") |
| 246 | + -- Create initial window while waiting for symbols |
| 247 | + set_buffer_lines(buf, { "Loading symbols..." }) |
| 248 | + local win = create_floating_window(buf, { "Loading symbols..." }) |
| 249 | + |
| 250 | + -- Setup highlights |
| 251 | + helper_highlights() |
| 252 | + local ns_id = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace("namu_analysis") |
| 253 | + |
| 254 | + -- Collect and analyze symbols |
| 255 | + request_symbols(current_buf, function(err, symbols) |
| 256 | + if err then |
| 257 | + vim.notify("Error fetching symbols: " .. vim.inspect(err), vim.log.levels.ERROR) |
| 258 | + return |
| 259 | + end |
| 260 | + |
| 261 | + local kind_count = {} |
| 262 | + local kind_examples = {} |
| 263 | + local total_symbols = 0 |
| 264 | + |
| 265 | + -- Analyze symbols |
| 266 | + for _, symbol in ipairs(symbols or {}) do |
| 267 | + total_symbols = total_symbols + analyze_symbol(symbol, kind_count, kind_examples) |
| 268 | + end |
| 269 | + |
| 270 | + -- Create and set content |
| 271 | + local lines = |
| 272 | + M.create_analysis_content(current_bufname, total_symbols, kind_count, kind_examples, filter_symbol_types) |
| 273 | + |
| 274 | + if win and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(win) then |
| 275 | + vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(win, buf) |
| 276 | + set_buffer_lines(buf, lines) |
| 277 | + -- Adjust window height for new content |
| 278 | + local new_height = math.min(#lines, vim.o.lines - 6) |
| 279 | + local width = math.min(70, vim.o.columns - 4) |
| 280 | + |
| 281 | + -- Update both height and position |
| 282 | + vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(win, { |
| 283 | + relative = "editor", |
| 284 | + row = math.floor((vim.o.lines - new_height - 4) / 2), |
| 285 | + col = math.floor((vim.o.columns - width) / 2), |
| 286 | + height = new_height, |
| 287 | + }) |
| 288 | + end |
| 289 | + |
| 290 | + add_highlight(buf, ns_id, 0, 0, -1, "NamuHelperHeader") |
| 291 | + add_highlight(buf, ns_id, 3, 0, 5, "NamuHelperSubHeader") |
| 292 | + add_highlight(buf, ns_id, 3, 6, -1, "NamuHelperPath") |
| 293 | + add_highlight(buf, ns_id, 4, 0, 14, "NamuHelperSubHeader") |
| 294 | + add_highlight(buf, ns_id, 4, 15, -1, "NamuHelperCount") |
| 295 | + add_highlight(buf, ns_id, 6, 0, -1, "NamuHelperSubHeader") |
| 296 | + |
| 297 | + -- Symbol Distribution section |
| 298 | + add_highlight(buf, ns_id, 6, 0, -1, "NamuAnalysisSubHeader") |
| 299 | + |
| 300 | + -- Highlight symbol sections |
| 301 | + local current_line = 9 |
| 302 | + for kind, _ in pairs(kind_count) do |
| 303 | + -- Kind line |
| 304 | + add_highlight(buf, ns_id, current_line, 2, -1, "NamuHelperKind") |
| 305 | + -- Filter line |
| 306 | + add_highlight(buf, ns_id, current_line + 1, 12, -1, "NamuHelperFilter") |
| 307 | + current_line = current_line + 4 |
| 308 | + end |
| 309 | + |
| 310 | + -- Usage section |
| 311 | + add_highlight(buf, ns_id, current_line, 0, -1, "NamuAnalysisSubHeader") |
| 312 | + add_highlight(buf, ns_id, current_line + 1, 0, -1, "NamuAnalysisFilter") |
| 313 | + end) |
| 314 | + |
| 315 | + return buf, win |
| 316 | +end |
| 317 | + |
| 318 | +return M |
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