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File metadata and controls

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avalara_sdk - the Unified Java SDK for next gen Avalara services.

Unified SDK consists of services on top of which the Avalara Compliance Cloud platform is built. These services are foundational and provide functionality such as einvoicing.

  • Package version: 24.12.0


gem install avalara_sdk

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

require 'time'
require 'avalara_sdk'
# setup authorization
config =
config.environment = 'sandbox'                # Set the environment (sandbox, production, etc.)
config.app_name = 'testApp'                   # Set your application name
config.app_version = '1.2.3'                  # Set your application version
config.machine_name = 'testMachine'           # Set your machine name
config.bearer_token = 'Your_Bearer_token' # Set your OAuth2 Bearer Token (replace with actual token)

api_client = config
api_instance = api_client
get_mandates_request =

  # Retrieve geolocation information for a specified address
  result = api_instance.get_mandates(get_mandates_request)
  p result
rescue AvalaraSdk::ApiError => e
  puts "Error when calling MandatesApi->get_mandates: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

EInvoicing V1 API Documentation

Class Method HTTP request Description
DataInputFieldsApi get_data_input_fields GET /data-input-fields Returns the optionality of document fields for different country mandates
DocumentsApi download_document GET /documents/{documentId}/$download Returns a copy of the document
DocumentsApi fetch_documents POST /documents/$fetch Fetch the inbound document from a tax authority
DocumentsApi get_document_list GET /documents Returns a summary of documents for a date range
DocumentsApi get_document_status GET /documents/{documentId}/status Checks the status of a document
DocumentsApi submit_document POST /documents Submits a document to Avalara E-Invoicing API
InteropApi submit_interop_document POST /interop/documents Submit a document
MandatesApi get_mandate_data_input_fields GET /mandates/{mandateId}/data-input-fields Returns document field information for a country mandate, a selected document type, and its version
MandatesApi get_mandates GET /mandates List country mandates that are supported by the Avalara E-Invoicing platform
TradingPartnersApi batch_search_participants POST /trading-partners/batch-searches Creates a batch search and performs a batch search in the directory for participants in the background.
TradingPartnersApi download_batch_search_report GET /trading-partners/batch-searches/{id}/$download-results Download batch search results in a csv file.
TradingPartnersApi get_batch_search_detail GET /trading-partners/batch-searches/{id} Get the batch search details for a given id.
TradingPartnersApi list_batch_searches GET /trading-partners/batch-searches List all batch searches that were previously submitted.
TradingPartnersApi search_participants GET /trading-partners Returns a list of participants matching the input query.

Documentation for Models

EInvoicing V1 Model Documentation