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Topic message handling guideline


Here is coding guideline for topic message handling in Autoware. It includes the recommended manner than conventional one, which is roughly explained in Discussions page. Refer to the page to understand the basic concept of the recommended manner. You can find sample source code in ros2_subscription_examples referred from this document.

Conventional message handling manner

At first, let us see a conventional manner of handling messages that is commonly used. ROS 2 Tutorials is one of the most cited references for ROS 2 applications, including Autoware. It implicitly recommends that each of messages received by subscriptions should be referred to and processed by a dedicated callback function. Autoware follows that manner thoroughly.

  steer_sub_ = create_subscription<SteeringReport>(
    "input/steering", 1,
    [this](SteeringReport::SharedPtr msg) { current_steer_ = msg->steering_tire_angle; });

In the code above, when a topic message whose name is input/steering is received, an anonymous function whose description is {current_steer_ = msg->steering_tier_angle;} is executed as a callback in a thread. The callback function is always executed when the message is received, which leads to waste computing resource if the message is not always necessary. Besides, waking up a thread costs computational overhead.

Recommended manner

This section introduces a recommended manner to take a message using Subscription->take() method only when the message is needed. The sample code given below shows that Subscription->take() method is called during execution of any callback function. In most cases, Subscription->take() method is called before a received message is consumed by a main logic. In this case, a topic message is retrieved from the subscription queue, the queue embedded in the subscription object, instead of using a callback function. To be precise, you have to program your code so that a callback function is not automatically called.

  SteeringReport msg;
  rclcpp::MessageInfo msg_info;
  if (sub_->take(msg, msg_info)) {
    // processing and publishing after this

Using this manner has the following benefits.

  • It can reduce the number of calls to subscription callback functions
  • There is no need to take a topic message from a subscription that a main logic does not consume
  • There is no mandatory thread waking for the callback function, which leads to multi-threaded programming, data races and exclusive locking

Manners to handle topic message data

This section introduces four manners, including the recommended ones.

1. Obtain data by calling Subscription->take()

To use the recommended manner using Subscription->take(), you basically need to do two things below.

  1. Prevent a callback function from being called when a topic message is received
  2. Call take() method of a subscription object when a topic message is needed

You can see an example of the typical use of take() method in ros2_subscription_examples/simple_examples/src/timer_listener.cpp.

Prevent calling a callback function

To prevent a callback function from being called automatically, the callback function has to belong a callback group whose callback functions are not added to any executor. According to the API specification of create_subscription, registering a callback function to a rclcpp::Subscription based object is mandatory even if the callback function has no operation. Here is a sample code snippet from ros2_subscription_examples/simple_examples/src/timer_listener.cpp.

    rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr cb_group_not_executed = this->create_callback_group(
        rclcpp::CallbackGroupType::MutuallyExclusive, false);
    auto subscription_options = rclcpp::SubscriptionOptions();
    subscription_options.callback_group = cb_group_not_executed;

    rclcpp::QoS qos(rclcpp::KeepLast(10));
    if (use_transient_local) {
      qos = qos.transient_local();

    sub_ = create_subscription<std_msgs::msg::String>("chatter", qos, not_executed_callback, subscription_options);

In the code above, cb_group_not_executed is created by calling create_callback_group with the second argument false. Any callback function which belongs to the callback group will not be called by an executor. If the callback_group member of subscription_options is set to cb_group_not_executed, then not_executed_callback will not be called when a corresponding topic message chatter is received. The second argument to create_callback_group is defined as follows.

rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr create_callback_group(rclcpp::CallbackGroupType group_type, \
                                  bool automatically_add_to_executor_with_node = true)

When automatically_add_to_executor_with_node is set to true, callback functions included in a node that is added to an executor will be automatically called by the executor.

Call take() method of Subscription object

To take a topic message from the Subscription based object, the take() method is called at the expected time. Here is a sample code snippet from ros2_subscription_examples/simple_examples/src/timer_listener.cpp using take() method.

  std_msgs::msg::String msg;
  rclcpp::MessageInfo msg_info;
  if (sub_->take(msg, msg_info)) {
    RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Catch message");
    RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "I heard: [%s]",;

In the code above, take(msg, msg_info) is called by sub_ object instantiated from the rclcpp::Subscription class. It is called in a timer driven callback function. msg and msg_info indicate a message body and its metadata respectively. If there is a message in the subscription queue when take(msg, msg_info) is called, then the message is copied to msg. take(msg, msg_info) returns true if a message is successfully taken from the subscription. In this case, the above code prints out a string data of the message from RCLCPP_INFO. take(msg, msg_info) returns false if a message is not taken from the subscription. When take(msg, msg_info) is called, if the size of the subscription queue is greater than one and there are two or more messages in the queue, then the oldest message is copied to msg. If the size of the queue is one, the latest message is always obtained.

!!! note

You can check the presence of incoming message with the returned value of `take()` method. However, you have to take care of the destructive nature of the take() method. The `take()` method modifies the subscription queue. Also, the `take()` method is irreversible and there is no undo operation against the `take()` method. Checking the incoming message with only the `take()` method always changes the subscription queue. If you want to check without changing the subscription queue, rclcpp::WaitSet is recommended. Refer to [_[supplement] Use rclcpp::WaitSet_](./ for more detail.

!!! note

The `take()` method is supported to only obtain a message which is passed through DDS as an inter-process communication. You must not use it for an intra-process communication because intra-process communication is based on another software stack of `rclcpp`. Refer to [_[supplement] Obtain a received message through intra-process communication_](./ in case of intra-process communication.

1.1 Obtain Serialized Message from Subscription

ROS 2 provides Serialized Message function which supports communication with arbitrary message types as described in Class SerializedMessage. It is used by topic_state_monitor in Autoware. You have to use the take_serialized() method instead of the take() method to obtain a rclcpp::SerializedMessage based message from a subscription.

Here is a sample code snippet from ros2_subscription_examples/simple_examples/src/timer_listener_serialized_message.cpp.

      // receive the serialized message.
      rclcpp::MessageInfo msg_info;
      auto msg = sub_->create_serialized_message();

      if (sub_->take_serialized(*msg, msg_info) == false) {

In the code above, msg is created by create_serialized_message() to store a received message, whose type is std::shared_ptr<rclcpp::SerializedMessage>. You can obtain a message of type rclcpp::SerializedMessage using the take_serialized() method. Note that the take_serialized() method needs reference type data as its first argument. Since msg is a pointer, *msg should be passed as the first argument to the `take_serialized().

!!! note

ROS 2's `rclcpp` supports both `rclcpp::LoanedMessage` and `rclcpp::SerializedMessage`. If [_zero copy communication via loaned messages_]( is introduced to Autoware, `take_loaned()` method should be used for communication via loaned messages instead. In this document, the explanation of the `take_loaned()` method is omitted because it is not used for Autoware in this time (May. 2024).

2. Obtain multiple data stored in Subscription Queue

A subscription object can hold multiple messages in its queue if multiple queue size is configured with the QoS setting. The conventional manner using callback function forces a callback function to be executed per message. In other words, there is a constraint; a single cycle of callback function processes a single message . Note that with the conventional manner, if there are one or more messages in the subscription queue, the oldest one is taken and a thread is assigned to execute a callback function, which continues until the queue is empty. The take() method would alleviate this limitation. The take() method can be called in multiple iterations, so that a single cycle of the callback function processes multiple messages taken by take() methods.

Here is a sample code, taken from ros2_subscription_examples/simple_examples/src/timer_batch_listener.cpp which calls the take() method in a single cycle of a callback function.

      std_msgs::msg::String msg;
      rclcpp::MessageInfo msg_info;
      while (sub_->take(msg, msg_info))
        RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Catch message");
        RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "I heard: [%s]",;

In the code above, while(sub->take(msg, msg_info)) continues to take messages from the subscription queue until the queue is empty. Each message taken is processed per iteration. Note that you must determine size of a subscription queue by considering both frequency of a callback function and frequency of a message reception. For example, if a callback function is invoked at 10Hz and topic messages are received at 50Hz, the size of the subscription queue must be at least 5 to avoid losing received messages.

Assigning a thread to execute a callback function per message will cause performance overhead. You can use the manner introduced in this section to avoid the unexpected overhead. The manner will be effective when there is a large difference between reception frequency and consumption frequency. For example, even if a message, such as a CAN message, is received at higher than 100 Hz, a user logic consumes messages at slower frequency such as 10 Hz. In such a case, the user logic should retrieve the required number of messages with the take() method to avoid the unexpected overhead.

3. Obtain data by calling Subscription->take and then call a callback function

You can combine the take() (strictly take_type_erased()) method and the callback function to process received messages in a consistent way. Using this combination does not require waking up a thread. Here is a sample code snippet from ros2_subscription_examples/simple_examples/src/timer_listener_using_callback.cpp.

      auto msg = sub_->create_message();
      rclcpp::MessageInfo msg_info;
      if (sub_->take_type_erased(msg.get(), msg_info)) {
        sub_->handle_message(msg, msg_info);

In the code above, a message is taken by the take_type_erased() method before a registered callback function is called via the handle_message() method. Note that you must use take_type_erased() instead of take(). take_type_erased() needs void type data as its first argument. You must use the get() method to convert msg whose type is shared_ptr<void> to void type. Then the handle_message() method is called with the obtained message. A registered callback function is called within handle_message(). You don't need to take care of message type which is passed to take_type_erased() and handle_message(). You can define the message variable as auto msg = sub_->create_message();. You can also refer to the API document as for create_message(), take_type_erased() and handle_message().

4. Obtain data by a callback function

A conventional manner, typically used in ROS 2 application, is a message reference using a callback function, is available. If you don't use a callback group with automatically_add_to_executor_with_node = false, a registered callback function will be called automatically by an executor when a topic message is received. One of the advantages of this manner is that you don't have to take care whether a topic message is passed through inter-process or intra-process. Remember that take() can only be used for inter-process communication via DDS, while another manner provided by rclcpp can be used for intra-process communication via rclcpp.


A callback function is used to obtain a topic message in many of ROS 2 applications. It is as like a rule or a custom. As this document page explains, you can use the Subscription->take() method to obtain a topic message without calling a subscription callback function. This manner is also documented in Template Class Subscription — rclcpp 16.0.8 documentation.

Many of ROS 2 users may be afraid to use the take() method because they may not be so familiar with it and there is a lack of documentation about take(), but it is widely used in the rclcpp::Executor implementation as shown in rclcpp/executor.cpp shown below. So it turns out that you are indirectly using the take() method, whether you know it or not.

    std::shared_ptr<void> message = subscription->create_message();
      "taking a message from topic",
      [&]() {return subscription->take_type_erased(message.get(), message_info);},
      [&]() {subscription->handle_message(message, message_info);});


Strictly speaking, the `take_type_erased()` method is called in the executor, but not the `take()` method.

But `take_type_erased()` is the embodiment of `take()`, while `take()` internally calls `take_type_erased()`.

If rclcpp::Executor based object, an executor, is programmed to call a callback function, the executor itself determines when to do it. Because the executor is essentially calling a best-effort callback function, the message is not guaranteed to be necessarily referenced or processed even though it is received. Therefore it is desirable to call the take() method directly to ensure that a message is referenced or processed at the intended time.

As of May 2024, the recommended manners are beginning to be used in Autoware Universe. See the following PR if you want an example in Autoware Universe.

feat(tier4_autoware_utils, obstacle_cruise): change to read topic by polling #6702