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127 lines (96 loc) · 3.25 KB

File metadata and controls

127 lines (96 loc) · 3.25 KB

Coding Style

Language and Files

We use the C Language for all internal development with support of C++ constructors and overloads in the primary CAPI.h header file. C Implementation should be named .c. Headers should be named .h. Both C and Headers files should contain:

* Name: file_name.h
* Created by  Your Name Here
* Description:
*  This is the Description of what the file is for. Keep it simple!

All headers should contain:

#ifndef FILE_NAME_H
#define FILE_NAME_H

// Header code here!

#endif /* FILE_NAME_H*/



Data Types

Do not use normal C/C++ data types unless a library or function specifically asks for that type. Instead use one of the following approved types:

  • Signed

    • I8
    • I16
    • I32
    • I64
    • I128 C++ only
    • ptrdiff_t
  • Unsigned

    • U8
    • U16
    • U32
    • U64
    • U128 C++ only
    • size_t
  • Character

    • ASCII a 8-bit ascii character
    • UTF8 a 8-bit unit of a UTF8 encoded character
    • UTF16 a 16-bit unit of a UTF16 encoded character
    • UTF32 a 32-bit unit of a UTF32 encoded character
  • Other Types

    • float
    • double

When one of character types is declared as an array, it is assumed to be a string and never a single character. The same is true for a pointer to a character type. To declare a complete character, use the U32 data type unless working specifically with ascii.

System Resources

To obtain system resources use one of the folllowing approved functions:

  • capi_malloc
  • capi_realloc
  • capi_free
  • capi_aligned_malloc
  • capi_aligned_free

Memory Management

Use one of the following approved functions:

  • capi_memset
  • capi_memset32
  • capi_memcopy

Structures and Classes

Use the STRUCT macro for defining structures unless its a C++ struct with constructors or overloaded functions. Structures defined with STRUCT should have all capitalized letters in the name. For hardware and file structures that are packed, use the PACK macro.

	U32 someVar;

	U32 someVar;

struct Mystruct
	static U32 OverloadedFunction(U32 Var)


Source code comments are not necessary but welcomed. Start comment lines with // instead of /* ... */.
Use /* ... */ to seperate code sections if desired. Preferred format is:

// *                      * //
// **                    ** //
// ***  ASCII versions  *** //
// **                    ** //
// *                      * //

All exported functions are required to be documented in the primary CAPI.h header with the function declaration, with the exception of 3rd party library exports.

Third-party libraries

You can request a specific library be added to the project at Discussions General or via to the project leader.
Please provide the reason for the request. To keep CAPI lightweight, your request may be denied if the library has dependencies or the codebase is too large.

We do NOT use std for anything.