File tree
344 files changed
lines changed- main
- common
- autoware_adapi_specs
- autoware_auto_common/design/comparisons
- autoware_component_interface_specs_universe
- autoware_component_interface_tools
- autoware_component_interface_utils
- autoware_fake_test_node/design/fake_test_node-design
- autoware_global_parameter_loader/Readme
- autoware_glog_component
- autoware_goal_distance_calculator/Readme
- autoware_grid_map_utils
- autoware_interpolation
- autoware_motion_utils
- docs/vehicle/vehicle
- autoware_object_recognition_utils
- autoware_path_distance_calculator/Readme
- autoware_polar_grid/Readme
- autoware_pyplot
- autoware_signal_processing
- documentation/ButterworthFilter
- autoware_test_utils
- autoware_testing/design/autoware_testing-design
- autoware_traffic_light_recognition_marker_publisher/Readme
- autoware_traffic_light_utils
- autoware_trajectory
- autoware_universe_utils
- third_party_licenses/opencv-license
- autoware_vehicle_info_utils/Readme
- tier4_api_utils
- control
- autoware_autonomous_emergency_braking
- autoware_collision_detector
- autoware_control_performance_analysis
- autoware_control_validator
- autoware_external_cmd_selector
- autoware_joy_controller
- autoware_lane_departure_checker
- autoware_mpc_lateral_controller
- model_predictive_control_algorithm
- autoware_obstacle_collision_checker
- autoware_operation_mode_transition_manager
- autoware_pid_longitudinal_controller
- autoware_predicted_path_checker
- autoware_pure_pursuit
- autoware_shift_decider
- autoware_smart_mpc_trajectory_follower
- autoware_trajectory_follower_base
- autoware_trajectory_follower_node
- design/simple_trajectory_follower-design
- autoware_vehicle_cmd_gate
- evaluator
- autoware_control_evaluator
- autoware_localization_evaluator
- autoware_perception_online_evaluator
- autoware_planning_evaluator
- autoware_scenario_simulator_v2_adapter
- kinematic_evaluator
- launch
- tier4_autoware_api_launch
- tier4_control_launch
- tier4_localization_launch
- tier4_map_launch
- tier4_perception_launch
- tier4_planning_launch
- tier4_sensing_launch
- tier4_simulator_launch
- tier4_system_launch
- tier4_vehicle_launch
- localization
- autoware_ekf_localizer
- autoware_geo_pose_projector
- autoware_gyro_odometer
- autoware_landmark_based_localizer
- autoware_ar_tag_based_localizer
- autoware_lidar_marker_localizer
- autoware_localization_error_monitor
- autoware_ndt_scan_matcher
- include/autoware/ndt_scan_matcher/ndt_omp
- autoware_pose2twist
- autoware_pose_covariance_modifier
- autoware_pose_estimator_arbiter
- example_rule
- autoware_pose_initializer
- autoware_pose_instability_detector
- autoware_stop_filter
- autoware_twist2accel
- yabloc
- yabloc_common
- yabloc_image_processing
- yabloc_monitor
- yabloc_particle_filter
- yabloc_pose_initializer
- map
- autoware_lanelet2_map_visualizer
- autoware_map_height_fitter
- autoware_map_loader
- autoware_map_projection_loader
- autoware_map_tf_generator
- util/lanelet2_map_preprocessor
- perception
- autoware_bytetrack
- autoware_cluster_merger
- autoware_compare_map_segmentation
- autoware_crosswalk_traffic_light_estimator
- autoware_detected_object_feature_remover
- autoware_detected_object_validation
- object-lanelet-filter
- object-position-filter
- obstacle-pointcloud-based-validator
- occupancy-grid-based-validator
- autoware_detection_by_tracker
- autoware_elevation_map_loader
- autoware_euclidean_cluster
- autoware_ground_segmentation
- docs
- ransac-ground-filter
- ray-ground-filter
- scan-ground-filter
- autoware_image_projection_based_fusion
- docs
- pointpainting-fusion
- roi-cluster-fusion
- roi-detected-object-fusion
- roi-pointcloud-fusion
- segmentation-pointcloud-fusion
- autoware_lidar_apollo_instance_segmentation
- autoware_lidar_centerpoint
- autoware_lidar_transfusion
- autoware_map_based_prediction
- autoware_multi_object_tracker
- models
- autoware_object_merger
- autoware_object_range_splitter
- autoware_object_velocity_splitter
- autoware_occupancy_grid_map_outlier_filter
- autoware_probabilistic_occupancy_grid_map
- laserscan-based-occupancy-grid-map
- pointcloud-based-occupancy-grid-map
- synchronized_grid_map_fusion
- autoware_radar_crossing_objects_noise_filter
- autoware_radar_fusion_to_detected_object
- docs/algorithm
- autoware_radar_object_clustering
- autoware_radar_object_tracker
- models
- autoware_radar_tracks_msgs_converter
- autoware_raindrop_cluster_filter/raindrop_cluster_filter
- autoware_shape_estimation
- autoware_simple_object_merger
- autoware_tensorrt_classifier
- autoware_tensorrt_common
- autoware_tensorrt_yolox
- autoware_tracking_object_merger
- autoware_traffic_light_arbiter
- autoware_traffic_light_classifier
- autoware_traffic_light_fine_detector
- autoware_traffic_light_map_based_detector
- autoware_traffic_light_multi_camera_fusion
- autoware_traffic_light_occlusion_predictor
- autoware_traffic_light_visualization
- perception_utils
- planning
- autoware_costmap_generator
- autoware_external_velocity_limit_selector
- autoware_freespace_planner
- autoware_freespace_planning_algorithms
- rrtstar
- autoware_mission_planner_universe
- autoware_objects_of_interest_marker_interface
- autoware_obstacle_cruise_planner
- docs/debug
- autoware_obstacle_stop_planner
- autoware_path_optimizer
- docs
- debug
- mpt
- autoware_path_smoother
- docs/eb
- autoware_planning_factor_interface
- autoware_planning_test_manager
- autoware_planning_topic_converter
- autoware_planning_validator
- autoware_remaining_distance_time_calculator
- autoware_route_handler
- autoware_rtc_interface
- autoware_scenario_selector
- autoware_surround_obstacle_checker
- surround_obstacle_checker-design.ja
- autoware_velocity_smoother
- behavior_path_planner
- autoware_behavior_path_avoidance_by_lane_change_module
- autoware_behavior_path_dynamic_obstacle_avoidance_module
- autoware_behavior_path_goal_planner_module
- autoware_behavior_path_lane_change_module
- autoware_behavior_path_planner
- docs
- behavior_path_planner_interface_design
- behavior_path_planner_limitations
- behavior_path_planner_manager_design
- autoware_behavior_path_planner_common/docs
- behavior_path_planner_drivable_area_design
- behavior_path_planner_path_generation_design
- behavior_path_planner_safety_check
- behavior_path_planner_turn_signal_design
- autoware_behavior_path_sampling_planner_module
- autoware_behavior_path_side_shift_module
- autoware_behavior_path_start_planner_module
- autoware_behavior_path_static_obstacle_avoidance_module
- behavior_velocity_planner
- autoware_behavior_velocity_blind_spot_module
- autoware_behavior_velocity_crosswalk_module
- autoware_behavior_velocity_detection_area_module
- autoware_behavior_velocity_intersection_module
- autoware_behavior_velocity_no_drivable_lane_module
- autoware_behavior_velocity_no_stopping_area_module
- autoware_behavior_velocity_occlusion_spot_module
- autoware_behavior_velocity_planner
- autoware_behavior_velocity_planner_common
- autoware_behavior_velocity_rtc_interface
- autoware_behavior_velocity_run_out_module
- autoware_behavior_velocity_speed_bump_module
- autoware_behavior_velocity_stop_line_module
- autoware_behavior_velocity_template_module
- autoware_behavior_velocity_traffic_light_module
- autoware_behavior_velocity_virtual_traffic_light_module
- autoware_behavior_velocity_walkway_module
- motion_velocity_planner
- autoware_motion_velocity_dynamic_obstacle_stop_module
- autoware_motion_velocity_obstacle_velocity_limiter_module
- autoware_motion_velocity_out_of_lane_module
- autoware_motion_velocity_planner_node_universe
- sampling_based_planner
- autoware_bezier_sampler
- autoware_frenet_planner
- autoware_path_sampler
- autoware_sampler_common
- search
- sensing
- autoware_cuda_utils
- autoware_gnss_poser
- autoware_image_diagnostics
- autoware_image_transport_decompressor
- autoware_imu_corrector
- autoware_pcl_extensions
- autoware_pointcloud_preprocessor
- docs
- blockage-diag
- concatenate-data
- crop-box-filter
- distortion-corrector
- downsample-filter
- dual-return-outlier-filter
- outlier-filter
- passthrough-filter
- pointcloud-accumulator
- radius-search-2d-outlier-filter
- ring-outlier-filter
- vector-map-filter
- vector-map-inside-area-filter
- voxel-grid-outlier-filter
- autoware_radar_scan_to_pointcloud2
- autoware_radar_static_pointcloud_filter
- autoware_radar_threshold_filter
- autoware_radar_tracks_noise_filter
- autoware_vehicle_velocity_converter
- livox/autoware_livox_tag_filter
- simulator
- autoware_carla_interface
- autoware_fault_injection
- autoware_simple_planning_simulator
- docs/actuation_cmd_sim
- autoware_vehicle_door_simulator
- dummy_perception_publisher
- learning_based_vehicle_model
- tier4_dummy_object_rviz_plugin
- system
- autoware_bluetooth_monitor
- autoware_component_monitor
- autoware_default_adapi
- document
- autoware-state
- fail-safe
- interface
- localization
- motion
- operation-mode
- routing
- autoware_default_adapi_helpers
- autoware_adapi_adaptors
- autoware_automatic_pose_initializer
- autoware_dummy_diag_publisher
- autoware_dummy_infrastructure
- autoware_duplicated_node_checker
- autoware_mrm_comfortable_stop_operator
- autoware_mrm_emergency_stop_operator
- autoware_mrm_handler
- autoware_processing_time_checker
- autoware_system_monitor
- docs
- class_diagrams
- hdd_reader
- msr_reader
- ros_parameters
- seq_diagrams
- topics_cpu_monitor
- topics_gpu_monitor
- topics_hdd_monitor
- topics_mem_monitor
- topics_net_monitor
- topics_ntp_monitor
- topics_process_monitor
- topics_voltage_monitor
- traffic_reader
- autoware_topic_relay_controller
- component_state_monitor
- diagnostic_graph_aggregator
- doc
- format
- edit
- remove
- graph
- path
- unit
- and
- const
- diag
- link
- or
- remap
- tool/tree
- diagnostic_graph_utils
- doc/node
- converter
- dump
- system_diagnostic_monitor
- topic_state_monitor
- velodyne_monitor
- tools/reaction_analyzer
- vehicle
- autoware_accel_brake_map_calibrator
- autoware_external_cmd_converter
- autoware_raw_vehicle_cmd_converter
- autoware_steer_offset_estimator/Readme
- visualization
- autoware_bag_time_manager_rviz_plugin
- icons/classes
- images
- autoware_overlay_rviz_plugin
- autoware_mission_details_overlay_rviz_plugin
- autoware_overlay_rviz_plugin
- autoware_string_stamped_overlay_rviz_plugin
- autoware_perception_rviz_plugin
- tier4_adapi_rviz_plugin
- tier4_camera_view_rviz_plugin
- tier4_datetime_rviz_plugin
- tier4_localization_rviz_plugin
- tier4_planning_factor_rviz_plugin
- tier4_planning_rviz_plugin
- tier4_state_rviz_plugin
- tier4_system_rviz_plugin
- tier4_traffic_light_rviz_plugin
- tier4_vehicle_rviz_plugin
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
344 files changed
lines changed+57-64
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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489 | 489 |
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490 | 490 |
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491 | 491 |
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492 |
| - | |
493 |
| - | |
494 |
| - | |
495 |
| - | |
496 |
| - | |
497 | 492 |
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498 | 493 |
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499 | 494 |
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500 | 495 |
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501 |
| - | |
| 496 | + | |
502 | 497 |
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503 | 498 |
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504 | 499 |
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505 | 500 |
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506 | 501 |
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507 | 502 |
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508 | 503 |
| |
509 |
| - | |
510 |
| - | |
511 | 504 |
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512 | 505 |
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513 | 506 |
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13449 | 13442 |
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13450 | 13443 |
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13452 |
| - | |
13453 |
| - | |
13454 |
| - | |
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13459 |
| - | |
13460 |
| - | |
13461 |
| - | |
13462 |
| - | |
| 13450 | + | |
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| 13452 | + | |
| 13453 | + | |
| 13454 | + | |
| 13455 | + | |
13463 | 13456 |
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13464 | 13457 |
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13467 |
| - | |
| 13460 | + | |
13468 | 13461 |
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13470 | 13463 |
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13471 | 13464 |
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13476 | 13478 |
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13477 |
| - | |
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13480 | 13484 |
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13484 |
| - | |
| 13488 | + | |
13485 | 13489 |
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13487 | 13491 |
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13488 | 13492 |
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13489 |
| - | |
| 13493 | + | |
| 13494 | + | |
| 13495 | + | |
13490 | 13496 |
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13491 | 13497 |
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13492 | 13498 |
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| - | |
13495 |
| - | |
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| - | |
13497 |
| - | |
13498 |
| - | |
13499 |
| - | |
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| 13501 | + | |
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13500 | 13504 |
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13501 |
| - | |
13502 |
| - | |
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| 13506 | + | |
13503 | 13507 |
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13504 |
| - | |
| 13508 | + | |
13505 | 13509 |
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13506 | 13510 |
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13507 | 13511 |
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13508 | 13512 |
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13509 |
| - | |
13510 |
| - | |
13511 |
| - | |
13512 |
| - | |
13513 |
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13514 |
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13515 |
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13516 |
| - | |
13517 |
| - | |
13518 | 13513 |
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13519 | 13514 |
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13520 | 13515 |
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13527 | 13522 |
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13528 | 13523 |
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13529 | 13524 |
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13530 |
| - | |
| 13525 | + | |
13531 | 13526 |
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13532 | 13527 |
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13533 | 13528 |
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13540 | 13535 |
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13541 | 13536 |
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13542 | 13537 |
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13543 |
| - | |
| 13538 | + | |
13544 | 13539 |
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13545 | 13540 |
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13546 | 13541 |
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13547 |
| - | |
13548 |
| - | |
| 13542 | + | |
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13549 | 13544 |
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13550 |
| - | |
| 13545 | + | |
13551 | 13546 |
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13553 | 13548 |
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13573 | 13568 |
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13574 | 13569 |
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13575 | 13570 |
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13576 |
| - | |
| 13571 | + | |
13577 | 13572 |
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13578 | 13573 |
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13579 | 13574 |
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13586 | 13581 |
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13587 | 13582 |
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13588 | 13583 |
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13589 |
| - | |
| 13584 | + | |
13590 | 13585 |
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13591 | 13586 |
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13592 | 13587 |
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13593 |
| - | |
13594 |
| - | |
| 13588 | + | |
| 13589 | + | |
13595 | 13590 |
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13596 |
| - | |
| 13591 | + | |
13597 | 13592 |
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13598 | 13593 |
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13599 | 13594 |
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13606 | 13601 |
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13607 | 13602 |
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13608 | 13603 |
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13609 |
| - | |
13610 |
| - | |
13611 |
| - | |
13612 |
| - | |
13613 |
| - | |
13614 |
| - | |
13615 |
| - | |
13616 | 13604 |
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13617 | 13605 |
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13618 | 13606 |
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13619 | 13607 |
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13620 | 13608 |
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13621 | 13609 |
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13622 |
| - | |
13623 |
| - | |
13624 |
| - | |
| 13610 | + | |
13625 | 13611 |
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13630 | 13616 |
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13631 |
| - | |
| 13617 | + | |
13632 | 13618 |
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13633 | 13619 |
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13634 | 13620 |
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13641 | 13627 |
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13642 | 13628 |
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13643 | 13629 |
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13644 |
| - | |
| 13630 | + | |
13645 | 13631 |
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13646 | 13632 |
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13647 | 13633 |
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13648 |
| - | |
13649 |
| - | |
| 13634 | + | |
| 13635 | + | |
13650 | 13636 |
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13651 |
| - | |
| 13637 | + | |
13652 | 13638 |
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13653 | 13639 |
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13654 | 13640 |
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| |||
13661 | 13647 |
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13662 | 13648 |
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13663 | 13649 |
| |
| 13650 | + | |
| 13651 | + | |
| 13652 | + | |
| 13653 | + | |
| 13654 | + | |
| 13655 | + | |
| 13656 | + | |
13664 | 13657 |
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13665 | 13658 |
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13666 | 13659 |
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| |||
13689 | 13682 |
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13690 | 13683 |
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13691 | 13684 |
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13692 |
| - | |
| 13685 | + | |
13693 | 13686 |
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13694 | 13687 |
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13695 | 13688 |
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13696 | 13689 |
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13697 | 13690 |
| |
13698 | 13691 |
| |
13699 |
| - | |
| 13692 | + | |
13700 | 13693 |
| |
13701 | 13694 |
| |
13702 | 13695 |
| |
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