From b02a20f07d66030179dbfd8b36a475802993ccaa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ryuta Kambe <>
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 23:07:27 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] fix(autoware_map_based_prediction): fix syntaxError

Signed-off-by: Ryuta Kambe <>
 .../src/map_based_prediction_node.cpp         | 10 ++++-----
 .../src/path_generator.cpp                    | 22 +++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/map_based_prediction_node.cpp b/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/map_based_prediction_node.cpp
index c8c4e3bed2d01..3b74d7d34899b 100644
--- a/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/map_based_prediction_node.cpp
+++ b/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/map_based_prediction_node.cpp
@@ -1771,11 +1771,11 @@ std::vector<PredictedRefPath> MapBasedPredictionNode::getPredictedReferencePath(
                            : 0.0;
   const double t_h = time_horizon;
-  const double λ = std::log(2) / acceleration_exponential_half_life_;
+  const double lambda = std::log(2) / acceleration_exponential_half_life_;
   auto get_search_distance_with_decaying_acc = [&]() -> double {
     const double acceleration_distance =
-      obj_acc * (1.0 / λ) * t_h + obj_acc * (1.0 / std::pow(λ, 2)) * (std::exp(-λ * t_h) - 1);
+      obj_acc * (1.0 / lambda) * t_h + obj_acc * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_h) - 1);
     double search_dist = acceleration_distance + obj_vel * t_h;
     return search_dist;
@@ -1787,12 +1787,12 @@ std::vector<PredictedRefPath> MapBasedPredictionNode::getPredictedReferencePath(
       return obj_vel * t_h;
     // Time to reach final speed
-    const double t_f = (-1.0 / λ) * std::log(1 - ((final_speed - obj_vel) * λ) / obj_acc);
+    const double t_f = (-1.0 / lambda) * std::log(1 - ((final_speed - obj_vel) * lambda) / obj_acc);
     // It is assumed the vehicle accelerates until final_speed is reached and
     // then continues at constant speed for the rest of the time horizon
     const double search_dist =
       // Distance covered while accelerating
-      obj_acc * (1.0 / λ) * t_f + obj_acc * (1.0 / std::pow(λ, 2)) * (std::exp(-λ * t_f) - 1) +
+      obj_acc * (1.0 / lambda) * t_f + obj_acc * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_f) - 1) +
       obj_vel * t_f +
       // Distance covered at constant speed
       final_speed * (t_h - t_f);
@@ -1807,7 +1807,7 @@ std::vector<PredictedRefPath> MapBasedPredictionNode::getPredictedReferencePath(
     const double legal_speed_limit = static_cast<double>(limit.speedLimit.value());
     double final_speed_after_acceleration =
-      obj_vel + obj_acc * (1.0 / λ) * (1.0 - std::exp(-λ * t_h));
+      obj_vel + obj_acc * (1.0 / lambda) * (1.0 - std::exp(-lambda * t_h));
     const double final_speed_limit = legal_speed_limit * speed_limit_multiplier_;
     const bool final_speed_surpasses_limit = final_speed_after_acceleration > final_speed_limit;
diff --git a/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp b/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp
index aeb1b0fedd33f..0077457daa20d 100644
--- a/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp
+++ b/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ FrenetPoint PathGenerator::getFrenetPoint(
   // Using a decaying acceleration model. Consult the README for more information about the model.
   const double t_h = duration;
-  const float λ = std::log(2) / acceleration_exponential_half_life_;
+  const float lambda = std::log(2) / acceleration_exponential_half_life_;
   auto have_same_sign = [](double a, double b) -> bool {
     return (a >= 0.0 && b >= 0.0) || (a < 0.0 && b < 0.0);
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ FrenetPoint PathGenerator::getFrenetPoint(
       return v;
     // Get velocity after time horizon
-    const auto terminal_velocity = v + a * (1.0 / λ) * (1 - std::exp(-λ * t_h));
+    const auto terminal_velocity = v + a * (1.0 / lambda) * (1 - std::exp(-lambda * t_h));
     // If vehicle is decelerating, make sure its speed does not change signs (we assume it will, at
     // most stop, not reverse its direction)
@@ -443,15 +443,15 @@ FrenetPoint PathGenerator::getFrenetPoint(
       // if the velocities don't have the same sign, calculate when the vehicle reaches 0 speed ->
       // time t_stop
-      // 0 = Vo + acc(1/λ)(1-e^(-λt_stop))
-      // e^(-λt_stop) = 1 - (-Vo* λ)/acc
-      // t_stop = (-1/λ)*ln(1 - (-Vo* λ)/acc)
-      // t_stop = (-1/λ)*ln(1 + (Vo* λ)/acc)
-      auto t_stop = (-1.0 / λ) * std::log(1 + (v * λ / a));
+      // 0 = Vo + acc(1/lambda)(1-e^(-lambdat_stop))
+      // e^(-lambdat_stop) = 1 - (-Vo* lambda)/acc
+      // t_stop = (-1/lambda)*ln(1 - (-Vo* lambda)/acc)
+      // t_stop = (-1/lambda)*ln(1 + (Vo* lambda)/acc)
+      auto t_stop = (-1.0 / lambda) * std::log(1 + (v * lambda / a));
       // Calculate the distance traveled until stopping
       auto distance_to_reach_zero_speed =
-        v * t_stop + a * t_stop * (1.0 / λ) + a * (1.0 / std::pow(λ, 2)) * (std::exp(-λ * t_h) - 1);
+        v * t_stop + a * t_stop * (1.0 / lambda) + a * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_h) - 1);
       // Output an equivalent constant speed
       return distance_to_reach_zero_speed / t_h;
@@ -461,17 +461,17 @@ FrenetPoint PathGenerator::getFrenetPoint(
     // assume it will continue accelerating (reckless driving)
     const bool object_has_surpassed_limit_already = v > speed_limit;
     if (terminal_velocity < speed_limit || object_has_surpassed_limit_already)
-      return v + a * (1.0 / λ) + (a / (t_h * std::pow(λ, 2))) * (std::exp(-λ * t_h) - 1);
+      return v + a * (1.0 / lambda) + (a / (t_h * std::pow(lambda, 2))) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_h) - 1);
     // It is assumed the vehicle accelerates until final_speed is reached and
     // then continues at constant speed for the rest of the time horizon
     // So, we calculate the time it takes to reach the speed limit and compute how far the vehicle
     // would go if it accelerated until reaching the speed limit, and then continued at a constant
     // speed.
-    const double t_f = (-1.0 / λ) * std::log(1 - ((speed_limit - v) * λ) / a);
+    const double t_f = (-1.0 / lambda) * std::log(1 - ((speed_limit - v) * lambda) / a);
     const double distance_covered =
       // Distance covered while accelerating
-      a * (1.0 / λ) * t_f + a * (1.0 / std::pow(λ, 2)) * (std::exp(-λ * t_f) - 1) + v * t_f +
+      a * (1.0 / lambda) * t_f + a * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_f) - 1) + v * t_f +
       // Distance covered at constant speed for the rest of the horizon time
       speed_limit * (t_h - t_f);
     return distance_covered / t_h;

From d745303d093c85234d40379877ee6be54b9b913a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "pre-commit-ci[bot]"
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 14:10:53 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 2/5] style(pre-commit): autofix

 .../src/map_based_prediction_node.cpp                    | 7 ++++---
 .../autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp | 9 ++++++---
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/map_based_prediction_node.cpp b/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/map_based_prediction_node.cpp
index 3b74d7d34899b..3361240be4c2f 100644
--- a/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/map_based_prediction_node.cpp
+++ b/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/map_based_prediction_node.cpp
@@ -1775,7 +1775,8 @@ std::vector<PredictedRefPath> MapBasedPredictionNode::getPredictedReferencePath(
   auto get_search_distance_with_decaying_acc = [&]() -> double {
     const double acceleration_distance =
-      obj_acc * (1.0 / lambda) * t_h + obj_acc * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_h) - 1);
+      obj_acc * (1.0 / lambda) * t_h +
+      obj_acc * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_h) - 1);
     double search_dist = acceleration_distance + obj_vel * t_h;
     return search_dist;
@@ -1792,8 +1793,8 @@ std::vector<PredictedRefPath> MapBasedPredictionNode::getPredictedReferencePath(
     // then continues at constant speed for the rest of the time horizon
     const double search_dist =
       // Distance covered while accelerating
-      obj_acc * (1.0 / lambda) * t_f + obj_acc * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_f) - 1) +
-      obj_vel * t_f +
+      obj_acc * (1.0 / lambda) * t_f +
+      obj_acc * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_f) - 1) + obj_vel * t_f +
       // Distance covered at constant speed
       final_speed * (t_h - t_f);
     return search_dist;
diff --git a/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp b/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp
index 0077457daa20d..c7a1725aaa6b4 100644
--- a/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp
+++ b/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp
@@ -451,7 +451,8 @@ FrenetPoint PathGenerator::getFrenetPoint(
       // Calculate the distance traveled until stopping
       auto distance_to_reach_zero_speed =
-        v * t_stop + a * t_stop * (1.0 / lambda) + a * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_h) - 1);
+        v * t_stop + a * t_stop * (1.0 / lambda) +
+        a * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_h) - 1);
       // Output an equivalent constant speed
       return distance_to_reach_zero_speed / t_h;
@@ -461,7 +462,8 @@ FrenetPoint PathGenerator::getFrenetPoint(
     // assume it will continue accelerating (reckless driving)
     const bool object_has_surpassed_limit_already = v > speed_limit;
     if (terminal_velocity < speed_limit || object_has_surpassed_limit_already)
-      return v + a * (1.0 / lambda) + (a / (t_h * std::pow(lambda, 2))) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_h) - 1);
+      return v + a * (1.0 / lambda) +
+             (a / (t_h * std::pow(lambda, 2))) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_h) - 1);
     // It is assumed the vehicle accelerates until final_speed is reached and
     // then continues at constant speed for the rest of the time horizon
@@ -471,7 +473,8 @@ FrenetPoint PathGenerator::getFrenetPoint(
     const double t_f = (-1.0 / lambda) * std::log(1 - ((speed_limit - v) * lambda) / a);
     const double distance_covered =
       // Distance covered while accelerating
-      a * (1.0 / lambda) * t_f + a * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_f) - 1) + v * t_f +
+      a * (1.0 / lambda) * t_f + a * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_f) - 1) +
+      v * t_f +
       // Distance covered at constant speed for the rest of the horizon time
       speed_limit * (t_h - t_f);
     return distance_covered / t_h;

From 4e90378c31c6bc5f4d310fc8dd6b85a36fcb3f4e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ryuta Kambe <>
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 23:22:38 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 3/5] fix spellcheck

Signed-off-by: Ryuta Kambe <>
 .../autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp      | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp b/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp
index c7a1725aaa6b4..2f0dbec61b3d4 100644
--- a/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp
+++ b/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp
@@ -443,8 +443,8 @@ FrenetPoint PathGenerator::getFrenetPoint(
       // if the velocities don't have the same sign, calculate when the vehicle reaches 0 speed ->
       // time t_stop
-      // 0 = Vo + acc(1/lambda)(1-e^(-lambdat_stop))
-      // e^(-lambdat_stop) = 1 - (-Vo* lambda)/acc
+      // 0 = Vo + acc(1/lambda)(1-e^(-lambda t_stop))
+      // e^(-lambda t_stop) = 1 - (-Vo* lambda)/acc
       // t_stop = (-1/lambda)*ln(1 - (-Vo* lambda)/acc)
       // t_stop = (-1/lambda)*ln(1 + (Vo* lambda)/acc)
       auto t_stop = (-1.0 / lambda) * std::log(1 + (v * lambda / a));

From 84f242b5a812b385e1b516c004cac60e3df564ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ryuta Kambe <>
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 23:29:40 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 4/5] fix new cppcheck warnings

Signed-off-by: Ryuta Kambe <>
 .../src/map_based_prediction_node.cpp                     | 4 ++--
 .../autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp  | 8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/map_based_prediction_node.cpp b/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/map_based_prediction_node.cpp
index 3361240be4c2f..2b8358eb52e4e 100644
--- a/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/map_based_prediction_node.cpp
+++ b/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/map_based_prediction_node.cpp
@@ -1776,7 +1776,7 @@ std::vector<PredictedRefPath> MapBasedPredictionNode::getPredictedReferencePath(
   auto get_search_distance_with_decaying_acc = [&]() -> double {
     const double acceleration_distance =
       obj_acc * (1.0 / lambda) * t_h +
-      obj_acc * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_h) - 1);
+      obj_acc * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * std::expm1(-lambda * t_h);
     double search_dist = acceleration_distance + obj_vel * t_h;
     return search_dist;
@@ -1794,7 +1794,7 @@ std::vector<PredictedRefPath> MapBasedPredictionNode::getPredictedReferencePath(
     const double search_dist =
       // Distance covered while accelerating
       obj_acc * (1.0 / lambda) * t_f +
-      obj_acc * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_f) - 1) + obj_vel * t_f +
+      obj_acc * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * std::expm1(-lambda * t_f) + obj_vel * t_f +
       // Distance covered at constant speed
       final_speed * (t_h - t_f);
     return search_dist;
diff --git a/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp b/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp
index 2f0dbec61b3d4..d9b401a9325fe 100644
--- a/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp
+++ b/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp
@@ -447,12 +447,12 @@ FrenetPoint PathGenerator::getFrenetPoint(
       // e^(-lambda t_stop) = 1 - (-Vo* lambda)/acc
       // t_stop = (-1/lambda)*ln(1 - (-Vo* lambda)/acc)
       // t_stop = (-1/lambda)*ln(1 + (Vo* lambda)/acc)
-      auto t_stop = (-1.0 / lambda) * std::log(1 + (v * lambda / a));
+      auto t_stop = (-1.0 / lambda) * std::log1p(v * lambda / a);
       // Calculate the distance traveled until stopping
       auto distance_to_reach_zero_speed =
         v * t_stop + a * t_stop * (1.0 / lambda) +
-        a * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_h) - 1);
+        a * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * std::expm1(-lambda * t_h);
       // Output an equivalent constant speed
       return distance_to_reach_zero_speed / t_h;
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ FrenetPoint PathGenerator::getFrenetPoint(
     const bool object_has_surpassed_limit_already = v > speed_limit;
     if (terminal_velocity < speed_limit || object_has_surpassed_limit_already)
       return v + a * (1.0 / lambda) +
-             (a / (t_h * std::pow(lambda, 2))) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_h) - 1);
+             (a / (t_h * std::pow(lambda, 2))) * std::expm1(-lambda * t_h);
     // It is assumed the vehicle accelerates until final_speed is reached and
     // then continues at constant speed for the rest of the time horizon
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ FrenetPoint PathGenerator::getFrenetPoint(
     const double t_f = (-1.0 / lambda) * std::log(1 - ((speed_limit - v) * lambda) / a);
     const double distance_covered =
       // Distance covered while accelerating
-      a * (1.0 / lambda) * t_f + a * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * (std::exp(-lambda * t_f) - 1) +
+      a * (1.0 / lambda) * t_f + a * (1.0 / std::pow(lambda, 2)) * std::expm1(-lambda * t_f) +
       v * t_f +
       // Distance covered at constant speed for the rest of the horizon time
       speed_limit * (t_h - t_f);

From 2ad9c58b854e1957fddfb1ff7cfe9560cb703e3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "pre-commit-ci[bot]"
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 14:32:49 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 5/5] style(pre-commit): autofix

 .../autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp       | 3 +--
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp b/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp
index d9b401a9325fe..dac034a6b7a7d 100644
--- a/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp
+++ b/perception/autoware_map_based_prediction/src/path_generator.cpp
@@ -462,8 +462,7 @@ FrenetPoint PathGenerator::getFrenetPoint(
     // assume it will continue accelerating (reckless driving)
     const bool object_has_surpassed_limit_already = v > speed_limit;
     if (terminal_velocity < speed_limit || object_has_surpassed_limit_already)
-      return v + a * (1.0 / lambda) +
-             (a / (t_h * std::pow(lambda, 2))) * std::expm1(-lambda * t_h);
+      return v + a * (1.0 / lambda) + (a / (t_h * std::pow(lambda, 2))) * std::expm1(-lambda * t_h);
     // It is assumed the vehicle accelerates until final_speed is reached and
     // then continues at constant speed for the rest of the time horizon