Owners: @shafreenAnfar @DimuthuMadushan @ThisaruGuruge @MohamedSabthar
Reviewers: @shafreenAnfar @ThisaruGuruge @DimuthuMadushan @ldclakmal
Created: 2022/01/06
Updated: 2023/09/14
Edition: Swan Lake
GraphQL Specification: October 2021
This is the specification for the GraphQL package of the Ballerina language, which provides GraphQL server functionalities to produce GraphQL APIs and GraphQL client functionalities to communicate with GraphQL APIs.
The GraphQL library specification has evolved and may continue to evolve in the future. The released versions of the specification can be found under the relevant GitHub tag.
If you have any feedback or suggestions about the library, start a discussion via a GitHub issue or in the Discord server. Based on the outcome of the discussion, the specification and implementation can be updated. Community feedback is always welcome. Any accepted proposal, which affects the specification is stored under /docs/proposals
. Proposals under discussion can be found with the label type/proposal
on GitHub.
The conforming implementation of the specification is released and included in the distribution. Any deviation from the specification is considered a bug.
- Overview
- Components
- 2.1 Listener
- 2.2 Service
- 2.2.1 Service Type
- 2.2.2 Service Base Path
- 2.2.3 Service Declaration
- 2.2.4 Service Object Declaration
- 2.2.5 Service Configuration
- 2.3 Parser
- 2.4 Engine
- 2.5 Client
- 2.5.1 Initializing the Client
- 2.5.2 Executing Operations
- 2.5.3 Client Data Binding
- 2.5.4 Client Configuration
- Schema Generation
- 3.1 Root Types
- 3.1.1 The
Type - 3.1.2 The
Type - 3.1.3 The
- 3.1.1 The
- 3.2 Wrapping Types
- 3.2.1
Type - 3.2.2
- 3.2.1
- 3.3 Resource Methods
- 3.3.1 Resource Accessor
- 3.3.2 Resource Name
- 3.3.3 Hierarchical Resource Path
- 3.4 Remote Methods
- 3.4.1 Remote Method Name
- 3.5 Documentation
- 3.1 Root Types
- Types
- 4.1 Scalars
- 4.2 Objects
- 4.2.1 Record Type as Object
- 4.2.2 Service Type as Object
- 4.3 Unions
- 4.4 Enums
- 4.5 Input Types
- 4.5.1 Input Union Types
- 4.5.2 Input Objects
- 4.5.3 Default Values
- 4.6 Interfaces
- Directives
- 5.1 @skip
- 5.2 @include
- 5.3 @deprecated
- Errors
- 6.1 Error Detail Record
- 6.2 Service Error Handling
- 6.2.1 Returning Errors
- 6.2.2 Returning Errors and Nil Values
- 6.2.3 The
- 6.3 Client Error Handling
- 6.3.1 Request Error
- HTTP Error
- Invalid Document Error
- 6.3.2 Payload Binding Error
- 6.3.1 Request Error
- Annotations
- 7.1 Service Configuration
- 7.1.1 Max Query Depth
- 7.1.2 Auth Configurations
- 7.1.3 Context Initializer Function
- 7.1.4 CORS Configurations
- 7.1.5 GraphiQL Configurations
- The
Field - The
Field - The
- The
- 7.1.6 Service Interceptors
- 7.1.7 Introspection Configurations
- 7.1.8 Constraint Configurations
- 7.1.9 Operation-level Cache Configurations
- The
Field - The
Field - The
- The
- 7.2 Resource Configuration
- 7.3 Interceptor Configuration
- 7.3.1 Scope Configuration
- 7.4 ID Annotation
- 7.1 Service Configuration
- Security
- 8.1 Service Authentication and Authorization
- 8.1.1 Declarative Approach
- Basic Authentication - File User Store
- Basic Authentication - LDAP User Store
- JWT Authentication
- OAuth2
- 8.1.2 Imperative Approach
- Basic Authentication - File User Store
- Basic Authentication - LDAP User Store
- JWT Authentication
- OAuth2
- 8.1.1 Declarative Approach
- 8.2 Client Authentication and Authorization
- 8.2.1. Basic Authentication
- 8.2.2. Bearer Token Authentication
- 8.2.3. Self-Signed JWT Authentication
- 8.2.4. OAuth2
- Client Credentials Grant Type
- Password Grant Type
- Refresh Token Grant Type
- JWT Bearer Grant Type
- 8.3 SSL/TLS and Mutual SSL
- 8.3.1 Listener
- Mutual SSL
- 8.3.2 Client
- Mutual SSL
- 8.3.1 Listener
- 8.1 Service Authentication and Authorization
- Tools
- 9.1 GraphiQL Client
- Advanced Features
- 10.1 Context Object
- 10.1.1 Context Methods
- Set Attribute in Context
- Get Context Attribute
- Remove Attribute from Context
- Register DataLoader in Context
- Get DataLoader from Context
- Evict Cache from Context
- Invalidate All Caches from Context
- 10.1.2 Accessing the Context
- 10.1.3 Resolving Field Value
- 10.1.1 Context Methods
- 10.2 Field Object
- 10.2.1 Field Object Methods
- Get Field Name
- Get Field Alias
- Get Field Path
- Get Subfield Names
- Get Field Type
- Get Subfields
- Get Field Location
- 10.2.2 Accessing the Field Object
- 10.2.1 Field Object Methods
- 10.3 Interceptors
- 10.3.1 Interceptor Service Object
- 10.3.2 Writing an Interceptor
- 10.3.3 Execution
- Service Interceptors
- Field Interceptors
- 10.4 File Upload
- 10.4.1 File Upload Protocol
- 10.4.2
Field -
Field -
Field -
- 10.4.3 File Upload Service
- File Upload Resolver
- 10.5 Federation
- 10.5.1 Federated Subgraph
- The
Annotation - The
Annotation - The
Function Type
- The
- 10.5.1 Federated Subgraph
- 10.6 DataLoader
- 10.6.1 DataLoader API
- The
method - The
method - The
method - The
- The
- 10.6.2 The DefaultDataLoader
- The
Method- The BatchLoadFunction
- The
- 10.6.3. Engaging DataLoaders
- 10.6.1 DataLoader API
- 10.7 Caching
- 10.7.1 Server-side Caching
- Operation-level Caching
- Field-level Caching
- Cache Eviction
- The
Method - The
- The
- 10.7.1 Server-side Caching
- 10.1 Context Object
The Ballerina language provides first-class support for writing network-oriented programs. The GraphQL package uses these language constructs and creates the programming model to produce/consume GraphQL APIs.
The GraphQL package is designed to work with GraphQL specification. There are two main approaches when writing GraphQL APIs. The schema-first approach and the code-first approach. The Ballerina GraphQL package uses the code-first first approach to write GraphQL APIs (which means no GraphQL schema is required to create a GraphQL service), while it also supports the schema-first approach through Ballerina GraphQL CLI tool.
In addition to functional requirements, this library deals with none functional requirements such as security. Each requirement is discussed in detail in the coming sections.
This section describes the components of the Ballerina GraphQL package. To use the Ballerina GraphQL package, a user must import the Ballerina GraphQL package first.
import ballerina/graphql;
Since the GraphQL spec does not mandate an underlying client-server protocol, a GraphQL implementation can use any protocol underneath. The Ballerina GraphQL package, like most of the other implementations, uses HTTP as the protocol. The Ballerina GraphQL listener is using an HTTP listener to listen to incoming GraphQL requests through HTTP.
If the schema contains the Subscription
type (as described in Subscription Type), The GraphQL listener will establish a new WebSocket listener to listen to incoming subscription requests.
In Ballerina, WebSocket is used as the communication protocol for GraphQL subscriptions as it is capable of dispatching data continuously while maintaining a persistent connection. Ballerina GraphQL utilizes the graphql-transport-ws
(graphql-ws) WebSocket sub-protocol in subscriptions. If a WebSocket connection is established with the graphql-transport-ws
sub-protocol, all subscription responses will be formatted according to the standard message structure outlined in the specification.
A standard response includes JSON fields for type
, id
, and payload
. The type
field specifies the message type of the response. The id
field is used to uniquely identify the client. The payload
field includes the GraphQL response returned from the GraphQL engine. If a subscription request is sent without the graphql-transport-ws
sub-protocol then the WebSocket handshake fails with an error.
Note: The Ballerina GraphQL subscription includes a default implementation for sending
messages over a graphql-ws connection, and periodically checking forpong
messages in response. By default, these messages are sent and checked every 15 seconds. If apong
message is not received within this time frame, the service will close the WebSocket connection.
A Ballerina GraphQL listener can be declared as described below, honoring the Ballerina generic listener declaration.
If a GraphQL listener requires to be listening to a port number, that port number must be provided as the first parameter of the listener constructor.
listener graphql:Listener graphqlListener = new (9090);
If a GraphQL listener requires to listen to the same port as an existing http:Listener
object, that http:Listener
object must be provided as the first parameter of the listener constructor.
listener http:Listener httpListener = new (9090);
listener graphql:Listener graphqlListener = new (httpListener);
Note: The client does not need to explicitly create a
for subscriptions. If there is a subscription resolver in a service, thegraphql:Listener
will initiate awebsocket:Listener
over the same port used in thehttp:Listener
Since the GraphQL listener uses the http:Listener
and the websocket:Listener
as the underlying listeners, some additional configurations can be passed to these listeners, when creating a graphql:Listener
. These configurations are defined in the graphql:ListenerConfiguration
listener graphql:Listener graphqlListener = new (9090, timeout = 10);
Note: If the GraphQL service includes subscription operations, the
of thegraphql:ListenerConfiguration
must be either"1.0"
. Otherwise, this will cause a runtime error when attaching the service to the listener.
The service
represents the GraphQL schema in the Ballerina GraphQL package. When a service is attached to a GraphQL listener, it is considered a GraphQL service. When a service is identified as a GraphQL service, it will be used to Generate the Schema. Attaching the same service to multiple listeners is not allowed, and will cause a compilation error.
service /graphql on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
In the above example, a GraphQL service is attached to a GraphQL listener. This is syntactic sugar to declare a service and attach it to a GraphQL listener.
The following distinct service type provided by the Ballerina GraphQL package can be used by the users. It can be referred to as graphql:Service
. Since the language support is yet to be implemented for the service typing, service validation is done using the Ballerina GraphQL compiler plugin.
public type Service distinct service object {
The base path is used to discover the GraphQL service to dispatch the requests. identifiers and string literals can be used as the base path, and it should be started with /
. The base path is optional and if not provided, will be defaulted to /
. If the base path contains any special characters, they should be escaped or defined as string literals.
service hello\-graphql on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
The service declaration is syntactic sugar for creating a service. This is the mostly-used approach for creating a service.
service graphql:Service /graphql on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
A service can be instantiated using the service object. This approach provides full control of the service life cycle to the user. The listener life cycle methods can be used to handle this.
graphql:Service graphqlService = service object {
resource function get greeting() returns string {
return "Hello, world!";
public function main() returns error? {
graphql:Listener graphqlListener = check new (9090);
check graphqlListener.attach(graphqlService, "graphql");
check graphqlListener.'start();
Note: The service object declaration is only supported when the service object is defined in global scope. If the service object is defined anywhere else, the schema generation will fail. This is due to a known current limitation in the Ballerina language.
The graphql:ServiceConfiguration
annotation can be used to provide additional configurations to the GraphQL service. These configurations are described in the Service Configuration section.
The Ballerina GraphQL parser is responsible for parsing the incoming GraphQL documents. This will parse each document and then report any errors. If the document is valid, it will return a syntax tree.
Note: The Ballerina GraphQL parser is implemented as a separate module and is not exposed outside the Ballerina GraphQL package.
The GraphQL engine acts as the main processing unit in the Ballerina GraphQL package. It connects all the other components in the Ballerina GraphQL service together.
When a request is received by the GraphQL Listener, it dispatches the request to the GraphQL engine, where it extracts the document from the request, then passes it to the parser. Then the parser will parse the document and return an error (if there is any) or the syntax tree to the engine. Then the engine will validate the document against the generated schema, and then if the document is valid, the engine will execute the document.
The GraphQL client can be used to connect to a GraphQL service and retrieve data. This client currently supports the Query
and Mutation
operations. The Ballerina GraphQL client uses HTTP as the underlying protocol to communicate with the GraphQL service.
The graphql:Client
init method requires a valid URL and optional configuration to initialize the client.
graphql:Client graphqlClient = check new (“http://localhost:9090/graphql”, {timeout: 10});
The graphql client provides execute
API to execute graphql query and mutation operations. The execute
method of graphql:Client
takes a GraphQL document as the required argument and sends a request to the specified backend URL seeking a response. Further, the execute method could take the following optional arguments.
- A map containing the GraphQL variables. All the variables that may be required by the graphql document can be set via thisvariables
- The GraphQL operation name. If the document has more than one operation, then each operation must have a name. A single GraphQL request can only execute one operation; the operation name must be set if the document has more than one operation. Otherwise, the GraphQL server responds with an error.headers
- A map containing headers that may be required by the graphql server to execute each operation.
The method definition of the execute
API is given below.
remote isolated function execute(string document, map<anydata>? variables = (), string? operationName = (),
map<string|string[]>? headers = (), typedesc<GenericResponseWithErrors|record {}|json> targetType = <>)
returns targetType|ClientError ;
When sending a GraphQL request to a GraphQL server using the Ballerina GraphQL client, the response can be data-bound. That means the user can define the expected shape of the GraphQL response by defining a type. The data type defined by the user should be a subtype of graphql:GenericResponseWithErrors|record{}|json
. Otherwise, the data binding fails with an error.
Note: It is recommended to use the
or any subtype of it when retrieving a response using thegraphql:Client
using theexecute
When defining the expected type, nullable fields should be defined as a union of the field type and nil (()
). A Payload Binding Error can occur otherwise.
This example shows how to data-bind the response to a pre-defined type. Note how the age
field is defined as a nullable field.
type ProfileResponseWithErrors record {|
record {|Profile profile;|} data;
type Profile record {|
string name;
int? age;
public function main() returns error? {
graphql:Client graphqlClient = check new ("localhost:9090/graphql");
string document = "{ profile(id: 100) {name age} }";
ProfileResponseWithErrors response = check graphqlClient->execute(document);
string name = response.data.profile.name;
The execute
method can return errors when retrieving a response from a GraphQL API. For information about handling errors, check the section Client Error Handling
The graphql:Client
uses http:Client
as its underlying implementation; this http:Client
can be configured by providing the graphql:ClientConfiguration
as an optional parameter via the graphql:Client
init method.
The GraphQL schema is generated by analyzing the Ballerina service attached to the GraphQL listener. The Ballerina GraphQL package will walk through the service and the types related to the service to generate the complete GraphQL schema.
When an incompatible type is used inside a GraphQL service, a compilation error will be thrown.
Root types are a special set of types in a GraphQL schema. These types are associated with an operation, which can be done on the GraphQL scheme. There are three root types.
The Query
type is the main root type in a GraphQL schema. It is used to query the schema. The Query
must be defined for a GraphQL schema to be valid. In Ballerina, the service itself is the schema, and each resource
method with the get
accessor inside a GraphQL service is mapped to a field in the root Query
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get greeting() returns string {
return "Hello, World!";
Note: Since the
type must be defined in a GraphQL schema, a Ballerina GraphQL service must have at least one resource method with theget
accessor. Otherwise, the service will cause a compilation error.
The Mutation
type in a GraphQL schema is used to mutate the data. In Ballerina, each remote
method inside the GraphQL service is mapped to a field in the root Mutation
type. If no remote
method is defined in the service, the generated schema will not have a Mutation
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
remote function setName(string name) returns string {
As per the GraphQL specification, the Mutation
type is expected to perform side effects on the underlying data system. Therefore, the mutation operations should be executed serially. This is ensured in the Ballerina GraphQL package. Each remote method invocation in a request is done serially, unlike the resource method invocations, which are executed in parallel.
The Subscription
type in a GraphQL schema is used to continuously fetch data from a GraphQL service. In Ballerina, each resource
method with the subscribe
accessor inside a GraphQL service is mapped to a field in the root Subscription
type. If the resource
method has the subscribe
accessor, it must return a stream
. Otherwise, the compilation error will occur.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function subscribe greetings() returns stream<stream> {
return ["Hello", "Hi", "Hello World!"].toStream();
Wrapping types are used to wrap the named types in GraphQL. A wrapping type has an underlying named type. There are two wrapping types defined in the GraphQL schema.
type is a wrapper type to denote that the resulting value will never be null
. Ballerina types do not implicitly allow nil
. Therefore, each type is inherently a NON_NULL
type until specified explicitly otherwise. If a type is meant to be a nullable value, it should be unionized with nil
(represented by()
) is the Ballerina's version ofnull
In the following example, the type of the name
field is String!
. This means the String
type is wrapped by the NON_NULL
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get name returns string {
return "Walter White";
To make it a nullable type, it should be unionized with ?
. The following example shows the field name
of the type String
. This means the name
field can have a null
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get name returns string? {
return "Walter White";
is syntactic sugar for|()
The list type represents a list of values of another type. Therefore, LIST
is considered a wrapping type. In Ballerina, a LIST
type is defined using an array. The following represents a field called names
of the type of LIST
of String!
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get names() returns string[] {
return ["Walter White", "Jesse Pinkman"];
Resource methods are a special kind of method in Ballerina. In the Ballerina GraphQL package, resource
methods are used to define GraphQL object fields. The resource
methods in a GraphQL service are validated at the compile-time.
The only allowed accessors in Ballerina GraphQL resource are, get
and subscribe
. Any other accessor usage will result in a compilation error.
resource function get greeting() returns string {
// ...
resource function post greeting() returns string {
// ...
As the resource
methods are mapped to a field of a GraphQL Object
type, the resource name represents the name of the corresponding field.
resource function get greeting() returns string {
// ...
In the above example, the resource represents a field named greeting
of type String!
. Check Types Section for more information on types and fields.
GraphQL represents the data as a hierarchical structure. Ballerina resources provide different ways to define this structure. Hierarchical resource paths are one approach, which is also the simplest way.
The path of a resource can be defined hierarchically so that the schema generation can generate the types using the hierarchical path. When a service has resources with hierarchical resource paths, the first path segment and each intermediate path segment of a resource represent an Object
type field. The GraphQL type represented by the return type of the resource
method is assigned to the field represented by the leaf-level (final) path segment. Each intermediate type has the same name as the path segment. Therefore, the field name and the type name are the same for the intermediate path segments.
service graphql:Service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get profile/address/number() returns int {
return 308;
resource function get profile/address/street() returns string {
return "Negra Arroyo Lane";
resource function get profile/address/city() returns string {
return "Albuquerque";
resource function get profile/name() returns string {
return "Walter White";
resource function get profile/age() returns int {
return 52;
In the above example shows how to use hierarchical resource paths to create a hierarchical data model. When the schema is generated using this service, the root Query
operation has a single field, profile
, as it is the only path segment at the top level. The type of this field is also profile
, which is an Object
type. This object type has three fields: address
, name
, and age
. The type of the address
field is also Object
as it is an intermediate path segment (i.e. has child path segments). The name of this object type is address
. It has three fields: the number
(type Int!
), the street
(type String!
), and the city
(type String!
). The name
field is of type String!
, and the age
field is of type Int!
. Check Types Section for more information on types and fields.
The remote
methods are used to define the fields of the Mutation
type in a GraphQL schema. Remote methods are validated at the compile-time.
Note: The
methods are called resolvers in GraphQL terminology. Therefore, in this spec, sometimes the term resolver is used to referresource
The name of the remote
method is the name of the corresponding GraphQL field in the Mutation
A GraphQL schema can have documentation for the types, fields, enums, schema, etc.
In Ballerina, the Ballerina doc comments can be used to add documentation for the generated schema. Each comment belonging to a field, argument, or enum will be applied to the particular GraphQL schema member.
# Service to query people database.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
# Returns a profile with the given ID.
# + id - The ID of the profile
# + return - The profile with the given ID
resource function get profile(int id) returns Profile {
// ...
# Represents a profile.
# + id - The ID of the profile
# + name - The name of the profile
# + age - The age of the profile
public type Profile record {|
int id;
string name;
int age;
This will generate the documentation for all the fields of the Query
type including the field descriptions of the Profile
Note: When a field or an argument name contains Unicode characters or any other escape characters, they are unescaped when generating the schema.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get 'type(string 'version) returns string {
return "";
resource function get name(string \u{0076}ersion) returns string {
return "";
The above code will generate the following schema:
type Query {
type(version: String!): String!
name(version: String!): String!
GraphQL type system is represented using a hierarchical structure. Type is the fundamental unit of any GraphQL schema.
Scalar types represent primitive leaf values in the GraphQL type system. The following built-in types are supported in the Ballerina GraphQL package. Scalar values are represented by the primitive types in Ballerina.
The Int
type is represented using the int
type in Ballerina.
The Float
type is represented using the float
type in Ballerina.
Note: When used as an input value type, both integer and float values are accepted as valid inputs.
The String
type is represented using the string
type in Ballerina. It can represent Unicode values.
The Boolean
type is represented using the boolean
type in Ballerina.
The ID
scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to re-fetch an object or as the key for a cache. The ID
type is serialized in the same way as a String
; however, it is not intended to be human-readable.
In Ballerina, the ID
type is represented using the @graphql:ID
annotation. The following Ballerina types are supported as ID
(From theballerina/uuid
When the @graphql:ID
annotation is used, the generated schema will show the field type as ID
, regardless of the actual type of the field.
Note: If the
annotation is used for a field, the values of those fields will always be serialized as strings.
Note: Applying a
annotation to an array indicates it as a list ofID
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get profileById(@graphql:ID int id) returns Profile {
// ...
resource function get profileByIds(@graphql:ID int[] ids) returns Profile[] {
// ...
resource function get studentByStringId(@graphql:ID string id) returns Student {
// ...
resource function get studentByUuidId(@graphql:ID uuid:Uuid id) returns Student {
// ...
public type Profile record {|
@graphql:ID int id;
string name;
int age;
public distinct service class Student {
final string id;
final string name;
function init(string id, string name) {
self.id = id;
self.name = name;
resource function get id() returns @graphql:ID string {
return self.id;
resource function get name() returns string {
return self.name;
Apart from the above types, the decimal
type can also be used inside a GraphQL service, which will create the Decimal
scalar type in the corresponding GraphQL schema.
Objects represent the intermediate levels of the type hierarchy. Objects can have a list of named fields, each of which has a specific type.
In Ballerina, a GraphQL object type can be represented using either a service type or a record type.
A Ballerina record type can be used as an Object type in GraphQL. Each record field is mapped to a field in the GraphQL object and the type of the record field will be mapped to the type of the corresponding GraphQL field.
Note: A GraphQL object must have at least one field. Therefore, an empty record type cannot be used as an object type in GraphQL, and using an empty record type will result in a compilation error.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get profile() returns Profile {
return {name: "Walter White", age: 52};
type Profile record {|
string name;
int age;
Note: Even though anonymous record types are supported in Ballerina, they cannot be used as types in a GraphQL schema. This is because a type in a GraphQL schema must have a name. Therefore, if an anonymous record is used in a GraphQL service, it will result in a compilation error.
Note: When a record field is defined as an optional field, the Ballerina GraphQL engine identifies it as a nullable field. Even though it is supported, it is recommended to use Ballerina nilable types instead of optional fields to define nullable fields in GraphQL.
Note: Alias types of record types are not allowed to be used as object types in a GraphQL schema. If there is a need to utilize fields from an existing type repeatedly, ballerina type inclusion can be used.
Hint: Open records are supported in GraphQL services, but they do not make sense in the context of GraphQL since a GraphQL type cannot have dynamic fields. Therefore, it is recommended to use closed records in GraphQL services unless it is absolutely needed.
A Ballerina service type can be used as an Object
type in GraphQL. Similar to the Query
type, each resource method inside a service type represents a field of the object.
Since GraphQL only allows mutations at the top level and the remote
methods are used to represent the Mutation
type, any service type used to represent a GraphQL Object
cannot have remote
methods inside them.
Note: As per the GraphQL spec, only the root type can have
s. Therefore, definingremote
methods inside subsequent object types does not make any sense.
The resource
methods in these service types can have input parameters. These input parameters are mapped to arguments in the corresponding field.
Note: The service types representing an
can be eitherdistinct
or non-distinct type. But if a service type is used as a member of aUnion
type, they must bedistinct
service classes.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get profile() returns Profile {
return new ("Walter White", 52);
service class Profile {
private final string name;
private final int age;
function init(string name, int age) {
self.name = name;
self.age = age;
resource function get name() returns string {
return self.name;
resource function get age() returns int {
return self.age;
Note: Although both the record and service type can be used to represent the
type, using record type asObject
has limitations. For example, a field represented as a record field can not have an input argument, as opposed to a field represented using aresource
method in a service class.
GraphQL Union
type represents an object that could be one of a list of possible GraphQL Object
types but provides no guarantee for common fields in the member types. Ballerina has first-class support for union types. The Ballerina GraphQL package uses this feature to define Union
types in a schema.
In Ballerina, only distinct
classes are supported as union-type members. The reason behind this is the difference between GraphQL and the Ballerina type systems. The Ballerina is a structurally-typed language whereas GraphQL is a nominally-typed language. The distinct
types of Ballerina have similar behavior to nominal types. If one or more member type in a union type is not distinct
class, a compilation error will occur.
In the following example, two distinct
service types are defined first, Teacher
and Student
. Then a Union
type is defined using Ballerina syntax for defining union types. The resource method in the GraphQL service is returning the union type.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get profile() returns Profile {
return new Teacher("Walter White", "Chemistry");
distinct service class Teacher {
private final string name;
private final string subject;
function init(string name, string subject) {
self.name = name;
self.subject = subject;
resource function get name() returns string {
return self.name;
resource function get subject() returns string {
return self.subject;
distinct service class Student {
private final string name;
private final float gpa;
function init(string name, int gpa) {
self.name = name;
self.gpa = gpa;
resource function get name() returns string {
return self.name;
resource function get gpa() returns float {
return self.gpa;
type Profile Teacher|Student; // Defining the union type
In GraphQL, the Enum
type represents leaf values in the GraphQL schema, similar to the Scalar
types. But the Enum
types describe the set of possible values. In Ballerina, the enum
type is used to define the Enum
type in GraphQL.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get direction() returns Direction {
return NORTH;
enum Direction {
Note: While it is possible to assign a
value to anenum
member in the Ballerina language, the GraphQL specification does not support this behaviour. Therefore, it's not recommended to usestring
values forenum
members when defining anenum
type for use in agraphql:Service
. Usingstring
values forenum
members may result in an invalid generated schema.
In GraphQL, a field can have zero or more input arguments. These arguments can be either a Scalar
type, an Enum
type, or an INPUT_OBJECT
An input type can be a Ballerina union type, if and only if the union consists of one of the supported types and the other member type is nil
. A union with nil means the input type is nullable. Any other union type will be resulting in a compilation error.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get greet(string? name) returns string {
if name is string {
return string `Hello, ${name}`;
return "Hello, world!";
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get greeting(string|error name) returns string { // Results in a compilation error
return "Hello, World!"
Although Scalar
and enum
types can be used as input and output types without a limitation, an object type can not be used as an input type and an output type at the same time. Therefore, separate kinds of objects are used to define input objects.
In Ballerina, a record
type can be used as an input object. When a record
type is used as the type of the input argument of a resource
or remote
method in a GraphQL service (or in a resource
method in a service
type returned from the GraphQL service), it is mapped to an INPUT_OBJECT
type in GraphQL.
Note: A GraphQL input object must have at least one field. Therefore, an empty record type cannot be used as an input object type in GraphQL, and using an empty record type will result in a compilation error.
Note: Since GraphQL schema can not use the same type as an input and an output type when a record type is used as an input and an output, a compilation error will be thrown.
Note: Alias types of record types are not allowed to be used as input object types in a GraphQL schema. If there is a need to utilize fields from an existing type repeatedly, ballerina type inclusion can be used.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get author(Book book) returns string {
return book.author;
type Book record {|
string title;
string author;
The input arguments of a GraphQL field can have default values. In Ballerina, this is allowed by providing default values to input parameters of a resource
or remote
method that represents a GraphQL field. When a resource
or remote
method input parameter has a default value, it will be added to the generated GraphQL schema. Then, the input parameter can be omitted in the GraphQL document, even if the input type is NON_NULL
Note: To generate a schema with a valid default value, remember to use either a literal value, a list constructor expression, or a mapping constructor expression for the default parameters or input object fields. The generated schema will use an empty string if the default value is not one of the mentioned types of expressions. Avoid using other types of expressions, such as variable assignment, as they may result in an invalid schema.
resource function get greeting(string name = "Stranger") returns string {
return "Hello, " + name;
In GraphQL, an interface can be used to define a set of common fields for objects. Then the Object
types can implement the interface with the common fields and optionally, additional fields.
In Ballerina, distinct
objects can be used to define GraphQL interfaces. The other distinct
classes can be used to implement the interface. All the service classes that are implementing the interface must provide the implementation for all resource methods declared in the interface, and they can define additional resource methods.
Non-distinct service
objects and service
classes can not be used to define or implement GraphQL interfaces.
Note: In order to be recognized as GraphQL objects or interfaces, the Ballerina
s andservice
es must be defined within the same module as the GraphQL service.
public type Profile distinct service object {
isolated resource function get name() returns string;
# Represents a Student as a class.
public isolated distinct service class Student {
final string name;
final int id;
isolated function init(string name, int id) {
self.name = name;
self.id = id;
isolated resource function get name() returns string {
return self.name;
isolated resource function get id() returns int {
return self.id;
# Represents a Teacher as a class.
public isolated distinct service class Teacher {
final string name;
final string subject;
isolated function init(string name, string subject) {
self.name = name;
self.subject = subject;
isolated resource function get name() returns string {
return self.name;
isolated resource function get subject() returns string {
return self.subject;
In the above example, the Profile
object is an interface. The Student
and Teacher
classes are Object
types that implement the Profile
public type Profile service object {
resource function get name() returns string;
public isolated service class Student {
final string name;
final int id;
isolated function init(string name, int id) {
self.name = name;
self.id = id;
isolated resource function get name() returns string {
return self.name;
isolated resource function get id() returns int {
return self.id;
The above example results in a compilation error because the Profile
object is not a distinct
object, and the Student
class is not a distinct
In GraphQL, an interface can implement another interface. The implementing interface must define each field that is specified by the implemented interface. Interface definitions must not contain cyclic references nor implement themselves.
In Ballerina, distinct
objects can be included in other distinct
objects to achieve interface-implementing interface functionality. Including these interface objects, to itself or cyclically within other interface objects results in a compilation error.
An Object
type that implements an interface must implement all the fields from that interface and its parent interfaces.
service on new graphql:Listener(9000) {
resource function get node() returns Node {
return new Image("001", "https://ballerina.io/images/ballerina-logo-white.svg", "logo");
public type Node distinct service object {
resource function get id() returns string;
public type Resource distinct service object {
resource function get url() returns string;
public isolated distinct service class Image {
final string id;
final string url;
final string thumbnail;
isolated function init(string id, string url, string thumbnail) {
self.id = id;
self.url = url;
self.thumbnail = thumbnail;
isolated resource function get id() returns string {
return self.id;
isolated resource function get url() returns string {
return self.url;
isolated resource function get thumbnail() returns string {
return self.thumbnail;
In the above example, the Node
and Resource
objects are interfaces. The Resource
interface implements the Node
interface. The Image
class is an Object
type that implements the Resource
interface. Since the Image
object implements the Resource
interface and the Resource
interface implements the Node
interface, the Image
object must implement the fields from both interfaces.
Ballerina GraphQL services support three default directives.
The @skip
directive is used to skip a field execution depending on a given condition. It can be used on a field, fragment spread, or inline fragment. The directive expects exactly one argument if
, which is of type Boolean!
The field is skipped if the value of the if
argument is true
In the following query, the name
field will not be queried if the variable skipName
is true
query getProfile ($skipName: Boolean!) {
profile(id: 1) {
name @skip(if: $skipName)
The @include
directive is used to include a field execution depending on a given condition. It can be used on a field, fragment spread, or inline fragment. The directive expects exactly one argument if
, which is of type Boolean!
The field is included if the value of the if
argument is true
In the following query, the name
field will be queried only if the variable includeName
is true
query getProfile ($includeName: Boolean!) {
profile(id: 1) {
name @include(if: $includeName)
Note: Neither the
nor the@include
has precedence over the other. In the case that both the@skip
directives are provided on the same field or fragment, it will be queried only if the@skip
condition isfalse
and the@include
condition istrue
. Stated conversely, the field or fragment will not be queried if either the@skip
condition istrue
or the@include
condition isfalse
The @deprecated
directive is used to indicate a deprecated field on a type or a deprecated enum value. Deprecation can use a deprecation reason as a string, which is formatted using Markdown syntax.
The @deprecated
directive has one argument, reason
, which is of type String
The Ballerina GraphQL package uses the Ballerina's in-built @deprecated
annotation to deprecate a field (resource
methods or record
fields) or an enum
value. The deprecation reason can be provided as a part of the doc comment of the particular schema member.
The following code shows how to mark a field and an enum value as deprecated with the deprecation reason.
import ballerina/graphql;
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
# Greets back with a customized greeting with the provided name.
# + name - The name of the person to greet
# + return - The customized greeting message
# # Deprecated
# The `hello` field is deprecated. Use the `greeting` field instead of this.
resource function get hello(string name) returns string {
return "Hello, " + name;
# Return the name of the member
# + return - The full name of the member
resource function get name() returns Name {
return {first: "John", last: ""};
# Returns the current admission status of the pub.
# + return - The current admission status of the pub
resource function get status() returns Status {
return OPEN;
# Represents the different admission statuses of the pub.
public enum Status {
# Open for everyone
# Pub is closed
# Only the members are allowed
# Only the VIPs are allowed
# A private party is being held, only invitees are allowed
# # Deprecated
# Private parties are no longer supported
# Represents the name of the member.
type Name record {|
# The first name
string first;
# The last name
# # Deprecated
# This field is deprecated
string last;
In the above service, the generated schema will indicate that the hello
field of the Query
value of the Status
enum type and the last
field of the Name
type are deprecated, with the reasons provided in the doc comments. (The reason will be the line after the # # Deprecated
The graphql:ErrorDetail
is used to describe an error (according to the GraphQL specification) occurred in a GraphQL response. It contains the following fields.
The message
contains the error message from the particular error.
The locations
field contains the locations of the GraphQL document associated with the error. There can be cases where more than one location can cause the error, therefore, this field is an array of locations. There are also cases where a location can not be associated with an error, therefore, this field is optional.
The path
field is an array of Int
and String
, that points to a particular path of the document tree associated with the error. This field will have a value only when a particular error has occurred at the execution phase. Therefore, this field is optional.
The extensions
field is an optional field containing a map with string
keys. This can be used to send additional metadata related to the error.
A GraphQL service can return errors so that the client can handle them. The Ballerina errors types are used to return errors to the GraphQL client. The Ballerina GraphQL service will convert the Ballerina errors to GraphQL errors and send them to the client.
A Ballerina resource
or remote
method representing a GraphQL object field can return an error. When an error is returned, it will be added to the errors
field in the GraphQL response. The shape of the error object is described in the Error Detail Record section.
When an error is returned from a GraphQL resolver, the error message is added as the message of the error, and the location of the document that caused the error will be added to the locations
field. The path of the error (from the root of the document) will be added as the path in the error response. Currently, the Ballerina GraphQL service will not add any metadata in the extensions
If a resolver execution results in an error, the stacktrace of the error will be logged to the stderr
of the server.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get greeting(string name) returns string|error {
if name == "" {
return error("Invalid name provided");
return string`Hello ${name}`;
The above example shows how to return an error from a Ballerina GraphQL resource method.
The following document can be used to query the above GraphQL service.
greeting(name: "")
The result of the above document is the following.
"errors": [
"message": "Invalid name provided",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 4
"path": [
"data": null
If a resource
or remote
method representing a field of a GraphQL object returns an error
, the corresponding field value under the data
field will be null
in the response, in addition to adding an entry in the errors
field. In this case, if the field type is NON_NULL
, the null
value will be propagated to the upper levels until the null
value is allowed. This might cause the whole data
field to become null
To avoid this, a method can optionally include nil
type (denoted by ()
in Ballerina). When the method return type includes nil
, the response is allowed to add null
as the field value, thus it stops propagating the null
value to upper levels.
Note: Making a field nullable should be a conscious decision made by the developer. This usually comes to the point on what is considered an error. In some use cases, partial data is considered valid. For example, when retrieving profile, the receiving the
field and not receiving theage
field can be considered valid based on the use case. Similarly, receiving theage
field, but not receiving thename
field can be considered anerror
. In that case, theage
field can be nullable, while thename
field can beNON_NULL
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get profile(int id) returns Profile {
return new ("Walter White", 50);
service class Profile {
resource function get name() returns string|error {
// Implementation
resource function get age() returns int|error? {
// Implementation
Above example shows how the name
field of the Profile
object can return an error
. But the return type does not include the nil
type. Therefore, if this field returns an error
, first, the name
field will become null
. Since the name
field is NON_NULL
, the value is propagated to the upper level, making the profile
field null
in the data
field of the response. But the profile
field is also wrapped with the NON_NULL
type as the profile
resource method does not include nil
as the return type. Hence, the null
value will be propagated further, making the whole data
field null
Similarly, the age
field of the Profile
object can return an error
too. But it has nil
as one of the possible return types (denoted by ?
: a syntactic sugar for |()
). In this case, if an error
is returned from the method, the age
field of the Profile
object will become null
. Since it does allow null
values (i.e. the type is not wrapped by NON_NULL
type), the null
value will not be propagated further. In such cases, the response can contain the error
as well as the part of the data
"errors": [
"message":"Error occurred while retrieving name",
"locations": [
"line": 1,
"column": 20
"path": ["profile", "name"]
"errors": [
"message":"Error occurred while retrieving age",
"locations": [
"path": ["profile", "age"]
"data": {
"profile": {
"name":"Walter White",
The graphql:__addError
function can be used to add a custom error to the response. This function accepts two parameters.
- The context of the GraphQL request.graphql:ErrorDetail
- The details of the error.
Note: Using the
function is not recommended until it is absolutely necessary. It is recommended to return an error from theresource
method instead.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get greeting(graphql:Context context, graphql:Field 'field, string name) returns string? {
if name == "" {
graphql:ErrorDetail errorDetail = {
message: "Invalid name provided",
locations: ['field.getLocation()],
path: 'field.getPath(),
extensions: {
graphql:__addError(context, errorDetail);
return string `Hello, ${name}!`;
The response returned from the execute
method of the GraphQL client can include errors. This section describes how to handle those errors on the Ballerina client side. All the errors that occurred during a GraphQL client operation are categorized as graphql:ClientError
error type. All the other errors are subtypes of this error type.
graphql:Client graphqlClient = check new ("localhost:9090/graphql");
string document = "{ profile { name } }";
ProfileResponse|graphql:ClientError response = graphqlClient->execute(document);
if response is graphql:ClientError {
// Handle error
The above example shows how to capture the graphql:ClientError
. This way all the errors that are returned are treated the same.
There can be errors occurred during sending and validating a GraphQL request. These errors are categorized under the graphql:RequestError
error type, which is a subtype of the graphql:ClientError
Above example shows how the graphql:RequestError
s are handled separately.
When a network error is occurred while sending a request to the GraphQL API, those errors are captured by graphql:HttpError
error type. These errors can be related to any HTTP level error including invalid URL, network-level failures, timeouts, etc. When the HTTP response has a body, it can be accessed by the body
field of the details of the error.
graphql:Client graphqlClient = check new ("localhost:9090/graphql");
string document = "{ profile { name } }";
ProfileResponse|graphql:ClientError response = graphqlClient->execute(document);
if response is graphql:HttpError {
// Get response body
anydata body = response.detail().body;
// Handle error
The above example shows how the graphql:HttpError
s are handled separately.
When the document sent to the GraphQL API is invalid, a validation error will be returned. These errors are captured by graphql:InvalidDocumentError
error type. The ErrorDetail
records are added to the errors
field of the error detail so the details of the error can be retrieved.
graphql:Client graphqlClient = check new ("localhost:9090/graphql");
string document = "{ profile { name } }";
ProfileResponse|graphql:ClientError response = graphqlClient->execute(document);
if response is graphql:InvalidDocumentError {
// Get error details
graphql:ErrorDetail[]? errors = response.detail().errors;
// Handle error
The above example shows how the graphql:InvalidDocumentError
s are handled separately.
As described in the section Client Data Binding, the response can be data-bound. When the data binding fails, a graphql:PayloadBindingError
will be returned. This error can occur due to a mismatch between the shape of the expected type and the actual response from the GraphQL API. The ErrorDetail
records are added to the errors
field of the error detail so the details of the error can be retrieved.
graphql:Client graphqlClient = check new ("localhost:9090/graphql");
string document = "{ profile { name } }";
ProfileResponse|graphql:ClientError response = graphqlClient->execute(document);
if response is graphql:PayloadBindingError {
// Get error details
graphql:ErrorDetail[]? errors = response.detail().errors;
// Handle error
The above example shows how the graphql:PayloadBindingError
s are handled separately.
The following example demonstrates graphql:Client
error handling and shows how to obtain GraphQL-specific errors returned by the graphql server.
type ProfileResponse record {|
record {|Profile profile;|} data;
type Profile record {|
string name;
int age;
public function main() returns error? {
do {
graphql:Client graphqlClient = check new ("localhost:9090/graphql");
string document = "{ profile { name } }";
ProfileResponse response = check graphqlClient->execute(document);
} on fail graphql:ClientError err {
function handleErrors(graphql:ClientError clientError) {
if clientError is graphql:PayloadBindingError {
// Get error details
graphql:ErrorDetail[]? errors = clientError.detail().errors;
// Handle Payload Binding Error
} else if clientError is graphql:InvalidDocumentError {
// Get error details
graphql:ErrorDetail[]? errors = clientError.detail().errors;
// Handle error
} else if clientError is graphql:HttpError {
// Get response body
anydata body = response.detail().body;
// Handle error
The configurations stated in the graphql:ServiceConfig
, are used to change the behavior of a particular GraphQL service. These configurations are applied to the service.
This annotation consists of the following fields.
The maxQueryDepth
field is used to provide a limit on the depth of an incoming request. When this is set, every incoming request is validated by checking the depth of the query. This includes the depths of the spread fragments. If a particular GraphQL document exceeds the maximum query depth, the request is invalidated and the server will respond with an error.
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
maxQueryDepth: 3
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
In the above example, when a document has a depth of more than 3, the request will be failed.
profile {
friend {
friend {
name # Depth is 4
This will result in the following response.
"error": {
"errors": [
"message": "Query has depth of 4, which exceeds max depth of 3",
"locations": [
"line": 1,
"column": 1
The auth
field is used to provide configurations related to authentication and authorization for the GraphQL API. The Security section will explain this configuration in detail.
The contextInit
field is used to provide a method to initialize the graphql:Context
object. It is called per each request to create a graphql:Context
The context initializer function can return an error if the validation is failed. In such cases, the request will not proceed, and an error will be returned immediately.
Following is the function template for the contextInit
isolated function (http:RequestContext requestContext, http:Request request) returns graphql:Context|error {}
When contextInit
is not provided, a default function will be set as the value of the field. The default function definition is below.
isolated function initDefaultContext(http:RequestContext requestContext, http:Request request) returns Context|error {
return new;
The contextInit
function can be provided inline, or as a function pointer.
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
contextInit: isolated function(http:RequestContext requestContext, http:Request request) returns graphql:Context|error {
// ...
isolated function initContext(http:RequestContext requestContext, http:Request request) returns graphql:Context|error {
// ...
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
contextInit: initContext
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
// ...
Note: The init function has
objects as inputs. These objects are passed into the function when a request is received. The HTTP headers and the request context can be used to perform additional validations to a request before proceeding to the GraphQL validations. This can be useful to validate the HTTP request before performing the GraphQL operations. The Imperative Approach in Security section will discuss this in detail.
The cors
field is used to configure CORS configurations for the GraphQL service.
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
cors: {
allowOrigins: ["http://www.wso2.com", "http://www.ballerina.io"],
allowCredentials: false,
allowHeaders: ["CORELATION_ID"],
exposeHeaders: ["X-CUSTOM-HEADER"],
maxAge: 84900
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
// ...
The graphiql
field is used to provide the GraphiQL client configuration to enable the GraphiQL client for a given GraphQL service.
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
graphiql: {
enabled: true,
path: "/ballerina/graphiql",
printUrl: false
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
// ...
The field enabled
accepts a boolean
that denotes whether the client is enabled or not. By default, it has been set to false
The optional field path
accepts a valid string
for the GraphiQL service. If the path is not given in the configuration, /graphiql
is set as the default path.
The optional field printUrl
accepts a boolean that denotes whether the GraphiQL url is printed to stdout or not. By default, it has been set to true
The interceptors
field is used to provide the service interceptors.
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
interceptors: new Interceptor1()
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
// ...
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
interceptors: [new Interceptor1(), new Interceptor2()]
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
// ...
The introspection
field is used to enable or disable the GraphQL introspection query support. If the introspection query support is disabled, the GraphQL service won't allow the execution of the __schema
and the __type
introspection queries. However, the __typename
introspection will work even if the introspection query support is disabled. By default, introspection is enabled for Ballerina GraphQL services.
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
introspection: false
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
// ...
Note: It is recommended to disable introspection in production environments until it is required.
The validation
field is used to enable or disable the validation of constraints defined on GraphQL input types. If constraint validation support is enabled, the GraphQL service verifies all constraints set on the GraphQL inputs when executing the resolver. By default, constraint validation is enabled for Ballerina GraphQL services.
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
validation: false
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
// ...
The cacheConfig
field is used to provide the operation-level cache configuration to enable the GraphQL caching for query
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
cacheConfig: {}
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
// ...
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
cacheConfig: {
enabled: false
maxAge: 100,
maxSize: 150
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
// ...
The optinal field enabled
accepts a boolean
that denotes whether the server-side operation cache is enabled or not. By default, it has been set to true
The optional field maxAge
accepts a valid decimal
value which is considerd as the TTL(Time To Live) in seconds. The default maxAge is 60
The optional field maxSize
accepts an int that denotes the maximum number of cache entries in the cache table. By default, it has been set to 120
The configurations stated in the graphql:ResourceConfig
, are used to change the behavior of a particular GraphQL resolver. These configurations are applied to the resolver functions.
This annotation consists of the following field.
The interceptors
field is used to provide the field interceptors.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
@graphql:ResourceConfig {
interceptors: new Interceptor1()
resource function get name(int id) returns string {
// ...
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
@graphql:ResourceConfig {
interceptors: [new Interceptor1(), new Interceptor2()]
resource function get name(int id) returns string {
// ...
The prefetchMethodName
field is used override the default prefetch method name. To know more about the prefetch method, refer to the Define the Corresponding prefetch
Method section.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
function loadBooks(graphql:Context ctx) {
// ...
@graphql:ResourceConfig {
prefetchMethodName: "loadBooks"
resource function get books(graphql:Context ctx) returns Book[] {
// ...
The cacheConfig
field is used to provide the field-level cache configs. The fields are as same as the operation cache configs.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
@graphql:ResourceConfig {
cacheConfig: {
enabled: true,
maxAge: 90,
maxSize: 80
resource function get name(int id) returns string {
// ...
The configurations stated in the graphql:InterceptorConfig
, are used to change the behavior of a particular GraphQL interceptor.
The field global
is used to configure the scope of the interceptor. If the global
field is set as true
, the interceptor will be applied to each field and subfield of the service. If the flag is set as false
, the interceptor will be applied top level fields of the Query, Mutation and Subscription types, but not to the subfields of them. By default, the global
flag is set as true
Note: The scope configuration is applied only to the GraphQL service interceptors.
@graphql:InterceptorConfig {
readonly service class LogInterceptor {
isolated remote function execute(graphql:Context context, graphql:Field 'field) returns anydata|error {
// ...
The graphql:ID
annotation is used to define the GraphQL ID
scalar type. This annotation can be used to annotate a field of a GraphQL object type or a GraphQL input type.
There are two ways to enable authentication and authorization in Ballerina GraphQL service.
- Declarative approach
- Imperative approach
This is also known as the configuration-driven approach, which is used for simple use cases, where users have to provide a set of configurations and do not need to be worried more about how authentication and authorization work. The user does not have full control over the configuration-driven approach.
The service configurations are used to define the authentication and authorization configurations. Users can configure the configurations needed for different authentication schemes and configurations needed for authorizations of each authentication scheme. The configurations can be provided at the service level. The auth handler creation and request authentication/authorization is handled internally without user intervention. The requests that succeeded in authentication and/or authorization phases according to the configurations will be passed to the business logic layer.
A GraphQL service can be secured using Basic Authentication with File User Store and optionally by enforcing authorization.
When configured, it validates the Authorization
header in the HTTP request that contains the GraphQL document. This reads the data from a TOML
file, that stores the usernames and passwords for authentication and the scopes for authorization.
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
auth: [
fileUserStoreConfig: {},
scopes: "admin"
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get greeting() returns string {
return "Hello, World!";
The Config.toml
file below will be used to define the users.
scopes=["developer", "admin"]
A GraphQL service can be secured using Basic Authentication with LDAP User Store and optionally by enforcing authorization.
When configured, it validates the Authorization
header in the HTTP request that contains the GraphQL document. This reads the data from the configured LDAP, which stores the usernames and passwords for authentication and the scopes for authorization.
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
auth: [
ldapUserStoreConfig: {
domainName: "bcssl.lk",
connectionUrl: "ldap://localhost:389",
connectionName: "cn=admin,dc=bcssl,dc=lk",
connectionPassword: "bcssl123",
userSearchBase: "ou=Users,dc=bcssl,dc=lk",
userEntryObjectClass: "inetOrgPerson",
userNameAttribute: "uid",
userNameSearchFilter: "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=?))",
userNameListFilter: "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)",
groupSearchBase: ["ou=Groups,dc=bcssl,dc=lk"],
groupEntryObjectClass: "groupOfNames",
groupNameAttribute: "cn",
groupNameSearchFilter: "(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(cn=?))",
groupNameListFilter: "(objectClass=groupOfNames)",
membershipAttribute: "member",
userRolesCacheEnabled: true,
connectionPoolingEnabled: false,
connectionTimeout: 5,
readTimeout: 60
scopes: "admin"
service /graphql on securedEP {
resource function get greeting() returns string {
return "Hello, World!";
A GraphQL service can be secured using JWT Authentication and by enforcing authorization optionally.
When configured, it validates the JWT sent in the Authorization
header in the HTTP request that contains the GraphQL document.
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
auth: [
jwtValidatorConfig: {
issuer: "wso2",
audience: "ballerina",
signatureConfig: {
certFile: "path/to/public.crt"
scopeKey: "scp"
scopes: "admin"
service /graphql on securedEP {
resource function get greeting() returns string {
return "Hello, World!";
A GraphQL service can be secured using OAuth2 and by enforcing authorization optionally.
When configured, it validates the OAuth2 token sent in the Authorization
header in the HTTP request that contains the GraphQL document. This calls the configured OAuth2 introspection endpoint to validate.
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
auth: [
oauth2IntrospectionConfig: {
url: "https://localhost:9445/oauth2/introspect",
tokenTypeHint: "access_token",
scopeKey: "scp",
clientConfig: {
customHeaders: {"Authorization": "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4="},
secureSocket: {
cert: "path/to/public.crt"
scopes: "admin"
service /graphql on securedEP {
resource function get greeting() returns string {
return "Hello, World!";
This is also known as the code-driven approach, which is used for advanced use cases, where users need to be worried more about how authentication and authorization work and need to have further customizations. The user has full control of the code-driven approach. The handler creation and authentication/authorization calls are made by the user at the business logic layer.
The graphql:Context
object and the contextInit
method can be used to achieve this.
A file user store can be used to validate the Authorization
header in the HTTP request that contains the GraphQL document.
final http:ListenerFileUserStoreBasicAuthHandler handler = new;
isolated function contextInit(http:RequestContext reqCtx, http:Request request) returns graphql:Context|error {
string authorization = check request.getHeader("Authorization");
graphql:Context context = new;
context.set("Authorization", authorization);
return context;
readonly service class AuthInterceptor {
isolated remote function execute(graphql:Context context, graphql:Field 'field) returns anydata|error {
value:Cloneable|isolated object {} authorization = check context.get("Authorization");
if authorization !is string {
return error("Failed to authorize");
auth:UserDetails|http:Unauthorized authn = handler.authenticate(authorization);
if authn is http:Unauthorized {
return error("Unauthorized");
http:Forbidden? authz = handler.authorize(authn, "admin");
if authz is http:Forbidden {
return error("Forbidden");
return context.resolve('field);
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
contextInit: contextInit,
interceptors: new AuthInterceptor()
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get greeting(graphql:Context context) returns string {
return "welcome";
The Config.toml
file below will be used to define the users.
scopes=["developer", "admin"]
An LDAP user store can be used to validate the Authorization
header in the HTTP request that contains the GraphQL document.
graphql:LdapUserStoreConfig config = {
domainName: "bcssl.lk",
connectionUrl: "ldap://localhost:389",
connectionName: "cn=admin,dc=bcssl,dc=lk",
connectionPassword: "bcssl123",
userSearchBase: "ou=Users,dc=bcssl,dc=lk",
userEntryObjectClass: "inetOrgPerson",
userNameAttribute: "uid",
userNameSearchFilter: "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=?))",
userNameListFilter: "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)",
groupSearchBase: ["ou=Groups,dc=bcssl,dc=lk"],
groupEntryObjectClass: "groupOfNames",
groupNameAttribute: "cn",
groupNameSearchFilter: "(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(cn=?))",
groupNameListFilter: "(objectClass=groupOfNames)",
membershipAttribute: "member",
userRolesCacheEnabled: true,
connectionPoolingEnabled: false,
connectionTimeout: 5,
readTimeout: 60
final http:ListenerLdapUserStoreBasicAuthHandler handler = new (config);
isolated function contextInit(http:RequestContext reqCtx, http:Request request) returns graphql:Context|error {
string authorization = check request.getHeader("Authorization");
graphql:Context context = new;
context.set("Authorization", authorization);
return context;
readonly service class AuthInterceptor {
isolated remote function execute(graphql:Context context, graphql:Field 'field) returns anydata|error {
value:Cloneable|isolated object {} authorization = check context.get("Authorization");
if authorization !is string {
return error("Failed to authorize");
auth:UserDetails|http:Unauthorized authn = handler->authenticate(authorization);
if authn is http:Unauthorized {
return error("Unauthorized");
http:Forbidden? authz = handler->authorize(authn, "admin");
if authz is http:Forbidden {
return error("Forbidden");
return context.resolve('field);
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
contextInit: contextInit,
interceptors: new AuthInterceptor()
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get greeting(graphql:Context context) returns string {
return "welcome";
A JWT configuration can be used to validate the Authorization
header in the HTTP request that contains the GraphQL document.
graphql:JwtValidatorConfig config = {
issuer: "ballerina",
audience: ["wso2"],
signatureConfig: {
jwksConfig: {
url: "https://localhost:8080/jwks"
final http:ListenerJwtAuthHandler handler = new (config);
isolated function contextInit(http:RequestContext reqCtx, http:Request request) returns graphql:Context|error {
string authorization = check request.getHeader("Authorization");
graphql:Context context = new;
context.set("Authorization", authorization);
return context;
readonly service class AuthInterceptor {
isolated remote function execute(graphql:Context context, graphql:Field 'field) returns anydata|error {
value:Cloneable|isolated object {} authorization = check context.get("Authorization");
if authorization !is string {
return error("Failed to authorize");
jwt:Payload|http:Unauthorized authn = handler.authenticate(authorization);
if authn is http:Unauthorized {
return error("Unauthorized");
if authn is jwt:Payload {
http:Forbidden? authz = handler.authorize(authn, "admin");
if authz is http:Forbidden {
return error("Forbidden");
return context.resolve('field);
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
contextInit: contextInit,
interceptors: new AuthInterceptor()
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get greeting(graphql:Context context) returns string {
return "welcome";
An OAuth2 introspection endpoint can be used to validate the Authorization
header in the HTTP request that contains the GraphQL document.
graphql:OAuth2IntrospectionConfig config = {
url: "https://localhost:8080/oauth2/introspect",
tokenTypeHint: "access_token"
final http:ListenerOAuth2Handler handler = new (config);
isolated function contextInit(http:RequestContext reqCtx, http:Request request) returns graphql:Context|error {
string authorization = check request.getHeader("Authorization");
graphql:Context context = new;
context.set("Authorization", authorization);
return context;
readonly service class AuthInterceptor {
isolated remote function execute(graphql:Context context, graphql:Field 'field) returns anydata|error {
value:Cloneable|isolated object {} authorization = check context.get("Authorization");
if authorization !is string {
return error("Failed to authorize");
oauth2:IntrospectionResponse|http:Unauthorized|http:Forbidden auth = handler->authorize(authorization, "admin");
if auth is http:Unauthorized {
return error("Unauthorized");
if auth is http:Forbidden {
return error("Forbidden");
return context.resolve('field);
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
contextInit: contextInit,
interceptors: new AuthInterceptor()
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get greeting(graphql:Context context) returns string {
return "welcome";
Authentication and authorization in Ballerina GraphQL clients can be enabled using the declarative approach.
Ballerina GraphQL clients enable basic authentication with credentials by setting the graphql:CredentialsConfig
configurations in the client. The requests from the client are automatically enriched with the Authorization: Basic <token>
header when passing the graphql:CredentialsConfig
for the auth
configuration of the client.
public function main() returns error? {
graphql:Client graphqlClient = check new ("localhost:9090/graphql",
auth = {
username: "bob",
password: "bob@123"
string document = "{ one: profile(id: 100) {name} }";
ProfileResponseWithErrors response = check graphqlClient->execute(document);
// ...
Ballerina GraphQL clients enable authentication using bearer tokens by setting the graphql:BearerTokenConfig
configurations in the client. The requests from the client are automatically enriched with the Authorization: Bearer <token>
header when passing the graphql:BearerTokenConfig
for the auth
configuration of the client.
public function main() returns error? {
graphql:Client graphqlClient = check new ("localhost:9090/graphql",
auth = {
token: "56ede317-4511-44b4-8579-a08f094ee8c5"
string document = "{ one: profile(id: 100) {name} }";
ProfileResponseWithErrors response = check graphqlClient->execute(document);
// ...
Ballerina GraphQL clients enable authentication using JWTs by setting the graphql:JwtIssuerConfig
configurations in the client. The requests from the client are automatically enriched with the Authorization: Bearer <token>
header when passing the graphql:JwtIssuerConfig
for the auth
configuration of the client.
public function main() returns error? {
graphql:Client graphqlClient = check new ("localhost:9090/graphql",
auth = {
username: "ballerina",
issuer: "wso2",
audience: ["ballerina", "ballerina.org", "ballerina.io"],
keyId: "5a0b754-895f-4279-8843-b745e11a57e9",
jwtId: "JlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In",
customClaims: {scp: "admin"},
expTime: 3600,
signatureConfig: {
config: {
keyFile: "path/to/private.key"
string document = "{ one: profile(id: 100) {name} }";
ProfileResponseWithErrors response = check graphqlClient->execute(document);
// ...
Ballerina GraphQL clients enable authentication using OAuth2 by setting the graphql:OAuth2GrantConfig
configurations in the client. The requests from the client are automatically enriched with the Authorization: Bearer <token>
header when passing the graphql:OAuth2GrantConfig
for the auth
configuration of the client. OAuth2 can configure in following 4 ways
graphql:Client graphqlClient = check new ("localhost:9090/graphql",
auth = {
tokenUrl: "localhost:9445/oauth2/token",
clientId: "FlfJYKBD2c925h4lkycqNZlC2l4a",
clientSecret: "PJz0UhTJMrHOo68QQNpvnqAY_3Aa",
scopes: "admin",
clientConfig: {
secureSocket: {
cert: "path/to/public.crt"
graphql:Client graphqlClient = check new ("localhost:9090/graphql",
auth = {
tokenUrl: "https://localhost:9445/oauth2/token",
username: "admin",
password: "admin",
clientId: "FlfJYKBD2c925h4lkycqNZlC2l4a",
clientSecret: "PJz0UhTJMrHOo68QQNpvnqAY_3Aa",
scopes: "admin",
refreshConfig: {
refreshUrl: "https://localhost:9445/oauth2/token",
scopes: "hello",
clientConfig: {
secureSocket: {
cert: "path/to/public.crt"
clientConfig: {
secureSocket: {
cert: "path/to/public.crt"
graphql:Client graphqlClient = check new ("localhost:9090/graphql",
auth = {
refreshUrl: "https://localhost:9445/oauth2/token",
refreshToken: "24f19603-8565-4b5f-a036-88a945e1f272",
clientId: "FlfJYKBD2c925h4lkycqNZlC2l4a",
clientSecret: "PJz0UhTJMrHOo68QQNpvnqAY_3Aa",
scopes: "admin",
clientConfig: {
secureSocket: {
cert: "path/to/public.crt"
graphql:Client graphqlClient = check new ("localhost:9090/graphql",
auth = {
tokenUrl: "https://localhost:9445/oauth2/token",
assertion: "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ij[...omitted for brevity...]",
clientId: "FlfJYKBD2c925h4lkycqNZlC2l4a",
clientSecret: "PJz0UhTJMrHOo68QQNpvnqAY_3Aa",
scopes: "admin",
clientConfig: {
secureSocket: {
cert: "path/to/public.crt"
The Ballerina GraphQL listeners/clients can be used to communicate via a secured connection. This section defines the specifications for creating Ballerina GraphQL listeners and clients to communicate via a secured connection.
The GraphQL listener can be secured to communicate via HTTPS using SSL/TLS. The graphql:ListenerSecureSocket
can be used to configure the listener to expose an HTTPS connection.
Alternatively, an HTTP listener configured to connect with an HTTPS client can also be used to create the GraphQL listener to expose an HTTPS connection.
listener graphql:Listener securedGraphqlListener = new(9090,
secureSocket = {
key: {
certFile: "/path/to/public.crt",
keyFile: "/path/to/private.key"
service on securedGraphqlListener {
resource function get greeting() returns string {
return "Hello, World!";
listener http:Listener securedHttpListener = new(9090,
secureSocket = {
key: {
certFile: "/path/to/public.crt",
keyFile: "/path/to/private.key"
listener graphql:Listener securedGraphqlListener = new (securedHttpListener);
service on securedGraphqlListener {
resource function get greeting() returns string {
return "Hello, World!";
The GraphQL listener supports mutual SSL, which is a certificate-based authentication process in which two parties (the client and the server) authenticate each other by verifying the digital certificates.
The graphql:ListenerSecureSocket
configuration can be used to configure mutual SSL for a GraphQL listener.
Alternatively, an HTTP listener configured to connect with a client with mutual SSL can also be used to create the GraphQL listener to expose an HTTPS connection.
listener graphql:Listener securedGraphqlListener = new(9090,
secureSocket = {
key: {
certFile: "/path/to/public.crt",
keyFile: "/path/to/private.key"
mutualSsl: {
verifyClient: http:REQUIRE,
cert: "/path/to/public.crt"
protocol: {
name: http:TLS,
versions: ["TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.1"]
service on securedGraphqlListener {
resource function get greeting() returns string {
return "Hello, World!";
listener http:Listener securedHttpListener = new(9090,
secureSocket = {
key: {
certFile: "/path/to/public.crt",
keyFile: "/path/to/private.key"
mutualSsl: {
verifyClient: http:REQUIRE,
cert: "/path/to/public.crt"
protocol: {
name: http:TLS,
versions: ["TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.1"]
listener graphql:Listener securedGraphqlListener = new (securedHttpListener);
service on securedGraphqlListener {
resource function get greeting() returns string {
return "Hello, World!";
A GraphQL client can communicate with a secured GraphQL service via SSL/TLS. The graphql:ClientSecureSocket
configuration can be used to provide configurations related to SSL/TLS.
public function main() returns error? {
graphql:Client graphqlClient = check new ("localhost:9090/graphql",
secureSocket = {
cert: "path/to/public.crt"
string document = "{ one: profile(id: 100) {name} }";
ProfileResponseWithErrors response = check graphqlClient->execute(document);
// ...
A GraphQL client can communicate with a secured GraphQL service using mutual SSL. Mutual SSL can be enabled by providing the graphql:ClientSecureSocket
value for the auth
configuration of the client along with providing the client certificate and key files via the key
configuration of the graphql:ClientSecureSocket
public function main() returns error? {
graphql:Client graphqlClient = check new ("localhost:9090/graphql",
secureSocket = {
key: {
certFile: "path/to/public.crt",
keyFile: "path/to/private.key"
cert: "path/to/public.crt",
protocol: {
name: http:TLS
string document = "{ one: profile(id: 100) {name} }";
ProfileResponseWithErrors response = check graphqlClient->execute(document);
// ...
The Ballerina GraphQL package provides an integrated GraphiQL client tool which is provided by the GraphQL Foundation. The client is implemented using CDN assets, and it provides a Graphical User Interface to execute the GraphQL queries. To enable the GraphiQL client, configuration should be provided as mentioned in the GraphiQL configuration section.
If the configurations are provided correctly, the GraphiQL client tool will be served at the given path when the service starts. The client can be accessed via a web browser.
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
graphiql: {
enabled: true,
path: "/ballerina/graphiql"
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get greeting() returns string {
return "Hello, World!";
Note: The GraphiQL client is used as a tool to help developers when writing a GraphQL service, and It is recommended not to enable it in production environments.
The graphql:Context
object is used to pass meta-information of a request among the graphql resolvers. It will be created per each request.
Attributes can be stored in the graphql:Context
object using key-value pairs and can be retrieved back when needed.
The graphql:Context
object provides a set of methods for handling attributes.
To set an attribute in the graphql:Context
object, the set()
method can be used. It requires two parameters.
: The key of the attribute. This key can be used to retrieve the attribute back when needed. Thekey
must be astring
: The value of the attribute. The type of this parameter isvalue:Cloneable|isolated object {}
. This means the values can be any immutable type,readonly
value, or an isolated object.
graphql:Context context = new;
context.set("key", "value");
Note: If the provided key already exists in the context, the value will be replaced.
To get an attribute from the graphql:Context
object, the get()
method can be used. It requires one parameter.
: This is the key of the attribute that needs to be retrieved.
If the key does not exist in the context, the get
method will return a graphql:Error
value:Cloneable|isolated object {}|graphql:Error attribute = context.get("key");
To remove an attribute from the graphql:Context
object, the remove
method can be used. It requires one parameter.
: This is the key of the attribute that needs to be removed.
If the key does not exist in the context, the remove
method will return a graphql:Error
graphql:Error? result = context.remove("key");
Note: Even though the functionalities are provided to update/remove attributes in the context, it is discouraged to do such operations. The reason is that destructive modifications may cause issues in parallel executions of the Query operations.
To register a DataLoader in the graphql:Context
object, you can use the registerDataLoader()
method, which requires two parameters.
: The key used to identify a specific DataLoader instance. This key can later be used to retrieve the DataLoader instance when needed. Thekey
must be astring
: The DataLoader instance.
graphql:Context context = new;
context.registerDataLoader("authorLoader", new dataloader:DefaultDataLoader(authorBatchFunction));
To obtain a DataLoader from the graphql:Context
object, you can use the getDataLoader()
method, which takes one parameter.
: This is the key of the DataLoader instance that needs to be retrieved.
If the specified key does not exist in the context, the getDataLoader()
method will raise a panic.
dataloader:DataLoader authorLoader = context.getDataLoader("authorLoader");
To evict a cache entry from the server-side caching, the invalidate
method can be used. It requires one parameter:
- The path of the field that needs to be evicted from the cache. The path should be specified as path segments combined with periods.
If the provided path does not match any existing cache entries, an error will be returned.
check context.invalidate("profile.address.city");
To clear the entire cache table, you can use the invalidateAll
method. This method does not take any arguments. An error will be returned if the cache table cannot be cleared.
check context.invalidateAll();
The graphql:Context
can be accessed inside any resolver. When needed, the graphql:Context
should be added as a parameter of the resource
or remote
method representing a GraphQL field.
Note: It is recommended to add the
as the first parameter as a convention, to increase the readability of the code.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get profile(graphql:Context context) returns Profile|error {
value:Cloneable|isolated object {} attribute = check context.get("key");
// ...
type Profile record {|
string name;
int age;
Note: The parameter
should be used only when it is required to use the context.
The following example shows how to access the context from an Object. When a Ballerina service type is used as an Object
type in GraphQL, the resource methods in the service can also access the context when needed.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get profile() returns Profile {
service class Profile {
private final string name;
private final int age;
function init(string name, int age) {
self.name = name;
self.age = age;
resource function get name() returns string {
return self.name;
// Access the context inside a GraphQL object
resource function get age(graphql:Context context) returns int {
value:Cloneable|isolated object {} attribute = check context.get("key");
// ...
return self.age;
To resolve the value of a field, the resolve()
method can be used. This requires the graphql:Field
object which is related to the particular field that is going to be resolved. If the resolver has interceptors attached, the interceptors will be executed until there are no more interceptors left. If there are no interceptors left, the actual resolver will be executed.
public isolated function resolve(graphql:Field ‘field) returns anydata;
The graphql:Field
object is used to access meta-information of a field in a GraphQL document. This object can be used to retrieve information about a particular field of a GraphQL document, from a Ballerina GraphQL resource
or remote
This method returns the name of the currently executing field. It returns a string
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get profile(graphql:Field 'field) returns Profile {
string name = 'field.getName();
This method returns the alias of the currently executing field as a string
. If the field does not have an alias, it returns the field name.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get profile(graphql:Field 'field) returns Profile {
srting alias = 'field.getAlias();
This method returns the path of the currently executing field as an array of int
and string
. The path is an array of indices and keys that can be used to traverse the response JSON to reach the current field.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get profile(graphql:Field 'field) returns Profile {
(int|string)[] path = 'field.getPath();
This method returns the names of the subfields of the currently executing field as an array of string
. If the field does not have any subfields, it returns an empty array.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get profile(graphql:Field 'field) returns Profile {
string[] subfieldNames = 'field.getSubfieldNames();
This method returns the type of the currently executing field as a graphql:__Type
record. The graphql:__Type
record can be used to retrieve information about the type of the currently executing field.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get profile(graphql:Field 'field) returns Profile {
graphql:__Type type = 'field.getType();
// ...
This method returns the subfields of the currently executing field as an array of graphql:Field
objects. It will return nil
if the field is not an INTERFACE
or an OBJECT
, i.e. if it does not have subfields.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get profile(graphql:Field 'field) returns Profile {
graphql:Field[] subfields = 'field.getSubfields();
This method returns the location of the field in the GraphQL document as a graphql:Location
record. It includes the line and the column number of the field in the GraphQL document.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get profile(graphql:Field 'field) returns Profile {
graphql:Location location = 'field.getLocation();
The graphql:Field
can be accessed inside any resolver. When needed, the graphql:Field
should be added as a parameter of the resource
or remote
method representing a GraphQL field.
Note: It is recommended to add the
as the first parameter, or the second parameter (if thegraphql:Context
is present as the first parameter) as a convention, to increase the readability of the code.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get profile(graphql:Field 'field) returns Profile|error {
string fieldName = 'field.getName();
// ...
type Profile record {|
string name;
int age;
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get profile(graphql:Context context, graphql:Field 'field) returns Profile|error {
string fieldName = 'field.getName();
// ...
type Profile record {|
string name;
int age;
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get profile() returns Profile {
return new ("Walter White", 50);
service class Profile {
private final string name;
private final int age;
function init(string name, int age) {
self.name = name;
self.age = age;
resource function get name() returns string {
return self.name;
// Access the field inside a GraphQL object
resource function get age(graphql:Field 'field) returns int {
string fieldName = 'field.getName();
// ...
return self.age;
The GraphQL interceptors can be used to execute a custom code before and after a resolver gets invoked.
The interceptor service object is defined in the Ballerina GraphQL package. It includes a single remote method named execute that accepts Context
and Field
as the parameters. The return type of the method is a union of anydata
and error
public type Interceptor distinct service object {
isolated remote function execute(Context context, Field 'field) returns anydata|error;
Interceptors can be defined as a readonly service class that infers the Interceptor object provided by the GraphQL package. A user-specific name can be used as the service class name.
readonly service class InterceptorName {
isolated remote function execute(graphql:Context context, graphql:Field 'field) returns anydata|error {
// Do some work
var output = context.resolve('field);
// Do some work
The Interceptor service class should have the implementation of the execute()
remote method that infers from the interceptor service object. The code needed to be included in the interceptor should be kept inside the execute()
method. Interceptors can not have any other resource/remote
methods inside the interceptor. However, the users can define the general methods inside the interceptors.
When it comes to interceptor execution, it follows the onion principle
. Each interceptor adds a layer before and after the actual resolver invocation. Therefore, the order of the interceptor array in the configuration will be important. In an Interceptor execute()
method, all the code lines that are placed before the context.resolve()
will be executed before the resolver execution, and the code lines placed after the context.resolve()
will be executed after the resolver execution. The context.resolve()
method invokes the next interceptor.
Note: The inserting order of the interceptors into the array, will be the execution order of Interceptors. The interceptors are applied to each event in response stream of subscription resolvers.
The service interceptors are applied to all the resolvers in the GraphQL service. A GraphQL service accepts a single service interceptor or an array of service interceptors, and it should be inserted as mentioned in the Service Interceptor section. The scope of the interceptor can be configured as defined in the scope configuration section.
import ballerina/graphql;
import ballerina/log;
readonly service class ServiceInterceptor {
isolated remote function execute(graphql:Context context, graphql:Field 'field) returns anydata|error {
log:printInfo(string `Service Interceptor execution!`);
var output = context.resolve('field);
log:printInfo("Connection closed!");
return output;
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
interceptors: [new ServiceInterceptor()]
service /graphql on new graphql:Listener(9000) {
resource function get name(int id) returns string {
log:printInfo("Resolver: name");
return "Ballerina";
Following is the output of the server when a request is processed:
1. Service Interceptor execution!
3. Resolver: name
5. Connection closed!
The field interceptors are applied to a specific resolver in the GraphQL service. A GraphQL resolver accepts a single field interceptor or an array of field interceptors, and it should be inserted as mentioned in the Field Interceptor section.
import ballerina/graphql;
import ballerina/log;
readonly service class FieldInterceptor {
isolated remote function execute(graphql:Context context, graphql:Field 'field) returns anydata|error {
log:printInfo(string `Field Interceptor execution!`);
var output = context.resolve('field);
log:printInfo("Connection closed!");
return output;
service /graphql on new graphql:Listener(9000) {
@graphql:ResourceConfig {
interceptors: new FieldInterceptor()
resource function get name(int id) returns string {
log:printInfo("Resolver: name");
return "Ballerina";
Following is the output of the server when a request is processed:
1. Field Interceptor execution!
3. Resolver: name
5. Connection closed!
This section describes how file uploading in Ballerina GraphQL works.
The Ballerina GraphQL package uses the GraphQL Multipart Request Specification for file uploads.
Following are the required, ordered fields that must be present in a multipart request to upload a file to a Ballerina GraphQL API that supports file uploads.
This field contains the JSON-encoded
body of standard GraphQL POST requests where all the variable values storing files must be null
This field contains the JSON-encoded
map of the path(s) of where the file(s) occurred in the GraphQL document provided in the operations
field. Each variable must be mapped to a unique key.
The path for each file that needs to be uploaded should be provided separately. The file path should be mapped to the corresponding key in the map
curl localhost:9090/graphql \
-F operations='{ "query": "mutation($file: Upload!) { fileUpload(file: $file) { link } }", "variables": { "file": null } }' \
-F map='{ "0": ["variables.file"] }' \
-F 0=@file1.png
curl localhost:9090/graphql \
-F operations='{ "query": "mutation($file: [Upload!]) { filesUpload(file: $file) { link } }", "variables": { "file": [null, null] } }' \
-F map='{ "0": ["variables.file.0"], "1": ["variables.file.1"]}' \
-F 0=@file1.png
-F 1=@file2.png
The graphql:Upload
type is used to provide information on uploaded file. The graphql:Upload
type is a record type with the following fields.
This field contains the name of the file that is being uploaded. The type of field is `string``.
This field contains the mime type of the file being uploaded. The type of field is string
This field contains the encoding used to serialize the file. The type of field is string
This field contains the serialized byte stream for the uploaded file. The type of the field is stream<byte[], io:Error?>
A Ballerina GraphQL service can have remote
methods that lets clients upload files. To upload a file, the graphql:Upload
type can be used as an input of the remote
Uploading a file is considered a Mutation
operation in GraphQL. Therefore, only remote
methods can be used for uploading files.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
remote function fileUpload(graphql:Upload fileUpload) returns boolean {
string fileName = fileUpload.fileName;
string mimeType = fileUpload.mimeType;
string encoding = fileUpload.encoding;
stream<byte[], io:Error?> byteStream = fileUpload.byteStream;
// ...
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
remote function fileUpload(graphql:Upload[] fileUploads) returns boolean {
foreach graphql:Upload fileUpload in fileUploads {
string fileName = fileUpload.fileName;
string mimeType = fileUpload.mimeType;
string encoding = fileUpload.encoding;
stream<byte[], io:Error?> byteStream = fileUpload.byteStream;
// ...
The Ballerina GraphQL module provides the capability to expose a graphql:Service
as a federation2 subgraph. To convert a Ballerina GraphQL service into a federation2 subgraph, the graphql.subgraph
submodule must be imported.
import ballerina/graphql.subgraph;
Note: The current implementation of the subgraph only supports dynamic schema composition through introspection.
To make a Ballerina GraphQL service a federation2 subgraph, it should be annotated with @subgraph:Subgraph
. This annotation adds all the subgraph schema additions to the GraphQL schema as described in the subgraph specification. Moreover, this annotation automatically adds resolvers for the _entities
and _service
root Query fields.
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
// ...
In a federated graph, an entity is an object type that can resolve its fields across multiple subgraphs. Each subgraph can contribute different fields to the entity and is responsible for resolving only the fields that it contributes. The @subgraph:Entity
designates an object type as an entity in Ballerina. The following type definition describes the shape of the @subgraph:Entity
# Describes the shape of the `subgraph:Entity` annotation
# + key - GraphQL fields and subfields that contribute to the entity's primary key/keys
# + resolveReference - Function pointer to resolve the entity
public type FederatedEntity record {|
string|string[] key;
ReferenceResolver? resolveReference;
# The annotation to designate a GraphQL object type as a federated entity.
public annotation FederatedEntity Entity on class, type;
To fully define an entity within a Ballerina GraphQL subgraph, you must:
- Assign the
annotation to an object type. - Define the
field of the annotation to be the fields and subfields that contribute to the entity's primary key/keys. - Define the
field of the annotation to be a function pointer to resolve the entity. If this field is set tonil
, it indicates to the graph router that this subgraph does not define a reference resolver for this entity. For more details, see ReferenceResolver.
Note: In order to be recognized as subgraph entities, GraphQL object types marked with
must be defined within the same Ballerina module as the GraphQL service.
Example | Ballerina definition | GraphQL schema |
Simple key |
@subgraph:Entity {
key: "id",
resolveReference: resolveProduct
type Product record {
string id;
string name;
int price;
type Product @key(fields: "id") {
id: String!
name: String!
price: Int!
Multiple keys |
@subgraph:Entity {
key: ["id", "sku"],
resolveReference: resolveProduct
type Product record {
string id;
string sku;
string name;
int price;
type Product @key(fields: "id") @key(fields: "sku") {
id: String!
sku: String!
name: String!
price: Int!
Compound key |
@subgraph:Entity {
key: "id organization { id }",
resolveReference: resolveUser
type User record {
string id;
Organization organization;
type User @key(fields: "id organization { id }") {
id: String!
organization: Organization!
Non resolvable |
@subgraph:Entity {
key: "id"
resolveReference: ()
type Product record {
id: String!
type Product @key(fields: "id", resolvable: false) {
id: ID!
Reference resolver is a function that resolves an entity of a specific type using its primary key. When the router requires a particular entity to be resolved, it invokes the corresponding entity's reference resolver. Following is the type definition of a reference resolver defined in graphql.subgraph
public type ReferenceResolver isolated function (subgraph:Representation representation)
returns map<any>|service object {}|error?;
Here, subgraph:Representation
is a type definition of the entity representation outlined in the federation specification, which includes the GraphQL __typename
field of the entity being resolved and its primary key.
isolated function resolveProduct(subgraph:Representation representation) returns Product|error? {
string id = check representation["id"].ensureType(); // obtain the primary key of the entity
return findProduct(id);
@subgraph:Entity {
key: "id", // primary key of the entity
resolveReference: resolveProduct
type Product record {
string id;
string name;
int price;
Note: If the reference resolver returns an entity of a different type than the entity being resolved, a runtime error will be returned to the router. For example, if the resolver returns a
for aProduct
entity, a runtime error will occur.
The Ballerina GraphQL module allows efficient batching of data retrieval from datasources and enables caching of fetched data using the graphql.dataloader
The graphql.dataloader
submodule provides the DataLoader
object, which is used to batch and cache data requests from a data source. The DataLoader
object type has the following public methods/APIs.
This method takes an anydata
parameter called key
, which is used to identify the data to be loaded. This method collects and stores the key
to dispatch a batch operation at a later time. It does not return any values. The following is the method definition of this method.
public isolated function add(anydata key);
This method takes a key
parameter and retrieves the result for the provided key
. It performs data binding by examining the type of the assigned variable. In case of failure to retrieve the result or perform data binding, the method returns an error. The following is the method definition of this method.
public isolated function get(anydata key, typedesc<anydata> 'type = <>) returns 'type|error;
This method does not take any parameters and does not return any values. This method is invoked by the GraphQL Engine to dispatch a user-defined batch load function for all the collected keys. For more information about the batch load function, refer to the The BatchLoadFunction section. The following is the method definition of the dispatch
public isolated function dispatch();
This method does not take any parameters and does not return any values. The purpose of this method is to clear all the collected keys and cached values from the DataLoader cache. The following is the method definition of the this method.
public isolated function clearAll();
The DefaultDataLoader
is a built-in implementation of the DataLoader
object available via the graphql.dataloader
submodule. Users can use this implementation to batch and cache data loading operations.
The init
method of the DefaultDataLoader
object takes a function pointer of type BatchLoadFunction
. The following is the method definition of the init
public isolated function init(BatchLoadFunction loadFunction);
dataloader:DefaultDataLoader bookLoader = new (batchBooksForAuthors);
The batch load function is responsible for retrieving data based on an array of keys and returning an array of corresponding results or an error
if the operation fails. The following is the type definition of the batch load function.
public type BatchLoadFunction isolated function (readonly anydata[] keys) returns anydata[]|error;
When implementing a batch load function, it is important to ensure that the function returns an array of results that match the length of the keys array provided as input. If the lengths do not match, the DataLoader will return an error when the get
method is called.
isolated function batchBooksForAuthors(readonly & anydata[] ids) returns Book[][]|error {
final readonly & int[] authorIds = <readonly & int[]>ids;
// Logic to retrieve books from the data source for the given author ids
// Book[][] books = ...
return books;
To engage a DataLoader with a GraphQL service, follow the steps discussed in the below sections.
In order to engage the dataloader with a GraphQL service, the graphql.dataloader
submodule must be imported. This submodule provides the DataLoader
object, which is used to batch and cache data loading operations.
import graphql.dataloader;
Users should register the DataLoader
objects via the graphql:ContextInit
function. The DataLoader
objects are meant to be used per request. Therefore, the graphql:ContextInit
function is the ideal place to register the DataLoader
objects. By registering the DataLoader
objects to the graphql:Context
object, these objects become accessible to all resolver functions of the GraphQL service.
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
contextInit: isolated function (http:RequestContext requestContext, http:Request request) returns graphql:Context {
graphql:Context context = new;
context.registerDataLoader("bookLoader", new dataloader:DefaultDataLoader(batchBooks));
return context;
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
// ...
To engage the DataLoader with a GraphQL field (let's assume the field name is foo
), define a corresponding prefetch method named preFoo
in the service, where Foo
represents the Pascal-cased name of the GraphQL field. The preFoo
method can include some or all of the parameters from the GraphQL field and must include the graphql:Context
parameter. Adding the parameters of the GraphQL foo
field to the preFoo
method is optional. However, if these parameters are added, the GraphQL Engine will make the same parameter values of the GraphQL field available to the preFoo
The GraphQL Engine guarantees the execution of the preFoo
method prior to the foo
method. By default, the GraphQL engine searches for a method named preFoo
in the service class before executing the foo
method. If the method name is different, the user can override the prefetch method name using the prefetchMethodName
configuration of the @graphql:ResourceConfig
The user is responsible for implementing the logic to collect the keys of the data to be loaded into the DataLoader
in the preFoo
method. Subsequently, the user can implement the logic to retrieve the data from the DataLoader
within the foo
Note: If there are multiple
methods with the same name in a GraphQL service, such asbar
, and there exists a prefetch method namedpreBar
, the GraphQL Engine will execute thepreBar
method prior to executing eachbar
method. Users can modify this behavior by utilizing theprefetchMethodName
configuration within the@graphql:ResourceConfig
distinct service class Author {
function preBooks(graphql:Context ctx) {
// ...
resource function get books(graphql:Context ctx) returns Book[] {
// ...
distinct service class Author {
function addBooks(graphql:Context ctx) {
// ...
@graphql:ResourceConfig {
prefetchMethodName: "addBooks"
resource function get books(graphql:Context ctx) returns Book[] {
// ...
Bringing everything together, the subsequent examples demonstrate how to engage a DataLoader with a GraphQL service.
import ballerina/graphql;
import ballerina/graphql.dataloader;
import ballerina/http;
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
contextInit: isolated function (http:RequestContext requestContext, http:Request request) returns graphql:Context {
graphql:Context context = new;
context.registerDataLoader("bookLoader", new dataloader:DefaultDataLoader(batchBooksForAuthors));
return context;
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get authors() returns Author[] {
return getAllAuthors();
distinct service class Author {
private final int authorId;
function init(int authorId) {
self.authorId = authorId;
resource function get preBooks(graphql:Context ctx) {
dataloader:DataLoader bookLoader = ctx.getDataLoader("bookLoader");
// Load author id to the DataLoader
resource function get books(graphql:Context ctx) returns Book[] {
dataloader:DataLoader bookLoader = ctx.getDataLoader("bookLoader");
// Obtain the books from the DataLoader by passing the author id
Book[] books = bookLoader.get(self.authorId);
return books;
isolated function batchBooksForAuthors(readonly & anydata[] ids) returns Book[][]|error {
final readonly & int[] authorIds = <readonly & int[]>ids;
// Logic to retrieve books from the data source for the given author ids
// Book[][] books = ...
return books;
In the given example, both the books
resource function and the preBooks
function receive the graphql:Context
parameter, which grants access to the DataLoader
objects. By using the ctx.getDataLoader("bookLoader")
syntax, the specific DataLoader
object associated with the unique identifier "bookLoader" can be obtained and assigned to the bookLoader
import ballerina/graphql;
import ballerina/graphql.dataloader;
import ballerina/http;
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
contextInit: isolated function (http:RequestContext requestContext, http:Request request) returns graphql:Context {
graphql:Context context = new;
context.registerDataLoader("postsLoader", new dataloader:DefaultDataLoader(postsLoaderFunction));
context.registerDataLoader("rePostsLoader", new dataloader:DefaultDataLoader(rePostsLoaderFunction));
context.registerDataLoader("followersLoader", new dataloader:DefaultDataLoader(followersLoaderFunction));
return context;
service on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
resource function get users() returns User[] {
return getAllUsers();
isolated distinct service class User {
private final int userId;
isolated function init(int userId) {
self.userId = userId;
isolated resource function get prePosts(graphql:Context ctx) {
dataloader:DataLoader postsLoader = ctx.getDataLoader("postsLoader");
dataloader:DataLoader rePostsLoader = ctx.getDataLoader("rePostsLoader");
isolated resource function get posts(graphql:Context ctx) returns Post[]|error {
dataloader:DataLoader postsLoader = ctx.getDataLoader("postsLoader");
Post[] posts = check postsLoader.get(self.userId);
dataloader:DataLoader rePostsLoader = ctx.getDataLoader("rePostsLoader");
Post[] rePosts = check rePostsLoader.get(self.userId);
return [...posts, ...rePosts];
isolated resource function get preFollowers(graphql:Context ctx) {
dataloader:DataLoader followersLoader = ctx.getDataLoader("followersLoader");
isolated resource function get followers(graphql:Context ctx) returns Follower[]|error {
dataloader:DataLoader followersLoader = ctx.getDataLoader("followersLoader");
return check followersLoader.get(self.userId);
isolated function postsLoaderFunction(readonly & anydata[] ids) returns Post[][]|error {
final readonly & int[] keys = <readonly & int[]>ids;
// Logic to retrieve posts from the data source for the given user ids
// Post[][] posts = ...
return posts;
isolated function rePostsLoaderFunction(readonly & anydata[] ids) returns Post[][]|error {
final readonly & int[] keys = <readonly & int[]>ids;
// Logic to retrieve re posted items from the data source for the given user ids
// Post[][] rePosts = ...
return rePosts;
isolated function followersLoaderFunction(readonly & anydata[] ids) returns Follower[][]|error {
final readonly & int[] keys = <readonly & int[]>ids;
// Logic to retrieve followers from the data source for the given user ids
// Follower[][] followers = ...
return followers;
The above example utilizes three DataLoader instances: postsLoader
, rePostsLoader
, and followersLoader
. These DataLoaders are associated with the batch load functions postsLoaderFunction
, rePostsLoaderFunction
, and followersLoaderFunction
. The 'post' field in the example utilizes the postsLoader
and rePostsLoader
DataLoaders, while the 'followers' field utilizes the followersLoader
DataLoader. This demonstrates how different fields can utilize specific DataLoaders to efficiently load and retrieve related data in GraphQL resolvers.
This section describes the caching mechanisms in the Ballerina GraphQL module.
The Ballerina GraphQL module offers built-in server-side caching for GraphQL query
operations. The caching operates as in-memory caching, implemented using the Ballerina cache module. The GraphQL module generates cache keys based on the arguments and the path. In server-side caching, the errors
and null
values are skipped when caching. There are two different ways called operation-level caching
and field-level caching
to enable server-side caching.
Operation-level caching can be used to cache the entire operation, and this can be enabled by providing the operation cache configurations. Once enabled, the GraphQL server initiates caching for all subfields of query
operations. The fields requested through query operations will be cached based on the specified cache configurations
The GraphQL field-level caching can be enabled only for a specific field. This can be done by providing the field cache configurations. Once the field-level caching is enabled for a field, it will be applied to the sub-fields of that field. The field-level cache configuration can be used to override the operation-level cache configurations.
Since server-side caching is implemented using the Ballerina cache module, the default eviction policy will utilize the Least Recently Used (LRU)
mechanism. In addition to LRU cache eviction, the GraphQL module provides APIs for manual cache eviction. Currently, it provides invalidate
and invalidateAll
APIs for manual cache eviction. These APIs can be accessed through the graphql:Context object.
The invalidate
method accepts a string-type path as an argument. This method removes all cache entries related to the given path. If the provided path does not match any existing cache entries, an error will be returned.
public isolated function invalidate(string path) returns error? {}
The invalidateAll
method can be used to clear the entire cache table. This method does not take any arguments. An error will be returned if the cache table cannot be cleared.
public isolated function invalidateAll() returns error? {}
import ballerina/graphql;
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
cacheConfig: {
enabled: true,
maxAge: 50
service /graphql on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
private string name = "Ballerina GraphQL";
private string 'type = "code first";
resource function get name() returns string {
return self.name;
resource function get 'type() returns string {
return self.'type;
remote function updateName(graphql:Context context, string name) returns string|error {
check context.invalidate("name");
self.name = name
return self.name;
In this example, caching is enabled at the operation level. Therefore, the field name
and type
will be cached. When updating the name with a mutation, the cached values become invalid. Hence, the invalidate
function can be used to evict the existing cache values.
import ballerina/graphql;
type Friend record {|
readonly string name;
int age;
boolean isMarried;
service /graphql on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
private table<Friend> key(name) friends = table [
{name: "Skyler", age: 45, isMarried: true},
{name: "Jesse Pinkman", age: 23, isMarried: false}
@graphql:ResourceConfig {
cacheConfig: {
enabled: true,
maxAge 20
isolated resource function get friends(boolean isMarried = false) returns Person[] {
if isMarried {
return from Friend friend in self.friends
where friend.isMarried == true
select new Person(friend.name, friend.age, isMarried);
return from Friend friend in self.friends
where friend.isMarried == false
select new Person(friend.name, friend.age, isMarried);
isolated remote function updateAge(graphql:Context context, string name, int age) returns Person|error {
check context.invalidate("friends.age");
Friend friend = self.friends.get(name);
self.friends.put({name: name, age: age, isMarried: friend.isMarried});
return new Person(name, age, friend.isMarried);
public isolated distinct service class Person {
private final string name;
private final int age;
private final boolean isMarried;
public isolated function init(string name, int age, boolean isMarried) {
self.name = name;
self.age = age;
self.isMarried = isMarried;
isolated resource function get name() returns string {
return self.name;
isolated resource function get age() returns int {
return self.age;
@graphql:ResourceConfig {
cacheConfig: {
enabled: false
isolated resource function get isMarried() returns boolean {
return self.isMarried;
In this example, GraphQL field-level caching is enabled for the friends
field via the resource configurations. The configuration applies to its subfields, the name
and age
fields will be cached. Since the caching is disabled for the field isMarried
, it will not be cached. When the age is changed using the updateAge
operation, the invalidate
method is used to remove the existing cache entries related to the age field.
import ballerina/graphql;
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
cacheConfig: {
enabled: true,
maxAge: 50
service /graphql on new graphql:Listener(9090) {
private string name = "Ballerina GraphQL";
private string 'type = "code first";
private string version = "V1.11.0";
resource function get name() returns string {
return self.name;
resource function get 'type() returns string {
return self.'type;
@graphql:ServiceConfig {
cacheConfig: {
enabled: false
resource function get version() returns string {
return self.'type;
remote function updateName(graphql:Context context, string name) returns string|error {
check context.invalidate("name");
self.name = name
return self.name;
In this example, caching is enabled at the operation level. Therefore, the field name
and type
will be cached. Since the field-level cache configuration overrides the parent cache configurations, the field version
will not be cached. When updating the name with a mutation, the cached values become invalid. Hence, the invalidate
function can be used to evict the existing cache values.