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CDK Bootstrap for environments

What's Included

The CDK code will bootstrap the workshop on each custom AWS accounts provided by Workshop Studio. The CDK will deploy:

  • This has VsCode + Gitea (see below on how to use) using CDK. To use VsCode check the Stack Output for public url (through Cloudfront) and password. For Gitea, see section below
  • A codebuild that runs the terraform (currently using the RIV24 branch of the github repo)

How to use in your account: Pre-requisites

  • Follow the instructions : Workshop Quick Start Template Getting Started, you need to configure .npmrc with a gitlab token

  • Taskfile (brew install go-task/tap/go-task)

  • use node version v18

    nvm install lts/hydrogen
    nvm use lts/hydrogen
  • Install direnv

    brew install direnv
    • You need to enable the hook by adding eval "$(direnv hook bash)" to your .bashrc or equivalent
    • See below for .envrc file content and allow command
  • Install CDK

    task install
  • Bootstrap CDK environment if first time

    task bootstrap
  • Activate SecurityHub in your account

    aws securityhub enable-security-hub
  • Install pre-commit

    • brew install pre-commit
    • configure it :
      git config --system --unset-all core.hookspath
      pre-commit install
      # If you use git defender make sure to re-enable it
      git defender --install

Create an .envrc file: The PARTICIPANT_ROLE_ARN should have same permissions as specified in contentspec.yaml You can use your Admin role for testing

Example of .envrc file:

export PARTICIPANT_ROLE_ARN=arn:aws:iam::123456789123:role/demo3

export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)

if [ -f $HOME/.nvm/ ]; then
  type nvm >/dev/null 2>&1 || . $HOME/.nvm/
  nvm use lts/hydrogen

# see below for advanced options configuration
#export FORCE_DELETE_VPC=true

#export WORKSHOP_GIT_URL=<githubusername>/fleet-management-on-amazon-eks-workshop
#export WORKSHOP_GIT_BRANCH=<your_pr_branch>

Be sure you activated direnv in your shell and that variables are existing:

Activate direnv in your shell

eval "$(direnv hook bash)"
eval "$(direnv hook zsh)"

check it is working:


Additional env variables you can set for debugging: You can use your own fork and branch to deploy

export WORKSHOP_GIT_URL=<githubusername>/fleet-management-on-amazon-eks-workshop
export WORKSHOP_GIT_BRANCH=<your_pr_branch>

If you need the special logic to destroy vpc set the following environment variables:

export FORCE_DELETE_VPC=true

CDK Interactions

To Install

task deploy

To Destroy

task delete

How to use for Workshop Studio Git Repo :

task assets

This will generate cloudformation in the path referenced by your contentspec.yaml. and push in the s3 buckets the version for on-your-own path

Then, you need to commit your files and you can push this directly to workshop studio git