The CDK code will bootstrap the workshop on each custom AWS accounts provided by Workshop Studio. The CDK will deploy:
- This has VsCode + Gitea (see below on how to use) using CDK. To use VsCode check the Stack Output for public url (through Cloudfront) and password. For Gitea, see section below
- A codebuild that runs the terraform (currently using the RIV24 branch of the github repo)
Follow the instructions : Workshop Quick Start Template Getting Started, you need to configure
with a gitlab token -
Taskfile (brew install go-task/tap/go-task)
use node version v18
nvm install lts/hydrogen nvm use lts/hydrogen
Install direnv
brew install direnv
- You need to enable the hook by adding
eval "$(direnv hook bash)"
to your .bashrc or equivalent - See below for
file content and allow command
- You need to enable the hook by adding
Install CDK
task install
Bootstrap CDK environment if first time
task bootstrap
Activate SecurityHub in your account
aws securityhub enable-security-hub
Install pre-commit
brew install pre-commit
- configure it :
git config --system --unset-all core.hookspath pre-commit install # If you use git defender make sure to re-enable it git defender --install
Create an .envrc
should have same permissions as specified in contentspec.yaml
You can use your Admin
role for testing
Example of .envrc
export PARTICIPANT_ROLE_ARN=arn:aws:iam::123456789123:role/demo3
export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
if [ -f $HOME/.nvm/ ]; then
type nvm >/dev/null 2>&1 || . $HOME/.nvm/
nvm use lts/hydrogen
# see below for advanced options configuration
#export FORCE_DELETE_VPC=true
#export WORKSHOP_GIT_URL=<githubusername>/fleet-management-on-amazon-eks-workshop
#export WORKSHOP_GIT_BRANCH=<your_pr_branch>
Be sure you activated direnv
in your shell and that variables are existing:
Activate direnv in your shell
eval "$(direnv hook bash)"
eval "$(direnv hook zsh)"
check it is working:
Additional env variables you can set for debugging: You can use your own fork and branch to deploy
export WORKSHOP_GIT_URL=<githubusername>/fleet-management-on-amazon-eks-workshop
export WORKSHOP_GIT_BRANCH=<your_pr_branch>
If you need the special logic to destroy vpc set the following environment variables:
export FORCE_DELETE_VPC=true
To Install
task deploy
To Destroy
task delete
task assets
This will generate cloudformation in the path referenced by your contentspec.yaml. and push in the s3 buckets the version for on-your-own path
Then, you need to commit your files and you can push this directly to workshop studio git